On the morning of March 20, 2023, a public hearing was held in the municipality of Barra do Corda convened by the Barra do Corda Rural Workers Union and the Family Farmers Association of Fazenda São Francisco to denounce the crimes of the latifundal The life of the peasants of the São Francisco Camp, located in the Carrasco village.
Peasant families suffer from the action of militias and gunmen at the behest of land grary landowners. The conflict in Barra do Corda gained national projection at the end of last year when a group of gunmen was ambushed during an attempted illegal eviction in the village Carrasco, which resulted in the death of a military police officer .
As a form of retaliation, two peasants were murdered, Adonias Fernandes da Silva and Francisco Pereira da Silva Filho. In a support note to the São Francisco camping peasants published on March 13, 2024, the Solidarity Committee for the Fight for the Land (Comsolute) states: “All propaganda that the peasants were killed in confrontation is the attempted Secretariat of Public Security to mask the fact that there was a gang of active and retirees police that would massacreate the peasants to secure the land for the land grabbers. ”

The peasants in struggle of the village vilela, from the municipality of Junco do Maranhão, even traveled Barra do Corda to be present at the hearing as a demonstration of solidarity and example that the consequent union and peasant organization is able to gain great victories. In addition to the participation of the vilela village, students of the Student Collective Children of the People were present and a member of the Com -Solute who have remembered at all times in their interventions that the peasants in Barra do Corda are not alone in their fight and that they will disclose what is occurring to break the attempted criminalization and isolation untied by the press in Maranhão.