Teacher resistance to evaluation is trying to break the government, with
the loud judicial appeals against the strike/abstinence. Seeks,
Before the school year closes, to have
implement all aspects of the evaluation
so it hardens the
attitude toward teachers, threatens with salary cuts and with
criminal penalties who hinders the evaluators. At this stage not
We need to either embellish the situation or present it black,
Because they are neither one nor the other.
There are
difficulties to deal with and opportunities we can
We take advantage of.
First of all,
We must overtake the solvent voices that 'the world is not pulling' and the
nonsense how 'evaluation will remain on paper', scattering frustration,
They confuse, lead to resignation and retreat.
What failed is the tricks, such as "Single Texts" and the logic that
We are struggling if we are "legal, covered and at no financial cost".
Strike/abstention is a useful medium
Resistance, which all Primary Unions (SEA/ELME) should immediately
They call again ... but it's not enough.
Particularly at this stage when trade union leadership
They are licking or staying only in this form of struggle.
The strike/abstinence draws its power from the collectivity.
always be accompanied by gatherings in schools to prevent their
evaluators to evaluate. Yes to strike/abstinence, but to give at the same time
Battle that from the first moment the trade union leadership avoids, despite the given
How the teachers' industry as a whole does not want the evaluation.
of the evaluation, that is, its institutional framework.
of the evaluation means to confront the opponent who is not just the
Government but overall the system, which is doing everything to slander us.
To have clear from the beginning that the ILO/OLME trade union leadership
They can and do not want to support such a fight.
To take the case in our hands
, means:
Struggle in each SEA and ELME who will make their case of preparation and
or reinforcement of strike funds to prepare and support strikers
and the great strike struggle to be given.
of all colleges, initiatives and primary associations in
Equal basis.
of primary trade unions on the basis of their statutes and not
on the basis of reactive anti -labor laws.
mass, unity, management of our struggle by ourselves, will
give the power to continue and deal with the decisions of
Courts, our exhilaration of the government, the government and the
system that oppresses us.
To preach strike/abstinence of all primary associations from all
procedures of self -assessment and individual evaluation, by mentors and
Decide immediately a 24 -hour strike.