Application drivers paralyze throughout the country against Luiz Inácio's bill - The New Democracy

Author: Arthur Moraes
Categories: Nacional
Description: On March 26, application drivers across the country made a national mobilization in protest against Luiz Inácio's Bill (PL), which intends to regulate the profession of application driver. Workers denounced the low value of work hours provided for in the PL (R $ 32.10 per hour worked) and the non -establishment of the employment relationship between workers and companies.
Link-Section: nacional
Modified Time: 2024-03-28T13:57:06-03:00
Published Time: 2024-03-28T05:20:23+08:00
Sections: Nacional
Tags: motoristas de aplicativo
Type: article
Updated Time: 2024-03-28T13:57:06-03:00
Images: 000000.jpg

On the morning of March 26, application drivers across the country made a national mobilization in protest against Luiz Inácio's Bill (PL), which intends to regulate the profession of application driver. Workers denounced the low value of work hours provided for in the PL (R $ 32.10 per hour worked) and the non -establishment of the employment relationship between workers and companies.

There were major demonstrations in the capitals Rio de Janeiro (RJ), Brasilia (DF), Fortaleza (CE), Recife (PE), and Campo Grande (MS), among many other cities across the country.

The government response

In several protests, drivers denounced the government's attitude towards the claims of the category. In Recife, the president of the Pernambuco Drivers and Motor Motor Association, Thiago Silva, said in his speech:

“The union does not represent us. It is not fair that you spend almost a year discussing and presenting a project as bad as this, which ends up hurting a whole chain of workers of more than 1.5 million people, by people who supposedly should represent us and simply joined with The government with the platforms to take pictures hand in hand, all in Brasilia. ”

According to the press monopoly O Globo, while the demonstrations took place, Luiz Inacio had made a series of telephone calls to his ministers demanding that there was a "better communication" about the project to drivers.

However, Luiz Inacio also made it clear that the project focuses on maintaining the “autonomy” of the category. Affirmation that goes against the real interest of drivers who today denounce the lack of labor bonds between workers and companies.

What is the PL?

The PL aims to create the category of “autonomous worker per platform”, which persists not to establish an employment relationship between the driver and the owner of the application. Therefore, the serious informality problem does not change.

As for the minimum compensation per hour worked stipulated by the PL (R $ 31.10), drivers report that this is already the daily average of gains among workers. Very low value when considering that it is drivers who bear the costs of their own work.

Data from StopClub They point out that the average cost that the application driver bears hours worked (fuels, maintenance, food, among others), corresponds to the amount of R $ 26.88. Therefore, the minimum amount of R $ 31.10 for hours worked would generate a real gain of only R $ 5.32 per hour worked.

Taking into account the maximum workload provided for in the CLT, 220 hours a month, the “salary floor” of the application driver would correspond to R $ 1,145.47, 19% lower than the current minimum wage.

The government's proposal, therefore, is far from meeting the interests of drivers: it does not provide for a fair compensation, does not establish employment between the worker and the company, and therefore institutionalizes the poor working conditions that affect the category.
