PC 29 March - Milan still in the square Saturday for Palestine

Author: maoist
Description: For a ceased the permanent fire. For the immediate sending of food and health aid. For the liberation of Tutt@ I prisoner@. For the ...
Published Time: 2024-03-29T16:42:00+08:00
Images: 000000.jpg?itok=-Cya2BxO 000001.jpg

For a ceased the permanent fire.

For the immediate sending of food and health aid.

For the liberation of Tutt@ I prisoner@.

For the return of the refuges@

For the right to existence, resistance,

to the free self -determination of the Palestinian people.

We are with the Palestinian resistance!

All in the square against the escalation of war in the world.

The Zionist killers do not stop.

Israeli Zionist criminals continue the genocide of the Palestinian people With bombs, massacres, weapons, siege and hunger, under the complicit eyes of the great western imperialist powers.

Because of GENOCIDE Yes treats, with a slap as heavy like a boulder, also on the face of the hypocrites, supporters and apologetto of a criminal presumed "equidistance" Between the Israeli colonialists and the Palestinian people who are expropriated state of one's land and the same right to existence.

Hypocrites because to talk about peace, without recognizing the wrong immediately by the people Palestinian means being accomplices of a genocide.

Hypocritical disgusts because they speak of peace while providing weapons in the occupant Zionist/colonialist state.

Hypocritical liars because they talk about peace but they intend to forced pacification For definitively reduce the Palestinian people in a situation of submission and sanctioned the Zionist military occupation as a data irreversible.

Miserable hypocrites because they are ready to condemn one next 7 October, one Next legitimate Palestinian revolt as a natural and consequent product of an occupation

Violent, racist and discriminatory that takes dignity, rights and the same life to the Palestinians.

The colonialist project of the Zionist-Israel is clear and claimed: proceed with ethnic cleaning from the Giordano to the Mediterranean Sea Using every means necessary with the certainty that nobody will disturb the killers.

There inhumanization of the Palestinians described as a "lower breed", Arab/Islamophobia and racism inculcated to girls and boys from the primary schools from school programs Israelis Zionists and fundamentalists, Together with the alleged religious right to the Palestinian land , have produced the elimination of each remora or moral brake in lead a war that, as a definition, is already the death of each humanity.

The daily daily exaltation of the alleged "Jewish suprematism", almost one new "Aryan breed", apartheid, racist violence, absolute economic dependence produced by colonialism, discrimination and deprivation of all rights, Yes They are now transformed into a final solution with the current genocidal war: massacres of civilians, executions and mass deportations, hunger, diseases and ethnic rapes and sexual humiliations as proven by studies of same united nations.

But nobody stops the killers free to make every massacre like the last "massacres of the hungry" which mark an additional jump beyond the border of humanity. On the contrary!

The same last hypocritical and miserable Faring resolution , passed with the abstention of the USA as a warning to Israel to liquidate With less striking methods the Palestinian people will probably come disregarded by the Netanyahu government even with the request for only 15 days the fire ceases, without any guarantee of a sufficient amount of humanitarian aid and without in the least question military occupation in Gaza and the West Bank where day after day there Resistance legitimately fights to defend the Palestinian people from the criminal Zionist colonial violence.

Meloni nato

The Italian government of "patriots de noantri", pathetic but dangerous cialtroni, militarist nationalists and bellies, while he takes care of some Palestinian child who became a trophy, ideologically sponsors the increase exponential of the export of weapons in Israel.

Second Istat data, Italy exported armaments to Israel, in the last quarter of 2023, for a total value of 2.1 million euros with A surgery of 1.3 million euros in December 2023.

- the corvettes of the Israeli Navy who patrolled the sea in front of Gaza shooting the fishermen Palestinians to prevent him from fishing beyond the arbitrary, unique and illegitimate border imposed by Israel, now They shoot directly on houses and civilians in Gaza with Italian cannons from the Auto Melara . Oto Melara is a weapon factory controlled by Leonardo , a leading company in the armaments sector whose major shareholder is the Ministry of Economy and Finance.

-The radars that guide these military ships are provided by Selex Always of the Leonardo group.

- The Beretta of Brescia, the Flakes of Lecco, the Cabi Cattaneo of Milan among others, they provide the genocidal army millions of bullets, various ammunition, bombs, grenades, missiles and torpedoes with an incalculable profit for "our" death factories on Blood, on torn flesh and the same life of the Palestinian people.

Winds of global war

There Palestinian tragedy also, it only strengthens concern For the winds of war that become increasingly stronger day after day.

The "Trend in war", in the analysis dialectic of Karl Marx, is intrinsic to the development dynamics of the capital is finding concreteness with its brought of tragedy for the whole humanity. The saturation although inhomogeneous of the world markets, i several concentration processes of the capital parallel to the tendency to organic refinement of the relations between financial capital e industrial capital, aggression of all -field competition determined by these global processes e from the so -called "development" of capitalist society, they are producing the conditions, overcoming the border of the clash political/military "by prosecutor" or territorially delimited, for one direct and frontal clash between the powers Global. Between large and small imperialisms that push for the aggregation of several national states in economic-political-military poles for the control and graduate of world resources and markets in one Generalized crisis phase of the capitalist economy. Everyone These global processes are transforming themselves faster and faster in military contrast pending the spark more or less random that makes him explode and transform into the third world war.

There war fought on the soil and skin of the Ukrainian people stands becoming the fuse of this possible global war. The escalation of many small provocations that add up to each other without the willingness to get to a ceasefire and a realistic peace, they are creating the conditions for a "accident", for the "casus belli" of to which the story is full, without the possibility of returning.

It is no coincidence that Italy, invested by these winds of war yes It prepares for war with an ideological construction of consent to the idea of a country/militarist and belliger nation. Of the I remain this sub-culture with an explicitly fascist imprint is a founding element of the Meloni-Salvini-Tajani government like that instead liberal, rigorist and liberal from an economic point of view, such as also faithful partner-suddled, with the smanias of protagonism, of the blockade US/NATO Western Imperialist. In 2023, the "government of patriots" has reaffirmed and relaunched that Italy has suspended and not abolished the compulsory military leverage in 2005 with the possibility to restore it in case of war or a serious crisis International that requires a greater number of Soldat@.

In the meantime, Italy enters the war without declaring it with all the "virile Boria " del Capomanipolo Crosetto (former leader of the Leonardo ..); Schieraziera ships by war in the Red Sea with the tactical direction of military convoys a Defense of the naval transport of weapons to Israel against retaliation Houthi and to protect commercial traffic. Still once in defense of the Zionist assassins and the profit on the skin e on the existence of the Palestinian people.

In the meantime, the ports of the ports report The increase in deaf, but extremely significant, of the landings of US vehicles and armaments. per The Italian military base at Camp Derby which hosts US Armed Forces.

We believe that the Zionist victory in Palestine means a further strengthening of global war winds and from here the support Imperialist to the genocide strategies in Palestine. And that's why Support for the Palestinian people must be complete and unconditional to get to a right peace. Trying to look at reality with detached eyes, we can tragically say that we are living the daily life of our lives with the background of the noises, of the inhumanity, of the torment of the moans of pain of a genocide is This is intolerable.

Let's ask To all, all, to every internationalist militant, to each supporter of social justice, to every human being you feel disdain and disgust in front of the extermination of the Palestinian people, of take sides, to boycott the Zionist state and to take sides in defense e solidarity with the Palestinian people.

We close with a beautiful song by Samah Jabr Palestinian psychotherapist and writer:

“... We, Palestinians, look like red poppies, short -lived and fragile. The international community is not impressed by ours beauty and neglects to protect us. On the contrary, he often tells us that the Our aspiration to liberation is absurd and cannot bloom. That is Despite, we have confidence in our collective ability of embellish the barren side of the mountain and to inspire a spring revolutionary to the oppressed of the earth ".

Samah Jabr He will come to Italy for a lap of meetings in Milan, Piacenza, Pisa and Florence. In Milan the meeting/comparison is organized by "Salaam-Ragazzi of the olive tree "and from the CSA Vittoria on April 9th at 21:00 at the CSA Vittoria in via Friuli corner via Muratori (MM Lodi Tibb)

On that evening the texts of Samah Jabr "Behind the fronts" and "Sumud. Resisting oppression" published by Sensitive to the leaves.

The pamphlet will also be available " I'm with Palestine "(downloadable Who )

We remember the campaign for the reconstruction of the kindergarten Vittorio Arrigoni in Gaza ( www.ricostruiamoasilovik.it )

PDF Content:

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1 I am with the with Palestine in my heart. Now and always Resistentz to support the campaign to reconstruct the asylum Vittorio Arrigoni in Gaza www.ricostrupiamoasilovik.it the companions and companions of the CSA Vittoria

2 These pages do not presumptuously stop the task of being a historical document. They are not even a "bigino" on Zionist occupation nor do they want to deal with the complexity of the Palestinian world in its political and religious ideological transformation over the years. They only want to be our introduction, chronologically supported, to understand the tragedy experienced by the Palestinian people. Almost an immersion in the suffering, blood and lively meat of a people who suffer, day after day, a historical injustice imposed by Zionist employment and British colonialism and from the might imperialist releases victorious out of the Second World War. To this child between the rubble of Gaza and the entire Palestinian people so that they are no longer forced to live in fear under a criminal occupation on his land. To the Italians and Italian lovers of poetry and peace. To the Palestinians of Ramallah, where I was born, from Ludd and Ramleh, where my father and mother, my grandparents and my great -grandparents were born. To women and men fighting in Palestine and diaspora, with lots of love, and with infinite admiration and respect for their resistance. We will conquer freedom and liberation. We will return! Dedication of Saleh Zaghloul translator of "universal hymns of peace from Palestine" of the great Palestinian poet Mahmud Darwish. Ethnic cleaning in a prospect of genocide that have lasted for almost 80 years. When after almost 80 years ethnic cleaning, daily repression, the Discrimination and a system of apartheid marked by wars and massacres, it becomes declaredly genocide, it is necessary that the occupying force builds an sweetened narrative of its history by attributing to the other, to the "bad", any responsibility. To the protagonists of the Nakba, to the employees , to those who have been driven out of their land, to the slaves who dare to rebel and for this reason they must be punished. To this people there for more than 75 years has been challenging one of the most technologically organized armies and prepared militarily thanks to the financial and military aid of the USA and of the western imperialist block. And it is this narrative that we want to experience once and for all. 1948 - Deir Yassin - April 9, 1948 - If we were to set a possible start date of the increasingly evident, the ethnic cleaning plan and the genocide of the Palestinian people could start from the Deir Yassin massacre. In that place and on that date the first horrendous massacre of the Palestinian civilian population was made: 250 deaths is the only approximate number of those who refused to be driven out of their homes and were for this executed. The term "executed" is not used at random but precisely to explain the scope of that massacre. Women, men, girls and boys killed in their homes, in the courtyards and for the dirt roads of that small town who had decided to host the families of refugees already

3 driven out by the neighboring village of Al-Birwa (Mahmud Darwish's birthplace) already devastated by the Sionist armed squads. The approximation of the numbers derives from the fact that, the next day, the whole country was razed to the ground with the bulldozers passing over every human activity to cancel its memory. (as now in Gaza) The complete destruction of Deir Yassin, deleted from the geographical map, was the Zionist warning for the Palestinian people. The "Banda Stern", Zionist terrorist organization, responsible for those massacres was then rewarded with the integration in the new Israeli army. The undisputed leader of Que is horde of cut was Ytzahak Shamir who, with this massacre, increased his prestige to become Israeli Prime Minister in 1983 ... With the Stern Band, the "Irgun" also operated, another paramilitary organiz ion Zionist who at the melting, and through some mergers, gave birth to the party of the Zionist Right "Likud" founded by Menachem Begin. And this "the story of peace" from which Israel was born. The return to "their promised land". Deir Yassin massacre of 9 April 1948 in those days of horror we could trace the most evident and inhuman concretization of the Zionist strategic plan of Theodor Herzl, written with the blood of the Palestinians and made official in the first Zionist conference in Basel in 1897. The plan is that of forced colonization and an ethnic cleaning of Palestine: “A people without land for one Land without people ”this is the racist and ferociously colonialist starting point of Zionism. Disconnect the existence of a population and a culture of peace has meant the zeroing of thousands of years of coexistence between different ethnic groups and religious confessions and in Palestine. We can therefore historically say that the occupation of the Palestinian land has not begun with the proclamation of the Israeli state of 1948 but, based on the Zionist -Colonialist project, you can evidently trace a preparatory phase that lasted decades. The Zionist project of occupation of Palestine definitively acquired greater propulsive force, almost a green light, after the Balfour declaration in 1917 (Arthur Balfour - British Foreign Minister) which confirmed the support of the British government to the creation of a "Jewish national hearth". Also in 1917, the English general Allenby at the head of the British expeditionary force in Egypt, occupied Jerusalem ending the occupation of today's entire Palestine in 191 8 (in 2024 they are 106 years of employment !!).

4 from “Modern history of Palestine. A land, two peoples "by Ilan Pappè: the 800,000 inhabitants were immediately classified by the new administration on the basis of religious affiliation: 650,000 Muslims, 80,000 Christians and 60,000 Jews including the new Zionist settlers. The Jewish presence in 1947, after the thrusts of the occupation of Palestinian lands of the Zionist Management with English protection, is calculated in fact in 610,000 presences. The Zionist project begins to be realized well sponsorship or from the British colonialism well satisfied with "keeping the door of the East open to trade and English troops". As a "repair" to the tragedy of the Holocaust, the imperialist and colonial England imposed on his own Old colony, the land of Palestine, the introduction, in increasingly massive doses, of the Jewish population of religion until, on May 14, 1948, the Zionist Ben Gurion announced the birth of the state of Israel in Palestine. A date This, and a "homeland for Jews from all over the world" born on the basis of religious discrimination, which instead will be called the Nakba; the catastrophe for the Arabic peoples. A point of arrival, but also a new head of Ponte del Zionismo For the expansion of a forced colonization already stabilized in Palestinian land after years of terrorist activity suffered by more than 700,000 Palestinians driven out of their land with the destruction of hundreds of villages. An egg starting point for ethnic cleaning for the genocide in the making of the Palestinian people. The victim killed his victim. And his identity was mine. (Mahmud Darwish - Universal hymns of Palestine peace) But immediately it is clear that Zionism is hungry for the Palestinian land and, without any opposition of the, already well -deployed, newly sided organization of the United Nations (O.N.U.1945), continues ethnic cleaning by throwing With violence the indigenous population taking possession of his land. The Zionist push to the acapartor of ever greater slices of territory was, of course, a peaceful advance but occurred at the cost of wars with a mass exodus of the Palestinian population. As a short impact we take advantage already immediately, to dispel the epic narration of an organized and industrious people (the Israeli future), capable of transforming the desert into cultivable fields and modern cities. Certainly the initial push to the construction of a new state (shame was on the ground of another people) played a substantial role

5 But, evidently, the capital and the US technological support have done a lot. and British. In Palestine, however, there was already widespread agriculture and small towns, inhabited by different ethnic groups, characterized by commercial exchanges and a lively one and cultural life production. Reflections taken from the reading of Ilan Pappè "10 myths on Israel". The synthesis is that Palestine, as a land and as people, exist well before the Zionist conjugation. 1956 - In 1956 an unarmed civilian massacre took place in the Palestinian city of Kafr Qasim, as narrated with horror in "Palestinian trilogy" by the poet Mahmud Darwish, when 49 peasants and peasants, returning from the fields after a day of work, Furo no slacidati Because they had not complied (they had not been warned) suddenly a curfew imposed by the occupant army while in the fields to work. The process, celebrated only to pacify the protests, lasted for a long time with different increasingly mild, increasingly inconsistent sentences ... up to the "condemnation", for the general of the army responsible for the massacre, to the payment of a fine of 1 cent for the massacre of 49 peasants and peasants. Mahmud Darwish in Palestinian trilogy, in the narrative of the massacre, and in the short story of the trial with the chilling public statements of the managers, finds us a justificationism that dates back to the Old Testament: "....... They will never end, in Zionist thought, the countless justifications of armed violence inspired even by religion. In fact, the biblical Joshua became a contemporary Israeli hero for the ferocity with which the non -Jews treated. This ferocity, historically similar to today's Sionist practice, is both a source of inspiration necessary for those who take political decisions in Israel, and the cultural substratum for the Israeli rebirth in Palestine, in order to legitimize and legalize any crime accomplished to achieve the Zionist goal . "Pour blood, broken lives, earth stolen from those who had lived there for generations, racism and colonialism. This is Zionism. This process of exponential colonial expansion produced wars and co nflitti from which the surrounding Arab countries were defeated for the generous military help by the West. 1967 - In 1967 Israel simultaneously attacked Egypt LA Syria and Jordan, a war nicknamed the "6 -day war" for the short duration of the conflict from which the winner is the winner for the surprise effect that had the unprepared Arab nations found , both for the enormous and decisive military support of the USA and France in particular with the supply of modern weapons and planes Mirages which provides an overwhelming air superiority. The Israeli territorial expansion is evident and objectively explains the reasons for the conflict. The Siani peninsula, part of the heights of the Golan and Jerusalem Est became part of the Zionist state and Sinai was subsequently returned to Egypt only after the bilateral peace agreements of 1979. The box to follow clearly shows the evident reduction of the inhabited lands From the Palestinians in favor of those occupied by Israelis and who, as we will continue to underline, the push to colonization and ethnic cleaning certainly does not arise with the Netanyahu government or after 7 October 2023.

6 This is the best tragic response to those who, out of complicit ignorance or for preliminary racist hatred, speaks in vain, from a historical or current point of view and attributes to the Palestrinese people the lack of will to arrive at a peace project. But peace must be true and above all right. But the story is in itself revolutionary because it is objective and sweeps away all instrumental conjecture. In 1967 the problem of refugees Palestin ESI explodes. In Lebanon, as in the same Gaza and in the neighboring Arab countries, he expelled forcefully by the West Bank and from the north of Palestine that became Israel with the strength of weapons. In this box there is the numerical synthesis of a drama that is part of the experience of the Palestinian people that the Zionist and Western narration instead wants to remove. There was previously, in this regard, an UN resolution, the 194 of 1948, which sanctioned that the refugees could return to their homes from which they had been expelled and that, who had not wanted to do it, should have enjoyed a right compensation ... perhaps the Zionist criminals translated it into today's "right" quantities of bombs on the refugee camps.

7 significant was also the resolution n.242 which, while adding the inadmissibility of the theft of territories through the war of Israeli conquest, did not however take into any way the right to the existence and self -determination of the Palestinian people considering it only a "Set of refugees" and for this reason it was rightly rejected by the Olp, the organization for the liberation of La Palestin A, (similar to the Italian C.L.N. National Liberation Committee) of which the commander Yasser Arafat was recognized as a political manager. These resolutions remained in any case unexpected, such as the hundreds of others who followed and like today, also for the vote against the UN of the friend and accomplice Amerikano to protect the terrorist little brother Israel. However, we can also say that these resolutions have many times represented the hypocritical clean face of the same killers who guarantee and guarantee the impunity for Israel and in fact that mass exodus transformed the entire region with dozens of now definitive refugee camps. 1968 - Meanwhile, the conflict continues with a war of attrition inframmezzat to from episodes of open clash that become more representative. Among these, an important value assumes that of the village of Karame in March 1968 from which the Palestinian resistance, with the support of the Jordan forces, He came out victorious by inflicting a serious blow to the image of the invincibility of the occupant army. We point out this episode because it enhanced the figure of the Fedayyn as victorious partisans in the imagination of the Palestinian people and relaunched the Olp, with the mass adhesion of thousands of new fighters, to the point that Yasser Arafat Defin defin is this battle "Karameh" which In Arabic it means "honor" ... 1969 - Golda Meir, celebrated women's premier and icon of the Israel Laburist, in an interview of 1969 at the "Sunday Times" declares that "there is no something like a Palestinian people. It is not that we came, we threw them out and took their country. They did not exist. " 1970 - And then the 1970 Palestinian "black September" happened when King Hussein of Jordan, with the US military supervision and the material help of Israeli aviation, murdered many thousands of P Alastinesi. The goal was to drive them out of Jordan for the fear that the presence of very crowded refugee camps, where the resistance was also welcomed by collecting consensus, could compromise relations with the powers the western Mperialists. Another unforgettable wound imposed and other blood from the Palestinian people shed for the betrayal of a government in friendly words. 1973 - In October 1973 I burst out instead what was called by the Israelis "The Kippur War" when the initial success of the Egyptian and Syrian troops, enlarged by Palestinian presences and other Arab States, was canceled by the Israeli counterattack covered by the USA aviation. Also in this case, as in 1967, the Zionist occupation army proceeded to the robbery of new lands especially on the heights of Golan important both from the military point of view and of the water supply of Israel and the new colonies already settled in Syria. Today Israel occupies a part of the golan and the surrounding rubble testify to the carpet bombing on the civilian population. In particular, the Zionist army, with the terrorist Ariel Sharon with the command, proceeded to the massacre, without any justification, of 270 Egyptian workers settled in the Sinai peninsula by practicing the umpteenth example of ethnic cleaning. The huge arrival of US loans to Egypt Port ò, in 1978 in Camp David, to a peace between Israel and Egypt with the icing on the cake of western hypochrisia, of the delivery of the Nobel Peace Prize to Anwar Sadat, the Then Egyptian president, and to the genocidal terrorist Menachem Begin. A Nobel Prize to the same Begin at the head of the Band of Assassini Irgun who together with the Stern Band had a gate side from the geographical map The Palestinian country of the Yassin !! 1976 - Tall El Zaatar, The Thyme Hill

8 pass 3 years and we arrive at another date impressed with the blood in the history of the Palestinian people. Tall El Zaatar, in Italian the thyme hill. We leave the floor to the disappeared companion Stefano Chiarini who was a political witness: "The siege and destruction of the field of Tall El Zaatar constitutes the epilogue of a real ethnic cleaning process ante litteram, carried out by the Christian prangheric militias for Eliminate from the eastern part of Beirut, from their controllat to, any Palestinian, Muslim, progressive presence ". On June 22, 1976, the siege with huge forces deployed around the refugee camp began. The field is" sealed "without any food help and With the interruption of access to the water. Day after day the pranked artillery hammers Tall El Zaatar. To supply the inhabitants of water, the inhabitants must be discovered and reach one of the twenty of the available distribution points: a thousand of snipers affected On the highest buildings of the surrounding neighborhoods he keeps the fountains under shooting, making hundreds of deaths. There are not few occupants of the field that die of hunger, thirst, tetanus, gangrene. After 52 days of siege, the Olp, to stop the massacre, accepted the surrender in the condition that the escapes can come out unknown from the field. The Red Cross and international organizations ensured this condition signed also by the Falangist Assassins armed arm of Zionism in Lebanon but the agreement was not respected. On the same day of the surrender there are 2000 deaths teased by the torturers, out of a total of more than 3000 deaths. Women, men, elderly, girls and murdered boys while leaving the field, with torture and executions. The bodies were buried and covered with cement. This is Israeli peace. (Songs freely aggregated by several reports) 1982 - And then again in 1982 the horror of Sabra and Chatila that we describe from this poignant poetic song composed of Mahmud Darwish after the inhuman Massacre: ... no, I don't have an exile to say: I have a homeland. God what time! Sabra sleeps and the fascist dagger wakes up Sabra calls ... who calls? All this night is mine, and the night is climbing the fascist cuts her breasts and at night she gets educated, she dances around her dagger and licks him. He sings for the victory of the cedar, and slowly removes ... slowly the meat from the bones and spreads the shreds on the table and continues his dance the fascist and he will be heaping to the suspended eyes and is crazy about joy and Sabra is no longer body. his instinct, and forge his will. And he steals a ring of meat, and recognizes his image in his blood and is sea and is land and is cloud and it is blood and it is night

9 And it's Saturday and Sabra is. Sabra is the intersection of two roads on a sabra body is the descent of the soul into a Sabra stone is nobody sabra is the image of our time until eternity Mahmud Darwish from "Universal hymns of peace from Palestine" the army Israeli surrounded the refugee camp in strength and Illumin ò in the day with his headlights so that no one could escape death. It was September 1982 and, after months of a siege of Beirut and the massacre of the civilian population, the Olp signed an agreement by accepting the transfer to Tunis of the approximately 15.000 fighters present in the field, placing the condition that absolute protection was guaranteed to the Le women, the elderly and girls and boys left in the field. The US command assumed this responsibility together with the military commands Italy ni and Franc Esi (the famous interposition forces) and instead ... from the first light of the dawn of September 6, the massacre began. For two days and two nights, the fascists of the Christian phalanx --maronita made the havoc of the bodies of women and the elderly, girls and boys. Burning and dismemberments, rapes and executions, with a Palestinian hunt in the narrow alleys of the refugee camp illuminated by the powerful Israeli headlights, testified by the international press as soon as she was allowed to enter the field between piles of overwhelming corpses: "It was the flies that made it clear . They were millions and their hum was eloquent almost as much as the smell. Great as Mosconi, at the beginning they covered us completely, unaware of the difference between living and deaths. "From the extimony of Robert Fisk American journalist that we invite you to read. https: // nena -News.it/sabra -e-shatila -ce-lo-misso -le -mos/but against this historical injustice, alternated and protected pity and militarily from western powers, anger grew in society but above all in young Palestinians. 1987 - Like a wave that rises more and more, Palestinian anger at the end explodes when in 1987 he burst out at La first Intifada, who went down in history as the stone intifada. A heroic rebellion of the Palestinian people who took to the streets and collided with the stones against tanks and against the Israeli military occupation that denied them the right to existence as people on their land. Young boys and girls, but also many children, participated in the first Intifada paying, for their protagonist, a very high blood tribute.

10 of the "Primo Innifada", in addition to the approximate number of about 1 .100 Palestinians assassinated by the Zionist Armed Forces (the same approximation of the number of deaths is significant of the genocidal value of the repression) the order to the troops of the then remained famous Defense Minister Isac Rabin (another future Nobel Peace Prize ...), to "break the Palestinian hands and legs". Task performed with dedication from the army of torturers as a warning to cease resistance. And the so -called "civil world" remained to look, then as today. 1993 - The Oslo agreements of 1993, so emphasized by the friends of the Zionists as an opportunity lost for peace, were on the contrary a tragic example of pacification under the blackmail of hunger and a continuous war. These "agreements" essentially institutionalize the dependence and subordination of the Palestinian people to the Zionist regime without any official recognition of a possible Palestinian state and without any concession on putting an end to employment with explicit return to the borders of 1967. The agreements allowed for Smembra Palestine even more with the exponential multiplication of new Israeli colonies in Palestinian land in the name of the Zionist project of a new "Grande Israel". We invite you to read, so as not to dilute this article by the magazine Independent of foreign pages that illustrates the substantial injustice and the disaster caused by this agreement: https://pagineesteri.it/2023/09/13/primo -piano/30 -year- I- Palestinians-with-year-Denati -OlTre-Legni-Prvision/ from the box the dispersion and isolation of the Palestinian settlements is evident.

11 similar to Ghetti, to the South African "bultops" in the name of a apartheid suffered by the Palestinian population and became a state law. Palestinian community not in connection with each other and controlled militarily by the occupant army. The maximum manager of the OLP, Yasser Arafat, a battle name Abu Amar, accepted this which objectively represented a capitulation for the aspirations at the self -determination of the Palestinian people. The popular front for the liberation of Palestine - FPLP - opposed this decision, questioned, but more at least, also from other organizations of the Palestinian resistance such as the democratic front for the liberation of Palestine - FDLP - and sectors of the same Fatah of which he was Arafat manager. But the agreement was welcomed. 1994 - In the meantime, in February 1994, by protest against an agreement that the Zionist Right also considered too open or to dialogue, an Israeli religious extremist entered the Hebron mosque armed with a machine gun and killed 29 Muslim faithful during prayer, Singing another 125. 2000 - and we arrive at 2000 when, after years of injustice and violence, another great wave of Palestinian pride rises and the second nippada breaks out. An insurrection of people who spread to all of Palestine from Jerusalem. A signal to the world on the unbearable condition of a martyred and colonized people who rebel against colonizers with any necessary means. The spark that started the second Intifada was triggered by the gesture of contempt by the terrorist Zionist Ariel Sharon for the majority of the Muslim religious identity Palestinian. In fact, his provocative "walks" on the esplanade of the Al Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem began, a sacred place for Islam, of which Israel claimed and arbitrarily claim possession in the name of the Zionist project of the "Grande Israel". Operation of provocation so dear to Zionists to such an extent that, the Israeli Minister of Fascist Zionist his emulo Italian Italian Ben Gvir, he will repeat it in January 2023. With the obvious follow -up of aggression with the rifles used as Clave on the faithful gathered in prayer so far within the same mosque. Images that have gone around the world, plastic representation of suprematism and contempt for the religious belief of others. A provocation that will turn on the fire of the protest up to the Palestinian armed response of 7 October of the same year.

12 The wall of shame and apartheid 2002 - In 2002 Knesseet, the Israeli Parliament, votes for the construction of the wall of apartheid, a wall of shame that divides, preventing its transit, Palestine in micro -aggregation to which it is made Difficult if not impossible, free movement from one place to another without the certification of the absolute necessity to discretion the occupant army. The wall already visually represents an obviously hateful and violent act in itself: the long queues to the Israeli checks in Palestinian land physically embody the concept of discrimination and arbitrariness: men in arms who, under the flag of an occupant state, manage and They define the individual freedom of moving, work, care and substantially of life 2 times a day. A world shame criticized by many but ... Israel does not touch, indeed his unique and self -proclaimed right to defense guarantees him any justification until today's genocide. In this regard, we mention an article "sweetened" of the Limes magazine of 201 0, updated in 2015, which speaks of the Palestinian town of Qalqilya: "The wall surrounding Qalqilya makes the city a secret garden with a single entrance and an ' only exit. This area represents a striking example of the social and economic strangulation that some local communities suffer daily. " But let's go back to the period following the Oslo agreements to remember that, after years of continuous aggressions to the Palestinian people, the commander Yasser Arafat Torn erà to take on the role of symbol of the Palestinian identity itself, when the Israeli armed forces try to annihilate by besiege it In his headquarters reduced to a pile of rubble, the muqata, in Ramallah. From his siege Arafat refuses every proposal for the surrexer Sharon by declaring that “the Palestinian people are a people of giants ". Yasser Arafat thus becomes a cumbersome obstacle for the current negotiations between the Israeli government, supported in this by the USA and the management of the ANP, the Palestinian National Assembly, now corrupt and determined to safeguard its privileges and clientelism on the skin of the Palestinian people and their resistance until the collaboration with the enemy. Arafat will die on 11 November 2004 assassinated with the Polonio as it turns out to be with a late autopsy in 2012. In the face of the sidetracks of the French secret services, U.S.A and Israelis, however, we can say that Arafat was killed by the usual assassins of the services of Israeli security with the help of the ANP management who wanted to get rid of such an important symbol of resistance for the Palestinian people.

13 Always in April 2002, Israel launched the "defensive shield" military operation (constantly looking for justification ...) invading the city of Jenin for 12 days in occupied the West Bank. This massacre of the civilian population and the destruction of houses according to a next colonization, were tragic inspiration for the director Mohammad Bakri who shot in the following days the film/documentary Jenin -jenin with interviews with the witnesses of the massacre of civilians. The video, still censored in Israel, is dedicated to Iyad Samoudi, the executive producer, murdered by the Israeli army shortly after the end of the filming. March 16, 2003 - Rachel Corrie, an American activist of the International Solidarity Movement, is crushed by a bulldozer of the Israeli army because he had been interpreted to prevent the destruction of a doctor's house in the Gaza strip. 2007 - After a few years of killers and massacres in an on condition of absolute impunity and subjugation of the Palestinian people to Zionist -Israeli expansesionism, we come to a new repressive measure to economically strangle the Palestinian people by reducing it to hunger. Israel declares and puts into practice an embargo ferreo that still lasts today. Since 2007, every access route has been closed including the restriction of the sea space that can be accessible from Palestinian fishermen with the result of obtaining the drastic decrease in food support derived from fishing. This terrorist measure represents the arrogant Israeli revenge against the Palestinian people "guilty" of having decreed the electoral victory of the political -conclusion Hamas, in the 2006 political elections, for its intransigent opposition to Zionism and a strong territorial presence of Support to the population as opposed to an increasingly "collaborative" ANP and bent to the US and Israelian impositions. The FPLP Popular Front for the liberation of Palestine, politically deployed in the Marxist and secular sense, pays the political isolation and repression of both the two major political formations. 2009 - "Operation of the melted lead" The result of this war that lasts 22 days was about 1420 deaths of which about 300 girls and boys. About 3000 destroyed houses and 20,000 damaged pursuing the strategic Zionist -Israeli objective of causing the dispersion and forced migration of the Palestinian population to other countries of the Arab world.

14 victims but also heroic fighters. Cluster Bomb and white phosphorus were mainly used in highly inhabited areas as a genocidal signal and of certain impunity with Zionist assassin cowards. From the 117 pages of Amnesty International, anyone can deduce that these "prohibited and illegal" weapons together with the other weapons considered and "legal", were used against the civilian population without the possibility of escape (just as now in Rafah with 1,500,000 people Chius and between the wall of the frontier and the tanks). Women and men assassinated by the bombs while sleeping or in the courtyards of the alleys of Gaza as they spread the laundry, children affected on the bed or on the roof while playing. Amnesty also testifies to numerous cases of ambulances and nurses affected while lent rescue. But another figure should have made the autonomous "civil world" arise. In fact, it was ascertained that Israel had experienced a new type of devices containing toxic heavy metals with a doubling, on an annual basis, of the number of babies suffering from some pathology also serious and/or deforming. In just 22 days of war. We ask ourselves rhetorically if we have wanted to apply, on a higher scale, the eugenic research of Joseph Mengele, the angel of the death of Auschwitz -Birkenau. All this is Nazism. All this is genocyus God. Because Zionism, Suprematism, Racism and Nazism are equally based on the subordination of another people. Sionism and Nazism are in particular based on the scientific elimination of the people identified as an enemy.

15 and in fact: “After the operations of Gaza, the Research Committee on new weapons (NRWC), a group based in Italy of scientists and doctors who study the effects of unconventional weapons and medium -term repercussions on residents in affected areas From conflicts, he noted that they were actually explosive employed containing white phosphorus and a metal element with high carcinogenic content. Further analyzes on the bombarded areas found the presence of metals harmful to the nervous and reproductive systems of human beings. " A political choice -Military that has made explicit the genocidal intent of this war explicit. April 14, 2011 - Vittorio Arrigoni is seized by a fundamentalist band operated by Mossad and killed the day after being brutally tortured. Vik told the daily tragedy and the horror of a life under employment. His "we remain humans", it is a teaching that the whole world still recognizes. 2012 - As a warning to the Palestinian people who do not accept segregation and employment, Israel triggers the "defense pillar" operation that begins with the targeted assassination of a Hamas manager continuing with the killing of over 165 Palestinians (between to which more than 30 children) in just over 7 days. 2014 - Israel goes on with wars to the Palestinian people in Gaza and launches the "protective barrier" operation in 2014. For us, a 2014 reportage of the precious journalist Michele Giorgio speaks: "We are now on the 24th day of" protective barrier "the numbers now touch those of melted lead. For many, the ongoing operation is much more devastating than what was the 2008 -2009 offensive for the very high level of destruction and the number of displaced people, very high due to the bombing direct against civil homes. In Gaza there is no more electricity: after the bombing of the only electrical system of the strip, much of the population has the current for two hours a day, but in the center of the enclave it is completely absent. "The dead, once the attack is over, will be around 2300 including approximately 570 girls and boys with the usual corollary of hundreds of thousands of displaced people for the scientifically destroyed houses. 2018 - In July 2018 a qualitative leap takes place in the Zionist strategy against the Arab populations. Knesset, the Israeli Parliament, establishes and institutionalizes the transformation of Israel into "national state of the Jewish people". In this "fundamental law" it is sanctioned that Israel is the place where the law

16 to self -determination is limited only to the Jews and that Jerusalem will have to be the capital of this state. Too bad that the beautiful Jerusalem is universally recognized as a central element of the three Christian, Muslim, Jewish monotheistic religions and that in Jerusalem there are the basilica of the Holy Sepulcher and the Mosque of Al Aqsa of reference to founding and indispensable reference for Christian and Muslim faiths. Underline a discriminatory limitation of individual law, binding it to a religious belonging A, highlights the oppression of any other ethnic or religious component that lives on the same territory to which, for the first time per law, the same rights are not guaranteed. The ideological assumption of this fundamentalism and suprematism and Braico finds himself fully in the statement of Israeli Minister Bezalel Smotrich: "The Palestinians do not exist, they are an invention of less than 100 years ago", "the Palestinians do not exist because it does not exist because A Palestinian people ". This is a leap in quality, legislative, ideological and cultural collected by Zionism in the transformation of the Jewish people from "elected people", as in the Jewish religious creed, into "supremist people". This "fundamental law" establishes a different legislation between the Arab -Palestinian population, who for millennia has lived on that land, and the new settlements of women and men of Jewish faith. But that's not enough; This law establishes the "right to return" (???) of any Jew wants ... going to occupy a new piece of land by subtracting it from the Palestinians. While more than 6,000,000 of Palestinian refugees, despite the paper (straccia) of numerous UN resolutions, is not recognized right if not to survive in a refugee camp. The great iron keys that are often seen in the processions in Palestine, or in the square in the hands of the women and men of the Palestinian communities, are the keys of the house symbol of the return for millions of refugees. They represent the real keys, still in the hands of the legitimate owners, of the thousands of houses from which the Palestinians have been driven out with terrorism starting from Nakba. The keys are accompanied by the "Raja" cry that means return. The question of refugees, despite its huge number, is never treated or recognized by Israel. Their right to return, which the Palestinian people claim (and us with them) must be an integral part of a path for a true and just peace for the Palestinian people. But let's go back to the general framework and reach, for extreme synthesis, to date, showing the effects of the wall of apartheid, colonization and in Israeli seductions, the robbery of the Palestinian land and of Zionist ethnic cleaning in the West Bank (West Bank).

17 in Jerusalem always about the Israeli apartheid. 2022 - We still resume a synthesis taken from "foreign pages" of January 2022: ... according to international law (?)) Jerusalem Est is considered a occupied territory as Gaza and Cisgior Dania, but Israel has proceeded to a formal annex in open fines to international law and the various resolutions adopted by the General Assembly that by the United Nations Security Council. In fact, over the years, Israel has settled Jewish population in

18 Palestinian neighborhoods, through the construction of real colonies, the occupation of individual houses, such as in the neighborhoods of Silwan and Sheikh Jarrah, and through the confiscation of areas to be allocated to the construction of military bases or public projects here, centers tourist, archaeological areas and natural parks. In the area, in fact, the Israeli government has expropriated 38% of the territory for the construction of military settlements and bases and, to date, there are 11 colonies inhabited by a total of about 210,000 colon i. Furthermore, four large national parks have been created that occupy 22% of the area of Jerusalem Est. Apartheid and discrimination sanctioned by Israeli law: ... according to the right of that "shining example of democracy" ... which is Israel, the Palestinians of Jerusalem do not enjoy full citizenship but of a status of permanent residents, who would guarantee the same social rights as Israeli citizens, but in reality does not allow to access public offices or vote in the national elections. Still in P roposito of discriminatory and apartheid legislation: in January 2022, something like 70 families threatened with eviction, had lived for decades in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood in Jerusalem Est.

19 The armed forces proceeded to the evictions and arrests of the Palestinian families with the usual particular violence that is consonant, hiding behind a law promulgated in Israel with which the Jewish residents before '48 can boast the right to possession of the terr to which those houses were built. To the Palestinians driven out of their land and become refugees with Nakba this right is not granted. A few months later, in May 2022, during a police operation managed with rifle strokes against the demonstrators, he was deliberately assassinated, as per confirmation and official sentence of a United Nations Investigation Commission, the Al Jazeera Shireen Akleh journalist's journalist with a single blow to the head. Together with her, the journalist Ali Sammoudi was injured while together, with well -obvious bulletproof vests marked Press testified to the violence of the Israeli armed forces against the civilian population he manifested. The then Minister Lapid, claiming "the superior ethics of the Israeli army", commented on the criticisms of the assassination and the same UN condemnation with the usual Israeli arrogance: "Nobody can make morals on the behavior in war" ... and we arrive to Gaza whose numbers are certainly known but well exemplified by this graphic note. Gaza is an open -air lager emblem of suffering but also of the resistance of a people. The situation in Gaza, which has been humanly intolerable for some time, is now of a horror beyond the imaginable because, while we write, the final solution targeted on the million and a half of refugees concentrated in inhuman conditions near the Rafah pass is about to begin. While the Zionist Army crushes the Palestinian population on the border with Egypt, the USA press them on Israel so that the conflict finds any "more human" resolution only for the fear of a military escalation that can remove resources and attention from Next "comparison" with China. But the crazy dog Netanyahu pushes for a "final solution" for the Palestinian people, with the excuse of the fight against terrorism, and then be able to boast a military result that guarantees him political survival. A well -strange meaning this of the concept of "terrorism", with an implicit sense of condemnation that pours on those who fight without uniform, but that can never be applied to the "legitimate right to genocide" of the Israeli army. On the other hand, history has taught us that the so -called "fight against terrorism" has covered the worst wives in terms of repression to class opposition movements to bring them back to a level of political compatibility, as well as on the international level of " Humanitarian wars "or to" export democracy ", actually wars of robbery against countries that do not bend to the imperialist powers and here it would be along the lugubrious list of imperialist robbery wars that have razed whole countries and entire populations with a trail to the soil of blood that has fomented an obvious and inexhaustible hatred towards "The Democratic West" for its political structure -Economic O- military blockage US -CLEAN -CEO -Europe.

20 But on the suffering, despair, courage and determination of the population of Gaza today we will return later, now entrusting ourselves to a song, dramatic and "enormous" for its evocative power, composed in 1973 by Mahmud Darwish entitled "Silence for Gaza ": Gaza“ the explosive to life has been linked and exploded. This is not death, it's not about suicide. It is the way Gaza declares that he deserves to live. For four years, the meat of Gaza has spoken splinters of grenades in every direction. It is not a question of magic, it is not a prodigy. It is the weapon with which Gaza defends the right to stay and unwind the enemy. For four years, the enemy rejoiced for having crowned his dreams, seduced D to flirt over time. Except for Gaza. Because Gaza is far from his loved ones and attacked to his enemies. Because Gaza is an island. Whenever he explodes, and never stops doing it, he scarves the face of the enemy, breaks his dreams and interrupts his idyll with time. Because time in Gaza is another thing, because time in Gaza is not a neutral element. It does not push people to cold contemplation, but rather to explode and clash against reality. The time over there does not bring children from childhood immediately to old age, but makes them men at the first encounter with the enemy. Time in Gaza is not relaxation, but an assault of scorching heat. Because the values in Gaza are different, completely different. The only value of those who live under employment is the degree of occupant resistance. This is the only competition in progress over there ... Gaza is not an end speaker, he has no throat, it is his skin that speaks, through blood, sweat, and flames ... for this reason the enemy hates it until death, the He fears to the point of committing crimes and tries to drown it in the sea, in the desert, in the blood. Enemies can get the better of Gaza. The big sea can get the better of a small island. They can cut all the trees. They can break the bones. They can plant tanks in the guts of his women and children. They can throw it into the sea, in the sand or in the blood. But she: she won't repeat the lies. He will not say yes to the invaders. It will continue to be exploded. This is not death, it's not about suicide. But it's the way Gaza declares that he deserves to live. Mahmud Darwish

21 We do not believe there can be enough comments in front of the sense of despair, courage and determination that emerge from this poetic prose of Mahmud Darwish. We can only invite him to read it on "Palestinian trilogy". But let's go back to the dripping of Zionist daily violence. The following is the graphic designer on Israeli employment until 2014. While the official data of international agencies speak of a total of about 750,000 colonists currently settled in the West Bank. As well highlighted, in the box to follow, the increasing reduction of lands inhabited by the Palestinians in favor of those occupied by Israelis is evident. It is increasingly clear that the push to colonization and ethnic cleaning certainly do not arise with the Netanyahu government or after the military response of the Palestinian resistance of 7 October 2023. We unmasked the Zionist propaganda of all trend in the thread -Sionist story seems that before 7 October "everything is fine" ... it seems n on no existent occupation of the land of Palestine and that there is no deep river of Palestinian blood that unis ca the horror of the past for an equally tragic present. This is instead what they want to make us believe and who support the imbaders of the national media (newspapers and televisions), even just a little less cruelly philosionists of the right to the government instead lined up "in arms" with the Israeli army and justificationist of the genocide in progress. On this false and instrumental assumption that has become ideological, which has also become a milestone of "democratic" Zionism (an oxymoron), the different areas of the Italian "moderate left" have been placed as well as the most hypocritically "good" government areas. Hypocritically because, while a genocide is endorsed, in the meantime they arbitrarily take injured or sick children and, without any formal agreement, he brings them to Italy to guarantee him

22 The necessary treatments impossible to receive on the Palestinian soil for the bombings of the ally Israel. ... In this data we can find all the disgust and cynicism of the short circuit of decency and ethics of the western block and in particular of the Meloni government - Salvini thus committed to shaving for a "place in the sun" and a role of protagonism active on the international level and a foreign policy always well careful not to get out of the compatibility of the umbrella US/NATO protective. The evident goal is to represent a liar and distorted image of reality as if everything could be traced back to the subjective "badness" of the Palestinian resistance or of Netanyahu. Almost a new application of the old theory of "opposites -estremisms" to stop the conflict and leave everything unchanged or almost, without the definitive recognition of the right to self -determination of the Palestinian people in any form will decide to represent. Indeed to freeze a dramatic situation with an armed pacification that will only create the conditions for another war. Hiding, subjectively or objectively, the historical origins of the conflict and its roots in historical injustice suffered by the Palestinian people is today, however, the hypocritical justification error of the Palestinian G Enechide. A criminal justifying those who shield a cowardly coward (in different gradations until complicity) and those who, on the one hand, stop to look exclusively to the photography of 7 October 2023, while wanting, on the other, to take all responsibility of this genocidal war exclusively to only Netanyahu and his government of Zionist criminals. The worst way to objectively face the reality is that of n on criticizing the concrete connivances and responsibilities of the most of the Israeli society which, as a whole, occurs for Zionism, unfortunately except for a small minority that finally and with courage begins to raise your voice . The best way to reset any possibility of coming to a future of peace - just peace - is the aberration of Zionist ideology and the occupation of Palestine is not questioned. The hypocrisy of "let's help them in their home" in the land of Palestine, even in Israeli pacifist sectors, with an empathy and good faith that we certainly recognize, maintains common que quen the Zionist flavor of discrimination, if it does not question it from Origins. By denying and denying the world the possibility of identifying a way for a just just just a just that can go on a perspective respectful for the Palestinian people and builds the stages, in evidently even very long times, of a possible and necessary coexistence. - A small digression on Zionism and class struggle: we read on some political documents of the reflections that we believe simplistic or partial to correctly face the materiality of the contradictions in Palestine as in Israel. We are absolutely convinced of the strategic correctness of a class setting in approaching us to the medium -oriental question as in any other corner of the world. We believe, however, that the primary contradiction to be addressed today is not only that of a generic appeal to the uni of the Palestinian and Israeli proletariat against the oppression of national bourgeois and imperialist plans in the medium -eastern area and we allow ourselves to suggest how much this approach is backward and spoiled by an impregnated approach of ideologism. A dialectical approach to the conflict must put Zionism on a primary contradiction level, the essential material and ideological contradiction with which to deal with, precisely in respect of the "Marxist dialectic". Zionism as a supremist ideology produced by a colonial material structure of oppression of an entire people. In this regard, we resume Brevissim and parts of the long intervention of absolute importance and thickness of Ilan Pappe - London 21.01.2024 - to the Genocide Memorial

23 Day of the IHRC (Islamic Human Rights Commission) which claims that the genocide of the Palestinian people is a point of no return that is changing history and that it is probably drawing the final trajectory of the Jewish state for how we now know it: "The Idea that Zionism is a settlement colonialism is not new. The Palestinian scholars who worked in Beirut in the OLP research center in the 1960s had already understood that what they were facing in Palestine was not a colonial and classic project. Israel did not only frame Israel as a British or American colony, but they considered it a phenomenon that existed in other parts of the world, defined as settlement colonialism ... This historical project came to the end and is a violent end - these projects usually collapse In a violent way, therefore, it is a very dangerous moment for the victims of this project, and the victims are always the Palestinians together with the Jews, because it is also the Jews are victims of Zionism. So, the collapse process is not only a moment of hope, but it is also the dawn that will emerge after the darkness, and it is the light at the end of the tunnel. " Zionism is today The only obstacle for the affirmation of peace in Palestine. But let's get closer to today. In 2023 Amnesty International declares: Sixteen years of illegal bloc of Israel made Gaza the largest open -air prison in the world. The international community must act now to prevent a gigantic cemetery. 2023 - July 3, Israel triggers Jenin on Jenin, like several alt kings times after 2002, a vast and violent military attack. It is the second attack of 2023 against the city of Jenin, in the north of the West Bank, which historically has a resistant population never folded by the military employment, which has materialized in a ferocious and inhuman raking (similar to that of these days) neighborhood for neighborhood, home for home, with "arbitrary" arrests. "House and garden" ... is the name of this military action that caused dozens of deaths, wounded in proportion, and the usual devastation of houses, roads, electricity and water network. On the other hand, to make you ... house and garden, first you have to throw down all or…. In this regard, we report a press release from the Cospe and Osc - organizations of international cooperation - inherent not only to the attack on July 3 but to the war continues to the Palestinian people: "2023 is characterizing themselves as a year of unprecedented violence. Since the beginning of the year, in fact, at least 192 Palestinians have died at the Israeli hand, including 31

24 boys and girls; a number of victims already greater than that recorded throughout 2022. The arbitrary arrests, even of minors, and the demolitions of civil structures, such as the school of JAbbet El -deeb built with funds from the European Union demolished by Israel on 7 May 2023, continue incessant. , expressing his "sadness for the death of civilians" in employed the West Bank, had invited the parties to "avoid unilateral actions that could inflame tensions". But, despite this, on 3 July 2023 Israel launched the military offensive "House and Garden", in Jenin, in the north of the West Bank, under employment since 1967. We are faced with the fifth military operation launched on Jenin from the beginning of 2023, the hardest in the West Bank in the last 20 years. An attack conducted by land and via air, with the use of special forces, drones and sniper, concentrated on the refugee camp of Jenin, an area with a very high population density - 14 thousand people less than half a sq km. To date, the data released by the United Nations report 12 Palestinian victims, for the most part young, including 5 minors; 143 injured - of which 20 pay in serious condition - and about 3,500 people displaced due to the destruction or damage of their homes. The Hospital at the AMAL of Jenin and a UNRWA clinic have been damaged, and the destruction of roads and infrastructures makes it difficult to access ambulances and medical staff and the supply of water and electricity. The Israeli government, however, continues its colonization work. In June he approved a plan for the construction of an additional 5,000 housing units in the West Bank, where over 700,000 Israeli settlers already live. Even the intergroup for peace between Palestine and Israel of the Italian Parliament expressed itself by asking "an urgent meeting to the Foreign Minister, Antonio Tajani, so that Italy assumes a clear position" since "they are not admissible silences in the face of constant violations Human rights in Palestine "... but in the following 3 months (until 7 October) everything has forgotten, almost 80 years are removed in the name of the inviolability and impunity of Israel, of his unilateral right to defend himself, in the name of his right to the genocide of the popol or Palestinian. The Zionist propaganda gracassa, in all its facets and gradations of color, omits, hides and certainly does not report that, based on official data between January 2000 and September 2023, Israeli governments, with his armed hand of the IDF, the colonists, the bombs, the tanks, the lack of care and the torture in prisons produced 11,299 dead and wounded 156,768 women, men, girls and boys Palestinian. But we also want to remember the terrorist practice of the numerous "targeted murders" made by Israeli Mossad all over the world. The list would be very long but, without wanting to lack compared to the memory of those who do not mention, we will list only a few such as Wael Zuaiter, political manager of AL-Fatah, murdered in Rome in 1972. His friend Mahmoud Hamshari, manager of the Olp assassinated in Paris a few weeks later. The poet Ghassan Kanafani near the FPLP and assassinated in 1972 for his precious literary testimony on the tragedy of refugees after the Nakba.

25 and again the famous Palestinian designer Naji alla Ali assassinated in London in 1987 and known all over the world for having created and designed the famous Handala character who travels back to the world who, in front of the suffering of the Palestinian people, turns thanks to the other part. Prisoners - hostages and now we want to deal with a topic that seems taboo in the national media because it disturbed BBE the narrative of Israel as a "country of peace affected treacherously on October 7": the question of Israeli prisoners in the hands of the forces of the Palestinian resistance and of the Palestinian prisoners held in Israeli prisons or in the hands of the occupant army. Another mystified narrative of reality. Our ethical -political beliefs make us tell that war is in itself a tragic fact, a horror. The only guerr and for us practicable I are that of class for equality and social justice to free the world from class exploitation and the anti -imperialist against colonialism. War, whoever does it, implies deaths and prisoners. After October 7, 240 Israelis were indicatively in the hands of the resistance. As we write, 131 Israelis remained in Gaza after the liberation, with the exchange between prisoners, of others and the dead due to the bombings. We also point out that all the free prisoners liberated the Israeli government prevents any free communication in order not to crack the official story of violence and mistreatment and we remember in this regard that significant "shalom - peace" of that elderly Israeli woman aimed at the men of the Resistance at the time of his liberation. On the other side of the war front it is instead impossible to calculate exactly the number of girls, boys, men and women, girls and boys and boys seized and arrested arbitrarily after raids of entire neighborhoods by the employment army performed in the West Bank or in the same Gaza. Men, stopped, denied, beaten while women touch the usual treatment of threats of sexual violence. We are talking about the incredible number of almost 6,000 Palestinians arrested

26 from the Israeli forces in the West Bank from 7 October, T Ra to whom hundreds of women and girls and boys. Among these prisoners are at least 50 journalists, of which at least 20 in "administrative detention" that is, without any accusation or trial. Administrative detention: this form of detention, similar to a kidnapping, is widely used by Israel as a terrorist deterrent against the Palestinian population since at any time and in an absolutely arbitrary way, it can be arrested and detained without trial based on one "Administrative detention order" which can be repeated indefinitely of six months in six months. To the dehuman number of arbitrary arrests after 7 October 2023 the approximately 6800 hostages/prisoners must be added, among which the approximately 1300 to which the form of administrative detention had been applied, according to the data of the Israeli Hamocked Association for rights should have been applied humans. For a total of 12,800 (by defect) Palestinian prisoners in Israeli hands. But we still talk about the judicial system in the "Democratic Israel" by resuming a very clear article by Chiara Cruciati on "Terrasanta.net" of 2018 with exemplary data of the objective situation of judicial apartheid: a particular system because it makes a distinction between the residents: the Palestinians apply Military law, civil law applies to the colonists ... ……. Two weights and two measures that for years has been Israeli for human rights for years, monitor and fight. In May 2016 one of the best -known Israeli NGOs, B'Tselem, announced the surrender: he would no longer have filed complaints against settlers and soldiers to the Israeli judicial system, because they are useless (in the vast majority of cases even examined) and because it is exploited by the Israeli authorities for demonstrate the existence of a state of law ............... the numbers speak for themselves: if in front of a military court Israeli 99.74 percent of the defendant Palestinians is condemned, in the case of violence by the colonists, the percentage collapses under 2 percent (data of the Israeli association Yesh Din: over 85 percent of the crimes committed by Israelis on Palestinians are closed without investigation, 1.9 percent with a penalty for the manager). Yet, the United Nations Office says for the coordination of humanitarian issues (OCHA), the colonous violence are constantly growing: in the first six months of 2017, three of the Palestinian deaths and 48 wounded, 2,700 olive trees damaged, 52 cars destroyed. That is 86 percent of more cases than in the same period of 2016. And the article dates back to 2018 ... approaching the conclusions, we can only apologize for the omission of dozens of "dates", small and large massacres and of and thousands of pages of horror and daily prevarication to sub -under the Palestinian people. We would never be able to summarize suffering, humiliation and torture for a people of almost 80 of Zionist military employment in a few pages. The war on women, girls and boys but another complaint we believe must be done, not with our words but with those written on September 16, 2023 (we underline: before 7 October) by Ramzy Barou, journalist and director of The Palestine Chronicle . We naturally report only songs of that article that we ask you to read carefully:

27 “For Israel, killing Palestinian children is a political choice. This statement can be easily demonstrated and is supported by the results of the latest Human Rights Watch report. The question is: why? When a police officer or a soldier shoots a child in any other part of the world, even if in an absolutely tragic way, it can be supported, at least in theory, that the murder was a tragic fatality. But when thousands of children are killed or injured in a systematic way, and in remarkable quantities in a relatively short period of time, it is obvious that there is intentionality ... In a relationship entitled: "The West Bank: increase in the Israeli killings of Palestinian children", published last month, Human Rights Watch has come to its conclusions on the basis of an exhaustive analysis of medical data, eye testimonies, video footage and research on the Camp or…. Since the beginning of the year (2023) to 22 August, 34 Palestinian children have been killed in the West Bank, in a 2023 who set the bloodiest year since 2005. In fact, "already exceeds the annual figures of 2022, the most Alta since 2005 ", in terms of victims, according to the United Nations Special Coordinator for the Middle East, Tor Wennesland, during a conference last month. These numbers, together with other factors, including the expansion by Israel of illegal settlements in the West Bank, threaten "to worsen the difficult situation of the most vulnerable Palestinians", according to Wennesland .... However, these "most vulnerable Palestinians" exist beyond simple statistics. When the Israeli soldiers killed Mohammed Tamimi on June 5, the child's name was added to a constantly expanding list. The memory of the baby, like that of all the other Palestinian children, is imprinted in the collective consciousness of all the Palestinians. It acutes its pain, but it also requires to continue fighting and resisting. For the Palestinians, the killing of their children is not only a random act of an army that lacks discipline and it does not fear repercussions. The Palestinians know that the Israeli war against children is an intrinsic component of the wider Israe Liana war against all the Palestinians ... Palestinian children are "small snakes", wrote the Aylet Shaked politics in 2015. In a Facebook post published by the Washington Post, Shaked said war on all the Palestinians and asked for the killing of the "Mothers of the Palestinian martyrs". He wrote: "They should follow their children, nothing could be more right". Shortly after, Shaked became, irony of fate, the Israeli Minister of Justice. The data collected by the international groups for human rights leave no doubt that the nature of the killings demonstrate that these are part of a global strategy implemented by the Israeli army. In all cases recently investigated by Human Rights Watch, “The forces Israeli shot the upper part of the children's body ". This has been done without "warning intimations" or the use of common and less "lethal" measures ... specifically, the killing of Palestinian children is a specific and deliberated Israeli military strategy. The same logic now applied in the West Bank has already been used in the Gaza Strip. The United Nations data show that, in the Israeli war in Gaza in 2008-2009, 333 Palestinian children were killed. Other estimates report 410. In 2012, 47 children were killed during the Israeli operation 'Defense pillar'. In the months of July and August 2014, 578 children were killed during the assault

28 Israeli alla Striscia. The 2021 attack killed 66 children, while in 2022 the number was 17, and so on. They took place at the fence that separates Israel from Gaza. All minors were killed remotely by Israeli snipers. We are talking about thousands of dead and injured children. To be precise, 8,700 between 2015 and 2022, according to the United Nations. Even the insensitive and often dehumanizing logic of "collateral damage" cannot justify these figures ... The problem, for the Palestinians, is not only that of Israel's violence, but also the lack of international will to consider Israel responsible. Responsibility requires units, resolve, determination and action. This task should be a priority for all countries that really have Palestinians and universal human rights. Without such a collective action, the Palestin children will continue to die in large numbers and in the most brutal ways, a tragedy that will continue to be grieved and mortified all of us. "We relied on the words of Palestine Chronicle because they are impossible to reproduce without losing its effectiveness. We also report an article by Ilan Pappè: the relentless war of Israel against the children of Palestine https://www.csavittoria.org/it/node/739 and we arrive on 7 October 2023. A date of war, as dozens of other divers The Palestinian people, who instead turned up to military occupation, colonialism and ethnic cleaning this time. A date that marks the Palestinian people for a point of no return because it has questioned the Israeli military power and its impunity. A date that has put the whole world in front of its responsibilities and that is changing it as in front of a watershed. A day that ran down the Zionist suprematism by reporting every conscience in front of the crossroads: a stretch of genocidal violence, now become a conclato genocide construit or on the ideological assumption of the superiority of an "Jewish race" (non -existent from an anthropological point of view) or a Perspective of peace that respects the right to self -determination of the Palestinian people of which there was no longer any trace on the international political agenda. In the meantime, the international framework speaks to us of an escalation of military war which is only the continuation of an economic war between blocks and imperialist powers that are competing for world hegemony. An hegemony on the markets, on energy reserves, on economic -political control -Milita, on fundamental areas from the geo -political point of view, on the consent of economically more backward countries to be used as a Pedine in this global clash without neighborhood. The same war against the Palestinian people is part of this global conflict, pushing to intervene and speculate on the life of a people using both any propaganda tool and the reinforced intervention. The military presence of the US fleet in the Mediterranean, as a deterrent for Lebanon and Iran, the sending of a formation of war ships of the coalition of the "vouchers", with Italy in the front row, marks an important step towards this World War Escalation in pieces. The bombings on Lebanon and not only on the border line but targeted, terroristly, against those who support the resistance with weapons and in the end the life of the Palestinian people. The arbitrary bombing of the Huthi population which opposes the continuous naval flow of enormous quantities of armaments to Israel, along the Red Sea, marks the choice of the field of the West Imperialist who cannot tolerate difficulties and delays in the transport of goods indispensable to the capitalist economy already in crisis. Large and criminal plans of economic strategy -Politics -Military that are played on the skin of a people. The other powers, in various gradations of imperialism (the purists of the definitions forgive us this generalization) are taking the measures to the situation trying to benefit from it with variable alliances in relation to the comparison/clash areas with the

29 enemy. Always and in any case above and in the contempt of all ethics or respect for human rights. On the Meloni/Salvini government we have already said a lot in this and on other occasions, and we can still only underline the Melonian anxiety to interpret its role as a small arrogant partner inserted in the western imperialist block with the financial stability and the positive opinion of the large US rating agencies. But this is not enough because the militarist sub -culture of the admirers of the Mussolinian flame, joined to their neoliberalism in economics, is pushing the ideological and economic accelerator on the rearmament of the army /nation and on European partnerships for the construction of new armaments more and more Sophisticated by obtaining it from the slope from the public debt/gross internal debt calculation. A acceleration and a go -ahead for the race to "Italico" rearm ideologically and economically imprinted by Crosetto in view of an next global war ... with the evident subtraction of funds and cuts to public health, school and welfare already demolished by governments Neo - previous liberalists. But we do not "cheer" and we are not with any imperialist block. Indeed we believe that the future multipolar world, which is now outlining, will not bring any improvement to the living conditions of the subordinate classes of each country in the world. We are on the side of the exploited of the world for a revolutionary process of emancipation from class exploitation in any part of the world and in any form of state organization is represented. But let's go back to Israeli propaganda. All these pages we believe are quite eloquent and sufficient to sweep away any infamous accusation of anti -Semitism for those who solidarize with the Palestinian people. For Israel, and complicit states, every criticism of the Palestinian genocide is stigmatized as anti -Semitism but it is for the eyes of the whole way how this accusation is disgustingly instrumental. For those who have always fought by putting their personal freedom and life against any form of discrimination on an ethnic and religious basis, this is only an infamous accusation to cover a genocidal state like Israel. Fascism, Nazism, anti-Semitism, racism, Arabophobia, Islamophobia, sexism, racism, homophobia have the same ideological and sub-cultural matrix that has its roots in the capitalist and pap society to divide and fragment a possible union of the new slaves that make the wheels turn of a manufacturing way of production based on class exploitation. To the controversy and the prohibitions of the 16th consecutive procession of mobilization in solidarity with the Palestinian people on the occasion of the "day of memory" of January 27 because the memory of the horror of the Holocaust we replied never loses: you are the anti -Semites that You are attempt the memory of a massacre of innocent. It is you assassin Zionists who are using the Holocaust of the Jewish people by contrasting it to the genocide of the Palestinian people.

30 To this raw but significant vignette of Vauro we can add that the never more humanly recognized after the horror of the Holocaust, has become the ribbish justification of the right to the worst in nefarines such as ethnic cleaning up to the claim of the right to the genocide of the Palestinian people . And we get to today. At the possible final solution to Gaza the exploitation of the Holocaust in a genocidal key, the use of religion as a sectarian and divisive element, fomented by Israel for an increasing religious radicalization, today also weighs as a justification for the ban/rationing during the next Ramadan All 'Access to the “Spaid of the Mosques "and the Mosque of Al -aqsa Sacred Symbol for believers of Muslim faith. For us, far away as we are from any religious confession, this is yet another criminal provocation unknown by the murderer Netanyahu which risks the triggering of an additional escalation of generalized anger in populations the whole Arab world. A contempt and a huge and intolerable offense artfully built to cause a natural violent rebellion that can be assimilated to another religion defined as an enemy and inferior to criminalize it and arouse further religious radicalization of the conflict. The horror of current affairs is constantly evolving from assaults on hospitals, bombings of agglomerates of refugees, "targeted" killers of those who are considered terrorist and arrests and mass deportations as evidenced by every means of information also Israeli. At this moment (16.03.2024), after about 71,654 injuries, 31,045 recognized deaths and thousands of bodies still under the rubble paved by the Israeli bulldozers, the killer Netanyahu pushes for the last phase of the final solution supported by the prodent of the U.S. Which, for yet another vote, voted against the last UN resolution for a ceased the immediate fire. The final massacre would include a further movement in north of almost 1,500,000 Palestinians who should move, on foot and with makeshift means, in the midst of the rubble of houses, churches, mosques, schools and hospitals razed to the ground carrying what remains of the their previous life. Without any health care or means of sustenance.

31 A last short reflection: USA and Europe have never wanted to officially recognize its legitimate right to existence as a people and as a state to the Palestinian people. The ongoing Zionist genocide brought the US, in their new hypocritical and miserable role of "good" gendarme, to tactically choosing a direction that led, not to peace, but to the "pacification" of the conflict. The blazing and miraculous "new" proposal and the one already announced at the 1993 Oslo Conference of two peoples in two states. However, no one speaks of a solution that can recognize the historical injustice experienced by the Palestinians for almost 80 years or unhinge the impunity for the Zionist occupant. Nobody obviously explains how a "Palestinian state" can exist divided into non -communicating fractions of territory and padded with enemy colonies. Nobody, of course, threatens penalties or ... "humanitarian wars" against Israeli military occupation to defend the Palestinian people. Nobody indicates roads that can bring in the direction of a true peace, a right peace for the Palestinian people. This is because Israel, chasing the criminal Zionist dream, wants the entire Palestine and for this reason it proceeds to a genocide and an ethnic cleaning without even invoking the self -proclaimed and unique right to defense with which it has always justified any horror. The occupant Zionist Assassin wants to impose his victim not to protest to put the whole world in front of the accomplished fact of the disappearance of the Palestinian identity in Palestine's land. We, on the other hand, that the future of the Palestinian people cannot in any way depend on the political choices of world imperialism nor be conditioned by the tactical choices of deployment of the different local powers. The future of the Palestinian people must remain in his proud hands and produce himself in a free self -determination process. We are aware that peace, a right peace, will take years and a long path of coexistence between different peoples similar, with the hope is much better, to the South African one where Nelson Mandela, held for 27 years as a terrorist, has been able to become president of the South Africa. South Africa himself who asked the incrimination of Israel last month to the UN court of justice. We rely on the awareness of the Palestinian people and resistance to define a path and to pursue it in the construction of strength relationships that allow it to obtain it. In the meantime, we are and we will be by his side against genocide, against Zionism and against imperialism in all its form. We do not wait for this last act of genocide, we fill the squares, boycott the Israeli economy, we show our anger necessary against the genocide of the Palestinian people. Against historical injustice imposed To the Palestinian people for almost 80 years. To stop the genocide. To stop ethnic cleaning. For a ceased the permanent fire. For the immediate entry of humanitarian aid to Gaza. To stop army violence and colonists in the West Bank. For an exchange of prisoners "Everyone for everyone". For a true and right peace. For the return of refugees. For the right to self -determination of the Palestinian people.

32 do we now close our contribution, document? This reflection? We would not even know how to define it, this story together of simple historical reconstructions, of lived suffering, of anger and humanity but also of a distant but possible perspective of peace, trusting in the courage and resistance capacity of the Palestinian people. We are aware of when history, how many data, reasoning and insights it is missing no, for the need for synthesis, in these pages from many points of view, but those who want to learn more will find many historical /historical written books, companions and companions much better and good Of us, in addition to our continuous appeals for every Saturday of mobilization starting from 7 October our confused effort of synthesis we believe, however, the value of containing first place and an absolute dedication to the Palestinian cause but also an easy approach With different communicative methods, very objective and popular. All this will be served if, listening to the usual vomiting daily narrative on October 7 and on the "Palestinians terrorists", someone or someone, after reading it, will be able to raise their voices with greater knowledge and consistency siding and affirming: I am with Palestine. We conclude, once and for all, with the words that the Palestinian poet Refat Alator left on the net just before being assassinated on December 6, 2023 together with his family in a surgical attack on the building where he lived. “If I had to die, you have to live to tell my story to sell my things to buy some paper and some threads to make a kite (white foul with a long tail) so that a child, somewhere in Gaza, Looking at the sky in the eyes waiting for his father who went to a flame without giving goodbye to anyone not even his own meat even to himself see the kite, my kite you made, flying there above and Think for a moment that an angel is there to bring love back. If I had to die, let hope gives it to be a story! "

33 We report an incomplete list of the authors to whom we "freely" drawn and from which we took inspiration. Mahmud Darwish - Among others: Palestinian trilogy - Universal hymns of peace Ilan Pappè - among others: 10mits on Israel - History of Modern Palestine Samah Jabr (April 9 in Milan) - Sumud - Behind the fronts Ghassan Ganafani - among others : Return to Haifa - Umm Saad Susan Abulhawa - Among the Latri: every morning in Jenin - against a world without love Stefano Mauro (Fplp - Introduction by Leila Khaled) Suad Amiry - Golda slept here - Sharon and my mother -in -law Michele Giorgio - in A.Kapeliouk A.Kapeliouk - Sabra and Chatila chronicle of a massacre Rita Porena - The day that the Panda died in Beirut we also feel like reporting a precious reading on colonialism in its ideological aspects of dehumanization and supremacy: "The curse of the nutmeg" by Amaitav Gosh and "Year 501 The continuous conquest" by Noam Chomsky. And then articles of the disappearance and irreplaceable Stefano Chiarini, Michele Giorgio, Eliana Riva, Chiara Cruciati and Many@ others@ that we thank. www.ricostruriamoasilovik.it www.csavittoria.org

Source: https://proletaricomunisti.blogspot.com/2024/03/pc-29-marzo-milano-ancora-in-piazza.html