Do not pass the new Political Trade Unions by H. Hotzoglou, D. Hartzoulakis, G. Kavvadia

Author: Σαΐτα
Labels: διωξεις, ελμε Πειραια, ενοτητα αντιστασης ανατροπης
Published Time: 2024-03-29T13:37:00+08:00
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Following is the proposal submitted by the Overturn Resistance Unit at the Board of Directors of ELME Piraeus for a resolution to the ELME Presidents (30/3)

Down the hands of the trade union Action - Down the hands of the associations

To stop every effort construction of a new trade union prosecution - revolt all trade unions prosecutions

THE Recent SAD activation and call to deposit colleague Chryssa Hodzoglou Member of ELME Piraeus and colleague Deputy Dimitris Hartzoulakis member of the Board of Directors of ELME, They are a new page in the trade union construction industry.

He had preceded by George Kavvadia's call to written explanations From DIEP Piraeus for his article in the media. The Board of Directors of ELME Piraeus wrote and made available to colleague G, so that the following text to submit:

"Regarding the call to provide written clarifications of ELME Piraeus member George Kavvadia, ELME Piraeus points out:

Our members do not have to clarify the expression of their views related to their trade union status. We are not going to tolerate any restrictions on the freedom of expression of colleagues, trade union freedoms and trade unionism. "

The These events are of particular importance in the period we are going through, which is characterized by the government's increasing effort and of the NPET, to impose through terrorism the infamous evaluation. Like all show, the SAD (of the two colleagues) is linked to successful mobilization in school of colleague, where he was massively expressed by teachers and Students, contrast to evaluation.

Alongside With the unnamed appeals that the strike - abstinence is illegal, the attempts Building new persecution shows the government's annoyance by the ongoing resistance of the industry to the process of terrorism, discipline and classification of schools brought by the evaluation.

THE Government is sure to attempt to exploit all reactive Institutional framework that has been voted on: criminalization of strike - abstention but And every strike (Laws Hatzidakis, Georgiadis), the penalties for ... "shouts" in the educational spaces (new criminal code), the criminalization of actual contrast or even non -participation in evaluation.

Only The mass movement and the struggles can stop them! Teachers do not They will be back.

Why, With our struggle, we not only defend our rights but We also defend the interests of the people and their children in the public school. After all, they are both the ultimate goals of the evaluation but also of the persecution industry.

· Down the hands of my colleagues, Chryssa Hodzoglou, George Kavvadia. Dimitris Hartzoulakis

· Down the hands of the members of the Association

· Down the hands of the fight against the Evaluation - Down the hands of the struggles, unions, strike, strike

· Revoke all persecutions

· Students - Students - teachers for free Education we are fighting together
