PC 29 March - In the Hungary of the Fascist and corrupt Orban - Popular protest - Info

Author: maoist
Description: Hungary, thousands in the square against Orbán widens the corruption scandal that hit Hungary after the publication of an audio that ...
Published Time: 2024-03-30T02:37:00+08:00

Hungary, thousands in the square against Orbán

The corruption scandal that hit the ' Hungary After the publication of an audio that embarrasses the government Orbán . Thousands took to the streets a Budapest to manifest after that Peter Hungarian, Ex husband of the former Minister of Hungarian justice Judit Varga , as well as former member of the Government of Budapest who became an opponent, Ha An audio recording that according to him is the proof that highs officials conspired to cover corruption.

Source: https://proletaricomunisti.blogspot.com/2024/03/pc-29-marzo-nellungheria-del-fascista-e.html