Türkiye. This Week is Newroz the Kurdish celebration of again. Newroz is for resistance National of the Kurds an important day, this day stands out its own identity national. The TKP/ML declared : “Newroz is an act of awakening, resurrection and taking awareness of the chains themselves. Without a doubt, Newroz is a celebration to those who tried to be enslaved, assimilated, whose culture was destroyed and whose language was prohibited by the Turkish rulers due to their National identity. It is a fight for awakening, resistance and release of all these dominations of the Kurda nation, which is tried Keep under national oppression. This fight for liberation was repressed by the fascist dictatorship with massacres, destruction, prohibitions and denials Newroz was prohibited by fascism as well as being Kurdo. ” Until today the Kurdish people are permanent objective of assimilation campaigns or genocide. The TKP/ml that fights in Dersim (region populated by the Kurds) Highlights the right of self -determination of the Kurdish people against chauvinism Kemalist who asserts that the Kurds are part of the Turkish people denying their National identity.