Current situation: Notes on the global crisis (8 agricultural movements in the EU III update)

Author: Verein der Neuen Demokratie
Description: The agricultural movements in EU III have said, at the beginning of this issue of "the agricultural movements in the European Union (EU)", ...
Published Time: 2024-03-21T20:39:00+08:00

The Agrarian movements in the EU III

We have said, at the beginning of this Theme of "Agrarian movements in the European Union (EU)", which today We continue, that we did to raise our position and demarcate with the official representatives and the monopoly of the press about the protest or Demonstration of farmers (Bauerkampf), where they put everything by way of tailor drawer under that concept of farmers, this is the great monopolists and other capitalists of the countries EU imperialists, who exploit agriculture as a special field of the investment of capital and true farmers, to the proletariat Agrarian and peasants

Our main purpose, in The frames of these notes, which do not have the claim of articles, no However, it leads us to differentiate, as Marx established it, to the True farmers -the agro workers and the little peasants (poor peasants)-, of capitalist businessmen who invest their capital in the exploitation of agriculture.

Also, to differentiate Imperialist countries of oppressed countries within the "EU". And, try to explain What does the "reform" of the common agrarian policy (PAC) and the model respond to European Agricultural (MAE), the struggles and the situation of the different classes Faced with this "reform."

Changes in the agricultural model European (MAE) and common agricultural policy (PAC) -the problem of subsidies, markets and agricultural prices, etc.-, some points for the moment, according to the official version:

- He MAE HE cataloged as a frame that encompasses the diversity of regions, European agricultural traditions and systems .

- Small agriculture Scale and structural change , towards a growing diversity of models agricultural, has important implications for governance, but also should allow an adaptation of agricultural systems according to their site In all European regions.

- El it HE will form through adaptation strategies adopted in Each exploitation and along the value chains To respond to the specific challenges of each sector and external let them go raising.

The "reform" of PAC ”and the new Mae, is a process underway to restructure agricultural production to value chains monopolies (vertical integration), as they themselves write, to Respond to the specific challenges of each sector and external. It is politics Agrarian of the EU imperialist powers, in collusion and struggle, which " covers The three elements of sustainable (economic, ecological, social) development , that "attenuates the Effects of market mechanisms in he Structure adjustment l y la r Systems Resilience Food ”.

The so -called "reform" are in reality political measures to specify in the current conditions the objectives set forth in the previous paragraph, and that pursues the largest penetration of financial capital and monopolies by the generated In agriculture of Eastern Europe (the east and southern Europe), not only belonging to the EU, but also to European countries outside the "union" such as Ukraine or other Third World countries, through "help" or New commercial treaties such as the EU-MERCOSUR, EU-India, etc. For condition the agriculture of the countries oppressed to the needs of the imperialism.

This process is not from now on. Process, which according to imperialist needs, combines protectionism with "Opening" of markets ("liberalism"), prices and subsidies, which charges more Force since the beginning of the 80s, it increases in the 90s and has great impulse In 2000 and 2013 to “adapt” to the norms of the World Organization of Commerce (WTO or WTO) and the new international conditions of the dispute Inter-imperialist. It is necessary, in relation to the above, to study better on the controls of origin, pesticides, biological agriculture and the so -called regional products, etc.

It is important to take into account the relationships between industry and agriculture in the development of capitalism, the use of machines in agriculture and their development as Internal and foreign market for the industry.

About this process, Representatives of the reactionary parties and media commentators, They say that the political consensus on the agrarian policy of the EU has been broken, that before it was easy to reach a consensus with agrarian representatives, which Now that is more difficult.

Then, the process march in the midst of strong contradictions between the opposite interests of the great monopolists in convergence with other capitalist sectors and the conservative peasants of the imperialist tins of Europe Western, similar to the case of the US with the commercial "treaties" of the USA with Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, etc. Points against him proletariat and little peasant.

One of the ways, in which They express these contradictions, it is the protest of the peasants (Bauerkampf), among which are the great monopolists of the sector and other great agrarian producers, which as it has transcended, are the ones that are the most They benefit from protectionist policies and subsidies in Germany, France, Belgium, Italy, Spain, etc. while the European Commission and its PAC They act as the representative of the set seeing the need to “reform” the PAC for "structural change" and "the new internal and external challenges."

We cite from the European Commission, In summary, the PAC history of its origins to the present, to Show what we rely on to say the above:

1958 The Treaty of Rome places the agriculture at the center of the activities of the

New European Economic Community and assigns the task of achieving greater

agricultural productivity , a fair standard of living for farmers,

availability of supplies, markets stabilized y a chain of

Safe supply with prices reasonable .

1962 launch the PAC, Establish Common Market Organizations (OCM)

of cereals, pig, poultry, wine and fruit.

Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee (Foaga). It is established A guarantee system

Based on prices support production to ensure the sale of

agricultural production .

1968 Since not only HE has reached self -sufficiency , but also

has greatly overcome the approach moves towards the creation of a

greater balance between measures aimed at agricultural markets and the

intended to modernize Agricultural structures.

Grades: After the postwar crisis and the application of the market protectionism and then within the PAC, “it was achieved the self -sufficiency agricultural and livestock to the community block and the problem of the Overproduction . HE They generated surpluses of the main agricultural products, causing the accumulation of stocks , which had to export (with the help of subsidies) in the best of cases, donated to Developing countries and other times stored or destroyed within the EU. ”

That is, the crisis of overproduction of the EU imperialist countries was exported (and followed doing) to Third World countries, following the example of imperialism Yankee, contributing to maintaining the misery and delay in agriculture of the Third World, that is to say the semicolonial or colonial situation and the semi -feudality, developing on that basis bureaucratic capitalism to service of your imperialist interests.

M Odernize structures agricultural

1984 A system of dues to limit overproduction and administer

supplies for products Like milk . Producers who exceed their

quota are now obliged to pay a tax for surpluses.

1985 The Green Book on PAC perspectives presents ideas for greater

debate, such as the reduction of support for prices and diversification of

income support measures agricultural. These ideas include recognition

that in addition to ensuring our food supply, the Agriculture

contributes to the maintenance of social fabric in rural areas, protection

of the earth and the conservation of natural resources .

Note: Need for small agricultural farms for the rest of capitalist farms in the capitalist agriculture for agricultural workforce under conditions such as They say, of limitations to the immigration of the labor force of the Third World. Population needs of rugged and remote areas.

1992 The reform MacSharry introduces a new support approach to

farmers, with the objective of reduce the budget of the PAC , Cut the

Overproduction y fulfill them obligations under trade

International . Agreements

1999 The Agenda 2000 program It paves the way for politics reform

EU regional and PAC, and seeks strengthen EU's ability to receive

new members and continue complying with the rules of the organization

World Trade about International Trade .

2003 the Fischler reform, also known as "review

Intermediate, "check the PAC. Enter the innovative single payment regime

(RP u), but eliminates The link between the subvent and the production volumes

For a large part of the aid of the PAC .

Reform of 2013: The 2013 reform defined the general lines of the PAC for the 2014-2020 period.

( Summarized from: 1962-2022: The common agricultural policy of the EU at 60 'in the

Think tank pages of European Parliament)

Note: Reform 2022-2027: It is the one that has entered collusion and struggle

Seen the above, we briefly see the Development of capitalist agriculture in advanced countries (imperialists) and in the back (semicolonial) countries of the EU, starting of the same sources of the commission with our comments.

1. The displacement of small production by large production in the agriculture in advanced countries and the concentration of the land in the backward countries of the EU

The development of agriculture In EU 27 it is considered and defined by the EU in the so -called agricultural model European, of which one of its documents says:

"(...) as a frame that encompasses The diversity of regions, traditions and European agricultural systems reflected in The wide variety of agricultural structures , types of cultivation of The land and product range "

“ (…) change process long -term structural ", as:

Change to a Growing Diversity of Models , which should allow an adaptation of agricultural systems according to its site in all regions European .

They highlight a decrease substantial of the number of agricultural farms in almost all NUTS regions EU-27 (NUTS are abbreviations for nomenclature of Statistical Teritorial Units 2).

And increase significant the size or intensity of the remaining farms I a greater dependence on union with respect to imports agricultural , that is your projection.

This tendency a the agricultural concentration It is especially evident in the South and Eastern regions s. The mountainous areas also They run a high risk of abandon o.

Their projections predict a greater polarization of the agricultural structure , with an abandonment and a continuous specialization in all scenarios.

Los Factors drivers of the decline of agricultural farms are mostly structural,

economic and social And, to a lesser extent, environmental.

On the effects of PAC , they say: factors such as subsidies and agricultural prices, and macroeconomic and demographic variables They perform Greater role in the new Member States And they affect different from the different types of farms.

Case studies, They demonstrate that the main structural factor of the decrease in number of farms It is an e market structure that favors Intensive production and large -scale farms , linked to some more and more reduced margins and to the low negotiation capacity.

In addition, the barriers to the entrance aggravate the problems of demographic change (aging of populations) and the rural exodus.

Although there is concern for the Union subsidies system (PAC), consensus is maintained

regarding such aids are indispensable, but must adapt even more to reverse the

negative effects ”(of synthesis: Research for the Agri - the future of the European agricultural model: socio -economic and territorial repercussions of the decrease in the number of agricultural farms and farmers in the EU)

Our comments :

Europe is first and foremost a geographical concept, but We talk about Western Europe and Eastern Europe, we are no longer talking of geographical but economic-social concepts. As Engels said at the end of 19th century and Lenin reaffirmed, after 1905, Eastern Europe is not a geographical concept but economic-social. This is necessary to advance because We will find this reality when dealing with the agrarian problem in Europe, In addition, that among the countries there are differences of degree and also within each country, as for this problem there are regional differences, more marked in Spain and Italy. In the same countries of Eastern Europe there are differences among them.

Important not to be left confuse when official studies and reports treat the “change structural ”in the agricultural farms of the EU generalize about the process of disappearance of small agriculture for the benefit of the big one in the developed or imperialist capitalist countries, and of the minifundios in benefit of the great landowner property in the development of capitalism Bureaucratic in agriculture in oppressed or backward countries.

Marx established the law of Displacement of the labor force not only in relative terms but absolute with the development of capitalist agriculture unlike decrease in the relative labor population in the industry while the employment absolutely.

Problem is that, in many cases, the classification or determination of the agricultural structure is done as If in EU 27 there was a single economic world in agriculture, without Differences in the development of capitalism, based on this, sometimes classifies agrarian companies not for their investment and accumulation of capital, but for its size measured in hectares. This leads to the confuse to true agricultural producers, workers and small peasants, with capitalists who invest their capital in agriculture.

Take into account, also, the need for small agricultural farms for the rest of the capitalist farms in capitalist agriculture for the force of agricultural work in conditions like themselves says, of limitations to the Third World Labor Force Immigration.

The above is behind terms such as diversity, small production, abandoned mountainous areas, etc

They need, in countries of Western Europe, set a certain amount of population in the field for agriculture and settlement; Thus, as in the backward countries of Europe Oriental, the development of bureaucratic capitalism in agriculture on the basis of the estate, the minifundio needs to maintain the peasantry so that Work Force suppl

Commenting on the aforementioned: in The countries mentioned above seek to maintain the landowner-minifundio binomial, so that it is the little peasants who provide labor force cheap, low salaries, for food security and the industry of the Imperialist countries, as well as small agriculture in countries Imperialists, for remote and mountain areas for these for reasons of settlement and delay.

EU Agrarian Policy pursues to subordinate the agricultural production of semicolonial countries to their Imperialist needs. The form will be through unequal treaties. "Help" to Ukraine or "Free Trade Agreements" to bring cheap soybeans from Brazil, Argentina, Bolivia and other countries. While they export capitals, supplies, machinery and knowledge, organizing their chains of value under their monopolies in these places, flooding this countries with their Cheap goods.

Important always keep in mind of the two aspect that implies the penetration of imperialism in the countries Oppressed or backward from the Third World, which penetrates to Europe itself (President Gonzalo).

He President Mao, applying Marxism-Leninism, to the specific study of the History and Chinese society, established the character of society and Chinese revolution. When it deals with the character of Chinese society and changes operated by the penetration of imperialism in China, establishes the two aspects that are inseparable from this domination:

"However, the new phenomenon We have talked about, the emergence and development of capitalism, It constitutes only one aspect of the change operated following the penetration of the Imperialism in

China . There is another aspect that is concomitant with the first and that, to the time, hinder it: the collusion of imperialism with feudal forces Chinese to prevent the development of Chinese capitalism .

By penetrating our country, Imperialist powers in no way they intended to transform China feudal in a capitalist China. His goal was the opposite: to make She a semi -colony or colony.

To do this, the powers Imperialists have used and continue to use all means of oppression military, political, economic and cultural, which has allowed them to convert Gradually to China in a semi -colony and colony. ”

National capitalism has developed to some extent and play a considerable role in China's political and cultural life. However, has not reached become the main form within its economic-social regime ; is very weak , and for the most part it is (more) or less associated with foreign imperialism and internal feudalism ”(President Mao Tsetung, The Chinese revolution and The Communist Party of China, December 1939).


1. On some occasion we asked us Why did the EU paid the Farmers to leave the land in fallow? They refer to

The Commission produced further proposals to address budgetary concerns in 1987 which were

adopted in 1988; to the EU Structural Funds to support restructuring and rural

development. Socio-structural measures were introduced to complement restructuring including

measures to reduce the area under cultivation (set-aside and early retirement) and measures to

compensate farmers for the adverse effect of stabilisers to their income (such as direct aid to

incomes, support for extensification - reducing livestock stocking density - and for the conversion

to products not in surplus). Support for environmentally-friendly farming methods became an

option for Member States in 1987 (Daugbjerg and Feindt, 2021).

We think, which mainly has to do with the measures against the crises of Overproduction of the sector. We rely on the historical summary of the PAC of the Own European Parliament: '1962-2022: the common agricultural policy of the EU to 60 '. But it is necessary to deepen more in the study of the agricultural issue and Agricultural policies to have a more complete explanation.

2. On EU's food policy, expressed as follows:

2019 He European green pact establishes EU's commitment to address

Challenges related to climate and the environment acting in a series of

areas policies, included Agrifood policies.

2020 in line with the road map of the Green Deal , the strategies 'of the

farm to the table 'and biodiversity .

2022 The commission services analyze the strategic plans of the PAC in a

dialogue structured with member states, with the aim of approved

opportunely the strategic plans for its implementation from the 1st of

January of 2023. The renovated PAC is considered a key policy to advance

toward Most sustainable food systems (of the summary mentioned above).

About The EU and PAC food policy, we transcribe some quotes from Carlos Marx,

(Manuscript Economic of 1861 - 1863) about the subsistence means required by the worker to

keep as a worker, to live as a worker and to procreate. That is, for the production and reproduction of the workforce, based on the assumption that Each capitalist when he establishes his company

considers to wages as something given in the place and time where it is established.

We notice, that with the following appointments, we do not intend to clarify the issue of the EU policy and all propaganda in the media on healthy food or safe, with agri -food policies, climate and environment, We just want to give an idea of meaning of those policy and that propaganda, of that bombing in all media and Different scenarios of "healthy food", vegetarian, vegan, etc. We believe it is necessary to deepen the subject.

Next the quotes:

// "Reduce the subsistence cost of man, through decrease

of the natural price of food and clothing, thanks to which

HE Holds life, and wages will ultimately go down, to

WEIGH That demand for workers can increase

BASTANTE ” (Ricardo, On the Principles of Political Economy, 3rd ed., London,

1821, p. 460). //

//"He natural price of work is the price that is necessary to allow

workers, One next to the other, subsist and perpetuate its race, without increasing

neither decrease. The ability of each worker to sustain himself and

to its family does not depend on the amount of money you can receive as

salary, but in the amount of food, basic goods and comforts

that this money can buy. The natural price of work, consequently,

depends of the price of food, essential goods and

MOD CONS ... With an increase in the price of food and goods

OF First necessity the natural price of work will increase; with a

drop Of its price, this will fall ”(Ricardo, L.C., p. 86). //

// He English fish (unit of measure for cereals) = 1⁄4 bushel.

There are 8 BUSHELS IN A QUARTER. The standard bushl contains 2, 218 and 1/5

inches cubic and measures 19 1⁄2 inches in diameter and 8 1⁄4 inches

depth. Malthus says:

"Starting of a comparative review of the price of cereals and salaries

from The kingdom of Eduardo III onwards, we can conclude that, during the

last 500 years, a day -day profits in this country have been more

frequently Below a fish of wheat; This wheat fish could be

considered somehow as a midpoint, or a point rather

BY Above the middle, around which work salaries

IN Cereal terms have oscillated, varying depending on the

Oferta y La Demand ” (Malthus, Principles of Political Economy etc., 2nd ed.,

London, 1836, [p. 240,] 254). //

Marx dice:

Yes one lower quality merchandise is placed in the place of one more

valuable And better, which was part of the main means of

subsistence of the worker, for example, if corn or wheat replaces

to the meat, or if the potatoes are introduced instead of wheat or rye,

he level of work capacity value falls naturally, because

he level of your needs has been forced to descend. At our

reflection, However, we will assume at all times that the quantity and

quality of subsistence means, and therefore also the magnitude

of the needs, at a given level of civilization, it is not pushed

Never to The Low, because this study of the elevation or reduction of said

level (particularly its artificial reduction) does not alter at all the

considerations on the general relationship.


Result of the greatest importance to understand the relationship-

capital determining the value of the work capacity (labor force, according to

He Capital), since the-capital relationship lies in the sale of said capacity.

What we have tried to establish is the way in which the value of this

commodity It is determined, because the essential feature of the relationship is that the capacity

of work is offered as merchandise; But the determination of its value of

change while merchandise is the decisive factor. As the value of

change of work capacity is determined by values or

prices of subsistence means, the uses of use necessary to

the preservation and reproduction of work capacity , the physiocrats

they got form, in general terms, a correct conception of

his Value despite how little they understood about the nature of value

in general. Hence the salary of work, which is determined by

the Average life needs , Play an important role with these

people, that established the first rational conceptions of

capital in general".

2. The situation of Eastern European countries Before entry to the EU and in the PRESENT

Will continue....
