By a commentator for the Earn Folket Media.
On the night of June 25, 2022, two people were killed and at least 21 injured when Zaniar Matapour opened fire at C. J. Hambros Square, in the center of Oslo. The PST and the E-service have subsequently been accused of facilitating the attack.
Matapour refuses to explain, but the charges are that the attack was targeted against nightclubs associated with LGBT people and the Pride parade, who would take place the day after the attack. Matapour is charged with "serious terrorist acts" with a penalty of 30 years.
Far more could have been killed, if it was not for civilian individuals to throw themselves over Matapour during the cessation of the shooting, prevented him from recharging the weapon, tore it from him and beat him and kept him down. The incident is well documented by a variety of surveillance videos from several angles. Several of these heroes have subsequently struggled mentally, but say they are dissatisfied with the lack of support from the health care system. Among these is the fisherman Mats Riskild Aasberg, one of those who threw himself over the shooter to tear the weapon from him.
Among the injured in the attack were Samir Alnahhar, Tobarnsfar and Palestinians from Gaza. He was shot in his head and tells VG that he has lost the security he had, that life has changed, that vision and hearing have been reduced and that he must go on crutches, and that he has been on sick leave since.
As a result of the attack, the police asked the Oslo Pride to cancel their event on June 25, which several have criticized strongly in retrospect, as an intervention in the freedom of assembly. Oslo Pride has protested the police, and also against the PST and the military intelligence service, which was warned in advance of the attack. However, thousands of people defied the police's "recommendation" and went on demonstration trains against the attack and in solidarity with everyone who felt affected.
It was quickly stated after the attack that Matapour and his acquaintances had been in contact with a secret agent for the e-service, who claimed to be an IS member. This agent encouraged to carry out the attack, and in various ways provided moral support to these - under the pretext for "information gathering". Furthermore, PST must have had a food therapy under supervision. In short, the Intelligence Service and the Surveillance Police of the bourgeois state this attack happened, which has aroused a lot of resentment from those affected and from organizations such as the Oslo Pride and the Association Fri.
Also read:
Matapour indicted for the June 25 terror: trial in March-NRK Norway
Zaniar Matapour in court: These overpowered him
Zaniar Matapour's defender: Fear the E-service made Norway more unsafe-Dagsavisen
The Oslo Shooting: This
The Terror Case: - I hear my friend shout "Samir is dead
Took the gun from Matapour: - I've been lucky | Abc news