For the debate between his companions, in the workers' avant -gardes, in the movement for the construction of the Communist Party

The economic press of yesterday's newspapers reported that to Unilever Group of 59.6 billion, the new management to conquer the trust of investors and recover profit margins, has declared the intention to slide the ice cream section, a sector seasonal and with a more complex logistics. And to prepare a 7500 jobs cut.
In its simplicity this political economic news opens up to a great truth that today is useful to return to the fact that interests of the masters are antagonists, irreconcilable to those of the workers, of all proletarians. Simplicity of course does not mean trivial, We can see it if from another point of view we observe the state of the working class today.
Individualism does enormous damage into factories, a way of being and thinking that the workers have absorbed and that leads to say: “The struggle puts At risk the workplace or mortgage, I have to think about mine situation".
But it is life In the capitalist society that is at risk, that should scare. We die of profit, poverty, for racism. There is not a sector, an aspect of life, working, social, cultural, that the popular masses cross, that it is saved, that it is not hard, a frightening risk or under attack of the reaction. And today still more in the general trend to a global enlargement of conflicts with the enemy of our house, imperialist and modern fascist, Meloni government, which drags us every day that passes into these wars.
In statistics For poverty, workers who do not do they do more to reach
the end of the month. The increase in prices is certified especially in the food sector. It is spent more and A quantity of minor expenditure takes home, and these cuts, which They are real privations, the proletarians make them heavily also on one's health.
Cuts, privatization, increase in costs, structures under organic, when they are not closed, they make you sick, they make you die for lack of prevention, of care. And what to say about House, work, social services, school?
All this is closely connected to the factory, how the class acts e reacts in the great factories, to the need for political work in factories.
In factory today Bourgeois ideology submits workers to production capitalist, he makes them "stay in his own shell", to use the Words of a worker. How do you feel different from others if you talk about politics, war, investments in government bonds up to € 50,000, which were excluded from the ISEE by the new government, if Do proposals look at you like an alien.
“Everything here added you are still well " - it is said - the salary and the place fixed they produced a poisoned fruit. Each for themselves and everyone We pay, submitted to the living and work conditions imposed by capitalist system that has its center in large factories. Factories where the response level is low, even to attacks directed to working conditions, in the salary, instead of work, to health and safety, union rights, the plans of renovation or relocation that touch all aspects.
Accomplice the absence of a confederal opposition union movement, the his action is of control over workers instead of challenging their interests. Action that overall feeds the subordination and passivity of the workers. I'm a example of this the trade union agreements that bind the salary and the productivity, and often also safety, to the promotion of funds supplementary for pensions and healthcare rather than the defense of services public, disputes on words of renounced and confined orders to the single factory. And clearly, even more, the absence of Activities against the government, against war, for Palestine.
On the one hand, Therefore, an ideological bombardment that attacks the working class.
On the other the class forces, revolutionary, today small but with only one Alternative: bring with revolutionary optimism work necessary towards workers so that the factories must and can return to being a center of socialization and organization of class, through the political struggle to subtract the working class to the influence of bourgeois ideology, in perspective revolutionary, in the perspective of the reconstruction of the party Communist.
An instrument of
This work is the counter -information rossusaia which now comes out how
Online and weekly newspaper, printed and spread to the concierge.
In the current situation, in which the forces are limited, the militants
They are few, this means in concrete terms
to the workers the general political situation, the situation of all
the classes of the population, the situation of the movements that yes
translates into knowledge for the workers of what really happens, to make it food of class political consciousness. And among these,
As he also remembered in the first part of the counter -information of
Today, today there is solidarity alongside the Resistance
Palestinian who cannot be missing in the activity towards the workers, who
must not submit to the backward part, perhaps to earn a
easy mass consensus, that is, without breaking with positions
Other Indispensable instrument is the workers' training, training ideological to fight against the dominance of bourgeois ideology inside the class, as we have seen, against the cult of the spontaneity that suffocates the development of proletarian consciousness.
Dice Lenin: “There are two policies, tradunionist policy and politics social democratic, given that economists do not deny the absolute politics but continually deviate from the Social Democratic conception, that is, revolutionary, towards the tradunionist conception of the politics, the union conception of politics. And it is not about give the same economic struggle or that to the struggle economic is already political struggle and that this is the method of leading to workers to politics through claims tangible, on the contrary. The revolutionary take advantage of the agitation economic not only to present claims of all kinds, but also first of all to claim the suppression of the regime autocratic ”.
Today, in this march context towards a modern fascist regime, everything it becomes politics and therefore training as a guide becomes necessary to action and compared to the tasks of revolutionary policy, Class agitation, propaganda, organization. Without doing the our part for a systematic party study as we can do the battle and bring the problem of training between the class worker who, as Marx says, has a successful element, the number, but the number does not weigh on the scale except when united In community and is guided by knowledge? Because political activity, work for the proletarian revolution of the party Communist MLM is the purpose of our struggles we organize, the reporting of the counter -information and crosses All tools of daily activity.
Training is one study agent, linked to daily practice, which allows at the forefront of taking a step forward. Today the current problem is not to do The revolution, but embody the first step to take it. The first step It is to build the avant -garde forged by the theory and the program necessary to do it. And that in the fire of the struggle in close link with the workers and the masses, it is able to transform these books in a practical tool, in an indication that gives us strength necessary to reverse the course of a horrible world e undertake the real struggle for a new world, founded on reversal of the dominant classes and the construction of proletarian power, popular with its most advanced class, the working class, the one that It can really change production, the social system and build a state suitable for transforming the economy into economics to the service of the people. A socialist economy.