We are at a critical juncture for the student movement after the passage of the Pierrakakis law on the establishment of private universities. For two and a half months we have experienced great student mobilizations, a political struggle for central confrontation with the government and the aspirations of the system. The student world nationwide, again met his clubs, demonstrated, occupied, walked the path of the struggles, questioned the dominant policy. Two and a half months full of hope, but also political conclusions. Students in their fights were able to shake the whole political system, hoping to walk the dismantling of acquired rights, the prospect of children in the most populist classes studying in front of him, found the accumulated rage of a youth who felt this youth. The system does not fit her and her dreams.
The response from the part of the government was immediate. Repression and terrorism, from the lost semesters and examinations, to the violence of the police and arrests, prove that they are afraid of us, that our struggles scare them. The blackmail and indirect repression were obviously not missing with the use of tele -education, which hit the masses of occupations and demonstrations. In this difficult environment, students were invited to continue their struggles, to answer.
In Xanthi in particular, against a year of decomposition of the student club, we were again full of amphitheater, which exceeded 700 people. Continuous mass general meetings, with decisions on occupations and demonstrations in the city. We broke the stillness, we made it known in our city that there is the youth that resists. We stood by the strikers on February 28, we responded to the effort to impose a club on the club.
Despite the perseverance of the students, all this time, we see that after the law is passed, occupations are ends nationwide, stop being called upon general assemblies, the sense of returning to "regularity" is created. For us, student struggles do not end or turn out to the vote. Student betting now must be one: Continuing the struggle to overthrow the law. The student movement is able to overturn voted laws, and has done so in the past (see Law 815), it can do it again. We must not rest. They do not fit in with illusions. The direction of "not implementing" the law is deadlocked and compromise. Laws are voted on to apply. It is the direction of defeat, the direction of throwing our hopes on the teaching establishment that will allegedly block its application, or in their judges that they will make the law unconstitutional. It is imperative that the struggle to overthrow the law.
In fact, questions and concerns arise in terms of the continuity, the perspective and the legacy left by the student movement.
We invite all students to an open, wide discussion, how to overthrow Pierrakakis law, the need for the continuation of the struggle and the victorious direction within the movement.
Open Call of Discussion and Rising Reflections
Friday 29/03 17:00 in the prefabrication