Albacete: neighbors of the 600 denounce illegal demolition of their homes and attacks on human rights

Author: Servir al pueblo
Description: According to local and digital press media, neighbors of the La Milagrosa neighborhood - more popularly known as “the 600” - have organized to denounce the illegal demolition next 2 D…
Modified Time: 2024-03-28T08:47:19+00:00
Published Time: 2024-03-28T16:45:45+08:00
Type: article
Images: 000000.webp 000001.webp 000002.webp 000003.webp
Slave banner in the attacked building. Source: The Digital of Albacete
Communication to neighbors. Source:
Communication to neighbors. Source:
Police Control disguised as "War on Drugs" in 2023. Source: La Tribuna de Albacete
