Imperialism displays its claws
Imperialist boots, of different lysa, invade to
Ecuador, in search of our land, natural resources, labor
cheap, market (mainly arms), coluding and struggling by the
distribution of the world. In Ecuador we face monopoly expansion
extractivist miner.
Imperialism, through transnational companies
Mining, spit their narratives as poison, say they come with progress,
Sources of employment, industrialization, wealth, among other fallacies. To the
viper little or nothing interests the well -being of oppressed peoples, everything
otherwise, their colonizing practices and their desire to
enrich themselves at whatever.
Those paper tigers want to break into Ecuador, then,
Labor rights are violated and thus satisfy the work of others. So,
The miners have guaranteed cheap labor with relationships of
Semi -feudal production. Noboa's bourgeois/landowner's government, goes more
Beyond being a representative of the Great Bourgeois Buying faction, it is the
Encarnación de Feudalism, a landowner raised in the image and likeness of the
Yankees to reproduce feudality, gamonalism, servitude,
work does not pay and semicoloniality.
Invasion to Burned Palo-Las Pampas
The governments on duty, from the fascist Correa,
through Moreno, Lasso and today the landowner of Noboa, together with
Other institutions of the old state, have crouched their heads before their masters
Imperialists They have lent all the conditions for the lands to strip
to the peasant.
What is happening in Palo Quemado-Las Pampas, of the
Canton Sigchos, Province of Cotopaxi,
It is nothing more than the imperialist imposition of bureaucratic capitalism
Pampas 2,200 hectares in favor of the landowner company La Plata
S.A., owned by the Atico Mining Corporation S.A., now enter the
peasant communities with the aim of concentrating the earth, exploiting
minerals such as gold, silver, copper, among others.
Bureaucrats of the Ministry of Environment and Salaries of
La Minera La Plata S.A., have been given the task of performing mediocre workshops and
socialization talks, distracting true social and environmental impact,
offering work sources, training, vaccination to children, education,
Trucks and machinery, in summary, trying to buy consciences. They do it
in front of a few clueless and traitors, under the pretext of a
supposed socialization of the mining project, with that mechanism they enter the
people to divide and oppose it.
Anti -imperialist resistance
The old state activated its repressive devices on March 19 and 20, members of the National Police and Armed Forces, according to complaints of community members, in coordination with paramilitary mafias at the service of imperialism and power groups, attacked the peasantry. In addition, the State Attorney General's Office criminalized the right to resistance and protest, processing around 72 community members, unusual, for the crime of terrorism.
Despite all the repression and persecution, the brave masses have resisted in belligerent, the peasants develop struggles to expel the invader, incinerated two vehicles of imperialist lackeys and injured six police and military.
Below bourgeois/landowner consultations and institutionality
The farce of free, prior and informed consultations, popular consultations, elections and spurious bourgeois democracy is developing. For example, the popular consultation for the non-exploitation of the Yasunà ITT, what has been the use? What is the point of electing an executioner as president every four years? What was the use of mining socializations in the canton of Las Naves? They serve only to numb popular struggles.
The traitors, revisionists, reformists and opportunists try to bring to the clearance the struggle of the peoples, directing the electoral and institutional abyss to the masses, pushing them to a prior, free and informed consultation, which is rigged in favor of imperialist mining, which legitimizes . The invasion and becomes the extinguisher of the resistance sparks.
We should not romantize the struggle of oppressed peoples, this goes beyond water, of nature, it is not a theme of indigenous, mestizos, black or white. Let's open our eyes, the world crosses several imperialist invasions against oppressed peoples.
Imperialism wishes to seize our main means of production, land and everything that contains it, stripping our peasants. Then, the people of Palo Quemado-Las Pampas its main contradiction is against imperialism, against semi-feudality and against bureaucratic capitalism, in that order.
We cannot trust a gram of rice in the institutions of the old state, all are at the service of imperialism and power groups, nor of the Armed Forces and National Police who point their weapons to the poorest in the country for the benefit of the exploiter . And they will not hesitate to pull the trigger. In contrast, there is the proletariat, the poor peasants, the democratic intellectuals, the aguerrido people, who undertake the anti -imperialist struggle for the Pacha Mama.
Down with mining imperialism!
Down the previous consultations!
Long live the national liberation fight!
Long live the combative resistance of the People Quemado-Las Pampas!
The fight for Earth is main, the struggle for water and territory is complement!
Organize, fight and resist!