Baden Württemberg: Police Major deployment for politicians.

Author: upad
Description: Internet platform for the development of a revolutionary movement
Published Time: 2024-03-28T07:09:55+08:00
Tags: None
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An event with the Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann there was recently held in Baden Württemberg. This event was particularly noticeable due to the enormously high police presence, which could be seen all around. Now about a month later, the sum that this police operation cost has become public.

We are talking about the Fasting sermon at Biberach . Actually a typical 0815 event, where a high politician can be seen on any social occasion, chatted around a bit and pulls out a small self -portrayal show for his voters. Now those who looked at this appearance were somewhat shocked at the beginning. So, as is typical on such occasions, a certain amount of police plus the politician's personal protectionists were present. No, rather, the corresponding place was military occupied by a large contingent of the police. In addition to the barrier grilles set up on all sides, 600 police officers, eight police horses, 135 police vehicles, three prisoners, and a helicopter, were at the scene and monitored the appearance of Kretschmann.

A martial police force for such an event, which of course also costs money. Some people will also have wondered how expensive this large -scale operation was concrete. Now this question has been answered. As the Federal Ministry of the Interior now announced when asked by the AfD, the costs for the use were 330,000 euros

This large -scale operation was justified with the Events on Ash Wednesday

Biberach 2260324

Protests against the government in Biberach. Source: Tagesschau

While such enormous sums are spent on securing party events, poverty in this country continues to increase. An example of this is the question of homelessness. So there is one from 2022 Investigation of the Federal Working Group on Homeless Aid that determines that the number of homeless people rose by over 58% compared to the previous year alone. About a week ago there was also a Report of the Council of Europe Published, which determines that poverty continues to increase in Germany and that the federal government is not doing too little to do it.

As we see, there are more than enough options for how to use the money that is so generously thrown out of the window for the high men and women's police protection for the police protection of the high men and women. However, this is obviously not done. It is precisely this withdrawal of politicians and ignorance, compared to the problems of the people, is the reason why they do them right to fear more and more from us.

First picture. Police vehicles at Kretschmann's fasting speech. Source: SWR
