Julkaisemme lukijoidemme meille lähettämiä kuvia. Kuvat on otettu Tampereen lähellä sijaitsevassa Valkekosken kaupungissa jaetuista julisteista ja tarroista. Valkeakoski on teollisuuskaupunki, jossa perinteisesti on ollut vahva työväenliikkeen kannatus, joka näkyy esimerkiksi vuoden 1918 Suomen työväen vallankumouksen tapahtumissa. Tuolloin satoja kaupungin työväenluokan parhaita poikia ja tyttäriä murhattiin valkoisten lahtareiden toimesta.
<The image of this location is in the list above, but in order to protect the site's traffic costs, it cannot be displayed here, sorry.>
<The image of this location is in the list above, but in order to protect the site's traffic costs, it cannot be displayed here, sorry.>
<The image of this location is in the list above, but in order to protect the site's traffic costs, it cannot be displayed here, sorry.>
<The image of this location is in the list above, but in order to protect the site's traffic costs, it cannot be displayed here, sorry.>
<The image of this location is in the list above, but in order to protect the site's traffic costs, it cannot be displayed here, sorry.>
<The image of this location is in the list above, but in order to protect the site's traffic costs, it cannot be displayed here, sorry.>
<The image of this location is in the list above, but in order to protect the site's traffic costs, it cannot be displayed here, sorry.>
<The image of this location is in the list above, but in order to protect the site's traffic costs, it cannot be displayed here, sorry.>
<The image of this location is in the list above, but in order to protect the site's traffic costs, it cannot be displayed here, sorry.>