In recent months, more than 4,326 hectares of land were affected by terrible forest fires caused by the landowner or arising as a phenomenon of the Seiaje season. In addition to this, in various regions of Oaxaca such as the central valleys, Mixteca and Costa, mainly, a water crisis that threatens whole populations, and now also to hospitals and public schools has been observed.
The clear example is the situation of the General Hospital “Dr. Aurelio Valdivieso ”, in the middle of Oaxaca capital, which on February 22 had to suspend tasks to run out of water. Obviously a hospital cannot work without providing minimal health conditions for patients and medical personnel, and for this the drinking water service is indispensable. In this regard, the Human Rights Ombudsman of Oaxaca initiated a background notebook and issued precautionary measures where he asks "Comprehensive actions to the State that avoid producing damage of difficult or impossible reparation to detriment to the right to citizenship."
Now, in the same capital of the entity, there is talk of at least 6 public schools that have had to suspend tasks and return to the online classes to the total shortage of water in its facilities. The most recent have been the Morning Elementary School "Carlos A. Carrillo", located in the Reforma neighborhood, and the morning elementary school "Enrique Pestalozzi", located in the center of the city. Leave childhood without access to drinking water within its schools also attentive against their right to education and health, among others contemplated within the best interests of childhood.
Until a few weeks ago the shortage of drinking water was concentrated in the popular colonies generally located on the periphery and the hills of the city, nothing new. For decades there are dozens of colonies and neighborhoods called “irregular settlements” where the poor people do not have access to drinking water or other public services; In the same situation there are hundreds of schools in those same neighborhoods. The different governments in turn have systematically ignored this situation, leaving the solution in the hands of the residents who have had to hire private pipes that take advantage of the era of the era to speculate with water prices.
But now that the water crisis has reached the downtown area of the city and the "good" colonies such as Reforma, San Felipe, etc. The situation has become a scandal; Even more when visible public institutions such as the General Hospital and the aforementioned schools must have suspended work at the shortage of water.

At the same time in Oaxaca, cooling companies and breweries continue to work normally, as are large hotels, restaurants, vice centers and even spas that prepare for Holy Week and beautiful tourism. None of these are lacking water at all.
Are we facing a phenomenon of drought or looting? You answer.
If during the pandemic, health emergency and suspension of work of these industries and businesses were decreed, the same should be done in the midst of this water crisis that is also a sanitary crisis, in addition to regulating the price of water sold by the piperos organized in union mafias.
Guarantee universal access to drinking water as a fundamental right is a vital necessity and not the elections at the door. The money spent on campaigns and candidates should be invested in community collection and water supply systems for the people.