MA: Canopus Construções is responsible for environmental crime in the municipality of Raposa - the new democracy

Author: Enrico Di Gregorio
Categories: Nacional
Description: Residents denounce food insecurity, housing destruction and pollution in a preservation area.
Link-Section: nacional
Modified Time: 2024-03-28T15:58:34-03:00
Published Time: 2024-03-29T02:58:31+08:00
Sections: Nacional
Tags: Luta camponesa
Type: article
Updated Time: 2024-03-28T15:58:34-03:00
Images: 000000.jpeg

Residents of the Cumbique community, in the municipality of Raposa, reported on March 7, to the Agência Tambor portal, the crimes against the people and the natural environment committed by Construtora Canopus. Residents denounce food insecurity, housing destruction and pollution in a preservation area.

In the region is being built a condominium, Residencial Village by do Sol, and since then the population has reported a worsening of quality of life due to the losses generated by the work. The mangrove and streams, a tributary of the Patience River, are being contaminated, preventing residents from being able to take their livelihoods and food through seafood collection.

In an interview with the Tambor newspaper, Wilton Neves, resident of Cumbique, tells a little about the damage that the work caused, in two years. “It came to mess our mangrove. My mother's house fell, invaded by mud water of this construction. The boats are jammed with so much mud. Fishermen cannot fish. They respect nothing and no one, ”said the interviewee.

Being a fishing community, the extraction activity is the main source of income of the population. Residents are mobilized and seek justice so that the work is discontinued.

Often, large business groups interrupt the life of communities, with the endorsement of the state. Under the guise of bringing “development and innovation” to regions, they bring the destruction of the natural environment and the violation of peasants. Even in the face of serious complaint, Canopus Construções follows unpunished and without giving answers on the cases.
