At least five collecting lawsuits in various provinces of Canada are currently running against both doctors and the Canadian government due to the forced sterilization of indigenous women. Similar to the United States Also grew in Canada the "Eugeniker" movement at the beginning of the 20th century, which openly explained to "control" the indigenous population by means of an infertility.
The provinces of Alberta and British Columbia operated in the 20th century by the Eugeniker movement, sterilization programs initiated, which, together with the "Indian Act" - a racist and still applicable law, that the indigenous people, the "first nations", grants significantly less rights than the "white" and for them provides for them - suppress the development of the indigenous population should . From the 1960s to the 1980s, the birth rate of the indigenous people in Canada fell from 47 to 28 percent. The abolition of Eugenik laws began in the 1970s, but the increasing complaints and investigations of the past few years have shown that that forced sterilization is still a common remedy for Canadian imperialism, ethnic purges compared to the almost five percent of the total population of Canada to take. L On the bourgeois politician Yvonne Boyer has had at least 12,000 cases of compulsory sterilizations in Canada since the 1970s - often women were ignorant about it over a long time: “For example, we were not yet in the north. We know: 26 percent of women in iglooic were sterilized. They brought them south with ships, made mass sterilizations and brought them back. ” Boyer is not the only bourgeois politician who the topic picks up for their purposes - even the Senate, at least after after the UN committee against torture 2018 Compared to the Canadian government concern expressed and Investigations called for indirectly the end of compulsory sterilization - but The crimes against the indigenous women continue to take place and the state Covered this consciously Or do all sorts of not to let them public . So are Forced sterilization in Furthermore Kei n Facts in the Criminal Code . Last May was in Canada for the very first time a doctor for the unwanted sterilization of a woman "punished": in 2019 he had an indigenous one Inuit- Woman with abdominal pain both instead, as agreed in writing, removed an fallopian tube - whereby he ignored the objections of the medical staff: his punishment: only five months loss of his license for one “Serious n surgical n Mistake" and "Unethical approach" . In another example, in 2001 a woman was brought back into anesthesia against her will after the birth of a healthy child, made stirring by nursing staff and against her will and that of her husband.
Image: May Sarah Cardinal, who was forced to sterilize in 1977 after the birth of her second child, in front of the courthouse in Edmonton (source: