UFPE teachers run over immobilist board and approve of strike - the new democracy

Author: Comitê de Apoio
Categories: Nacional
Description: The professors of the Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE) approved, on 3/27, indicative of strike in response to the reactionary cut of funds for public education promoted by Luiz Inacio and the lack of salary adjustment for the category, despite the efforts of Board of preventing it. The decision was made 2 weeks after the national strike of technical-administrative servers.
Link-Section: nacional
Modified Time: 2024-03-29T10:26:45-03:00
Published Time: 2024-03-29T21:26:41+08:00
Sections: Nacional
Tags: luta estudantil, Lutas classistas, universidades
Type: article
Updated Time: 2024-03-29T10:26:45-03:00
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The teachers of the Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE) approved, on 3/27, strike in response to the reactionary cut of funds for public education Promoted by Luiz Inacio and the lack of salary adjustment for the category, despite the efforts of the board from preventing it. The decision was made 2 weeks after the national strike of technical-administrative servers.

At a hybrid general meeting promoted by the UFPE Teachers Association (ADUFEPE), teachers approved of 81 votes in favor, with the purpose of salary recomposition, career restructuring and revocation of measures harmful to public education. In their speeches, the teachers favorable to the strike stressed the abuse of the current government Luiz Inacio with public education, the need to fight for the category, that is, not to reconcile with the cuts for education and other current policies currently currently. In the midst of debate, the concept of yellow union was surfaced by one of the teachers in favor of the strike, in a clear allusion to the union board, which remained until the inflexible ending in his position of not strike to “defend the Lula government ”.

In addition to the indicative of strike, the creation of a local teacher mobilization command with the participation of entities representing technicians and students, a unified command between teachers and technicians to organize the planning of the strike, and the sending of representatives for meeting of the meeting National Association of Higher Education Teachers (Andes) to discuss the strike nationally, and a new assembly for the 17/04, with specific agenda of the strike.

Yellow and undemocratic board

By the time the election of representatives for the National Meeting of Andes came into the agenda, the conciliatory board, represented in the Assembly by President Maria Teresa Lopes Ypiranga and the second vice president Ricardo Oliveira da Silva, claimed that the Assembly had already passed the limit With a time established and, without discussion or debate, ended the virtual meeting, which still had more than 100 participants, effectively impossible for the assembly to be continued by the teachers revolted in the ADUFEPE auditorium. This typically undemocratic maneuver demonstrates the hit of democratic teachers who, in a speech, indirectly categorized the board of Yellow.

Throughout the Assembly, and even on the ADUFEPE website, the board of directors to Andes, a union that nationally stimulates the teachers' strike, due to an approximation of proifes, yellow union equipped by the Ministry of Education and rejects strike. According to ADUFEPE SITE OWN , the union has been without financially contributing to Andes with the clear objective of forcing their own expulsion against the will of the foundations:

“In the Endes Statute itself (article 45, paragraph 3, item i) it is reported that if it (union section) fails to pass the financial contribution of the union members of their jurisdiction to the Andes Treasury for a period of six months or more, the Congress or Conad will appreciate the revocation of the approval of constitution of S. SIND or AD-S.SIND. For years, the resolution of this controversy has been postponed and there is no time to lose. ”

United Strike Teachers and Technicians!

Two weeks before the teachers indicated strike, UFPE technicians announced their own strike to restructure their careers and against the high rates of dismissal of the category. In publications, the Union of Workers of the Federal Universities of Pernambuco (SintuFEPE), organizer of the strike, explains “the total unpreparedness of the government with the analysis of the proposal presented”, which ignored the proposals presented in the third negotiation table and stated that there is no no budget provided for the coach career.

Students, teachers and technicians united against precariousness

The precariousness of UFPE and public universities in general is a well-traced plan by this old Brazilian state, in partnership with the World Bank, for the total privatization of education. To fight the precariousness of public education is to fight the reactionary policy of the World Bank, led by Yankee imperialism.

Source: https://anovademocracia.com.br/professores-da-ufpe-atropelam-diretoria-imobilista-e-aprovam-indicativo-de-greve/