Today the School Council, convened in extraordinary session, will have to decide whether to confirm the suspension of classes for April 10 or to adhere to the invitation of the Ministry of Education and Merit to cancel the resolution voted unanimously last May.
A decision of common sense, of respect for the students and the population of Pioltello, taken by the principal and supported by the teachers of the school, by the families of Pioltello, where almost one in four inhabitants is foreigners, in the name of Iqbal Masih, has given rise to an ignoble gang, headed by Min. Valditara, Salvini and a good part of the mass media. Valditara announced checks on the Pioltello institute; there have been threats to the headmaster, Alessandro Fanfoni. But also a lot of solidarity and sharing towards the Headmaster's decision.
This story is emblematic and serious. The attack on Pioltello's decision this time also combines the repression of mere knowledge, information on the Palestinian reality, of the Arab peoples, to humoral racism, A conception and politics that speaks of " national identity in shattered ".
That is, respecting different cultures would undermine this national identity, the only one that must be imposed.
What is this if not fascism?!