PC March 23 - Milan, Pro Palestine demonstrators invade the market in Piazza Portello. An avant -garde initiative that goes in the right direction and necessary to extend and continue

Author: baronerosso
Description: Article and video of the Sole24ore https: //stream24.ilsole24ore.com/video/italia/milano-corto-contro- company- accusata- export-a israle ...
Published Time: 2024-03-23T19:01:00+08:00
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Article and video of the Sole24ore


Milan, procession against company accused of exporting weapons in Israel

Yesterday, a garrison transformed into a procession against Death factories, specifically Cabi Cattaneo

Garrison and a very participated procession and with a good response from the inhabitants, most of the dark that Cabi produces weapons, solidarity. In several they joined the garrison and then to the procession. The procession to Visa the participation of the many realities of solidarity in the resistance of the Palestinian people and its organizations, which has put the complicit role of the imperialism/fascist of the Meloni government to the genocide in Gaza and the West Bank at the center. Highlighting the other side of this war - the internal one - facts of cuts in health, school, services and repression of social struggles

Source: https://proletaricomunisti.blogspot.com/2024/03/pc-23-marzo-milano-manifestanti-pro.html