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Political declaration: Beyond the designation of Rector, for a real democracy of university communities

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Against femicides and impunity, to fight for a revolutionary female movement! | Workers Revolution

Contra los feminicidios y la impunidad, ¡A luchar por un Movimiento Femenino Revolucionario! 1

Definitely scary! It does not spend a year without the femicides figures for various reasons and everything under the real inoperance of the state that hypocritically serves as a woman's defender, but in reality it is its main oppressor.

Femicides at the hands of their fellow or sentimental partners, even for the most futile causes, such as small domestic affairs, when they supposedly love them or loved them, although it is also known, that many women feel forced to live with colleagues who do not want.

And it is that this State, precisely because of its character, bourgeois, landowner and pro-imperialist, that is, for being at the service of the ruling classes and imperialism, it hardly fulfills its role as guarantor of the safety and integrity of women and not It goes from speaking of protocols and offering some lines to prevent such facts, but that never work and finally the woman is in a state of helplessness with respect to her perpetrators.

To this is added the infamous war against the people freed by the army, the guerrillas and the paramilitaries, who, in blood and fire, do not cease to snatch the lands to the peasantry to rise with the production of psychotropics and by the runners to get them to the Market, as well as mining and other agroindustrial crops, along with the juicy weapons business. War in the midst of whose massacres and torture, women, in addition, are subjected by mass, violations and all kinds of vexars, and where the State is nothing more than complicit of land expropriators, as happened during the government of the government of the government Mafia, where the Attorney General's Office, which should prosecute both the massacres, and femicides and violations, was openly at the service of the mafia regime.

Nor can we ignore the lack of a serious study of this phenomenon, because to the innumerable investigators, the abysmal differences in the figures of victims that each report is added; Not only should there be a single victim, but neither confusion about those figures, because this prevents becoming an objective idea of the situation.

Finally, in the face of consummated facts, justice is not only extremely slow to resolve, but around it, extreme cases such as feminicide receive the house by jail, thus revictimizing women.

With this panorama as violent as terrifying, the only beneficiaries are feminicides and the capitalist system because the situation of women, not only remains the same, but also worsens, given the increase in violence in public spaces, because of the women are intimidated and submitted with terror.

In conclusion, the situation of women in the midst of this capitalist society, unable to guarantee not only their rights, but their physical and moral integrity, is shouting for revolution!, Which, as the teachers of the proletariat and how it is ratified in each fight of the struggle of our class for our liberation, it is your definitive response.

For this reason, to pave the way to this objective, from the ranks of the Communist Obrera Union (MLM), we call all the women of Colombia to participate in the revolutionary female movement that we are promoting, which begins by deciding to fight shoulder To shoulder with the men of our class, today for our economic, political and social claims for tomorrow to move forward in the total and deep transformation of this society, because contrary to bourgeois feminism, only then will we reach our own liberation.

A comrade

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PE: Peasants resume water sources from the Latifundium after defeating confrontation gunmen - the new democracy

On March 18, about 100 squatters from Barro Branco, Furnas, Cabii, Monteiro, Caiana, Morcego, Caixa d'Agua, Tenório and Sítio Grande, located in the rural area of Jaqueira, Pernambuco (PE), Morcego, Tenório and Sítio Grande, Organized by the League of Poor Peasants (LCP), they joined to resume their sources of water that were surrounded by the Mata Sul Agricultural Latiface, belonging to the Guilherme Maranhão landowner.

Since 2015, when theft of lands and water sources began, peasants live and produce in the lands of the former Frei Caneca plant. Latifundry Guilherme Maranhão supported by former governor Paulo Camara, installed pistolage groups that threaten the entire population to expand cutting cattle for international export through the Masterboi refrigerator.

Despite the extensive evidence of water poisoning with pesticides launched by landlords (in addition to contamination of sources with feces and cattle urine), the Pernambuco Public Prosecutor's Office (MPPE) and the Pernambuco State Secretariat of Environment (CPR) never opened any Criminal inquiry against the agricultural Latifundia Mata Sul S/A.

Therefore, the peasants decided in a popular assembly to perform a great act to resume the water sources of the landlord. The call reached the entire population of the municipality with leafleting at the fairs and in all peasant communities affected by this environmental crime and against the health of the people. The peasants also organized joint efforts for cleaning and demarcating the water sources, 50 meters away from cattle breeds and landlipping plantations.

To do all this work, the squatters had the support of the peasants of the revolutionary area José Ricardo and the young students of the Mangue Vermelho Movement. They helped clean the bush and mark the fences to protect the water sources under the scorching sun. In addition, they faced the landlords of the landowners with all people with all people.

As soon as the peasants ended the effort of the first source of the day, with a lot of struggle, singing popular songs and shouting slogans, half a dozen landowner gunmen appeared with tractor, pickups, motorcycles and quadricycles. The gunmen arrived with piles, wires and eucalyptus seedlings to install in the same area as the peasants just cleaned. When the peasant march crossed with the bad guys, the latifundal envoys threatened the peasants with firearms. The tension resulted in confrontation, and three gunmen were injured and a estate drone was shattered by the popular fury masses against the gun

On the same March 18, the agrarian prosecutor of the MPPE, the CPRH agents, representatives of the State Committee on the Monitoring of Agricultural Conflicts (CEACA), representatives of the Pastoral Land Commission (CPT) and the Federation of Workers and Farmers of Pernambuco ( Fetape), Mayor Ridete Pellegrino and Jaqueira councilors, as well as lawyers of the Mata Sul Agricultural Latiface, made visits to investigate complaints from the landowner against the peasants. According to information, this commission did not visit the water sources of the peasants, only the places indicated by the landowners.

However, the peasant action of the peasants forced the whole commission to present itself at the scene of the act and accept two lawyers of the Brazilian Association of Lawyers (Abrapo) and the president of the Barro Branco Picners Association in the Commission and still had to accept the terms of the people at the audience that needed to mobilize the hurry.

In the end, the MPPE accepted a proposal of the peasants represented by Abrapo for the creation of “waters”, to demarcate all sources of water to the people. The landowner was summoned to pay for the stakes and wires, the city will send employees to perform the work and the State Secretariat of Environment was to examine the waters of the people to determine the contamination and open criminal inquiry against landlord.

After the hearing, Guilherme Maranhão gunmen asked the Pernambuco Military Police (PM-PE) to be reinforced to plant eucalyptus in one of the water sources that the peasants had cleaned in task force and the lawyer of the landlord Eduardo Figueredo announced that they will perform military action to expel peasant families from areas near the woods.

Two vehicles were sent to make the safety of the gunmen to continue acting against the people. This is not an act of courage, but of cowardice in the face of the small demonstration of strength of the united peasants and organized by the agrarian revolution. It also demonstrates how the military forces of this old state are committed to protecting the interests of landowners and promoting misfortunes for the poor population of the countryside and the city.

The squatters of the lands of the former Frei Caneca plant are determined to resume all their sources of water and their lands back from the land of the landlord. Thus, they call all peasants in the South Mata Zone of Pernambuco to rise against the pistolage groups of the landlords and the military forces of this old state. Without destroying the landlord there will never be justice to the poor people of the countryside.

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Assessment of the 'market' about government is better than that of the people - the new democracy

A new genius/Quaest research, conducted from March 14 to 18, revealed that the assessment of the “market” about how the economy in Luiz Inácio went up, and is above the popular evaluation of the same sector. Of the 101 shareholders, “ traders ”, Bourgeois economists and investors consulted, 50% consider the role of Finance Minister Fernando Haddad as positive. The data draw attention when compared to other recent research, such as Atlas Intel, which revealed that 53% of the population negatively evaluates the economy.

Luiz Inácio, by itself, was evaluated as positive by only 6%, a drop of 3% compared to the latest survey. Another 64% considered the agent's performance as negative (a 12% increase) and 39% as regular (9% fall). Haddad's work was judged as positive for 50% (an increase of 7%), regular by 38% (5% increase) and negative by 12% (falling 12%).

Luiz Inácio and Haddad: What's the difference?

They are somewhat contrasting, but reflecting an artificial division of the government, as if there was an abyss between Luiz Inacio and Fernando Haddad.

Of course there are differences in government, even within the petista summit. Figures like Haddad, for example, have opted from the beginning by prioritizing sectors of the great bourgeoisie more directly aligned and fostered by imperialism and financial capital. Others, such as the president of BNDES, Aloizio Mercadante, and Luiz Inacio himself, tend to prioritize other sectors of the great bourgeoisie, also subjected to imperialism, but also different from the bonds and promotion extracted from state incentives, and use from the state to leverage bureaucratic capitalism.

Nevertheless, the agent did not oppose projects that directly benefited, or at least sought to affect, the shareholders of imperialism, such as the taxation of the taxation of offshores assembled by Haddad (approved with a ABSURD DISCOUNT TO SHALL , a true privilege to the sector denounced by several economists), the tax reform and the tax framework itself, a pleasing to all sectors of the great bourgeoisie. In January 2024, Luiz Inácio even stated that Haddad could be "the best Finance Minister in the country."

Financial leeches

What the shareholders interviewed reveal, thus, in the research, is greed itself: even with the government support for the approval of the vast majority of projects they have taken as centrals in 2023, the "market" vultures follow more benefits search for more benefits. and new ways for the sagging of public coffers. Therefore, they badly assess Luiz Inacio, despite the agent commitment of the agent with the plans of the Minister of Finance, and support Haddad effusively, in an attempt to make clear the reactionary program that prefer .

The same is true of other rates, such as the disapproval of 97% of interviewees from Petrobras's decision not to pay extraordinary dividends (payment that would impair several basic operations of the company, which already pays the highest dividends when compared to several oil companies multinationals) and the accusation that the greatest risk of the current government is "interventionism." They are true leeches, patrons of large companies and “independent” institutions (such as the Central Bank) so that they can submit them to the maximum of the wishes of financial capital.

Market evaluates government better than the people

In this picture, such a negative assessment of the “market” could even be regarded as a compliment to Luiz Inacio, if it were not for other variables: these positive points that could be extracted from the recent research are lost when considered that the people evaluate the economic situation of the country Worse than the market, a clear sign of whom the economic policy of the current government serves. According to the Atlas Intel survey released in recent weeks, 53% of respondents consider it to be bad. The new data was a 5% increase in the previous survey of January, and it was the first time in the current government that the negative assessment of the economy exceeded 50%. Another data, this one from Quaest survey, conducted on February 27, showed that 73% of respondents realized a rise in prices, compared to 48% of the previous survey.

In other words, while market assessment of the economy in the current government has advanced, the people's perception of the same area has been growing disapproval. The explanation can be given by simple ways: at the time the shareholders see their projects served, the people are still waiting for the so far and expected campaign promises, even those of the most basic improvements in living conditions. Last month, prices rose again, with high sectors such as education at all levels, from day care to postgraduate, food, such as the costs of basic food baskets and items such as rice, fruits, potatoes, milk and Onion and also in the transport area, with discharge in gasoline and public transport.

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Thesis on the World Association of the Proletariat | Workers Revolution

Tesis sobre la Asociación Mundial del Proletariado 1

Necessary presentation:

Comrades of the International Communist Movement, we put to its consideration the thesis of Comrade Aureliano S., co -founder of the journal contradiction and of the Communist Workers Union (MLM). These thesis correspond to the comrade's vision on the world situation, the world proletarian revolution and the way that the new international must now acquire to respond to the demands of these times.

The comrade's position does not compromise the organization of the Union; However, at its maximum democratic event in the XV Assembly "Comrade Jaime Rangel", he decided to undertake his study to promote the discussion and take a position in this regard; That is why we advertise them so that the comrades of the different countries also pronounce.

As in advance it is known that the thesis will cause a stir, the comrade is willing to support them from the questions and questions that inevitably arise. Therefore we encourage organizations, parties and comrades, cadres and militants of the different countries, to participate in this debate that will surely contribute to raise the level of understanding of the current situation, the perspective of the world proletarian revolution and the tasks that it to it correspond to the revolutionary proletariat of all countries.

Our Blog International Debate will publish your questions, concerns, questions and positions.

Executive Committee - Communist Obrera Union (MLM)

Thesis on the World Association of the Proletariat

  1. This requires an international revolution of the proletariat, which understands the totality or the majority, at least, of land countries. The triumph of the socialist revolution in a single country is no longer possible. In other words, the current situation of humanity tends to a world revolution against capitalism and only socialism can save humanity. Since capitalism in its agony is the reaction throughout the line and has shown that it is willing to the wildest repression and to commit the greatest crimes in order to maintain the privileges of the bourgeoisie and its profits, at the expense of plundering the working class And nature, now, more than ever, rebellion is justified. Revolutionary violence is justified.
  2. Such a situation requires rethinking the construction tactics of the international organization of the proletariat. An international type of new type is necessary: a world association of proletarians, based on the fraternal solidarity of all land workers. Its joint struggle is the only guarantee to raise consciousness and prepare the conditions for the final assault on the imperialist strength and fulfill its historical mission to end all forms of oppression and exploitation and bring humanity to a production of its material goods without plundering nature. And the main condition of such assault is the constitution of the Revolutionary Party of the proletariat.
  3. The association must admit in its bosom all organizations and individuals, of all the trends of the labor movement, in the manner of a melting that through the fire of the fight acrisole the true proletarian movement. Only in this way can the alliances of the labor movement with other movements be established and with all those who are willing to fight against capitalism and prevent the destruction of civilization and life on earth.
  4. The association must be governed by democratic centralism and have a single world management center and sectional organizations in each country or nation.
  5. The communists, as part of the labor movement, must contribute with all energy to the construction of such association, without pretending to be the owners of it. Of course, Marxist communists Leninists Maoist must continue to strive to build MLM communist parties as part of the association and to achieve their unity worldwide and thus be able to contribute more force to the formation of the World Workers Association.
  6. Proletarians of the world units.

Aureliano S.
May 1 to December 2023

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1871-2024: The commune of Paris is immortal, it is the cause of the world proletariat

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Different actions and ministerial campaign to condemn the 64 coup were canceled after Luiz Inacio's order - the new democracy

Different ministerial actions and a campaign entitled “60 years of the 1964-2024 coup-without memory there is no future” were the activities planned by the Ministry of Human Rights for April 1 that were canceled by the Order of Luiz Inacio to perform critical acts to the military coup at the mark of six decades of the episode. The information was revealed by Folha de São Paulo.

The documents accessed by the monopolistic newspaper indicate that one of the actions was entitled “Called for an interministerial and intersectoral campaign”, and sought to articulate different sectors in an act of condemnation of the coup. Another act sought a series of “formal reparations”, as a public apology from the different ministries to those who suffered for the military regime.

They are unquestionably shy initiatives, but what stands out most in the picture is not the lack of voluptuousness of actions planned by the human rights portfolio, but as Luiz Inacio ordered the end of these purely institutional initiatives, which would directly affect the barracks. No reactionary military man would be forced to take part in the “public apology”, for example.

And if the government capitulates even in movements like these, what else can be expected? If the presidency does not want to gather ministers for a retraction on behalf of the Brazilian State, who can expect bodies such as the Special Commission on Political Dead and Missing (extinct in Bolsonaro's government), which investigates the crimes of the military regime and cast more light in Will torturers and murderers of the military regime be reopened by the current government?

Moreover, another central question is raised again: if the government feels so shy to formally condemn the coup 60 years ago, as it will fight in fact The coup today? According to some in the government, Luiz Inacio "discouraged" the military to celebrate the military coup, but the kind request did not work. In Rio, the Military Club has already marked an event to celebrate the date, which will have as a speaker a general known for the pro-64 positions and pro-intervention of the barracks in national political life.

Bring to the Bank of the Defendants some generals and other senior mandates burned by the proximity to the Bolsonarist Center, which is a cause for the government's boost in recent weeks, it is not the highest fight against coup, no matter how necessary. The fight against coup necessarily permeates the conception present in the reactionary armed forces since the founding of the Republic that they are the true moderating power of the nation.

This conception is not exclusive to those who drive institutional rupture in 2022, precisely because it is a nuclear part of the Brazilian reactionary forces and being passed on generation after generation in training courses. Freire Gomes, for example, former army commander who allegedly opposed the break in 2022, signed the note that, besides showing support for camps in front of the barracks, argued that the Armed Forces were “Always present and moderators in the most important moments of our history” . Throughout the last year, and particularly at a January 2023 meeting with his subordinates, the current commander Tomás Paiva and then (in January) commander of the Southeast Military Command, also It has already made it clear that it is not against the politicization of the Armed Forces reactionary and its intervention in national political life .

This podium has already stated and will continue to say: forgetting the coup of 64 only matters to today's scammers.

Progressive and democratic activists across the country, among which are family members of the regime's victim, similarly state that it is impossible to deal with recent episodes of coup in the country without taking into account the 1964 coup and, besides it, “amystist ”To the generals of the period in the departure of the regime.

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Journalist reveals that Freire Gomes has already discussed arrest of Alexandre de Moraes - the new democracy

Within Brazilian reactionary institutions, the struggle between the Armed Forces and the Federal Supreme Court has been fought since the past decade, particularly after the 2013-2014 popular surveys and Operation Lava-Jato. In the following years, in the face of the political crisis and institutional shaking, contradictions became more and more acute in the dispute for defining which form should assume the old Brazilian state to conduct the people's exploitation system.

Take as an example the former Army Commander Freire Gomes. Today called a "traitor" by pockets and treated as "saints" by reactionary analysts and by the federal government, some unsuspecting could think that his contribution to the country is appeasing the political shakes caused by the far right. Well, until recently this gentleman was discussing a scheme to arrest Alexandre de Moraes. The information is from Vera Rosa, from the state of São Paulo.

In August 2022, while still commander of the Army, Freire Gomes met with the other commanders and other generals at the closed doors to discuss the call by the newly sworn in president of the Superior Electoral Court (TSE) - Alexandre de Moraes - of an extraordinary meeting with the general commanders of the Military Police to discuss the security of the elections. Complaining that, by the Constitution, who commands the PMs and the auxiliary forces is the army and that it was not even consulted by Moraes, Freire Gomes, enraged, even discussed a proposal to request the Attorney General's Office the arrest of the Minister of STF. A close look concludes that the Constitution, after all, can serve the interventionist purposes of the Armed Forces and that, most likely, such a request would be fulfilled by the then Attorney General, Augusto Aras.

There are STF ministers, among them Gilmar Mendes, who advocate investigations over the next three months of officers who, knowing Bolsonaro's coup plan, did nothing. Others, such as André Mendonça, are still defending the thesis of the military, according to which the officers should not be moved, only in Jair Bolsonaro. Although the nation deserves to know everything that the military commanders have set up in the goal of punishing them for their crimes against the people, one cannot have an illusion with the Liberal right that heads the STF .

This is also why the justice of the warning raised by this podium that one should not trust everything is confirmed in the monopolies of communication should not be confirmed. Especially when it comes to the Armed Forces that, after the end of the military regime, they led a broad amnesty process, a constituent assembly in which they imposed articles that give the intervention of the military (Article 142) and whose name of greatest prestige of the Last 30 years (General Eduardo Villas-Bôas) has admitted that the reactionary armed forces must be “silent protagonists for society to know that the crisis will not exceed certain limits”, launching the settings of “legitimacy, stability, legality”.

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PE: Peasant women celebrate March 8 in Zona da Mata Sul - The New Democracy

On March 16, peasant women in the South Mata Zone of Pernambuco held a plenary to celebrate International Women's Day and discuss women's participation in the struggle for land. On the occasion, women representing women representatives of the Northeast Poor Peasants (LCP-Ne), representative of the Agrarian Revolution Defense Committee (CDRA) of the revolutionary area José Ricardo and a teacher at the Popular School Elizabete Teixeira.

The plenary began with the International Anthem, the table companions presented the principles of the Popular Women's Movement (MFP). Then there was a reading and debate about the origin of March 8, part of the MFP newsletter. In the end, it was discussed and sent how women could increase their participation in the fight for the resumption of water sources and the lands of the former Frei Caneca plant.

Thus, the female plenary sent the formation of an agitation and advertising commission for the act to resume water sources and organize day care scale so that women can actively participate in land resumptions.

Every female plenary was preceded by intense mobilization between peasants, meetings and mobilization committees. Throughout the activity, the spirit of combativity expressed the awakening of the revolutionary fury of peasant women.

The female plenary of peasant women was ended with the hymn of the fighters of the revolution and many words of the warriors of the South Forest of Pernambuco.

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SP: residents fight repossession under PM bombs - the new democracy

On the morning of the 14th, residents of Jardim das Oliveiras II, in the north of Guarulhos, protested against an order of repossession in the neighborhood. The Military Police attacked the workers and detained a person. Residents point to the irregularity of the process, while the state has brought terror to the Guarulhense population.

Upon being notified of the repossession of repossession, residents closed the cast of the cast with tires very early and set them on fire. Police appeared and fired dispersion bombs against people there. Former Councilwoman Fernanda Curti was taken in custody accused of road obstruction and “depredation of public heritage”.

The movement reports that a man complains about land possession and formed a cooperative to systematize the charge for it. This region of Guarulhos is known for the occupations of unusable land, and there are families inhabiting the area since before the claim. Some have already been paying rent even to third parties and are now charged for the amount of possession of land without regular subdivision, under contracts worth up to R $ 400 thousand.

The movement by housing also manifested on February 27. First, the residents made a march that closed Tiradentes Avenue until reached the City Hall building. When the reactionary mayor Gustavo Costa (PSD) refused to receive them, they decided to lock the Hélio Smidt highway, which gives access to the airport


The neighborhood lacks urban infrastructure, since the city denies the right of families to houses and safeguards the right to deny the paving of the streets. Residents denounce collegiality between the rulers and the alleged owners of the real estate. The Santa Paulina Parish, frequented by people from all over the region, is also included in the threatened area of reintegration.

Entrance to the Garden of Olives II. Photo: Database and

It would not be the first case of benefit by the City Hall to the Allies. Gustavo Costa recently 24 more politicians, businessmen, and privileged employees were convicted at the São Paulo Court of Justice the loss of public office for administrative misconduct. The prosecution refers to the demolition in 2010 of Casarão Saraceni, allowed by the city, for the expansion of the parking lot of Internacional Shopping. To justify it, the mayor, in the name of his interests and his allies, issued the distance of the building, denying the historical meaning of this, as in the urbanization of the municipality and the constitutionalist uprising of 1932.

The Saraceni house was Guarulhos' historical heritage. Photo: Reproduction/São Paulo Ancient

Although the determination has come too late to avoid crime, the occasion demonstrates the arrangement that politicians have to defend the interests of the ruling classes. To those who toil day by day, maintaining and feeding the municipality and the country, there is only the promises, the crumbs, and the neglect. Moreover, crimes against the people are constantly repeated, proving not exceptions by rotten apples, but the rule of a rotten system.

The state violates workers and privileges the rich

This was not the first time in the year the PM attacked with repressive violence workers in the Guarulhos region. The Mandela Free movement reported that in the last week of February, police officers were practicing abusive approaches and invading homes in the favelas are Rafael and the owl. A protest against the lack of energy ended with truculent intervention.

The attacks are part of the operating actions shield promised by Governor Tarcísio de Freitas against the people of São Paulo. They are intended to terrify it as collective punishment for police deaths.

International Shopping Pronounces

After the publication of this article, the mall sent a note to the AND :

In an article with title “SP: residents fight repossession under PM bombs”, the last paragraph includes the mention of the international shopping related to the demolition of the Saraceni house.

We highlight and inform that the new management of the venture, which began in December 2017 in the purchase of Internacional Shopping by Gazit Brasil, was not involved with the mentioned case, being linked to the former administration.

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International: March 8, 2024

By a commentator for the Earn Folket Media.

Our comrades in the Red Herald have reported on mobilizations and actions around the world in connection with the International Workers' Day.


There has also been a big march in the capital Mexico City, and fighting marches have been arranged in a number of cities such as Monterrey, Puebla, Jalisco, Colima and Zacatecas. The street fights have led to strong oppression on the part of the police, which has attacked the demonstrations with water cannons and tear gas.

Matches in Zacatecas:

Protesters set fire to the police barricades around the government palace in Monterrey:

I Oxaca marched the people's women's movement along with the union for teachers, shouting slogans as "proletarian feminism crushes the patriarchy". During the march, support was also expressed for the heroic national resistance in Palestine. Matches were distributed that encouraged women to join the movement. The people's women's movement held an appeal where they emphasized that it is class that separates us, not gender, and that it is the proletarian revolution that is on the agenda, not the so -called "gender ideology". Many businesses and banks had covered their windows with plywood, and the government palace and pavilion in the square were also surrounded by fences and other obstacles in an attempt to stop the protesters from holding a meeting at the end of the march. During the cry of slogans, the protesters removed the fences and took the pavilion to get their message out.


In Bogotá, a demonstration was conducted on Plaza Bolívar. Police attacked batons and used tear gas and shock grenades against the protesters.

I Medellín A tribute was held by the people's women's movement, such as honoring revolutionary and communist women, and it was applauded and shouted: "Break the links, release the rage of women, as a powerful force for the revolution." The protesters went out into the streets and demanded justice for the women's killings, the rapes and the sexual oppression for which half of the working people are exposed. On banks and large stores it was written: "Up with the oppressed, down with the oppressors" and posters were set up against imperialism and for the Palestinian people's heroic struggle.


New democracy


In Limoges, Jeunes Révolutionnaires (JR), Fédération Syndical Ethudiante (FSE) and Cause you peoPLE with a portrait of Clara Zetkin and with parole of crushing capitalism, imperialism and patriarchy.

In Rennes, JR, FSE and Cause du Peuple showed support to the Palestinian people and the armed struggle of oppressed women all over the world.

I Paris marched Cause du Peuple, Ligue de la Jeunesse Révolutionnaire (LJR), JR, FSE and the unit campaign for the liberation of Georges Abdallah together. Cause you peuper, ljr and jr held a joint speech During the event. Activists wore portraits of the proletariat's female heroes Clara Zetkin, Danielle Casanova, Chiang Ching and comrade Norah.

In Lille, FSE participated with a tab for proletarian feminism and a tab in honor of Martha Desrumaux, a leader and activist from the region, who was the first female member of the Central Committee in France's Communist Party.

In Caen, revolutionary activists paid tribute to the proletariat's female heroes along with the Hérouville Palestina Committee under the People's "People's Woman, Defense Your Class" and "Living the Revolutionary March 8."

In Toulouse, LJR participated in an anti -imperialist demonstration in support of Palestinian women.

In Lyon, the People's Women's Committee had a meeting at the University of Lyon on the work of neighborhoods and anti -imperialist women's struggle. The activists then participated in the anti-imperialist demonstration with LJR and La Fosse Aux Lyons collective.

I Paris There was a major demonstration in which Partizan supporters participated with French women's organizations and immigrant organizations.

In Reims, a march was arranged in which followers of the purple-Rød collective participated and appealed.


I Bremerhaven Arranged the Red Women's Committee Bremen, as part of the Red Association, in a demonstration in Goetheviertel, one of the poorest areas in all of Germany. During Parola "Women fights and resists" participated, among other things, families, mothers and children in the march. There were slogans as "rebellion in words and action - against imperialism and patriarchy" and "Living Palestine".

I Leipzig Hundreds of people participated in a demonstration. Red Women's Committee participated with Parola "Women - Fight and Confirm you".

I Köln Participated in the Red Association with a large, young and fighting quota in the March 8 demonstration of over 1,000 protesters. The Red Women's Committee handed out flyers and shouted slogans against the double women's oppression of imperialism and patriarchy. Many of the participants expressed agreement that the support of the Palestinian people's struggle as a fight against imperialism must be brought along with the fight against the patriarchy.

In Essen, the Red Association participated in an internationalist demonstration, handed out the revolutionary newspaper "Rote Post" and flight magazines for Red Women's Committee. Afterwards, a banner was set up on a bridge in Essen-Altendorf.

I Stuttgart Partizan and the purple-red collective participated in a demonstration with about two thousand people.

Thousands of people participated in the March 8 train in Nuremberg, on the initiative of the March 8 platform in Nuremberg, of which the Lilla-Rød collective is part of. The Purple-Rød collective also handed out flyers in German and Turkish during the event.

In Ulm, women's organizations, including the purple-red collective, held a demonstration with a banner with the slogan "against fascism, environmental destruction, war, exploitation and oppression of women".

I Hamburg Arranged the Red Women's Committee an event in connection with the International Women's Fight Day. Here it was explained what proletarian feminism is, the origin of women's oppression and some aspects of women's situation in Germany were discussed.


Socialist Revolution Has shared reports from March 8. In Aalborg, anti -imperialist collective with passwords against militarization participated and handed out flyers in solidarity with the fighting women in Palestine and in the folk wars in Peru, India, Turkey and the Philippines.

In Copenhagen, hundreds of people marched with torches that symbolized women's struggle and demands. There were banners with the text "Women, Fight and Making Resist" and "against imperialism and patriarchy".


Anti Imperialist Action (AIA) arranged a marking of the International Workers' Day.


In Charlotte, Charlotte Revolutions Study Group organized a mark of March 8.

A meeting was held in New York and posters in Portland.


In the eastern part of the Democratic Republic of Congo and in Rwanda, women in a number of refugee camps have been at the forefront of mobilizations for their rights and demanded an end to the genocide of the people Tutsi, Hema and Banyamulenge.


I Helsinki More than 100 people gathered for a demonstration with the main parole "Tell the Women's hostile government". A banner with the paroles "Down with Imperialism", "Down with the Patriarchate" and "Proletary Feminism for Communism" can be viewed in images from the demonstration.

I Tampere Women's demonstration went under the main paroles "down with the government" and "" for a revolutionary women's movement ". The solidarity with Palestine was also marked with posters and slogans.


I Albacete Collected thousands of people for demonstration. A group of revolutionarys marched under the flags of the International Communist Federation in Spanish and Arabic, and with a picture of comrade Norah. They distributed hundreds of flyers with demands for politicization, organization and mobilization of proletarian women, and sold newspaper Servir Al Pueblo.


I Oslo Started the day with a demonstration in Greenland square. In slogans and appeals, the patriarchy and violence against women were condemned, and support was expressed for the Palestinian resistance movement. The demonstration marched to Youngstorget. At least 6,000 people must have participated in the demonstration. A small group of Zionists had also gathered there, planning to spend the day conducting a propaganda campaign to legitimize Israel's genocide and the delegitimize the solidarity movement for Palestine. This was not accepted by many of the participants, who remained to prevent the Zionists from participating in the march.

I Bergen The match committee participated with hundreds of people in the Palestine section of the March 8 train. Afterwards, several anti -imperialist organizations gathered for a mark under the paroles "Fight violence against women" and "Support the Palestinian women's resistance struggle".

I Trondheim Collecting activists from the combat committee and Somali Welfare Association in the city's pedestrian street with banners with the slogans "Fighting violence against women" and "Support the Palestinian resistance - free Palestine". Appeals were held and handed out flyers. The activists then went to the square and joined the March 8 train. During the march, slogans were shouted for Palestine, against imperialism and patriarchy, against the United States, Russia and Israel and to fight violence against women.

I Kristiansand The match committee helped to arrange an event with appeals on international solidarity, liberation struggle and women's struggle, the situation for women in Gaza and violence against women. After the event, activists mobilized for a weekly demonstration against violence against women, who were kept out of the police station. After the demonstration, the match committee participated in the March 8 train with Parola "Fritt Palestine". On March 9, the Eritrean Women's Association organized a mark to honor women who have fought for liberation.


I Zürich Hundreds of women, including the purple-Rød collective and Partizan, participated in a March 9 March on the occasion of the International Workers' Day. During the march, militants covered TKP/ml the walls with graffiti with the text "TKP/ML Tikko" and "From Meral to Asmin - the match continues". At the end of the demonstration, an F-16 model aircraft was set on fire in protest of the Turkish Army attack. Throughout the demonstration, the police exercised intense blockade, harassment and provocation. After the march, two women from the purple-red collective were stopped on the street and exposed to police violence, while people around protested with slogans.

In Innsbruck, thousands of people marked the International Working Women's Day. The day started with stand, workshop and appeals, and later in the day there was a march. The purple-red collective had an active role in the event.

In Neunkirchen, the workers' youth culture center and the purple-Rød collective organized an event with around 150 participants. The event started with an opening speech, before a film was shown about the history of the women's struggle and it was concluded with cultural elements.

In Linz, a large and enthusiastic demonstration was arranged in which Ati̇gf and the Purple-Rød collective participated.

In Vienna, around 7,000 people went by train. The Purple-Rød collective, Ati̇gf and Partizan participated with organizations and individuals from Latin America to Asia and from Palestine to Europe.

I Mariahilferstrasse In Vienna, Vienna arranged the Women's Center and Red Women's Committee in which around 100 people participated. Appeals were held and songs performed.

I Linz Went around 2500 in trains. Rote Fahne was also represented with an information table.


I Liège A march was arranged with over a thousand participants. It was the women's platform, which the purple-red collective is part of, which took the initiative to the march.


I Aten participated tens of thousands of people in the demonstration. Kke (ml), TKP/ml and Patrizan participated in the protests, who also gathered university students from many Greek cities. The crowd protested in front of parliament against a bill on the opening of private universities. The protest was attacked by the police, and the masses responded with resistance.

Mobilizations and actions for the 8th of March
More actions and mobilizations for the 8th of March
NRW, Germany: Demonstrations and action on March 8
AGEB: Massive celebration of the International Working Women’s Day in Europe
March 8 in Austria: For a revolutionary women’s movement!
More Actions for the 8th of March
Colombia: Successful day of mobilization for March 8
More actions for the 8th of March

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Several actions by Partizan in Europe – The Red Herald

We hereby publish a summation of different reports on actions by Partizan in Europe on the occasion of Newroz and the 18 th of March.

European news reports that this year’s Newroz celebration in Switzerland was celebrated with great enthusiasm in Lucerne on March 17. Partizan also attended the celebration with the spirit of rebellion of the Newroz fire lit by Blacksmith Kawa against the cruel Dehaq.

It was also reported that on March 18, International Prisoners’ Day, at Nuremberg Jamnitzerplatz a rally was held, organized by Rote Hilfe (Red Aid). At the event the oppression and isolation policies implemented in prisons against communist, revolutionary and anti-fascist prisoners were condemned. For political prisoners, revolutionaries who have been imprisoned for many years in countries such as France, Germany, Greece, Turkey, India, America and many other countries were supported and messages of solidarity were sent to revolutionary and communist prisoners who continued their resistance.

Also Dr. Banu Büyükavcı was present at the event, her message was read. “Revolutionary struggle is legitimate everywhere! We will continue our struggle under all conditions and geography!” After the message, the audience shouted “Long live international solidarity!” with applause.

A German version of the declaration published by the ICL (International Communist League) was distributed during the action. In addition to local German revolutionary organizations, immigrant democratic revolutionary organizations from Turkey and Kurdistan, Partisan Nuremberg activists also participated in the action.

A rally was also held in Vienna, Austria , on March 18, as Yeni Demokrasi reports. In the action organized by revolutionary, democratic organizations in Vienna, speeches were held among others by Partisan. In the speeches made, attention was drawn to the problems of political prisoners, it was emphasized that the need to be the voice of revolutionary-communist prisoners outside by increasing solidarity. Slogans such as “Freedom for Political Prisoners, Long Live International Solidarity” were shouted.

Also in Brussels, Belgium a protest was held in front of the Hungarian consulate on the 18 th of March to protest implementing of pressure and isolation on communist, revolutionary and anti-fascist prisoners. Messages of solidarity were conveyed to political prisoners who still continue their resistance in many countries.

We received the following report:

“Banners with the slogan “Let us defend the rights of communist and revolutionary prisoners for the revolution” were hung up by the International Communist League (ICL) in Zurich, Basel and Bern in Switzerland, Liège in Belgium, Linz in Austria and Nuremberg in Germany.”

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Portuguese: Statement of the ICL for the 18th of March – The Red Herald

Proletarians from all countries, unite!

March 18 - Day of Solidarity to Political Prisoners - Tribute to Communist and Revolutionary Prisoners

March 18 is the International Day of Solidarity to political prisoners. Founded by Comintern in 1920, Red Socorro in 1923 declared March 18, given the founding of the Paris Commune, such as the “International Day of Solidarity to Political Prisoners” and dedicated him to political prisoners. On March 18, solidarity with political prisoners is expressed around the world.

As the contradictions of the dominant system deepen and their stagnations multiply as their fear of the "burials" grows, the ruling classes do not hesitate to increasingly reveal their true character. At the same time, the increasingly profound and insoluble system crisis is leading the bourgeoisie and the ruling classes exploiting all kinds to centralize the sovereign state mechanism more strongly, both with their laws and their organizations era c to

The Indian reactionary state arrested more than ten thousand communists, revolutionaries and political activists, including Varavara Rao, Sanjoy Deepak Rao, Ayinoor Vasu, Rona Wilson and Gautam Navlakha, to burg the popular war.

Georges Ibrahim Abdallah has been imprisoned by French imperialism for 40 years and has not yet been released, although he has already fulfilled his sentence. Mumia Abu-Jamal, a member of the Black Panthers, has been trapped by Yankee imperialism for over 40 years. Thousands of communists, revolutionaries and prisoners of oppressed peoples from different parts of the world spent decades in jail.

The fear of the ruling classes of communist and revolutionary prisoners and the class enmity they feel to them is so great that they pretense that the communists and revolutionaries who keep enclosed, in the open violation of their own laws, come out of prisons. The murder of President Gonzalo in 2021, head of the PCP, who lost his health after 29 years in solitary confinement and whose death was caused because the necessary measures were not taken, it is very important to understand the extension of fear and hate that They feel the imperialists and the servants of the dominant system. Those responsible for the death of President Gonzalo, who even burned and destroyed his body.

Communist and revolutionary prisoners in prisons are trying to comply with the requirements of class struggle to the risk of their lives, to the limits of prison conditions. They refuse to capitulate and do not hesitate to resist all types of pressure, torture and lone confinement. We must mobilize to support the legitimate struggle and resistance of prisoners, to fight all kinds of aggression against prisoners, to be the voice of prisoners outside the jail, we must support their struggle under the conditions of imprisonment as part of the class struggle outside.

Communist and revolutionary prisoners are our honor!

Supporting communist and revolutionary prisoners means supporting the revolutionary struggle!

Let us make our resistance and struggle of communist and revolutionary prisoners. Let us be the voice of the prisoners!

International Communist League
March 2024

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LJR: "The‘ deluge of Al-Aqsa ’continues to roar and surge in incessant waves in the face of imperialism! - New era

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Weekly editorial - appeasement only breastfeeding coup - the new democracy

While investigations show that a considerable part of the Armed Forces and high official, albeit minority, mobilized to consummate the military coup, agent Luiz Inacio reiterated his orientation: not promoting acts or condemnatory events at the 60th anniversary of the coup 64.

To prove the error of this policy of the shift government, it would be enough to quote how the reactionary sectors of the ruling classes received. Representing the military right, ultra-reactionary Hamilton Mourão had no doubt: "He is right, this is passed," he said, referring to the military coup and the fascist military regime.

Estadão, accustomed to criticizing Luiz Inácio, rushed to leave in his defense: “Lula acts correctly” when she refuses to talk about the 1964 coup in the passage of her 60 years, in line with “an imperative of governability in a context of Wounds waiting for healing ”and“ is also a way to honor the current military command, also artificial of pacification ”, said in the editorial“ The accommodation of Lula with the military ”(March 17). Speaking of wounds, it is simply pathetic that Estadão who has already argued that the government reopens the Special Commission on Political Dead and Missing (CEMDP), what Luiz Inacio refuses to do, capitule choir with the cowardly complicity of this government.

Only reactionary ideologues - committed first and foremost to the continuity of the exploitation of the people and the nation - and the opportunists, whose castrated mentality by decades of subservience and conciliation with the enemies of popular masses believe that appeasement will lead to the country's stabilization.

Even before Bolsonaro, the High Command changed the result of the elections (2018), when removing Luiz Inacio from the match, through blackmail during a habeas corpus vote of that candidate in the Supreme Court.

As we see: Long before Bolsonaro assumed - and independent of him - the latent wound of coup again manifested acutely, even because it was not properly treated since 1988, when the previous appeasement with gorillas and transition with the amnesty military regime General and unrestricted, he led that there was no punishment, nor change in high military official, nor in the curricula of formation, nor in the doctrine of the Armed Forces, which followed, all these years, glorifying the 1964 coup as a legitimate movement and even as “Democratic Revolution,” and when they remove from the forefront of managing the old state, resuming the belief of being the armed forces as a moderating power and spitting of the “democratic rule of law” - and therefore also spun from their restriction or Even suspension, as he blatantly tried to make Bolsonaro.

When Luiz Inácio elects the policy of appeasement to deal with the military crisis, he is allowing all the favorable conditions to be restored for the Military High Command to return to the offensive later. When the masses rise in defense of their rights, which is inevitable, gorillas, as a moderating power to believe, will again rise threatening the country with military intervention to save the nation from "disintegration." Because they were not seriously confronted when they were demoralized and fragile, the gorillas will find favorable ground for a new coup climb.

The appeasement with the military summit only breastfeed the coup!

To genuine, progressive and revolutionary democrats, in addition to the popular masses in struggle, there is no other way other than to lift the 60th anniversary campaign of the ignominious 1964 coup and coup, either in the form of institutional rupture, or in the form of “moderating power”. Commitments to fascists and scammers - who would only lead us to coup and fascism are not acceptable.

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Marielle Case: Bolsonarist Deputy is appointed as a mastermind in a report approved by the STF - the new democracy

The Federal Supreme Court (STF) approved last night the award -winning denunciation of the head of the execution of Marielle Franco and Anderson Gomes, Ronnie Lessa. According to the information that was leaked to the press, Ronnie Lessa gave the name of those who hired him and the context of the meetings she had before and after the crime. Thus, the person responsible for triggering the gun trigger that murdered the former councilwoman delivered details that have been clarified six years. According to the Minister of Justice Lewandowski, the approval indicates that “we will soon have the solution” of the case.

Ronnie Lessa began to collaborate with the court in August 2023, shortly after learning that Élcio de Queiroz handed over her name as the crime executor. Lessa, who is in an isolated cell in the Campo Grande Penitentiary (MS), gave a two -hour testimony. In it, the former military police officer provided a series of evidence, circumstances and evidence not only of his involvement in the execution of the double murder, but mainly about those behind the commission of the deaths. Now what justice has in hand is the one who hired Ronnie Lessa to execute the former councilor, and with whom the executor gathered.

According to Ronnie Lessa, the principals are part of a powerful political group of RJ, with broad presence in various sectors of the state. One of the cited is Chiquinho Brazil. Federal Deputy for União Brasil, Chiquinho campaigned for Jair Bolsonaro in 2022. He is also the brother of Domingos Brazão, the Court of Auditors of RJ, and Pedro Brazão, state deputy.

Domingos Brazão, involved with militias since the early 2000s, is named as the intellectual mentor of the murders. Domingos tried to obstruct Marielle's murder investigation process in 2019 (before the case was federalized) and had previously been removed in 2017 for corruption involvement. Kássio Nunes Marques (Supreme Court Minister appointed by Jair Bolsonaro) determined the resumption of the counselor's activities, placing him in a more armored condition for investigations, re-featuring “privileged forum”.

Ronnie Lessa's lawyers abandon the case after her client closes the agreement

Ronnie Lessa's lawyers said they will no longer continue to defend the paramiltar. In a press release, they stated that the decision is motivated "by legal ideology": "Not acting to whistleblowers is a principle, pre-case issue, and has nothing to do with any interest in the solution or not of a particular crime."

Curious “Legal Ideology” This: Alright defending the professional killer Ronnie Lessa. No problem! As long as he doesn't denounce.

Ronnie Lessa and Élcio de Queiroz: linked to the Bolsonaro family

Both stand out for having a common biographical trait: Ronnie Lessa lived in the same condominium as Jair Bolsonaro, Barra da Tijuca. Lessa's daughter dated Bolsonaro's youngest son. Ronnie Lessa also stated, at the beginning of the investigations, that those who executed Marielle was Adriano da Nobrega, then head of the paramilitary group “Office of Crime”.

Already Élcio de Queiroz, who chose Lessa as “godfather of consideration of her son”, has also lived in the same condominium as Bolsonaro. Élcio de Queiroz is a former military police officer of RJ and also involved with “militia, bicheiros, traffickers and smugglers” according to investigations by the Civil and Military Police.

Before becoming a professional killer, Ronnie Lessa served in the army and was a military and civil police officer. The relationship between Queiroz and Lessa, who had already been known since before serving the PM, was strengthened after being expelled from the corporation for involvement with paramilitary groups.

This relationship between official repression forces, paramilitary groups, offenders and smugglers is not limited to the names mentioned here. Ronnie Lessa participated in A Scuderie Le Cocq (SLC), a well -known extermination group founded in 1965 in the RJ that gathered military police. The founders of SLC were linked to the government of the time. They were used to do a work of “elimination” of criminals, residents of street and transvestites.

Throughout the military regime, Scuderie - or the death squad, as it has also become known - also fulfilled the role of selective elimination of political militants. Other members of the “death squad” are loose and active.

A total of 17 military police were arrested on March 20 for providing services to Bicheiro Rogério de Andrade. This whole structure needs to be properly investigated and punished. Another example of a bicheiro that maintains spurious relationships is “Captain Guimarães”: the military man who was expelled for involvement with “smuggling” and today sends and clears in the animal game and carnival, brings together allegations of political militants from the time of the military regime that counted The Truth Commission that were tortured by Guimarães during an instructional course for military.

It must be clear what all these facts show us: There are many other figures that have made paintings of the Military Police or Army that make up the far right, paramilitary groups and agents of state repression.

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Left party. Solidarity with the CDU instead of anti -fascists.

The fact that the Left Party is a social democratic force that shakes with various left -wing phrases, but is ultimately completely connected to this system, should actually be clear to everyone. However, there are always moments when this is particularly obvious. The Left Party Saxony-Anhalt recently with a reactionary CDU politician. One reason to take a closer look at the situation of the Left Party.

The CDU politician that deals with is Götz Ulrich. He is a district administrator in the Burgenland district. The corresponding situation was that the AfD wanted to make a demonstration that was originally supposed to pass his house. Even if the AfD ultimately agreed to lay the demonstration route, Ulrich sensed an attempted intimidation against it and pulled parallels during the Nazi era. Numerous other parties jumped up on this train and seemed to once again seemed to call the defense of bourgeois democracy in front of their AfD campaign in the AfD campaign.

The Left Party also jumped on this train and fully solidarized with Ulrich Götz. Paradox, because in her apparent fight against racism, this party was solidarity with a politician who represents racist rights. Responsible demands such as the faster deportations and the introduction of payment cards for refugees are by no means AfD claims, but things that are challenged by politicians like Götz Ulrich equally



The party congress ultimately ended with a compromise. While there was a decided application in the decisions, which explits only solidarity with all violent anti-fascists, there was also an evaluation of the Antifa-Ost procedure at the urging of the party youth, which is not a whole and not half solidarity. Instead of actually clearly demanding freedom for the Antifa-Ost prisoners, this evaluation says: "We recognize the risk of generalization and delegitimation of anti-fascist resistance fights and solidarity with left-wing political prisoners." But if you mean “left -wing political prisoners”, there are apparently different views in that party.


In the meantime, the Left Party is increasingly on the way to political insignificance. In addition to the factor of their internal contradictions, more and more people have become and realize how little one can believe this party and their fetching. Not at all. As is the case with all bourgeois parties.

Source cover picture: Left Party website

Source Screenshot and Photo: Redmediakolliv on X (formerly Twitter)

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PRWC »armed struggle The US-Marcos regime's fascism response

The Filipino people burning against the US-Marcos regime in the fascist attacks throughout the country, especially in the countryside. The rage of the peasant masses are extremely angry and hunger, fascism and gutter with the reactionary regime's response to their request.

In the desperate attempt to "end" the revolutionary armed resistance of the Filipino people, now the terrorist and fascist suppression of the US-Marcos regime and its armed gatherers throughout the country. Marcos and the AFP's mini-free declarations are in the "insurgency-free", especially provinces that are supplied and united in foreign companies, plantations and energy. In the US imperialism command, the AFP also hurried to "end" the armed struggle with the Filipino people to fully use the US military the AFP to the intensity of this year.

Recently, a subsub of war was ordered by Marcos and the armed forces of the Philippines (AFP). These todies are supposed to hear all of the NPA guerrilla fronts at the end of March, will break all NPA units at the end of June, and all the regional party committees will be the end of the year. You are collected thousands of military troops, the police and thousands of paramilitars are invited to the AFP, the Gideployer to get rid of the countryside.

Hundreds of villages were Gurarison in Marcos' fascist gatherings. The ruling soldier controlled the life and livelihoods of men, placing their mouths, and took their rights and freedom. Checkpoints and food blacks, ban farming farms, armed withes, armed soldiers in village, housing and pretending to "surrender," houses, gainum-drinks, Scramble and scandal, gunfire is a gun somewhere - only a few of the rotten deeds that are mentally ill. Among the drought and dangers, fascist soldiers were pested by no other side of communities.

With strong weapons, drones and jetfighters, helicopters and howitzers, evening, the bombing of the terrorist soldiers of Marcos in the mountains of the wealth and dim on the waters of the wealth Silence and resulted in the depths of the people, especially children, pregnant and ancestors. It produces severe degradation of life, contrary to all principles and laws of civilized warfare.

Marcos is evil to push the fear of the people's breasts and overwhelm them as the land of large capitalist and conspiratory bourgeoisers and large landlords. But instead of bowing, they aroused more and more, and resisted, and the road to the armed revolution.

In guerrilla fronts nationwide, the units of the new People's Peasant (NPA) can continue to enjoy the peasantry. The military officials at the AFP and the reactionary state behind their exalted Todo-Gyera have already lasted for almost seven years, the masses continued to provide material and political support to red fighters. You are also constantly filing with the people's people's army, including students, workers and even professionals.

The people's desire to serve the armed struggle continues to burn. Among the fascist attacks of the US-Marcos' regime's armed regime, and its policies more intimidate them, more clearly to the mind and mood of the peasantry without their new People's Army They have been able to protect their lives and rights, and with their struggle for land and livelihood.

Behaved years, the NPA has been injured and withdrawal in different parts of the country because of the mistakes and weaknesses of conservatism and contentment of the former victory. Instead of daring the road to the steady expansion and refreshment of the armed struggle, the masses and bases of the guerrilla units, became passive and vulnerable to the enemy. In the guidance and inspiration of the Party, the NPA is determined to correct errors and advance the path of studying and burning fire in the people's war.

In the sense of correction movement, the NPA must resist the armed struggle in all parts of the country. Consistent Mass Wide Gervae, Use All Firearms and Rocks, Spears and Tours, Debabba and Fire - And Launching The Tactical Offensive and Divided Part . The fascist troops of the enemy's fascist troops and all of them are as a means of achieving justice and inspire people's resistance. Only through the wide armed resistance will be strengthened, the NPA can improve and advance.

Ever since established, five and a half years ago, the NPA served as a true army of people who advanced the revolutionary desire of the Filipino people for national democracy. In its future anniversary on March 29, we will respond to victories achieved over 55 years, honor all martyrs and heroes, and repeat the determination for the sanctified warship, unless sacrifice and sacrifice and sacrifice and sacrifice and sacrifice and sacrifice. Adversity is needed, in order to achieve victory.

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PRWC »US Officials, Country in the country this March

The protest led the arrival of Anthony Blinken, secretary of the US Department of State, in Malacañang on March 19. Blinken was in the country to help Ferdinand Marcos Jr. and the AFP in the upcoming Balikatan Wargames and to push Indo-Pacific Security again Strategy, the US strategy for maintaining its hegemony in Asia against China's rival.

Prior to Blinken, the high economic and military officials of the US had almost arrived in the country this March.

Gina Raimondo, secretary of the US Department of Commerce, led the delegation of the US Presidential Trade and Investment Mission sent by the US to raise the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework, a "key" part of the Indo-Pacific Security Strategy. Raimondo's delegation includes 22 leaders of big American companies, including two construction companies (Bechtel, Black & amp; Veatch) locals of US military bases and military facilities in various countries.

Adm. John C. Aquilino, commander of the US Indo-Pacific Command, for meetings with Marcos, defense secretary Gilbert Teodoro and AFP chief Gen. Romeo Brawner JR, along with other high AFP officials.

They have taken preparations for Balikatan 2024, boasting that it will be the "largest" in its history. It will be launched in Batanes and Palawan from April 22 to May 8. One of its "highlights" is "Integrated Air Missile Defense Exercise," or flying missiles in China's direction. This is in accordance with the Philippines' strategic defense strategy and role as a defense of the US first-island chain.

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PRWC »imported lng, its facilities and plants, environmental and citizen deluge

The three major bourgeoisie-compradors announced their "integration" for the operation of the Ilijan LNG terminal, the first "integrated lng import facility" built by the Atlantic Gulf & Amp; Pacific Company (AG & amp; P) at the coast of Barangay Ilijan, Batangas City. Meralco Powergen, Aboitiz Power and San Miguel Global Power (SMGP) came together to buy such a facility for $ 3.3 billion (₱ 184 billion).

The Ilijan LNG terminal covers nine hectares of terrain and up to 700 meters water from the coast for "floating storage" of LNG (Liquified Natural Gas). Except for the harbor and storage, it will also serve as a "regasification" facility. Such a natural gas facility will supply to the San Miguel Corporation (SMC) energy-owned energy-owned energy plant.

This facility and plants include 12 "terminals" and 35 new energy plants plan to build imported lng and diesel. Seven of the terminals and eight of the new plants are set to be built on the coast of Batangas, in front of the Verde Island Passage (VIP). Others are planned to build in Leyte, Navotas City and Zamboanga. One of the plants, planned to be built on the coast of the Tañon Strait in San Carlos, Negros Occidental, was temporarily withdrawn by the protests of residents, church people and environmental groups. Many of the LNG projects are being pushed by SMC, including multinational Japanese, American and British institutions.

Currently, six LNG plants are operational in the country, and five of them are on the coast of Batangas.

The US surplus dump

The Philippines has opened the import of LNG from 2021 in the face of reportingly approaching a natural gas reserve in the Malampaya gas fields in 2027. The US used it to push the country to import the LNG.

The US has been the leading producer of LNG worldwide since 2011. It has passed Russia, Australia and Qatar and became the number one exporter for the first time in December 2023. This is the result of the US seizure of LNG sales in Western Europe (Germany, France, UK, and others) who had previously flowed into pipes from Russia. Aside from the US imposing its violation of LNG's purchase of Russia from the outbreak of war in Ukraine, it has even exploded the Nordstream pipeline so as not to smuggle LNG. The terminals had to be built to store LNG from the US which was carried to Western Europe aboard large ships.

Ukraine's direct results in Ukraine's proxy warfare of LNG prices for $ 40 per million British thermal Unit (MMBTU) in 2022. However, due to LNG's over -production, prices have been dropped down to the global market for $ 9.80 per MMBTU in 2023.

The US is now working to open new markets and monopolize the former Asian markets to become a dump of LNG and keep its demand and price high. American companies such as ExxonMobil, Novatek and Chevron are most attached to import LNG.

Although LNG prices have dropped in the global market, it is only temporary and does not mean that it will lower electricity charges in the Philippines. In 2023, the imported LNG was $ 1- $ 3/MMBTU higher than local natural gas. In accordance with the Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis, the price of energy produced from imported lng. It is higher than the ₱ 7.38/kWh energy price from the same imported coal and diesel in 2023, and ₱ 4.4/kWh using local solar power.

Despite a certain higher charges, the Department of Energy has yet to require the acquisition of all power distributors from plants processing imported LNG. In accordance with the "energy map" of the Marcos regime, the Philippines will raise the use of imported LNG and "renewable" energy from 29% (of which 13%) to 35% by 2030 and 50% of 2050.

Threat to VIP and fishermen's livelihood

LNG is laid to be a "transition fuel" because it is cleaner compared to coal and diesel. However, it still creates greenhouse gases (GHG) such as methane, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide. In fact, studies appear to be more harmful to environmental its methane, as it has 80-100 times longer to lock the atmosphere compared to carbon dioxide.

The pandemya (2021) began and the construction of the Ilijan lng terminal ended in 2023. It was built by AG & amp; P, a United Arab Emirates -based company, Osaka Gas and Japan Bank for International Cooperation. In February, the American Nebula Energy company bought the AG & AMP; P division dedicated to LNG.

The Ilijan LNG terminal is the Batangas Combine Cycle Power Plant currently being built by SMGP in Sta. Rita, Batangas. Although a separate project, the two facilities will join and face both parts of the VIP.

According to a study of the natural group, the two facilities, and the other like, are in the VIP ecosystem that scientists regard as the "richest habitat marine" in the world. In construction alone, sediment and sand have affected the scope of the facility. Construction has disturbed the cycle and inhabited by fish and other sailors life not only in its immediate range, but throughout the VIP. This has resulted in further decline in the quality of coral reefs and the fall of the late fishermen.

Apart from the damage to the ocean, the agricultural lands are also facing the case of illegal use of agricultural lands in the villages of Ilijan and De la Paz. It also has cases illegal cutting coconut trees in the area. In fact, the Department of Agriculture issued a "cease and desist order" against the company last year due to its lack of land use permit. All of these are shrugged by AG & amp; P and Japan's banks.

Hundreds of fishermen in Batangas have long been affected by the operations of First Gen and SMC energy plants. Before the new plants and facilities began to be built, more than half had been deducted from the last fish (pounding and gallons) since 2019. They were even more trapped when fishing on coasts near the construction was banned.

In addition, residents are worried about the possible leakage of the ocean, the VIP is especially vulnerable to strong and severe storms. The VIP from the damage caused by the oil leak from the SMC ship, the MT Princess Empress, last year.

The air and water in Batangas are increasingly polluted with the coast of the polluted energy plants. The sailor life is also especially disturbed because the ships that will deliver imported lng will be thick.

Many communities on the coast will lose their livelihood and even living. Among the two million Filipinos are directly in the VIP ocean wealth.

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PRWC »The masses in front of El Niño

The total amount of damage to the agricultural sector has reached ₱ 78.45 million due to drought in Negros Occidental and part of Western Visayas, the region of El Niño today. Eleven (three cities and eight towns) of its 32 municipalities are most affected by the drought. Thousands of families are now suffering from the hunger and poverty of drinking water.

In the face of the negligence of the local government and the US-Marcos regime, the uninterrupted militarization, the peasant masses were no longer able to conquer but come together to collectively deal with the drought.

Government charges

The farmers' organization plans to promote the mass campaign in Negros Occidental to address El Niño. They have begun consultations, meetings and study campaigns at the Barangay Level, and they target the people to the People's and District Level. They prepare a petition containing their call to the government for adequate aids, food and subsidies in their production.

The peasant masses in the province are now facing the destruction of their crops. Only 41,140 hectares of 94,297 hectares of irrigation targets are irrigation, which is now affected by drought. One farmer's story said, “We haven't done 3rd rice cropping anymore because we only rely on the rain for irrigation.” S

As a result, others are just planning to plant corn to keep up with their food. However, they still couldn't get started until there was no rain for irrigation. Others, planting vegetables and are now consuming water in remote wells to sprinkle. "The source has run out, even small rivers are gone," said another.

Nationwide, only 67% of the government's target has been implemented that irrigation has implemented in recent years. Many canals are no longer profitable, the gear is different and it has been damaged. Irrigation for irrigation from dams is also reduced as it is provided to industry and electrical services.

Even their pets are affected as well. There is no more buffalo, cow, goat, and other pet because the weeds are dry and they have nothing to eat. There were animals when they died from the heat.

Not only livelihood, but even the health of the residents is affected by El Niño. Excessive heat experienced has resulted in epidemics such as cough, fever, colds and other diseases. Some stroke cases have also been recorded in some areas, increasing blood pressure, and easy fatigue.

In the face of this, they were deeply insulted by the low ₱ 2,500 that the local government would distribute to a three -hectare field. According to them, ₱ 15 million funds for pumps and irrigation pumps and equipment are also released.

They say, if they are not provided with significant help, they are willing to act together for dialogue and confrontation with local agencies.


To keep up with the production, the farmers raised the Dagyaw-Aim, the traditional form of agricultural cooperation in the region.

In the southern part of Negros Occidental, a communal garden is set to plant a land on the land that has been successful in a campaign. They agreed to be planted in the ground. “This is an initial aspect of cooperation… we follow the framework of“ work points, ”sharing the peasant participant. Every night, they agreed that the group of women would sprinkle with Maisa.

The unity and work of alliance with the middle forces in the community also resulted. According to them, the hoses they received were a great help. This is what they use to sprinkle especially and the source of water is far away.

"Our help is more developmental especially during the El Niño period ... especially and the work on camps is finalized," a farmer said. It will also help, he said, with the food source of drought. At this time, a farmer even proved, "There is no hope but our cooperation."

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Prwc »protests

Passing RBH7 to Congress, opposed. Democratic organizations protested in front of Congress at a People's Rally on March 20 to oppose the RBH7, the proposal for charter change (Chacha). After only a few hours that day, Congress passed the proposal to 288 vote, eight opposition and two abstain. Among the eight objections were the Congressmen of the National Block. In conjunction with the protest in Congress, students also protested on Katipunan Avenue, in front of Ateneo de Manila University.

Impact of El Niño, address. The North, the National Federation of the Farmers' federation, at the Department of Agriculture's office in Quezon City on March 7 to defeat the Marcos regime for its inaction on the impact of El Niño on the peasant masses. They insisted on Marcos and the state agencies to give them an immediate alibi and help, especially those who were devastated by drought.

Demolition in Navotas City, opposed. Members of the national power of the Philippine Micker (Panic) are rallied on the coast in Navotas City on March 15 to oppose the local government's order to discover the traps and scandals to pave the way for the Navotas Bay Reclamation Project. The 650-hectare reclamation is pushed by the local government and its partner Argonbay Construction Company, San Miguel Corporation's subsidary owned by Ramon Ang. Despite the objection, company staff and the Coast Guard conducted the demolition on March 18.

Daily big dams, commemorated. National minority and environmental minority and protector groups protested at the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) on Visayas Avenue, Quezon City on March 14 to oppose the construction of large dams in the country and insist on protecting rivers . The protest was conducted in conjunction with the world of the International Day of Action for Rivers and Against Large Dams.

Marcos in Germany, met with protest . The protest of Filipino migrants met Ferdinand Marcos Jr's visit to Berlin, Germany on March 13. The Alpas Philippines and Gabriela-Germany led such protests and attended by German friends organizations. According to them, Marcos's visit to Germany and other European countries from March 11-15 should be the occasion of all Filipino migrants and human rights defenders to condemn the brutal regime that sow wisely violations of the right -To and International Humanitarian Law (IHL).

LGBTQIA+ in the earist, stood against discrimination. The LGBTQIA+ protested under the leadership of the Rainhari-Earist on its campus in Santa Mesa, Manila on March 15 in the face of banning transwoman students who could enroll until hair was cut off. Following the protest, the school temporarily suspended the policy.

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PRWC »Workers' Structure

Another series of nexperia series. Nexperia Workers Philippines Inc. WORKERS UNION (NWPIWU) -NAFLU-KMU is the new series of Removal to be implemented by Nexperia Philippines from April to September. The company at the Union on March 4 announced that there would be about a two -week shutdown in one of its area and to remove 53 workers. The company threatens to be the first in this year's possible series. The widespread implementation of nexperia is a violation of the stated conditions in its CBA in the union. The union is currently negotiating for CBA 2024-2026.

Benefits of PUP Dynitor, insisted. Dyanitor and members of the Janitorial Association (SJ), members of the Anakbayan and students at the Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP) in Santa Mesa, Manila on March 13, Manpower Agency. The protest was coincided with the agency's workers' workers. Last year, the Danitors initially demanded their grievances in the PUP administration and the agency for their incentives, 13th month pay, retroactive pay, and lack of transparency in paying them.

National Day of Remembering Migrants. Migrant members protested with the Department of Migrant Workers (DMW) on March 17 as part of their commemoration of the national day of remembrance of migrants. Meanwhile, Overseas Filipino Workers from Saudi Arabia have come up to assert their wages and benefits that have not been received since they were consumed in 2016 in the country. According to the DMW, the number of such workers is up to 9,000.

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Prwc »in short

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PRWC »Women's Day Against Charter Change

Women's Day March 8, March 8, the women led by Gabriela, and various democratic organizations, to express their objection to the Charter Change (ChaCha) of the Marcos regime, and the call for rights, livelihoods and independence. They marched from España Avenue to Mendiola but were blocked by police at Morayta Creeks. They conducted a program in front of Far Eastern University.

In the program, Gabriela loves a work that represents the "gift" of the Marcos regime to women with Chacha. Inside the box are snakes that symbolize 100% foreign owned, additional US military bases in the country, and extend the office of state officials. The box is wrapped in the US flag.

Similar actions were launched in the cities of Baguio, Calamba, Naga, Cebu, Iloilo, Bacolod and Davao.

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PRWC »Seven, injured in violent demolition in Angeles City

Seven residents of Sitio Balubad in Barangay Anunas, Angeles City in Pampanga were injured on March 12 in a non-police shooting. Police served as a security forces on the Clark Hills Properties Corporation's demolition team to rush to the Sitio to abolish the residents' barricade. The police and Maton were joined by 500 forces. The demolition plan affected more than 500 households in the 72-hectare land that the company seized. An estimated 2,000 residents are victims of land seizures.

State and Maton forces violently destroyed the house near the barricade and forced the village tunnels. In the face of residents' defense, police firing a gunshot wound to seven residents on their breasts and thighs. They also feared two journalists who reported violence.

The next day, the bullets re -entered the selves and broke the windows of the houses.

Bombing. At least 22 bombs were dropped by the AFP from the air to the Abra communities from February 25 to February 27. It was followed by the bombing and sarcasm of soldiers who hit the residents' fisheries, pastures and gardens. It affected the border of Barangay Bazar, Sallapadan and Barangay Bulbulala, Licuan-BAA.

In Bukidnon, 10th ID troops re-enacted Valencia City on March 10, 10am to 2pm. At least 18 times the AFP forces have been bombed with 105 Howitzers located in Sitio Bulachay, Barangay Concepcion in the city.

Shooting. The 2nd IB was shot dead in Sitio Cayang, Barangay Liong, Cataingan, Masbate on March 11 and released an "encounter" in the New People's Army (NPA). The military even forced the barangay officials to sign a certification that made a battle in the area.

Illegal detention and deportation. Filipino activist Marikit Saturay was arbitrary and forced to return to The Netherlands when he visited the Philippines on March 7 to attend his grandmother's birthday. The Bureau of Immigration (BI) at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport was three nights before he was forced to return to the country. According to BI, Saturay is in a blacklist order for participating in "anti-gubynnut activities."

Pressure. State forces in the Family of the NPA family's family are relentlessly interrupted and harasment in Billar, Bohol on February 23. Police have repeatedly visited the family of martyr Perlito Historia during the previous ones Sunday to force them to withdraw the plan to autopsy the victim's remains. Police stabbed Historia's family and threatened without accepting the money.

Violation of workers' rights. The leader of the Technol Eight Philippines Workers Union (TEPWU) -olalia-kmu Mario Fernandez was again being harassed on March 9. It is believed that such pressure is related to their upcoming negotiations for a new collective bargaining agreement (CBA). He experienced the same in 2022.

Meanwhile, the Profood International Corporation company ignored his worker, Isidro Rosell, 62, when an accident at the Mandaue Plant in Barangay Maguikay, Mandaue City, Cebu. Rosell has been working on the campaign eighteen years. He was in an accident on February 20 when he fell into a truck he was carrying with cocoshells that were being transported from the factory. It caused a blood clot in his brain. The company refuses to give him help.

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Prwc »women's burden half the imperialist sky

Filipino women have touched the worst impact of neoliberal policies imposed by US imperialism and puppet states for the past four decades. Due to the policies of liberalization, deregulation and privatization, they are further pushed into the society, where they are forced to adapt to informal, unsafe and enslaved wages.

Most of the women are contained in the most exploited and oppressive sectors of society - workers, peasants and indigenous people, poor in the countryside and urban. In the last decade, more than half of them, ages 15 and older, have not been counted in the labor force because of the nature of the work they do. Among them are millions of housewives who work on farm jobs and receive "sideline" jobs while carrying heavy homework and caring for children. In 2022, women counting to the labor force, unemployed and lacking or unemployed.

Seven out of every ten women considered work are in the service sector. Their jobs here are “low-skilled” or need low skills and irregularity. This is despite the relatively highly reached level of women's education.

In the manufacturing sector, 90% of women were “irregular” and very small (2.7%) were contained in the unions. Many women are found in the factories of large foreign capitalists within the export processing zones, where they are part of the international assembly line (the imperialist global value chain calls). Foreigners are said to be "prefers" to women because of their self-esteem, skill in detailing work such as the assembly of semiconductors or sewing, and overtime sewing. In fact, these qualities are not natural to women, but due to the desperation of the constant employment crisis, which is exploited by capitalists and labor agencies.

Furthermore, they are generally cheaper to pay, compared to men. In the clothing industry, for example, their wage level is less than 17% -25%.

Literal coins are being paid by women's manufacturing companies in poor communities that they are contracting to wholesale to perform certain parts of the assembly work. They are what the International Labor Organization calls industrial workers "home-based." Some of their jobs include small sewing, embroidery, small household equipment, food manufacturing, handicrafts and tourist decorations and more.

In freelance jobs, the wages of the digital work, compared to men are less than 18.4%. This is because of the "traditional perspective" that women are more appropriate for the type of "less complicated" jobs such as encoding, compared to "more complex" and with higher extra-essential jobs such as digital design allegedly ' Y “more appropriate” to men.

In agriculture, the wages of women's farm women receive less than 8% -15%, compared to men's wages. ) ”They play in production.

In order for them to survive their families, many women leave their children, leaving the country to work as helpers, nanny and other jobs that take them to great exploitation, oppression, violence, and in some cases, their death. In 2022, 1.10 million women (60.2%) were migrated, compared to 726,000 men (39.8%). Nonetheless, the annual abereyds were renewed by women's migrant workers (₱ 61,000) compared to men (₱ 126,000).

In the countryside, farmers women have sold the widespread landlessness. Very small number (6.3%) has a solo or land-owned amount of land. They carry the problem of high prices of farm inputs, low yield prices and losses during disasters. Big majority is in debt to the usurers and microfinance institutions, not only for production, but to the daily needs of their families.

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PRWC »Excite the heroism of the revolutionary women

The great contribution of women to the promotion of the liberating movement and the revolutionary struggle in the Philippines cannot be overcome. From the time of the Spanish colonialist, American and Japan's occupation, under the fascist Marcos dictatorship, and to this day, they have not left the purple flag to promote the care of women and the motherland. They continue to resort to the heavy sacrifices and reassure the revolutionary duties.

The modern generation of revolutionary women imitates and inspires the example of Gabriela Silang, who led the liberating movement of Ilocos against Spain in 1763; by Coronacion Chiva (Commander Waling-Waling), who led the anti-Japan guerrilla to Panay and continued against the Marcos dictatorship; by Maria Lorena Barros, founder of the nationalist movement of new women; by Wilma Tiamzon, the general secretary of the Communist Party of the Philippines; by Helenita Parladis, Secretary of the Party Committee in Eastern Visayas; of Beverly Sinunta's mother, Secretary of the Subregion in North Central Mindanao, and Chenchen Banawan; EMARIE PASTIDIO APISSIAL OF HIS PLATUN IN THE BHB-NEGROS and many other women martyred in the field of war. Hundreds of women warriors have their invaluable contribution to the promotion of people's war.

Young women

These women include Ka Lira, a 26-year-old Red Fighter of the New People's Army (NPA) in one of the guerrillas of Southern Tagalog. “I am now fulfilling a political and sometimes political instructor,” he shares. She has been in NPA for six years.

"Every day, I realize that there is more to learn, and to be cut off," Ka Lira said. As a woman and from the birty class, she strives to break the forced image of the woman who is weak and limited.

"There are women's military officers, Isnayper and cumaders, and lead the battles," he said. Often, the new men are shocked when they see them. Their presence in the army is a battle of the macho-feudal thought. “When women see us from the village, they greet us with wonder. Especially the moms, they really ask why I chose to leave a comfortable life. ”

"I told them, this life is not easy, but I accept the sacrifice because I know where it is," he said. "I just show them that there is nothing to worry about."

Courage in dealing with the enemy

Ka Rema, a red warrior of the NPA-North Central Mindanao, did not stand out, even when he was in the enemy's hands. Just thirteen days since the surgery of the Sessary to give birth, Ka Rema picked up the forest to escape the enemy and return to the NPA unit he belonged to. Ka Rema is a key to a BHB unit unit.

Ka Rema was a treason arrested by the military while in the hospital after giving birth. He was subjected to severe interrogation and forced to claim a counter-revolutionary "mission."

At that time, he carefully answered the questions of the military official and made sure that nothing new and magical data were given to them. He believed them and gave him the duty to subdue his red warrior.

At one point, Ka Rema never thought to betray the companions, the masses and the revolution. He repeatedly thought about how to escape the fascist hands. When the opportunity came to flee, he grabbed it. Before leaving, she hugged the 9-year-old son and her baby. "Maybe, they'll understand it in the future too," Ka Rema thought.

That day, Ka Rema arrived at the People's Army camp. He thanked the comrades and the masses who helped his escape. "Thank you and I've been back to my real home!" He passionately greet the comrades.

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PRWC »Armed struggle is the answer to the US-Marcos regime's fascism

The Filipino people's feelings against the US-Marcos regime are burning in all fascist involvement throughout the country, especially in the countryside. The peasant masses were full of wrath in the midst of their poverty and hunger, fascism and land seizure of the reactionary regime to their grievances.

In a desperate attempt to "end" the revolutionary armed resistance of the Filipino people, the terrorist and fascist devastation of the US-Marcos regime and its armed tentacles nationwide are now endless. Expect Marcos and the AFP's false declarations to the "insurgency-free" of various provinces, especially in the provinces that are destined to enter and adopt foreign companies in mining, plantation and plantation and energy. At the mandate of US imperialism, the AFP was also in a hurry to "end" the armed struggle of the Filipino people so that the US military could fully use the AFP in its war in China which is likely to be the late year.

A whole war was recently ordered by Marcos and the leadership of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP). This is the purpose of this alliance with the dismantling of all the NPA guerrillas at the end of March, destroy all NPA balcony units at the end of June, and consume all regional party committees before the end of the year. A thousand military troops, co-workers' police troops and the ten thousand paramilitary armed by the AFP, were sent to roast in the countryside.

Hundreds of villages are being charged by Marcos' fascists. The ruling soldier controls the lives and livelihoods of the people, shuts their mouths, and tramples their rights and freedoms. Decorations and Food Blocks, Prohibition Farmers or Climbing Barangay Armed Soldiers, Home-Homes and Forcing To "Surrender," bullying girls or even married people, drinking, beating, beating And blowing up, firing a gun everywhere-just a few of the rotten ones that make the people think. In the midst of drought and disasters, fascist soldiers are pests that have no other but harmful to their communities.

Using strong weapons, drones and jetfighter, helicopters and Howitzers, the bombing of Marcos's terrorist soldiers in the mountains and fields that damages the wealth of the jungle and poisoned the water, break It brings deep anxiety to the people, especially children, pregnant and older. It has been a great destination for life, contrary to all principles and laws in civilized warfare.

Marcos aims to aim for fear on the people's chest and to destroy them as they are being robbed by large alien capitalists and accomplice comprador bourgeoisie and big landlords. But instead of falling into the ground, they were even more aware of standing and fighting, and wasting the path of the armed revolution.

In the guerrillas across the country, the units of the New People's Army (NPA) are continuing to enjoy the deep and broad support of the peasant masses. The AFP military officials and the reactionary state are furious that despite their intensity-war-aged for almost seven years, the peasant masses have continued to provide political and material support to the Red fighters. Young peasants, as well as young students, workers and professionals, also continue to join the People's Army.

The people's desire to advance the armed struggle continues to fire. In the midst of the fascist involvement of the armed tentacles of the US-Marcos regime, and its burdens of policies further hurting them, the peasant's mind and awareness of the masses are more aware that they do not have anything if they do not have a new people's army in defense in their lives and rights, and with them in the struggle for land and livelihood.

In recent years, the NPA has suffered damage and withdrawal from various parts of the country due to errors and weaknesses of conservatism and unity in its previous success. Instead of daring to undermine the path of continuous expansion and stimulation of the armed struggle, the scope and mass of the guerrilla units of guerrilla units, became passive and vulnerable to the siege of the enemy. In the Party's guide and inspiration, the NPA is determined to correct the mistakes and advance the path of strengthening and blaming the fire of the people's war.

In the spirit of the correction movement, the NPA must stimulate the armed struggle in all parts of the country. Participation is a broad mass movement in guerrilla warfare, use all weapons - shooting and rock, spear and spit, spit and explosion - and launch large or small tactical offensives that can succeed against the vulnerable and isolated parts of the enemy. Enemies the fascist troops of the enemy and all its tentacles as a way of achieving the people of justice and to inspire their resistance. Only through extensive armed resistance can the NPA can be strengthened and advanced.

Since the establishment, five and a half decades ago, the NPA has served as the true town army that promotes the revolutionary intent of the Filipino people for national democracy. In its upcoming anniversary on March 29, we will celebrate the achievements that have been achieved over the last 55 years, pay homage to all martyrs and heroes, and re-determine the determination to advance the long-term people's war, any sacrifice and pain is needed , to achieve success in the future.

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Israel cannot maintain control in northern Gaza

Israeli Military, IDF, continues their brutal folk killing against the Palestinian people. It is estimated that more than 31,600 people have been murdered by Israel's grenades, bombs, missiles and shots. At the same time, their blockade of Gaza has prevented food and other relief from emerging, which has now brought the majority of people in Gaza On the border of famine , the most vulnerable of them are children.

Israel soldiers at the Al-Shifa Hospital

Despite the carnage, the war ruins Israel, which is 100% dependent on the support of the imperialists, which clearly reveals the true character and interests of Denmark and other imperialists in West Asia, despite Mette Frederiksen and other government leaders' hypocritical crocodilles of Gaza's civilian population, and the modest symbolic relief they sending to Gaza.

Netanyahu is trying to insure his imperialist masters that the situation comes under control and that they now have passivated the northern gaza . Still, IDF's recent murderous action in the al-Shifa hospital and the heavy fire fights in the area have revealed how they have not come to life Hamas and the other freedom fighters. Peter Viggo Jakobsen, Associate Professor at the Defense Academy, concludes yourself at: » Israel's strategy is not working and they are still far from their military target of fighting Hamas and freeing the remaining hostages « .

Hamas, Islamist Jihad and P.F.L.P. In a joint statement against the appointment of Muhammad Mustafa as Primary Minister for PA in the West Bank.

IDF right now from one area to another and might establish control As long as they have troops in an area. But as soon as they have left a previously controlled area, the people even restore their armed forces and resume the fight. In this way, IDF goes from defeat to defeat and struggles a wear and tear they will never be able to win. The only thing they are able to murder the masses in Gaza and try to starve them, but it will ultimately only push even more into the ranks of the freedom fighters as the choice between to fight or Complete extinction being painted up black on white. The defeat of Israel and the viability of the freedom fighters is ultimately proof that Hamas, p.f.l.p. And other freedom fighters have the support of the masses and their battalions are made up of the people who fight and resist. Therefore, each bomb is Israel throwing the backlash and their tanks will only turn into steel chests for IDF pigs.

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Prwc »the town | March 21, 2024

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The Communist Party of the Philippines Party The Marxism-Leninism-Maoism Guides the Dam Da Min of Sam Ba Ya Pi Li Pi No La Ban in Re Hi Meng Us-Marcos In To Dong Pa Sis Tang Pa Ni Ba Sib Throughout the ban on, you are already in you. Pu nung-pu no of the hate the mag sa sa sa ka na git na ni ka ni lang hi hi hos and gu tom, pa sis mo and ua aa gaw ng lu pa sa got of reak syu nar yong yong re hi men sa ka ni lang hi na ing.t omo lv no. 6 March 21, 2024 www.philippinerevolution.nu editorial ar ma dong pa ki ki ki you got to get to your sis re hi Meng us-marcos in the gin the la hat of la ra rang ge-ril ya ng bhb in ka ka ka ka ka ka Ta pu san ng mar -so, wa the la's hat of the nit nit nit nit ng bhb in ka ta pu san ng hun yo, and ubu sin la hat ng pan re hi yong ko te ng par ti do do Do you know the year. Puo- pu ong li Mang ha li haw sa ka na yu nan. Hundreds are the only ones who are not the only ones of the people of Marcos. Ki no control of the-ha ha ha ri ri the sun da lo the bu hay and ka bu ha yan people, bi nu You are just the ones you are. Check out Poynt and Blo - ke yo when you are in, if you don't have to go to the kid or go to the kai ngin, ar - ma dong sun da long have raks in the rak, -are we and that we are lit "su- mu ren der," nam-ba bas tos to the da la or ma ging to the people in-wa, nagi nu, nam bu bug bog and nag bu bug bu gan, still have to do it anywhere- some- some la-in des pe ra dong pag ta tang ka na "ta pu sin" ang re bo lu syo nar yong yong yong ar-ma dong pag la ban ng sam ba ya nung pi li pi no, wala lang-ha ba yon the te ro ris ta and pa sis tang na na na n ng re hi Meng US-Marcos and people dong ga la may ni to the whole ban on. Where did the hu wads of the people of Marcos and the AFP and the AFP "in Sur-gency-free" the various pru bin-sya, la long-la lo lo na In the fact that he has not been able to do it and the dams are not the ones who are not able to do it, we are planning to do it and Ener hi ya. At the command of the Im per ya lis -mong mong, the AFP also could have "ta pu sin" that the ar ma dong pa - ki ki ka sam ba ya pi li pi no so The US has not been the AFP in the AFP in the AFP in the Chi of the Chi that he has been in the same year. One to Dong Ge RA is the one who has been able to see that Marcos and the MU is the AR Med Forces of the Phi Lip Pi Nes (AFP). La yu nin diu ma-no to dong-ge ra this is the lan-

March 21, 2024 The Town 2ang.Bayan@cpp.ph T OMO LV No. 6 | March 21, 2024 Content The town is published twice a month by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Philippines The town is released in Filipino, Bisaya, Iloco, Hiligaynon, Waray and English. The Town receives contributions in the form of articles and news. Readers are also encouraged to extend comments and recommendations on the development of our newspaper. EDITORIAL: Ar Ma can you still have to get the Got in your re hi Meng Us-Marcos 1 Give the revolutionary women 3 women's burdens half the sky 4 in other words 5 seven, wounded in violent demolition 6 Women's Day Against Chacha 7 Workers' Structures 7 Protests 7 The mass is in front of El Niño 8 imported lng, Deluge in citizen 9 US Officials, Country in the country It is in the mind of the ma can. In the git of the tag tu yot and those in ku, the more tang sun da lo are just pes and not just another one or not to be with you and my dad's. Ga mit ang ma la la kas na san da -ta, dro ne and jetfighter, he - li kop ter and ho witzer, wa just pi li in ga bi or day the pam bo bom ba te ro ris tang sun Da lo ni marcos in the bun dok and bu kid who we have pin - sa la in ya ng gu bat and lu ma la -son in ka tu bi gan, bu ma ba sag sa ka – ta hi mi kan and nag du du Du lot of ma la Lim who is worried about Ma ma yan, la l lu in the ba ta, bun tis and that you are not. La bis-la bis na pum to sa sa bu hay the du lot ni to, ta li was in la hat of prin yo and ba tas sa si bi li sa dong pa ki ki pag dig ma. Im bing la yu nin nin marcos is the one who is the one in the dib dib of toum - ba yan and pa da pa si la ha ba baaa ga wan si la ng la pa ma la la -king ka pi ta lis tang da da Yu han and you are the ones who are all of her compra to the dor and ma la la king pa ngi no -ong may lu pa. Su ba Lit sa ha lip that - he will still be in lu, la lo si - just that he is not a min dig and lu -ma ban, and bag ta sin the lan das ng ar ma dong re bo bo lu syon. In the lasses of ge ril ya throughout the ban on, it is still true to the ma la lim and ma la wak na su por ta ng ma sang mag sa sa ka yu nit of ba gong huk Bong ba - yan (BHB). The AFP's UPI SYIAL MI LI TAR is not lit and the reak-syu nar yong es ta do na ka bi la ng ka ni lang pi na tin ding to do-ge ra who has long been Years, it is still the case with you in the way you are gay for the s - por tang pam pu ti ti and ma ter yal in PU just in the rig ma. Pa tu lo . Sam is still in the lab that is also the lab of Sam and then to advance the armed forces. In the midst of the fascist fan of the armed tentacles of the US-Marcos regime, and its burdens of policies further hurting them, it is more and more in mind and you can be the one who will not be able to hit you what if he didn't just ba gong huk bong ba that is not the pay ni la tang gol to you just bu hay and ka pa tan, and with them And you are that. In the years, the PIN will not be in the LA and the NPA ras to the BHB in different banks of the ban on you when you are LI and you are a hi- Do you know that and when you are in the middle of the time, he or she is not paying. In the lip he still has to lose the lan das of tu luy-tu loy that is still a wak and when you are still there, ki ki ki ka, ku mi tid the law Ma to the yu nit ge ril ya, who are passive and bul -ne rab le in the cords of the way. In the Ga Bay and Inspi ra sion of par ti do, de ter mi na do the NPA to avoid the ones you can do and su long in the das of MU ling more and more and more Lab of the Fire of Dig - is that. In the case of Ki lu sang when it was not, it was not yet the BHB was the AR - ma dong pa ki ki ka ka ka in la hat ng pa - nig ng ban sa. Participality is a broad mass movement in guerrilla warfare, use all weapons - shooting and rock, spear and sucking, spoiled and explosive - and Ilun sad the ma la la ki or ma li li it that is not open to ba You have to pay for a ban on Ma hi hi na hi hi wa lay na ba ha gi ng kaa way. Bi hin the pa sis tang tro pa kaa - way and la hat ng ga la may ni to bi just yet when you are able to ma ma ma yan ng hus ti sya and to big yang inspi ra Not just a ban. Only through the armed armed resistance map, the NPA can recover strength and long. You have a tag, you can do it, the BHB is the bhb who is the bing tu nay na huk bo ng ba yan nag su long He is not the one of the sam ba ya when he is not yet in the ban ban sang de mok ra sya. In the end that Ber sar yo ni to on Mar So 29, let's not have the gums that you have been in the 55 years, gay-gay-gay in the ha hat of the marks tir and ba -ya, and you are not even the one who is the only one who has long been the only one who is the only one, what is the case and the kit is still in the kit , you can still mit hi to rap the gum pay.

The town March 21, 2024 3hin in the right time the ran is just the bag of you bai bai han in the long you in pi li pi nas. You are still a hon of me - lon ya lis tang es pan yol, yet to copy the ame ri ka no and ja pan, in their lim ng pa sis tang dik ta du rang marcos, and ha gang nga - Well, La Bi ni ti wan waan the li just ban di l a pa la ita gu yok ang ka ga li gan ng ba bai han and mother. B i na li kat and pa- tu loy ni ni nu su ong ang ma bi bi gat na sak ri pi syo and whole tag na bi na ba li kat ang re bo lu syo nar yong tung ku lin. Ti nu tu la ran and inspi rang ng ma ka ba gong he ne ra ki lu sang ma pa la ya in ilocos la ban sa es pan ya in 1763; by co ro nacion chiva (ku-man der wa ling-wa ling), who has been to the ge ril yang an ti-ja pan in pa-nay and has yet to ban la ban sa dik ta-du rang marcos; By ma ria lo re na bar ros, we can not tag the tag ng ma ka ba - yang ki lu san ng ba gong ka ba bai - han; By Wil Ma Tiamzon, the more you know, the Par ti ti do ko - mu nis ta ng pi li pi nas; nor did he le ni ta par la dis, you are my me of my life in the eas tern vi in the yas; When he was beverly, you were the sub re hi in the north central min-da nao, and chenchen was that; By Ema Rie Pas ti dio na upi syal ng kan-yang pla tun in the BHB-NEG ROS and can be different from the other-mar tir in the la ra ng dig ma. How many hundreds do you have to do with the rig and you just don't want to do it for the sake of the dig. Do you ever know that you are just a little bit of you alone, 26 years ago, just 26 years ago (BHB) in one (NPA) In the lasses of the ge ril ya of sout hern ta ga log. "I can just say that to me that you just have to do it with you and you are a little bit of me," he said. She has been in BHB for six years. "A raw-a raw, let me know that we can do it again, and let's go," said Ka Li. Just ba ba ba ba and mu la in the PE ti bur ge- sya, si kap si yang ba ba in gin the pi lit na i ima he ng bae na ma – hi na and li mi Han. "Do you have any more and more people in my life, and you are not, and you are not," said - Ya. You are the one, who is not the only one who is the one who is not the only one who will not be able to see them. You know that the pre sen is in the huk bo if you are still with the macho -pyu dal. "If you do not know what to do with you, you are not at the bar, do you know that you have a lot to do. I don't know if I have ling li and my ling is in the world. " "When I was with you, you were not the only one who was not there, but I didn't even know how to do it," I said, "said . "I have never been to you and that you have not been able to do it." We have been raped by the way you have not been able to do that, just a PU, just a BHB-North Central Min Da-Nao, Ka Hong Hong that you have a way. La bing-tat long days ago you have been in the same way that he is still here, and you have not been able to do that to you and you will be in the same way and can you do that in the NIT of the NPA who is the ki na bi bi la ngan. Su sing upi syal si Ka Re ma sa isang pan la bang yu nit ng BHB. Ka re ma is still in the middle of the mixture of Mi Li tar ha bang na os pi tal ma ta pos ni ya na na na nak. I think that he is in the same way that I have been in the same way and that I have a counter-re-re Bo-lu here and "Mi Syon." In that case, - the one who got the people of the upi syal mi li tar and the yak that you just hit what to go and just have to go to the gay gay This. They are still in the same way and they are the ones who are still in the same way that he is still in the same way. By Min San, you have never been able to let you know that you are in the world, the ma and the re bo lu sion. Yang Pi is a little bit of PI if you have a foot when you have no more than you have. When you are when you are here, it is not the case. Did he go to the house, when he was the only 9-year-old son and the only Gol. "Gu ro, Maiin tin in the same way that he is in the hi ha rap," Ka re Ma thought. That day, you were just like Ka re Ma in the same way. La king is still in the matta ni ya to you in ma and in ma sang tu mu long in kan kasa kas. "In La Mat and have you ever been to my TU nay na ta ha nan!" ma dam da min ni yang ba ba ti ka ka ma.da ki la in ang ka ya ya ni han ng re bo lu syo nar yong ka ba bai han

March 21, 2024 The town 4nas of PIN in LA and to ras the NPA in different banks of the ban on the dilings when you are LI and you are the one of your tis and your tis and when you are in the da ti ti ni tong bot na ta - gum pay. In the lip he still has to lose the lan das of tu luy-tu loy that is still a wak and when you are still there, ki ki ki ka, ku mi tid the law Ma to the yu nit ge ril ya, who are passive and bul -ne rab le in the cords of the way. In the Ga Bay and Inspi ra sion of par ti do, de ter mi na do the NPA to avoid the ones you can do and su long in the das of MU ling more and more and more Lab of the Fire of Dig - is that. In the case of Ki lu sang when it was not, it was not yet the BHB was the AR - ma dong pa ki ki ka ka ka in la hat ng pa - nig ng ban sa. Participality is a broad mass movement in guerrilla warfare, use all weapons - shooting and rock, spear and sucking, spoiled and explosive - and Ilun sad the ma la la ki or ma li li it that is not open to ba You have to pay for a ban on Ma hi hi na hi hi wa lay na ba ha gi ng kaa way. Bi hin is still the only tro tro of the way and the hat of the ga la may ni to bi just when you are able to do it To big that inspi is just the one who just banned it. Only through the armed armed resistance map, the NPA can recover strength and long. You have a tag, you can do it, the BHB is the bhb who is the bing tu nay na huk bo ng ba yan nag su long He is not the one of the sam ba ya when he is not yet in the ban ban sang de mok ra sya. In the end that Ber sar yo ni to on Mar So 29, let's not have the gums that you have been in the 55 years, gay-gay-gay in the ha hat of the marks tir and ba -ya, and you are not even the one who is the only one who has long been the only one who is the only one, what is the case and the kit is still in the kit , you can still mit hi to rap the gum pay. This is not the case with you ba bai hang pi li pi no the pi you are in the Hol that is still the one who is not the neo li be ral na ipi na taw ng im per ya lis you and yet pet na es — let's do this to you. Du lo t ng pa pa ka ka ran ng li be – ra li sa syon, de re gu la syon and pri ba ti syo n, la lo si lang tutu lak in lay la yan ng li pu nan, where that pi pi li tan just you have to go to the tras in the tray hong im-por mal, di lig bag and ma la-a li pin the hod. Ma yor ya sa ka bai han is that you are still in the pi that you are in the man ta la -han and appingly sek tor ng li pu nan— Bo, ma ra li ta sa ka na yu nan and ka lun su ran. In that you are the one, you can do it with you, the age of 15, the age of 15, the only one who has not been to the PWER in the case The trains are still the ones who are still in LA. You just have the MIL yun-mil yong who has the most The baby is not the only one who has children and children. In 2022, you only have 20 mil to do you have to hang out with a lot of money, just don't even go to me and just go. Pi to sa ba wat sam pung ka ba bai - hang iti nu tu ring with tras ba ho is already in secret of ser bi syo. Are the trains of LA di to "low-skil led" or are you really like that-in that and in that and in the lar. In this case it is not the case that you have the bag of EDU ka ka ba ba bai han. In the scene of the fact that you can do it, 90% of the ones are the ones who are "di re gu -lar" and you are still (2.7%) you are still in those unto those. You can do it for me to do the same in the PAs of the La La La La Da yu to hang out in the export proces-Sing zo ne, where is it GI LA NG IN -TER NA SYU NAL NA AS SEMBLY LI NE (TI NA TA - WAG NG IM PER YA LIS TA NA GLO BAL VA - LUE CHA IN). Si na in the "more gus to" of the people yu han ang ka ba bai hang manga wa wa wa da hil sa ka ni lang pa gi ging ki - mi, hu say sa tra ba hong ma de tal ye tu - lad In the sem bol of se micon-ductors or yet hi, and bi li dad in the ober taym. To Too, you guys are here in the world, if you don't have the sod of the des pe rang da la la la la gi the kri sis at the employee, who is in Man ta la ka ka pi ta lis ta and he and he doesn't want to. Hi git ri to, you are more than you - la ha tan is now in the hod in you, kum pa sa la la ki han. In Dustri-ya of da mit, ha lim ba, can it be more than 17% -25% in the same way that you are the only one in the hod. Literal coins are also being paid by the manufacturing companies in the poor communities that they have that who who wholesalers who wholesale to do some parts of the assembly work. They are the name of international labor orga-nization workers who are in-dustrial "home-based." Some of their trains include small sewing, embroidery, assembly of small household items, eating tasks, making handicrafts and decorating Ta Ta and more. In the tras of the free lance, is it more than 18.4% on the hod of you ba bai hangs on the tra ba hong di gi tal, kum pa ka la la ki han. This is the "trad di syu nal nal na na na na na" which is more appropriate for you bai han ti po ng tra ba hong "di gaa nong completi - ka do" "You are more complicated" and there is a lot more than a gang tray ba ba ho tu-lad of the in the tal de sign that it is not "more appropriate" in you la la ki han. In the aged ri kul tu, is it more than 8% -15% that we have a gap at the hod of you bai hang out of the ga-wang bu kids, kuma ka ka ka ka ka ka ka ka ka ka ram pot nang at the hod of Ka la ki han. . In the meantime, you have not been able to do that.) he is not the only one ”is the one who is still in the pro duk. I can still have you in the miles, and you can do it, you just want the children, you just have a ban on the ban on it You have long, ya and other tras are not in the sadness of you in the same way when you are in the man, you are a pi, ka ra ha san, and not only Ta on, you just know that. In 2022, 1.10 miles are you bai han (60.2%) that is why, at 726,000 ka la la la- ki han (39.8%). In this case, is it more like the annual Abe Reyds that have reached you bai bai hang mig ran - teng mang ga wa wa (₱ 61,000) kum - pa sa ka la la ki han (₱ 126,000 ). You are in that way, this is not the case with you. You still have it (6.3%) have so much to do so. Yet the prob le ma is still in the premage of the farm in puts, can i just prey bi li han of the harvest and if you are still in the same way. Ma la king ma yor ya is a little bit when you are in the middle of us and the microfi-nance, just in the pro-duk sion, if it's not a day-to-day raw Laan ng ka ni lang pa mil ya. Do you still know how much you are

The town March 21, 2024 5pa Ka ba bai han ang ka la ha ti ng im per ya lis tang ka la ngi tan

March 21, 2024 The town 6pi tong re si den te sit yo ba lu bad sa ba ng ay nas, an ge les city in pam pa na su ga tan on mar so 12 sa wa l ang-pa tu tu Mang gang pa - ma ma ril of pu lis. The PUSER PWER PWER PAN SE GU RI DAD THE PUS LISS IN DE MO LI TI ON TEAM OF Clark Den te. We only have 500 pi to be in the middle of the purs and ma ton. Apek ta do ng pla nong de mo li so ma hi hi git 500 ka ba yan in 72-ek tar yang lu pan g ki na kam kam ng kum pan ya. Ti ta ta 2,000 re den te ang bik ti ma ng p ang-aa gaw ng la pa. Can he just have the butt in the es ta do and he'll be the only one who can see you and the pi - li tang pi that the bar of the bar is. In the rap of the Gol of the re -DE, Den te, the ba ril is still the ones who have been gat in the pi -tong re si den te sa ka ni lang dib -dib and hi ta ta ta . Ti na kot ni la also the da - la wang ma ma ma yag na ba ba - li ta ka ra ha san. In the day of the day, you have a lot of people to sit down and do you have to do with the bins? Pam bo bom ba. Isn't it 22 BOM is the AFP MU LA log in the air of my dad and my dad at the AB ra mu, And the sun is like the sun and the sun is not able to see the people of the people, the people and the people of Den te. To do this to the hang of the ba bazar, sal la pa and ba ra ngay bul bu la la la, licuan-baa. In the kid non, the 10th ID TROs were taken by the 10th ID at VA-Lencia City on Mar So 10, 10 o'clock at 2 o'clock at 2 o'clock. Didn't you have 18 Be ses when did the AFP's bom bom in the 105 ho witzers who were kap wes to sit yo bu la kaw, ba ngay Concepcion in that Rang syu dad. Pa ma ma ril. It is not possible to have the 2nd IB in the Sit yo ca yang, ba rangay liong, ca tai ngan, is it more on mar so 11 and pi na la -la bas is a "english" - Gong huk bong ba yan (NPA) is the one. The Great and Pi ni lit more of Mi Li Tar are the ups of the people who have been able to do this to the serge of Ka Ka Syon who is still there to Ong May Na Na La La Gar. Ili gal na de ten sion and de por -ta sion. Ar bit rar yong iT and in the pi - li tang pi ba ba ba ba ba na the net her lands the pi li pi nong ak ti bis ta na ma ri - kit sa tu ray when bu mi si si ya sa pi li pi nas on Mar so 7 pa just du - ma lo sa kaa ra wan ng yang lo la. Tat long ga bi si yang ipi ni it ng bu - reau of im mig ra ti on (bi) sa ni ni ni noy aqui no in ter na tio nal air port ba go to pi tang pi na ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba na na ga li — That's a ban on. According to BI, the "Blacklist or Der" is in the "Blacklist or Der" of the "Ti-gub yer of those who are not here." Pang gi gi pit. Walawan-ti gil na in ti mi da sion and ha ras ment the gi-na na na pawer sa es ta do in pa mil ya of only PU no-na na na na na mar t Lar, Bo Hol on Febru go pa ra pi li tin just iat ras ang pla nong iwa top si ya the la bi of the biki ti ma. Nu hu lan ng pu lis is still his to ria and he has been able to borrow it when he does not have the gap. When you have a bag in the world. Mu ling gi ni gi pit the li der of technol eight phi lip pi nes wor kers uni on (tep wu) -o la lia-kmu na ma rio fer nan dez on mar so 9. ni ni wa la ang ang ang ang The other way is that it has been a lot of people to go to her when she is still in the same way as the Gong Col Lective Bar - Gai of the Ag ree ment (CBA). He didn't even have a rare in 2022. In Man Ta la, bi na le wa la ng kum - pan yang profood in ter na tio nal cor Ro ro sell, 62, when Den te was in the man daue plant at the same time, Man Daue City, CE bu. La bing wa wa long years ago when ro sell in kam pan - ya. Den te si ya ya before peb re 20 when he was log in a truck that ki kar did not have cocos - hells that he was ha ko ka ka at pa pa pa ka ka. It has a BLO OD clot in the brain. Tu ma tang gi ang kuman ya na big ya ya ya of tu long.pi to, na su ga tan sa ma ra has na de mo li sion in an ge les citywan kum pa sa sa hod of manga ga – ga Wa sa ser bi bi syo and in dustri ya, that you have never been to the pat on the more you are still in the middle of it.) Do you know what to do with you (and the people) and that it is not the "extent that he has not" the GI is still in the pro duk. I can still have you in the miles, and you can do it, you just want the children, you just have a ban on the ban on it You have long, ya and other tras are not in the sadness of you in the same way when you are in the man, you are a pi, ka ra ha san, and not only Ta on, you just know that. In 2022, 1.10 miles are you bai han (60.2%) that is why, at 726,000 ka la la la- ki han (39.8%). In this case, is it more like the annual Abe Reyds that have reached you bai bai hang mig ran - teng mang ga wa wa (₱ 61,000) kum - pa sa ka la la ki han (₱ 126,000 ). You are in that way, this is not the case with you. You still have it (6.3%) have so much to do so. Yet the prob le ma is still in the premage of the farm in puts, can i just prey bi li han of the harvest and if you are still in the same way. Ma la king ma yor ya is a little bit when you are in the middle of us and the microfi-nance, just in the pro-duk sion, if it's not a day-to-day raw Laan ng ka ni lang pa mil ya. Day of Ka bai han la ban on char ter cha nge marched on the day of ka bai han, mar so 8, an g gru po ba bai han in the pa nung na na ng Gab rie la, and ib a ' Different de mok ra ti kong or - ga ni sa ni, pa pa yag they have their reliance on the char ter cha nge (chacha) of re hi Meng Marcos, and the Pa is not yet Tan, ka - bu ha yan and ka sa rin lan. La Mu la la la in es paña ave nue pa tu ngo sa na men dio la nun nit hi na rang ng pu li s sa kal yeng mo ray ta pa la -mang. LA has not been in prog ra ma in the Rap of the Far Eas Tern univer sity. In the prog ra, the Gab Rie la has one of the OB ras that you can see in the "re ga lo" of re hi Meng Marcos in Ka Bai Han with TAK na chacha. Inside the hon are snakes that Sim bo lo of 1 00% of the Da yu han, the US se mi li tar in the ban on, and more wig wig That's when it comes to the UPI SULTS OF ES TA DO. Ka hon is wrapped around the US ban. This is the case with the guys of the Dads of Ba Guio, Ca -lam, that, CE BU, ILOI LO, BACO LOD AND DAVAO.

The Town March 21, 2024 7 Passing RBH7 to Congress, opposed. Democratic organizations at a people's rally on March 20 were playing in front of Congress to oppose the RBH7, the proposal for charter change (ChaCha). After only a few hours that day, Congress passed the proposal to 288 vote, eight opposition and two abstain. Among the eight objections were the Congressmen of the National Block. In conjunction with the protest in Congress, students also protested on Katipunan Avenue, in front of Ateneo de Manila University. Epek to El Niño, tu gu nan. I had a lot of people, and you had a lot of people in the world, in UPI Si Na of a partment of ag Ricul Tu re in Quezon City on Mar so 7 The re hi - Meng Marcos is not the only one who has been to the El Niño to the Mag Sa sa sa ka. LA insists Marcos and the states of the state are bi g yan si la of and you are alib yo and tu long, la lu na na na ng t a nim da hil in tag tu yot. De mo li sion in Navo tas city, ti nu tu lan. The people of the world are not in the pi of the pi of the banan of the ki lu when you can ma la la ka ya ng pi li pi nas (pa ma la ka ya) in bay ba yin in n avo tas city On the 15th day the Lo Kal Gub yer no was the order of the Lo Kal and the Navo Tas Bay Recla Ma ti on the project. The 650-ek tar yang rek la ma sion is a nu tu lak ng lo kal na na gub yer no and ka so syo ni tong ar gon bay construc ti on com pany, sub-sid yar yo ng san mi gu el cor po ra Ti on na aa a ri ni ra mon ang. As you do not know how to do it, the people of the Kum pan and the Coast Guard are not the one of the people on the 18th. The gru po gru po ban ban ban nor nor ya and ta ga pag tang gol ng ka ka ka ka ka na sa upi si na na de partment of envi ron ment and na tu ral re so urces (denr) in vi in - Yas Ave Nue, Quezon City on Mar so 14 is still the only one who has a La La King dam in a ban on the ban on the rivers. It is not possible to have the pro tes in the bay of TA's entire Mun Do in Tio Nal Nal Day of ACTI on Rivers and Aga Inst Lar Ge Da Ms. Marcos in Ger Many, Na Lu Bong of Pro Tes Ta. Si na lu bong ng pro tes - ta ng mig ran tengi pi li pi no ang bi ba ni fer di nand marcos jr sa ber lin, ger many on mar so 13. pi nun na han ng al pi li Pi-nas and Gab rie la-ger many are the ones who are pro ts t a and no more than the gang gang ger or ga ni ni sion. LA said that TA was a Marcos in Ger MANY and other banks in the EU ro pe Mu la Mar so 11- 15 were da pat ga wing oka sion of la hat of mig ran tengi pi li pi no and they are not even the only one who is still the only one who has the bru tal tal na re hi Meng nag ha ha sik ng ma sa in Hol na la bag sa ka pa tang-human and in ter na tio nal hu ma ni ta ri an law (ihl). LGBTQIA+ in ea rist, which is not a ban on diskri mi na s yon. The LGBTQIA+ has been able to do so in the same way that the ba hag ha ri-ea-rist in the pus ni to san ta me sa, ma ni la on mar so 15 in the rap of ba ba ba wa in transwo man That is not the case that you can turn to the Rol and don't even have a bit of a hok. You are a nod of pro tes ta, pan in - the school has just suspended the policy. In Nexpe Ria. Ki nun de na ng nexpe ria wor kers Phi Lip Pi Nes Inc. Wor kers uni-on (nwpi wu) -naflu-kmu ang pa-ni ba gong ser ye of tang ga lan na na tu-tu pad of nexpe ria phi lip pi nes mu la ab ril hang gang set September. Do you want to have a lot in the un at the 4 so you can go to the ha los da la wang ling gong shut down to an er ya ni to and mag tang gal of 53 ga ga wa wa wa. Let's go, it's just the first time in the serge of the year. The only thing you have to do is not the pad of the nexpe ria is to be the ones who are in the ad or not to the cba of this. You are in the NE go to the CBA 2024-2026. Be ne pi syo of Tor's pup's dya, it is. Tor and Ka Ka and Ka Ka Pi in the Pi in Ma han ng ja ni to ri al (sj), are you in the pi of that child and those es - tud yan te in polytechnic univer sity of the phi lip pi nes (pup) in san ta me sa, ma ni la on Mar so 13 is still the only one who has been to the dies of tor mu la at the starcom man and wer agency. The pro tes ta sa ki - ki ya da ya lo go ng manga ga wa wa in ki na ta wan ng ann syren. During the year it was the first year that Tor's dyes were in the first place and the PUP and the PUP and the PUP and the PUP was still in Sen Ti Bo, 13th month pay , Ret roactive pay, and you have not been to the transpa rency in the Hod in LA. It is the day of the day of the Mig ran te. You guys have been on the mig ran tea in the partment of mig rant wor kers (DMW) on Mar so 17 just ba ha gi ng ka ni lang ni ni ni ta in the ban on the day la in mig ran te. In any case, the over se as fi no wor kers mu la sau di ara bia pa pa ka ni ka ni - just pi nag hi ra pa sa hod and be ne pi syo na hin yet That was your gap when he was in 2016 in that he was banned. In the DMW la la, the boot is only 9,000 to the only ones.

March 21, 2024 The town 8uma bots at ₱ 78.45 mil that you have a pin of a pin in the lan t a sek tor of ag ri kul tu ra du lot of tag tu yot in neg ros occi den tal and part of wes tern Vi to yas, you are so pi that you are in El Niño. La bing-i in (Tat long syu dad and wa long Is that) in the Buang 3 2 MU by Pa Li Dad's to the pi - you are a tag yot tag. Li bu-li bong pa mi l ya the du ma na na na yon ng ka gu tu man and ka sa la tan ng maii nom na tu big. In the Rap of Ka pa ba ya of lo kal gub yer no and re hi Meng Us- Marcos, ka kam bal ang wa lang ti gil na mi the only thing you can do is when I can't even do it to my bong ha-ra pin the lan of the tag tu yot. Ni ni ni niil to the gub yer no koor di na do and an tas-an tas the pla no of the ones to hang out with you when it comes El Niño is a pin. Mu lan na ni la na ni las sul ta ta sion, pu pu pu long and kam pan yang yang ral sa tas ba ngay, and tar get ni lang pa sa-win hang gang an tas ba yan and Distri - to. This is a lot of people who have been able to do that to the Gub Pro duk syon. Ki na ha ha rap yon ng ma sang mag sa ka sa pru bin sya when you are ra ng ka ni lang nim nim. Only 41,140 ek tar ya la mang of the 94,297 ek tar with irrigation targets with irrigation, which is also a tag. You have to go to you, "You haven't been to the 3rd crop ping of the lap and just when you are in the rain in the rain yet." This is a lot of it, others do not want to get some corn and don't pay for it when you are in. Anyway, it's still not possible for you to be - you don't even have to rain in the rain. Others, however, did the GU lay and that was the case that he had been to the Big Big in Ma la la yong ba lon pa pa "It's been a while since I've been hit, you hit the river and the river is not big," said another. Nationwide, only 67% of the government's target has been implemented that irrigation has implemented in recent years. Many canals are no longer profitable, they are used and broken down. Irrigation for irrigation from dams is also reduced as it is provided to in -dustry and turning services. Ma ging the gang ha yop by la is apek ta do well. It is not possible for you to know that you are, and you are not, and other than that of you and that you are not in. There are those who have been able to do so in the heat. You don't know that, but you don't like the ones that Den te is a couple of El Niño. The sob of the heat that has been the epi of the epi dema, you are not coughing, Pon, Pon and the rest of the kit. We have also been to some ER ya so you are the stro ke, when it comes to BLO od pres su re, and you will be there. In the Rap's, La Bis is just a nain - you have a ram pot of ₱ 2,500 and I don't have to go to the Lo Kal gub La yan. La, hu-ling-hu li and still wang pa bas la mang also ₱ 15 mil yong pon do still want to bali bi of pumps and you don't even have a big big. Still ni ni la gan ni la, if not La bi Big yan ng ma ka ka bu lu hang tu-long, han da si lang ku mi los nung sa-ma ma pa sa da ya lo go and compron He was in the Lo Kal and he was. Dag yaw-a la yun pa pa pa pay sa pro duk syon, bi nu hay ng mag sa sa ka ang dag yaw-a la yon, the trad di syu nal na pag pag tu tu - You are in that. In the mog ba ba ha gi ng neg ros occi den tal, i don't know how much we have to do with an er ya in the bung ka and you have to pay a gum in a kam pan ya. When you have a sunny one to be the corn we have to do. "It's as good as it is in Koo pe ra - sion ... Nu su nod na min is the only one" work points, "if he does not have mag sa sa sa ka la hok. Bi, if you have a sun, the gru po ba bai han is not in the mood. Daddy's daddy is here. La, ma la king tu long the ho se sea ni lang na ku hang su por ta. na and ma la yo ang pi ku ku nan ng tu big. " well the tras of the kams po - Yong tag tu yot. In the not yet, that is still the one who is in the mood, "it's just not different from the fact that we don't know." -bi sig the ma sa in ha rap of el niño

The Town March 21, 2024 9 Following on page 10ka Pit-Bi Sig the Ma in the E El Niño's Rap of El Niño Ine I'm not sure what to do with my life, but I'm sure I'll be able to do it. I'm not sure what to do with my life. gulf & Pacific com pany (AG&P) bay bay ng ba ra ngay Ijan, ba ta Ngas City. Ralco po we r, aboi tiz po ‐ Wer (SMGP) Pa Ra Bil 2013-2014 2013-2014 2013-2014 2013-2014 2013-2014 2013-2 Bil yon (₱184 bil yon). 700 met ro ka tu bi gan mu ‐ la sa bay bay pa ra I'm not sure what to do with my life. I'm not sure what to do with my life. lng (liquified na ‐ tu ral gas ). “Re ga sifica ti on” (Pro se so ng pagtranspor ma ng lng mu la sa an ‐ Yong li ki do tu NGO sa ori is a nal ni tong an yong gas. Mag su sup lay ang na ‐ Tu rang pa si li dad ng na tu Ral Gas Sa iti na ta Yong Dam bu ha lang plan tang Pang-e ner is a very nice guy. ti on (SMC). 12 “Ter mi nal” at 35 BA ‐ Ong Plan is a 2013-12-16 10:00:0 at Die Sel Pi to sa mga ter mi nal at wa lo sa ba gong mga plan ta ay na I'm not sure what to do with my life. I'm not sure what to do with my life. Ay pla nong ita yo sa LEy, Navo ‐ Tas City at Zam Boa nga. Isa sa mga plan tag lng, na la lak ita yo sa bay ng tañon stra it sa san car ‐ los, neg ros oCci den tal, ay pan sa mga re si den te, taong-sim ‐ba han at mga gru pong ma ka-ka li ka ‐ san. Ma ra mi sa mga pro yek tong LNG ay iti nu tu lak ng SMC, ka tu ‐ wang ang mul ti na syu nal na mga insti tu syon at bang kong Ja pa ne se, Ame ri ka no at Bri tish. Sa ka sa lu Ku yan, anim na Plan ‐ Tang Lng lng lng lng lng lng lng lng lng ang May oppe ra syon sa ban sa, at li ma ni to ay na sa bay bay ng ba ta ngas. Tam ba kan ng sarplas na lng ng Us ibi nu kas ng Pi Li Pi Nas ang pag- im port 2021 I'm not sure what to do with my life. ‐ Id ng re ser bang na tu Mag-import ng lng 2027. I'm not sure what to do with my life. 2011. I'm not sure what to do with my life. I'm not sure what to do with my life. I'm not sure what to do with my life. Ka ta on noong di syembre 2023. I'm not sure what to do with my life. I'm not sure what to do with my life. du ma da loy sa mga mga mga mga mga. syon kontra sa pag bi li ng lng sa pag bi li ng lng syon kontra, I'll be there for you, I'll be there for you, I'll be there for you, I'll be there for you. Di ma can pag pus lit ng lng. I'm not sure what to do with you, but I'm not sure what to do with my life. I'm not sure what to do with my life. I'm not sure if this is true or not, but I'm sure it's true. ‐ da idang mil yong bish ther mal noong 2022. ga yun ‐ pa man , Dahil sa sob rang pro duk ‐ syon ng Us ng lng, I'm not sure what to do with my life. I'm not sure what to do with my life. I'm not sure what to do with my life. I'm not sure what to do with my life. I'm not sure what to do with my life. as ang de mand at pre syo is to. Pi Na ka-in te ra sa dong mag-import ng lng mga kum ‐ pan yang ame ri I'm not sure what to do with my life. I'm not sure what to do with my life. Bu ma ba man ang Pre syo ng lng sa pan da ig di gang me, I'll be there for you, I'll be there for you, I'll be there for you, I'll be there for you. Pi Li Pi Nas. Noong 2023, Mas mas as you don't know why, $3/mmbtu ang imgbtu ang im por ted Alin su nod sa ta Y ng insti tu te for Energy Eco No Mics and Finaal Analysis, ₱9 I'm not sure if this is true or not, but I'm sure it's true. mu la sa im por ted na lng. Pre syo ng Ener hi ya mu la sa I'm not sure if this is true or not, but I'm sure it's true. na so lar po wer I'll be there for you, gi na wa pang re ki to imported, mga pasilidad at Planta nito, de lub yo sa kapaligiran at ma ma ma yan

Marso 21, 2024 I'm not sure what to do. ‐ sul to sa ka ‐ sul to sa ka ₱2,500 na ayu dang ipa ma ma mag sa ka kang May tat ‐ Long Ek Tar Yang la yan. ‐ ling-hu li at pa wang pa la bas la man The ₱ 15 miles do not even have the pumps and the pumps and you are not yet big. Still ni ni la gan ni la, if not La bi Big yan ng ma ka ka bu lu hang tu-long, han da si lang ku mi los nung sa-ma ma pa sa da ya lo go and compron He was in the Lo Kal and he was. Dag yaw-a la yun pa pa pa pay sa pro duk syon, bi nu hay ng mag sa sa ka ang dag yaw-a la yon, the trad di syu nal na pag pag tu tu - You are in that. In the mog ba ba ha gi ng neg ros occi den tal, i don't know how much we have to do with an er ya in the bung ka and you have to pay a gum in a kam pan ya. When you have a sunny one to be the corn we have to do. "It's as good as it is in Koo pe ra - sion ... Nu su nod na min is the only one" work points, "if he does not have mag sa sa sa ka la hok. Bi, if you have a sun, the gru po ba bai han is not in the mood. Daddy's daddy is here. La, ma la king tu long the ho se sea ni lang na ku hang su por ta. na and ma la yo ang pi ku ku nan ng tu big. " well the tras of the kams po - yong tag tu PARTMENT OF ENERGY THE DISCUSSION OF LA HAT OF DISTRIBLE YU TOR NG KUR - YEN TE MU LA LA LA PLAN PLAN POP RO SO SO SO NG I M POR TED NA LNG. Which is the "e nergy map" of the re hi Meng Marcos, it is a pi of the pi pi nas nas the presence of im por ted na lng and the energy hi yang "re ne wab le" mu la 29% (where 13% are) 35% of the pit of 2 030 and 50% in 2050. Ban Ta in VIP and you are the ones who can do it and I know that I am just a "tran si ti on fuel ”d a hil more ma li nis di no this is still kar bon and die sel. Anyway, it is still the grease of the greens of the greens of the greens of the greens, car bon you noxi de and car bon dioxi de. You know that, lu mi Gal that I had long heat at and mos pe ra kum pa sa car bon dioxi de. MU LAN LAN IN KA SAG IN GANG PAN DEM YA (2021) and that in 2023 the construction of the Ilijan lng ter mi nal. This is the AG&P, a kum pan that you have been to the uni ted Arab Emi ra tes, you are the OSA Ka Gas and JA Pan Bank for in Tio Tio Nal coo pe ra ti on. At the same time, Li by the American company Ne B la Energy was not the AG&P of the AG&P that you were on the lng. You tam bal of the ilijan lng ter mi nal nal the ba ta ngas com bi ne cycle po wer plant you are in lu ku yan na ta yo ng smgp sa s ta. Ri ta, ba ta ngas. Do you want to do it, so you can rug, and you can still rug with Li Dad and you have a rap in the VIP. According to the rally of the world you are in the gru po, B an is the da la wang pa pa si Li Dad, and the rest of you, in the eco s is a VIP Ring syen tis ta bi just "pi ka ka ya na ha b i tat pan da gat" throughout the mun do. In the construction of this, we will have to do the same and the LI DAD is in the law. The Const Ruk did not have the Tor Bo Bo the Sik Lo and Pi ni ni ni - ra han ng are da and other bu hay ma ri no hin di laga sa kag yat na saki ni to, or not throughout the VIP. Do you have to do it to Hi Git is it like you are the co -ral reefs and bags from the hu li of the people. Li ban sa pin in la sa ka ra ga tan, na ha ha rap d in ag & p in ka ka soi of ili gal who is still lit-g mit of lu pang ag r i kul tu ral in the ba ba ngay of ilijan and De la Paz. You also have this ili gal that is the pursuit of yog's pu -no in lu gar. You know that, the "cea se and de sist or der" las the de partment of ag ricul tu re la ban sa kum pan ya If you still have it. La hat of this is a bit of a bit-ba li kat of ag & p and my ja pan bangs. It is possible to do the hundreds of people who are the one who is in the open of the open plans of the plans to do the first Gen and SMC plans. Ba - MU is just going to go with the gong plans and Li Dad, can you just have it out of the day that was in the hu ling is da (tu n and ga lung gong) MU LA 2019. Hi just got it when he didn't even have the pa n gi ngis da at the bay ma la pit in the construction. Dag dag di to, pi na ngam ba han ng re s si d en te The siblings are the gas of the gases in the world, and the VIP is not the VIP in the ma la la kas and the bag is also a bag. Have you ever had a wi, and sib -sib -sib -sib -sib -sib leng not can you - wi, the VIP MU la in the pin in the only LOT of the gas of la ngis mu la at the bar - kong inar ki la ng SMC, the MT Princess Empress, you are no longer the year. La long du du mi La lo also ma di di — dis tor Hi git na ma wa wa lan ng ma ku ku nan ng ka kan yan and ma ging ng ti ra han ang ma ming ko my dad and bay. B u mi just in the middle of the mile pi li pi no is not the only one in the man of the vip. The protest of Anthony Blin Ken's protest, Ka Li - him of the US Partment of Sta Te, in Ma Laca ñang on Mar So 19. At the ban on Blin ken pa ra pu ngin si fer di nand marcos JR and the AFP in the same way that you have not been able to war with the war and still do it in the in-pacific seu rity stra tegy, the estrab he is ge mon ya ni to Asia la ban on ka - ri bal ni tong chi na. Do you go to blin ken, ha los you will be in the right place in the ban on the mar so that can be the upi syal in eko nom ya and mi li tar of the US. Pi na na na ni gi na rai mon do, ka li him of de partment of com merce of the US, de le ga sion of pre si den - ti al tra de and investment mis si on na ipi na da la of US I still have the in-do-pacific eco no mic fra me work, a "su sing" ba ha gi ng in do- pacific seu rity stra tegy. You in the de le ga sion by rai mon do the 22 pi no of ma la la king kum pan yang ame ri ka no, including da la wang kum pan ya in construction sion (bechtel, black & veatch) Do you have any ba bal and Li Dad Mi li -tar of the US in different banks. Adm. John C. Aqui Li no, even the US in the do-Pacific com mand, still in the longs AFP Gen. Ro meo braw ner Jr, you are the rest of us as the AFP's UPI. You have not been able to do the ones who are still in the 2024, who will not be able to see the "pi na - ka ma la ki" to you to say that. Ilu - this is a good time at the nes and pa la wa la la la ab ril 22 to gang ma yo 8. One of the "highlights" of to "in — teg ra ted air mis si le defen se exerci - se," or if we still have the pads in the chi's not. Which nod this is the Stra Te Gic Defen Se Stra Tegy and Pa Pel of Pi Li Pi Nas Bi Pam Pa Pa In De Pen Sang First-Is Land Cha in the US.

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CPI (Maoist) DKSZC Says It's Ready For Peace Talks With Chhattisgarh Government - Redspark

Bhadradri Koshygudem District, March ౨౧, ౨౦౨౪: The CPI (Maoist) Party Dandakaranya Special Zonal Committee (DKSZC) has expressed its readiness for peace talks with the Chhattisgarh government.

Committee Spokesperson, Comrade Vikalp, said in a statement released to the media today that the Maoists were always ready for peace talks for the welfare of the suppressed sections and to establish peace. Comrade Vikalp made it clear that if the government creates an amicable environment then the Maoists would come forward for peace talks. Comrade Vikalp stated that Chhattisgarh Deputy Chief Minister Vijay Sharma was issuing statements on the government’s keenness in holding peace talks with Maoists, but he could not come clear on the DKSZC’s concerns and the measures conducive for peace talks. Comrade Vikalp wanted the government to stop staging fake encounters, militarization of tribal hamlets, to confine armed forces to barracks for six months and to stop establishing new police camps in the villages for the talks to happen.

Comrade Vikalp asked intellectuals, journalists, community, labor, women and people’s organizations and other concerned sections to put pressure on Chhattisgarh government to create a harmonious situation for the peace talks. If the government fails to do so, the public should raise their voice against its Operation Kagaar-Surya Shakti and other anti-people policies on the part of the state government.

Source : https://telanganatoday.com/maoist-dandakaranya-szc-says-it-is-ready-for-peace-talks-lays-conditions

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PC March 21 - Elections ... of good intentions, hell is paved

The Cazzari Electoralist and Reformists of the 'Opportunist left' aspiring parliamentarians

" The elections can, if properly used, become a tool for the reorganization of the left and for the construction of a project Alternative company " -Taking into account that according to Stamegna ... the electoral challenges would be" Currently the only field to move on, * Member of the National Coordination of Power to the People


Can elections be the passage for social transformation?

* Member of the National Coordination of Power to the People

The political elections are framed today as a mere affirmation of internal force relationships to groups that act in a system paralyzed. The purpose is no longer that of a contrast between different visions and models of companies, but only that of testimony of one's existence. The world moves on particular interests a to which you submit yourself to be there.

Someone left organizations, meaning the small formations with these socialists and communists present in Italy today, which could constitute the push for a relaunch of politics as a tool of change, continue to work in the logic of the elections and the majority, to whom they say they oppose, but in which they punctually fall at each electoral round, not understanding that they will not be able to emerge until they will put themselves as an alternative and independent force compared to the general political framework.

This It does not mean giving up to participate in electoral challenges. Currently this is the only field to move on, but participation In the elections it must be framed as an opportunity for

be know and to take advantage of the small spaces of debate more and more limited in an antidemocratic drift and characterized by the accentuated repressive event against each item out of the unique capitalist vision.

The elections can, if properly used, become a tool for the reorganization of the left and for the construction of a project alternative of companies.

Not It can then be separated, now, from the international political context, from the Euro-Atlantist positions and the role that NATO plays as Army at the service of imperialist expansions.

Not It can be separated from the ferments of the square that on these themes They found vigor and attraction in the younger generations.

Not It can be separated from the Palestinian resistance and the genocide of a population now symbol for the entire planet of fight against the oppressors.

Not It can be separated from gender claims, that communication Mainstream currency currency in consideration of the fact that some women have reached the leaders of the command: this is precisely what shows that the liberation of the woman is still long as those women, brought for example, are repressed inside the logic Warfundia and imperialist expression of a patriarchal vision of society.

The inability of some left -wing organizations not to be able to read history e not to know how to grasp the potential that the current context offers, for close in small cabotage choices in the hope of achieving An ephemeral electoral result shows a serious political myopia.

AND' necessary to raise the level of guard and political clash by doing emerge the contradictions of a system that to be able to support The unsustainable provides false narratives of reality and that, not Having valid arguments, use the repression, the delegitimization up to criminalization and the darkening of ideas as the only weapon of defense.

* Member of the National Coordination of Power to the People

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PC March 21 - Antixionist is not synonymous with anti -Semitic - ignorant ...

The edition of Sunday seventeen March of the maximum cloaca of the pseudo Italian journalism of Accattto, the newspaper, contains an article where - as it has always been the costume of this lair of ignorant Buzzurri who demand journalists only because they are in possession of the card of the Order - deliberately confusion between two terms only apparently synonymous.

In the firm to seek a reason to paint the enemies of the "left", in this case the young people who attend Italian universities, such as serial haters unable to dialogue with those who think differently by themselves, try their hand at playing to equalize the Anti -Semitism with antixionism, even giving voice to this Alessandra Veronese, professor of medieval history at the University of Pisa.

Costei says: «The conflict has created an atmosphere of hatred towards Jewish and Israeli students. Hostile phrases, appreciation ostentatious for the massacre of 7 October. Many begin to be afraid, afraid to go around with the Kippah or the star of David, and someone advises them to disagree, for safety reasons, their identity. Hunt for the Zionist? Yes, something like this can be said. "

Apart from the fact that the so -called conflict between the Zionist entity and the Palestinian resistance is not a war at all, but a real genocide, affects the fact that a person who should be of culture confuses anti -Vionism with anti -Semitism ; Nobody, at least on the left, denies the right to exist to the descendants of SEM as professors the Jewish faith: it is Zionism that is executed, as a racist movement that would demand that Palestine was exclusively in its hands, chasing all those who think otherwise.

Bosio (AL), March 21, 2024

Stefano Ghio - Communist proletarians Alessandria/Genoa

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PC March 21 - Egypt and Palestine - what is preparing for the Rafah pass

A desert island closed by a wall: Egypt is preparing for the Palestinian exodus

TO February, on the order of the Egyptian Armed Forces, an area of 16 Square kilometers along the border with Gaza has been flattened. In progress also the construction of a concrete barrier. Cairo denies, but the fear is that the country prepares the arrival of hundreds of thousands of displaced Palestinians.

From the concrete cages along the wall that separates Gaza from Egypt two Egyptian soldiers sign that they do not take photos of work means. To the Rafah pass, next to the entrance for humanitarian trucks, there is one scraper. Other means are glimpsed in the nearby fields.

As soon as One kilometer south of the pass, in early February an entire disappeared Agricultural area: an imperfect rectangle, four kilometers for four, for a total of 16 square km, at the border. It is as if the cut in two: one piece runs along the extreme south of Gaza, another piece along the Israeli territory.

The images, available thanks to Copernicus, sew three worlds together Antithetics: the semidessert Sinai, militarized for a decade of Al-Sisi regime; the south of Israel, dowels of fields

grown and Kibbutz, each of a different green; and Gaza, confused dots of gray, urban agglomerations and rubble.

That flattened was not there. Appeared a month ago, the Sinai Foundation for Human Rights. On February 14, he reported to works for the construction of an area isolated from a wall, « Between the Rafah's pass and that of Kerem Shalom to the east and between the villages of Qoz ABO Raad and El-Masora to the west », « for the reception of Palestinian refugees in the case of a mass exodus ».

TO realize are sources within the companies engaged in the works, commissioned by Abnaa Sinai for Construction & Amp; Building, company which would have received the contract directly from the construction authority of the Egyptian Armed Forces.

TO Dissure the 16 square km of the bare land will be a concrete wall seven meters high, with strengthened safety, the same one that is already seen In the north Sinai: from October more checkpoints, more soldiers.

Il Wall Street Journal cites Egyptian sources: the buffer area could host 100 thousand people. Probably many more: Rafah develops on 64 square km And today displaced people hosts 1.5 million.

The Egyptian area on the border with Gaza on January 5, before the works (ESA/Copernicus/Sentinel-2).

The 16 km² area in Egypt, on the border with Gaza, photographed by the satellite on February 29, after the works.

Available, to want to predict it, there is also New Rafah, the city Ghost: empty buildings, 10 thousand apartments for families Egyptian hunted by old Rafah that Al-Sisi has emptied with blows of evictions and bulldozers. The buildings meet along the road, in half the desert.

To the I pass the officials present tell us that no, those works and those bulldozer serve to expand the roads to improve the flow of Aid at the entrance to Gaza and that the esplanade area will serve by humanitarian hub To store help, host drivers, manage logistics. A project, however, of which humanitarian organizations and have never heard speak.

The President Al-Sisi has always denied, since it started The offensive by the Israeli land in late October, which pushed south The vast majority of the Gazawi: Egypt will not take charge of the Palestinian refugees, of a second Nakba 75 years after the first.

Al-Sisi repeated him on Sunday to the Prime Minister Meloni and the President of the EU Commission Von der Leyen: « Egypt rejects the forced displacement of Palestinians in its lands ».

That flattened says more: that Cairo prepares " At the Worst Case Scenario, to the worst scenario of a mass expulsion from Gaza », The words used by an Italian diplomatic source.

The February 22 The International Monetary Fund, which with the regime Egyptian has been engaged for years in an arm wrestling on loans in change of reforms tears and blood for a people already in misery, had spoken of a " very large support package »To face the economic challenges starting from the pressures that come from Gaza.

Three days later, on 25, ad Arabic , The director of the FMI department for the Middle East, Jihad Azour, he thought it was better to specify: there would be no links between The increase in the loan and the Israeli offensive threatened on Rafah.

THE Palestinians, for their part, insist: we don't leave. From the Cairo ce Basel Sourani of the Palestinian Center for Human Rights repeats this: « Despite The illegal orders of Israeli evacuation, bombs and hunger, 400 thousand Palestinians managed to stay in the north. There are thousands of people Today in Egypt, but there are many more inside Gaza ».

About 15 thousand the Gazawi entered in recent months in Egyptian territory, Very few: go out is a lottery, and you pay dearly, $ 5,000 a head.

It is true, however, that Gaza is no longer there: " 70% of infrastructure and houses are destroyed »Says Adnan Abu Hasna, a spokesman for UNRWA in Gaza. An unlivable place but he too is said to be sure: " Making them A place unsuitable for life can transfer 2-300 thousand people, but neither Two million would remain who will not agree to leave ».

* and the poster

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Oslo: trial against the terrorist lag continues

By a commentator for the Earn Folket Media.

On the night of June 25, 2022, two people were killed and at least 21 injured when Zaniar Matapour opened fire at C. J. Hambros Square, in the center of Oslo. The PST and the E-service have subsequently been accused of facilitating the attack.

Matapour refuses to explain, but the charges are that the attack was targeted against nightclubs associated with LGBT people and the Pride parade, who would take place the day after the attack. Matapour is charged with "serious terrorist acts" with a penalty of 30 years.

Far more could have been killed, if it was not for civilian individuals to throw themselves over Matapour during the cessation of the shooting, prevented him from recharging the weapon, tore it from him and beat him and kept him down. The incident is well documented by a variety of surveillance videos from several angles. Several of these heroes have subsequently struggled mentally, but say they are dissatisfied with the lack of support from the health care system. Among these is the fisherman Mats Riskild Aasberg, one of those who threw himself over the shooter to tear the weapon from him.

Among the injured in the attack were Samir Alnahhar, Tobarnsfar and Palestinians from Gaza. He was shot in his head and tells VG that he has lost the security he had, that life has changed, that vision and hearing have been reduced and that he must go on crutches, and that he has been on sick leave since.

As a result of the attack, the police asked the Oslo Pride to cancel their event on June 25, which several have criticized strongly in retrospect, as an intervention in the freedom of assembly. Oslo Pride has protested the police, and also against the PST and the military intelligence service, which was warned in advance of the attack. However, thousands of people defied the police's "recommendation" and went on demonstration trains against the attack and in solidarity with everyone who felt affected.

It was quickly stated after the attack that Matapour and his acquaintances had been in contact with a secret agent for the e-service, who claimed to be an IS member. This agent encouraged to carry out the attack, and in various ways provided moral support to these - under the pretext for "information gathering". Furthermore, PST must have had a food therapy under supervision. In short, the Intelligence Service and the Surveillance Police of the bourgeois state this attack happened, which has aroused a lot of resentment from those affected and from organizations such as the Oslo Pride and the Association Fri.

Also read:


Matapour indicted for the June 25 terror: trial in March-NRK Norway

Zaniar Matapour in court: These overpowered him

Zaniar Matapour's defender: Fear the E-service made Norway more unsafe-Dagsavisen

The Oslo Shooting: This

The Terror Case: - I hear my friend shout "Samir is dead

Took the gun from Matapour: - I've been lucky | Abc news

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Marxist Anti Imperialist Collective - Zionist War Crimes - for debate

Marxist Anti Imperialist Collective - Zionist War Crimes

Free Palestine 🇵🇸

[Go to the website if you want illustrations and a format : https://mac417773233.wordpress.com/2024/03/09/zionist-war-crimes/ ]

As it always has been and shall always be so long as the fascist occupation force calling itself Israel, its band of degenerate war criminals and rapists attempting to pass themselves off as a “defense force” and the equally vile settlers which illiterates and idiots believe to be “civilians” continue to exist in any capacity, the entire Arab nation and Palestine in particular face the worst genocide in living memory and an existential threat. Since Hamas launched its offensive to reclaim Arab land in response to the illegal and severe violations against their people Israel routinely commits on October 7th, the zionist filth have committed the most disgusting war crimes possible in plain view.

This includes instances of occupation forces making videos on social media making light of the fact that Arabs will starve or die of dehydration on account of their crimes, posting about sending the filth of their bloodlines gifts stolen from the homes of civilians they displaced, dedicating the destruction of whole towns to their spouses and in the case of a particular French zionist abomination, posing on social media with the undergarments of women whose homes him and his pack of unhinged, inbred war criminals plundered.

These are just the instances of the occupation forces going above and beyond to break the spirit of the Arab people and reveling in their criminality. It does not come close to the additional, far more severe war crimes “Israel” has committed such as the deployment of the internationally banned white phosphorus, their informing civilians in the Northern Gaza Strip to evacuate the North before promptly bombing the South, the Flour Massacre where they ran down hundreds of civilians with tanks as they were fleeing and this is only what is most egregious and recent. The amount of crimes this settler colony has committed and continues to commit in this war alone defies comprehension.

That Hamas has repeatedly offered peace terms, the UN, itself controlled by the imperialist yankee filth, has passed resolutions calling for a ceasefire and the general public, even among the profiteers of imperialism in the west have held demonstrations for Palestine and still “Israel” continues its course proves what anyone with any sense has known since their awareness of Israel’s existence. These are not men of reason and for Israel, this is not a war. It is a wholesale genocide with the only goal being the theft of Arab land, the resources in it and the eradication of the native population.

Since the last time we spoke about the situation, at the dawn of the war between Hamas and the zionist entity, we have seen a situation that would be astonishing for those who do not understand the terroristic character of the IDF.

Documents shared on Wikileaks and Times of Israel have revealed what should be common knowledge at this point: the occupiers’ plan is essentially to destroy Gaza and deport the population, considered too rebellious, to most probably, Egypt. The goal is no longer (if you believe it was ever the intention!) to destroy Hamas, but to destroy Gaza.

We remember when the Israeli government, after explaining to the Gazan populations that to escape Israeli bombings and attacks, they needed to migrate to the South, and that now that the North is finished, the South with Rafah is suffering all the fire from the imperialist forces.

Gaza is experiencing an unprecedented humanitarian crisis: nearly 90,000 injured and dead, 1.9 million people currently displaced. Hunger, bombings, death, rubble are the daily lives of nearly 2.5 million people. As even the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, from a cosmopolitan organization that itself supported (even created!) Israel, stated the 30th of January 2024:

Life for civilians in Gaza is a real ordeal. Thousands of people are constantly on the move, having to leave places they were told were safe and living in constant fear. People make tents out of plastic bags and pieces of wood. They live on only one meal a day, if they are lucky. An image remains etched in my mind: I saw more than a hundred children running towards a cart bringing food. We see children everywhere, carrying water in cans, sometimes as young as 4 years old, chopping wood to make a fire. Children have not been going to school for months: schools and universities have been destroyed, destroying all hope for the future. Clinics and hospitals have been attacked, very few of them are still functioning, whether to provide trauma care or to help a woman give birth.”

One of Israel’s most recent crimes, as of the time this is being written, is the Flour Massacre, during which several hundred Palestinians simply waiting for food were crushed and fired upon by Israeli tanks. Israel is in its very essence, exterminationist and seeks to end the existence of the Arab Nation. We must mention that the situation in the West Bank has gotten even worse since the beginning of the war. Israel is limiting far more to the Palestinians displaced in the West Bank, blocking access to main roads from villages, revoking all permits to enter Israel for work and creating dozens of checkpoints. In short, even the Arabs who wanted to be assimilated inside of the jewish welfare state are oppressed!

The two foreign ministers of France and Germany requested an international investigation to determine responsibility for the massacre…While the Israelis themselves admitted their responsibility, and simply explained that these shots were in reaction to Arabs approaching a military post (we must note that the investigation provided by the zionist New York Times indicates that the massacre was planned).

We saw Mélenchon, the representative of the new French social democracy, say in a rally in support of Gaza :

“Long live you Paris, of all colors and religions, you are the epitome of humanity. And eternal glory to Gaza and those who resist” The reader must notice the “honor” of being addressed to Paris, this cosmopolitan city, linked to a romantic love for Hamas. Mélenchon essentially shared with us this dangerous, almost Machiavellian poison of humanism, this idea that the Hamas movement only represents the quintessence of the human ideal of emancipation.

This is why this extreme left always highlights the horrific nature of Israeli crimes, with dead children, famine, old men forced to migrate, etc. This was seen on social networks, on which we saw leftists sharing gory images in order to shock the white middle class…. As if, if Israel was sympathetic in its war, these people would support Israel! We must be clear. Israel is an enemy, whether left or right, it must be exterminated.

The humanitarian situation was so terrible that an American soldier, Aaron Bushnell, self- immolated. We must understand that a man setting himself on fire is proof of a society in revolt. We remember when Vietnamese Buddhist students set themselves on fire in protest of the South Vietnamese comprador dictatorship, fully supported by America. We must salute the courage of this man, and may he rest in power.

In essence, they will affirm “Israel’s right to exist” while condemning the brazen and undeniable genocide, brutality and general violence of “Israel”, but also while refusing to acknowledge that no “Israeli” has any right to any part of Palestine and being perfectly content with the assimilation and more soft erasure of Arabs. An Arab to a neo-zionist is like an indigenous American to the US while to a post-zionist, they are more akin to an Afro-American. The erasure and destruction of the Arabs in Palestine and possibly across the whole of Arabia is a perfectly acceptable outcome for these chauvinistic scoundrels provided the Arab nation is too weak to resist and Israel destroys the people in less violent ways. They are not for this just cause and anyone who believes otherwise is a damn fool.

We must note the statement by the PFLP in response to the Western cries over Israeli crimes :

We call on all living forces, including solidarity and trade unions, to escalate all forms of struggle and pressure aimed at stopping supplies destined to equip the zionist killing machine against our people, whether by opposing decisions to export arms and materials supporting the criminal occupation, or by direct objections aimed at obstructing the transportation and shipment of ammunition for extermination.
We stress the need for everyone to fulfill their duty to support the steadfastness of our people in Gaza Strip, both materially and morally, and the need to work to expand, develop and organize the forms and tools of support.
We call for organizing, institutionalizing and structuring these movements to ensure continuity and impact in order to save humanity from its moral predicament.
We salute the global people movements and their living conscience that rejects the hysteria of the Zionist/imperialist war leadership. We especially salute the new pulse led by consciousness activists in the world, as a true, free, democratic and peaceful expression of victory for the universality of Palestine.”
PFLP-26 February 2024

In short, the organization accepts some support from Western people, neglecting to mention the labor aristocracy. Why? We must explain something simple : the labor aristocracy theory is part of a western critique of the inefficiency of the western revolutionary movement. The third world never needed this theory for its forces. The PFLP kept the Brezhnevite strategy of supporting all communist parties, even the western degenerate ones.

The resistance groups movements which launched the initial war of liberation held a meeting in Moscow to talk between each other, invited by Putin’s envoy in the Middle East:

“In his speech, Fahd Suleiman (General Secretary of Democratic Front for Liberation of Palestine) emphasized the seriousness and deep sense of national responsibility that prevailed in the Palestinian meeting. He also praised the role played by Professor Naumkin in managing the meeting sessions, and the positive assistance he provided that provided the opportunity to agree on the positive statement issued by the two meetings, which necessarily bears the fingerprints of the Russian capital.”

Meanwhile the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine “delegation stressed the need to seize the opportunity for dialogue in Algeria despite the existing obstacles and difficulties, stressing that the Front delegation for dialogue will make sincere efforts to reach an agreement that puts an end to the division and actually begins the measures to build national unity. The Front delegation praised the role of the Russian Federation in supporting the struggle of the Palestinian people, as well as the importance of continuing this role and doing everything possible within international institutions to put an end to attacks and “Israeli” violations against our country, people and our land.”

In short all Palestinians are behind Russia against the West, in the goal of using them against America. This proved that the goal of the Arab resistance movements was never to destroy Jewry (contrary to the several claims of the Zionist medias that pretended the goal of Hamas was “to destroy Israel”) but to one last effort to bring the war on international grounds, to have the support of Russia, China and Iran against America.

PFLP and DFLP both support the idea of an “Islamic and Arab” Nation. This is a good development, since all Palestinian factions support in words the idea of an unitary Arab country.

The problem is that, apparently, Iran and Hezbollah were not warned of the battle, and so weren’t able to prepare themselves for the war against the zionist entity. Had they the political ambition to launch a total war against this Entity? We can’t be sure : Hezbollah didn’t start any Islamic Revolution, in a context where it is the most popular political force in Lebanon. To be a little provocative, the problem of Hezbollah is not that it is an “Islamist terrorist” group like MSM pretends to be, but that it is not nearly radical enough.

Meanwhile, it is probable that Israel prepares itself to invade Lebanon, as it bombs Lebanon daily and even uses chemical weapons against the South of Lebanon (I may remind people that this was the main criticism the degenerate leftoids had against Assad, that he apparently “used chemical weapons”!). Israel knows, thanks to the 2006 war, that it can’t invade Lebanon, and so has one goal : ending the war in Ukraine, so the West will concentrate all its forces and put all its financial power into consolidating the interests of the zionists.

The only solution to this genocide and all ongoing violations is unification of all Arabs against the zionist entity and foreign powers, and political revolution against all of the reactionary monarchies colluding with the Imperialists. Highlighting the criminal character of Israel may provide some reprieve should we receive a sufficient amount of miracles on the day in question, but there is no positive outcome that does not entail the eradication of the monstrosity known as Israel.

A. Friends & G. Jadid 9/3/2024

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Turkey - Newroz

Türkiye. This Week is Newroz the Kurdish celebration of again. Newroz is for resistance National of the Kurds an important day, this day stands out its own identity national. The TKP/ML declared : “Newroz is an act of awakening, resurrection and taking awareness of the chains themselves. Without a doubt, Newroz is a celebration to those who tried to be enslaved, assimilated, whose culture was destroyed and whose language was prohibited by the Turkish rulers due to their National identity. It is a fight for awakening, resistance and release of all these dominations of the Kurda nation, which is tried Keep under national oppression. This fight for liberation was repressed by the fascist dictatorship with massacres, destruction, prohibitions and denials Newroz was prohibited by fascism as well as being Kurdo. ” Until today the Kurdish people are permanent objective of assimilation campaigns or genocide. The TKP/ml that fights in Dersim (region populated by the Kurds) Highlights the right of self -determination of the Kurdish people against chauvinism Kemalist who asserts that the Kurds are part of the Turkish people denying their National identity.

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Argentina/Messico Class struggle - Info

Argentina. All our solidarity to the proletariat and Argentine peoples! Below Milei's fascist government!

Mexico. School students Normal Rural "Raúl Isidro Burgos" by Ayotzinapa, Guerrero, continue the protests after the murder of the partner statement "No authority made available to This FGE to the state police involved ... at no time is this prosecutor State had in the quality of detainees these public servants ” . During This demonstration the young people launched some firecrackers towards the facilities and burned 11 official vehicles, reporting 17 agents injured, 13 of the National Guard and 4 of Research. Today, March 18, the Students made a lock-slope on the Sun Highway Mexico-Acapulco demanding the Federal Government and the State Government immediate delivery of the escaped police and the cessation to the lynching campaign against Students and parents. Ayotzinapa compas denounced that The date has been killed 11 students and missing another 43 of that same institution. While the student community and parents justice demand for Ayoztinapa - converted into the target of the attacks of all levels of government and all bourgeois six years and parties AMLO asks students "Do not abuse" In its manifestations. Bureaucrat López Obrador says that "The army is uniformed people ... and there is no President's instruction to suppress anyone ” And take the opportunity to hit again to democratic organizations in resistance, holding that They helped the regime ... "Calling No vote; All these organizations, even the supposedly more radical, low the handling that all are the same, and that helped to delay and mediate the change, transformation " . The Federation of Socialist Peasant Students of Mexico (FECSM) is right when sustaining mobilizations and providing them with A combative character against the regime. The various electoral matches not only They are the same, but all without exception belong to the great bourgeoisie and They fulfill a counter-insurgent work. In that sense the call to maintain the Fight for Truth and Justice for Ayoztinapa is as legitimate as the call to the boycott against bourgeois electoral farce. Curb The war against the people! Do not vote, organize and fight! Ayotzi lives, the FIGHT FOLLOW!

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PC March 21 - '"War Economy"

There is not much to add, to explain in the face of the serious statements of the President of the European Council, Charles Michel - which we report below - that speaks of "war economy" and if we want peace you have to make war.
Of course, we are in the period of European elections and the tones deliberately get strong to collect consents, but the statements made by Charles Michel go together with facts and other statements: Yesterday the EU decided a new equipment of 4.5 billion at Ukraine, the first package of 50 billion; Macron also hypothesizes the sending of his soldiers to Ukraine; The doubling by the end of 2025 of the current military production is announced ...

In fact, an extension of the war is announced, at least in Europe, in the name of "our own security".

What does it mean rebbe " War economy ", what effects would they be for the masses? It would mean concentrating part of the economy, funds, production, resources in military production; Yes speaks of "duplicate assets" that is, assets that even born For civil use, for medicine, scientific research, etc., they can be used for military purposes ; Then move the government funding to military missions and armament, removing them more and more in funds for work, income, social services, health, school, etc.

The "security" he is talking about is that of the imperialists, certainly not that of the popular masses which would be, precisely from this extension of the interventions put at risk. And that it is not the "defense" the commissioner himself says when he declares that for the first time in the history of the EU, lethal weapons will be delivered to Ukraine.

The closure of this writing by Charles Michel is equally disturbing. He writes: this battle requires one leadership forte: To mobilize our citizens, our businesses and our governments ... ". What does" strong leadership "mean? If not the clear declaration that war and governments of modern fascism.

Charles Michel: "If we want peace we have to prepare for war" - Gentiloni: "You have to hurry".

"... the wind is changing, at least in the intentions of Brussels and a large front of capital, united in the conviction that A new weapon race has begun . And that, therefore, Even the European bank ... it must now wear the helmet and finance projects for the defense : the pressing is the subject of a letter signed yesterday by 14 countries, including Italia, France and Germany ....

... how to finance the new common defense, however, it is still not known. The commissioner for the economy Paolo Gentiloni speaks of possible new common debt ... "

From the intervention of Charles Michel President of the European Council

"... Russia represents a serious military threat for our European continent and for global security. If the EU reminder will not be adequate and if we do not provide Ukraine sufficient support to stop Russia, we will be the next.

We must therefore be ready to defend ourselves and move on to a method of "war economy". AND

The time has come to take responsibility for the our own safety. We can no longer count on others or be at the mercy of electoral cycles in the United States or elsewhere.

We must strengthen our ability, both for Ukraine and Europe, to defend the democratic world. A stronger Europe will also contribute to strengthening the NATO alliance and strengthens our collective defense.

We can be proud of what we have done so far, but there is still a lot that we can and have to do.

In a phone call two days after the start of the war, President Zelensky asked the EU to send weapons. Together with the high representative Borrell We worked with EU leaders to deliver lethal weapons to Ukraine. It had never happened before in the history of our union.

We also intensified our action on the military front. From the beginning of the war The European Defense Industry has increased its production capacity by 50% and by the end of next year we will double the European production of ammunition, bringing it to over 2 million pieces.

We have to do more to help Ukraine and strengthen our European defense. We must be able to speak not only the language of diplomacy, but also that of power.

This year, Russia should spend 6% of the GDP for the defense, while the EU continues to spend less than 2% of the GDP expected by the NATO goal on average.

For decades, Europe has not investing enough in our safety and defense. Today we are faced with the greatest security challenge from the Second World War, so we must strengthen our promptness to the defense. To do this, it will be necessary that Our thought composes a radical and irreversible transition towards a Mentis form focused on strategic safety.

We must give priority to Ukraine e We must also spend more , in an intelligent and less fragmented way ...

Our goal should be to double our purchases by the European industry by 2030, so as to guarantee greater predictability to our companies. Multi -year contracts will also encourage them to increase their production capacity.

Investments in the defense are expensive , but without it is impossible to increase our production in this sector. We have to find ways for facilitate industry access to both public and private funding. Even the issue of European defense bonds in order to raise funds to buy material or make investments in our industry could represent a powerful means to strengthen our technological, industrial and innovation basis. We must also evaluate the possibility of expanding the mandate of the European investment bank and adapt the loan policy to allow us to do more in support of our European defense industry, for example changing the definition of dual use assets.

This battle requires one strong leadership: to mobilize our citizens, our businesses and our governments in favor of a new spirit of security and defense throughout the European continent.

If we want peace, we must prepare for war ".

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The new MFPR sheet of 8-9 March

Download it, spread it, send it via the internet

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PC March 21 - The new MFPR sheet was released: the great mobilization of 8-9 March

Download it, spread it, also circulate it via the internet

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CPI (Maoist) CC Calls Upon Masses To Celebrate March 23rd As Anti-Imperialism Day - Redspark

Hyderabad District, March 21, 2024: The Central Committee of the CPI (Maoist) has called upon all democratic forces and others including peasantry, Dalits, women’s organizations, and others to celebrate March 23 as an anti-imperialism day with revolutionary spirit and enthusiasm.

It also appealed to the masses to conduct seminars, meetings, rallies upholding the ideas of Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev and Rajguru; and to expose the alleged treacherous design of the Hindutva forces to saffronize Bhagat Singh and his comrades who laid down their lives fighting the imperialist forces.

A statement issued today in the name of Comrade Pratap, spokesperson for the Central Regional Bureau of the Communist Party of India (Maoist), has emphasized the need to combat imperialism and Brahmanical Hindutva fascism, advocating for a New Democratic India.

“March 23 holds historical significance as it was the day Bhagat Singh, Sukdev, and Rajguru were martyred by British colonial powers,” Comrade Pratap said, adding that the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) had no moral right to even speak about freedom fighters and to hijack the freedom movement.

Comrade Pratap criticized the post-independence economic policies, accusing ruling classes of serving imperialism and exacerbating exploitation. Pointing at the BJP government led by Narendra Modi, Comrade Pratap accused it of facilitating foreign capital exploitation through various flagship programs. He also criticized the BJP’s alleged promotion of Hindu Rashtra ideology, contrary to the secular and socialist ideals upheld by Bhagat Singh.

Source : https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/telangana/cpi-maoists-appeal-for-celebration-of-anti-imperialism-day-on-march-23/article67974953.ece

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PC March 21 - 12 noon counter -information Rosso Operaia - still on Palestine - situation in factories - The importance of worker training

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Current situation: Notes on the global crisis (8 agricultural movements in the EU III update)

The Agrarian movements in the EU III

We have said, at the beginning of this Theme of "Agrarian movements in the European Union (EU)", which today We continue, that we did to raise our position and demarcate with the official representatives and the monopoly of the press about the protest or Demonstration of farmers (Bauerkampf), where they put everything by way of tailor drawer under that concept of farmers, this is the great monopolists and other capitalists of the countries EU imperialists, who exploit agriculture as a special field of the investment of capital and true farmers, to the proletariat Agrarian and peasants

Our main purpose, in The frames of these notes, which do not have the claim of articles, no However, it leads us to differentiate, as Marx established it, to the True farmers -the agro workers and the little peasants (poor peasants)-, of capitalist businessmen who invest their capital in the exploitation of agriculture.

Also, to differentiate Imperialist countries of oppressed countries within the "EU". And, try to explain What does the "reform" of the common agrarian policy (PAC) and the model respond to European Agricultural (MAE), the struggles and the situation of the different classes Faced with this "reform."

Changes in the agricultural model European (MAE) and common agricultural policy (PAC) -the problem of subsidies, markets and agricultural prices, etc.-, some points for the moment, according to the official version:

- He MAE HE cataloged as a frame that encompasses the diversity of regions, European agricultural traditions and systems .

- Small agriculture Scale and structural change , towards a growing diversity of models agricultural, has important implications for governance, but also should allow an adaptation of agricultural systems according to their site In all European regions.

- El it HE will form through adaptation strategies adopted in Each exploitation and along the value chains To respond to the specific challenges of each sector and external let them go raising.

The "reform" of PAC ”and the new Mae, is a process underway to restructure agricultural production to value chains monopolies (vertical integration), as they themselves write, to Respond to the specific challenges of each sector and external. It is politics Agrarian of the EU imperialist powers, in collusion and struggle, which " covers The three elements of sustainable (economic, ecological, social) development , that "attenuates the Effects of market mechanisms in he Structure adjustment l y la r Systems Resilience Food ”.

The so -called "reform" are in reality political measures to specify in the current conditions the objectives set forth in the previous paragraph, and that pursues the largest penetration of financial capital and monopolies by the generated In agriculture of Eastern Europe (the east and southern Europe), not only belonging to the EU, but also to European countries outside the "union" such as Ukraine or other Third World countries, through "help" or New commercial treaties such as the EU-MERCOSUR, EU-India, etc. For condition the agriculture of the countries oppressed to the needs of the imperialism.

This process is not from now on. Process, which according to imperialist needs, combines protectionism with "Opening" of markets ("liberalism"), prices and subsidies, which charges more Force since the beginning of the 80s, it increases in the 90s and has great impulse In 2000 and 2013 to “adapt” to the norms of the World Organization of Commerce (WTO or WTO) and the new international conditions of the dispute Inter-imperialist. It is necessary, in relation to the above, to study better on the controls of origin, pesticides, biological agriculture and the so -called regional products, etc.

It is important to take into account the relationships between industry and agriculture in the development of capitalism, the use of machines in agriculture and their development as Internal and foreign market for the industry.

About this process, Representatives of the reactionary parties and media commentators, They say that the political consensus on the agrarian policy of the EU has been broken, that before it was easy to reach a consensus with agrarian representatives, which Now that is more difficult.

Then, the process march in the midst of strong contradictions between the opposite interests of the great monopolists in convergence with other capitalist sectors and the conservative peasants of the imperialist tins of Europe Western, similar to the case of the US with the commercial "treaties" of the USA with Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, etc. Points against him proletariat and little peasant.

One of the ways, in which They express these contradictions, it is the protest of the peasants (Bauerkampf), among which are the great monopolists of the sector and other great agrarian producers, which as it has transcended, are the ones that are the most They benefit from protectionist policies and subsidies in Germany, France, Belgium, Italy, Spain, etc. while the European Commission and its PAC They act as the representative of the set seeing the need to “reform” the PAC for "structural change" and "the new internal and external challenges."

We cite from the European Commission, In summary, the PAC history of its origins to the present, to Show what we rely on to say the above:

1958 The Treaty of Rome places the agriculture at the center of the activities of the

New European Economic Community and assigns the task of achieving greater

agricultural productivity , a fair standard of living for farmers,

availability of supplies, markets stabilized y a chain of

Safe supply with prices reasonable .

1962 launch the PAC, Establish Common Market Organizations (OCM)

of cereals, pig, poultry, wine and fruit.

Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee (Foaga). It is established A guarantee system

Based on prices support production to ensure the sale of

agricultural production .

1968 Since not only HE has reached self -sufficiency , but also

has greatly overcome the approach moves towards the creation of a

greater balance between measures aimed at agricultural markets and the

intended to modernize Agricultural structures.

Grades: After the postwar crisis and the application of the market protectionism and then within the PAC, “it was achieved the self -sufficiency agricultural and livestock to the community block and the problem of the Overproduction . HE They generated surpluses of the main agricultural products, causing the accumulation of stocks , which had to export (with the help of subsidies) in the best of cases, donated to Developing countries and other times stored or destroyed within the EU. ”

That is, the crisis of overproduction of the EU imperialist countries was exported (and followed doing) to Third World countries, following the example of imperialism Yankee, contributing to maintaining the misery and delay in agriculture of the Third World, that is to say the semicolonial or colonial situation and the semi -feudality, developing on that basis bureaucratic capitalism to service of your imperialist interests.

M Odernize structures agricultural

1984 A system of dues to limit overproduction and administer

supplies for products Like milk . Producers who exceed their

quota are now obliged to pay a tax for surpluses.

1985 The Green Book on PAC perspectives presents ideas for greater

debate, such as the reduction of support for prices and diversification of

income support measures agricultural. These ideas include recognition

that in addition to ensuring our food supply, the Agriculture

contributes to the maintenance of social fabric in rural areas, protection

of the earth and the conservation of natural resources .

Note: Need for small agricultural farms for the rest of capitalist farms in the capitalist agriculture for agricultural workforce under conditions such as They say, of limitations to the immigration of the labor force of the Third World. Population needs of rugged and remote areas.

1992 The reform MacSharry introduces a new support approach to

farmers, with the objective of reduce the budget of the PAC , Cut the

Overproduction y fulfill them obligations under trade

International . Agreements

1999 The Agenda 2000 program It paves the way for politics reform

EU regional and PAC, and seeks strengthen EU's ability to receive

new members and continue complying with the rules of the organization

World Trade about International Trade .

2003 the Fischler reform, also known as "review

Intermediate, "check the PAC. Enter the innovative single payment regime

(RP u), but eliminates The link between the subvent and the production volumes

For a large part of the aid of the PAC .

Reform of 2013: The 2013 reform defined the general lines of the PAC for the 2014-2020 period.

( Summarized from: 1962-2022: The common agricultural policy of the EU at 60 'in the

Think tank pages of European Parliament)

Note: Reform 2022-2027: It is the one that has entered collusion and struggle

Seen the above, we briefly see the Development of capitalist agriculture in advanced countries (imperialists) and in the back (semicolonial) countries of the EU, starting of the same sources of the commission with our comments.

1. The displacement of small production by large production in the agriculture in advanced countries and the concentration of the land in the backward countries of the EU

The development of agriculture In EU 27 it is considered and defined by the EU in the so -called agricultural model European, of which one of its documents says:

"(...) as a frame that encompasses The diversity of regions, traditions and European agricultural systems reflected in The wide variety of agricultural structures , types of cultivation of The land and product range "

“ (…) change process long -term structural ", as:

Change to a Growing Diversity of Models , which should allow an adaptation of agricultural systems according to its site in all regions European .

They highlight a decrease substantial of the number of agricultural farms in almost all NUTS regions EU-27 (NUTS are abbreviations for nomenclature of Statistical Teritorial Units 2).

And increase significant the size or intensity of the remaining farms I a greater dependence on union with respect to imports agricultural , that is your projection.

This tendency a the agricultural concentration It is especially evident in the South and Eastern regions s. The mountainous areas also They run a high risk of abandon o.

Their projections predict a greater polarization of the agricultural structure , with an abandonment and a continuous specialization in all scenarios.

Los Factors drivers of the decline of agricultural farms are mostly structural,

economic and social And, to a lesser extent, environmental.

On the effects of PAC , they say: factors such as subsidies and agricultural prices, and macroeconomic and demographic variables They perform Greater role in the new Member States And they affect different from the different types of farms.

Case studies, They demonstrate that the main structural factor of the decrease in number of farms It is an e market structure that favors Intensive production and large -scale farms , linked to some more and more reduced margins and to the low negotiation capacity.

In addition, the barriers to the entrance aggravate the problems of demographic change (aging of populations) and the rural exodus.

Although there is concern for the Union subsidies system (PAC), consensus is maintained

regarding such aids are indispensable, but must adapt even more to reverse the

negative effects ”(of synthesis: Research for the Agri - the future of the European agricultural model: socio -economic and territorial repercussions of the decrease in the number of agricultural farms and farmers in the EU)

Our comments :

Europe is first and foremost a geographical concept, but We talk about Western Europe and Eastern Europe, we are no longer talking of geographical but economic-social concepts. As Engels said at the end of 19th century and Lenin reaffirmed, after 1905, Eastern Europe is not a geographical concept but economic-social. This is necessary to advance because We will find this reality when dealing with the agrarian problem in Europe, In addition, that among the countries there are differences of degree and also within each country, as for this problem there are regional differences, more marked in Spain and Italy. In the same countries of Eastern Europe there are differences among them.

Important not to be left confuse when official studies and reports treat the “change structural ”in the agricultural farms of the EU generalize about the process of disappearance of small agriculture for the benefit of the big one in the developed or imperialist capitalist countries, and of the minifundios in benefit of the great landowner property in the development of capitalism Bureaucratic in agriculture in oppressed or backward countries.

Marx established the law of Displacement of the labor force not only in relative terms but absolute with the development of capitalist agriculture unlike decrease in the relative labor population in the industry while the employment absolutely.

Problem is that, in many cases, the classification or determination of the agricultural structure is done as If in EU 27 there was a single economic world in agriculture, without Differences in the development of capitalism, based on this, sometimes classifies agrarian companies not for their investment and accumulation of capital, but for its size measured in hectares. This leads to the confuse to true agricultural producers, workers and small peasants, with capitalists who invest their capital in agriculture.

Take into account, also, the need for small agricultural farms for the rest of the capitalist farms in capitalist agriculture for the force of agricultural work in conditions like themselves says, of limitations to the Third World Labor Force Immigration.

The above is behind terms such as diversity, small production, abandoned mountainous areas, etc

They need, in countries of Western Europe, set a certain amount of population in the field for agriculture and settlement; Thus, as in the backward countries of Europe Oriental, the development of bureaucratic capitalism in agriculture on the basis of the estate, the minifundio needs to maintain the peasantry so that Work Force suppl

Commenting on the aforementioned: in The countries mentioned above seek to maintain the landowner-minifundio binomial, so that it is the little peasants who provide labor force cheap, low salaries, for food security and the industry of the Imperialist countries, as well as small agriculture in countries Imperialists, for remote and mountain areas for these for reasons of settlement and delay.

EU Agrarian Policy pursues to subordinate the agricultural production of semicolonial countries to their Imperialist needs. The form will be through unequal treaties. "Help" to Ukraine or "Free Trade Agreements" to bring cheap soybeans from Brazil, Argentina, Bolivia and other countries. While they export capitals, supplies, machinery and knowledge, organizing their chains of value under their monopolies in these places, flooding this countries with their Cheap goods.

Important always keep in mind of the two aspect that implies the penetration of imperialism in the countries Oppressed or backward from the Third World, which penetrates to Europe itself (President Gonzalo).

He President Mao, applying Marxism-Leninism, to the specific study of the History and Chinese society, established the character of society and Chinese revolution. When it deals with the character of Chinese society and changes operated by the penetration of imperialism in China, establishes the two aspects that are inseparable from this domination:

"However, the new phenomenon We have talked about, the emergence and development of capitalism, It constitutes only one aspect of the change operated following the penetration of the Imperialism in

China . There is another aspect that is concomitant with the first and that, to the time, hinder it: the collusion of imperialism with feudal forces Chinese to prevent the development of Chinese capitalism .

By penetrating our country, Imperialist powers in no way they intended to transform China feudal in a capitalist China. His goal was the opposite: to make She a semi -colony or colony.

To do this, the powers Imperialists have used and continue to use all means of oppression military, political, economic and cultural, which has allowed them to convert Gradually to China in a semi -colony and colony. ”

National capitalism has developed to some extent and play a considerable role in China's political and cultural life. However, has not reached become the main form within its economic-social regime ; is very weak , and for the most part it is (more) or less associated with foreign imperialism and internal feudalism ”(President Mao Tsetung, The Chinese revolution and The Communist Party of China, December 1939).


1. On some occasion we asked us Why did the EU paid the Farmers to leave the land in fallow? They refer to

The Commission produced further proposals to address budgetary concerns in 1987 which were

adopted in 1988; to the EU Structural Funds to support restructuring and rural

development. Socio-structural measures were introduced to complement restructuring including

measures to reduce the area under cultivation (set-aside and early retirement) and measures to

compensate farmers for the adverse effect of stabilisers to their income (such as direct aid to

incomes, support for extensification - reducing livestock stocking density - and for the conversion

to products not in surplus). Support for environmentally-friendly farming methods became an

option for Member States in 1987 (Daugbjerg and Feindt, 2021).

We think, which mainly has to do with the measures against the crises of Overproduction of the sector. We rely on the historical summary of the PAC of the Own European Parliament: '1962-2022: the common agricultural policy of the EU to 60 '. But it is necessary to deepen more in the study of the agricultural issue and Agricultural policies to have a more complete explanation.

2. On EU's food policy, expressed as follows:

2019 He European green pact establishes EU's commitment to address

Challenges related to climate and the environment acting in a series of

areas policies, included Agrifood policies.

2020 in line with the road map of the Green Deal , the strategies 'of the

farm to the table 'and biodiversity .

2022 The commission services analyze the strategic plans of the PAC in a

dialogue structured with member states, with the aim of approved

opportunely the strategic plans for its implementation from the 1st of

January of 2023. The renovated PAC is considered a key policy to advance

toward Most sustainable food systems (of the summary mentioned above).

About The EU and PAC food policy, we transcribe some quotes from Carlos Marx,

(Manuscript Economic of 1861 - 1863) about the subsistence means required by the worker to

keep as a worker, to live as a worker and to procreate. That is, for the production and reproduction of the workforce, based on the assumption that Each capitalist when he establishes his company

considers to wages as something given in the place and time where it is established.

We notice, that with the following appointments, we do not intend to clarify the issue of the EU policy and all propaganda in the media on healthy food or safe, with agri -food policies, climate and environment, We just want to give an idea of meaning of those policy and that propaganda, of that bombing in all media and Different scenarios of "healthy food", vegetarian, vegan, etc. We believe it is necessary to deepen the subject.

Next the quotes:

// "Reduce the subsistence cost of man, through decrease

of the natural price of food and clothing, thanks to which

HE Holds life, and wages will ultimately go down, to

WEIGH That demand for workers can increase

BASTANTE ” (Ricardo, On the Principles of Political Economy, 3rd ed., London,

1821, p. 460). //

//"He natural price of work is the price that is necessary to allow

workers, One next to the other, subsist and perpetuate its race, without increasing

neither decrease. The ability of each worker to sustain himself and

to its family does not depend on the amount of money you can receive as

salary, but in the amount of food, basic goods and comforts

that this money can buy. The natural price of work, consequently,

depends of the price of food, essential goods and

MOD CONS ... With an increase in the price of food and goods

OF First necessity the natural price of work will increase; with a

drop Of its price, this will fall ”(Ricardo, L.C., p. 86). //

// He English fish (unit of measure for cereals) = 1⁄4 bushel.

There are 8 BUSHELS IN A QUARTER. The standard bushl contains 2, 218 and 1/5

inches cubic and measures 19 1⁄2 inches in diameter and 8 1⁄4 inches

depth. Malthus says:

"Starting of a comparative review of the price of cereals and salaries

from The kingdom of Eduardo III onwards, we can conclude that, during the

last 500 years, a day -day profits in this country have been more

frequently Below a fish of wheat; This wheat fish could be

considered somehow as a midpoint, or a point rather

BY Above the middle, around which work salaries

IN Cereal terms have oscillated, varying depending on the

Oferta y La Demand ” (Malthus, Principles of Political Economy etc., 2nd ed.,

London, 1836, [p. 240,] 254). //

Marx dice:

Yes one lower quality merchandise is placed in the place of one more

valuable And better, which was part of the main means of

subsistence of the worker, for example, if corn or wheat replaces

to the meat, or if the potatoes are introduced instead of wheat or rye,

he level of work capacity value falls naturally, because

he level of your needs has been forced to descend. At our

reflection, However, we will assume at all times that the quantity and

quality of subsistence means, and therefore also the magnitude

of the needs, at a given level of civilization, it is not pushed

Never to The Low, because this study of the elevation or reduction of said

level (particularly its artificial reduction) does not alter at all the

considerations on the general relationship.


Result of the greatest importance to understand the relationship-

capital determining the value of the work capacity (labor force, according to

He Capital), since the-capital relationship lies in the sale of said capacity.

What we have tried to establish is the way in which the value of this

commodity It is determined, because the essential feature of the relationship is that the capacity

of work is offered as merchandise; But the determination of its value of

change while merchandise is the decisive factor. As the value of

change of work capacity is determined by values or

prices of subsistence means, the uses of use necessary to

the preservation and reproduction of work capacity , the physiocrats

they got form, in general terms, a correct conception of

his Value despite how little they understood about the nature of value

in general. Hence the salary of work, which is determined by

the Average life needs , Play an important role with these

people, that established the first rational conceptions of

capital in general".

2. The situation of Eastern European countries Before entry to the EU and in the PRESENT

Will continue....

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RACE MOVEMENTS KNE votes against solidarity with teachers who are prosecuted

In the last two months we have been seeing the government and the system using every means of repression it has, to hit the fair struggle that the youth gives to defend its right to public and free education. Typical examples are the invasion of MAT, OPKE and other police forces to break the squatters in various schools nationwide, wood and chemicals on the marches, the imposition of tele-examinations for the removal of the student movement, and the very recent arrests 49 Students of the AUTH at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.

Of course this is not the first time this has happened. Every time a people and youth dare to challenge the government and the rotten, exploitative system they represent, they find the various repressive mechanisms they have to hit the collective and organized old and the militants. It is precisely this line the persecutions against teachers for political and trade union action are also moved. This is a very serious issue related to the general direction of terrorism and suppression of militants, associations and movements, arising from the policy of fascisting public and political life.

In this context, therefore, and in the need to connect the students' struggle with the workers, members of the racing moves have submitted a resolution to the BoD to support the mobilization of 21/3 at the Piraeus Municipal Theater. The PCF forces voted against it using cheap excuses. Overcoming the decisions by ELME that support the call, it has "annoyed" that the concentration is supported by organizations and colleges. This is probably by their logic impossible to discuss this and to be supported by a student club. They even presented a contradictory call to the Ministry of Education.

The same forces that act as a fire extinguisher of the movement and racing moods of the student masses, which have been on the road continuously for 10 weeks and which in some cases have supported them and DAP members, decided to stop the occupations. And not to enter new general assemblies and demonstrations. Teachers also take a similar attitude within the unions and do not support the mobilization, which is surrounded by trade unions and collectives and a variety of uninhabited world in the neighborhoods, while their own competitors are being prosecuted.

It turns out once again that in every effort to resist and claim the world, in every attempt to build a movement with truly racing characteristics they try to sabotage it. They oppose anything that goes beyond their virtual protests and can be a real obstacle to the attack of the system.

Republished by Racing moves

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Chania Resistance Initiative Down the hands of the races and the fighters! Persecutions, state violence and terrorism will not pass!

The government has launched a pogrom of persecution, state violence and repression against struggles and fighters.

Teachers are prosecuted and disciplined because they were involved in mobilizations in the time of the pandemic and against evaluation or because they publicly criticized the government's policy. They dismissed EKPA employee, persecuting the president of PENEN and the president of the Piraeus Labor Center, illegally strikes as soon as they are announced, striking the demonstrations with MAT and tear gas. They arrest students and drag them into the courts because they fight against private universities. They impose a climate of fascism, criminalize trade union action aimed at terrorizing, silencing any voice of resistance, but mainly target workers and all the people to bend their heads and accept the policy of poverty, poverty and participation in the country. Wars of imperialists as "regularity".

The arrests of the 49 students and the slanderous lies of a "nuclear accident" that were channeled to the media, which was forced to deny the AUTH Rector himself, show that the system of exploitation and oppression does not hesitate to serve them in order to serve their targets. .

The government and the parties of the system that support its policy will not stop unless we stop them with our mass struggles. They need to unfold struggles against the barbaric policy that is destroyed by us but also persecution and state violence and repression. Do not pass the persecutions and the climate of terrorism. With our common coordinated struggles we can put a brake on those who deprive us of the rights in life and subjugate our lives for the interests of the ruling class and its imperialist protectors.

  • Down the hands of clubs, clubs and fighters!
  • To stop all the persecutions now

Chania, 21-03-2024


Republished by protovouliantistasis.blogspot.com

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Overturn Resistance Module COMPLAINT! New prosecution is being prepared! ALL on 21/3 at 18:30 at the Demonstration at PIRAEUS MUNICIPAL THEATER


New prosecution is being prepared!

ALL on 21/3 at 18:30 in the demonstration at


We denounce the Call for testimony in the context of a SAD that received our competitor H. Hotzoglou today (Thursday 21/3).

Although we do not know the exact reason it is called, it is clear that it is about its trade union and political action. After all, there are multiple trade unions and political persecutions (whether disciplinary, criminal or both) that are being carried out both in Piraeus and nationwide. After all, a few days before our competitor G. Kavvadias had been invited to "written explanations" by the Disciplinary Department of Piraeus, for an article he had posted on the internet!

It clips with the climate of terrorism attempted to impose. With the terrorist 49 arrests of students at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. With the loud judicial decisions on strike abstaining from individual evaluation. In the circular sent by the NPEC where he points out that the assessment of the assessment operation is part of the penalties of the new Criminal Code (about the "shouts when people are entering a school unit").

It will not pass all this climate. The people will break it in the streets with their struggles.

Today's witness test is doubly provocative as the day of the mobilization of associations, bodies, and colleges against trade union and political persecution has been sent.

The best answer they can get is to be a truly massive and dynamic demonstration that will shout all the persecutions.

ALL today at 18:30 at the rally and demonstration at the Piraeus Municipal Theater



We call on the Board of Directors of ELME Piraeus to gather on the day that H. Hotzoglou is called in deposition (Tuesday 26/03 09:00 in the 15th GEL of Piraeus). Be prepared as a next step gathering in the 8th Piraeus GEL

We call all colleagues at the ELME General Assembly on Wednesday 27/3 at 14:00 in the 3rd GEL Piraeus, to decide on the new struggle steps that must be made to open the issue of persecution even more to the industry and the people. To break at the streets State repression and the stroke of trade union and political action.

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Called to the unity of the revolutionaries and leaders of the people | Workers Revolution

En el Día Internacional de la Mujer… Desatar la lucha de la mujer contra el capitalismo

President's intervention during the South West Minga In Cali on March 15, he caused a new stir in the country. Not because he has admitted his failure to agree on his intended “National Agreement”, nor for denouncing that Congress intends to sink the social reforms he proposed, nor to ensure that a new power needs to be built from below, through the popular assemblies ... but for its allusion to a constituent assembly.

Caused the uproar, Petro said that it was not about imposing the reforms that the Congress sank constituent, nor did it seek re -election, or change the Constitution, but to develop that of 91 on several fundamental problems, such as fulfilling the agreement of Paz, guarantee basic conditions of existence to the entire population, respond to climate change, reorder the territory, separate the policy of private financing and reform justice.

If the dark smoke created by the media is cleared against the president's contradictory discourse in Cali, several truths are exposed that the revolutionary proletariat and in particular the Communist Workers Union (MLM) had already warned and must highlight, regarding the recognition made by who promised the people to make the changes that the country needs from the government:

First, he accepted his failure to make a "national agreement", making it clear that conciliation between exploited and exploiters, between oppressed and oppressors is not possible. A reality warned by the UOC (MLM) before the president's possession when he said it was impossible Serve God and Devil at the same time . A recognition that Colombian society is torn by the struggle of classes, configuring two antagonistic poles: on the one hand, the working people and, on the other, the dominant parasitic classes and imperialism.

Second, the president denounced that Congress is not an institution that serves the people, but is on his back to him; As demonstrated by the imminent sinking of the reforms, which only contained some measures in favor of the workers, but that the exploiting ruling classes, in their insatiable thirst for profits, refuse to grant, condemning the poor to the Paseo de la Death and to whom They produce all the richness to live in destitution.

The fact is that despite the change of government, popular claims have not been resolved, the economic, social and political conditions that cause the uprising of 2019, 2020 and 2021 continue to be aggravated, and the patience of the people is being exhausted, tending their outrage Towards a new uprising against his enemies.

Third, again the president recognized the need of popular assemblies as the exercise of the direct democracy of the people, and even recognized them as a way of building popular power from below.

In that regard and independent of whether the president will be consistent until the end with promoting popular assemblies and supporting the decisions they make, or it is only a way of pressing Congress and the rich, or campaigning for 2026, expresses something raised by the UOC (MLM) before Petro's possession: the popular assemblies were the best creation of the masses during the lifting of 2021, to the extent that they constituted embryonic forms of the new power, embryonic forms of the new state of the exploited and oppressed; Instruments for the struggle with which the immediate claims of the people can be conquered and carry out the transformations that the country needs, to the extent that they raise their level of consciousness, discard constitutional illusions and act independently of the State.

On the other hand, oblivious to that reality recognized by the same president, the heads of the CUT, CTC, a sector of the CGT and the National Coordinator for Change (the old CNP without the Dignity Group of Robledo that is now a part of the opposition) call the mobilization for the "National Agreement" and to support their representatives in Congress so that this rotten institution proceeds the reforms proposed by the Government. The Heads of the Centrals and the CNP re -educated return to the traces of the parades in support of Congress instead of mobilizing and organizing the foundations for the fight against the declared enemies of the people.

Thus, it is the obligation of the conscious proletariat to go to the way to the illusions that the reformism has and sows that it is possible to make the current state of the exploiters serve the people. Requirement that makes the unity of the revolutionaries urgent and necessary, without giving up the discussion of divergences, but putting over them and of any group interest the interests of the people:

Unity to promote, promote and organize popular assemblies regardless of the parties of the bourgeoisie, the State and even the government, in such a way that they contribute to preparing the masses for the new and inevitable confrontation against their enemies; Assemblies that allow organizing the fight to conquer popular claims, collected in the Immediate program proposed by the UOC (MLM) as the basis of unity, and because to the extent that the popular masses join and organize, recover self -confidence and in the power they have, they will discard the illusions sown by reformism in the reformism in the Bureaucratic and politician procedures in the bourgeois state, learning in their own experience the right path.

Unity to immediately specify a popular national assembly that organizes the fight in response to the ruling classes and as opposed to the institutions of the bourgeois, landowner and pro -imperialist state, which refuse to resolve the distressing situation of the working people.

Urgent and necessary unity, we reiterate, so that a popular national assembly goes to the way to reformism and prevents the rebellion that grows in the bowels of the people and the path of the struggle, to be channeled again for another bourgeois institutional exit, and even for prevent or respond to a coup attempt.

Unity to raise the awareness of workers in the need of the revolution, when it is time to consider practically the task of destroying the old machine of domination of the exploiters to give life to the new state of the workers and the construction of the new Society, free of capitalist exploitation and imperialist semicolonial domination.

This is the path we prepare and with which we are committed. That is why we call other communists, revolutionaries and the true leaders of the people to unity; A call to fulfill our obligation as representatives of the working people.

Executive Committee - Communist Obrera Union (MLM)
Marzo 21 2024

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PC March 21 - Meloni in Egypt: the plans of Italian imperialism and the role of Al Sisi at the service of imperialism (from counter -core Rossusoia of 20/03)

The Mediterranean, Africa and the Middle East are the other front of war lit by the interimperialist dispute, with troops military of imperialist governments on the ground to strengthen the axis of terror, together with their Zionist ally, against the Arab peoples with Palestine in the center.

This war front is strategic for the Italian imperialist state, ce The governments and the so -called are repeating it until nausea "Analysts" close to the Italian military-industrial apparatus, e The Meloni/Crosetto/Tajani government is precisely on interventionism Italian imperialist who focuses a lot, Meloni swelled it so much so as to push the press enslaved to baptize it “Piano Mattei ”, to give him an apparently strategic guise for Instead, hiding the reality made of refusals contracted to reactionary governments, of profits derived from the robbery of resources energy and from the goods that pass through the area, of imposition of the iron heel of the imperialist armies to crush the aspirations of peoples and dominating the world trade that passes in the Red Sea.

There Italian presidency in the G7 and European elections are a passage further for all governments and parties

of Europe to grow as consent and legitimize their repression policies e oppression, both within the respective imperialist states, and outside against the peoples.

In This context on Sunday 17 March was held in the visit to Cairo del President of the Council of Italian Ministers, Meloni, together with President of the European Commission, von der Leyen, always available when he has to support the racist policies of Antimmigrati rejections in the company of the Government Capa of Italian (nobody can and must forget the massacre of migrants a Cutro, where on those who died of Italian and European responsibilities The two torture had strengthened their unit). Of the delegation which aimed at the strengthening of the EU-Egypt strategic partnership has The President of the Republic of Cyprus, current President of the EU Council, the first ministers of Greece e Austria.

I am went to sign the new EU-Egypt pact, a 7.4 billion plan euros, between loans and subsidies.

The Cairo from the EU is considered "reliable partner", a "Mediterranean security pillar", as we read in the joint declaration.

Furthermore The adjective "historical" could not miss this time even in defining political, commercial, military agreements. Each step politician of the Meloni government rests on empty words that cloak the His imperialist, neocolonial politics.

This of the European partnership was one of the legs on which the imperialist strengthening of the Al Sisi regime in Egypt, the other They are bilateral relationships Italy-Egypt that materialize in new ones Memorandum.

With the Agreements with Libya, Tunisia and Albania, the Meloni government pursues the same way also with Egypt his policy to prevent the departures of migrants fleeing hunger and wars with concentration camps where lock them up, a policy strengthened by the Meloni/planted government of criminalization/repression of the NGOs engaged in the rescue in sea.

“The crisis of Gaza It is at the top of our concerns, "said Meloni but,, Since he did absolutely nothing to stop the genocide of the Israeli Nazisionist state against Gaza and all of Palestine occupied and bombed, the so -called "concerns" of his and the governments are only for preventing the departures of migrants e suffocate the support also armed with the resistance of the people of the Yemen, defined by the "Ribelli Houthi" press, which, in the name of that solidarity with the Palestinian people, affects the interests of imperialism that instead supports the terrorist n ° 1 of the area, the Nazisionist state of Israel and attacks the goods of the Imperialists passing through the Red Sea.

THE regimes asserted for imperialism thus become a sting indispensable and imperialist governments of them spin rivers of money. In Italy this pompously call it "Piano Mattei" and the model that the Italian government is proud of is that signed with Sieda's Tunisia last September, also, Not surprisingly, baptized by Meloni and von der Leyen.

The fire of the war - or rather - of the genocide in progress in Palestine from part of the Naziosionist occupant of Israel, supported from western imperialism with the US on their heads and with the role Active, accomplice, of the Italy of the Meloni government, has broken down in Middle, for the support of the resistance of Yemen to Palestinian resistance and with the influx of weapons, military, US/EU in the Red Sea with the aim of extinguishing political solidarity and military of the peoples to the Palestinian cause and for open support to the Nazisionist genocide.

Hold up Al-Sisi means first of all to run to help him to support The whole apparatus of domination of the coup, from the military to the banks, who brought the Egyptian people to their knees to which they now do add the migratory waves from Gaza and Sudan, created by same imperialists.

The rejections of the migrants will be one of the themes of the G7 so it is a central question for An anti -imperialist struggle.

The initiative European follows the economic support that Egypt is insured by the United Arab Emirates and the Monetary Fund international (IMF). Between the end of February and the beginning of March Cairo received 10 billion dollars provided by a fund Emiratine. A project that provides for an initial investment of 35 billions of dollars and which will allow you to replenish the coffers of the State, on which they burdened the effects of the war in the strip of Gaza. On 6 March, the IMF announced that it wants to increase from 3 to 8 billion dollars the value of the loan that will provide to Egypt in exchange for the economic reforms that, translated, It means downloading with repression, with imposition, the whole austerity policy of the Egyptian reactionary regime against his same people.

On the situation Egyptian economic weighs a debt that, according to World data Bank of September 2023, amounts to 164.5 billion dollars. The rate of annual inflation rose to 36% in January, without possibility of contraction within a short time - also because the central bank has decided to make the pound exchange rate flexible Egyptian (now exchanged at 50 per dollar, against the 30 average of the 2023).

Help economically the coup at Sisi means, as a counterpart, obtain his involvement in the repression of migrants and, for Italian imperialism, this also means the profits related to the exploitation of energy resources, strategic topic for the imperialist countries, which for this reason are scanning and there are there dragging into the world slaughterhouse.

So I'm not there Only anti -maid rejections in this agreement between Meloni and al Sisi, there is also energy supply: Eni has Put your hands on the Nargis-1 natural gas well. E IN He is currently the main producer in Egypt with a production of hydrocarbons of about 350 thousand barrels per day. Egypt has become a hot gas for gas after the Discovery of Zohr's offshore deposit in 2015. Currently Eni It produces about 60% of the country's total gas production North African and also manages the gas export system natural liquefied from the port of Damietta of 5 million tons the year.

For Italy imperialist represented by the Meloni government was sign an agreement with the Golder at Sisi precisely coinciding with The hearing of the trial for the death of Giulio Regeni, the young man Italian researcher, killed and tortured horribly by the services Egyptian secrets of which he is headed by Sisi, and this hearing began the March 18 in Rome.

Nothing can put The relations between Italy and Egypt are under discussion, they do not count massacres or human rights violations, indeed, are strengthened the civil business and, above all, the military one that has grown dizzyingly, with the Fincantieri and the Leonardo.

On this the Egyptian president at Sisi, in the presence of Eni's AD, Claudio Descalzi, declared that "the assassination was committed for ruin relations with Italy "and" to damage Egypt " and, aimed at Descalzi, “knows why they wanted to damage the Relations between Egypt and Italy? So that we did not arrive here ”. But Not only have they arrived so far, they also went on.

In the last five years the Italian war industries exported to the strength armed with Al Sisi, the former head of the Egyptian Golder Army, from Little re -elected triumphantly for the third time, for the value total of two billion and 39 million euros. According to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (Sipri), in fact, For 2024 3 billion dollars would already be at stake for the purchase of twenty-four Eurofighter Typhoon-2 hunting hunting of Cairo.

The Leonardo of the CEO Cingolani, former minister of ecological transition, a company that has the minister in his book-Pag Crosetto is rubbing hands for the umpteenth time.

Industries Italian war exported to the Egyptian Armed Forces in the last five years weapons for the total value of 2 billion and 39 millions of euros.

So, behind the propaganda of this government, there is the substance of politics Italian imperialist: antimmigratic profits and rejections.

And against it it is maximum proletarian opposition, mass, necessary, Antimperialist, supportive with the armed resistance of peoples.

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On International Day of Poetry | Workers Revolution

En el Día Internacional de la Poesía 1

On the International Day of Poetry we share two poems of struggle, one from the Peruvian poet Manuel Scorza and the other of the Chilean poet Pablo Neruda.

Epistle of the poets that will come

Manuel Scorza

Maybe tomorrow the poets ask

Why we do not celebrate the grace of the girls;

Maybe tomorrow the poets ask

Why our poems

They were long avenues

where the burning anger came.

I answer:

Everywhere we heard the crying,

Everywhere we were a wall of black waves.

Was it going to be poetry

A lonely dew column?

It had to be perpetual lightning.

While someone suffers,

The rose cannot be beautiful;

While someone looked at the bread with envy,

Wheat cannot sleep;

While it rains on the beggars's chest,

My heart will not smile.

Kill sadness, poets.

Let's kill sadness with a stick.

Do not say the romance of the lilies.

There are higher things

What to cry lost loves:

The rumor of a town that awakens

It's more beautiful than dew!

The glowing metal of its anger

It is more beautiful than the foam!

A free man

It is more pure than the diamond!

The poet will release the fire

of his ash prison.

The poet will turn on the bonfire

Where this gloomy world is burned.


Pablo Neruda

I'm going to tell you in secret

who I am,

Thus, out loud,

You will tell me who you are,

I want to know who you are,

how much do you earn,

In which workshop you work,

What mine,

What pharmacy,

I have a terrible obligation

And is to know,

to know everything,

day and night to know

what is your name,

That is my trade,

Know a life

it is not enough

nor know all the lives

it is necessary,

you will see,

You have to unravel,

scratch thoroughly

And as in a fabric

The lines hid,

With color, the plot

of the fabric,

I erase the colors

And I'm looking for until I find

The deep fabric,

So I find

The unity of men,

and in bread


Beyond form:

I like bread, I bite it,

and then

I see the wheat,

Early trigals,

The green spring shape

the roots, the water,

that's why

beyond bread,

I see the earth,

The unit of the Earth,


the man,

And so I try

looking for you


Ando, swimming, navigo

until you find you,

And then I ask you

what is your name,

Street and number,

For you to receive

my letters,

For me to tell you

Who am and how much I win,

where I live,

And what my father was like.

You see how simple I am,

How simple you are,

does not about

Not at all complicated,

I work with you,

You live, go and come

from side to side,

It is very simple:

You are life,

You are so transparent

like the water,

and that's how I am,

My obligation is that:

be transparent,

every day

I educate myself,

Every day he combs me

Thinking how you think,

And I'm

How are you,

as, as you eat,

I have my love in my arms

Like your girlfriend you,

and then

When this is tested,

When we are the same

I write,

I write with your life and with mine,

With your love and mine,

With all your pains

and then

We are already different

Because, my hand on your shoulder,

Like old friends

I tell you in the ears;

do not suffer,

The day is coming,


come with me,


With everyone

Those who look like you

The simplest,


do not suffer,

come with me,

because even if you don't know,

I know that:

I know where we are going,

And this is the word:

do not suffer

Because we will win,

We will win,

The simplest,

we will win,

Although you do not believe it,

we will win.

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Oaxaca without water, drought or looting?

In recent months, more than 4,326 hectares of land were affected by terrible forest fires caused by the landowner or arising as a phenomenon of the Seiaje season. In addition to this, in various regions of Oaxaca such as the central valleys, Mixteca and Costa, mainly, a water crisis that threatens whole populations, and now also to hospitals and public schools has been observed.

The clear example is the situation of the General Hospital “Dr. Aurelio Valdivieso ”, in the middle of Oaxaca capital, which on February 22 had to suspend tasks to run out of water. Obviously a hospital cannot work without providing minimal health conditions for patients and medical personnel, and for this the drinking water service is indispensable. In this regard, the Human Rights Ombudsman of Oaxaca initiated a background notebook and issued precautionary measures where he asks "Comprehensive actions to the State that avoid producing damage of difficult or impossible reparation to detriment to the right to citizenship."

Now, in the same capital of the entity, there is talk of at least 6 public schools that have had to suspend tasks and return to the online classes to the total shortage of water in its facilities. The most recent have been the Morning Elementary School "Carlos A. Carrillo", located in the Reforma neighborhood, and the morning elementary school "Enrique Pestalozzi", located in the center of the city. Leave childhood without access to drinking water within its schools also attentive against their right to education and health, among others contemplated within the best interests of childhood.

Until a few weeks ago the shortage of drinking water was concentrated in the popular colonies generally located on the periphery and the hills of the city, nothing new. For decades there are dozens of colonies and neighborhoods called “irregular settlements” where the poor people do not have access to drinking water or other public services; In the same situation there are hundreds of schools in those same neighborhoods. The different governments in turn have systematically ignored this situation, leaving the solution in the hands of the residents who have had to hire private pipes that take advantage of the era of the era to speculate with water prices.

But now that the water crisis has reached the downtown area of the city and the "good" colonies such as Reforma, San Felipe, etc. The situation has become a scandal; Even more when visible public institutions such as the General Hospital and the aforementioned schools must have suspended work at the shortage of water.

At the same time in Oaxaca, cooling companies and breweries continue to work normally, as are large hotels, restaurants, vice centers and even spas that prepare for Holy Week and beautiful tourism. None of these are lacking water at all.

Are we facing a phenomenon of drought or looting? You answer.

If during the pandemic, health emergency and suspension of work of these industries and businesses were decreed, the same should be done in the midst of this water crisis that is also a sanitary crisis, in addition to regulating the price of water sold by the piperos organized in union mafias.

Guarantee universal access to drinking water as a fundamental right is a vital necessity and not the elections at the door. The money spent on campaigns and candidates should be invested in community collection and water supply systems for the people.

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New high school is approved after parliament agreement with government - the new democracy

After an agreement with the government, the National Congress today approved a project of the new high school. The project has undergone some modifications, but maintained the essentials of the content was criticized for months in strikes and protests of teachers and students across the country, as hundreds of hours for optional subjects without scientific content and models harmful to complete school education .

Within the one approved by the House, is:

  • Loss of hours of scientific training: In regular education, the division will be 2,400 hours for compulsory subjects and 600 hours for optional subjects. In other words, the loss of 600 hours in traditional and essential disciplines in high school for “formative itineraries”, mostly composed, especially in public schools, of disciplines without scientific content, such as “computational thinking”, “life project And similar aberrations. In technical education, the division will be 2,100 hours for compulsory subjects, with the possibility of 300 of them being compatible between basic general training and technical education, and 1,200 hours for the chosen technical course.
  • Discipline umbrella: fusion of different disciplines essential to student education in “large areas”, made mandatory. They are: languages and their technologies, which integrates Portuguese language and literature; English language; Arts (multiple languages and expressions); physical education; mathematics and their technologies; Natural Sciences and their Technologies, which will bring together important disciplines such as biology, physical and chemistry in a single great umbrella; and applied human and social sciences, which will do the same with philosophy, geography, history and sociology.
  • Formative itineraries: In the new project, each regular (non -technical) school should offer at least two formative itineraries. These optional disciplines should contemplate at least one of the above areas, but there is no clear specification of how much content or menu should be related to scientific areas, so that it leaves the space for anticientific courses such as those that have been massively implemented in schools that They adopted the measure in the last year; In technical schools, there is the option of training the technical and professional training course;
  • Formalization of Distance Learning: The project has established that formative itineraries can be taught at a distance, while the basic general training workload can be offered in person and, exceptionally, “mediated by technology”. There is not yet a regulation that specifies how mediation will be given.

Far-right celebrates

After approval, parliamentarians of the far right were rushed to celebrate the text agreed between the government and the congress. The new chairman of the House Education Commission, the notorious reactionary Nikolas Ferreira (PL-MG), was one of those who praised the approved project. In a note published on social networks, the deputy cynically stated that he will maintain high supervision by applying the measure and the “demands of our students”.

The comment is a blatant derision: approval directly contradicted the interests of students and teachers who criticized and condemned even in important mobilizations across the country throughout the last year. Instead of a reformulation in neither, teachers and students required the total revocation of the measure.

Changed, but left the same

In the new approval, all the content criticized by the students do not even remained. In strikes, student occupations, and protests, education professionals and students required the end of “formative itineraries” and the return of the schedule for regular disciplines and condemned the widespread confusion caused by the fusion of multiple scientific disciplines in widespread. Distance learning was also, as a rule, rejected in the demonstrations. Entities such as the National Executive of Pedagogy Students (Exnepe), who coordinated campaigns and fights against Nem, even classified the reform as the “most serious attack on public education in recent years”.

Denunciations after the application of the measure also reveals how it does not even favor the precariousness of teaching work, with professionals subject to increasing exploitation, in exhaustive hours and work not related to their areas of training, the precariousness of teaching, especially the public and Free, with the offer of an anti -cinientific and pragmatist teaching (not technical education, such as propagands figures such as Nikolas Ferreira), consequently, school dropout.

Fight must be resumed

Even so, the government has never really considered to meet the requirement to revoke the neither and opted for conciliation with the measure. Last month, the Minister of Education, Camilo Santana, said he expected to approve the measure “this semester, because to implement changes in high school to 2025 need to be approved this semester, because it needs to have the time for the networks to be prepare for change. Approval is essential this semester in the House and Senate ”.

Thus, the climate that can be expected is to resume students' struggles against Nem and the coming attacks on education promoted by the celemented reactionaries and conciliators on duty.

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March 21 - Solidarity with the companions of antourish affected by the repression of state - Hands down by those who fight against the masters and the government of the imperialist war

The Palermo Police Headquarters issued three restrictive precautionary measures towards 3 militant companions of Antudent

"A precautionary custody in prison and two signing obligations with accusations of terrorist act and instigation to delinquire for spreading a video of a symbolic protest initiative that took place at the Leonardo Spa headquarters in Palermo in November 2022 to three antiques. Today also in Sicily those who reveal the criminal plans of the Italian government and its factories Death is repressed and deprived of his freedom, while the managers of the massacres and the genocide taking place in Gaza fill the pockets with the fatal profits of the war industry. Freedom for those who fight against war, Leonardo accomplice of the genocide! " (from the Antududian press release).

Maximum solidarity with his companions affected by the repression of state
Hands down from those who fight against death factories and imperialist war.

For the Italian government, led by the fascist Meloni, Leonardo Spa must not be touched. Leonardo Spa, as has been strongly denounced in these months of events, protest, in Palermo, in front of the Leonardo factory with the presence of hundreds of companions, militants, workers, students, produces weapon systems that are used and sold all over the world for imperialist wars and continues to make profits for billions on thousands and thousands of deaths, wounded and immense destruction. And Leonardo does not stop, on the contrary, he buys other high -tech military companies and also looks for new allies: “... the other aspect, the allies that Leonardo is looking for, and in particular the alliance with Iveco Defense to expand his own presence in the earthly armaments industry ".

We will continue to fight against the Italian government every day more and more reactionary and warfounding, fully at the service of the interests of capital, of the assassin masters such as Leonardo Spa, fully complicit today of the genocidal massacre of the Palestinian people implemented by the Nazisionist state of Israel, not It will be the repression of this bourgeois state to stop the right and immediate struggle that serves, which must necessarily be inserted in the perspective of fighting to overthrow this capitalist and imperialist social system that produces only wars, misery, destruction, repression ...

Immediate freedom for companions arrested and subjected to precautionary measures.

Communist proletarians - Slai Cobas for the Palermo class union

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PC March 21 - Worker Training - Those who forget that the communists support every revolutionary motorcycle - Lenin "What to do?"

Lenin says that to develop the political consciousness of the proletariat, it is necessary to bring the denunciation of every manifestation of will and oppression to the working class.

But of course, does it act immediately after the problem "How to do it? Do we have enough forces to do it? Is there a terrain for this work in all other classes? Will it not mean this or will not lead this to a renunciation of the class point of view?".

Even more justified questions if we look today, under the conditions of organization, numbers and paintings of the communist organization, and in particular of ours. Questions to which the easy answer that comes is No.

But Lenin's answer is other. He starts from the assumption that the communists are primarily "theoretical ... propagandists, agitators and organizers". And he adds: "But very little is done in this sense. Too little compared to what is done for the study of the peculiarities of factory life", indeed - we say - of the attention that lends itself to the life and struggles of the other sectors of workers. Lenin insists that there are

companions, committees, etc. who even sink into the specialist study of trade union struggles, while they do not do, or do to extremely limited extent, the work that Lenin asks to actually raise the consciousness of workers and workers in struggle.

Their commitment made in the trade union struggles forgets that - as Lenin says - "it is not social democratic those who in fact forget that the communists support any revolutionary motorcycle and that, consequently, we must expose, underline the general tasks before all the people, without hiding even for a moment our socialist beliefs ", and educating in our work in the factory and proletarian struggles the workers and the proletariat in general to deal with all general problems and put themselves at the forefront of all democratic political struggles that develop In society, first of all, in the initial phase, with position sockets.

The forces to do this are there. The alternative that economists and economist mentality in the communists' ranks suggest to us is to "develop a tradunionist policy". And on this Lenin is stakeholder: "The tradunionist policy of the working class is precisely the bourgeois politics of the working class ".

Even in the other sectors and movements to which we turn, the action of the communists does not consist so much in directing the struggle for their immediate interests - for example the struggle of the students - but in bringing the position of the communists, the position of the Party of the working class; Because only in this way is Lenin realize: "We must transform social democratic militants into political leaders who know how to direct all the manifestations of this struggle" and are able to dictate in this struggle "a positive action program to students in agitation, To the representatives of the dissatisfied Zemstva, to the members of the indignant religious seven, to the masters affected in their interests, etc. ".

This is to be revolutionary avant -garde and expression of the avant -garde worker that we have called to take a position, and through it begin to react to all forms of political and social oppression of the bourgeoisie, of its state, of its government.

If this is, therefore, the task of the communists, permanent of the communists, if it is understood that this is a task to be fulfilled from the beginning of our activity, one can understand the attention that at this point Lenin places on the actual forces that You have, and consider the inevitable type of activity for granted at the beginning: "We actually had very few strength. Then it was natural and legitimate to be determined entirely in the work between the workers and seriously blame any removal from it, then the only purpose It was to strengthen in the working class ".

Here too, however, the problem is: with what conception, with what practice, with what propaganda and agitation do you jump entirely among the workers and strengthen ourselves in the working class? With trade union policy, tradunionist, with its economist's development, or with communist policy, albeit at the beginning of the process of roots and organization for the construction of the party? With the idea that in the working class this work cannot be done, which comes after we have conducted the trade union activity and consequently to the development of it, or with propaganda and agitation, albeit in the very difficult conditions that are there today in Fila of the working class?

Here too Lenin is very precise: "The ideal audience for political complaints is precisely the working class, which needs first of all and above all of a lively and complete political knowledge and which is the most suitable for transforming this knowledge into active struggle, even if this does not promise any "tangible result".

On the other hand, this is the only way that the working class has to become a point of reference for the struggle and opposition of all the layers of society. And this is the growing role that the working class, first with the avant -garde only with the active struggle, can allow us to "become a political force in the eyes of others". And to become this "you have to work a lot and with tenacity to raise our conscience, our spirit of initiative and our energy". And - insists Lenin - "It is not enough to attack the avant -garde label on a theory and a rearguard practice".

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Madrid: Mobilization of the masses manages to avoid the eviction of the CPK La Bankarrota

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More reports from the 8th of March – The Red Herald

We publish here further reports of actions for the 8 th of March.

In Lyon, France , the People’s Women’s Committee (CFP) mobilized widely under revolutionary slogans. First, on the 7 th of March, the CFP organized a meeting at the university, where it presented its work, as well as the work of the People’s Committee for Mutual Aid and Solidarity, and where a speech on the women’s place in the resistance was held by Palestinian women. In this speech it was highlighted that the enemy is imperialism, not men.

On the 8 th of March a combative and anti-imperialist contingent took part to the demonstration organized by Fosse aux Lyons and CFP. This contingent expressed their support to the heroic Palestinian national resistance and especially the women of Gaza. The protesters carried a banner with the slogans “Support for our sisters in Gaza who fight against imperialism and patriarchy! Palestine will win!” and shouted slogans in support of armed struggle, against Zionism and imperialism. Several speeches took a stance against US imperialism and Zionism, and also French imperialism and its treatment of the Mahorese women was condemned. Nouvelle Epoque reports that the contingent was well received among the masses.

On the 16 th The marchaals Ramenmen from Jose the Martha's parents's father is salues, Brazil held a plenary session celebrating the 8 th of March. The panel was attended by women representatives of the League of Poor Peasants of the Northeast (LCP-NE), a representative of the Committee for the Defense of the Agrarian Revolution (CDRA) of the José Ricardo Revolutionary Area and a teacher from the Elizabete Teixeira People’s School. During the event, a daycare service was organized in order to allow peasant mothers to take part. Following the Internationale, the principles of the People’s Women’s Movement were presented and there was reading and discussion about the origin of the 8 th of March, a part of the MFP bulletin. At the end, it was discussed and defined how women could increase their participation in the struggle to recover water sources and land from the old Frei Caneca plantation. In this way, the plenary session led the formation of an agitation and propaganda committee to recover water sources and organize a daycare service so that women can actively participate in recovering the land. The session ended with the Anthem of the Revolutionary Fighters and many slogans from the warriors of the southern forest of Pernambuco.

As we reported earlier, a massive and combative demonstration took place on the 8 th of March in Medellin, Colombia . The struggle of the women who took part has been criminalized by members of the ruling classes, with posters published accusing some of the women of vandalism, as well as intimidation and detention carried out by the police against women for such reasons as wearing green or purple scarves. Now women’s organizations are denouncing that the old State is quick to repress the protest of women but don’t punish the murderers and rapists of women. Posters have been put up and slogans have been painted by revolutionary women condemning the criminalization of protest.

In Innsbruck, Austria multiple activities were organized by the Innsbruck Women’s Network and Democratic Women’s Organizations. The last of these activities was an event on the 17 th of March in Wörgl. The opening speech of the event was held by the Purple-Red Collective, taking an anti-imperialist and class-based stance on the International women’s day. After the speech and discussion cultural program followed. Zen Erbane Group and Umuda Seed Music Group played Turkish and Kurdish folk songs, and after these DJ Kandesha took the stage with techno music influenced by Middle-Eastern folk culture. The event concluded in internationalist slogans.

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AND: Weekly editorial – Appeasement only feeds coupism – The Red Herald

We publish an unofficial translation of the Weekly Editorial of The New Democracy .

When Luiz Inácio chooses the policy of appeasement to deal with the military crisis, he is allowing all favorable conditions to be reestablished for the military High Command to return to the offensive later on.

While investigations prove that a considerable part of the High Command of the Armed Forces and senior officials, even in minority, mobilized to consummate the military coup, president Luiz Inácio reiterated his guidance: not to promote acts or events condemning the 60th anniversary of the coup of 1964.

To prove the error of this government policy, it would be enough to mention how the reactionary sectors of the ruling classes received it. Representing the military right, the ultra-reactionary Hamilton Mourão had no doubts: “He’s right, that’s the past,” he said, referring to the military coup and the fascist military regime.

Estadão [newspaper], used to criticizing Luiz Inácio, was quick to defend him: “Lula acts correctly” by refusing to talk about the 1964 coup in its 60 years, in line with “an imperative of governability in a context of wounds waiting to heal” and “it is also a way of honoring the current military command, also architect of pacification”, he stated in the editorial “Lula’s accommodation with the military” (March 17). Speaking of wounds, it is simply pathetic that Estadão, which has already advocated for the government to reopen the Special Commission on Political Deaths and Disappearances (CEMDP), something that Luiz Inácio refuses to do, capitulates by echoing this government’s cowardly complicity.

Only the reactionary ideologues – committed above all to the continued exploitation of the people and the Nation – and the opportunists, whose mentality has been emasculated by decades of subservience and conciliation with the enemies of the popular masses, believe that appeasement will lead to the stabilization of the country.

Even before Bolsonaro, the High Command changed the results of the elections (2018) by taking away Luiz Inácio from the race, through blackmail during a habeas corpus vote on that candidate in the Supreme Court.

As we see: long before Bolsonaro took the presidency – and independently of him – the latent wound of the coup was again manifesting itself acutely, especially because it had not been properly treated since 1988, when the previous appeasement with the gorillas and transition with the Amnesty military regime of General and Unrestricted Amnesty, led in which there was no punishment, no change in the high military officials, nor in the training curriculums, nor in the doctrine of the Armed Forces, which they followed, all these years, glorifying the 1964 coup as a legitimate movement and even as “democratic revolution”, and when it was removed from the front of management of the old State, it took back the belief that the Armed Forces were the Moderating Power and guarantors of the “Democratic State of Law” – and, therefore, also guarantors of its restriction or even suspension, as Bolsonaro shamelessly tried to do.

When Luiz Inácio chooses the policy of appeasement to deal with the military crisis, he is allowing all favorable conditions to be reestablished for the military High Command to return to the offensive later on. When the masses rise up in defense of their rights, which is inevitable, the gorillas, as the Moderating Power they believe in, will rise again threatening the Country with military intervention to save the Nation from “disintegration”. Because they were not seriously confronted when they were demoralized and weakened, the gorillas will find favorable ground for a new coup escalation.

Appeasement with the military leadership only feeds the coup!

For genuine, progressive and revolutionary democrats, as well as the popular masses in struggle, there is no other path left than to forcefully raise the campaign to denounce the 60 years of the ignominious coup of 1964 and the coup, whether in the form of institutional rupture or in the form of “Moderating Power”. Compromises with fascists and coup plotters are not acceptable – which would only lead us to coup and fascism.

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Snap Elections in Catalonia: Discard Illusions and Prepare for Struggle. Boycott the Electoral Farce! – The Red Herald

We hereby publish an unofficial translation of an opinion-article on the upcoming Catalan elections.

Featured image: Boycott-Poster; Explanation: Maoism, embodied in Lenin, sweeps Catalonia of bourgeois politicians (Carles Puigdemont, Oriol Junqueras, Salvador Illa, Miquel Iceta, Ada Colau) and reactionaries of all kinds (Civil Guard, Riot Police, Fascists). The sweeping away of the old world brings the flags of tomorrow: socialist Catalonia federated in the Spanish Socialist Republic with the red flag of communism in the center.

The President of the Generality, Pere Aragonès, announced last Wednesday, March 13, that the regional elections were expedited to May 12. What should be the opinion of the revolutionaries on this matter? With this opinion article we aim to clarify some fundamental questions.

The parties of the Catalan bourgeoisie have betrayed the Catalan proletariat and people again and again

The torrent of mobilization and fury of the Catalan national liberation movement, whose qualitative leap we saw on October 1, 2017 with the holding of the referendum declared illegal by the Spanish State – and its subsequent repression – has led to nothing. We must learn a lesson from what happened.

“Thank goodness ours govern and not the PP and Vox” they say in the TV3 gatherings. The reality is that ERC, Junts and PSC govern exactly the same as PSOE, PP and Vox. The Catalan bourgeois politicians are class enemies of the proletariat and enemies of the people. They seek independence only for their economic interests, they do not hesitate to crush the proletariat and they absolutely do not care about the Catalan language and culture.

The national liberation movement at the crossroads:
follow the bourgeois path or the proletarian path?

There are two paths in the Catalan national liberation movement: the bourgeois path and the proletarian path. The two paths are completely different in class interests, method and objectives.

The bourgeois path serves the Catalan bourgeoisie, which seeks the independence of Catalonia from the Spanish State to become imperialist itself, continue oppressing its own people and take the leap to oppress other peoples in the world. The bourgeois path keeps the proletariat and the people in poverty, as it has done for centuries. Increase in prices and increase in the CPI, labor exploitation, increase in rents, evictions and police violence, etc. The Catalan bourgeois politicians in Barcelona have governed in the same way as the Spanish bourgeois politicians in Madrid. The bourgeois path urges the masses to participate in the electoral farce, seeking to extinguish the people’s desire for democratic rights and freedoms and spreads racism and chauvinism against the people (both the Spanish people and the oppressed nations of Latin America, Africa and Asia).

Boycott the electoral farce!

During the last few years, revisionists and opportunists of all kinds have called on the masses to participate in the electoral farce, to voice their political demands in parliament and to continue down the bourgeois path. The bourgeois path only serves the bourgeoisie. You cannot change the bourgeois State from within, you cannot change a machine of oppression from within. Much less can independence be achieved by participating within the institutions of the Spanish State (Generality, Provincial Councils, City Councils, …) and being part of it.

In an article published in Servir al Pueblo, it was explained, in a summarized way, why to apply the boycott. We reproduce it in full:

1. Why to boycott the elections?

– Because we chose the revolutionary path and socialism, the power of the working class against the bourgeoisie. The participation in the elections, directly or not directly, has nothing to do with the path to the socialism (proletarian revolution).

– Because the elections inside the Bourgeois State are a farce. This is the reason that we call them electoral farce or electoral farce of the bourgeoisie. There are not a farce because are rigged, but because don’t matter what you are gonna vote: there is no any democracy. All the really important decisions, absolutely all of them, are being decided in other ways and not in the parliamentary one.

– Because with the elections we chose the government, but not the State or the ruling class. The turn government is just the administrator of the interests of the financial oligarchy, the imperialist bourgeoisie, which is the ruler of the Spanish State. There is no substantial difference between all the governments of the Bourgeois democracy in the recent history (approximately, since 1975).

2. Why to vote is useless to stop fascism?

– Because the recent fascistization of the State (more presence on the streets and in the mass media of fascist parties/organizations, more influence of reactionary ideas, etc…) is the logic consequence of the militarization of the Spanish State. Since 1980, as approximate date, the States began to militarize themselves. Inside the plan of militarization of the Spanish State, the fascistization is a consequence of this. Therefore, a bigger presence of the fascism is not because of a electoral success. Is quite the opposite: the electoral success of reactionary forces and fascists is because of the fascism and the reaction being more present in the society, consequence of this militarization and fascistization of the States (and, in this case, of the Spanish State).

– There will be not more or less repression to the working class movement depending on the turn government, or at least, because of the decision of the party in the government. In other words, the bigger or smaller repression is because of the plans of the financial oligarchy, and not because of the plans of the bourgeois leader of turn. During the last years of progressive government of PSOE and Unidas Podemos, we have suffered repression in the general strike of the metal in Cadiz and Vigo; the imprisonment of the political prisoner Pablo Hasel; there have not repeal the “Ley Mordaza” [Translator’s note: the main repressive law in Spanish State, which the social-democrats promised to repeal]; they have been committed the genocide against the African masses in Melilla; they have committed thousands and thousands of evictions; they have infiltrated national policemen inside the social and political movements, etc.

3. Why is useless to vote the less bad option?

– Because the less bad option is not any option. Vote to PP, PSOE, Vox or Sumar doesn’t change anything, all of them are administrators of the financial capital. None of the parties of the parliament challenge nor the bourgeois order, neither the Spanish imperialist. During the last years of the progressive government of PSOE and Unidas Podemos, the life conditions of the working class became worst in all the aspects. We are gonna reward the administrators of the financial capital voting them again with the excuse of “stop the fascism” to allow them to worsen our life in the next years?

Because vote the less bad option doesn’t protect civil, social or trade-unionist rights. Which rights we have recovered with the progresist government of coalitin between PSOE and Unidas Podemos? They have break up the union movement and have repressed the movements of the combative masses. The prices are increasing much more than wages. The alleged winning of rights for the proletarian woman and the LGTB collective is a ghost in a paper, meanwhile the hate crimes non stop their increase. What have done the government for the proletariat?”

The Catalan proletariat must struggle side by side with the Spanish, Basque and Galician proletariat

The Catalan proletariat will be completely free not only when its national rights are respected, but when it is liberated as a social class. And that involves the destruction of the Spanish imperialist State, the old bourgeois State, and the generation of a new power, the new proletarian State. The Catalan proletariat cannot fight alone against the Spanish imperialist State. It must fight side by side with the Spanish, Basque and Galician proletariat as class brothers against the common enemy: the Spanish State, Spanish imperialism.

This titanic task involves the reconstitution of the Communist Party of Spain as a Marxist-Leninist-Maoist, mainly Maoist, Party with the universally valid contributions of Chairman Gonzalo. A militarized Party prepared to take political power with People’s War and with the perspective of shaping the dictatorship of the proletariat as a federal Socialist Republic where the proletariat of all nations struggle, as class brothers and ultimately, until communism.

Thus, and only thus, the Catalan proletariat will be free. And the first step cannot be other than delegitimate the electoral farce, discard illusions in bourgeois democracy and preparing for the battles that will come in the struggle against the Spanish State.

No bourgeois politician will liberate Catalonia!
They have governed, they govern and they will govern against the Catalan proletariat and people!

Against all chauvinism and national narrow-mindedness !
For the class brotherhood between the Catalan proletariat and the Spanish, Basque and Galician proletariat!

For the F federal Socialist Republic were the proletariat of the different nations struggle side by side until communism!

Do not vote on May 12, boycott the electoral farce!
Throw away illusions and prepare for the fight!

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PRWC » US officials arrive in the country this March

PROTESTS met the arrival of Anthony Blinken, secretary of the US Department of State, in Malacañang on March 19. Blinken was in the country to meet with Ferdinand Marcos Jr and the AFP on the upcoming Balikatan wargames and to again push the Indo-Pacific Security Strategy, the US strategy to maintain its hegemony in Asia against its rival China.

Before Blinken, high-ranking US economic and military officials arrived in the country almost simultaneously this March.

Gina Raimondo, US department of commerce secretary, led the Presidential Trade and Investment Mission delegation sent by the US government to peddle the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework, a key part of the Indo-Pacific Security Strategy. Raimondo’s delegation included 22 heads of large American companies, including two construction companies (Bechtel, Black & Veatch) that build US naval bases and military facilities in various countries.

Adm. John C. Aquilino, commander of the US Indo-Pacific Command, also arrived in the Philippines for meetings with Marcos, defense secretary Gilbert Teodoro and AFP chief Gen. Romeo Brawner Jr, along with other senior AFP officials.

They discussed preparations for Balikatan 2024, heralded to be the “biggest” in its history. It will be launched in Batanes and Palawan from April 22 to May 8. One of its “highlights” is the “integrated air missile defense exercise,” or missiles flying in the direction of China. This is in accordance with the Strategic Defense Strategy and the Philippine role as bait in the first-island chain defense of the US.

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PRWC » Imported LNG, its facilities and plants,
bring disaster to the environment and people

This March, three big bourgeoisie-compradors announced their “merger” for the operation of the Ilijan LNG terminal, the first “integrated LNG import facility” built by the Atlantic Gulf & Pacific Company (AG&P) along the coast of Barangay Ilijan, Batangas. City. Meralco PowerGen, Aboitiz Power and San Miguel Global Power (SMGP) converged to buy the said facility for $3.3 billion (₱184 billion).

The Ilijan LNG terminal covers nine hectares of land and up to 700 meters of the sea from the coast for a “floating storage” of LNG (liquefied natural gas). Apart from the port and storage, it will also serve as a facility for “regasification” (the process of transforming LNG from its liquid form to its original gas form). The facility will supply natural gas to the San Miguel Corporation (SMC)-owned giant power plant being constructed.

This facility and plant is among the 12 “terminals” and 35 new energy plants planned to be built to handle imported LNG and diesel. Seven of the terminals and eight of the new plants are slated to be built along the Batangas coast, in front of the Verde Island Passage (VIP). Others will be built in Leyte, Navotas City and Zamboanga. One of the LNG plants, planned to be built along the Tañon Strait in San Carlos, Negros Occidental, was temporarily blocked by protesting
residents, churchgoers and environmental groups. Many of the LNG projects are championed by the SMC, in partnership with Japanese, American and British multinational institutions and banks.

Currently, there are six LNG plants operating in the country, and five of them lie along the Batangas coast.

Dumping US surplus LNG

The Philippines opened LNG imports from 2021 amid the reported imminent exhaustion of natural gas reserves in the Malampaya gas fields by 2027. The US used this opportunity to push the country to import LNG.

The US has been the world’s leading producer of LNG since 2011. It surpassed Russia, Australia and Qatar to become the number one exporter for the first time in December 2023. This is mainly due to the US seizure of Western Europe (Germany, France, UK, and others) markets for LNG that used to flow through Russian pipes. In addition to the US imposing sanctions against the purchase of LNG from Russia since the Ukraine war broke out, it blew up the Nordstream pipeline to prevent the smuggling of LNG. LNG terminals had to be built to store the LNG from the US that is being transported to Western Europe on large tankers.

As a direct result of the US proxy war with Ukraine, LNG prices have skyrocketed to $40 per million British thermal units (mmBtu) by 2022. However, US LNG overproduction has dragged the global market price down to $9.80 per mmBtu in 2023.

The US is now desperate to open new markets and monopolize old markets in Asia to dump its LNG surplus and keep demand and prices high. American companies such as ExxonMobil, Novatek and Chevron are most interested in importing LNG.

Although the price of LNG in the international market has dropped, it is only temporary and does not mean lower electricity bills in the Philippines. In 2023, imported LNG was $1-$3/mmBtu more expensive than domestic natural gas. The Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis estimates that the price of energy produced from imported LNG is around ₱9 per kilowatt hour (kwh) to ₱16/kwh. This is higher than the average ₱7.38/kwh energy produced using the similarly imported coal and diesel in 2023, and ₱4.4/kwh using local solar power.

Despite definitely higher charges, the Department of Energy still required all distributors to source electricity from plants using imported LNG. According to the “energy map” of the Marcos regime, the Philippines will increase the use of imported LNG and “renewable” energies from 29% (of which 13% is LNG) to 35% by 2030 and 50% by 2050.

Threat to the VIP and livelihood of fisherfolks

LNG is marketed as a “transition fuel” being supposedly cleaner compared to coal and diesel. However, it still creates greenhouse gases (GHG) such as methane, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide. In fact, studies show that the methane it produces is more harmful to the environment, because it is more potent in trapping heat in the atmosphere by 80-100 times longer than carbon dioxide.

Construction of the Ilijan LNG terminal started at the height of the pandemic (2021) and completed in 2023. It was built by AG&P, a company based in the United Arab Emirates, in partnership with Osaka Gas and the Japan Bank for International Cooperation. In February, American company Nebula Energy bought AG&P’s LNG-focused division.

In concurrence with the Ilijan LNG terminal, SMGP is now building the Batangas Combine Cycle Power Plant in Sta. Rita, Batangas. Although separate projects, the two facilities are connected and face the same side of the VIP.

Environmental group’s study show the two facilities, and others similar projects, threaten the VIP ecosystem that scientists consider the “richest marine habitat” in the world. During construction alone, sediment and sand already affect the seas beyond the scope of the facility. Construction disruptred the cycle and habitat of fish and other marine life not only in its immediate area, but throughout the entire VIP. This has resulted in a further decline in the quality of coral reefs and a decline in the catch of fisherfolks.

Aside from damaging the sea, AG&P also faces a case of illegal conversion of agricultural lands in the barangays of Ilijan and De La Paz. It also has cases of illegal cutting of coconut trees in the area. In fact, the Department of Agriculture issued a “cease and desist order” against the company last year due to its lack of a land conversion permit. AG&P and the Japanese banks ignored the order.

Hundreds of fisherfolks in Batangas have long been affected by the operations of the First Gen and SMC power plants. Before the new plants and facilities began construction, their last fish (tulingan and galunggong) catches have been halved since 2019. They were further constricted when fishing was banned from the shores near the construction.

In addition, residents fear the possible leakage of LNG into the ocean, more so because the VIP is vulnerable to strong and severe typhoons. VIP has not yet recovered, and may never recover, from the damage caused by the oil spill from the SMC-chartered vessel, the MT Princess Empress, last year.

Batangas air and water will become even more polluted once the coast is peppered with dirty energy plants. Marine life will also be more disturbed by increased traffic of imported LNG delivery ships.

Many coastal communities will lose their source of livelihood and even their homes. As many as two million Filipinos directly depend on the VIP for their livelihood.

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PRWC » The masses link arms to confront El Niño

The total cost of damage brought by the El Niño drought to the agricultural sector in Negros Occidental has reached ₱78.45 million. The province is in Western Visayas, one of the regions that is presently experiencing the brunt of El Niño. The drought severely affected eleven (three cities and eight towns) out of its total of 32 municipalities. Thousands of families now suffer from hunger and lack of potable water.

Amid the negligence of the local government and the US-Marcos regime, coupled with relentless militarization, the peasant masses have no choice but to unite to collectively face the drought calamity.

Demand for government accountability

Farmers’ organizations are planning coordinated and level-by-level mass campaigns in Negros Occidental to address El Niño. They started consultations, meetings and study campaigns at the barangay level, and they aim to expand it to town and district levels. They prepare a petition stating their call to the government for adequate aid, food and subsidies for their production.

Masses of farmers in the province now face the destruction of their crops. In Negros Occidental, only 41,140 hectares out of 94,297 hectares are irrigated, which is also affected by the drought. A farmer relates, “we skipped the 3rd cropping of rice since we only depended on rain for irrigation.”

This prompted others to plan planting corn instead to supplement their food needs. Nevertheless, they can only begin planting when the rains come. Others planted vegetables and now exert extra effort to fetch water from distant wells to water them. “Sources have run out, even small rivers have no water,” said another.

Only 67% of the government’s target to develop irrigation nationwide was implemented last year. Many canals are already useless, have been repurposed and are completely destroyed. Irrigation water from dams is also greatly reduced because most is allocated to the electricity industry and services.

Even their animals are affected. Carabaos, cows, goats, and other domestic animals have run out of pasture lands because the grass is dry and they have nothing to eat. Some animals have died because of the extreme heat.

El Niño affects not only livelihood, but also the health of the residents. The extreme heat has resulted in an epidemic of cough, fever, cold and other illnesses. Cases of stroke, increased blood pressure, and fatigue have also been recorded in some areas.

Amid all this, farmers were extremely insulted by the meager ₱2,500 aid the local government have distributed to farmers owning three hectares of rice fields. They say the ₱15 million fund to buy pumps and equipment for irrigation was also released very late and was all for show.

They insist that given no significant help, they are ready to act united for a dialogue and confrontation with local agencies.


To support production, farmers revived Characters , the traditional form of agricultural cooperation in the region.

In the southern part of Negros Occidental, they set to communally cultivate an area of land they acquired through a successful campaign. They agreed to plant corn on the land. “This is the primary aspect of the cooperation…we follow the framework of “work points,” shared the participating farmer. They agreed that the women’s group will water the corn fields nightly.

Their unity and alliance work with the middle forces in the community also bore fruit. They said the hoses they got as support were a big help. They use this for irrigation especially with distant water sources.

“Our cooperation further improved most especially during El Niño…especially our work in the kampo (cane fields) is also about to end,” according to a farmer. This will also help, he said, with food sources this dry season. At times like these, a farmer even attested, “we have nothing else to rely on but our cooperation.”

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