Current situation: Notes on the World Crisis (9. Declarations on Ukraine)

Author: Verein der Neuen Demokratie
Description: On the latest statements of the imperialist representatives in this post, we recorded some of the latest statements of ...
Published Time: 2024-03-22T22:54:00+08:00
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About the latest statements by imperialist representatives

In this Post, we record some of the latest statements by the representatives German politicians of the Executive and the Bundestag (Parliament), of Minister of The US and others, about the war of aggression of Russian imperialism to Ukraine and the imperialist "help".

The following issues of the statements and Meetings among imperialists are closely related: Macron statements to send troops to Ukraine, Foreign Minister's Negaiva German Scholz de los Rockets „Taurus” for Ukraine, the latest statements of this to use the interest of 3 thousand to 4 billion euros of the Reservations of the Central Bank of Russia that are in EU deposits and frozen and the statements of the head of the SPD Mützenich parliamentary fraction of „freezing war”.

Mützenich In the Bundestag said: " The options to end a conflict military would ultimately be political " "The leader said of the SPD parliamentary group. Politicians must carry out these Debates "instead of talking about where the Taurus screws are ”.

The Previous statement has resulted in fierce discussions.

He scenario and the occasion, of the statement, could not be better chosen by the Chief representative of the parliamentary fraction of the Government Party (SPD), of the coalition of the traffic light along with the green and the FDP.

Some, They have tried to present Mützenich's words as a personal issue; But it is not so, it has been endorsed by the German Chancellor himself in the manner of a equilibrist such as his costubre. But, even more, in interviews of the top officials of his party in two programs of the German TV They have backed and explained.

It's not Nor is a trial balloon, apparently something agreed with Biden and others Chancellories, this because of the relationship between all the issues and declarations of the maximum representatives of the imperialist countries in Colsion and struggle. We think that what we have just said, are not simple Speculations, there are other facts that have to be taken into account and are:

It is already clear that with whom they have to deal with In Russia it is with Putin;

Biden You need diplomatic successes for re -election and can press Zelensky with an uncertain future in the elections for the certain possibility of the Donald Trump's choice;

But, The truth is that both point to a Yankee Agreement for Center in the Indo-Pacific (China's containment against their effort to hegemonize in the region);

He German government is in „a ñ either SUPERECORTORAL ", elections will be taken in some key states and elections European, if it is bad stopped from them can fall and macron in difficulties internal;

The new pressure to the government of Putin with other measures, by the imperialist "allies", such as Scholz's initiative to use the Interests of frozen Russian accounts to buy weapons to "help" Ukraine and the threat of examining the possibility of using it in its integrity to The „reconstruction of Ukraine.

The above reasons are some of the issues that pay for our opinion.

With the aggregate by most of Those appointed from which in „last instance must decide is Zalensky. Is last explains somewhat the taking and tells that Zalensky is tied with the dependence of The imperialist "help". And the Pressures for a political "agreement" for „freezing war“ points to it and Your government.

That's why What we have repeated from the beginning of the war is very important of aggression of Russian imperialism against the Ukrainian nation:

1. Through the "help" the imperialists rive the chains of the binding of the Ukrainian nation to imperialism, takes them from the claws of Russian imperialism to those of its imperialist rivals, mainly Yankee imperialism.

2 in The present situation, the "help" is an "obligation" that the lacayo acquires Ukrainians of imperialism in the name of the entire Ukraine nation, which from the Roman Law is governed by the principle of „I give to do”, etc. That is to say, On that path the country becomes collusion exchange sheet and Imperialist struggle. That is to say the country, in an area under protectorate of Russian imperialism and a state in the rest under protectorate of imperialism Yankee. That is what should be understood When the US Minister of Defense in Ramstein said:

"He Secretary of Defense of the United States, Lloyd Austin, highlighted the role of These capacities coalitions in the acquisition of ammunition and weapons . Austin said the coalitions would underline a " Shared commitment to the long -term safety of Ukraine ". He Ukraine defense expenditure is an "investment in our security Shared, "said Austin."

Where are you going Pushing things, considering that "help" and „political solution" (collusion) are complemented are not in contrast, it is filtered into these words:

„Mützenich now told the newspaper" Neue Westfälische "who did not want to correct his statement:" I am formed in Social and Peace Sciences. Over there freezing is used as a term to allow temporary local fire and cessations of humanitarian fire In special situations. that can move to a permanent absence of military force ". Of course, This requires the consent of Both parties in conflict, which cannot be issued from the outside " .

He SPD leader, Klingbeil, he said on the TV program :

"A Deliberate misinterpretation of this speech " (…) According to the party leader, It is an incredibly "situation controversial ”in which the traffic light government is . Mützenich He simply raised a legitimate question and is not alone in his position: in Last instance, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyj would also demand Peace negotiations, according to Klingbeil.

The journalist clarifies in this regard: „Zelenskyj Indeed peace negotiations, but at the same time he quotes the withdrawal of the Russian army as the basis for conversations from the territories Occus of Ukraine. This is totally opposed to the idea of "freezing" the Conflict, as Rolf Mützenich had asked. ”

Then Klingbeil himself lies the statements of Mützenich with the subject of Scholz and the „Taurus”, like this:

„" Nothing says Rolf Mützenich and what Defend the SPD suggests that we decide on the mentality of the Ukraine "Klingbeil continued. In Ukraine there is no doubt what side There is the SPD, as evidenced by arms supplies and financial support till the date. Klingbeil explained the power of the Chancellor in the matter of "Taurus" deliveries: "In the end, Olaf Scholz is responsible for They politically is their decision. "If the chancellor decides that the delivery of "taurus" would represent a danger too big to The Federal Republic, then we will have to accept it. "I think this Decision must be treated with respect ""

On March 20, Olaf Scholz in the Bundestag, according to the news, " Scholz responded with a triad: more and durable support to Ukraine, now also with International supply of ammunition, without participation of NATO and without "La Paz dictated ". In his half -hour speech."

We asked: Why „Support to Ukraine (…) without peace dictated?, that gives more to think where the collusion is going Imperialists is the prey of the imperialist contest, in this case, Ukraine. In addition, if the imperialists affirm something, before the ink is It has dried, they are already doing the opposite.

3. The „Help“ is round business for the imperialists: as we saw in the post the Notes of the Center for Strategic and International Studies event “Ukraine In The Balance: A Battlefield Update on the War in Ukraine ”, where Yankees imperialists say:

„(…) the money that We spend on Ukraine no Leave the US goes to the industry US defense .. Goes to companies The US that sends help to Ukraine. The vast majority stay here. ”

In These day, they have been heard saying, in the EU: that „of the 100 of the interest of 3 billion euros of the accounts frozen Russians for help to Ukraine, 90% will be to buy Weapons for the defense of Ukraine and only 10% for reconstruction. ” That, For now you cannot allocate until the end of the conflict.

Us: We reiterate our position on the development of contradictions in this War of aggression of Russian imperialism against the Ukrainian nation:

In the war in Ukraine two are expressed contradictions: the development of the main contradiction between the nation Ukrainian and Russian imperialism; And, as a heavy, development in the midst of collusion and struggle of inter-imperialist contradiction (third contradiction); mainly, among the hegemonic imperialist superpower Unique, the US and "allies", and atomic superpower, Russia; and this development, sharpens the development of the second contradiction (proletariat bourgeoisie) in imperialist countries, as we are showing it in the present notes on the current situation.

The essence of war for Russia is imperialist, Appropriate Ukraine, change your status to colony. The essence of war For Ukraine it is of a really national war; It is a nation war oppressed against a foreign oppressor. Defend your right to Self -determination, its national liberation. It is a national resistance war.

That the imperialists in their wars against oppressed nations can only coil failures and engage in the quagmire. That Yankee Empireism is the fat dog and main enemy of the peoples of the world and Russian imperialism is the skinny dog, such as aggressor imperialism In Ukraine is the main enemy there.

The Ukrainian nation has resisted from the beginning. The Ukrainian nation, the masses of that country, demarcating with lackeys from others Imperialists like Zalensky, etc., are persisting in the war of national resistance, conjuring the danger of national capitulation.

The struggle of the Ukrainian nation will be long and only fighting with independence, ausostenance and self -decision, trusting only in his own forces and in the international solidarity of the proletariat and the peoples of the world; carrying the National Resistance War such as War prolonged; fighting independence without undergoing superpower or power any imperialist; practicing that man and not weapons are decisive and that we must prevent the bear from between the main door and, to the same Time, conjure that the wolf between the back door; persisting in the need to unite all the forces susceptible to being united by the national resistance, isolated to traitors and pro -imperialist traitors anywhere, the Ukrainian nation will reach the final victory over the invader and any other who threatens his independence and integrity.

But the situation in the National Resistance War demand Reconstituy their Communist Party, as a Marxist-Leninist-Maoist party militarized to direct the National Resistance War and transform it into a popular war of national resistance to achieve Vutory against the imperialist invader and continue the revolution to Keep up and develop the socialist revolution.

Then the news in the bourgeois press.

THE TAGESCHAU of Germany, under the title Müznich BLIBT DIBIT ( Mützenich remains firm), on March 19, 2024, reported:

TO Despite all criticism, the head of the SPD parliamentary fraction, Mützenich wants to keep s US statements about "freezing" The war in Ukraine . He also explains why. The Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Minister of Defense distanced themselves from the choice of words.

With his statement in the Bundestag about the "Freezing" of the war in Ukraine, the leader of the parliamentary group of the SPD, Rolf Mützenich, caused a lot of misunderstanding. There was also opposition inside of his own ranks. However, Mützenich wants to maintain its formulation.

It is specifically a Question that the politician raised last Thursday in the Bundestag debate About the delivery of the "Taurus" cruise missiles : "Isn't it time for not Let's talk about how to fight a war, but also about "thinking about how freeze a war and then end up?

The consent of both parties is required in conflict

He followed a storm of indignation. Mützenich said now to the newspaper "Neue Westfälische" who did not want to correct his Affirmation: "I am formed in social sciences and peace. HE Use freezing as a term to allow local fire ceases temporal and cessations of humanitarian fire in special situations. which can move to a permanent absence of military force ". By supposed, This requires the consent of both parties in conflict, which It cannot be issued from the outside , This requires the consent of both Conflict parts, which cannot be issued from the outside

Excitement about Mützenich speech "Relapse In the old Russian policy "

The statements of the SPD parliamentary group leader in the Mützenich in Bundestag have caused violent reactions. more

fifteen March 2024

Shock For Mützenich's speech: "relapsed in the old Russian policy"

The Declarations of the Chief of the SPD Parliamentary Group, Mützenich, in the Bundestag have sometimes caused violent reactions.

Further Alternatives to solve the conflict

When asked if his recent statements They had been deliberately misunderstood, he said: "I don't want to accuse No one of that. But who criticizes me so severely obviously prepared to lead a political debate that also takes into account alternatives".

According to Mützenich, China I could probably influence Russia for a possible solution . "We have to convince China that the Popular Republic has an existential and economic interest in become more active diplomatically in the war than Russia is responsible". China probably still has some influence on Russia . "Politicians have to have these debates instead of Talk about where the 'Taurus' screws are. The options on how You can end a military conflict, they will ultimately be, policies ".

Pistorius: "In the end I would only help Putin"

Mützenich also found opposition within his SPD party. Yesterday his party partner and minister of Defense, Boris Pistorius. "In the end, I would only help Putin," he said During a visit to Poland.

Pistorius today added more information in Deutschlandfunk: the word "freezing" indicates that "you can simply freeze a war like this - and we are not talking about a Conflict on both sides - and then wait for you to improve. We know it for the History and according to experience with Putin, this will never be so. " Mützenich's words meant the desire for peace. Pistorius emphasized: "The SPD is not a match that understands Putin." The SPD has Olaf Scholz as Chancellor and Germany is at the head of all Europeans who They support Ukraine.

March 18, 2024

Declaration about "Freezing War" Pistorius distances Mützenich

He leader of the SPD parliamentary group, Mützenich, had suggested thinking about "Freeze" war. further

Also criticism of Minister Baerbock

There were also criticism from the ranks of the partners of FDP coalition and the greens. The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Annalena Baerbock , for example, explained in the daily issues that From one human perspective could understand the idea of when this will finally end war . However, peace is something to work for all the days. That is why it is important to continue supporting Ukraine .

"The greatest favor we can do to Putin is Let us fight in Germany, in Europe, "said the green politician. "What Putin underestimated completely is that at the time our European peace order is being attacked, all of Europe remains united. " To defend peace and freedom, a federal government is also needed Fuerte German.

There were also harsh criticisms of Mützenich by part of the union . "I consider that this approach is absolutely unacceptable, "said the parliamentary general director of the members of the Bundestag CDU/CSU, Thorsten Frei (CDU). And he added: " I don't see any Side How we can get to Peace Negotiations ". Consider that Mützenich's suggestion is "naive at best, but in Very dangerous reality. "

Conversations in Ramstein

The question of greater military support to Ukraine It is also debated today at the American Air Base of Ramstein, in Rhinestone-Palatinated. There will meet defense ministers and representatives High -ranking military by invitation from the Secretary of Defense American, Lloyd Austin, and the Federal Minister of Defense, Pistorius. Recently there have been disagreements among the partners Western about the scope of weapons deliveries to Ukraine. Germany is under pressure to deliver Taurus cruise missiles, what the chancellor Scholz rejects.

After a meeting with the French president, Emmanuel Macron, and the Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk, Scholz announced a few days ago that a new coalition had been agreed for the "rocket artillery long range". The coalition should be formed within the framework of Ramstein.


Player: Videoard Germany trend


ARD Germany trend Majority against "Taurus" delivery to Ukraine

61 The percent of the Germans are that Germany "Taurus"-

Group of Ramstein contact: United States promises more helps Ukraine

Greater support from the western world to Ukraine. "The United States will not allow Ukraine Failure, "said US Secretary of Defense, Austin, in Ramstein. Meanwhile, in Germany the debate about "freeze" war.

Reported On this subject: news of March 19, 2024 at 10:00 a.m.

In the Meeting of the so -called Ukrainian contact group in Ramstein, the secretary of American defense , Lloyd Austin, assured the kyiv government the continuous support of its Western allies. Austin said at the inauguration of the meeting at the base of the American Air Force in Rhinestone-Palatinated: "State United will not allow Ukraine to fail. This coalition will not allow Ukraine failure . The free world will not allow Ukraine to fail. "

News current about the war between Russia and Ukraine in the news teletype

The group of Contact also analyzes opinion differences

Austin He had invited the members of the contact group to Ramstein. There they want discuss how to proceed in the war between Russia and Ukraine. Between the participants are numerous defense ministers and representatives military The group includes more than 50 states that support Ukraine in the war against Russia. Ukraine herself is also represented to clarify what support needed.

The group of Ramstein contact wants to discuss exactly how this support should be. Recently there have been differences of opinion in this regard: while the French president, Emmanuel Macron, did not rule out the use of land troops in Ukraine, Germany is much more cautious.

The "Capacity coalitions" should hold contact states

He Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) refuses to supply Taurus cruise missiles . After a meeting with Macron And the Polish Prime Minister Tusk last week, Scholz announced a "Capacity coalition" for "Large rocket artillery Scope "within the framework of Ramstein.

He Secretary of Defense of the United States, Lloyd Austin, highlighted the role of These capacities coalitions in the acquisition of ammunition and weapons . Austin said coalitions would underline a " Shared commitment to long -term safety of Ukraine ". Ukraine defense spending is an "investment In our shared security, "said Austin.

Austin: "Putin will not be satisfied with Ukraine"

Directing To the members of the Ukraine contact group, Austin added: "We don't Let's cheat. Putin will not settle for Ukraine. "But Ukraine can "Stop Putin," as American president Joe Biden said, if “We support Ukraine and provide him with the weapons he needs for his defending". Austin emphasized: "Ukraine survival is in danger. And All our security is in danger. "

Mützenich He doesn't want to withdraw the expression "freeze."

While So much, in Germany the debate about the statement of the group leader continues SPD parliamentarian, Rolf Mützenich, that the conflict in Ukraine should "freeze" . On Thursday, in the Bundestag debate about the supply of the Taurus cruise missiles, Mützenich asked if one should also think about "How can a war freeze and put an end later?"

In a Conversation with the newspaper "Neue Westfälische", Mützenich He answered the question of whether I wanted to correct this: "No, I don't want to." It is "formed in social sciences and peace" and there "the freezing is used as terminology " To allow fire high temporary and truces, which could then lead to longer -term solutions . This "of course requires the consent of both parties in Conflict, "said Mützenich.

" The options to end a military conflict would ultimately be "Policies "The leader of the SPD parliamentary group stressed. Politicians must carry out these debates “instead of talking about where There are the Taurus screws. ”

Pistorius: "The SPD is not a match that understands Putin"

On the eve of the Ramstein meeting, the Federal Minister of Defense, Boris Pistorius, He reiterated that he had not talked about freezing war in Ukraine, as he did Mützenich. Your choice of words indicates that one can "simply freeze "such a war and then wait" that things improve ” We know "For history and for our experiences With Putin that this never It will be so "said Defense Minister at Deutschlandfunk.

"He SPD is not a game that understands Putin, "said Pistorius. The SPD has To Olaf Scholz as Chancellor and Germany is at the head of all Europeans that support Ukraine. Pistorius demanded that there are no "doubts about our solidarity and our support for Ukraine. Everything else is a manufactured debate that No one needs and does not help anyone, and less to Ukraine. "

With AFP and DPA information

Because the Chancellor speaks clear

Starting From: March 20, 2024 7:00 p.m.

After Mützenich's statement about the "freezing" of the conflict in Ukraine, Scholz's appearance in Bundestag became an act of balance. But perhaps the leader of the SPD parliamentary group even You have done the Chancellor a favor.

Tsorina Emudts

Pure Tsorina Emunds, Tageschau.

How do you position yourself as a chancellor among a leader of the SPD parliamentary group, peace lover, and a defense minister who He has just decidedly distanced himself from the leader of his own parliamentary group About politics in Ukraine? In Government's previous statements, Scholz's party was not the problem for him. He often had to deal with disputes between his coalition between the FDP and the green.

Scholz asks Ukraine for more support in a statement from government

Jakob Schaumann, ARD Berlín, Daily Topics, 20 de Marzo de 2024 22:15

Now things are different: for days the debate politician revolves around a single word of the leader of the parliamentary group of the SPD, Rolf Mützenich. Last week, at the Bundestag's lectern, he formulated the Next question about Ukrainian policy: if it wasn't time not only talk about how to fight a war, "but also to think about how to freeze A war and ... "freeze". - This expression caused the Federal Minister of Defense, Boris Pistorius, member of the SPD, he responded clearly on Monday during a trip to Foreign: "In the end, this would only help Putin." I should not have a peace given and "no peace that leads to that -or a high fire or to a freezing- in which Putin emerges stronger at the end and continues the Conflict when you please, "said Pistorius. Ukraine must continue receiving "without peros" support.

Olaf sowl a El Bundestag

In previous speeches of the traffic light coalition on the appropriate amount or The appropriate weapons system to support Ukraine, Scholz always appeared initially as the hesitant and later as the one driven by the FDP and the Green Defense politicians, for example when I was concerned about the Delivery of the combat car "Leopard" 2 "decided to do it late. In this sense, Mützenich even did a favor, because Scholz could present himself today as an active man and a clear speaker and make clear that not only Germany, But also Europe is accelerating the passage in its support for the attacked country.


"Deliberate misunderstanding"

As of: March 18, 2024 7:07 a.m.

The statements of the leader of the SPD parliamentary group, Mützenich, about the war in Ukraine caused strong criticism, also in The coalition. The SPD leader, Klingbeil, defended Mützenich and talked about a "Selective erroneous interpretation" by Caren Miosga.

By Lucas Weyell

The reason for the visit of the SPD leader, Lars Klingbeil, Caren Miosga could not have been more timely . Last Thursday, the leader of the SPD parliamentary group, Rolf Mützenich, caused a stir with a Speech at the Bundestag. In the plenary he spoke of "freezing" war in Ukraine and subsequent peace negotiations with Russia. Mützenich described of "malicious" the criticism of the opposition and the politicians of the traffic light to Foreign Minister Olaf Scholz: the leader of the SPD parliamentary group had been criticized several times for his choice of words, even for part of the traffic light matches. The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Annalena Baerbock, sat visibly annoying during the speech at the stage of the Government and strongly shook his head. The Greens and the FDP denied Applaud Mützenich during his speech.

Rolf Mützenich

Player: frozen wars audio and frozen mines

March 15, 2024

Klingbeil: "A deliberate misinterpretation of This speech " Klingbeil himself said Sunday afternoon in the Arden Miosga Interview Program: "I think reduce speech From Rolf Mützenich to this passage is a deliberate misinterpretation of this speech". According to the leader of the party, It is an "incredibly controversial situation" in the What is the traffic light government . Mützenich simply raised a legitimate question and is not only in its position: ultimately, the Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyj would also demand peace negotiations, According to Klingbeil. ZELENSKYJ effectively calls for peace negotiations, but to same time cites the withdrawal of the Russian army as the basis for Conversations from the occupied territories of Ukraine. This is totally opposite to the idea of "freezing" the conflict, as Rolf Mützenich had asked. A "freezing" would mean keeping the current status quo, it is Say, keep the areas occupied by the Russian army. Klingbeil: there is no Doubt which side is the SPD. Klingbeil sharply rejected the accusation of that social democrats would deny support the country in himself in war Defensive: " Nothing that Rolf Mützenich says and what the SPD defends He suggests that we decide on the mentality of the Ukrainian s ", Klingbeil continued. In Ukraine there is no doubt which side is the SPD, such as They demonstrate arms supplies and financial support to date. Klingbeil explained the foreign minister's power regarding deliveries "Taurus": " In the end, Olaf Scholz is responsible for them politically decision. "If the chancellor decides that the delivery of the "Taurus" would represent a danger too big for the Republic Federal, Then we will have to accept it. "I think this decision It must be treated with respect. "

War in Ukraine and Gaza (Taz)

:The top of the EU breaks taboos

Less moderation towards Israel and more money for weapons for Ukraine: the states of the They are gradually dismantling their great construction works.

He President of the EU Council, Charles Michel, is satisfied with a greater Help for Ukraine and a harder approach to Israelfoto: Johanna Geron/Reuters

Brussels Taz | Wars in Ukraine and Gaza keep RUS TO THE EUROPEAN UNION. In Brussels, the 27 heads of state and government of The EU broke two important foreign policy taboos. The leaders of the That first spoke in favor of a high fire in the strip of Loop. It's a statement, They asked "an immediate humanitarian pause that leads to a high fire permanent, the unconditional release of all hostages and the provision of humanitarian assistance ".

The reluctance that was previously practiced towards Israel is now a thing of the past. The EU position is largely in line with the new states position United, said Belgian Prime Minister Alexander de Croo, who currently It occupies the presidency of the EU. Washington has also recently moved away from Jerusalem.

Also There was a turning point in the dispute on the financing of aid Ukraine armament. Heads of State and Government have asked the EU commission that develops a plan on how the Interest income of frozen Russian assets to buy weapons. Until now, foreign assets were considered sacrosanct. The bank European Central had warned about turbulence if the EU accessed money of the Russian Central Bank. Now it's just a matter of interest. The first thousand millions could flow before July 1, said the president of the commission, Ursula von der Leyen.

Without However, the problems surrounding the Ukraine War are far from being resolved It is "shameful for Europe" that member states have delivered So few artillery projectiles, said Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyj in a video link. The EU urgently needs to do more. ”

so far The bourgeois press.
