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In 2024 as in 2023, the league on the front line! 2023 was a year of fire for the league activists as for the whole of the French proletariat. Let's go back to the image on what the LJR was throughout this year. Lyon, September 2023 Hello comrades, we think it is appropriate to start these lines by welcoming the hard work of all the members of the Revolutionary Youth League, without whom the LJR would not exist. You are the ardent heart of a small organization today, it is a fact, but which is constantly developing, consolidates its ranks and is thirsty for victory, justice, thirst for revolution, and nothing will stop it, We are convinced. We are proud of your confidence, responsibilities that you have given us, and we are inspired by your devotion to the proletariat to give more and more constantly improving our work. 1
As you know, the year that has just passed was a valuable school for each of our sections, for each of our members and for our national office particularly. Imperialism is experiencing a widespread crisis, a crisis of decomposition which leads and develops with it a revolutionary wave. The time we repeat, is great because the era is in the revolution, the latter is the main trend in the world, the masses bubble to the four corners of the world and the bourgeoisie trembles on its rotten bases. The new world is only waiting for its vanguard, and the facts prove that we are at the time of the strategic offensive of the world proletarian revolution. This whole situation shows us more than ever than the need for the reconstruction of the Communist Party of France is more relevant than ever it is a burning, vital question. The hard work implemented in each section, added to the intensity of the class struggle in our country has enabled our organization to strengthen and develop. We have been intransigent on our working methods, reinforcing our functioning more and at the same time we have been fl e exit, adapting directives and plans to the burning situation of our country, without ever losing sight of our strategic axes. We were, comrades, at the most bubbling moments of recent social movements, on the front line, starting to actively direct and at different levels of the parts of the revolutionary movement in France and the revolted masses. Our flag was 2
High university blockade, processions against pension reform, blockages, our flag opened free tolls, founded and led to fight committees, summer at the front of the major June ups and above all, At the heart of our precious districts. More importantly, our flag was pointed out by the masses as flag of its vanguard, the flag of those who put themselves at the service of the large masses, at the service of the Revolution and the New World. Admittedly, these developments are quantitatively weak, but that proves to us that our style of work is fair and that nothing prevents us from being able to develop it on a very wide scale. In all our cities, our work develops and consolidates, in Toulouse for example, we have brought massive demonstrations in the heart of our proletarian districts, districts fleeing like the plague by opportunists, and where a CPES was created during This February, proving that we are constantly advancing firmly. We have served the people with all our hearts, particularly in Lyon, where our comrades have provided titanic work and where dozens of families can already say "it is the young people with the flags" who organize the struggle, who serve the masses, Who prepare the new power in the poorest district of the second metropolis of France. We are, comrades, who give all our strength, to end misery and exploitation, it is us, comrades, who will continue to hold these flags firmly! These advances we owe them to our hard work and our just working methods because dictated by our ideology. Our national office has 3
Loan oath to serve the revolution to initiate its trigger as soon as possible, and to fill this oath, each member of the national office worked harshly, visited the sections, answering all questions and developing plans for each of our axes of work, setting up numerous directives in the fire of the class struggle, and continuing to control and exchange with the political leaders of the sections while Accentuating tactical decentralization to forge them in a fairer way, once the minimum base has been acquired. The National Office has set up long -term plans: the three "dear life" "youth" and "proletarian internationalism" plans. A control program was also carried out in 2023, as well as a recruitment brochure "why join the LJR". The base documents of the LJR in particular the call text will be updated. Many press releases have also been published, as well as several numbers from the League Bulletin, making it possible to carry the voice of the League on important subjects of the company and the class struggle. By sporting, defending and applying our very powerful because true ideology, we were able to move forward more and more to unity with our young revolutionary comrades, and we continue to move towards this precious unity. We are sure that 2024 will see great advancements occurring in this struggle for unity, because the class requires! This is a news that fills us with joy. We are also proud to announce that we are developing links with Strasbourg revolutionaries, which we will soon meet in order to found a new 4
section. We must not release our efforts and redouble it on our breaches and limits. Each member of each section must notably read and study carefully the internal texts of the league, and we must watch firmly. As a youth organization we have to unite youth so that they can bind to the masses, study Marxism, apply the plans to the end, go beyond them, and apply combative practice. At the end of filling these necessities we must redouble their efforts to combat revisionists and opportunists and group the masses under our direction, particularly in the proletarian districts. We must break the walls of universities, by sporting, defending and applying, mainly applying, Marxism where it is the most attacked. Our organization is increasingly recognized, we have won respect for the militant environment, we have built a fair internal functioning and we have established ourselves in some proletarian districts and now increase our activity on the faculties. It is so much to act as the force that we are, we are unstoppable and we must act as such, the districts, the faculties, the high schools, the demonstrations ... everything is ours because we carry in ourselves the rage to defeat and Put down the bourgeoisie and on its smoking ruins, raise socialism! So comrades, let's go back our sleeves and work twice as hard with twice as much revolutionary optimism! We are the 5th
Son and daughters of the Immortelle Commune of Paris! We end this text by expressing warm greetings to the glorious poor peasant masses of Brazil who carry in them the new world and to the Palestinian masses, and their glorious fighters, and include our flags in tribute, both show us the self -denial that we must do Proof to shoot imperialism! Palestine will win ! Greetings Red! National Bureau of the Revolutionary Youth League, March 2024 6
The revolution will come from working -class neighborhoods! 2023 France is the 7th world economic power and more than 7 million people among the 9.3 million on the poverty line depend on food aid. The conclusion is clear. Of these 7 million people the food bank helps 2.1 million, the 7
Restos du Coeur 1 million, less than half. The local bunk of solidarity grocery stores, packages or food distribution are mainly, once again, women (72%), among which 40% are mother of single -parent families. If in mainland France the highest poverty rate reaches 27% in Seine-Saint-Denis, it reaches 33% in Reunion, for an intensity of poverty reaching 19.7% (no data is produced by the 'INSEE concerning Mayotte, Guyana or Guadeloupe). Note that the Restos du Coeurs, an association ensuring 35% of food aid in France, have no delegation in the territories occupied by France overseas. But it is the workers who create wealth, the bourgeois grab this wealth and in the face of the crisis, the latter increase prices (charges, food, care, with in fl ation in particular ...) and must lower wages (and/or the number of workers) to continue to get worse and cope with imperialist competition, thus accentuating in a vicious circle this 8
process. To hide their crime, they donate to good works and count on the people to stop the hemorrhage. To hide the fact that solidarity is no longer enough, because soon no one will be able to give solidarity, the crime will be put on the back of the immigrant proletariat, accused of stealing well -deserved aid of "good French". But in the queue for food packages, we see who are our brothers and who are our executioners. Our brothers are those who, like us, depend on a liter of milk, unsold to survive, and for us misery has only one color. We will always refuse this Chauvinist logic, paving the way to fascism, which would make us believe that some deserve to starve, when others are tens of millions of euros, which would make us believe that the division and the resident problem within the group of hungry. The old bourgeois state has shown us that it would do nothing for us, that only our own solidarity could make us survive, and we have learned the lesson. Faced with these crimes perpetrated by the bourgeoisie, here and elsewhere, we are going to cherish and make this solidarity fail, but we will never lose sight of the culprits and we slaughter them. 9
Our activists tirelessly develop a real mass work, in the service of the people and their youth. We mean by "mass work" the political work consisting in binding by practice with the oppressed classes to walk on the path of our emancipation. This is the main revolutionary work that we have to carry out today. This materializes by taking control of concrete problems, especially in the districts where misery is concentrated, fuel of the revolution, with them and not for them, to bring a framework and a method of struggle and to fight until 'to victory. Concretely, this can go through campaigns on Crous housing, actions on study conditions or at the heart of employee workers for students, for example. This also involves developing deep and methodical work at the heart of the popular districts of France, to organize them towards the Revolution. A job that we started and that we have to accentuate. We call on all the rebels to organize collectively to put an end to this dying system. Popular solidarity and economic struggle are the breeding ground that will grow the seeds of political struggle, to walk on the path of the Revolution, alone capable of completely getting rid of this parasite that is capitalism and establishing a regime where everyone will eat their hunger, will live with dignity of their work and where the riches will no longer be stolen in favor of a minority. That is to say, the socialist system! 10
Faced with misery, popular solidarity! Against the bourgeoisie that strengthens us, join the ranks of the Revolution! The pension battles: Saint-Etienne, April 2023 11
For many months, the French proletariat was found in the streets, in factories and on blockages to defend its retirement system, a legacy won over by our glorious 150,000 armed communists during the Resistance. This bourgeoisie attack will not remain unpunished! The working class entered the battle after fairly calm first weeks, before the February storm. We were able to observe the union bases finding the practice of the "radical", combative struggle and starting to overflow the framework imposed by their directions. Youth has once again stood out by their passion. It is essential to start taking advantage of our experience, although a real mature assessment requires time and hindsight. Grenoble, March 2023 This great moment of history was an opportunity to fight ever more than 12
Ardently for the Revolution in demonstrations, but also in our unions, in our neighborhoods and our universities. In a climate of militarization of society and disturbing drought, capitalism is still sinking more into its end -of -life crisis. And once again, the masses were combated, determined to fight; But deprived of an organization capable of leading them to victory, they found themselves tossed between the walls of shields of the CRS and the union directions in co-management with the power in place. Toulouse, February 2023 we wore throughout this battle a combative and anti-opportunistic class line. It front of Bourgeoisie attacks: class unit! The struggles in all sectors, from factories to universities, were a school for revolutionaries in training, a school to learn to take the initiative and to demonstrate a determination to mobilize, to make politics and to defend claims with students, and to organize disorganized people who are tired of undergoing and who want to unite their forces 13
To change this system. General assemblies, strike stakes and demonstrations have taught us to identify opportunism in all its forms. It emerges from this movement that it is mainly the practice that counts, that speeches sound hollow if they are not followed or preceded by combative actions, and that everyone aspires to an orientation, a direction, a structuring. The fight against opportunism is also a fight for democracy, because there is a strong disorganization of the class and the weight of bourgeois ideology pushes to atomization. We were able to observe how, from one general meeting to another, opportunistic elements tried to bypass the democratic framework. Saint-Etienne, March 2023 The government showed, through this reform and the level of repression used, that it was in total break with the masses. Illusion 14
Pseudo-democratic and the parliamentary circus were highlighted during this social movement, and the veil rises a little more each time in the eyes of the masses. Even the media apparatus, which has activated, found itself caught in its own contradictions when journalists were able to see the abuse of repression live, rubbed shoulders of all ages and interviewed specialists documenting arduousness at work. The most basic common sense was put to the test in the face of pension reform, even the most convinced bourgeois democrats starting to doubt. These signs bear witness to the political crisis faced by France, just like many other countries in the world, largely fueled by the economic crisis. The bourgeoisie begins to feel difficulties in governing as she wishes, while the masses refuse to be governed in the same way as before, thus announcing a crisis in the regime. 15
The visuals of the pension battle: 16
The major uprisings of June: following the execution of Nahel by the police, the youth of the districts revolted. For a week, intense clashes against the police and the state broke out, youth showing a level of combativeness up to the ignominy of crimes committed by the French state: destruction of neighborhoods, high unemployment rate, reduction reduction of 17
Public services, abandonment of cultural programs, police harassment going to murder and constant insults of the media controlled by monopolies. Lyon, June 2023 during the uprisings, we observed the youth of the most disadvantaged strata launching into the clashes, with the participation of young people aged 12 to 13. Their daily life is marked by life in constantly prey to destruction, where all associative, cultural and sporting activity is based on the commitment of some inhabitants. They are educated in establishments of poor quality, without real prospects for the future, and are intended for the most painful trades, being convinced that their dreams will never come true. They see their parents working hard and win little. When they turn on television, they face insulting speeches excluding them from society. Faced with unemployment and difficulties in finding a job or training, this reality becomes their daily life. In parallel, they are aware that France is a rich country leading to military operations in the countries of origin of part of their ancestors. 18
The assassination of Nahel is a blow to the whole of society, bringing up all the accumulated rage and the disgust towards such an unjust, cynical and corrupt society. What has aroused this revolt is what has always animated the oppressed against their oppressors since the dawn of time, and if it is the youth who found herself on the front line, it is because she perceives the future who awaits him and refuses to accept it. It takes immense bravery to confront a unity of police officers armed with LBD and chemical weapons, even weapons of war, and deploying anti-terrorist units. 19
This situation re fl ects the end -of -life crisis of capitalism. The pseudo-democratic illusions fade and anger rises from a notch, the political crisis which is looming is not a crisis within the masses, but a crisis between the masses and the holders of power. As Marx explained over 150 years ago, in France, there are two nations: that of the bourgeoisie in power and that of the masses; Basically, the situation has not changed much since 1848 and the violent crisis we are going to be confronted will be resolved by the organization of oppressors against oppressors for the conquest of power. 20
The visuals of the major June uprises: break the walls of the university! 21
The Revolutionary Youth League has started national work within universities, taking up the watchword of the revolutionary popular student movement (MEPR) of Brazil: "Let's slaughter the walls of universities!" Lyon, March 2023 Work in universities is a long-term work, which carries several necessities of major importance: 1. In addition to revisionism, opportunism and post-modernism that grow in university as in a breeding ground fertile. 2. Get the little-bourgeoisie as a necessary contribution to the Revolution. 3.Abat the ideology of the bourgeoisie, for a university and a science in the service of the people, to shoot down the walls of the university. 22
The proletariat being a unique class, its youth must be organized as such, as its most combative fringe and with the engine the proletarian youth which has only its labor force to sell. Our role is to bring young people together and educate them in a revolutionary spirit. Youth must provoke and direct economic battles (source: resolution on the Communist International and the Communist Youth Movement). We will fulfill this role by following the 4 orientations of the glorious movements of Yenan's youth, cited by President Mao: UNIR LIKE TO MASS FOLD Produce 23
Proletarian internationalism: On October 7, 2023, the national resistance launched the operation "deluge of Al-Aqsa", thus bringing a rough blow to the state of Israel and American imperialism. Our support for the national resistance has therefore strengthened, in connection with the situation. 24
Lyon, October 2023 in our neighborhoods, in Lyon and Toulouse, the large masses gathered despite the prohibitions and criminalization to make their support for the just national liberation struggle of the Palestinian people. Toulouse, October 2023 The Palestine flag is brought to the highest by our activists, well 25
Before October 7 and until the release of the Palestinian people from sea in the Jordan! Toulouse, October 2023 26
Let's free Georges Abdallah! The League engages alongside the unitary campaign for the release of Georges Ibrahim Abdallah! Lyon, September 2023 27
Against French imperialism! 29
Daily work: The revolutionary situation in unequal development in the country is a fact, but we must keep and not to say, as some affirm, that we live an insurrectional or pre-insurgent situation. An insurrectional situation requires that the 30
class be organized and aware, we are only in the beginnings. On the other hand, the situation of deep economic and political crisis in depth destabilizes society, and creates a situation of development crisis in development. This crisis is already rampant and is already strengthening the state machine, because as Friedrich Engels learned from us: "All upheavals have only perfect this machine - the state - instead of breaking it. This is the only way for the bourgeoisie to respond to the deep crisis that agitates the country and the world. On the other hand, we know strong social movements and uprisings which present an insurrectionary aspect like the glorious uprisings of June, but the global situation of society itself is not. In our time of crisis of rotting and end of life of capitalism which is deepened and which generates a reactionnarization 31
Constant, it is necessary to decide with what has already been dead and buried for a long time: militant sectarianism, the above -ground and separate claims of the masses, marginality. The militant environment collapsed for lack of having had a program and a concrete action plan, and comes down to virtual quarrels that do not interest anyone and especially not the masses. We offer concrete struggles, anchored in practice then join us and fight! Paris, May 2023 we have Need to bring together and unite the combative youth of this country on issues that concern them closely to organize by collective struggle the solving its problems. Youth must be organized by itself, breaking with the bounded opportunism of parties and organizations which require permission to the State and are 32
co -management of misery. We only trust in the masses, in his youth particularly, and none in the politicians and professionals of the spectacle and in their hollow speeches. We are of course linked these struggles to those of the proletariat in general. Our guiding principles are therefore: We organize at the base, independently vis-à-vis the State, by applying democratic centralism, the only true form of democracy in the service of struggles lutter for and with proletarian youth and that it directs the Youth Movement, including more broadly the student and Petite-Bourgeoise youth Look on concrete points, link with the survey and practice 33
Daily, to win victories, on concrete claims of the masses Organize revolutionary violence to put down the old state and the bourgeoisie Litect against revisionism and opportunism organize youth to fight the many important problems Ci, give meaning to our existence in the face of the overwhelming adversity of the system. We want to find a feeling of belonging, a goal, a reason to move and immerse yourself entirely! 34
Saint-Etienne, May 2023 lead the fight alongside the popular masses, because they are our parents, our friends, our colleagues and because we are an integral part. Let us tear off the power of the hands of the bourgeoisie, from the ruling classes who think they can use us from the beginning of our lives until its end and give it back to the people. Only our class, the proletariat, is able to shape the world of tomorrow! 35
Lyon, March 2023 Bringing opportunism. We refuse any attempt at corruption and it is out of a question to waste our time with the electoral game which has proven well for generations that it does not allow you to change things, only to fill the pockets of politicians. Our principles are what we are and what we want, we will never abandon them. We are not here to obtain a place in a warm in a town hall or in a parliament, and denounce those who use struggles for their interests. Thus, we fight with all our strength to serve the people putting the interests of the collective before ours. We say it, our practice proves it and time will inscribe it in marble! 36
Fight with all our strength. Too many groups multiply statements and speeches so that they will never have the courage to lead a resolved struggle for their ideals. It is time to break our links with these practices, to get rid of our simple reveries to give them shape. We do not fear being on the front line, with a fighting spirit every day renewed and to pay the price of our commitments. 37
Fight for the socialist revolution. This is the solution to solve youth problems. It is fighting for a company led by the creators of wealth, the working class; For a society where democracy is applied for the greatest number and dictatorship for exploiters, the opposite today. It is the collectivization of the means of production, the nationalization of banks, the closure of the scholarship, the pooling of all wealth. These are the base assemblies to discuss and solve all our daily problems. This is the path to go from the reign of necessity to that of freedom (Karl Marx). 38
Saint-Etienne, October 2023 40
War, defend and apply, mainly apply Marxism! Conferences, meetings, debates ... Lyon, September 2023 41
Toulouse, May 2023 Paris, April 2023 42
Commemorations Lyon, May 2023 43
Join the League! Only one place remains empty, yours! Do you want to join a league section in your city? Do you want to create your LJR section? Only one address: 44