A report on the Assembly for Ilaria Salis in Turin - by a lawyer of the MFPR of Taranto

Author: fannyhill
Description: On March 28 in Budapest, the second hearing will be celebrated which sees Ilaria Salis attributed in a trial whose value is only political ....
Published Time: 2024-03-23T16:27:00+08:00
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The March 28 in Budapest, the second hearing that sees will be celebrated Ilaria Salis charged In a process whose value is only politics. The Public Prosecutor of the Hungarian State wants to send a message to all the European and leftist movements of European and left: do not come to demonstrate with us, we are a country where antinazist manifestations They are not welcome, we are not a country that welcomes dissent Against the neo -Nazis then go to another part to manifest, if Come here you will suffer the fate of Ilaria Salis and his other companions who find themselves imprisoned at this moment.

Self It is discussed in Turin, during an interesting meeting organized at the Casa del Popolo Estella, to remember what is happening, Ilaria's father spoke about it, Roberto Salis , who retraced the judicial drama who is experiencing the daughter. The inhuman conditions of detention is a hygienic level that at the prison regime level since for well 35 days in Ilaria the right to speak with any; the procedural procedure that highlights the violation of the essential rights of the accused - remember that to date ad Ilaria was not given the opportunity to view the evidence collected against him by the Hungarian prosecutor; everything highlights the impairment of the right of defense in a story that seems get from a place very far from the rule of law that should characterize the Member States of the European Union.

And Indeed, Massimo Congiu

The debate continued with the intervention of Francesca Tractered , lawyer, observer for the research and processing center for Democracy in the Salis process, which immediately highlighted how The Ilaria Salis story represents a real black hole of political democracy and the right process. A treatment inhuman and degrading that configures a torture considering that for International regulations 15 days of prolonged insulation They constitute to all intents and purposes torture and Ilaria has undergone a isolation for 35 days, but above all he is not serving any condemns but only preventive imprisonment. Even the same procedural procedure does not guarantee in any way the right to defense of Ilaria nor the impartiality of a judge who already has issued a sentence of a German co -defendant in the same process of Ilaria.

Hungary of Orban is a black and black shadow that stains Europe, which in Italy finds bank in the friend president who is Fixedly appealed to the independence of the judiciary, to the autonomy of the judges, knowing well that Hungary has a lot from learn about the separation of powers and respect for rights essential humans.

Ilaria FREE!!

Source: https://femminismorivoluzionario.blogspot.com/2024/03/un-report-sullassemblea-per-ilaria.html