Memory, truth and justice was one of the slogans that toured the country reaffirming that there are 30,000! and that it was a genocide orchestrated by state terrorism.

In each provincial capital and cities, human rights organizations, trade union, social, political, women and diversity organizations, cultural groups called for marches and mass acts showing that memory is still alive in the streets.

A massive mobilization that shows a new advance in the Unit and Popular Fight against the Government's adjustment and delivery policy.

We share some images that show the gigantic mobilizations and a partial panorama of this day.

Buenos Aires

In White Bay A massive mobilization demanding memory, truth and justice, planting before the denial of the Milei government. Shouting very strong "no matter what the government says, the fallen are not going to forget them, in each fight they are and with the liberated people they will return."

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In At payment The mobilization took place on Saturday, March 23.

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Mar del Plata. At the end of 48 years of the last coup d'etat that established the genocidal military civic dictatorship, thousands of Marplatenses mobilized as every year through the city center. In this historical mobilization, (the agencies estimated 70 thousand people in an extension of 17 blocks) the denunciation of the denial and claim of state terrorism by the Government of Milei - Villarruel, as well as the attack of these against the against the Human Rights, historical conquests of our people, sovereignty and the social economic crisis that Argentines hits.

Headed by historical leaders of mothers and grandmothers, human rights organizations, and the photos of the city's martyrs, the march that toured more than 30 blocks, and had a strong union presence (the CGT and both CTA), social organizations, social organizations, Student, cultural groups, and political parties of Mar del Plata Batan, as well as thousands who self -founded to shout that "never again is again."

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St nicolas

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150 thousand people in the march of Córdoba. The streets overflowed on memory, truth and justice day, repudiating government denialism. There are 30000 reasons to say again.

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Massive march and act in the provincial capital.

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Massive march in Endurance.

In our province he left under the slogan: never again planned misery and state terrorism. Against the repressive and vessel policies of Milei. Memory, truth and justice. 30,000 missing detainees present!

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Great act and mobilization in Comodoro Rivadavia In Kompuchewe Square. And there were great mobilizations in Trelew, Madryn, Rawson, Esquel, Sarmiento and the Chubutense interior.

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Between rivers

In Paraná It was a very large mobilization, as there was no long time. There were many independent people who turned to mobilize; Also many families and young people. Each organization brought its nourished column. An important column of the CCC, PTP-PCR, JCR and CEPA.

The slogan «The homeland is not sold. With memory, truth and justice, the people defend themselves, ”united all the organizations that make up the multisectoral of human rights, in which the party participates. It was very wide, with many sectors, unions, social organizations, human and political rights organizations, demonstrating unity and forcefulness to face the denialism of the Milei government. He collaborated a lot in this regard the position of the national government, its hunger, delivery and repression policies; The actions of their henchmen, the attacks and threats suffered by fellow militants.

The mobilization was convened in the Plaza de la Memoria and left to the Plaza Alvear, touring the main arteries of the city of Paraná. In the end, the disappeared detainees of the province were remembered and the multisectoral document was read. The act closed with cultural activities.

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Thousands and thousands march as throughout the country for #Memoria Verdad andJusticia. Today, more than ever, to repudiate the fascist coup and dictatorship! And face Milei's policy and his government that deny the genocide and carry out a brutal adjustment, delivery and repression against the people.

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The Pampa

In Santa Rosa this March 24 we repudiate the dictatorship and denialism of the current government in the Plaza San Martín, and we marched towards the First Police section, where it was the main clandestine detention center in the city.

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This March 24 thousands in the streets of the capital of Mendoza

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Mobilization in Posadas

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Thousands and thousands of Neuquinas and Neuquinos, more than 25 blocks, took to the streets to repudiate the blow of 76, the most bloody dictatorship in our country.

In the streets, repudiation of Milei-Villarruel's policy of claiming the dictatorship and genocide, the policy of adjustment, delivery and repression against the people was expressed.

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Black river

In General Roca, As every year, on March 24 we took to the streets and squares to express our repudiation to the genocidal coup. We did this anniversary more strongly because we have a government like Milei's, fascist, selling and hunger and becomes a spokesman for denialist positions.

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In Bariloche

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48 years after the last most cruel dictatorship of our history we said was genocide. Today more than ever we raise the flags of the never above all at this time and this context of adjustment, repression, delivery and sufferings for the Argentine people. The Milei -Villarruel government denies that it was a genocide and claims the genocides. That is why we raise our voices to say: No to the impunity of yesterday and today, 30,000 detainees -disappeared present, memory, truth and justice.

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saint Louis

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Santa Cruz

Mobilization in Rio gallegos

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Santa Fe

Rosario: Another 24 on the streets, to continue fighting for memory, truth and justice. Miles demonstrate the repudiation of denialism and the reinvindication of the dictatorship of the Milei government.

Rosario showed the widest unit in the streets to face the national government adjustment and delivery policies.

With the memory of our martyrs and the 30,000 detainees-disappeared we shouted very strong «present! Now and always!"

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Santa Fe Capital : We place the square to stop fascism. Immense first March 24 with Milei President. Today we march because memory is still alive, because there were 30,000 and because the dreams of a fair, free and sovereign homeland are still alive.

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San Juan

On March 24 on San Juan streets there was massive march of human rights organizations, social and political organizations. More than 20,000 people marched for memory, truth and justice.

More than ever, the unit is necessary to end this policy and this government that denies the genocide to pass the adjustment and delivery of the homeland.

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Santiago del Estero

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Land of Fire

In Rio Grande On March 24 convened by the Multisectoral Rio Grande, a great concentration was made together with guild The current government of Javier Milei was repudiated that denies the disappeared and victims to human rights violations.

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Mobilization in the Tucuman capital.

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