(Correspondence from the company)
At the end of December, we received the announcement that the company leave was extended due to the poor order situation and that short -time work will be registered again in 2024.
(Correspondence from the company)
At the end of December, we received the announcement that the company leave was extended due to the poor order situation and that short -time work will be registered again in 2024.
Now we should be registered for short -time work, which means that we are now getting ten percent less wages. The news stood everywhere that we would supposedly do this on a voluntary basis, but now we have to sign a company agreement. The news also stood that there are no dismissals. Nevertheless, 100 colleagues who were in temporary work had to go. In total, we are 1,000 colleagues who now get ten percent less wages. Our rent, purchasing and insurance are not 10 percent cheaper!
Image source: Solar panel, Markus Spiske , Unsplash
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