They close its doors
They load the costs on our wids
Boasts and photographed while starting The Minister of Health Georgiadis. Two days earlier He attributed to "Individual Responsibility" the suicide of cancer patients in Crete which ended his life by the despair and suffering that still existed and lacking the drug he needed.
On behalf of of local and foreign capital The government attacks any popular right . By side of anti -labor laws that constantly make the terms of work, At the side of the scalable precision that makes life alert Right is increasingly beaten of the people in equal and free care. Aim for the people to put more and deeper the hand in the pocket to find his health and the system to waives the obligation to provide free care to the people . The health For the system of dependence and exploitation is not good but commodity and care is not right but bought by anyone who can And as long as he has to pay.
Our people paid heavy blood tax on pandemic . Thousands of victims of a policy that applied all previous governments with hospital closures, Mergers, under -staffing, deficiencies of medicines and equipment. Today the moment the people already pay the the largest in Europe percentage of his income in private spending for the health, while waiting for surgery lists exceeds both years, new costs are loaded on the people:

- We will pay For afternoon surgeries . The experience with afternoon medical clinics It's clear. In the morning they stacked by dozens of those who do not have to pay and with huge waiting and in the afternoon where the immediacy is kept somewhat And dignity costs up to 90 euros. Now the price list It is the many hundreds of to thousands of euros. Two -speed patients with Multiple consequences as we are now talking about surgery.
- We will pay and the personal doctor . After the government has failed to find doctors to Ok in the institution due to low earnings, it will oblige us to pay us marble and even for a setting that comes to be a barrier to Access to hospitals.
- We will pay even more expensive drugs Even if we receive the cheapest generic of the market. Have already converted a free right that theoretically is Access to the drug to a commodity purchased with a slight discount.
- We will pay Extra hike for laboratory and imaging exams . Charges 1 to 3 euros per referral for the people to pay clawback , that is, the money that EOPPY does not pay to individuals on the basis of budgetary Restrictions imposed by EU and US imperialists.
- We will also pay 5 euros for the vaccines in pharmacies . We will pay, we will pay ..
People's care is not a commodity or payable supply adjusted on the basis of a system's strengths or Proper management by a fundamental government. The equal COMPLETE AND FREE CARE FOR THE LAW is universal right and the people the people defends and conquers it as much as the struggles of the . The system He never cared about the health of the people. Through workplaces but And by neighborhood committees the people must be organized and fight against in government policy that will not stop unless we find us organized opposite her.