NATO troops, together with their political staffs are on the territory of Yugoslavia, distributed in BiH, Croatia and Macedonia.
The NATO Pact created American imperialists in cooperation with the Imperialists of Western Europe in 1947. Concerned about the great victories of the Soviet Union, the creation of the Socialist Tabor, the victory of the Red Army in China and the most more powerful anti-Colonial and anti-primerial movements in the third world countries, as an aggressive military block against the Soviet Union, China and Liberation Movements in Colonies. From the very beginning of his creation he formed as a stroke military fist, which was supposed to won the Soviet Union and other socialist countries militarily and to restore capitalism in them. Direct NATO interventions in Vietnam, Latin America and Africa are known.
At the end of the 1980s, the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact was disbanded, and the countries in the composition of the Soviet Union, as well as the countries of Eastern Europe, liquidated socialism and went through the restoration of capitalism.

When the main opponent of the NATO Pact was disappeared - Warsaw Pact, it seemed to be normal to dissolve the NATO Pact. Instead, the NATO pact is even more reinforced, conveniently, the most perfect types of weapons and increased the military budgets of the NATO member. Using economically, diplomatic, political and military pressure makes everything to expand, not only to all countries of Eastern Europe, but also on all the countries of the former Soviet Union and thus reaches Russia's borders. It is the goal of being completely insulate that Russia, they put it on their knees and the countries of the former Soviet Union create a kind of semi-coloni, to use their huge natural resources unobstructed, to gain abundance of cheap labor and spacious market. It is obvious that the NATO pact remains an aggressive military force of imperialism and it seems everything in order to provide the rule of imperialism throughout the world, but only to economic and financial resources in the world's military force.
NATO Pact is the reactionary military force of American imperialism, the most dangerous enemy of the socialism and the people of the third world countries.
Why did NATO's troops come to Yugoslavia?
The United States and the NATO Pact, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the other only superpowers, the only global force in the world. One of the strategic goals of the United States and the NATO is not allowed to get out of the events in the world to escape their control and start developing their influence or against them. They still watched the war in Slovenia, Croatia for several years, and especially in BiH, they did not consider to intervene. However, they concluded that the continuation of the war in BiH would inevitably led to its expansion to Kosovo, Macedonia and the entire Balkans and to enter Turkey and Greece, two important NATO members against the other. The NATO Pact then decided to send troops and stop the war in BiH. They forced Milosevic and Tudjman to sign the Dayton Agreement.
One other element seriously influenced that the application of the Dayton Agreement, as well as the intention to resolve Kosovo and enable longer and more stable peace in the Balkans. The rush of the United States and NATO is caused by the possibility of "exploding" Turkey soon, and with it the entire East, they may be found in the war with the entire Muslim world that now counts about a billion and one hundred million people.
What is the attitude of the work party in connection with the presence of NATO in Yugoslavia?
Party of Labor considers that this should be considered without emotion and assess whether the presence of NATO is used in the NATO presence or harms the people of Yugoslavia. The team before there were cases in history when the interests of the imperialist, if it was a joint enemy, could coincide with the interests of the people. This happened in the Second World War when the Soviet Union concluded a pact with the two largest imperialistic forces of that time - the United States and English for the fight against the common enemy of Hitler's German.
Unfortunately, nationalism affects wide masses in Yugoslavia. Greater Serbian and Great Rhine Chauvinists, in fact, with their policy of the war and endangering the U.S. and NATO global interests and NATO's arrival in Yugoslavia. The fact is that in Yugoslavia, just because of these widespread nationalist consciousness, they could not organize forces that would oppose the disastrous, chauvinist politics of Milosevic and Tudjman. The fact is that they did not arrive NATO troops and the force of their weapons stopped war, would probably have been thousands of thousands of dead, new destruction and new crimes during the two years.
The act of stopping the war was positive. Efforts to apply the Dayton Agreement, ensure the unique BiH, return all refugees to their homes and that the penalties of war criminals, the PR is considered the interest in the people of Yugoslavia. Application of the Dayton Agreement and resolving Kosovo issues A missing blow to the Great Serbian conquerable war policy, and the nationalism in Yugoslavia, which was the main substrate of that policy. That is why the PR in this situation is not against the presence of NATO for now, because at this moment it is in the interest of the people of Yugoslavia.
But, if even after the establishment of peace in BiH and resolving these basic problems, NATO troops will be remained in Yugoslavia, the Party of the work will be considered for occupiers, which will really be. Then the PR as a true patriotic party will organize a political and other fight against NATO presence, all the way to the armed fight for the liberation of the Earth from the occupier.