The fines for possession of the KKE (M-L) were canceled by the Municipality of Athens-KKE (M-L)

Author: ΚΚΕ(μ-λ)
Description: The cancellation of fines for possessions, which had imposed on the KKE (M-L) during the June 2023 parliamentary elections, was announced by the municipality of Athens, in a relevant document, on the grounds of "Antimony".
Published Time: 2024-03-27T00:00:00+08:00
Tags: article
Type: article
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The cancellation of fines by the municipality was the result of the mobilizations in which our organization, the complaints, the protests at the Athens City Council, the decisive policy of refusing to pay them and the claim to cancel all fines, all the fines immediately, for post -adhesion imposed. Both in herself and other forces (KKE, days25).

The struggle must continue, with the aim of canceling the fines imposed by the Attica Region, as well as to defend free political action, trafficking of ideas, posters, banner suspension, demonstration and strike. Right rights, which are also targeted by the system attack, with various pretexts.

Political views are not silenced!

Political action is not suppressed!
