Bolsonaro and military personnel are not interested in revealing who is the mentor of Marielle's murder - the new democracy

Author: João Alves
Categories: Situação Política
Description: While ideological and political mentors are not properly discovered, there is no basis for stating that the case was closed
Link-Section: situacao-politica
Modified Time: 2024-03-26T18:11:21-03:00
Published Time: 2024-03-27T05:11:18+08:00
Sections: Situação Política
Tags: caso marielle
Type: article
Updated Time: 2024-03-26T18:11:21-03:00
Images: 000000.jpg

Before giving the case Marielle closed, the Federal Police should clarify a key issue: who were the political mentors of the councilwoman's murder? Specifically, the PF should have summoned the army commanders of the time and deeply investigate the Bolsonaro family connection with the principals and executors. In addition to clarifying the existing incongruities from previous moments, when investigations were known, they suffered from obstructions. Without clarifying such points, it will be an illusion to think that the case is closed, that the principals were punished and that the power structure that commanded the political crime will not continue with the same acting that is typical to it.

The great conclusion of the PF report is that Ronnie Lessa met three times with the Brazão family (pointed out as the “home team”) in which she received the commission of murdering Marielle Franco. However, there is no concrete proof of these meetings. There is also no evidence of the Brazão family meeting with Rivaldo Barbosa, which is appointed as responsible for performing a “thorough planning”. The PF report merely approved Ronnie Lessa's STF and give the case as solved.

Facts not yet explained

No one with a minimum of knowledge of the power structure in Rio de Janeiro doubt that Civil Police heads and Brazão strain deputies are involved in political crimes of this feat. However, it is not reasonable to accept that the real interested parties are not pointed out in the murder of Marielle Franco through a political attack that would have huge repercussions. Especially because a crime with economic motivations would not be done in order to create a great commotion .

PF gave up investigating the visit of Élcio de Queiroz on the day of the murder, to the Bolsonaro house in the Vivendas da Barra condominium, west of Rio de Janeiro. There is only one quote to the Bolsonaro family throughout the report, in order to state how Domingos Brazil was favored by the appointment to the State Court of Auditors.

The PF report also does not mention the role of Walter Braga Netto in the appointment of Rivaldo for the head of the Civil Police, even after the general received guidance from military intelligence discouraging the nomination. Report signed by Jefferson Miola, published in the digital magazine Jacobin Brazil, says that “the information circulates that the order to play Rivaldo Barbosa to control and manipulate the investigation came from a level above Braga Netto himself ”. Who was above Braga Netto?

To answer this, the PF would need to reassemble 2018 in Rio de Janeiro, when Army Commander Eduardo Villas-Bôas chose Walter Braga Netto as the federal intervener in Rio de Janeiro and Richard Nunes as Secretary of Public Security. Two years later, already in the general clamor for answers to the Marielle case, Walter Braga Netto stated that the resolution of the issue was "a matter of honor." According to journalist Humberto Trezzi, since 2020 the Army has “a database of the Civil and Military Police”, after Braga Netto won “from friends the reputation of having the CPF, name and address of each militia in Rio”. The commanders of the time should be summoned by the PF to provide clarifications about the episode. Or is this a matter whose full and complete clarification doesn't matter to the military?

Therefore, as long as ideological and political mentors are not properly discovered, there is no basis for stating that the case was closed. Even less than the outcome of the case represented “a state victory over the crime” - as said the minister of government of Luiz Inacio.
