PC March 26 - Former Fiat of Termini: Ross Pelligra wins the tender for the assignment of the factory ... Another mockery for the workers?

Author: prolcompal
Description: Yesterday, March 25, there was the meeting scheduled at the Ministry of Companies and Made in Italy on the ex Fiat Termini dispute (ex ...
Published Time: 2024-03-26T18:00:00+08:00
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Yesterday, March 25, there was the meeting scheduled to the Ministry of Companies and Made in Italy on the ex -dispute Fiat Termini Imerese (ex blutec) over 12 long (with definitive closure long wanted by Marchionne on December 31, 2011).

As you know, after the failure of the former Blutec, they were made Several calls for the relaunch of the industrial area, all of which have been emptied. Yesterday, However, the extraordinary commissioners found in the Pelligra Holding group Italy s.r.l. The "successful tenderer" of the last announcement. Ross Pelligra is an Italian-Australian master, already known in Sicily for buying the Catania Calcio. What does Pelligra Holding deal with? of constructions e building renovations. What does it have to do with industrial production? Nothing!

But this seemed to be a secondary fact to the ministry: in the Pelligra should (when he finally takes possession of the area, at the end of the procedure provided for in the call) "reclaim and equip the area In order to allow the establishment of production activities in the area, some of the which will be directly linked to port activity" (from Il Sole 24 Ore), in short, to restore all the old buildings of the plant and make them a " new park industrial " ready, that is, in turn to be entrusted to other companies that they should produce something...

And who puts in the money? There is a "Program Agreement worth 105 million" and then " Available There are also 70 million euros allocated by the last government financial Musumeci ... ", in short, the Sicily Region which in addition, through the Department of Work, for "passive and active policies" has 30 million available!

Clearly, this project has been peppered with big words about construction of the Termini Imerese Freight Village "which will make it possible to combine different ways of transport (road, rail, sea) and be the centre of gravity of a large area of production (which) will make the area active and attractive again for new productive investments."

And the workers? This building renovation project provides for “hiring of 350 employees, currently in layoffs, with guarantee of employment for the next 24 months. "

350 are 556 for two years! And then? They could also return to the “Company of purpose ”and be ... accompanied to retirement.

While “for the 180 workers who they would remain outside the perimeter of the hires (another 40 can retire immediately) the hypotheses are different: the first concerns the recognition of the work used and on this Minister Calderone would have shown availability to go into detail; The second includes a period of another two years of Naspi at expire of the CIG and then be accompanied to retirement; The third provides the establishment of a newly public purpose of the purpose that could Absorbing workers still in charge of Blutec. "

This meeting “chaired by Ministers Adolfo Urso and Marina Elvira Calderone ... with the Undersecretary to Mimit, Fausta Bergamotto, the extraordinary commissioners of the Giuseppe company Glorious, Fabrizio Grasso and Andrea Bucarelli, the Sicilian region, the Municipality of Termini Imerese, the port system authority of the western Sicily sea of Sicily and the representatives of the trade union organizations ”has served substantially To find a way to definitively resolve the issue of workers of the former Fiat, retiring them in one way or another! And of course it can be considered a great commercial in view of the elections European. And in fact also the current president of the Region wanted to say the his greeting the "industrial plan".

And the confederal unions? They remember that there are still 200 of the survey for which nothing has been decided and express, As always, some "perplexities", given the "complexity" of the question, but in the substance I agree, suffice the declaration of those of the Fiom-Cgil: “Project of reindustrialisation, retirements and purposes are three elements essential to give a solution to all workers ".

No, just no. The workers in layoff for 12 years, seasoned with promises and no ending chatter On the "next reindustrialisation" and loss of salary, they did not have No "solution" if not the one to lose ...

However, since the steps provided for the implementation of these agreements should be concluded by 4 November next, the date of the definitive expiry of all social safety nets, the workers have time to analyze and reason on the proposal and make their decisions!

Source: https://proletaricomunisti.blogspot.com/2024/03/pc-26-marzo-ex-fiat-di-termini-ross.html