HIFFI 32. General Assembly held

Author: muhabirhasan
Categories: Avrupa, Haberler, Manset
Description: Netherlands | 26.03.2024 | The Netherlands Federation of Turkish Workers (HIFT) 32. General Assembly successfully g ...
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Published Time: 2024-03-26T00:00:00+08:00
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Netherlands | 26.03.2024 | The 32nd General Assembly of the Netherlands Federation of Turkish Workers (HIFT) successfully held successfully. In the first part of the General Assembly, Cihan Uğural of the FNV union and Lyra participated as a speaker on behalf of Revolutionare Eenheid), panel on the status of the working class and economic and political course after the elections in the Netherlands.

In the following Board, the 27th Atik Congress continued with the reading and discussion of the Perspective article. One point in this discussion was that the discourses of the existing left parties became alive and that there was a need for a new left party. Many people had the idea that the Federation had to carry out a party to establish a party with local democratic institutions and organizations.

After the activity report was read and submitted to the approval of the delegates at the General Assembly held on Sunday, March 24, the audit and financial report continued. Later, delegate was elected to the 27th Congress of ATİK. With the election of the new administration, the 32nd General Assembly successfully ended.

Source: https://www.atik-online.net/blog/htif-32-genel-kurulunu-gerceklestirdi