Hundreds of fighters have responded to the call of the "Thessaloniki Organizations - Colleges" and members of the Palestinian Community of Thessaloniki, to condemn and denounce the Palestinian People's Genistian People's Political Policy to the Palestinian People's People's Genocide in the Strip of Gaza. Thousands of bombs, hunger and illness. They gathered and demonstrated to denounce the Western patrons of the fascist state of Israel, the US-NATO and EU imperialists, but also the increasingly deeper involvement of our country in the slaughter in Palestine.

Before 7pm, people began to concentrate on the statue of Venizelos, which began to fill the space. Microphone played revolutionary Palestinian songs, and the organizers' announcement was read. Particularly moving was the moment when the poem of a murdered Zionist bombs, Palestinian of Gaza, was read.
Very encouraging was the participation of several dozen Palestinian refugees and members of the Palestinian community of Thessaloniki, which gave pulse and militancy both to the gathering and the following demonstration. This day is of particular importance to the Palestinian people as it is the memory of the Battle of Al-Karama, which took place on 21/3 of 1968, against the Zionist troops. At the same time, as it is World Day Against Racism, the organizers wanted to underline the fair struggle of the Palestinian people against the apartheid regime that has imposed the Zionist state of Israel for more than seven decades. A regime that in recent years has escalated the policy of racial divisions at the expense of Palestinians and Arabs throughout historical Palestine.

The demonstration in which the KKE (M-L), OKDE, NAP, the Struggle, etc. But they also supported the CMA, the beginning, marched from Egnatia, to Hagia Sophia and Tsimiski, shouted slogans in front of the hated consulate of the Americans to end up in Aristotle again in the statue of Venizelos. The participation with the banner of the Physicist Student Association, which continues to occupy the law on private universities by responding in practice to the recent MAT invasion of Students and the arrests of students as well as a more comprehensive effort to terrorize the student struggles, was also positive.
The KKE (M-L), which has previously made a significant effort to success in this concentration-demonstration, has helped to distribute the common press release of organizations- colleges, trafficking the "proletarian flag" and formed a mass and militant bloc, shouting anti-war. , anti -imperialist slogans of solidarity in the struggle of the people of Palestine.
The "organizations-colleges of Thessaloniki", which also includes members of the Palestinian community, will meet in the coming days to determine the next solidarity actions to the Palestinian people.