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LARISSA Hitting the concentration outside the US -NATO concert! New anti -war - anti -imperialist demonstration on Saturday 30/3! - KKE (M-L)

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We denounce in the most categorical way yesterday's repression against protesters who gathered outside the concert set up by the US-NATO commandos. Workers and people were confronted with shields, chemicals and shine of repressive forces.

Once again it turns out in the most categorical way that the presence of killers next to our homes is a government's commitment to US imperialists. That's why they didn't want the fiesta to spoil them.

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On behalf of the local bourgeoisie, they are committed to their foreign bosses and have turned Thessaly and almost wholehearted the country into a large platform for the killings. They give them land, air and water involving the people and the country in their dangerous war plans. While turning the country into a magnet for the weapons of their opponents.

The support of the ND government in defending US interests in the region such as the country's involvement in the US-EU-British intervention in the Red Sea, or on the Ukraine front, brings the clouds of the war closer to us.

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The most meaningful way of responding to yesterday's repression and complaint of the presence of Americans in Larissa and across the country are workers, people and youths shouting their opposition to the policy of dependence, exploitation, fascism and fascism and fascism. War!

On Saturday, March 30th everyone in the anti -war -anti -imperialist demonstration of the country's involvement in the Red Sea intervention at 4pm by the central square of Larissa.

  • Terror will not pass!
  • Neither land nor water in the murderers of the people!
  • People do not need protectors!
  • Lefter in Palestinian!

Larissa, 28/3/24

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Concordia, the second city with more poverty and unemployment

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The city is also the second most important in the province. In addition, it is the citrus and Arandanero department of greater relevance in the entrerriana economy. Many harvests of both productions are part of the CCC and important quantity of them and their families attend the popular dining rooms of the neighborhoods.

But since the Ministry of Human Capital of the Nation decided not to renew the food agreements with the community dining rooms registered in the National Registry of Eaters and Merenderos (Renacom), which depends on the food of ten million people throughout the country, The situation in the second poorest city in Argentina (according to Indec), is aggravated every day.

While hunger is the variable of the adjustment, the head of the social area of the municipality, the businessman and leader "hawk" of the local pro, Roberto Niez, for whom there are people who enriches themselves with the dining rooms, "tries to establish the discredit of the discredit of the Organizational work of the table against hunger, attacking the workers of the dining rooms and neighborhood militancy, with the speech that "they are managers of poverty."

The truth is that of the nearly 300 dining rooms that had assumed the new government (from Together X Entre Ríos), only 205 have remained. With miserable pride, Niez was formed to have closed dining rooms with his relief project, with which he allegedly It is tried to improve the distribution of food, with a geolocated digital census, but that is really nothing more than a form of surveillance and harassment towards organizations.

To date they have already closed 85 dining rooms in the city and the few who remain juggled with the lean budget. According to CCC partners, the money they have to keep the daily meals is very little. «We are given for three days, but it doesn't even reach for those three days. They don't give us any vegetables; They give us a bag of rice of 10 kilos and eight chickens that look like popcorn (pure housings and wings), and with that we have to make three meals. Above, they pursue and control us to see if we cook, because if we are not cooking wear the dining room. In addition, they told us that with what they provided to those 80 closed dining rooms, they were going to distribute it among those that were left, but the reality is that we have less and less. Our dining room still works because what is missing to the pot puts it from our pockets, but we would have to close. "

In Concordia, the CCC integrates the UTEP and the table against hunger together with other organizations such as the MTE, we are standing neighborhoods, Evita Movement, Federation for Sovereignty, Popular Movement Los Pibes, Historical MTR, Social Movement arises, Gestara, Network of Fair Trade, Piri Hue Labor Cooperative, Pastor Gustavo Cabañas Family Center of Christ Concordia, CTA Autonomous, CTA of the Workers and ATE Concordia.


At the time, within the framework of the national day of March 12, the table against hunger had presented, in the Deliberative Council of the city, an ordinance project to declare the food emergency. This project was treated and remained almost in its integrity, except for a no less detail.

In the articles it was intended to declare the emergency in food matters, attributing to the municipal executive facilities in the purchase of food by direct purchase and reallocation of budget items to respond to this urgent need, but also contemplated the Conformation of a commission to monitor the execution of this emergency, composed of representatives of the Municipal Executive, by councilors of the ruling and opposition and representatives of community canteens of the city .

The Deliberative Council of the city sent this project to the Social Development Area, which is chaired by Roberto Niez (Pro). But the municipal executive project, which was treated on March 27 and where it proposes the emergency declaration in several subjects, including food, is not the same as organizations.

Members of the table warned that the proposal is similar, in everything that authorizes the mayor in the extraordinary execution of budgets, but differs at a central point: It leaves out of the control commission to the members of civil society who are the ones who are effectively dealing with the scourge of hunger in the daily task of cooking for the neighbors of the popular popular neighborhoods .


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S. Nikos Adamopoulos, NAP - KKE executive (M -L) passed away.

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With sadness we were informed of the sudden loss of S. Nikos Adamopoulos, NAP executive, on the morning of Thursday, March 28th.

Born in 1958, S. Nikos, raised in a working family, was organized since his teenage years in the KNE and later in the KKE. He left in 1989, after the KKE participated in the Governments of Tzanetakis and Zolotas and joined NAP from his constitution, being an active executive, to the end.

Nikos Adamopoulos, an active trade unionist, has been president of the Workers' Association of the Municipality of Nea Ionia for many years, where he worked until his retirement. He was a member of the WTO-OTA General Council and a regional councilor with the anti-capitalist overthrow in Attica. We met S. Nikos in the struggles of the People's Movement with his party capacity and worked with him on a trade union level, in the struggles of the public workers.

The memory of S. Nikos Adamopoulos will remain alive in the struggles of the popular labor movement.

We express our heartfelt condolences to his relatives and his comrades.

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Emerging Argentina

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Yesterday's day has been a step more than an Argentine that emerges. Hundreds of thousands in the capital and massive marches in Córdoba, Rosario, Bariloche, Tucumán, Mar del Plata, Salta, Jujuy, in all provincial capitals and also in hundreds of cities and small towns. It is a new peak of popular mobilization, which comes up from the day Milei assumed and started the first cacerolazo.

In addition, yesterday in the box, next to the human rights organizations, were the CGT, the two CTA, the UTEP and in the mobilization next to the columns of the CCC, after years a column of sectors of the radical youth.

A lot of youth looked in the march. Keep in mind that many young people voted for a change against the disaster in which they live, in the face of the ineptitude of the government of Alberto Fernández, but did not vote denialism.

The government governs with a DNU that was already rejected in the Senate and is not sure what will happen in deputies. Now the vice president tells "Jamoncito" to the president. You can't tell a president something like that. The difference between Milei and Villaruel is marked forever. It is an expression that generates a situation without return.

They wanted to cover the open fissure with a provocative, reactionary and liar spot. What does this spot have on March 24 in which they tried to unite and regroup forces? The first lie is that it was a war against terrorism and Russian penetration. This is false, absolutely. The essence of the repression of the dictatorship is granted in Córdoba, where March 24 itself kidnapped Salamanca and before they had achieved the death of Tosco and had killed Atilio López. This was the target of repression, erase the 400,000 factory delegates that they called the "factory soviets." It can be verified that most of the missing martyrs were workers, student and popular leaders. Can be seen in The night of the pencils , how the focus of that "war" was to kidnap secondary students and tortured them infamously, as was the case that is commemorated with the night of the pencils.

It is also false because Videla supported Russia in Afghanistan, and Russia and Cuba defended the dictatorship when they were accused of human rights in the United Nations.

And it is false when they put in discussion that there was a genocide. Only in the CONADEP 8,000 cases were verified, when those complaints were made in the midst of fear and thousands of families were silent or could not report their cases. Alconada Mon, who cannot be accused of leftist, who works in a medium like The nation He advertised the declassification of secret documents in the United States, for which the Argentine Armed Forces in 1978 acknowledged having killed or disappeared to 22,000 people. Naturally shrinking figure in your confession. It is the most forceful proof that it was a genocide.

This spot is at stake when the attack against a young woman from the Children's group occurs, trying to generate panic against this rise in mobilizations. There were previously other threats such as Cecilia Bacon in Córdoba, a Gold Water Councilor, that is, they try to put fear to stop mobilization.

That is why yesterday was a blunt answer. They were hundreds of thousands who cute these threats and that change the situation regarding these theses that want to unleash and in which they want to re -realize the armed forces.

De Renzis : If you get a walk in history, you will find moments where there are reaction peaks, others more still, but always before the storm the passivity appears. There is no violent fact and then the storm comes, unless it is the fact that triggers the storm. The question is: when listening even in the speeches they gave yesterday, that if this does not change this cannot continue, etc., what is the criterion that abounds socially? Because if we are objectives, the company voted for this government for four years and with the chance of renewing even the instance. On the other side, on the other hand, the disagreement of a sector that was always disagreed with the liberal way of looking at life, but that when it participated in part of the previous government, or the government that is, they did not change reality much. How is it done to balance this?

Arnoldo Gómez : The exit that is clearly not this, nor was it the one that was previously exercised. Another exit is needed. It is possible, I give you a single fact, this government in three months gathered more than 9 billion dollars in the Central Bank. That is Argentine production, that is the potential that our production has and that is what they took out of our pockets, which adjust us day by day. So, if you start there, there are money, and the exit is to suspend the payment to the IMF, send that money to production, then there is an exit for the happiness of the people. It is not an illusion. When the 2001 rebellion imposed the default and stopped paying external debt, quickly and in three years the period of greater development of the last 20 years was generated. This was essentially possible to suspend those payments, from that, from 2002 to 2008, we had a very important expansion of the economy. Therefore, the exit arises from the experience itself.

Further back in time, while we had control of foreign trade with the IAPI of Perón, sovereignty could be exercised in this field and many works that made the happiness of the people could be realized. There is another way out. This is what must be clear. Because Peréz Esquivel said yesterday very clearly, they accelerate towards the precipice. So, this is the situation in which the reaction is produced in a very accelerated way of the town, which needs to stop this adjustment, and do not want to go back.

De Renzis : Are you sure we don't want to reach the precipice and fall?

Arnoldo Gómez : No one is suicidal and our people are not suicidal. That is why the reaction that occurs is produced. Yesterday, we will have to dimension it, I do not have the interior data, but we are in the dimension of millions in the street. And because you have to take into account how the choice was. The core that governs was a minority. That is, it had 30% of votes with the illusion of a change that is not taking place. He had 30% of the votes with the illusion that we were going to a strong currency when our currency is weaker than ever.

Then, the government had 30% of the votes. The traditional right had 25% that lent them. Statistics already give that 56% dropped almost 10. But which? Of 30% who supported Milei. Because that 30% bit below and is what one is seeing in all neighborhoods. Not only is the 45% who voted against what they react and goes to the street. No no. Here there is a part of what voted to Milei that began to turn. Is the subject completed? No. Should we argue with the falsehoods that the government puts? Yes. Should we build a way out and a program for the exit that generates trust? Yes. But let's say the times are going much faster than one thought.

De Renzis : There is the secret part of the analysis. Because it seems to me that there is an acceleration that is not correlatively followed by those who should be driving, right?

Arnoldo Gómez : No, if those who were going to drive are the ones that led us to this disenchantment, better. A new driving has to emerge.

De Renzis : That's ok. I am saying something else. I say that no one arises who gets in charge of this contemporary and that he realizes that the cliff is closer than we believe.

Arnoldo Gómez : That is why all the young people who saw yesterday is very hopeful. Many more, more and more. Already on March 8 there were many kids that put on that mobilization. And yesterday many young people were seen again. Well, from there it will arise. We will give the experience we had, which after all was not so happy, and an idea of the departure between that youth collecting, yes, what were the sections in which the people were better and wondering why.

De Renzis : I admire with the peace of mind that you are analyzing the moment of the precipice. I feel closer and closer to the precipice and I want to accelerate the analysis, but hey, each one observes what the experience marks, and it is fine that there is someone who sees that these movements can lead to the beginning of something different. I wish it so.

Arnoldo Gómez : It will be the optimism that gave me participated in the mobilization yesterday. It's like one returns optimism to the soul.

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Miguel Hernández ... "And our hatred is not the tiger that devastates: it is the hammer that builds." | Workers Revolution

Miguel Hernández... "Y nuestro odio no es el tigre que devasta: es el martillo que construye." 1

Speech made in 1940 to his companions in the Ocaña prison

«You know, companions in penalties, fatigue and yearnings, that the word tribute smells like a public square and bourgeois vanity. I do not believe that anyone among us has tried to honor anyone of us today, when gathering, in the tasty satisfaction of eating as a family. This is something else. And I want this food to give no reason to pronounce words of strange significance of our revolutionary. This meal is just prize for the many deserves made in his spectrum life by one of us, during the twenty -five days he has entailed with himself, with the patience of an effective dead, there, in the overturies of this prison. The hunger that I have brought from that ghostly transfer to this other real life of prisoner: the hunger that I have brought, and that does not leave my nature, well deserves the reception of the size of a cow: yes; As a poet, I have warned the absence of the laurel ... in the condiments.

For the rest, the laurel detail does not matter, since for my temples I will always prefer some noble grayans. We are, therefore, that today it has corresponded to me to be a pretext to affirm, on a solid food base, our need for fraternal collaboration in all aspects and from all the plans and aride of our life. Today that the people pass, who can pass, through the most delicate and difficult trance of its existence, although also the most sobering and probative of their temper, I want to provide with you. We will provide for the happiness of this town: for what is closest to collective happiness.

You know. We need to provide. And we have neither wine nor glass. But, now, at the same time, we can lift our fists, clandestinely, and sorry. There is no glass that can contain without breaking the single drink that fits in a fist: hate. The overflowing hatred that we feel before these walls representatives of such injustice: the hatred that spills from our fists on these walls: that will spill. The hatred that illuminates with its energetic vital force the forehead and look and horizons of the worker. But, severely, we will take care of us that this hatred is not that of instinct and the unferentized passion. That original hatred only leads to the jungle. And our hatred is not the tiger that devastates: it is the hammer that builds. Let's go, then, to provide ». Miguel Hernández

(Death: March 28, 1942, Alicante, Spain)

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PC 28 March - Militarized University: Research to make war

There mobilization of students against universities projects with Leonardo and Army: Sapienza occupied, after Naples and Turin. The Government waves the fear of terrorism. But Gaza is just the last drop: the protest is longtime

Of Luciana Cimino from the manifesto

A week of protest was enough for make the us usually measured minister of the University lose your head e of the research Anna Maria Bernini who yesterday, alarmed by two disputes simultaneously, in Rome and Genoa, thought of calling the police chief Vittorio Pisani for a comparison on the "situation within the universities ".

An irrews that, in addition to seem a rude to the competent minister, planted, betrays the nervousness of the right government in front of the mobilizations of young people. Only 18 months have passed since Meloni, in his speech of settlement said "contest me, be hungry, be crazy and also free »to young people. An evident boutade that has not convinced anyone also because already a few days later the chronicles recorded the use of Manganelli against students.

Yesterday Minister Bernini had to demonstrate to adhere to the government's majority party line

who for days, in confidential communications, has asked his of his publicly support the thesis that university protests for the Palestine are infiltrated by the red brigades.

An indication that, in the intentions, it should serve to diminish the strong anti-war instances of the movement student who, after Naples and Turin, has occupied the Sapienza and manifested in Genoa to ask for the interruption of the announcement of collaboration between Italy and Israel (Maeci) and relations with Leonardo and Med-Or Foundation, chaired by Marco Minniti.

What you though The government pretends not to see is that the mobilization against the militarization of Italian universities starts from long before the contingency of the news and the massacre of the population of Gaza has it made only more urgent. Even two years ago, at the end of March 2022, the first University of the capital was occupied to protest against the escalation in Ukraine with the request to cut the agreements between Sapienza and Leonardo.

In addition to the PNRR, there is also a PNRM, National Plan of Military Research, involving Ministries of Defense and education and university. The central role of the system university for strengthening the military sector is emphasized also from the programmatic document 2020-22 of the General Staff of Defence. Also in 2022 a protocol between crui was signed (Conference of Rectors) and Leonardo Med-Or to intensify the collaboration.

According to the data published on the website of same aerospace group, at the moment Leonardo has a sixty research projects with the Italian universities plus five Framework agreements with as many universities (Polimi, Polito, La Sapienza, University of Genoa and Bologna). The army also moved: the Federico II of Naples, for example, has long started an agreement-four with the center high studies for the defense (Casd) and the Operations Command On the Network of the General Staff to develop common projects.

As the No Muos movement explains Sicilian in a recent dossier on university and war, the slip from knowledge as a place of peace to the knowledge for war is due to the intertwining of different interests: «The merely economic one e Remunction: the war companies that finance research do not do it in a disinterested way but they create profit and can draw on a large basin of interns and trainees to be used at their own structures; Another end is political and propaganda, with one universities that lends itself on the one hand to legitimize aggressions imperialist and, on the other, to spread the culture of defense and safety in the territories, which serves to normalize the war and its consequences".

The Observatory against the militarization of the schools, which for years has collected and archives the reports on the interference of the police in education, has launched a petition last January, «outside the universities from Med -or/Leonardo, producer of weapons and death », to ask rectors to give up their positions within the foundation he has Over thirty thousand signatures collected.

“When university research is financed by this type of companies, direct relapse is on the projects of research that are bound by the strategic choices of companies that they aim the growth of the war sector in a context in which the under the public funding of the universities puts the crisis in crisis universities, "says Margherita Esposito of the Union of University students, while the collective change course, the architect of the actions of the last days, call to mass mobilization for April 16.

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PC March 28 - Work training - Lenin "What to do?" - next episode Thursday 4 April

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On Ilaria Salis a note from the lawyer A. Ricci di Taranto - For Gabriele Marchesi, luckily good news

No step back from Hungarian justice: the Court of Budapest has denied house arrest in Ilaria, it means that it will remain in prison, where it has been imprisoned for thirteen months, in the conditions that we have known and above all without any conviction, only a precautionary measure of prison prison.

Once again Ilaria was brought to the hearing in total waste of human rights, dragged like a dog kept in a leash by criminal agents in camouflage suit with the balaclava who sat near her for the duration of the hearing.

Those images, once again, seem to come from a place very far from the rule of law that should characterize the Member States of the European Union.

Orban knew very well that the Ilaria Salis chains would have made the tour of Europe again and, therefore, the message is clear: it works like this, nobody intrudes; With us the dissent is punished like this.

In fact, what happened this morning in Budapest also outside the courtroom with threats and intimidations towards people who arrived from Italy to give solidarity to Ilaria, confirm the iniquity and the massacre of this procedure that has nothing to do with a state of law.

The lawyer Losco, defender of Ilaria, the father of Ilaria and Zerocalcare, present in support of our compatriot, were welcomed by threats by Nazi groups present outside and inside the courtroom. Intimidations as "what you look at, we split your face" are the threats addressed to them.

The refusal of house arrest is bad news because it forces Ilaria still in prison despite having been identified an apartment and given all the economic guarantees.

The conditions of violation of human rights are evident. It is evident to everyone that Hungary is not respecting the European Convention on Human Rights whose failure to observe has already cost other convictions to Hungary but apparently, ORBAN does not affect the respect of European agreements.

Is this the state that our president considers a model to be emitted?

The patriotism of our government goes to alternating current, with the town Ilaria Salis does not activate.

A day that writes a story of violation of rights for Italy and Europe.

Bitterness and anger for this decision.

Thursday 4 April, 18:30, at the Slai Cobas headquarters in Taranto in via Livio Andronico 47, we manifest solidarity with Ilaria Salis.

Info/contacts WhatsApp 3519575628

Gabriele Marchesi investigated with Ilaria Salis, the judges: "He will not go to prison in Hungary"

The Court of Appeal of Milan has ordered that the young man, accused as the salis of alleged violence during a neo -Nazi event in Budapest, will not be delivered to Hungary. The judges also ordered the immediate release of the 23 -year -old anti -fascist militant, so far under house arrest and now present in the classroom, on which a European arrest warrant has been hanging since 8 November. Mandate that, despite the Milanese sentence, remains valid and could start outside the Italian borders.

"In addition to the non -delivery under a dual aspect - for the prison conditions and on the violation of the principle of proportionality of the sentence, as already asked - the request for the inadequacy of the Mae (European arrest warrant, editor's note) and the ' Absence of a fair trial in Hungary in terms of the presumption of innocence "the conclusions of the lawyers in the February hearing in which the suspect had participated.

This morning, in front of the Court of Milan, a garrison was held in support of Gabriele Marchesi. The demonstrators, on the day of the hearing, had shown a banner "neither prison, nor extradition - Free All Antifas - from Milan to Budapest".

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PC March 28 - Ilaria Salis remains in prison! Cursed! The fascists outside the court threaten father, lawyers. Fortunately for Gabriele Marchesi, good news

No step back from Hungarian justice: the Court of Budapest has denied house arrest in Ilaria, it means that it will remain in prison, where it has been imprisoned for thirteen months, in the conditions that we have known and above all without any conviction, only a precautionary measure of prison prison.

Once again Ilaria was brought to the hearing in total waste of human rights, dragged like a dog kept in a leash by criminal agents in camouflage suit with the balaclava who sat near her for the duration of the hearing.

Those images, once again, seem to come from a place very far from the rule of law that should characterize the Member States of the European Union.

Orban knew very well that the Ilaria Salis chains would have made the tour of Europe again and, therefore, the message is clear: it works like this, nobody intrudes; With us the dissent is punished like this.

In fact, what happened this morning in Budapest also outside the courtroom with threats and intimidations towards people who arrived from Italy to give solidarity to Ilaria, confirm the iniquity and the massacre of this procedure that has nothing to do with a state of law.

The lawyer Losco, defender of Ilaria, the father of Ilaria and Zerocalcare, present in support of ours

compatriot, were welcomed by threats by Nazi groups outside and inside the courtroom. Intimidations as "what you look at, we split your face" are the threats addressed to them.

The refusal of house arrest is bad news because it forces Ilaria still in prison despite having been identified an apartment and given all the economic guarantees.

The conditions of violation of human rights are evident. It is evident to everyone that Hungary is not respecting the European Convention on Human Rights whose failure to observe has already cost other convictions to Hungary but apparently, ORBAN does not affect the respect of European agreements.

Is this the state that our president considers a model to be emitted?

The patriotism of our government goes to alternating current, with the town Ilaria Salis does not activate.

A day that writes a story of violation of rights for Italy and Europe.

Bitterness and anger for this decision.

Thursday 4 April, 18:30, at the Slai Cobas headquarters in Taranto in via Livio Andronico 47, we manifest solidarity with Ilaria Salis.

Info/contacts WhatsApp 3519575628

Gabriele Marchesi investigated with Ilaria Salis, the judges: "He will not go to prison in Hungary"

The Court of Appeal of Milan has ordered that the young man, accused as the salis of alleged violence during a neo -Nazi event in Budapest, will not be delivered to Hungary. The judges also ordered the immediate release of the 23 -year -old anti -fascist militant, so far under house arrest and now present in the classroom, on which a European arrest warrant has been hanging since 8 November. Mandate that, despite the Milanese sentence, remains valid and could start outside the Italian borders.

"In addition to the non -delivery under a dual aspect - for the prison conditions and on the violation of the principle of proportionality of the sentence, as already asked - the request for the inadequacy of the Mae (European arrest warrant, editor's note) and the ' Absence of a fair trial in Hungary in terms of the presumption of innocence "the conclusions of the lawyers in the February hearing in which the suspect had participated.

This morning, in front of the Court of Milan, a garrison was held in support of Gabriele Marchesi. The demonstrators, on the day of the hearing, had shown a banner "neither prison, nor extradition - Free All Antifas - from Milan to Budapest".

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NAP for Communist Liberation Goodbye to Nikos Adamopoulos, a worker who wanted his class to beat

The militant, a NAP official and a trade unionist in the field of OTAs S. Nikos Adamopoulos passed away this morning. Following is NAP's announcement:

The NAP for Communist Liberation bids farewell to Comrade Nikos Adamopoulos who passed away on the morning of Thursday, March 28, 2024. An unexpected and heavy loss that caused deep pain to all of us and all of us who met with him in his steady course. in the labor and communist movement.

Nikos Adamopoulos was born in 1958. His origin was from Antiparos.

Nikos was a "mature child of rage". He came from a working -class family, his father worked at the Lignite Mine in Anthoupoli in Peristeri, so -called "charcoal". He lived in the early years of his life with his family in the shacks that the miners lived before the mine was closed.

He was in a night school when he was organized in KNE in 1974 and later became a member of the KKE. He worked actively in the KNE's Patision-Kypseli sector with various charges. He then took responsibility for the cultural Council at the Athens Council Council of KNE and responsible for the cultural festival. His contribution to another labor culture was great through these positions. Since 1985 he has been an alternate member of the KNE CS.

He did not accept the submission of the reformist left, the Coalition and the KKE, with the governments of Tzannetakis and Zolotas and took part in the "KNE rebellion". He joined NAP since the first moment of his assembly in 1989 and was an active executive. In NAP's 34-year course, Nikos has always been present at dozens of duties and charges. Participated in a series of bodies and committees. She was a member of the Political Committee and her office at various times, including the outgoing IP before the recent 5th Congress of the Organization. Just a few days ago we remember his intervention at the NAP Congress.

Nikos starred in the Labor Movement in the field of OTAs. He was a member of the Board of Directors for many years and then president of the Workers' Association in the Municipality of Nea Ionia Attica, from 1998 to 2000 and from 2002 to 2016 when he retired. He had been elected with the "Racing Movements-Responses to the Local Authorities" at the WTO-OTA General Council from 2007 to 2015, to the Federation Executive Committee from 2012 to 2015, as well as the ADEDY Executive Committee in 2015-2016 with the ballot paper of the interventions in the State. With his action in the labor and trade union movement, he contributed decisively to the promotion of the perception of the new labor movement, the coordination of unions and the class struggle.

He was elected a regional councilor of Attica with the "anti -capitalist overthrow in Attica" where he acted decisively. He was also a member of the Pan -Hellenic Coordinating Body and ANTARSYA's CSE in previous years.

Nikos Adamopoulos was distinguished for his dedication to the revolutionary affair of the working class, his militancy and his determination to fight to beat the working class and not just to protest.

He consciously supported the goal and work for a modern communist program and party. We will remember Nikos always close to youth, struggles and agony, in front of the demonstrations, with his experience and sensory for a movement that will not fold but overturn the urban attack.

It will be very missing, because he had a lot to give. He left standing up and so we will remember him. It will be in everything we do, along with the comrades we lost earlier.

In these difficult times our thoughts are in his own people, to our beloved comrades and companions, to whom NAP expresses the warmest condolences.

We are committed to Comrade Nikos, all and all your companions, that we will walk steadily on the path of labor emancipation and communist liberation as you have always tired, fighter, stubbornly until the last hour.

Comrade Nikos' political funeral will take place on Saturday March 30th at the First Cemetery. There will be information for the exact time.

NAP for communist liberation

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MA: Canopus Construções is responsible for environmental crime in the municipality of Raposa - the new democracy

Residents of the Cumbique community, in the municipality of Raposa, reported on March 7, to the Agência Tambor portal, the crimes against the people and the natural environment committed by Construtora Canopus. Residents denounce food insecurity, housing destruction and pollution in a preservation area.

In the region is being built a condominium, Residencial Village by do Sol, and since then the population has reported a worsening of quality of life due to the losses generated by the work. The mangrove and streams, a tributary of the Patience River, are being contaminated, preventing residents from being able to take their livelihoods and food through seafood collection.

In an interview with the Tambor newspaper, Wilton Neves, resident of Cumbique, tells a little about the damage that the work caused, in two years. “It came to mess our mangrove. My mother's house fell, invaded by mud water of this construction. The boats are jammed with so much mud. Fishermen cannot fish. They respect nothing and no one, ”said the interviewee.

Being a fishing community, the extraction activity is the main source of income of the population. Residents are mobilized and seek justice so that the work is discontinued.

Often, large business groups interrupt the life of communities, with the endorsement of the state. Under the guise of bringing “development and innovation” to regions, they bring the destruction of the natural environment and the violation of peasants. Even in the face of serious complaint, Canopus Construções follows unpunished and without giving answers on the cases.

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KKE (M-L) S. Nikos Adamopoulos, NAP executive passed away

With sadness we were informed of the sudden loss of S. Nikos Adamopoulos, NAP executive, on the morning of Thursday, March 28th.

Born in 1958, S. Nikos, raised in a working family, was organized since his teenage years in the KNE and later in the KKE. He left in 1989, after the KKE participated in the Governments of Tzanetakis and Zolotas and joined NAP from his constitution, being an active executive, to the end.

Nikos Adamopoulos, an active trade unionist, has been president of the Workers' Association of the Municipality of Nea Ionia for many years, where he worked until his retirement. He was a member of the WTO-OTA General Council and a regional councilor with the anti-capitalist overthrow in Attica. We met S. Nikos in the struggles of the People's Movement with his party capacity and worked with him on a trade union level, in the struggles of the public workers.

The memory of S. Nikos Adamopoulos will remain alive in the struggles of the popular labor movement.

We express our heartfelt condolences to his relatives and his comrades.

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NRW: Brand attack on Muslim Bulgarians with four deaths in Solingen

In the city of Solingen near the North Rhine-Westphalian state capital of Düsseldorf, an arson attack on an apartment building occurred on Monday night in the mostly Muslim Bulgarians with Turkish roots. In total, an entire family was killed in the arson attack and nine other people were seriously injured. The dead are a couple of parents aged 28 and 29 as well as their three -year -old child and a five -month -old infant. The remaining nine seriously injured people are also Bulgarian citizens.

The fire was laid on Monday with the help of fire accelerators in the lower staircase and quickly spread to the attic in which the killed family lived. Other house residents could only save themselves in front of the fire by saving themselves like a family from the third floor by jumping into the outside, in which they were seriously injured both by the fire and the jump.

At the present time, the public prosecutor sees "no indications of a xenophobic motif". And that despite the fact that a fire in the stairwell was deliberately laid a year and a half before, but that at that time it could be quickly discovered and deleted. She does not justify why the public prosecutor's office in the usual civil servant excludes a racist background of the crime. Meanwhile, migrant and anti -fascist initiatives protested in front of the house that criticize exactly that. In a published statement write them in relation to the statements of the Solingen public prosecutor "We see that after the experience with the murderous arson attack of Solingen in 1993, to the NSU murders, to Hanau and Halle differently" (...) "Reminds the current racist mobilization-not just us-of the social mood of the nineties before Rostock, Mölln and Solingen. "

And rightly justify these initiatives and put the recent ars at the context of other fascist and racist attacks. The fact that a house in the mostly Muslim Bulgarian life becomes the victim of an arson attack and is not supposed to be a racist motive behind it is quite unlikely on the basis of the current reactionaryization of the German state and the high of the fascist mass movement. After all, it is above all the traffic light government that in recent months the keywords from the right opposition around AfD and Co.In implement the practice and run a division and chauvinistic agitation against migrants in general and especially against Arabs and Muslims. In addition, hatred against Southeast Europeans from Bulgaria and Romania and especially against Roma and Sinti has a permanent economy in the FRG.

As we saw, for example, at the raid against the workers' and poor families in Essen, who also come from Southeast Europe .

These are just a few examples such as the politics of German imperialism as a pioneer and fire accelerator serves for fascist and racist attacks. Whether it was a racist act or not, the arson attack in Solingen is a crime against the working class and the people in the FRG. A crime of which is worth the high government politicians of not huge word of condolences or grief. But that also has a long tradition in Germany, because in 1993 the last racist arson attack in Solingen in which five people were murdered said the then CDU Federal Chancellor Helmut Kohl on the demand why he did not comment on the fact. “I also know God others Events."

Cover photo: https://taz.de/Toedlicher-Brandanschlag-in-Solingen/!6001114/

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Follow up on the situation in Haiti – The Red Herald

Featured image: Fires in the streets of Port-au-Prince.

Recently it has been reported that the plans of the imperialists, mainly the Yankees, France and Canada, and all the political groups and parties in Haiti, except one, to form a Transitional Council – which we have reported on – have lately faced severe setbacks.

The planed formation of the transitional presidential council, that will be responsible for choosing Haiti’s new regime, led to new unrest. The council has not be sworn in yet due to concerns over the security of its members. The rebellious masses triggered a series of meetings of Caribbean regimes as well as officials from the USA, Canada and France.

Among other things, police stations have been burned, shots have been fire on to the main international airport that remains closed, and at least 4,000 incarcerated from two prisons have been freed. Armed people attacked the bases of two specialized police units in the area of the capital. Gunmen reportedly set fire to a large, open-air garage in downtown Port-au-Prince last Sunday. Also the burning of schools and looting of pharmacies are reported . Roads are closed and only two of five hospitals in Haiti are operational. Scores of people have been killed and more than 33,000 people have fled Port-au-Prince. Some 17,000 have been left homeless. Malnutrition is increasing.

Dominique Dupuy, a UNESCO ambassador, who represented the EDE/RED in the nine-member council, resigned because she became target of political attacks and death threats. Dupuy was quickly replaced, bringing the council back up to its full nine members, seven of which have voting powers, but they have yet to be sworn in as said. On Monday, René Jean Jumeau, who was nominated to represent Haiti’s religious groups in a non-voting position, resigned.

As Haiti’s transitional government struggles to take shape, the powerful armed groups have continued to make advances in the capital, Port-au-Prince, residents of the capital reported according to some media .

Col. Himmler Rébu, a former colonel of the Haitian army and president of the ‘Grand Rally for the Revolution of Haiti’, a party that obtained a seat in the council, said on Tuesday that he believes the council will fail.

Hence, White House spokesperson John Kirby, who stated that the Biden administration hopes to see progress with the transitional government in the coming days, must be quite disappointed. They put a lot of efforts into the transition plan that was brokered in Jamaica by the so-called Caribbean Community (CARICOM), alongside with representatives of Haiti’s ruling classes. The same CARICOM released the list of the political groups who are now part in the council.

The first sights seemed to be positive for the imperialists plans for Haiti. A police operation killed the head of the Delmas 95 gang, Ernst Julme, known as Ti Greg, just one day after another gang leader was killed in what was reported as an apparent resurgence of vigilante justice. The death of Julme, a member of Jimmy “Barbecue” Cherizier’s “Viv Ansanm” alliance, was said to be a setback for the armed groups trying to take over more of the city. Ernst Julme recently escaped from Haiti’s largest prison in a mass jailbreak.

But drowning in blood any unrest will likely fail also this time in Haiti. The measures taken by the imperialist underline that they themselves do not believe in their plans. Around 1,600 Americans have reportedly reached out for help, according to the Yankee State Department. Several hundreds are said to have been evacuated, also by emergency measures as on Wednesday, when two helicopter airlifts from Port-au-Prince evacuated more than 30 stranded Americans to the Dominican Republic. The State Department reiterated that US citizens should not travel to Haiti and should leave the country if transportation options are available and safe.

Since Monday, Canadians are as well being airlifted out. The government announced on Monday that 18 Canadians, of the 3,000 who remain in Haiti, have already been evacuated via the Dominican Republic while more airlifts are scheduled, as media reported . This shows how little the imperialists trust in their own plots.

Accordingly, on Tuesday, US-President Joe Biden approved up to 10 million US-Dollars in emergency assistance for the Haitian repressive forces to regain control and push forward the plan of the Yankees, as White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said . The money is from the US Department of Homeland Security budget and shall be used for further armament.

Also a Plan B came into play, which shall grant power to a judge from Haiti’s Supreme Court to select the country’s new leaders. Not only Himmler Rébu and his party are supporters of this plan. The Protestant Federation of Haiti also issued a statement on Monday backing the selection of a Supreme Court judge who would serve as interim president and choose a prime minister.

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Announcements of the United Campaign for the Liberation of Georges Abdallah (CUpLGA) – The Red Herald

Several Actions have been announced in Paris and its area:

– Friday, March 29, at 6.30 p.m.: Rally organized by the CUpLGA at Ménilmontant Metro for the day of the land

– Saturday, March 30, at 2 p.m.: Georges Abdallah cortege in the two demonstrations in support of the struggle of the Palestinian people called in Saint-Denis and in Paris

– Tuesday, April 2, at 7 p.m.: meeting called for by the CGT Energie Paris and the CUpLGA to demand the release of Georges Abdallah at the new Employment Office of Paris (room Henaff)

-Thursday, April 4, at 6.30 p.m.: Conference-debate entitled “French imperialism and repression: the case of G.I. Abdallah”, organized by the University Circle of Marxist Studies (CUEM) with intervention of the Unitary Campaign, in Sorbonne-Université At Campus P. and M. Curie, Place Jussieu 75005 (Metro Jussieu) Tour 66, 5th floor, corridor 66/65, room 504

– Friday, April 5, at 10 p.m.: Departure of the bus to Lannemezan from Place de la République

– Saturday, April 6, at 2 p.m.: 14th national demonstration in Lannemezan

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EU makes moves to incorporate Bosnia-Herzegovina – The Red Herald

Featured image: EU flags in one of the main streets of Serajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina on the 21 st of March, 2024. Source: AP Photo / Eldar Emric

At the European Union (EU) summit in Brussels on the 21 st and 22 nd of March the 27 member states voted to open formal EU membership talks with Bosnia-Herzegovina.

around 70% ) and a larger minority of Croats (around 22%), while the Republic of Srpska has a majority population of Serbs ( around 83% ). In 2005 the armies of the two entities were merged as a part of the process of incorporating the country in NATO.

The country is still not a NATO-member. According to a think tank of British imperialism it was thought that the Biden administration would work to quickly resolve the stalemate, but it has not done so because of “other domestic and foreign policy priorities”.

With the situation with the sharpening contradiction between Yankee and Russian imperialism, mainly expressed in the Russian war against Ukraine, German imperialism is now making moves to resolve the stalemate in its favor with incorporating the country into the EU, in which it is the dominating power.

With this move Bosnia-Herzegovina joins Serbia, Montenegro, and North Macedonia in being in formal negotiations to join the EU. Of the other former parts of Yugoslavia, Croatia is already part of the EU and NATO, while Kosovo is occupied by the Kosovo Force (KFOR) of NATO, consisting of 4.443 soldiers, as of January 2024, in addition to the civilian occupation force of the EU, EULEX, consisting of around 3.200 police officers, prosecutors and judges.

A particular challenge for the imperialists is incorporating all of the countries of former Yugoslavia into their institutions, despite the tensions they have created between the peoples.

European Commission President, Ursula von der Leyen, has previously stated that Bosnia-Herzegovina needs to join the EU as a “single, united and sovereign country”, meaning that in the process of incorporating the country, the situation with it being controlled by two different entities needs to be changed. In addition the imperialist in the EU, mainly German imperialism, has to impose several reforms in the country before incorporating it. According to von der Leyen, Bosnia-Herzegovina has fully adopted EU foreign policy, and started to adopt other reforms, such as with taxes and immigration.

Chancellor of German imperialism, Olaf Scholz, has stated that this is a “clear sign in favor of a strong Europe”. On the 21 st of March, during the summit, he expressed the interest of German imperialism in taking action to increase its domination of the countries of former Yugoslavia, as well as Albania, and change the stalemate between, Yankee, Russian and German imperialism in the region: “For me, it is clear that the countries of the Western Balkans need to be able to rely on us. The promise was made over 20 years ago. Now we need to take the next steps.”

PDF Content:

PDF Source:

Sarajevo, June 2016.Cenzus of Population, Households and Dwellings in Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2013 Final Resporism of Population, households and apartments in Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2013. Census results

Publisher: Published by: Private: Prepare: Proofread By: Design I pretrel: Design And Pre-Press: Green Beret Agency 26, 71000 Sarajevobosna i HercegovinaTelefon: +387 33 91 19 11, Fax: +387 33 22 06 22 Electronic Postal: http://www.bhas.ba Agency for Statistics of Bosnia and HerzegovinaZelenih Beretki 26, Sarajevobosnia and HerzegovinaTelephone: +387 33 91 19 11; Telefax: +387 33 22 06 22e-mail: bhas@bhas.baweb Site: http://www.bhas.ba mr.sc.velimir Jukić, director of MR S Velimir Jukić, Director Agency for Statistics Bosnia and Herzegovina Agency for Statistics of Bosnia and Herzegovina Teaching and Translation Agency "Libar" Agency for Teaching and Translation "Libar" Larisa Hasanbegović Larisa Hasanbegović Please beneficiaries to specify the source when using data. Users Are Kindly Requested to Mention Data Source.

Introductory remarks Census, households and apartments in Bosnia and Herzegovina (below): The list) was conducted from 01. 10. to 15 October 2013 based on the Law on the Census, households and apartments in Bosnia and Herzegovina 2013 ("Official Gazette of BiH", No. 10/12 and 18/13). In the preparation and implementation of the census, the UN Economic Commission for Europe, Recommendations for the 2010 Censuses of Population and Housing) and Regulation (EC) No. 763/2008 of the European Parliament and the Council as well as Regulation 1201/2009, which implements the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union on the listings of the population and apartments in terms of technical specifications of the characteristics and parsing. In the fieldwork and the organization of the field, 30 members of the cantonal census commissions, 625 members of the municipal census commissions, 36 state instructors, 184 entity instructors, 2,525 enthesis instructors and 19. 089 enumerators. The census was performed on a total of 24. 319 census circles in BiH territory. After receiving the material to the central warehouse, operators for work on data processing (298 operators, of which 160 are on manual preparation, 120 on OCR processing, 12 scanners and 6 warehouses. In accordance with Article 37 of the Law on the Census, Households and Apartments in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Agency and the Entity Statistical Office determine census tables and publish the results of the census, households and apartments in Bosnia and Herzegovina In 2013.

Introductory Notes The Census of Population, Households and Herzegovina (Hereinafter: The Census) was carried out During the period from 1 October to 15 October 2013, Based on the law on Census of Pop - Ulation, Households and Dwells in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2013 (Official Gazette of BiH, 10/12 and 18/13). In The Course of the Census Preparation and Implementation, The Recommendations Applied Were Those Of The Un Economic Commission For Europe, European Union Statistical Office (Recommendations for The 2010 Censuses of Population and Housing) And The Regulation (EC) No. 763/2008 of the European Par-Liament and the Council as well as the regulation No. 1201/2009 WHICH IMPLESS THE REGULATION No. 763/2008 of the European Parliament and the Council of the Census of the Popu - Lation and Dwellings, Laying Down The Technical Specifications for the Census Topics and their Breakdowns. The Field Work And The Work Organization Itself Included 30 Members Of The Cantonal Census Commissions, 625 Members Of The Municipal Census Commissions, 36 State Instruction, 184 Entity Instructions, 2,509 Municipal Instructions and 19.089 Enumerators. The Census Covered 24.319 Enumeration Areas on the Territory of BiH in Total. Upon RECEIPT OF THE MATERIAL IN THE CENTRAL WAREHOUSE, DATA PROCESSING OPERATORS WERE SELECTED (298 Opera - Tors, of WHO 160 to work on the manual Preparation, 120 on OCR Processing, 12 Scanner Operators and 6 Warehouse Operators) and Trained. Pursuant to Article 37 of the Law on Census of Population in Bosnia and Her - Zegovina in 2013, The Agency and the Entity Statical Institutions Shall Define The Enumeration Tables and Publish The Census Results Defined By A Uniform Data Processing Program For The Census of the Popula - Tion, Households and Dwellings in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2013.

Contents Introductory Notes 3 Introductory Notes 4 Methodological Explanations 9 Methodological Explanations 9 Demography Demography (population) 1. Population of age and sex 23 Population by Age and Sex 1.1. Table: Level BiH, entities and db 23 2. Population according to age by five years and sex 28 population by 5 years Age Group and Sex 2.1. Table: BiH level, entities and DB 28 2.2. Table: Canton level in FBiH 28 2.3. Table: Level of municipality in BiH 30 3. Population according to ethnic / national affiliation and sex 54 population by Ethnicity and Sex 3.1. Table: BiH level, entities and DB 54 3.2. Table: Canton level in FBiH 55 3.3. Table: Level of municipality in BiH 56 4. Population according to religion and sex 68 Population by religion and sex 4.1. Table: BiH level, entities and DB 68 4.2. Table: Canton level in FBiH 69 4.3. Table: Level of municipality in BiH 70 5. Population according to mother tongue and sex 82 Population by Mother Tongue and Sex 5.1. Table: BiH level, entities and DB 82 5.2. Table: Canton level in FBiH 83 5.3. Table: Level of municipality in BiH 84 6. Population 15 and over according to marital status and sex 96 Population Aged 15 and over by Legal Marital Status and Sex 6.1. Table: Level BiH, entities and DB 96 6.2. Table: Canton level in FBiH 97 6.3. Table: Level of municipality in BiH 98

7. Female population aged 15 and over according to the number of live births 111 Female Population Aged 15 and over by Number of Liveborn Children 7.1. Table: BiH level, entities and DB 111 7.2. Table: Canton level in FBiH 111 7.3. Table: Level of municipality in BiH 112 8. People with difficulty by type of difficulty and sex 116 Population with disabilities by type of disability and sex 8.1. Table: BiH level, entities and DB 116 8.2. Table: Canton level in FBiH 117 8.3. Table: Level of municipality in BiH 118 9. Households according to the number of members 132 Households by Number of Members 9.1. Table: Level BiH, entities and DB 132 9.2. Table: Canton level in FBiH 133 9.3. Table: Level of municipality in BiH 134 Education Characteristics 138 Education Characteristics 10th Illiterate by sex 138 Illiterate Population Aged 10 and over by Sex 10.1. Table: BiH level, entities and DB 138 10.2. Table: Canton level in FBiH 139 10.3. Table: Level of municipality in BiH 140 11. Population 15 and over to the highest completed school and sex 152 Population Aged 15 and over by Highest Level of Completed Education and Sex 11.1. Table: BiH level, entities and DB 152 11.2. Table: Canton level in FBiH 153 11.3. Table: Level of municipality in BiH 154 12. Population 10+ and older according to computer literacy and sex 167 Population Aged 10 and over by Computer Literacy and Sex 12.1. Table: Level BiH, entities and DB 167 12.2. Table: Canton level in FBiH 170 12.3. Table: Level of municipality in BiH 171

Economic Characteristics 184 Economal Characteristics 13. Working capacity according to the status of the activity 184 Economally Active Population by status in Activity 13.1. Table: BiH level, entities and DB 184 13.2. Table: Canton level in FBiH 186 13.3. Table: Level of municipality in BiH 188 Apartments and buildings 215 DWELLINGS AND HOUSING 14. Residential buildings by number of apartments 215 Housing units According to the number of Dwellings 14.1. Table: Level BiH, entities and DB 215 14.2. Table: Canton level in FBiH 216 14.3. Table: Level of municipality in BiH 217 15. Number and area of apartments Based on the use of 222 Number and the floor space of DWELLINGS ACCORDING TO THE OCCUPANCY STATUS 15.1. Table: Level BiH, entities and DB 222 15.2. Table: Canton level in FBiH 223 15.3. Table: Level of municipality in BiH 224 16. Apartments for housing by number of rooms and area 233 Dwellings for permanent Habitation According to the number of rooms and Floor Space 16.1. Table: BiH level, entities and DB 233 16.2. Table: Canton level in FBiH 234 16.3. Table: Level of municipality in BiH 235 Agriculture 245 Agriculture 17. Households performing agricultural activity 245 Households Engaged in Agricultural Activities 17.1. Table: Level BiH, Entities and DB 245 17.2. Table: Canton level in FBiH 246 17.3. Table: Level of municipality in BiH 247 Annex (Forms P-1 and P-2) 254 Annex (Forms P-1 and P-2)

Abbreviations BiH Bosnia and Herzegovina FBiH Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina RSPA BD Brčko District BHAS Agency for Statistics Agency of the Republic of Republika Srpska EBD Exposure Brčko District with all m Male Women's Abbreviationsbih Bosnia and Herzegovina FBiH Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina Srpska BD Brcko District Bhas Agency for Statistics of Bosnia and Herzegovina FZS Institute for Statistics of Federation of BiH (FIS) RZSRS Institute for Statistics of Reportistical Office of Brcko District (Branch Office of Bhas)

9 What is the list? The census is the largest statistical survey of one state collecting, processing and publishing data on households, households and apartments. The goal of the census is to establish the number of inhabitants for the entire country, as well as in all territorial levels. In addition to the number and spatial schedule, the census is They receive data on demographic, ethnic, educational, economic, migration and other inhabitants, as well as the number of households, families and their features, and data on the housing fund and its features. This data is necessary for the implementation of economic and social development policies, as well as scientific research, the use of funds from EUs and other funds, as well as other citizens' needs, which means that the list is the most important statistical source of data on the population of one country. The list includes the activities of data collection, processing, aggregation, analysis and dissemination of data. According to the recommendations of the United Nations, the censuses have been spent every ten years. The legal basis of the 2013 Census list in Bosnia and Herzegovina was conducted on the basis of: • Law on Census, Households and Flats in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2013 ("Official Gazette of BiH", No. 10/12 and 18/13), • Recommendation of the UN Economic Commission for Europe and the EU statistical office (Recommendation for the 2010 Censuses of Population and Housing), and • Regulation (EC) no. 763/2008 European Parliament and Council. The territory on which the list was carried out in 2013 was conducted in the territory of the entire Bosnia and Herzegovina. The list included all municipalities (142), of which in the Federation of Bosnia and What does the census mean? Census of population is the country's major statistics Survey, Within Which Data on the population, households and dwellings are collected, processed and published. The aim of the census is to the establish the number of the population in the entire country and at all the territorial Levels. APART FROM The Number and Spatial Distribution, The Population Census Also Provides Data Demographic, Ethnical, Educational, Economic, Migration and Other Characteristics of the Population, Such As the Number of Households, Families and Their Characteristics, and Data on the Housing Its characteristics. Such Data Are Required for the Implementation of Economic and Social Development Policies, Scientific Researches, Utilization of Funds Funda The Eu and Other Funds, and For Other Needs of Citizens, Which Means That The Census is the Most Important Statistical population. Census includes therheld actions on data collection, processing, agregation, analysis and dissemination. According to the recommends of the united nations, censuses of population are to take place on a ten-yar basis. Legal Ground for the Census the 2013 Census in Bosnia and Herzegovina Was Carried Out Based on the following: • Law on census of population, households and dwellings in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2013 (Official Gazette of BiH, 10/12 and 18/13) , • Recommends of the Un economic Commission for Europe and the European Union Statistical Office (Recommends for the 2010 Censuses of Population and Housing), and • Regulation (EC) No. 763/2008 of the European Parliament and the Council. Territory Covered by the 2013 census the census was carried out on the entire territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Census Covered All Municipalities (142), 79 municipalities in the

10 Herzegovina 79 municipalities, in Republika Srpska 62 municipalities and Brcko District BiH. The list units of the list are, as provided by Article 4 and 5 of the Law on Census, Households and Flats in BiH in 2013, collected data on population, households and apartments. The population was enumerated by persons who were nationals of Bosnia and Herzegovina with residence or residence in Bosnia and Herzegovina, regardless of whether they were present in Bosnia and Herzegovina at the time of the census or were absent from Bosnia and Herzegovina; Foreign nationals with permission for permanent or temporary stay in Bosnia and Herzegovina, whether or not they are at the time of the census in Bosnia and Herzegovina; nationless persons. Households of the list includes all individual (private) households of persons of the census units, all collective households (composed of people who live in institutions for permanent care of children and adults, in hospitals to accommodate incurably ill, in monasteries or other religious buildings and the like). The dwellings are covered by apartments in the country, independently of whether they are used for housing, for another purpose or not inhabited; facilities intended for collective (institutional) housing; other inhabited premises or facilities that are not intended for housing, and at the time of the census are used for this purpose. Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and 62 municipalities in Republika Srpska and in the Brcko District of BiH. Census Units as Stipulated in Articles 4 and 5 of the Law on Census of Population, Households and Dwellings in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2013, Data on population, Households and Dwellings were Collected within the census. Population the census covered persons who were citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina with place of usual residence in Bosnia and Herzegovina, regardless of whether, at the time of the Census, they were present in Bosnia and Herzegovina, or absent from Bosnia and Herzegovina; foreign citizens who had residence permit for permanent or temporary residence in Bosnia and Herzegovina, regardless of whether, at the time of the Census, they were in Bosnia and Herzegovina or not; persons without citizenship. Households The Census covered all individual (private) households of persons within the Census units, all collective households (consisted of persons living in the institutions for permanent care for children and adults, hospitals for those suffering from incurable diseases, in monasteries or other religious facilities and similar) were enumerated during the Census. Dwellings The Census covered dwellings in the country, irrelevant of whether they were used for living, for some other purposes or were unoccupied; facilities intended for collective (institutional) accommodation; other occupied premises or facilities unintended for living, but were used for that purpose at the time of the Census

11 Vrijeme popisivanja i referentni momenat Popisa Popisivanje stanovništva, domaćinstava i stanova, na cijeloj teritoriji Bosne i Hercegovine, trajalo je u periodu od 1. oktobra u 9 sati ujutro, do 15. oktobra 2013. godine u 21 sat, prema stanju na dan 30. 9. 2013. godine u 24. 00 sata, odnosno u ponoć između 30. septembra i 1. oktobra 2013. godine (osim za pojedina pitanja za koja je drugačije naznačeno na obrascima). Ovaj vremenski presjek u statističkoj praksi se definira kao kritični ili referentni momenat Popisa. Metoda Popisa Popis 2013. godine je proveden na tradicionalan način, tj. metodom intervjua, po načelu „od vrata do vrata“. Prikupljanje podataka na terenu vršili su obučeni i ovlašteni popisivači koji su dobijene odgovore upisivali na popisne obrasce (popisni obrasci P-1 i P-2). Jezik i pismo Popisa 2013. godine Odgovori na popisnim obrascima su se upisivali na bosanskom, hrvatskom ili srpskom jeziku, latiničnim ili ćiriličnim pismom. Popisni obrasci i metodološke upute su bile štampani na bosanskom, hrvatskom i srpskom jeziku, latiničnim i ćiriličnim pismom. Pripadnici nacionalnih manjina imali su pravo da dobiju na uvid ogledne primjerke popisnih obrazaca na jeziku i pismu svoje nacionalne manjine. Zaštita ličnih podataka Lični podaci koji su se prikupljali Popisom 2013. godine podliježu posebnoj zaštiti koja se osiguravala u svim fazama realiziranja (prikupljanja, kontrole, obrade i objavljivanja rezultata Popisa), a sukladno članu 15. Zakona o popisu stanovništva, domaćinstava i stanova u BiH 2013. godine („Službeni list BiH“ br. 10/12 i 18/13). Time of enumeration and the Census reference time Census of population, households and dwellings on the entire territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina lasted from 1 October at 09:00 a.m. to 15 October 2013 at 09:00 p.m. according to the situation on 30 September 2013 at 24:00, that is, at midnight between 30 September and 1 October 2013 (except for certain issues in relation to which it is differently indicated in the census forms). In statistical practice, this time breakdown is defined as the Census Critical or Reference Moment. Census methodology The 2013 Census was conducted in traditional way, by an interview and following the “door to door“ principle. Field data were collected by trained and authorised enumerators who entered the answers into the census forms (census forms P-1 Personal Questionnaire, and P-2 Questionnaire for Household and Dwelling). The 2013 Census language and script Answers in the census forms were written in the Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian language, using the Latin and Cyrillic script. Census forms and methodological instructions were printed in Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian language and in the Latin and Cyrillic script. Members of national minorities had a right to receive specimens of census forms in the language and script of their national minority. Protection of personal data Personal data obtained during the 2013 Census are subject to special protection secured in all stages of the implementation (collection, control, processing and publication of the Census results), pursuant to Article 15 of the Law on Census of Population, Households and Dwellings in BiH in 2013 (Official Gazette of BiH, 10/12 and 18/13).

12 METODOLOŠKE NAPOMENE U Popisu 2013. godine po prvi put je za utvrđivanje ukupnog broja stanovništva primijenjen koncept „uobičajenog stanovništva“. Po ovom konceptu osoba se smatra stanovnikom onog mjesta u kojem sama (u slučaju samačkog domaćinstva) ili s članovima svog domaćinstva provodi najveći dio svog vremena, odnosno dnevni odmor, nezavisno od toga gdje ima prijavljeno prebivalište. Time su u ukupno stanovništvo određenog mjesta uključene osobe koje su u tom mjestu živjele neprekidno najmanje godinu dana prije kritičnog momenta The list, as well as persons who lived in that moment for shorter than 12 months with the intention of remaining at least a year. Age and sex The age-sex structure of the population is the most important demographic character of each population. The structure of the population by age and sex is formed in a longer period, under the direct influence of the movement of births and mortality, but also migratory flows of the population. The current age-sex composition of the population therefore represents a clear picture of the previous development of each population and at the same time, to a great extent, it provides future changes in the movement of the population. The age of the population is expressed in the years of life, as per September 30, 2013 at 24. 00 00, which is a critical moment of the census. Ethnic / national declaration, a declaration of religion and mother tongue in Article 12 of the Law on the Census, households and apartments in BiH is defined that persons were not obliged to declare themselves about ethnic / nationality and religion. Accordingly, they had the opportunity to not declare these issues (the modality of the response "does not declare"). The answer to these three questions could not remain empty and, if the enumerator could not receive an answer, he was obliged to enter "unknown". Under the category "Unknown" are included and persons located in hospitals for permanent Methodological Explanations in the 2013 Census, The Concept of "usual Residents" was applied for the first time in order to determine the total number of population. Under This Concept, Person Shall Be Considered as a resident of the place at which s / he alone (in the case of a one-person household) or with members of her / his household spends most of time, that is, daily rest , Irrespective of where the person's place of residence is registered. Therefore, the total population of a certain place include in that place for a continuous period of at least one year prior to the census critical moment, and persons who at that particular moment moment Lived There Less Than 12 Months But Intend to Stay at That place for at Least One Year. Age and Sex Age and Sex Structure of the population is the most important demographic characteristic of a population. The population Age and Sex Structure Shall Be Formed Over a Longer Period of Time, Being Directly Influenced by Natality and Mortality Trends, Including Migration. Current Age and Sex Structure Of The Population Therefore Provides a Clear Picture of the Last Growth Of Any Population, Simultaneously Conditioning, To A Large Extent, The Future Changes In The Population Trends. The population age is shown in the completing years of life on 30 September 2013 at 24:00, which is a census reference moment. Declaration of ethnic / national and religious affiliation and of mother tongue article 12 of the law on census of population in BiH in 2013 Stipulates that persons are not obliged to give a date on their ethnic / national affiliation and religion. Therefore, they had an option not to declare on these issues (Response modality: "does not declare"). Answer To These Three Questions Had To Be Entered And, IF Enumerators Show Not Obtain An Answer, They Were Obliged To Enter: "Unknown". The "Unknown" Category Covered Persons Who Live In The Hospitals for Permanent Care Of Ill Persons

13 patients, and for which the data gave a legal entity or guardian, then people under the age of 15 listed in collective apartments, persons without registered response and persons who are marked on the list of modalities and the textual response which is different from the marked response to the form. All persons in which another response is enrolled, which does not match the modalities from the form and which is not an answer "unknown", in this publication are presented to the "others" category. Marital status Population data According to legal marital status were collected on the basis of a statement of persons about their formal-legal marital status. According to the formal-legal criterion, the population aged 15 and above is classified according to marital status in four categories: never married / married, married / married, divorced / divorced and widowed widow. "Never married / married" are considered all persons who have never closed marriage according to applicable legal regulations. "Married / married" are considered persons who have concluded marriage according to applicable legal regulations and each marriage in the married registry book. If a person married only in the church or mosque, it is not considered married. "Divorced" are considered a person whose marriage is divorced with the final judgment of the competent court. "Widows / widows" are considered to be persons whose marital community stopped the death of one of the spouses, ie the declaration of missing married spouse died. Fertility for the women's population aged 15 and over the question "Total number of live births" odgovor su davale samo osobe ženskog spola stare 15 i više godina, bez obzira na njihov bračni status. Prikupljeni su i podaci o mjesecu i godini rođenja prvog, drugog i najmlađeg djeteta.for which the data were given by legal person or custodian, then the persons younger than 15 years of age who were registered in the collective living quarters, persons without an entered answer and persons in relation to whom, some of the offered modalities and a text answer differs from the answer ticked on the form are jointly entered into the census form. All persons in relation to whom some other answer was entered, which did not comply with the modalities offered in the form and which was not the answer “Unknown”, are shown in this publication under the category “Others”. Marital status Population data concerning the legal marital status were obtained based on the persons’ statements on their formal marital status. According to formal criteria, population aged 15 and over have been grouped by marital status into four categories: never married, married, divorced and widower/widow. “Never married” refers to persons who have never entered into marriage under the applicable legal regulations. “Married” refers to persons who entered into marriage under the applicable legal regulations and any marriage entered into the register of marriages. If a person got married in a church or mosque only, such person shall not be considered to be married. “Divorced“ refers to persons whose marriage has been divorced by a binding judgement of a court having jurisdiction thereof. “Widow er/Widow” refers to persons whose marriage ended by the death of one of the spouses, that is, by declaring a missing spouse dead. Fertility of female population aged 15 and over The question “Total number of live born children” was only answered by women aged 15 and over, regardless of their marital status. Data on the month and year of the first, second and the youngest child were also collected.

14 OBRAZOVANJE PismenostPodaci o pismenosti prikupljani su za lica starosti 10 i više godina koja su bez ikakvog obrazovanja ili sa nepotpunim osnovnim obrazovanjem. Pismenom se smatra osoba koja može s razumijevanjem pročitati i napisati izjavu o svom svakidašnjem životu, u suprotnom osoba je nepismena. Najviša završena škola Podaci o najvišoj završenoj školi su prikupljani za lica starosti 15 i više godina. Pod najvišom završenom školom se podrazumijeva vrsta škole čijim je završavanjem osoba stekla najviši nivo obrazovanja i diplomu ili svjedočanstvo o završenoj školi. Nije se pravila razlika da li je škola završena u redovnoj školi ili u školi koja zamjenjuje redovnu (npr. škole za obrazovanje odraslih), odnosno da li je završena polaganjem ispita u redovnoj školi ili završavanjem nekog kursa za skraćeno školovanje (npr. kurs za skraćeno završavanje osnovne škole itd.) u sklopu redovne škole. Kursevi čijim se završetkom nije steklo svjedočanstvo redovne škole (npr. kurs za daktilografe, knjigovođe, frizere i sl.), se nisu uzimali u obzir kao odgovori na ovo pitanje, nego se davao odgovor o prethodno završenoj školi iz formalnog sistema obrazovanja. Ukoliko se osoba školovala u inostranstvu, kao odgovor je trebalo navesti odgovarajuću školu u zemlji. Kompjuterska pismenost Podaci o kompjuterskoj pismenosti su prikupljani za lica starosti 10 i više godina. Lica su se mogla izjasniti da znaju obavljati jednu ili više aktivnosti na računaru (obrada teksta, izrada tabela, korištenje e-maila i korištenje interneta) ili se izjasniti da ne znaju obavljati nijednu od ponuđenih aktivnosti. Kompjuterska pismenost se definira kao sposobnost lica da obradi tekst, izradi tabele, koristi e-mail i internet. Djelimično kompjuterski pismenom osobom se smatra osoba koja zna obavljati bar jednu od navedenih aktivnosti. EDUCATION LiteracyData on literacy were collected for persons aged 10 or more years who did not receive any kind of formal education or with incomplete primary education. A person capable of reading with understanding and writing a statement on his/her daily routine shall be considered to be a literate person. Highest level of educational attainment Data on the highest level of educational attainment were collected for persons aged 15 and over. The highest level of educational attainment implies the type of school by the completion of which a person acquired the highest level of education and a Degree or Certificate of the completed school. No difference was made between education completed at a regular school or at a school substituting the regular one (exp. school for adults), that is, whether it was completed by taking exams at a regular school or by finishing a shorten curriculum course (exp. basic school shorten curriculum course) within a regular school. The completed courses which did not provide a regular school certificate (exp. typist, bookkeeper, hairdresser courses and similar) were not taken into account as answers to this question. Instead, the answer about the previously completed school within the formal educational system were entered. If a person was educated abroad, the answer should have referred to an equivalent school in the country. Computer literacy Computer literacy data were collected for persons aged 10 and over. These persons could state either that they knew how to perform one or several computer activities (text processing, table creation, using e-mail and the Internet) or that they did not know how to perform any of the offered activity options. Computer literacy shall be defined as one’s ability to process a text, create a table, use e-mail and the Internet. A person who is capable of performing at least one of the stated activities shall be considered to be a partly computer literate person.

15 Osoba koja ne zna obavljati nijednu od navedenih aktivnosti smatra se kompjuterski nepismenom. RADNA SNAGA Radno sposobno stanovništvo čini stanovništvo u radno sposobnoj dobi 15 i više godina (uobičajeno je to stanovništvo 15−64 godina starosti). Ekonomski aktivno stanovništvo (radnu snagu) čine sve osobe sa zaposlenjem (zaposleni) i osobe bez zaposlenja (nezaposleni). Ekonomski neaktivno stanovništvo (neaktivne osobe) su osobe koje su bez zaposlenja i sa ili bez aktivnog traženja zaposlenja, koje nisu bile raspoložive za rad u periodu od 01. do 15. oktobra 2013. godine. Prema statusu u neaktivnosti neaktivne osobe mogu biti učenici i studenti starosti 15 i više godina, penzioneri, osobe koje obavljaju kućne poslove (domaćica), osobe nesposobne za rad i ostale ekonomski neaktivne osobe. Ekonomski neaktivne osobe predstavljaju razliku između stanovništva starosti 15 i više godina i ekonomski aktivnog stanovništva. Zaposlene osobe su osobe s navršenih 15 i više godina života koje su u toku referentne sedmice od 23. do 29. septembra 2013. godine: • radile/obavljale aktivnost barem jedan sat kako bi stekle sredstva za život (bile plaćene); • ili ako su bile privremeno odsutne s rada (zbog bolesti, godišnjeg odmora, porodiljskog dopusta itd.), a imaju posao na koji će se vratiti i za koji su plaćene kao zaposlenici, samozaposlenici ili u slobodnim zanimanjima; • ili koje su radile u porodičnom biznisu i za to nisu bile plaćene. U skladu s navedenim, u zaposlene osobe ubrajamo sve zaposlenike, poslodavce, samozaposlenike, neplaćene pomažuće članove domaćinstva, poljoprivrednike na vlastitom imanju sa i bez zaposlenih, učenike/studente koji, iako se obrazuju, obavljaju neku aktivnost, penzionere koji i nakon penzionisanja obavljaju neku aktivnost. Ne smatraju se zaposlenima osobe koje obavljaju svakodnevnu aktivnost za vlastito domaćinstvo A person who is not capable of performing any of the stated activities shall be considered to be a computer illiterate person. LABOUR FORCE The working age population is the working population aged 15 and over (usually, the population aged 15−64). Economically active population (labour force) are persons in paid employment (employed persons) and unemployed persons. Economically inactive population (inactive persons) are persons who are not in paid employment and those who actively or not actively seek for a job, who were not available for work during the period from 1 to 15 October 2013. According to inactivity status, inactive persons may be pupils and students aged 15 and over, pensioners, housekeepers, persons not fit for work and other economically inactive persons. Economically inactive persons make difference between the population aged 15 and over and economically active population. Persons in employment are those aged 15 and over who, during the reference week from 23 to 29 September 2013: • worked/performed an activity for at least one hour to earn money for living (paid work); • or, if they were temporary absent from work (because of illness, annual leave, maternity leave, etc.), but had a job to return to and for which they were paid as persons in paid employment, self-employed persons or freelancers; • or, who were involved in a family business for which they did not receive payment. In accordance with the abovementioned, the persons in employment shall include all employees, employers, self-employed persons, unpaid supporting members of households, farmers at their own estates with or without persons in employment, pupils/students who, although in the educational process, perform some activity, pensioners who perform some activity even after retirement. Persons performing a daily activity for their own household or persons working for charity purposes

16 ili ako osoba radi u dobrotvorne svrhe ili volontira bez primanja naknade, osim ako nije pomažući član domaćinstva. Osobe s poteškoćama prema vrsti poteškoće i spolu Pitanja o poteškoćama prilikom obavljanja svakodnevnih aktivnosti kod kuće, na poslu ili u školi uključena su u sadržaj Popisa In 2013, with the aim of collecting basic data on persons with disabilities. This question was asked to all members of the household and one or more answers could be marked for one person. In order to obtain more complete data in the content of the census form P-1 (census) questions related to six types of problems: vision Although wearing glasses, hearing, although it uses the hearing aid, gaiting or climbing the stairs, memory or concentration, dressing and Maintaining personal hygiene and communications (communication with others). Household of the household is considered any family or other community of persons (multi-member household), ie. A group of two or more persons occupied by the entire housing unit or part and secure themselves food, and possible and other necessities for life. Household is considered each person living alone ("Samack household"), ie. A person who lives alone in a special residential unit or occupying, as a tenant, a special room (or rooms) in a residential unit, but neither the tenant and a residential unit together does not make part of a multi-member household. The apartments and buildings of the building are permanent facilities that have a roof and external walls, built as self-use units, which provide protection against weather and other external influences, and are intended for housing, performing some activities and storage and storage of animals, goods and equipment for Various production and service activities. The apartment is a construction related whole intended for housing, consisting of one or from or volunteers without receiving any compensation thereof, other than supporting members of households, shad not be considered to be persons in employment. Persons with disability by the type of disability on functional capability of a person to perform everyday activities at home, at work or at school was included in the content of the 2013 Census for the purpose of collecting basic data on persons with disabilities . This question was possessed to all members of a household and one or several answers could be ticked for one person. In Order to Obtain Data As Comprehensive As Possible, The Questions About Six Types Of Disabilities: Eyesight Although Wearing Glasses, Hearing Although Using A Hearing Aid Device, Walking or Stair Climbing, Memory or Concentration, Dressing And Maintenance of Personal Hygiene, and Communication. Household a Household Shall Be Any Family or Other Household "), That is, a group of two or more persons who combine to occuTy the whole or a part of a Housing unit and to Provide Themselves with food and possibly other essentials for living. A Household Shall Also Be Any Person Who Lives Alone ("One-Person Household"), That is, a person Who Lives Alone in a Separate Housing Unit or Who Occupies, As A Lodger, A Separate Room (or Rooms) In A Housing Unit, but does not join any of the other occuences of that Housing unit to form a part of a multi-person household. Dwellings and Buildings Housing Represents Permanent Constructions Covered with Roof and Closed with Outer Walls. They are built as separate useful units that protect from Weather and other external conditions, intended for dwelling, for performing a certain activity or for placing and keeping the animals, goods, equipment used in various industrial activities and services etc. Dwelling is any construction unit intended for dwelling purposes, consisting of one or more rooms

17 more rooms (of 4 or more square meters), with appropriate auxiliary rooms (kitchen, pantry, entrance hall, bathroom, toilet / toilet, etc.), or without auxiliary rooms and can have one or more special entrances. From the definition of the apartment is deviated when the household next to one apartment uses another year or a building separate from the main rooms of the apartment (located in another building, on the same plot or in the same building / house, and It has a separate entrance). These rooms are listed as an integral part of the apartment, not as a separate apartment. By listing, as a rule, only completed apartments are included. Completed apartment is an apartment in which all the planned construction, installation and finishing works are completed. The completed apartment can be located in a building / house that is not completely completed, ie. in which there are unfinished apartments. Note: In this publication, data only shows apartments in the building / home, excluding data on other housing units (collective apartments, inhabited business premises, other housing units and homelessness). The use of the apartment only for housing is an apartment that is used throughout the year to housing one or more households, regardless of the basis of the household used by the apartment. For housing and performing activities is an apartment that corresponds to the definition of the apartment, and in part The apartment in which one or more households, is also performed (eg tailor, hairdressing or footwear, renting room tourists, lawyers office, studio, dental office, representative office of a company, etc.). Only for performing activities is an apartment not building (renovated) into business premises and in which no one is living, but is fully used to perform an activity.with adequate auxiliary spaces (Such as kitchen, bathroom, lobby, pantry etc.) or Without auxiliary Spaces and with one or more separate entrances. As a rule, and census shall only included complete dwellings. A Completed Dwelling is a dwelling in which all designed construction, Installation and Finishing Works have been completed. A Completed Dwelling May Be located in a building / house which is not entirely finished, that is, in the one in which there are uncompleted dwellings. Note: This publication Presents The Data On Dwelling Units In The Buildings / Houses Only. Data On Other Dwelling Units (Collective Living (Institutional) Quarters, Inhabited Office Premises, Other Housing Units and Homelessness) are excluded from this publication. Utilization of a dwelling for habitation only means throughout a year for habitation of one or more households, regardless of the ground on which the household utilises a dwelling. For Habitation and Performance of Business Activities Means An Occupied Dwelling Dwelling Definition, While In a Part Of The Dwelling Occupied By One Or More Households, Some Business Activity Is Also Performed (Exp. Dressmaking, Hairdressing or Shoemaking Activities, Rooms Rented To Tourists, Law-Firm, Art Studio, Dental Office, a Company's Representation Office, and Similar). For performing business activities Only Means a dwelling which has not been structurally converted (renovated) into the business premises and in which nobody resides, instead, it is entirely used for performance of a business activity.

18 For rest and recreation, the apartment is temporarily inhabited that corresponds to the definition of the apartment, and is used occasionally or several months of the year for rest and recreation. For use during seasonal works in agriculture, it is temporarily inhabited, and which in all, corresponds to the definition of the apartment and is used only during agricultural works (Čobanska and wine-growing house, etc.). The second apartment used by the household, which is located in the same facility it is temporarily inhabited, which uses the household at the same address. The apartment used by the temporary present faces is a temporary apartment, ie. For persons in the list of temporarily present (students, workers, etc.). Empty apartment: All apartments for which enumerator did not find the household at a given address after three tours, and the neighbor learned that someone really lived in that apartment. The use of apartments in all cases was treated as if it were empty apartment. The empty apartment is uninhabited (empty) because: new and yet unowned (although immigration is allowed); emptied for relocation, adaptations, repairs, etc.; The apartment whose owner lives in the second apartment or elsewhere, and this apartment is not yet used or issued (eg the apartment was purchased for children who have yet to come to that place for schooling etc.); Abandoned apartment (only listed if construction is correct or with relatively small repairs can be able to use for use). The total useful area of the apartment is the sum of rooms, kitchen, bathroom, toilet / toilet, pantry, hallway and other apartments, including part of the loggia (75% of total area), covered terraces (50% of total area) , balcony and open terraces (25% of total area). The surface area is for rest and recreation means a temporarily occupied dwelling which entirely complies with the dwelling definition, and which is occasionally or for several months in a year, Solely used for rest and recreation. For utilization During Seasonal Agricultural Works It is temporarily occupied, and it entirely complies with the dwelling definition and is utilized only at the time of agricultural works (Shepherd and wine house, and similar). Another dwelling used by the household and located in the Same Building is temporarily occupied and used by the household at the same address. A dwelling used by a temporarily present person is a temporary dwelling, that is a dwelling of a person temporarily present at the place of enumeration (students, workers, and similar). Uninhabited (vacant) Dwelling: This Categories All Dwellings for Which The Enumeral Did Not Find Household at Party Address After Three Visits, but was informed by The Neighbours That Someone Really Lives In That Dwelling. In these cases it was conducted as uninhabited (vacant) dwelling. Uninhabited (vacant) Dwelling for Being: new and not yet inhabited (regardless of permitted inhabitation); vacant due to moving out, reconstruction, rehabilitation and similar; a dwelling the owner of which resides in another dwelling or place, while this dwelling has neither been used nor rented (exp. the dwelling was bought for children who are yet to come to that place for education, and similar); abandoned dwellings (enumerated only if structurally appropriate or if only require minor repairs to become appropriate for use). Total usable area of a dwelling is a sum of areas of rooms, kitchen, bathroom, toilet/W.C., pantry, lobby and other auxiliary premises in the dwelling, including a part of the loggia (75% of total area), covered terraces (50% of total area), balconies and open terraces (25% of total area). The dwelling area includes the area of a room or kitchen built

19 uklјučеnа i pоvršinа sоbе ili kuhinjе kоја је grаđеvinski оdvојеnа оd glаvnih prоstоriја stаnа (nаlаzе sе u istој zgrаdi/kući ili u drugој zgrаdi/ kući nа istој аdrеsi, аli imајu оdvојеn ulаz, а kојu јеdnо dоmаćinstvо kоristi prеkо ciјеlе gоdinе). U pоvršinu stаnа također sе uklјučuје pоvršinа sоbе (unutаr stаnа) kоја sе kоristi zа оbаvlјаnjе pоslоvnе dјеlаtnоsti (npr. zа krојаčku rаdiоnicu, аdvоkаtsku kаncеlаriјu i sl.). Sоbа је prоstоriја nаmiјеnjеnа stаnоvаnju kоја је оd drugih prоstоriја u stаnu оdvојеnа stаlnim zidоvimа, visinе nајmаnjе dvа mеtrа, imа dirеktnu dnеvnu svјеtlоst, а pоvršinа pоdа iznоsi nајmаnjе 4 m 2, оdnоsnо širоkа је nајmаnjе 2 mеtrа, tаkо dа sе u nju mоžе smјеstiti krеvеt zа оdrаslо licе. Dirеktnim dnеvnim svјеtlоm se smаtrа svјеtlо kоје sе dоbiја krоz prоzоr nа sаmој prоstоriјi, а dоlаzi s оtvоrеnоg prоstоrа (ulicе ili dvоrištа), tеrаsе ili svјеtlаrnikа. Prоstоriје kоје nе ispunjаvајu оvај uslоv kао i kuhinjа i drugе pоmоćnе prоstоriје nisu urаčunаtе u brој sоbа, аli је njihоvа pоvršinа urаčunаtа u pоvršinu stаnа. Kuhinjе sе nе rаčunајu u brој sоbа, mеđutim, аkо stаn imа sаmо јеdnu prоstоriјu u kојој sе spаvа, bоrаvi i kuhа, tа sе prоstоriја pоpisuје kао sоbа, а nе kао kuhinjа, tј. smаtrа sе dа tаkаv stаn nеmа kuhinjе. POLJOPRIVREDA Domaćinstva koja obavljaju poljoprivrednu aktivnost Podaci o domaćinstvima koja obavljaju poljoprivrednu aktivnost su dobijeni iz provedenog Popisa stanovništva, domaćinstava i stanova u BiH od 01. do 15. oktobra 2013. godine, na osnovu pitanja iz oblasti poljoprivrede koja se odnose na korištenje/obradu poljoprivrednog zemljišta za poljoprivrednu proizvodnju i uzgoj stoke. Podaci o broju domaćinstava koja obavljaju poljoprivrednu aktivnost se odnose na višečlana i samačka domaćinstva, dok su isključeni podaci o broju tzv. kolektivnih domaćinstava koja obavljaju poljoprivrednu aktivnost (ustanove za trajno zbrinjavanje djece i odraslih, manastiri-samostani, domovi za penzionere i dr.). separately from the main dwelling premises (built in the same building/house or another building/house at the same address, but with a separate entrance, and used by one household throughout a year). The dwelling area also includes the area of a room (within the dwelling) which is used for performance of business activities (exp. dressmaking, law firm and similar). A room is a premise intended for habitation which is separated from other premises in the dwelling by permanent walls, which is at least 2 m high, has a direct daylight, and has a floor surface of at least 4 m 2 and which is at least 2 m wide, so that a bed for an adult person can be situated into it. Direct daylight shall be the light coming through the room window from an open space (street or yard), terrace or skylight. Premises that did not fulfill this condition, as well as the kitchen and other utility rooms, were not added to the number of rooms, but their floor area was added to the floor surface of the dwelling. Kitchens are not added to the number of rooms, however, if a dwelling has only one premise used for sleeping, staying and cooking, such premise shall be enumerated as a room, not a kitchen, that is, it shall be considered that such a dwelling does not have a kitchen. AGRICULTURE Households performing agricultural activities Data on households performing the agricultural activities are obtained from the Census of population, households and dwellings in BiH conducted from 1 to 15 October 2013, based on the agriculture-related questions concerning the use/cultivation of arable land for agricultural production and cattle-breeding. Data on the number of households performing the agricultural activities pertain to multi-person and one-person households, while data on the so-called collective households performing the agricultural activities (institutions for permanent care for children and adults, monasteries, retirement homes, etc.) are excluded.

20 FOČALIVNO KONJICGLAMOČTESLIĆDOBOJBANJA LUKA GACKOPALE TREBINJEBILEĆAPRIJEDOR GRAD MOSTAR NEVESINJEDRVARBIHAĆ BIJELJINAGRADIŠKA RIBNIK SOKOLACŠIPOVO KUPRESBRČKO Kalinoviksbac Tomislavrogacatravnikprnjavor Sanski Most Varešcazin Jajcezavidovići Ilijašderventa PosusjeKakanjanjemrodi Mlići Srebrenica Grad Bugrod Lukavac Kladanj Bosansko Grahovo LjubinoPare Bugojnobosanski PetrovacModri Ca Fojnica Stolacneževo Živinice HadžićiBosanska Krupa Čajniče Ljubuškinovisoko Grudemaglaj Jablanica Fočakozarska Dubica Bratunac Čapljenjitez Gorazdešekovići Donji Vakuf Chitlukhan Sand Berkovicituzlašamacodak CelicSrebrenik KalesijeTešvelika Kladuša Bužim Vakuf-Uskoplje Kreševorašje BijovačaPhrovići NOVI TRAKIKOŠTAKOJTRAGIĆEVO Lake Novo Goraždetrnovo1kostajnica krupa na UNI Usora Dobreti Ćivukosavlje Kupres Trnovoisto DrvaTeopadonji Žobar 9Doboj-east 3 4 8Domaljevac-Šamac 2 7 9Doboj-Jug 96 56 0701 04 06 1003 0809 0502 Serbia / Serbia Croatia / Croatia Montenegrin Canton marked Names of Cantons Marked With Numbers 01 Una-Sanski 02 POSAVNI: Dobojni 05 Серетвански 07 Hercegovacki 09 Sarajevo 10 Canton 10 20 0 20 40 60 80 100 10 Kmadministrative map of Bosnia and Herzegovina Map of Bosnia and Herzegovina Municipalities marked Names of municipalities Marked with numbers 1 Vogošća 2 Centar Sarajevo 3 Novi grad Sarajevo 5 Novo Sarajevo 6 Eastern Old Town 7 Eastern New Sarajevo 8 Eastern MostarFederation Bosnia and Herzegovina Republika Srpska Brčko District BiH Fočelivnje Luka Gackopale TrebinjeBilećajedor Grad Mostar Nevesinjedrvarbikhać Bijeljjediška Ribnik Sokolacpovo Kupresbrc Kalinoviks RBAC Tomislavgradrogaticatravnikprnjavor Sanski Most Varešcazin Lead window -Rama Rudok Jajcezavidovići Ilijašderventa Posušjekakanjlaktaši Milići Ravnovi Grad Zvornik Mrkonjić City Zenica Neumkotor Varoš Bugojnobosanski PetrovacMotriča Fojnica Stolacneževo Živanice HadžićiBosanska Krupa Čajniče Ljubuškivisoko Grudema Glaj Jablanica Fočakozarska Dubica Bratunac Čapljenjitz Gorazdešekovići Donji Vakuf Čitlukhan Pijesak BerkovištuzlašaMacodak CelićSrebrenik KalesijeTesanjvelika Kladuša Bužim VlasenicAgračac Gračanica Ugljevik Sapna Palegornje Vakuf-Uskoplje KreševoRašje Busovačapetrovac Ilidžik Kiseljakostra Luka Petrovo Lake NOVO GORAŽDETNOVO Lake Dobretićivukosavlje Kupres Till east 9Drobe-east 3 4 8Domaljevac-Šamac 2 7 9 Doboj-Jug 96 56 0701 04 06 1003 0809 0502 Serbia / Croatia Montenegro / MontenegronArd Canton marked Names of Cantons Marked with Numbers 01 Una-Sanski 02 Posavlanski 04 Zenica-Dobojnjski 05 Midnjobo-Podrinjskih-Neretvanski 08 Zapadnahercegovacki 09 Sarajevo 10 Canton 10 20 0 20 40 60 80 100 10 Kmadministrative map of Bosnia and Herzegovina Map of Bosnia and Herzegovina Municipalities marked Names of municipalities Marked with numbers 1 Vogošća 2 Centar Sarajevo 3 Novi Grad Sarajevo 5 Novo Sarajevo 6 eastern Stari Grad 7 East New Sarajevo 8 East Ilidža 9 Eastern MostarFederation of Bosnia and Herzegovina BIHZEGOVINATION OF THE BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA OF SRPSKA BRČKO DISTRICT BiH Household can perform agricultural activity in the municipality of Bosnia and Herzegovina, however the data given in this statement refer to the municipality where the household holder is the usual place. The household performed by agricultural activity is a household that gave the response in the census, households and apartments in BiH 2013 that: - In the last 12 months, agricultural land for agricultural production in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Arinace and Garden / Gardens , orchards, vineyards, nurseries and other permanent plantations (ovbici, plantations of New Year's firm for commercial purposes, etc.), meadows and pastures; - Or on the day of the census, livestock, poultry or bees, including fish and fungi growing. Households performing agricultural activity and market products are households that occasionally or constantly selling their own / own agricultural products in the market (green market, redemption, own shops or property). A Household May Perform The Agricultural Activities in the Municipality of Enumeration Or in Another Municipality on the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina. However, data provided in this release pertain to the municipality of usual residence of the head of a household. A household performing the agricultural activities is the one that, in the Census of population, households and dwellings in BiH 2013 answered that: - in the last 12 months, it used/cultivated arable land for agricultural production on the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina: plough-fields and gardens, orchards, vineyards, plant-nurseries and other perennial plants (willows, Christmas-tree plantations for commercial purposes, and similar), meadows and pastures; - or, on the date of enumeration, it was involved in cattle-breeding, poultry farming or bee-keeping, including fish-farming and mushroom-growing. Households performing agricultural activities and selling the products on the market are those that temporarily or permanently were selling their own agricultural products on the market (green market, purchasing, own shops or at the estate). FOČALIVNO KONJICGLAMOČTESLIĆDOBOJBANJA LUKA GACKOPALE TREBINJEBILEĆAPRIJEDOR GRAD MOSTAR NEVESINJEDRVARBIHAĆ BIJELJINAGRADIŠKA RIBNIK SOKOLACŠIPOVO KUPRESBRČKO KALINOVIKSRBAC TOMISLAVGRADROGATICATRAVNIKPRNJAVOR SANSKI MOST VAREŠCAZIN OLOVO PROZOR-RAMA RUDOKLJUČ JAJCEZAVIDOVIĆI ILIJAŠDERVENTA POSUŠJEKAKANJLAKTAŠI MILIĆI RAVNOVIŠEGRADNOVI GRAD ZVORNIK SREBRENICAČELINAC ŽEPČE MRKONJIĆ GRAD ZENICA NEUMKOTOR VAROŠ TRNOVOBROD LUKAVAC KLADANJ BOSANSKO GRAHOVO LJUBINJELOPARE BUGOJNOBOSANSKI PETROVACMODRIČA FOJNICA STOLACKNEŽEVO ŽIVINICE HADŽIĆIBOSANSKA KRUPA ČAJNIČE LJUBUŠKIVISOKO GRUDEMAGLAJ JABLANICA FOČAKOZARSKA DUBICA BRATUNAC ČAPLJINAVITEZ GORAŽDEŠEKOVIĆI DONJI VAKUF ČITLUKHAN PIJESAK BERKOVIĆITUZLAŠAMACODŽAK ČELIĆSREBRENIK KALESIJATEŠANJVELIKA KLADUŠA BUŽIM VLASENICAGRADAČAC GRAČANICA UGLJEVIK SAPNA PALEGORNJI VAKUF-USKOPLJE KREŠEVOORAŠJE BUSOVAČAPETROVAC ILIDŽA ŠIROKI BRIJEGBANOVIĆI NOVI TRAVNIK KISELJAKOŠTRA LUKA PETROVO BREZAOSMACIPELAGIĆEVO JEZERO NOVO GORAŽDETRNOVO1KOSTAJNICA KRUPA NA UNI USORA DOBRETIĆIVUKOSAVLJE KUPRES TRNOVOISTOČNI DRVARTEOČAKDONJI ŽABAR 9DOBOJ-ISTOK 3 4 8DOMALJEVAC-ŠAMAC 2 7 9DOBOJ-JUG 96 56 0701 04 06 1003 0809 0502 Srbija / Serbia Hrvatska / Croatia Crna Gora / MontenegroNazivi kantona označenih brojevima Names of cantons marked with numbers 01 Unsko-Sanski 02 Posavski 03 Tuzlanski 04 Zeničko-Dobojski 05 Bosansko-Podrinjski 06 Srednjobosanski 07 Hercegovačko-Neretvanski 08 Zapadnohercegovački 09 Sarajevo 10 Kanton 10 20 0 20 40 60 80 100 10 kmADMINISTRATIVNA KARTA BOSNE I HERCEGOVINE ADMINISTRATIVE MAP OF BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA Nazivi općina označenih brojevima Names of municipalities marked with numbers 1 Vogošća 2 Centar Sarajevo 3 Stari Grad Sarajevo 4 Novi Grad Sarajevo 5 Novo Sarajevo 6 Istočni Stari Grad 7 Istočno Novo Sarajevo 8 Istočna Ilidža 9 Istočni MostarFederacija Bosne i Hercegovine Republika Srpska Brčko distrikt BiHFederation of Bosnia and Herzegovina Republika Srpska Brčko district BiH

21 FOČALIVNO KONJICGLAMOČTESLIĆDOBOJBANJA LUKA GACKOPALE TREBINJEBILEĆAPRIJEDOR GRAD MOSTAR NEVESINJEDRVARBIHAĆ BIJELJINAGRADIŠKA RIBNIK SOKOLACŠIPOVO KUPRESBRČKO KALINOVIKSRBAC TOMISLAVGRADROGATICATRAVNIKPRNJAVOR SANSKI MOST VAREŠCAZIN OLOVO PROZOR-RAMA RUDOKLJUČ JAJCEZAVIDOVIĆI ILIJAŠDERVENTA POSUŠJEKAKANJLAKTAŠI MILIĆI RAVNOVIŠEGRADNOVI GRAD ZVORNIK SREBRENICAČELINAC ŽEPČE MRKONJIĆ GRAD ZENICA NEUMKOTOR VAROŠ TRNOVOBROD LUKAVAC KLADANJ BOSANSKO GRAHOVO LJUBINJELOPARE BUGOJNOBOSANSKI PETROVACMODRIČA FOJNICA STOLACKNEŽEVO ŽIVINICE HADŽIĆIBOSANSKA KRUPA ČAJNIČE LJUBUŠKIVISOKO GRUDEMAGLAJ JABLANICA FOČAKOZARSKA DUBICA BRATUNAC ČAPLJINAVITEZ GORAŽDEŠEKOVIĆI DONJI VAKUF ČITLUKHAN PIJESAK BERKOVIĆITUZLAŠAMACODŽAK ČELIĆSREBRENIK KALESIJATEŠANJVELIKA KLADUŠA BUŽIM VLASENICAGRADAČAC GRAČANICA UGLJEVIK SAPNA PALEGORNJI VAKUF-USKOPLJE KREŠEVOORAŠJE BUSOVAČAPETROVAC ILIDŽA ŠIROKI BRIJEGBANOVIĆI NOVI TRAVNIK KISELJAKOŠTRA LUKA PETROVO BREZAOSMACIPELAGIĆEVO JEZERO NOVO GORAŽDETRNOVO1KOSTAJNICA KRUPA NA UNI USORA DOBRETIĆIVUKOSAVLJE KUPRES TRNOVOISTOČNI DRVARTEOČAKDONJI ŽABAR 9DOBOJ-ISTOK 3 4 8DOMALJEVAC-ŠAMAC 2 7 9DOBOJ-JUG 96 56 0701 04 06 1003 0809 0502 Srbija / Serbia Hrvatska / Croatia Crna Gora / MontenegroNazivi kantona označenih brojevima Names of cantons marked with numbers 01 Unsko-Sanski 02 Posavski 03 Tuzlanski 04 Zeničko-Dobojski 05 Bosansko-Podrinjski 06 Srednjobosanski 07 Hercegovačko-Neretvanski 08 Zapadnohercegovački 09 Sarajevo 10 Kanton 10 20 0 20 40 60 80 100 10 kmADMINISTRATIVNA KARTA BOSNE I HERCEGOVINE ADMINISTRATIVE MAP OF BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA Nazivi općina označenih brojevima Names of municipalities marked with numbers 1 Vogošća 2 Centar Sarajevo 3 Stari Grad Sarajevo 4 Novi Grad Sarajevo 5 Novo Sarajevo 6 Istočni Stari Grad 7 Istočno Novo Sarajevo 8 Istočna Ilidža 9 Istočni MostarFederacija Bosne i Hercegovine Republika Srpska Brčko distrikt BiHFederation of Bosnia and Herzegovina Republika Srpska Brčko district BiH FOČALIVNO KONJICGLAMOČTESLIĆDOBOJBANJA LUKA GACKOPALE TREBINJEBILEĆAPRIJEDOR GRAD MOSTAR Nevesinjedrvarbihać BijeljinaGradiška Ribnik Sokolacpovo Kupresbrčko Kalinovacravnik Province Sanski Most Varešcazin Jajcezavidovići Ilijašderventa Posusjekakanjlaktaši Milići Ravisnovi Grad Zvornik Srebrenicačelinac Žepče Mrkonjić City Zenica Neumkotor Varoš Trnovobo D Lukavac Kladanj Bosansko Grahovo Ljubinopare Bugojnobosanski PetrovacModriča Fojnica Stolacneževo Živinice HadžićiBosanska Krupa Čajniče Ljubuškivisoko Grudemaglaj Jablanica Fočakozarska Dubica Bratunac Čapljenjitez Goraždešekovići Donji Vakuf Čitlukhan Pijesak Berkovištuzlašimacodak CelicSrebrenik Kalesima Vakuf-Uskoplje Palegenji Vakuf-Uskoglovac Ilidžje Široki Brijegbanovići Novi Travnik Kiseljakostra Luka Petrovo Brezaosmacipelagićevo Lake New Goražde Trnovo1kostajnica Krupa na UNI Usora Dobreticivukosavlje Kupres Trnovoisto DrvaekakDonji Žabar 9Doboj-east 3 4 8Domaljevac-Šamac 2 7 9Doboj-Jug 96 56 0701 04 06 1003 0809 0502 Serbia / Serbia Croatia / Montenegron Canton marked Names of Names of Cantons Marked With Numbers 01 Unsavski 02 Posavski 03 Zenica-Dobojski 05 Bosansko-Podrinjski 06 Centraljobosanski 07 Hercegovački-Neretva 08 Zapadnaherje 09 Sarajevo 10 Canton 10 20 0 20 40 60 80 10 Kmadministrative map of Bosnia and Herzegovina Municipality names marked Names of municipalities Marked with numbers 1 Vogošća 2 Centar Sarajevo 3 Stari grad Sarajevo 4 Novi City Sarajevo 5 Novo Sarajevo 6 Eastern Stari Grad 7 Eastern Ilidža 9 Eastern Mostarfederation BiH BiH Course Republika Srpska Brčko District BIH Fočelivnje Luka Gackopale Trebinjebilećrajedor City Mostar Nevesinjedrvarbihac In Kupresbrčko Kalinoviksbac Tomislavgradrogaticatravnikprnjavor Sanski Most Varešcazin lead-rama Rudok Jajcezavidovići Ilijašderventa PosusjeKakacanjlaktaši Mlići Srebrenjacelinac Žepče Mrkonjić City Zenica Neumkovac Kladanj Bosansko Grahovo LjubinovaPare Bugojnobosanski PetrovacModriča Fojnica Stolacneževo Živinice HadžićiBosanska Kru Pa Čajniče Ljubuškini Grudemaglaj Jablanica Fočakozarska Dubica Bratunac Čapljenjitz Gorazdešekovići Donji Vakuf Čitlukhan Pijesak BerkovišituzlašaMacodak CelicSrebrenik Kalesiješanjvelika Kladuša Bužim VlasenicAgračac Gracanica Ugljevik Sapna Palegenji Vakuf-Uskoplje Kreševorišje BijovacaPerovići Novi Traviko Kozeljakoštra Porto Lake NOVO Goraždetrnovo1kostajnica Krupa na UNI Usora Dobreticivukosavlje Kupres Trnovoisto Dvartečak Donji Žabar 9Doboj-east 3 4 8 Domaljevac-Šamac 2 7 9Doboj-Jug 96 56 0701 04 06 1003 0809 0502 Serbia / Serbia Montenegro / Montenegron Canton marked Names of Cantons Marked with Numbers 01 Unsavski 02 Posavlski 04 Zenica-Dobojski 05 Серетвански 08 Зеднохерцегогова 09 Sarajevo 10 Canton 10 20 0 20 40 60 80 100 10 Kmadministrative map of Bosnia and Herzegovina Map of Bosnia and Herzegovina Municipalities marked Names of municipalities Marked with numbers 1 Vogošća 2 Centar Sarajevo 4 Novi Grad Sarajevo 5 Novo Sarajevo 6 east Stari Grad 7 East New Sarajevo 8 Eastern Ilidža 9 Eastern Mostarfederation BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA REPUBLIC OF BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINATION OF SRPSKA DISTROCTSHOPPLE TREBINJEBILEĆRAVORDORBiHAĆ Bijeljjedrvarbikhać Bijeljjediška Ribnik Sokolacpovo Kupresbrc Kalinoviksbac To MISLAVGROGATICATRAVNIKPRNJAVOR SANSKO MOST VAREŠCAZIN Lead window-Rama Едоклов яијцезавидивити илийсденташи Лииницевистрицелинови Жепчер Варош трова Бухова Лововалопаре Бегойнобоснин Stolacneževo Živinice HadžićiBosanska Krupa Čajniče Ljubuškivisoko Grudemaglaj Blanica Fočakozarska Dubica Bratunac Čapljenjitz Goraždešekovići Donji Vakuf Čitlukhan Pijesak BerkovištuzlašaMacodak CelicSrebrenik KalesijeTesanjvelika Kladuša Bužim VlasenicAgračac Gracanica Ugljevik Sapna Palegenji Vakuf-Uskoplje Kreševorašje BusovačaPetrovac Ilidžka Brijegbanovići Novi Travnik Kiseljakoštra Luka Petrovo Lake New GoraždeTrnovo1Kostajnica Krupa na UNI Usora Dobretićivukosavlje Kupres Žabro 9DoBoje-east 3 4 8Domaljevac-Šamaci 2 7 9Doboj-Jug 96 56 0701 04 06 1003 0809 0502 Serbia / Croatia Montenegro / MontenegronArd Canton marked Names of Cantons Marked with Numbers 01 Una-Sanski 02 Posavlanski 04 Zenica-Dobojnjski 05 Midnjobo-Podrinjskih-Neretvanski 08 Zapadnahercegovacki 09 Sarajevo 10 Canton 10 20 0 20 40 60 80 100 10 Kmadministrative map of Bosnia and Herzegovina Map of Bosnia and Herzegovina Municipalities marked Names of municipalities Marked with numbers 1 Vogošća 2 Centar Sarajevo 3 Novi Grad Sarajevo 5 Novo Sarajevo 6 eastern Stari Grad 7 East New Sarajevo 8 Eastern Ilidža 9 East MostarFederation of Bosnia and Herzegovina Republika Srpska Brčko District Biofederation of Bosnia and Herzegovina Republika Srpska Brčko District BiH

23 Old Institute and Herzegovina Federation of BiH Republika Srpska Brčko District Total Male Total Total Total Male Federation of BiH Republika Srpska Brčko District Total Male Total Male Female Total Male Female 0 32.986 16.903 16.083 21.718 11.137 10.581 10.429 5.330 5.099 839 436 403 1 34.294 22,690 11,702 5,338 832 417 415 5,387 22,691 11,635 11,056 8:004. 12 5.607 791 412 379 4 36.521 18.869 17,652 24,080 12,353 11,727 11,593 6.053 5,540 848 463 38.628 17,538 23,892 12,274 5,534 851 465 386 17,000 22,919 11,829 11,072 917 471 446 7,382,943 17,840 17,193 22,965 11.750 11.2 15 11,156 5,667 5,489 822 423 399 8 35.451 18.233 17,218 23.147 11.870 11.277 11.439 5,903 5,536 865 18.261 17,240 11.497 5,910 5,572 857 416 441 10 36.453 18.852 17.601 23.884 12.366 11.518 11.647 6,009 5,638 922 477 445 11 36.775 18.927 17.848 24.0 43 12.362 11.681 11,856 6,093 5,763 876 472 404 12 38.596 19,792 18,804 12,689 6,516 6,147 944 489 455 19,314 25,785 13,147 12,637 12,738 6,505 14 41,395 20,940 20,435 27,382 13,830 13,522 13,194 6,626 6.488 929 484 445 15 45.594. 23.451 22,133 30.464 15,585 14,879 14,028 7,306 6,722 1,072 560 512 16,015 26,860 25,155 35,095 8,099 7.656 1,169 602 567 25.017 35.286 18.218 17.068 15.004 7.621 7.383 1,137 25,720 24.591 33.903 17,312 16.591 15,395 7.885 7.510 1,013 523 490 19 43.449 22.483 20,966 27.137 14.024 13.113 15.356 7,972 7.384 956 487 469 20 38,825 20,046 18,779 25,325 6,576 6,098 826 417 409 21,841 29,600 14,849 14,751 13,755 7,089 6,676 989 533 456 22,484 32,197 16,499 15,660 15,228 7,914 7.314 1. 056 546 510 23 48.196 24.879 23.317 31.990 16.474 15.516 15.159 7.872 7.287 1,047 533 514 24,478 31.868 16,268 15,600 15,392 499 519 25 50,193 25,613 24,520 16,191 8.267 7.844 1,195 545 558 26 49.678 25.705 23.973 32.539 16.894 15 .645 16.026 8.234 7.792 1.113 577 536 27 49.795 25.385 24.410 32.484 16,638 15,846 16,257 8,197 8.060 1,054 550 504 28 50,446 25.910 16,721 7.889 1,261 634 601 29 52,266 26,567 25,699 33,651 17,065 16,586 17,391 8,900 8,491 1,224 602 622 30 50,734 25,918 24.74. 390 16.504 15.886 17.114 8.788 8.326 1.230 626 604 31 50.911 26,042 24,869 32,319 16,570 15,749 17,339 8,854,848 32 50,977 25,977 25,000 32,749 16,694 8.359 1,154 568 586 33 50,333 25,484 24,849 31,974 16,173 15,811 17,173 8,746 8,417 1,196 575 6211.1. Population according to individual age and sex, level BiH, F BiH, RS and BD Population by Age and Sex, Level BiH, F Bih, RS and BD

24 Demography DemographyStarostbosnia and Herzegovina Federation BiH Republika Srpska Brčko District Total Total Male Female Total Male Federation Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female 34 49.678 25.172 24.506 31.556 16.001 15,555 16,964 8,644 8,320 49,788 25,311 24,477 31.528 8.818 8.236 1,205 25,257 24,692 31,538 15,826 15,712 17.205 8,821 8,384 1,176 610 566 37 51,372 25,960 25,367 32. 341 16.187 16.154 17,747 9,154 8.593 1,239 619 620 38 49.496 25.048 24,448 31,321 15,675 15,646 16,968,874 582 39,477 30,987 15,389 15,638 16,470 8,540,793 48,218 24,243 23,975 30,584 15,127 15,457 16,378 8,485 7.893 1,236 631 625 41 49.740 25. 114 24,626 31,771 15,825 15,946 16,692 8,652 8.040 1,277 637 640 42 48.136 24,288 23,848 31.017 15,475 15,542 15,959 8,241 7,718 1,160 572 588 43 46,015 23,197 22,878 29,652 14,747 14,905 15,179 7,740 7,419 1,204 650 554 44 49.029 24.813 24.216 31.806 15.948 15.858 15.975 8.229 7.746 1.248 636 612 45 49.671 24.860 24.811 32.017 15.855 16.162 16.366 8.297 8.069 1.288 708 580 46 51.673 25.923 25.750 33.018 16.405 16.613 17.354 8.826 8.528 1.301 692 609 47 52.770 26.306 26.464 33.813 16.673 17.140 17.644 8.964 8.680 1.313 669 644 48 53.700 26.622 27.078 34.178 16.805 17.373 18.118 9.100 9.018 1.404 717 687 49 53.114 26.376 26.738 34.083 16.856 17.227 17.764 8.870 8.894 1.267 650 617 50 53.786 26.608 27.178 34.340 16.932 17.408 18.129 8.995 9.134 1.317 681 636 51 56.129 27.608 28.521 35.525 17.349 18.176 19.279 9.574 9.705 1.325 685 640 52 55.588 27.483 28.105 35.006 17.203 17.803 19.220 9.575 9.645 1.362 705 657 53 55.076 26.932 28.144 34.518 16.748 17.770 19.247 9.548 9.699 1.311 636 675 54 55.996 27.522 28.474 34.607 17.071 17.536 20.131 9.833 10.298 1.258 618 640 55 52.589 25.408 27.181 32.581 15.630 16.951 18.809 9.160 9.649 1.199 618 581 56 50.347 24.635 25.712 30.906 15.129 15.777 18.331 8.931 9.400 1.110 575 535 57 51.932 25.307 26.625 31.264 15.231 16.033 19.518 9.518 10.000 1.150 558 592 58 52.746 25.459 27.287 31.461 15.090 16.371 20.118 9.803 10.315 1.167 566 601 59 50.923 24.767 26.156 29.877 14.488 15.389 19.897 9.734 10.163 1.149 545 604 60 50.837 24.264 26.573 29.631 14.056 15.575 20.106 9.704 10.402 1.100 504 596 61 46.677 22.001 24.676 26.762 12.507 14.255 18.842 8.999 9.843 1.073 495 578 62 42.331 19.976 22.355 24.438 11.394 13.044 16.910 8.098 8.812 983 484 499 63 42.570 19.791 22.779 24.535 11.285 13.250 16.983 8.022 8.961 1.052 484 568 64 40.836 18.938 21.898 23.247 10.657 12.590 16.649 7.849 8.800 940 432 508 65 35.793 16.093 19.700 20.490 9.092 11.398 14.404 6.607 7.797 899 394 505 66 37.788 17.233 20.555 21.656 9.797 11.859 15.233 7.031 8.202 899 405 494 67 29.180 13.168 16.012 16.531 7.429 9.102 11.899 5.391 6.508 750 348 402 68 25.744 11.390 14.354 15.234 6.681 8.553 9.855 4.414 5.441 655 295 360 69 25.064 11.182 13.882 14.480 6.439 8.041 9.879 4.439 5.440 705 304 401 70 25.058 10.708 14.350 14.562 6.237 8.325 9.798 4.144 5.654 698 327 371

25 StarostBosna i Hercegovina Federacija BiH Republika Srpska Brčko Distrikt BiH Ukupno muški ženski Ukupno muški ženski Ukupno muški ženski Ukupno muški ženski AgeBosnia and Herzegovina Federation of BiH Republika Srpska Brčko District total male female total male female total male female total male female 71 26.990 11.682 15.308 16.128 6.969 9.159 10.268 4.446 5.822 594 267 327 72 29.327 12.526 16.801 16.725 7.080 9.645 11.904 5.149 6.755 698 297 401 73 30.776 13.023 17.753 17.668 7.467 10.201 12.421 5.273 7.148 687 283 404 74 28.304 11.915 16.389 15.940 6.692 9.248 11.682 4.938 6.744 682 285 397 75 27.309 11.246 16.063 15.320 6.253 9.067 11.369 4.752 6.617 620 241 379 76 25.413 10.531 14.882 14.194 5.904 8.290 10.585 4.366 6.219 634 261 373 77 23.950 9.642 14.308 13.342 5.463 7.879 10.014 3.935 6.079 594 244 350 78 21.232 8.361 12.871 11.991 4.769 7.222 8.706 3.377 5.329 535 215 320 79 19.363 7.623 11.740 10.766 4.306 6.460 8.117 3.135 4.982 480 182 298 80 16.231 6.198 10.033 9.117 3.486 5.631 6.749 2.568 4.181 365 144 221 81 14.741 5.674 9.067 8.359 3.255 5.104 6.055 2.288 3.767 327 131 196 82 12.059 4.618 7.441 6.844 2.677 4.167 4.955 1.859 3.096 260 82 178 83 10.999 4.065 6.934 6.095 2.263 3.832 4.658 1.713 2.945 246 89 157 84 8.606 3.214 5.392 4.812 1.812 3.000 3.592 1.335 2.257 202 67 135 85+ 28.069 9.052 19.017 15.692 4.902 10.790 11.771 3.927 7.844 606 223 383 3.531.159 1.732.270 1.798.889 2.219.220 1.087.993 1.131.227 1.228.423 603.027 625.396 83.516 41.250 42.266

FOČALIVNO KONJICGLAMOČTESLIĆDOBOJBANJA LUKA GACKOPALE TREBINJEBILEĆAPRIJEDOR GRAD MOSTAR NEVESINJEDRVARBIHAĆ BIJELJINAGRADIŠKA RIBNIK SOKOLACŠIPOVO KUPRESBRČKO KALINOVIKSRBAC TOMISLAVGRADROGATICATRAVNIKPRNJAVOR SANSKI MOST VAREŠCAZIN OLOVO PROZOR-RAMA RUDOKLJUČ JAJCEZAVIDOVIĆI ILIJAŠDERVENTA POSUŠJEKAKANJLAKTAŠI MILIĆI RAVNOVIŠEGRADNOVI GRAD ZVORNIK SREBRENICAČELINAC ŽEPČE MRKONJIĆ GRAD ZENICA NEUMKOTOR VAROŠ TRNOVOBROD LUKAVAC KLADANJ BOSANSKO GRAHOVO LJUBINJELOPARE BUGOJNOBOSANSKI PETROVACMODRIČA FOJNICA STOLACKNEŽEVO ŽIVINICE HADŽIĆIBOSANSKA KRUPA ČAJNIČE LJUBUŠKIVISOKO GRUDEMAGLAJ JABLANICA FOČAKOZARSKA DUBICA BRATUNAC ČAPLJINAVITEZ GORAŽDEŠEKOVIĆI DONJI VAKUF ČITLUKHAN PIJESAK BERKOVIĆITUZLAŠAMACODŽAK ČELIĆSREBRENIK KALESIJATEŠANJVELIKA KLADUŠA BUŽIM VLASENICAGRADAČAC GRAČANICA UGLJEVIK SAPNA PALEGORNJI VAKUF-USKOPLJE KREŠEVOORAŠJE BUSOVAČAPETROVAC ILIDŽA ŠIROKI BRIJEGBANOVIĆI NOVI TRAVNIK KISELJAKOŠTRA LUKA PETROVO BREZAOSMACIPELAGIĆEVO JEZERO NOVO GORAŽDETRNOVO1KOSTAJNICA KRUPA NA UNI USORA DOBRETIĆIVUKOSAVLJE KUPRES TRNOVOISTOČNI DRVARTEOČAKDONJI ŽABAR 9DOBOJ-ISTOK 3 4 8DOMALJEVAC-ŠAMAC 2 7 9DOBOJ-JUG 96 56Srbija / Serbia Hrvatska / Croatia Crna Gora / MontenegroNazivi općina označenih brojevima Names of municipalities marked with numbers 1 Vogošća 2 Centar Sarajevo 3 Stari Grad Sarajevo 4 Novi Grad Sarajevo 5 Novo Sarajevo 6 Istočni Stari Grad 7 Istočno Novo Sarajevo 8 Istočna Ilidža 9 Istočni Mostar 20 0 20 40 60 80 100 10 Kmindex, by municipalities, 2013. Ageing Index, by municipalities, 2013. Index of age / ageing index Bosnia and Herzegovina / Bosnia and Herzegovina: 92% below 40% 40% - 99% 100% - 149% 150% - 199% 200% - 299% 300% and more The age index represents the ratio of the old (60 years of age and over) and young (0-19 years) of the population. The ageing index of population is taken to be the ratio of old (Aged 60 and over) to Young population (Aged 0-19). Fočalivnivo konjicglamočteslićdoćbanja Luka Gackopale TrebinjeBilećajedor City Mostar Nevesinjedrvarbihić Bijeljevrčko Kalinovacravnik Tomislavrčko bridge Varešcazin Olovo Prozor-Rama Rudok Jajcezavidovići Ilijašderventa Posusjekakanjlaktaši Milići Ravpodiogradnovi Grad Zvornik Srebrenicačelinac Žepče Mrkonjić City Zenica Neumkotor Varoš TrnovoBrod Lukavac Kladanj Bosansko Grahovo Ljubinjelopare Bugojnobosanski PetrovacModriča Fojnica Stolackneževo Živinice HadžićiBosanska Krupa Čajnice Ljubuškinovisoko Grudemaglaj Jablanica FočaKozarska Dubica Bratunac Čapljenjevitez Gorazdešek Pijesak Berkjecrebrenik Kalesišakjvelika Kladušanica Uglasjik Sapna Palegenji Vakuf-Uskoplje Kreševorašje BusovačaPetrovac Ilidža Široki Brijegbanovići New Travnik Kiseljakostra Luka Petrovo Brezaosmacipelagićevo Lake Novo Goraždetrnovo1Kostajnica Krupa na UNI Usora Dobretićivukosavlje Kupres Trnovoisto DrvateOkakDonji Žabar 9Doboj- East 3 4 8Domaljevac-Šamac 2 7 9Doboj-Jug 96 56srbija Montenegro / MontenegronArd Municipality Names of Names of Municipalities Marked with Numbers 1 Vogošća 2 Centar Sarajevo 4 Novi Grad Sarajevo 5 Novo Sarajevo 6 Eastern old City 7 Eastern New Sarajevo 8 Eastern Ilidža 9 Eastern Mostar 20 0 20 40 60 80 100 10 km away, in the municipalities, 2013. Age Age, 2013. Average age of the population / Age Age Bosnia and Herzegovina / Bosnia and Herzegovina: 39.5 Luzpself from 35 years 35 - 39 40 - 44 45 - 49 50 and older / 50 and over

Fočalivnivo konjicglamočteslićdoćbanja Luka Gackopale TrebinjeBilećajedor City Mostar Nevesinjedrvarbihić Bijeljevrčko Kalinovacravnik Tomislavrčko bridge Varešcazin Olovo Prozor-Rama Rudok Jajcezavidovići Ilijašderventa Posusjekakanjlaktaši Milići Ravpodiogradnovi Grad Zvornik Srebrenicačelinac Žepče Mrkonjić City Zenica Neumkotor Varoš TrnovoBrod Lukavac Kladanj Bosansko Grahovo Ljubinjelopare Bugojnobosanski PetrovacModriča Fojnica Stolackneževo Živinice HadžićiBosanska Krupa Čajnice Ljubuškinovisoko Grudemaglaj Jablanica FočaKozarska Dubica Bratunac Čapljenjevitez Gorazdešek Pijesak Berkjecrebrenik Kalesišakjvelika Kladušanica Uglasjik Sapna Palegenji Vakuf-Uskoplje Kreševorašje BusovačaPetrovac Ilidža Široki Brijegbanovići New Travnik Kiseljakostra Luka Petrovo Brezaosmacipelagićevo Lake Novo Goraždetrnovo1Kostajnica Krupa na UNI Usora Dobretićivukosavlje Kupres Trnovoisto DrvateOkakDonji Žabar 9Doboj- East 3 4 8Domaljevac-Šamac 2 7 9Doboj-Jug 96 56srbija Montenegro / MontenegronArd Municipality Names of Names of Municipalities Marked with Numbers 1 Vogošća 2 Centar Sarajevo 4 Novi Grad Sarajevo 5 Novo Sarajevo 6 Eastern old City 7 East New Sarajevo 8 Eastern Ilidža 9 Eastern Mostar 20 0 20 40 60 80 100 10 kmindex, 2013. Ageing Index, by municipalities, 2013. Index of age / ageing index Bosnia and Herzegovina / Bosnia and Herzegovina: 92% Below / under 40% 40% - 99% 100% - 149% 150% - 199% 200% - 299% 300% and more Age index is a ratio of old (60 years old and more) and young (0-19 years ) population. The ageing index of population is taken to be the ratio of old (Aged 60 and over) to Young population (Aged 0-19). Fočalivnivo konjicglamočteslićdoćbanja Luka Gackopale TrebinjeBilećajedor City Mostar Nevesinjedrvarbihić Bijeljevrčko Kalinovacravnik Tomislavrčko bridge Varešcazin Olovo Prozor-Rama Rudok Jajcezavidovići Ilijašderventa Posusjekakanjlaktaši Milići Ravpodiogradnovi Grad Zvornik Srebrenicačelinac Žepče Mrkonjić City Zenica Neumkotor Varoš TrnovoBrod Lukavac Kladanj Bosansko Grahovo Ljubinjelopare Bugojnobosanski PetrovacModriča Fojnica Stolackneževo Živinice HadžićiBosanska Krupa Čajnice Ljubuškinovisoko Grudemaglaj Jablanica Fočakozarska Dubica Bratunac Capljenjevitez Gorazdešek Pijesak Berkjecrebrenik KalesijateljanjGelika Kladuša Vlasenjkadan Sapna Palegenji Vakuf-Uskoplje Kreševoorašje BusovacApetrovac Ilidža Široki Brijegbanovići Novi Travnik Kiseljakoštra Luka Petrovo Lake New Goraždetrnovo1kostajnica krupa novo Usora Dobreticivukovačava Kupres Žabar 9Doboj-Šamac 3 4 8Doboj-Jug 96 56srbija / Serbia Croatia / Croatia Montenegro / MO Ntenegronasiva municipality marked Names Names of municipalities Marked with numbers 1 Vogošća 2 Centar Sarajevo 3 Novi Grad Sarajevo 5 Novo Sarajevo 6 Eastern Ostocno Novi Sarajevo 8 Eastern Ilidža 9 Eastern Mostar 20 0 20 40 60 80 100 10 KM-Age Population, by Municipalities, 2013. Average age, by municipalities, 2013. Average age of the population / Age Age Bosnia and Herzegovina / Bosnia and Herzegovina: 39,5 less than 35 years / Below 35 Years 35 - 39 40 - 44 45 - 49 50 and older / 50 and over

28 Demography Demographyteritia Gender Town Town POLSTAROST 0-4 5-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70 -74 75-79 80-84 85 + Average age Area Sex Total Age Area Sex Age Bihuk. 3,531.159 174.064 176,980 192.675 242,742 228.056 252.318 252.633 249.266 241.138 BiHUK. 260.928 276,575 258.537 223,251 153,569 140.455 117.267 39.51 m 1.732.270 89.442 124.981 98.873 129.248 128.593 126.145 121.595 m 130.087 136.153 125.576 104.970 69.066 59.854 47.403 23.769 9 .052 38.24 ž 1,798,889 84,622 86.099 94,022 117.842 111,173 123.070 124.040 123.121 119,543 § 130.841 140.422 132.961 118.281 84.503 80.601 69.864 38,867 19.017 40.73 F Bihuk. 2.219.220 114,843 116.052 126.053 161.881 150.902 164.203 160,988 157,715 154.830 F BIHUK. 167.109 173,996 156.089 128.613 88.391 81.023 65.613 35,227 15.692 38,47 m 1.087.993 59.017 59,633 77,193 84.119 81.932 M 82.594 85.303 75.598 59.899 39,438 34,445 26.695 13.493 4.902 37.2 3 Ž 1.131.227 55.826 56.419 61.560 78.583 73.799 80.084 79.056 78.776 77,708 ж 84,515 88.693 80,521 68,714 48,953 46,578 38,918 21,734 10,790 39.65 RSUK. 1.228.423 55.056 56.616 62.018 75.538 72.218 82.386 85.654 85.445 80.163 RSUK. 87.246 96,006 96.673 89.490 61.270 56.073 48,791 26.009 11,747 28,247 29.013 31,749 38,843 37.252 42.221 43.747 44,057 47,525 47.146 42.672 27,882 23,950 19,565 9.763 3,927 40,03 Ž 625.396 26.809 27 .603 30.269 36.655 34.966 40.165 41.907 41.364 38,816 ž 43.189 48.481 49.527 46.818 33.388 32.123 29.226 16,246 7,844 42,67 BD BIHUK. 83.516 4,165 4,312 4,604 5,323 4,936 5,729 5,991 6,106 6,145 BD BIHUK. 6,573 6,573 5,775 5,148 1,400 606 39.67 m 41,250 2,719 2,528 2,908 2,914 3,125 2,862 2,399 1,746 1,452 Ž 42.266 1.987 2.077 2.193 2.604 2.408 2.821 3,077 2,981 3.019 Ž 3.137 3. 248 2,913 2,749 2,162 1,900 1,720 887 383 40,852.1. Population according to age by five years and gender, level BiH, F BiH, RS and BD Population by Five-Year Age Groups and Sex, Level BiH, F BiH, RS and BD Canton Gender Total Canton General Generation 0-4 5-9 10- 14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 75-79 80-84 85 + Average age Canton Sex Total Age Canton Sex Total Age Ukkuk. 273,261 14,805 15,777 17,450 21,328 19,541 20,912 20,676 21,564 20,687 USKUK. 20,687 20,781 20,224 16,989 6,527 3,067 1,219 36,529 8,062 8,902 10.007 10,067 10.236 m 10.236 10.261 9.978 8.241 6,329 4,351 3,767 2,604 1,135 387 35.49 Ž 137,957 7,176 7,715 8,548 10.321 9.511 10.061 10.000 10.697 10.451 Ž 10.451 10.440 10.246 8,748 7.015 5.275 5.057 3,923 1,941 832 37.59 PKUK. 43.453 1,582 1,987 2.466 3,016 2,841 2,823 2,680 3,058 3,579 PKUK. 3,579 4,072 3,535 2,797 2,498 2.138 1,934 1,486 1,502 1,024 1,383 1,369 1,544 1,868 1,489 1,178,968 832 535 250 58 39.02 Ž 21.648 780 963 1,143 1.456 1.332 1.350 1.311 1,514 1,702 Ž 1,702 1,877 1,667 1,354 1,320 1,173 1,102 951 466 187 41.66 Tkuk. 445.028 23.047 22.730 24.027 32,263 31,620 33,046 31,480 31.195 31,469 Tkuk. 31,469 34,576 37,032 31,967 26,735 18,379 15,236 38,38 m 217,388 11.848 11,715 12,290 16,577 15,950 15,374 15,535 m 15,535 16,715 17,905 15,310 12,416 8,194 6,519 4,763 2,345 797 37,18 Ž 227.640 11.199 11 .015 11.737 15.707 15.411 16,099 15,530 15,821 15,934 Ž 15.934 17.861 19,127 16,657 14,319 10,185 8,718 6,975 3,726 1,619 39.52 Zdkuk. 364,433 19.906 19.610 20.927 27.674 25,340 27.092 26.050 25.766 25,290 Zdkuk. 25,290 27,980 29,498 26,069 21,251 14.217 12.208 9.237 m 180,780 10,265 10,010 10,681 13,592 13.134 12.872 6,453 12,699 10,075 6,460 5,267 3,869 1,851 605 36.76 9,651,653 9,641 9,600 10,259 13.322. 12.468 13.111 12.458 12.632 12.635 Ž 12.635 14.108 14,945 13,370 11,176 7,757 6,941 5,368 2,742 1,120 38.70 BPKUK. 23,734 1,098 958 1,230 1,738 1.437 1,602 1,623 1,455 1,403 bpkuk. 1,403 1,706 1,914 2.028 1,677 1,071 1,042 1,021 511 220 41,23 m 11:617 581 520 635 843 738 700 m 700 838 443 429 225 74 39.62 Ž 12.117 517 438 595 841 688 763 780 717 703 Ž 703 868 975 1,059 925 625 599 592 286 146 42,782.2. Population according to age at five years and sex, canton level F BiH population by Five-Year Age Groups and Sex, Canton Level in FBiH

29 Territory Gender Town Territory POLSTAROST 0-4 5-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70- 74 75-79 80-84 85 + Average age Area Sex Total Age Area Sex Age Bihuk. 3,531.159 174.064 176,980 192.675 242,742 228.056 252.318 252.633 249.266 241.138 BiHUK. 260.928 276,575 258.537 223,251 153,569 140.455 117.267 39.51 m 1.732.270 89.442 124.981 98.873 129.248 128.593 126.145 121.595 m 130.087 136.153 125.576 104.970 69.066 59.854 47.403 23.769 9 .052 38.24 ž 1,798,889 84,622 86.099 94,022 117.842 111,173 123.070 124.040 123.121 119,543 § 130.841 140.422 132.961 118.281 84.503 80.601 69.864 38,867 19.017 40.73 F Bihuk. 2.219.220 114,843 116.052 126.053 161.881 150.902 164.203 160,988 157,715 154.830 F BIHUK. 167.109 173,996 156.089 128.613 88.391 81.023 65.613 35,227 15.692 38,47 m 1.087.993 59.017 59,633 77,193 84.119 81.932 M 82.594 85.303 75.598 59.899 39,438 34,445 26.695 13.493 4.902 37.2 3 Ž 1.131.227 55.826 56.419 61.560 78.583 73.799 80.084 79.056 78.776 77,708 ж 84,515 88.693 80,521 68,714 48,953 46,578 38,918 21,734 10,790 39.65 RSUK. 1.228.423 55.056 56.616 62.018 75.538 72.218 82.386 85.654 85.445 80.163 RSUK. 87.246 96,006 96.673 89.490 61.270 56.073 48,791 26.009 11,747 28,247 29.013 31,749 38,843 37.252 42.221 43.747 44,057 47,525 47.146 42.672 27,882 23,950 19,565 9.763 3,927 40,03 Ž 625.396 26.809 27 .603 30.269 36.655 34.966 40.165 41.907 41.364 38,816 ž 43.189 48.481 49.527 46.818 33.388 32.123 29.226 16,246 7,844 42,67 BD BIHUK. 83.516 4,165 4,312 4,604 5,323 4,936 5,729 5,991 6,106 6,145 BD BIHUK. 6,573 6,573 5,775 5,148 1,400 606 39.67 m 41,250 2,719 2,528 2,908 2,914 3,125 2,862 2,399 1,746 1,452 Ž 42.266 1.987 2.077 2.193 2.604 2.408 2.821 3,077 2,981 3.019 Ž 3.137 3. 248 2,913 2,749 2,162 1,900 1,720 887 383 40.85 Canton Gender Canton Gender COUNteration 0-4 5-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55 -59 60-64 65-69 70-74 75-79 80-84 85 + Average age Canton Sex Total Age Canton Sex Total Age Ukkuk. 273,261 14,805 15,777 17,450 21,328 19,541 20,912 20,676 21,564 20,687 USKUK. 20,687 20,781 20,224 16,989 6,527 3,067 1,219 36,529 8,062 8,902 10.007 10,067 10.236 m 10.236 10.261 9.978 8.241 6,329 4,351 3,767 2,604 1,135 387 35.49 Ž 137,957 7,176 7,715 8,548 10.321 9.511 10.061 10.000 10.697 10.451 Ž 10.451 10.440 10.246 8,748 7.015 5.275 5.057 3,923 1,941 832 37.59 PKUK. 43.453 1,582 1,987 2.466 3,016 2,841 2,823 2,680 3,058 3,579 PKUK. 3,579 4,072 3,535 2,797 2,498 2.138 1,934 1,486 1,502 1,024 1,383 1,369 1,544 1,868 1,489 1,178,968 832 535 250 58 39.02 Ž 21.648 780 963 1,143 1.456 1.332 1.350 1.311 1,514 1,702 Ž 1,702 1,877 1,667 1,354 1,320 1,173 1,102 951 466 187 41.66 Tkuk. 445.028 23.047 22.730 24.027 32,263 31,620 33,046 31,480 31.195 31,469 Tkuk. 31,469 34,576 37,032 31,967 26,735 18,379 15,236 38,38 m 217,388 11.848 11,715 12,290 16,577 15,950 15,374 15,535 m 15,535 16,715 17,905 15,310 12,416 8,194 6,519 4,763 2,345 797 37,18 Ž 227.640 11.199 11 .015 11.737 15.707 15.411 16,099 15,530 15,821 15,934 Ž 15.934 17.861 19,127 16,657 14,319 10,185 8,718 6,975 3,726 1,619 39.52 Zdkuk. 364,433 19.906 19.610 20.927 27.674 25,340 27.092 26.050 25.766 25,290 Zdkuk. 25,290 27,980 29,498 26,069 21,251 14.217 12.208 9.237 m 180,780 10,265 10,010 10,681 13,592 13.134 12.872 6,453 12,699 10,075 6,460 5,267 3,869 1,851 605 36.76 9,651,653 9,641 9,600 10,259 13.322. 12.468 13.111 12.458 12.632 12.635 Ž 12.635 14.108 14,945 13,370 11,176 7,757 6,941 5,368 2,742 1,120 38.70 BPKUK. 23,734 1,098 958 1,230 1,738 1,437 1,602 1,623 1,455 1,403 bpkuk. 1,403 1,706 1,914 2.028 1,677 1,071 1,042 1,021 511 220 41,23 m 11:617 581 520 635 843 738 700 m 700 838 443 429 225 74 39.62 Ž 12.117 517 438 595 841 688 763 780 717 703 Ž 703 868 975 1,059 925 625 599 592 286 146 42.78

30 DEMOGRAPHY DEMOGRAPHYKANTON GENEAL COUNTY CANTON GENERAL COUNTRY 0-4 5-9 10-14 15-19 20-39 40-42 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74 75-79 80-84 85 + Average age Canton Sex Total Age Canton Sex Total Age Sbkuk. 254.686 12,979 14,291 15,930 19,819 17,764 19,067 18,487 18,371 18.285 Sbkuk. 18.285 19.430 19.854 17.535 13.788 9.151 8.847 6.561 3.264 1.263 37.42 M 127.266 6.724 7.358 8.167 10.172 9.168 10.118 9.717 9.480 9.424 M 9.424 9.761 9.778 8.565 6.485 4.104 3.712 763 9.647 8.596 8.949 8.770 8.891 8.861 Ps 8.861 9.669 10.076 8.970 7.303 5.047 5.135 3.752 1.964 839 38.48 HNKUK. 222.007 10.717 10.866 12.576 16.497 14.626 15.752 15.188 14.551 14.619 HNKUK. 14.619 16.426 17.397 15.819 12.748 8.805 9.454 8.323 5.051 2.592 39.80 M 109.018 5.448 5.571 6.370 8.565 7.456 8.141 7.856 7.391 7.436 M 7.436 8.303 8.611 27 723 38.40 Ps 112.989 5.269 5.295 6.206 7.932 7.170 7.611 7.332 7.160 7.183 Ž 7.183 8.123 8.786 7.912 6.765 4.917 5.449 4.886 3.124 1.869 41.15 ZHKUK. 94.898 5.017 5.519 6.316 7.379 6.886 6.575 5.795 6.013 6.517 ZHKUK. 6.517 7.179 6.999 5.838 4.357 3.394 3.928 3.466 2.275 1.445 38.51 M 47.311 2.595 2.863 3.176 3.779 3.491 3.340 2.920 2.989 3.316 M 3.316 3.775 3.761 3.123 7.35 Ž 47.587 2.422 2.656 3.140 3.600 3.395 3.235 2.875 3.024 3.201 Ž 3.201 3.404 3.238 2.715 2.160 1.713 2.167 2.110 1.421 1.111 39.66 KSUK. 413.593 22.280 20.434 20.546 26.388 25.484 31.933 33.628 30.097 26.828 Ksuk. 26.828 28.776 31.191 31.115 27.127 17.662 15.468 13.717 7.483 3.436 39.45 M 195.161 11.376 10.480 10.607 13.496 12.845 15.536 16.189 14.472 12.745 m 12.745 13.595 885 7.451 6.327 5.450 2.806 1.196 37.86 Ps 218.432 10.904 9.954 9.939 12.892 12.639 16.397 17.439 15.625 14.083 14.083 15.181 16.706 16.895 15.242 10.211 9.141 8.267 4.677 2.240 40.86 K 10UK. 84.127 3.412 3.880 4.585 5.779 5.363 5.401 5.381 5.645 6.153 K 10UK. 6.153 6.263 6.352 5.932 5.088 3.948 4.081 3.537 2.196 1.131 41.34 M 42.343 1.749 2.030 2.355 2.914 2.774 2.893 2.820 2.950 3.198 M 3.198 3.279 3.425 3.091 2.599 1.898 1.812 1.443 3 Ž 41.784 1.663 1.850 2.230 2.865 2.589 2.508 2.561 2.695 2.955 Ž 2.955 2.984 2.927 2.841 2.489 2.050 2.269 2.094 1.387 827 42.57 Canton Pol Pol. -54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74 75-79 80-84 85+pitch Canton Sex Total Age Canton Sex Total Age Banovićiuk. 22.773 1.206 1.212 1.221 1.687 1.721 1.806 1.703 1.657 1.743 Banovićiuk. 22.773 1.871 1.998 1.726 1.232 782 521 418 215 54 36.92 M 11.392 614 623 653 850 892 991 896 834 881 M 11.392 932 1.002 826 571 364 209 157 78 19 35.86 815 807 823 862 Ž 11.381 939 996 900 661 418 312 261 137 35 37,98 BANJA LUKAUK. 185.042 9.610 8.736 8.883 10.550 10.533 13.183 15.347 14.826 12.468 Banja Lukauk. 185.042 12.033 13.685 14.345 13.100 9.075 7.415 6.357 3.337 1.559 40.33 M 89.148 4.898 4.460 4.541 5.360 5.213 6.474 7.428 7.417 6.322 M 89.148 9 1.287 558 39.19 Ps 95.894 4.712 4.276 4.342 5.190 5.320 6.709 7.919 7.409 6.146 Ž 95.894 6.125 7.185 7.640 7.076 4.848 4.238 3.708 2.050 1.001 41.40 Berkovićiuk. 2.114 93 130 147 104 95 102 105 134 150 Berkovićiuk. 2.114 143 120 123 148 124 142 130 78 46 43.67 M 1.059 45 73 75 52 44 55 47 67 97 M 1.059 79 73 56 78 53 54 57 36 18 42.33 1.055 64 47 67 70 71 88 73 42 28 45.03 BIHAćuk. 56.261 2.652 2.806 3.393 4.434 3.937 4.061 3.814 4.080 4.198 Bihaćuk. 56.261 4.543 4.429 3.766 3.027 2.228 2.168 1.673 752 300 38.27 M 27.041 1.361 1.416 1.663 2.303 1.992 2.071 1.877 1.991 1.946 M 27.041 2.182 2.151 1.800 1.404 996 913 644 257 74 36.9 7 Ps 29.220 1.291 1.390 1.730 2.131 1.945 1.990 1.937 2.089 2.252 Ž 29.220 2.361 2.278 1.966 1.623 1.232 1.255 1.029 495 226 39.47 Bijeljinauk. 107.715 5.080 5.136 5.678 6.427 6.177 7.304 7.573 7.494 7.064 Bijeljinauk. 107.715 7.793 8.383 8.270 8.084 5.323 4.756 4.256 2.113 804 41.01 M 52.827 2.637 2.659 2.876 3.361 3.160 3.608 3.855 3.766 3.526 M 52.827 3.867 4.193 4.039 3.873 2.475 6 39.85 P 54.888 2.443 2.477 2.802 3.066 3.017 3.696 3.718 3.728 3.538 Ž 54.888 3.926 4.190 4.231 4.211 2.848 2.696 2.453 1.310 538 42.13 Bilećauk. 10.807 487 483 622 782 663 701 629 647 680 Bilećauk. 10.807 766 825 782 698 550 524 453 304 211 41.74 M 5.454 255 263 298 438 336 398 344 363 358 M 5.454 399 439 387 322 236 228 184 125 81 40.06 5.353 367 386 395 376 314 296 269 179 130 43.452.3. Stanništvo prema worries after petogodiště and together, Nivo općine at Bih population by Five-Year Age Groups and Sex, Municipalities Level in Bih

31 Kanton Pol Grounding Kanton Pol Polostarost 0-4 5-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70 -74 75-79 80-84 85+pleasure Canton Sex Total Age Canton Sex Total Age SBKUK. 254.686 12.979 14.291 15.930 19.819 17.764 19.067 18.487 18.371 18.285 SBKUK. 18.285 19.430 19.854 17.535 13.788 9.151 8.847 6.561 3.264 1.263 37.42 M 127.266 6.724 7.358 8.167 10.172 9.168 10.118 9.717 9.480 9.424 M 9.424 00 424 36.35 Ps 127.420 6.255 6.933 7.763 9.647 8.596 8.949 8.770 8.891 8.861 8.861 9.669 10.076 8.970 7.303 5.047 5.135 3.752 1.964 839 38,48 HNKUK. 222.007 10.717 10.866 12.576 16.497 14.626 15.752 15.188 14.551 14.619 HNKUK. 14.619 16.426 17.397 15.819 12.748 8.805 9.454 8.323 5.051 2.592 39.80 m 109.018 5.448 5.571 6.370 8.565 7.456 8.141 7.856 7.391 7.436 M 7.436 M 7.436 8.303 8.611 7.907 3.907 3.907 3.907. 927 723 38,40 Ps 112.989 5.269 5.295 6.206 7.932 7.170 7.611 7.332 7.160 7.183 Ž 7.183 8.123 8.786 7.912 6.765 4.917 5.449 4.886 3.124 1.869 41.15 Zhkuk. 94.898 5.017 5.519 6.316 7.379 6.886 6.575 5.795 6.013 6.517 ZHKUK. 6.517 7.179 6.999 5.838 4.357 3.394 3.928 3.466 2.275 1.445 38,51 M 47.311 2.595 2.863 3.176 3.779 3.491 3.340 2.989 3.316 m 3.316 m 3.316 3. 3,775 3.761 3.761 3.197 2.197 1.681 7.35 Ps 47.587 2.422 2.656 3.140 3.600 3.395 3.235 2.875 3.024 3.201 Ž 3.201 3.404 3.238 2.715 2.160 1.713 2.167 2.110 1.421 1.111 39,66 KSUK. 413.593 22.280 20.434 20.546 26.388 25.484 31.933 33.628 30.097 26.828 KSUK. 26.828 28.776 31.191 31.115 27.127 17.662 15.468 13.717 7.483 3.436 39,45 m 195.161 11.376 10.480 10.607 13.496 12.845 15.536 16.189 14.189 11.885 7.451 6.327 5.450 2.806 1.196 37,86 Ps 218.432 10.954 9.954 9.939 12.892 12.639 16.397 17.439 15.625 14.083 Ž 14.083 15.181 16.706 16.895 15.242 10.211 9.141 8.267 4.677 2.240 40,86 K 10uk. 84.127 3.412 3.880 4.585 5.779 5.363 5.401 5.381 5.645 6.153 K 10uk. 6.153 6.263 6.352 5.932 5.088 3.948 3.081 3.537 2.196 1.131 41,34 m 42.343 1.749 2.030 2.355 2.914 2.774 2.893 2.893 2.98. 3.198 m 3.198 m 3.279 3.279 3.425 3.425 3.09. 3 PL 41.784 1.663 1.850 2.230 2.865 2.589 2.508 2.561 2.695 2.955 Ž 2.955 2.984 2.927 2.841 2.489 2.050 2.269 2.094 1.387 827 42.57 Canton Pol Sales Canton Pol Stmes 0-4 5-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50 50 50 50 50 50 -54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74 75-79 80-84 85+Great May Canton Sex Total Age Total Age Banovićiuk. 22.773 1.206 1.212 1.221 1.687 1.721 1.806 1.703 1.657 1.743 Banovićiuk. 22.773 1.871 1.998 1.726 1.232 782 521 418 215 54 36,92 m 11.392 614 623 653 850 850 891 896 834 881 M 11.392 932 1.002 826 571 364 209 157 78 19 35,81 9 815 807 823 862 Ž 11.381 939 996 900 661 418 312 261 137 35 37,98 Banja Lukauk. 185.042 9.610 8.736 8.883 10.550 10.533 13.183 15.347 14.826 12.468 Banja Lukauk. 185.042 12.033 13.685 14.345 13.100 9.075 7.415 6.357 3.337 1.559 40,33 m 89.148 4.898 4.460 4.541 5.360 5.213 6.474 7.428 7.417 6.322 49 1.287 558 39,19 H 95.894 4.712 4.276 4.342 5.190 5.320 6.709 7.919 7.409 6.146 Ž 95.894 6.125 7.185 7.640 7.076 4.848 4.238 3.708 2.050 1.001 41,40 Berkovićiuk. 2.114 93 130 147 104 95 102 105 134 150 Berkovićiuk. 2.114 143 120 123 148 124 142 130 78 46 43,67 m 1.059 45 73 73 75 52 44 55 47 67 97 M 1.059 79 73 56 53 54 57 36 18 42.33 Ž 1.055 48 57 72 51 47 58 67 53 Ž Ž Ž Ž 1.055 64 47 67 70 71 88 73 42 28 45,03 Bihaćuk. 56.261 2.652 2.806 3.393 4.434 3.937 4.061 3.814 4.080 4.198 Bihaćuk. 56.261 4.543 4.429 3.766 3.027 2.228 2.168 1.673 752 300 38,27 m 27.041 1.361 1.416 1.663 2.303 1.992 2.071 1.877 1.991 1.946 7 Ž 29.220 1.291 1.390 1.730 2.131 1.945 1.990 1.937 2.089 2.252 Ž 29.220 2.361 2.278 1.966 1.623 1.232 1.255 1.029 495 226 39,47 Bijeljinauuk. 107.715 5.080 5.136 5.678 6.427 6.177 7.304 7.573 7.494 7.064 Bijeljinauuc. 107.715 7.793 8.383 8.270 8.084 5.323 4.756 4.256 2.113 804 41,01 M 52.827 2.637 2.659 2.876 3.361 3.160 3.608 3.855 3.766 3.526 66 39,85 Ps 54.888 2.443 2.477 2.802 3.066 3.017 3.696 3.718 3.728 3.538 Ž 54.888 3.926 4.190 4.231 4.211 2.848 2.696 2.453 1.310 538 42,13 Bilećauuk. 10.807 487 483 622 782 663 701 629 647 680 Bilećauk. 10.807 766 825 782 698 550 524 453 304 211 41,74 M 5.454 255 263 298 438 336 398 344 363 358 M 5.454 399 439 387 322 236 228 184 125 81 40,06 Ž 5.353 232 220 324 344 327 303 285 284 322 Ž 5.353 367 386 395 376 314 296 269 179 130 43,45

32 Demografija Demographykanton Pol Stockpostarost Canton Pol Stockpostrost 0-4 5-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74 75-79 80-84 85+Prosecutor's mayor Canton Sex Total Age Canton Sex Total Age Bosanska Krupauk. 25.545 1.423 1.495 1.612 2.034 1.750 1.879 1.763 1.924 1,793Bosanska krupaauk. 25.545 1.833 1.962 1.714 1.327 991 881 695 330 139 37,17 m 12.548 735 748 846 1,051 903 960 960 930 873 M 12.548 899 956 816 646 439 382 275 45 45 36,997. 47 919 854 994 920 Ž 12.997 934 1.006 898 681 552 499 420 195 94 38,26 Bosanski Petovacuk. 7.328 249 324 388 440 336 378 414 418 457 Bosanski Petovacuk. 7.328 501 589 623 495 414 454 489 233 126 44.87 m 3.678 126 158 208 208 244 162 205 230 211 211 211 211 278 274 328 325 257 182 180 201 99 56 43,47 H 3.650 227 261 298 238 232 274 288 134 70 46,28 Bosansko Grahová. 2.449 69 49 67 63 81 113 121 96 147 Bosansko Grahovák. 2.449 166 199 232 231 186 217 214 139 59 52.11 M 1.287 39 29 25 29 38 72 70 60 94 M 1.287 99 124 143 121 82 97 93 55 17 50.23 1.162 67 75 89 110 104 120 121 84 42 54.18 BRATUNACUK. 20.340 948 1.096 1.071 1.315 1.354 1.656 1.682 1.511 1.418 BRATUNACUK. 20.340 1.407 1.660 1.575 1.312 807 647 534 251 96 38.45 M 10.091 509 559 556 691 718 852 919 827 712 M 10.091 721 796 775 573 345 248 172 80 38 36.73 3 684 706 Ž 10.249 686 864 800 739 462 399 362 171 58 40.15 straws. 83.516 4.165 4.312 4.604 5.323 4.936 5.729 5.991 6.106 6.145 Brčkouk. 83.516 6.573 6.573 5.775 5.148 3.908 3.359 2.863 1.400 606 39.67 M 41.250 2.178 2.235 2.411 2.719 2.528 2.908 2.914 3.125 3.126 M 41.250 3.436 3.325 45 Ps 42.266 1.987 2.077 2.193 2.604 2.408 2.821 3.077 2.981 3.019 Ž 42.266 3.137 3.248 2.913 2.749 2.162 1.900 1.720 887 383 40.85 Brezauk. 14.168 698 661 700 889 964 1.036 1.063 864 924 Brezauk. 14.168 1.161 1.277 1.174 924 619 556 396 185 77 39.70 M 6.952 348 343 348 451 488 531 540 471 426 M 6.952 572 621 591 431 271 245 168 82 3 393 498 Ž 7.216 589 656 583 493 348 311 228 103 52 40.56 Broc. 16.619 771 731 860 1.014 925 1.124 1.174 1.166 1.133 brought. 16.619 1.259 1.330 1.234 1.151 872 796 591 338 150 41.24 M 8.143 402 392 450 532 470 567 597 597 582 M 8.143 646 635 596 593 388 330 213 115 38 39,59 7 569 551 Ž 8.476 613 695 638 558 484 466 378 223 112 42.82 BUGOJNÁK. 31.470 1.484 1.681 1.874 2.480 2.252 2.365 2.247 2.325 2.301 BUGOJNÁK. 31.470 2.412 2.387 2.138 1.661 1.165 1.210 843 463 182 37.92 M 15.635 786 893 946 1.292 1.180 1.238 1.181 1.147 1.179 M 15.635 1.196 1.159 1.030 756 517 534 348 193 60 36.66 8 788 928 1.188 1.072 1.127 1.066 1.178 1.122 Ž 15.835 1.216 1.228 1.108 905 648 676 495 270 122 39.16 BUSIKAUK. 17.910 961 1.079 1.137 1.408 1.251 1.467 1.328 1.285 1.224 BUSAVAKAUK. 17.910 1.403 1.463 1.223 883 543 516 433 221 85 36.52 M 9.134 494 573 604 709 629 790 699 682 643 M 9.134 737 724 615 437 257 217 201 91 32 35.79 581 Ž 8.776 666 739 608 446 286 299 232 130 53 37.28 BUZIMUK. 19.340 1.405 1.345 1.469 1.893 1.572 1.611 1.607 1.666 1.412 BUZIMUK. 19.340 1.265 1.145 917 645 498 430 284 134 42 32.26 M 9.885 732 675 764 988 806 878 909 850 736 M 9.885 642 555 463 297 224 178 124 51 13 31.48 6 Ž 9.455 623 590 454 348 274 252 160 83 29 33.07 Cazinuk. 66.149 3.940 4.192 4.356 4.948 5.049 5.415 5.425 5.606 5.482 Cazinuk. 66.149 5.175 4.738 3.514 2.694 2.024 1.763 1.116 520 192 34.85 M 33.072 2.050 2.147 2.241 2.507 2.588 2.802 2.765 2.839 2.738 M 33.072 2.632 2.396 1.717 1.285 3.077 1.890 2.045 2.115 2.441 2.461 2.613 2.660 2.767 2.744 Ž 33.077 2.543 2.342 1.797 1.409 1.115 982 678 335 140 35.67 Centar Sarajevouk. 55.181 2.588 2.432 2.392 3.158 2.985 3.995 4.122 3.730 3.429 Centar Sarajevouk. 55.181 3.675 4.111 4.539 4.097 2.905 2.572 2.282 1.399 770 42.20 M 25.369 1.308 1.271 1.222 1.568 1.485 1.905 1.946 1.775 1.552 M 25.369 1.718 4 Ž 29.812 1.280 1.161 1.170 1.590 1.500 2.090 2.176 1.955 1.877 Ž 29.812 1.957 2.269 2.506 2.325 1.695 1.527 1.363 887 484 43.69 Teariček. 4.895 185 212 234 317 307 330 280 264 304 tea. 4.895 383 409 380 378 270 255 229 110 48 42.68 M 2.474 85 99 130 176 173 177 162 142 178 M 2.474 211 203 204 182 116 99 87 39 11 40.85 2.421 172 206 176 196 154 156 142 71 37 44.54 ČAPLJINAUK. 26.157 1.233 1.359 1.627 1.991 1.753 1.734 1.628 1.613 1.709 Čapljinauk. 26.157 1.958 2.034 1.810 1.404 1.004 1.184 1.115 654 347 39.95 M 12.947 628 703 829 1.006 905 936 839 830 882 M 12.947 1.032 1.017 915 673 430 515 447 265 95 48 798 789 783 827 Ž 13.210 926 1.017 895 731 574 669 668 389 252 41.34

33 Kanton Pol Grounding Kanton Pol Polostarost 0-4 5-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70 -74 75-79 80-84 85+pleasure Canton Sex Total Age Canton Sex Total Age Bosanska Krupauk. 25.545 1.423 1.495 1.612 2.034 1.750 1.879 1.763 1.924 1.793bosanska Krupauk. 25.545 1.833 1.962 1.714 1.327 991 881 695 330 139 37.17 M 12.548 735 748 846 1.051 903 960 909 930 873 M 12.548 899 956 816 646 439 382 275 135 45 36.03 47 919 854 994 920 Ž 12.997 934 1.006 898 681 552 499 420 195 94 38,26 Bosanski Petrovacuk. 7.328 249 324 388 440 336 378 414 418 457 Bosanski Petrovacuk. 7.328 501 589 623 495 414 454 489 233 126 44.87 M 3.678 126 158 208 244 162 205 230 211 232 M 3.678 274 328 325 257 182 180 201 99 56 43.47 3.650 227 261 298 238 232 274 288 134 70 46.28 Bosansko Grahová. 2.449 69 49 67 63 81 113 121 96 147 Bosansko Grahová. 2.449 166 199 232 231 186 217 214 139 59 52.11 M 1.287 39 29 25 29 38 72 70 60 94 M 1.287 99 124 143 121 82 97 93 55 17 50.23 1.162 67 75 89 110 104 120 121 84 42 54.18 BRATUNACUK. 20.340 948 1.096 1.071 1.315 1.354 1.656 1.682 1.511 1.418 BRATUNACUK. 20.340 1.407 1.660 1.575 1.312 807 647 534 251 96 38.45 M 10.091 509 559 556 691 718 852 919 827 712 M 10.091 721 796 775 573 345 248 172 80 38 36.73 3 684 706 Ž 10.249 686 864 800 739 462 399 362 171 58 40.15 straws. 83.516 4.165 4.312 4.604 5.323 4.936 5.729 5.991 6.106 6.145 Brčkouk. 83.516 6.573 6.573 5.775 5.148 3.908 3.359 2.863 1.400 606 39.67 M 41.250 2.178 2.235 2.411 2.719 2.528 2.908 2.914 3.125 3.126 M 41.250 3.436 3.325 45 Ps 42.266 1.987 2.077 2.193 2.604 2.408 2.821 3.077 2.981 3.019 Ž 42.266 3.137 3.248 2.913 2.749 2.162 1.900 1.720 887 383 40.85 Brezauk. 14.168 698 661 700 889 964 1.036 1.063 864 924 Brezauk. 14.168 1.161 1.277 1.174 924 619 556 396 185 77 39.70 M 6.952 348 343 348 451 488 531 540 471 426 M 6.952 572 621 591 431 271 245 168 82 3 393 498 Ž 7.216 589 656 583 493 348 311 228 103 52 40.56 Broc. 16.619 771 731 860 1.014 925 1.124 1.174 1.166 1.133 brought. 16.619 1.259 1.330 1.234 1.151 872 796 591 338 150 41.24 M 8.143 402 392 450 532 470 567 597 597 582 M 8.143 646 635 596 593 388 330 213 115 38 39,59 7 569 551 Ž 8.476 613 695 638 558 484 466 378 223 112 42.82 BUGOJNÁK. 31.470 1.484 1.681 1.874 2.480 2.252 2.365 2.247 2.325 2.301 BUGOJNÁK. 31.470 2.412 2.387 2.138 1.661 1.165 1.210 843 463 182 37.92 M 15.635 786 893 946 1.292 1.180 1.238 1.181 1.147 1.179 M 15.635 1.196 1.159 1.030 756 517 534 348 193 60 36.66 8 788 928 1.188 1.072 1.127 1.066 1.178 1.122 Ž 15.835 1.216 1.228 1.108 905 648 676 495 270 122 39.16 BUSIKAUK. 17.910 961 1.079 1.137 1.408 1.251 1.467 1.328 1.285 1.224 BUSAVAKAUK. 17.910 1.403 1.463 1.223 883 543 516 433 221 85 36.52 M 9.134 494 573 604 709 629 790 699 682 643 M 9.134 737 724 615 437 257 217 201 91 32 35.79 581 Ž 8.776 666 739 608 446 286 299 232 130 53 37.28 BUZIMUK. 19.340 1.405 1.345 1.469 1.893 1.572 1.611 1.607 1.666 1.412 BUZIMUK. 19.340 1.265 1.145 917 645 498 430 284 134 42 32.26 M 9.885 732 675 764 988 806 878 909 850 736 M 9.885 642 555 463 297 224 178 124 51 13 31.48 6 Ž 9.455 623 590 454 348 274 252 160 83 29 33.07 Cazinuk. 66.149 3.940 4.192 4.356 4.948 5.049 5.415 5.425 5.606 5.482 Cazinuk. 66.149 5.175 4.738 3.514 2.694 2.024 1.763 1.116 520 192 34.85 M 33.072 2.050 2.147 2.241 2.507 2.588 2.802 2.765 2.839 2.738 M 33.072 2.632 2.396 1.717 1.285 3.077 1.890 2.045 2.115 2.441 2.461 2.613 2.660 2.767 2.744 Ž 33.077 2.543 2.342 1.797 1.409 1.115 982 678 335 140 35.67 Centar Sarajevouk. 55.181 2.588 2.432 2.392 3.158 2.985 3.995 4.122 3.730 3.429 Centar Sarajevouk. 55.181 3.675 4.111 4.539 4.097 2.905 2.572 2.282 1.399 770 42.20 M 25.369 1.308 1.271 1.222 1.568 1.485 1.905 1.946 1.775 1.552 M 25.369 1.718 4 Ž 29.812 1.280 1.161 1.170 1.590 1.500 2.090 2.176 1.955 1.877 Ž 29.812 1.957 2.269 2.506 2.325 1.695 1.527 1.363 887 484 43.69 Teariček. 4.895 185 212 234 317 307 330 280 264 304 tea. 4.895 383 409 380 378 270 255 229 110 48 42.68 M 2.474 85 99 130 176 173 177 162 142 178 M 2.474 211 203 204 182 116 99 87 39 11 40.85 2.421 172 206 176 196 154 156 142 71 37 44.54 ČAPLJINAUK. 26.157 1.233 1.359 1.627 1.991 1.753 1.734 1.628 1.613 1.709 Čapljinauk. 26.157 1.958 2.034 1.810 1.404 1.004 1.184 1.115 654 347 39.95 M 12.947 628 703 829 1.006 905 936 839 830 882 M 12.947 1.032 1.017 915 673 430 515 447 265 95 48 798 789 783 827 Ž 13.210 926 1.017 895 731 574 669 668 389 252 41.34

34 Demographic Demography 70-74 75-79 80-84 85+pleasure Canton Sex Total Age Canton Sex Total Age Čelićuk. 10.502 475 573 687 817 702 671 721 775 810 Čelićuk. 10.502 801 759 657 543 432 406 369 220 84 38.72 M 5.256 229 287 345 428 367 349 352 375 439 M 5.256 427 391 341 253 207 179 150 99 38.08 5.246 374 368 316 290 225 227 219 121 46 39,35 ČelinaCuk. 15.548 769 741 818 1.130 1.001 1.078 1.027 981 999 Čelinacuk. 15.548 1.182 1.265 1.268 1.035 732 647 497 265 113 39.97 M 7.728 399 382 431 575 528 546 547 474 529 M 7.728 587 627 666 513 332 280 190 87 35 38.74 2 480 507 470 Ž 7.820 595 638 602 522 400 367 307 178 78 41.18 Čitlukuk. 18.140 1.002 1.090 1.290 1.427 1.365 1.261 1.041 1.099 1.179člukuk. 18.140 1.388 1.377 1.054 740 579 795 710 468 275 38.20 m 8.937 480 550 646 751 710 647 504 553 587 m 8.937 696 708 568 348 296 336 309 183 65 37.10 F 9.203 522 540 644 655 614 537 546 92 283 459 401 285 210 39.27 DERVENTAUK. 27.404 1.170 1.223 1.368 1.696 1.515 1.807 1.699 1.891 1,827 Derventauk. 27.404 2.097 2.078 1.920 2.011 1.568 1.444 1.212 601 277 42.18 m 13.397 580 637 682 874 791 925 882 961 941 M 13.397 1.055 1.050 935 979 709 625 472 207 92 22 724 882 817 930 886 F 14.007 1.042 1.028 985 1.032 859 819 740 394 185 43.53 Dobojuk. 71.441 3.330 3.311 3.468 4.201 3.923 4.554 5.017 5.038 4.395 Dobojuk. 71.441 4.913 5.589 5.641 5,462 3.765 3.679 2.937 1,570 648 41.90 m 34.916 1.695 1.647 1.874 2.100 2.043 2.367 2.540 2.661 2.282 M 34.916 2.482 2.676 2,720 2.55 , 45 F 36.525 1.635 1.664 1.594 2.101 1.880 2.187 2.477 2.377 2.113 F 36.525 2.431 2.913 2.921 2.910 2.056 2.073 1.767 985 441 43.28 Doboj- East. 10.248 541 570 607 751 725 721 674 736 757Doboj-Eastokuk. 10.248 915 800 627 566 461 355 251 140 51 37.84 m 5.061 292 291 322 375 371 387 337 337 380 m 5.061 434 414 313 257 208 157 114 47 9 36.64 F 5.187 249 279 285 376 337 5.187 481 386 314 309 253 198 137 93 42 39.01 Doboj-Juguk. 4.137 235 288 259 328 296 285 290 321 327 Doboj-Juguk. 4.137 336 316 269 227 127 116 73 30 14 35,76 m 2.065 120 155 130 172 150 149 149 159 167 m 2.065 163 161 137 105 54 54 28 8 4 34.76 F 2.072 115 133 129 156 146 146 146 141 162 160 F 2.072 173 155 132 122 73 62 45 22 10 36.76 Dobreticiuk. 1.629 30 54 56 51 97 144 138 163 151 Dobreticiuk. 1.629 164 166 99 107 72 68 50 14 5 42.03 m 905 18 30 32 27 52 77 83 106 94 m 905 90 97 54 51 32 29 25 7 1 40,98 F 724 12 24 24 24 45 67 55 57 57 F 724 74 69 45 56 40 39 25 7 4 43.34 Domaljevac-Šamacuk. 4.771 163 237 272 356 311 298 317 316 402 DOOMOMALJEVAC-SAMACUK. 4.771 470 361 299 256 272 219 149 55 18 39.92 m 2.373 89 109 149 175 161 142 159 154 208 m 2.373 257 194 161 125 115 93 58 20 4 39.01 F 2.398 74 128 123 181 150 156 158 2.398 213 167 138 131 157 126 91 35 14 40,82 Donji Vakufuk. 13.985 680 861 958 1.299 940 999 959 980 997 Donji Vakufuk. 13.985 1.078 1.130 956 747 475 414 306 158 48 36.44 m 6.922 338 426 494 670 479 561 504 484 499 m 6.922 520 473 341 209 181 128 71 35,45 F 7.063 342 435 8 ž 7.063 546 610 483 406 266 233 178 87 36 37.41 Donji Zabaruk. 3.809 145 185 231 237 238 214 191 249 269 Donji Zabaruk. 3.809 326 261 253 250 216 224 191 94 35 42,26 M 1st 1,920 70 103 116 116 122 115 100 134 153 m 1.920 177 138 132 127 92 97 82 37 9 41.04 F 1.889 75 82 115 121 116 99 99 91 116 Ž 1,889 149 123 121 123 124 127 109 57 26 43.50 Drvaruk. 7.036 210 250 268 320 298 348 388 422 400 Drvaruk. 7.036 446 503 570 566 515 483 563 335 151 48,29 m 3.473 106 130 147 170 166 184 226 228 m 3.473 241 262 289 276 220 204 220 136 45.87 F 3.563 104 120 121 150 132 164 3.563 205 241 281 290 295 279 343 199 108 50.64 FOČA - FBIHUK. 1.933 85 71 85 121 125 110 106 124 105 Foča - Fbihuk. 1.933 140 135 150 142 122 124 121 50 17 43.92 m 998 50 37 44 65 59 62 61 70 66 m 998 71 79 81 62 54 54 46 30 7 42.44 F 935 35 34 41 56 66 48 45 54 39 F 935 69 56 69 80 68 70 75 20 10 45.50 Foča - RSUK. 18.288 644 755 839 1.124 1.126 1.268 1.148 1.093 1.034 FOČA - RSUK. 18.288 1.262 1,469 1.649 1.306 913 1.052 897 488 221 43.27 m 9.236 367 393 415 592 574 685 652 609 546 m 9.236 664 772 829 63 412 421 380 207 85 41,73 2 583 496 484 488 F 9.052 598 697 820 673 501 631 517 281 136 44.85 Fojnicauk. 12.356 557 635 738 904 774 824 865 818 899 Fojnicauk. 12.356 1,000 1,085 964 722 534 456 340 171 70 39.08 m 6.197 294 331 375 434 410 410 468 404 476 m 6.197 481 575 481 344 248 200 144 67 26 38.17 F 6.159 263 304 3 ž 6.159 519 510 483 378 286 256 196 104 44 39.99

35 Canton Pole Overall Canton Polo Overall Overall 0-4 5-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70 -74 75-79 80-84 85+Average Canton Sex Total Age Canton Sex Total Age Celicuk. 10.502 475 573 687 817 702 671 721 775 810 Celicuk. 10.502 801 759 657 543 432 406 369 220 84 38,72 m 5.256 229 287 345 428 367 349 352 375 439 m 5.256 427 391 341 253 207 179 150 99 38 38.08 F 5.246 246 286 342 389 5.246 374 368 316 290 225 227 219 121 46 39.35 Celinacuk. 15.548 769 741 818 1.130 1.001 1.078 1.027 981 999 Celinacuk. 15.548 1.182 1.265 1.268 1,035 732 647 497 265 113 39.97 m 7.728 399 382 431 575 528 546 547 474 529 m 7.728 587 627 666 513 332 280 190 87 35 38,74 Ž 7.8 80 507 470 F 7.820 595 638 602 522 400 367 307 178 78 41.18 Citlukuk. 18.140 1.002 1.090 1.290 1.427 1.365 1.261 1.041 1.099 1.179čitlukuk. 18.140 1.388 1.377 1.054 740 579 795 710 468 275 38.20 m 8.937 480 550 646 751 710 647 504 553 587 m 8.937 696 708 568 348 296 336 309 183 65 37.10 F 9.203 546 592 Ž 9.203 692 669 486 392 283 459 401 285 210 39.27 DERVENTAUK. 27.404 1.170 1.223 1.368 1.696 1.515 1.807 1.699 1.891 1,827 Derventauk. 27.404 2.097 2.078 1.920 2.011 1.568 1.444 1.212 601 277 42.18 m 13.397 580 637 682 874 791 925 882 961 941 M 13.397 1.055 1.050 935 979 709 625 472 207 92 22 724 882 817 930 886 F 14.007 1.042 1.028 985 1.032 859 819 740 394 185 43.53 Dobojuk. 71.441 3.330 3.311 3.468 4.201 3.923 4.554 5.017 5.038 4.395 Dobojuk. 71.441 4.913 5.589 5.641 5,462 3.765 3.679 2.937 1,570 648 41.90 m 34.916 1.695 1.647 1.874 2.100 2.043 2.367 2.540 2.661 2.282 M 34.916 2.482 2.676 2,720 2.55 , 45 F 36.525 1.635 1.664 1.594 2.101 1.880 2.187 2.477 2.377 2.113 F 36.525 2.431 2.913 2.921 2.910 2.056 2.073 1.767 985 441 43.28 Doboj- East. 10.248 541 570 607 751 725 721 674 736 757Doboj- East. 10.248 915 800 627 566 461 355 251 140 51 37.84 m 5.061 292 291 322 375 371 387 337 337 380 m 5.061 434 414 313 257 208 157 114 47 9 36.64 F 5.187 249 279 285 376 337 5.187 481 386 314 309 253 198 137 93 42 39.01 Doboj-Juguk. 4.137 235 288 259 328 296 285 290 321 327 Doboj-Juguk. 4.137 336 316 269 227 127 116 73 30 14 35,76 m 2.065 120 155 130 172 150 149 149 159 167 m 2.065 163 161 137 105 54 54 28 8 4 34.76 F 2.072 115 133 129 156 146 146 146 141 162 160 F 2.072 173 155 132 122 73 62 45 22 10 36.76 Dobreticiuk. 1.629 30 54 56 51 97 144 138 163 151 Dobreticiuk. 1.629 164 166 99 107 72 68 50 14 5 42.03 m 905 18 30 32 27 52 77 83 106 94 m 905 90 97 54 51 32 29 25 7 1 40,98 F 724 12 24 24 24 45 67 55 57 57 F 724 74 69 45 56 40 39 25 7 4 43.34 Domaljevac-Šamacuk. 4.771 163 237 272 356 311 298 317 316 402 DROMOMALJEVAC-SAMACUK. 4.771 470 361 299 256 272 219 149 55 18 39.92 m 2.373 89 109 149 175 161 142 159 154 208 m 2.373 257 194 161 125 115 93 58 20 4 39.01 F 2.398 74 128 123 181 150 156 158 2.398 213 167 138 131 157 126 91 35 14 40,82 Donji Vakufuk. 13.985 680 861 958 1.299 940 999 959 980 997 Donji Vakufuk. 13.985 1.078 1.130 956 747 475 414 306 158 48 36.44 m 6.922 338 426 494 670 479 561 504 484 499 m 6.922 520 473 341 209 181 128 71 35,45 F 7.063 342 435 8 ž 7.063 546 610 483 406 266 233 178 87 36 37.41 Donji Zabaruk. 3.809 145 185 231 237 238 214 191 249 269 Donji Zabaruk. 3.809 326 261 253 250 216 224 191 94 35 42,26 M 1st 1,920 70 103 116 116 122 115 100 134 153 m 1.920 177 138 132 127 92 97 82 37 9 41.04 F 1.889 75 82 115 121 116 99 99 91 116 Ž 1,889 149 123 121 123 124 127 109 57 26 43.50 Drvaruk. 7.036 210 250 268 320 298 348 388 422 400 Drvaruk. 7.036 446 503 570 566 515 483 563 335 151 48,29 m 3.473 106 130 147 170 166 184 226 228 m 3.473 241 262 289 276 220 204 220 136 45.87 F 3.563 104 120 121 150 132 164 3.563 205 241 281 290 295 279 343 199 108 50.64 FOČA - FBIHUK. 1.933 85 71 85 121 125 110 106 124 105 Foča - Fbihuk. 1.933 140 135 150 142 122 124 121 50 17 43.92 m 998 50 37 44 65 59 62 61 70 66 m 998 71 79 81 62 54 54 46 30 7 42.44 F 935 35 34 41 56 66 48 45 54 39 F 935 69 56 69 80 68 70 75 20 10 45.50 Foča - RSUK. 18.288 644 755 839 1.124 1.126 1.268 1.148 1.093 1.034 FOČA - RSUK. 18.288 1.262 1,469 1.649 1.306 913 1.052 897 488 221 43.27 m 9.236 367 393 415 592 574 685 652 609 546 m 9.236 664 772 829 63 412 421 380 207 85 41,73 2 583 496 484 488 F 9.052 598 697 820 673 501 631 517 281 136 44.85 Fojnicauk. 12.356 557 635 738 904 774 824 865 818 899 Fojnicauk. 12.356 1,000 1,085 964 722 534 456 340 171 70 39.08 m 6.197 294 331 375 434 410 410 468 404 476 m 6.197 481 575 481 344 248 200 144 67 26 38.17 F 6.159 263 304 3 ž 6.159 519 510 483 378 286 256 196 104 44 39.99

36 Demography of Demographykaton Pole Overall Canton Polo Overall Overall 0-4 5-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74 75-79 80-84 85+Average Canton Sex Total Age Canton Sex Total Age Gackouk. 8.990 419 443 552 651 508 592 536 506 546 Gackouk. 8.990 697 776 710 599 367 377 356 209 146 40.89 m 4.556 206 240 307 328 269 314 309 269 278 m 4.556 362 400 375 299 168 164 142 77 49 39,41 F 4.434 213 203 323 239 278 278 278 278 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 268 4.434 335 376 335 300 199 213 214 132 97 42.41 Glamocuk. 3.860 145 181 177 188 174 193 222 242 248 Glamocuk. 3.860 248 256 275 293 270 294 250 136 68 45.78 m 1.963 77 101 102 87 88 93 114 141 140 m 1.963 143 143 145 140 111 134 110 66 23 44.36 F 1.897 68 80 75 101 86 100 108 Ž 1.897 105 108 130 153 159 160 140 70 45 47.25 Goraždeuk. 20.897 978 845 1.086 1.543 1.259 1.450 1.477 1.280 1.238 Goraždeuk. 20.897 1.492 1.715 1.814 1,465 901 866 859 437 192 40.94 m 10.163 513 458 555 803 657 752 765 610 610 M 10.163 725 821 858 660 373 361 370 181 61 12 640 628 F 10.734 767 894 956 805 528 505 489 256 131 42.51 Gornji Vakuf-Ukljeuk. 20.933 1.072 1.231 1.350 1.694 1.551 1.501 1.526 1.589 1.626 Gornji Vakuf-Ukljeuk. 20.933 1.617 1,497 1.404 1.036 693 732 467 249 98 36.69 m 10.532 559 619 680 879 797 763 821 831 839 m 10.532 842 781 673 480 307 308 212 109 32 35,86 F 10.401 513 612 670 815 1 775 716 731 556 386 424 255 140 66 37.53 Gracanicauk. 45.220 2.600 2.518 2.542 3.313 3.206 3.286 3.234 3.119 3.226 Gracanicauk. 45.220 3.435 3.546 3.043 2.716 1,965 1.617 1.095 542 217 37.72 m 21.641 1.276 1.307 1.307 1.674 1.567 1.686 1.493 1.523 m 21.641 1.588 1.633 1.431 1.242 900 579 1,324 1.231 1.235 1.639 1.639 1.600 1.630 1.626 1.703 F 23.579 1.847 1.913 1.612 1.474 1.065 936 632 334 139 38.72 City of Mostaruk. 105.797 5.335 4.889 5.481 7.793 6.871 7.781 7.762 7.111 6.765 City of Mo - Elder. 105.797 7.497 8.226 7.691 6.387 4.386 4.493 3.887 2.290 1,152 39.89 m 51.210 2.750 2.503 2.777 4.074 3.429 3.921 3.553 3.389 m 51.210 3.709 3.958 3.703 2.924 1.877 1.846 , 32 F 54.587 2.585 2.386 2.704 3.719 3.442 3.860 3.766 3.558 3.376 F 54.587 3.788 4.268 3.988 3.463 2.509 2.647 2.272 1.427 829 41.35 Gradacacuk. 39.340 2.100 2.243 2.398 3.118 2.535 2.653 2.710 2.838 3.003 Gradacacuk. 39.340 3.002 2.906 2.538 2.267 1,859 1,350 1.048 527 245 37,91 M 19.234 1,060 1.188 1.257 1.577 1.308 1.315 1.355 1.434 1.490 M 19.234 1.468 1.188 1.181 1.019 888 599 40 1,055 1.141 1.541 1.227 1.338 1.355 1,404 1.513 F 20.106 1.534 1.518 1.357 1.248 971 751 614 321 178 39.06 Gradiskauk. 51.727 2.092 2.295 2.510 3.288 2.897 3.201 3.501 3.448 3.369 Gradiskauk. 51.727 3.609 3.780 4.300 4.296 2.843 2.391 2,391 1.193 618 42.35 m 25.271 1,044 1.168 1.263 1.688 1.519 1.669 1.764 1.786 1.717 m 25.271 1.812 1.832 2.059 2.129 1,02 F 26.456 1.048 1.127 1.247 1.600 1.378 1.532 1.737 1,662 1,652 F 26.456 1,797 1.948 2.241 2.167 1.516 1.332 1.275 771 426 43.63 Grudeuk. 17.308 805 952 1.096 1.264 1.155 1.064 1.004 1.090 1.170 Grudeuk. 17.308 1.338 1.344 1.116 903 726 790 711 500 280 40.25 m 8.621 409 482 537 641 611 550 494 542 595 m 8.621 695 745 588 481 362 369 267 181 72 39.18 F 8.68 5 559 8 575 Ž 8.687 643 599 528 422 364 421 444 319 208 41.31 Hadziciuk. 23.891 1.380 1.339 1.385 1.818 1.653 1.836 1.833 1.665 1.633 Hadziciuk. 23.891 1,846 1.952 1.673 1.320 887 662 602 293 114 37,13 M 11.914 682 704 744 991 870 1.004 904 825 832 m 11.914 906 941 822 621 375 289 240 122 42 35,88 F 11.97 29 840 801 F 11.977 940 1.011 851 699 512 373 362 171 72 38.37 HanpiSakuk. 3.530 134 130 137 218 154 204 199 194 194 HanpiSakuk. 3.530 252 326 328 275 196 185 221 135 48 45.45 m 1.667 72 67 70 89 92 99 106 98 96 M 1.667 128 171 158 133 72 77 54 15 43.42 F 1,863 124 155 170 142 126 113 144 81 33 47.26 Ilidzauk. 66.730 3.915 3.664 3.675 4.839 4.537 5.189 5,463 4.766 4,564 Ilidžauk. 66.730 4.805 5.065 4.655 3.832 2.498 2.175 1.853 890 345 37,52 m 32.359 2,013 1.896 1.877 2.519 2,347 2.577 2.675 2.245 2.208 m 32.359 2,352 2.472 2.187 1,187 4.371 1.902 1.768 1.798 2.320 2.190 2.612 2.788 2.521 2.356 F 34.371 2.453 2.593 2.468 2.110 1.374 1.264 1.078 552 224 38.67 Ilijasuk. 19.603 1.085 1.128 1.112 1.440 1.577 1,441 1,577 1,371 1,350 Ilijašuk. 19.603 1,427 1,519 1,385 1.078 645 593 513 261 101 37.08 m 9.381 556 564 556 723 819 738 788 695 645 M 9.381 653 692 643 460 271 218 220 98 42 35,61 Ž 10.222 3 789 676 705 F 10.222 774 827 742 618 374 375 293 163 59 38.43 Eastern Ilidzauk. 14.763 649 683 695 823 837 1.072 1.183 1.019 892 Eastern Ilidzauk. 14.763 951 1.159 1.330 1.175 721 607 558 279 130 41.43 m 7.069 342 325 331 416 426 556 573 530 470 m 7.069 460 541 624 553 301 253 227 100 41 40.09 Ž Ž 7.694 491 618 706 622 420 354 331 179 89 42.66 Eastern Drvaruk. 79 0 1 2 3 3 4 11 4 4 Eastern Drvaruk. 79 5 10 11 11 1 2 2 2 3 47,99 m 53 0 1 2 2 1 4 8 2 4 m 53 5 9 5 7 0 1 1 0 1 44,47 F 26 0 0 0 1 2 0 3 2 0 F 26 0 1 6 4 1 1 1 2 2 55.15

37 Canton Pole Overall Canton Polo Overall 0-4 5-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70 -74 75-79 80-84 85+Average Canton Sex Total Age Canton Sex Total Age Gackouk. 8.990 419 443 552 651 508 592 536 506 546 Gackouk. 8.990 697 776 710 599 367 377 356 209 146 40.89 m 4.556 206 240 307 328 269 314 309 269 278 m 4.556 362 400 375 299 168 164 142 77 49 39,41 F 4.434 213 203 323 239 278 278 278 278 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 267 268 4.434 335 376 335 300 199 213 214 132 97 42.41 Glamocuk. 3.860 145 181 177 188 174 193 222 242 248 Glamocuk. 3.860 248 256 275 293 270 294 250 136 68 45.78 m 1.963 77 101 102 87 88 93 114 141 140 m 1.963 143 143 145 140 111 134 110 66 23 44.36 F 1.897 68 80 75 101 86 100 108 Ž 1.897 105 108 130 153 159 160 140 70 45 47.25 Goraždeuk. 20.897 978 845 1.086 1.543 1.259 1.450 1.477 1.280 1.238 Goraždeuk. 20.897 1,492 1.715 1.814 1.465 901 866 859 437 192 40.94 m 10.163 513 458 555 803 657 752 765 610 610 M 10.163 725 821 858 660 373 361 370 181 61 39.28 F 10.734 465 387 531 740 602 698 712 640 628 Ž 10.734 767 894 956 805 528 505 489 256 131 42.51 Gornji Vakuf-ukopljeuk. 20.933 1.072 1.231 1.350 1.694 1.551 1.501 1.526 1.589 1.626 Gornji Vakuf-Ukljeuk. 20.933 1.617 1,497 1,404 1.036 693 732 467 249 98 36.69 m 10.532 559 619 680 879 797 763 821 831 839 m 10.532 842 781 673 480 307 308 212 109 32 35,86 F 10.401 05 758 787 F 10.401 775 716 731 556 386 424 255 140 66 37.53 Gracanicauk. 45.220 2.600 2.518 2.542 3.313 3.206 3.286 3.234 3.119 3.226 Gracanicauk. 45.220 3.435 3.546 3.043 2.716 1,965 1.617 1.095 542 217 37.72 m 21.641 1.276 1.307 1.307 1.674 1.567 1.686 1.493 1.523 m 21.641 1.588 1.633 1.431 1.242 900 579 1,324 1.231 1.235 1.639 1.639 1.600 1.630 1.626 1.703 F 23.579 1.847 1.913 1.612 1.474 1.065 936 632 334 139 38.72 City of Mostaruk. 105.797 5.335 4.889 5.481 7.793 6.871 7.781 7.762 7.111 6.765 City of Mo - Elder. 105.797 7.497 8.226 7.691 6.387 4.386 4.493 3.887 2.290 1,152 39.89 m 51.210 2.750 2.503 2.777 4.074 3.429 3.921 3.553 3.389 m 51.210 3.709 3.958 3.703 2.924 1.877 1.846 , 32 F 54.587 2.585 2.386 2.704 3.719 3.442 3.860 3.766 3.558 3.376 F 54.587 3.788 4.268 3.988 3.463 2.509 2.647 2.272 1.427 829 41.35 Gradacacuk. 39.340 2.100 2.243 2.398 3.118 2.535 2.653 2.710 2.838 3.003 Gradacacuk. 39.340 3.002 2.906 2.538 2.267 1,859 1,350 1.048 527 245 37,91 M 19.234 1,060 1.188 1.257 1.577 1.308 1.315 1.355 1.434 1.490 M 19.234 1.468 1.188 1.181 1.019 888 599 40 1,055 1.141 1.541 1.227 1.338 1.355 1,404 1.513 F 20.106 1.534 1.518 1.357 1.248 971 751 614 321 178 39.06 Gradiskauk. 51.727 2.092 2.295 2.510 3.288 2.897 3.201 3.501 3.448 3.369 Gradiskauk. 51.727 3.609 3.780 4.300 4.296 2.843 2.391 2,391 1.193 618 42.35 m 25.271 1,044 1.168 1.263 1.688 1.519 1.669 1.764 1.786 1.717 m 25.271 1.812 1.832 2.059 2.129 1,02 F 26.456 1.048 1.127 1.247 1.600 1.378 1.532 1.737 1,662 1,652 F 26.456 1,797 1.948 2.241 2.167 1.516 1.332 1.275 771 426 43.63 Grudeuk. 17.308 805 952 1.096 1.264 1.155 1.064 1.004 1.090 1.170 Grudeuk. 17.308 1.338 1.344 1.116 903 726 790 711 500 280 40.25 m 8.621 409 482 537 641 611 550 494 542 595 m 8.621 695 745 588 481 362 369 267 181 72 39.18 F 8.68 5 559 8 575 Ž 8.687 643 599 528 422 364 421 444 319 208 41.31 Hadziciuk. 23.891 1.380 1.339 1.385 1.818 1.653 1.836 1.833 1.665 1.633 Hadziciuk. 23.891 1,846 1.952 1.673 1.320 887 662 602 293 114 37,13 M 11.914 682 704 744 991 870 1.004 904 825 832 m 11.914 906 941 822 621 375 289 240 122 42 35,88 F 11.97 29 840 801 F 11.977 940 1.011 851 699 512 373 362 171 72 38.37 HanpiSakuk. 3.530 134 130 137 218 154 204 199 194 194 HanpiSakuk. 3.530 252 326 328 275 196 185 221 135 48 45.45 m 1.667 72 67 70 89 92 99 106 98 96 M 1.667 128 171 158 133 72 77 54 15 43.42 F 1,863 124 155 170 142 126 113 144 81 33 47.26 Ilidzauk. 66.730 3.915 3.664 3.675 4.839 4.537 5.189 5,463 4.766 4,564 Ilidžauk. 66.730 4.805 5.065 4.655 3.832 2.498 2.175 1.853 890 345 37,52 m 32.359 2,013 1.896 1.877 2.519 2,347 2.577 2.675 2.245 2.208 m 32.359 2,352 2.472 2.187 1,187 4.371 1.902 1.768 1.798 2.320 2.190 2.612 2.788 2.521 2.356 F 34.371 2.453 2.593 2.468 2.110 1.374 1.264 1.078 552 224 38.67 Ilijasuk. 19.603 1.085 1.128 1.112 1.440 1.577 1,441 1,577 1,371 1,350 Ilijašuk. 19.603 1,427 1,519 1,385 1.078 645 593 513 261 101 37.08 m 9.381 556 564 556 723 819 738 788 695 645 M 9.381 653 692 643 460 271 218 220 98 42 35,61 Ž 10.222 3 789 676 705 F 10.222 774 827 742 618 374 375 293 163 59 38.43 Eastern Ilidzauk. 14.763 649 683 695 823 837 1.072 1.183 1.019 892 Eastern Ilidzauk. 14.763 951 1.159 1.330 1.175 721 607 558 279 130 41.43 m 7.069 342 325 331 416 426 556 573 530 470 m 7.069 460 541 624 553 301 253 227 100 41 40.09 Ž Ž 7.694 491 618 706 622 420 354 331 179 89 42.66 Eastern Drvaruk. 79 0 1 2 3 3 4 11 4 4 Eastern Drvaruk. 79 5 10 11 11 1 2 2 2 3 47,99 m 53 0 1 2 2 1 4 8 2 4 m 53 5 9 5 7 0 1 1 0 1 44,47 F 26 0 0 0 1 2 0 3 2 0 F 26 0 1 6 4 1 1 1 2 2 55.15

38 Demography of Demographykaton Pole Overall Canton Polo Overall Overall 0-4 5-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74 75-79 80-84 85+Average Canton Sex Total Age Canton Sex Total Age East Mostaruk. 257 7 16 14 10 8 16 19 26 Eastern Mostaruk. 257 19 15 10 16 9 24 21 9 4 44.94 m 142 4 7 9 8 2 8 12 19 m 142 12 8 6 10 4 10 8 4 2 42.98 F 115 3 9 5 5 2 6 8 7 F 115 7 7 4 6 5 14 13 5 2 47.37 East Old Graduk. 1.131 40 44 31 49 48 60 76 53 46 Eastern Stari Graduk. 1.131 59 97 114 108 83 77 84 37 25 48.10 m 560 23 18 23 28 40 39 34 22 m 560 40 47 53 48 38 33 33 11 6 44.87 F 571 17 20 13 26 20 20 37 19 24 F 571 19 50 61 60 45 44 51 26 19 51.27 East Novo Sarajevouk. 10.642 625 497 504 617 613 754 957 775 654 East Novo Sarajevouk. 10.642 628 756 887 716 493 491 404 196 75 40.18 m 5.058 300 248 250 316 302 381 474 390 356 m 5.058 302 332 421 332 205 197 155 69 28 38,77 Ž 5.584 325 249 254 301 373 5.584 326 424 466 384 288 294 249 127 47 41.45 Jablanicauk. 10.111 440 421 471 681 743 821 721 660 648 Jablanicauk. 10.111 782 938 823 648 375 342 300 183 114 40.00 m 5.027 231 218 241 338 375 455 403 341 334 m 5.027 383 458 427 312 172 139 109 32 38.49 F 5.084 399 480 396 336 203 203 191 124 82 41.50 Jajceuk. 27.258 1.311 1.534 1.651 1.878 1.853 2.020 2.068 2.135 2.004 Jajceuk. 27.258 2.014 1,976 1.857 1.612 1.071 991 759 361 163 38.08 m 13.856 672 732 847 970 1.007 1.099 1.134 1.073 m 13.856 1.064 999 905 786 520 403 332 46 921 959 1.001 931 F 13.402 950 977 952 826 551 588 427 211 109 38.95 Lake. 1.144 44 55 66 88 66 83 65 67 78 lake. 1.144 97 107 87 74 43 45 44 24 11 40.59 m 601 22 25 37 45 37 55 39 34 46 m 601 49 51 54 36 22 19 19 9 2 39.34 F 543 22 30 29 43 29 28 26 33 32 F 543 48 56 33 38 21 26 25 15 9 41.98 Kakanjuk. 37.441 2.102 2.134 2.211 2.929 2.740 2.882 2.709 2.483 2.585 Kakanjuk. 37.441 2,863 3.055 2.527 2.071 1.354 1.234 936 458 168 37.12 m 18.651 1.130 1.077 1.112 1.508 1.362 1.480 1.428 1.295 1.270 m 18.651 1.431 1.527 1.212 998 622 559 972 1.057 1.099 1.421 1.378 1.402 1.281 1.188 1.315 F 18.790 1.432 1.528 1.315 1.073 732 675 535 270 117 38.00 Kalesius. 33.053 1,841 1.900 2.073 2.670 2.617 2.638 2.364 2.478 2.511 Kalesius. 33.053 2.661 2.670 2.195 1.679 1.025 814 533 267 117 35,76 m 16.597 936 981 1.078 1,350 1.356 1,394 1.200 1.255 M 16.597 1.357 1.134 1.109 823 466 363 206 995 1.320 1.261 1.164 1.233 1.256 F 16.456 1.304 1.336 1.086 856 559 451 327 164 76 36.48 Kalinovikuk. 2,029 52 67 79 94 104 132 100 94 89 Kalinovikuk. 2.029 108 180 216 163 129 151 136 85 50 48,11 M 987 25 31 25 39 58 77 57 61 49 m 987 61 103 109 83 54 56 53 33 13 46,43 F 1.042 27 36 54 55 46 55 43 33 40 F 1.042 47 77 107 80 75 95 83 52 37 49.70 Kiseljakuk. 20.722 1.082 1.147 1.284 1.539 1,426 1,523 1.496 1,373 1,395 Kiseljakuk. 20.722 1.531 1.615 1.523 1.221 794 791 606 273 103 38.04 m 10.285 531 596 674 794 712 803 762 721 721 M 10.285 748 806 762 568 349 327 271 109 37 34 652 674 F 10.437 783 809 761 653 445 464 335 164 72 39.05 betting. 12.348 606 602 712 1.020 934 892 857 897 919 betting. 12.348 1.032 1.001 912 730 429 337 290 137 41 37.50 m 6.108 336 315 354 525 488 445 440 446 470 m 6.108 512 494 409 355 170 156 119 55 19 36.36 F 6.240 520 507 503 375 259 181 171 82 22 38.62 Ključuk. 16.744 699 809 986 1.256 1.156 1.192 1.257 1.365 1.339 Ključuk. 16.744 1.302 1.311 1.152 968 536 584 501 242 89 38.44 m 8.365 342 419 504 647 588 622 652 701 683 M 8.365 666 671 573 459 239 255 222 89 33 37.60 F 8.379 357 368 56 Ž 8.379 636 640 579 509 297 329 279 153 56 39.28 Knezevok. 9.793 406 420 560 663 588 598 562 634 681 Knezevok. 9.793 727 819 767 736 571 472 347 172 70 41.46 m 4.892 213 216 283 328 308 310 304 354 376 m 4.892 389 420 340 263 213 131 65 22 40,15 F 4.901 193 204 277 335 280 280 4.901 338 399 410 396 308 259 216 107 48 42.77 Konjicuk. 25.148 1.046 1.237 1.390 1.851 1,503 1.636 1.640 1,740 1.779 Konjicuk. 25.148 1.915 1.920 1.876 1.586 1.170 1.181 889 536 253 40.59 m 12.360 516 607 707 962 797 848 836 907 917 M 12.360 966 960 925 749 496 521 367 199 80 39.33 F 833 862 Ž 12.788 949 960 951 837 674 660 522 337 173 41.81 Kostajnicauk. 5.977 222 245 255 378 336 380 441 418 425 Kostajnicauk. 5.977 458 512 519 430 248 249 246 148 67 42.27 m 2.967 103 135 133 198 177 198 241 208 202 m 2.967 242 236 274 215 124 108 110 46 17 41.04 F 3.010 119 119 110 122 180 159 182 200 2122 2123 3.010 216 276 245 215 124 141 136 102 50 43.49

39 Canton Pole Overall Canton Polo Overall 0-4 5-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70 -74 75-79 80-84 85+Average Canton Sex Total Age Canton Sex Total Age East Mostaruk. 257 7 16 14 10 8 16 19 26 Eastern Mostaruk. 257 19 15 10 16 9 24 21 9 4 44.94 m 142 4 7 9 8 2 8 12 19 m 142 12 8 6 10 4 10 8 4 2 42.98 F 115 3 9 5 5 2 6 8 7 F 115 7 7 4 6 5 14 13 5 2 47.37 East Old Graduk. 1.131 40 44 31 49 48 60 76 53 46 Eastern Stari Graduk. 1.131 59 97 114 108 83 77 84 37 25 48.10 m 560 23 18 23 28 40 39 34 22 m 560 40 47 53 48 38 33 33 11 6 44.87 F 571 17 20 13 26 20 20 37 19 24 F 571 19 50 61 60 45 44 51 26 19 51.27 East Novo Sarajevouk. 10.642 625 497 504 617 613 754 957 775 654 East Novo Sarajevouk. 10.642 628 756 887 716 493 491 404 196 75 40,18 m 5.058 300 248 250 316 302 381 474 390 356 m 5.058 302 332 421 332 205 197 155 69 28 38.77 F 5.584 325 249 254 301 311 373 483 385 298 Ž 5.584 326 424 466 384 288 294 249 127 47 41.45 Jablanicauk. 10.111 440 421 471 681 743 821 721 660 648 Jablanicauk. 10.111 782 938 823 648 375 342 300 183 114 40.00 m 5.027 231 218 241 338 375 455 403 341 334 m 5.027 383 458 427 312 172 139 109 32 38.49 F 5.084 399 480 396 336 203 203 191 124 82 41.50 Jajceuk. 27.258 1.311 1.534 1.651 1.878 1.853 2.020 2.068 2.135 2.004 Jajceuk. 27.258 2.014 1,976 1.857 1.612 1.071 991 759 361 163 38.08 m 13.856 672 732 847 970 1.007 1.099 1.134 1.073 m 13.856 1.064 999 905 786 520 403 332 46 921 959 1.001 931 F 13.402 950 977 952 826 551 588 427 211 109 38.95 Lake. 1.144 44 55 66 88 66 83 65 67 78 lake. 1.144 97 107 87 74 43 45 44 24 11 40.59 m 601 22 25 37 45 37 55 39 34 46 m 601 49 51 54 36 22 19 19 9 2 39.34 F 543 22 30 29 43 29 28 26 33 32 F 543 48 56 33 38 21 26 25 15 9 41.98 Kakanjuk. 37.441 2.102 2.134 2.211 2.929 2.740 2.882 2.709 2.483 2.585 Kakanjuk. 37.441 2,863 3.055 2.527 2.071 1.354 1.234 936 458 168 37.12 m 18.651 1.130 1.077 1.112 1.508 1.362 1.480 1.428 1.295 1.270 m 18.651 1.431 1.527 1.212 998 622 559 972 1.057 1.099 1.421 1.378 1.402 1.281 1.188 1.315 F 18.790 1.432 1.528 1.315 1.073 732 675 535 270 117 38.00 Kalesius. 33.053 1,841 1.900 2.073 2.670 2.617 2.638 2.364 2.478 2.511 Kalesius. 33.053 2.661 2.670 2.195 1.679 1.025 814 533 267 117 35,76 m 16.597 936 981 1.078 1,350 1.356 1,394 1.200 1.255 M 16.597 1.357 1.134 1.109 823 466 363 206 995 1.320 1.261 1.164 1.233 1.256 F 16.456 1.304 1.336 1.086 856 559 451 327 164 76 36.48 Kalinovikuk. 2,029 52 67 79 94 104 132 100 94 89 Kalinovikuk. 2.029 108 180 216 163 129 151 136 85 50 48,11 M 987 25 31 25 39 58 77 57 61 49 m 987 61 103 109 83 54 56 53 33 13 46,43 F 1.042 27 36 54 55 46 55 43 33 40 F 1.042 47 77 107 80 75 95 83 52 37 49.70 Kiseljakuk. 20.722 1.082 1.147 1.284 1.539 1,426 1,523 1.496 1,373 1,395 Kiseljakuk. 20.722 1.531 1.615 1.523 1.221 794 791 606 273 103 38.04 m 10.285 531 596 674 794 712 803 762 721 721 M 10.285 748 806 762 568 349 327 271 109 37 34 652 674 F 10.437 783 809 761 653 445 464 335 164 72 39.05 betting. 12.348 606 602 712 1.020 934 892 857 897 919 betting. 12.348 1.032 1.001 912 730 429 337 290 137 41 37.50 m 6.108 336 315 354 525 488 445 440 446 470 m 6.108 512 494 409 355 170 156 119 55 19 36.36 F 6.240 520 507 503 375 259 181 171 82 22 38.62 Ključuk. 16.744 699 809 986 1.256 1.156 1.192 1.257 1.365 1.339 Ključuk. 16.744 1.302 1.311 1.152 968 536 584 501 242 89 38.44 m 8.365 342 419 504 647 588 622 652 701 683 M 8.365 666 671 573 459 239 255 222 89 33 37.60 F 8.379 357 368 56 Ž 8.379 636 640 579 509 297 329 279 153 56 39.28 Knezevok. 9.793 406 420 560 663 588 598 562 634 681 Knezevok. 9.793 727 819 767 736 571 472 347 172 70 41.46 m 4.892 213 216 283 328 308 310 304 354 376 m 4.892 389 420 340 263 213 131 65 22 40,15 F 4.901 193 204 277 335 280 280 4.901 338 399 410 396 308 259 216 107 48 42.77 Konjicuk. 25.148 1.046 1.237 1.390 1.851 1,503 1.636 1.640 1,740 1.779 Konjicuk. 25.148 1.915 1.920 1.876 1.586 1.170 1.181 889 536 253 40.59 m 12.360 516 607 707 962 797 848 836 907 917 M 12.360 966 960 925 749 496 521 367 199 80 39.33 F 833 862 Ž 12.788 949 960 951 837 674 660 522 337 173 41.81 Kostajnicauk. 5.977 222 245 255 378 336 380 441 418 425 Kostajnicauk. 5.977 458 512 519 430 248 249 246 148 67 42.27 m 2.967 103 135 133 198 177 198 241 208 202 m 2.967 242 236 274 215 124 108 110 46 17 41.04 F 3.010 119 119 110 122 180 159 182 200 2122 2123 3.010 216 276 245 215 124 141 136 102 50 43.49

40 DEMOGRAPHY DEGGRAPHYKANTON POL Overall Kanton Polo Overa-Statestarost 0-4 5-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74 75-79 80-84 85+Average Canton Sex Total Age Canton Sex Total Age Kotor Varošuk. 19.710 922 981 1.247 1.453 1.413 1.418 1.382 1.443 1.490 Kotor Varošuk. 19.710 1.512 1.486 1.305 1.205 859 700 554 249 91 38.26 M 9.818 478 494 648 760 745 742 709 740 748 m 9.818 780 753 617 585 362 301 221 98 37 37.10 F 9.89 3 742 Ž 9.892 732 733 688 620 497 399 333 151 54 39.41 Kozarska Dubicauk. 21.524 800 834 932 1.222 1.202 1.414 1.315 1.273 1.276 Kozarska Dubicauk. 21.524 1.681 1.871 1,898 1.584 919 1,093 1.250 635 325 43.98 m 10.516 408 482 627 630 742 708 666 661 M 10.516 829 932 967 773 416 433 496 248 86 72 607 607 615 F 11.008 852 939 931 811 503 660 754 387 239 45.59 Kreševok. 5.273 240 270 294 365 363 383 336 287 328 Kreševok. 5.273 391 474 405 308 203 254 193 122 57 40.29 m 2.597 127 147 158 168 184 192 183 151 173 m 2.597 186 243 205 154 85 99 80 37 25 38.81 F 2.676 113 123 136 197 179 191 153 136 155 Ž 2,676 205 231 200 154 118 155 113 85 32 41.73 Krupa na UNIUK. 1,597 49 57 76 102 81 66 80 89 111 Krupa na Uniuk. 1.597 121 122 118 111 90 99 124 73 28 46,32 m 862 27 29 34 55 50 38 50 53 74 56 51 42 47 26 7 44,42 Ž 735 22 28 42 47 31 28 30 36 41 Ž 735 46 44 44 55 39 57 77 47 21 48.54 Kupres - Fbihuk. 5.057 164 216 315 367 338 310 294 335 343 Kupres - Fbihuk. 5.057 458 487 381 278 155 229 210 116 61 41,06 m 2.541 86 114 156 176 173 m 2.541 223 267 203 143 74 103 95 47 22 40.47 Ž 2,516 78 102 160 178 176 157 138 159 170 Ž 2,516 235 220 178 135 81 126 115 69 39 41.65 Kupres -Rsuk. 300 6 8 14 13 8 8 7 16 17 Kupres -Rsuk. 300 18 17 19 13 28 44 42 16 6 53,71 m 160 6 5 8 7 5 6 1 10 8 m 160 14 11 13 5 13 18 17 11 2 50,66 ž 140 0 3 6 6 3 2 6 6 9 Ž 140 4 6 6 8 15 26 25 5 4 57.21 Laktašiuk. 34.966 1,687 1,873 1,940 2,190 2,059 2,445 2,476 2,513 2,365 Laktašiuk. 34.966 2,432 2,617 2,630 2,438 1,684 1,509 1,142 1,005 1,147 1,073 1,216 M 17,320 1,220 1,294 1.307 1,192 826 987 Ž 17.646 832 926 935 1.043 986 1,261 1,224 1,205 1,149 Ž 17.646 1,212 1,323 1,323 1,246 858 822 683 417 201 41.05 Livnouk. 34.133 1.334 1.465 1,790 2.423 2.283 2,355 2,270 2,330 2.567 Livnouk. 34.133 2,619 2,616 2,371 2,055 1,628 1,582 1,253 1,202 1,217 1,242 1,160 1,251 1,301 1,219 1,050 800 701 515 258 108 39.73 ж 17.109 648 691 885 1.221 1,066 1.113 1,110 1,105 1,272 Ž 17.109 1,309 1,239 1,152 1,005 828 881 738 530 296 42.10 Lopareuk. 15.357 517 630 734 969 925 881 868 912 1,007 Lopareuk. 15.357 1.237 1,384 1,257 1,197 777 720 789 452 179 255 320 393 480 474 459 458 468 766 677 581 370 380 317 174 59 42.42 W 7,648 262 310 341 489 451 422 410 444 487 Ž 7.608 559 618 580 538 407 420 472 278 120 44,46 Lukavacuk. 44.520 1.968 1,892 2,162 3,047 2,970 3,255 2,959 2,946 3,009 Lukavacuk. 44.520 3,542 4,135 3,568 2,943 2,022 1,739 1,357 762 1,575 1,568 1,764 1,576 1,468 2,031 1,719 1,496. F 22,734 1,846 2.104 1,849 1,542 1,140 1,003 777 469 156 41.51 Ljubineuk. 3,511 155 135 184 221 215 218 217 179 229 Ljubineuk. 3,511 245 283 285 255 146 162 171 134 77 43,22 m 1.725 73 64 101 110 117 m 1.725 124 138 155 129 59 68 60 49 22 41,42 Ž 1,786 82 71 83 111 98 108 101 86 92 Ž 1,786 121 145 130 126 87 94 111 85 55 44,95 Ljubuskiuk. 28.184 1.352 1,573 1,850 2,082 1,976 1,962 1,748 1,861 1,922 Ljubuskiuk. 28.184 2,046 2,059 1,797 1,352 1,089 1,242 1,061 718 494 831 971 1,038 971 971 1,090 1,089 957 683 523 548 439 254 119 38,11 Ž 14.162 669 742 879 1,044 999 995 849 914 915 Ž 14.162 956 970 840 669 566 694 622 464 375 40.58 Maglajuk. 23.146 1,215 1,178 1,302 1,745 1,563 1,604 1,672 1,728 1,649 Maglajuk. 23.146 1,849 1,865 1,705 1,387 970 776 cm 11.430 633 621 687 893 782 819 m 11:430 935 920 224 101 27 36,88 W 11.716 582 557 615 852 781 768 858 865 830 Ž 11/11/916 960 891 737 520 456 352 168 66 39.33 Miliciuk. 11.441 489 580 580 847 843 949 929 898 761 MILICIUK. 11.441 771 961 896 807 384 261 270 m 5.798 247 304 306 476 423 m 5.798 370 444 458 386 182 106 100 46 21 36.78 W 5,643 242 276 274 406 378 444 411 422 338 Ž 5.643 401 517 438 421 202 155 170 98 50 39,52 Modričauk. 25,720 1,001 1,128 1,391 1,623 1,490 1,593 1,565 1,653 1,699 Modričauk. 25,720 1,926 2,070 1,980 1,889 1,479 1,318 1,125,252 514 573 700 813 739 862 m 12.561 979 1,022 969 902 88 41,23 ж 13.159 487 555 691 810 751 751 782 841 831 Ž 13.159 947 1,048 1,011 987 789 735 621 378 144 43.30

41 Canton Gender Canton of Gender Town Cowel 0-4 5-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70 -74 75-79 80-84 85 + Average age Canton Sex Total Age Canton Sex Total Age Kotor Varošuk. 19.710 922 981 1,247 1,453 1,413 1,418 1,382 1,443 1,490 Kotor Varošuk. 19.710 1,512 1,486 1,305 1,205 859 700 554 249 91 38,26 m 9.818 478 742 787 740 753 617 585 362 301 221 98 37 37.10 WD 9.892 444 487 599 693 668 676 673 703 742 9.892 732 733 688 620 497 399 333 151 54 39.41 Kozarska Dubicauk. 21,524 800 834 932 1,222 1,202 1,414 1,315 1,273 1,276 Kozarska Dubicauk. 21.524 1,681 1,871 1,898 1,584 919 1,093 1,250 635 408 412 482 627 630 742 7.516 829 433 496 248 86 42.30 WD 11.008 392 422 450 595 572 672 607 607 615 Ž 11.008 852 939 931 811 503 660 754 387 239 45,59 Kreševouk. 5.273 240 270 294 365 363 383 336 287 328 Kreševouk. 5.273 391 474 405 308 203 254 193 122 57 40,29 m 2,597 127 147 158 168 184 192 183 151 173 m 2.597 186 243 205 154 85 99 80 37 25 38,81 Ž 2,676 113 123 136 197 179 191 153 136 155 Ž 2,676 205 231 200 154 118 155 113 85 32 41.73 Krupa na Uniuk. 1,597 49 57 76 102 81 66 80 89 111 Krupa na Uniuk. 1.597 121 122 118 111 90 99 124 73 28 46,32 m 862 27 29 34 55 50 38 50 53 74 56 51 42 47 26 7 44,42 Ž 735 22 28 42 47 31 28 30 36 41 Ž 735 46 44 44 55 39 57 77 47 21 48.54 Kupres - Fbihuk. 5.057 164 216 315 367 338 310 294 335 343 Kupres - Fbihuk. 5.057 458 487 381 278 155 229 210 116 61 41,06 m 2.541 86 114 156 176 173 m 2.541 223 267 203 143 74 103 95 47 22 40.47 Ž 2,516 78 102 160 178 176 157 138 159 170 Ž 2,516 235 220 178 135 81 126 115 69 39 41.65 Kupres -Rsuk. 300 6 8 14 13 8 8 7 16 17 Kupres -Rsuk. 300 18 17 19 13 28 44 42 16 6 53,71 m 160 6 5 8 7 5 6 1 10 8 m 160 14 11 13 5 13 18 17 11 2 50,66 ž 140 0 3 6 6 3 2 6 6 9 Ž 140 4 6 6 8 15 26 25 5 4 57.21 Laktašiuk. 34.966 1,687 1,873 1,940 2,190 2,059 2,445 2,476 2,513 2,365 Laktašiuk. 34.966 2,432 2,617 2,630 2,438 1,684 1,509 1,142 1,005 1,147 1,073 1,216 M 17,320 1,220 1,294 1.307 1,192 826 987 Ž 17.646 832 926 935 1.043 986 1,261 1,224 1,205 1,149 Ž 17.646 1,212 1,323 1,323 1,246 858 822 683 417 201 41.05 Livnouk. 34.133 1.334 1.465 1,790 2.423 2.283 2,355 2,270 2,330 2.567 Livnouk. 34.133 2,619 2,616 2,371 2,055 1,628 1,582 1,253 1,202 1,217 1,242 1,160 1,251 1,301 1,219 1,050 800 701 515 258 108 39.73 ж 17.109 648 691 885 1.221 1,066 1.113 1,110 1,105 1,272 Ž 17.109 1,309 1,239 1,152 1,005 828 881 738 530 296 42.10 Lopareuk. 15.357 517 630 734 969 925 881 868 912 1,007 Lopareuk. 15.357 1.237 1,384 1,257 1,197 777 720 789 452 179 255 320 393 480 474 459 458 468 766 677 581 370 380 317 174 59 42.42 W 7,648 262 310 341 489 451 422 410 444 487 Ž 7.608 559 618 580 538 407 420 472 278 120 44,46 Lukavacuk. 44.520 1.968 1,892 2,162 3,047 2,970 3,255 2,959 2,946 3,009 Lukavacuk. 44.520 3,542 4,135 3,568 2,943 2,022 1,739 1,357 762 1,575 1,568 1,764 1,576 1,468 2,031 1,719 1,496. F 22,734 1,846 2.104 1,849 1,542 1,140 1,003 777 469 156 41.51 Ljubineuk. 3,511 155 135 184 221 215 218 217 179 229 Ljubineuk. 3,511 245 283 285 255 146 162 171 134 77 43,22 m 1.725 73 64 101 110 117 m 1.725 124 138 155 129 59 68 60 49 22 41,42 Ž 1,786 82 71 83 111 98 108 101 86 92 Ž 1,786 121 145 130 126 87 94 111 85 55 44,95 Ljubuskiuk. 28.184 1.352 1,573 1,850 2,082 1,976 1,962 1,748 1,861 1,922 Ljubuskiuk. 28.184 2,046 2,059 1,797 1,352 1,089 1,242 1,061 718 494 831 971 1,038 971 971 1,090 1,089 957 683 523 548 439 254 119 38,11 Ž 14.162 669 742 879 1,044 999 995 849 914 915 Ž 14.162 956 970 840 669 566 694 622 464 375 40.58 Maglajuk. 23.146 1,215 1,178 1,302 1,745 1,563 1,604 1,672 1,728 1,649 Maglajuk. 23.146 1,849 1,865 1,705 1,387 970 776 cm 11.430 633 621 687 893 782 819 m 11:430 935 920 224 101 27 36,88 W 11.716 582 557 615 852 781 768 858 865 830 Ž 11/11/916 960 891 737 520 456 352 168 66 39.33 Miliciuk. 11.441 489 580 580 847 843 949 929 898 761 MILICIUK. 11.441 771 961 896 807 384 261 270 m 5.798 247 304 306 476 423 m 5.798 370 444 458 386 182 106 100 46 21 36.78 W 5,643 242 276 274 406 378 444 411 422 338 Ž 5.643 401 517 438 421 202 155 170 98 50 39,52 Modričauk. 25,720 1,001 1,128 1,391 1,623 1,490 1,593 1,565 1,653 1,699 Modričauk. 25,720 1,926 2,070 1,980 1,889 1,479 1,318 1,125,252 514 573 700 813 739 862 m 12.561 979 1,022 969 902 88 41,23 ж 13.159 487 555 691 810 751 751 782 841 831 Ž 13.159 947 1,048 1,011 987 789 735 621 378 144 43.30

42 DEMOGRAPHY DEMOGRAPHYKANTON GENEAL COUNTY CANTON GENERAL COUNTRY 0-4 5-9 10-14 15-19 20-39 40-42 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74 75-79 80-84 85 + Average age Canton Sex Total Age Canton Sex Total Age Mrkonjić Graduk. 16.671 681 741 871 1,003 892 981 996 1,062 1.008 Mrkonjić Graduk. 16.671 1,068 1,154 1,378 1,394 1,010 797 823 525 287 401 408 558 465 M 8.096 518 539 671 680 451 346 326 186 110 41,85 Ž 8,575 344 340 463 445 427 462 508 494 483 Ž 8.575 550 615 707 714 559 451 497 339 177 45,13 Neumuk. 4.653 206 237 282 344 278 305 252 234 286 Neumuk. 4.653 424 429 339 260 155 178 201 154 89 41,10 m 2.344 105 121 138 125 154 m 2.344 210 213 201 145 73 83 Ž 2.309 101 116 144 171 138 141 121 109 132 Ž 2,309 214 216 138 115 82 95 110 103 63 41,99 Nevesinjeuk. 12.961 561 669 741 806 718 757 749 880 847 Nevesinjeuk. 12.961 897 958 949 926 622 681 606 m 6,462 301 342 367 406 453 m 6,462 488 526 494 437 246 275 235 148 64 40,44 W 6499 260 327 374 400 351 353 352 368 394 Ž 6.499 409 432 455 489 376 406 371 218 164 44,00 New grade. 27.115 981 1,074 1,309 1,665 1,640 1,723 1,771 1,720 1,931 New Graduk. 27.115 2,145 2,386 2,207 1,936 1,309 1,247 1,151 6274 496 562 710 864 962 1,20 m 13.594 1.110 1.253 1.123 965 87 41.04 ж 13.521 485 512 599 801 778 811 838 816 924 Ž 13.521 1,035 1,133 1,084 971 727 705 714 392 196 43.87 Novi Grad Sarajevouk. 118,553 6,754 6,046 5,961 7,216 6,821 9,236 10,261 9,451 7,789 Novi Grad Sarajevouk. 118.553 8.130 8,559 8,642 7,928 5.096 4,430 3,664 1.834 735 3.488 3.071 4.435 4.916 4,592 3,746 M 55,735 3,372 2,121 1,847 1,437 689 260 37,44 Ž 62.818 3,266 2,975 2.894 3.582 3.468 4,871 5. 345 4,859 4,043 Ž 62.818 4.192 4,644 4,779 4,556 2,984 2,583 2,227 1,145 475 40.36 Novi Travnikuk. 23.832 1.318 1,345 1,491 2,000 1,804 1,925 1,690 1,657 1,727 New Travnikuk. 23.832 1,864 1,917 1,608 1,100 749 693 581 276 87 36,32 m 11,862 685 929 1,017 930 913 927 796 515 301 279 246 106 23 35.07 WD 11.970 633 656 718 959 878 908 760 844 845 Ž 11.970 951 990 812 585 448 414 335 170 64 37,55 New Gorazdeuk. 3.117 103 110 100 147 194 235 221 182 180 New Gorazdeuk. 3.117 227 255 324 296 147 135 145 81 35 44,23 m 1.618 50 50 46 73 112 M 1.618 117 130 162 157 82 54 65 46 12 43.75 Ž 1,499 53 60 54 74 82 98 109 70 79 Ž 1,499 110 125 162 139 65 81 80 35 23 44,75 Novosarajevouk. 64.814 3,295 2,736 2,837 3,701 3,789 5,196 5,296 4,614 4.120 Novosarajevouk. 64.814 4.490 4,908 4,877 2,731 1,651 819 41,12 m 29,580 1,645 1,837 2,410 m 29,580 2,007 2,285 2,218 1,829 1,112 1,020 1,024 608 1,650 1,322 1,334 1,650 1,902 1,344 1,794 1.952 2,786 2.819 2.4 49 2,280 Ž 35.234 2.483 2.623 2.659 2.463 1,716 1,614 1,707 1,043 530 42.73 Оджакук. 18.821 693 823 1,036 1,253 1,191 1,196 1,160 1,317 1,515 Odžakuk. 18.821 1,758 1,572 1,202 1,069 891 940 748 m 9.373 344 440 530 680 626 614 498 398 426 284 125 25 39.62 Ž 9,448 349 383 506 578 565 577 575 637 743 Ž 9.448 832 766 588 571 493 514 464 216 91 42,29 ОловOUK. 10.175 417 446 496 745 719 667 647 672 661 Оловуук. 10.175 739 959 953 765 416 349 293 m 5.084 224 233 245 340 329 m 5.084 376 495 464 363 203 138 115 51 18 193 213 251 385 320 298 285 332 332 Ž 5.091 363 464 489 402 213 211 178 104 58 41.73 Orasjeuk. 19,861 726 927 1,158 1,407 1,339 1,329 1,203 1,425 1,662 Orasjeuk. 19.861 1,844 1,642 1,296 1,173 975 775 589 3,059 369 475 644 710 897 m 10.059 1.012 868 668 555 29 38,47 Ž 9.802 357 452 514 697 617 617 578 715 765 Ž 9.802 832 734 628 618 523 462 396 215 82 41,27 osmaciuk. 6.016 275 271 340 429 442 434 463 443 405 osmaciuk. 6.016 460 492 418 388 252 209 168 148 144 170 220 219 233 247 241 218 m 3.065 235 271 203 180 124 95 Ž 2.951 127 127 170 209 223 201 216 202 187 Ž 2.951 225 221 215 208 128 114 105 46 27 39.87 ŠTHRA LUKAUK. 2,786 107 135 166 220 106 136 138 204 180 ŠTHRA LUKAUK. 2,786 190 211 212 206 140 171 162 74 28 43,00 m 1,440 55 69 90 118 53 76 73 117 129 102 115 61 65 65 26 12 41,52 Ž 1,346 52 66 76 102 53 60 65 96 74 Ž 1,346 73 82 110 91 79 106 97 48 16 44.60 Pale - FBiHUK. 904 35 42 59 74 53 42 40 51 60 Pale - Fbihuk. 904 74 64 64 70 48 52 41 24 11 42,23 m 456 18 25 36 29 33 25 17 28 24 m 456 42 39 30 30 19 28 13 14 6 40,97 Ž 448 17 17 23 45 20 17 23 23 36 Ž 448 32 25 34 40 29 24 28 10 5 43.52 Pale - Rsuk. 20.909 904 900 1,031 1,302 1,404 1,507 1,499 1,329 1,109 Pale - RSUK. 20,909 1,344 1,689 1,957 1,508 926 962 872 m 10.038 462 451 557 645 681 780 727 654 775 961 718 395 40.11 W 10.871 442 449 474 657 723 727 778 626 572 Ž 10.871 690 914 996 790 531 568 522 284 128 42.84

43 Canton Gender Countage Canton General Town Careful 0-4 5-9 10-14 15-19 20-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70 -74 75-79 80-84 85 + Average age Canton Sex Total Age Canton Sex Total Age Mrkonjić Graduk. 16.671 681 741 871 1,003 892 981 996 1,062 1.008 Mrkonjić Graduk. 16.671 1,068 1,154 1,378 1,394 1,010 797 823 525 287 401 408 558 465 M 8.096 518 539 671 680 451 346 326 186 110 41,85 Ž 8,575 344 340 463 445 427 462 508 494 483 Ž 8.575 550 615 707 714 559 451 497 339 177 45,13 Neumuk. 4.653 206 237 282 344 278 305 252 234 286 Neumuk. 4.653 424 429 339 260 155 178 201 154 89 41,10 m 2.344 105 121 138 125 154 m 2.344 210 213 201 145 73 83 Ž 2.309 101 116 144 171 138 141 121 109 132 Ž 2,309 214 216 138 115 82 95 110 103 63 41,99 Nevesinjeuk. 12.961 561 669 741 806 718 757 749 880 847 Nevesinjeuk. 12.961 897 958 949 926 622 681 606 m 6.462 301 342 367 406 367 404 397 512 453 m 6,462 488 526 494 437 246 275 235 148 64 40,44 W 6499 260 327 374 400 351 353 352 368 394 Ž 6,499 409 432 455 489 376 406 371 218 164 44,00 New grade. 27.115 981 1,074 1,309 1,665 1,640 1,723 1,771 1,720 1,931 New Graduk. 27.115 2,145 2,386 2,207 1,936 1,309 1,247 1,151 6274 496 562 710 864 962 1,20 m 13.594 1.110 1.253 1.123 965 87 41.04 ж 13.521 485 512 599 801 778 811 838 816 924 Ž 13.521 1,035 1,133 1,084 971 727 705 714 392 196 43.87 Novi Grad Sarajevouk. 118,553 6,754 6,046 5,961 7,216 6,821 9,236 10,261 9,451 7,789 Novi Grad Sarajevouk. 118.553 8.130 8,559 8,642 7,928 5.096 4,430 3,664 1.834 735 3.488 3.071 4.435 4.916 4,592 3,746 M 55,735 3,372 2,121 1,847 1,437 689 260 37,44 Ž 62.818 3,266 2,975 2.894 3.582 3.468 4,871 5. 345 4,859 4,043 Ž 62.818 4.192 4,644 4,779 4,556 2,984 2,583 2,227 1,145 475 40.36 Novi Travnikuk. 23.832 1.318 1,345 1,491 2,000 1,804 1,925 1,690 1,657 1,727 New Travnikuk. 23.832 1,864 1,917 1,608 1,100 749 693 581 276 87 36,32 m 11,862 685 929 1,017 930 913 927 796 515 301 279 246 106 23 35.07 WD 11.970 633 656 718 959 878 908 760 844 845 Ž 11.970 951 990 812 585 448 414 335 170 64 37,55 New Gorazdeuk. 3.117 103 110 100 147 194 235 221 182 180 New Gorazdeuk. 3.117 227 255 324 296 147 135 145 81 35 44,23 m 1.618 50 50 46 73 112 M 1.618 117 130 162 157 82 54 65 46 12 43.75 Ž 1,499 53 60 54 74 82 98 109 70 79 Ž 1,499 110 125 162 139 65 81 80 35 23 44,75 Novosarajevouk. 64.814 3,295 2,736 2,837 3,701 3,789 5,196 5,296 4,614 4.120 Novosarajevouk. 64.814 4.490 4,908 4,877 2,731 1,651 819 41,12 m 29,580 1,645 1,837 2,410 m 29,580 2,007 2,285 2,218 1,829 1,112 1,020 1,024 608 1,650 1,322 1,334 1,650 1,902 1,344 1,794 1.952 2,786 2.819 2.4 49 2,280 Ž 35.234 2.483 2.623 2.659 2.463 1,716 1,614 1,707 1,043 530 42.73 Оджакук. 18.821 693 823 1,036 1,253 1,191 1,196 1,160 1,317 1,515 Odžakuk. 18.821 1,758 1,572 1,202 1,069 891 940 748 m 9.373 344 440 530 680 626 614 498 398 426 284 125 25 39.62 Ž 9,448 349 383 506 578 565 577 575 637 743 Ž 9.448 832 766 588 571 493 514 464 216 91 42,29 ОловOUK. 10.175 417 446 496 745 719 667 647 672 661 Оловуук. 10.175 739 959 953 765 416 349 293 m 5.084 224 233 245 340 329 m 5.084 376 495 464 363 203 138 115 51 18 193 213 251 385 320 298 285 332 332 Ž 5.091 363 464 489 402 213 211 178 104 58 41.73 Orasjeuk. 19,861 726 927 1,158 1,407 1,339 1,329 1,203 1,425 1,662 Orasjeuk. 19.861 1,844 1,642 1,296 1,173 975 775 589 3,059 369 475 644 710 897 m 10.059 1.012 868 668 555 29 38,47 Ž 9.802 357 452 514 697 617 617 578 715 765 Ž 9.802 832 734 628 618 523 462 396 215 82 41,27 osmaciuk. 6.016 275 271 340 429 442 434 463 443 405 osmaciuk. 6.016 460 492 418 388 252 209 168 148 144 170 220 219 233 247 241 218 m 3.065 235 271 203 180 124 95 Ž 2.951 127 127 170 209 223 201 216 202 187 Ž 2.951 225 221 215 208 128 114 105 46 27 39.87 ŠTHRA LUKAUK. 2,786 107 135 166 220 106 136 138 204 180 ŠTHRA LUKAUK. 2,786 190 211 212 206 140 171 162 74 28 43,00 m 1,440 55 69 90 118 53 76 73 117 129 102 115 61 65 65 26 12 41,52 Ž 1,346 52 66 76 102 53 60 65 96 74 Ž 1,346 73 82 110 91 79 106 97 48 16 44.60 Pale - FBiHUK. 904 35 42 59 74 53 42 40 51 60 Pale - Fbihuk. 904 74 64 64 70 48 52 41 24 11 42,23 m 456 18 25 36 29 33 25 17 28 24 m 456 42 39 30 30 19 28 13 14 6 40,97 Ž 448 17 17 23 45 20 17 23 23 36 Ž 448 32 25 34 40 29 24 28 10 5 43.52 Pale - Rsuk. 20.909 904 900 1,031 1,302 1,404 1,507 1,499 1,329 1,109 Pale - RSUK. 20,909 1,344 1,689 1,957 1,508 926 962 872 m 10.038 462 451 557 645 681 780 727 654 775 961 718 395 40.11 W 10.871 442 449 474 657 723 727 778 626 572 Ž 10.871 690 914 996 790 531 568 522 284 128 42.84

44 DEMOGRAPHY DEMOGRAPHYKANTON GENEAL COUNTY CANTON GENERAL COUNTRY 0-4 5-9 10-14 15-19 20-39 40-49 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74 75-79 80-84 85 + Average age Canton Sex Total Age Canton Sex Total Age Pelagićevouk. 5.220 133 193 240 301 260 231 234 329 361 Pelagićevouk. 5.220 496 387 399 410 374 341 291 185 55 46,00 m 2.609 65 100 112 156 212 m 2.609 263 222 215 208 174 141 113 68 18 44,62 ž 2,611 68 93 123 143 119 105 122 173 149 Ž 2,611 233 165 184 202 200 200 178 117 37 47,39 Petrovacuk. 361 13 18 23 13 9 16 21 33 20 Petrovacuk. 361 24 23 21 28 21 25 25 18 10 46,45 m 172 8 10 11 7 6 6 10 20 10 m 172 14 14 8 12 9 9 8 5 5 43.16 Ž 189 5 8 12 6 3 10 11 13 10 Ž 189 10 9 13 16 12 16 17 13 5 49,45 Petrovouk. 6.474 264 230 263 352 363 418 350 303 345 Petrovouk. 6.474 469 574 574 514 365 425 406 170 89 110 123 186 187 232 188 155 166 m 3.124 237 267 296 250 144 180 162 62 33 43,28 W 3,350 118 120 140 166 176 186 162 148 179 Ž 3.350 232 307 278 264 221 245 244 108 56 46.83 Posusjeuk. 20.477 1.237 1.332 1.447 1.702 1.512 1,481 1,351 1.356 1.536 Posusjeuk. 20.477 1,491 1.442 1.162 898 670 669 605 337 249 36.37 m 10.287 642 685 707 892 781 763 685 652 764 m 10.287 830 756 614 437 348 309 236 132 54 35,46 F 10.190 595 704 772 Ž 10.190 661 686 548 461 322 360 369 205 195 37.30 Prijedoruk. 89.397 3.468 3.708 4.194 5.681 5.504 6.216 6.213 6.499 6.233 Prijedoruk. 89.397 6.999 7.244 6.806 6.207 4.195 4.134 3.572 1.739 785 41,53 m 43.863 1.805 1.924 2.133 2.896 2.819 3.153 3.161 3.355 3.148 m 43.863 3.66 3.689 3.276 2.904 4 Ž 45.534 1.663 1.784 2.061 2.785 2.685 3.063 3.052 3.144 3,085 F 45.534 3.433 3.555 3.530 3.303 2.236 2.404 2.173 1.061 517 42.78 Prnjavoruk. 35.956 1.600 1.633 1.930 2.388 1.952 2.124 2.268 2.538 2.342 Prnjavoruk. 35.956 2.458 2.618 2.607 2.129 2.047 1.524 821 358 42.05 m 17.572 812 836 977 1.279 997 1.101 1.121 1.294 1.212 m 17.572 1.239 1.352 1.226 1.257 961 918 88 797 953 1.109 955 1.023 1.147 1.244 1.130 F 18.384 1.219 1.266 1.381 1.362 1.168 1.129 929 521 263 43.47 Prozoruk. 14.280 687 821 974 1.134 979 1.006 995 1.005 1.020 Prozoruk. 14.280 1.057 1.048 964 746 485 530 470 234 125 37.88 m 7.210 341 436 502 596 526 531 536 508 520 M 7.210 567 526 509 343 232 191 81 38 36.67 Ž 7.070 346 Ž 7.070 490 522 455 403 258 298 279 153 87 39.11 Straight. 3.219 118 136 155 193 191 215 168 183 243 straight. 3.219 243 275 256 196 134 173 162 117 61 43.52 m 1.657 60 74 100 101 125 91 100 130 m 1.657 115 154 140 100 66 90 66 55 16 42.46 F 1.562 58 62 81 93 90 90 77 83 113 F 1.562 128 121 116 96 68 83 96 62 45 44.63 Ribnikuk. 6.048 245 249 316 360 295 297 292 360 395 Ribnikuk. 6.048 394 445 479 533 406 372 320 210 80 44,78 m 3.009 121 135 157 168 148 155 166 186 231 M 3.009 230 249 244 183 153 124 89 26 43.40 F 3.039 124 114 159 192 147 147 3.039 164 201 230 289 223 219 196 121 54 46.16 Rogaticauk. 10.723 514 495 462 622 585 670 686 678 575 Rogaticauk. 10.723 672 835 979 861 501 601 547 316 124 43.15 M 5.270 252 262 262 229 335 287 369 369 358 314 m 5.270 360 429 464 411 218 263 227 112 45 41.67 F 5.453 312 406 515 450 283 338 320 204 79 44.58 Rudouk. 7.963 289 344 353 388 453 479 469 472 507 Rudouk. 7.963 656 663 685 649 487 446 382 159 82 43.87 m 4.050 153 185 187 202 232 277 260 253 271 m 4.050 328 346 355 326 228 198 169 55 25 42,46 F 3.913 136 159 166 186 221 202 209 219 236 3.913 328 317 330 323 259 248 213 104 57 45.32 Sanski Mostuk. 41.475 1.681 1.975 2.473 3.121 2.644 3.049 3.017 3.345 3.389 Sanski Mostuk. 41.475 3.424 3.391 2.881 2.338 1.546 1,403 1.042 541 215 38.50 m 20.826 850 1.024 1.271 1,640 1.386 1.545 1.572 1.692 1.724 m 20.826 1.796 1.709 1.416 1.141 740 604 951 1.202 1.481 1.258 1.504 1.445 1.653 1,665 F 20.649 1.628 1.682 1.465 1.197 806 799 612 335 135 39.36 SAPNAUK. 11.178 651 729 722 1.061 927 806 778 948 897 SAPNAUK. 11.178 817 729 622 512 309 278 233 111 48 34.72 m 5.739 321 391 372 585 510 411 404 502 482 m 5.739 440 364 301 223 142 117 101 51 22 33.81 F 5.439 338 350 476 5.439 377 365 321 289 167 161 132 60 26 35,68 Falconcuk. 12.021 508 557 561 692 726 816 799 707 604 Sokolacuk. 12.021 819 992 1.103 974 581 546 561 304 171 42,68 M 5.919 264 280 295 356 363 448 415 373 305 M 5.919 405 484 560 455 257 249 225 120 65 41,26 Ž 6.102 244 277 266 336 363 368 384 334 299 Ž 6.102 414 508 543 519 324 297 336 184 106 44.06 Srbacuk. 17.587 836 757 921 1.059 1.009 1.044 1.164 1.166 1,082 Srbacuk. 17.587 1.204 1.243 1.335 1.337 1.013 997 746 463 211 42.41 M 8.623 412 373 482 544 533 544 592 598 556 m 8.623 620 638 619 660 490 459 283 160 60 41,03 500 572 568 526 F 8.964 584 605 716 677 523 538 463 303 151 43.75

45 Canton Pole Overall Canton Polo Overall 0-4 5-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70 -74 75-79 80-84 85+Average Canton Sex Total Age Canton Sex Total Age Pelagicevouk. 5.220 133 193 240 301 260 231 234 329 361 Pelagićek. 5.220 496 387 399 410 374 341 291 185 55 46,00 m 2.609 65 100 117 158 141 126 112 156 212 m 2.609 263 222 215 208 174 141 113 68 18 44,62 F 2.611 68 93 123 143 119 105 122 179 F 2.611 233 165 184 202 200 200 178 117 37 47.39 Petrovacuk. 361 13 18 23 13 9 16 21 33 20 Petrovacuk. 361 24 23 21 28 21 25 25 18 10 46.45 m 172 8 10 11 7 6 6 10 20 10 m 172 14 14 8 12 9 9 8 5 5 43.16 F 189 5 8 12 6 3 10 11 13 10 F 189 10 9 13 16 12 16 17 13 5 49.45 Petrovouk. 6.474 264 230 263 352 363 418 350 303 345 Petrovouk. 6.474 469 574 514 365 425 406 170 89 45.11 m 3.124 146 110 123 186 187 232 188 155 166 m 3.124 237 267 267 296 250 144 180 162 62 33 43,28 Ž 3.350 118 120 140 166 176 186 3.350 232 307 278 264 221 245 244 108 56 46.83 Posusjeuk. 20.477 1.237 1.332 1.447 1,702 1,512 1.481 1,351 1.356 1.536 Posusjeuk. 20.477 1,491 1.442 1.162 898 670 669 605 337 249 36.37 m 10.287 642 685 707 892 781 763 685 652 764 m 10.287 830 756 614 437 348 309 236 132 54 35,46 F 10.190 595 704 772 Ž 10.190 661 686 548 461 322 360 369 205 195 37.30 Prijedoruk. 89.397 3.468 3.708 4.194 5.681 5.504 6.216 6.213 6.499 6.233 Prijedoruk. 89.397 6.999 7.244 6.806 6.207 4.195 4.134 3.572 1.739 785 41,53 m 43.863 1.805 1.924 2.133 2.896 2.819 3.153 3.161 3.355 3.148 m 43.863 3.66 3.689 3.276 2.904 4 Ž 45.534 1.663 1.784 2.061 2.785 2.685 3.063 3.052 3.144 3,085 F 45.534 3.433 3.555 3.530 3.303 2.236 2.404 2.173 1.061 517 42.78 Prnjavoruk. 35.956 1.600 1.633 1.930 2.388 1.952 2.124 2.268 2.538 2.342 Prnjavoruk. 35.956 2.458 2.618 2.607 2.129 2.047 1.524 821 358 42.05 m 17.572 812 836 977 1.279 997 1.101 1.121 1.294 1.212 m 17.572 1.239 1.352 1.226 1.257 961 918 88 797 953 1.109 955 1.023 1.147 1.244 1.130 F 18.384 1.219 1.266 1.381 1.362 1.168 1.129 929 521 263 43.47 Prozoruk. 14.280 687 821 974 1.134 979 1.006 995 1.005 1.020 Prozoruk. 14.280 1.057 1.048 964 746 485 530 470 234 125 37.88 m 7.210 341 436 502 596 526 531 536 508 520 M 7.210 567 526 509 343 232 191 81 38 36.67 Ž 7.070 346 Ž 7.070 490 522 455 403 258 298 279 153 87 39.11 Straight. 3.219 118 136 155 193 191 215 168 183 243 straight. 3.219 243 275 256 196 134 173 162 117 61 43.52 m 1.657 60 74 100 101 125 91 100 130 m 1.657 115 154 140 100 66 90 66 55 16 42.46 F 1.562 58 62 81 93 90 90 77 83 113 F 1.562 128 121 116 96 68 83 96 62 45 44.63 Ribnikuk. 6.048 245 249 316 360 295 297 292 360 395 Ribnikuk. 6.048 394 445 479 533 406 372 320 210 80 44,78 m 3.009 121 135 157 168 148 155 166 186 231 M 3.009 230 249 244 183 153 124 89 26 43.40 F 3.039 124 114 159 192 147 147 3.039 164 201 230 289 223 219 196 121 54 46.16 Rogaticauk. 10.723 514 495 462 622 585 670 686 678 575 Rogaticauk. 10.723 672 835 979 861 501 601 547 316 124 43.15 M 5.270 252 262 262 229 335 287 369 369 358 314 m 5.270 360 429 464 411 218 263 227 112 45 41.67 F 5.453 312 406 515 450 283 338 320 204 79 44.58 Rudouk. 7.963 289 344 353 388 453 479 469 472 507 Rudouk. 7.963 656 663 685 649 487 446 382 159 82 43.87 m 4.050 153 185 187 202 232 277 260 253 271 m 4.050 328 346 355 326 228 198 169 55 25 42,46 F 3.913 136 159 166 186 221 202 209 219 236 3.913 328 317 330 323 259 248 213 104 57 45.32 Sanski Mostuk. 41.475 1.681 1.975 2.473 3.121 2.644 3.049 3.017 3.345 3.389 Sanski Mostuk. 41.475 3.424 3.391 2.881 2.338 1.546 1,403 1.042 541 215 38.50 m 20.826 850 1.024 1.271 1,640 1.386 1.545 1.572 1.692 1.724 m 20.826 1.796 1.709 1.416 1.141 740 604 951 1.202 1.481 1.258 1.504 1.445 1.653 1,665 F 20.649 1.628 1.682 1.465 1.197 806 799 612 335 135 39.36 SAPNAUK. 11.178 651 729 722 1.061 927 806 778 948 897 SAPNAUK. 11.178 817 729 622 512 309 278 233 111 48 34.72 m 5.739 321 391 372 585 510 411 404 502 482 m 5.739 440 364 301 223 142 117 101 51 22 33.81 F 5.439 338 350 476 5.439 377 365 321 289 167 161 132 60 26 35,68 Falconcuk. 12.021 508 557 561 692 726 816 799 707 604 Sokolacuk. 12.021 819 992 1.103 974 581 546 561 304 171 42,68 M 5.919 264 280 295 356 363 448 415 373 305 M 5.919 405 484 560 455 257 249 225 120 65 41,26 Ž 6.102 244 277 266 336 363 368 384 334 299 Ž 6.102 414 508 543 519 324 297 336 184 106 44.06 Srbacuk. 17.587 836 757 921 1.059 1.009 1.044 1.164 1.166 1,082 Srbacuk. 17.587 1.204 1.243 1.335 1.337 1.013 997 746 463 211 42.41 M 8.623 412 373 482 544 533 544 592 598 556 m 8.623 620 638 619 660 490 459 283 160 60 41,03 500 572 568 526 F 8.964 584 605 716 677 523 538 463 303 151 43.75

46 Demography of Demographykaton Pole Overall Canton Polo Total Ovostarost 0-4 5-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74 75-79 80-84 85+Average Canton Sex Total Age Canton Sex Total Age Srebrenicauk. 13.409 526 562 650 942 958 1.049 1.053 1.101 1.102 Srebrenicauk. 13.409 1.011 1.024 908 936 554 472 351 156 54 39.17 m 6.602 265 274 353 509 522 557 578 564 550 m 6.602 498 526 408 411 224 167 129 50 17 37.33 F 6.807 261 288 288 297 6.807 513 498 500 525 330 305 222 106 37 40.95 Srebrenikuk. 39.678 2.214 2.201 2.308 2.934 2.915 2.952 2.859 2.798 2.962 Srebrenikuk. 39.678 2.944 3.106 2.678 2.242 1.636 1.259 963 501 206 37.44 m 19.348 1.129 1.111 1.190 1.487 1,521 1,492 1.476 1.354 1.469 m 19.348 1.409 1.532 1.234 1.066 736 1,090 1.118 1.447 1,394 1.460 1,383 1.444 1.493 F 20.330 1.535 1.574 1.444 1.176 900 711 606 327 143 38.61 Old Town Sarajevouk. 36.976 1.623 1.593 1.781 2.301 2.178 2.822 2.732 2.445 2.104 Old Town of Sarajevouk. 36.976 2.464 2.918 3.215 2.846 1.828 1.568 1.399 746 413 41.45 m 17.482 835 800 927 1,190 1.097 1,392 1,319 1,156 1,048 m 17.482 1,153 1,324 1.505 1,343 813 39.85 ж 19.494 788 793 1.430 1.413 1,289 1,056 § 1,710 1,311 1,594 1,710 1,503 1,015 933 845 462 306 42.88 Stolacuk. 14.502 650 676 906 1,083 943 993 981 906 990 Stolacuk. 14.502 1.162 1.150 1.006 781 517 578 589 м 7,326 337 359 456 565 473 523 м 7: 326 625 617 242 171 48 38.87 ж 7.176 313 317 450 518 470 479 461 432 467 Ž 7.176 537 533 487 392 266 335 347 244 128 41.17 Šamacuk. 17.273 584 696 815 1,075 952 1,059 982 1,142 1,162 Šamacuk. 17.273 1,336 1,434 1,340 1,337 1,058 986 776 405 289 365 418 527 506 549 5385 683 685 654 602 490 417 317 140 47 41.89 Ž 8,888 295 331 397 548 446 510 452 577 561 Ž 8.888 623 749 686 735 568 569 459 265 117 44,91 Šekovićiuk. 6,761 249 284 327 403 422 391 425 418 403 Šekovićiuk. 6.761 499 603 655 578 402 281 241 129 51 42.58 m 3,360 130 121 228 228 228 m 3.360 255 325 331 265 189 123 Ž 3,401 119 163 150 209 219 182 197 190 175 Ž 3.401 244 278 324 313 213 158 152 83 32 43.50 Šipovouk. 10.293 431 472 569 609 586 654 668 630 523 Šipovouk. 10.293 643 825 987 792 534 423 518 m 5,221 234 252 283 337 296 m 5,221 340 431 506 387 241 176 209 101 66 41.09 ж 5.072 197 220 286 283 282 294 296 293 227 Ž 5.072 303 394 481 405 293 247 309 180 82 44,27 Široki Brijeguk. 28,929 1,623 1,662 1,923 2,331 2,243 2.068 1,692 1,706 1,889 Široki Brijeguk. 28,929 2,304 2,154 1,763 1,204 909 1,227 1,089 7201 861 865 1,060 842 848 1,171 964 596 448 535 414 287 89 36.87 Ž 14.548 762 797 962 1.123 1,197 962 1.123 1,197 1,008 850 858 939 Ž 14.548 1,144 983 799 608 461 692 675 433 333 39.42 Theoosthack. 7.424 351 403 446 605 589 517 549 586 562 Teočakuk. 7.424 532 591 534 413 264 224 131 82 45 37,07 m 3.767 192 216 213 310 297 267 305 308 302 265 215 116 96 54 28 19 36.23 Ž 3,657 159 187 233 295 292 250 244 278 260 Ž 3,657 270 289 269 198 148 128 77 54 26 37,93 Teslićuk. 38.536 1,969 1,957 2.132 2.567 2,288 2,375 2,443 2,567 2.525 Teslićuk. 38.536 2,639 2,920 2,942 2,813 2,122 1,870 1,470 1,060 1,048 1,1030 1,060 1,243 1,371 1,401 1,425 1,327 895 780 601 256 929 921 927 1,072 1,272 1,097 1,187 1,262 1,097 1,187 1,200 1,256 1,252 F 19,857 1,364 1,519 1,517 1,506 1,207 1,090 869 438 173 42.09 Teshanjuk. 43.063 2,689 2.610 2.826 3.588 3.223 3,221 3,175 3,356 3,220 Teshanjuk. 43.063 3.260 3.156 2.616 2.276 1.528 1.134 726 323 136 35,35 M 21.376 1.388 1.342 1.449 1.908 1.603 1.641 1.592 1.659 1.608 M 21.376 1.592 1.548 1.293 1.060 717 507 303 120 46 34,51 Ž 21.687 1.301 1.268 1.377 1.680 1.620 1.580 1.583 1.697 1.612 Ž 21.687 1.668 1.608 1,323 1,216 811 627 423 203 90 36,17 Tomislavgraduk. 31.592 1.490 1.719 1.968 2.418 2,189 2,082 2.086 2.220 2.448 Tomislavgraduk. 31.592 2,326 2,291 2,133 1,665 1,194 388 38,91 m 16.055 755 882 1,021 1,095 1,123 1,247 1,095 869 611 573 410 247 91 37,92 Ž 15.537 735 837 947 1,171 1,086 933 991 1,078 1,180 Ž 15.537 1.063 1,044 1,011 796 583 703 637 435 297 39.94 Travnikuk. 53.482 2,797 2,975 3,346 4,087 3,580 3,956 3,921 3,988 3.906 Travnikuk. 53.482 3,928 4,039 3,709 3,073 2,008 1,881 1,360 1,719 2,146 1,853 2,079 m 26,574 1,966 1,915 1,753 1,450 897 803 557 253 86 1,334 1.415 1,627 1,951 1,727 1,627 1,951 1,727 1,877 1,951 1,727 1,877 1,902 1,905 1.924 Ž 26.908 1.962 2,124 1,956 1,623 1,111 1,078 792 427 173 38.79 Trebinjeuk. 29.198 1,415 1,428 1,545 1,694 1,623 1,897 1,968 1,921 1,748 Trebinjeuk. 29.198 2,001 2,248 2,302 2,129 1,368 1,365 1,291 791 457 41,89 796 885 864 968 1,151 973 1,048 1,121 1,016 616 583 ж 14.947 662 791 749 809 759 929 978 892 851 Ž 14,947 1,028 1,200 1,191 1,133 752 782 753 499 298 43,48 Tarnovo - Fbihuk. 1.502 40 41 49 59 68 69 73 66 78 Tarnovo - Fbihuk. 1.502 87 113 171 194 141 113 76 52 12 49,14 m 735 12 16 28 31 30 41 39 38 43 m 735 48 62 70 86 70 52 37 26 6 48,92 Ž 767 28 25 21 28 38 28 34 28 35 Ž 767 39 51 101 108 71 61 39 26 6 49.36

47 Canton Gender Canton of Gender COUNteration 0-4 5-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70 -74 75-79 80-84 85 + Average age Canton Sex Total Age Canton Sex Total Age Srebrenicauk. 13.409 526 562 650 942 958 1,049 1,053 1,101 1,102 Srebrenicauk. 13.409 1,011 1,024 908 936 554 472 351 156 54 39,17 m 6,602 265 557 578 564 550 m 6,602 224 526 129 50 17 37,33 W 6,807 261 288 297 433 436 492 475 537 552 Ž 6,807 513 498 500 525 330 305 222 106 37 40,95 Srebrenikuk. 39.678 2.214 2.201 2.308 2,934 2,915 2.952 2,859 2,798 2,962 Srebrenikuk. 39.678 2,944 3.106 2,678 2,242 1,636 1,259 963 501 206 1,141 1,190 1,487 1,521 1,492 1,476 1,324 1,469 m 19,348 1,409 1,532 1,234 1,066 736 548 357 174 63 36.20 Ž 20.330 1,085 1,090 1,160 1,447 1,444 1,493 Ž 20.330 1,535 1,574 1,444 1,176 900 711 606 327 143 38.61 Stari grad Sarajevouk. 36.976 1,623 1,593 1,781 2,301 2,178 2,822 2,732 2.445 2,104 Stari Grad Sarajevouk. 36.976 2.464 2,918 3,215 2,846 1,828 1,568 1,399 7482 835 800 927 1,190 1,597 1,392 1,382 1,153 1,324 1.505 1,353 1,345 554 284 107 39.85 Ž 19.494 788 793 854 1.111 1.081 1,430 1,413 1,281 1,056 Ž 19,494 1,311 1,594 1,710 1,503 1,015 933 845 462 306 42.88 Stolacuk. 14.502 650 676 906 1,083 943 993 981 906 990 Stolacuk. 14.502 1.162 1.150 1.006 781 517 578 589 м 7,326 337 359 456 565 473 523 м 7: 326 625 617 242 171 48 38.87 ж 7.176 313 317 450 518 470 479 461 432 467 Ž 7.176 537 533 487 392 266 335 347 244 128 41.17 Šamacuk. 17.273 584 696 815 1,075 952 1,059 982 1,142 1,162 Šamacuk. 17.273 1,336 1,434 1,340 1,337 1,058 986 776 405 289 365 418 527 506 549 5385 683 685 654 602 490 417 317 140 47 41.89 Ž 8,888 295 331 397 548 446 510 452 577 561 Ž 8.888 623 749 686 735 568 569 459 265 117 44,91 Šekovićiuk. 6,761 249 284 327 403 422 391 425 418 403 Šekovićiuk. 6.761 499 603 655 578 402 281 241 129 51 42.58 m 3,360 130 121 228 228 228 m 3.360 255 325 331 265 189 123 Ž 3,401 119 163 150 209 219 182 197 190 175 Ž 3.401 244 278 324 313 213 158 152 83 32 43.50 Šipovouk. 10.293 431 472 569 609 586 654 668 630 523 Šipovouk. 10.293 643 825 987 792 534 423 518 m 5,221 234 252 283 337 296 m 5,221 340 431 506 387 241 176 209 101 66 41.09 ж 5.072 197 220 286 283 282 294 296 293 227 Ž 5.072 303 394 481 405 293 247 309 180 82 44,27 Široki Brijeguk. 28,929 1,623 1,662 1,923 2,331 2,243 2.068 1,692 1,706 1,889 Široki Brijeguk. 28,929 2,304 2,154 1,763 1,204 909 1,227 1,089 7201 861 865 1,060 842 848 1,171 964 596 448 535 414 287 89 36.87 Ž 14.548 762 797 962 1.123 1,197 962 1.123 1,197 1,008 850 858 939 Ž 14.548 1,144 983 799 608 461 692 675 433 333 39.42 Theoosthack. 7.424 351 403 446 605 589 517 549 586 562 Teočakuk. 7.424 532 591 534 413 264 224 131 82 45 37,07 m 3.767 192 216 213 310 297 267 305 308 302 265 215 116 96 54 28 19 36.23 Ž 3,657 159 187 233 295 292 250 244 278 260 Ž 3,657 270 289 269 198 148 128 77 54 26 37,93 Teslićuk. 38.536 1,969 1,957 2.132 2.567 2,288 2,375 2,443 2,567 2.525 Teslićuk. 38.536 2,639 2,920 2,942 2,813 2,122 1,870 1,470 1,060 1,048 1,1030 1,060 1,243 1,371 1,401 1,425 1,327 895 780 601 256 929 921 927 1,072 1,272 1,097 1,187 1,262 1,097 1,187 1,200 1,256 1,252 F 19,857 1,364 1,519 1,517 1,506 1,207 1,090 869 438 173 42.09 Teshanjuk. 43.063 2,689 2.610 2.826 3.588 3.223 3,221 3,175 3,356 3,220 Teshanjuk. 43.063 3.260 3.156 2.616 2.276 1.528 1.134 726 323 136 35,35 M 21.376 1.388 1.342 1.449 1.908 1.603 1.641 1.592 1.659 1.608 M 21.376 1.592 1.548 1.293 1.060 717 507 303 120 46 34,51 Ž 21.687 1.301 1.268 1.377 1.680 1.620 1.580 1.583 1.697 1.612 Ž 21.687 1.668 1.608 1,323 1,216 811 627 423 203 90 36,17 Tomislavgraduk. 31.592 1.490 1.719 1.968 2.418 2,189 2,082 2.086 2.220 2.448 Tomislavgraduk. 31.592 2,326 2,291 2,133 1,665 1,194 388 38,91 m 16.055 755 882 1,021 1,095 1,123 1,247 1,095 869 611 573 410 247 91 37,92 Ž 15.537 735 837 947 1,171 1,086 933 991 1,078 1,180 Ž 15.537 1.063 1,044 1,011 796 583 703 637 435 297 39.94 Travnikuk. 53.482 2,797 2,975 3,346 4,087 3,580 3,956 3,921 3,988 3.906 Travnikuk. 53.482 3,928 4,039 3,709 3,073 2,008 1,881 1,360 1,719 2,146 1,853 2,079 m 26,574 1,966 1,915 1,753 1,450 897 803 557 253 86 1,334 1.415 1,627 1,951 1,727 1,627 1,951 1,727 1,877 1,951 1,727 1,877 1,902 1,905 1.924 Ž 26.908 1.962 2,124 1,956 1,623 1,111 1,078 792 427 173 38.79 Trebinjeuk. 29.198 1,415 1,428 1,545 1,694 1,623 1,897 1,968 1,921 1,748 Trebinjeuk. 29.198 2,001 2,248 2,302 2,129 1,368 1,365 1,291 791 457 41,89 796 885 864 968 1,151 973 1,048 1,121 1,016 616 583 ж 14.947 662 791 749 809 759 929 978 892 851 Ž 14,947 1,028 1,200 1,191 1,133 752 782 753 499 298 43,48 Tarnovo - Fbihuk. 1.502 40 41 49 59 68 69 73 66 78 Tarnovo - Fbihuk. 1.502 87 113 171 194 141 113 76 52 12 49,14 m 735 12 16 28 31 30 41 39 38 43 m 735 48 62 70 86 70 52 37 26 6 48,92 Ž 767 28 25 21 28 38 28 34 28 35 Ž 767 39 51 101 108 71 61 39 26 6 49.36

48 DEMOGRAPHY DEMOGRAPHYKANTON GENEAL COUNTY CANTON GENERAL COUNTRY 0-4 5-9 10-14 15-19 20-39 40-49 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74 75-79 80-84 85 + Average age Canton Sex Total Age Canton Sex Total Age Trnovo - Rsuk. 2.050 66 67 75 101 108 143 130 90 101 Tarnovo - Rsuk. 2,050 151 179 237 171 117 122 109 55 28 45,72 m 989 30 37 43 41 63 78 78 45 M 989 79 81 114 80 37 46 53 20 11 43.83 Ž 1.061 36 30 32 60 45 65 52 45 48 ž 1.061 72 98 123 91 80 76 56 35 17 47,48 Tuzlauk. 110.979 5,105 4,709 4,816 6,823 7,029 8,282 8,028 7,412 6,798 Tuzlauk. 110.979 8.386 9,910 9,065 7,796 2,029 864 41,08 m 52,745. 810 3.502 Ž 58.234 4,514 5,256 4,793 4,265 2,918 2,828 2,389 1,242 591 42,44 Ugljevikuk. 15.710 675 748 820 960 1,041 1,148 925 959 1.044 Ugljevikuk. 15.710 1,185 1,373 1,152 1,006 703 675 705 393 368 378 403 501 544 597 466 487 530 m 730 354 303 290 154 69 40,49 W 7,773 307 370 417 459 497 551 459 472 514 Ž 7.773 568 635 544 476 349 372 415 239 129 42.34 Usorauk. 6,603 251 271 349 557 469 459 404 458 526 Usorauk. 6,693 669 525 397 338 265 321 213 m 3.266 121 136 177 274 243 235 205 354 285 213 157 122 125 80 34 10 38.62 W 3,337 130 135 172 283 226 224 199 232 257 Ž 3,337 315 240 184 181 143 196 133 59 28 40,41 Varesk. 8.892 256 310 379 575 514 523 451 496 580 Varesk. 8.892 694 850 778 643 535 514 474 235 85 128 163 205 303 273 295 247 349 448 372 290 231 191 201 98 33 42.74 W 4,519 128 147 174 272 241 228 204 241 289 Ž 4.519 345 402 406 353 304 323 273 137 52 46.37 Velika Kladušauk. 40.419 2.756 2,831 2,773 3,202 3,097 3,327 3,379 3,160 2,617 Velika Kladušauk. 40.419 2,658 2,659 2,422 1,850 1,389 1,131 m 19,889 1,433 1,475 1,485 1,172 1,653 1,384 1,321 840 622 474 ж 20.530 1.323 1.356 1,368 1,575 1,452 1,568 1,575 1,492 1,539 1,575 1,492 1,559 1,675 1,592 1,559 1,617 1,507 1,313 Ž 20.530 1,488 1,447 1,291 1,010 767 667 457 211 82 35.69 High. 39.938 2.309 2,331 2.324 2.828 2.752 2.935 2.910 2.866 2.759 High. 39.938 2.861 3.065 2.953 2,485 1,640 1,431 864 1,255 1,473 1,392 1,448 1,483 1,451 1,386 1,406 1,137 745 649 388 197 57 36,60 ж 20.233 1,131 1,103 1,093 1.355 1,360 1,487 1,427 1,305 1,305 1,427 1,405 1,373 Ž 20.233 1,475 1,573 1,547 1,338 895 782 476 265 106 38,44 Visegraduk. 10.668 344 426 488 586 555 669 664 612 627 Visegraduk. 10.668 741 886 919 956 605 575 555 322,3106 164 210 249 290 310 423 337 323 316 430 439 271 235 212 127 53 42,93 W 5,562 180 216 239 296 245 314 327 289 311 Ž 5,562 381 461 489 517 334 340 343 195 85 46.10 Vitezuk. 25.836 1,447 1,479 1,751 2,141 1,873 1,960 1,913 1,771 1,727 Vitezuk. 25.836 2.028 2,105 1,649 1,318 844 841 634 276 106 36,45 m 12.767 757 762 1,060 958 924 863 m 12.767 1.006 1,032 818 603 382 332 Ž 13.069 690 717 886 1.062 934 900 955 847 864 Ž 13.069 1,022 1,073 831 715 462 509 369 169 64 37,42 Vlasenicauk. 11.467 499 569 585 806 736 855 893 866 797 Vlasenicauk. 11.467 810 921 979 841 179 67 39,19 m 5.638 268 287,454,438 428 m 5,638 391 436 472 391 184 134 103 78 16 37.77 Ž 5,829 231 282 271 404 373 429 419 395 369 Ž 5,829 419 485 507 450 233 209 201 101 51 40,57 Vogošćauk. 26.343 1,600 1,455 1,354 1,856 1,876 2,149 2,271 1,989 1,761 Vogošćauk. 26.343 1,852 2.046 1,958 1,540 834 721 597 357 127 837 744 693 933 981 831 m 12.606 820 952 244 129 43 35,55 ж 13.737 763 711 661 923 869 1,135 1,146 1,008 930 Ž 13.737 1,032 1,094 1,079 860 470 411 353 228 84 38.35 Vukosavljeuk. 4.667 207 230 267 298 294 291 326 323 329 Vukosavljeuk. 4.667 387 338 290 262 241 242 199 110 33 40,71 m 2.340 107 152 178 161 179 m 2.340 205 175 151 121 95 114 76 44 8 39.19 134 131 135 139 148 162 150 Ž 2,327 182 163 139 141 146 128 123 66 25 42.23 Zavidovićiiuk. 35.988 2.005 1,997 2,073 2,919 2.503 2,702 2,462 2,621 2,569 Zavidovićiuk. 35.988 2,761 2,991 2,539 2.081 1,377 1,028 811 413 136 1.013 1,2004 1,061 1,260 1,327 1,421 1,214 1,367 1,462 Ž 18.105 992 993 1,012 1,374 1,91 1,209 1,374 1.209 1,289 1,202 1,290 18.105 1,394 1,529 1,325 1,091 743 565 448 242 78 37,95 Zenicauk. 110.663 6,072 5,641 6,044 7,985 7,463 8,475 8.084 7.722 7,266 Zenicauk. 110.663 8.325 9.067 8.278 6,585 4,381 617 38,38 m 54.660 4.133 3.820 4,354 4,233 3,820 4,379 1,643 3,179 1,956 1,646 1,309 660 231 37,34 Ž 56.003 2,968 2,797 2,996 3,852 3,643 4.121 3,795 3.759 3.594 Ž 56,003 4,285 4,688 4,245 3,406 2,425 2.212 1,862 969 386 39.38 Zvornikuk. 58.856 3.061 3.232 3.202 3,646 3,846 4,370 4,486 4,410 3.978 Zvornikuk. 58.856 4.234 4.664 4,422 1,719 886 341 38,81 m 29.270 1,533 2,056 2,212 2,318 2,253 2.256 2,176 1,901 1,083 853 ж 29.586 1,516 1.550 1.590 1.713 1.790 2.128 2.168 2.168 1.8 66 Ž 29.586 2.081 2.408 2,246 2,027 1,323 1,172 1,060 555 225 40.00

49 Canton of Gender County Canton of Pol Totalownership 0-4 5-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74 75-79 80 -84 85 + Average age Canton Sex Total Age Canton Sex Total Age Trnovo - Rsuk. 2.050 66 67 75 101 108 143 130 90 101 Tarnovo - Rsuk. 2,050 151 179 237 171 117 122 109 55 28 45,72 m 989 30 37 43 53 m 989 79 81 114 80 37 46 53 20 11 43.83 Ž 1.061 36 30 32 60 45 65 52 45 48 Ž 1.061 72 98 123 91 80 76 56 35 17 47,48 Tuzlauk. 110.979 5,105 4,709 4,816 6,823 7,029 8,282 8,028 7,412 6,798 Tuzlauk. 110.979 8.386 9,910 9,065 7,796 2,029 864 41,08 m 52,745. 810 3.502 Ž 58.234 4,514 5,256 4,793 4,265 2,918 2,828 2,389 1,242 591 42,44 Ugljevikuk. 15.710 675 748 820 960 1,041 1,148 925 959 1.044 Ugljevikuk. 15.710 1,185 1,373 1,152 1,006 703 675 705 393 368 378 403 501 544 597 466 487 530 m 730 354 303 290 154 69 40,49 W 7,773 307 370 417 459 497 551 459 472 514 Ž 7.773 568 635 544 476 349 372 415 239 129 42.34 Usorauk. 6,603 251 271 349 557 469 459 404 458 526 Usorauk. 6,693 669 525 397 338 265 321 213 m 3.266 121 136 177 274 243 235 205 354 285 213 157 122 125 80 34 10 38.62 W 3,337 130 135 172 283 226 224 199 232 257 Ž 3,337 315 240 184 181 143 196 133 59 28 40,41 Varesk. 8.892 256 310 379 575 514 523 451 496 580 Varesk. 8.892 694 850 778 643 535 514 474 235 85 128 163 205 303 273 295 247 349 448 372 290 231 191 201 98 33 42.74 W 4,519 128 147 174 272 241 228 204 241 289 Ž 4.519 345 402 406 353 304 323 273 137 52 46.37 Velika Kladušauk. 40.419 2.756 2,831 2,773 3,202 3,097 3,327 3,379 3,160 2,617 Velika Kladušauk. 40.419 2,658 2,659 2,422 1,850 1,389 1,131 m 19,889 1,433 1,475 1,485 1,172 1,653 1,384 1,321 840 622 474 ж 20.530 1.323 1.356 1,368 1,575 1,452 1,568 1,575 1,492 1,539 1,575 1,492 1,559 1,675 1,592 1,559 1,617 1,507 1,313 Ž 20.530 1,488 1,447 1,291 1,010 767 667 457 211 82 35.69 High. 39.938 2.309 2,331 2.324 2.828 2.752 2.935 2.910 2.866 2.759 High. 39.938 2.861 3.065 2.953 2,485 1,640 1,431 864 1,255 1,473 1,392 1,448 1,483 1,451 1,386 1,406 1,137 745 649 388 197 57 36,60 ж 20.233 1,131 1,103 1,093 1.355 1,360 1,487 1,427 1,305 1,305 1,427 1,405 1,373 Ž 20.233 1,475 1,573 1,547 1,338 895 782 476 265 106 38,44 Visegraduk. 10.668 344 426 488 586 555 669 664 612 627 Visegraduk. 10.668 741 886 919 956 605 575 555 322,3106 164 210 249 290 310 423 337 323 316 430 439 271 235 212 127 53 42,93 W 5,562 180 216 239 296 245 314 327 289 311 Ž 5,562 381 461 489 517 334 340 343 195 85 46.10 Vitezuk. 25.836 1,447 1,479 1,751 2,141 1,873 1,960 1,913 1,771 1,727 Vitezuk. 25.836 2.028 2,105 1,649 1,318 844 841 634 276 106 36,45 m 12.767 757 762 1,060 958 924 863 m 12.767 1.006 1,032 818 603 382 332 Ž 13.069 690 717 886 1.062 934 900 955 847 864 Ž 13.069 1,022 1,073 831 715 462 509 369 169 64 37,42 Vlasenicauk. 11.467 499 569 585 806 736 855 893 866 797 Vlasenicauk. 11.467 810 921 979 841 179 67 39,19 m 5.638 268 287,454,438 428 m 5,638 391 436 472 391 184 134 103 78 16 37.77 Ž 5,829 231 282 271 404 373 429 419 395 369 Ž 5,829 419 485 507 450 233 209 201 101 51 40,57 Vogošćauk. 26.343 1,600 1,455 1,354 1,856 1,876 2,149 2,271 1,989 1,761 Vogošćauk. 26.343 1,852 2.046 1,958 1,540 834 721 597 357 127 837 744 693 933 981 831 m 12.606 820 952 244 129 43 35,55 ж 13.737 763 711 661 923 869 1,135 1,146 1,008 930 Ž 13.737 1,032 1,094 1,079 860 470 411 353 228 84 38.35 Vukosavljeuk. 4.667 207 230 267 298 294 291 326 323 329 Vukosavljeuk. 4.667 387 338 290 262 241 242 199 110 33 40,71 m 2.340 107 152 178 161 179 m 2.340 205 175 151 121 95 114 76 44 8 39.19 134 131 135 139 148 162 150 Ž 2,327 182 163 139 141 146 128 123 66 25 42.23 Zavidovićiiuk. 35.988 2.005 1,997 2,073 2,919 2.503 2,702 2,462 2,621 2,569 Zavidovićiuk. 35.988 2,761 2,991 2,539 2.081 1,377 1,028 811 413 136 1.013 1,2004 1,061 1,260 1,327 1,421 1,214 1,367 1,462 Ž 18.105 992 993 1,012 1,374 1,91 1,209 1,374 1.209 1,289 1,202 1,290 18.105 1,394 1,529 1,325 1,091 743 565 448 242 78 37,95 Zenicauk. 110.663 6,072 5,641 6,044 7,985 7,463 8,475 8.084 7.722 7,266 Zenicauk. 110.663 8.325 9.067 8.278 6,585 4,381 617 38,38 m 54.660 4.133 3.820 4,354 4,233 3,820 4,379 1,643 3,179 1,956 1,646 1,309 660 231 37,34 Ž 56.003 2,968 2,797 2,996 3,852 3,643 4.121 3,795 3.759 3.594 Ž 56,003 4,285 4,688 4,245 3,406 2,425 2.212 1,862 969 386 39.38 Zvornikuk. 58.856 3.061 3.232 3.202 3,646 3,846 4,370 4,486 4,410 3.978 Zvornikuk. 58.856 4.234 4.664 4.422 3.928 2.406 2.025 1.719 886 341 38.81 M 29.270 1.545 1.682 1.612 1.933 2.056 2.242 2.318 2.242 2.112 m 29.270 2.153 2.256 2.176 1.901 1.083 853 586 1,516 1,550 1.590 1.713 1.790 2.128 2.168 2.168 1.866 F 29,586 2,081 2.408 2.246 2.027 1.323 1.172 1.060 555 225 40.00

50 Demography Demographykaton Pole Total Canton Polo Total Overall 0-4 5-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74 75-79 80-84 85+Average Canton Sex Total Age Canton Sex Total Age Zepceuk. 30.219 1.657 1.743 1.964 2.586 2.134 2.303 2.183 2.179 2.224 Žepčeuk. 30.219 2.462 2.372 1,880 1.469 1.005 891 704 341 122 36.30 m 15.335 878 904 977 1.332 1.066 1.230 1.167 1,111 1.178 m 15.335 1.307 1.230 950 705 455 370 289 141 45 1,068 1.073 1.016 1,068 1,046 F 14.884 1.155 1.142 930 764 550 521 415 200 77 37.09 Živiniceuk. 57.765 3.389 3.178 3.333 4.417 4.750 4.567 4.044 4.005 4.272 Živiniceuk. 57.765 4.638 4.881 3.802 3.096 2.068 1,513 1.074 538 200 36.35 m 28.714 1.778 1.648 1.681 2.238 2.448 2.400 2.081 1.998 2.083 m 28.714 2.318 2.366 1.909 1,460 906 1 1.611 1.530 1.652 2.179 2.302 2.167 1.963 2.007 2.189 F 29.051 2.320 2.515 1.893 1.636 1.162 831 633 322 139 37.26 Graph 2.1. Population according to the age of five years and gender, the level of BiH Graph 2.1. Population by Five-Vesar Age Group and Sex, Level BiH Graph 2.4. Population according to the age of five years and gender, the level of BD Graph 2.4. Population by five-yar Age Group and Sex, Level BD

51 Canton Pole Total Canton Polo Overall 0-4 5-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70 -74 75-79 80-84 85+Average Canton Sex Total Age Canton Sex Total Age Zepceuk. 30.219 1.657 1.743 1.964 2.586 2.134 2.303 2.183 2.179 2.224 Žepčeuk. 30.219 2.462 2.372 1,880 1.469 1.005 891 704 341 122 36.30 m 15.335 878 904 977 1.332 1.066 1.230 1.167 1,111 1.178 m 15.335 1.307 1.230 950 705 455 370 289 141 45 1,068 1.073 1.016 1,068 1,046 F 14.884 1.155 1.142 930 764 550 521 415 200 77 37.09 Živiniceuk. 57.765 3.389 3.178 3.333 4.417 4.750 4.567 4.044 4.005 4.272 Živiniceuk. 57.765 4.638 4.881 3.802 3.096 2.068 1,513 1.074 538 200 36.35 m 28.714 1.778 1.648 1.681 2.238 2.448 2.400 2.081 1.998 2.083 m 28.714 2.318 2.366 1.909 1,460 906 1 1.611 1.530 1.652 2.179 2.302 2.167 1.963 2.007 2.189 F 29.051 2.320 2.515 1.893 1.636 1.162 831 633 322 139 37.26 Graph 2.2. Population according to the age of five years and gender, the level of F BiH Graph 2.2. Population by Five-Waar Age Groups and Sex, Level F BiHographic 2.3. Population according to the age of five years and gender, RS Graph level 2.3. Population by five-yar Age Group and Sex, Level Rs

Fočalivo Konjiglamočteljlićbanja Luka Gackopale Trebinjevićičići Town of Mostar Nevesidvarbihać Bijeljinagradiška Ribnika Sokolacšipovo Kupresbrčko Kalinoviksbac Tomislavgrogatica Turnjavor Sanski bridge Varescazin Olovo Prozor-Rama Rudopjeta Jajšzavići PosavjadiVić Milići Striknovi City of Zvornik Srebrenicačelinac Žepče Mrkonjić City of Zenica Neumkotor Varoš Trnovobrod Lukavac Kladanj Bosno Grahovo Ljubinjelopare Bugojnobosan Petrovacmodich Fojnica Stolackneževo Živinice Hadžićibosan Krupa Čajniča Ljubuskivisoko Grudemaglaj Jablanica Fočakozarska Dubica Bratunac Čapljinavitez Goraždeškovići Donji Vakuf Čitlukhan Sand Berkovićituzlašamacojak Čelić Srebrenik Kalesija Sijesija Kladuša Bužim Vlasenicačac Gracanica Koljevik Sapna Paranja Vakuf-Ukoplje Novi Travnik Kiseljako Port Petrovo Brezaosmacipelagic's Lake Novo Gorazdetrnovo1 Costajnica Krupa on Uni Usoradiciwakovavljev Kupres Trnovo-Squad Drvartečanji Žabar 9Do-Doboj- East 3 4 8DOMALJEVAC-SAMAC 2 7 9DOBO-JUG 96 56SRBIA / SERBIA CROATIA / CROATIA CRJEV GORA / Montenegronusial Municipality marked by Names of Municipalities Marked with Numbers 1 Vogošća 2 Center Sarajevo 3 Old Town Sarajevo 4 New City Sarajevo 5 Novi Sarajevo 6 City 7 Eastern Novo Sarajevo 8 Eastern Ilidza 9 Eastern Mostar 20 0 20 40 60 80 100 10 KMGUSTINA inhabits, in municipalities, 2013. Population Density, by Municipalities, 2013. Population per km2 / Number of Persons Perrs Person2 and Herzegovina / Bosnia / Bosnia and Herzegovina: 68.9 below / Under 25 25 - 49 50 - 99 100 - 199 200 - 499 500 and more / and more focal Konjigglamočteljcljcnja Luka Gackopale Trebinjevićića Prijenjedrbiharbihać Bijeljinagradiška Ribnik Sokolacšipovo Kupresbrčko Kalinoviks Rescazine lead window-roma rudkljak Jajcevidovici Ilijašderventa Posujkanjkanjkanjkanjs Milići Strongly Municipal City of Zvornik Srebrenicačelinac Žepče Mrkonjić City of Zenica Neumcotor Varoš Trnovobrod Lukavac Kladanj Bosansko Grahovo LjubiniPare Bugojnobosanski PetrovacModriča Fojnica Stolacneževo Žajnice Ljubuškivisko Grudemaglaj Jablanac Čapljenjevitz Goraždešekovići Donji Vakuf Čitlukhan Pijesak Berkjeszlenik Kalesiješanjvelika Kladuša Boži M VlasenicAgračac Gracanica Ugljevik Sapna Palegenji Vakuf-Uskoplje Kreševorašje Busovačapetrovac Ilidža Široki Brijegbanovići Novi Travnik Kiseljakostra Luka Petrovo Brezaosmacipelagićevo Lake NEW GoraždeTrnovo1 County Dobretićivukosavlje Kupres Freestion 9doboj-east 3 4 8Domaljevac-Jug 96 56srbija / Serbia Croatia / Croatia Stari grad Sarajevo 4 Novi Grad Sarajevo 5 Novo Sarajevo 6 Eastern Old Town 7 Eastern Ilidža 9 Eastern Mostar 20 0 20 40 60 80 100 10 KMDistribution Population, by municipalities, 2013. Population Distribution, 2013! 1 Point = 500 people 1 dot = 500 persons

Fočalivnivo konjicglamočteslićdoćbanja Luka Gackopale TrebinjeBilećajedor City Mostar Nevesinjedrvarbihić Bijeljevrčko Kalinovacravnik Tomislavrčko bridge Varešcazin Olovo Prozor-Rama Rudok Jajcezavidovići Ilijašderventa Posusjekakanjlaktaši Milići Ravpodiogradnovi Grad Zvornik Srebrenicačelinac Žepče Mrkonjić City Zenica Neumkotor Varoš TrnovoBrod Lukavac Kladanj Bosansko Grahovo Ljubinjelopare Bugojnobosanski PetrovacModriča Fojnica Stolackneževo Živinice HadžićiBosanska Krupa Čajnice Ljubuškinovisoko Grudemaglaj Jablanica FočaKozarska Dubica Bratunac Čapljenjevitez Gorazdešek Pijesak Berkjecrebrenik Kalesišakjvelika Kladušanica Uglasjik Sapna Palegenji Vakuf-Uskoplje Kreševorašje BusovačaPetrovac Ilidža Široki Brijegbanovići New Travnik Kiseljakostra Luka Petrovo Brezaosmacipelagićevo Lake Novo Goraždetrnovo1Kostajnica Krupa na UNI Usora Dobretićivukosavlje Kupres Trnovoisto DrvateOkakDonji Žabar 9Doboj- East 3 4 8Domaljevac-Šamac 2 7 9Doboj-Jug 96 56srbija Montenegro / MontenegronArd Municipality Names of Names of Municipalities Marked with Numbers 1 Vogošća 2 Centar Sarajevo 4 Novi Grad Sarajevo 5 Novo Sarajevo 6 Eastern old City 7 Eastern New Sarajevo 8 East Ilidža 9 Eastern Mostar 20 0 20 40 60 80 100 10 kmgustina, 2013. Population Density, by Municipalities, 2013. Number of persons per km2 Bosnia and Herzegovina / Bosnia and Herzegovina: 68,9 Belje / under 25 25 - 49 50 - 99 100 - 199 200 - 499 500 and more / and more Fočelivnja Luka Gackopale Trebinjebilećajedor City Mostar Nevesinjedrvarbik Sokolacipovo Kupresbrcal Kalinovacipovac TomislavgradrogatiTravnikprnjavor Sanski Most varešcazin Lead window-Rama Rudoklock Jajcezavidovići Ilijašderventa Posušjekakanjlaktashi Milići Ravesti gradučelinac Žepče Mrkonjić City of Zenica Neumkovac Varoš Bugojnobosanski PetrovacModriča Fojnica Stolacneževo Živinice HadžićiBosanska Krupa Čajniče Ljubuškivisoko Grudemaglaj Jablanica Foča Kozarska Dubica Bratunac Čapljenjitz Goraždešekovići Donji Vakuf Čitlukhan Pijesak BerkjiTuzlašamacodak CelicSrebrenik KalesijeTešvelika Kladuša Bužim VlasenicAgračac Gracanica Ugljevik Sapna Palegenj Vakuf-Uskoplje Kreševorašje Busovačapetrovac Ilidža Široki Brijegbanovići Petrovo Brezaosmacipelagićevo Lake Novo GorazdeTrnovo1 Dobretićivukosavlje Kupres Žabro 9Droboj-east 3 4 8Doćajevac-Jug 96 56srbija / Serbia Croatia / Croatia Montenegro / MontenegronAzivi Municipality marked Names of municipalities Marked with numbers 1 Vogošća 2 Centar Sarajevo 4 Novi Grad Sarajevo 5 Novo Sarajevo 6 Eastern Ostocno Novi Sarajevo 8 Eastern Ilidža 9 Eastern Mostar 20 0 20 40 60 80 100 10 KMDistribution Population By municipalities, 2013. population distribution, by municipalities, 2013.! 1 point = 500 persons 1 dot = 500 persons

54 DEMOGRAPHY DEMOGRAPHY3.1. Population according to ethnic / national statement, BiH level, F BiH, RS and BD Population and Sex, Level BiH, F BiH, RS and BD Territorial Taller Taller Serbs Bosniaks Croats Serbs No other's response Areasex TotaletNiCity / Nationality Bosniak Croat Serbia No Answer Bosnia and HerzegovinaUploaded 3,531,159 1,769.592 544.780 1,086,733 27,055 96,539 6.460 m 1.732.270 867.492 267,789 534.030 11,503 48.294 3.162 Ž 1,798,899 902.100 276,991 552.703 15.552 48.245 3.298 Federation of Bosnia and HerzegovinaUema 2.219.220 1,562.372 497.883 56,538 18.344 79,838 4.233 m 1.087.993 765.523 246.360 25.999 7,962 40.011 2,158 Ž 1.131.227 796.849 251.523 30.551 10.382 39,827 2.095 Republika SrpskaUkutno 1,228,423 171,839 29,645 1,001,299 8.189 12.327 84.558 12.570 494.008 ж 625.396 87.291 17.075 507.291 4.861 7.736 1.152 Brčko District Bosnia and Herzegovina2 17.252 28.884 522 1.377 100 m 41.250 17. 411 8.859 14.023 213 695 49 Ž 42.266 17.970 8.393 14,861 309 682 51 Graph 3.1. Population according to ethnic / national declaration, level of BiH, F BiH, RS and BD Graph 3.1. Population by Ethnic / National Affiliation, Level BiH, F BiH, RS and BD

55 3.2. Population according to ethnic / national statement, canton in F BiH Population by Ethnic / National affiliation and sex, Canton Level Infk / Nationality Bosniaks Croats Serbs Prilamations Seostalibez Replies Areaseex TotaletNiCity / Nationality Bosniak Croat Serbia Not declared Other No Answer Una-Sanski Cantonup 273.261 2462 1,847 11.539 338 m 135,304 ж 137,958 144 ж 137,957 124.306 2,564 4.180 1.002 5,711 194 Posavski kantonupko 43,453 8,252 33.600 831 214 459 97 m 21.805 4.007 17.101 345 80 22 6 46 ж 21.648 4,245 16.499 486 134 233 51 Tuzla Cantonups 445,028 392.356 23.592 7.058 3,444 17,815 191.825 11.354 3,151 1,528 9.137 392 12.238 3,906 1,916 8.678 371 Zenica-Doboj Cantonup 364.433 299.452 43.819 5,543 2.453 12.808 358 m 180,780 148,839 21,552 2,491 1,131 6,595 172 ž 183.653 150.613 22.267 3,052 1,322 6,213 186 Bosnian-Podrinje Cantonup 23.734 22,313 24 886 38 244 4 ж 12.117 11.397 16 478 39 182 5 местойбоснско кантонутно 254.686 146.652 97.629 3,043 1,014 5.240 1.108 m 127.266 73.271 48.897 1.306 471 2,735 586 Ž 127.420 73.381 48.732 1.737 543 2.505 522 Herzegovina-Neretva Cantonup 222,007 6,432 1,764 3,054 455 m 109.018 45.440 58.030 3.070 696 1,553 229 ж 112.989 46.565 60.267 3.362 1.068 1,501 226 Western Cantonup 94.898 718 93.725 101 66 124 164 m 47.311 351 46.745 33 31 77 74 ж 47.587 367 46,980 68 35 47 90 Canton Sarajevoemounts 413.593 13.300 7.250 28.075 873 M 195.161 165.093 7.772 5,511 3,054 7.472 181,482 9.944 7.789 4,196 14.603 418 Canton 10 Distance 84.127 8.037 64.604 10.905 215 29 8 68 m 42.343 4.075 32.588 5.412 88 144 36 ж 41.784 3.962 32.016 5.493 127 154 32

56 DEMOGRAPHY DEMOGRAPHYTERITORICATION Gender General belongings Serbian Croats Srbije Seostalibez Replies Area Sex TotaletNicity / Nationality Bosniak Croat Serbia / Not Declared Other No Answer BanoviCi2 237 97 778 3 m 11.392 10.700 134 98 43 416 1 ž 11.381 10.674 150 139 54 362 2 Banja LukaUkutno 185.042 7.681 5,144 165.750 2,733 3,437 1,087 1,860 159 Ž 95.894 1.133 3,244 178 Berkovići 1.646 1.761 178 Berkovići 0 1 1 1 м 1.059 88 1 969 0 1 0 ж 1,055 71 10 973 0 0 1 BIHAĆUPANO 56.261 49,550 3,265 910 619 1,879 38 m 27,041 235 974 14 ж 29.220 25.761 1,693 493 344 905 13.090 515 91.784 674 1.550 102 m 52.827 6,494 143 45.8288 6,554 41 ж 54.888 6,596 372 46.671 393 795 61 BILEPOAT 10,807 26 21 10.646 30 73 11 m 5.454 16 2 5.384 10 38 4 ж 5.353 10 19 5,262 20 35 7 Боснарска крупаукно 25,545 106 494 41 m 12.548 11.496 28 672 54 276 21 ж 12.997 12.082 38 587 52 218 20 Bosanski Petrovacupkudo 7,328 3.179 26 3.996 30 85 12 m 3,678 1,580 5 2.022 14 50 7 Ž 3.650 1,599 21 1.974 16 35 5 Босски Баховоутно 2,449 6 393 2.028 10 10 2 2 минести 4 5 1 ж 1,162 4 169 977 6 5 1 Bratunacup 20.340 7.803 33 12.350 26 86 42 m 10,091 3,829 6 6,176. 118 447 14 m 6.952 6,465 143 46 48 242 8 ž 7.216 6,689 171 75 70 205 63.3. Population according to ethnic / national statements and gender, level of municipality in BiH population by Ethnic / National Affiliation and Sex, Municipality Level in BiH

57 Territory Gender General / National Belvening Bosniak Croats Srbira Seostalibez Replies Area Sex TotaletNiCity / Nationality Bosniak Croat Serbia 3,587 11,477 148 1,549 5.718 50 74 15 W 8.476 772 1,738 5.759 98 87 22 11.470 24.650 5.767 376 153 493 31 m 15,635 12,317 2,789 171 76 12333 2,978 205 77 225 17.781 8.873 205 27 111 13 m 9.134 4,436 4,531 9.134 4,436 4,531 9.134 4,436 4,531 90 11 64 2 W 8.776 4.245 4,342 115 16 47 11 Bužimukupkutno 19,340 19,207 8 1 6 96 22 m 9.885 9.818 1 0 2 55 9 ж 9.455 9.389 7 1 4 41 13 Cazinukupo 66.149 63.463 320 29 331 1,945 61 m 33,072 31,727 169 5 162 989 20 ž 33.077 31.736 151 24 169 956 41 CENTER SARAJEVOUCKENUNIKO 55.181 41,702 3,333 140 m 25,369 19.461 1,349 1,298 22,241 1,995 1,268 926 3,375 73 Кайничеутно 4,895 884 6 3,472 3 25 5 m 2,474 468 1 1,988 1 14 2 ж 2,421 416 5 1.984 2 11 3 Čapljinaud 26,157 4,541 20,538 714 124 222 18 m 12.947 2.238 10 ж 13.210 2.303 10.502 363 73 112 11 ČelićUkupanko 10,502 9,301 843 192 36 80 10 m 5,256 4.666 432 92 17 48 1 Ž 5.246 4.675 411 100 19 32 9 Челинацупутно 15,548 453 49 14.874 39 124 9 m 7,728 228 11 7.411 18 56 4 ж 7.820 225 38 7.463 21 68 5 17.900 18 21 86 86 m 8,937 16 8.826 8 5 44 38 ж 9,203 13 9.074 10 16 42 48 DerventaUkko 27.404 1,895 2,573 22,349 252 277 58 m 13,397 916 1.201 11.011 116 125 28 ж 14.007 979 1.372 11,338 136 152 30

58 DEMOGRAPHY DEMOGRAPHYTERITORICITY Gender General belongings Serbian Croats Srbira Seostalibez Replies Area Sex TotaletNiCity / Nationality Bosniak Croat Serbia / Not Declared Other No Answer Dobujupno 71.441 15.322 1.845 52.628 490 992 164 m 34.926 7.437 778 25.923 205 512 61 W 36.5 25 7.885 1,067 26,705 285 480 103 Doboj-Estocounts 10,248 9.830 18 12 18 96 274 m 5.061 4.845 11 5 8 57 135 7 7 10 39 139 Doboj-Jugupupo 4.137 4,017 24 9 14 67 6 m 2.065 2.007 9 4 8 33 4 Ž 2,072 2.010 15 5 6 34 2 DobretićiUkupno 1.629 0 1.626 1 1 0 1 0 0 Ž 724 0 722 1 0 0 1 Domijaljevac-Šamacupupo 4.771 17 4.634 92 12 13 3 m 2.373 8 2.320 35 1 6 3 ž 2.398 9 2.314 57 11 7 0 Donji VacuFukupno 13.985 13.376 58 107 46 386 12 m 6.922 6,617 25 52 27 198 3 Ž 7.063 6,759 33 55 19 188 9 Donji Žabarupno 3.809 5 1,029 2.759 5 9 2 m 1.920 1 520 1.395 2 1 1 ž 1,889 4 509 1.364 3 8 1 Drvarupko 7.036 11 552 6,420 26 24 3 m 3,473 3 299 3.145 10 16 0 Ž 3.563 8 253 3,275 16 8 3 FOCA - FBiHupan 1.933 1.762 0 145 3 23 0 m 998 99 0 75 2 14 0 Ž 935 855 0 70 1 9 0 Foča - Rsupko 18,288 1,270 55 16.739 32 176 8.428 11 96 9.311 21 80 7 Fojnicekutano 12,356 7.592 3.66 48 46 236 770 m 6,197 3.796 1,799 19 20 128 435 Ž 6.159 3.796 1,865 29 26 108 335 Gackood 8,990 369 15 8.556 3 41 6 m 4.556 200 5 4.322 0 28 1 ж 4,434 169 10 4.234 3,251 906 1,679 11 13 0 m 1.963 635 456 862 4 6 0 Ž 1,897 616 450 817 7 7 0

59 Territory Gender General / National Belity Bosniaks Croats VriliBez Replies Area Sex TotaletNiCity / Nationality Bosniak Croat Serbia / Not Declared Other No Answer Goraždeukto 20,897 19.692 23 707 7373 8 318 36 224 4 ž 10.734 10.119 15 389 37 169 5 Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje Dalmes 20,933 12.004 8.660 30 28 170 41 m 10.532 6,052 4,355 2 13 94 4,305 28 15 76 25 Gračanicekuopuo 45.220 43,857 72 15.641 20,960 29 59 60 500 33 ž 23,579 22,897 43 98 77 424 40 City of Mostarups 105,797 46,752 51,216 186 m 51.210 22,895 24,677 2,079 512 957 26,539 2,382 800 959 90 Gradačikupkuran 39,340 37.130 918 345 167 727 53 m 19,234 18.157 447 149 82 370 29 Ž 20.106 18.973 471 196 85 357 24 Burning 51,727 7.580 826 41 m 25,271 3.760 289 19 ж 26.456 3.820 537 21.319 240 516 24 грудеутно 17.308 3 17.216 10 3 11 65 m 8.621 0 8.579 1 1 8 32 ж 8.687 3 8.637 9 2 3 33 Hadžićiukupno 23,891 22.120 179 218 117 900 357 m 11.914 10.946 81 91 61 533 202 ж 11.977 11.174 98 127 56 367 155 Han Pijetakupkupo 3.530 431 7 3.068 3 21 0 m 1.667 208 1 1.443 1 14 0 ž 1,863 223 6 1.625 2 7 0 Ilidžaokupno 66.730 58.120 3.030 1,600 657 3,259 64 m 32.359 28.327 1,410 647 288 1,653 34 ж 1,620 953 369 1,603 18.151 382 421 101 528 20 m 9.381 8.686 178 200 41 268 8 ж 10.222 9.465 204 221 60 260 12 East Ilidžaopuo 14,763 648 156 13.755 96 98 10 m 7,069 300 43 6,638 38 45 5 Ž 7.694 348 113 7,175 58 53 5 East wood 79 0 1 78 0 0 0 M 53 0 0 53 0 0 0 Ž 26 0 1 25 0 0 0

60 DEMOGRAPHY DEMOGRAPHYTERITORYTICE GENERAL NATIONAL BOSNIČKI SRBIJA SRBIJE SEOSTALIBEZ Replies Area Sex TotaletNiCity / Nationality Bosniak Croat Serbia / Not Declared Other No Answer East Mostarup 257 78 11 166 0 0 2 m 142 45 8 88 0 0 1 Ž 115 33 3 78 0 0 1 Eastern Gemenopo {131 43 7 1.071 2 7 1 m 560 26 2 526 0 5 1 ж 571 17 5 545 2 2 0 East New Sarajevoopuato 10.642 44 107 10.248 62 175 6 m 5.058 14 24 4.916 26 75 3 ž 5.584 30 83 5,332 36 100 3 JablanicaUkutno 10.111 104 170 3 m 5.027 4,513 350 26 47 90 1 Ž 5.084 4,532 376 37 57 80 2 Jajce2 الأمربل 27,258 13.269 12,555 501 95 800 38 m 13.856 6,679 6,491 210 45 414 17 ж 13.402 6,590 6,064 291 50 386 21 Lake 1,144 287 11 841 3 1 1 m 601 140 8 449 2 1 1 ж 543 147 3 392 1 0 0 Kakanjukupku 37.441 32.341 2.973 281 172 1,646 28 m 18.651 16.188 1,434 122 63 831 13 ж 18.790 16.153 1,539 159 109 815 32.227 20 254 54 459 29 137 31 248 17 ж 16.456 16.068 15 117 23 211 22 KalinoviKukupko 2.029 57 8 1.947 1 16 0 m 987 25 2 950 1 9 0 ж 1,042 32 6 997 0 7 0 7,838 11.823 409 85 548 5.874 172 40 306 11 ж 10.437 3,956 5.949 237 45 242 8 Kladanjupko 12,358 11.997 33 107 40 162 9 M 6,108 5.951 8 47 15 82 5 ж 6.240 6.046 25 60 25 80 4 Кочукупро 16,744 16.130 30 273 30 258 11 145 19 130 11 ж 8.379 8.080 20 128 11 128 12 Кнежовокуму 9.793 429 31 9.288 4 37 4 m 4.892 192 8 4.665 3 21 3 Ž 4,901 237 23 4.623 1 16 1

61 Territory Gender Town General / National Belity Croats Srbrema Seostalibez Replies Area Sex TotaletNiCity / Nationalty Bosniak Croat Serbia / Not Declared Other No Answer Hungarian 25.148 168 562 24 m 12.360 11.108 694 165 71 312 10 W 12.788 11.378 859 190 97 250 14 Kostajnicekutno 5,977 1,460 86 4.315 70 44 2 m 2,967 734 31 2.151 30 21 0 2.164 40 23 2 Kotor Варошупорно 19,710 5.234 1.116 13.091 115 134 20 m 9.818 2.585 560 6.549 42 67 15 ж 9.892 2,649 556 6,542 73 67 5 Kozarska DUBICAUP LOOKO 21,524 2.168 273 18.670 171 228 14 m 10.516 1,061 81 9.194 66 107 7 Ž 11.476 105 121 7.014 4.149 26 28 53 3 m 2,597 510 2.038 7 13 27 2 ž 2,676 504 2,11 19 15 26 1 Krupa na University 1,597 3 2 1,592 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ž 735 2 2 731 0 0 0 Kupres - FBihupno 5.057 255 4.474 318 4 5 1 m 2.541 132 2.237 166 3 2 1 ž 2.516 123 2.237 152 1 3 0 Kupres - Rsupupo 300 0 0 299 1 0 0 0 ж 140 0 0 140 0 0 0 Laktašiupkutno 34,966 112 521 33.462 245 184 16.664 108 295 20 ž 17.646 63 337 16.798 137 284 27 LIVNOUSPULANO 34,133 4.047 29.273 438 137 216 22 m 177 56 101 11 ж 17.109 2,005 14.636 261 81 115 11 13.869 25 31 11 m 7.749 685 10 7.027 5 16 6 Ž 7.608 686 40 6842 20 15 5 38.561 1,524 1,499 378 2,478 80 m 21,786 18.782 758 701 178 1,315 52 ж 22,734 19,779 766 798 200 1,173 12 10 3.469 5 13 2 m 1.725 6 3 1.706 2 7 1 ž 1,786 6 7 1,763 3 6 1

62 DEMOGRAFIJA DEMOGRAPHYTeritorija Pol UkupnoEtnička/Nacionalna pripadnost Bošnjaci Hrvati SrbiNe izjašnjava seOstaliBez odgovora Area Sex TotalEtnicity/Nationality Bosniak Croat Serb Not declared Other No answer LjUBUŠKIUkupno 28.184 707 27.271 41 51 78 36 M 14.022 347 13.574 12 23 51 15 Ž 14.162 360 13.697 29 28 27 21 Maglajupato 23,146 19,810 2.041 810 96 378 11 m 11.430 96 198 4 Ž 11.716 10.069 994 420 46 180 7 MILIĆIUPULNO 11,441 4,199 24 7.180 9 21 8 m 5,778 2.106 8 3.670 3 8 3 Ž 5,643 2.093 16 3.510 6 13 5 Modričau 25,720 3,101 1,674 20,227 170 429 119 m 12.561 1,461 798 9,963 67 1,640 876 10.264 103 219. 63 4,543 21 7 12 7 m 2,344 28 2,296 10 3 4 3 Ž 2,309 35 2,247 11 4 8 4 Nevesinjuopo 12,961 533 28 12.353 276 9 6,161 8 6 2 ž 6,499 257 19 6,192 11 15 5 Novi Gradupko 27,155 6.439 181 20.116 147 207 25 m 13.594 3.253 60 ж 13.521 3.186 121 10.011 88 103 12 старайевокуто 118.553 99.773 4,947 4,367 2,173 47,427 2.164 1.822 862 3,368 92 Ž 62.818 52.346 2.783 2,545 1,241 3,876 97 new Travnikupkupo 23,832 12.067 11.002 367 104 270 22 m 11.862 6,144 5.418 153 5,953 5,584 214 67 142 10 гораждеутну 3,157 1,459 2 1.618 6 25 7 m 1.618 749 1 849 3 14 2 ж 1,499 710 1 769 3 11 5 Novo SarajevoVookupo 64.814 48.188 4.639 3.402 1,893 6,655 37 m 29,580 22.351 1,972 19 ж 35.234 25.837 2,667 2,017 1,110 3,585 18,821 6,220 11.621 582 102 228 68 m 9.373 3,028 5,895 258 35 124 33 Ž 9,448 3,192 5,726 324 67 104 35

63 Territory Gender General / National Belity Bosniaks Croats VriliBez Replies Area Sex TotaletNicity / Nationality Bosniak Croat Serbia / Notionality Other No Answer Lead 10.175 9.701 230 77 20 139 8 m 5.084 4,842 110 39 10 80 3 Ž 5,091 4,859 120 38 10 59 5 Orasjeutno 19,861 2,015 17,345 157 100 218 26 m 10.059 971 8.886 52 44 96 8.459 105 56 122 16 Osmaciutno 6.016 2,895 9 3,095 7 6 1,601 3 2 2 Ž 2.951 1,439 8 1.494 4 4 2 2,786 23 160 2,580 12 8 3 m 1.440 7 79 1.345 4 3 2 ж 1,346 16 81 1.235 8 5 1 Pale - FBiHupan 904 859 1 33 1 10 0 m 456 436 0 14 0 6 0 ж 448 423 1 19 1 4 0 Pale - Rsupupo 20,909 186 128 20.451 55 75 14 m 10.038 96 38 9.840 22 33 9 Ž 10.871 90 90 10.611 33 42 5 Pelagićevoopuo 5,220 13 1.850 3.330 7 12 8 m 2.609 2 945 1.653 2 5 2 Ž 2,611 11 905 1,677 5 7 6 Petrovacup 361 0 0 358 0 3 0 m 172 0 0 171 0 1 0 ж 189 0 0 187 0 2 0 Petrovookupo 6.474 7 36 6371 23 33 4 m 3.124 3 8 3,080 10 21 2 Ž 3.350 4 28 3.291 13 12 2 Posusjejem 20.477 2 20.424 5 4 12 30 M 10.287 0 10.265 2 1 8 11 F 10.190 2 10.159 3 3 4 19 Prijedorov 89.397 29.034 1.762 55.895 746 1.571 389 m 43.863 267 F 45.534 14.883 1.032 28.207 471 819 122 Prnjavor Cup 35.956 2.979 451 30.673 239 1.581 33 m 17.572 1.447 161 15.021 100 832 11 F 18.384 1.532 290 15.652 139 749 22 20 23 m 7.210 1.827 5.359 1 2 9 12 F 7.070 1.698 5.343 2 5 11 11

64 DEMOGRAFIJA DEMOGRAPHYTeritorija Pol UkupnoEtnička/Nacionalna pripadnost Bošnjaci Hrvati SrbiNe izjašnjava seOstaliBez odgovora Area Sex TotalEtnicity/Nationality Bosniak Croat Serb Not declared Other No answer RAVNOUkupno 3.219 20 2.633 558 3 0 5 M 1.657 13 1.328 313 2 0 1 Ž 1.562 7 1.305 245 1 0 4 Ribniks 6.048 0 11 6.018 3 14 2 M 3.009 0 4 2.998 0 5 2 F 3.039 0 7 3.020 3 9 0 Rogatica Cup 10.723 1.117 19 9.527 12 43 5 m 5.270 576 2 4.662 7 21 2 F 5.453 541 17 4.865 5 2 2 2 3 7.963 677 9 7.241 6 27 3 m 4.050 357 7 3.668 4 14 0 Ž 3.913 320 2 3.573 2 13 3 Sanski Most Cup 41.475 38.344 722 1.837 127 375 70 m 20.826 19.258 358 943 48 193 26 F 20.649 19.086 364 894 8 10.827 3 234 10 93 11 M 5.739 5.561 0 116 5 51 6 F 5.439 5.266 3 118 5 42 5 Falcon 12.021 671 29 11.250 14 38 19 m 5.919 349 8 5.532 5 19 6 Ž 6.102 322 21 5.718 9 13 Srbacom Cup. 16.630 92 287 30 m 8.623 200 23 8.195 45 149 11 F 8.964 217 108 8.435 47 138 19 Srebrenica Cup 13.409 7.248 16 6.028 23 67 27 m 6.602 3.490 6 3.047 11 37 11 F 6.807 3.758 10 2.981 12 30 94 184 1.147 34 m 19.348 17.479 970 182 97 601 19 Ž 20.330 18.472 998 212 87 546 15 Stari Grad Sarajevo -Cup 36.976 32.794 685 467 547 2,434 49 m 17.482 15.531 303 180 235 1.205 28 Ž 19.494. Lacupup 14.502 5.544 8.486 279 18 72 103 m 7.326 2.802 4.310 117 3 33 61 F 7.176 2.742 4.176 162 15 39 42 Samacukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukuku Tnee.

65 Poling Territory of Overall/Nationality of Bosniaks Croats Croats Finds Mistance Sostalibez Respters Sex Totalentictity/Nationality Bosniak Croat Serb Not declared Other No Answer Š Sipovo Cup 10.293 628 26 9.576 24 34 5 m 5.221 323 7 4.862 12 14 3 F 5.072 305 19 4.714 12 20 2 Široki Brijegup 28.929 6 28.814 45 8 23 33 m 14.381 4 14.327 18 16 10 16 7.424 7.398 5 7 0 12 2 M 3.767 3.754 0 3 0 8 2 F 3.657 3.644 5 4 0 4 0 TESLIĆ Cup 38.536 7.184 1.442 29.041 351 467 51 m 18.679 3.579 622 14.078 142 26 26 Ž 19.857 3,605 80 3 40,461 1,462 226 128 750 36 m 21.376 20.077 720 91 63 409 16 F 21.687 20.384 742 135 65 341 20 Tomislavgrad Cup 31.592 2.467 29.006 22 27 30 40 m 16.055 1.261 14.735 11 11 2 2 2 Ž 15.537 1,206 648 15.102 640 327 1,628 137 m 26.574 17.653 7.603 276 155 823 64 F 26.908 17.995 7.499 364 172 805 73 Trebinjekus Cup 29.198 995 27.287 191 409 21 M 14.251 508 99 13.338 81 212 13 - FBIHUHUKUL 1.502 1.376 4 97 3 21 1 M 735 671 1 48 1 14 0 F 767 705 3 49 2 7 1 Trnovo - Rsuzup 2050 837 15 1.178 9 10 1 M 989 415 3 559 4 7 1 F 1.061 422 12 619 5 3 0 Tuzlaut 110.979 80.774 15.396 3.378 2.151 9.143 137 M 52.745 38.425 7.347 1.461 915 4.524 73 Ž 58.234 42.349 8.049 1.917 1.236 4.619 64 UGLJEVIKUkupno 15.710 2.186 42 13.412 21 36 13 M 7.937 1.070 8 6.821 10 17 11 Ž 7.773 1.116 34 6.591 11 19 2

66 Demography of Demographyteritory Polo Total Empty/Nationality Bosniaks Croats Serbs declares a seostalibez response of Area Sex Totalentitation/Nationality Bosniak Croat Serb Not declared Other No Answer Usora -Cup 6.603 374 6.095 61 26 42 5 M 3.266 2 55 20 20 4 Varesa 8.892 5.447 2.820 189 91 343 2 m 4.373 2.719 1.359 92 37 164 2 F 4.519 2.728 1.461 97 54 179 0 Velika Kladusauštu 40.419 32.561 636 146 598 6.407 71 M 19.88 366 573 270 79 327 3.246 35 Highly 39.938 36.697 576 286 266 266 262 51 M 19.705 18.120 282 119 125 1,031 28 Ž 20.233 18.577 294 167 141 1.031 23 Multigrad 10.668 1.043 33 9.338 20 54 180 m 5.106 526 04 9 28 176 Knights Cup 25.836 10.513 14.350 333 74 545 21 m 12.767 5.215 7.070 154 33 285 10 F 13.069 5.298 7.280 179 41 260 11 Vlasenica Cup 11.467 3.763 31 7.589 22 30 32 m 5.638 1.852 6 3.741 12 343 24.351 321 542 212 901 16 m 12.606 11.693 133 220 92 463 5 F 13.737 12.658 188 322 120 438 11 Vukosavljevljavljavljavljavljavljavljavljavljavljavljavljevanca 35 1.204 573 162 1.278 36 m 17.883 16.310 531 278 81 667 16 § 18.105 16.425 673 295 81 611 92.988 8.273 2.409 1.305 5,545 137 m 54.660 46.165. 17 19.239 35 59 45 Ž 29.586 9,980 89 19.340 46 70 61 Žepčeukupno 30.219 11,727 17.801 501 55 111 24 m 15.335 6.027 8.979 237 22 63 7 ž 14.884 5.700 8.822 264 33 48 17

67 Territory Gender Town General / National Belity Serbs Vrbina Seostalibez Replies Area Sex TotaletNiCity / Nationality Sex TotaletNiCity / Nationalty Bosniak No Answer Živinice2 242 172 1,716 1,213 102 77 917 19 ž 29.051 26.703 1,295 140 95 799 19

68 DEMOGRAPHY DEMOGRAPHY4.1. Population according to religion and gender, level BiH, F BiH, RS and BD Population by religion and sex, Level BiH and BD Territory General Teller Orthodox AGNITIC Athesistna Orthodox AGNITIC Atheist Area Sex Totalreligion Islamic Catholic Orthodox Agnostic Atheist Not Declared Other No Answer Bosnia and HerzegovinaUploaded 3,531,153 1,790,454,073,333 27,853,072,426,255,853,136 262,423 532,426 5,142 15,197 15,086 20,479 3,259 Ž 1,798,899 912.118 273.910 553.334 5.67 4 12.734 17.614 20.176 3.329 Federation of Bosnia And HerzegovinaUploads 2,219,220 1,581,868 490,450 57,120 m 1.087,953 775.673 241.73. 423 172.742 28.883 999.802 1.288 6.014 8.392 9.103 2,199 m 603.027 85.008 11.970 492.859 643 1,027 W 625.396 87.734 16,913 506,943 4,541 1.172 Brčko District Bosnia and HerzegovinaUema 83.516 35.844 17,000 28,838 103 331 636 17.655 8.720 13.979 59 191 282 319 45 ж 42.266 18.189 8.280 14.859 44 140 354 348 52

69 4.2. Population according to the religion and sex, canton level in F BiH population by religion and sex, Canton Level in F BiH Territory Townlovation Additional Islamic Catholic Orthodox Agnostic Atheista AREA SEX Totalreligion Islamic Catholic Orthodox Agnostic Atheist Not Declared Other No Answer Uns- Sanski Cantonup 273,261 252,758 4,283 8.368 451 1,009 1,946 4,154 225 604 694.957 127.611 2.337 4.204 226 405 756 2.226 192 Posavski Kantonupko 43,453 8.341 33.191 841 53 159 284 502 82 m 21.805 4.063 16.860 349 28 97 116 250 42 ж 21.648 4,278 16.331 492 25 62 168 252 40 Tuzlanski kantonupko 445.028 395.921 22,785 4,934 7,362 193.732 10.779 3,197 790 2,442 2.330 3.695 202.189 12.006 4,199 822 1,763 2.604 3.667 390 Zenic -Doboj kantonupko 364,433 303,994 42.965 5.827 1.048 2.468 3.269 4.523 339 M 180.780 151.204 20.957 2.546 553 1.419 1.601 2.340 160 Ž 183.653 152.790 22.008 3.281 495 1.049 1.668 2.183 179 BOSANSKO-PODRINJSKI KANTONUkupno 23.734 22.372 36 888 18 69 75 266 10 M 11.617 10.975 10 406 11 39 39 133 4 Ž 12.117 11.397 26 482 7 30 36 133 6 Central Bosnia Cantonups 254.686 3.019 397 811 m 127.266 73.939 476 672 2,142 588 ж 127.420 73,870 48.031 1.777 208 335 651 2.013 535 Herzegovina-Neretva Cantonup 222.007 91.395 116.990 6.259 926 2.041 2,052 1,883 461 m 109.018 45.146 57.308 2.962 429 1,042 910 983 46,249 59.682 3,297 223 Western Cantonup 94.898 780 93.593 106 25 36.311 392 46.662 35 15 22 36 68 81 Ž 47.587 388 46,931 7 1 10 14 39 44 90 Canton Sarajevoemolo 413.593 350,594 16,530 10,85 m 195,181 167,056 5,400 4,538 3,333 470 W 218.432 183,538 9.625 8.249 2,652 5,156 5,372 3,479 411 Canton 10 Overall 84.127 7.904 63.990 10.873 78 204 298 703 77 m 42.343 4.019 32,250 5.393 35 109 146 353 38 ж 41,784 3,885 31,740 5.480 43 95 152 350 39

70 DEMOGRAPHY DEMOGRAPHYTERITILEPOL TITROVENICAL ORTOŠTALNICS Atheistni Teachers Seostalibez Answers Areasex Totalreligion Islamic Catholic Orthodox Agnostic Atheist Not Declared Other No Answer Banovic 22.773 21.750 274 238 44 146 176 137 8 m 11.392 10. 912 121 91 29 80 82 73 4 Ž 11.381 10.838 153 147 15 66 94 64 4 BANJA LUKAUPULOO 185.042 7,526 612 2,685 2,774 1,281 3,482 1,670 844 180 ж 95.709 318 1,271 1,537 636 187 BerkoviCiUkupo 2,154 159 6 1,942 0 2 1 3 1 M 1.059 88 1 966 0 1 1 2 0 ж 1,055 71 5 976 0 1 0 1 1 Bihagupno 56.261 50.287 2.989 933 315 650 761 24.172 1,399 407 151 383 365 147 17 ж 29.220 26.115 1,590 526 164 267 404 131 23 Bijeljina Купутно 107,715 13.492 529 91.446 63 358 744 967 116 m 52.827 6,675 108 44.921 35 228 321 489 50 ж 54.888 6,817 421 46.525 28 130 423 478 23 18 10.690 1 7 30 26 12 m 5.454 14 2 5,399 1 5 14 15 4 Ž 5.353 9 16 5,291 0 2 16 11 8 Bosanska Krupaukuku 25,545 23.704 48 1,250 24 56 99 324 40 m 12.548 11.587 14 661 13 37 50 164 22 Ž 12.997 12.117 34 589 11 19 49 160 18 Bosanski Petrovacupkudo 7,388 3,109 20 3.883 0 27 45 236 8 m 3.678 1,541 4 1.966 0 20 19 125 3 ž 3,650 1.568 16 1,917 0 7 26 111 5 Bosansko beans 2.028 1 7 15 10 3 m 1.287 2 216 1.052 1 6 6 3 1 Ž 1.162 4 163 976 0 1 9 7 2 Bratunacup 20.340 7.807 32 12.174 2 8 23 246 48 m 10.091 3,833 5 6.095 1 5 9 124 19 ж 10.249 3.974 27 6,079 1 3 14 122 29 Bicket 17.000 28,838 103 331 636 17,655 8.720 13.979 59 191 282 319 45 ж 42.266 18.189 8,280 14,859 44 140 354 348 52 Brezausol 14.168 13.249 316 139 24 42 138 246 14 m 6.952 6.526 136 53 9 23 67 130 8 Ž 7.216 6,723 180 86 15 19 71 116 64.3. Population according to the statement of religion and sex, the level of the municipality in BiH population by religion and sex, municipality level in BiH

71 Territorial Towns Tallstructive Islamic Catholic Orthodox Agnostic Atheist Answers Areasex Totalreligion Islamic Catholic Orthodox Agnostic Atheist Not Declared Other No Answer Shipping 16.619 1.509 3.184 11.480 18 119 171 100 38 m 8.143 744 1.491 5.707 9 64 61 53 14 ž 8.476 765 1.693 5,773 9 55 110 47 24 Bugojnothant 31,470 24,713 5,655 374 49 98 142 12.364 2.725 165 22 59 68 220 12 ж 159 27 39 74 187 20 Busovačava 17.910 8.648 8.778 194 21 27 45 180 17 m 9.134 4.428 4.477 79 13 17 23 92 5 Ž 8.776 4.220 4.301 115 8 10 22 88 12 BUŽIMUPUNO 19.340 19.284 10 6 2 5 5 5 23 m 9.885 9.862 1 0 1 5 1 4 11 Ž 9.455 9.422 9 6 1 0 4 1 12 Cazinukupo 66.149 65.068 142 66 50 109 184 471 59 m 33.072 32.584 29 7 29 62 96 24.484 113 59 21 47 88 222 55.181 42.459 2.887 2.028 1,569 3,175 2,364 19,807 1,101 769 1,585 1.081 291 58 ж 29.812 22.652 1,786 1,259 892 1,590 1,283 289 61 Чайничуутно 4,895 885 1 1,982, 469 1 1,962 0 3 1 7 1 ж 2,421 416 5 1,986 1 1 0 9 3 Чаплихутеку до 26.157 4.598 20.362 709 45 89 126 211 17 m 12.947 2.263 10.095 341 20 52 57 112 7 Ž 13.210 2.335 10.267 368 25 37 69 99 10 ČelićUkupno 10,502 9,395 84 m 5,256 4.697 432 89 2 8 11 13 4 Ž 5.246 4.698 415 102 0 1 12 9 9 Челикакупто 15,548 465 59 14.905 8 23 34 44 10 m 7.728 235 14 7.422 4 12 17 20 4 Ž 7.820 230 45 7.483 4 11 17 24 6 Китлукупутно 18.140 39 17.985 17 1 2 6 6 84 m 8.937 19 8.864 10 0 1 2 3 38 ж 9,203 20 9.121 7 1 1 4 3 46 DerventaUkuto 27.404 1.910 2.500 22.396 20 106 270 150 52 m 13.397 922 1.159 11.024 9 55 133 70 25 ж 14.007 988 1.341 11.372 11 51 137 80 27

72 DEMOGRAPHY DEMOGRAPHYTERITILEPOL TENSIONALITY ISLAMSKA Catholic Orthodox Agnostic Atheista Areasex Totalreligion Islamic Catholic Orthodox Agnostic Atheist Not Declared Other No Answer Dobujupno 71.451 15.243 1.738 52.415 72 388 549 873 163 m 34.916 7.389 703 25.809 41 206 280 422 66 W 36.525 7.854 1.035 26.606 31 182 269 451 97 Doboj-Estokupkoputno 10.248 9.863 16 13 2 12 19 47 276 m 5.061 4.869 10 5 1 11 9 233 6 8 1 1 10 24 143 Doboj-Jugupupo 4.137 4.056 24 10 4 5 15 19 4 m 2.065 2.026 9 4 2 1 9 12 2 Ž 2.072 2.030 15 6 2 4 6 7 2 Dobretići21 0 0 22 1 0 0 13 0 ž 724 0 713 1 0 0 0 9 1 Domijaljevac- Шамацупутно 4,771 19 4.521 90 1 7 12 118 3 m 2.373 8 2.267 38 0 6 2 49 3 ж 2,398 11 2.254 52 1 1 10 69 0 Donji VacuFukupno 13.985 13.374 69 109 8 27 59 327 12 m 6.922 6.604 27 49 3 19 38 175 7 Ž 7.063 6.770 42 60 5 8 21 152 5 Donji Žabarupko 3.809 4 1.014 2.7520 0 512 1.395 0 0 2 10 1 Ž 1.889 4 502 1,364 1 0 4 13 1 Drf 26 2 m 3,473 5 286 3.142 1 12 11 15 1 Ž 3.563 8 241 3,274 1 14 13 11 1 FOCA - FBIHUPANO 1,933 1,765 2 137 0 2 5 22 0 m 998 912 1 71 0 2 2 10 0 W 935 853 1 66 0 0 3 12 0 Foča - Rsupupo 18,288 1,276 68 16,786 3,236 680 20 8.437 1 20 14 53 11 8.319 2 16 14 51 6 Fojnicekutno 12,356 7.626 3.602 49 12 23 55 218 771 m 6.197 3.822 1.760 17 7 16 30 110 435 Ž 6.159 3.804 1.842 32 5 7 25 108 336 GackoUno 8,990 367 13 8.577 1 3 6 16 7 m 4.556 199 4 4.340 0 1 1 9 2 ж 4,434 168 9 4,237 1 2 5 7 5 Glamočukupko 3.860 1.222 881 1.679 2 6 12 58 0 m 1.963 618 440 862 0 3 5 35 0 ž 1,897 604 441 817 2 3 7 23 0

73 TeritoriaPol Townlery Islamic Catholic Orthodox Agnostic Atheiste Responses Areasex Totalreligion Islamic Catholic Orthodox Agnostic Atheist Not Declared Other No Answer Goraždeukupno 20.897 19.738 33 718 18 66 70 244 10 m 10.163 9.621 9 321 11 37 37 123 4 Ž 10.734 10.117 24 397 7 29 33 121 6 Gornji Vakuf- UskopljeUkupno 20,933 12.108 8.631 25 8 18 32 68 43 m 10.532 6.116 4.331 2 6 11 19 31 16 Ž 10.401 5,992 4.300 23 2 7 13 37 27 Gracanica Cup 45.220 44.031 74 182 56 160 185 457 75 m 21.641 21.064 25 64 26 98 94 238 32 F 23,579 22.967 49 118 30 62 91 219 50.146 4.274 742 1.670 1.536 1.174 197 m 51.210 22.568 24.093 1,996 336 842 668 601 106 F 54.587 23.490 26.053 2.278 406 868 868 573 91 Gradacacovac 39,340 37.393 881 18.299 424 155 32 96 78 118 32 F 20.106 19.094 457 210 31 82 105 103 24 Gradiška Cup 51.727 7.932 897 41.854 48 231 383 333 49 m 25.271 3.925 318 20.508 29 131 161 177 22 Ž 26.456 4.007 579 21.346 19 100 222 156 27 Grudekup Kup. 3 8.564 1 5 5 5 9 33 F 8.687 3 8.627 8 0 0 8 7 34 Hadzici Cup 23.891 22.442 195 243 27 97 138 382 367 m 11.914 11.181 90 100 11 60 66 1966 196 210 F 11.977 11.261 105 143 16 37 72 186 446 5 3.072 1 1 0 5 0 M 1.667 216 0 1.447 0 1 0 3 0 F 1.863 230 5 1.625 1 0 0 2 0 Ilidzau 66.730 59.055 3.006 1.689 241 619 862 1.201 57 m 32.359 28.874 1.364 647 117 350 391 589 27 30.181 1,642 1.042 124 269 471 612 30 Ilijas Cup 19.603 18.224 387 438 27 86 92 325 24 m 9.381 8.714 176 203 10 52 42 174 10 Ž 10.222 9.510 211 235 17 34 50 151 14 Eastern Ilidžaut 14.76 M 7.069 298 40 6.631 8 27 42 18 5 F 7.694 348 110 7.126 9 34 52 10 5 Eastern Drvarukup 79 0 1 78 0 0 0 0 0 0 M 53 0 0 0 0 0 0 F 26 0 1 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

74 Demography of Demographyteritoriapol Overall of Islamic Catholic Orthodox Agnostic Atheist declares a migration of Areasex Totalreligion Islamic Catholic Orthodox Agnostic Atheist not declared approx. 0 1 1 F 115 33 3 78 0 0 0 1 Eastern Old Town 1,131 40 6 1.070 0 2 6 5 2 m 560 24 0 527 0 1 5 2 1 F 571 16 6 6 543 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 East Novo Sarajevo -Cup 10.642 122 104 10.275 23 38 58 17 5 m 5.058 53 29 4.914 8 18 24 10 2 F 5.584 69 75 5.361 15 20 34 7 3 Jablanica -Cup 10.111 9.036 729 69 26 61 119 68 3 m 5.027 4.506 351 29 13 41 56 30 1 F 5.084 4.530 378 40 13 20 27.258 13.623 12.401 506 49 113 142 391 33 m 13.856 6.877 6.404 206 21 56 71 207 14 F 13.402 6.746 5.997 300 57 71 184 19 Lakes Cup 1,144 286 9 842 0 3 2 0 2 M 601 139 6 451 0 2 543 147 3 391 0 1 0 0 1 Kakanjak 37.441 32.862 2.805 293 67 140 267 987 20 m 18.651 16.432 1.327 130 38 78 125 513 8 Ž 18.790 16.430 1.478 163 29 62 474 12 Kalesija 36 m 16.597 16.321 2 142 2 10 23 81 16 F 16.456 16.185 23 124 1 3 19 81 20 Kalinoviku Cup 2,029 57 5 1.957 2 0 5 3 0 M 987 26 2 953 0 0 4 2 0 F 1.042 31 31 3 1.004 2 0 1 1 0 Kiseljakukup Cup 20.722 8.099 11.597 392 34 62 90 431 17 m 10.285 4.046 5.752 154 14 42 50 217 10 Ž 10.437 4.053 5.845 238 20 20 40 214 7 Kladanju 12.348 12.069 31 99 17 24 51 48 9 M 6.108 5.983 5 42 9 6.240 6.086 26 57 8 9 32 17 5 Key 16.744 16.208 34 254 3 39 54 125 27 m 8.365 8.098 7 133 2 25 29 59 12 Ž 8.379 8.110 27 121 1 14 25 66 15 Kneževo -Coured 9.793 419 17 9.266 0 5 4 76 6 4.892 188 4 4.657 0 3 3 33 4 F 4.901 231 13 4.609 0 2 1 43 2

75 Territoriapol of the Over -Catholic Catholic Orthodox Agnostic Atheist statement by the Moviax Totalreligion Islamic Catholic Orthodox Agnostic Atheist not declared Other No Answer Konjicu Cup. 0 11.150 666 155 56 85 91 149 8 F 12.788 11.410 837 193 48 83 96 114 7 Kostajnica -Cup 5977 1.451 93 4.328 5 16 69 14 1 M 2.967 730 30 2.154 4 12 27 9 1 F 3.010 721 63 2.174 1 4 42 5 0 Kotor Varoš Cup 19.710 5.215 1.034 13.003 10 57 107 262 22 M 9. 35 45 136 16 F 9.892 2.644 529 6.499 4 22 62 126 6 Kozar Dubica -Cup 21.524 2.183 266 18.624 22 138 186 85 20 m 10.516 1.068 76 9.163 6 72 80 38 13 F 11.008 1.115 190 9.461 16 2 7 38 130 3 m 2.597 514 1.979 9 0 5 16 72 2 F 2.676 513 2.058 20 2 2 22 58 1 Krupa on unique 1.597 3 2 1.591 0 0 0 0 1 M 862 1 0 861 0 0 0 0 0 F 735 2 2 730 0 0 0 0 1 Kupres - Fbihupljan 5057 249 4.476 314 1 5 6 5 1 M 2.541 130 2.234 165 0 2 4 5 1 F 2.516 119 2.242 149 1 3 2 0 Kupres - Rsuzup 300 0 0 299 0 1 0 0 M 160 0 0 159 0 0 1 0 0 Ž 140 0 0 140 0 0 0 0 0 Laktašiukuku 34.966 118 519 33.611 35 96 249 289 49 m 17.320 51 175 16.726 19 57 118 153 21 F 17.646 67 344 16.885 16 39 131 136 28 Livno -Cup 34.133 3.951 28.731 418 70 155 197 588 23 m 17.024 1,999 14.351 166 31 84 99 285 9 F 17.109 1.952 14.380 252 39 71 98 303 14 Lopareut Cup 15.357 1.376 41 13.876 4 6 0 6 Ž 7.608 689 36 6.843 4 9 18 1 8 Lukavacuvac Cup 44.520 39.214 1.507 1.529 117 391 521 1.157 84 m 21.786 19.113 745 714 61 245 599 54 F 22.734 20.101 762 815 56 266 266 558 30 2 M 1.725 7 1 1.712 0 1 2 1 1 F 1.786 8 4 1.770 0 0 3 0 1

76 Demography Demographyteritoriapol 15 12 10 13 23 50 16 ж 14.162 382 13.646 32 9 12 27 34 20 Maglajupko 23,146 19,912 2,033 808 56 109 120 94 14 m 11.430 9,831 1,033 386 31 59 62 52 5 Ž 11.716 10.110 1,000 422 25 50 58 42 9 MILIĆIUPULNO 11,441 4.207 18 7,178 0 3 12 35 8 m 5.798 2,111 6 3.652 0 3 3 20 3 § 5,643 2.096 12 5 Модричатну 25,720 3,253 1,649 20.180 26 105 160 219 128 м 12.591 1,541 787 9.929 13.159 1.712 862 10.251 13 49 94 116 62 Mrkonjić Gradup 16.671 371 157 16.041 9 30 40 9 14 m 8.096 181 62 7.800 6 15 19 6 7 Ž 8.575 190 95 8.241 3 15 21 3 7 Non-packaging 4,653 63 4,545 18 1 10 8 1 7 m 2.344 27 2.294 7 1 6 5 1 3 Ž 2.309 36 2.251 11 0 4 3 0 4 Nevesinjupo 12,961 533 21 12.364 3 8 16 9 7 m 6,462 275 5 6,1499 258 16 6,199 2 5 9 5 5 Novi Gradup 27,195 6,478 161 20.063 12 85 144 144 28 m 13.594 3.280 50 10,078 6 37 60 68 15 ж 13.521 3,198 111 9,985 6 48 84 76 138,553 100,897 4,896 2,717 1,098 2,483 1,254 506 1,381 1,254 772 52.986 2.842 2,816 592 1.182 1,463 848 89 New Travnikupo 23 .832 12.108 10.754 361 37 97 106 344 25 m 11,862 6,199 5,283 148 11 47 43 177 5,471 213 26 50 63 167 11 Novo Goraždeuopuo 3.117 1,461 2 1.620 0 1 5 21 7 m 1.618 750 1 850 0 1 3 10 3 Ž 1,499 711 1 770 0 0 2 11 4 New Sarajevoemounts 64,814 1,431 3,195 2,699 1,468 1,592 1,279 652 1,590 1,234 26.077 2.469 2,035 779 1,605 1,461 788 20 Какупупамне 18.821 6.290 11.566 586 20 94 134 75 56 M 9,373 3,073 5.850 259 13 54 53 42 29 Ž 9,448 3.217 5.716 327 7 40 81 33 27

77 Territorial Town Tallstructure Islamic Catholic Orthodox Agnostic Atheist Answers Areasex Totalreligion Islamic Catholic Orthodox Agnostic Atheist Not Declared Other No Answer Lead 10.175 9.768 233 78 2 9 25 51 9 m 5.084 4.883 111 39 1 7 13 28 2 Ž 5.091 4.885 122 39 1 2 12 23 7 Orasjeutno 19,861 2,032 17.104 165 32 58 138 309 8.743 52 15 37 61 159 8.361 113 17 21 77 150 13 osmaciutno 6.016 2.868 5 3.091 0 1 3 44 4 m 3.065 1.437 0 1.596 0 1 1 28 2 Ž 2.951 1,431 5 1.495 0 0 2 16 2 ŠTHER LUKAUPUNNO 2.786 26 142 2.573 2 4 13 23 3 m 1.440 8 67 1.339 1,353 18 75 1.234 1 1 8 8 1 Pale - FBiHupan 904 869 1 33 0 1 0 0 0 m 456 442 0 14 0 0 0 0 0 Ž 448 427 1 19 0 1 0 0 0 Pale - Rsupupo 20,909 180 118 20.419 17 48 60 55 12 m 10.038 93 31 9.824 11 24 24 24 7 Ž 10.871 87 87 10.595 6 24 36 31 5 Pelagićevoopuo 5,220 13 1.845 3.609 3 940 1.656 0 0 2 6 2 Ž 2,611 10 905 1.681 0 1 5 5 4 Petrovacupkudo 361 0 0 359 0 2 0 0 0 m 172 0 0 171 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 Petrovo Петровотено 6,474 9 37 6.372 1 10 21 20 4 m 3.124 4 10 3.083 1 7 9 8 2 ж 3,350 5 27 3.289 0 3 12 12 2 Подушеутеко 20.477 3 20.427 5 1 1 4 5 31 m 10.287 2 10.265 2 1 0 2 3 12 ж 10.190 1 10.162 3 0 1 2 2 19 29.005 1,640 55,365 92 538 813 1,554 390 m 43.863 14.150 636 27.386 52 290 336 748 265 ж 45.534 14,855 1,004 27,979 40 248 477 806 125 Prnjavorupko 35,956 3.005 691 3143 35 m 17,572 1,456 279 15.309 12 68 102 331 15 ж 18.384 1,549 412 15.382 15 40 134 312 20 Window 14,280 3.514 10.651 4 2 4 4 73 28 m 7.210 1.820 5.334 1 1 1 2 39 12 ж 7.070 1,694 5.317 3 1 3 2 34 16

78 Demography Demographyteritoriapol 3 7 1 Ž 1,562 7 1,297 246 1 1 1 4 5 Ribnikupkukupo 6,048 0 7 6.018 0 5 4 12 2 m 3.009 0 1 2.993 0 4 1 8 2 ž 3.039 0 6 3.025 0 1 3 4 0 Rogaticutano 10.723 1.112 17 9.506 2 23 8 50 5 m 5.270 573 1 4.650 2 16 4 21 3 Ž 5.453 539 16 4,856 0 7 4 29 2 Rudookupno 7.963 691 4 7.247 363 2 3.673 1 9 2 0 0 Ž 3.913 328 2 3.574 0 3 2 0 4 Sanski Mostudo 41,475 38.455 735 1.816 36 76 119 168 70 m 20,826 19.326 351 927 21 43 51 78 29 ж 20.649 19.129 384 889 15 33 68 90 41 SAPNAUPLANO 11.178 10.912 9 236 0 0 8 3 10 m 5.739 5.609 0 116 0 0 5 3 6 W 5,439 5.303 9 120 0 0 3 0 4 SokolaCupkutno 12.021 662 23 11.253 2 15 20 31 15 m 5.919 345 3 5,530 0 11 9 17 5.723 2 4 11 14 11 Srbacupkudo 17,587 423 157 16.723 8 47 101 98 30 m 8.623 200 40 8.235 5 29 48 52 14 ж 8.964 223 117 8.488 3 18 53 46 16 SrebrenicaUkupno 13.409 7,258 20 5.978 1 15 22 79 36 р 6,383 0 10 10 39 19 Ž 6,807 3,764 13 2.955 1 5 12 40 17 Srebrenikupkudo 39,678 36.247 1.887 456 40 113 170 730 35 m 19.348 17.648 923 209 25 79 83 361 20 ж 20.330 18.599 964 247 15 34 87 369 15.976 33.269 627 531 315 639 776 343 342 387 34 ж 19.494 17.487 359 342 178 296 434 370 28 Толацупутно 14.502 5,508 8.452 262 3 35 62 76 104 m 7.326 2,781 4,291 111 1 13 26 41 62 Ž 7,176 2,727 4,161 151 2 22 36 35 42 Шамацупутно 17.273 1.222 2.332 167 21 m 87 168 167 21 m 8.385 594 1,082 6,472 11 58 75 81 12 ž 8.888 628 1,250 6.783 10 29 93 86 9

79 TeritoriaPol Townlery Islamic Catholic Orthodox Agnostic Atheiste Responses Areasex Totalreligion Islamic Catholic Orthodox Agnostic Atheist Not Declared Other No Answer Шековициупунно 6,719 1 8 4 1 9 m 3.360 55 0 3.290 1 6 3 1 4 ж 3. 401 57 7 3.329 0 2 1 0 5 Шиповотулно 10.293 633 18 9.571 0 14 19 32 6 m 5,221 324 2 4.854 0 10 10 17 4 ж 5.072 309 16 4,717 0 4 9 15 2 Широки перегупутно 28,929 6 28.814 48 4 5 8 7 37 m 14.381 4 14.318 20 3 4 6 6 20 ж 14.548 2 14.496 28 1 1 2 1 17 Teočakupo 7,424 7,399 6 8 0 7 1 0 3 0 4 0 0 3 Ž 3.657 3.642 6 5 0 3 1 0 0 TeslićUples 38,536 7.226 1.390 29.013 40 170 323 325 49 m 18.679 3.602 592 14.054 17 92 145 154 798 14.959 23 78 178 171 26 Тешанкупале 43.063 40.795 1,439 243 47 96 156 20.258 701 93 26 63 85 133 17 ж 21.687 20.537 738 150 21 33 71 119 18 Tomislavgradupno 31.592 2.463 28.996 18 2 5 44 16 48 m 16.055 1,265 14.723 6 2 2 21 10 26 14.273 12 0 3 23 6 22 Travnikupkukupo 53,482 35.767 14.788 664 142 263 372 1,339 147 m 26.574 17.696 7.449 273 75 157 193 669 62 ж 26.908 18.071 7.339 391 67 Trebinjeutno 29.191 34 126 183 99 15 m 14,251 495 90 13.450 16 67 80 44 9 ж 14.947 480 205 14.021 18 59 103 55 6 TRNOBO - FBIHUPANO 1,502 1,372 3 96 10 5 3 12 1 m 735 669 2 48 6 4 1 5 0 Ž 767 703 1 48 4 1 2 7 1 Trnovo - Rsupupo 2.050 821 15 1.182 3 7 4 17 1 m 989 405 2 562 2 5 3 9 1 Ž 1.061 416 13 620 1 2 1 8 0 Tuzlau 110,979 81.053 14.769 3,557 1,299 164 m 52,745 38,536 Ž 58.234 42,517 7.849 2,091 638 1,310 1.751 1,997 75 Ugljevikupkupo 15,710 2,188 40 13.419 1 23 24 2 13 m 7.937 1,073 8 6,815 1 17 11 1 11 Ž 7.773 1,115 32 6.604 0 6 13 1 2

80 DEMOGRAPHY DEMOGRAPHYTERITILEPOL TITROVENICAL ORTOŠTALNICS ATEISTNE RESPONSE OF THE ASTALIBEZ RESPONSES OF THE AREASE TOTALLIGION ISLAMIC CATHOLIC ORTHODOX AGNOSTIC Atheist Not declared OTHER No Answer Usorau 15.603 395 5.952 65 4 1 17 161 8 m 3.266 189 2.982 7 3 1 4 78 2 Ž 3,337 206 2.970 58 1 0 13 83 6 Warehouse 8,892 40 81 127 185 3 m 4.373 2.754 1.309 97 21 40 57 92 1.445 97 19 41 70 93 0 Velika Kladušaopo 40.419 36.643 305 160 21 47 177 2.998 68 m 19,889 17,977 141 63 8 29 85 1,553 33 ж 20.530 18.666 164 97 13 18 92 1,445 35,938 38,313 277 172 31 m 19.705 18.906 274 132 20.233 19.407 305 193 21 57 155 82 13 Visegradops 10,668 1,024 34 9.309 2 21 18 80 180 m 5.106 514 6 4.512 2 15 9 44 4 ж 5,562 510 176 ViteSupply 25.836 10.716 14.170 315 35 76 242 260 22 m 12.767 5.333 6,977 140 17 47 121 121 11 ж 13,069 5,383 7.193 175 18 29 121 139 11 Vlasenicutno 11,467 3,755 23 7,503 4 17 18 123 24 m 5,638 1,851 4 3.07 1 10 9 46 10 ж 5,829 1.904 19 3.796 3 7 9 77 14 Vogošćukato 26.343 24.413 331 545 99 207 259 467 22 m 12.606 11.732 121 216 49 115 123 239 11 ж 13.737 12.681 210 329 50 VukosavljeUkupo 4.667 2.310 756 1.509 1 10 33 34 14 m 2,340 1,186 361 749 1 7 16 17 3 Ž 2,327 1,124 395 760 0 3 17 17 11 Zavidovićićupo 35,988 33.292 1.154 591 68 184 196 472 31 m 17.883 16.613 490 272 29 ж 18.105 16.679 664 319 26 69 95 234 19:673 94.117 8.079 2,575 1,631 148 m 54.660 46.792 3,713 1,095 319 912 916 837 76 ж 56.003 47.325 4.366 1,480 326 699 941 794 72 ZVORNICUPKUKUKO 58,856 19,869 85 38,449 9 61 79 197 107 m 29,270 5 37 37 98 42 Ž 29.586 9,982 79 19.291 4 24 42 99 65 Жепчеупутно 30.219 11,727 17.597 506 22 38 54 253 22 m 15.335 6.023 8.872 238 13 25 20 137 7 ж 14.884 5,704 8.725 268 9 13 34 116 15

81 Territorial Town Telded Additional Catholic Orthodox Agnostic Atheiste Responses Areasex Totalreligion Islamic Catholic Orthodox Agnostic Atheist Not Declared Other No Answer Živinice2 256 54 132 252 479 44 m 28.714 26.924 1.17 2 101 27 86 123 255 26 ж 29.051 27.165 1.287 155 27 46 129 224 18

82 Demography Demography5.1. Population according to mother tongue and sex, level BiH, F BiH, RS and BD Population by Mother Tongue and Sex, RS and BD Territory Pol Total Total Meeting Language English Senim Totalmother Tongue Bosnian Croatian Serbian Other No Answer Bosnia and HerzegovinaUent 3.531.159 1.866.585 515.481 1,086.027 55.579 7.487 m 1.732.270 913.558 255.603 533.583 25.891 3.635 Ž 1,798,889 552.444 29.688 3.852 Federation of Bosnia and HerzegovinaUs 2.219.220 1.656 m 1.087.993 810.174 237.618 21.015 16.863 2,323 Ž 1.13 1,227 846.287 241.006 22.830 18.770 2.334 Republika SrpskaUkupno 1,228,423 173,764 20,104 2,013,178,827 85,528 9,270 1,239 W 625.396 88.236 10.834 514.654 10.219 1.453 Brčko District of Bosnia and HerzegovinaUema 83.516 36,360 16,753 29,004 1,261 138 m 41,250 17,856 8.7 15 14.044 562 73 Ž 42.266 18.504 8.038 14.960 699 65

83 5.2. Population according to the mother tongue and sex, canton level in F BiH Population by Mother Tongue and Sex, Cantue and Sex, Canton Level in Falls Bosnian Croatian Serbian Other Other Responses Area Sex TotalMero Tongue Bosnian Croatian Serbian Other No Answer Unsan Cantonup 273.261 260.009 3.503 7.883 1,469 397 m 135,304 128.640 1,712 4.028 754 170 ж 137.957 131.369 Кантонуку 43,453 8.841 33.444 676 4,285 16,995 303 167 55 ж 21.648 4,556 16.449 373 205 65 Tuzlanski kantonupko 445.028 416.1 10 16.355 4.393 7.283 887 m 217.388 203.260 7.963 2.098 3,613 454 ж 227.640 212.850 8.392 2,295 3,670 433 315.552 39,859 3,430 5.212 380 m 180,780 156.671 19,767 1,659 158,881 20.092 1,821 2,653 206 Bosnian-Podrinje Cantonup 23,734 22.758 12 837 118 9 m 11.617 11.160 6 386 60 5 Ž 12.117 11.598 6 451 58 4 Central Bosnia Cantonup 254.686 1,921 2,657 1,130 M 127.266 75.977 48.507 883 1,357 48,288 1,038 1,354 533 Herzegovina-Neretva Cantonup 222,007 94.216 118.662 4.860 3.764 505 m 109.018 46.448 58.212 2.391 1,717 250 ž 112.989 47.768 60.450 2,469 2,047 255 Western Cantonup 94.898 55 156 m 47,373 348 46.769 354 47.014 38 72 109 Canton Sarajevoema 413.593 377.876 11.530 M 195.161 179.242 5,058 3,944 6.447 470 ж 218. 432 198,634 6,472 5,100 7,775 451 Canton 10UMBLE 84,127 8.214 64.681 10.746 384 102 m 42.343 4.144 32.629 5.356 163 51 ж 41,784 4,070 32,052 5.390 221 51

84 Demography Demographyteritia Gender Tallkater Language Bosnian Croatian Section Totalmother Tongue Bosnian Croatian Serbian Other No Answer Banovier 22.773 22.301 120 117 229 6 m 11.392 11.381 11.148 67 60 103 3 Banja Lukaveno 185.042 7.668 1,738 169.814 5.39 2 430 M 89.148 3.598 635 82,414 2,300 201 ж 95.894 4,070 1,103 Berkovićuopo 2,154 159 4 1.944 5 2 0 2 0 ž 1,055 71 3 976 3 2 BihacupkuTranslations 56.261 52.446 2.504 630 621 60 m 27.041 25.165 1,226 316 311 23 Ž 29.220 27.281 1,278 314 310 37 BijeljinaUkupno 107,715 13,082 139 M 52,827 6,478 37 45.588 6,644 108 47,330 764 82 BILEĆAUPANO 10.807 21 6 10.734 32 14 m 5.454 14 0 5.415 18 7 Ž 5.353 7 6 5.319 14 7 Bosanska Krupaupo 25,545 24,078 38 1,219 160 50 m 12,548 11.768 13 650 93 25 569 67 26 Bosanski Petrovacupko 7.328 3,275 15 3.951 2 1.998 36 8 ž 3,650 1,641 13 1.953 35 8 Bosansko Grahovookupo 2,449 13 373 2.008 52 3 M 1,287 5 218 1,036 27 1 Ž 1,162 8 155 972 25 2 7.340 7,814 11 12,385 76 6,198 37 24 6,187 39 30 Bletenoo 83,516 36,360 16,753 29.004 1,261 138 m 41,250 17,856 8,715 14,044 562 73 Ž 42,266 18.504 8.038 14.960 699 65 Brezauopo 14.168 13,740 158 67 191 12 m 6.952 6.736 81 29 98 8 ž 7.216 7.004 77 38 93 45.3. Population according to mother tongue and sex, municipality level in BiH population by Mother Tongue and Sex, Municipality Level in BiH

85 Teritirija Pol Total Taller Language Bosnian Croatian Serbian Other Total Serbian Other No Answer 16.619 1.594 3.090 11.578 1.496 5,722 126 1,594 5.846 187 32 Bugojnotha 31.470 25,315 5,666 260 197 32 m 15. 635 12.671 2.739 128 83 14 ж 15.835 12.644 2,927 132 114 8.796 8.888 99 109 18 m 9.134 4.504 4,530 44 53 3 Ž 8.776 4,292 4,340 19,291 8 4 10 27 m 9.885 9.869 1 0 4 11 ž 9.455 9.422 7 4 6 16 CAZINUkupno 66.149 65.793 149 18 129 60 M 33.072 32.928 61 4 60 19 Ž 33.077 32.865 88 14 69 41 CENTAR SARAJEVOUkupno 55.181 48.600 2.096 1.271 3.083 131 M 25.369 22.583 854 558 1.310 64 Ž 29.812 26.017 1.242 713 1.773 67 ČAJNIČEUkupno 4.895 888 3 3.987 12 5 m 2,474 470 0 1.996 6 2 ж 2,421 418 3 1,991 6 Каплихупутно 26,157 4,614 12.947 2,375 10.257 283 117 15 ж 13.210 2,339 10 Челицупумну 10.502 9,447 845 182 17 11 m 5,256 4.722 432 88 10 4 § 946 4.725 413 94 7 7 Челилекупутно 15,548 448 18 14.991 75 16 m 7.728 226 3 7.465 26 8 ж 7.820 222 15 7.526 49 8 Читлукупутно 18.140 25 17.923 2 99 91 m 8.937 13 8.838 1 45 40 F 9.203 12 9.085 1 54 51 Derventa Cup 27.404 2.017 2.230 22.612 464 81 m 13.397 972 1.097 11.084 205 39 F 14.007 1.045 1.133 11.528 259 42

86 Demography of Demographyteritory Polo Total Language Bosnian Croatian Serbian Other Answer Area Sex Totalmother Tongue Bosnian Croatian Serbian Other NO Answer Dobojuzova 71.441 15.674 1.140 53,000 1,443 184 m 34.916 7.626 541 25998 676 75 767 109 Doboj-East 10.248 9.931 16 7 16 278 m 5,061 4.902 10 3 9 137 F 5.187 5.029 6 4 7 141 Doboj-Jugu-Jugo Cup 4,137 4.075 20 8 29 5 M 2.065 2.031 9 4 18 3 F 2.072 2.044 11 4 11 2 Dobretic Cup 1,629 4 1.622 0 2 1 M 905 2 903 0 0 0 0 Ž 724 2 719 0 2 1 Domaljevac-Samacuvac Cup 4,771 35 4.616 87 26 7 m 2.373 19 2.301 35 12 6 F 2.398 16 2.315 52 14 1 Donji Vakufupljanje 13.985 13.745 55 84 93 8 M 6.922 6.801 25 4 30 42 44 3 Donji Žabaruplje 3,809 12 1.022 2.752 16 7 m 1.920 3 520 1.388 5 4 Ž 1.889 9 502 1.364 11 3 Drvarukup 7.036 17 538 6.438 42 1 m 3.473 6 296 3.156 14 1 F 3.563 11 242 3.282 282 282 1.933 1.782 0 144 7 0 m 998 920 0 74 4 0 Ž 935 862 0 70 3 0 FOČ - Rsuzup 18.288 1.284 21 16.889 72 22 m 9.236 683 3 8.497 39 14 F 9.052 601 18 8.392 33 8 Fojnica M 6.197 3.930 1.756 11 64 436 F 6.159 3.937 1.803 14 69 336 Gacko -Council 8.990 368 4 8.596 12 10 m 4.556 198 4 4.346 6 2 F 4.434 170 0 4.250 6 8 GLAMOCC Council 3.860 1.264 898 1.658 36 4 1.897 622 448 803 22 2

87 Poling territory Total language Bosnian Croatian Serbian Renobus Answer Sex Totalmother Tongue Bosnian Croatian Serbian Other NO Answer Gorazdekde 20.897 20.105 12 660 111 9 10 10.163 9.798 6 298 56 5 F 10.734 10.307 6 647 16 41 38 m 10.532 6.149 4.347 3 18 15 Ž 10.401 6.042 4.300 13 23 23 Gracanica -Cup 45.220 44.728 23 81 313 75 m 21.641 21.404 6 37 163 31 F 23.579 23.324 17 44 150 44 City of Mostar 105.797 47.900 51.623 10 23.403 24.852 1.569 1.284 102 F 54.587 24.497 26.771 1,670 1.546 103 Gradacaccuzaccanje 39.340 38.167 634 252 223 64 m 19.234 18.652 314 121 115 32 Ž 20.106 19.515 320 131 108 32 Gradiška Cup 51.727 7.655 372 42.562 1,050 88 m. 20.810 496 39 F 26.456 3.855 246 21.752 554 49 17.308 3 17.213 6 11 75 m 8.621 0 8.576 2 6 37 F 8.687 3 8.637 4 5 38 Hadzicius Cup 23.891 23.015 96 128 284 368 m 11.914 11.414 44 56 195 205 F 11.977 11.601 52 72 89 163 7 0 M 1.667 215 0 1.446 6 0 F 1.863 229 3 1.630 1 0 Ilidzau 66.730 60.755 2,372 1.262 2.291 50 m 32.359 29.547 1.109 533 1.148 22 F 34.371 31.208 1.263 729 1.143 28 ILIJAŠKO Cup 19. 381 8.961 105 157 145 13 F 10.222 9.791 120 171 125 15 Eastern Ilidzau 14.763 707 82 13.828 133 13 M 7.069 329 28 6.652 53 7 F 7.694 378 54 7.176 80 6 Eastern Drvarukup 79 0 1 78 0 0 M 53 0 0 53 0 0 F 26 0 1 25 0

88 DEMOGRAPHY DEMOGRAPHYTERITORY POL TIME INTERNATIONAL LANGUAGE BOSNIK CROATIAN SERBIAN OTHERS ASSEMBLY OF AREA SEX TOTALMOTHER TONGUE BOSNIAN CROATIAN SERBIAN NO ANSWER EASTERNA Mostar Cup 257 78 11 165 0 3 M 142 45 88 0 1 F 115 33 3 77 0 2 EASTERN OLD Old Town 1,131 46 1 1.075 7 2 m 560 28 0 528 2 2 F 571 18 1 547 5 0 East Novo Sarajevo -Council 10.642 72 46 10.302 211 11 M 5.058 29 15 4.921 89 4 F 5.584 43 31 5.381 122 7 Jablanica Cup 10.111 9.309 693 26 80 3 M 5 13 38 0 Ž 5.084 4.667 359 13 42 3 Jajceau 27.258 14.051 12.524 412 226 45 m 13.856 7.084 6.468 189 93 22 Ž 13.402 6.967 6.056 223 133 23 Lakes Cup 1,144 291 843 1 1 1 M 601 0 0 Kakanju 37.441 34.220 2.369 118 706 28 m 18.651 17.050 1.179 50 359 13 F 18.790 17.170 1.190 68 347 15 Kalesija Cup 33.053 32.662 13 252 89 37 m 16.597 16.393 4 137 47 Knight 2,029 51 3 1,956 12 7 m 987 22 1 954 8 2 F 1.042 29 2 1.002 4 5 Kiseljakup 20.722 8.274 11.703 241 482 22 m 10.285 4.085 5.808 105 271 16 Ž 10.437 4.189 5.895 136 211 6 slaughtered 12.348 12.222 11 Ž 6.240 6.174 9 31 22 4 Key 16.744 16.373 23 243 78 27 m 8.365 8.177 8 127 38 15 F 8.379 8.196 15 116 40 12 Princes Cup 9.793 420 24 9.308 33 8 m 4.892 191 7 4.681 9 4 F 4.901 229 17 4.627

89 Poling territory Total language Bosnian Croatian Serbian RESPONSION AREA sex totalmother Tongue Bosnian Croatian Serbian Other No Answer Konjicukupanju 25.148 23.134 1.403 223 373 15 m 12.360 11.420 644 108 180 8 F 12.788 11.714 759 115 66 75 4.315 118 3 m 2.967 735 25 2.154 52 1 F 3.010 731 50 2.161 66 2 Kotor Varoš Cup 19.710 5.234 966 13.288 197 25 m 9.818 2.584 496 6.633 89 16 F 9.892 2.650 470 6.655 108 9 Kozarska Dubica Cup 21,524 2.208 161 18.908 9.288 92 12 F 11.008 1.125 120 9.620 127 16 Kreševo Cup 5,273 1.059 4.136 14 59 5 m 2.597 530 2.031 4 29 3 Ž 2,635 529 2.105 10 30 2 Counts on the University 1,597 3 3 1,591 0 0 m 862 1 0 861 0 0 Ž 735 2 3 730 0 0 Kupres - FBiHupo 5.057 255 4.486 308 6 2 M 2,541 132 2,241 163 4 1 ж 2,516 123 2,245 145 2 1 Kupres - Rsupano 300 0 0 158 2 0 ж 140 0 0 139 1 0 Laktaši ा ž. 34.976 123 185 33.973 601 84 m 17.320 62 66 16.860 295 37 ж 17.646 61 119 17.113 306 47 бовнотено 34,133 222 35 m 17.024 2,098 14,680 142 2,095 14.680 182 133 19.377 24 13.903 28 25 m 7.749 687 1 7.040 9 12 Ž 7.608 690 23 6.86 19 13 Lukavacupko 44,520 41,399 1,027 1,267 736 91 m 21,786 20.221 507 616 387 55 ж 22,734 21.178 520 651 349 36 Ljubinjupo 3.511 13 7 3.484 3 4 m 1.725 6 2 1.714 1 2 ž 1,786 7 5 1.770 2 2

90 DEMOGRAPHY DEMOGRAPHYTERITORYTICA GENERAL TELOMATERNIOUS LANGUAGE ENGLISH SEX TOTALMOTHER TONGUE BOSNIAN CROATIAN Serbian Other No Answer Ljubuškookupo 28.184 689 13.727 17 452 348 13.727 17 45 25 Maglajupko 23.146 20,345 1,970 702 109 20 m 11.430 10.011 1,011 342 62 4 ж 11.716 10.334 959 360 47 MILIĆI 23 7.202 11 12 m 5,798 2.113 2 3,677 1 5 Ž 5,643 2.098 3 3.525 10 7 Модричатно 25,720 Колека сомерна 25.339 494 138 м 12.561 1,523 760 9.992 215 71 ж 13.159 1,705 761 10.347 279 67 Mrkonjić Graduum 16.671 380 93 16,080 101 7.808 55 7 Ž 8.575 195 52 8.272 4,548 11 20 7 m 2,344 28 2,300 5 8 3 Ž 2,309 39 2,248 6 12 4 Nevesinjupo 12.961 532 14 12.381 17 17 m 6,462 276 5 6,192 4 5 ж 6,499 256 9 6.209 13,135 6,489 83 20,230 274 18 10.164 114 21 ж 13.521 3.212 65 10.066 160 18 Novi Grad SarajevoemoluNo 118.553 108.621 3.124 3.154 3.442 212 M 55,735 51.344 1.355 1,374 1,561 101 ж 62.818 1,871 111 Novi Travnikupo 23,832 12,333 10.862 6,233 5,402 99 116 12 Ž 11.970 6.100 5.585 121 147 17 Novo Goraždeukupo 3,157 1,482 1 1.621 4 9 m 1.618 760 0 851 3 4 § 1,499 722 1 770 1 5 New Sarajevoemounts 64,814. 35

91 Territory Pol Total Total Language Bosnian Croatian Serbian Others Total Serbian Other No Answer Lead 10.175 9.895 186 67 15 12 m 5.084 4.948 89 34 9 4 ж 5.091 4,947 97 33 6 8 Онрашеу ументо 19.861 2.211 17.309 118 168 55 m 10.059 1.068 8.851 43 71 26 ж 9.802 1,143 8.458 75 97 2,902 3,3095 10 6 m 3.065 1.458 1 1.444 2 1.492 9 4 ŠTHRA LUKAUPULNO 2,786 39 102 2.611 32 2 m 1.440 16 48 1.358 16 2 ž 1,346 23 54 1,253 16 0 Pale - FBihupno 904 871 0 33 0 0 Ž 448 429 0 19 0 0 Pale - Rsupupo 20,909 191 32 20.565 109 12 m 10.038 99 7 9.882 42 8 ž 10.871 92 25 10.683 67 4 PelagicVookupno 5,220 26 1,825 3.324 37 8 m 2.609 7 934 1,651 15 2 Ž 2,611 19 891 1.673 22 6 Petrovacupkudo 361 0 0 172 0 0 ž 189 0 0 188 1 0 Petrovookupo 6.474 8 12 6,405 43 6 M 3,124 5 2 3,099 16 2 Ž 3,350 3 10 3.306 27 4 PROPOSJUPLOO 20.477 1 20.424 2 14 36 m 10.287 0 10.266 1 10.158 1 7 23 предоредом 89.397 29,317 696 56.999 1,972 413 m 43.863 14.290 311 28.061 923 278 Ž 45.534 15.027 385 28.938 1,049 135 PRNJAVORUPKO 35,956 1.265 53 m 17.572 1,463 64 15.361 1,565 121 16.064 602 32 M 7,210 1 12 32 m 7.210 1,842 5.345 0 8 15 ž 7.070 1,721 5.327 1 4 17

92 Demography Demographyteritia Gender Tallered Language Bosnian Croatian Serbian Other Total Serbian Other Other No Answer Equipment 3.219 18 2.657 11 1.329 310 5 2 ж 1,562 7 1.303 241 7 4 Ribnikupkukupkukupo 6,048 3 2 6,027 13 3 m 3.009 1 0 3.000 5 3 Ž 3.039 2 2 3,027 8 0 Rogataticutno 10,723 1,158 8 9.544 38 5 m 5.270 581 1 4.669 17 2 ж 5,453 547 7 4.873 691 0 7.255 11 6 m 4.050 365 0 3.678 4 3 ž 3.913 326 0 3.577 7 3 Sanski Mostupno 41,475 39.054 453 1,712 19,597 230 881 86 32 ж 20.649 19.457 223 839 89 49 сапнаутно 11,178 10 m 5,739 5.606 0 117 10 6 ж 5,439 5.307 2 113 10 7 Сокококупутно 12.021 686 8 11.266 39 22 m 5.919 359 1 5.540 12 7 Ž 6,122 327 7 5,726 27 15 Srbacupkutno 17,587 414 55 16,882 190 46 m 8.623 199 9 8.298 95 22 Ž 8.964 215 46 8.584 95 24 Srebrenicaukuku 13.409 7.265 7 6,032 53 52 m 6.602 3.497 2 3.048 34 21 Ž 6,877 3,768 5 2,984 19 31 Srebrenikupupo 39,678 37,347 1,755 217 18.184 853 95 188 28 Ž 20.330 19.163 852 122 171 22.976 35.392 401 275 854 54 m 17,482 16,749 198 117 385 33 Ž 19.494 18.643 203 158 469 21 Stolacups 14,502 5.586 8.492 241 74 109 m 7.326 2.814 4.313 102 32 65 Ž 7,176 2,772 4,179 139 42 44 Шамацупутно 17.273 1,399 2.230 13,320 299 25 m 8.385 665 1.074 6,505 127 14 ж 8.888 734 1.156 6,815 172 11

93 Teritirija Pol Total Malling Language Bosnian Croatian Serbian Other Totalmother Tongue Other No Answer Шековициутну сейтер 14 9 m 3.360 53 0 3.300 4 3 ž 3.401 55 3 3,327 10 6 Шиповотулно 10.293 642 11 9.604 27 9 m 5.221 327 0 4.870 17 7 ж 5.072 315 11 4.734 10 2 Шорика гретуку 28,929 9 28.819 24 27 50 m 14.381 7 14.327 8 12 27 ж 14.548 2 14.492 16 15 23 Teočakukupko 7,424 7.410 4 5 2 3 m 3.767 3.761 0 3 1 2 ž 3.657 3,649 4 2 1 1 TeslićUmen 38,536 7,392 847 29.336 896 65 ж 19.857 3,709 454 15.174 485 35 симанто 43.063 41,455 1,281 157 135 35 m 21.376 20,579 639 68 75 15 ж 21.687 20.876 642 89 60 20 Tomislavgradupko 31. 592 2,472 29.027 10 26 57 m 16.055 1,261 14.745 4 15 30 ж 15.537 1,211 14,282 14.680 405 536 133 m 26.574 18.614 7.453 19.114 7.227 214 281 72 Trebinjeutno 29.198 995 149 27,753 277 24 m 14.251 509 66 13.558 104 14 ж 14.947 486 83 14.195 173 10 Trnovo - FBihupno 1.502 1.384 1 90 26 1 m 735 677 707 1 44 14 1 Trnovo - Rsupano 2.050 839 13 1.188 8 2 m 989 416 5 562 5 1 Ž 1.061 423 8 626 3 1 Tuzlau 12.083 1,603 4,543 182 m 52,745 44.839 97 ж 58.234 49.689 5,211 859 2,390 85 Ugljevikupko 15,710 2,186 14 13.455 39 16 m 7.937 1.071 1 6,836 16 13 Ž 7,773 1,155 13 6.619 23 3

94 Demography Demographyteritia Gender Tallered language Bosnian Croatian Serbian others Totalmother Tongue Bosnian croatian serbian other NO ANSWER COUNTING 6.603 486 6.002 44 66 5 m 3.266 222 3,010 2,992 39 38 4 5,939 2.452 129 368 4 m 4.373 2,936 1,189 66 179 3 Ž 4,519 3,003 1,263 63 189 39.699 313 106 225 76 m 19,889 19.502 171 52 126 38 Ž 20.530 20.197 142 54 99 38 38.9.605 425 168 697 43 m 19.705 19.068 209 75 330 23 Ž 20.233 19.537 216 93 367 20 Visegrademnuto 10,668 1,038 6 9.37 522 0 4.549 32 3 ж 5,562 516 6 4.828 10.820 14.328 145 516 27 m 12.767 5.373 7.045 67 272 10 ж 13.069 5.447 7.283 78 244 17 Vlasenicato 11,467 3.776 8 7.551 100 32 m 5,638 1,854 2 3.725 42 15 Ž 5,829 1,922 6 3,826 25.355 171 383 417 66 168 189 7.7,1 13.737 13.179 105 215 228 10 Vukosavljeukopuo 4.667 2.256 735 1.541 120 15 m 2.340 1.144 360 765 69 2 Ž 2,327 1,112 375 776 51 13 Звидите иманте но 35.988 439 34 m 17.883 17.011 435 203 20.148 526 192 219 20 100,736 6.235 1.1760 49.963 2.945 539 1,139 74 ж 56.003 50.77 3 3,290 633 1,232 75 Zvornikupko 58,856 19,896 32 38.678 121 129 m 29,274 50 56 Ž 29.586 10.008 30 19.404 71 73 17.800 403 86 33 m 15,335 6,156 8,971 194 42 12 ж 14.884 5,781 8,829 209 44 21

95 Teritirija Pol Total Tallering Language Bosnian Croatian Serbian Others Totalmother Tongue Other No Answer Živinice24 121 648 69 m 28.714 27.37 910 52 338 39 ж 29.051 27.680 962 69 310 30

96 DEMOGRAPHY DEMOGRAPHY6.1. Population 15 years and up according to legal marriage and sex, level BiH, F BiH, RS and BD Population Aged 15 and over by Marital Status and Sex, Level BiH, F BiH, RS and BD Territory Gender Townleading Marital Condition Never Married / Castle / Deletion / DivoremenAdovac / Widow Territory Sex Totallegal Marital Status Never Married Married Divorced Widowed Bosnia and HerzegovinaUplicant 2.987.440 810.941 1.75.440.519 878.604 43,733 59,438 ž 1,534.146 339.422 880.530 57.147 257.047 Federation of Bosnia and HerzegovinaUploads 1,862 .272 504.017 1.115.601 59,553 183,101 m 904.850 289,502 33,630 Ž 957,422 214.509 149.471 Republika SrpskaUkupno 1.054,733 288.965 601.636 38.077 126.055 m 514.018 171,472 300.564 17,471 24,501 Ž 540.715 117. 493 301.072 20,596 101.554 Brčko District of Bosnia and HerzegovinaUema 70,435 17,959 41,897 3,250 7.329 m 34.426 10.539 21.130 1,450 1,307 W 36.009 7.420 20.767 1,800 6,022

97 6.2. Population 15 years and up according to legal marriage and sex, canton in F BiH population Aged 15 and over by marital status and sex, Canton Level In F BiH Territory Gender Overboard Marital Condition Never Married / Breakdown / Modified / DivorcedUedovac / Widow Territory Sex Totalegal Marital Status Never Married Married Divorced Widowed Unsko-Sanski Cantonup 225.487 7.226 20.184 69.587 3.082 23.722 69,900 4.144 16.752 Posavski Kantonupko 37.418 10.703 21.715 1,244 3.756 m 18 .656 6.355 11.024 648 629 Ž 18.762 4,348 10,691 596 3,127 Tuzla Cantonups 375,224 11717 36,189 m 181.934. 426 93.684 4,059 5,668 § 154,173 31,541 94,427 5,643 22,542 Bosnian-Podrinje Cantonup 20,448 5.154 12.072 640 2,582 m 9,881 3,030 6,055 272 524 6,017 368 2.058 Central Bosnia Cantonup 211.486 5,916 20.284 m 105.017 34.954 63.371 2,647 4,045 ж 106.479 24.199 62.762 3.269 16.239 Herzegovina-Neretva Cantonup 187 .848 57.527 107.495 3,844 18.982 m 91.629 32.522 53.995 1.652 3.460 Й 96.219 25.005 53,500 2,192 15.522 Запражерцегого Кантонуко 7833 1,083 6,745 m 38,687 14.823 21.989 553 1,313 ж 39,369 5,432 Canton Sarajevoopuato 350,333 96.883 198.236 16.818 38.396 m 162.698 51.40 3 98.726 6.228 6,341 ж 187.635 45.480 99.510 10.590 32.055 Canton of 10 redundant 72,250 22,986 40.554 1.363 7.347 m 36.209 13.465 20,546 735 1,463 Ž 36.041 9.521 20.008 628 5.884

98 Demography Demographyteritia Gender General Armate Never Married / Divorced / Divorced / Divorced Sex Totalegal Marital Status Never Married Married Divorced Widowed BanoviCi27 481 1.589 m 9.502 2.859 6,171 180 272 ž 9.632 1.768 6.246 301 1.317 BANJA LUKAUPULNO 157,813 46.031 88.365 7.243 16.174 m 75.249 25.283 44,012 2,924 20,748 44.353 4.319 13.144 BERKOVIĆIUPULO 1,744 45 Ž 878 176 507 3 192 BiHAćupkutno 47,410 13.002 27,641 1,942 4,825 m 22.601 7.299 13.745 781 776 ž 24. 809 5,703 13.896 1,161 4,049 Bijeljina kupno 91,821 24,378 53.142 3.754 14.192 26.558 1.700 2.205 26,584 2,054 8.342 BILEĆAKAVANO 9.215 3,101 4,638 1,941 2,478 38 181 Ž 4,577 1.160 2.484 62 871 Bosanska Krupau 20.015 5.180 13.195 54 9 2,091 m 10.219 3,090 6,470 243 416 Ž 10.796 2,090 6,725 306 1,675 Petrovacupkupo 6.367 1,673 3.567 1,060 1,824 613 1,743 103 722 1.254 89 355 m 1.194 377 673 54 90 ж 1,070 189 581 35 265 Bratunacemonga 17.225 4.775 9.795 475 2.180 M 8,467 2,950 4,944 214 359 Ž 8,758 1,825 4,851 261 1,821 17,959 41,897 3,250 10,539 21,130 1,450 1,397 1,800 6,022 BREZAUCKENO 12.109 2,797 7,719 337 1.256 m 5,913 1,654 3.858 136 265 ž 6.196 1. 143 3,861 201 9916.3. Population aged 15 and up according to legal marital condition and gender, municipality level in BiH population aged 15 and over by Marital status and sex, municipality level in BiH

99 Territory Gender Townlown Condition Never Married / Divorced / Widow / Widow Territory Sex Totallegal Marital Status Never Married Married Divorced Widowed Brodulum 14.257 3,672. 31 7.331 15.786 757 2.557 M 13.010 4,285 7.925 318 482 7,861 439 2.075 BusovačaUkutno 14,733 1,262 M 7,463 2,427 4.573 1,549 4,525 194 1,002 BUŽIMUPUNO 15.121 мод 7.814 304 1.110 m 7,714 2.409 4.924 144 237 ж 7.407 1,484 4.890 16 0 873 Cziinukupo 53.661 12.788 35.244 1,500 4.129 m 26,634 7.557 17.669 610 798 17,575 890 3,331 13,687 25,628 2,853 5,601 m 21,568 6,922 12.694 1,007 12,934 1,846 4,656 Чайничуутно 4,264 1,268 2,339 102 555 m 2,160 7 99 1,188 56 117 Ž 2.104 469 1,151 46 438 Чаплихупутно 21,938 6,533 12.715 375 2.315 m 10.787 6.294 210 1.901 Челицупутно 8,767 1,975 5,684 252 8561 141 186 ж 4.372 768 2.823 111 670 Челикакупутно 13.220 3,831 7.722 291 1.376 m 6,516 2,327 3,788 145 256 Ž 6,704 1.504 3.934 146 1,120 Čitlukupkupo 14,758 1,259 m 7.261 2.754 4.167 2.268 4.128 103 998 DerventaUkutno 23,643 5,902 13.938 931 2,872 M 11,498 3.511 7.011 447 529 ž 12.145 2.391 6,927 484 2.343

100 DEMOGRAPHY DEMOGRAPHYTERITORYTICE GENERAL CONTEMPTION DEAR Condition Never Married / Divorced / Divorced Sex Totallegal Marital Status Never Married Married Divorced Widowed Dobujupno 61.332 2,680 7.967 1,233 1,415 W 31.632 5.889 18 .031 1,447 6.265 Doboj-Estokup drops 8.530 2.077 5,511 201 741 m 4.156 1.228 2,702 90 136 Ž 4,374 849 2,809 111 605 770 2,256 76 253 m 1.660 458 1.128 36 38 215 Dobretići ा 208 м 825 351 41 110 m 825 351 426 22 26 ж 664 183 378 19 84 Domjeljevac-Šamacupopo 4,099 1,078 2.507 111 403 m 2.026 624 1.267 62 1.240 49 330 Donji VacuFukupo 11,486 3.185 6,870 314 1.117 m 5,664 1.862 3,446 144 212 ž 5.822 1.323 3.424 170 905 Donji Žabarupo 3.248 855 1.891 103 399 M 1.631 522 966 63 80 Ž 1.617 333 925 40 319 wood 6.308 1.663 3.239 256 1,150 m 3.090 1.054 1.647 127 262 Ž 3.218 609 1.592 129 888 FOČE 274 513 25 55 F 825 157 480 14 174 Foča - Rsuzup 16.050 4.798 8.738 472 2.042 M 8.061 2.909 4.470 249 433 F 7.989 1.889 4.268 223 1.609 Fojnica -Cup 10.426 2.919 6.064 303 1.140 m 5.197 1.068 2.996 169 876 Gacko Cup 7.576 2.431 4.148 129 868 m 3.803 1,478 2.092 64 169 Ž 3.773 953 2.056 65 699 Glamoc Cup 3.357 951 1,811 91 504 m 1.683 576 920 56 131 F 1.674 375 891 35 373

101 Poling Territory Poling Total Marriage Conditions Never Married / Married / Married / Divided / Divorced / Widow Territory Sex Totallegal Marital Status Never Married Married Married Widowed Goražde. 10 341 1,815 Gornji Vakuf-Ukljeku Cup 17.280 5.243 10.251 308 1,478 m 8.674 3.076 5.144 149 305 F 8.606 2.167 5.107 159 1,173 Gracanica Cup 37.560 8.152 24.957 947 3.504 m 17.771 4.859 11.890 385 637 F 19.789 3.293 567 50.795 2.376 9.354 m 43.180 15.239 25.386 975 1.580 F 46.912 12.328 25.409 1,401 7.774 Gradacacacu Cup 32.597 21.178 876 3.238 m 15.729 4.249 10.506 409 565 F 16.870 3.058 10.672 467 2.673 Gradiška Cup 44.830 11.613 25.740 1.912 5.565 m 21.796 6,900 3 12.797 1.030 4.494 Grude Cup 14.455 4.883 8.012 200 1.360 m 7.193 2.734 4.064 107 288 Ž 7.262 2.149 3.948 93 1.072 Hadžići Cup 19.787 5.200 12.078 569 1,940 m 9.784 3.088 234 351 F 10.003 2.089 5.990 335 1.589 HAN PIJAKUK Cup 3.129 921 1.615 124 469 M 9 388 Ilidzau 55.476 15.356 32.767 2,060 5.293 m 26.573 8.454 16.381 860 878 Ž 28.903 6.902 16.386 1.200 4,415 Ilijaš Cup. 1,638 m 6.071 2.053 3.527 195 296 F 6.665 1.586 3.487 250 1.342 Eastern Drvarukupljenje 76 31 34 4 7 m 50 29 19 1 1 F 26 2 15 3 6

102 Demography of Demographyteritory Pol's Total Marriage Condition Never married / married / married / divorced / divorced by Territory Sex Totallegal Marital Status Never Married Married Married Married Married Widowed Eastern Mostar Cup 220 67 114 3 36 m 122 48 60 3 11 F 98 19 280 530 25 181 m 495 178 270 18 29 F 521 102 260 7 152 Eastern Novo Sarajevo -Council 9.016 2.622 4.894 350 1,150 m 4.260 1.481 2.445 121 213 F 4.756 1.141 2.449 229 937 Jablanica 2.561 54 162 F 4.442 1.077 2.536 64 765 Jajceau 22.762 6.217 14.001 467 2.077 m 11.605 3.828 7.091 228 458 Ž 11.157 2.389 6.910 239 1,619 Lake 979 253 566 27 133 m 517 170 295 20 32 8.107 19.455 652 2.780 m 15.332 4.775 9.679 270 608 Ž 15.662 3.332 9.776 382 2.172 Kalesija -Council 27.239 6.263 18.374 560 2.042 m 13.602 3.781 9.176 253 392 F 13.637 2.482 9.198 307 1,650 Kalinoviku Cup 1,831 585 944 275 227 471 9 218 Kiseljakukup 17.209 4.661 10.358 445 1.745 M 8.484 2.727 5.210 213 334 F 8.725 1.934 5.148 232 1,411 betting 10.428 2.722 6.433 319 954 m 5.103 1.599 3.215 135 154 Ž 5.325 1.123 3.218 184 800 Key 14.250 3.597 8.903 206 272 F 7.150 1.449 4.429 211 1,061 Princess Cup 8407 2.419 4.822 143 1.023 m 4.180 1.565 2.345 71 199 F 4.227 854 2.477 72 824

103 Territory Polo Timic Mashed Marital Status Never Married / married / married Divided / divorced by Territory Sex Totallegal Marital Status Never Married Married Married Widowed Konjic Cup 21.742 12.971 435 2.327 m 10.530 3.370 6.522 187 248 1.876 Kostajnica Cup 5,255 1.407 2.956 247 645 M 2.596 849 1.484 128 135 F 2.659 558 1,472 119 510 Kotor Varoš Cup 16,560 4.773 9.657 360 1.770 M 8.198 2.909 4.763 175 Ž 8.362 1.864 4.894 188 1.416 Kozarska Dubica 14 3.143 5.136 432 503 F 9.744 2.017 5.124 469 2.134 Kreševo Cup 4,469 1.255 2.577 101 536 m 2.165 726 1,287 51 101 Ž 2.304 529 1.290 50 435 Krupa on uni -pupil 1,415 452 716 26 26 221 m 772 340 361 18 53 Ž 643 112 355 8 168 Kupres M 2.186 810 1.225 47 104 Ž 2.176 638 1.184 45 309 Kupres - Rsuzup 272 62 157 4 49 m 141 45 77 4 15 F 131 17 80 0 34 Laktašiu -Cup 29.466 7.793 17.565 1.020 3.088 m 14.513 4.648 8.782 480 603 F 14.953 3.145. Buy 29.544 9.035 17.280 502 2.727 m 14.659 5.182 8.743 269 465 F 14.885 3.853 8.537 233 2.262 Lopareut 13.476 3.678 7.666 518 1.614 m 6.781 2.251 3.851 282 397 F 4.185 1.220 4.181 M 18.674 5.388 12.020 541 725 F 19.824 3.524 12.165 679 3.456 Ljubinje Cup 3037 948 1.690 17 382 m 1,487 586 843 6 52 Ž 1,550 362 847 11 330

104 Demography Demographyteritia Gender Townleading Marital Condition Never Married / Divorced / Divorced / Divorced Sex Totallegal Marital Status Never Married Married Divorced Widowed Ljubuškookupo 23.409 7,648 13.537 4.263 6,649 222 403 ž 11.872 3,385 6,486 206 1.79 5 Maglajupko 19.451 4.618 12.295 594 1,944 m 9,489 2,745 6,131 1,873 6,165 323 1,672 2,948 m 4,441 1,855 2,747 126 213 Ž 4,851 1,093 2,738 109,181 12,821 851 2.714 m 10.774 3.419 6,418 408 529 Ž 11.426 2,395 6,403 443 2. 185 Mrkonjic Graduum 15.378 3,653 8.456 302 1.967 m 6,950 Ž 7,428 1,354 4,346 2,268 49 351 m 1.980 715 1,179 1,089 25 289 Neveesinjupno 10.990 3.516 5.966 123 1.385 m 5.452 2.151 3.004 64 233 ž 5.5 38 1,365 2,962 59 1,152 New Graduum 23,751 6,650 m 11,256 4,101 6,649 440 636 6,610 413 2.353 99,792 26,888 M 46,192 14.149 28,424 1,714 1,822 W 53.683 12.739 28.792 3,212 8,940 New Travnik Purchases 19,678 5,511 11.634 672 1,861 M 9,715 3,253 5,838 281 343 Ž 9,963 2,258 5,796 391 818 1,587 73 326 m 1.472 513 812 42 105 Ž 1,332 305 773 31 221 9,346 16,339 29,829 3,323 14,786 1,142 1,028 W 30.918 8.267 15.043 2. 181 5.427 Excessive 16,269 4,300 9,732 562 1,675 m 8.059 2.534 4.952 292 281 Ž 8.210 1.766 4,780 270 1.394

105 Territory Gender Overboard Arms Never Married / Divorced / Wood / Widow Territory Sex Totallegal Marital Status Never Married Married Divorced Widowed Leader 8.816 2,315 5,344 2,689 96 183 Ž 4,434 901 2,697 85 751 Orasjeutno 17.050 5. 325 9.476 571 1,678 M 8,571 3,197 4,875 294 275 § 277 1,403 osmaciutno 5.130 1.308 3.603 796 1,618 91 98 Ž 2,527 512 1.584 65 366 Со склекаупно травно 2,378 726 1.227 66 359 m 1.226 486 605 50 85 ж 1,152 240 622 16 274 Pale - FBiHupan 768 189 461 23 95 m 377 107 234 227 13 69 Pale - Rsupupo 18.074 5,408 244 420 Ž 9.506 2,412 4.931 353 1.810 2.614 178 691 m 2,327 723 1.366 99 139 ж 2,327 448 1,248 79 552 Petrovacupkutno 307 77 157 10 63 Ž 164 32 77 3 52 Petrovoukukuupko 5.717 1.296 3,375 206 840 m 2.745 834 1.642 101 168 Ž 2,972 462 1.733 105 672 Подушеуэпумно 16.461 6,091 8.875 237 1.258 m 8.253 3.470 4,427 111 245 § 8.208 2,621 4,448 126 1,013 9.400 m 38.001 13.019 21.656 1,494 1,832 ж 40.026 9.271 21.423 1.764 7.578 Прнинаворупутно 30,793 7.758 18.180 987 3.868 m 14,947 4.732 9.008 485 722 ж 15. 846 3,026 9,172 502 3,146 Prozorupo 11,798 3.793 6,909 88 1,008 m 5,931 2,179 3,473 51 228 ž 5,867 1,614 3,436 37 780

106 Demography Demographyteritia Gender Townleading Marital Condition Never Married / Divorced Sex Totalegal Marital Status Never Married Married Divorced Widowed Equivalent 2.810 939 558 803 31 Wed 1,361 375 765 26 195 Ribnikupo 5,238 1.345 2.933 110 850 m 2.596 887 1,469 59 181 Ž 2,642 458 1,464 516 1.306 m 4,527 1,444 2,682 113 288 Ž 4,725 986 2.578 143 1.018 Rudookupno Слушать онлайт 6,977 1,876 4.131 132 838 m 3.525 1.202 2,070 71 182 Ž 3.452 674 2.061 61 656 Sanski Modest 35,396 9,450 21,529 1,244 5,628 10,869 3,822 10,260 676 2,173 6.061 191 651 m 4.655 1.353 3.064 102 136 89 515 соколацупутно 10:395 2,970 5.728 316 1.381 m 5.080 1,743 2,891 141 305 ž 5.315 1,227 2,837 175 1,076 Serbs 15.073 3.869 8,631 563 2.010 m 7,356 2.362 264 1.635 Srebrenicau 12.671 3,284 6,395 313 1.679 M 5,710 2.037 3,961 1,247 3,149 147 1,418 Silver Cup 32.955 7.319 21.499 792 3.345 m 15.918 4.373 10.646 343 556 ж 17.037 2,946 10.853 449 2.789 Stari grad Sarajevoopu kupo 31,975 8,889 M 14,920 4.768 8,731 751 670 ж 17.059 4,159 8.785 1.024 3.129 Цалацупутно 12,270 4,1040 6,763 164 1.193 m 6,174 2.360 3,479 86 249 ж 6.096 1,680 3.394 78 944 Šamacu Purchases 15,178 3,936 8,612 571 2.059 m 7.313 2,343 4,326 265 379 W 7865 1,593 4,286 306 1,680

107 Territory Gender Townlown Condition Never Married / Divorced / Widow Territory Sex Totallegal Marital Status Never Married Married Divorced Widowed Шековициупуно 5.901 1,632 Ж 2.969 654 1,647 95 573 Шиповотулно 8.821 2.40 6 5.165 192 1.058 M 4.452 1.582 2.540 91 239 ж 4,369 824 2.625 101 819 Široki Čijegukupno 23.721 7.963 13.611 218 1.929 m 11.694 4.356 6.848 113 377 § 105 1,552 Teocacacups 6,224 1,626 3,166 1,006 1,948 620 1,918 71 469 19,068 1,158 3,905 m 15,541 5,145 9.138 493 765 9.3.937 3.222 9.930 645 3.140 Textbook 34 .938 8.206 22.973 923 2,836 m 17,197 4,902 11,355 378 562 11.618 545 2,274 9,323 14,591 333 Ž 13.018 3,857 7,223 151 1.787 TravnikUkupko 44,364 12,350 m 21.832 7.201 13.125 636 870 W 22.532 5.109 13.107 836 3.480 TrebinjeUkato 24.810 7.288 14.022 527 2,973 m 11,976 4,317 6,977 210 472 Ž 12.834 2.971 7.045 317 2.501 TRNOBO - FBIHUPANO 1.372 311 869 15 177 m 679 173 452 10 44 Ž 693 138 417 5 133 TRNOVO - RSUPLOON 1,842 519 959 48 316 m 879 303 493 25 58 ж 963 216 466 23 258 Tuzlauku kupo 56,791 4,550 10,458 m 45,271 1,747 ж 51.072 10.749 28.603 2,879 8.711 Ugljevikupkuran 13.467 3.538 8.018 461 1.450 m 6.788 2,173 4.028 233 354 ž 6.679 1.365 3.990 228 1,096

108 Demography Demographyteritia Gender General Marital Condition Never Married / Breakfast / Divorced / Divorced Sex Totallegal Marital Status Never Married Married Divorced Widowed Usorau Divorced Widowed Usorau Divorced Widowed Usorau Divorced Widowed Usorau Divorced Widowed Usorau Divorced Widowed Usorau Divorced Widowed Usorau Divorced. 947 2,144 4,490 256 1.087 m 3,877 1,291 2,252 116 218 Ž 4,070 823 2,238 140 869 19.594 1.081 3.061 m 15,576 9,903 9,483 3,330 9.982 641 2,530 Visoko 32.974 8.336 20,595 910 3.133 m 16.110 4,855 10.271 378 606 Ž 16 .864 3.481 10.324 532 2,527 Visegradops 9,410 2,550 5,143 1,512 2,552 119 300 Ž 4,927 1,038 2.609 147 1,133 639 2,051 m 10.383 3,487 6,238 268 390 ж 10.776 2.524 6.220 371 1.64 Власениценуку 9.814 2.944 5.393 321 1.156 m 4.769 1.730 2.6 90 146 203 ž 5.045 1,214 2,703 175 953 Vogošća 20,923 815 2.359 m 10.332 3,242 6,402 2.595 6,470 512 2,025 Vukosavlje Due. 2 m 14.805 4,536 9.384 348 537 ж 15.108 2,820 9.745 478 2,065 24,358 55,326 4,328 8.779 27,681 9,757 1,847 ж 47,242 7,047 Zvornikupkupo 49,361 12,433 30.097 1.501 5.330 m 24,431 7.616 15.094 695 1,026 ž 24.930 4. 817 15.003 806 4,304 Ćepčeukupno 24,855 7,337 15.025 505 1.988 M 12.576 4,449 7.522 221 384 § 12.279 2,888 7,503 284 1.604

109 Territory Gender Overboard Arms Never Married / Divorced / Widow / Widow Territory Sex Totallegal Marital Status Never Married Married Divorced Widowed Živinice Divorced Widowed Živinice24 Моли 1,162 Ж 24.258 Река 726 15.662 651 3.338

Fočalivnivo konjicglamočteslićdoćbanja Luka Gackopale TrebinjeBilećajedor City Mostar Nevesinjedrvarbihić Bijeljevrčko Kalinovacravnik Tomislavrčko bridge Varešcazin Olovo Prozor-Rama Rudok Jajcezavidovići Ilijašderventa Posusjekakanjlaktaši Milići Ravpodiogradnovi Grad Zvornik Srebrenicačelinac Žepče Mrkonjić City Zenica Neumkotor Varoš TrnovoBrod Lukavac Kladanj Bosansko Grahovo Ljubinjelopare Bugojnobosanski PetrovacModriča Fojnica Stolackneževo Živinice HadžićiBosanska Krupa Čajnice Ljubuškinovisoko Grudemaglaj Jablanica FočaKozarska Dubica Bratunac Čapljenjevitez Gorazdešek Pijesak Berkjecrebrenik Kalesišakjvelika Kladušanica Uglasjik Sapna Palegenji Vakuf-Uskoplje Kreševorašje BusovačaPetrovac Ilidža Široki Brijegbanovići New Travnik Kiseljakostra Luka Petrovo Brezaosmacipelagićevo Lake Novo Goraždetrnovo1Kostajnica Krupa na UNI Usora Dobretićivukosavlje Kupres Trnovoisto DrvateOkakDonji Žabar 9Doboj- East 3 4 8Domaljevac-Šamac 2 7 9Doboj-Jug 96 56srbija Montenegro / MontenegronArd Municipality Names of Names of Municipalities Marked with Numbers 1 Vogošća 2 Centar Sarajevo 4 Novi Grad Sarajevo 5 Novo Sarajevo 6 Eastern old City 7 East New Sarajevo 8 Eastern Ilidža 9 Eastern Mostar 20 0 20 40 60 80 100 10 Kmindex Masculinity, by municipalities, 2013. Masculiety index, by municipality, 2013. Index Masculiniteta / Masculinity Index Bosnia and Herzegovina / Bosnia and Herzegovina: 96, 3 Below / Under 95.0 95.0 - 100.0 100.1 - 105.0 105.1 - 110.0 110.1 - 115.0 More than / Comments 115.1 Masculinity index is a number of men in 100 women . Maculinity Index Represent Number of males per 100 females.

111 Territory Total number of live births did not give birth 1 children 3 children 4 children 5 children 5 and more children Area TotalTotal Number of Live Born Children Did Not Give Birthgave Birth to 1 Childgave Birth to 2 Childgave Birth To 3 Childgave Birth to 4 Childgave Birth to 5 Child and More Children Bosnia and Herzegovina 1,534,142 526.346 221.237 79.000 69.258 Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina 957,422 273.774 132.895 308.038 138.640 54.056 50.019 Republika Srpska 540,715 142.198 77.696 207.593 77.693 207.593 77.693 207.593 77.693 207.593 77.683 23,209 17.636 Brčko District of Bosnia and Herzegovina 36,009 10.374 4,919 12,463 4,915 1,735 1.6037.1. Female population aged 15 and over to the total number of live births, level BiH, F BiH, RS and BD Female Population Aged 15 and over by Number of Live Births, Level BiH, F Bih, RS and BD Fočalivno Konjiclamočlićdoćbanja Luka Gackopale Trebinjebilećajededor City Mostar Nevesinjedrvarbihać BijeljinaGradiška Ribnik Sokolacpovo Kupresbrčko Kalinovacravnik Province Sanski Most Varešcazin Jajcezavidovići Ilijašderventa Posusjekakanjlaktaši Milići Ravisnovi Grad Zvornik Srebrenicačelinac Žepče Mrkonjić City Zenica Neumkotor Varoš Trnovobo D Lukavac Kladanj Bosansko Grahovo Ljubinopare Bugojnobosanski PetrovacModriča Fojnica Stolacneževo Živinice HadžićiBosanska Krupa Čajniče Ljubuškivisoko Grudemaglaj Jablanica Fočakozarska Dubica Bratunac Čapljenjitez Goraždešekovići Donji Vakuf Čitlukhan Pijesak Berkovištuzlašimacodak CelicSrebrenik Kalesima Vakuf-Uskoplje Palegenji Vakuf-Uskoglovac Ilidžje Široki Brijegbanovići Novi Travnik Kiseljakostra Luka Petrovo Brezaosmacipelagićevo Lake New Goražde Trnovo1kostajnica Krupa na UNI Usora Dobreticivukosavlje Kupres Trnovoisto DrvaekakDonji Žabar 9Doboj-east 3 4 8Domaljevac-Šamac 2 7 9Doboj-Jug 96 56srbija Montenegro / MontenegronArd Municipality Names of Names of Municipalities Marked With Numbers 1 Vogošća 2 Centar Sarajevo 4 Novi Grad Sarajevo 5 Novo Sarajevo 6 Eastern Ostocne Novi Sarajevo 8 East Ilidža 9 East Mostar 20 0 20 40 60 80 100 10 kmindex masculinity, by municipalities, 2013. Masculiety index, by municipality, 2013. Index Masculiniteta / Masculinity Index Bosnia and Herzegovina / Bosnia and Herzegovina: 96.3 Belje / Under 95,0 95.0 - 100.0 100.1 - 105.0 105.1 - 110.0 110.1 - 115.0 More than / ABOVE 115.1 Masculinity index is a number of men in 100 women. Maculinity Index Represent Number of males per 100 females.7.2. Female population aged 15 and over to the total number of live births in F BiH Female Population Aged 15 and over by Number of Live Births, Canton Level In F BiH Territory TotalUnjapan Number of live births did not give birth 1 child 2 children 3 children 4 children 5 and more children Area TotalTotal Number of Live Born Children Birth to 1 Childgave Birth to 2 Childgave Birth to 4 Childgave Birth to 4 Childgave Birth to 5 Child And Mora Children Unsan-Sanski Kanton 114.518 31.239 16.018 32.843 17.011 7.586 9.821 Posavski Canton 18,762 5,836 2,279 5,567 2,917 1,166 1,027 47,272 29,699 8,862 8.459 Zenica-Doboj Canton 154.153 39.964 21.913 51,832 23.202 8.680 8.562 Сиборский кантон 10.567 2,755 1.302 3.788 1,663 594 465 Central Boss NSKO Canton 106,469 31,429 12,068 28,784 18,339 8.020 7.829 Herzegovina- Neretva Canton 96,219 31,170 10,670 27,643 15,955 6,284 4,497 3,226 7,574 7.371.

112 DEMOGRAPHY DEMOGRAPHY7.3. Female population aged 15 and up to the total number of live births in BiH Female Population Aged 15 and over by Number of Live Births, Municipality Level In BiH Territory TotalUsuman Number of live births did not give birth 1 children 3 children 4 children 5 and More Children Area TotalTotal Number of Live Born Childgave Birth To 1 Childgave Birth to 3 Childgave Birth to 4 Childgave Birth to 4 Childgave Birth to 5 Child And Mori Children Banovici 9.632 2.202 1.581 3,796 1,175 393 485 Banja Luka 82464 23,743 13.843 33.091 8.222 2.084 1,581 Berkovići 878 225 73 Бихаć 24,809 6,909 1,419 1,523 Bijeljina 47,176 12,048 1,455 899 Bilaća 4,577 1,359 377 1,334 984 352 171 Bosanska Krupa 10.796 2,740 1,438 3.162 1.698 797 961 Bosanski PE Trovac 3,181 748 434 1,240 506 162 91 Bosansko Grahovo 1,070 252 124 393 200 7.368 914 2.952 1.503 513 508 Brčko 36.009 10.374 1,735 1,512 1,192 2,555 674 189 144 BROHOD 7.358 1.994 1,034 2.672 1,121 314 233 Bugojno 13.421 3.990 1,555 3.7 47 2.269 952 908 Busovača 7.270 2.084 809 1,928 1,281 598 570 Bužim 7.407 2.136 955 1,620 1,132 619 945 Cazin 27.027 7,439 4,067 7.242 3,984 1,811 2,484 Centar Sarajevo 26.201 8.540 5.078 9.471 2.228 549 335 Čajniče 2,104 570 207 696 416 2,266 864 452 Čelić 4,372 1,105 336 Čelinac 6,704 1,667 662 2.490 1.480 391 314 Čitluk 7,497 2,713 650 1,495 1,462 792 405 Derventa 12.145 3.147 1.714 4.593 1,783 522 386 Doboj 31,643 12,476 4.423 1.366 1,016 Doboj-east 4.374 1,066 232 Doboj-Jug 1,695 389 239 611 285 83 88 86 53 127 Domaljevac-Šamac 2.073 676 242 565 350 130 110 Donji Vakuf 5.822 1,683 644 1,613 1,024 466 392 Donji ŽBOR 1,617 427 207 606 256 77 7.31 1,399 465 102 431 FOCA - FBiH 825 190 73 262 158 81 61 Foča - RS 7,989 2,207 849 3.055 1.300 355 223 Fojnica 5,229 1,705 579 1,427 848 377 313 Gacko 3.773 1,165 329 1,076 788 281 134

113 Territory Total number of live births No birthday 1 children 3 children 5 children 5 and more children Area TotalTotal Did Not Give BirthGave Birth to 1 Childgave Birth to 2 Childgave Birth to 4 Childgave Birth to 5 Child and More Children Glamoč 1,674 447 135 504 363 2,468 1,198 3,406 1,424 807 1,882 1,504 770 803 Gracanica 19,795 2,763 953 804 City Mostar 46,912 15,227 5,896 15,127 7.025 2,270 1,365 Gradača C 16.870 3,957 2.256 6,590 2,626 805 636 5,790 3,412 9.197 3,103 834 698 Hadžići 10.003 2,634 1.429 3.632 1.445 475 388 Han Pijesak 1,671 413 208 644 284 75 47 Ilidža 28.903 8.609 4.309 10.263 3,666 1,168 888 Ilija W 8.573 2,229 1,196 2,935 1,253 494 466 East Ilidža 6.665 1,962 1,032 2.818 688 111 East wood 26 5 4 14 3 0 East Mostar 98 26 9 36 15 5 7 East Stari Grad 521 123 53 231 84 23 7 East New Sarajevo 4.756 1,418 843 1.932 450 83 30 Jablanica 4,442 1.330 508 1,359 659 273 313 Jajce 11,160 Jezero 462 118 42 161 81 34 26 Kakanj 15.662 4.161 1.964 4,863 2,545 1,001 1,284 4.778 2.177 757 879 Kalinovik 925 265 63 326 174 54 43 Kiseljak 8,725 2,390 1,078 2,656 1,594 548 459 1,327 665 1.870 829 302 732 Kneževo 4.227 951 342 1.417 822 325 370 Costajnica 1,794 696 679 Kostajnica 2,659 684 482 1.085 287 73 48 Kotor VA Roš 8.362 2,235 755 2,530 1,559 652 631 2,276 1,532 4.237 1,232 301 166 Kreševo 2,304 699 244 662 408 174 117 61 197 142 62 65 Kupres - FBiH 2.176 858 169 422 365 192 170 Kupres - RS 131 27 13 41 27 13 10 Laktaši 14,953 3,689 2.079 6.279 2.043 556 307

114 Demographics Demographyteritory Total County of New Children 1 Children 3 Children 4 Children Area TotalTotal Did Not Give Birth To 2 Childgave Birth to 3 Childgave Birth to 4 Childgave Birth 5 Child and More Children Livno 14,885 4,944 1.309 869 Lopare 6,695 1,054 302 211 Lukavac 19.824 2.140 717 614 Ljubinje 1,550 432 110 559 330 75 44 Ljubuski 11.872 4,107 1,040 2,573 2.364 1.105 683 Maglaj 9.962 2,547 1.4 24 3.455 1.449 540 547 MILIĆI 4.851 1.426 435 1.584 876 285 245 MODRIČA 11.426 3.021 1.443 4.317 1.711 558 376 MRKONJIĆ GRAD 7.428 1.724 740 2.929 1.329 399 307 NEUM 1.948 643 168 420 391 185 141 NEVESINJE 5.538 1.595 486 1.782 1.071 396 208 NOVI GRAD 11.925 2.956 1.653 4.615 1.551 596 554 NOVI GRAD SARAJEVO 53.683 16.129 9.593 19.695 5.446 1.594 1.226 NOVI TRAVNIK 9.963 2.871 1.255 2.665 1.666 729 777 NOVO GORAŽDE 1.332 435 153 442 200 58 44 NOVO SARAJEVO 30.918 10.414 6.222 10.864 2.461 590 367 ODŽAK 8.210 2.465 982 2.750 1.278 416 319 OLOVO 4.434 1,190 502 1,433 701 289 319 Orašje 8.479 2,695 590 598 Бестаци 2,527 648 244 84 349 266 106 103 Pale - FBiH 391 97 31 120 81 29 33 Pale - RS 9.506 2,934 1.297 3,880 1,058 240 97 Pelagićevo 2.327 628 275 763 401 143 117 Petrovac 164 35 23 85 384 91 67 Posusje 8,208 3,376 795 Prijedor 40.026 10.787 5.59 14,599 5,610 1,856 1.578 Prnjavor 15.846 3.718 1,989 6,230 2.508 780 621 window 5,867 2,099 442 963 980 607 776 RIGA 1,361 500 142 388 923 582 200 165 Rogatica 4.725 1.218 518 1.750 835 204 315 1.398 619 204 93 Sanski Most 17.665 5.169 2,179 5.604 2,676 978 1,059 SAPNA 4,421 1.194 384 1,252 861 369 361 Sokolac 5,315 1,381 657 2.172 785 214 106 SRBAC 7,717 1,832 1,095 Srebrenica 5,961 1,713 583 1,912 995 380 378 Srebrenik 17.037 3.923 2,307 6,408 2,583 914 902

115 Territory Total number of live births No birthday 1 children 3 children 4 children 5 and more children Area TotalTotal Number of Live Born Children Did Not Give Birthgave Birth to 1 Childgave Birth to 2 Childgave Birth 3 Childgave Birth to 4 Childgave Birth to 5 Child and More Children Stari Grad Sarajevo 17.059 5.243 540 323 Stolac 6,096 2.128 526 347 Šamac 7.865 2,069 1.159 3.253 990 241 153 Šekovići 2,969 752 255 1,016 572 197 177 Šipovo 4.369 1,046 376 1,558 795 280 314 Široki Brijeg 12.027 4,262 1,014 863 TEOČAK 3,078 863 180 Teslić 16.937 3,947 2,006 5,858 2,993 1,025 1,108 2,357 5,994 3,056 1,038 986 Tomislavgrad 13.018 5,173 958 2.226 2.425 1.26 6 970 Travnik 22,532 6,601 2,740 6,351 3,736 1,619 1,485 Trebinje 12.834 3.643 1,441 4,981 2.154 469 146 TRNONOVO - RS 963 251 119 385 141 45 22 Tuzla 51,072 13.710 1,591 1.356 Ugljevik 6,671 1,708 2,676 1,038 270 165 Usora 2,900 916 262 802 496 217 207 VAREŠ 4,070 997 200 216 Velika Kladuša 16,483 2,370 1,264 2,423 2,386 6:864 4,927 1,363 Visegrad 4,927 1,375 565 1,923 731 205 128 Vitez 10.776 3,087 1,216 2,923 2,000 832 718 Vlasenica 5.045 1. 481 573 1,724 735 273 259 Vogošća 11,602 3,232 421 358 Vukosavlje 1,978 479 140 Zavidovići 15,195 2,365 915 988 Zenica 47,242 6,427 7.711 16,227 2,404 2.415 2.155 Zvornik 24,930 6,227 2,809 9,333 4,227 1,309 1,034 Žepče 12.279 3.672 1.297 3.010 2,067 1,064 1,169 Živinice 24,258 5,806 3,423 8,890 3,494 1,303 1,342

116 DEMOGRAPHY DEMOGRAPHY8.1. People with difficulties by type of difficulty and gender, BiH level, F BiH, RS and Sex, Level BiH, F BiH, F BiH, a total of Total with difficulties with more difficulties, although wearing hearing glasses. Although used by the auditory abrasion or climbing up the stairs memory or concentration of dressing and maintaining personal hygiene communications (communication with others) Area Sex Total Population with disabilities type of difficul Ty "population with more disabilities" Seeing. Even with the Use of Glasses Hearing. Even with the Use of Hearing Aids Walking or Going Upstairs Remembering Or Concentrating Dressing and Bathing Communication Bosnia and HerzegovinaUploads 3.531.159 294.058 121.620 70.762 184.430 55.875 39.164 32.002 110.230 m 1.732.270 132.975 50.613 34.448 7 7.489 25.058 16.645 15.473 46.379 Ž 1,798,889 161,083 106,941 30,817 22,519 16,599 63,851 Federation of Bosnia and HerzegovinaUploads 2,219,220 181.927 74.413 42.221 114.822 35.601 24,345 20.180 68.156 m 1.087.993 81.695 30.746 20,243 47,911 16.020 10.317 9.846 28.473 ž 1. 131.227 100.232 43.667 21.978 66.911 19.581 14.028 10.334 39.683 Republika SrpskaUkutno 1,228,423 104.454 43,896 26,595 13,843,096 47,844 18,466 13,247 27,546 16,624 Ž 625.396 56.610 25,433 13.348 37.191 10.374 7.902 5,750 22.433 Brčko District Bosnia and Herzegovina 16 7.677 3.308 1,946 4,871 1,537 1,016 853 3.017 m 41.250 3.436 1,401 958 2.032 675 427 408 1,282 Ž 42.266 4,241 1,907 988 2.839 862 589 445 1.735

117 8.2. People with difficulties according to the type of difficulty and gender, canton level in F BiH Disability by Type and Sex, Canton Level In F BiH Teritirija gender Total Total Difficulties with more difficulties, although wearing hearing glasses. Although used by the auditory abrasion or climbing up the stairs memory or concentration of dressing and maintaining personal hygiene communications (communication with others) Area Sex Total Population with disabilities type of difficul thi population with more disabilities. Even with the Use of Glasses Hearing. Even with the Use of Hearing Aids Walking or Going Upstairs Dressing and Bathing Other People) Una-Sanski Cantonup 273.261 20.706 8.911 5.751 2.467 7.558 m 135.304 10.055 3,905 2.610 5.680 2.059 1.302 1.289 3.444 ж 137.957 10.651 5.006 2,529 6,619 2,161 1,449 1,178 4.114 Posavski kantonupko 43,453 3,387 1,356 337 1,527 m 21,875 1,585 592 368 866 293 159 1,548 322 216 172 645 Tuzlanski Cantonup 445.028 43.418 18.825 9.948 27.830 9.292 5,630 4,548 17.193 m 217.388 18,694 7,541 4,653 11,110 6,941 § 227,640 24,724 16,720 5,347 3,277 2,361 10,243 30,367 12,250 6,650 19.061 5,373 M 180.780 13.854 5.096 3.316 8.003 2,383 1,686 1,576 4,548 Ž 183.653 16,513 7,154 3,334 11,058 2,990 2,264 1,643 6.376 Bosnian-Podrinje Cantonup 23,734 1.746 528 330 251 1,030 M 11917 212 135 103 696 611 359 1.050 316 195 148 607 Central Bosnia Cantonup 254.686 20,634 8.358 4.619 12.193 4.152 2,700 2,616 7.687 m 127.2 66 9.786 3.644 2.274 5.406 2,005 1,192 1,330 3,441 § 127.420 10.848 4,714 2.345 6.787 2.147 1,508 1,286 4,246 Herzegovina-Neretva Cantonup 222,007 14,948 5,764 £ 1,749. .094 1.812 1,309 3,363 1,014 776 730 1,894 m 47.311 2.373 739 627 1,503 490 309 356 832 Ž 47,587 2.721 1,073 682 1,860 524,729 13,979 8,067 23,639 6,712 5,462,143 15,041 5,441 3,656 9,240 2,892 2,009 1,712 5,278 8,80432 20,688 8,538 4. 411 14.396 3,820 3,000 1,925 8,164 Canton 10 84.127 5.025 2.032 1.333 3.097 888 737 626 1.853 m 42.343 2.280 846 644 1.293 Ž 41.784 2.745 1.186 689 1.804 464 433 336 1,079

118 Demography Demography8.3. People with difficulties by type of difficulty and gender, municipality level Disability by type and sex, municipality level in BiH Territory gender Total with difficulty difficulties with more difficulties, although wearing hearing glasses. Although the auditory abrasion gait or climbing up the stairs memory or concentration of personal hygiene communications (communication with others) area Total population with disabilities type of difficul Ty Population with more disabilities "seeing. Even with the use of the Glasses Hearing. Even with The Use of Hearing Aids Walking or Concentrating Dressing and Bathing Other People) BanoviciUkupno 22,773 1,839 750 357 1,134 M 11:392 762 275 151 456 96 81 76 229 Ž 11.381 1,077 475 206 678 186 136 109 411 BANJA LUKAUkupno 185.042 13.724 5.492 3.343 8.634 2.349 1.761 1.336 5.056 M 89.148 6.394 2.297 1.726 3.756 1.115 799 688 2.217 Ž 95.894 7.330 3.195 1.617 4.878 1.234 962 648 2.839 BERKOVIĆIUkupno 2.114 169 74 49 111 35 29 26 73 M 1.059 77 34 28 46 13 11 11 32 ж 1,055 92 40 21 65 22 18 15 41 4.952 2.073 1,189 3,069 850 651 2,313 850 586 1,377 406 301 1,692 1,223 235 1,692 444 354 235 998 Bijeljina kupo 107,715 8,917 3,509 2,066 5,628 1,445 1,072 811 3.142 m 52,827 4,042 1,453 1,053 2,391 645 477 408 4,875 2,056 1,013 3,237 800 595 403 817 375 240 536 126 107 90 350 m 5.454 341 159 122 194 61 44 45 151 Ž 5.353 476 216 118 342 65 63 45 1995 2,373 1,158 651 1,363 490 298 1,176 509 369 632 Ž 12.997 1,197 649 282 731 242 151 131 480 Петровакупутно 7.328 654 254 188 430 138 131 98 272 m 3.678 298 108 92 177 66 57 47 117 Ž 3.650 356 146 96 253 72 74 51 155 319 156 84 215 46 47 31 148 m 1.287 136 62 48 77 18 14 13 56 ж 1,162 183 94 36 138 28 33 18 92 Bratunacup 20.340 1.587 816 436 862 300 181 145 586 m 10.091 711 339 198 380 120 79 59 249 ж 10.249 876 477 238 482 180 102 86 337

119 Territory gender Total in total with difficulty difficulties with more difficulties, although wearing hearing glasses. Although the auditory abrasion gait or climbing up the stairs memory or concentration of personal hygiene communications (communication with others) area Total population with disabilities type of difficul Ty Population with more disabilities "seeing. Even with the use of the Glasses Hearing. Even with The Use of Hearing Aids Walking Or Concentrating Dressing and Bathing Communication Brckowal 83.516 7.671 1,537 1,016 853 1.017 m 41.250 3.436 1,401 958 1.282 Ž 42.266 4.241 1,907 988 2.8 39 862 589 445 1.735 Brezaemolno 14.168 1.289 493 256 857 207 167 132 442 133 359 93 73 74 194 Ž 7.216 73 94 62 248 Brodupko 16.619 1.447 605 327 907 242 145 122 491 m 8.143 668 253 171 397 106 55 61 196 ж 8.476 779 352 156 510 136 90 61 295 Bugojnotha 31.470 2,436 950 551 1,558 254 695 251 178 152 408 ж 15.835 1.306 536 297 863 261 184 153 513 Busonača 20,910 1.274 538 311 763 221 134 114 450 m 9.134 622 252 169 334 111 68 65 206 142 429 110 66 49 244 BUŽIMUPUNO 19,340 1,064 465 341 649 296 186 596 236 180 351 154 103 106 228 W 9,455 468 229 161 298 142 83 84 210 Cazinukupo 66.149 4,563 1,966 1,107 2,654 m 33.072 2.340 891 570 1,386 ж 33.077 2.223 1,015 537 1.358 489 308 271 875 CENTER SARAJEVOUNDING 55.181 4,800 1,787 1,049 3,318 799 635 386 1,789 m 25.369 1,914 671 475 1. 231 351 227 169 668 Ž 29.812 2.886 1,126 574 2,087 448 408 217 1,121 Čajničeuopuo 4.895 469 221 177 m 2,474 212 94 66 112 30 24 17 78 Ž 2.421 257 127 69 157 37 27 24 99 Чаплихупутно 26.157 1,736 736 442 1,079 336 254 217 647 m 12.947 863 341 231 504 160 115 116 293 Ž 13.210 873 395 211 575 176 139 101 354

120 Demography Demographyteritory gender Total with difficulty difficulty with more difficulty difficulty, although hearing hearing glasses. although he uses hearing aprat walk or climbing up stairs memory or concentration of dressing and maintaining personal hygiene communication (communication with others) area sex total population with disabilities Type of Difficul Ty population with More disabilities "Seeing. The Use of Hearing Aids Walking or Going Upstair Remembering or Concentrating Dressing and Bathing Communication (Understanning Other People) Celic Cup 10.502 1.132 553 274 691 182 110 427 m 5.256 499 219 130 295 85 50 41 6 97 60 49 242 Čelinacu Cup 15.548 1.706 766 471 1,057 307 216 169 635 m 7.728 819 320 240 478 154 97 74 273 Ž 7.820 887 446 231 579 153 119 95 362 Citluku -Council 18.140 1.078 406 304 714 94 89 60 56 179 Ž 9.203 585 232 149 420 111 106 74 239 Derventa Cup 27.404 2.592 1.196 675 1.636 467 305 264 963 m 13.397 1.186 486 328 720 202 119 125 397 F 14.007 1.406 710 347 916 7.547 3.326 1,931 4.872 1,392 1.025 798 3.048 m 34.916 3.376 1,365 943 1,996 609 416 361 1.248 F 36.525 4.171 1,961 988 2.876 783 609 437 1,800 Doboj-Isto-Cup 10.248 1.056 372 233 648 340 217 214 403 m 5,061 477 187 579 190 98 356 201 110 108 217 Doboj-Jugu-Jugo Cup 4,137 321 145 74 205 45 29 23 115 m 2.065 157 69 40 94 20 12 10 52 F 2.072 164 76 34 111 25 17 13 63 Dobreticius Cup 1,629 201 62 48 128 40 22 27 65 m 905 122 28 29 83 26 15 18 42 Ž 724 79 34 19 45 14 7 9 23 Domaljevac-Samacuvac Cup 452 223 104 249 95 44 171 M 2.373 213 101 54 54 54 17 26 81 F 2.398 239 122 50 145 41 25 18 90 Donji Vakufupskup Cup 13.985 1.218 503 267 731 206 142 108 406 m 6.922 598 225 138 349 99 65 47 200 Ž 7.063 620 278 129 382 107 77 61 206 Donji Žabarupljan 3809 319 123 82 184 40 31 25 89 m 1.920 149 50 50 77 19 11 1,889 170 73 32 107 21 20 10 47

121 gender territory total total with difficulty difficulty with more difficulty, even though hearing hearing glasses. although he uses hearing aprat walk or climbing up stairs memory or concentration of dressing and maintaining personal hygiene communication (communication with others) area sex total population with disabilities Type of Difficul Ty population with More disabilities "Seeing. The Use of Hearing Aids Walking or Going Upstair Remembering or Concentrating Dressing and Bathing Communication (Understanning Other People) Drvaru Cup 7.036 1.017 497 261 626 155 139 100 398 m 3.473 434 186 117 244 82 88 78 54 250 Foča - FBIHUKUS 1,933 211 81 50 138 31 20 17 72 m 998 97 41 20 55 15 9 8 31 F 935 114 40 30 83 16 11 9 41 Foča - Rsuzup 18.288 1.497 613 437 961 269 234 172 590 m 9.236 738 270 221 445 129 99 82 267 F 9.052 759 343 216 516 140 135 90 323 Fojnica -Cup 12.356 1.742 555 270 799 727 220 604 946 m 6.197 879 239 391 96 344 477 F 6.159 863 316 no 8.990 606 249 176 392 95 78 73 224 m 4.556 265 109 81 155 45 27 31 86 Ž 4.434 341 140 95 237 50 51 42 138 Glamocups 3,860 479 241 160 277 89 60 44 203 M 1,963 1963 193 75 100 47 27 27 2 89 F 1,89 177 42 33 22 114 Goraždeau 20.897 2.279 959 585 1,525 463 294 226 907 m 10.163 993 421 279 610 182 119 92 372 Ž 10.734 1.286 538 306 915 281 175 134 535 Gornji Vakuf 7 145 164 478 m 10.532 706 239 180 393 125 72 83 215 Ž 10.401 733 328 181 436 122 73 81 263 Gracanica Cup 45.220 3.618 1.400 728 2.298 660 435 335 1.298 m 21.641 1.600 582 342 976 289 175 322 371 260 168 747 City of Mostaru Cup 105.797 7.239 2.733 1.743 4.730 1,316 970 816 2.580 m 51.210 3.314 1.129 836 2.043 617 386 379 1,081 F 54.587 3.925 1.604 907 2.687 699 584 437 1,499 Gradac. 3 462 356 1.151 M 19.234 1.362 497 295 800 294 209 174 487 F 20.106 1.715 695 379 1,125 329 253 182 664

122 Demography of Demographyteritory Gender Total Total with Disabilities Council with Multiple Difficulty Even though hearing hearing glasses. although he uses hearing aprat walk or climbing up stairs memory or concentration of dressing and maintaining personal hygiene communication (communication with others) area sex total population with disabilities Type of Difficul Ty population with More disabilities "Seeing. The Use of Hearing Aids Walking or Going Upstair Remembering or Concentrating Dressing and Bathing Communication (Understaning Other People) Gradiška Cup 51.727 4.537 1,933 1.142 2.742 857 639 522 1.691 M 25 4 655 F 26.456 2.518 1.157 601 1.644 511 382 298 1.036 Grude Cup 17.308 867 346 265 601 239 193 172 377 m 8.621 368 130 112 248 109 80 68 159 F 8.687 499 216 153 353 130 113 104 218 Hadzicius Cup 23.891 2.264 917 528 1,385 650 449 405 973 m 11.914 1.055 394 249 580 334 221 209 446 F 11.977 1.209 523 279 805 316 228 196 527 36 97 m 1,667 101 37 28 66 16 15 14 31 F 1,863 172 68 40 123 34 33 22 66 Ilidzau 66.730 5.142 2.009 1.185 3.404 978 767 537 1.907 m 32.359 2.257 812 569 1,407 405 295 257 763 F 34.37 3 472 280 1,144 Ilias Cup 19.603 1.733 724 382 1.054 382 246 212 660 m 9.386 281 178 431 167 98 105 222 977 443 204 623 215 148 107 385 Eastern Ilidža -Cup 14.763 1,038 429 272 650 64 83 54 173 Ž 7.694 565 242 145 380 86 92 59 226 Eastern Drvar Cup 79 9 5 4 7 1 0 0 4 m 53 5 2 1 4 0 0 0 0 1 F 26 4 3 3 3 1 0 0 3 Eastern Mostar Cup 257 14 9 7 8 3 2 2 7 m 142 4 3 1 2 1 1 1 2 F 115 10 6 6 6 1 1 1 5 East Old Town 1,131 102 50 29 54 21 16 15 33 m 560 43 22 15 23 10 7 10 17 F 571 59 28 14 31 11 9 5 16 East Novo Sarajevo Cup 10.642 622 261 156 388 108 80 67 211 m 5.058 277 90 76 164 49 34 33 87 F 5.584 345 171 80 224 59 46 34 124

123 Gender Territory Total Total with difficulty difficulty with more difficulty, although hearing hearing glasses. although he uses hearing aprat walk or climbing up stairs memory or concentration of dressing and maintaining personal hygiene communication (communication with others) area sex total population with disabilities Type of Difficul Ty population with More disabilities "Seeing. The Use of Hearing Aids Walking or Going Upstair Remembering or Concentrating Dressing and Bathing Communication (Understanning Other People) Jablanica -Cup 10.111 735 271 192 446 129 101 85 274 M 5,027 327 118 74 53 41 162 Egg 27.258 2.171 912 494 1.333 346 261 206 757 m 13.856 1.028 388 245 587 167 115 104 337 F 13.402 1.143 524 249 746 179 146 102 420 Lake 1,144 82 44 6 18 F 543 43 26 16 31 12 9 8 23 Cup 37.441 2.591 994 590 1.498 443 421 320 898 m 18.651 1,161 406 281 616 192 165 371 F 18.790 1.430 588 309 882 251 239 6 1,844 646 333 275 1,179 m 16.597 1.375 613 327 768 288 155 139 521 F 16.456 1.654 792 299 1.076 358 178 136 658 Kalinoviku Cup 2.029 208 87 58 135 27 26 17 80 m 987 90 35 26 55 10 8 30 F 1.042 118 52 80 50 Kiseljakup 20.722 1.602 624 351 956 300 216 177 569 m 10.285 748 272 175 399 133 88 85 245 Ž 10.437 854 352 176 557 167 128 92 324 SHORT CUSK 12.348 1.007 426 246 608 218 115 100 389 m 6.108 456 156 F 6.240 551 251 121 348 136 67 50 233 Key 16.744 1.079 388 226 668 197 136 100 349 m 8.365 477 155 107 283 85 52 44 143 Ž 8.379 602 233 119 385 112 84 56 206 Kneževojuvojuvovukup 404 m 4.892 459 159 130 263 114 70 61 181 Ž 4.901 491 198 128 318 127 102 81 223 Konjicuent 25.148 2.071 838 491 1.295 379 252 208 720 m 12.360 927 348 223 551 185 109 107 420

124 Demography of Demographyteritory Gender Total Total with Disabilities A Substance Difficulty with Multiple Difficulty Even though hearing hearing glasses. although he uses hearing aprat walk or climbing up stairs memory or concentration of dressing and maintaining personal hygiene communication (communication with others) area sex total population with disabilities Type of Difficul Ty population with More disabilities "Seeing. The Use of Hearing Aids Walking or Going Upstair Remembering or Concentrating Dressing and Bathing Communication (Understaning Other People) Kostajnica Cup 597 490 232 128 323 103 73 56 214 m 2,967 222 106 68 137 44 26 60 33 119 Kotor Varos Cup 19.710 1.918 929 506 1.110 350 237 184 726 m 9.818 902 394 256 494 161 107 90 323 F 9.892 1.016 535 250 616 189 130 94 403 Kozarska Dubica -Counted 21.524 2.104 795 495 32 238 557 155 108 94 304 Ž 11.008 1.174 463 259 830 180 137 94 447 Kreševo -Cup 5.273 463 176 122 274 102 68 45 164 m 2.597 189 75 57 91 40 27 24 61 F 2.676 274 101 65 183 62 41 21 103 112 40 19 20 88 m 862 93 47 36 43 19 5 8 40 F 735 111 51 23 69 21 14 12 48 Kupres - FBIHUKUK 557 305 151 110 212 100 81 87 141 M 2.541 138 59 52 88 45 34 38 57 F 2.516 167 92 58 124 55 47 49 84 Kupres - Rsupljen 300 49 12 14 33 13 6 6 21 M 160 27 8 10 18 9 3 4 13 F 140 22 4 4 4 4 3 2 8 Laktašiusup 34.966 2.487 1.055 621 1,453 417 330 287 904 m 17.320 1.221 466 329 666 208 164 150 422 F 17.646 1.266 589 292 787 209 166 137 482 Livno -Cup 34.133 1.776 622 448 1.102 306 246 209 595 m 17.024 821 279 225 477 153 625 153 145 112 330 Lopareut Cup 15.357 1.645 699 405 1.007 284 191 169 587 m 7.749 811 303 189 461 142 86 87 257 Ž 7.608 834 396 216 546 142 105 82 330 Lukavacuvac Cup 44.520 5.056 2.247 1.252 3.253 1.044 674 497 2.034 m 21.786 2.125 884 581 1.247 412 286 671 2.006 632 388 263 1.240

125 gender territory total total with difficulty difficulty with more difficulty, even though hearing hearing glasses. although he uses hearing aprat walk or climbing up stairs memory or concentration of dressing and maintaining personal hygiene communication (communication with others) area sex total population with disabilities Type of Difficul Ty population with More disabilities "Seeing. The Use of Hearing Aids Walking or Going Upstair Remembering or Concentrating Dressing and Bathing Communication (Understaning Other People) Ljubinjeku Cupljajanje 3,511 201 83 69 120 44 45 31 81 M 1.725 86 37 34 48 17 47 Ljubuškiuskius 28.184 1.740 652 414 1.125 324 263 230 633 m 14.022 782 254 192 478 157 101 114 258 F 14.162 958 398 222 647 167 162 116 375 Maglajujukup 23.146 2.138 936 38 364 239 553 162 86 92 313 Ž 11.716 1.200 572 261 797 223 140 132 457 Milići -Council 11.441 878 395 212 520 160 80 321 m 5,798 401 169 100 229 65 43 29 133 Ž 5.643 477 226 112 291 95 67 51 188 Modrič. 386 311 939 m 12.561 1.140 453 322 643 195 154 140 402 F 13.159 1,365 559 308 911 286 232 171 537 Mrkonjić Grad Cup 16.671 1.353 544 398 833 239 215 186 495 m 8.096 626 234 192 370 101 86 463 138 129 113 279 Neumups 4,653 272 113 76 184 40 28 22 107 m 2.344 120 50 37 64 19 9 7 41 F 2.309 152 63 39 120 21 19 15 66 Nevesinjekus Cup 12.961 885 407 259 556 146 106 109 331 M 6.462 383 189 120 43 130 Ž 6.499 502 218 139 346 91 68 66 201 Novi Grad Cup 27.115 2.749 1.259 713 1,750 484 378 283 1.064 m 13.594 1.211 495 337 721 229 159 126 454 F 13.521 1.538 764 376 1,029 53 10.183 4.078 2.297 6.627 1.760 1.361 956 3.772 m 55.735 4.283 1.587 1.014 2.604 718 544 440 1,445 F 62.818 5.900 2.491 1.283 4.023 1.042 817 516 2.327 Novi Travnik Cup 23.832 1.819 804 473 862 858 350 247 505 179 112 96 329 F 11.970 961 454 226 612 185 149 114 385

126 Demography of Demographyteritory Gender Total Total with Disabilities Council with Multiple Difficulty Even though hearing hearing glasses. although he uses hearing aprat walk or climbing up stairs memory or concentration of dressing and maintaining personal hygiene communication (communication with others) area sex total population with disabilities Type of Difficul Ty population with More disabilities "Seeing. The Use of Hearing Aids Walking or Going Upstair Remembering or Concentrating Dressing and Bathing Communication (Understaning Other People) NEW GORAZDE CULTILE 3.117 213 89 60 139 39 21 19 78 m 1.618 106 37 37 33 15 7 5 30 F 1.499 107 52 27 76 14 48 Novo Sarajevo Cup 64.814 5.230 1.803 1.142 3.679 952 743 505 1.938 m 29.580 2.076 657 479 1,350 396 286 286 227 722 F 35.234 3.154 1.146 663 2.329 556 457 278 1.216 1 696 229 167 141 393 m 9.373 528 194 125 292 108 69 62 169 Ž 9.448 636 272 146 404 121 98 79 224 Olovo -Cup 10.175 1.119 439 295 735 221 143 115 431 m 5.084 475 475 135 280 87 58 47 153 F 5.091 644 271 160 455 134 85 387 1.076 291 166 152 563 m 10.059 844 297 189 470 131 73 77 232 F 9.802 927 400 1960 60 93 75 331 Eights Cup 6.016 527 249 150 293 97 41 192 m 3.065 245 106 77 129 45 16 20 27 21 110 OŠTRA LUKAUS Cup 2.786 399 177 98 228 61 41 28 135 m 1.440 208 88 66 102 31 17 10 64 F 1.346 191 89 32 126 30 24 18 71 Pale - FBIHUKUS 904 129 56 47 83 34 16 8 51 M 456 60 23 24 31 15 7 3 20 F 448 69 33 23 52 19 9 5 31 Pale - Rsuzup 20.909 1.315 502 327 835 218 181 135 461 m 10.038 609 218 169 373 94 85 62 217 F 10.871 706 284 158 462 124 96 73 244 Pelagic 718 321 172 463 142 80 74 284 m 2.609 310 138 77 169 68 34 34 106 F 2.611 408 183 95 294 74 46 40 178 Petrovacup Cup 361 17 7 4 8 3 4 1 7 m 172 6 2 1 5 1 1 0 4 F 189 11 5 3 3 2 3 1 3

127 gender territory total with difficulty difficulty with more difficulty difficulty, although hearing hearing glasses. although he uses hearing aprat walk or climbing up stairs memory or concentration of dressing and maintaining personal hygiene communication (communication with others) area sex total population with disabilities Type of Difficul Ty population with More disabilities "Seeing. The Use of Hearing Aids Walking or Going Upstair Remembering or Concentrating Dressing and Bathing Communication (Understanning Other People) Petrovo Cup 6.474 953 437 259 607 151 106 64 381 M 3.124 404 180 135 235 235 62 40 36 156 Ž 3.350 549 257 124 374 89 66 28 225 Posusjemuated 20.477 1,131 356 292 746 213 132 147 398 m 10.287 619 175 166 404 110 58 80 210 Ž 10.190 512 181 126 342 103 74 67 188 4 4,574 1.576 1.111 945 2.857 m 43.863 3.438 1.241 966 1,955 786 528 524 1,307 F 45.534 3.939 1.695 878 2.619 790 583 421 1.550 Prnjavor Cup 35.956 3.377 1.388 831 2.130 575 427 537 573 392 883 243 184 165 474 F 18.384 1.840 815 439 1.247 332 240 162 743 Posor 14.280 666 258 180 407 136 86 87 232 m 7.210 308 122 88 162 61 33 42 97 Ž 7.070 358 136 92 245 75 53 45 135 Equipment 3219 135 42 43 83 19 9 8 2 6 15 F 1.562 78 25 20 52 11 7 7 25 Ribnikikup 6.048 715 298 202 448 125 113 93 277 m 3.009 332 139 99 191 57 52 46 131 F 3.039 383 159 103 257 68 61 47 146 Rogatica 171 154 91 411 m 5.270 470 177 151 268 72 59 45 165 Ž 5.453 555 246 158 380 99 95 46 246 Rudo -Cup 7.963 613 240 174 408 126 86 70 261 m 4.050 269 104 86 170 55 41 31 71 45 39 152 Sanski Most Cup 41.475 2.236 880 556 1.388 467 322 328 831 M 20.826 1.053 373 274 620 234 163 177 376 F 20.649 1.183 507 282 768 233 159 151 455 SAPNAUNUS 5.739 326 102 76 209 51 34 34 102 F 5.439 316 124 72 201 66 33 24 113

128 Demography of Demographyteritory Gender Total Total with Disabilities Council with Multiple Difficulty Even though hearing hearing glasses. although he uses hearing aprat walk or climbing up stairs memory or concentration of dressing and maintaining personal hygiene communication (communication with others) area sex total population with disabilities Type of Difficul Ty population with More disabilities "Seeing. The Use of Hearing Aids Walking or Going Upstair Remembering or Concentrating Dressing and Bathing Communication (Understanning Other People) Falcon 12.021 973 379 262 622 169 146 116 356 m 5,919 429 163 121 254 65 56 104 90 72 212 Srbac Cup 17.587 1.563 703 433 930 330 175 178 593 m 8.623 736 301 216 424 155 78 84 264 F 8.964 827 402 217 506 175 97 94 329 Srebrenica Cup 13.409 1.113 506 238 659 230 109 89 8 38 38 153 Ž 6.807 643 321 126 386 142 71 51 250 Srebreniku Cup 39.678 3.768 1.779 974 2.370 866 496 427 1.583 m 19.348 1.605 697 433 905 364 195 211 613 F 20.330 2.163 1.082 541 Total 36,976 3,785 1.538 857 2.457 663 460 367 1,390 m 17.482 1.582 579 389 958 284 185 170 536 F 19.494 2.203 959 468 1.499 379 275 197 854 SHOP 14.502 1.016 367 241 638 252 221 171 430 m 7.326 468 8 209 136 373 126 115 84 238 Samacuvac Cup. 128 39 29 33 101 Ž 3.401 326 182 102 161 58 31 36 125 Šipovo Cup 10.293 856 375 223 506 138 129 93 326 m 5.221 394 156 106 226 62 47 47 43 Ž 5.072 462 219 117 280 72 50 192 Siroki 28.929 1 238 188 181 486 m 14.381 604 180 157 373 114 70 94 205 F 14.548 752 278 181 518 124 118 87 281 Theo -Cup 7.424 531 211 116 330 91 63 49 177 m 3.767 255 95 52 147 45 32 28 46 31 21 107

129 gender territory total with difficulty difficulty with more difficulty difficulty, although hearing hearing glasses. although he uses hearing aprat walk or climbing up stairs memory or concentration of dressing and maintaining personal hygiene communication (communication with others) area sex total population with disabilities Type of Difficul Ty population with More disabilities "Seeing. The Use of Hearing Aids Walking or Going Upstair Remembering or Concentrating Dressing and Bathing Communication (Understanning Other People) Teslic 38.536 3.625 1.474 893 2.245 652 506 390 1.393 M 18.679 5 F 19.857 1.908 831 453 1.248 374 293 199 798 Tested 43.063 3.254 1.318 611 2.057 594 465 356 1,103 m 21.376 1.526 549 310 885 258 186 162 451 Ž 21.687 1.728 769 301 1,172 336 279 194 652 Tomislavgrad 368 m 16.055 553 167 127 307 94 67 74 159 Ž 15.537 576 198 143 358 98 97 81 209 Travnik Cup 53.482 4.081 1,696 878 2.421 724 594 440 1.480 m 26.574 1.859 731 402 1.045 313 249 210 616 F 26.908 2.222 965 476 476 No 29.198 1.890 748 472 1.219 319 288 208 702 m 14.251 839 304 234 498 145 107 96 288 F 14.947 1.051 444 238 721 174 181 112 414 Trnovo - FBIHUKUPLA 1,502 195 74 46 37 22 17 74 m 735 82 32 21 54 13 7 7 31 W 767 113 42 25 82 15 10 43 Trnovo - Rsuzup 2050 174 65 47 105 40 31 22 70 m 989 71 26 23 42 23 12 12 32 F 1.061 103 39 24 63 17 19 10 38 Tuzlau 150,979 12,780 5,519 1,716 1,319 5.315 m 52,745., 1,189 1,350 3,310 1,153 § 1,595. 210 120 313 79 64 41 168 ж 7.773 655 290 143 428 117 90 532 468 149 111 302 88 217 55 54 135 38 22 22 59 Ž 3.337 251 94 57 167 50 31 23 89 Varešukupko 8.892 1.180 532 274 789 221 160 107 482 m 4.373 516 206 135 323 95 61 52 189 ж 4.519 664 326 139 466 126 99 55 293

130 Demography demographyteritory gender Total with difficulty difficulties with more difficulties, although wearing hearing glasses. Although the auditory abrasion gait or climbing up the stairs memory or concentration of personal hygiene communications (communication with others) area Total population with disabilities type of difficul Ty Population with more disabilities "seeing. Even with the use of the Glasses Hearing. Even with The Use of Hearing Aids Walking or Concentrating Dressing and Bathing Other People) Velika Kladušava 40.419 3.785 1,787 881 2,048 801 408 1.323 M 19.889 1.802 187 209 588 ž 20.530 1,983 1,004 449 1.13 4 427 236 199 735 High-quality 39,938 3,073 1,089 606 1,960 552 19,705 1,400 468 298 820 252 1,140 380 243 167 605 Visegradembutton 10.668 1,130 420 281 620 M 5,106 437 167 132 234 78 62 56 148 ж 5,562 693 253 149 339 ViteSetups 25.836 2.188 971 493 1,284 363 275 216 737 102 305 ж 13.069 1.141 540 244 718 193 168 114 432 Vlasenicutno 11,467 808 379 241 455 142 107 99 311 m 5,638 403 173 118 218 61 50 50 132 Ž 5,829 405 206 123 239 Vogošćaokupo 26,343 2.397 1,049 581 1,596 M 12,606 1,036 428 282 625 224 146 128 392 ž 13.737 1,361 621 299 951 267 180 124 547 Vukosavlje temporno 4.667 481 160 107 292 77 54 30 26 78 Ž 2,327 250 86 58 158 38 24 24 84 Zavidovići و 35.988 3,643 1,475 814 2.318 M 17.883 1.706 626 428 986 307 197 184 583 § 18.105 1,937 849 386 1,332 341 223 185,663 8,924 1,506 1,202 4,045 1,560 990 2,316 693 50.003 4,879 2,196 1,022 3,242 875 693 474 1.942 Zvornikupkukupo 58,856 4.426 1.9 56 1,174 2,592 778 527 409 1,570 m 29.270 2,080 858 587 1,127 ж 29.586 2,346 1,098 587 1,468 441 284 507 1,432 401 232 243 814 m 15,335 1,127 413 273 636 186 111 128 347 ж 14.884 1.240 561 234 796 215 121 115 467

131 Territory gender Total with difficulty difficulties with more difficulties Although carrying hearing glasses. Although the auditory abrasion gait or climbing up the stairs memory or concentration of personal hygiene communications (communication with others) area Total population with disabilities type of difficul Ty Population with more disabilities "seeing. Even with the use of the Glasses Hearing. Even with The Use of Hearing Aids Walking Or Concentrating Dressing and Bathing Communication (Understanding Other People) Živinice2 2.756 1.375 3.658 1.404 725 643 2,382 656 1.445 617 299 308 984 Ž 29.051 3.333 1,632 719 2.2 13 787 426 335 1.398

132 Demography Demographyteritia Total Members Average Number of household members 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Members Average Number of Household members 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 or more Bosnia and Herzegovina 1.155.736 217.169 238.625 107.229 49.859 18,818 14,232 3.04 Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina715,739 126,004 154.947 67,488 30.206 11.533 9,278 3,09 Republika Srpska 413,246 86.419 78.337 37.084 18,372 6,789 4,414 2.96 Brčko District of Bosnia and Herzegovina26.771 5.271 6,340 4,845 5. 341 2,657 1,281 496 540 3,119.1. Households according to the number of members, level BiH, F BiH, RS and BD Households by Number of Members, Level BiH, F BiH, RS and BD

133 9.2. Households according to the number of members of the canton level in F BiH Households by Number of Members, Canton Level In F BiH Terioria Total Members Average number of household members 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 and more area Total Number of Household members 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 or more Una-Sanski Canton 78.267 14.714 17,510 2,253 3.49 Canton 13,310 2,637 2,809 2,366 2,606 3,25 Tuzla Canton 150.607 25.889 37.907 34.556 33.863 11.199 4,894 1,427 872 2, 95 Zenica-Doboj Canton 121,156 20,395 29,236 27.207 28.050 10,461 3,803 1,245 769 3,937 2.413 1.732 1.719 565 206 71 27 2.73 Central Bosnia Canton 77.889 12.282 16,738 15,345 17,704 9,194 4.25 1,496 HERZEGOVINA-NERETVANSKI CANTON68.121 11.559 14.958 13.109 1,576 1,150 3,24 West Horacing Canton25.081 3,480 4.584 3,831 4,716 3,764 2,375 1,193 1,178 3.77 Canton Sarajevo 148,871 32 .671 38.480 32.297 30.523 9.906 3.254 988 752 2.76 Canton 10 23.764 4.051 4.935 3.748 4,140 3,249 1,797 884 960 3.53

134 DEMOGRAPHY DEMOGRAPHY9.3. Households according to the number of members, the level of the municipality in BiH Households by Number of Members, Municipality Taller members average number of household members 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 and more area Total Number of Household members 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 or More Banovići 7.636 1,063 1,878 1,978 1,948 510 188 51 20 2,98 Banja Luka 65.652 13.671 4,643 1,759 507 272 2.8 Berkovići 638 127 159 84 88 84 57 24 15 3.31 Bihać 18.294 3.137 4.422 3,833 3,933 1,737 785 266 181 3,07 Bijeljina 34,573 6,646 6:0033 2,055 754 430 3.11 Bileća 3.317 612 699 615 3,26 Bosanska Krupa 7.675 1,178 1,646 1,460 1,672 911 468 204 136 3,33 Bosnian Petrovac 2.798 760 794 485 453 185 86 20 15 2,62 Bosansko Grahovo 1,046 356 337 162 102 44 27 10 8,34 Bratunac 5.998 1,261 739 379 152 169 3,39 Brčko 26,771 5,271 6,340 4,845 5,341 2,657 1,281 496 540 3.11 Birch 5.058 937 1,337 1,221 1,102 329 99 24 9 2,831,393 1,058 1,040 492 221 102 75 1.438 1,991 1,770 2,159 1,152 519 226 194 3,34 Busona 5,621 886 1,156 1,209 1,372 651 231 78 38 3,17 Bužim 4,326 290 469 615 1,044 800 523 2686 1,562 2.366 3,075 4,036 3,592 CENTER Sarajevo 21.484 5,733 5,977 4,414 3,832 1,042 318 99 69 2,55 Čajniče 1,678 373 439 297 293 156 75 26 19 2,92 Čapljina 7,916 1,420 1,653 1,426 1,540 9,29 Čelić 3.203 517 718 573 719 376 180 61 59 3,28 Челиниц 5.049 923 1.245 969 999 476 281 115 41 3.08 Читлка 4.667 592 846 760 807 747 456 260 199 3.467 2.120 2.525 1.724 1,632 794 416 145 111 2.89 Doboj 4,953 4,597 1,951 829 288 169 2.77 Doboj-east 3,167 410 746 750 807 278 126 37 13 3, 12 Doboj-Jug 1.307 166 281 322 337 145 36 15 5 3.17 Dobretići 473 73 112 73 93 57 30 19 16 3,44 Domaljevac-Šamac 1.312 207 230 202 253 216 120 36 48 3.63 Donji Vakuf 4.183 570 843 829 1,043 527 251 74 46 3,34 Donji Žobar 1.203 269 282 168 190 145 87 46 16 3.17 940 470 390 143 55 14 3 2.32 Foča - FBiH 747 225 211 108 132 43 16 9 3 2,54 Foča - RS 6,622 1,596 1,836 1,236 1,205 502 168 55 24 2,7 Foquica 3.908 721 954 814 867 3,95 Gacko 2.780 508 596 542 501 332 181 73 47 3.23 Glamoč 1,437 404 439 198 172 123 61 22 18 2.69 Goražde 7.573 1,599 2.101 1,590 1,529 499 177 56 22 2.75

135 TERRITORY Total members Average number of household members 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 and more Area Total Number of Household members 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 or more Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje 5.686 676 1,030 994 1.283 863 484 177 179 3.68 Gracanica 15.083 2,277 1,128 3,624 3,457 1,195,526 6,278 7,817 6,904 547 342 3,08 Gradačac 11.881 1,672 1.367 815 250 129 3.31 Gradiška 17.255 3,629 4.342 3.164 3,079 1,613 887 348 193 2,99 Grude 4,502 668 843 630 766 262 3.83 HADŽIĆI 7.530 1.873 735 311 79 53 3.11 HAN Pijesak 1.396 382 430 247 205 84 34 10 4 2.53 Ilidža 22.296 4.041 5,455 4,784 5,079 1,845 684 222 186 2.97 Ilijaš 6,386 1,020 1,516 1,399 1.476 616 240 69 50 3.07 East Ilidža 5.007 916 1.296 1.081 1,055 445 148 53 13 2,91 East wood 39 22 8 4 1 4 0 0 0 1, 9 East Mostar 83 29 14 12 9 6 4 4 5 3.1 Eastern Stari Grad 442 121 152 72 44 27 12 9 5 2.56 East New Sarajevo 3.848 883 1,002 816 737 264 97 33 16 2,75 Jablanica 3.168 449 718 679 781 340 129 43 29 3,18 Jajce 8.041 1,282 1,683 1,438 1,738 3.39 Lake 371 74 89 62 76 38 21 5 6 3.84 Kakanj 12.240 1.924 2.844 2.667 3,099 1,112 414 119 61 3.06 Kalesija 9.781 1,147 1,939 2,034 2,687 1,166 537 163 108 3,38 Kalinovik 795 239 220 131 120 49 25 8 3 2,55 Kiseljak 6,801 1,500 1,636 1,355 1,547 669 281 77 36 3.03 Kladanj 3.847 528 816 822 1.023 434 157 37 30 3,21 Key 4.990 788 1,032 929 1,144 586 268 123 120 3.35 549 596 313 167 62 40 3.05 Konjic 8.381 1,519 2,047 1,676 1,888 803 302 101 45 3 Kostajnica 1.916 355 452 373 349 222 107 31 27 3,12 Kotor Varoš 5.956 977 1,287 1,064 1,290 733 339 138 128 1.822 1.969 1,349 1,241 626 375 112 68 2.85 Kreševo 1,845 439 426 330 382 182 64 18 4 2,85 Krupa na UNI 549 158 128 80 79 47 29 16 12 2,91 Kupres - FBiH 1.489 224 311 281 275 227 103 44 24 3.39 Kupres - RS 129 45 47 13 10 7 3 3 1 2,33 Laktaši 11,393 2.056 2.751 2.209 2.450 1.083 561 198 85 3.06 Livno 9,028 1,215 1,728 1,463 1,740 1,297 749 368 468 3.77 Lopare 5.122 1,196 1,236 878 855 475 289 124 69 2.99 Lukavac 16.656 3,321 4,793 4,194 3.309 753 185 59 42 2.67 Ljubinje 1.088 190 249 202 197 140 66 29 15 3,23

136 DEMOGRAPHY DEMOGRAPHYTERITORYTICATION Taller members Average number of household members 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Members Average Number of Household members 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 or more Ljubuski 7.444 1,127 1,323 1,126 1,365 1,081 682 377 363 3 , 77 Maglaj 7.687 1,351 1,858 1,671 1,746 601 MILIĆI 3.609 675 770 683 818 3,17 Modriča 8.638 1,570 2,237 1,554 1,555 779 402 154 87 2,94 MRKONJIC CITY 6,169 1,483 1,731 1,198 1,068 444 167 54 24 2,69 Neum 1,394 242 312 230 263 185 96 28 38 3.33 905 660 772 465 298 99 61 3,24 Novi Grad 8,899 1,584 2,255 1,636 1,592 818 500 188 126 3.05 Novi Grad Sarajevo 42.274 8.666 10.926 9.682 8,817 2,831 856 281 215 2,79 Novi Travnik 7.267 1,082 1,518 1,526 1,661 3,27 New Goražde 1.101 240 290 202 228 90 35 9 7 2,83 Novo Sarajevo 25,690 6,988 7,065 5.402 4.557 1,205 322 79 72 2 , 52 Odžak 5.809 1,124 1,282 1,016 1,134 3,23 Lead 3.493 584 919 789 787 295 84 27 8 2,91 1,297 1,148 1,219 728 351 148 95 3.2 osmaci 1.689 213 334 296 384 227 137 62 36 3.56 ŠTHER LUKA 977 266 249 145 133 97 63 12 12 2,85 Pale - FBiH 350 113 101 34 58 23 13 6 2 2,58 Pale - RS 7.211 1,479 1,852 1,406 1,502 604 249 89 30 2.88 Pelagićevo 1,923 574 544 257 246 154 83 39 26 2,7 Petrovac 131 32 38 20 20 14 6 1 0 2,76 Petrovo 2.546 713 59 17 6 2,54 Posusje 5.153 581 832 810 986 860 570 248 266 3.97 Prijedor 28,411 5,492 6,576 5,416 5,529 2,778 1,441 632 547 2.144 2.837 1.055 642 228 130 2,92 Window 3.653 434 640 569 728 546 366 182 188 3.9 straight 929 137 197 165 181 123 75 28 23 3 , 46 Ribnik 2,275 620 675 362 323 155 85 36 19 2,66 ROGATICA 3.901 952 301 125 38 30 2,74 Rudo 2.900 695 820 503 524 210 100 30 18 2,75 Sanski Most 11.847 1,811 2.315 2,089 2.706 1.405 767 347 407 3,49 SAPNA 3.085 366 559 497 839 413 SOKOLAC 4,313 991 1,208 781 796 323 146 47 21 2,77 SRBAC 6,233 1.468 1,692 1,134 1.062 479 273 93 52 2.82 Srebrenica 3,864 717 749 629 746 476 267 114 166 3.47 Srebrenik 13.187 2.075 3,340 2,980 3,052 3,01 Stari Grad Sarajevo 13,753 3.404 3.523 2,857 2.674 875 277 88 55 2.68 Stolac 3,884 488 728 700 776 544 332 162 154 3.71 Šamac 5.670 1,318 1,338 988 902 548 343 136 97 3.05 Šekovići 2.557 666 752 434 420 170 73 28 14 2,64 Šipovo 3.681 813 1.019 678 669 348 104 39 11 2.8

137 TERRITORY Total members Average number of household members 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 and more Members Average number of household members 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 or more Široki Brijeg 7.982 1.104 1.586 1,265 1,597 1,160 692 331 247 3 , 62 TEOČAČKA 2,020 251 325 348 485 327 178 414 3,68 2,949 3,504 2.524 2,321 1,18 Tešanj 13,426 1,820 2,857 2,991 3,473 1.440 576 194 75 3.21 Tomislavgrad 7.731 834 1.180 1,174 1,461 1,415 802 426 439 4.06 Travnik 16.445 2.580 3.618 3.355 3.594 1.869 890 337 202 3.23 Trebinje 9.455 1,851 1,042 456 183 78 3.07 Trnovo - FBiH 647 196 246 90 63 33 13 2 4 2,32 Trnovo - RS 806 214 244 146 123 59 17 3 0 2.54 Tuzla 42,630 9,815 12.230 9.991 7,999 1,732 574 142 97 2,597 967 1,067 793 1,014 521 331 119 85 3,21 Usora 1,936 298 397 318 461 258 105 50 49 3.41 Vareš 3.582 1,017 997 739 588 173 54 7 7 2,48 Velika Kladuša 11,651 1,677 2,274 820 338 297 3,47 Visoko 12,933 3.164 1.238 449 135 84 3,09 Visegrad 4,031 1,076 1,169 733 626 288 84 30 25 2 , 6 Knight 8.190 1.335 1,771 1,652 1,965 982 336 101 48 3,14 Vlasenica 3,735 376 149 52 54 3.07 Vogošća 8.811 1.425 2.099 2.061 2.152 724 233 69 48 2.99 Vukosavlje 1,560 314 408 276 281 169 75 21 16 2,99 Zavidovići 12.088 1,917 3,024 2,792 2,920 955 318 102 60 2,959 9,981 9,052 275 165 2.84 Zvornik 17,877 2,886 3,923 3,298 3,872 2,080 1,091 422 305 3,29 Žepče 8.830 1.170 1,796 1,712 2,036 1,233 496 215 172 3.42 Živinice 18,431 2,447 4,164 4,383 4,843 1,603 692 192 107 3,13

138 Education EDUCATION TERRITIJE GENDER TallenSpendScore Number Percentage Area Sex Totalilliterate Without Answer Number Percentage Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovinauk./Tot. 3.180.115 89,794 2.82 33.184 m / m 1.551,947 12.237 0.79 11.834 Ž / F 1.628.168 77.557 4,76 21,350 Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina Federation o F Bosnia and Herzegovinauk./Tot. 1.988.325 52,227 2.63 20.784 m / m 969,343 6,823 0.70 7.389 Ž / F 1.018.982 45.404 4,46 13,395 Republika Srpska Republika Srpskauk./Tot. 1.116.751 35.442 3.17 11.229 m / m 545.767 5.050 0.93 3.980 Ž / F 570.984 30,392 5,32 7.249 Brčko District of Bosnia and Herzegovina Brčko District of Bosnia and Herzegovinauk./Tot. 75.039 2.125 2.83 1.171 m / m 36.837 364 0.99 465 Ž / F 38.202 1,761 4,61 70610.1. Illiterate population aged 10 and over to sex, level BiH, F BiH, RS and BD Illiterate population aged 10 and Over by Sex, Level BiH, F BiH, RS and BD Chart 10.1. The illiterate population aged 10 and over to sex, the level of BiH, F BiH, RS and BD Graph 10.1. IlliteRate population aged 10 and over by sex, Level BiH, F Bih, RS and BD

139 TERRITORY GENDER TallenShare No response Number Percentage Area Sex totalilliterate without answer number Percentage Una-Sanski Kantonuk./Tot. 242,679 8.284 3.41 2.787 m / m 119.613 1.201 1.00 1.024 Ž / F 123.066 7.083 5.76 1,763 Posavski kantonuk./Tot. 39.884 929 2.33 598 m / m 19,979 168 0.84 242 Ž / F 19,9905 761 3.82 356 Tuzlanski kantonuk./Tot. 399.251 13,711 3.43 3.766 m / m 193.825 1,722 0.89 1,309 Ž / F 205426 11,989 5.84 2.457 Zenica-Doboj Kantonuk./Tot. 324,917 8,535 2.63 2,764 m / m 160,505 1,077 0.67 895 Ž / F 164,412 7,458 4,54 1,869 Bosnian-Podrinje Cantonuk./Tot. 21.678 810 3.74 161 m / m 10.516 89 0.85 48 Ž / F 11.162 721 6.46 113 Central Bosnia Cantonuk./Tot. 227.416 6,747 2.97 3.978 m / m 113.184 916 0.81 1,490 Ž / F 114.232 5,831 5.10 2.488 Herzegovina-Neretva Cantonuk./Tot. 200.424 3,704 1.85 2.562 m / m 97.999 466 0.48 932 Ž / F 102.425 3,238 3.16 1.630 West Horecegian Cantonuk./Tot. 84.362 1,426 1.69 1.209 m / m 41.853 196 0.45 474 Ž / F 42,509 1,230 2.89 735 Sarajevouk Canton./Tot. 370.879 6,306 1,70 2.003 m / m 173,305 748 0.43 571 Ž / F 197.574 5,558 2.81 1,432 Canton 10uk./Tot. 76.835 1,775 2,31 956 m / m 38.564 240 0.62 404 Ž / F 38.271 1.535 4.01 55210.2. Illiterate population aged 10 and older towards sex, canton level in F BiH Illiterate population aged 10 and over by sex, Canton Level In F BiH

140 Education Education 10.3. Non-booking population 10 and older towards gender, municipality level IlliteRate population aged 10 and over by sex, municipality spol uk./tot.neplespender without responding Number of percentage Totalilliterate without Answer Number Percentage Banovićiuk. / Tot . 20.355 665 3.27 233 m / m 10.155 62 0.61 85 Ž / F 10.200 603 5.91 148 Banja Luka Uk./Tot. 166.696 3.553 2,13 1,254 m / m 79.790 514 0.64 441 Ž / F 86.906 3,039 3.50 813 Berkovićiuk. / Tot. 1,891 47 2.49 28 m / m 941 1 0.11 10 Ž / F 950 46 4,84 18 Bihać Uk./Tot. 50,803 1,231 2.42 479 m / m 24.264 200 0.82 162 Ž / F 26,539 1,031 3,88 317 Bijeljina Uk./Tot. 97.499 2,577 2.64 958 m / m 47,531 417 0.88 317 Ž / F 49,968 2,160 4,32 641 Bileća Uk./Tot. 9,837 144 1.46 86 m / m 4.936 31 0.63 28 Ž / F 4.901 113 2,31 58 Bosanska krupa Uk./Tot. 22,627 918 4.06 291 m / m 11,065 125 1,13 113 Ž / F 11.562 793 6,86 178 Bosanski Petrovac Uk./Tot. 6.755 200 2.96 125 m / m 3,394 34 1.00 50 Ž / F 3.361 166 4.94 75 Bosansko Grahovo Uk./Tot. 2,331 89 3.82 26 m / m 1.219 7 0.57 7 Ž / F 1.112 82 7.37 19 Bratunac Uk./Tot. 18.296 891 4.87 269 m / m 9.023 86 0.95 89 Ž / F 9.273 805 8.68 180 Brčko Uk./Tot. 75.039 2,125 2,83 1,171 m / m 36.837 364 0.99 465 Ž / F 38.202 1,761 4,61 706 Birza Uk./Tot. 12,809 387 3.02 48 m / m 6.261 32 0.51 14 Ž / F 6.548 355 5.42 34 Brod Uk./Tot. 15.117 335 2.22 191 m / m 7.349 54 0.73 62 Ž / F 7,768 281 3.62 129

141 Territory Gender UK/Tot.Neospemen No response Number of percentage Territory Sex Totalilliterate without Answer Number Percentage Bugojno uk./tot. 28.305 709 2.50 468 m / m 13.956 97 0.70 170 Ž / F 14.349 612 4.27 298 Busovača uk./tot. 15.870 469 2.96 229 m / m 8.067 60 0.74 85 Ž / F 7,803 409 5,24 144 Bužim Uk./Tot. 16.590 575 3.47 179 m / m 8.478 95 1.12 76 Ž / F 8.112 480 5.92 103 Cazin uk./tot. 58.017 2.071 3.57 696 m / m 28,875 277 0.96 251 Ž / F 29.142 1,794 6,16 445 Centar Sarajevo Uk./Tot. 50.161 414 0.83 213 m / m 22.790 60 0.26 55 Ž / F 27,371 354 1.29 158 Čajnice Uk./Tot. 4.498 141 3.13 25 m / m 2.290 22 0.96 10 Ž / F 2.208 119 5.39 15 Čapljina uk./tot. 23.565 340 1,44 378 m / m 11.616 46 0.40 130 Ž / F 11,949 294 2.46 248 Čelić Uk./Tot. 9.454 357 3.78 115 m / m 4.740 64 1.35 48 Ž / F 4.714 293 6,22 67 Čelinac Uk./Tot. 14.038 478 3.41 131 m / m 6,947 56 0.81 57 Ž / F 7091 422 5.95 74 Čitluk Uk./Tot. 16.048 186 1,16 301 m / m 7.907 22 0.28 117 Ž / F 8.141 164 2.01 184 Derventa Uk./Tot. 25.011 825 3.30 391 m / m 12.180 126 1.03 147 Ž / F 12.831 699 5.45 244 Doboj Uk./Tot. 64,800 1,995 3.08 513 m / m 31,574 275 0.87 181 Ž / F 33.226 1,720 5.18 332 Doboj-east Uk./Tot. 9.137 503 5.51 71 m / m 4,478 103 2.30 23 Ž / F 4.659 400 8,59 48

142 Territory Gender UK/Tot.Neospemen No response Number of percent Territory Sex Totalilliterate without Answer Number Percentage Doboj-Jug Uk./Tot. 3.614 76 2.10 45 m / m 1.790 2 0.11 13 Ž / F 1.824 74 4.06 32 Dobretići Uk./Tot. 1,545 129 8.35 18 m / m 857 22 2.57 8 Ž / F 688 107 15,55 10 Domaljevac-Šamac Uk./Tot. 4.371 117 2.68 59 m / m 2,175 23 1.06 27 Ž / F 2.196 94 4.28 32 Donji Vakuf Uk./Tot. 12,444 399 3.21 171 m / m 6,158 55 0.89 66 Ž / F 6.286 344 5.47 105 Donji Žabar Uk./Tot. 3.479 129 3.71 83 m / m 1,747 26 1,49 34 Ž / F 1.732 103 5.95 49 Drvar Uk./Tot. 6.576 139 2.11 51 m / m 3.237 21 0.65 16 Ž / F 3,339 118 3.53 35 FOC - FBiH UK./TOT. 1,777 91 5.12 8 m / m 911 7 0.77 3 Ž / F 866 84 9,70 5 Foča - RS ук./TOT. 16.889 395 2,34 144 m / m 8.476 52 0.61 60 Ž / F 8.413 343 4.08 84 Fojnica Uk./Tot. 11.164 398 3.57 332 m/m 5.572 57 1,02 131 F/F 5.592 341 6,10 201 Gacko uk./tot. 8.128 113 1,39 72 m/m 4.110 11 0.27 24 F/F 4.018 102 2,54 48 Glamoc uk./tot. 3.534 119 3,37 49 m/m 1.785 17 0.95 22 ž/f 1.749 102 5,83 27 Goražde uk./tot. 19.074 657 3,44 150 m/m 9.192 70 0.76 45 ž/f 9.882 587 5,94 105 Gornji Vakuf-Uklje uk./tot. 18.630 633 3,40 411 m/m 9.354 85 0.91 144 ž/f 9.276 548 5,91 267 Gracanica uk./tot. 40.102 1.375 3.43 422 m/m 19.078 168 0.88 141 F/F 21.024 1.207 5,74 281

143 Sex Territory UK 95.573 1,143 1,20 932 m/m 45.957 137 0.30 338 ž/F 49.616 1,006 2,03 594 Gradacac uk./tot. 34.997 1.065 3.04 302 m/m 16.986 165 0.97 96 ž/f 18.011 900 5,00 206 Gradiška uk./tot. 47.340 1,551 3.28 455 m/m 23.059 207 0.90 179 F/F 24.281 1,344 5,54 276 Grude uk./tot. 15.551 261 1,68 224 m/m 7.730 42 0.54 89 ž/f 7.821 219 2,80 135 Hadžići uk./tot. 21.172 819 3.87 173 m/m 10.528 198 1,88 43 ž/f 10.644 621 5,83 130 Han sand uk./tot. 3.266 88 2,69 15 m/m 1.528 10 0.65 4 F/F 1.738 78 4.49 11 Ilidža uk./tot. 59.151 1,111 1,88 377 m/m 28.450 107 0.38 108 ž/f 30.701 1.004 3,27 269 Ilijaš uk./tot. 17.390 703 4.04 107 m/m 8.261 60 0.73 30 W/F 9.129 643 7.04 77 Eastern Ilidža uk./tot. 13.431 172 1,28 73 m/m 6.402 22 0.34 26 W/F 7.029 150 2,13 47 Eastern Drvar UK./tot. 78 2 2,56 0 m/m 52 0 0.00 0 ž/f 26 2 7.69 0 Eastern Mostar uk./tot. 234 19 8.12 0 m/m 131 1 0.76 0 ž/f 103 18 17.48 0 Eastern Old Town UK./tot. 1.047 42 4.01 6 m/m 513 3 0.58 2 F/F 534 39 7.30 4 East Novo Sarajevo UK./tot. 9.520 81 0.85 37 m/m 4.510 14 0.31 13 W/F 5.010 67 1,34 24 Jablanica uk./tot. 9.250 319 3,45 52 m/m 4.578 37 0.81 15 F/F 4.672 282 6.04 37

144 Sex territory UK 24.413 892 3.65 455 m/m 12.452 110 0.88 157 ž/f 11.961 782 6,54 298 Lake UK./Tot. 1,045 43 4.11 11 m/m 554 7 1,26 5 ž/f 491 36 7.33 6 Kakanj uk./tot. 33.205 1.132 3.41 302 m/m 16.444 171 1,04 92 F/F 16.761 961 5,73 210 Kalesija uk./tot. 29.312 1.194 4.07 422 m/m 14.680 119 0.81 136 F/F 14.632 1,075 7.35 286 Kalinovik UK./tot. 1,910 88 4.61 12 m/m 931 5 0.54 5 F/F 979 83 8.48 7 Kiseljak uk./tot. 18.493 602 3.26 221 m/m 9.158 93 1,02 86 ž/f 9.335 509 5,45 135 Kladanj uk./tot. 11.140 285 2,56 99 m/m 5.457 36 0.66 33 F/F 5.683 249 4,38 66 Kljuc uk./tot. 15.236 565 3,71 169 m/m 7.604 53 0.70 67 ž/f 7.632 512 6.71 102 Kneževo uk./tot. 8.967 979 10.92 84 m/m 4.463 147 3,29 34 ž/f 4.504 832 18.47 50 Konjic uk./tot. 22.865 851 3.72 341 m/m 11.237 86 0.77 119 F/F 11.628 765 6.58 222 Kostajnica UK./Tot. 5.510 116 2,11 41 m/m 2.729 14 0.51 18 ž/f 2.781 102 3.67 23 Kotor Varoš uk./tot. 17.807 1.062 5,96 231 m/m 8.846 151 1,71 78 F/F 8.961 911 10,17 153 Kozar Dubica UK./Tot. 19.890 598 3.01 131 m/m 9.696 77 0.79 51 ž/f 10.194 521 5,11 80 Kreševo uk./tot. 4.763 143 3.00 66 m/m 2.323 16 0.69 31 F/F 2.440 127 5,20 35 -fumating Education

145 Sex territory UK 1,491 146 9.79 4 m/m 806 21 2,61 1 F 685 125 18.25 3 Kupres - FBiH UK./Tot. 4.677 114 2,44 53 m/m 2.341 14 0.60 19 ž/f 2.336 100 4.28 34 Kupres - RS UK./Tot. 286 81 28,32 1 m/m 149 27 18,12 0 ž/f 137 54 39.42 1 Laktaši uk./tot. 31.406 755 2,40 327 m/m 15.518 117 0.75 123 F/F 15.888 638 4,02 204 Livno uk./tot. 31.334 631 2,01 372 m/m 15.564 77 0.49 157 F/F 15.770 554 3,51 215 Lopare uk./tot. 14.210 688 4.84 161 m/m 7.174 124 1,73 64 ž/f 7.036 564 8.02 97 Lukavac uk./tot. 40.660 1,544 3.80 350 m/m 19.784 185 0.94 125 F/F 20.876 1.359 6.51 225 Ljubinje uk./tot. 3.221 50 1,55 27 m/m 1.588 5 0.31 10 W/F 1.633 45 2,76 17 Ljubuski uk./tot. 25.259 361 1,43 328 m/m 12.508 49 0.39 131 F/F 12.751 312 2,45 197 Maglaj uk./tot. 20.753 508 2,45 237 m/m 10.176 64 0.63 70 ž/f 10.577 444 4,20 167 Milići uk./tot. 10.372 404 3,90 165 m/m 5.247 52 0.99 47 W/F 5.125 352 6.87 118 Modrica uk./tot. 23.591 742 3.15 359 m/m 11.474 121 1,05 134 F/F 12.117 621 5,13 225 Mrkonjić Grad uk./tot. 15.249 844 5,53 192 m/m 7.358 101 1,37 69 W/F 7.891 743 9.42 123 Neum UK./Tot. 4.210 116 2,76 45 m/m 2.118 11 0.52 18 W/F 2.092 105 5,02 27

146 Sex territory UK 11.731 307 2,62 103 m/m 5.819 32 0.55 45 ž/f 5.912 275 4.65 58 Novi Grad UK./Tot. 25.060 669 2,67 289 m/m 12.536 106 0.85 103 F/F 12.524 563 4,50 186 Novi Grad Sarajevo UK./Tot. 105.753 1.629 1.54 601 m/m 49.176 159 0.32 176 F/F 56.577 1,470 2,60 425 Novi Travnik uk./tot. 21.169 517 2,44 375 m/m 10.488 58 0.55 153 F/F 10.681 459 4,30 222 NEW GORAZDE UK./TOT. 2,904 79 2,72 21 m/m 1.518 5 0.33 4 F/F 1.386 74 5,34 17 Novi Sarajevo UK./tot. 58.783 508 0.86 215 m/m 26.521 58 0.22 62 W/F 32.262 450 1,39 153 Odzak Uk./tot. 17.305 434 2.51 285 m / m 8.589 64 0.75 114 Ž / F 8.716 370 4.25 171 Lead Uk./Tot. 9,312 339 3.64 128 m / m 4.627 32 0.69 27 Ž / F 4.685 307 6,55 101 Orašje uk./tot. 18.208 378 2.08 254 m / m 9.215 81 0.88 101 Ž / F 8,993 297 3.30 153 osmaci uk./tot. 5.470 267 4.88 44 m / m 2.773 29 1.05 16 Ž / F 2.697 238 8.82 28 ŠTHRA LUKA UK./TOT. 2.544 196 7,70 20 m / m 1.316 32 2.43 10 Ž / F 1.228 164 13.36 10 Pale - FBiH UK./Tot. 827 62 7,50 3 m / m 413 12 2,91 0 Ž / F 414 50 12.08 3 Pale - RS UK./TOT. 19.105 297 1.55 110 m / m 9.125 40 0.44 37 Ž / F 9.980 257 2.58 73 Pelagićevo Uk./Tot. 4.894 183 3.74 162 m / m 2.444 29 1,19 68 Ž / F 2.450 154 6,29 94Education Education

147 Territory Gender Uk./Tot.Neospemen No response Number Percentage Territory Sex Totalilliterate without Answer Number Percentage Petrovac Uk./Tot. 330 6 1.82 2 m / m 154 0 0.00 2 Ž / F 176 6 3.41 0 Petrovo uk./tot. 5,980 246 4,11 40 m / m 2.868 28 0.98 14 Ž / F 3.112 218 7.01 26 Posušje uk./tot. 17.908 366 2.04 252 m / m 8.960 52 0.58 110 Ž / F 8.948 314 3.51 142 Prijedor ук./tot. 82.221 2.220 2.70 914 m / m 40.134 429 1.07 314 Ž / F 42.087 1,791 4,26 600 PRNJAVOR UK./TOT. 32,723 1,428 4,36 234 m / m 15,924 205 1.29 94 Ž / F 16,799 1,223 7,28 140 Window UK/Tot. 12.772 412 3.23 299 m / m 6.433 55 0.85 105 Ž / F 6.339 357 5.63 194 Straight UK/Tot. 2.965 38 1.28 34 m / m 1.523 5 0.33 10 Ž / F 1.442 33 2.29 24 Ribnik Uk./Tot. 5.554 459 8,26 41 m / m 2.753 69 2.51 13 Ž / F 2.801 390 13,92 28 Rogatica Uk./Tot. 9.714 356 3.66 118 m / m 4.756 38 0.80 27 Ž / F 4.958 318 6.41 91 Rudo uk./tot. 7,330 158 2.16 47 m / m 3.712 27 0.73 22 Ž / F 3.618 131 3.62 25 Sanski Most ink./tot. 37.819 1.109 2.93 500 m / m 18.952 150 0.79 179 Ž / F 18.867 959 5.08 321 SAPNA UK./TOT. 9.798 556 5.67 112 m / m 5.027 72 1.43 45 Ž / F 4.771 484 10,14 67 Sokolac Uk./Tot. 10.956 236 2.15 74 m / m 5,375 25 0.47 31 Ž / F 5.581 211 3.78 43 SRBAC UK./TOT. 15.994 552 3.45 262 m / m 7,838 102 1.30 94 Ž / F 8.156 450 5.52 168

148 Territory Gender UK/Tot.Neospemen No response Number of percentage Territory Sex Totalilliterate without Answer Number Percentage Srebrenica Uk./Tot. 12.321 656 5.32 161 m / m 6.063 68 1.12 37 Ž / F 6.258 588 9,40 124 Srebrenik Uk./Tot. 35.263 1,601 4.54 501 m / m 17.108 213 1.25 172 Ž / F 18.155 1,388 7.65 329 Stari Grad Sarajevo Uk./Tot. 33.760 436 1,29 187 m / m 15,847 44 0.28 63 Ž / F 17,913 392 2.19 124 Stolac Uk./Tot. 13.176 299 2.27 180 m / m 6.630 67 1.01 80 Ž / F 6.546 232 3.54 100 Šamac Uk./Tot. 15.993 302 1.89 193 m / m 7,731 55 0.71 68 Ž / F 8.262 247 2,99 125 Šekovići Uk./Tot. 6,228 436 7.00 70 m / m 3,109 83 2.67 31 Ž / F 3.119 353 11,32 39 Šipovo ук./Tot. 9,390 440 4.69 76 m / m 4.735 49 1.03 29 Ž / F 4.655 391 8,40 47 Široki Brijeg Uk./Tot. 25.644 438 1.71 405 m / m 12.655 53 0.42 144 Ž / F 12.989 385 2.96 261 Teočaku uk./tot. 6.670 281 4.21 59 m / m 3,359 40 1,19 23 Ž / F 3.311 241 7,28 36 Teslić Uk./Tot. 34.610 1.990 5.75 363 m / m 16.601 228 1.37 133 Ž / F 18.009 1,762 9.78 230 Tešanj ук./tot. 37,764 1,205 3.19 340 m / m 18.646 152 0.82 120 Ž / F 19.118 1,053 5.51 220 Tomislavgrad Uk./Tot. 28.383 683 2.41 405 m / m 14.418 104 0.72 183 Ž / F 13.965 579 4,15 222 Travnik Uk./Tot. 47.710 1,403 2.94 868 m / m 23.551 212 0.90 330 Ž / F 24,159 1,191 4,93 538 Trebinje Uk./Tot. 26.355 239 0.91 197 m / m 12,772 31 0.24 60 Ž / F 13,583 208 1,53 137 education Education

149 Territory Gender UK/Tot.Neospemen No response Number of percentage Territory Sex totalilliterate without answer number Number Percentage Tarnovo - FBiH UK./Tot. 1,421 147 10.34 7 m / m 707 12 1,70 3 Ž / F 714 135 18,91 4 TRNOVO - RS UK./TOT. 1,917 76 3.96 12 m / m 922 10 1.08 4 Ž / F 995 66 6,63 8 Tuzla Uk./Tot. 101.165 2,269 2,24 689 m / m 47,685 277 0.58 257 Ž / F 53,480 1,992 3.72 432 Ugljevik Uk./Tot. 14.287 459 3.21 105 m / m 7.191 68 0.95 39 Ž / F 7.096 391 5.51 66 Usora Uk./Tot. 6.081 169 2.78 59 m / m 3,009 18 0.60 23 Ž / F 3.072 151 4.92 36 VAREŠ UK./TOT. 8,326 204 2.45 84 m / m 4.082 29 0.71 31 Ž / F 4.244 175 4.12 53 Velika Kladušauk. / Tot. 34.832 1,615 4.64 348 m / m 16.981 267 1.57 126 Ž / F 17,851 1,348 7,55 222 Visit./Tot. 35.298 985 2.79 255 m / m 17,339 120 0.69 100 Ž / F 17,959 865 4.82 155 Visegrad Uk./Tot. 9.898 366 3.70 97 m / m 4.732 37 0.78 34 Ž / F 5.166 329 6.37 63 Vitez uk./tot. 22.910 453 1,98 364 m / m 11.248 51 0.45 129 Ž / F 11,662 402 3.45 235 Vlasenica Uk./Tot. 10.399 359 3.45 196 m / m 5.083 50 0.98 70 Ž / F 5.316 309 5.81 126 Vogošća Uk./Tot. 23.288 539 2.31 123 m / m 11.025 50 0.45 31 Ž / F 12.263 489 3.99 92 Vukosavlje Uk./Tot. 4.230 196 4.63 82 m / m 2.118 31 1.46 30 Ž / F 2.112 165 7,81 52 Zavidovići Uk./Tot. 31.986 1,035 3.24 356 m / m 15.866 150 0.95 119 Ž / F 16.120 885 5.49 237

150 Territory Gender UK/Tot.Neospemen No response Number of percentage Territory Sex totalilliterate without answer Number Percentage Zenica Uk./tot. 98,950 1,811 1,83 628 m / m 48,712 214 0.44 190 Ž / F 50,238 1,597 3,18 438 Zvornik Uk./Tot. 52,563 2,090 3,98 719 m / m 26.043 247 0.95 228 Ž / F 26,520 1,843 6,95 491 Žepče Uk./Tot. 26.819 684 2.55 282 m / m 13.553 93 0.69 96 Ž / F 13.266 591 4,45 186 Živinice Uk./Tot. 51.198 2.016 3.94 391 m / m 25.288 218 0.86 125 Ž / F 25.910 1.798 6.94 266 Fočalivnivo konjicglamočteslićdoćbanja Luka Gackopale TrebinjeBilećajedor City Mostar Nevesinjedrvarbihić Bijeljevrčko Kalinovacravnik Tomislavrčko bridge Varešcazin Olovo Prozor-Rama Rudok Jajcezavidovići Ilijašderventa Posusjekakanjlaktaši Milići Ravpodiogradnovi Grad Zvornik Srebrenicačelinac Žepče Mrkonjić City Zenica Neumkotor Varoš TrnovoBrod Lukavac Kladanj Bosansko Grahovo Ljubinjelopare Bugojnobosanski PetrovacModriča Fojnica Stolackneževo Živinice HadžićiBosanska Krupa Čajnice Ljubuškinovisoko Grudemaglaj Jablanica FočaKozarska Dubica Bratunac Čapljenjevitez Gorazdešek Pijesak Berkjecrebrenik Kalesišakjvelika Kladušanica Uglasjik Sapna Palegenji Vakuf-Uskoplje Kreševorašje BusovačaPetrovac Ilidža Široki Brijegbanovići New Travnik Kiseljakostra Luka Petrovo Brezaosmacipelagićevo Lake Novo Goraždetrnovo1Kostajnica Krupa na UNI Usora Dobretićivukosavlje Kupres Trnovoisto DrvateOkakDonji Žabar 9Doboj- East 3 4 8Domaljevac-Šamac 2 7 9Doboj-Jug 96 56srbija Montenegro / MontenegronArd Municipality Names of Names of Municipalities Marked with Numbers 1 Vogošća 2 Centar Sarajevo 4 Novi Grad Sarajevo 5 Novo Sarajevo 6 Eastern old City 7 East New Sarajevo 8 Eastern Ilidža 9 Eastern Mostar 20 0 20 40 60 80 100 10 kmnapping Population, 2013. IlliteRate Person, 2013. NonSamen Population / Illiterate Person Bosnia and Herzegovina / Bosnia and Herzegovina: 2, 82% below / under 2.00% 2.01% - 3.00% 3.01% - 5.00% 5.01% - 8.00% 8.01% and more / more share of illiterate persons old 10 and older in the total population of the old 10 and over, in%. Share of Illiterate persons aged 10 and over in the total population aged 10 and over, in% .Education

Fočalivnivo konjicglamočteslićdoćbanja Luka Gackopale TrebinjeBilećajedor City Mostar Nevesinjedrvarbihić Bijeljevrčko Kalinovacravnik Tomislavrčko bridge Varešcazin Olovo Prozor-Rama Rudok Jajcezavidovići Ilijašderventa Posusjekakanjlaktaši Milići Ravpodiogradnovi Grad Zvornik Srebrenicačelinac Žepče Mrkonjić City Zenica Neumkotor Varoš TrnovoBrod Lukavac Kladanj Bosansko Grahovo Ljubinjelopare Bugojnobosanski PetrovacModriča Fojnica Stolackneževo Živinice HadžićiBosanska Krupa Čajnice Ljubuškinovisoko Grudemaglaj Jablanica FočaKozarska Dubica Bratunac Čapljenjevitez Gorazdešek Pijesak Berkjecrebrenik Kalesišakjvelika Kladušanica Uglasjik Sapna Palegenji Vakuf-Uskoplje Kreševorašje BusovačaPetrovac Ilidža Široki Brijegbanovići New Travnik Kiseljakostra Luka Petrovo Brezaosmacipelagićevo Lake Novo Goraždetrnovo1Kostajnica Krupa na UNI Usora Dobretićivukosavlje Kupres Trnovoisto DrvateOkakDonji Žabar 9Doboj- East 3 4 8Domaljevac-Šamac 2 7 9Doboj-Jug 96 56srbija Montenegro / MontenegronArd Municipality Names of Names of Municipalities Marked with Numbers 1 Vogošća 2 Centar Sarajevo 4 Novi Grad Sarajevo 5 Novo Sarajevo 6 Eastern old City 7 East New Sarajevo 8 Eastern Ilidža 9 Eastern Mostar 20 0 20 40 60 80 100 10 kmnapping Population, 2013. IlliteRate Person, 2013. NonSamen Population / Illiterate Person Bosnia and Herzegovina / Bosnia and Herzegovina: 2, 82% below / under 2.00% 2.01% - 3.00% 3.01% - 5.00% 5.01% - 8.00% 8.01% and more / more share of illiterate persons old 10 and older in the total population of the old 10 and over, in%. Share of Illiterate persons aged 10 and over in the total population aged 10 and over, in%.

152 11.1. Population aged 15 and up to the highest completed school and gender, BiH level, F BiH, RS and BD Population Aged 15 and over by Highest Education Attainment and Sex, Level BiH, F BiH, RS and BD Territory Pol total without any educationNopuno basic Education School Primary Schools Srednja SchoolSecialization After High School School and Faculty of School / Faculty / Academy Area Sex Total No EducationIncomplete Primary EducationPrimary SchoolseCondary SchoolPost-Secondary School and First Grade of FacultyAdvanced Schools / Faculty / Acade My / University BiHu / T 2.987 .440 146.078 274.036 640,726 1,525,161 21,613 m / m 1.453.294 24.021 83.216 274.258 864.823 17.543 Ž / F 1.534.146 122.057 190.1420 366.468 660.338 3.736 42.648 148.079 ا Bihu / t 1.862.272 82.7 24 167.956 401.188 952.320 13.254 56.720 188.110 m / m 904,850 13,635 46,470 166.078 547.281 11.005 30,520 89.861 Ž / F 957,442 235.110 405,039 2,249 26,200 98.249 RSU / T 1.054,733 59,838 98.904 221.416 538.900 8.021 35.642 92.012 m / m 514,018 99,975 298,670 6,606 19,969 45,038 50,193 64.799 121.441 240.230 1.415 15.673 46.974 BD BiH / T 70.435 3.516 7.176 18.122 33.941 338 1,842 5.500 m / m 34.426 731 2,641 8.205 18.872 266 1,067 2,644 Ž / F 36.009 2,785 4,535 9,917 15,069 72 775 2.856Education Education

153 11.2. Population aged 15 and over the highest completed school and sex, canton in F BiH Population and Sex, Canton Level In F BiH Territory Pol Total Basic EducationOther School Prim / Mary Schools Succio Succialization After High school school and first degree Faculty of School / Faculty of Area Sex Total No EducationIncom / Mary EducationPrim / Mary SchoolSecondary SchoolSpecialization Post-secondhigh School and Faculty Level for the firsthigh School Usko / T 225.229 13,280 23.698 65.447 101. 836 827 6.495 13.646 M/M 110.711 2.609 8.511 29.553 59.686 583 3.294 6.475 Ž/F 114.518 10.671 15.187 35.894 42.150 244 3.201 7.171 PKU/T 37.418 1.877 5.411 8.965 17.468 200 1.001 2.496 M/M 18.656 367 2.125 4.316 9.831 146 572 1.299 Ž/F 18.762 1,510 3,266 4,649 7.637 54 429 1,197 19,235 191.001 2,692 7,370 28,044 m / m 181.535 3,089 10,255 2,325 4,293 14,013 Ž / F 193.689 16.146 30.621 51.141 78.306 367 3,077 14,031 ZDKU / T 303.99 0 13.040 31.325 71.548 156.591 3.593 7,050 20,843 m / m 149,837 1,936 7,908 28,285 10,465 Ž / F 154,173 Ž / F 154,173 3.141 10.378 BPKU / T 20.448 1.133 1,705 1,828 m / m 9.881 159 405 1,839 5,960 175 352 991 Ž / F 10.567 974 1,300 3,047 4.213 30 166 837 SBKU / T 211,486 10.958 23.657 1,321 5,219 13.596 m / m 105.017 1,981 6,423 21,391 64.191 Ž / F 106.469 8,977 16,622 28,299 43,466 189 2,300 6,616 HNKU / T 187,848 6.789 13. 648 33.296 101.352 1.347 7.772 23.644 m / m 91.629 1,047 3,657 13.686 10,985 Ž / F 96.219 5,742 961 19.797 12.663 ZHKU / T 78.046 2,960 6,267 12,575 9.986 387 3,427 9,444 m / m 38,677 450 2,072 6,057 23,646 257 1,629 4,566 Ž / F 39. 369 2.510 4,195 6,518 19,340 130 1,798 4,8333 9,766 14,699 54,955 14,716 66,914 1,417 2,568 19,427 99.295 Ž / F 187.635 8.349 12.101 35.528 87.633 447 6841 36.736 K10U / T 7 2,250 3,686 7337 13.795 36.328 297 3,152 7,655 M / m 36.209 580 2,571 6,634 20,611 198 1,702 3.913 Ž / F 36,041 3,106 4,766 7,171 15,717 99 1,450 3,742

154 11.3. Population aged 15 and over the highest completed school and gender, municipality in BiH Population and Sex, Municipality Level In BiH Territory Gender Basic EducationProcating SchoolGeneral SchoolSpecialization After Central Skolevis School and the first degree of faculties School / Faculty / Academy Area Sex Total No EducationIncomplete Primary EducationPrimary SchoolSecondary SchoolSpecialization Post-secondhigh School and Faculty Level For The Firsthigh School Banovići Total 19.134 692 1,845 4,419 10.502 70 295 1,488 6.668 142 106 733 W 9.632 622 1,550 2,931 3,899 8 79 543 BANJA LUKA 157,813 5,772 6,590 1,598 8.171 26,700 m 75.249 943 2.157 10.161. 460 11 34 54 ж 878 98 155 218 348 0 13 46 Bihać Total 47,410 1,976 M 22.601 356 1,050 4,601 356 1,050 2,479 Ž 24.809 1,620 2,428 6,331 10,267 35 1,242 2,880 Bijeljina 91.821 3,985 10,913 19.426 45.097 583 3,439 8.378 M 44.655 667 4,067 8,916 24,671 Ž 47.166 3,318 6,846 1,587 4.394 Bilaća 9,215 250 750 823 m 4,658 44 188 877 2,759 57 249 464 Ž 4,577 206 562 1.088 2.161 12 189 359 Босна Крупа кона 21.015 1,511 2,675 6,093 8,892 64 587 1,193 m 10.219 309 998 553 ж 10.796 1.202 1,677 3.380 3.588 19 290 640 6,367 399 782 1.564 3.1860 72 284 752 1.784 13 96 185 ž 3.181 327 498 812 1.276 3 98 167 Bosansko Grahovo Total 2.264 127 337 425 M 1.194 7 109 197 711 3 75 92 Ž 1,070 120 228 228 405 0 38 51 Bratunac Total 17.225 1.345 1.419 4.187 8.654 87 412 1.121 m 87 178 404 1.908 5.106 69 235 567 Ž 8,758 1,167 1,015 2,279 3,548 18 177 554 Brčko Total 70,435 3,516 7,196 1,842 Ž 36.009 2,644 W 36.009 2,745 775 2,856 BAZA Total 12.109 589 1,289 2,276 6.653 111 232 9 59 m 5.913 37 303 816 4,058 101 121 477 Ž 6,196 552 986 1,460 2.595 10 111 482Education Education

155 Territory Gender OverbeatPotpuno Primary Education Schoolsmidium SchoolSpecialization After Central School School / Faculty / Academy Area Sex Total No EducationIncomplete Primary EducationPecialization Post-Secondaryhigh School and Faculty Level for the firsthi GH School Boat Total 14,257 605 1,268 3,086 7.818 192 401 887 m 6,899 93 333 1,287 4,363 165 228 935 1,799 3,455 27 173 457 Bugojno 26,431 1,137 2,265 6,364 1,816 m 13,010 180 621 2,713 8,010 85 409 1,644 3,651 957 1,644 3,651 5,962 29 354 824 Busovača Total 14,733 755 1,492 3,490 7814 104 280 98 165 407 Ž 7.270 657 1,133 2,005 2,959 10 115 391 BUŽIM 15.121 938 1.875 5,643 5,704 39 315 607 m 7,714 230 703 2,656 3.639 18 173 295 W 7.407 708 1,172 2,987 2,065 21 142 312 Cazin 53,661 3,220 140 1,198 2,404 M 26,634 649 2,086 7,667 14,381 99 607 1,145 § 9.453 9.524 41 561 1,259 CENTER SARAJEVO Total 47.769 675 282 2.724 15.300 m 21.568 103 181 1,889 10.885 220 1,284 7.006 ж 26.201 572 948 1,440 8.294 Čajnice Total 4,264 227 482 303 m 2.160 33 150 453 1,271 39 49 165 852 194 332 558 852 1 29 138 Čapljina Total 21,938 793 1,671 3,780 12,475 130 852 2.237 m 10.787 106 425 1,561 7.100 96 409 1,090 Ž 11.151 687 34 443 1,147 Čelić 8,767 685 1,336 2.884 3,489 173 544 1.313 2.141 14 51 159 Ž 4,372 512 792 1,571 1,358 2 21 126 Čelinac Total 13.220 846 1,338 3.376 6,646 70 301 643 m 6,516 113 482 1.662 Ž 6.704 733 856 1.714 2.942 7 110 342 Čitluk 14,758 369 1.074 2.467 8.453 84 491 1,820 m 7.261 46 325 1,072 Ž 7,497 323 749 1.395 3,720 23 260 1,027

156 Territory Gender Overbeat Basic EducationPotome Education SchoolSpecialization After Central School School School / Faculty / Academy Area Sex Total No EducationIncomplete Primary EducationPrimary SchoolSecondary SchoolSpecialization Post-Secondaryhigh School and Faculty Level for the fir Sthigh School Derventa Total 23,643 1,586 2,822 5.490 11.652 132 577 1,384 m 11.498 295 1,060 2,561 Ž 12.145 1,291 1,762 714 Doboj Total 61,332 4,842 534 1.906 1,849 5,960 17,264 468 1,123 2,524 Ž 31.632 2,890 4,254 7,824 13.49 4 66 783 2.321 Doboj-east total 8,530 682 974 2.026 4.280 136 279 863 2.556 20 70 232 1.163 1.724 4 32 210 Doboj-south Total 3.355 130 266 854 1.864 23 47 171 m 1.660 4 61 346 1,121 21 26 91 Ž 1,695 126 205 508 753 2 21 80 Dobretići Total 1.489 174 150 451 651 1 12 Ž 664 140 69 206 221 0 7 21 Domijaljevac- Šamac Total 4,099 259 687 968 1,754 30 112 289 m 2.026 54 297 488 973 19 64 131 Ž 2,073 205 390 158 Donji Vakuf 11,486 631 1,308 3,250 5,464 129 370 1,432 3.313 19 116 285 Ž 5,822 502 938 1.818 2.181 5 141 237 Donji Žobar Total 3.248 211 717 834 1.326 10 39 111 m 1.631 37 307 419 773 8 24 63 ж 1,617 174 254 Двар Цвна 6,358 273 534 1.232 3.090 39 105 466 2.098 27 162 193 ж 3.218 234 429 766 1,496 5 118 170 Foča - FBiH Total 1.692 148 225 440 748 11:00 825 124 154 238 262 3 13 31 Foča - RS Total 16.050 782 1,322 1.042 m 8.061 93 352 1,330 5.044 94 347 801 Ž 7,989 689 970 1,713 3,711 14 191 7.426 681 1,369 2.448 m 5,197 133 466 1,059 2,861 36 154 488 ж 5,259 548 903 1,389 1,905 6 81 397 Gacko Total 7.57 273 504 1.373 3.953 270 346 857 m 3.803 24 138 537 2.224 250 196 434 Ž 3,773 249 366 836 1,729 20 150 423Education Education

157 Territory Gender Overbeat Basic Educational SchoolGeneral SchoolSpecialization After Central School School / Faculty / Academy Area Sex Total No EducationIncomplete Primary EducationPrimary SchoolSecondary SchoolSpecialization Post-Secondaryhigh School and Faculty Level for the Fir Sthigh School Glamoč Total 3.357 244 443 781 1,572 13 94 210 m 1.683 40 146 357 963 10 58 109 424 609 3 36 101 Goražde Total 17,988 915 190 468 1.727 m 8.637 118 309 1,544 5,252 163 318 933 Ž 9,351 797 1,079 2,653 3.851 27 150 794 Gornji Vakuf- Uskoplje Total 17,280 1,145 1,628 4,130 8,817 5,186 885 1,159 2,205 3.625 5 216 491 Gracanica Total 37,560 1,989 4,671 9.413 1,272 189 676 2.110 m 17,771 353 1,278 3,765 10,727 175 409 1,064 § 19.789 1,636 3,383 5,648 7.795 14 267 1,046 City of Mostar Total 90.092 2,024 4.310 14.243 50.196 698 4.422 14.199 m 43.180 275 929 5.501 27.372 555 2.202 6.346 F 46.912 1.749 3.381 8.742 22.824 143 2220 7.853 Gradacac Total 32.599 1.62 1,556 m 15.729 344 1.387 4.069 8.767 105 290 767 F 16.870 1,316 3.190 5,339 5,983 31 222 789 Gradiška Total 44,830 2,675 4.909 10.068 22.943 210 1,300 2.725 m 21.796 444 1,860 4.710 12.566 155 698 1.363 F 23.034 2.231 3.049 5.358 10.377 55 602 6 7.830 75 741 1.738 m 7.193 89 352 1.172 4.306 50 366 858 Ž 7.262 437 727 1.294 3.524 25 375 880 Hadžići Total 19.787 1.177 1.630 4.317 10.861 89 406 1,307 m 9.784 266 272 1.641 6.625 74 267 639 Ž 10.003 911 1.358 2.676 4.236 2 693 1.553 21 111 289 M 1,458 22 61 278 864 20 68 145 F 1.671 178 201 415 689 1 43 144 Ilidza Total 55.476 1,729 2,597 9.887 31.683 375 1,896 7.309 m 26.573 264 419 3.476 17,593 311 1,085 3.455 Ž 28.903 64 811 3,854 ILIAŠ Total 16,278 990 1.548 3.968 8.352 97 282 1.041 M 7.705 112 336 1,526 4.982 82 169 498 F 8.573 878 1.212 2.442 3.370 15 113 543 Eastern Ilidza Total 12.736 285 554 1.693 7.634 142 527 1,9015 31 F 6.665 250 489 1.170 3.466 17 203 1.070

158 Territory of gender of the total education of a high school elementary education of the school schoolsdown after high school school and the first degree of college / college / Academy / Academy / University of AREA Sex Total No EducationinComate Primary EducationPrimary ScholseCond Hard Hungary and Faceddation Level for the Firsthigh School Eastern Drvar Total 76 5 6 11 33 3 7 11 m 50 0 4 4 25 2 6 9 F 26 5 2 7 8 1 1 2 EASTERNA Mostar Total 220 19 41 39 104 0 2 15 m 122 1 21 25 66 0 2 7 F 98 18 20 14 38 0 0 8 East Old Town 1,016 63 133 168 554 16 29 53 m 495 5 29 76 333 15 16 21 F 521 58 104 92 221 1 13 32 East Novo Sarajevo Total 9.016 194 460 1.108 5.171 81 383 1.619 m 4.260 26 89 362 2.708 69 229 777 Ž 4.756 168 371 746 2,463 12 154 842 Jablanica Total 8.779 483 1,031 1.662 4.565 133 236 669 m 4.337 59 254 638 2.795 127 142 322 Ž 4.442 424 777 1.024 1.77 3.291 4.851 11.293 113 522 1.249 m 11.605 281 1.039 2.227 7.050 86 241 681 F 11.157 1.162 2.252 2.624 4.243 27 281 568 Lake total 979 80 108 250 482 1 20 38 m 517 14 40 116 308 1 13 25 F 462 66 68 134 174 0 7 1.699 3.704 7.556 15.259 313 602 1.861 M 15.332 287 821 2,703 9.882 295 335 1,009 Ž 15.662 1,412 2.883 4.853 5.377 18 267 852 Kalesija Total 27.239 1.714 3.528 6.841 78 2.869 8.660 94 170 657 F 13.637 1.440 2.650 3.972 4.932 21 101 521 Kalinovik Total 1,831 163 180 343 916 18 59 152 m 906 11 49 126 577 14 42 87 F 925 152 131 217 339 4 17 65 Kiseljak Total 17.209 860 1.873 3.616 9.291 80 349 1.140 m 8.484 128 493 Ž 8.725 732 1.380 2.043 3.796 9 143 622 Kladanj Total 10.428 455 1.154 2.730 5.276 24 174 615 m 5.103 76 287 1.070 3.206 16 108 340 Ž 5.325 379 867 1.660 2.070 8 66 275 Key 4 695 m 7.100 132 536 1.778 4.083 51 175 345 F 7.150 786 980 1.975 2.867 23 169 350

159 Territory Gender Overall Education Note Primary Primary Education Social School Subject to High School of School and Faculty of Faculty / Faculty / Academy / Academy / Academy / Faculty of Faculty / Academy / University of Area Sex Total No EducatiinCTENCE PRIMARY EDUCATIONPRIMARY SHOLSECONDERY Schoolspecialization Level for the Firsthigh School Knezevo Total 8.407 1,410 767 2.005 3.733 12 130 350 m 4.180 317 328 1,046 2.188 11 93 197 F 4.227 1,093 439 959 1.545 1 37 153 Konjic Total 21.475 1.320 2.665 5.206 9.767 144 663 1.710 m 10.530 204 778 2.205 7 3.001 3.830 14 266 831 Kostajnica Total 5,255 167 390 1.168 2,983 25 211 311 M 2.596 30 133 511 1.659 19 94 150 F 2.659 137 257 657 1,324 6 117 161 Kotor Varoš Total 16,560 1.537 1.217 4.065 8.557 91 244 849 4 449 Ž 8.362 1.243 811 2.139 3.655 24 90 400 Kozarska Dubica Total 18.958 997 1,921 4.024 10.188 96 671 1,061 M 9.214 155 690 1.879 5.540 68 358 524 F 9.744 842 1.231 2.145 4.648 28 313 61 2.391 22 119 309 m 2.165 41 138 335 1.416 19 69 147 Ž 2.304 249 339 526 975 3 50 162 Krupa on Una total 1,415 158 319 532 373 6 12 15 m 772 19 166 322 247 4 7 Ž 643 139 153 210 126 2 5 8 Kupres - FBiH total 4,362 217 421 714 2.154 11 220 625 m 2.186 37 170 358 1.159 8 120 334 F 2.176 180 251 356 995 3 100 291 Kupres - RS Total 272 103 19 57 85 1 3 4 M 141 33 9 34 59 0 3 3 F 131 70 10 23 26 1 0 1 Laktaši Total 29.466 1.372 2.534 6.723 16.047 173 839 1.778 m 14.513 231 959 3.147 8.708 145 472 851 Ž 14.953 1.141 1.575 3.576 7.339 28 367 927 Livno Total 29,544 1,393 3,312 1,457 3,432 2,499,191 104 792 1,192 2,074 1.741 Lopare Total 13.471 5,818 69 226 597 m 6,741 245 953 1.737 3.374 48 138 286 W 6695 1.00 8 1,189 1,634 2.444 21 88 311 Lukavac 38,498 2,081 4,069 7,860 2,355 517 690.

160 Territory Gender Overweight Basic EducationPotome SchoolGeneral SchoolSpecialization After Central School School School / Faculty / Academy Area Sex Total No EducationIncomplete Primary EducationPrimary SchoolSecondary SchoolSpecialization Post-Secondaryhigh School and Faculty Level for the Fir Sthigh School Ljubine Total 3.037 112 281 637 1,508 83 139 277 m 1.487 13 65 270 838 74 73 216 367 670 9 66 123 Ljubuski Total 23.409 691 2,547 3,589 1,694 6,924 83 416 1,440 Ž 11.872 600 1,658 1,815 5,761 55 475 1,508 Maglaj Total 19,451 831 2,087 4.758 10.053 208 417 1,097 1,890 Ž 9.962 4.084 35 184 547 Milići Total 9.792 666 750 2,522 4.941 17 237 659 m 4.941 106 222 1.107 3.030 11 124 341 ž 4.851 560 528 1,415 1,911 6 113 318 Modriča Total 22,2001,294 2,967 5.431 1,069 2,537 5,836 1,098 1,858 2,896 1,048 1,898 2,896 1,048 1,440 City Total 14,378 6,936 92 368 885 m 6,950 219 792 1,416 3,792 74 212 445 1,015 1,380 3.144 18 156 440 Neum Total 3.928 204 282 532 m 1.980 34 87 281 1,948 170 195 327 935 8 68 245 Nevesinje Total 10.990 552 1,058 2.220 5.797 58 400 905 m 5.452 58 268 975 3.368 52 241 490 1.245 2,429 6 159 415 Novi Grad 23,751 1,049 2,216 5,922 12.255 126 795 1,388 2,824 6,901 90 403 667 W 11.925 876 1,448 3.098 5.354 36 392 721 City Sarajevo Total 99,792 2,624 4,062 4,084 16,824 m 46,109 362,746 2,246 126 1,846 9.359 Novi Travnik Total 19,678 844 1,863 4,298 10,488 335 520 1.330 m 9.715 126 359 1,682 6,287 30 1 300 660 Ž 9.963 718 1,504 2,616 4,201 34 220 670 NOVO GORAŽDE Total 2,843 134 169 641 1,472 22 54 246 1,332 118 115 400 613 0 11 81 Novo Sarajevo Total 55,946 872 1.351 6,456 27,377 446 3,299 16,145 m 25,028 119 210 2,258 13,288 346 1,675 7.132 Ž 30.918 753 1,141 4.198 14.089 100 1,624 9,013Education Education

161 Territory Gender Overbeat Basic EducationPhone SchoolGeneral SchoolSpecialization After Central School School / Faculty / Academy Area Sex Total No EducationIncomplete Primary EducationPecialization Post-Secondaryhigh School and Faculty Level for the Fir Sthigh School odžna Total 16.269 899 1.925 3,982 8.118 94 364 887 m 8.059 182 718 1,870 Ž 8.210 717 1.207 2.112 3,585 24 150 415 511 1.122 2.421 4.382 62 243 963 2.667 27 119 301 ж 4,434 449 879 1.458 1.373 5 65 205 Orašje Total 17.050 719 2,799 4.015 7.596 76 525 1,320 1,958 Ž 8.479 588 1,689 2.057 3.271 19 231 624 Osmaci Total 5.130 405 565 1.210 2.590 17 74 269 m 2.603 65 175 530 1.603 13 51 166 ž 2,527 340 390 680 987 4 23 103 Štra Luka Total 2.378 248 361 6626 43 160 361 610 11 16 25 Ž 1.152 205 201 305 385 2 20 34 Pale - FBiH Total 768 76 72 M 377 17 25 93 222 4 4 12 ж 391 53 67 156 100 0 3 12 Pale - RS Total 18.074 619 997 2.615 10.305 250 665 217 960 5,515 208 398 1,190 ж 9.506 539 780 1.655 4.790 42 267 1.433 Pelagićevo Total 4.654 305 1,152 1,234 1,681 12 110 160 m 2,327 50 485 665 966 8 58 667 569 715 4 52 65 Petrovac 307 11 28 57 172 0 13 26 m 143 0 4 23 97 0 6 13 Ž 164 11 24 34 75 0 7 13 Petrovo Total 5.717 406 741 1,130 2,917 81 170 272 m 2.720 76 109 141 Ž 2,972 358 559 661 1,197 5 61 131 Total 16.461 779 864 3.149 M 8.253 134 293 1,558 5.026 69 351 822 Ž 8.208 645 571 1,591 3.994 34 439 934 Prijedor Total 78.027 4.084 6,440 16,482 5,235 7,314 23,423 528 1,327,511 ж 40,026 3,275 4,429 9.168 18.891 203 1.336 2.724 Prnjavor Total 30,793 13.681 4,547 7,875 13.509 119 698 1. 434 m 14.947 393 1,985 3.874 7.530 89 400 676 Ž 15.846 2.288 2.562 3,931 5.979 30 298 758

162 Territory Gender Overbeat Basic EducationPotome Education SchoolSconditions SchoolSpecialization After Central Skolevis Schools and the First Degree of the Faculty of School / Faculty / Academy / University Area Sex Total No EducationinComplete Primary EducationPrimary Schoolsecony Schoolspecialization Post-SECONDARYHIGHY SCHOOL AND FACULTY LEVEL FOR THE FIRSTHIGH SCHOOL WINDOW 11,798 943 1.507 2.471 5.640 25 301 911 M 5,931 204 528 1.244 3.308 482 Ž 5 27 2.332 8 153 429 straight total 2,810 83 206 442 1.588 6 180 305 m 1.449 7 53 204 910 4 98 173 F 1.361 76 153 238 678 2 82 132 Ribnik total 5,238 686 657 1,308 2.267 14 100 206 m 2.596 120 256 665 1.361 13 69 112 F 2.642 566 401 643 906 1 31 94 1 31 94 Rogatica Total 9.252 641 809 1,799 4.879 58 324 742 m 4.527 90 242 740 2,822 50 213 370 Ž 4.725 551 567 1,059 2.057 8 111 372 Rudo Total 6.977 288 731 1.364 3.792 13 300 489 m 3.525 247 532 834 1,477 2 116 244 Sanski Most Total 35.346 2,061 2.511 8.907 18.955 207 890 1.815 m 17.681 366 849 3.935 11.103 128 438 862 F 17.665 1.695 1.662 1.972 7.852 79 452 953. 3.667 11 56 285 m 4.655 148 325 1,457 2.509 8 33 175 Ž 4.421 612 1.042 1.473 1.158 3 23 110 Falcon total 10.395 403 765 1.841 5.747 74 403 1.162 m 5.080 54 215 745 3.214 59 243 550 F 5.315 349 550 1.096 2.533 15 6.776 64 350 836 m 7.356 236 877 1,911 3.621 46 235 430 F 7.717 894 1,186 1,943 3.155 18 115 406 Srebrenica Total 11.671 912 1.133 2.825 5.548 44 341 868 m 5,710 117 321 1.279 3.305 30 199 Ž 5.96 409 Srebrenik Total 32,955 2.208 4.665 8.593 15.295 145 395 1,654 m 15.918 384 1,428 3.715 9.129 124 257 881 F 17.037 1.824 3.237 4.878 6.166 218 773 Old Town Sarajevo Total 31.979 710 1.020 4.518 18.034 2,033 9.459 197 736 2.639 F 17.059 610 865 2.884 8.575 41 617 3.467 Stolac total 12.270 570 902 2.417 6.576 74 470 1.261 m 6.174 112 278 980 3.873 63 259 609 Ž 6.096 458 624 1.437 2.703 11 211 652

163 Territory of gender of the total education of the high school elementary education of the school schoolsdown after high school school and the first degree of faculty school / college / academy / university of the sex total no educatiincutinComate Primary EducationPrimary ScholseCond Hungary Scochighting Level for the Firsthigh School Samac Total 15.178 635 2,070 3.646 7.217 57 522 1,031 M 7.313 91 737 1,591 4.009 43 288 554 F 7.865 544 1.333 2.055 3.208 14 234 477 Šekovići Total 5,901 669 462 1,465 2.821 185 311 m 2.932 120 187 653 1.704 5 812 1.117 0 71 145 SIPOVO Total 8.821 748 918 1.899 4.596 22 199 439 m 4.452 123 353 907 2,685 20 126 238 F 4.369 625 565 992 1.911 2 73 201 Siroki Brijeg Total 23.721 964 1.777 3.451 13.451 71 1,005 96 1,446 Ž 12.027 828 1.239 1.818 6.061 16 509 1,556 Theocak Total 6.224 410 762 1,846 2,938 20 41 207 m 3.146 82 197 823 1.891 16 19 118 F 3.078 328 565 1,023 1.047 4 22 89 TELIĆ Total 32.478 3.332 4.486 30 m 15.541 479 1.577 3.674 8.582 144 352 733 Ž 16.937 2.853 2.909 3.952 6.233 34 259 697 Tešanj Total 34.938 1.730 3.225 9.991 17.257 271 677 1.787 m 17.197 266 947 4.192 10.235 236 390 931. 25 287 856 Tomislavgrad Total 26.415 1,432 2.290 5.398 13.379 74 988 2.854 m 13.397 256 803 2.765 7.566 46 495 1,466 F 13.018 1.176 1,487 2.633 5.813 28 493 1,388 Travnik Total 44.364 2.182 5.388 11.614 20.889 248 1.068 2.975 M 21.83 519 F 22.532 1.737 3.821 6.612 8.422 37 447 1,456 Trebinje Total 24.810 390 1.169 3.814 14.080 440 1.490 3.427 m 11.976 47 213 1.286 7.469 402 827 1,732 F 12.834 343 956 2.528 6.611 38 663 1.695 Trnovo - FBiH Total 1,372 203 217 290 549 23 3 Ž 693 175 150 166 158 2 5 37 Trnovo - RS Total 1,842 144 154 344 983 16 53 148 m 879 14 37 106 598 14 38 72 F 963 130 117 238 385 2 15 76 Tuzla Total 96.349 3.226 6.228 15.907 52.917 1.125 3.591 6.043 28.217 933 1.961 6.260 F 51.072 2.813 4.778 9.864 24.700 192 1.630 7.095

164 Gender Territory Overall Education Note Primary Primary Education Social School Subject to High School of School and Faculty of Faculty / Faculty / Academy / Academy / Academy / Faculty of Faculty / Academy / University of AREA Sex Total No Educationincomplete Primary Educational SchoolseCond Hungarlizalization Level for the Firsthigh School Ugljevik Total 13.467 868 1.850 3.028 6.405 102 266 948 m 6.788 135 740 1.444 3.741 93 164 471 F 6.679 733 1,110 1.584 2.664 9 102 477 Usora Total 5,732 420 478 1,370 3.000 42 121 301 m 2.832 48 68 68 68 66 32 244 10 51 156 Vares Total 7.947 299 1,345 1.649 3.914 88 161 491 M 3.877 30 264 623 2.521 82 89 268 F 4.070 269 1,081 1.393 6 72 223 Velika Kladusa Total 32.059 2.257 5.157 11.344 11.47 5.360 6.766 48 291 611 ж 16.483 1,762 3.152 5,984 4,711 23 24.974 1,394 3,457 6,951 2,567 m 16.110 200 398 1,155 Ž 16.864 1.176 2,536 3.921 7.436 26 357 1.412 Višegrad Total 9.410 598 812 1,688 4.910 139 391 872 M 4.483 70 211 617 2,826 122 204 433 Ž 4,927 528 601 1,071 2.084 17 187 1,941 4,317 11.791 208 614 1,472 1,713 6,815 184 369 695 Ž 10.776 690 1,460 2.604 4.976 24 245 777 Vlasenica Total 9.814 645 784 2.394 5.028 32 217 714 m 4.769 104 254 1.059 2.847 24 132 349 1.335 2.181 8 85 365 Vogošća Total 21,934 786 1,144 2.810 m 10.332 93 189 1,387 6,798 158 398 1,309 Ž 11.602 693 926 2.713 5.501 22 246 1,501 Vukosavlje Total 3.963 332 735 1,064 1.668 16 27 58 Ž 1.007 13 27 58 Ž 1.978 262 429 560 661 3 15 48 1,563 3.318 7.764 15.051 152 530 1.535 m 14.805 259 1,010 2,812 9,485 119 294 826 Ž 15.108 1,364 2,308 4,952 5,566 33 236 709 Total 92,906 2,731 8,547,1964,291 8.864 7.484 28.605 1,728 1,544 6,685 1,728 1,544. 1.409 3.216 m 24.431 497 1,500 5,575 14.159 268 779 1,653 Ž 24.930 2.789 3.308 6,675 9,922 43 630 1.563 education Education

165 Territory Gender Overbrews Economic Education Faculty SchoolSpecialization After Central School School School / Faculty / Academy Area Sex Total No EducationIncomplete Primary EducationPecialization Post-Secondaryhigh School and Faculty Level for the Fir Sthigh School Žepče Total 24,855 1,143 2.487 6.573 12.585 161 533 1,373 m 12.576 175 743 290 702 Ž 12.279 968 1,744 671 Živinice Total 47,865 2,673 220 605 2,755 m 23.607 369 1,144 1,423 15,656 200 378 1,437 Ž 24.258 2,304 4.581 6,751 9.097 20 227 1.278

Demography Education Demography Education Fočalivnivo Konjicglamočteslićdoćbanja Luka Gackopale TrebinjeBilećajedor City Mostar Nevesinjedrvarbikhać BijeljakTrdškarčko Kalinovacipovo Kupresbrca Bridge Varešcazin lead window-Rama Rudok Jajcezavidovići Ilijašderventa Posusjekakanjla KTAŠI MILIĆI BUDGRADEGRADNOVI CITY Zvornik Srebrenicačelinac Žepče Mrkonjić City of Zenica Neumkotor Varoš TrnovoBrod Lukavac Kladanj Bosansko Grahovo Ljubinjelopare Bugojnobosanski PetrovacModriča Fojnica Stolackneževo Živinice HadžićiBosanska Krupa Čajniče Ljubuškini Grudemaglaj Jablanica Fočakozarska Dubica Bratunac Čapljenjevitz Goraždešek Pijesak Berkjecrebrenik Kalesišakjvelika Kladušanica Uglasjik Sapna Palegenji Vakuf-Uskoplje Kreševorašje Busovačapetrovac Ilijašje Busovačapetrovac Ilidža Široki Brijeg Banovići Novi Travnik Kiseljakostra Luka Petrovo Brezaosmacipelagićevo Lake New Goraždetrnovo1Kostajnica Krupa na UNI Usora Dobretićivukosavlje Kupres Trnovoisto DrvaTePhodnji Žobar 9doboj -Исток 3 4 8 Domaljevac-Jug 2 7 9Doboj-Jug 96 56srbija Montenegro / MontenegronArd Municipality Names of Names of Municipalities Marked With Numbers 1 Vogošća 2 Centar Sarajevo 4 Novi Grad Sarajevo 5 Novo Sarajevo 6 East Stari Grad 7 East New Sarajevo 8 Eastern Ilidža 9 Eastern Mostar 20 0 20 40 60 80 100 10 KMstanovništa, Po municipalities, 2013. Persons with Tertiary Education, by Municipalities, 2013. High-educated Population / Persons with Tertiary Education Bosna and Herzegovina / Bosnia and Herzegovina: 12.71% below / under 5.00% 5.01% - 10.00% 10.01% - 15.00% 15.01% - 20.00% 20.00% and More / and more share of the population with higher and violent education in the total population of the old 15 and over, in%. Share of persons with tertiary education in the total population aged 15 and over, in%.

167 Fočalivnivo Konjiglamočteslićdoćnja Luka Gackopale TrebinjeBilećajedor City Mostar Nevesinjedrvarbihić Bijeljevrčko Kalinoviksravnik Tomislavrgradnik bridge Varešcazvor Sanski bridge Wedding dress Jajcezavidovići Ilijašderventa Posusjekakanjlaktaši Milići Ravnovi Grad Zvornik Srebrenicačelinac Žepče Mrkonjić City Zenica Neumkotor Varos TrnovoBrod Lukavac Kladanj Bosansko Grahovo Ljubinopare Bugojnobosanski PetrovacModriča Fojnica Stolacneževo Živinice HadžićiBosanska Krupa Čajniče Ljubuškivisoko Grudemaglaj Jablanica Fočakozarska Dubica Bratunac Čapljenjevitez Gorazdešek Pijesak Berkjecrebrenik Kalesišakjvelika Kladušanica Uglasjik Sapna Palegenji Vakuf-Uskoplje Kreševorašje Busovačapetrovac Ilidža Brijegbanovići Novi Travnik Kiseljakoštra Luka Petrovo Brezaosmacipelagićevo Lake Novo Usora Dobretićivukosavlje Kupres Žabar 9doboj-east 3 7 9Doboj-Jug 96 56srbija / Serbia Croatia / Croatia Montenegro / MontenegronAzivi Municipality Chelly Numbers Names of Municipalities Marked with numbers 1 Vogošća 2 Centar Sarajevo 3 Stari grad Sarajevo 5 Novo Sarajevo 6 Eastern Ostocno Novi Sarajevo 8 Eastern Ilidža 9 Eastern Mostar 20 0 20 40 60 80 100 10 kmstanicity with higher and higher education, by municipalities, by municipalities, by municipalities, by municipalities, by municipalities, 2013. Persons with Tertiary Education, by municipalities, 2013. High-educated population / persons with Tertiary Education Bosnia and Herzegovina / Bosnia and Herzegovina: 12,71% Under / Under 5.00% 5.01% - 10.00% 10.01 % - 15.00% 15.01% - 20.00% 20.00% and more of the population share with higher and violent education in the overall population of the old 15 and over, in%. Share of persons with tertiary education in the total population aged 15 and over, in% .tery gender Overall domestic literate resolutions that partially know the work of the computer scutronic illiterate characteristic of Area Sex Total Bosnia and HerzegovinaUk. 3,180,155 1,152,353 758,800 1,229,972 38,990 m 1.551,947 593.072 395.395 545.075 18,495 Ž 1.628.168 559.341 363.405 684.897 20,525 Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovinauk. 1,988.325 765.765 475.469 723.834 23.257 m 969.343 396.058 248,143 313,947 11.195 ж 1,018.982 369.707 227,326 409,887 12.062 Republika Srpskauk. 1.116.751 361,446 263.780 477.307 14.218 m 545.767 183,942 137.065 218.232 6.528 ж 570.984 177.504 126,715 259.075 7.690 Brčko District Bosnia and Herzegovinauk. 75.039 25.142 19.551 28.831 1,515 m 36.837 13.012 10.187 12.896 742 Ž 38.202 12.130 9,364 15,935 77312.1. Computer written population ages 10 and over to sex, level BiH, F BiH, RS and BD Computer Literate Population Aged 10 and over by sex, Level BiH, F BiH, RS and BD Graph 12.1. Population aged 10 and over according to computer literacy and sex, BiH level Graph 12.1. Population Aged 10 and over by Computer Literacy and Sex, Level BiH

168 Graph 12.4. Population aged 10 and over according to computer literacy and gender, level BD Graph 12.4. Population Aged 10 And Over by Computer Literacy and Sex, Level BdEdtion Education

169 Graph 12.2. Population aged 10 and over according to computer literacy and sex, level F BiH Graph 12.2. Population Aged 10 and Over by Computer Literacy and Sex, Level F BiH Graph 12.3. Population aged 10 and over according to computer literacy and gender, RS Graph 12.3. Population Aged 10 and over by Computer Literacy and Sex, Level RS

170 Territory Gender Overcharge written indicative Liculator that partially knows the computer scientaruconation of Area Sex Total Computer Literate Personpersons Who are partially familiar with the work on the computerComputer Illiterate Peopleunknown Una-Sanski Cantonuk. 242,679 83.648 73.479 81.349 4.203 m 119.613 43.998 38.411 35.185 2.019 ж 123.066 39.650 35.068 46.164 2.184 Posavina Cantonuk. 39.884 12.875 10,810 15,350 849 m 19,979 6,862 5,753 6,941 423 ž 19.905 6.013 5.057 8.409 426 Tuzlanski kantonuk. 399.251 141,869 88,920 164,868 3.654 m 193,825 75.437 45,989 70.706 1,693 Ž 205.426 66,372 42,931 94.162 1.961 Zenica-Doboj Cantonuk. 324,917 112.602 79,290 130,388 2,637 m 160,55 59,695 41,678 57,858 1,275 W 164.412 52.908 37,612 72,530 1,362 Bosnian-Podrinje Cantonuk. 21.678 8.359 3,978 9,182 159 m 10,516 4,472 2.067 3,898 79 Ž 11.162 3,887 1,911 5.284 80 Central Bosnia Cantonuk. 227.416 71.673 63.199 88.736 3.808 m 113.184 37,925 33,590 39,807 1,862 Ž 114.232 33,748 29,609 48,929 1,946 Herzegovina-Neretva Cantonuk. 200.424 80,617 49.419 67.604 2,784 m 97,9999 41.083 26.093 29,498 1,325 ж 102.425 39,534 23,326 38.106 1,459 Western Horecian Cantonuk. 84.362 31,794 24,505 26,562 1,551 m 41,853 16,265 13,039 11.509 15,529 11,456 14,775 739 Sarajevouk Canton. 370.879 196.482 58.382 113,462 2,553 m 173,305 96,733 28,840 46,490 1,242 Ž 197,574 99,749 29,542 66,972 1,311 Canton 10uk. 76.835 25.906 23.487 26.333 1.109 m 38,564 13,589 12.683 11.777 515 Ž 38.271 12.317 10,874 14,556 59412.2. Population 15 years and up to the highest completed school and sex, canton level in F BiH population Aged 15 and over by Highest Education Attainment and Sex, Canton Level In F Bihuplazing Education

171 12.3. Population aged 15 and over the highest completed school and gender, municipality in BiH population and sex, municipality level in BiH Territorium gender Total computer literal liciner that partially knows the computer sculptorously sculptor Area Sex Total Computer Literate Personpersons Who Are Partially Famil - Iar With The Work On The ComputerComputer IlliteRate 20.355 6,528 4.686 9.034 107 m 10.155 3,596 2.519 4.003 2.167 5.031 70 Banja Lukavo 166.696 79.187 29.270 56.838 1.401 m 79.790 38.35 9 14.494 26.264 673 ж 86.906 40.828 14.776 30.574 728 BERKOVICIUMNUNNO 1,891 447 435 234 243 192 519 26 Bihatchet 50,803 22,894 11,264 11.611 5,597 11,283 5,564 9,493 209 Bijeljinaud 97,499 29,799 25,239 41,032 1,429 m 47,531 15 .090 12.999 18.778 664 Ж 49.968 14.709 12.240 22.254 765 BILEĆAVANO 9,837 2,871 2,336 1,500 861 1,361 1,110 2.385 1,361 8.627 7.036 6,384 8,884 323 m 11,065 3,700 3.335 3.865 165 ž 11.562 3.336 3,049 5.019 158 Bosanski Petrovacup No 6.755 1,679 1,414 3,500 162 M 3,394 864 788 1,677 65 1,823 97 BOSLSKO GRAHOVOUSPOOKO 2,336 66 m 1.219 290 279 622 664 38 Bratunacemonga 18,296 313 m 9.023 3.143 2,729 3,014 137 W 9.273 2.775 2.288 4.034 176 Brckotal 75.039 25.142 19.551 28,831 1,515 m 36.837 13.012 10.187 12.896 742 Ž 38.202 12.130 9,364 15,935 773

172 Territory Gender Total Computer Written Liculates What partly knows the computerNaruconaturated illiterate LicanesNato Sex Total Computer Literate Personpersons Who Are Partially Famil - Iar With The Work On The ComputerComputer Illiterate PeopleUnknown Brezaukupno 12,809 4,258 2,799 5.698 54 m 6.261 2.274 1.48 2 2,480 25 Ž 6,548 1,984 1,317 3.218 29 Brodupops 15,177 4,810 m 7,349 2,461 2,176 2,626 1,936 3,352 131 9,397 8.002 10,616 290 m 13.956 4,920 4.149 4,746 145 ж 14.349 4,477 3,853 5,874 145 Busovača 15,870 4.932 4.2 15 6,497 226 m 8.067 2.609 2,265 3,082 111 Ž 7.803 2,323 1,950 3,415 115 BUŽIMUMUNO 16,590 5,703 M 8,478 3,160 Ž 8.112 2.543 2.546 2,667 356 Casinum 58.017 19.837 19,500 17,538 1,142 M 28.875 10.642 Ž 29.142 9.195 9.287 10.069 591 CENTER Sara YEVOUND 50.161 30,451 6,518 12,820 372 M 22,790 14,557 3,065 5,012 156 § 3,453 7,808 216 Čajniče čajno 4.498 1,219 1,190 688 588 531 1,143 23 Чаплихутелно 23,565 423 m 11.616 8.582 4,086 3.745 203 ж 11.949 3,363 3,645 4.721 220 CheliCum 9,454 2,289 2,826 4,245 94 m 4,740 1,247 1,546 1,022 2,299 51 Čelinacupko 14.038 4,085 2,938 6,912 103 m 6,938 2.075 1,548 2.010 1,390 3,629 62 Китлукупутно 16,048 6,033 4,871 4.921 223 m 7,907 3,059 2,557 2,187 104 ž 8.14 1 2.974 2.314 2,734 119 education Education

173 Territory Gender Total Computer Written Liculates Partially Known Racunarucomatura Sex Total Computer Literate Personpersons Who Are Partially Famil - Iar With The Work On The ComputerComputer Illiterate 25.011 6,692 6,546 11.260 513 m 12.180 3.527 3.417 5.001 235 ž 12.831 3.165 3.129 6.259 278 Dobojupno 64,800 19,200 728 m 31,574 9.949 8.113 13.152 3,037 2,142 3,177 3,013 2,141 3,127 76 m 4,478 1,641 1,101 1,699 37 ж 4,659 1.372 1,020 2.228 39 Doboj-JugupkuNo 3,614 1,446 859 1,292 17 m 1,790 783 438 562 7 Ž 1,824 663 421 730 10,545 350 544 631 20 m 857 190 350 194 326 8 DOMALJEVAC-ŠAMACUPKUNO 4,371 1,577 971 1,746 77 m 2,175 809 537 794 35 Ž 2,196 768 434 952 42 Donji VakuFukupo 12,444 3,475 3.624 5,223 122 m 6.158 1,835 1,986 1,640 1,681 2,805 80 Donji Žabarupno 3,479 752 916 1.732 367 418 925 22 дрварупку 6576 1,449 1,595 3,441 91 m 3,237 753 842 1.605 37 Ž 3,339 696 753 1,836 54 Foča - FBiHupan 1,777 587 262 338 148 114 501 2 Foča - RSUP 15.889 5.637 3,469 7.921 1,941 3,478 74 Ž 8.413 2,654 1.728 3.943 88 Fojnicutno 11.164 3.216 2.540 4.812 596 m 5,572 1,741 1,312 2,211 308 Ž 5.592 1,475 1,228 2.601 288

174 TERRITORY GENDER Total computer literal legal that partially knows the computer-sciented area Sex Total Computer Literate Personpersons Who Are Partially Famil - Iar With The Work On The ComputerComputer IlliteRate PeopleUnknown GackoUkNoo 8.128 3.073 1,785 3.172 98 m 4.110 1.559 1. 045 1,460 46 ж 4,018 1,514 740 1.712 52 GLAMOČUkupno 3.534 732 934 1.830 38 M 1.785 370 508 889 18 Ž 1.749 362 426 941 20 GORAŽDEUkupno 19.074 7.521 3.593 7.821 139 M 9.192 3.992 1.851 3.279 70 Ž 9.882 3.529 1.742 4.542 69 GORNJI VAKUF-USKOPLJEUkupno 18.630 4.829 6.400 6.865 536 M 9.354 2.594 3.413 3.084 263 ж 9.276 2.235 2.987 3.781 273 Gračanicekupno 40.102 12.186 9,969 17.585 362 m 19,078 6,559 5.048 7.301 170 ж 21.024 5,627 4.921 10.284 192 City Mostarups 95,573 45,967 20.062 28,728 816 m 45,957 22,975 10,313 12.298 445 Gradačacupupkutno 34,997 11,154 8.353 15.115 365 m 16,986 6,007 4,435 5.157 3,918 8.737 199 12.9.340 13,922 11.6 00 21,260 558 m 23.059 7.150 5,947 9.711 251 Ž 24.281 6,772 5,653 11,549 307 Grudétuku 15.551 5,551 4,514 2,826 2.425 2.324 155 Ž 7,821 2,725 2,089 2,860 147 Hadžići 8.73 m 10.528 4.450 2.056 3.857 165 Ž 10.644 3.887 1,654 4.945 158 Han Pijesakupkupo 3.266 909 7 26 1,620 11 m 1,528 446 381 697 4 Ž 1,738 463 345 923 7 Ilidžaeno 59,191 29,731 5,438 7,751 191 Ž 30,701 14,641 5,231 10.614 215 Ilijašupko 17,390 6,328 3,567 7,337 148 m 8.261 3,342 1.855 2.995 69 Ž 9.129 2,986 1,722 4.342 79obra Call Education

175 Territorium Gender Total computer literal liculis that partially know the computer scooter, see Sex Total Computer Literate Personpersons Who Are Partially Famil - Iar With The Work On The ComputerComputer Illiterate PeopleUnknown East Ilidžaema 13.431 5.855 2.698 4.794 84 m 6,402 2.8 24 1,379 2,177 32 ž 7.029 3,031 1,319 2,627 52 East wood 78 14 24 40 Ž 26 7 4 15 0 Eastern Mostarup 234 45 64 119 6 m 131 28 41 61 1 ж 103 17 23 58 5 Eastern old saleKupo 1,047 260 163 617 7 M 513 135 96 278 4 ж 534 125 67 339 3,520 4,646 1,705 3,124 877 1.337 828 1,767 40 Jablaniceutno 9.250 3.491 1.956 3,769 34 m 4.578 1.851 1,077 1,632 18 ž 4.672 1,640 879 2.137 16 Jajcekupno 24,413 7,818 6873 9.246 476 m 12,431 209 Ž 11.961 3,530 3,149 5.015 267 311 495 38 m 554 115 172 246 21 ж 491 86 139 249 17 Какабаку 33,2015 260 m 16.444 5,589 4,277 6,439 139 ж 16.76 1 4,820 3,629 8,191 121 Калесниу до 29.312 9,648 7.193 5,47 ж 14.632 4,247 3,367 6,659 359 Калиновикупарно 1,910 488 299 1,073 50 m 931 250 160 498 23 ж 979 238 139 575 6.217 4.411 7.756 109 m 9.158 3. 250 2.361 3,492 55 ж 9.335 2.967 2.050 4.264 54 Kladanjupko 11,140 3,976 2.621 4.440 103 m 5.457 2.183 1.348 1,884 42 Ž 5,683 1,793 1,273 2.556 61

176 Territory Gender Total Computer Written Liculer Which Partially Known Racunarucomatura Sex Total Computer Literate Personpersons Who Are Partially Famille - Iar With The Work On The ComputerComputer IlliteRate PeopleUnknown Key 15.236 5,319 4.604 2,778 2.494 2,213 119 Ž 7.632 2,541 2,125 2,874 102 Kneževookato 8,967 2.001 1,723 5,145 98 m 4,427 51 ж 4.504 952 7875 7,867 4.416 10.363 219 m 11.237 4,178 2,386 3,689 2,030 5,812 97 Kostajnicekutno 5,510 1,540 1,769 2.156 45 m 2,729 823 880 1.005 21 Ž 2,781 717 889 1,141 24 Котро симале 5:003 В 8.961 2.646 1,801 4.425 89 Козарска дубикотно 19.890 5,986 4.768 9,008 2,473 4,092 49 ж 10.194 2.904 2,295 4.916 79 3 1,532 1,159 2,028 44 m 2,323 768 605 925 25 ж 2,440 764 554 1,103 19 krupa na UNIUTUKO 1,491 139 270 1,076 64 117 4 Ž 685 64 110 509 2 KUPRES - FBIHUP 4,677 1,965 1,387 1,269 56 m 2,341 998 747 568 28 Ž 2,336 967 640 701 28 Kupres - Rsupko 286 23 32 230 1 ж 137 10 13 113 1 Laktašiupko 31.406 9,650 M 15.518 4.788 3,697 6,812 221 Ž 15.888 4.862 3,408 7.362 256 Livnothant 31.334 11.533 9.460 10.074 264 m 15.564 6,022 5.030 4,395 117 W 15.770 5,514 4,430 5,679 147 education Education

177 Gender Total Computer Written Liculates Partially Known Racunarucomatura Sex Total Computer Literate Personpersons Who Are Partially Famil - Iar With The Work On The ComputerComputer IlliteRate 14.210 3.111 3,537 7.300 262 m 7.174 1.605 1. 875 3.557 137 ž 7.036 1.506 1.662 3.743 125 Likavacupkutno 40,660 14,591 8.245 7.784 7,916 4,239 7.513 86 ж 1,521 81 Ж 1.573 81 р. 1,500 395 369 375 850 39 Ljubuškiukupo 25,259 8.920 7.762 8.179 398 m 12.508 4.546 4,167 3.602 193 Ž 12,751 4,374 3,595 4,577. 1 6.203 6.050 10.957 381 m 11.474 3,192 3,141 4,971 170 Ž 12.117 3,011 2,909 5,946 4,159 3,094 7,815 1,556 3,557 1,538 4,289 98 Inbox 4,210 1,653 1,151 1,341 57 m 2,158 874 608 609 27 Ž 2,092 779 551 732 30 Nevesi Care of 11,731 3.087 2.869 5,699 96 m 5.819 1,613 1,576 2,582 48 ж 5,912 1,474 Novi Grademkuh 25.060 6,426 6,407 11.794 Ž 12.524 3.084 3,026 6,174 3,084 3,026 6,174 55,791 17,158 32.161 643 m 49,176 27,315 8.359 13.169 333 W 56.577 28.476 8.799 18.992 310

178 Territory Gender Total Computer Written Liculates Partially Known Racunarucomatura Sex Total Computer Literate Personpersons Who Are Partially Famil - Iar With The Work On The ComputerComputer IlliteRate 21.169 6,737 6,608 7.485 339 m 10.488 3,548 3.559 3.206 175 ž 10.681 3,189 3,049 4,279 164 NEW Goraždeuopo 2.904 756 725 Ž 1.386 346 313 691 36.870 321 m 26,521 17.870 3,531 5,691 145 ж 32.262 18.768 4.139 9.179 176 Обе очапупайн 17.305 4,640 5. 642 6.470 553 m 8.589 2,465 2,955 2,898 271 2,687 3,572 282 Olovuteumo 9,322 100 m 4,627 1,541 1,026 2,023 8.685 63 Марешеутулно 18,208 6,658 4,157 7.858 2,261 3,215 сомер. 8.993 3,070 1,936 3,895 102 osma Cookup 5,470 1,611 1,574 2,211 74 m 2,773 908 854 978 33 Ž 2,697 703 720 1,233 527 1.498 17 m 1.316 268 279 760 738 8 Pale - FBIHUP 827 251 123 439 14 m 413 142 68 198 5 Ž 414 109 55 241 9 Pale - RSUPLANO 19.105 7.688 3,889 7.665 2,025 3,364 1,864 4.001 95 PelagićeVookupo 4.894 801 1.408 2.558 127 m 2.444 444 779 1,164 57 ж 2,450 357 629 1.394 70 Petrovacupupo 330 109 56 162 3 m 154 45 27 81 1 ж 176 64 29 81 2ducation Education

179 Territory Gender Total Computer Written Liculi, Partially Known Racunarucomatura Sex Total Computer Literate Personpersons Who Are Partially Famil - Iar With The Work On The ComputerComputer IlliteRate PeopleUnknown Petrovoukupo 5.980 1.426 1.338 3.180 36 m 2.868 752 679 1. 423 14 W 3,112 674 659 1,757 22 Posušjekupno 17,908 6,384 5,949 5,149 3,189 2.304 218 2.760 2.848 205 Prepared by 82,221 25,895 22,335 32,756 1,235 m 40.134 13.151 11.087 12.744 11.046 17.643 654 Prnjavorupko 32.724 8.673 7.349 16.406 295 m 15.924 4,489 3,834 7,455 146 § 16.799 4,184 3,515 8.951 149 4,341 4,360 648 m 6,433 1,813 2,333 336 equal 2.965 935 959 501 531 425 66 Ž 1,442 434 428 492 88 Ribnikupo 5.554 1.206 964 3.343 41 m 2.753 600 514 1,616 23 Ž 2,801 606 450 1,727 18.714 2,579 2,175 1,021 1,958 1,277 1,014 2,580 87 Rudookups 7,311 143 m 3,734 1.023 953 1.668 68 Ž 3.618 919 781 1,843 75 Sanski Mostup No 37.819 13.107 12.089 11.778 845 m 18,952 6,951 6,358 6,156 5,734 6,540 2,356 3,656 1,417 2,052 1,464 94 Ž 4,771 918 1.604 2,172 87 Sokolacemkurano 10,956 3,549 2.408 4.933 66 m 5,375 1.714 1.263 2.362 36 Ž 5,581 1,835 1,145 2,571 30

180 TERRITORY Gender Total computer literal liculis that partially know the computer scientaruccode Sex Total Computer Literate Personpersons Who Are Partially Famil - Iar With The Work On The ComputerComputer IlliteRate PeopleUnknown Srbacupkutno 15.994 3.752 4.185 7,874 253 m 7,838 1.987 2. 142 3,577 132 Ž 8.156 1,765 2.043 4.227 121 Srebrenicau 12.321 3,546 3,842 1,949 2,078 1,931 105 Ž 6.251 117 Srebrenikupkupo 35.263 10.782 7.956 17.158 4,202 6,846 171 Ž 18.155 4.893 3.754 9.309 199 Stari grad SarajevoVooka 33,760 17 .867 5.023 10.665 205 m 15.847 8.681 2,479 4,575 112 § 16.913 9.186 2,544 6,090 93 4,739 210 m 6,630 2,250 2,546 2,053 1,791 2,646 Шамацупутно 15,993 194 мод 7,731 2.576 Све прамате ж 8.262 2.367 1.914 3.872 109 Šekovićiuopo 6,228 1,622 1,383 3,091 132 m 3,109 845 759 1,440 624 1.651 67 Шиповотулно 9,390 2,289 2,252 1,248 1.655 1.061 1,082 2.419 93 Широки приремутно 25.644 10.939 6.280 8.047 378 м 12.655 5,644 3.258 3.55 196 ж 12.989 5,295 3.0 22 4,490 182 Theoostacucemate 6.670 1,800 2,096 2,684 90 m 3,159 1,040 1,111 760 979 1,510 8.758 8.601 4.597 4,286 7,601 115 ж 18.009 4.161 4.100 9.603 145 Тешанкупно 37.764 13.628 9.798 14.076 262 m 18.646 7.394 5.078 6,039 135 Ž 19.118 6.234 4,720 8.037 127Education Education

181 Territory Total computer written residents that partially know the work on computer scunner's spoken Area Sex Total Computer Literate Personpersons Who Are Partially Famil - Iar With The Work On The ComputerComputer Illiterate PeopleUnknown Tomislavgradupko 28,393 9,689 9,667 8,433 5,177 3,698 287 4.390 4.735 307 Travnikupkupo 47,758 15,173 12.156 19.567 814 m 23,549 394 Ž 24.159 7,068 5.653 11.018 420 Trebinjeutno 26.35 5 10.928 5,547 9,704 176 m 12.772 5,525 2,857 4,320 70 Ž 13.583 5,403 2,690 5.384 106 Trnovo - FBiUkUno 1.421 310 183 923 117 417 506 3 TRNOBO - RSUP 156 915 11 m 922 363 169 384 6 Ž 995 322 137 531 5 Tuzlaukudno 101,165 46.430 17.762 36.336 637 m 47,685 23,198 8,575 15,599 313 9,197 20,737 324 Ugljevikupko 14,287 4,197 3,368 2,245 1,789 1.962 1.571 1,850 2,041 2.142 48 m 3,009 963 1,095 923 28 87 946 1,219 20 Walking 8.326 2.732 1.401 4.147 46 m 4.082 1.501 750 1.807 24 ж 4,244 1,231 651 2,343 437 m 16,981 4,292 6.732 5,754 6,197 7.851 12.141 7,269 15.636 247 m 17,339 6,389 3,832 6. 994 124 Ž 17.959 5.757 3,437 8.642 123 Visegrademato 9.898 3.352 1,949 4.368 229 m 4.732 1.747 1.009 1.950 26 ž 5.166 1.605 940 2.418 203

182 DEMOGRAPHY DEMOGRAPHYTERIJE gender Total computer written legisliers that partially knows the computerNutro Sex Total Computer Literate Personpersons Who Are Partially Famil - Iar With The Work On The ComputerComputer IlliteRate PeopleUnknown ViteSemoupal 22.910 7,997 6,667 8.010 236 m 11 .248 4.077 3.406 3,642 123 ž 11.662 3,920 3,261 4,368 113 VlasenicaUkutno 10,399 3,365 1,083 1,746 1,2316 1,619 1,268 2.294 135 11.765 3.874 7.993 1.940 3.023 69 Ž 12.263 5,772 1,934 4.496 61 Vukosavlje Detective 4,230 1.0 21 1,208 1,934 67 m 2,128 552 672 859 35 ž 2.112 469 536 1,075 32 Zavidovići 22,866 5,429 4,591 5,690 156 Ž 16.120 4.488 Зеницаукуль 98,950 38.474 21.869 37.891 716 m 48,727 19.881 11.383 17.103 345 ж 50,238 18.593 10.486 20.7 88 371 Zvornikupkupo 52,563 14,760 15,744 21.071 988 M 26,043 7,900 8,420 9,301 422 Ž 26,520 6,860 7,324 11.819 8.594 8.300 9.689 4.431 4.461 114 ж 13.266 4.047 3,869 5,262 122 Živinice2 11.198 17,067 11,436 22,382 6.023 9.762 160 ж 25.910 7. 724 5.413 12.556 217

184 labor labor Labor Force13.1. Working population according to the status in activities and sex, level BiH, F BiH, RS and BD Working Age Population by Activity Status, F BiH, RS and BD Level Spol Working Population Level Special Monastal Total Total Total General / Students (15 and older) Pensionerery performing home benefits for the RadostaliUplicable unemploymented earlier work experience Level Sexworking Age PopulationLabor Force Level Sex Total EmployeeSunjed TotalPupupils / Students (15 years of age and over) Retired personshousewife / Person performing household dutiesunable to work Others Total HAD WORKED BEFOREWITHOUT WORKING Experience BiH. 2,987,440 1,362,516 1,033,884 328,632 176,270 152,362 BiH. 1,624,924 277.185 602.180 449,188 m 1.453.294 816.618 626,986 189,632 105.635 83.9922 306.494 8.196 29,899 159,865 Ž 1,534.146 139.898 406.898 139.000 70.635 68.365 ж 988.248 144.963 29 5,686 440,992 30.106 76,501 FBiHUK. 1,862,272 835.572 635.246 200.326 102,997 97,329 FBiHUK. 1,026,700 181,934 368,934 295.895 m 904,850 507.310 390.061 117.249 m 397.540 87.472 191.540 3,075 17,032 98.771 ж 957.422 328.262 245.185 83.077 39.623 43.454 ж 629.160 94.462 177.744 292 .820 16.129 48.005 RSUK. 1.054.733 496.882 376.156 120,726 68.967 51,759 Rsuk. 557.851 89.454 220.510 141.293 M 514.018 291.134 222.994 68.140 m 222.884 41.971 108.964 4,576 11.765 55.608 ж 540.715 205.748 153.162 52.586 29.222 23.364 ж 334.967 47.483 111.946 136.717 13. 001 26.220 BD BIHUK. 70.435 30.062 22,482 7,580 4,306 3,274 BD BIHUK. 40.373 5,797 12,736 12.000 2,078 7,762 m 34,426 18.174 13.931 4.243 2,516 1,727 m 16,252 1.102 5.486 ж 36.009 11.888 8.551 3,337 1,790 1,547 ж 24.121 3,018 6,396 11.455 976 2.276

185 Level Spol-Fixed Population Power Level Speleconomic Inactive Total Employees Employees Sequentials Performing Domestic Self-Bossers For Reastolic Operation Emergency Level SexWorking Level Sex Total EmployeeSunemployed TotalPupups / Students (15 Years Of Age and Over ) Retired PersonShousewife / Person Performing Household Dutiesunable to Work Others Total Had Worked BeforeWithout Working Experience BiH. 2,987,440 1,362,516 1,033,884 328,632 176,270 152,362 BiH. 1.624.924 277.185 602.180 449.188 60.00.366 m 1.453.216.639 M. 18397 M. 2006.898 M. 40.898 M. 409.898, 40.898, 40.000 70.635 68 .365.2.28.248 144.663 295.686 440.99.99 76.501 .501 pluk. 1.862.272 835.572 635.26 2002.326 102.997 97.329 pluk. 1.026.700 181.934.9335.89.475 M. 83.185 .185 83 .077 39.62 435.454 ž 629.460 9452 17462 .12 .820.005 rsuk. 1.054.733 496.882 3762.10.10.756 60.756 68.759 Rosuk. 557.851 .4542.510 141.293 Me 514.961 49.764.714.715 (472.715 203.715 103.162 52 .586 29.222 23.364 <334.463 111.546 BD Bahik. 70.435 30.062 22.482 7.580 4.306 3.34 BD Bahk. 40.393 5.797.128 M.078 M.148 1.42 1,481 1/436 1248 1248.356 1,451 11755 9755 9755 2.276 2.276

186 Radna Snaga Labour Force13.2. PLOODNOLY SPOLSOVANS SPOLSAPSTAPSLY LIVE PEACHIVOPSLESLOSLE Noučenici / Study (15 i Višee Godina) penzionerilica Buba Obavljajaju Kućne PosloGenpisobi answer Ranighterz Radnog Iskusta AgeShorespersa / Orstroming Househo LD Dutisunable to Workfers Total Had Worked BeforeWeOdom Working Experencence UNSCKi Chernustouco 22529 95.186 75.002 9,240 UNSCKU-Sanski Kannumuuch 10.702 47.712 42.40 10.40 10.459.71.459 102.782.782 18.780 11.518 35.352 3.752 3.404.184.1482 Posavski Knitonuuchu 37.418 1516 13.135 2.711 1.367 1.344 Posavski Kantonuokuiko 21.572 3.137 6.308 Me 9,282 1,480 430 7407 1,163 596 198 596 198.292 2.57.292 2.571 2.571 2.57.29. 713 694 1.522 Tuzzlanski KannukuuchO 375.124 162.139 48.402 42.139 Tuzlanski Chinese 213.085 34.830 68.637 737 8.094 M. 469. 32.182 32.482 72.372 72 72 72 .687 3.992 8.963 Zeničko-dobojski Counntonku Knitonuucho 169.965.467 59.141 57.535 4.473.349 m 1492 86.653 652.450.181.225.138 57.138 2.008 2.008 6.347 Bosa (Podinjski Kantonuuch.448 9.67 7.330 720 7430 7031 569 135.137 2.955 40311 I 9.881 5.271 4.495 779 Me 4.610 1871 2.866 2.831 59.925.925.925.632293 SRIP Abbiski Katonuuchu 116.536 19.040 40.117 49.140 159.142 8.232 7.110 I 45.535.672 295 2.262.465.485.41.485.485.485.488 1.712 84.889 83.179 21.7 10.905.95.805 Hercagova-Natterwanski ChinukuuchO 42.891.000 21.564 335. 7.261 3.402 3.861 Zaha Padnoseshugovač kintonuco Counconukuko 45.722 9.158 9.148 I.128 M.441 I.141 I.141 I.147 9597 9769 15.369 13.146.914.49 1.430 1.730.228 9616116116156148.508 2.98 18.508 18.508 78.963 34.922 4. 145.699 m 7.915.420.482 4353 34.62.622 7.968 (101.518 Kanton 72.516 3.516 3.18 3.410 karton 10ouk. 41.140 7.56.915 1.909 M.93.220 1221.220 1,288 2.978 1,878.978 998.767 902 1.954

187 Tyriano Spollradno Sposobno Stanagaštvonemslosloslosleno Buuhne Nuese PoslovesposOBnow answered radallyza Unemployed earlier rehearse Level Sexworking Age populationlabour force Level Sex Total EmployesuneMPloyed Totalpupils / Students (15 Years of Age and Over) Retired PersonShouseWife / Person Performing Houseust Dutiiesunable to Work Ortal Had Worked Perience Una-Sana Canton Cup 225.229 95.186 75.002 20.184 9.944 10.240 Una-Sana Canton Cup 130.043 20.368 35.646 42.439 5.224 26.366 m 110.711 60.052 47.650 12.402 6.540 5.862 m 50.659 10.015 18.459 623 2.782 18.780 F 114.518 35.134 27.35 10.353 17.187 41.816 2.442 7.586 Posavski Canton Council 37.418 15.846 13.135 2.711 1.367 1.344 Posavski Kantonon Cup 21,572 3.135 6.197 6.026 1.308 4.906 m 18.656 9.376 7.828 1.548 800 748 m 9.280 1.564 3.405 313 614 3.384 F 18.762 6.470 5.307 1.163 567 596 F 12.292 1.571 2.792 5.713 694 1.522 139 118.437 43.702 20.563 23.139 Tuzla Canton Cup 213.085 34.830 68.637 73.107 8.094 28.417 m 181,535 104.632 77.733 26.899 13.924 12.975 m 76.903 16.662 36.265 420 4.102 19.454 F 193.689 57.507 40.704 16.803 6.639 10.164 F 136.182 18.168 32.372 72.687 3.992 8.963. 100.289 33.736 17.283 16.453 Zenica-Doboj Canton Canton Centnonua 169.965 28.467 59.141 57.535 4.473 20.349 m 149.837 86.653 65.581 21.072 11.350 9.722 m 63.184 13.845 32.475 397 2.465 14.002 F 154.153 47.372 34.708 12.664 5.933 6.731 F 106.781 14.622 26.666 57.138 2.008 6.347 Bosnia and 569 Bosnian-Podrinje Canton Cup 11.441 2.035 5.137 2.955 403 911 m 9.881 5.271 4.495 776 463 313 m 4.610 971 2.760 64 198 617 Ž 10.567 3.736 3.182 554 298 256 F 6.831 1.064 2.377 2.891 205 294 Central Bosnian Canton Culture 211.486 94.950 70.025 24.925 12.632 5.707 4.048 17.17.17 m 105.017 59.482 44.140 15.342 8.232 7.110 m 45.535 9.604 21.972 295 2.262 11.402 F 106.469 35.468 25.885 9.583 4.400 5.183 F 71.001 9.990 18.098 35.412 1.786 5.715 Herzegovina-Neretva Canton Council 187.848 84.889 63.179 21.710 10.905 10.805. 869 23.530 2.892 14.844 m 91.629 48.738 36.747 11.991 6.168 5.823 m 42.891 9.988 21.564 331 1.354 9.654 Ž 96.219 36.151 26.432 9.719 4.737 4,982 Ž 60.068 10.836 19.305 23.199 1.538 5.190 West Herzegovina Canton Canton 78.046 32.324 25.061 7.263 3.402 3.861 West Herzegovina Canton 235 m 38.677 19.178 15.147 4.031 1.905 2.126 m 19.499 4.497 9.441 195 597 4.769 F 39.369 13.146 9.914 3.232 1.497 1,735 F 26.223 5.098 8.217 9.574 868 2,466 Kanton Sarajevo -Cup 350.333 176.096 137.925 38.171 22.956 15.215 Kanton Sarajevo -Cup 174.237 35.508 78.963 34.922 4.145 20.699 8 7.300 m 67.817 16.726 35.910 299 2.151 12.731 F 187.635 81.215 62.412 18.803 10.888 7.915 F 106.420 18.782 43.053 34.623 1.994 7.968 Canton 10s 72.250 31.110 24.516 6.594 3.184 3.410 Canton 10UK. 41.140 7.578 16.616 9.905 1.109 5,932 m 36.209 19.047 15.227 3.820 1.924 1.896 m 17.162 3.600 8.939 138 507 3.978 F 36.041 12.063 9.289 2.774 1.260 1.514 F 23.978 3.978 7.677.

188 Labor Force13.3 Working Power. Work capacity for status in activities and gender, Municipality level in BiH Working Age population by Status in activity and sex, municipality level in BiH territory of the sexual capacity of the population of territory of the territory of the commonly unknown employed total employed total performing homework for joyously unemployed unemployment with earlier level sexworking agreed by the working experience of Level Sexworking Age populationlabour force Level Sex Total Employesunemployed Totalpupils / Students (15 Years of Age and Over) Retired PersonShousewife / Person Performing House Househo. D WORKED BEFOREWITHOUT WORKING EXPERIENCE BANOVIĆIVIĆIKU 19.134 8.305 5.976 2.329 900 1,429 Banovići Cup 10.829 2.018 3.248 4.368 215 980 0 m 9.502 5.917 4.500 1.417 580 837 m 3.585 992 1.823 9 87 674 0 Ž 9.632 2.388 1.476 912 320 592 Ž 7.244 1.026 1.425 813 82.131 63.457 18.674 12.300 6.374 Banja Lukaau 75.682 15.614 36.132 12.165 2.116 9.655 0 M 75.249 43.478 33.490 9.988 6.683 3.305 m 31.771 7.107 17.236 327 1.101 6.000 0 F 82.564 38.653 29.967 8.686 5.617 3.069 ž 43.911 8.89 18.89 18.507 18.507 18.507 18.507 18.507 18.507 18.507 18.507 18.507 18.507. 3.655 0 Berkovići Cup 1,744 937 841 96 46 50 Berkovići -Cup 807 125 404 134 43 101 0 m 866 543 490 53 25 28 m 323 55 196 0 10 62 0 F 878 394 351 43 21 22 F 484 70 208 134 39 0 Bihać Cup 47.410 21.265 15.362 5.903 3.424 2.479 BIHAĆ Cup 26.145 5.096 9.351 179 8.904 3.275 1.990 1.285 m 10.422 2.451 4.544 119 452 2.856 0 F 24.809 9.086 6.458 2.628 1.434 1.194 F 15.723 2.645 4.807 6.403 281 1.587 0 Bijeljina Cup 91.821 46.44 36.051 10.393 5.888 4.505 Bijeljina kupo 45.377 7,267 14,919 13,190 22.031 5,459 3,195 2,264 M 17,175 3,417 7.362. 12 2,664 1,448 725 723 BILEPUALLY 5.103 886 2,652 854 172 539 0 m 4.638 2.395 1,585 810 366 1,305 61 72 370 1.079 638 359 279 Ž 2,860 451 1,347 793 100 169 0 Bosanska Krupau 20.015 827 7.405 1.534 827 707 Босски крупаупуно 12.076 1.937 3.332 4.003 593 2.211 0 m 10.219 5,572 4.593 979 573 1,800 55 305 1.534 0 ж 10.796 3,367 2.812 555 288 677 0 Bosanski Petrovacupko 6.367 2.574 2.095 479 336 143 Bosanski Petrovacupkudo 3.793 438 1.714 981 116 544 0 m 3.186 1,664 1,396 268 201 67 m 1,522 207 861 15 66 373 Ž 2,271 231 853 966 50 171 0 Bosansko Grahovookupo 2.264 726 503 223 128 95 Bosansko Grahovookupo 1,538 77 798 314 75 274 0 m 1.194 500 352 148 92 56 m 694 33 415 7 39 200 0 ж 1,070 226 151 75 36 39 74 0 Bratunacemonga 17.225 9.434 7.930 1.504 680 824 Bratunacemonga 7.791 1.456 2.810 2.136 305 1.084 0 m 8.467 5.653 4.793 860 395 465 m 2.814 722 1,286 32 130 644 0 Ž 8.758 3.781 3.137 644 285 359 ž 4.977 734 1.524 2.104 175 440 0

189 Territory Sposely Population Territory Special Monastal Inactive Unknown Total Total Total Sequences / StudentsDevelopment Emergency Emergency Emergency Level SexWorking Age PopulationLabor Force Level Sex Total EmployeeSunemployed TotalPupils / Students ( 15 years of age and Over) Retired PersonShousewife / Person Performing Household Dutiesunable to Work Others Total Had Worked BeforeWithout Working Experience BanoviciUkutno 19.134 8.305 5,976 2,329 900 1.429 BanoviciUkupno 10,829 2,018 3.248 4.368 215 980 1.417 580 837 m 3.585 992 1,823 9 87 674 0 ž 9.632 2,388 1,476 912 320 592 1.425 4.359 128 306 0 Banja Lukavo 157,813 18,674 12.300 6,374 15,614 36,152 12,175 2,149 43,478 33,490 9,988 6,683 3,305 m 31,771 7.107 17.236 327 1.10 1 6,000 0 ž 82.564 38.653 29.967 8.686 5,617 3.069 ж 43.911 8.507 18.896 11,838 1.015 3.655 0 Berkovići ा 207 50 50 Berkovići ा 87 ा Berkovię ा 207 125 404 134 43 101 0 m 866 543 490 53 25 28 m 323 55 196 0 10 62 0 ž 878 394 351 43 21 22 ж 484 70 208 134 33 39 0 BiHAćupkutno 47.410 21,265 2,462 BiHAćupato 26,145 5,096 9,343 0 m 22.601 12.179 8.904 Ž 10.422 2.851 4,544 119 452 2,856 0 Ž 24.809 9,086 6,458 2.628 1,434 1.194 Ž 15.723 2.645 4.807 6,403 281 1,587 0 Bijeljina echo 91,821 46.444 36.051 10.393 5,888 4,577 7,267 14,919 13,186 2,890 27,490 22.031 m 17,195 3,417 7.362 427 1,264 4,695 14.020 4,934 2,693 14.020 4,934 2.693 2,251 W 28,212 3,850 7,557 12. 759 1,626 2,420 0 BILEĆAUPULANO 9.215 4.112 2,664 1.448 725 723 BILEĆAUPULANO 5.103 886 2,652 854 172 2.395 1,585 810 366 1.305 61 72 370 1.073 638 359 279 Ž 2,860 451 1,347 793 100 169 0 Bosanska Krupaupko 21.015 829 7.405 1,534 827 707 Bosanska Krupaupo 12.076 1.937 3.332 4.003 593 2.211 0 M 10.219 5.572 4.593 979 573 406 M 4.647 953 1.800 55 305 1.534 0 Ž 10.796 3.367 2.812 555 254 301 Ž 7.429 984 1.532 3.948 288 677 0 BOSANSKI PETROVACUkupno 6.367 2.574 2.095 479 336 143 BOSANSKI PETROVACUkupno 3.793 438 1.714 981 116 544 0 m 3.186 1,664 1.396 268 201 67 m 1.522 207 861 15 66 Ž 2,271 231 853 966 50 171 0 Bosnian Grahovookupno 2.264 726 503 223 128 95 Bosansko Grahovookupo 1,538 77 798 314 75 274 0 m 1.194 500 352 148 92 56 m 694 33 415 7 39 200 0 383 36 39 Ž 844 44 383 307 36 74 0 9,434 7.930 1.504 680 824 Bratunacupkurano 7.791 1.456 2.810 2.136 305 1.084 0 m 8.467 5.653 4.793 860 395 465 m 2.814 722 1.286 32 130 644 0 ж 8.758 3.781 3.137 644 285 359 ž 4.977 734 1.524 2.104 175 440 0

190 Labor Forceteria Workforce Spotal Population Territory Special Monastal Inactive Unknown Total Employment Services For RadostaliUplicable Unemployment Level SexWorking Age PopulationLabor Force Level Sex Total EmployeesUnemployed Total Pupils / Students (15 Years of Age and Over) Retired PersonShousewife / Person PeronsHold Dutiesunable to Work Others Total Had Worked BeforeWithout Working Experience Brčkookupno 70.435 7,580 4.306 3.277 12,736 12.000 2.078 7.762 0 m 34.426 18.174 13.931 4.24 3 2,516 1,727 m 16,252 2,779 6,340 545 1.102 5.486 0 Ž 36.009 11.888 8.551 3.337 1.790 1.547 Ž 24.121 3.018 6.396 11.455 976 2.276 0 BREZAUkupno 12.109 5.169 4.354 815 413 402 BREZAUkupno 6.940 1.067 2.704 2.601 109 459 0 M 5.913 3.463 3.047 416 209 207 M 2.450 498 1.588 5 53 306 0 Ž 6.196 1.706 1.307 399 204 195 Ž 4,490 569 1,119 2,596 56 153 0 Brodulum 14,257 6891 5,372 1,519 971 3.028 1.868 267 1.02 0 m 6,862 3,970 м 2.929 429 1,500 35 149 816 0 ж 7.358 2.921 2.268 653 394 259 ж 4,437 472 1.528 1,833 118 486 0 Bugojnotha 26,431 11.925 8.086 3,839 2,024 1,815 4,026 412 2,257 4,026 2,359 1,252 2,589 38 229 1,545 0 ж 13.421 4.66 3,188 1,480 782 698 Ž 8.753 1.347 2,500 3.988 183 735 0 Buson 14.733 6.064 4.213 1,851 805 1,046 Buson 8.669 1,302 1,314 0 m 7.463. 5 485 870 BUŽIMUPUNO 8.096 1,562 1.628 3.113 426 1.690 3.760 930 792 1.036 11 234 951 0 W 7.407 2.335 Ž 5.072 770 632 Czinukupo 53.661 23.193 19.177 4.016 1.838 2,178 Cazinukupo 30,468 4.39 1 7.170 11.594 1.228 6.085 0 m 26,634 15,399 12,779 2,620 1,316 4,327 0 ж 27,027 7.794 6398 1,336 522 1,658 0 Centar Sarajevoemo 47,769 24,501 20.160 4,341 2,776 1,565 Centar Sarajevoemo 23,268 4. 984 12.592 3,109 377 2,206 0 m 21,568 12,339 10,192 2,127 2,397 5,303 47 207 1,368 9,968 2,194 1,379 815 3.062 170 838. 357 198 159 m 917 227 434 7 33 216 0 Ž 2.104 734 472 262 141 475 538 46 98 0 Чаплихутелно 21,938 9.444 7.122 2.494 2,297 4.951 2.946 350 1.950 0 m 10.787 5,561 4.287 1,274 644 630 m 5,226 1,077 2,615 66 153 1,315 0 ж 11,151 3,883 2.835 2,048 1,220 2,336 2,880 3,682 3,299 383 187 196 Celicum 5.085 748 1,230 1,794 407 926 2.153 245 137 108 m 1.997 371 738 19 189 680 0 Ž 4.372 1.284 1.146 138 50 88 ž 3.088 377 492 1.755 218 246 0

191 Territory Population Population Territory Special Monastal Inactive Unknown Total Employment ServicesS Perforement in the RadostaliUplicant Unemployment Level SexWorking Age PopulationLabor Force Level Sex Total EmployeeSunemployed TotalPupils / Students ( 15 years of age and Over) Retired PersonShousewife / Person Performing Household Dutiesunable to Work Others Total Had Worked BeforeWithout Working Experience Brčkookupo 70.435 30.062 22.482 7.580 12.373 5,797 12.736 12.000 2.078 7.762 0 m 34.426 18.174 13.931 4.243 2.5 16 1,727 m 16,252 2.779 6,340 545 1.102 5.486 0 ž 36.009 11.888 8.551 3,337 1,790 1,547 ж 24.121 3,018 2,376 0 BREZAUPLANO 12,1940 1,067 2,704 2.601 109 459 0 m 5.913 3.463 3,047 416 209 207 m 2.450 498 1.588 5 53 306 0 ž 6.196 1,706 1,307 399 204 195 Ž 4.490 569 1,136 2,596 56 153 0 Brodulum 14,257 6891 5,372 1,519 971 3,028 1,868 3,970 3,104 866 577 289 m 2,929 429 1,500 35 149 816 0 W 7.358 2.921 2.268 653 394 259 Ž 4,437 472 1,528 1,833 118 486 0 Bugojnotha 26,431 11.925 8.086 3.839 2.024 1.815 Bugojnotha 14,506 2,699 2,257 4.898 2,359 1,252 2,589 38 229 1,545 0 ж 13.421 4.668 Ž 8.72 1,368 Ž 8.753 1,347 2,500 3.988 183 7 35 0 Buson 6.064 4.213 1,851 805 1,046 Busoning 8,669 1,302 1,314 2,921 1,196 578 618 m 3,346 640 1,650 13 142 9.94. 70 BUŽIMUPUNO 8.096 1.562 1.668 3.113 426 1,327 3.760 930 378 552 m 3,024 791 Ž 7,407 2,335 Ž 5.072 770 632 3,102 192 376 0 Casinup 53.661 23.193 19.177 4,016 1,838 2,178 Causing 30,468 4,391 7. 170 11.594 1.228 6.085 0 m 26,634 15,399 12,779 2,620 1,316 1.304 m 11,235 2.164 639 1,337 522 874 Ž 19.233. 592 3,109 377 2.206 0 M 21.568 12.339 10.192 2.147 1.397 750 M 9.229 2.304 5.303 47 207 1.368 0 Ž 26.201 12.162 9.968 2.194 1.379 815 Ž 14.039 2.680 7.289 3.062 170 838 0 ČAJNIČEUkupno 4.264 1.977 1.358 619 339 280 ČAJNIČEUkupno 2.287 440 909 545 79 314 0 M 2.160 1.243 886 357 198 159 m 917 227 434 7 33 216. 3.883 2,835 1,048 516 532 Ž 7.268 1,220 2,336 2,880 3,682 3,299 383 187 196 Celicum 5.085 748 1,230 1,795 2,398 2,193 245 137 108 m 1.997 371 738 19 189 680 0 ж 4.372 1.284 1.146 138 50 88 W 3,088 377 492 1.755 218 246 0

192 Workforce Labor ForceteriaThe Spol-Able Population Territory Special Monastal Inactive Number of Total Towns / Students Performing Home Self-Bossers For Reaford Work Experiencies Level SexWorking Age PopulationLabor Force Level Sex Total EmployeesUnemployed Total Pupils / Students (15 Years of Age and Over) Retired PersonShousewife / Person PeronsHold Dutiesunable to Work Others Total Had Worked BeforeWithout Working Experience Челикацупутно 13.220 6.218 4.698 1,520 946 1,238 2.597 1,983 367 817 0 m 6.516 3.756 2,834 922 604 318 m 2,760 563 1.369 66 185 577 0 Ž 6,704 2.462 1,864 598 342 256 1,242 18.758 6.264 4.587 1,677 776 9.221 1.746 322 1.276 0 m 7.261 3.590 2.635 955 430 525 m 3,651 903 1.713 51 149 855 0 W 7.497 2,654 1.952 722 346 376 Ž 4,823 1,026 1,508 1,695 173 421 0 Derventa 23.643 1,137 639 DerventaUkupo 12.894 1.625 4.490 3.725 722 6326 5.316 1.010 667 343 m 5.172 7773 0 ž 12.145 4.423 3.657 766 470 296 Ž 7.722 848 2,289 3,470 376 739 0 Dobojupno 61,332 6,356 3,754 2,572 Dobojupno 34,380 4,532 13,258 0 m 29,700 16.456 12.752 13.244 2.124 6,682 330 753 10.496 7.841 2.655 1,483 .136 2.408 6.576 10.092 737 1.323 0 Doboj-Estokup 20.530 3.317 2.504 813 416 397 Игокупупока се 5.245 436 715 1.724 515 290 225 m 1.917 370 794 1 209 543 0 ж 4,374 1.078 780 298 126 172 ž 3.296 424 529 1.944 227 172 0 Doboj-Jugokupo 3.355 1,682 1,133 549 296 253 Doboj-Jugupupo 1,603 300 507 608 51 207,500 350 205 145 m 591 149 283 0 19 140 0 Ž 1,695 613 Ž 1,082 151 224 608 32 67 0 Dobretićiu 1,489 715 593 122 36 86 DobretićiUkuopo 774 58 252 231 45 181 23 185 6 35 126 0 Ž 664 264 206 58 12 46 W 400 36 67 225 17 55 0 Domaljevac-Šamacupkudo 4,099 1,887 1,684 203 92 111 Domaljevac-Šamacupupo 2.212 392 625 631 174 р. 989 181 355 43 77 273 0 ж 2,073 790 695 211 270 588 97 117 0 Donji VacuFukupo 11,486 5,349 3.735 1.614 828 786 Donji VacuFukupo 6.137 1,206 1,871 2,045 241 774 0 m 5,644 552 492 m 2.218 577 952 21 125 539 0 ж 5,822 1,903 Ž 3.919 629 915 2.024 116 235 0 Donji Žabarupko 3.248 1.303 960 343 133 210 Donji Žabarupo 1,945 255 451 745 175 319 0 m 1,631 898 674 224 89 135 m 73 240 0 Ž 1,617 405 286 119 44 75 715 96 79 дрварупупто 6,308 2,331 1,329 1,002 639 363 дрварупку 3,977 354 2.140 720 94 669 0 m 3,090 1,425 863 562 365 197 m 1.665 172 938 32 47 476 0 Ž 3.218 906 466 440 274 166 Ž 2,312 182 1.202 688 47 193 0

193 Territory Sposely Population Territory Special Monastal Inactive Unknown Total Employment ServicesS PerforementPersonation For Reaford Emergency Early SexWorking Age PopulationLabor Force Level Sex Total EmployeesUnemployed TotalPupils / Students ( 15 years of age and Over) Retired PersonShousewife / Person Performing Household Dutiesunable to Work Others Total Had Worked BeforeWithout Working Experience Челикацупутно 13.220 6.218 2.597 1.983 367 817 0 m 6.516 3.756 2,834 922 604 318 m 2,760 563 1.369 66 185 577 0 W 6,704 2.462 1,864 598 342 256 Ž 4,242 675 1,268 1,987 1,677 776 9.221 1,746 322 1.276 0 m 7.261 3.590 2.635 951 930 525 m 3,651 903 1.713 51 149 855 0 Ž 7.497 2.674 1.952 722 346 376 Ж 4.823 1,026 1.508 1.695 173 421 0 DerventaUno 23,643 1,137 639 DerventaUkuNo 12.894 1.625 4.490 3.725 722 6,332 5.316 1.010 667 343 m 5,172 777 2.201 255 346 1.423 0 ж 12.145 4.423 3.657 762 470 296 ž 7.722 848 2. 289 3,470 376 739 0 Dobojupno 61,332 6,356 3,754 2,572 Dobojupno 34,380 4,522 1,490 16.456 12.753 3,75 2.301 1.400 m 13.244 2.124 6,682 330 753 10.496 7.841 2,655 1,483 1,172 6 10.092 737 1,323 0 Doboj-St. 8.530 3.317 2.504 813 416 397 Doboj-Eboju-Student 5,213 794 1.323 1.945 436 715 0 m 4.156 2.239 1.724 515 290 225 m 1.917 370 794 1 209 543 0 F 4.374 1,078 780 298 1,944 227 172 0 Dobojan 3,355 1.682 1.133 549 296 253 Doboj-Jugu-Jug 1,673 300 507 608 51 207 0 M 1.660 1.069 719 350 205 145 m 591 149 283 0 19 140 0 F 1.695 613 414 199 91 108 F 1.082 151 224 608 32 67 0 1,489 715 593 122 36 86 Dobretići-Cup 774 58 252 231 52 181 0 m 825 451 387 64 24 40 m 374 22 185 6 35 126 0 Ž 664 264 206 58 12 46 F 400 36 67 225 17 55 0 Domaljevac 203 92 111 Domaljevac-Samacuvac Cup 2.212 392 625 631 174 390 0 m 2.026 1.097 989 108 51 57 m 929 181 355 43 77 273 0 F 2.073 790 695 95 41 54 F 1.283 211 270 588 97 117 0 828 786 Donji Vakufups 6.137 1.206 1.871 2.045 241 774 0 m 5.664 3.446 2.402 1.044 552 492 m 2.218 577 956 21 125 539 0 Ž 5.822 1.903 1.333 570 276 294 F 3.919 629 3 960 343 133 210 Donji Žabaruplje 1.945 255 451 745 175 319 0 m 1.631 898 674 224 89 135 m 733 102 282 30 79 240 0 F 1.617 405 286 119 44 75 F 1.212 153 169 715 96 79 0 Drvarukup 6.308 2.331 1.329 94 669 0 m 3.090 1.425 863 562 365 197 m 1.665 172 938 32 47 476 0 F 3.218 906 466 440 274 166 F 2.312 182 1.202 688 47 193 0

194 Labor forceteritory Gender Population Territory Territory of the Holiday Unactive Unknown Total Employed Total Total/Students (15 and More) Pensioner who performs a homework for joyously unemployed earlier level sexworking age. PLOYED TOTALPUPILS / Students (15 years of age and over) retired PersonShouseWife/Person Performing Househouse dutiesunable to work Others Total Had Worked Beforewithut Working Experience Foca - FBIHUHUK CUSTOM 1,692 590 499 91 47 44 Foča - FBIHUHUKUN 1102 136 457 345 53 29 m 470 65 285 2 29 89 0 F 825 193 166 27 12 15 F 632 71 172 343 24 22 0 FOČ - Rsuzup 16.050 7.538 4.403 3.135 1.586 1.549 FOČ - Rsuzup 8.512 1.645 3.974 1.685 214 994 0 m 8.061 4,472 045 12 113 669 0 Ž 7.989 3.066 1.773 1.293 660 633 F 4.923 895 1.929 1.673 101 325 0 Fojnica -Cup 10.426 4.432 3.029 1.403 670 733 Fojnica -Council 5994 841 2.146 1.471 752 784 6 396 m 2.514 373 1.169 17 429 526 0 F 5.229 1.749 1.188 561 224 337 Ž 3.480 468 977 1,454 323 258 0 Gacko Cup 7.576 4.280 3.433 847 409 438 Gacko Cup 3.296 769 1,416 688 161 262 0 m 3.803 2.539 38 135 0 F 3.773 1.741 1.287 454 237 217 Ž 2.032 406 693 683 123 127 0 Glamoc Cup 3.357 1.370 1.177 193 106 87 Glamic 1,987 204 923 488 71 301 0 M 1.683 899 794 105 62 43 m 784 87 477 0 35 185 0 F 1.674 471 38 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 488 36 116 0 Gorazdeku 17.988 8.122 6.971 1.151 665 486 Gorazdeau compliment 9.866 1.836 4.476 2.458 333 763 0 m 8.637 4.023 652 388 264 m 3.962 882 2.359 61 157 77 222 F 5.904 954 2.117 2.397 176 260 0 Vakuf-Ukljeku Cup-Council 8.037 6.488 1.549 668 881 Gornji Vakuf-Ušk-Pljenic 9.243 1.710 2.868 3.013 284 1.368 0 m 8.674 5.149 4.216 933 420 513 m 3.525 869 1.665 10 132 849 368 F 5.718 841 1.203 3.003 152 519 0 Gracanica Cup 37.560 16.001 12.265 3.736 2.108 1.628 Gracanica Cup 21,559 3.181 6.340 8.630 966 2.442 0 m 17.771 10.607 8.165 2.442 1.535 907 m 7.164 1.313 3.313 36 94 573 721 F 14.395 1.638 3.027 8.594 454 682 0 City of Mostaru Cup 90.092 42.554 31.551 11.003 5.934 5,069 City of Mostar Cup 47.538 10.503 20.536 8.974 1.029 6.496 0 m 43.180 23.051 17.163 5.888 3.214 2.674 m 20.129 5.046 10.325 125 506 4.127 0 F 46.912 5 Ž 27.409 5.457 10.211 8.849 523 2.369 0 Gradacacaccuzuzak 32.599 14.127 10.830 3.297 1.534 1,763 Gradacacuat 18.472 2.745 4.992 6.805 1.206 2.724 0 m 15.729 9.244 7.140 2.104 1.048 1.056 M 6.485 1.257 2.603 58 604 1.963 0 F 16.870 4.883 3.690 1.193 486 707 Ž 11.987 0 Gradiška Cup 44.830 21.761 17.185 4.576 2.700 1.876 Gradiška Cup 23.069 3.454 9.395 5.726 1.203 3.291 0 M 21.796 12.823 10.237 2.586 1.589 997 m 8.973 1.619 4.398 191 545 2.220 0 F 23.034 8.938 6.948 1.990 1.111 879 F 14.096 1.835 4.997 5.53

195 Territory of Sexual capacity of the territory of the territory of the Holiday inactive unknown total employed employee Total Total/Students (15 and more) Pensioner performing homework for joyously unemployed before the Level Sexworking Age population of Level Sexworking. Pupils / Students (15 years of Age and Over) Reti! Retired PersonShousewife/Person Performing Househouse Dutiesunable to Work Ortal Had Worked Beforewithut Working EXPERIENCE FOČ - FBIHUKUS 192 590 499 91 47 44 FOČ - FBIHUHUKUN 1.102 136 457 345 53 470 65 285 2 29 89 0 F 825 193 166 27 12 15 F 632 71 172 343 24 22 0 Foča - Rsuzup 16.050 7.538 4.403 3.135 1.586 1.549 FOČ - Rsuzup 8.512 1.645 3.974 1.685 214 994 0 M 8.061 4.472 2.630 1.842 926 926 669 0 F 7.989 3.066 1.773 1.293 660 633 F 4.923 895 1.929 1.673 101 325 0 FOJNICA 10426 4.432 3.029 1.403 670 733 Fojnica -Cup 5994 841 2.146 1.471 752 784 0 M 5 514 373 1.169 17 429 526 0 F 5.229 1.749 1.188 561 224 337 Ž 3.480 468 977 1,454 323 258 0 Gackoo 7.576 4.280 3.433 847 409 438 Gacko Cup 3.296 769 1.416 688 161 262 0 m 3.803 2.539 2.146 393 172 221 263 723 41 1.287 454 237 217 F 2.032 406 693 683 123 127 0 GLAMOCC 3,357 1.370 1.177 193 106 87 Glamic 1,987 204 923 488 71 301 0 M 1.683 899 794 105 62 43 m 784 87 477 0 35 185 0 F 1.674 471 383 88 44 44 0 Gorazde Cup 1788 8.122 6.971 1.151 665 486 Gorazdeau 9.866 1.836 4.476 2.458 333 763 0 M 8.637 4.675 4.023 652 388 264 m 3.962 882 2.359 61 157 503 0 F 9.35 04 954 2.117 2.397 176 260 0 Gornji Vakuf-ukopljekup 17.280 8.037 6.488 1.549 668 881 Gornji Vakuf-Uskop-Pljeuda 9.243 1,710 2.868 3.013 284 1.368 0 m 8.674 5.149 4.216 933 420 513 m 3.525 869 1.665 10 132 849 0 F 8.606 2.88 2.88 41 1.203 3.003 152 519 0 Gracanica Cup 37.560 16.001 12.265 3.736 2.108 1.628 Gracanica Cup 21,559 3.181 6.340 8.630 966 2.442 0 m 17.771 10.607 8.165 2.442 1.535 907 m 7.164 1.543 3.313 36 512 1.760 0 F 19. .395 1.638 3.027 8.594 454 682 0 City of Mostaru Cup 90.092 42.554 31.551 11.003 5.934 5.069 City of Mostaru Cup 47,538 10.503 20.536 8.974 1.029 6.496 0 m 43.180 23.051 17.163 5.888 3.214 2.674 m 20.129 5.046 10.325 125 506 4.127 0 F 46.912 19.503 14.388 5.115 11 8.849 523 2,369 0 Gradacacaccuzak 32.599 14.127 10.830 3.297 1,534 1,763 Gradacacova Cup 18.472 2.745 4.992 6.805 1.206 2.724 0 m 15.729 9.244 7.140 2.104 1.048 1.056 m 6.485 1.257 2.603 58 604 1.963 0 F 16.870 4.883 3.690 1.193 486 707 F 11.987 1.388 2.389 1 17.185 4.576 2.700 1.876 Gradiška Cup 23.069 3.454 9.395 5.726 1,203 3.291 0 M 21.796 12.823 10.237 2.586 1.589 997 m 8.973 1.619 4.398 191 545 2.220 0 F 23.034 8.938 6.948 1.990 1.111 879 F 14.096 1.835 4.997 5.535 658 1.071 0

196 Labor Forceteritory Gender Population Territory of the territory of the Holiday Inactive Unactive Total Employed Total Total/Students (15 and More) Pensioner who performs homework for joyful unemployed earlier level sexworking age. PLOYED TOTALPUPILS / Students (15 years of age and over) retired PersonShouseWife/Person Performing Househouse dutiesunable to work Others Total Had Worked Beforewithout Working Experience Cup 14.455 5.729 4.667 1.062 501 561 Grude Cup 8.726 1.634 3.57 3 3.381 2.814 567 260 307 m 3.812 768 1.872 12 122 1.038 0 F 7.262 2.348 1.853 495 241 254 F 4.914 866 1,713 1.606 191 538 0 Hadzici Cup 19.787 9.367 6.957 2.410 1.332 1.078 Hadzicius Cup 10.420 1.715 3.538 3.382 589 1.196 0 M 9.78 3.848 841 1.971 23 317 696 0 F 10.003 3.431 2.393 1.038 485 553 Ž 6.572 874 1.567 3.359 272 500 0 Han Pedesakukup 3129 1.316 997 319 163 156 HAN PIJAKUP 1,813 294 889 449 28 153 0 m 1.458 775 619 156 89 67 M 683 3 74 89 Ž 1.130 170 465 440 17 38 0 Ilidzau 55.476 27.587 20.725 6.862 4.126 2.736 Ilidzau 27.889 6.365 10.584 6.682 684 3.574 0 m 26.573 15.604 12.044 3.560 2.220 1.340 M 10.96 F 28.903 11.983 8.681 3.302 1.906 1.396 F 16.920 3.302 5.321 6.648 360 1.289 0 Iliash 16.278 6.990 4.498 2,492 1.075 1.417 Iliaš Cup 9.288 1.586 3.194 3.194 291 1,302 0 m 7.705 4.436 3.027 1.409 685 724 m 3.269 722 1.504 10 0 693 F 6.019 864 1,690 2.905 141 419 0 Eastern Ilidzaukup 12.736 6,734 5,000 1.734 1.181 553 Eastern Ilidzau 6.002 1.228 3.148 861 89 676 0 M 6.071 3.517 2.669 848 574 2554 584 584 1.479 24 47 420 0 F 6.665 3.217 2.331 886 2 256 0 Eastern Drvarukup 76 52 50 2 2 0 Eastern Drvarukupljan 24 3 13 3 1 4 0 m 50 40 39 1 1 0 m 10 2 5 0 0 3 0 F 26 12 11 1 1 0 F 14 1 8 3 1 0 EASTERNA Mostarukupljavno 220 78 46 32 16 16 EASTERNAGE Mostarukup 142 22 64 20 12 24 0 m 122 51 34 17 10 7 m 71 16 36 0 4 15 0 F 98 27 12 15 6 9 F 71 6 28 20 8 9 0 Eastern Old Town 1016 377 252 125 87 38 Eastern old townshop 639 62 327 168 27 55 0 m 495 259 176 83 59 24 m 236 22 157 6 10 41 0 28 14 Ž 403 40 170 162 17 14 0 East New Sarajevoenum 9.016 4.634 3.666 968 667 301 East NEW SARA- YEVOUND 4,382 912 2,196 763 499 341 158 m 1,797 434 936 2,171 1.702 469 326 1,173 748 31 156 0 JablanicaUkupno 8,779 3.992 2,651 1,341 644 697 JablanicUkupo 4.787 863 1,735 1,524 122 543 0 m 4.337 2.621 1,830 791 418 373 m 1.716 388 876 2 65 388 821 550 226 324 Ž 3.071 478 859 1.522 57 155 0

197 Territory Sposely Population Territory Special Monastal Inactive Unknown Total Employment Services Pensionerery for RadostaliUplementation Emergency Emergency Emergency Level SexWorking Level Sex Total EmployeeSunemployed TotalPupils / Students ( 15 years of age and Over) Retired PersonShousewife / Person Performing Household Dutiesunable to Work Others Total Had Worked BeforeWithout Working Experience Grudeuopno 14.455 5,729 4.667 1.062 501 Грудеутуно 8,726 1,634 3.585 1.618 313 1.576 0 m 7.193 3.381 2.814 567 260 307 m 3.812 768 1.872 12 122 1,038 0 Ž 7.262 2,348 1,853 495 241 254 Ž 4,914 866 1.713 1.606 191 538 0 Hadžići 20.787 1.332 1.078 HADŽIĆIUPULNO 10,420 1.731 4,538 1.372 847 525 m 3.848 841 1.971 23 317 696 0 ž 10.003 3,431 2.393 1.038 48 5 553 Ž 6.572 874 1,567 3,359 272 500 0 Han Pijesakupo 3.129 1,316 997 319 163 294 889 449 28 153 0 m 1.458 775 619 156 89 67 m 683 124 424 9 11 115 0 ž 1,671 541 378 163 74 89 Ž 1,130 170 465 440 17 38 0 Ilidžaukukutno 55,476 6,862 4,126 2,736 6,365 10,584 6,682 684 15.604 12.044 3,560 2.220 1.340 m 10.969 3.063 5,263 34 324. 5.321 6.648 360 1.289 0 Iliachups 16,278 6,990 1,498 2,492 1,075 1,488 1,586 3,192 1,409 685 724 m 3,269 722 1.504 10 150 883 1.471 1.083 390 693 Ž 6.019 864 1.690 2.905 141 419 0 Eastern Ilidžaopukudo 12,736 6. 734 5,000 1,734 1,181 553 East Ilidžaopuo 6,002 1.228 3.148 861 89 6717 2.669 848 574 1,469 24 47 420 2.331 886 607 279 Ž 3,448 644 1.669 837 42 256 0 East wooden 76 52 50 2 2 0 East wood 24 3 13 3 1 4 0 m 50 40 39 1 1 0 § 26 12 11 1 1 0 Ž 14 1 8 3 1 0 eastern Mostarup 220 78 46 32 16 16 Eastern Mostaruple 142 22 64 20 12 24 0 m 122 51 34 17 10 7 m 71 16 36 0 4 15 0 Ž 98 27 12 15 6 9 Ž 71 6 28 20 8 9 0 Eastern Gemenku 1,016 377 252 125 87 38 Eastern old salekeeping 639 62 327 168 27 55 0 m 495 259 176 83 59 24 m 236 22 157 6 10 41 0 Ž 521 118 76 42 170 162 17 14 0 East New Sarajevoenum 9.016 4,634 3.666 968 667 301 East New Sar- 912 2,109 763 61 537 0 m 4.260 2.463 1,964 499 344 936 16 30 381 0 Ž 4,556 143 1,172 7485 478 1,173 747 31 156 0 JablanicaUkutno 8,779 3.992 2,651 1,341 644 697 JablanicaUkupo 4,787 863 1.735 1,524 122 543 0 m 4.337 2.621 1.830 791 418 373 m 1.716 385 876 2 65 388 0 ж 4,442 1.371 821 550 226 324 Ž 3.071 478 859 1.522 57 155 0

198 Labor Forceteria Workfower Spot-Up Territory Special Monastal Inactive Unknown Total Employment Services Performing Home Self-Bossers For RadostaliUplicable Emergency Emergency Events Level SexWorking Level Sex Total EmployeesUnemployed Total Pupils / Students (15 Years of Age and Over) Retired PersonShousewife / Person PeronsHold Dutiesunable to Work Others Total Had Worked BeforeWithout Working Experience Jajce27 7.212 2.900 1.480 1.420 Jajcekupno 12.650 1.883 3.821 4.380 426 2.140 0 m 11.605 6,703 4.913 1.790 1,053 737 m 4.902 994 2.219 35 240 1,414 0 ž 11.157 3,409 2,299 1.110 427 683 Ž 7.748 889 1.602 4.345 186 726 231 78 28 50 Jezerookupno 620 73 192 172 20 163 0 m 517 238 186 52 21 31 m 279 39 101 5 10 124 0 W 462 121 95 26 7 19 ж 341 34 91 167 10 39 0 Какабакутно 30,994 13.042 2.021 Какабаку какабукутно 17,952 355 2,024 0 m 15,332 1,047 1.204 m 6,199 1,493 3.239 33 177 1,247 0 ж 15.662 3.909 2.560 1.349 532 817 ž 11.753 1,522 2.217 7.069 178 767 0 KalesijaUkudo 27.239 1,213 1,813 KalesijaU 15,592 2.633 8.119 6,091 2.028 949 1.079 m 5,483 1,248 2.228 33 366 1.608 0 ж 13.637 3.591 2.593 998 264 734 Ž 10.046 1,389 1.37 5 6.205 356 721 0 Kalinovikupkudo 1.831 738 521 217 140 77 KALINOVIKUkupno 1.093 174 581 190 41 107 0 M 906 475 350 125 76 49 M 431 72 282 0 8 69 0 Ž 925 263 171 92 64 28 Ž 662 102 299 190 33 38 0 KISELJAKUkupno 17.209 7.752 5.936 1.816 1.016 800 KISELJAKUkupno 9.457 1.596 3.414 3.139 292 1.016 0 m 8.484 4.975 3.909 1.066 635 431 M 3.509 726 1.902 24 169 688 0 F 8.725 2.777 2.027 750 381 369 Ž 5.948 870 1.512 3.115 123 328 0 no 6.149 1,150 1.851 2.230 160 758 0 m 5.103 3.023 2.366 657 391 266 m 2.080 562 949 5 97 467 0 F 5.325 1.256 869 387 145 242 F 4.069 588 902 2.225 63 291 0 Key 14.250 6.064 5.043 1.021 483 538 7 1,721 0 m 7.100 3.759 3.149 610 315 295 m 3.341 652 1.274 41 131 1,243 0 F 7.150 2.305 1.894 411 168 243 F 4.845 669 1.109 2.453 136 478 0 Princes Cup 8.407 4.399 3.776 623 348 275 Knezevu -Cup 4008 738 1.40 255 389 225 164 m 1.536 346 781 16 126 267 0 F 4.227 1.755 1.521 234 123 111 F 2.472 392 621 1,145 174 140 0 Konjicups Cup 21.475 9.204 6.745 2.459 1,148 1.311 Konjicup 12.271 2.060 4.439 3.660 400 1.712 0 M 10.530 31 1.011 2.484 34 187 1.115 0 F 10.945 3.505 2.461 1.044 443 601 F 7.440 1.049 1.955 3.626 213 597 0 Kostajnica Cup 5,255 2.588 2.185 403 239 164 Kostajnica Cup 2,667 405 1.160 519 154 429 0 M 2.596 5 319 0 F 2.659 1.121 953 168 106 62 F 1.538 217 636 496 79 110 0

199 territory of sexual ability to populate the territory of the territory of the Volitan -Unactivated Total Employed Total Total Summary/Students (15 and More) Pensioner who performs a homework for joyously unemployed earlier Level Sexworking Age Age Population Age Population Level Sexworking Age. Pils / Students (15 years of Age and Over) Retired PersonShousewife/Person Performing Househouse Dutiesunable to Work Ortal Had Worked Beforewithut EXPERIENCE JAJCEUNCE 22.762 10.112 7.212 2.900 1.480 1.420 Egg 12.650 1.883 3.82 703 4.913 1,790 1.053 737 m 4.902 994 2.219 35 240 1.414 0 F 11.157 3.409 1.299 1.110 427 683 F 7.748 889 1.602 4.345 186 726 0 Lake 979 359 281 78 28 50 Lake 620 73 192 172 20 163 0 m 517 238 186 52 21 31 M 279 39 101 5 10 124 0 F 462 121 95 26 341 34 91 167 10 39 0 Kakanjan 30.994 13.042 9.442 3.600 1.579 2,021 Kakanjen 17.952 3.015 5.456 7.102 355 2.024 0 M 15.332 9.133 6.882 2.251 1.047 1,204 m 6.199 1,493 3.239 33 2.560 1.349 532 817 F 11.753 1.522 2.217 7.069 178 767 0 Kalesiu -Cup 27.239 11.710 8.684 3.026 1.213 1.813 Kalesiu -Council 15.529 2.637 3.603 6.238 722 2.329 0 m 13.13.60 8.119 6.091 2.028 949 1.079 M 5,483 1.248 2.228 33 355 93 998 264 734 F 10.046 1,389 1.375 6.205 356 721 0 Kalinovikukuplje 1,831 738 521 217 140 77 Kalinoviku Cup 1,093 174 581 190 41 107 0 m 906 475 350 125 76 49 m 431 72 282 0 8 69 0 Ž 925 263 171 92 64 28 F 662 102 299 190 33 38 0 Kiseljakukuk Cup 17.209 7.752 5.936 1.816. Kiseljakup 9.457 1.596 3.414 3.139 292 1.016 0 M 8.484 4.975 3.909 1.066 635 431 M 3.509 726 1.902 24 169 688 0 F 8.725 2.777 2.027 750 381 369 F 5.948 870 1.512 3.115 3.235 1.044 536 508 betting 6.149 1.150 1.851 2.230 160 758 0 m 5.103 3.023 2.366 657 391 266 m 2.080 562 949 5 97 467 0 Ž 5.325 1.256 869 387 145 242 F 4.069 588 902 2.225 63 291 0 Key 14.250 6.064 5.043 1.021 483 3 2,494 267 1.721 0 m 7.100 3.759 3.149 610 315 295 m 3.341 652 1.274 41 131 1,243 0 F 7.150 2.305 1.894 411 168 243 F 4.845 669 1.109 2.453 136 478 0 Kneževo Cup 8.407 4.399 3.776 623 348 275 Kneževo. 407 0 m 4.180 2.644 2.255 389 225 164 M 1.536 346 781 16 126 267 0 Ž 4.227 1.755 1.521 234 123 111 F 2.472 392 621 1.145 174 140 0 Konjicups Cup 21.475 9.204 6.745 2.459 1.148 1.311 cavalry 12.271 2.060 4.439 4.660 400 415 705 710 m 4.831 1.011 2.484 34 187 1.115 0 Ž 10.945 3.505 2.461 1,044 443 601 F 7.440 1.049 1.955 3.626 213 597 0 Kostajnica -Cup 5,255 2.588 2.185 403 239 164 Kostajnica Cup 2,667 405 1.160 519 154 429 0 M 2.59 188 524 23 75 319 0 F 2.659 1.121 953 168 106 62 F 1.538 217 636 496 79 110 0

200 Labor Forceteritory Labor Gender Population Territory of the territory of the Volitan -Unactivan Unknown Total Employed Total Total/Students (15 and More) Pensioner who performs homework for joyously unemployed earlier level sexworking age. PLOYED TOTALPUPILS / Students (15 years of age and over) retired PersonShousewife/Person Performing Househouse dutiesunable to work Others Total Had Worked BeforeWithout Working Experience Kotor Varošokupo 16,560 7,801. 2,591 192 404 0 Kozarska DubicaUkupno 18,958 7,568 5,670 1,898 1.146 4.59 2,627 470 2.371 0 m 9.214 4.477 3.399 1.737 598 2.056 136 221 1.726 0 ж 9.743 3,091 Ž 6.653 728 2.540 2.491 249 645 0 Kreševookup No. 4,469 2,057 1,655 452 284 168 Kreševookupo 2,412 392 1,042 658 1,291 1,046 245 157 88 m 874 156 514 5 41 158 559 207 127 80 ж 1,538 236 528 653 36 85 0 Krupa na UNIUTOKO 1,415 891 877 14 9 5 croups on the University 524 64 144 180 89 588 8 5 3 m 176 26 76 7 33 34 0 Ž 643 295 289 6 4 2 Ž 348 38 68 173 56 13 0 Kupres - FBiHupo 4,362 1.980 1,681 299 172 127 Kupres - FBIHUP 2.382 596 813 550 78 345 1,044 156 86 70 m 986 280 456 780 637 143 86 57 ж 1,396 316 357 544 48 131 0 Kupres - Rsupupo 272 172 156 16 10 6 Kupres - Rsupupo 100 10 47 11 14 18 0 m 141 93 79 14 9 5 m 48 Ž 131 79 77 2 1 1 ж 52 7 20 10 5 10 0 Laktaši ा 20.466 14,566 11.329 3.237 2.019 1.218 Laktašišišišemo 14,900 2.243 5,266 4,151 836 2.404 0 m 14,513 8,570 644 m 5.943 1.022 2.726 233 406 5,996 4.509 1.487 913 574 Ž 8,957 1,241 2,540 3,918 430 848 14,238 11,543 2,735 1.334 1.401 Livnoque 15.306 3.156 6.338 3. 664 422 1,726 0 M 14,659 8.418 6,858 1,560 784 776 m 64 183 1,085 0 ж 14.885 5,820 4,253 3,065 1,647 2.938 3.600 239 641 0 Loparekupno Слушать 1,352 626 716 2.373 2,575 1,172 2.373 2.581 723 1.426 0 m 6.781 3. 515 2,642 873 415 458 m 3,266 542 1,348 56 313 1,007 0 Ž 6,695 1,025 Ž 5.009 630 1,025 2.525 410 419 16.104 11,286 4,818 2,188 2.630 Likavacupkupko 22,394 3,292 7.886 7,967 635 2,614 7,724 2.919 1,522 1.397 m 8.0 31 1,579 4.220 41 335 1,856 0 ж 19.824 5,461 1,233 ж 14.363 1,713 3,666 7.926 1,337 767 570 386 184 Ljubinjupo 1.700 316 946 185 64 189 0 m 1.487 726 443 283 189 94 m 761 143 482 0 14 122 0 W 1,550 611 324 287 197 90 W 939 173 464 185 50 67 0

201 Territory Population Population Territory Special Monastal Inactive Number of Total Towns / Students (15 years of age) Retailers performed by home business experience Level Sexworking Level Sex Total EmployeeSunemployed TotalPupils / Students (15 Years of Age And Over) Retired PersonShousewife / Person Performing Household Dutiesunable to Work Others Total Had Worked BeforeWithout Working Experience Kotor Varošupo 16,560 7,801 Kotor Varoškupo 8,759 1.601 2.813 2.633 425 1.287 0 m 8.198 4.730 3.858 872 609 263 m 3.46 8 786 1,524 42 233 883 0 Ž 8.362 3.071 2.550 521 280 241 2.591 192 404 0 Козарска дубикоупно 18,958 1,146 752 Козарска думицупутно 11,327 470 2.371 0 m 9.214 4.477 3,399 1.078 668 410 m 4.737 598 2.056 136 221 1,726 0 ж 9.744 3. 091 2,271 820 478 342 Ž 6.653 728 2,540 2,491 249 645 2,057 1.605 452 284 168 Kreševookupo 2.412 392 1,046 245 157 88 m 874 156 514 5 41 158 0 Ž 2,304 766 559 207 127 80 Ž 1,538 236 528 653 36 85 0 Krupa on the University 1,415 891 877 14 9 5 krupa on the University 524 64 144 180 89 588 8 5 3 m 176 26 76 7 33 34 0 W 643 295 289 6 4 2 Ž 348 38 68 173 56 13 0 Kupres - FBihupno 4,362 1,980 KUPRES - FBIHUP 2.382 596 813 550 78 345 1,044 156 86 70 m 986 280 456 6 30 214 0 Ž 2,176 780 637 143 86 57 W 1.396 316 357 544 48 131 0 Kupres - Rsupo 272 172 156 16 10 6 Kupres - Rsupano 100 10 47 11 14 18 9 5 m 48 3 27 1 9 8 0 ž 131 79 77 2 1 1 ž 52 7 20 10 5 10 0 Laktašiemato 29,466 14,566 1,218 Laktašiemato 14,900 2.243 5,266 4.151 836 1.02 644 m 5.943 1.022 2.726 233 406 1.556 0 ž 14.953 5,996 Ž 8.957 913 574 Ž 8.957 1.221 2.540 3.918 430 848 0 LIVNOUT 29.544 14.238 11,503 2.735 1.334 1.401 Livnothant 15.306 3,156 1,726. 6 5,201 3,859 1,342 626 716 Loparekutno 8.275 1.172 2.373 2.581 723 1,426 2,642 873 415 1.348 56 313 1.007 1.217 469 211 258 Ž 5.009 630 1,025 2.525 410 419 Калавацупутно 38,498 16.104 11,286 4.818 2,188 2.630 3.292 7.886 7.967 635 2.614 0 m 18.674 10.643 7.724 2.919 1.522 1.397 m 8.031 1.579 4.220 41 335 1.856 0 F 19.824 5.461 3.562 1.899 666 1.233 F 14.363 1.713 3.666 7.926 300 758 0 Ljubinjekus Cup Council 3,037 00 316 946 185 64 189 0 m 1.487 726 443 283 189 94 m 761 143 482 0 14 122 0 F 1.550 611 324 287 197 90 F 939 173 464 185 50 67 0

202 Labor Forceteritory Labor Gender Population Territory of the territory of the Volitan -Unactive Objector Employed Total Total Summary/Students (15 and More) Pensionellers performing the homework for joyously unemployed earlier rehearsal experience Level Sexworking Age. MPLoyed Totalpupil / Students (15 years of age and over) retired PersonShousewife/Person Performing Househouse dutiesunable to work Others Total Had Worked Beforewithout Working Experience Ljubuskiuskius 23.409 9.704 7.466 2.238 989 1.249 Ljubuskikom 0 m 11.537 5.675 4.427 1.248 550 698 m 5.862 1.211 2.794 99 210 1.548 0 Ž 11.872 4.029 3.039 990 439 551 F 7.843 1.462 2.563 2.757 278 783 0 fog 19.451 9.041 6.696 2.345 1.016 1.329 Maglajuzu 10.410 1.599 3.659 3.450 311 1.391 0 M 9. 3.868 801 1.918 61 171 917 0 F 9.962 3.420 2.541 879 322 557 Ž 6.542 798 1.741 3.389 140 474 0 Milići -Cup 9.792 4.848 3.900 948 312 636 Milići -Cup 4,944 951 1.570 1.509 183 731 0 m 4.941 3.011 2.434 577 1943 M 1,930 37 1,466 371 118 253 F 3.014 467 751 1.454 98 244 0 Modriča -Cup 22.200 9.953 7.679 2.274 1,333 941 Modričau 12.247 1.704 4.120 3.354 739 2.330 0 m 10.774 5.843 4.505 1.338 801 537 m 4.931 759 2.086 74 936 532 404 F 7.316 945 2.034 3.233 377 727 0 Mrkonjic to Grad Kupkanje 14.378 6.263 4.806 1.457 848 609 Mrkonjić Grad Kupus 8.115 1.181 3.598 2.085 268 983 0 m 6.950 3.672 2.878 794 459 335 m 3.278 591 1,924 39 99 625 0 F 7.428 2.59 37 590 1.674 2.046 169 358 0 Unsurious 3,928 1.834 1.572 262 163 99 Neumup 2,094 430 773 434 102 355 0 m 1.980 1.074 926 148 91 57 m 906 202 429 2 35 238 0 F 1.948 760 646 114 72 Ž 1.188 228 344 432 67 117 54 987 Non -assembled 6.452 1.054 2.792 1.468 200 938 0 m 5.452 2.772 1.797 975 445 530 m 2.680 487 1,398 85 55 655 0 F 5.538 1.766 1.000 766 309 457 F 3.772 567 1,394 1.383 60 2,872 1,613 1.259 new town of Cup 13.519 1,747 5.286 3.399 560 2.527 0 m 11.826 6.270 4.512 1.758 1.011 747 m 5.556 824 2.478 111 295 1.848 0 F 11.925 3.962 2.848 1.114 602 512 F 7.963 923 2.808 3.288 265 679 0 99 11.341 6.892 4.449 Novi City of Sarajevo Cup 48.752 9.598 22.430 9.846 1.128 5.750 0 m 46.109 27.233 21.641 5.592 3.508 2.084 m 18.876 4.453 10.186 93 578 3.566 0 F 53.683 23.807 18.058 5.749 3.384 2.365 F 29.876 5.145 9.023 6.550 2.473 1,193 1.280 NEW TRVNIKUN 10.655 1.830 3.785 3.098 271 1,671 0 m 9.715 5.468 4.008 1.460 726 734 m 4.247 905 2.109 152 1,066 0 F 9.963 3.555 2.542 1.013 467 546 F 6.408 925 1.676 3.083 119 605 0 Novi Gorazde Cup 2.804 1.107 846 269 38 449 46 257 0 m 1.472 721 555 166 66 100 m 751 98 454 6 24 169 0 F 1.332 386 291 95 19 76 F 946 109 284 443 22 88 0

203 The territory of the sexual ability of the territory of the territory of the Volitanian inactive unknown total employed employee of the Total Total/Students (15 and more) Pensioner who performs the homework for joyously unemployed to earlier rehearsal experience Level Sexworking Age Age Population Age. Pupils / Students (15 years of Age and Over) Retired PersonShousewife/Person Performing Househouse Dutiesunable to Work Ortal Had Worked Beforewithut Working Experience Ljubuskiuskius 23.409 9.704 7.466 2.238 989 1.249 Ljubuski. 537 5.675 4.427 1.248 550 698 m 5.862 1.211 2.794 99 210 1.548 0 F 11.872 4.029 3.039 990 439 551 Ž 7.843 1.462 2.563 2.757 278 783 0 fog 19.451 9.041 6.696 2.345 1.016 1.329 fog 10.410 1.599 3.450 311 1.391 0 m 9.489 5.621 4.155 1.918 61 171 917 0 F 9.962 3.420 2.541 879 322 557 Ž 6.542 798 1.741 3.389 140 474 0 Milići -Cup 9.792 4,848 3.900 948 312 636 Milići -Cup 4,944 951 1.570 1.509 183 731 0 m 4.941 3.011 2.434 577 1943 M 1,930 484 819 55 118 253 F 3.014 467 751 1,454 98 244 0 Modriča -Cup 22.200 9.953 7.679 2.274 1,333 941 Modriča -Cup 12.247 1.704 4.120 3.354 739 2.330 0 m 10.774 5.843 4.505 1.338 801 537 m 4.931 759 2.086 121 362 F 7.316 945 2.034 3.233 377 727 0 Mrkonjic Grad Kupus 14.378 6.263 4.806 1.457 848 609 Mrkonjić Grademkuko 8.115 1,181 3,598 2.085 268 3.672 2.878 794 459 335 m 3,591 1.928 663 389 274 2.046 169 358 0 Non-amoputable 3,928 1,834 1,572 262 163 99 Inbox 2.094 430 773 434 102 355 0 m 1.980 1,074 926 148 429 2 35 238 0 ж 1,948 760 646 114 72 42 ж 1,188 117 0 Nevešinupo 20,941 754 987 Невесинеупупно 6452 1,054 2,792 1.468 200 938 0 m 5,452 2,772 1,797 975 445 530 m 2,680 487 1,398 85 557 Ž 3,762 309 1,394 1,373 1451 1,632 7.360 2,872 1,613 1,259 Novi Grademku 13,519 1,747 5.286 3,399 560 2,527 0 m 11.826 6,270 4.512 1,758 1,011 747 m 5.556 824 2,478 111 295 1,848 0 Ž 11.925 602 512 Ž 7.963 929 2,848 старайевокуто 99.792 51.040 39.699 11.341 6,892 4,449 Novi Grad Sarajevoopuko 48,752 9.598 22,430 9.846 1,195 5,750 0 m 46.109 27.233 21.641 5.592 3.508 2.084 m 18.876 4,453 10,196 93 578 3,566 23,877 18,058 5,749 3,354 5,195 114 Novi Travnikupo 19,678 9.023 1,280 Novi Travnikupkupo 10,655 1,830 3,785 3,098 271 1,671 0 m 9.715 5.468 4.00 8 1,460 726 734 m 4,247 905 2,19 15 152 1,066 0 ж 9.963 3,555 2,542 1,013 925 1,676 3,083 119 605 846 261 85 176 NEW Goraždeuopuonomo 1,697 207 738 449 46 257 0 m 1,472 721 555 166 66 100 m 751 98 454 6 24 169 0 Ž 1,332 386 291 95 19 76 Ž 946 109 284 443 22 88 0

204 Labor Forceteria Workfower Spotal Population Territory Special Monastal Inactive Number of Total / Students Supporting Home Self-Bossers For RadostaliUplicable Emergency Emergeant Level SexWorking Age PopulationLabor Force Level Sex Total EmployeesUnemployed Total Pupils / Students (15 Years of Age and Over) Retired PersonshouseWife / Person Performing HouseHold Dutiesunable to Work Others Total Worked BeforeWithout Working Experience Novo Sarajevoupeno 55,946 29.293 1,621 Novo Sarajevoemo 26.653 5.638 13.970 3.509 432 3.104 0 m 25.028 14.452 12.149 2.303 1,558 745 m 10.576 2,682 5.848 43 229 1,744 0 Ž 30.918 14,841 12.247 2.594 1.718 8.122 3.466 203 1,330 0 Обе Обе очапупатно 10.119 1,175 2,755 2,699 527 3.013 0 m 8.059 3,626 2.955 671 363 308 m 4.433 622 1.414 90 267 2.040 0 ж 8.2 10 2,524 2,004 520 241 279 Ž 5,686 553 1,291 2.609 260 973 2,607 844 434 410 Olovoutucno 5,365 824 1,841 1,916 2.411 1,844 567 315 252 m 1.971 402 1.112 3 74 380 0 ж 4,434 1,040 763 277 119 158 Ž 3.394 422 789 1.913 51 219 0 ORAŠJEUkupno 17.050 7.809 6.492 1.317 671 646 ORAŠJEUkupno 9.241 1.568 2.867 2.696 607 1.503 0 M 8.571 4.653 3.884 769 386 383 M 3.918 761 1.636 180 270 1.071 0 Ž 8.479 3.156 2.608 548 285 263 Ž 5.323 807 1.231 2.516 337 432 osmaciutno 5.130 1,914 1.380 534 207 327 osmaciutno 3.216 491 819 1,237 1,363 1,005 358 161 197 m 1.240 238 481 18 61 442 0 ж 2,527 551 375 176 46 130 Ž 1,976 253 338 1.219 43 123 0 ŠTHRA LUCKAUP 2.378 670 546 124 65 59 Шитра улукупно на 1,708 190 491 479 129 419 76 45 31 m 761 87 237 36 60 341 0 ж 1,152 205 157 48 20 28 ж 947 103 254 443 69 78 Pale - FBiHupo 768 295 207 88 49 39 Pale - FBihupko 473 63 204 152 17 37 60 40 20 m 178 24 116 1 12 25 0 Ž 391 96 68 28 9 19 Ž 295 39 88 151 5 12 0 Pale - RSUP 15.074 8,848 6,200 2,648 1,682 966 Pale - Rsupan 9.226 2.151 4.362 1.632 929 493 m 3,754 985 0 ж 9.506 4.054 2.828 1.226 1.166 2.324 1.569 75 318 0 Пелагицевоуку сайдо 4,654 2.118 1.789 329 159 170 PelagicVookupno 2.536 260 639 658 288 1,311 1.116 195 107 88 m 1.016 120 335 18 107 80 673 134 52 82 Ž 1,520 140 304 640 181 255 0 Petrovacupkudno 307 154 137 17 10 7 Petrovacupkudo 153 17 108 18 1 9 0 m 143 82 75 7 4 3 m 61 9 47 0 1 4 0 Ž 164 72 62 8 61 18 0 5 0 Petrovoupuo 5.717 2.079 1.559 520 309 211 Petrovookupo 3.638 382 1.596 949 156 555 0 m 2.745 1,274 939 335 213 122 m 1,471 172 802 15 79 403 0 Ž 2,972 805 620 185 96 89 Ž 2,167 210 794 934 77 152 0

205 Territory Sposely Population Population Territory Special Monastal Inactive Number of Total Girls / Students Performing Domestic Office Emergency Emergency Emergency Level SexWorking Level Sex Total EmployeeSunemployed TotalPupils / Students ( 15 years of age and Over) Retired PersonShousewife / Person Performing Household Dutiesunable to Work Others Total Had Worked BeforeWithout Working Experience New Sarajevoopuko 55,946 29,293 24,396 4,897 3,276 1,653 5,638 13,970 3,559 2.303 1,558 745 m 10.576 2,682 5,848 ж 30.918 14.841 12.247 2.59 1,718 876 ж 16.077 2,956 8.122 3.466 203 1. 330 0 Odžakupkupo 16,269 6.150 4.959 1,191 604 587 Odžakupo 10,191 1,175 2.013 0 m 8.059 3.626 2,955 671 622 1.414 90 267 2.040 Ž 8.210 2.524 2.004 520 553 1,291 2.609 260 973 0 Оловотулно 8.816 3,451 2,607 844 434 410 5 824 1,901 1,916 125 599 1,844 567 315 252 m 1.971 402 1.112 3 74 380 763 277 119 789 1.913 51 219 0 Orasjeutno 17.050 7,809 6491 1.317 671 1,56 Урашеутупно 9.241 1.568 2.867 2.696 607 1.503 0 m 8.571 4,653 3,884 769 386 383 m 3,918 761 1,636 180 270 1.156 2.608 548 807 1,231 2.516 337 432 0 частациу 334 207 327 osmaciukuopu ו (osmaciukuopu ור (ighth-free 3,216 491 819 1,237 104 565 0 m 2.603 1,363 1,005 358 161 197 m 1.240 238 481 18 61 442 0 ж 2,527 551 Ž 1,976 253 338 1.219 43 123 0 Со склекаупутно 2,378 670 546 124 65 59 Штра улакаупунно 1,708 190 491 479 129 419 0 m 1.226 465 389 76 45 31 M 761 87 237 36 60 341 0 ж 1,152 205 157 48 20 28 ж 947 103 254 Пле - fbihupno 768 295 207 88 49 39 Pale - FBiHupo 473 63 204 152 17 37 0 m 377 199 139 60 40 20 m 178 24 116 1 12 25 0 ж 391 96 68 28 9 19 Ž 295 39 88 151 5 12 0 Pale - RSUPUno 18.074 8,848 6,200 2.648 1,682 966 Pale - RSUPLANO 9,226 2.151 4,362 1,632 159 922 0 m 8.568 4.794 3,372 1.422 929 493 m 3,774 985 2,038 63 84 604 0 ж 9.506 4.054 2,828 1.226 1,166 2,324 1.569 75 318 0 Пелагицевоутому 4,654 150 PelagićeVookupo 2,536 260 639 652 288 691 1.116 195 107 88 m 1.016 120 335 18 107 436 0 ž 2,327 807 673 134 52 82 Ž 1,520 140 304 640 181 255 0 PetrovacupkuNo 307 154 137 17 10 7 Petrovacupkudo 153 17 108 18 1 9 0 m 143 82 75 7 4 3 m 61 9 47 0 1 4 0 Ž 164 72 62 10 6 4 Ž 92 8 61 18 0 5 0 Petrovoutucno 5.717 2.079 1.559 520 382 1.596 949 156 555 0 m 2.745 1.274 939 335 213 802 15 79 403 0 ž 2,972 805 620 185 96 89 Ž 2,167 210 794 934 77 152 0

206 Labor Forceteria Workforce Spotable Population Territory Special Monastal Inactive Number of Total Towns / Students Supporting Healthcare Force Work Experienced Level SexWorking Age PopulationLabor Force Level Sex Total EmployeesUnemployed Total Pupils / Students (15 Years of Age and Over) Retired PersonShousewife / Person PeronsHold Dutiesunable to Work Others Total Worked BeForeWithout Working Experience Posušjeutno 16.461 6447 4.728 1.719 762 957 Подушеутко 10.014 2.225 3.308 2.582 324 1.575 0 m 8.253 4.024 3.011 1.013 479 534 M 4,229 1,080 1,871 52 128 1,098 0 § 8.208 2.423 1,717 7785 1,145 1,437 2.530 196 477 0 28.027 9.211 5,205 4,006 Prepared 40,789 6,482 6,210 0 m 38.001 21.357 16.140 5,217 3,112 2,105 m 16.644 2.960 8.326 299 915 4.144 0 ž 40.026 15.881 11.887 3,994 2,093 1,901 ж 24,145 3,442 8,854 9,197 674 13.197 10.947 2,250 1,350 900 PRNJAVORUPANO 17.596 1.128 2,369 0 m 14,947 8.099 6,648 1,427 910 2.967 424 501 1,736 0 ж 15.846 5.098 4,275 823 440 383 Ž 10.748 1,311 2,724 5,513 627 573 0.798 5,354 4.218 1,156 1,154 1,804 2,072 213 1,197 2,626 287 379 m 2.642 590 1.164 22 93 775 1.595 470 142 328 ž 3.802 568 640 2.050 120 424 0 equal to 2.810 1.222 1,098 124 34 90 equal to 1.588 283 789 246 727 658 144 447 5 10 116 0 W 1.361 495 440 55 17 38 Ž 866 139 342 241 35 109 0 Ribnikupo 5,238 2.269 1.943 326 206 120 Ribnikupo 2.969 314 1,382 845 142 286 1,277 206 138 68 m 1.113 126 738 3 72 174 666 120 68 52 ж 1,856 188 644 842 756 112 Рогатацаутну 9.252 4.293 2.984 1.309 689 620 RogatiTukoTo 4.959 715 2,297 1,195 175 577 1,899 700 379 321 m 1.928 311 1.163 10 73 1,694 1.085 609 310 299 1.185 102 206 0 Rudookupno 6.977 3.058 2,155 943 408 535 Rudookupo 3.919 483 1,581 1,112 143 600 0 m 3.525 1,979 1,455 574 286 288 m 1,546 235 855 9 57 390 0 W 3,452 726 1,137 210 0 Sanski Mostupno 35.346 14.022 11.574 2.448 1.230 1.218 Sanski MostuNo 21.324 3,270 5,829 6,397 617 5.211 0 m 17.681 8.916 7.435 1.481 818 663 M 8.765 1.635 3.023 107 326 3.674 0 Ž 17.665 5.106 4.139 967 412 555 Ž 12.559 1.635 2.806 6.290 291 1.537 0 SAPNAUkupno 9.076 3.539 2.629 910 293 617 SAPNAUkupno 5.537 948 1.071 2.313 244 961 0 M 4.655 2.614 1.926 688 255 433 m 2.041 526 658 18 128 711 0 F 4.421 925 703 222 38 184 F 3.496 422 413 2.295 116 250 0 Falcon 10.395 5.158 3.390 1.768 1.038 730 SOCKOVUNS 5,237 991 2.676 905 5 540 375 m 2.186 452 1.279 20 71 364 0 F 5.315 2.264 1.411 853 498 355 F 3.051 539 1,397 885 77 153 0

207 The territory of the sexual ability of the territory of the territory of the Volitanian inactive unknown total employed employee of the Total Total/Students (15 and more) Pensioner who performs the homework for joyously unemployed earlier rehearsal experience Level Sexworking Age Age Population Age. Pupils / Students (15 years of Age and Over) Reti! Retired PersonShousewife/Person Performing Househouse Dutiesunable to Work Ortal Had Worked Beforewithut Working Experience Posušjeujuku 16.461 6.447 4.728 1.719 762 957 Posušjejut 10.014 2.225 3.308 2.55 4.024 3.011 1.013 479 534 m 4.229 1.080 1.871 52 128 1.098 0 F 8.208 2.423 1.717 706 283 423 Ž 5.785 1.145 1.437 2.530 196 477 0 Prijedorova 78.027 37.238 28.027 9.211 5.205 4.006 Produced 40.789 6.402 17.180 9.408 1.589 6.210 0 M 38.001 6.644 2.960 8.326 299 915 4.144 0 F 40.026 15.881 11.887 3.994 2.093 1,901 F 24.145 3.442 8.854 9.109 674 2.066 0 Prnjavor Cup 30.793 13.197 10.947 2.250 1.350 900 Prnjavorukup 17.596 2.531 5.691 5.937 1.128 2.309 0 m 14.947 8.099 6.672 1.427 910 517 517 36 0 F 15.846 5.098 4.275 823 440 383 F 10.748 1.311 2.724 5.513 627 573 0 window 11.798 5.354 4.218 1,136 429 707 Window 6.444 1.158 1.804 2.072 213 1.197 0 m 5.931 3.289 2.623 666 287 379 m 2.642 590 1.164 22 93 773 0 Ž 5.867 3.802 568 640 2.050 120 424 0 Straighting 2,810 1.222 1.098 124 34 90 Jacqued 1,588 283 789 246 45 225 0 m 1.449 727 658 69 17 52 m 722 144 447 5 10 116 0 Ž 1.361 495 440 55 17 38 F 866 139 342 241 35 109 0 Ribnikikak Cup 5238 2.269 1.943 326 Ribnikikup 2,969 314 1.382 845 142 286 0 m 2.596 1.483 1.277 206 138 68 M 1.113 126 738 3 72 174 0 F 2.642 786 666 120 68 52 F 1.856 188 644 842 70 112 0 Rogatica No 4,959 715 2.297 1,195 175 577 0 m 4.527 2.599 1.899 700 379 321 M 1.928 311 1.163 10 73 371 0 Ž 4.725 1.694 1.085 609 310 299 Ž 3.031 404 1.134 1.185 102 206 0 Rudou -Council 6.977 3.058 2.115 943 408 535 143 600 0 m 3.525 1,979 1.405 574 286 288 m 1.546 235 855 9 57 390 0 F 3.452 1.079 710 369 122 247 F 2.373 248 726 1.103 86 210 0 SANI BRIDGE 35.346 14.022 11.574 2.448 1.230 1.218 17 5.211 0 m 17.681 8.916 7.435 1.481 818 663 m 8.765 1.635 3.023 107 326 3.674 0 F 17.665 5.106 4.139 967 412 555 F 12.559 1,635 2.806 6.290 291 1.537 0 SAPNAUL CUSH 9.076 3.539 2.629 910 293 617 961 0 m 4.655 2.614 1.926 688 255 433 m 2.041 526 658 18 128 711 0 Ž 4.421 925 703 222 38 184 Ž 3.496 422 413 2.295 116 250 0 Falcon 10.395 5.158 3.390 1.768 1.038 730 Falcon 5.237 991 2.676 905 148 517 0 m 5.89 2.89 52 1.279 20 71 364 0 F 5.315 2.264 1.411 853 498 355 F 3.051 539 1.397 885 77 153 0

208 Labor Forceteritory Labor Gender Population Territory of the territory of the Holiday inactive unknown employee of the employees in total/students (15 and more) retirement that performs homework for joyously unemployed previously redeemed work experience by Level Sexworking Age. MPLoyed Totalpupil / Students (15 years of age and over) retired PersonShouseWife/Person Performing Househouse Dutiesunable to Work Others Total Had Worked Beforewithut Working Experience Srbac Cup 15.507 4.324 2.183 1.073 1.113 Srbacom Cup 8.566 1.102 3.000 2.271 574 1. 80 2.547 1.233 631 602 m 3.576 536 1.463 184 247 1,146 0 F 7.717 2.727 1.777 950 439 511 F 4.990 566 1.537 2.087 327 473 0 Srebrenica Cup 11,671 5.057 3.755 1.302 538 764 Srebrenica 614 1.165 2.112 1.802 319 1.216 0 M 5.710 3.153 612 877 86 162 820 0 F 5.961 1.904 1.366 538 210 328 Ž 4.057 553 1.235 1.716 157 396 0 Srebrenikuzupa Cup 32.955 13.695 9.741 3.954 1.725 2.229 Srebreniku Cup 19.260 2.764 5.823 7.121 798 2.754 0 M 15.918 9.198 6.741 2.457 1.13 3.154 31 369 1.833 0 F 17.037 4.497 3.000 1.497 539 958 F 12.540 1,431 2,669 7.090 429 921 0 Old Town Sarajevo Cup 31.979 15.749 12.767 2.982 1.847 1.135 OLD Sarajevo -Cup 16.230 3.130 8.041 2.616 340 2.103 0 M 14.920 8.336 6.783 1.553 970 583 0 F 17.059 7.413 5.984 1.429 877 552 F 9.646 1.647 4.436 2.589 144 830 0 SHOP 12.270 5.021 3.635 1,386 617 769 SHOP 7.249 1.301 2.621 1.928 309 1.090 0 M 6.174 3.126 2.341 785 362 423 M 3.048 630 1.511 24 156 727 0 Ž 6.096 1.895 1.294 601 255 346 Ž 4.201 671 1.110 1.904 153 363 0 ŠAMACUkupno 15.178 6.749 5.081 1.668 1.006 662 ŠAMACUkupno 8.429 1.139 2.668 2.479 636 1.507 0 M 7.313 4.086 3.137 949 586 363 M 3,227 555 1,233 98 293 1,028 0 Ž 7.86 420 299 Ž 5,202 584 1,415 2,381 343 2,221 1,459 762 383 1,291 1,125 134 640 0 m 2.932 1.441 967 474 254 220 m 1.491 218 691 42 69 471 0 § 2,969 780 492 288 129 159 1.083 65 169 0 Шиповотулно 8,821 3,880 Шиповотууто 4,941 703 2,079 1.452 2.488 1,851 637 343 294 m 1.964 336 1.062 23 80 463 0 ž 4.369 1.392 870 522 226 296 Ž 2,977 367 1,017 1,304 112 177 0 Široki Široki Široki Široki 13.277 3.063 5.408 2.713 340 1,098 4,895 1.203 616 587 m 5.596 1,438 2.904 32 137 1,085 0 ж 12.027 4.346 3.305 1. 041 534 507 Ž 7.681 1,625 2.504 2,681 203 668 1,723 650 281 369 Teočakukupno 3.851 629 м3.3.146 1.753 1.308 445 231 214 m 1.393 311 503 3 91 485 0 ж 3,078 620 415 205 50 155 ž 2.458 318 405 1,499 70 166 0 TeslićUples 32.478 13.266 1,124 Teslicup 19.212 2.588 6,806 6,734 851 8.510 694 m 7.031 1.214 3.600 101 463 1.653 0 ж 16.937 4.756 3,661 1,095 621 474 ž 12.181 1.374 3.206 6.633 395 573 0

209 Territory Sposely Population Territory Special Monastal Inactive Unknown Total Employment Services Pensionerery for RadostaliUplicable Unemployment Working Experienced Level Sexworking Age PopulationLabor Force Level Sex Total EmployeeSunemployed TotalPupils / Students ( 15 years of age and Over) Retired PersonShousewife / Person Performing Household Dutiesunable to Work Others Total Had Worked BeforeWithout Working Experience Srbacupkut 15.073 6,507 4.324 2.183 1,070 1,133 2,271 574 1.619 0 m 7.356 3,780 2,547 1,233 631 602 m 3.576 536 1,463 184 247 1,146 0 W 7.717 2,727 1,777 950 439 511 ж 4,905 566 1,537 2.087 327 473 5.057 3.755 1.302 538 764 Srebrenicau 12.614 319 1.216 0 m 5.710 3.153 2.389 764 328 436 m 2.557 612 877 86 162 820 0 ж 5,961 1.904 1.366 538 210 328 Ж 4.057 553 1.235 1.716 157 396 0 Silver Cup 9,741 3.954 1.725 2.229 7964 5,823 7.121 1,196 1,271 m 6,720 1.333 3.154 31 369 1,833 Ž 17.037 4,497 3,000 1,497 539 958 Ž 12.540 1. 431 2,669 7,090 429 921 0 Stari Grad Sarajevoemoupe 31,979 15,749 1,135 3,530 8.041 2,616 340 2.103 0 m 14.920 8.336 6,743 1,553 1,483 3.605 27 196 1,283 1.429 877 552 Ž 9.646 1,647 4.436 2.589 14 4 830 0 Тролацупутно 12.270 5.021 3.635 1.386 617 769 2.621 1.928 309 1.090 0 m 6:174 ж 6.096 1.895 1.294 601 255 346 ж 4.201 671 1.110 1.904 153 363 0 Шамацупупно прамена 15,178 6,749 5.081 1,668 1,006 662 Шамацупутно 8,429 1,139 1,568 3.137 949 586 363 m 3,227 555 1,244 7865 2,663 1.944 719 420 299 Ž 5,202 584 1,415 2.381 343 479 0 Šekovići و 5,9901 2.221 1.459 762 383 379 Še Covicium 3.680 490 1,291 1,125 134 640 0 m 2,932 1,441 967 474 218 691 42 69 471 288 129 159 ж 2,189 272 600 Шиповотулно 8.821 3,880 2.721 1.159 569 590 Шиповотулно 4,941 703 2,079 1,327 192 640 0 m 4.452 2.488 1,851 637 343 336 1.062 23 80 463 870 522 226 296 ж 2,977 367 1,017 1.304 112 17721 10.444 8,200 2.244 1.150 1.094 Шороки перебутно 13.277 3.063 5.408 2.713 340 1.753 0 m 11.694 6.098 4,895 1.203 616 587 m 5.596 1,438 2.904 32 137 1,085 0 § 1,041 534 507 2.504 2.681 203 668 2,373 1,723 650 281 369 Teočakakupko 3.851 629 908 1.502 161 651 0 m 3.146 1,753 1.308 445 231 214 m 1.393 311 503 3 91 485 0 Ž 3,078 620 415 205 405 1,499 70 166 0 Teslićupo 32,478 13.266 10.224 3.042 1.874 1.168 Teslić 20.806 6.734 858 2,256 6,563 1,941 8.510 694 m 7.031 1.214 3.600 101 463 1,653 0 § 16.937 4.756 3,661 1,095 621 474 ž 12.181 1.374 3.206 6.633 395 573 0

210 Labor Forceteria Workfower Spotal Population Territory Special Monastal Inactive Number of Total Towns / Students (15 years of age) Retailers performed by the earliest employment experience Level SexWorking Age PopulationLabor Force Level Sex Total EMPLOYESUESNEMPLOYED TOTALPUPILS / Students (15 years of Age and over) Retired PersonShouseWife / Person Performing Househouse Dutiesunable to Work Ortal Had Worked Beforewithut Working Experience Testion 34.938 432 3.312 5.068 7.056 752 2.244 0 m 17.197 10.764 7.973 2.791 1,640 1.151 M 6.433 1.613 2.648 58 438 1.676 0 F 17.741 5,742 4.432 1.310 631 679 Ž 11.999 1.699 2.420 6.998 314 568 0 Tomislavgrad Cup 26.415 10.465 8.323 2.142 805 1.337 Tomislavgrad 0 m 13.397 6.605 5.316 1.289 535 754 m 6.792 1.519 3.253 29 173 1.818 0 F 13.018 3.860 3.007 853 270 583 F 9.158 1.672 2,351 4.140 196 799 0 Travnik Cup 44.364 19.694 15.184 4.510 2.373 2.137 Travnik Cup 24.670 3.985 8.702 7.196 762 4.025 6 1.611 1.325 m 9.780 2.015 4.570 85 415 2.695 0 F 22.532 7.642 6.068 1.574 762 812 Ž 14.890 1.970 4.132 7.111 347 1.330 0 Trebinjekus Cup 24.810 12.325 8.156 4.169 2,362 1.807 Trebinjekus Cup 12.485 2.310 7.432 1.412 190 1.141 0 m 11.97 6.481 1.507 4.481. 469 1.107 3.563 45 67 687 0 F 12.834 5.818 3.675 2.143 1.347 796 Ž 7.016 1.203 3.869 1.367 123 454 0 Trnovo - Fbihuhupljan 1,372 501 388 113 58 55 Trnovo - FBIHUKUK 871 72 401 279 39 80 0 M 679 335 271 64 35 29 m 344 23 257 1 9 54 0 F 693 527 49 144 278 30 26 0 Trnovo - Rsuzup 1,842 883 496 387 230 157 Trnovo - Rsuzup 959 140 565 151 25 78 0 m 879 493 302 191 110 81 M 386 61 271 0 14 40 0 F 963 390 194 196 79 294 151 11 38 0 Tuzlaut 96.349 45.259 33.771 11.488 6.237 5.251 Tuzlaut 51.090 9.062 22.649 11.030 1.300 7.049 0 m 45.052 18.742 6.310 3.608 2.702 M 20.25 4.254. F 51.072 20.207 15.029 5.178 2.629 2.549 F 30.865 4.808 11.875 10.898 620 2.664 0 carbon Cup 13.467 6.432 4.946 1,486 632 854 carbon Council 7.035 1.179 1.826 2.423 473 1.134 0 M 6.788 4.183 3.353 830 333 497 m 2.605 565 1,015 48 186 791 0 F 6.67 614 811 2.375 287 343 0 USORAKUS 5732 2.231 1,782 449 214 235 MUST 3,501 576 1.071 1.131 161 562 0 m 2.832 1.447 1.175 272 142 130 m 1.385 263 609 25 73 415 0 Ž 2.900 784 607 177 72 105 Ž 2.116 313 462 1.106 88 147 0 0 Varesukuvna 5,016 587 2.271 1,515 124 519 0 m 3.877 1.965 1.616 349 227 122 m 1.912 274 1.229 10 63 336 0 Ž 4.070 966 704 262 134 128 Ž 3.104 313 1.042 1.505 61 183 0 Velika Kladusaugus DUŠAUS Cup 19.955 2.353 4.199 7.335 1.244 4.824 0 M 15.576 7.873 5.634 2.239 949 1.290 m 7.703 1.161 2.005 170 645 3.722 0 F 16.483 4.231 3.042 1.189 372 817 F 12.252 1.192 2.194 7.165 599 1.102 0

211 Territory of the Sexual capacity of the territory of the territory of the Holiday inactive unknown total employed employee of the Total Total/Students (15 and more) Pensionellers performing the homework for joyously unemployed to earlier rehearsal experience Level Sexworking Age population LEVEL SEXWORKING AGE. Pupils / Students (15 years of Age and Over) Retired PersonShousewife/Person Performing Househouse Dutiesunable to Work Other Total Had Worked Beforewithut Working Experience Tested 34.938 16.506 12.405 4.101 2.271 1.830 Tested 18.432 3.312 5.068 7.056 7 10.764 7.973 2.791 1.640 1.151 M 6.433 1.613 2.648 58 438 1.676 0 F 17.741 5.742 4.432 1.310 631 679 Ž 11.999 1.699 2.420 6.998 314 568 0 Tomislavgrad Cup 26.415 10.465 8.323 2.142 805 1.337 Tomislavgrad Cup 15.950 3.191 5.604 4.169 369 2.617 0 m 13.397 6.605 5.37 2 1.519 3.253 29 173 1.818 0 F 13.018 3.860 3.007 853 270 583 Ž 9.158 1.672 2.351 4.140 196 799 0 Travnik Cup 44.364 19.694 15.184 4.510 2.373 2.137 Travnik Cup 24.670 3.985 8.702 7.196 762 4.025 0 m 21.832 12.052 9.116 2.936 1.611 1.325 M 9. 5 0 F 22.532 7.642 6.068 1.574 762 812 F 14.890 1.970 4.132 7.111 347 1.330 0 Trebinjekus Cup 24.810 12.325 8.156 4.169 2,362 1.807 Trebinje 12,485 2,310 7.432 1.412 190 1.141 0 m 11.976 6.507 4.481 2.026 1.015 1.011 M 5.469 1.107 3.563 45 67 1.347 796 F 7.016 1.203 3.869 1.367 123 454 0 Trnovo - FBIHUHUKUS 1,372 501 388 113 58 55 Trnovo - FBIHUKUN 871 72 401 279 39 80 0 M 679 335 271 64 35 29 m 344 23 257 1 9 54 0 F 693 166 117 49 23 26 F 527 49 144 278 30 26 0 1.842 883 496 387 230 157 Trnovo - Rsuzup 959 140 565 151 25 78 0 m 879 493 302 191 110 81 M 386 61 271 0 14 40 0 F 963 390 194 196 120 76 F 573 79 294 151 11 38 0 Tuzlaut 96.349 45.259 11.488 6.237 5.251 Tuzlaut 51.090 9.062 22.649 11.030 1.300 7.049 0 m 45.277 25.052 18.742 6.310 3.608 2.702 m 20.225 4.254 10.774 132 680 4.385 0 F 51.072 20.207 15.029 808 11.875 10.898 620 2.664 0 Ugljeviku Cup 13.467 6.432 4.946 1,486 632 854 Ugljevikukup 7.035 1.179 1.826 2.423 473 1.134 0 m 6.788 4.183 3.353 830 333 497 m 2.605 565 1.015 48 186 791 0 Ž 6.679 2.249 1.593 656 299 357 Ž 4.430 614 811 2.375 287 343 0 9 214 235 Usora -Cup 3.501 576 1,071 1,131 161 562 0 m 2.832 1.447 1.175 272 142 130 m 1.385 263 609 25 73 415 0 F 2.900 784 607 177 72 105 F 2.116 313 462 1.106 88 147 0 Vareshu 7.947 2.931 2,320 611 361 250 Varesh 587 877 1,965 1.616 349 227 122 m 1.912 274 1.229 10 63 336 0 Ž 4.070 966 704 262 134 128 Ž 3.104 313 1.042 1,505 61 183 0 Velika Kladusauzupa 32.059 12.104 8.676 3.428 1.321 2.107 Velika Kladusauzup 19.955. 24 0 m 15.576 7.873 5.634 2.239 949 1.290 m 7.703 1.161 2.005 170 645 3.722 0 F 16.483 4.231 3.042 1.189 372 817 F 12.252 1.192 2.194 7.165 599 1.102 0

212 Labor Forceteritory Labor Gender Population Territory of the territory of the Holiday Inactive Unactive Total Employed Total Total/Students (15 and More) Pensioner who performs a homework for joyously unemployed earlier re -hubbing experience Level Sexworking Age. MPLoyed Totalpupil / Students (15 years of age and over) retired PersonShousewife/Person Performing Househouse dutiesunable to Work Others Total Had Worked Beforewithut Working Experience Highly 32.974 15.037 11.375 1.893 1.482 Highly on 17.937 3.011 6.776. 110 9.275 7.261 2.014 1.213 801 M 6.835 1.420 3.595 44 242 1.534 0 F 16.864 5.762 4.401 1,361 680 681 F 11.102 1.591 3.181 5,451 217 662 0 Multigrad 9.410 4.244 2.548 1.696 954 742 Multigrad 5166 683 2.483 1.004 273 723 0 M 6 1,190 16 77 464 0 F 4.927 1.824 1.048 776 432 344 Ž 3.103 367 1.293 988 196 259 0 Vitezupan 21,159 9.790 7.394 2.396 1.255 1.141 Vitezup 11.369 2.092 4.362 3.329 265 1.321 0 M 10.383 5.890 4.483 1.407 78 895 0 F 10.776 3.900 2.911 989 467 522 F 6.876 1.117 1.918 3.303 112 426 0 Vlasenica Cup 9.814 3.972 2.841 1,131 444 687 Vlasenica Cup 5,842 1.044 1.709 1,709 169 1.090 0 M 4.769 2.508 1.802 706 266 440 m 2.261 492 863 25 178 247 F 3.581 552 967 1.687 74 301 0 Vogošća -Cup 21.934 11.068 8.335 2.733 1.574 1.159 Vogošćau in 10.866 2.420 4.213 2.584 265 1.384 0 M 10.332 6.210 4.842 1.368 848 520 m 4.122 1.155 1.973 21 141 832 0 Ž 11. Ž 6.744 1.265 2.240 2.563 124 552 0 Vukosavljevac Cup 3,963 1,791 1,362 429 187 242 Vukosavljavljavljekava 2,172 558 724 187 451 0 m 1.985 1.111 828 283 126 157 m 874 130 296 30 112 306 0 F 1.978 680 534 146 61 85 F 1.298 122 262 694 75 145 0 5 2.168 Zavidovici Cup 17.033 2.750 5.475 6.312 463 2.033 0 m 14.805 8.564 6.102 2.462 1.141 1.321 M 6.241 1.427 3.128 22 283 1.381 0 Ž 15.108 4.316 3.015 1.301 454 847 Ž 10.792 1.323 2.347 6.290 30.501 11.047 5.959 5.088 Zenica Cup 51.358 8.830 19.884 15.267 1,085 6.292 0 m 45.664 25.736 18.965 6.771 3.728 3.043 M 19.928 4.284 10.562 84 612 4.386 0 F 47.242 15.812 11.536 4.276 2.231 2.045 F 31.430 4.546 9.322 15.183 473 473 1.906 0 3 2.845 3.158 Zvorniku Cup 27.281 4.038 8.429 8.957 1.020 4.837 0 m 24.431 13.787 10.001 3.786 1,861 1.925 m 10.644 2.034 4.410 197 531 3.472 0 F 24.930 8.293 6.076 2.217 984 1.233 F 16.637 2.004 4.019 8.760 489 1.365 0 Zepcecupic 24.855 10.507 8.270 2.237 1.252 985 6 4.369 5.082 478 1.823 0 m 12.576 7.205 5.842 1.363 789 574 m 5.371 1.221 2.564 52 260 1.274 0 F 12.279 3.302 2.428 874 463 411 F 8.977 1,375 1.805 5.030 218 549 0 Zivinice Cup 47.865 19.748 12.494 7.254 2.945 4.309 Zivinicek Cup 28.117 4.862 7.713 3.825 9.153 4.672 2.192 2.480 m 9.782 2.316 4.508 34 435 2.489 0 F 24.258 5.923 3.341 2.582 753 1.829 F 18.335 2.546 3.205 11.150 409 1.025 0

213 The territory of the sexual capacity of the territory of the territory of the Volitanic Inactive Unknown Total Employed Total Total Summary/Students (15 and More) Pensioner who performs homework for joyously unemployed to earlier rehearsal experience Level Sexworking Age Age Population Age. Pupils / Students (15 years of Age and Over) Retired PersonShousewife/Person Performing Househouse Dutiesunable to Work Other Total Had Worked Beforewithut Working Experience 32.974 15.037 11.662 3.375 1.893 1.482 Highly Cup 17.937 3.011 6.495 459 275 7.261 2.014 1.213 801 M 6.835 1.420 3.595 44 242 1.534 0 F 16.864 5,762 4.401 1,361 680 681 Ž 11.102 1.591 3.181 5,451 217 662 0 Multigrad 9.410 4.244 2.548 1.696 954 742 Visegrades 5,166 683 2.483 1.004 273 723 0 m 4.483 2.420 1,500 1,500 398 m 2.063 316 1.190 16 77 464 0 ж 4,927 1,824 1.048 772 367 1,293 988 196 259 1,290 7.394 2.396 2,595 4.362 3.329 265 1.321 0 m 10.383 5,890 4,483 1,407 788 619 m 4.493 975 2.444 26 153 895 0 ж 10.776 3,900 2,911 989 467 522 Ž 6.876 112 426 0 Vlasenicutno 9,814 444 687 Vlasenicutno 5.842 1,044 1.830 1.769 2.508 1.802 706 266 440 m 2.261 492 863 22 95 789 0 Ž 5.045 1,464 1,039 425 178 247 Ž 3.581 552 967 1,687 74 11.068 8.335 2.733 1.213 2.866 2,420 4.213 2.332 6.210 4,842 1,368 848 520 m 4.122 1,155 1,973 21 141 832 0 W 11.602 4.858 3.493 1.36 5 726 639 Ž 6.744 1,265 2.240 2.563 124 552 0 1.362 429 187 242 Vukosavljeubupljeno 2,172 251 0 m 1.985 1,111 828 283 130 296 30 112 306 0 ž 1,978 680 534 146 61 85 Ž 1,298 122 262 694 75 145 0 Zavidovići 29,913 12,880 9,157 3,763 1,547 6,312 463 2,033 6,102 2,462 1,427 3.128 22 283 1.381 0 ж 15.108 4,316 Ž 10.792 1,323 2,307 6,290 180 652 0 Zenicature 92.906 41.548 30.501 11.047 5,959 5.088 ZenicaUkupno 51,358 8,858 6,292 0 m 45.664 25,736 18,965 6,748 4,284 10,562 84 612 4,386 11,536 4.276 2,231 2,045 Ž 31.430 4,546 9.322 15.183 47 3 1.906 0 Zvornikupkupo 49,361 22.080 16.077 6,003 2,845 3.158 ZVORNICUPKUPLOD 27,281 4,09 8,429 8,957 1,020 13,787 10.001 CD 10.641. 37 1,252 985 Ćepčeukupko 14.348 2.596 4.369 5.082 478 1,823 0 m 12.576 7.205 5,842 M 5,371 1,221 2,564 52 260 1,274 Ž 874 463 411 ж 874 218 549 0 Živinice2 12.494 7.254 2,945 4.309 Živinice2 8.117 4,862 7.713 11.184 844 3.5 14 0 m 23.607 13.825 9,153 4,672 2,192 2.480 m 9.782 2.316 4.508 34 435 2.489 0 ж 24.258 5.923 1.829 ž 18.335 2.546 3.205 11.150 409 1.025 0

215 Tenioration Total Buildings According to the Number of Apartments One Apartment Two Apartments Three Stanas Stanovas 6-10 Stanova 11-20 Stanova 21-30 Stanovasa 31-50 apartments51 and more Area TotalHousing Units One Dwelling Two DewllingSthree Dwellsfour Dwellsfive Dwellings6- 10 DWELLINGS11-20 DWELLINGS21-30 DWELLINGS51-50 DWELLINGS51 and more BiH 1,078,156 86976 165,159 1,510 1,025 FBiH 624.761 478.150 114.761. .632 5.775 1.609 454 1,862 1,754 810 489 243 BD BiH 27,841 24,720 2.265 231 112 75 228 123 57 21 914.1. Residential buildings according to the number of apartments, level BiH, F BiH, RS and BD Housing Units According to the number of Dwellings, Level BiH, F BiH, RS and BD Graph 14.1. Residential buildings according to the number of apartments, BiH level Graph 14.1. Residential Buildings by Number of Dwellings, Level BiH

216 Apartments and Buildings DwellingStore Taller buildings according to the number of apartments One apartment two apartments Three apartments four apartments 11-20 Stanovas 21-30 Stanova 31-50 apartments51 and more Area TotalHousing Units According to the number of Dewllings One Dwelling Two DewllingSthree Dwellingsfour dwellingsFive dwellings6-10 dwellings11-20 dwellings21-30 dwellings31-50 dwellings31-50 dwellings USK 85.923 75.253 8.846 1.029 198 59 202 199 65 49 23 PK 16.166 15.569 473 41 18 4 26 29 4 2 0 TK 142.704 106.717 31.665 2.326 592 129 419 355 173 197 131 ZDK 103,725 77,282 22.129 2,248 690 149 396 BPK 8,658 6,509 1,670 248 57 15 65 63 18.892 62.768 11.725 1,178 297 47 309 360 118 71 19 HNK 59.668 45,543 9.902 1.724 626 188 847 525 171 87 55 zhk 25,547 21.523 3.385 382 96 10 87 52 8 4 0 HP 81.545 47.236 21,490 1,749 1,320 453 406 410 K 10 23,933 19,750 3,421 346 113 26 126 98 36 13 414.2. Residential buildings according to the number of apartments, canton level in F BiH Housing Units According to the number of dwellings, Canton Level In F BiH Graph 14.2. Residential buildings, BiH Graph 14.2. Residential Buildings, BiH

217 TERRITORICATION Total Buildings by Number of Apartments One apartment Two apartments Three apartments Stanada Stanovas 6-10 Stanova 11-20 Stanova 21-30 Stanovas 31-50 apartments51 and more area Totalhousing Units According to DwellingTwo DewllingSthree Dwellsfour Dwellsfive Dwellings6-10 Dwellings11-20 DWELLINGS21-30 DWELLINGS31-50 DWELLINGS BANOVICI 6.009 3,583 2.154 100 58 10 36 34 14 13 7 Banja Luka 45.639 33.434 8.569 1,717 410 118 387 480 261 179 84 BERKOVIĆI 926 822 99 2 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 Bihać 18.418 15.626 2.218 314 69 24 43 47 29 33 15 Bijeljina 36,540 33.057 2.795 224 71 13 107 116 75 53 29 Bileća 3.144 2.323 649 60 44 11 28 20 6 2 1 Bosanska Krupa 9.287 8.169 970 85 19 4 20 14 4 2 0 Bosanski Petrovac 3.914 3.507 336 33 7 1 12 16 2 0 0 Bosansko Grahovo 1.443 1.267 145 10 2 0 3 13 3 0 0 Bratunac 6,489 5,653 707 68 15 6 16 12 8 4 0 Brčko 27,841 24,720 2,265 231 112 75 228 123 57 21 9 Birch 4,832 3,765 893 59 50 6 42 8 3 5 1 BOD 5.800 5.498 190 11 6 1 34 35 22 3 0 Bugojno 9,399 8.171 984 98 42 3 22 49 13 15 2 Busovača 6.450 5.351 1.007 66 11 1 4 6 2 2 0 Bužim 4.559 4.255 275 24 1 1 3 0 0 0 0 Cazin 17,789 16,438 1.167 115 13 5 24 19 2 3 3 Centar Sarajevo 8.307 3,647 2.205 883 296 50 47 Čajnice 1.893 1,590 247 29 4 4 6 13 0 0 0 Čapljina 7.556 6,353 983 73 30 10 62 29 5 9 2 Čelić 4.239 3.843 370 14 5 2 2 2 0 1 0 Челинац 5,937 4.991 815 78 23 5 9 7 5 3 1 Читлок 5.047 4,275 579 100 33 10 28 16 2 3 1 Derventa 11.466 10.766 501 71 17 5 47 38 14 4 3 Doboj 25.407 22.465 2.254 207 75 25 111 148 53 50 19 Doboj-Istok 3.175 2.134 990 44 4 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 Dobretići 538 496 37 4 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 Domaljevac-Šamac 1.678 1.640 33 3 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 Donji Vakuf 4.264 3.542 607 68 21 3 8 5 3 6 1 Donji Žabar 1.508 1.484 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Dvar 3.403 2.783 521 27 12 5 22 15 10 5 314.3. Residential buildings according to the number of apartments, the level of the municipality in BiH Housing Units According to the number of Dwellings, Municipality Level in BiH

218 Apartments and Buildings DwellingStore Taller buildings according to the number of apartments One apartment of two apartments Three apartments four Stanas 11-20 Stanovas 21-30 Stanova 31-50 apartments51 and more Area TotalHousing Units According to DwellingTwo DewllingSthree Dwellsfour Dwellsfive DWELLINGS6-10 DWELLINGS11-20 DWELLINGS31-50 DWELLINGS31-50 DWELLINGS FOC - FBiH 1.223 1,029 173 16 2 0 1 2 0 0 0 Foča - RS 5.953 4,445 1,058 184 85 17 79 42 26 12 5 Fojnica 4,446 3.250 1,036 87 37 3 16 13 4 0 0 Gacko 2.538 1.925 471 65 21 5 25 16 3 7 0 Гламоч 1,837 1.484 315 3 6 1 11 11 5 1 0 Goražde 6.693 4.788 1,449 231 54 15 64 61 18 7 6 Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje 5.492 4.389 902 129 16 6 29 20 1 0 0 Gračanica 14,628 10.283 3.959 269 53 8 23 22 8 3 0 15.641 4.719 855 296 58 43 Gradačac 12,412 9,983 2,186 154 23 6 39 16 3 1 1 Gradiška 20,391 19.161 1.028 69 21 10 29 30 27 9 7 Grude 4.746 4.291 389 37 10 1 8 8 1 0 Hadžići 8.791 7,415 1.104 154 33 7 40 20 3 12 3 Han Pijesak 1.327 1.055 170 35 30 5 15 10 4 3 0 Ilidža 17.197 10.290 4.801 1.305 264 68 235 112 30 47 45 Ilijaš 7,371 5.405 1,670 154 59 11 21 35 12 4 0 East Ilidža 3.120 2.026 831 156 33 4 15 17 7 13 East Drvar 54 50 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 East Mostar 146 133 11 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 East Stari Grad 658 604 37 9 7 1 0 0 0 0 East New Sarajevo 2.265 1,651 373 72 21 10 17 86 27 7 1 Jablanica 3.314 2.544 549 99 42 9 46 15 4 6 0 Jajce 8.352 6.733 1.362 118 28 1 49 37 22 1 1 Lake 529 473 50 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 Kakanj 12.584 9.800 2.371 201 92 18 39 29 22 6 6 Kalesija 11.307 9.034 2.100 120 16 4 18 14 1 0 0 Kalinovik 1.226 1.002 171 17 8 6 18 2 2 0 0 Kiseljak 7.826 6,606 1,102 74 10 4,151 2,979 1,037 86 17 8 12 8 2 2 0 Key (s) 5,327 4,313 827 86 28 8 29 25 9 2 0 Kneževo 3.721 3.148 467 59 17 2 8 18 2 0 0 Konjic 9,990 7,806 1,541 285 125 27 125 56 12 7 6 Kostajnica 2.058 1.883 151 10 4 0 5 3 1 1 0 Kotor Varoš 6.843 5,381 1.257 134 28 6 14 9 10 4 0 Kozarska Dubica 9.608 9.024 455 34 15 7 40 27 1 2 3

219 Territory Total Buildings According to Number of Apartments One Apartment Two Apartments Three Stanas Stanovas 6-10 Stanova 11-20 Stanova 21-30 Stanovas 31-50 apartments51 and more Area TotalHousing Units One DwellingTwo DewllingSthive Dwellsfour Dwellsfive Dwellings6-10 DWELLLINGS11-20 DWELLINGS21-30 DWELLINGS31-50 DWELLINGS31-50 DWELLINGS KREŠEVO 2.145 1,808 290 32 2 0 11 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Kupres - FBiH 1.724 1.372 260 40 10 5 23 11 1 2 0 Kupres - RS 205 199 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Laktaši 14.388 12.648 1.529 131 24 11 16 20 6 2 1 Livno 8,353 6,936 1,139 130 53 8 50 40 11 5 1 Lopare 6,472 5.539 860 35 7 3 19 4 2 2 1 Lukavac 16,787 12,969 3.409 178 54 11 65 38 30 24 9 Ljubinje 1.455 1.232 192 14 4 1 7 5 0 0 0 Ljubuski 7.773 6.584 984 106 28 0 44 21 5 1 0 Maglaj 7.220 5.948 1.070 72 40 2 32 35 15 2 4 Milići 3.363 2,495 778 53 6 3 13 5 3 5 2 Modriča 10.320 9.664 539 27 19 4 19 37 6 2 3 Mrkonjić Grad 7,678 6,391 1,097 114 30 9 19 7 4 6 1 Neum 1,813 1,075 364 161 47 37 94 29 2 2 2 Nevesinje 4.685 4.018 538 67 16 3 23 16 4 0 0 Novi Grad 9,605 8,576 813 100 29 5 32 34 8 6 2 Novi Grad Sarajevo 15,375 6,749 4,996 1,778 436 107 429 330 236 177 117 Novi Travnik 5.160 4.348 537 54 21 3 59 97 26 13 2 Novo Goražde 1.278 1.058 181 26 4 1 2 3 3 0 0 Novo Sarajevo 6,078 2,174 1,999 846 230 79 200 215 61 96 178 Odžak 7.157 6,790 302 30 10 3 9 9 2 2 0 Lead 4.266 3,853 351 30 8 1 11 4 8 0 0 7.139 138 8 8 1 17 18 2 0 0 Бескати 2,034 1.693 329 8 3 0 1 0 0 0 Сортра Luka 1.394 1.260 127 3 3 0 1 0 0 0 0 Pale - FBiH 742 692 48 1 Pale - RS 7.258 5.900 987 176 42 12 72 28 17 15 9 Pelagićevo 2.209 2.046 151 9 1 0 1 0 0 0 Petrovac 174 161 9 1 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 Petrovo 3.292 3.108 162 5 9 0 5 3 0 0 0 Подуше придер 29.235 25.917 2.701 226 65 24 125 86 48 26 17 PRNJAVOR 15.818 14.340 1.283 85 20 9 36 27 7 9 2 Window 4.452 3.819 513 79 22 1 3 9 4 2 0

220 Apartments and Buildings DwellingStoritia Total Buildings by Number of Apartments One Apartment Two Apartments Three Stanas Stanas Stanas 6-10 Stanova 11-20 Stanova 21-30 Stanova 31-50 apartments51 and more Area TotalHousing Units According to DwellingTwo DewllingSthree Dwellingsfour Dwellsfive DWELLINGS6-10 DWELLINGS11-20 DWELLLINGS31-50 DWELLINGS31-50 DWELLINGS STREL 1,057 879 138 30 8 0 2 0 0 0 0 Ribnik 3.086 2.822 240 14 1 0 7 2 0 0 0 Rogatica 4.534 3.498 886 100 21 4 9 6 4 3 3 Rudo 3.676 2.901 686 55 10 6 11 5 2 0 0 Sanski Most 12,798 27 8 43 42 14 4 5 SAPNA 3.315 2.549 719 39 5 1 2 0 0 0 Sokolac 5.188 4.167 815 95 36 9 31 25 8 2 0 Srbac 7.477 7.083 310 23 14 4 25 13 4 1 0 Srebrenica 3.992 3.442 453 43 10 4 14 16.481 9.401 4.750 235 43 4 22 13 3 9 1 Stari Grad Sarajevo 10.144 5,681 2,904 874 281 81 214 99 5 3 2 Stolac 3,773 3.151 516 42 23 6 23 8 3 0 1 Šamac 6.287 5.993 215 17 9 7 20 14 8 2 2 Šekovići 3.230 2.789 389 29 9 3 5 3 3 0 0 Šipovo 4.489 3.638 715 90 15 1 9 21 0 0 0 Широки Brijeg 8.248 6,963 1,091 118 29 3 25 16 2 1 0 1,051 549 12 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 Teslić 15.404 13.098 1,915 189 38 13 73 62 7 7 2 Tešanj 13.331 10.216 2.841 176 32 4 42 11 5 3 1 Tomislavgrad 7,173 5.908 1.061 136 30 7 17 8 6 0 0 Travnik 15.120 11.769 2.609 365 94 21 93 Trebinje 7.375 5.315 1.441 202 99 27 143 88 38 15 7 Tarnovo - FBiH 1.520 1.226 239 23 9 0 4 4 9 6 0 Trnovo - RS 1.466 1,211 192 23 12 4 20 4 0 0 0 Tuzla 30.476 22.040 6,477 926 278 134 111 Ugljevik 5.929 5.549 333 14 4 2 3 5 14 5 0 Usora 2.282 2.033 235 11 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 Vareš 3.676 3.007 485 56 27 5 32 39 16 5 4 Velika Kladuša 13.831 12.060 1.459 196 34 8 28 36 5 5 0 Visoko 12.980 10.838 1.856 152 37 11 35 25 23 3 0 Višegrad 4.277 3,171 858 136 30 6 31 19 22 4 0 Vitez 7,700 6.305 1,252 83 15 2 5 26 5 1 6 Vlasenica 3.435 2.452 826 85 17 3 20 21 7 4 0 Vogošća 6,782 4.649 1.572 314 55 5 48 80 30 11 18 Vukosavlje 2.033 1.957 72 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 0

221 Tenitory Total Buildings According to the Number of Apartments One apartment Three apartments Three apartments Stanovas 6-10 Stanova 11-20 Stanova 21-30 Stanovasa 31-50 apartments51 and more area Totalhousing Units ACCORDING TO THE Number of Dwellings One DwellingTwo DewllingSthree Dwellings6-10 DWELLLINGS11-20 DWELLLINGS21-30 DWELLINGS31-50 DWELLINGS ODIDOVIĆI 11.257 7.414 3.364 254 80 15 61 44 15 90 80 89 141 87 129 107 Zvornik 16.676 13.629 2.598 254 45 12 37 43 22 16 20 Žepce 8.301 6,635 1,461 148 26 7 10 9 2 2 1 Živinice 19.511 16.268 2.965 149 36 9 28 34 10 10 2

222 Apartments and buildings Dwellingnivo Number of apartments and areas in M2 Townery for housing and performing activities only for performing holidays and recreation activities in agriculture such as another apartment and located in the same facility by temporary present People Empty Levelnumber of Dwellings and Surface Area In M2ToTaldwells Used for Only for DwellingSonly for Business ActivitiesForu Leisure and Recreationor Use During The Seasonal Agricultural Worksother Dwelling Unit In The Same Buildingused By Temporarily Present Personsva Cant Bihbroj 1,607,998 1,126,988 6.504 3.572 38.405 4,895 26,743 15,232 385.659 Area 119,522,072 86.862.738 727.654 255.973 1,747,943 1,156,448 26,259.668 698.134 4.228 2,698 26.136 2,550 18,849 8,485 225.618 Area 75,882,582 55,580,699. 491.070 193.076 1.534.899 140.399 1,271,013 671,413 16,000,043 RS005,261 402,839 2,087 817 11,691 150,526 Size 40.641,436 29.090.108 211.364 115.322 9.568.927 BD BiHNew 37.069 26.015 189 87 578 101 338 246 9,515 Surface 2,998 .104 2.191. 991 25.191 5.745 33.462 4,735 23,852 22,703 690.42515.1. Number and area of apartments based on use, level BiH, F BiH, RS and BD Number and the Floor Space of Dwells According to the Occupancy Status, Level BiH, F Bih, RS and BD

223 Level Number of apartments and areas in M2 Townery we are used for housing and performing activities only for performing holidays and recreation activities during seasonal works in agriculture as another apartment and located in the same facility by temporarily present for Only for DwellingFor Dwelling and Business Activitieson for Business Activiesfor Leisure and RecreationFor Use During The Seasonal Agricultural Worksother Dwelling Unit In The Same Building Deal By Temporarily Present Personsvacant USKBroj 10 6.713 76.478 557 200 1.085 158 967 1.353 25.915 Size 9.972.0712 7.728 8.367 11.050 75.604 138.605 2,206.784 PKBroj 17.501 12.956 115 12 316 36 49 131 3,886 Size 1.728.242 1.351.326 17.092 869 14.437 1.771 3.618 12.968 326.161 TkBroj 209.809 146.55 9 709 221 5,295 699 8.063 2.001 46.262 Size 15.574.814 15.375 281.065 33.649 525.260 170.213 3,185.542 645 154 3.656 355 3.968 771 33.224 Size 11.278.642 8.520.022 73.878 10.269 192.104 19.109 252,567 62.29 4 2.148.399 BPKBroj 13.408 8.442 33 8 562 222 313 145 3,683 Area 852.735 30.544 11.212 21.385 8.842 217.993 75.83 151 3,431 347 1,387 579 23.350 Surface 8.246.531 6,140.612 60.108 10,970 215.730 19.980 95.167 42.152 1,661,812 HNKBroj 99 .089 66.022 640 836 3.834 313 1.118 1.022 25.304 Size 7.827.234 5.433.353 71.18988.686 69.854 1,833,638 227 50 761 81 483 63 5.329 Area 3.174.978 2,561.721 5,964 42.968 6.295 465.349 XBroj 209.481 145.490 650 995 6.871 234 2.298 2,263 50,680 Surface 14.097.767 9.970.560 381.024 12.036 152.411 147.153 3.293 23.214 123 41 325 105 203 157 7.985 Size 3.129.535 2.393.167 15.817 2.921 23.415 6.820 17.689 13.037 656.66915.2. Residential buildings according to the number of apartments, Canton level in F BiH Housing Units According to the Number of Dwellings, Canton Level in F BiH

224 apartments and buildings Dwell blings Number of apartments and surfaces in M2 Total Today and Performing Activities Only for Performing Activities and Recreation During Seasonal Works in Agriculture as a Second Apartment and which is located in the same facility by temporarily present Persons Empty Leveldwellings Used for Only for DwellingFor Dwelling and Business Activitiesfor Leisure and RecreationFor Use During The Seasonal Agricultural Worksother Dwelling Unit In The Same Building Default Present Personsvacant BanoviciBroj 10.516 7.466 22 2 254 54 972 6 8 1.678 Area 723.970 528.664 2.455 124 14.553 3.265 60.078 5.086 109,745 Banja Lukabroj 87,644 63.904 293 290 18.316 Surface 5,869,904 4,367.943 7.261 68,567 106,361 1,160,667 BerkićiBroj 1,040 630 4 0 25 5 0 3 373 Area 66.412 42.451 339 0 1.8 52 270 0 120 21.380 Bihaćbroj 25.491 17.793 176 122 542 33 171 445 6.209 Area 2.274.508 41.922 2,307 14.167 43.556 33.828 238 58 761 861 459 11.920 Size 3.661.055 2,680.553 24.211 3.819 41.070 3.731 36.473 35. 741 835.457 Bilecabroj 4,804 3.273 4 2 18 11 79 22 1,395 Size 331.761.740 BOSNIAN CRUPABROU 11.000 7.464 58 22 142 37 146 698.591 7.258 1,393 9,058 2.280 10,478 40.470 226.945 Bosnian PetrovacBroj 4,676 2,704 16 2 66 12 37 51 1,788 Area 385,627 230.710 2,670 190 4.402 802 2,773 4,528: 1483 270 1.257 235 1.771 2.450 58.624 Bratunakno 8.028 5.808 74 14 59 12 56 10.995 Surface 624.555 466.833 7.849 1.166 3.6 31 862 4.188 888 139.138 BrčkoBroj 37.069 26.015 189 87 578 101 338 246 9.515 Size 2,998.104 33.703 690.425 Brezabray 6,733 22 2 162 30 132 38 1,387 Size 481.484 369.818 2,386 88 7.316 1.298 7.820 3.243 89.515 Boat No. 7,348 5,216 26 10 114 26 17 71 1.868 Area 548.756 6,501 1,481 1,014 6,293 9.115 98 6 8035.985 773.019 11.877 561 5.869.958 6.056 7.200 229.958 BUSOVOBABROUD 7,838 5,504 32 12 635 17 124 26 1,488 Area 591.14 4 428.741 3,299 1,125 41,692 852 8.962 1,957 104.51615.3. Residential buildings according to the number of apartments, Level of the Municipality in BiH Housing Units According to the number of dwellings, Municipality Level in BiH

225 Level Number of apartments and areas in M2 Total stations only for holidays for rest and recreation during seasonal works in agriculture as a second apartment and located in the same facility by temporarily present persons empty Levelwellings Used for Only for DwellingFor Dwelling and Business Activitiesonly for Business Activiesfor Leisure and RecreationFor Use During The Seasonal Agricultural Worksother Dwelling Unit In The Same Buildingudged By Temporarily Present Personsvacant Bužimbroj 4.907 4.260 34 0 7 2 7 2 595 Surface 545.096 63.871 Czinermo 20.052 16.362 118 13 94 26 115 39 3,255. 781 20.985 104 511 232 4 276 512 7,157 Surface 2,125,242 255 17.608 32.383 491.567 Non Tailing 2,426 1,640 7 1 21 15 19 19 704 Size 135.458 95.701 815 50 982 584 1,108 1,029 35.169 ČapljaljenNumber 10,271 7.690 54 20 230 18 86 61 2.112 Surface 930,048 707.031 6,983 1,226 5,887 180.519 ČelićNew 4,743 3.131 14 5 108 23,637 262,975 1,347 7.390 106.181 Челинагрой 7.414 Челинам 7,441 4.989 14 8 433 79 131 80 1,680 Area 500,717 342.784 1. 228 464 26.715 4.156 9,142 6,672 109.556 Китловлой 6,576 4,468 156 236 133 15 59 1,495 21,901 498.358 21,901 5,450 1,156 138,397 DerventaBray 13,748 9,250 65 13 156 22 52 159 4,031 Surface 972.025 673.923 6,850 881 8.694 1.233 3.269 12.204 264.971 DobojNo 35.978 25.115 83 21 697 88 296 461 9.217 Surface 2,319,191 1,662,628 7,327 1,293 32,233 555.036 Doboj- Исокрой 4,283 Срека 315.721 237,857 2.124 50 6.050 485 17.893 2.157 49.105 Doboj-Jugbroj 1,656 1.280 12 2 12 5 49 5 291 Area 127.102 99.040 1,399 116 599 325 Dobretići 588 437 1 0 4 2 0 45 99 Surface 45.776 35.888 6,513 Domaljevac - ŠamacBroj 1,739 1.285 7 0 7 0 1 5 434 Surface 213.070 165.724 1.560 0 461 0 80 816 44.429 Donji Vakufnoj 5,567 4,090 37 4 69 23 37 31 1,276 Area 441,373 333,622 4,093 294 5.030 1,369 2,748 2.564 91.653

226 Apartments and buildings Dwellingnivo Number of apartments and areas in M2 Townery that are used for housing and performing activities only for performing holiday and recreation activities as a second apartment and located in the same facility by temporary present persons vacant for only for dwellingfor. 310 Area 138.089 110.712 1.100 0 778 0 0 1,571 23,928 DRVARBROJ 4.992 2.982 35 1,780 Surface 342.309 210.410 1,050 290 2,525 116.202 Foča - FBiHBroj 1.462 694 3 1 149 108 44 36 4273 296 64 7.613 4,745 2,741 2,350 22,715 Foča - RSBroj 10.152 6,424 8 9 281 213 100 176 2,941 Area 580.438 379,172 10.706 5,564 9.895 160,230 151 33 1,897 Area 396.7315 2,377 712 7.415 2,334 99.589 Gackood 3,957 2.726 6 7 53 18 41 23 1.0 83 Area 264,920 188.962 688 458 3,122 1,123 2,857 1,296 66.374 Glamboards 2,544 1.412 5 0 147.655 118.082 579 0 782 330 824 863 86,175 7 177 106 269 101 3,048 Surface 727.134 498.385 2,784 404 10.279 6.086 18 .644 6.112 184.440 Upper Vakuf- UskopljeNumber 7.180 5.555 37 3 30 12 126 23 1.394 528.765 4,252 250 1,706 120.683 GracanicaNumber 20.062 14.632 100 8 496 107 1.409 131 3.179 Surface 1,540,453 616 23,820 5,150 95.436 14.007 215.921 City MO Starboard 46.381 33.082 182 164 1,347 64 583 802 10,177 Surface 3,641,231 11.640 98,922 3,934 46,549 Gradačaccnoj 15,656 81 508 119 3,106 1,088.886 7.268 2,555 15,278 4.011 36.364 12,275 247,183 GradiskaBroj 23. 788 16.892 150 23 403 92 86 294 5,848 Surface 1,844,079 1,354,557 5,704 5.880 25.556 409.344 GrudiBroj 5,467 4,75,597 6,996 1,006 5,155 1,095 3,543 1,655 82.633 HadžićiBray 11.606 7,351 49 10 1,847 19 72 43 2.215 Area 792.881 541,405 5,293 659 98,717 990 4.752 2.820 138.245 Han Sandbox 2,100 1.359 4 1 5 16 40 2 673 Area 119,912 80,316 260 42 244 831 2.324 110 35.785

227 Level Number of apartments and areas in M2 Townlers used for housing and performing activities only for performing activities for rest and recreation at the time of seasonal works in agriculture as another apartment by the temporary present person empty Leveldwells Used for only for DWELLINGFORSEONLY for business activation of the Leisure and recreationor Agricultural Worksother Dwelling Unit in the same buildingused by temporarily present personsvacant Ilidžabroj 35.448 21.693 107 105 1.715 57 513 433 10.825 Surface 2,575,390 1,615,612 10,900 7,757 101,807 3,120 38.046 32.253 765.895 Ilijašnoj 10,620 6.179 23 10 1.006 39 236 62 3,065 area 736.714 453.074 2.732 804 46.779 1,750 15.619 5.237 210.719 Eastern Ilidzabrome 6.803 4.914 18 16 47 11 110 51 1,636 area 474.378 351.766 2.317 1.262 612 9 Eastern DrvarBrOj 67 30 3 0 1 0 0 0 33 Surface 3.377 1.334 116 0 35 0 0 0 0 1.892 Eastern Mostarboy 161 78 3 0 1 0 0 4 75 Area 8.060 3.854 200 0 75 0 152 3.779 East Old Town 738 427 9 0 88 11 0 7 196 area 36.380 24.716 772 0 3.029 360 360 0 429 7.074 Eastern Novo Sarajevo 5,325 3.722 22 3 232 10 86 59 1,191 area 324.689 239.238 1.649 240 10.216 462 5.778 2.992 64.114 Jablanica College 5.037 3.065 28 8 681 45 59 25 1.126 area 2.578 3.205 1.379 75.157 Egg 11.452 7.826 57 7 129 92 188 55 3,098 area 837.470 590.642 5.130 367 6.650 5.058 13.084 4.253 212.286 Lake 591 366 1 3 0 1 0 6 214 Areas 43.461 26.672 100 282 0 42 0 460 15.905 Kakanjbroj 17.529 12.049 529 4 area 1.229.154 890.043 6.502 987 29.124 1,750 20.391 5,392 274.965 Kalesija Nugo 14.062 9.492 32 8 91 19 544 120 3.756 Area 1.174.523 844.392 3.677 538 5.746 1,013 36.440 12.800 269.917 Kalinovikbru. 651 46.048 35 87 2.950 1.595 1.106 868 34.962 Kiseljak numerous 9.658 6.565 68 11 342 29 188 86 2,369 area 768.056 547.132 8.174 873 20.563 1.505 12.549 6.928 170.332 Kladnjugur 5,734 3.784 23 3 1943 183 18 1,402 area 406.153 281.142 2.345 92.244 Key 7.251 4.864 25 4 85 15 66 85 2.107 surface 620.856 437.794 2.281 230 5.827 1.012 5.224 8.168 160.320

228 apartments and buildings of dwellingsnostic number of apartments and areas in M2 Overavani, which we use to housing for housing and performing activities only to perform a vacation and recreation activity at the time of seasonal work in agriculture as another apartment and located in the same facility by temporarily present Persons empty Leveldwellings used for only for dwellingfor dwelling and business activitiesonly for business actionsfitities for leisure and recreationfor use dering the sesonal agricultural workoSother dwelling unit in the SAMA BUILDINGESED by Temporarily 3. 40 13 3 115 22 47 32 1.336 area 290.842 197.860 1.148 176 6.174 1,167 3.145 2.395 78.777 KonjicBrj 15.139 8.245 54 12 776 111 221 83 5,637 area 917.495 526.635 4.205 780 38.589 5.337 13.209 6.126 322.614 Kostajnica Nugrjugur 2,385 1.878 7 2 19 178 1.332 0 723 233 26.459 Kotor Varoš Number 9.071 5.866 22 4 187 29 385 79 2.499 area 648.223 434.243 2.082 261 12.508 1.916 24.589 5.938 166.686 Kozarska Dubica 11.106 7.416 58 2 152 46 47 157 3.228 area 894.165 613.585 5.952 165 10.006 number 2.630 1.805 15 1 78 17 27 7 680 area 193.957 137.418 1.659 50 4.509 991 1,898 738 46.694 Krupa to unipure 984 529 3 1 12 10 1 28 400 area 62.166 35.169 156 72 806 530 64 1.693 23.676 Kupres - FBiHBRUJ 2,502 1.417 16 163 9 12 44 826 area 221.620 133.903 1.120 67 731 67.804 Kupres - RSBROJ 211 127 1 0 3 0 0 1 79 Surface 14.685 8.869 80 0 149 0 0 72 5,515 Laktasibraj 16.928 11.167 81 13 1.064 53 267 222 4.061 area 1.253.815 857.458 7.969 1,080 64.290 3.202 18. 265 8.818 61 13 76 8 59 21 2.209 area 1.137.869 917.772 7.295 1.022 6.312 635 5,032 1.463 198.338 Loparebraj 7.773 5.062 24 4 173 42 300 9 2.159 area 526.513 362.897 2.066 312 8.379 1.973 19.582 6.310 73 26 1.017 66 732 223 5.474 area 1.682.327 1.189.229 7.648 2.070 53.453 2.924 45.562 19.848 361.593 Ljubinje number 1,780 1.072 7 1 20 6 2 4 668 area 124.494 80.111 585 50 1.385 217 160 375 41.611 Ljubuski 9.798 7.247 99 29 1,933 14.368 1.992 4.022 2.047 18.936 2.215 181.506 Maglajno 10.027 7.508 38 9 182 16 102 22 2.150 area 717.755 554.569 3.816 579 10.108 895 6.759 1,881 139.148

229 levels of apartments and areas in M2 Overa -State, which we use for housing for housing and performing activities only to perform a vacation and recreation activity at the time of seasonal work in agriculture as another apartment and located in the same facility by temporarily present persons empty Leveldwellings used for only for dwellingfor dwelling and business accovitiesonly for business activesfination leisure and recreationfor use dering the seasonal agricultural worksother dwelling unit in the Same Buildingised by Temporarily Premont PersonSvacant Milići. 86 area 289.999 214.859 947 544 1.856 1.215 12.433 603 57.542 Modricaging 12.066 8.394 66 8 120 24 76 99 3.279 area 946.186 687.610 7.438 709 5.971 1.244 5.299 8.934 228.981 MRKONJIĆ City 9.710 6.032 24 6 133 88 130 85 3.212 area 91 8,904 5,986 186,759 Nonumnoy 4.022 1,353 25 362 443 14 14 3 1,844 2,286 18,389 26,178 964 990 18 9 66 80 30 19 1,717 Surface 358,729 250.144 1.518 630 3.673 3,814 1,647 1,083 96.220 New gradnumber 12.008 8.731 40 7 258 39 103 98 2.732 površina 795.897 600.434 3.542 429 14.413 2.271 6.510 6.728 161.570 NOVI GRAD SARAJEVObroj 53.905 41.504 152 78 599 31 479 480 10.582 površina 3.447.477 2.654.664 14.182 5.356 36.216 1.657 30.966 28.887 675.549 NOVI TRAVNIKbroj 8.830 7.066 24 2 44 17 41 16 1,620 Area 723,375 220 2,666 1,197 2,709 1,006 129.182 New Year's Available Number 101,585 65.366 384 64 3,744 164 192 1,059 30.612 NovosarajevoBood 33.698 25.151 83 149 49 2 284 557 7.423 Surface 2,123.061 1.602.641 5.889 9.343 2.967 40 18.401 33.393 450.387 Odžakboj 7,867 5,621 47 5 96 20 5 62 2,011 5,859 455 5,864 1,323 299 6,629 170.923 3,401 17 5 121 25 26 24 1,439 Surface 346,520 245.539 1,652 266 8.074 1.307 1,776 2,160 85.746 Orasje No. 7.895 6.050 61 7 213 16 43 64 1,441 Surface 782.574 644,287 467 3,239 5,523 110.809 osmacibroj 2.393 1,638 5 5 137.038 118.965 540 243 704 598 7.058 848 38.082 Скрай полабой 1,541 950 7 0 53 28 51 31 421 Area 100.057 63.860 618 0 2,942 1,565 3,578 2,176 25,318 Pale - FBiHBroj 795 331 4 0 236 8 0 8 208 Area 42.714 18,200 233 0 12.682 381 0 380 10.838

230 Apartments and buildings DwelLingnivo Number of apartments and areas in M2 Townlings used for housing and performing activities only for performing activities and recreation activities as a second apartment and located in the same facility by temporarily present People Empty Leveldwells Used for only for DwellingFor Leisure and RecreationForu Leisure and Recreationor Agricultural Worksother Dwelling Unit in the same buildingused by Temporarily Present Personsvacant Pale - RS99 11.214 7.028 50 4 380 60 19 6 125 3,371 Area 730,994 489.719 5.506 232 20,541 3,296 12,447 8,399 190,854 PelagićevoBroj 2.401 1,785 7 1 48 4 17 301,755 1.142 2,826 39.134 1.104 2,826 39.134 PetrovacBroj 206 127 1 0 43 0 0 1 34 Surface 15.269 9.728 122 0 3.132 0 0 32 2.255 PetrovoBray 3,568 2.506 9 1 84 9 3 30 926 Area 228,992 171.569 820 55 4.268 415 165 2,258 5.106 33 0 282 7 127 1 698 area 6265 0 22.274 640 11.665 140 64.104 Preparation 38.112 27,929 140 43 475 101 270 317 8.837 Surface 2,819,745 2.164.684 16.370 2,774 26,863 5,131 18.386 26.110 559,427 Prnjavorboj 18,555 12.077 75 5,579 Surface 1.343.089 899,099 8.159 17.574 21.815 378.915 Exchanged windowConnection 5,596. 50 1,314 3.496 2.225 4.763 2,307 157,799 Валеновной 1,299 875 1 22 141 5 5 0 240 Square 70 2.280 11.402 220 379 2,225 8 2 161 41 30 45 903 Surface 20172 8.682 2,240 2,082 2.375 48,051 Rogaticano 6,381 3,786 18 8 178 121 132 75 2.063 Area 384,497 240,178 1,311 574 8.274 115.285 4,542 110 169 25 1,591 324 122 7.239 4,178 8.433 1,414 72.507 Sanski Mostbroij 16.557 11.622 55 22 102 18 268 212 4,258 Surface 1.410.174 1.0 30.470 6.256 1,492 7.106 1,203 21.219 19.047 323.381 SAPNABROJ 4.143 2,902 20 1 34 18.617 263,235 7,583 3,957 78.638 SOKOLACBROY 7.131 4.202 12 11 179 27 124 23 2.553 Area 436,969 272.177 1,197 762 9,327 1,449 7.511 1.381 143.253 Srbacroj 8,361 5,981 54 3 155 29 18 130 1,991 Area 642,707 471.196 5,646 172 8.700 1,439 1,163 9,851 144.540

231 Level Number of apartments and areas in M2 Townlers used for housing and performing activities Only to perform activities for rest and recreation in the time of seasonal works in agriculture as a second apartment by the temporary present person empty Leveldwells Used for only for DWELLINGFORLYLLING for business activation. Leisure and recreationor Agricultural Worksother Dwelling Unit in the same buildingused by temporarily present personsvacant SrebrenicaNumber 5.162 3.601 21 7 21 12 112 35 1,353 Surface 336.229 23 7.355 1,658 313 1,301 817 6,823 2.946 85.016 SrebrenikNumber 20,635 12,867 76 18 591 75 1,364,126 1,063 32,090 3,149 1,063 Sarajevo 19.00 18.820 72 106 188 3 254 103 4,862 Surface 1,274,396 944.201 144 15.051 6.593 28 4.103 Stoland 4,873 3.787 33 2 37 15 23 11 965 Area 438,369 350,812 3,741 200 3.324 931 2.009 996 76.356 Чамабар 7,359 5,543 31 5 30 3 33 28 1,686 3.976 342 2,244 240 2.310 2,387 130,295 Шеконикабой 3,866 2,518 5,110. 48 151 66 1,743 Area 372,474 240,173 10.687 4.583 105.993 7,868 41 11 376 33 108 26 1,650 Square 967.165 783.903 5,145 828 2,315 137.106 Testo 20 1 3 11 247 2 524 Surface 215.189 162,052 2.059 43 57 432 15.414 214 34.918 Teslićno 19,838 13.087 51 14 228 45 307 337 5,769 Surface 1,460,527 1,010 12,746 2,838 20,675 27,713 410,462 128 9 182 26 682 128 3.127 Surface 1,366,680 1,043,091 21.158 558 11.005 1,642 46. 949 11.367 230.910 Tomislavgradbroj 8,977 7.581 29 7 11 2 38 18 1,291 Surface 4,071,650 940 190 4,292 2,005 129.506 Travnik 99 20 1,779 58 295 151 4,462 Surface 1,736,578 1,259 114.219 2.718 19,889 8,319 317.210 Trebinje No. 13.726 9.303 26 14 327 42 174 122 3,718 Area 900,911 636,745 2,591 1137 8.393 2202 15 16 4 3 913 65 15 16.429 189 156 49.939 3.266 719 831 40.368 Trnovo - RS99 1,937 782 2 67 533 18 1 8 526 Area 109.077 47,723 145 4,162 27.384 946 40 433 28.244

232 Apartments and buildings Dwellsnivo Number of apartments and areas Townwell-based housing and performing activities only for performing activities for rest and recreation in the time of seasonal works in agriculture as a second apartment and in the same facility by temporarily present persons empty Leveldwellings Used for only for dwellingforo Leisure and recreationfor use During the Seasonal Agricultural Worksother Dwelling Unit in the same buildingused by temporarily present personsvacant tuzlabroj 58.927 41.583 175 87 1.740 173 1,043 868 13.258 Surface 3.885.448 2.806. 593 17,494 6,138 89,929 7,992 63,463 Ugljeviknumber 6,936 4,841 14 4 114 20 140 382.051 1.145 240 7.034 731 8.247 3.123 120.465 Usorabroj 2,550 1,865 17 4 20 2 64 19 559 Surface 251.349 189.167 2,275 560 1,258 110 4.766 2.018 51.195 Varešbroj 5,928 3.521 8 2 191 24 119 33 2.030 Area 355.841 221.403 570 136 8.532 114.953 Velika Kladušabroj 16,779 11.409 75 15 47 15 157,770 1,098.219 8.353 1,280 4,201 1,152 12.37 17.998 453.190 High 16,659 12,599 117 18 675 39 229. .002 6.082 357 5.062 3.110 10.271 1.433 133.196 VLASENICABROJ 5,226 3,634 11 1 68 11 100 25 1.376 781 100 3.425 570 5,753 1,471 82.469 Vogošćabroj 13,042 8.607 3,794 Area 893.709 608.181 6,298 1,467 20.129 814 11.249 4.756 240.815 VukosavljeNo mood 2,122 1,471 7 1 19 1 14 32 577 Area 164.114 118.677 711 200 1,054 44 774 2.561 40.093 Bubroj 17.210 872 87 3,810 Surface 1.199.214 838.852 2,742 1,362 7.265 260,039 ZenicaNo 50.180 37.881 87 72 888 107 1,13 244 9.788 3,022,631 2,311,723 9,496 4,193 44,293 15,771 564.63,153,264 63 39 81 35 544 88 5,222 1,249,450 6,559 2,438,450 1,725 31.127 6,637 328.147 Жепчебой 10.560 8.661 62 3 23 2 245 30 1,534 Area 885.89 3 741.569 7.130 170 1,410 102 17.297 2,675 115.540 ŽiviniceNew 24.332 17,839 74 25 367 33 499 181 5.314 Surface 1.973.214 1.476.453 9.588 1,624 21,744 1,705 32,941 18.685 410.474

233 Territoria's Based Apartments and Size in M2Up Learn 1-room 2-bedroom 3-room 4-room 5-bedroom 6-room 7-room arrion and multi-room Area in m2TotalType of DWELLING ONE ROOM TWO ROOMS THREE ROOMS FIVE FIVE Rooms Six Rooms Seven RoomsEight and more Rooms BiHnoBroj 1,687,998 523.002 209,924 82.468 41.924 12.034 12.646.072 1,231.652 39.720.317 38.751.271 20.135.257 9.688.271 5.722.750 1,890.321 2.382.750 FBiHBroj 986 .668 22.800 386,423 333.702 139,182 56,361 29,685 8,850,156,728,5882,196,192,849 6,798,1084,089 6,797,872 1,843,437 RS99 584,261 14,556 287.053 178.205 65.051 23.427 10.647 2,765 2.557 Area 40.641.416 488.178 16.262 .288 12.923.221 6.042.182 2,647,832 1,406,537 421,442 449.737 BD BiHNoBroj 37,095 5,691 2,680 1,592 419 424 20,921 826.141 845.322 577,986 336,434 230.717 71.007 89.576 Graph 16.1. Apartments for housing according to the number of rooms, level BiH Graph 16.1. Dwellings for Habitation by Number of Rooms, Level BiH16.1. Flats for housing by number of rooms and surfaces, levels of BiH, F BiH, RS and BD Dwellings for Permanent Habitation According to the Number of Room and Floor Space, Level BiH, F BiH, RS and BD

234 apartments and buildings of dwellingsstering of apartments and areas in the m2-courses of a 1-room 2-room 3-room 4-room 5-room 6-bedroom 7-bedroom and multiple Areanumber of Dwellings and Surface arerea in m2totaltype of Dwelling One Room Room Room. Four Rooms Five Rooms Six Rooms Seven Roomseight and More Rooms USK number 106.713 988 26.419 37.206 21.959 10.799 5.716 1,762 1.864 area 9.972.074 39.293 1,766,085 3.091.792 2.259.951 33 PKBROJ 17.501 535 2.900 5.243 3.388 2.835 1.520 597 483 area 1.728.242 14.062 173.737 417.342 351.368 358.130 225.011 96.216 92.376 TKBrouj 209.809 4.517 93.485 65.281 24.785 11.341 7.014 1.627 1.759 area 82 1.324.082 934.796 258.543 338.809 ZDKBROJ 161.296 7.095 76.902 47.967 17.069 7.234 3.390 834 805 area 11.278.642 200.852 4.478.977 3.447.145 1.585.631 836.168 455.787 131.193 142.889 BPKBRUJ 13.408 511 7.641 785 269 89 24 19 areas 852.735 764 11.476 3.866 2.902 SBKBROJ 105.586 1.575 37.237 36.243 16.776 7.568 3.785 1.131 1.271 area 8.246.531 62.055 2.274.122 2.664.831 1,559,357 832.260 478.815 159.947 215.144 HNKBROJ 99.089 1.367 28.438 41.008 19.673 4.804 2.145 733 921 area 2 1.899.737 565.001 291.219 112.943 173.724 ZHKBROJ 31.632 234 5,892 10.459 9.302 3.070 1.529 543 603 area 3.174.978 9.117 400.690 947.698 996.882 395.750 221.597 87.182 116.062 KSBUJ 209.481 5.632 100.236 77.121 18,000 4.999 2.237 0 5.584.031 5.507.065 1.675.087 590.782 316.822 89.885 156.055 K 10 Nugo 32.153 346 7.844 8.533 7.445 3.442 2.266 1.062 1.215 area 3.129.535 12.008 494.747 699.797 752.838 423.816 330.879 173.807 241.64316.2. Flats for housing by number of rooms and surfaces, canton levels in F BiH Dwellings for Permanent Habitation According to the Number of Room and floor Space, Canton Level in F BiH

235 Territorials of apartments and areas in m2-gathering apartment 1-bedroom 2-bedroom 4-bedroom 5-room 6-room 7-bedrooms8 and multi-bedroom areanumber of dwellings and surface arerea in m2totaltype one room rooms three rooms ford Rooms Six Rooms Seven Roomseight and More Rooms Banovicou number 10.516 174 5.645 3.334 778 321 175 49 40 area 723.970 5.067 327.757 237.470 76.892 38.403 22.993 7.638 7.750 Banja Lukubrj 87.644 1.278 45.591 4 211 246 area 5.869.904 43.260 2.564.244 2.209.686 665.156 206.172 108.844 31.882 40.660 Berkovic 1,040 23 545 333 110 22 6 1 0 area 66.412 744 30.659 23.444 8.750 2.065 550 200 0 BIHAKUJ 25.491 179 6.044 10.495 4.424 2.265 1.213 395 23 381.790 873.730 434.004 253.999 170.949 61.249 91.364 Bijeljina Nuro 47.946 1.274 20.586 13.587 7.309 2,995 1.526 341 328 area 3.661.055 39.170 1.118.178 1.023.307 757.737 375.793 221.848 57.145 67.877 Bilecaboj 4.804 73 2,080 1.890 650 84 21 3 3 2 9.669 2.759 420 410 Bosnian Krupavrje 11.000 159 2.786 3.558 2.357 1.062 630 209 239 area 996.473 6.600 191.690 283.989 225.558 128.672 85.412 30.043 44.509 Bosanski Petrovacboy 4.676 105 2.406 1.223 511 197 132 44 58 areas 385.627 4.448 165.564 102.863 11.167 Bosnian Grahovourse 1.873 27 920 603 233 48 26 8 8 area 148.432 1.464 62.199 50.083 22.038 6.162 3.401 1.147 1.938 BRATUNACBROJ 8.028 168 4.643 1.476 1.155 351 143 44 48 area 624.555 7.315 298.560 123.554 115.259 43.102 21.071 6.779 8.915 2.680 1.592 419 424 area 2.998.104 20.921 826.141 845.322 577.986 336.434 230.717 71.007 89.576 Brezabrouj 6.706 204 3.434 1.648 817 341 181 47 34 area 481.484 7.273 200.369 116.857 79.323 39.890 24.107 7.851 5.814 Brodbroj 7.348 146 3.779 1.949 851 400 150 36 37 area 548.756 4,720 232.901 08 5.345 6.100 Bugojnoglje 12.562 85 2.578 5.219 2.299 1.124 713 240 304 area 1.035 .985 2.986 158.724 378.144 205.641 119.055 85.392 33.904 52.139 Busovacabrome 7.838 104 3.025 2.526 1.439 463 211 41 29 areas 591.144 4.123 182.034 179.294 139.334 51.109 24.841 5,841 4.907 19 721 1.051 1.302 1.197 406 112 99 area 545.097 750 52.712 92.938 145.096 156.992 56.793 19.478 20.338 CAZINUNA 20.052 121 3.745 5.584 5.619 2.861 1,351 424 347 area 2.142.569 5.343 270.109 499.483 621.439 395.034 204.009 73.873 73.27916.3. Flats for housing by number of rooms and surfaces, Municipality level in BiH Dwellings for Permanent Habitation According to the Number of Room and Floor Space, Municipality Level in BiH

236 apartments and buildings DwellingsteritoriaBody and area in M2UkupnoVrsta Stana 1-room 2-bedroom 3-bedroom 4-room 5-room 6-room 7-room arreau in m2totalType of DWELLING ONE ROOM TWO ROOMS THREE ROOMS FIVE ROOMS Six Rooms Seven Roomseight and more Rooms Center SarajevoBray 29,781 496 11,320,242 13.886 622.458 93,226 45.882 13.888 22,399 Кайничай 2,426 32 14 3 2 Surface 135.458 1,764 77.097 39.79 2 12.170 2,643 1,258 344 390 Čapljaljnoj 10.271 106 2.080 3.703 2,990 758 375 118 141 133,270 302,962 299.181 91.723 49,648 19.143 30.065 ingerboard 4,743 533 269 83 69 Surface 389,637 2.218 81,497 60.260 35.316 13 .194 12.370 Челинамной 7.414 100 3,911 2,372 701 209 77 25 19 Area 500,717 168,664 59,760 21,471 9.128 3,541 51 1,123 2,152,196 735 290 132,621 199.356 215.760 100.162 46.571 22,751 37,530 DerventaBray 13.748 174 7.246 3,909 1,513 505 264 58 79 Area 972.025 6.433 429,799 285.695 137.325 54.164 34.708 9.112 14.789 20.978 655 20.171 9.782 3.402 1,316 479.111 20,988 1,395,553 659,622 291.407 132.190 54.293 12824 12.234 Doboj-Истокной 4,283 202 155 29 26 Area 315.721 2,795 80.548 135.219 40.395 24.141 21.772 4.991 5.860 Doboj- Jugbroj 1,656 15 538 721 188 112 57 15 10 Surface 127.102 617 12.771 8.567 2,625 1,876 Dobretićibroj 588 51 194 165 82 37 37 9,150 11.356 12,005 2,149 4.144 4.850 1.334 2.828 Domaljevac-Šamacbroj 1,739 9 215 321 337 416 233 109 99 Area 213.070 315 12,638 26,548 36,845 18.591 20,588 Donji VakufBroj 5,567 64 1,760 74 50 Surface 441.373 2,647 65.964 51.752 31.344 10.480 9.028 Donji Žabroj 1,532 14 371 599 311 127 66 35 9 Surface 138.089 6 11 23.174 49.027 31.752 15,797 9,656 5.706 2.366 DRVARDROJ 4,992 230 2,634 1,595 421 62 309.309 7.070 159.409 125.165 1,590 1,462 163 697 493 71 30 7 0 1 Area 82.887 5.625 36.678 30.680 6.027 2,813 742 0 322 Foča - RS. Number 10.152 461 6,323 2,709 513 103 35 3 5 Surface 580.438 16.047 336.763 172.749 39.177 9.803 4.490 336 1.073

237 TerritoriaTenum of Apartments and Surface in M2Up Learn 1-room 2-bedroom 3-bedroom 4-room 5-bedroom 6-room 7-room Areanumber of Dwelling and Surface Area in M2TotalType of Dwelling One Room Two Rooms Three Rooms Five Rooms Six Rooms Seven Roomseight and More Rooms FojnicaBroj 6.142 173 2,513 2,397 654 245 86.735 9.273 151.367 136.277 4,366 6,248 Gackood 3,957 83 1,692 1,534 495 94 36 8 15 Area 264.920 3,069 91.573 107.975 44.284 10.022 4. 231 1,000 2.766 Glamobroj 2,544 16 951 1,049 351 99 42 22 14 Surface 207.655 396 64.609 12.010 6369 3,544 2.697 5,901 3,956 674 186 9,879 346.102 273.584 60.089 20.981 10.670 3.625 2.204 Gornji Vakuf- UskopljeNoNoNo 7.180 47 1.270 2.103 1,872 1,016 521 166 185 Area 668,569 2,005 87.389 111.789 67.435 23.505 31,718 GračanicaNumber 20.062 360 7.924 721 148 169 12.373 468,916 555.874 208.365 130,627 105,745 23.699 34,844 City Mostar 46.381 622 12.9 16 20.503 9,120 1,883 804 251 282 Surface 3,641,231 20,651 760.339 1,598,929 869,292 221.073 108.904 38.154 53.889 GradačacNo. 4,751 2,416 1,556 1,026 263 226 10,643 334.348 202.441 148.548 202.441 148.546 44.139 47,729 GradiškaBroj 23.788 466 10.093 7.546 3.269 1,371 659 18 7 197 Area 1,844.079 15.448 603.287 580.803 325.449 164.473 90.860 29.784 33.975 Grudium 5,467 36 835 1,567 1,837 580 345,1696 1,512 58.663 141.999 50,538 21,272 315 6,246 2,945 1,197 529 244 61 69 Surface 792.881 9.188 354.859 207.359 30. 545 9.022 13.657 Han PijesakNumber 2,100 68 1,526 381 91 21 11 1 1 Area 119,912 2,437 79,103 27,192 180 81 Ilidžabroj 35,448 143 185 Surface 2,575,390 47,075 810,201 139,926 86.409 24.281 40.118 Ilijašnoj 10,620 802 5.597 2.608 9 18 409 191 48 47 Area 736,714 21,086 332.386 191.399 92.924 52.141 27,958 7.876 10,944 EasternIhalame 6,863 686 208 73 18,193,345 202.449 159.345 65.449 159,343 11.023 3.150 2.078 Исочнистраврай 67 10 11 38 4 2 0 2 0 Surface 3.377 212 477 2,174 194 140 0 180 0 Same White Mostar 161 15 92 33 20 0 0 0 1 Area 8.060 366 4.159 1.818 1.567 0 0 0 150

238 Apartments and buildings DwellingsteritoriaBend of apartments and areas in M2Ukupljak apartment 1-room 2-bedroom 3-room 4-room 5-room 6-room 7-room and multiple Areanumber of dwellings and surface arerea in m2totaltype of Dwelling One Room Two Rooms Three Rooms Four Rooms Five Rooms Rooms Rooms Seven Roomsiight and More Rooms East Old Town 738 127 375 139 58 24 8 2 5 area 36.380 4.052 15.212 8.283 NEW Sarajevo 5,325 420 2.970 1.450 333 92 44 8 8 area 324.689 13.422 154.016 104.401 32.772 11.299 6.455 1.128 1,196 Jablanica 5.037 140 1.947 1.793 796 197 99 27 38 area 333,698 43 12.157 3.961 5.502 Egg 11.452 162 4.633 4.238 1.390 571 288 92 78 area 837.470 6.310 282.571 312.770 116.442 59.971 35.099 11.942 12.365 Lake 591 3 267 241 57 15 4 4 1 3 area 43.461 120 18.228 17.928 4.744 1.229 412 240 560 Kakanjbroj 17.529 66 99 113 area 1.229.154 20.300 465.667 321.597 220.032 107.871 60.923 14.898 17.866 Kalesija 14.062 144 5,798 4.126 1,982 917 757 137 201 area 1.174.523 6.939 365.127 320.823 207.214 111.140 104.024 21.725 37.531 Kalinovikbruj 1.656 79 1,099 2.746 24.975 5.243 1.734 873 90 0 Kiseljak 8.658 170 3.633 2.941 1,541 804 335 106 128 area 768.056 6.011 220.091 220.229 146.617 91.749 46.128 14.442 22.789 Kladnjugu 5,734 382 2.641 1.630 630 272 130 33 16 areas 406.153 13.174 160.887 118.846 58.531 97 Key 7.251 50 1.979 3.058 1.044 541 321 121 137 area 620.856 1.845 128.569 237.401 101.787 64.028 44.383 18.219 24.624 Princes 4,708 109 1,831 1,724 683 225 108 15 13 Areas 290.842 2.614 95.727 108.496 50.632 19.525 1.677 1.518 KonjicBroj 15.139 290 5.393 7.495 7.721 262.249 516.748 85.950 24.835 9.884 4.656 5.452 Kostajnica Nugo 2385 18 1.049 830 286 131 52 8 11 area 165.046 647 57.939 56.746 25.993 14.337 6.726 1,061 1,597 Kotor Varošhead 9.071 100 3.395 3.834 1.049 388 193 59 53 area 648.223 3.461 201.729 270.684 92.226 39. DubicaBroj 11.106 120 3.226 4.214 2.069 748 429 138 162 area 894.165 4.554 188.345 325.164 194.245 83.166 53.907 20.676 24.108 Kreševrje 2630 44 1.145 931 284 137 55 18 16 areas 193.957 1,789 66.666 74.283 25.297 14.443 7.019 2.576 1.884 1.884

239 Territorials of apartments and surfaces in m2-gathering apartment 1-bedroom 2-bedroom 4-bedroom 5-room 6-room 7-bedroom and multi-bedroom areanumber of dwellings and surface arerea in m2totaltype one room two rooms three rooms fira Rooms Six Rooms Seven Roomseight and More Rooms Krupa on Unive 984 15 432 275 216 26 17 1 2 area 62.166 528 23.307 17.406 16.231 2.770 1.594 150 180 Kupres - FBiHBROOJ 2.502 24 835 836 444 226 221.62 5.226 29.137 15.406 4.237 4.718 Kupres - RSUNU 211 1 64 124 13 4 3 0 2 Areas 14.685 24 3.637 8.946 1.176 462 280 0 160 Laktasibraj 16.928 390 6.556 7.181 1.888 549 247 71 46 areas 1.253.815 11.207 394.700 554.909 2 11.018 8.645 LIVNOBUM 11.265 37 1,889 2.993 3.281 1,431 916 375 343 area 1.137.869 1,445 114.661 245.872 330.471 179.371 137.157 62.285 66.607 Loparemar 7.773 216 4.141 2.122 811 299 126 34 area 526.513 8 16.927 5.688 4.607 Lukavacbroj 23.921 615 10.962 7.467 2.795 1.220 618 142 102 area 1.682 .327 16.802 622.537 536.661 255.068 133.231 77.267 21.310 19.451 Ljubinje number 1,780 27 923 577 185 44 19 4 1 area 124.494 848 54.069 44.189 16.678 5.019 3.181 414 96 1.99 3 914 479 191 244 area 1.007.019 4.339 135.621 292.416 292.713 122.660 73.876 33.508 51,886 Maglajugu 10.027 163 4.046 3.636 1.207 548 300 66 61 area 717.755 5.395 242.472 252.317 102.333 57.481 37.430 9.052 11.275 Milićbroj 4.863 205 2.414 1.656 422 104 103.068 34.907 10.042 6.142 771 883 Modricaging 12.066 179 5.060 3.070 1.987 1,111 470 112 77 area 946.186 6.181 290.966 227.797 195.646 128.545 65.352 18.356 13.343 Mrkonjić City 9.710 134 4.874 3.285 1.032 244 94 18 29 area 633.669 4.450 282.066 226.440 81.465 Neum number 4.022 20 2.109 1.210 551 89 25 7 11 area 276.589 1.092 112.641 93.016 51.808 11.278 3.736 1.090 1.928 Nevesinje number 5,864 204 2.866 1.898 673 150 50 15 8 area 358.729 6.581 142.406 126.150 57.647 16.339 6.376 1,962 1.268 Novi Gradugraj 12.008 212 7.043 2.987 1.160 334 190 78 213.994 100.190 33.404 21.150 6.838 5.552 Novi Grad Sarajevrje 53.905 1.142 27.478 20.262 3.813 738 294 68 110 area 3.447.477 38.382 1.530.056 1.401.424 327.352 79.305 39.207 10.980 20.771

240 apartments and buildings of dwellingsteritarian number of apartments and areas in a m2-courses of apartment 1-room 2-bedroom 4-room 4-bedroom 6-bedroom 7-bedrooms8 and multi-bate Areanuber of Dwellings and Surface arerea in M2Totaltype of Dwelling One Room Room Room Four Rooms Five Rooms Six Rooms Seven Roomseight and more Rooms New TravnikNumber 8.830 164 2,910 2,388 2,137,545 178,909 180.366 203,426 88.580 38.042 10.939 24 810 529 103,595 874 45.041 35.935 7.210 10.907 830 410 378 NEW SARAJEVOBROJ 33 .698 342 19.387 10.939 2,257 496 171 33 73 Surface 2,129,061 758.130 2015.513 5,558 16,543 Odžakboj 7.867 121 1,147 599 233 171 Surface 732.598 4,469 86.583 202.461 158.133 133.173 83.376 34.673 29.730 Оловобор 5 .029 94 1,703 1,777 940 317 128 23 47 Area 346,520 3,110 92.206 113.482 15,976 3,478 8,554 NUTE. 167.038 1,419 73,137 48.091 22.437 13.146 6.751 1,297 760 Sharp Lonnumber 1,541 40 531 721 172 49 24 1 3 Surface 100.057 1,815 29.773 2,913 200 570 Pale - FBiHBroj 795 31 472 192 40 53 1 2 4,38 21,000 11.085 2.640 5.970 64 241 376 Pale - RS00. 11,214 415 6,545 2.975 805 280 124 39 31 Area 730,994 12,559 355.849 31.450 17.481 6.081 5,183 Pelagićevodovobroj 2,401 32 670 33.872 75,372 36.104 18.982 14.097 5,898 5,265 PetrovacBroj 206 1 125 48 20 9 3 0 0 Area 15,269 32 8.14 1 4.089 1.835 889 283 0 0 PetrovoBroj 3.568 40 1.193 1,430 542 248 87 18.638 88.418 41,630 23.155 9.007 2,748 1,352 12 898 1,804 2,155 780 367 123 105 Surface 626.098 299 62.940 156.630 223.682 95.471 50.408 17.739 18.929 Prijedorboj 38.112 767 19.224 10.894 4,173 1,824 798 235 197 Surface 2,819,745 24,432 1,146,676 217,554 108,794 Prnjavorboj 18,575 376 1,085 536 163 122 Surface 1.343.089 14.422 542.334 336.670 216.942 121.214 67.782 23.069 20. 656 Exchanged 5.501 69 989 1,212 2,176 447 291 122 195 Surface 494,905 3,359 65.188 92.645 205.086 46.439 35.095 15.685 31.408

241 TerritoriaTrace and Surface in M2Ukupljak Stana 1-bedroom 2-bedroom 3-bedroom 4-room 5-bedroom 6-room 7-bedroom and multi-room Areanumber of Dwelling and Surface Area in M2TotalType of Dwelling One Room Two Rooms Three Rooms Five Rooms Six Rooms Seven RoomsEight and More Rooms 214/289 6 434 322 330 140 240 13.418 4,685 1,680 1,540 RibnikBroj 3,415 52 2,140 857 267. J 6.381 891 3.719 1.483 213 46 19 4 6 Surface 384,497 104.711 219.415 104.674 322 665 2,398 1,448 402 111 28 7 9.52.076 81.583 28,527 9.304 2.718 794 1.390 Sanski Mostno 16.557 181 4.170 6.747 3.034 1.225 752 213 235 Area 1,410,174 5,652 264.320 527.641 287,371 141.040 104.732 33.841 45.577 SAPNABROJ 4.143 85 362 214 74 60 Surface 359.617 3,751 71,638 43.791 29.226 12.630 12.972 SOKOLACBROY 7,131 199 4.810 1.484 430 126 59 7 16 Area 436. 969 6.828 267.593 102.193 36.196 13.590 7.589 960 2,020 Srbacroj 8,361 157 2,735 3.143 1,323 523 279 102 99 4,755 159.729 58.253 35.866 15.028 18.055 SrebrenicaNumber 5.162 124 53 20 17 Area 336,229 27,514 180.594 66.270 32.775 15.134 7.325 3.097 3,520 SrebrenikNumber 20.635 382 8.391 8.528 1,913 744 470 89 118 Area 1,494,122 132088 501.249 620.782 59.425 14,985 21,985 Stari Grad SarajevoBray 19.007 1,727 548 227 62 72 Surface 1,274.911 476.264 164.946 64.952 32.559 11.424 16,922 Stoland 4.873 63 1,447 2.111 731 309 141 36 35 Surface 438.369 2.453 101.071 189,419 20,539 5,823 6,410 Šamacbroj 7,359 163 594 312 88 63 Surface 619.978 218.830 43,760 13,738 12.132 Шековитер 3,866 107 1,925 1,231 372 128 69 14 20 Area 224.667 3. 992 95.924 74.861 28.140 10.768 7.165 1,194 2,623 ŠipovoBroj 5,772 64 3,327 1,874 422 51 24 3 7 Surface 372,474 2,130 33.884 4.570 2.732 302 648 81 2.169 3.866 2,647 796 338 103 113 2,967 143,466 357.309 282.314 100.620 46.775 14.663 19.051 TečačnoRoj 2,795 71 797 1.0 23 437 234 130 57 46 Area 215.189 2.901 45.103 69.634 39.497 26.318 16,516 7.442 7.778

242 Apartments and buildings DwellingsterTyriaThe apartment and area in M2Ukupljak apartment 1-bedroom 2-bedroom 3-room 4-room 5-bedroom 6-room 7-bedroom and multi-room Areanumber of Dwellites and Surface Area in M2TotalType of Dwelling One Room Two Rooms Three Rooms FOUR ROOMS FIVE ROOMS SIX ROOMS SEVEN ROOMSEIGHT AND MORE 19,838 408 9.795 4,771 98 Surface 1,460,527 11:328 273.294 150.046 68.064 22.762 17,400 Tešanbroj 17,352 160 6.657 6.596 2,227 952 512 125 123 Surface 1,366,690 499,955 214.751 18,774 21.867 12 615 1,457 2,715 1,576 1,157 625 821 531 42.375 123.956 283.704 190,856 165.331 101.004 163.893 Travnik 22.9 38 365 8,752 8,497 3.004 1,242 656 181 241 Area 1,736.578 13.418 509.657 640.057 284.123 137,973 37,871 TrebinjeNumber 13,726 1,743 281 76 23,171,288 151,969 30,148 9.634 3,275 2,334 128 1,336 636 223 28 13 3 7 Area 128.897 3,646 62,462 39.183 17.831 2,471 1,494 430 1,380 TRNOBO - RSNOJ 1,937 382 1,135 329 68 13.564 65.987 21.887 5,379 1,190 742 326 5,079 1,850 917 234 290 Surface 3,885,448 44,521 1,858.155 1,099,047 463.331 208,826 117.602 38 .193 55.773 Ugljeviknumber 6,936 130 3.006 1,853 1,257 419 191,483 159,212 142,483 27,618 7,452,472 66,452,350 31 460 66 54 Surface 251.349 1,126 29,553 60.012 53.491 49.414 35.892 10.947 10.934 Vareš No. 5,928 189 3.752 1,279 436 173 61 19 19 Area 355.841 6,228 201520 84.710 2,652 2,790 Velika Kladušabroj 16,779 174 4,568 5,490 3,678 7.232 311.331 473.747 394.040 184.894 133.049 39.502 52.975 High 16,579 359 7.444 4.447 2.493 1,146 454 119 107 Area 1,295,019 12,568 446.996 336,814 252,014 139,422 64,874 21,599 20,732 Visegradnumber 6,619 273 33 4 11 Surface 385,253 9,967 20173 8.669 3,598 480 1,350 VitezNumber 10.201 146 4,824 2,722 1.364 644 318 87 96 Surface 807.513 209.421 133.656 76.679 43.150 13.015 15.649 VlasenicArd 5,226 212 3.188 1,260 398 82 49 18 19 Area 333.766 7.130 184.458 7.636 5,348 2,842 248 5,771 5,411 920 377 208 42 65 Area 893.709 8.956 337.799 44,889 29.102 6.726 13.321 VukosavljeNo mood 2,122 42 356 826 377 262 14 4 49 66 Area 164.114 1.405 18.214 51.906 32.399 26.274 16.552 6.297 11.067

243 TerritoriaTenum and Surface in M2Ukupljak Stana 1-bedroom 2-bedroom 3-bedroom 4-room 5-room 6-room 7-room arrion and multi-room Area in m2totalType of Dwelling One room Two Rooms Three Rooms Five Rooms Six Rooms Seven Roomseight and More Rooms Zavidovići 17.210 1,421 619 292 61 7.999 478.319 452,250 128,240 70,600 39.476 9.211 13.119 ZenicaBroj 50,180 4,945 28,582 12.468 2,874 779 364 74 94 Surface 3,022.631 127.553 1. 616,794 871.266 246.917 85.874 47.908 11,779 14.540 ZvornikNey 23.336 551 12.309 540 119 103 Surface 1,630,497 121.219 69.867 17.188 19.806 Жепчеброй 10.560 69 3,795 3,750 1,546 880 327 120 73 Area 885.893 2.596 249.631 285.935 158.085 110.077 47.650 18.327 13.592 ŽiviniceNo dated 24.332 253 8.420 6,944 4,538 2,060 1,432 289 396 Area 1,973.214 9,475 503.109 507.812 427.794 229.267 180.150 43.648 71.959

245 Territorial Number of householdsNoir households that perform agricultural activity activities that perform agricultural activities and market products AreataToToDoNuHolds Engaged in Agricultural ActivitiesNumber of Household Activities that sell products in the market Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina1. 155.736 363.394 56.609 Federation of BiH Federation of BiH715.739 217.061 30.089 Republika Srpska Republika Srpska413.226 141.629 25.395 Brčko District Brčko District26.771 4.704 1.12517.1. Households that perform in agricultural activity, BiH level, F BiH, RS and BD Households Engaged in Agricultural Activi Ties, Level BiH, F BiH, RS and BD Graph 1. Total number of households and households that sell products Market Graph 1 Total Number of Households, Households Engaged in Agricultural Activities and Households Households that perform farm activity Households Engaged in agricultural activity and marketing market Households Engaged in Agricultural Activities That Sell Products in the Market

246 Agriculture AgricultureterianTrifeversUnumber Number of households performing agricultural activity and market activity and selling market AreataTotal Number of Household in Agricultural ActivitiesNumber of Households Engaged in Sell Products in the Market Federation BiH Federation BiH715.739 217.061 30.089 Una-Sanski 78.267 23,945 4.547 Posavski 13,313 3,960 834 Tuzlanski 150.607 56.033 6.242 Zenica-Dobojski 121.156 47.622 5.385 Bosnian-Podrinje 8.670 3,373 462 Central Bosnian 77,889 31,489 48,191 17,696 3,808 Western Herzegovina 25.081 9.592 1,161 Sarajevo Canton 148,871 16,112 1,241 Canton 10 23.764 7.239 1.42017.2. Households that perform agricultural activity, canton level in F BiH Households Engaged in Agricultural Activities, Cantons Level In F BiHaprace 2 Households - Review by entities and BD (%) Graph 2. Households Engaged in Agricultural Activities - Review by Entities and Brcko District (%)

247 Territorial Number of householdsNoir households that perform agricultural activity activities that perform agricultural activity and market areas AreataTotal of Households Engaged in Agricultural ActivitiesNumber of Household Activities That Sell Products in the Market Banovići 7.636 3.952 246 Banja Luka 6 5,652 8,868 594 Berkovići 638 452 235 Bihać 18.294 4.598 444 Bijeljina 34,573 213 Bosanska Krupa 7.675 2.488 484 Bosanski Petrovac 2.798 1,171 229 Bosansko Grahovo 1.046 412 706 Brčko 26.771 4,704 1.125 Breza 5.058 2.335 247 Brod 5.659 1,514 134 Bugojno 9,429 3.258 649 Busovača 5.621 2.668 253 Бужим 4.326 2,553 582 Czazin Sarajevo 21,484 932 73 Čapljina 7.916 2,336 557 Čelić 5.049 2.604 191 Čitluk 4.667 1,465 144 Derventa 9.467 3,054 457 Doboj 25.723 9.270 517 Doboj-east 3,167 1,846 261 Doboj-Jug 1,307 717 30 Dobretići 473 173 10 Domjeljevac - Šamac 1.312 413 94 Donji Vakuf 4.183 2.104 381 Donji Žobar 1,203 621 220 Drvar 3.033 643 7517.3. Households performing agricultural activity, municipality level in BiH Households Engaged in Agricultural Tural Activities, Municipality Level in BiH

248 Agriculture AgricultureTritoriaUsUmal Number of householdsNoir households performing agricultural activity and market activities and sell products Engaged in agricultural activities Engaged in Agricultural Activities That Sell Products in the Market Foca - F BiH 747 296 82 Foča - RS 6.622 1.973 263 Fojnica 3.908 1,500 268 Gackoč 1,437 550 339 Gornji Vakuf - Uskoplje 5,686 2,438 534 Gračanica 15.083 7.084 829 Gradacac 11.881 4.784 1.404 Gradiška 17,255 6,451 2.289 Grude 4,502 1.98 2 143 Hadžići 7.530 3.254 253 Han Pijesak 1.396 448 75 Ilija} Ilijaš 6,386 2,327 204 Eastern Ilidža 5,007 1,047 51 Eastern Drvar 39 11 1 Eastern Ostocno Grad 442 264 35 East New Sarajevo 3.848 505 43 JABRANICA 3.168 1,680 117 Jajce 8.041 3.317 351 Lake 371 101 9 Kakanj 12.240 5.490 486 Kalinovik 795 367 93 Kladanj 3.847 2,244 143 Kladanj 3,847 1,922 305 Konjic 8.381 2,426 193 Kostajnica 1,916 749 193 Kotor Varoš 5.956 1,834 139 Kozarska Dubica 7.557 2.984 863

249 Territorial Number of householdsNoir households that perform agricultural activity activities that perform agricultural activity and market areas Areatal of Households Engaged in Agricultural ActivitiesNumber of Household Activities That Sell Products in the Market Kreševo 1,845 667 65 Krupa na UNI 54 9 454 289 Kupres - F Bih 1.489 406 123 Kupres - RS 129 85 72 663 Livno 9.028 3.065 466 Lokacac 16.656 6,475 331 Ljubini 7.444 2,343 216 MLIJE 3.609 1,401 186 Modriča 8.638 2.798 420 Mrkonjić City 6,169 2,552 257 Neum 1.394 350 15 Nevesinje 8,899 3,779 500 Novi Gradnik 7.274 3.077 679 Novo Sarajevo 25.690 855 58 Odžak 5.809 1.342 238 Олово 3,493 1,929 98 Orasje 6.192 2.205 502 osmaci 1.689 1.006 159 ŠTHRA LUKA 977 572 57 Pale - F BIH 350 174 1.535 99 Pelagićevo 1.923 896 Петрово 2,546 1.391 61 Prijedor 28,411 8.980 801 Prijavor 12.318 6.141 987 Window 3,653 1.588 208

250 Agriculture AgricultureterianThretoriaComan Number of householdsNoir households performing agricultural activity and marketing market AreataTotal Number of Household in Agricultural ActivitiesNumber of Households Engaged in Sell Products in the market straight 929 261 74 Rib Nik 2,275 1,583 93 Rogatica 3.901 1,483 265 Rudo 2.900 1.482 245 Sanski Most 11.847 1.912 481 SAPNA 3.085 1,524 177 SOKOLAC 4,313 1,591 293 SRBAC 6.233 2,866 595 Srebrenica 3,864 1,931 472 Srebrenik 13,187 5,602 496 Sarajevo 13,753 917 51 Stolac. 7.731 2.153 356 Travnik 16,445 5,648 1,204 Trebinje 9,455 2.495 328 TRNNOVO - F BIH 647 435 8.752 393 Ugljevik 4.897 2,430 633 Usora 1,936 927 46 VAREŠ 3,582 1,177 146 Velika Kladuša 11,651 4,535 941 Visograd 4,500 5.810 928 Visegrad 4.031 976 99 Vitez 8.190 3.383 281 Vlasenica 3.735 1.391 241 Vogošća 8.811 1.508 156 Vukosavlje 1.560 536 74

251 Territorial Number of householdsNoir households that perform agricultural activity activities that perform agricultural activity and market areas AreataTotal of Households engaged in agricultural activities engaged in Sell products in the market Zavidovići 12.088 6.224 296 Zenica 38. 609 8,853 1,231 Zvornik 17.877 7,171 774 Žepče 8,830 4,829 787 Živinice 18,431 7,980 767

Fočalivnivo konjicglamočteslićdoćbanja Luka Gackopale TrebinjeBilećajedor City Mostar Nevesinjedrvarbihić Bijeljevrčko Kalinovacravnik Tomislavrčko bridge Varešcazin Olovo Prozor-Rama Rudok Jajcezavidovići Ilijašderventa Posusjekakanjlaktaši Milići Ravpodiogradnovi Grad Zvornik Srebrenicačelinac Žepče Mrkonjić City Zenica Neumkotor Varoš TrnovoBrod Lukavac Kladanj Bosansko Grahovo Ljubinjelopare Bugojnobosanski PetrovacModriča Fojnica Stolackneževo Živinice HadžićiBosanska Krupa Čajnice Ljubuškinovisoko Grudemaglaj Jablanica FočaKozarska Dubica Bratunac Čapljenjevitez Gorazdešek Pijesak Berkjecrebrenik Kalesišakjvelika Kladušanica Uglasjik Sapna Palegenji Vakuf-Uskoplje Kreševorašje BusovačaPetrovac Ilidža Široki Brijegbanovići New Travnik Kiseljakostra Luka Petrovo Brezaosmacipelagićevo Lake Novo Goraždetrnovo1Kostajnica Krupa na UNI Usora Dobretićivukosavlje Kupres Trnovoisto DrvateOkakDonji Žabar 9Doboj- East 3 4 8Domaljevac-Šamac 2 7 9Doboj-Jug 96 56srbija Montenegro / MontenegronArd Municipality Names of Names of Municipalities Marked with Numbers 1 Vogošća 2 Centar Sarajevo 4 Novi Grad Sarajevo 5 Novo Sarajevo 6 Eastern old City 7 Eastern New Sarajevo 8 Eastern Ilidža 9 Eastern Mostar 20 0 20 40 60 80 100 10 Kmučešće households in relation to the total number of households, by municipalities, 2013. The Share of Households Engaged in Agricultural Activities Related to the Total Number Of Households, by Municipalities, 2013. Household participation in agricultural activity / The Share of Households Engaged in Agricultural Activities Bosnia and Herzegovina / Bosnia and Herzegovina: 31,44% 0.00% - 19.99% 20.00% - 29 , 99% 30.00% - 39,99% 40.00% and more 50.00% and more / and more Fočelivnja Luka Gackopale Trebinjebilećajedor City Mostar Nevesinjedrvarbikhać Bijeljjediška Ribnik Sokolacipovo Kupresbrcal Kalinovacipravnikprnjavor Sanski Most Varešcazin lead window- Rama Rudoključ Jajcezavidovići Ilijašderventa Posušjekakanjlaktaši Milići Ravnika Zvornik Srebrenjić City Zenica Neumkotor Varoštani Grahovo Ljubinjelopare Bugojnobosanski Stolacneževo Živinice HadžićiBosanska Krupa Čajniče Ljubuškivisoko Grudemagla Jablanica Fočakozarska Dubica Bratunac Čapljenjitz Gorazdešekovići Donji Vakuf Čitlukhan Pijesak BerkovištuzlašaMacodak CelicSrebrenik KalesijeTesanjvelika Kladuša Bužim VlasenicAgračac Gracanica Ugljevik Sapna Palegornje Vakuf-Uskoplje Kreševorašje Busovačapetrovac Ilidža Široki Brijegbanovići Luka Petrovo Lake New Goraždetrnovo Dobreticivukosavlje Kupres Till east 9Drobe-east 3 4 8Domaljevac-Šamac 2 7 9Doboj-Ju G 96 56serbia / Serbia Croatia / Croatia Montenegro / MontenegronAsvi Municipality marked Names of municipalities Marked with numajevo 3 Stari grad Sarajevo 5 Novo Sarajevo 6 eastern Stari grad 7 Eastern Ilidža 9 East Mostar 20 0 20 40 60 80 100 km Households selling market products in relation to the total number of households performing agricultural activity, by municipalities, 2013. Household participation, selling agricultural products / The Share of Households That Sell Agricultural Products Bosnia and Herzegovina / Bosnia and Herzegovina: 15,58% 0 , 00% - 9,99% 10.00% - 19.99% 20.00% - 29.99% 30.00% - 39.99% 40.00% - 49.99% 50.00% and more / and Morethe Share of Households That Sell Products in the Market Related to the Total Number of Households Engaged in Agricultural Activities, by Municipalities, 2013.

Fočalivnivo konjicglamočteslićdoćbanja Luka Gackopale TrebinjeBilećajedor City Mostar Nevesinjedrvarbihić Bijeljevrčko Kalinovacravnik Tomislavrčko bridge Varešcazin Olovo Prozor-Rama Rudok Jajcezavidovići Ilijašderventa Posusjekakanjlaktaši Milići Ravpodiogradnovi Grad Zvornik Srebrenicačelinac Žepče Mrkonjić City Zenica Neumkotor Varoš TrnovoBrod Lukavac Kladanj Bosansko Grahovo Ljubinjelopare Bugojnobosanski PetrovacModriča Fojnica Stolackneževo Živinice HadžićiBosanska Krupa Čajnice Ljubuškinovisoko Grudemaglaj Jablanica FočaKozarska Dubica Bratunac Čapljenjevitez Gorazdešek Pijesak Berkjecrebrenik Kalesišakjvelika Kladušanica Uglasjik Sapna Palegenji Vakuf-Uskoplje Kreševorašje BusovačaPetrovac Ilidža Široki Brijegbanovići New Travnik Kiseljakostra Luka Petrovo Brezaosmacipelagićevo Lake Novo Goraždetrnovo1Kostajnica Krupa na UNI Usora Dobretićivukosavlje Kupres Trnovoisto DrvateOkakDonji Žabar 9Doboj- East 3 4 8Domaljevac-Šamac 2 7 9Doboj-Jug 96 56srbija Montenegro / MontenegronArd Municipality Names of Names of Municipalities Marked with Numbers 1 Vogošća 2 Centar Sarajevo 4 Novi Grad Sarajevo 5 Novo Sarajevo 6 Eastern old City 7 Eastern New Sarajevo 8 Eastern Ilidža 9 Eastern Mostar 20 0 20 40 60 80 100 10 Kmučešće households in relation to the total number of households, by municipalities, 2013. The Share of Households Engaged in Agricultural Activities Related to the Total Number Of Households, by Municipalities, 2013. Household participation in agricultural activity / The Share of Households Engaged in Agricultural Activities Bosnia and Herzegovina / Bosnia and Herzegovina: 31,44% 0.00% - 19.99% 20.00% - 29 , 99% 30.00% - 39,99% 40.00% and more 50.00% and more / and more Fočelivnja Luka Gackopale Trebinjebilećajedor City Mostar Nevesinjedrvarbikhać Bijeljjediška Ribnik Sokolacipovo Kupresbrcal Kalinovacipravnikprnjavor Sanski Most Varešcazin lead window- Rama Rudoključ Jajcezavidovići Ilijašderventa Posušjekakanjlaktaši Milići Ravnika Zvornik Srebrenjić City Zenica Neumkotor Varoštani Grahovo Ljubinjelopare Bugojnobosanski Stolacneževo Živinice HadžićiBosanska Krupa Čajniče Ljubuškivisoko Grudemagla Jablanica Fočakozarska Dubica Bratunac Čapljenjitz Gorazdešekovići Donji Vakuf Čitlukhan Pijesak BerkovištuzlašaMacodak CelicSrebrenik KalesijeTesanjvelika Kladuša Bužim VlasenicAgračac Gracanica Ugljevik Sapna Palegornje Vakuf-Uskoplje Kreševorašje Busovačapetrovac Ilidža Široki Brijegbanovići Luka Petrovo Lake New Goraždetrnovo Dobreticivukosavlje Kupres Till east 9Drobe-east 3 4 8Domaljevac-Šamac 2 7 9Doboj-Ju G 96 56serbia / Serbia Croatia / Croatia Montenegro / MontenegronAsvi Municipality marked Names of municipalities Marked with numajevo 3 Stari grad Sarajevo 5 Novo Sarajevo 6 eastern Stari grad 7 Eastern Ilidža 9 East Mostar 20 0 20 40 60 80 100 km Households selling market products in relation to the total number of households performing agricultural activity, by municipalities, 2013. Household participation, selling agricultural products / The Share of Households That Sell Agricultural Products Bosnia and Herzegovina / Bosnia and Herzegovina: 15,58% 0 , 00% - 9,99% 10.00% - 19.99% 20.00% - 29.99% 30.00% - 39.99% 40.00% - 49.99% 50.00% and more / and Morethe Share Of Households That Sell Products In The Market Related to the Total Number of Households Engaged in Agricultural Activities, by Municipalities, 2013.

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PRWC » Kalatas Special Issue | March 29, 2024

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Poor is the official newspaper of the revolutionary citizen of the Southwest. Marxism-Leninism-Maoism guides this. It is published by the Communist Party of the Philippines (MLM) and the New People's Army of the South.

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Read and discuss the newspaper of the revolutionary citizen of the Southern South Essential Issue 29 March 2024 Study, correct, operation, achieve the initiative! The red salute to the New People's Army (NPA) is delivered by the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) to the South of the 55th anniversary of its establishment. The revolutionary citizen celebrates the countryside and the city. They celebrate the brilliant history of their army in the brave defense of their interests against the classes that exploit and oppress them. They know that without the NPA, there would be no citizens. As a result, they joined their army with hardship and sacrifice, in frustration and success and the intricate path of the revolution of the revolution to the fulfillment of the goal of national democracy and socialism. In this critical phase of the life and death struggle of the Filipino people, it is necessary to study, proud and happy to celebrate our historical achievements in promoting the people's democratic revolution. It is also an occasion for us to remember, recognize and honor and honor the martyrs and heroes of the Philippine Revolution from our ancestors to the present generation of revolutionaries, red fighters and communists in their selfless -And of all the strength, talent, the talented and the only life for the great goal of freedom, democracy and socialism. Today, let us honor and honor the heroes and martyrs of the revolution. We give the unique tribute and honor to Josephine Mendoza or Ka Sandy, the Central Committee, the Great Leader and Second Secretary of the Party Regional Committee in the Southern Party who passed away from the disease. The party also tries and honors Paulo “Ka Committee of the Southern Council Communist Party of the Philippines March 29, 2024

2 March 29 202429 March 2024 Special issue is the official newspaper of the revolutionary citizen of the Southwest. Marxism- Leninism-Maoism guides this. It is published by the Communist Party of the Philippines (MLM) and the New People's Army of the South. The Resistance invites readers to contribute to the improvement of our newspaper. Send comments and suggestions, news and revolutionary experiences that can be published in our newspaper. It receives letters to: Filipino. Due to the Party's accurate and absolute leadership, the people's army grew and grew, from small and weak, amid no cruel suppression and conjunction from the enemy's bud. The history and experience of the Party and the People's Army have proven that in the determined resistance and promotion of the armed struggle only the forces of the revolution will strengthen. For 55 years, the Party and the NPA successfully failed the cruel repression and destruction campaign launched by the exchanging puppet regime of US imperialism-from Kitlin-to-Bourge Oplan Cadena de Amor (OCDA) prototype of Oplan stability of the US-Marcos dictatorship SR.; Oplan Citizens and Oplan Citrus BITAG I and II of the US-Aquino regime I; Oplan Lambat BITAG III and Oplan development town of the US-Ramos regime; Oplan Makabayan and Oplan Balangai of the US-Estrada regime; Oplan Bantay Laya I and II of the US-Macapagal-Arroyo regime; Oplan Bayanihan of the US-Aquino II regime and the Oplan Peace and Joint Campaign Plan-the peace of the US-Duterte regime. The ongoing JCP-ease and new declaration of the US-Marcos II regime will surely be thrown into the trash of the history of the history of the history of the NPA-Marcos II. Filipinos, especially the oppressed and exploitative toiling to launch the offensive and achieve the initiative to justify their oppression and achieve redemption on unlucky poverty and cruelty as a result of unmatched chronic crisis ruling systems and imperialism. The internal and external factors have reached a level of maturity for the Filipino people to strive and view the large-scale-promotion of the national-democratic revolution. This is the great mission and contribution of the Philippine Revolution to the global proletarian revolution to overthrow and end the parasitic and decaying imperialism and to establish socialism, the first stage in the historic epoka of the establishment of communism. Isko ”Cruz, Divine“ Ka Zoey/Joy ”Soreta, Joseph“ Ka Ken ”Delos Santos, Dayna Benna “Ka Karen” Glorioso Lagrama, Ricanio “Ka Jenny” Bulalacao and Emmanuel “Ka Angelo” Nazarene of the South-Quezon-Bondoc Peninsula; Arc John “Ka Hunter/Ka Baron” Varon, Nancy “Ka Mamay” Looy Yaw-an, Peter “Tagub/Roche” Rivera, Jethro Isaac “Ka Bundo/Pascual” Ferrer, Kate “Ka Mc/Ny” Lukmay, Abegail “ Ka Laura/Esang ”Bartolome and Jessie“ Ka Aja ”Almoguera of Mindoro; Junalice "Ka Arya" Arante-Visit, Isagani "Ka Zuge/Ringgo" Isita, Baby Jane "Ka Binhi/Ani" Orbe, Maria Jetruth "Ka Seven/Orya" Jolongbayan, Alyssa "Ka Ilaya" Lemoncito, Precious Alyssa "Ka Komi ”Anacta, Joy“ Ka Kyrie ”Mercado, Leonardo“ Ka Mendel ”Manahan, Bernardo“ Ka Mamay ”Bagaas and Erickson“ Ka Ricky ”Cueto as well as civilians killed in Balayan, Batangas Pretty Sheine Anacta and Rose Jane Aunt. Let us take strength, inspiration and talent in their great lives to fully fulfill the duties that have been left on the shoulders of the remaining, taking their weapons left and advanced to the path that their blood is watered. Let us raise the revolutionary decision, the fear of poverty and sacrifice, the innocent and the scenery of the future of the Piipino Revolution. From the Party almost nothing to establish the NPA in the second district of Tarlac on March 29, 1969. From the start of sixty (60) red fighters, nine (9) automatic rifles and 26 poor rifles and pistols, achieved BHB is the power of unmatched history of the revolutionary struggle of the people @comkathryn.bsky.social tumblr.com/strevportal

March 29, 20243 Kalatas I. Strictly hold the golden lessons from the brilliant revolutionary tradition of the people of the region in the last 500 years the Marxist-Leninist theory and Practice of the Philippines. Not only do we benefit from the achievements that have been achieved in other countries to overcome our own revolution, but we also hope to add our own success to others' success and to provide some benefits that contribute to the promotion of Marxism-Leninism and the global proletarian revolution , for the end of mankind to be free from the plague of imperialism and entered the time of communism. In the current phase of the Philippine Revolution, we are launching a people's war, a revolutionary war, as it is the only way to end the armed oppression of the people made by the reactionary instrument of the big comprador-landlord-landlord2. In accordance with this spirit taught by the Great Chairman Amado Guererro, if the talks are the best of contributing to the Southwest Region's interest in promoting and successful of the People's War in the Philippines, there is nothing more important than the principles' The lesson we have learned based on the conditions of the region and our own revolutionary experience. We have the highest appreciation for the principles and lessons that the people's lives and blood in the region have. We do this, not in a narrow localist perspective but to fulfill our basic duty to apply the universal reality of MLM and the basic principles of the CPP to the TK region's concrete practice and circumstances to contribute to our national growth, progress and success. In the past seven years of life and death struggle, we have successfully disappointed US imperialism and its puppet state to end the democratic people's revolution promoted by the Party, NPA and revolutionary citizens. Despite serious injuries and withdrawal in some parts, the flag of revolution in the country and the TK region is firmly stood and stood firmly. The Party and the NPA should be celebrated and proud of the Party and the Political Goals of the DRB's political purposes regardless of the replacement of sacrifice and sacrifice. This is because the NPA Party holds the proper basic principles that political power comes from the end of the gun and without the army, there is no citizen. The foundation of the revolutionary tradition of the Filipino people and the people of TK is very deep, strong and unstoppable. The current democratic revolution of the people is continuing for more than five centuries of the people's brave fight against colonialism and neocolonialism. It led the incomparable spirit of the people to armed forces against a series of foreign conquerors and the local collaborators of the ruling classes and traitors who had interacted with conquerors to divide and rule the Filipino people. The new DRB's new type has been historic and advanced in the last 55 years. This is due to stable leadership of the CPP and the light of the universal reality of MLM. We should be tirelessly studying the knowledge of applying MLM to the concrete practice of the revolution If the discussion is to advance and succeed our own people's war, nothing more important than the principles and lessons learned We are based on the conditions in the Philippines and our own revolutionary experience. In this regard, we have the highest appreciation for the principles and lessons that our own people are taxed. 1 Amado Guererro, particularly characteristic of the People's War 2 Ibid

4 March 29 20244 Filipino Guides against the Spanish colonialism to be hit by the 1896 revolution of the Katipunan under the leadership of Gat Andres Bonifacio. The 1896 revolution against Spain colonialism is recorded as the first crack of bourgeois-democratic revolution in Asia. It was initiated by 1521, by the successful defeat of Lapu-Lapu in the Spanish conquest of Ferdinand Magellan's leadership. Since then, the epic of the brilliant revolutionary armed struggle of the Filipino people has never been interrupted so that the people can achieve national independence, democracy and socialism. The revolutionary tradition of the people of the Southwest was set on the fire of less than 400 years of struggle against Spanish colonialism (1521- 1898). However, because of the separate and spontaneous stripes, it has repeatedly fails and is repeatedly suppressed by Spanish colonialism using the divide and reign tactics and the cross and sword. This separated expression of our ancestors from various parts of the country served as a starting preparation until the national consciousness led to the eruption of the Rebellion of 1896 led by Gat Andres Bonifacio and the Most High Respondent of the Children of the People (Katipunan). This armed struggle has succeeded to end the 300 -year rule of Spanish colonialism and establish the Philippines. However, due to the leadership of the illustrated leadership of Emilio Aguinaldo to seize the leadership of the revolution, it will fail to fight the occupation of US imperialism and surrender the winner of the 1896 revolution to the new conqueror. The new imperialist power captures the freedom of the Filipino people and is bound to its colonial and neocolonial rule that has continued for 126 years. Among the more than 300 citizen colonialism of the Spanish colonialism was the recorded two Chinese uprisings in 1603 and 1639-1640 identified Sangley Rebellion I and II that took place in Rizal, Laguna and Cavite, the 1740 peasant uprising In Cavite, Laguna Batangas and Bulacan, Matienza's leading to Lian and the Filipino, led by us by the Great Jose Maria Sison-Amaado Guererro, chairman of the CPP (MLM) and the greatest leaders and heroes of the Philippine Revolution over the last century . These are unique to the monumental papers he wrote as follows: Philippine society and revolution, correct mistakes and rebuild the party, specifically the character of our people's war, our strict duties, no substantial change in Philippine society , Re -strengthen our basic principles and correct mistakes, stand up for socialism against modern revisionism and MLM: Guide of the Philippine Revolution. These papers have successfully applied the universal reality of MLM to the concrete status and practice of the Philippine Revolution. These papers are clearly guided by the immediate and long -term directions and duties of the Philippine Revolution. As a result, the Philippine Revolution has moved forward without a twist and continues to wave the torch of the people's long -standing people in the critical time the socialist camp has suffered a strategic defeat because of the modern revisionist treachery and capitalist restoration - first to the Soviet Union, from 1953 and , Second, in China from 1978. The people are deeply understood, especially by the Filipino revolutionaries that regardless of significant economic, political, political, culture and all-sided development of Philippine society, it has been built by the armed struggle and the revolutionary resistance of our ancestors who were led by the eternal heroism, sweat, life and blood of the current generation of revolutionaries. The people also deeply understand that whenever they take the weapon or the brief to hold on to it, the conquering foreign forces and their savage local ruling classes reign Curious to suppress armed resistance and seize or deny any success the people have achieved. We should be proud of and handle the lessons in the unstable record of over 300 armed uprisings launched by

March 29, 20245 In the provinces of Laguna, Cavite, Batangas and Tayabas. The 13 martyrs of Katipunero who were killed in Cabite were now known as the "Los Trece Martires de Cavite". In fact, the provinces of Cavite, Batangas and Laguna declared a full-time support of the revolution. The South is also the base of Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo, who was once leading the faculty of the Katipunan. In the wake of Aguinaldo's illustrators who pushed the seizure of the Katipunan leadership that led to the murder of brothers Andres and Procopio Bonifacio on May 10, 1897. However, apart from Aguinaldo's Capitical town, other provinces In the South, Andres Bonifacio continued to recognize the leadership of Andres Bonifacio, and they were forced to go to Aguinaldo when it was clear that Bonifacio was gone. Despite Aguinaldo's surrender to the Spaniards and the Hong Kong in exchange for money, the armed actions of the Katipuneras continued under the leadership of General Malvar. General Malvar followed Aguinaldo's command line, so he was recognized as the new president and commander-in-chief of the Katipunan after Aguinaldo surrendered. The war led by Malvar is a guerrilla war that possesses the greatness of a people's war - the concealment and support of the masses, which the American says they seem to oppose the entire Filipino masses in Batangas and Laguna. By June 1898, almost the whole of Luzon was in the hands of the Katipuneras. In August, General Malvar's forces released Tayabas (Quezon), while the Spanish forces surrendered to the forces of General Paciano Rizal in Santa Cruz, Laguna. The revolution and success of the revolution on the island of Mindoro also featured the leadership of Juan Naguit, Gasic, Colonel Alfonso Panopio who ended the Spanish rule in Mindoro after 328 years. After the first American murder of Filipinos in San Juan on February 2, 1899, the bloody conquest of Americans with a total of 70,000 forces began. General Bell's military campaign in Cavite, Laguna, Batangas, Rizal and Tayabas Nasugbu, Batangas, identified the brutality of the military campaign. Andres Novales in Cavite in 1823, the first religious uprising of Apolonio dela Cruz aka Hermano Pule in Tayabas (Quezon), Laguna and Batangas in 1840-1841 and the next Samaniego revolt of the Tayabas Regiment and the resistance of colorums, the Sergeant La Madrid in 1872, the fight against Filipino workers at the Cavite Pier was blamed on three priests Gomez, Burgos and Zamora and the fight against robbers or ladrones in 1880 in Mindoro under the leadership of Captain Valeriano Gasic y Ramos. Filipinos have launched armed resistance due to seizure of the land of the peasant masses, forced labor through the implemented colonialist polo system, discrimination against Filipino priests and soldiers, raising brown, murder and whatever -What is the cruelty carried out by the Spanish colonialists. When the Katipunan was built and the 1896 revolution broke out, the Southwes' people played an active role. In addition to the Katipunan base of the province of Rizal, thousands of Katipuneras came from

6 Kalatat 29 March 2024 The suspicions that Americans launched against them failed and failed. The support they received from the masses and even some illustrators were strong. Sakay has long been the base of the island of the Laguna de Bay and Mount San Cristobal in Dolores Quezon. Here the Manifesto of the Republic of the Embroidery was written. It is also believed to be "sworn" that they will not cut their hair until the foreign Kano is not expelled. Sakay himself led an uprising in Barangay Talaga of the said island. The San Mateo of Rizal was one of the battles of the battle between the revolutionaries under Sakay's leadership and the US troops. By January 31, 1905, the Americans decided to suspend the writ of habeas corpus in Cavite and Batangas due to the intensity of the attack by the Filipino guerrillas. Americans used 3,000 soldiers to defeat Sakay's forces and achieved it in 1905. At the same time Gen.'s efforts Artemio Ricarte called Ricarte's movement. Ricarte refuses to conspire with the Americans and has been deported twice overseas. When he returned in December 1903, he succeeded in contacting several colonels and low-rank officials with the revolutionary army, and launched some coordinated but small offensive. At the same time, the religious rebellion led by Ruperto Rios took place in Tayabas (now Quezon) in 1902- 1903. From 1906-40, amid the consolidation of the EU imperialist power and his local puppies, still continuing the armed armed actions of the people. In addition, the workers' struggle, even the peasant masses, spread to the national level. Among the workers, the Congress Obrero de Filipinas was promoted in 1913, Federacion del Trabajo in 1917, Legionares Del Trabajo in 1919, Philippine Children's Katipunan in 1929. Among the peasants the farmers' Union became famous 1917, Sweat in 1919, a collection of workers and peasants in the Philippines in 1922, Philippine Farmers' Celebration of the Farmers in 1928 and where General Malvar's forces are strong. Hamletting and Reconcentrado were there where the whole masses were gathered in the poblacions of towns such as Tanauan, the plant was burned, the pets were killed and the wells pointed out. In each of Malvar's guerrilla attack they kill a mass leader in return. It was a big part that pushed Malvar to a ceasefire (but he never swore to the American flag). According to Census data, the Batangas population dropped to a third from the last Spanish census and the first American census, or about 100,000 people. Filipinos, including the people of the region, bravely fought. The US first had to implement the heinous henism against the Filipinos before they could resist the armed resistance of 5 million citizens. They killed 600,000 Filipinos. By 1902, there was no one to be seen in the Batangas countryside. During the Philippine-American war, Mindoro played an important role-first, as an economic cow supply base for revolutionaries and second, as a strategic attraction. Only in August 1900 did the Americans determine the secret to bringing cattle and logistics to Mainland Luzon. History records the cruelty of American soldiers under the leadership of Major R. K. Evans of the 13th Infantry Command on the island of Mindoro. He has implemented disgusting initiatives such as: blocking food supply lines (affected by non -combatants); Hamlet in the population occupying the entire districts and out of Hamlet it authorized American troops to kill anyone and destroy anything (burning houses, killing animals, destroying yields and poisoning in water drink). As a result, there was a cholera epidemic throughout the population. Revolutionary leaders Macario Sakay, Julian Montalan and Cornelius Felizardo established the so -called Republic of Aldugan in May 1902. Through coordinated offensives, the forces of the forces seized many weapons

March 29, 20247 It was attempted to arrest after the strike at the La Minerva Cigar Factory. He based in Longos, Laguna and joined the force of Capt. Nicolas Encallado is a 60-year-old veteran of the revolution. They became Laguna and Tayabas. Asedillo understood the value of mass support. He became famous as the agitator and the encouragement of the masses to support the revolution. Up to 95% of Sampaloc residents, Tayabas is a member of their Building SamaPis Society. Asedillo's forces also launched operations of confiscation of landlords and massacres with abusive officials, soldiers and informants. It is also a popular anti-US movement, led by opportunist Benigno Ramos. He established the perfect newspaper that became a popular medium of objections to the reign of foreign and local ruling classes. Its readers became the summary of the Sacdivical Organization that reached 68,000-200,000 membership. They have won some positions in the puppet state in the 1934 election due to the bringing of farming programs including the departure of all taxes, confiscation of the large landlords of landlords and distributing it to farmers , and providing government service support in agriculture. Despite Ramos' opportunism and the suppression of the colonial state, other leaders and masses of the Sakddalist Movement continued in their actions in the form of the boycott of the plebiscite for Commonwealth Constitution. In response to the repression, the Sacredists planned an armed rebellion. The invasion of 150 armed Sakdalists in the municipality of San Ildefonso, Bulacan, They dropped the American and Filipino flag and replaced the Sacdress flag. After that, the Tanza and Bgy. Caridad of Cavite, Cabuyao and Santa Rosa of Laguna, and other towns have also launched similar action. In total, up to 60,000 farmers of Sacdress participated in the rebellion. National Unity of the Farmers in 1930. These organizations have been the medium for the authors and ideas of Marxist ideas in our country. Workers' union leaders have a line of relationships with revolutionary parties overseas especially at the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. The popular worker leader at this time was Crisanto Evangelista who had struggled to spread Marxism-Leninism in the country. He became the Chairman of the CPP established on November 7, 1930, on the thirteenth anniversary of the success of the October Revolution (1917) and the establishment of the first socialist country in the world. From 1925 to 1930, workers' strikes exploded in various parts of the country, including the Central Central to Laguna (Canlubang). Almost at the same time, the armed action of the remains of the religious group (Colorum) in Tayabas. In 1930, members of the Central Central Committee Patricio Dionisio established the fortress, a secret movement against the Americans who had active members in Laguna and Kabite. Also featured in TK history is the armed uprising led by Teodoro Asedillo, also a member of the old CPP. He was hanging out

8 March 29 2024 of successful offensives against fascist forces and punish the traitors. The problems of the Filipino guerrillas in Mindoro faced problems from the mid -1942 of the epic organization and coordination, the shortage of logistics and modern weapons, and the internal ribbons between various guerrilla groups. Due to the mistake of the Lava leadership, the US imperialism was not resisted when they returned to the Philippines at the time of the Japanese invaders and Filipino forces. On the contrary, they were accepted despite their massacre in the Hukbalahap squadrons. The level of the regional revolutionary strength of the region's citizens under the leadership of the old-fashioned CPP was greatly weakened when the Lava-Taruc leadership decided to surrender to the American imperialist, promote "democratic peace" and participated in the bourgeois and reactionary elections in 1946 by the Democratic Alliance. This betrayal and opurtunism have resulted in the massacre of American troops in squadron 77 in Masiko, Laguna's queue. When the winning candidates of the Democratic Alliance were ousted in Congress, including Lava and Taruc, they again called for the armed struggle in the first room of 1947. The Hukbalahap was resurrected by the New People's Name Army (HMB) on March 29, 1947. Because the regional farmers in Quezon, Laguna, Batangas and Rizal are deeply rooted in the region, the spirit of the armed resistance is deep, the people responded and the HMB and the CPP influenced the TK in the following years. HMB's SONAs and guerrillas and guerrillas are further expanded. Many have been recruited at HMB and have built large squadron formations in Laguna, Quezon and Batangas. The region also became a standpoint for expanding Bikol. One of the main bases of Politburo out that Jesus Lava led Mount Sierra Madre, especially the Quezon-Laguna and Quezon-Bulacan Bulacan Lord. During the adventurist during the Japanese militarist occupation, the citizen of the region bravely participated in the Japanese liberation movement. Many citizens of Laguna, Rizal, Batangas and Quezon joined the Hukbalahap (People's Army Against the Japanese) under the leadership of the old combined party. The mountainous part of the aforementioned provinces has become a widespread maneuver and basis of the Hukbalahap. The people of the region vigorously supported the Hukbalahap until the Japanese militarist was eventually evicted. Throughout this time the Hukes and the CPP organized the people of the region to unite and combine the Japanese militarists together. It has also been a great opportunity for the Huk and the CPP to expand and build the guerrillas and guerrillas. One mayor and permanent They are based on the Sierra Madre mountains sewing the provinces of Quezon, Laguna and Rizal. In fact, the Sierra Madre of Sierra Madre became the economic and farm of the Hukbalahap. They have launched an agrarian revolution in the ownership of large landlords who have traced and interviewed the Japanese. They have also expanded the mountains of Banahaw and the Batangas mountains to the Cavite border. Laguna, in turn, became the main base. On the eve of Japanese evacuation in 1945, the Huk and CPP in Laguna had a provisional revolutionary government. Those who have not had the opportunity to join the Hukbalahap have become an active member of guerrillas such as Hunters, ROTC and marking guerillas. In the Rizal mountains the marking Guerillas is basic. It was led by Marcos Agustin from Eat, Rizal. Mount San Ysiro in Antipolo was one of the theater theater of the battle between the guerrillas and militarists. Command and Flow are strict in the HUK compared to the US -controlled USAFFE forces. In Mindoro led by Capt. Esteban Beloncio is the forces that retreat to the mountains to continue the fight as guerrillas. They launched

March 29 20249 The 55-year history of the NPA is an epic of sincere service and defense of the oppressed people and exploited. By being aware of the dedicated interests of one's own kind, the interest of the country for freedom and democracy and the faithfulness of the CPP's leadership comes the NPA's unlucky courage and courage to face the greatest poverty and trial. This is the secret of the NPA's unrest in front of the superior opponent. The decision to fight and win - this is the fountain of the people's army superiority - the most decisive factor in achieving the success of the Lava and Taruc's military, HMB reefs such as the raids in the municipality of Sta. Cruz and San Pablo of Laguna, Gayondin took place in the Municipality of Lukban in Quezon. If the people have been a witness and a direct participant in the development of the armed struggle from 1947 to the years that followed, they would also be participating and witnessing how the military adventurists and the Lava and Taruc's conflict were destroyed. II. The magnificent and brilliant history and tradition of the New People's Army at TK began with almost a BHB in the South. The efforts of the first NPA units to open the region of the fire have passed through the baptism of the fire. When we launched the guerrilla warfare in TK, we began with a huge disadvantage and huge limitations. But because we have high spirit and very rare determination, we have not discouraged in the face of the apparently absolute superiority of its reaction and armed forces. From almost a Kusing, the Party struggled to start the opening of guerrilla zones in various parts of the region from cadres and activists in the masses in the city, to the veterans of the first bedroom and new siblings revolutionary during the Fascist's ruling of the US-Marcos regime. With the Guide to the general line of the Party in the People's Democratic Revolution, the cadres and activists are driving to live in the country-to-dot masses and encourage the peasant masses in the people's democratic revolution through patient work in provocative, organizing and mobilizing the antifruit and antipasist mass movements linked to anti-imperialism. The people in the countryside welcomed the party line and in the intricate and unsteady roads, we built guerrilla zones after repeated processes of violent counter-revolution and re-recover from temporary injuries and failure. The great chapters of the revolutionary struggle of the peasant masses in the region are filled with revolutionary heroism. And with each end of a chapter and opening a new one, the heroic New People's Army in the Absolute leadership of the Communist Party is the center of every significant break of the people's struggle for national democracy. Our people's army is bravely dominated by irresistible difficulties and obstacles in the early times of the seed of guerrilla warfare in the region. Despite the consecutive failure of the first attempts to open a guerrilla zone in San Pablo, Laguna in 1969-70, Quezon Banahaw part in 1972 and 1973, West Batangas in 1973, Oriental Mindoro in 1973 and 1974, and withdrawal to preserve seed units in Upland Cavite and Eastern Batangas in 1974, the people's army has successfully expanded and rooted in the peasant masses in two coherent places -First, at the Quezon-Bikol border and second to the Sierra Madre border of Laguna and Quezon before the latter finally destroyed in 1975 due to false

10 March 29 2024 The construction of artificial bases and other left mistakes that have expanded difficulties when the enemy launched a large raid and repression. However, due to promoting the proper policy of the then regional committee in Southern Luzon (KRTL) to gather the remaining forces and to strive in the central district, guerrilla warfare on the Quezon-Bikol border has continued to develop and intensify and intensify. single left in those who have tried to build this season. The Party successfully formed a relatively massive mass base until 1977 preserved despite the damage caused by Apolinario's (Rey Ababag's) facultyism in the last division of 1976 to mid -1977. Earlier, the regional committee successfully overlooked the region in the region. Southern Luzon The most critical periods of launching and establishing an armed struggle in the region due to subtle injuries to the regional leadership in 1970, 1973, 1974, 1975 and 1977. In the early 1970s, the enemy arrested Nilo Tayag , the general secretary of the Central Committee and stood secretary of the KRTL while opening the guerrilla zone in San Pablo, Laguna. From 1973-74, a series of injuries struck the Party Committee on the sub-regic committee of TK and BK as a result of Benjamin Gapud's betrayal, a secretary of Nilo Tayag. The treacherous Gapud, Gerardo Espinas and Butch Bautista were responsible for the series of rear rear series in 1973 and 1974 that was almost destroyed by the South Luzon Party organization. Before the party and movement in TK have recovered, a series of damage hit the Courage Committee in the Upper Sierra Madre, Laguna and Quezon's upper Sierra Madre border with the massacre of Lorena Barros the Secretary of the Field Committee. This was followed by a widespread fire in 1977 which dramatically damaged the special committee organization on TK's white blast. Only during the July-August, 17 cadres of the region were arrested and to date remains. Among the well-known names lost at this time were companion Rizalina Ilagan, Cristina Catalla, Bong Sison, Samuel Ting, Ver Silva, Jessica Sales, Gerry Faustino, Leticia Pascual-Ladlad, Emmanuel Salvacruz, Salvador Panganiban and Erwin dela Torre. Despite these injuries, from 1979, the Quezon-Bikol border has continued to advance and have been the mother of established zones and guerrillas in various parts of the region in the next few years. Cadres and organizers from this have been investing in opening and expanding the Bondoc Peninsula and South Quezon in 1978 as well as the nearly operating in 1979 in three pile areas in Quezon and Batangas (Quezon Banahaw part, Quezon and Batangas border, and Eastern Batangas) and in Mindoro in 1980 and 1982. Meanwhile, the Party organization in Laguna has a separate effort to open for guerrilla warfare the Balisan of the Banahaw and the crowded plants attached to the Sierra Madre and the so -called Upper Sierra Madre attached to in Quezon from activists and students and workers who participated in the armed struggle. In all of these efforts, the guerrilla field of the Quezon and Bikol border played an important role in contributing important resources, personnel and exercises for developing guerrillas. The end of the sixties and the opening of the early years of the eighties has signaled the rapid growth of the armed struggle in the Southwest Region. This is further accelerated by the intense economic and political crisis of the Marcos dictatorship that has eased the various forms of people's resistance to the countryside and urban and broke the terror of fascist gloom. Due to desperation, the dying fascist dictatorship of a grand military campaign launched by the editor of its chief generals Fabian Ver and Fidel Ramos and then the minister of defense Juan Ponce Enrile - Oplan Cadena de Amor - designed for a prototype of the more grand national counter-insurgency program called Oplan Stability. Dreamed of the dictatorship of the guerrilla field At the border of Quezon- Bikol and Bondoc Peninsula-South Quezon at

March 29, 202411 The wrong line of the fast track-slow track insurrection, three major machinery and adelanted regularization and after the Siphayo and failure Due to this false line, Laurenaria led the Operation Missing Link (OPML)-a bloody pursuit of those The enemy's suspected impilance is suspected to be in the party based on fragile evidence, suspicion and suspicion- to blame the blame on the failures of the wrong line in the horror of the fears that surrounded the party of enemy infiltrators. Without the decisive intervention of the KTKS and Ka Armando Teng's assistance, it became secretary of the Party Regional Committee from 1983-85 and 1989-2000, more serious and longer the injuries that could be caused by the destructive-to-own anti-own anti-own campaign - Impartration of OPML capurals. The prevailing party line that the second great Great Correction Movement (IDKP) promotes and denies the wrong line of adelant regularization and city insurexism and has paved the way for steady recovery and re -advancement of activities that have been destroyed by the wrong line. In promoting and reinstating the basic principles of the Party and Revolution, the entire revolutionary movement in the Southern Region has continued to recover from injuries, re-strengthening and stepping on major progress in the late 1990s. This victory was carefully guilty by Ka Armando Teng, the strong pillar of IDKP in the region, to the last fiber of his life on November 7, 2000. In 1997, the party lost the success of the IDKP throughout the region. The revolutionary movement was placed on a solid foundation and almost all of the work advanced. During the approximately a decade of IDKP, the region has reached the top of the justification. The Party, the People's Army and the Revolutionary Citizen are brave enough to concentrate on the AFP's nine (9) battalions. The people's army bravely failed this grandchild. History has proven that the Oplan Cadena de Amor and the Oplan stability implemented by the Marcos dictatorship throughout the town the last desperate step of a in-the-barking regime. The rapid bribery of the ruling system's crisis motivated Marcos to produce a political misconduct when he killed his avid political rivals Benigno Aquino Jr. The crisis created by the Association of Assassination of Benigno Aquino Jr. In 1983 and - on the longer scale - the cumulative Pattical of the NPA's tactical offensives and sustainable mass protests throughout coffin of the hated dictator. In the historic first EDSA of 1986, the popular uprising Cum Military Cum has dropped Marcos. And subsequently, the revolution of the revolution throughout the archipelago was cleared. But the rapid advance and the rise of the revolutionary forces in the countryside and urban areas were disrupted by the dominance of the insurgency and the putty line of the rapid victory throughout the country. From 1986 to 1988, subsequently implemented by the regional party center led by treacherous Miel Laurenaria

12 March 29 2024But, all of these hardships are overpowered by the Party and the NPA. Despite concentrating nine (9) AFP battalions in Mindoro and releasing the worst attack on the mass of the revolution and army, the enemy was unable to crush the NPA in a long -term campaign that reached more than five (5) years . The same has been approximately the pattern of other NPA guerrillas in various parts of the South-the NPA continues to preserve the strength, overwhelm the difficulties and regenerate amidst the disrepair. At the time of the US-Arroyo regime, the Arroyo-Angelo Reyes compound overcame the anti-terrorism of the archipelago. This is the local version of the war against terrorism and war -bound war by George W. Bush worldwide. Imperialists have interacted the anti-terrorism hysteria to attack and violently suppress the legitimate movements of the people for self-determination. US and the local puppet imperialism and the local puppet are not only the fair goal for the self -determination of the revolutionary movement but also the legitimate opposition from the citizens against abuse and abuse of their rights and livelihoods. The US has no shame to dismiss international conventions and protocols that rely on internal battles and civil war in the civilized world. It promotes a dirty war that has no observed or recognized laws and rules of war but a bloody pursuit and fierce operation and destination that does not consider the difference between combatant and non-combatant in war, children, women and adults as well as of hors de combat-a retreating in the state of barbarian war. In the South, the list of rape, cruel and tortured, evacuated and evacuated, and murdered children, adults, women and unlucky civilians simply because of the simple suspicion of the revolutionary movement, relative and relatives of revolutionaries or righteous critics of the regime's corrupt operation. Witness also every dark plan to destroy the pillar of the revolutionary political power it built in the countryside. The heroism and energy of the revolutionaries poured out to disappoint the fascist terror that every ruling puppet that had been installed in Malacañang was unstoppable. Due to the stable advocacy of the line of widespread and intensified guerrilla warfare with the fulfillment of the duties of the construction of the base and agrarian revolution, the revolutionary movement in the region has continued to reap successes in the people's democratic revolution. So by the end of 2003, the number of recorded guerrilla fields in the region reached more than three (3) times in 1992. It covered 83% of the congressional district in the 10 regional provinces that could cover zones and guerrillas. It equates to 60% of the total number of towns and cities compared to the 1992 scope of 41% and in 1994 only 37%. It also equates to 27% of more than five thousand of total villages in the region compared to 19% in 1992 and 10% in 1994. The puppet regime is concerned about this major advances in our region, something to concentrate on TK's intense attacks of mercenary AFP and PNP. It was made laboratory of harsh procedures, tactics and psy-ops of anti-insurgency operations of the AFP's special forces. In 1998, Oplan Makabayan was a priority to target the South. In the years that followed the Solcom and AFP's national priority concern for the region and specifically the island of Mindoro of their anti-insurgency offensive in the Oplan Balangai framework. From the appointment of 11 battalions for anti-insurgency in 1998, it has doubled and reached approximately 28 battalions by the end of 2002. Our guerrillas are assigned a variety of AFP and PNP task forces with a PNP with a Large Bag-as of Special AFP units such as Special Forces, Scout Rangers and Recon Battalion and uses innovative equipment for electronic intelligence and surbeylans such as the UAV (unmanned aircraft vehicle) as well as equipment for the equipment Evening operations of special anti-geillary units.

29 March 202413 Kalatas Region on long list of cruel methods of murder such as beheading the victims and undergoing harsh torture before killing, the mutilation of corpses and a variety Only can. This is a picture of the usual mercenary troops that launch harsh anti-insurgency operations. The total growth of the revolutionary forces in the Southern Ages failed to be fully disclosed by the cruel Oplan Bantay-Laya I and II (OBL) and Oplan Bayanihan and its associated large-scale military and police troops deployments in the zones and guerrilla fields. All they have done is slow down the advancements of some parts of the task and temporarily attach or harm some parts. The regime failed to deepen the continuous support of the revolutionary movement and the people's army even in the lowest conditions and terors it sow at the basic level. This can be generally measured by the durability of the foundation created by the IDKP for the Party and the revolutionary forces. The experience of Mindoro, such as previous experiences in Laguna and the following Batangas and Rizal, has been exposed to us at Obl I and Obl II and the SQBP during Oplan Bayanihan, how the enemy implements the block house - first, in a relatively confined scope (a large guerrilla field), and in those Next, in a broader and ambitious plan (coincides with the ruin of guerrilla fields in more than one province). At the time of the Torical US-Duterte regime, the revolutionary movement in the Southern Region again faced the struggle with the enemy when it was placed As one of the first range of national priorities of destruction based on the targets of the joint campaign plan campaign- peace from 2019 to 2022. Accordingly, the region has a region of at least 30-31 AFP-PNP battalion, including PNP-PPSC and CAFGU forces. This armed force is superior compared to the BHB's big battlefield in the region. As such, the enemy achieved the overwhelming superiority in their launch, sustainable and large -scale campaigns and joint operations against subregion and guerrilla fields that are usually a large company and a large platoon. During the first three years, the resistance of guerrilla forces in the enemy attack of the enemy has been bravely faced by launching offensive in the three fields. As a result, the NPA was able to strengthen and further expand the mass base and successfully conduct a guerrilla campaign against the enemy -made enemy. In the six years from 2017-2022, a total of 455 military actions in the region took place where 306 or 67% of these were tactical offensives while 149 or 33% of the defense battle. A total of 674 (356 KIA, 306 WIA, 2 pow and 10 surrender) enemies were damaged. However, the positive lessons will be released and the starting advancement recorded in the year 2017-2019 will no longer be reluctant, the wind will end in the next four years (2020-2023), impact of the forces on forces as a result of those who are unavoidable serious injuries sustained in defensive battles in the face of exemplary enemy attacks, existence of errors and weakness that have not been fully corrected and of the weakening of effective political work among the people's righteous Lockdown and restriction caused by Covid-19. In the last four years, it is a great deal to carry out the tactical military line to launch widespread and intense

14 March 29 2024The Mountain of the Large but the population is thin. Its long-term impact of the NPA's separation from its wells and the foundation of strength that will eventually explore the masses, morally and in the final will lead to the atrition of forces and weakening. It itself enters the enemy's trap to lean the people's army into a decisive battle in a pure military situation for crushing. At the level of operation, the Mayor weakness of the guerrilla forces that have been damaged and the strength of the power is the failure to hold the military initiative and launch the guerrilla action to effectively combat the enemy's opposing and destroying the enemy. It is usually dominant that the military action is launched because of the concern of the enemy. It weakens the decision to fight and the army's moral morally for self-pushed to the fate. Despite this, the Party and NPA units of the NPA has succeeded in making the strength to advance and preserve their strengths. It is a major factor in those who have been trying to correct ideological empiricism at a level; conservatism, passage, guerrillas and militiaism (KPGM) in politics; and bureaucratism and liberalism in the organization. This is done by launching summons, developing social investigations, studies that are targeted, solving problems and to conduct self-criticism. It strengthens the unity and solidarity of the Party's leading organs on the subregion and guerrilla fields. Some advanced subregions also led the practice of developing leadership. However, in parts that are not corrected, the misconceptions of thinking and the wrong styles of leadership and labor still exist in the significant part. The continuing existence of bureaucratism, liberalism and foreigners in certain cadres and leading committees served as rusty existence. They are a stones on the shoulders that both slow down and pull back our revolutionary progress and have suffered the enemy's fight against the enemy. Guerrilla warfare based on continuous expanding and deepening base and mass support. The Party Committee has not effective offensive posture in three fields: political offensive, offensive offensive and offensive to the military to handle the overall initiative in the intervening and fighting against the enemy, which we have effectively performed in the disappointment of OBL II and Oplan Peace. The Party and the NPA was a big end to continuing to reach the vast mass, carrying out the alliance work in the midst of the enemy's resistance to the enemy -suicide campaign, especially the peasant masses and other rural citizens and the city and led them into their struggle for the land, livelihood and rights in accordance with the anti-feudal, anti-fascist and anti-imperialist line and gain their broadest and most exciting support for the promotion of people's war. Impact of the slowdown of effective political work is the narrowing of the revolutionary mass base, the destruction, the destruction of the destruction without having a flaw on the mass of the mass base caused by the ineffectively opposed to the enemy and the enemy of the enemy on the mass base. It further weakened mass support in the NPA and armed struggle. It is also the root cause of Pinpoint Pinpoint operations and enemies of the enemy, NPA units, cadres, party leadership and NPA officials. It is said that in a large part, the enemy succeeded to drive guerrilla forces away from the masses in the framework of the doctrine "Water the water to kill the fish". The existence of the "Mountain" thought is worse for some to deal with the focus of the enemy's focused operations in the two major areas. Its appearance can be reflected in the over -reliance of physical base and action in “succeeded in trying to advance and preserve the party and units and units and new army.”

March 29, 202415 It is an insightful duty to surgery and achieve the initiative. It also equates the line to fight to strengthen and strengthen while fighting. It emphasizes that active defense is the main content of long -term people's war. The offensive posture is the concrete realization of the defense offensive warfare of the defense to ensure the non-cutting ties of the Party and the NPA to the vast mass at all times. Its concrete expression of the party's tactical military line in the stage of the strategic defensive launch of widespread and intense guerrilla warnings that harvest continued expanding and deeper mass support. Only through this can the active defense of the revolution be fulfilled; On the contrary, it should be decided to dispel the lines that are passive defense, conservatism and purpose. III. Our urgent duty3 thus, to surgery to achieve the initiative is the only remedy to undermine the withdrawals over the past four years and to promote the renewable strengthening of the armed struggle and the NPA. In fulfilling this line, we will be able to complete the middle part requirements to head to the latter part of the strategic defense and to the strategic strategy. In the same way, the ancient to achieve the initiative guarantee the NPA's disappointment in the strategic enemy's strategic campaign and the destruction of the reactionary enemy until it goes to the level that the NPA is able to lead to the strategic offensive stage. The component of the offensive posture and the achievement of the initiative means the comprehensive advancement of the three components of the people's war: developing the people's army and the promotion of armed struggle, agrarian revolution and the construction of the base. The offensive of these three components of the People's War will be at the same time as the offensive posture in the military, the expansion and politics. In the meantime, it is necessary to hold the emphasis on the recovery and repair of the rural basis in the countryside, stimulation of antifreeudal struggles and the advancement of the agrarian revolution. It coincides with anti-fascist and anti-militarizing campaigns in and out of guerrilla zones and revival in the tradition of the peasant masses of the peasant masses to protest their situation. In the midst of this general emphasis, the various sizes and types of tactical offensives should be positioned in order to continue the NPA and revitalize the spirit of the people's armed resistance. Military offensive only in the offensive posture in the military field can the strategic offensive and the encompassing of the more enemy forces. This is because the offensive posture in the military field is the means of implementing active defense as military policy in total and at all times, and in particular, the handling of military initiatives in guerrilla operations at every instance. In guerrilla warfare, life and death are the issue of even the initiative of the initiative will put guerrilla forces in a passionate military situation and extinction. Key to maintaining offensive posture in the military field is the use of contestable tactics, perseverance and tireless mass work, a great combination of military and political struggles, proper laying and structural balance of forces, and properly actively commanding All levels to launch a widespread and intensive guerrilla warfare. The control and leadership of the commander is important at various levels of planning campaigns and anti-campaigns and the construction of 3 major extracts of the major points in extending the luxury role from Joventud del Fierro's role: Several matters and problems with the launch of guerrilla warfare in Southwest, February 2007

16 March 29 2024 Military Plans at the level of military operations. In implementing relatively centralized commanders and abolition of the absolute centralized commander, the initiative and flexibility of military plans at various levels will increase and coordination will be tightened. The Operation of the Guerrilla operating is the tactical tactical refrigerator of the platoon and the unit of the platoon's unit stands the tactical command of all his formations including the dissectful squad and the Tims who play specific missions in the work mass and military work. Tactical NPA tacticals should improve in carrying out the guerrilla operation of concentration, dispersal and timely transfer of forces. The basic basis of the existence of the platoon is through the existence of the tactical chair based on the mainbody of the platoon which is the entire guerrilla operation of the platoon. It is in this sense that the focus directs the entire conduct of the guerrilla operation of the platoon in the entire field. In carrying out plans and missions, proper assignment of forces is important to fulfill military duties at all times. The proper combination and mobilization of platoon (SDG and SYP), squad, specialized guerrilla units (command, partisan, isnayper, sapper team), town militia units and village defense units for specific military missions The Platoon, Field, Provinces and Region is at the level. Be it between the battles or fields of battles, maintaining the offensive military posts by organizing the People's Army of the Popular Defense system in many locals such as the construction and training of militia and units in the village defense, continuous Political and Military Training of Pultaym NPA units, launching recruitment activities, and actively suppressing anti-revolutionaries and spies in the scope of our guerrilla fields. Guerrilla forces should take over the policy to attack and harm the vulnerable and vulnerable part of the enemy as long as it has the opportunity and the circuit allowed. High attention should be given to the anihilative operations as the operations continue to expand. As long as the offensive and resistance are in control, guerrilla forces can maintain the military initiative at all times and every opportunity and will continue to eliminate and weaken the enemy. In order to achieve a pardon tactic, the implementation of the proper structure of the force must be ensured. This means implementing the proper balance of horizontal and vertical forces. Exactly, we must implement the "3-1" aproxies of the realization of the 70-30 policy tactics in the balance of horizontal and vertical guerrilla formations. This means that in every 3 platoon there is a bertical forces and two horizontal forces. In the three squads of each platoon, it also means that one (1) squad is the center-de-gravity and will lead the launch of the military work while two (2) squads will lead the mass work during the time Loda of dispersal. In each scales that are dispersed, it should be divided into three formations in accordance with the formula 3-1 which means that two (2) formations are destined for mass work and one (1) formation focuses on military work. They are further strengthened by optimating militia units to perform armed actions. According to Proper implementation of the structure of horizontal and vertical forces, the relationship between mass work and military work and the launch of the basic to (BTO) and special tactical offensive (here) guerrilla forces should spread themselves in a broader Scope and there perform various forms and types of guerrilla operations such as sabotage, atrition actions and ancient operations to create a major harm to the enemy and pay the trooper to their harassment and damage the base of the base mass. Guerrilla actions can be a combination of timber, squad, platoon or combined platoon for various types of guerrilla operations. To perform

March 29, 202417 Political Openstivity to launch political offensives need to be active in conjunction . Including this launch the offensive and the propaganda to combat the enemy's disabilities and deception and harvest the favorable public upcoming and popular support for the revolutionary struggle. Essential issues to obtain political initiatives for the promotion of mass struggles, especially the anti-feudal struggle as a major defense against enemy's demonization of the party, NPA and revolutionary movement and active struggle with the enemy's psy-ops, teaching the masses How Make an end to the enemy, actively oppose the RCSPO's schemes and deception and dealing with militarization and military terrorism. The NPA and the NPA needs to unite with the widest ranks of the people. The anti-feudal struggle is tightly held as the key link of the mass work in the countryside. In the face of the destruction of life and livelihood and the suffering of the peasant masses and citizens in the countryside, their cry cries to lower the land rent, raise the wages of the farm worker, eliminate the USURA, lower the price of farm inputs and raise the price of the farm product. The masses are strongly demanded to withdraw the lands that were seized from them and fighting the destructive-to-livelihood and environmental projects of enemies such as mines, plantations, ekoturism projects, giant infrastructure and the likes. Mobilize the masses especially the victims, along with their fellow and friendly forces to combat the atrosity and violations of human rights and international humanitarian laws, the Red Army must have the Party leadership of the Eternal heroism to overcome Difficulties, dangers and obstacles and fulfilling military duties. It should be a step-by-step-up to increase the NPA throughout the region to subregion/provinces and guerrillas until the platoon's breeding is re-established and established a large guerrilla field consisting of a minimum three platoon in accordance with the formula formula 3-1 balance of vertical and horizontal platoon. The NPA will be called to the NPA of local forces and forces from the city to quickly increase the NPA as the main mass organization of the Party in the countryside. Political work should be stimulated among the masses in the locality, especially among the peasant masses as the main source of new Sampa in the NPA. Call for the launch of these altogether to trigger weapons and support from the masses and friends of the revolution. The NPA needs to learn to disappear into the enemy's eyes and ears with the validity of the stretching and deep mass base and need to learn to create many traces and noise in the wider area to disrupt and distance the focus of the enemy from a few NPA target units of incessant attack. It is also necessary to learn to struggle to ensure that the masses are not broken.

18 March 29 2024 Citizens in the affected areas of militarization. Perform the offensive in propaganda and make sure it lands on the masses. Study and carry out the resolution of the regional conference in propaganda and culture work. Break the issues and struggles of the masses, their grievances and successes. Assert the justice of resistance and revolution as the natural and irrevocable right of the Filipino people. Speakers of the revolutionary mass organizations and the NPA commanders need to be active in propaganda to clarify the revolutionary stance on various issues and to counter and refine the anti-communist Destruction and enemy's destruction. In the launch of military operations, it needs to be political and implications for the public's public ups to launch offensives. Always consider international war protocols and carhrihl in the launch of military operations. Expect the enemy to take advantage of the errors of the revolutionary movement to compensate the anti-communist and anti-terrorist hysteria and discredit the CPP-BHB-NDFP in the public eye. Expansion offensive We need to be successful in expanding and deepening the mass base and effectively fighting enemy operations in order to deprive us of the base. The enemy-based strategy should be actively restrained and frustrated that the main content is to launch focuses and containing capaigns or campaigns that focus on a chunk of priority territory for destroying and in secondary territories for contingent. The strategy of being a-based strategy is anchored to the one-time destroying priority of the pebble and long-term weakening of the conceded. In order to face and escape the People's Army and the revolutionary movement of the poverty of the assembly campaign, proper policy and tactics will be offensive in expanding and quickly opening new places for guerrilla warfare. When the enemy is extensively doing. Basically these were killing, forced surrender, mental and physical torture, illegal arrest and confinement, uninterrupted bombing and shooting both from the land and the air and other demonic armed forces of US imperialism and local ruling Comradary-landlords. Make a rule that will not miss an enemy's atrosity. All state crimes must be exposed, sued and fighting. It is necessary to solve how the masses and fear of the masses are broken to express their opposition to the military terrorism that is implemented in areas of FMOs and RCSPOs. In these areas, the fear and doubt of the masses are usually dominant especially if the RCSPO has done to destroy the confidence of the masses through the cornerstone and reversible villagers. In this regard, it is a trend in the mass of mass and even in the NPA units of the Party and organs of the Party the regular launch of the grievance meeting in which each person expresses their particular experience of oppression and exploitation of the ruling system and the Its fascist agent. It will gradually create the climate of the individual and collective class hatred to those who oppress and exploit them and the high desire to compensate for the enemies through revolutionary resistance. In our experience, propaganda campaigns can be greatly done in city centers to the navel of the Philippines to bring and address the issue of militarization and violations of the people's rights. The power of such campaigns will further strengthen and sustain the active action of “when widespread and many places open for guerrilla warfare, the enemy can push us to many places, thinning his limited forces and exposed his operating troop to be arrested. ”

March 29, 202419 Neighborhood Platoes of Syp carrying out mass work and military duties. Enhance the deduction of armed and armed, open and secret people's organizations and actions to expand in areas that are not immediately covered by the armed organization of the People's Army. Actively mobilize allies and middle forces to expand their ranks and develop open and legal organizations or leadership and transform traditional standing organizations already. Study and correct with the fulfillment of the responsibility to offensive and achieve the initiative, we must strictly fulfill the Central Committee of the Central of the Central to correct the errors, strengthen the party and advance the democratic revolutionary people through the Long -term people's war. Correction will be done through the critical ones in its own collection of experience in promoting long -term people's war over the last 7 years. In order to keep the practice of practicing practice, it is necessary to study and review the Party's basic principles, Review the Central Committee's statement on the 55th anniversary of the Party and NPA and from this The practice of advancing the long-term people's war is the thoughts and practices that violate it and bring us serious injuries and retreats to the seven-year-old passed. Always apply to the concrete practice of leadership in the South Revolution the universal theory of MLM, basic revolutionary principles of the party and instructions and guidance of the Central Committee in the Central Condition and Practice of the Citizens and the revolutionary forces in TK and in every locality who Cover of each organ of the party, KHB's command and unit. Plus, it is always humble and self -critical in examining our practice, taking lessons from them and in criticizing and criticizing our mistakes. By this, we will be successful in our struggle to achieve the urgent and long -term duties that the Party clarifies. Most of the students and many places are open for guerrilla warfare, the enemy can push us to many places, to spread its limited forces, and to expose its operating troops to many vulnerable places for the resources. On the one hand, temporary injuries that can be caused by long -term campaigns for finding and destroying priorities and secondary priorities areas will be revoked by expanding and opening many areas for guerrilla warfare. The slowdown of one part will be revoked by the growth of many parts. Party organizations are actively actively mobilized in locality, village activists and members of the mass organization for coordination and expansion within the village and in neighboring areas. Make their relatives, acquaintances and friends a bridge to neighboring villages to expand our relationship and mass organization. Assign units to expand the areas of the adjoining guerrilla fields. Return, recover and appreciate the areas that are temporarily left behind as a result of strong and long -term search and destruction operations. Make sure that the power of the appointed unit should be enough, with a reliable leadership and a unit unit that will be military force. Leave enough-the-strong forces in areas that are strongly attacked to deal with and overlook the enemy and lead the masses while transferring other forces to areas that are loose for expansion and mass work. Members of the revolutionary organizations in the locality are quickly taken into the people's army. Those who are not ready to act on the pillar and can still pursue will be assigned to other places that they will be able to move for expansion tasks. Assign the SDG platoes to the specific AOR that will be an anchor of their military work, consolidation and expansion. SDG platoes should be positioned at the location that strategic anchor of operations of the

20 Patas 29 March 2024 the masses in different parts of the country in the face of drought and the destruction of the plant; Meanwhile, it has recently suffered wide floods and landslides in much of Mindanao. The livelihood of millions of farmers in debt, sales of their produce, and lands and livelihoods. In the city and the whole country, the widespread workers and the toiling masses are suffering in front of the rising prices of goods and low wages, salaries and income. The toiling masses and the people are shouting revolutionary justice, freedom and democracy. The demand for the NPA is very difficult and launching a successful tactical offensive. All NPA -Party and NPA officials need to learn how to handle and use this objective factor for new strengthening. There is no other way to regain the initiative and to strengthen it again but to the active fight - to fight to strengthen and to strengthen while fighting. History and the current state of the working class and the working class in the world and our own people. Emphasize our spirit of the inspiration of the golden lessons in the brilliant revolutionary tradition especially in the promotion of the armed struggle of the earlier generations of the Filipino revolutionaries in accordance with the teachings of our great chairman Amado Guerro. Let us hold the strict weapons and the eternal courage, the bravery and determination of our people to fight the foreign conquering and their local ruling class. The party and subjective forces need to take advantage of the ripe and favorable world and national situations to achieve the initiative, regenerate the revolution and intensify the revolution. The need for the Party to lead the Party mass struggle in the face of social anxiety that is created by the unmatched crisis of colonial and feudal society. Particularly in the countryside, a wide feature is suffering from the 55th anniversary of the New People's Army! Long live the Communist Party of the Philippines! Long live the National Democratic Front of the Philippines! Long live the Filipino people!

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PRWC »The Special Issue | March 29, 2024

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Ang Paghimakas (“The Struggle”) is the official publication of the Communist Party of the Philippines in Negros Island. It was first published in the last quarter of 1972.

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1 March2024. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Both of the heat of El Niñophenomenon today, the Party of Negros (Krpin) is a bitterbeduceness of all the red commanders and warriors in the Apolinario Gatmaitmyngrosislandregionaloper- ations command (AGC-N PA), now Whether in the full revolutionary forces and plundering, 55NewsChildsTewPeople'Sarmy.We have been a year of success in the demon-threatening violence In town PaInIsAnDoAgAwayAwayAwayWasaisla Sangnegros. History has been extended to our revolutionary martyrs and challenges like Rogelio Posadas, Ericson Acosta, Romeo Nanta, Kerima Komitengrehiyunalsangpartidasaislasangnegros March29, 2024. Attack to advance the war town on the island of Negros!

2 March 2024. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lorena Tariman, Marilyn Badayay, Flor Ceballos and others who offer their lives without hesitation in the representative of the revolutionary struggle for real liberty and democracy. Of the revolutionaries they are very courageous and watershearsbirth. Terminated -Slargentity-based facesWorksThequesTheme Terrorism of the US-Marcos II regime through his placement and Retooled Community Support Program Armedforcesofthephilippines (AFP) Turns "Internal Security Problem "(Insert Security Problem) To prioritize" External Defense "or Consenter" Preparation for the "Preparation of the Country" Against China Eroses Pagulongpalatanganaganaga . BUGTIPUSONUNG COMMUNIST Party of the Philippines (CPP), NPA HOURSEBULARYARYPERSASAGHALA SAFETY SHARE AND NO SHOPPINGSPORTSPORTSPORTSPORTSPORTED The democratic revolution of the town can be forgotten to be overwhelmed.Conemen, the Party and the NPA welcomes the island in the islands in the island of the US-Marcosii's fascist violence. There is no time to increase the crisis and revolutionaryness of the entire island as a fully enforcement of the USEOLIBERIBERIAL USE and other anti-people and anti-revolutionary compatible, farmers, farmers, fishermen, fishermen, fishermen , Intellectual and other members of the city, including national bourgeoisies and several sections of the sarurotasaghalikasaghasaglasaglasaglasaglasaglasagasasasapashasanlasasamasasadasaglasasasasadlaslasalasamasanalasamasanlasasanalasalasalasalanalamanalanalanalanalanalanalanalanalanalanalanalanalanalanalanalanalanalanalanalanalanalanalanalanalanalanalanalanalamada ngael niñonga will come to this year. In just a few months, it was a great extent that the livelihood of the People of the People was. In the worsening situation today, bankruptcy, barkarothies-mindedkagangkagkagkagkagkagkagkagkagkagu.sabaylonga Answer, continuing to be careful to be united by anyone who is unloading OSJR. The Negrosanon Negrosanon looks at the treasure of true new society, the treasure of the armed revolution that is governed by the project that is the purpose of his Communist Party. It is clear to them that only the armed revolution is the solo solution to the places of the plague. This is a reasonable war that has been exposed to the desire of the people to reach true freedom and democracy, genius. Angbug-osngarebuyoarongangkagbagan Nagkangbagbagbagbagbagagaragaragaragaraganaragananngarebuzonongarongpanikasanasa Inaway Banwa samasmatalintangtubtobsakadalagaganagalaganongonggagongongongreedorganong conceptuality. The contributions of contributions are grateful so that this issue will be successful. By improving our struggle, everyone who reads will continue to contribute news, pics, stories and others. We also ask for your suggestions and I can comment How to do it yet again.march2024 angpaghimakas@protonmail.com negrosrevportal.wordpre ss.comispesy al

3 March 2024. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . In general, the Party and NPAs will succeed in Negros in the armed struggle because of the back-forthdrawal of fascist region - MarcosiagikiArmongaPwersanga Dugmokonangnpasaislais.The extensive Gasing Fms and RCSPs are drawn to guerrilla fields by refusing to make guerrilla fight. More importantly, in a halt, expand and enable the start of growth again from the greatest tights of the internal. In fact, the NPA has implemented the islasaidalomsongsolutual partnershipsThe Democratic revolution of the city to be the leadership of the Party's leadership, to destroy the colonial and paid system, State of the inhabitants and socialist societies. It has been believed that it is not a shiver of the people's army for the interests and desires for true freedoms and de- mokals.BitbitsAngmgapulangkumandagangangkagangangangangangangangkagangangangangangangangangkagangangangangangkagangangangkagangangangangangangangkagangangangangangangkagangangangangangkagangangangangangkagangangangangangangkagangangangangangangkagangangangangangangangkagangangangangangangkagangangangkagangangangangangkagangangangkagangangangangkagangangangangkagangangangkagangangangangkagangangangangangkagangangangangkagangangangkaganganggidangangka "Ka boygat" Gatmaitan (reason The NPA regional registry in Negros) Upodangmgamamaminohalinsavic- Toriasmillingcorporationlipsilabobbynuñezkag Rene Villanueva Sad 1969 and the victims of the islands, Roselyn "Kajane" Pelle, Danilo " Oche "Bertolano, Rachellemae" Kahannah "Palang, Armando" Kapao "joking Jr, Romeo" Capons "Nabas, Romeo" Kajuaning "Kacocoy" posadas.angnpa subsequent to maintain and divert warriors. Halinsa70kaelementosangnpasacentral Negros stands for the Sandican Party principle and secondary (Idkp) in the world (Idkp) (Idkp) In the world's cadresmovementCommitsCheism island

4 March2024. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kagpartisanfrontcommitteesaurban, Kagpag- Full-Timesa Retaining 78 cadres from urban, growing old guerrilla fields. The reactionaryPwasaSaAgnateApapanAhonna isolated1969UKonSangnagieKover is still in 1994-1998 due to the severe worldwide and local crisis that is underbearing. Three Inexexportal Works of Femalism - Saundry-Setting Armed Forces, Encouragement RevolutionSuheneralSwife. The 55-year-olds of the island is rich. This investment will be considered in addition to the increase. Priority and dialectic methods are also positive as well as negative aspects. Positive aspects are the investment in the conversion as the lessons of negatively distorting the progression of the waist town will be widespread in response to hidden people. The internal weaknesses of idealizing, political carekargatanglanggamanggaghaggalaghaglagpaglagangligadagligadarigligong.What is a contemplative suitbism leading the empiricist in the whole body of the party. RighteousingSideoliYaniSaniNagsa TuCtunism on the flatness of politics and bureaucratismosApagganganization.Partiku- larscatchesThemeCarification, can be found to be overthrown But the serious strife of NPA units are in the island to be widespread. In the five years of memorandumorder (mo) 32, sangrosngamapreserbaronglonglongs Gerilyabolansaginasaginpingamgafmokagrcspangkangkatangrcspskangkatanggamangrcspangkangkatanggamangblingspathitokabatangalongamangamangamang Includes a result of the reactionary armed forces or adjacent to the counter-revolutionary campaigns of the opponents of the opponents of 2024, but in the process, in the process of worsening weaknesses and misfortune -Uswananginawaybanwa. Evening time before committing desays for the "self-constriction" decisions (self-constriction "in the form of obesity, and concentration or compiling a large formation In a long time that resulted in desays of war that was not favorable to red hawkagnasalities.ginsolbar the "self-constriction" of the "self-constriction of the expansion of new areas and resulting in the workplace and with others How many decades before turning back. However, the aeres are not allowed. The good results of the workplace workgalaragerlyyasamassgaurry that is thin by the enemy or troops just showing the limit of the reactionary reactionary regime. Because the area extends that the NPA's new recractions are reached. Hustola Grierny guerrillas and guerrilla zones of the enemy. Disburasonabanagamagamagamangamagamangamagamangamangamangamangamangamangayunamangamangbagayunang NPA entry into the new erye that requiresManDungabesingAngling, ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ...................... ............................ Tareal of55katuigngainagihansapaglunlunsar sangarmadongpaghaghaisla. Magaserbeining investments.

5 March 2024. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The mobility is difficult and stayed in the way of compatibility. The stubborn estimate of the stubborn erye instead of getting ridiculed. There is also a case that is "walasangihibalosagorter" is openly opened "lonely planosaekspansion. The nodded weaknesses are compatible with the disadvantage and satisfaction of anolangangnalab-otbagsulangindaliyosgirls.ginbagsamgasirkumstancing.ginpakanubo angkasasadsangkangkatangkatangkatangkatangkatangkatangkatangkatangikangikatangisaishawangamitanamilangisikais diamitanamilitais. Attention to the implementation of the Spanish work, it is linked to a concentration by using relative dispersal for the massive mass and masking pottery. As well, the problem of supply, mobility, Besingankagiunit.gani, more widespread-friendly Militarkaghosbosangbagbabbagbaghaghosto.Stabids.Sider and greater FROES of the enemy, to launch tactical offensives Year, it is evident to be a great place to take care of the enemy-bleeding massacre by thousands of body scars and rare lungs. Halinenero2023tubtobpuberosiningatuig, 62 Military actions have been created by the NPA in the Born BiggarianSang22KaarmArkagiBanpa military equipment, and striking disallowed70kaelementosolds, sadiin40, sadiin40. SandigangataktikalongaPensibikoPolasaPensibikoParasAritabunitsItacratacles.Isomitabids.Incontends. Andersagdu-mid-middlamed will ensure successful confiscation of sauciness, notion. For the region, the region continues to increase the capacity of the warship of planning salaries and their conduct and coordination It is necessary for additional mobility, flexibility of the gyera's favorable nga-aSaterynsamgautanan city, a combination of mountain and mountain, and the rivers of guerrilla and centers. Politics. It is as if the increasing exposition of the increase in the mammaladgatatashagosangyagakagangkomplomotorfetaliforming Sangnpa, SanglokalTubTubsayunmalism, as well as the units of partisan in the village of specialities. Sharing the masses of farmers in the launch of the secondary warship. The NPA is an army of farmers. The full time reddishisagayaginabaginabanglinlinibiniban- libongamasangnelegrosancounty hundreds of militia units and unit defense of revolutionary

6 March 2024. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OrganizationManagangrising NPA strength. Their role in making it afraid to make atritive actions and small amounts of tactical offensives. But it is not yet fully exposed to beingsanginangutanggutical importance. In the face of sustainable FMOs and RCSPanghangalawa, the importance of educational education, political importanceChildmaresAndulationsBreakthrough. The NPA forces were overwhelmed by the island for expansion of WHATSPORTSABILITY.WarnThe enemy can workforce. It is also helpful that you can avoid lacking the overwhelmed tactical offensives with a small impulse agrarian revolution and mass campaigns. If this situation stays, it will be difficult to raise the guerrilla fight and redeeming socialization. Excuse the agrarian revolution in the island, illustrate workers in the affordability of the ideal of ideals. DemandamotingAproblemAnong and lack of Sica. On the other hand, yarasapatarbangtaBlelanglan launches Regional Campaigns NeoliberalGapolisiasasiSAsadagagagangAlangkalagagagagangkalagangkala-unanimalizational beyond the "SMART" CITIESTIES CITY OF THE ISLAUSIES (BACOL CITY OD, Dumaguete and Kabankalan) kaghimuoniningasentrosangrehiyunal realms; entering commercial-valued palmoil, caricure operations and quarry, and mechanical energypage of windmillkagsolar farms; privatialmgapublicutalitypottle Single Sense of jeeps; "Modernization" Jeeps; LiberalizationSanomumumayKagkagi; and Ibarpa.The Functional US and local enemiesPradorBringer, the AFP and PNP is desperate for the National Task Force (NTF) - ELCAC to implement the growth "Nanitubulubigukda to kill it." The enemy is a great part of their guns in their recognized revolutionary mass base, ilabinasalaginakabigngamonolidadsolongy Sangnpa, Paisasusustidudududo FRO and RCSP. Severe breaches of human rights are the many communities of the Sanegros. Almost700NormalTeGe-MonitorNga abuse of human righteousness saislasangnreblossaidalumsangpodernimarcos Jr. The victims were over 46,000, nearly, as a result of the mourning, and again and again, and the masses of rosan was also gathered in courage.

7 March2024. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sakasyudaran, continuance-im- periety, counter-feudal and counter-fascist campaignsAbatsAnternationalia, NationalAnglishAnglishAndateCaringCarciousity affects the broad people. Gathered by Ligalngademokraticongkahoubragangpagpagpato SangpumuluyoSe NeoliberalNgapalisiyanga Greated byReper Kagquarry, increase in fuel prices and counselors, privatization, privatization and electricity, phaseous jeepneys, palasonsanggabuhissamgasandiginngabalak-games, and the intensity of the US and China Sawestphilippinesea. Negrosion refreshes the dismissal of mahar- likainvestmentfund, confidentialfunds - Tion-Table Tales (NTF) -ELCAC. Whether it has been placed in the ridicule, extension of the Philippines (GRP) and National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP). AGPAMIGISPULUMBALESTINO and Israel will end up conquering Gaza. It is good for the legal democratic recruitment from serious attacks of reactionary forces to be on the contractor of Duterte. It also places the most widespread venture against Paintus, Corruption, and Fascist regime US- Marcos Jr. Great people have contributed to church people in the past year. Activists and progressive organizations have been courageous and dedicated even while the reactionary state targeted and became a victim of various forms of violence. In the meantime, it is a beginning to seek outstanding to be overpowered by the righteous opor- tunerism in the form of reformism, legalism and other. In the guidance of the Party, the congregation is alive to massage massage to the richness of the provisions and to be raised in the sending of the rage of adding the revolutionary forces in guerrilla. Even the armed struggle The Revolutionary Revolutionary revolutionary should be inferred, Angligal, Angligal, AnglesMakasakasakayakatanagangangangadakigadangadagadagadagadagadagadagadagadagadagadagadagadagangadagadagadagadagadagadagadagadagadangadagadagadagadagadagangadagadagadagadagadagadangadangakasakasakasakasakasakasakayaka It is worthwhile of armed nations. .................................................. . ............................ almost700naursidenteang-monitornga abusosatawanghutarawarawaragarangsaislaislaislaislaislaislaislaislaislaisaisla sangnregrossaidalumsangpodernimarcosjr. Masuha46,000angmgabiktima, Lapitlibosiniang. Summarizations in distresspluses. Apanguya Savior, AmatmanNga has been charged withLoggrosanonagudangudanisAlisingAlization.

8 March 2024. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Angpartidopaagisakrpinangteafter the advancement of revolution in the country and urban on the island of Negros. Happy and HostsTheBromTristeningThe Sangcards, Infunctionary Hangawangnpa, Sapphousing Duty and Duty in the Middle of the HonorismSantestIreesThemen.The revolutionary, political Affirmation isewarrhespwershelps affected activities in this year so that the secondary warship is advised On the island in higher haltes and interrupts with democratic abrasive depression. The Party, NPA and full revolutionary forces in the regional accommodation called by the Central Committee and Second Legal Chance of Marxism - Leninism - Maoism (MLM) SanriusagsaglawsganamgananitaniSeology, Political caregivers in comprehensive development of sangrebolutionsaisla. Absoluting the NPA's party leads the politics of the magician.Thisternal partners - united by the city's army to the revolutionary lines, activities, disciplines. Education-Identholesalpresidentulous red commanders and warriors, including angmaghanamaila.If abagsananananananananan principles of national-demo-rural revolution with socialist strangers in the socialist contributor. We make sure The Party is the effectiveness of the NPA forces and to provide the best and clearest strings to the work. It also examines the development of the implementation of revolutionary activities, and commitments and criticism and self-criticism. The fierce political activity would be subject to affordable adverse activities in the future years

9 March 2024. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Latan and preferred fighting with the political skimmetics to make their spirit serve in the people. It combines the host of the town and masses and the masses and in the middle of the democracy of the economy, Politikagmilararswangnpsangnpa. Sappheautiful, the revolutionary movement on the island of the island of the island of the NPA should not have the strength of the NPA in the woods and forces. The massive expansion and consolidation can be found. If it is good to implement the three actual activities, it is certain to be a source of benefit. Continue dominance for the "self-constriction" independence of NPA units. It is wise to apply guerrilla tactics, dispersalkag shiftingsantosa scenario. Harvest and improve the reach of expansion activity. More PalaparonKaghonangMaleryasan NgalangarangAgalApApAfmOndIfTheFms and RCSP to better maneuver and massive mass, military and flexibility of recruitment and maintenance and maintenance Amasasabangangbatbagkagkag Treaking the oppressed enemy attack. For a result of the NPA, the NPA formation must be taught in the ability of the mass base and the enemy's behavior and behavior. Secretongaragagagudindiniginiginiginiginiginiginiginiginabigdagudinabilipatusalaguhaluhutilation. Malahalonngaaspoposapang Damn of the massacre of masses. It is a great hat of our militia unit and IgnoringProlsLocalGagera. Must -Inemonate the study of the scenario of the Gyera, Know enemy techniques, military discipline, secretive and guerrillagic and operations as the leading machinery of the island. SantosanagasingkingAffmokagrcsp, will be pleased and overwhelmed by consolidation - Sapartido, NPA and revolutionary masses. Padayon nga ilunsar ang mga pang-Partido nga pagtuon kag ang PADEPA sa NPA, mga lokal nga gerilya nga pormasyon kaangay sang yunit milisya, kag mga organisasyonmasailabinatuhoysamgasandigan ngaprinsipyokagpatakaransangPartidokagmga sinulat nanday Kaupod Mao Zedong, Kaupod Ho ChiMinhkagKaupodJoseMariaSisonpartikular sa inaway banwa. The priority is also the priority-military-military -tapphandalty-wayChildrenise course for officials for melancholy to join the programmingbuyonbuyoncolis. Survivor the salvation of chance. Campaigning the study of regionagudmauatanangmigdigjob and negatively underwear in the lematic conversion.Clecurity. Focus and Work and Knowledge of Knowledge of Applying MLM

10 March2024. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Concrete conditions of the Philippines and persuadesNewBedarityCarificity. Parasapagpundarsangmgateatrosanggyle, need to make desays of planosaPapagmgalugangerily destroying bulls between them. IMPORTANTWAREPRICKINGS Guerrilla fields of the typical structure of the tribal structure of gravity centers and other guerrilla units are detrimental to wider radios. Must Beat coordination in order to claim more and more BestSanicalIreverization strength. The role of successful tactical offensives supported by athrative tactical offensives of the generalization of the recreational compensation of Negros island. It has been proven to the revolutionary care of the island that the investigative offensive to accommodate the victims of the NPA and the whole revolutionary movement. In fact, we need to launch noodles. Find weaknessgirlsCarciousgirls.

Focusing on the successful tactical offensives, also needed lapwhilebigarongrarianrebolution and other mass campaigns. It is about the SICA (or a form of popularity and analysis of saorans) to the universalpartidokagmgayunings, to be organized, organizing and to raise our ability to increase our ability to bring campaigns from Sityokaginter-Sitio levels, Hasyendakaginter-Hasyenda Pakadtosainter-Village, Municipal, Distritotubtob SalebelangProbinSyakagrehiyunalNagakaghagakakaka. The implementation of the agrarian revolution is yabemansamadasig-canconsolidation to the basic bases. While consuming anti-feudal struggles and other mass campaigns, it is insured with the establishment of organization ......................... .......................... ........................ .... DakuangPapelsang SandiganGataliktikalong OpensBeautifulPritTriteTritThemeThemeThemesRechersWarnTregateWorkersCover revolutionary revolutionary revolutionaryBegros.

11 March 2024. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . mass. The weaknesses should be able to justify the launch of the masses to the massacre of masses but does not have the equivalent building of solid masses by the establishment of various sandalan organizations of farmers, Worker in fields, women, youngsters, monster, groups, monsimclags. The mass campaigns can encourage the best recruits for Sapartidokagnpa. Customers of new activists and leaders of importance. It should be through the policy process and with an integrated examination of each thirdmathirkumstance. The publishers of the prayerously, including the forces, including the rich farmers and national bourgeoises and evening inherent landlords and politically. It is a great part of this year to serve Elniñosaatan.Laught the worst of PalangaBuhaniPuyutuyongAnugugasagsingakalamidadItabasAdaGaManA.Seguradonga ImpressalBrowe, unagahangreak- Syonarithbalogy-way It is also expected that more passageFP / PNP / NTF-elcacang operationship compatibility, surgeryCivilic operations which are of essence of seasons. The masses should be governed by their makassations of elniñokaangsangpagpatonggobatongbuilding aside, sustainable, self-centered, self-sufficiency and inheritance to the masses of the US-Marcos II regime. IlaNSARMANANGMGAKAMANYASPRODUKUSSA variance like the establishment of irrigation systems and other ways to improve production even times as dry and heat. The masses are more likely to live by the NPA and the AFP reactionary, PNP and a military group in the congregation of true congestion. Simplifying - TAGSABANGAMANGAMANGAMANGAMANGAMANGAMANGANGAGAGIKAGIKAB - OTANGERSGAARY NAFE ENOUGH THE NPA. Neglectmatmagmagmgatimngamag-dinipan SahilikutonsangParararshanGeraLaLaLaLaLiAlAnaRiArAlAsAhigad Hi-way, higadsuba, higadbaybaykagkagkagmgasultaghanwa.

12 March 2024. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Party cannot resign the precious role of legal democratic movement in the urban strength of the armed struggle. Mobilizing mobilizers should be strengthened as the enforcement of neo- liberal policies on the island of Negros. In strenuous dissemination of mass issues in the richness of counter-feudal issues in the rural areas, the justification of reason is. SupplementalChargencyActivationCompositionScientific and Network and network organizations. Lakip sa hilikuton sa kahublagan masa sakasyudaranangpagtukodsangpinakamalapad nga nagahiliugyon nga prente nga magtuga sang biaksakubaysangnagaharingasahikagtay-ugon angkaawayngasahisailangabalwarte.Angdako nga talaksan sang kadalag-an sang kahublagan masasakasyudaranangmadamungarekrutpara sa NPA, para sa kahublagan mangunguma kag ibanpangamgahilikutonnganagasuportasaar- madong paghimakas sa kaumhan. Also, it can thirst for support and to be-sustainable support. The NPA provides inspiration to KawularAmaster.The, is acceptable to be afraid of the urban departure due to the fierce-minded-mindedness. It is especially clear that the partidokagangnpaangmatuodganizing interestskinduangpumuluyongudidudidudidudidside the push of Neoliberal policy and pro- gramasaislakakagakapapingingThe terrorism. Ubong Sangsanagliligad, Talalupangdonongdemo- KraticongReBolutionShanChargent warfare is a human race , Subject, reasonable angrybolution.SasiningAdabaseHan, Angnpa iskahukbongaindimapukaybisan-Oman. Advanced TaracitySuhangPumu- LuyongNegrosanonKuguhan Filipino! Tabukanangneoliberalngapolisiyiya imperialismAutritionStreeThemesCommunityBadorBurgesya MagalagingDuta! PaslawonangmAfmokagrcspsThe enemy! UnderstandingThequilityActivateTheme StateChildfishSouRnit! Investigate theShopping banwasaAgisAbangDoAndoAway BanWasAmAsAsAsAlinGtang! MUSTICSPP-NPA-NDF!

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PRWC » Ang Bayan Special Issue | March 29, 2024

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The Newspaper of the Communist Party of the Philippines is guided by Marxism-Leninism-Maoism Special issue March 29, 2024 www.philippinerevolution.nu uh pu yin ang re bo lu syo nar yong and ban sang de mok ra sya! Kri ti ti kal and kag yat tung tung ku lin pa can still avoid you when you are li and is long ang re bo lu sion! Ko mi te central par ti do ko mu nis ta ng pi li pi nas

March 29, 2024 The town 2 is only the only central of the Par ti do ko mu nis ta ngi pi li pi nas the pu just a ban on the ban on de mok ra ti kong re bo lu sion at, sam pu ng la hat of kad re and ka in pi ng par ti do, those re bo lu syo nar yo and ak ti bis ta, bi gay said the pi you could have been in the lu do I just know that he is still in the rig and he is still in the middle of the 55th of Ber yo of the gong huk bong ba yan. That day, did you know that you were our people and when I was in the years, you would not have the lessons of your lessons, and to build the pla no more than the more Ma la la la ka ta gum pay to su su l long ng re bo lu syo nar yong ar ma dong pa- ki ki ka ka na ra ting that year la ban sa pa sis ta and pa pet na re hi Meng us- Marcos. In this case, this is a long time ago and that is not the hat of the ba -ya and mar tir of the re bo lu syong pi li pi - no isi nak ri pi syo ang la hat pa sa pa Do you know that Sam is the one who is still in the ban and pan and pan. Pu ri hin na tin ka ni lang bu hay and ku mu ha ng inspi ra - ka ni ka ni lang ka mar tir. How much more could it have been a while since you were just in the face of the fact that you are still here Long? Can i have a central one in the central in la hat that is still the same as it is still in ki lu sang when it was not the basket of par ti do is the whole song of-ya kap ng la hat ng pan re hi yong ko-mi te ng par ti do and ku mand ng bhb. Ti ti bo the ka ni lang na ging tu gon and ka sa lu ku yang sa sa ga wa ng kum pe ren sya ng la la la gom and pu longs to ral to You can just be able to avoid them, and we can tag and tag and hen Bong Isu long is the la hat of the re bo lu syo nar -yong tung ku lin. Kai la ngan na ting ibi gay the less than yet isu long ang re bo lu-syon to put gol in the te res of ma sang pi li pi no na pag du yo ng aa pi and pag in man ta la of re hi- meng us-marcos. Hi that is a ban on the Ban in the tu nay and lu ma la king pe-lig ro that you can be in an in-special issue | March 29, 2024 The town is published twice each month by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the PhilippinesThe.bayan@cpp.ph Im per ya lis tang ge ra. The one who is not long ago is the re bo lu syo-that is what you have Sam of Sam is the Pi Li Pi no to fight for their Wedding - Lucky. The ka la yan ng kri sis in the ban - sa has tu tu lakit in api and pi naga sa - man ta la hang ma sa sam ba ya ya pi li pi no na na na long ang ka ni -just mga mga mga are you still here. In the bay of par ti do, de ter mi na do the re -bo lu syo nar yong pwer sa na pu ka -win, or ga ni sa hin and pa ki lu sin ang ma la ki hang bi lang ng sam ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ya nung pi li pi no, tu luy-tu loy na isu long ang pam ban sa-de mok ra ti kong re bo lu-syon, whatever the hi rap and sa sa pi pi-syo, and dal hin sa hin di hi Pa naaa - Ru Rok bot in Hi ha rap.

March 29, 2024 3ku this is what he is still up to when you are still here! Bi gu in ang to dong pa na la sa ng kaa way! In the Kri ti kal na pag to ang re bo lu syo nar yong ar ma dong pa ki ki ba ka ngi ka - lun lun of ba gong huk bong ba yan (bhb) in their Lim of AB so No of the par ti do ko mu nis ta ng pi li pi nas. Ti na ta wa gan the la hat of kad re of par ti do, just me der and man in rig ma, re bo lu syo naro ni ni ni ni sa ma sa and ak ti bis ta sa sa sa sa sa sa sa sa sa sa sa sa sa sa sa sa sa sa sa sa sa sa sa sa sa sa sa sa sa ba You are and in the same people who have been able to see our people who are our people, as the only people are in the world, and that is the only one Ar than dong pa ki ki ba ka, ia ngi this mu la sa ka sa lu yang ka gi pi tan and su mu long nung hi git na ma la kasi than you are. Da pat na ting ting isaa just a-a su mu su nod: in one yet, kai la nang-kai la ngan na isu long ang ar ma dong pa ki ki ka pa ka big wa san ang kaa way sa ha rap ng pi na tin ding im per ya lis tang ag re you e-ko nom ya and in ter ben syong mi li tar and pi na ig ting na pa sis tang na na la sa. The dek la ra dong la yu ng kaa way that "you are not the only one in the world" of the ban on and and the rang pi pi sa ma ma yang pi li pi no. Just in case, our pwer sa is that you are still in the middle of our life when you are li, ka hi na and ku ku ku -just bun sod of It's been a year since you've been to me and it's still Bi -Dad. In the bay of par ti ti do, the Yu nit of the NPA is still in the face of the ha ha ha la gang ga wa in pa ra at wa was to and when I am so much Do you still want to go to the ras, do you still have to go to the ras, do you still have to do it. Pa sig la hin ang pa ki ki - dig ge ril ya. Pa ra ra pin ang par ti ku lar na sit wa na niyong, da pat na ting ma na na na ga pin the di ya lek ti ko re -la sion in pa gi tan of laban in kaa way and if we are still in our PWER in: da pat na ting pa ka sin sab pa pa pa epek ti bong la ba nan kaa way; Da pat na ting la ba na na kaa way pa ra epek ti bong ma pa la kas ang bhb. Hin di na tin mai hi hi wa lay one of you in one. The first thing is that it is not the main tin in the han and it is not as good as it is, too much; This is the hu li is not a roy, and some will be able to do more. La lo in the rap of estra te hi ko and lo kal na su per yo ri dad of the way to still have a hi git na ma la kas na pwer sang mi li tar, ma da ling ma - ka lig ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ,ide ka The tag is the tag of the way that is the bully of the Bi Bi Li Dad and Pam Pu li ti ka ka hi na na na maa ri and da pat in man ta la hin of the BHB and the whole ha nay of re bo lu syo You are the PWER in. Some are La Bis who are already in the right place in the king pre sen the way, that he can take it - he just knows that this is a heart and that - you are Pwer sang bu lok sa kai bu tu ran and nag tang gol sa nag hi hi nga lo and na nas na na sis — te ma. That is not in the mind that this is how long it is that you can do it for you to be more than just a little bit more, and you can do it if you know how much You are big kis. Da - patu pus pu sang la ba nan ang ma ha - tak sa pa bi dad da la ng mai kai yet nig na na na na na na na na nun nu — BI JUST PER MA NEN TENG KAA YU SAN, AND BI GONG GA GA GA PIN IS THE LEK TI KAL NA PUS Ki ki Dig Mang Ge ril ya. Tu- nay na hi ngi ngi ngi na sion in kad re of par ti do and ku man der and man di rig ma ng bhb ang ma la lim na re bo lu syo nar yong ta li sik, wa-lang- lang- You can still have a lot of money and you are not in the ma, and you just have to be in the same way and you can still have to do it when I do not have that ad-hi You are in that. You have been in the pan that you have been able to do so and not be able to do it and to the way, that it will be a great way Dong Pwer in the way, not the la hat of the ar than the more we wak by our gestures and the ma can. So much so that this is still the case with the luna of the people who are not open to the open. -Ma gi gi tan ng ba ha-ba ha ging puminga ng ng yang ar ma dong pwer- sa, and in sam sam in the more nor ni pa pa ma san da ta han na We can rut and you will be able to do it for hi hi git which is more likely to be the one who is open to the hi ha - rap. It is not as good as you are in the NPA in the Ki Ki Ki Dig ma sa pa ma -gi tan ng pa pa ki ki dig ma. In the rap of the Ka lu pi tan and to dong kam pan ya ng kub kob and destroying the way, i know the lin lin of the pwer sang re bo lu syo nar yo na la na nan kaa way and let's go gol Ma ma yan sa pa ma gi tan ng ar ma dong pag la ban. Da pat na na - this as the hin is not the only one who is not in the bong ba and the ma sa sa ban and ga pi in the you way. Da -pat na ting lu ta sin and pa ba ba ba wan the prob le ma and ka hi just i still know how to do it when the tro is still a way la ban sa ma sa and Pwes of ge ril ya. It is not possible to take the way to the way when PIS has been able to see the PISS in this case when we are still in the law of our law. . Gaa nu man ka la ki and ka la kas the opera rang ng kaa way, still there is a gi nin tu when ka ka ta na maa ri na ting sa man ta la hin and da pat mai na na na na na na na na na na na na na Ting su ri in pa ra Da pat ma bi lis na ting ki la -la nung na na bang pa la ki pa ka saka ng ope rang ng kaa way, March 29, 2024 The town 4mas can be the same as the one who wants to go to the lan tad and that is the ging bul -ne rab le in the Taka Kal who is open to the NPA. I can still do it, I can do it in this way, and not this ki los, to not wing ma ba gal na hi gan te is the way you are still in the na na ng bhb kai lan man ni na -sin. In the Rap of Ka in Lu ku yang na na la na ng kaa way, da pat pla nu - hin ng bhb mand in an an bag la ra ngan and pru bin sya or sub re hi yon ang pag lun lun lun lun lun lun lun lun lun lun lun sad ng pa ki ki dig mang ak ti bong de pen sa sa an tas ng mga kam pan ya at la ba nan, aga pan ang pag pa pa kat ng kaa way at pa ta ma an ang pi na ka ma hi hi nang ba Ha gi ni to. Da pat si lang ma ging han da na ili pat the pa pa na na hing pwer in or center de gra bi dad pa la bas in the kub kob ng kaa way, ha ba bangi — Kat or Kom po sitting that they are still lunched by the various ti po nyong ge ril ya and tak ti kal na open si ba na ya ni lang na na lo to pa ta ma- an Ser Yo song pin in LA is the same. In the Rap of Ka sa lu ku yang sit - wa sion, you are still in the yu nit nit of the nit of the nit of the nit of the nit of the nit of the nit of the nit of Put the tak ti ti kal open bang ka ya ya ni lang ilun sad and na na lo. Da pat Ilun sad these guys did not have this when there was a koor in the world when you were in my mand and you were the ones. Ba and my ge ril - this is also a good idea to do this to those who have been in the world, de pen to you, o lin ya in sup lay lay, let's go to that hi hi lay ni lang de-tatsment, dis-ar ma, nayp, de mo li syon, ope ra syong par ti sa no and pag pag -A res to, when you still have to do it, you will be able to do that to the counter-re-re-re-re bo lu-syo naro yo and kri mi nal na na ele men tong an ti-so Sirals, and so on. The openings of this open Bang are not a gum to pay for the rip les and you don't even have a way, when you are not in the lin ya in the Sup lay And I and you are, when you are still in the world, you are not the only ones, he is still a widow and pan, when RA is in the pla no of the way In the ban, and when it comes to the way you are still in the same way that he is not the only one and the PLA NGU NGU is a PWER in the NPA. The tung ku lin of lu lun sad of tak ti cal na open si ba na ka - ya ting na na na is da pat one ga wa with ma sin sin na pap la no and whole la kas, just bi It's been a while since the NPA is still here, and it's just the first time he got it. Which is the nod of the lin of the lun of the ma la ga na nap and ma sin sing pa - ki ki digg mang ge ril ya sa ba yan na pa la wak and pa pa la lim na ba sa ma sa, La hat of the yu nit of the huk-bong is that and that is what he is not like that is not the case with him. Ging Plek sib le sa ka - ni lang ki los. Da pat pa ka sin and pa sab win of the NPA Ka ni ka ni lang nay nay sa ma sa. Da pat ni lang pagan- tang gol the ma sang mag sa ka and the ma ma yan la ban sa pa-sis tang aa aa pi and nag sa sa man You can still be pro yet, not to say that and if you are still there, you will not be the only one who is still in the mood for you and that you are not in the same way and the paddy pad is Re -por ma sa lu pa. Da pat ya kat the ma yor ya of the pla tuns of the bhb pa ra that are the king-kum-pan that are just ge ril ya. Da pat bu Mua ng ma li naw na pla no ang pla tung ge ril ya pa mag - pa kat ng yu nit ni to a tak dang sa law na li mi ta do La bis-la-bis when you are tak, nit to pat the la pad pa sa ob rang de – pen si bo and open bo, with ro ong ti yak na pa hon pa ra Su mu long to foot lon-a lon, or will it be a pad of re bo lu syo nar yong ba seng ma sa sa ba yan ng kon so li da sion. Pi na la la - wak na tin the er ya in the open rang of the bhb on the foot that it is still a long time ago Where can you do this to make a living, and not, and that he is still in the mood. It is possible that the NIT NIT is the only time of the NIT NIT in the Mi and MU LAN is still KI KI - DIG MANG GE RIL YA AND BUN SAN THE BA - Gong La Ra Ngang Ge ril Ya If Where are you going to do it and the way you are. You are the ones who are the ones who are in the ma with the mag in the sa you, pan te Ri - Tor those of my people and the other things and the other plants of the back I can do the pi that you are-and that are the ones who are yu and su li ra nin ng ma sa, and yet bi li sin the pags si si si si- I still have a lot to do with you, who has been a long time since you are just a mok and I haven't been to you, so you can wing them in the world. Re bo lu syo nar yong ki lu sang ag rar yo and sa de mok ra ti -kong re bo lu syong ba yan. Da pat na ting big yan ng atn - he is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is not the only one who is the one who is the one who is the only one who is In the meantime, in the case of the people of the world, do you know, do you know and do not have any more children and other children Su can go to the bars or the bars of the bars or the bars or the mu yo, that's not the ones who are in the same way and I have to do the same. I can do that to the or no more of the fact that you have not been able to get this to the way. Da pat na ting su - can we just have our people and you have more than you can still do the same - the or ga no of you are the same or ga ni - in the ma in, and lo kal li der is ligal and na la la yo in lam bat of pa nik tik ng kaa way.

The town is March 29, 2024 5da pat that is so much so that you can do it and you will be able to do it and be the plans of the pla no more as you are the only one who is the one who is not the one -Bil is still the only one who is still Bil, Pam-Li ti ka, pan Li pu nan and e ko-nom ya, and I still have to go to Bo and he can still The way you can do it. Da pat na ting bi gu in the ka ka suk lam lam na is ke ma ng kaa way to-gin ka kai kai kai ma ma yan, pwer sa hin si lang one-i sang su mu- Ren der, o aki tin are just my pu -man der and man in the rig ma to let you know the ma in the hu wad i even can even know that you are all right. When it comes to the kam pan that is still a pil of the way, it is not possible to do the ri li the lo kal pwer in. Do you still know how much you have to do more than to be more than just a bag of me in the da and you and when you are in the ma -ma yan, Do you know how to get a gang in the gang in terms of my dad. Hi git sa la hat, da pat ga — win of the bhb the la hat pa to those who are still in the aa aa pi with you. Da pat na ting pa ka sin sin the bu whole of po lar lar na pang de pen in to do not even have to do it with the ge ril ya ng ma sa. You are just in the pan of the pan de pen- this is the yu nit mi or MU ni sip yo, yu nit nit de pen in the baa ngay and i have to go to the gol in the ri li are you in the or ga ni sa sa. Da pat hi ka ya tin the pwers of this penny of this ma ma yan and does that not really this is what he is doing to lu lun sad of la hat por ma ng pa ki ki dig Guerrilla or an ar Ma ma dong ki lu sang ma in la ban in the way, you are the only ones who are the ones who are rabbling more, when it comes to gray, or bom bang bang pa nu nog, pag la tag tag ng pa ti bong, nayp, nayp, and other open rare you have to say that hi hi wa lay na yu nit nit nit or ka hit whats more yu nit ng kaa way na ka ya ya ya ya ni ya ni ya ni Just do it, pi la yin, ta lu nin or pussy in. Da-Pat ni laita ga mi if he is too, too. Hu no ha ya is the way you can still be so cute and you can still haw haw in the re bo lu syo nar yong er ya when he does not bother, you do not know what you are, and he is That is not the case with you. Da pat tu mu long the bhb to lu lun sad of kam pan that ma sa sa na pa ki los sa ma sa sa sa ka pa ra ra pin my mun ni lang ma bi bi gat na su li Ra -nin and is yu. You just don't know how much we can do the la la la la kum kum pan yang kot when we have, we have plans, in real es ta te, eko tu ris mo, ener hi ya and Other pro yek tong infrastruk tu ra. Lang or ga ni ni ni sa sa hin and pa - ki lu sin pa ra yet and the rest of the ku that ra ras to you just like you. Da pat or ga ni sa hin and pa ki lu sin ang ma sang mag sa Well, you still have to do it with you and don't even know that the rent is different, yet, the usu ra, it is the hod in the kid, ma kat wi rang pre syo ng pro Rar yo ng par ti do. It is not possible for me to hang out or not have the same way as you can do the only ones in those centers and my dad. Wherever she is, she is not in the games of the pro -duk sion, you are here, you are just like the pu and the only people in the world ra tu gu nan ang prak ti kal na pa na ngan ng ma ma sa. Da pat pa tu loy ni lang pan da yin the ma ta tag and hin di ma la la na na na na na ma sa. It is not possible LA of those who are in the man ta la. Da pat mag kon so li da, will still be able to do the yu nit of the nit of the only ka ni lut pawer sa. I don't know how to think about it and I just have one to do with those who are just in the rig ma and my der. Just don't do this, just don't know how much you are just Ka - you and you are, and pla nu hin the la hat of the ki that is not the case De ter mi na - sion and ka ka ya han ng pu lang man di rig ma and re bo lu syo nar yong ma sa na lu ma ban and bi gu in to - dong ata ke ng kaa way. Da pat na ting ting lain la also structure in ku mand ng bhb in la -hat of an tas, na ti yak ang ka li dad and kom po sion ng yu nit ku - mand Ho ri -son tal and ber ti ti kal, that's not the pan and ri tor yong ku mand in the open of the bag of re hi yon, pru bin or sub re hi yon. The MU MU MU NONG BAG-AS IN LA HAT OF AN ENTRY OF KU MAND OF THE BHB ARE DA PAT BI NU NUS - Way and again do you feel the heart of the ma rap. You can do it when you know how to do it to my guys, and our friends are still in the same way in the ups You can still be Ka Ka Ya and you are just our PUs in the Rig Ma and Ku man - in syen syen he is Mi Li tar and you are not, and others are still Ka ni It's just that it's not like I can do that. Da pat paun-la also sis te ma ng pagsan sa-nay pa ma ma na ga wa the more maik si o ti lad-ti lad the ta la ka ka kur so Bi lis na ba ba gong sit wa n wayong mi li tar in ha rap ng wa just ti gil na ope ra n ng kaa way. Da pat pa tu loy na you will still have to go to the bhb in the plek si bi Li dad when you go to you just

March 29, 2024 The town 6pag ki los mu la sa kon sentra sion, pag hi hi wa-hi wa lay and pag li li pat, de-pen de sa sit wa na sion and ka ni lang la yu nin. I don't know how to tin our buttocks in the same way and the way is so much so that it is so much so, pi nag hi hi wa-hi wa lay na tin pa mag wa wa ing ma sa, ma wa wa La in the way of the way, and to do the more people you have to do, and he is still a long When it comes to your way. Da pat umi was the la hat of the yu - nit of the bhb in the hin di pla na dong la ba - nan and the more people still have a sun tu kin the way to ha - ngin and still in ri li. Da pat si - just and yat and re gu lar to be with you ni lang sits wa sion, ta pa lan la hat of bu tas sa se gu ri dad and ali sin the la hat Li - Dad. Da pat ma su gid ni lang mat ya - gan tiya kaa way a way to take lit of ko elek or gps tracker. Da pat ni lang ta ta gin ang ka ni lang de ter mi na na na na na ka ti - ka prin sip yo and still can ll na li he na ge ril yang ki los, ha bang nag ma a march Or it's still here. Da pat tu luy-tu loy na pa ti li-hin ni lang ma ta as the tas of non-si li na and pag ta li ma sa na re gu la — so just in the rig ma, and it is as good as the - tas ng re bo lu syo nar yong pam pu li that is not the only one who is still in the same way - the NPA's se gu ri dad. Da - pata is not the only one who has been in the han and is not in the hat of the bag in the ran and re gu la syong pan se ge ril yang pag ki los. Da pat can still be in the BHB the lam bat bat tik tik ng kaa - way to go to the ha nay of ma -sa, na pi na ki ki tid the tar get to those who have gone Li der la The guys are the ones who are not able to do it. Gi it of Ma sa in, la lo the hi nam ba los of bag sik of kam pan yang pa nu pil ng kaa way, which is still a man of re bo lu syo - nar yong ka pu ra sa han the I don't know how to do it when you have a lot of people, and that some of the people are just Kri Mi Nal and Counter-Re Bo- You are just those in LA nan. Da pat ta sa hin of la hat of the yu nit nit ng bhb the na pa nik tik ng kaa way (that is all in you in im - por ma syong na ka pa oo to, you have tray dor, or that I am in the same way that it is still possible), and if it is not a foot Way. Da pat si lang mag na na kau ku ku mga pla no and do you want to go to them yet just don't say the im por ma sion in the tick of the way. Da pat pa tu loy na bhb also the ma hi hig pit na ali tun tu nin ti ti yak ng se gu ri dad and still in the sen si bong ma gi tan of the kom partmen ta li to you, when it does not say per and when i am (encrypti on), and when it is still in the same way you can still be able to do it In the container of the facts of the terms, smartpho ne, sel pon, rad yo in my ka mu ni ka sion, and the rest of the elektro ni ko. Da pat also let us know that you are not in that ning ng ni sim por -ma sion and pan la lan si - just bi just su su bo ng pan li tong im por ma ion in lam bat I still have a tik or elektro if I can do it any way-it's just the way and the way it is in the way. Da pat sis te ma ti ti ti yong yong to lun sad ng kam pan that is still a tad tad in or not the people of the way, that can be , mang ga wa, ma la-pro le tar ya do o ma ba ba ba ba ba bur ge ge sya, who only has a kit as na swel do pa ra su ma li sa ar ma dong pwer sa kaa way . LA knows that you know what you know and I do not like the or ga of the reak of the reak-and that is the Mi Li Tar, and Kim Kim is a good one Bu song gi na na wa na ni la ng ka ni lang upi syal, not also in ma la la kri and la bag in ka ka pa tang-people na Ban to Ma sa. Da pat ta yong ma ma ha gi ng pol ye to and to do not have the lan tad na pro pa and kam po po po po po tar, de tatsment o is - ta sion. It can be a good idea to know that they are guys and that they are not the only way to leave you alone, and you will hok the re bo lu sion, mag Pa sa ng ma ha ha la gang im por ma sion or ma- mu hay bi only pro duk ti bong si - bil yan, and ma ki sa lo sa bu nga ko lek ti bong pa ki ki ki ki ki ki ki or not to you in the mag of the sa sa ka. Da pat pa tu loy na tinguin bury and you still have the par ti ti do inside the ba gong huk bong is still not here in the hat of the ku - lin. Da pat pa tu loy na ting rek ru tin the pi na kaa ban teng mga ele men to and ti ya ka ka ni ka ni lang sa nay and u una lad in the idea lo hi ya, pu li ti ka and or or ga Not at all. And then build my people in the bag in the bags of the kum pan ya; In the Par ti do in pla tuns; GRU PO PAR TI TI DO IN SCHOOLS. Da pat mag ta la ga the par ti do mu la sa ha nay ni ni to upi syal and instruk tor sa pu li Li ti ka sa ba ril. Da pat din na ti ti ya kin the more kat kad re and ak ti - bis ta mu la sa ka lun su ran, la l lu na mu la sa ha nay ng mang ga ga - of es tud yan te, gu ro and other in te lectual and pro pe syu nal na pe ti bur ge sya, pa just as ang ka ka ya han ng bhb Tung -ku lin sa pa mu mu no and yet - wa. Kri ti kal is the lag tag tung ku lin in ita as and da pat I have already been to GU LU LU GOD and you are still a gong huk bong ba ba yan. You have already been able to do this to her and she will not be able to do it with the Nit of the BHB, and that they are the ones of those who are in the ras to you and that he is still gay to bong ka ta yu an, bi gu in the

The town March 29, 2024 7mu ling ti ba yin ba ta yang prin yo in lu lun sad ng pi yan yan in pi li pi nas da pat la gu min ng ba wat yu nit ng bhb ang ka ni ka ni ka ni You are just here and avoiding the fact that you can be nodded in a nod of the puppies and when it comes to the ri li, in the ga bay of the bay kria kri ti kal-sa- In the Ri ling pag su su ri this lag in men in he of ko mi te central in the 55th Ani ber sar yo of par ti ti do and in order to be in the mood for the law of just the ones in the world and you are not in the world. Da pat big yan ng par ti ku lar na aten ng yu-nit nit nit nas nas nas nas nas na na ras to su ri in de pen si bang la ba nan pa ko ko ka ka ni lang mga mga mga mga mga mga mga mga mga mga mga mga mga mga mga mga mga when you are li and you are there. It is not possible for us to go to the lessons that we have been in the lessons of our marks just one more than we can do with you. You are still the cop when you are on the 55th Ani ber sar yo of the BHB pa ra mu li na ting ti ba yin ang ba ta-yang prin sip yo and theorea Is that in pi li pi nas. La bis na ma ha la ga it in pa na hong ku ma ka ha rap ta yo sa kri-ti kal na sit wa sion ka su nod ng ser-yo song It is up to us to avoid our when you are and you are. By the time Marxis you are-ni nis nis mo-maois in kong kre you are not the ban on our ban on, which is still the same is that in the pi li pi - nas, and pi nu nu an ang ba gong huk bong ba yan when it is lu lu nasd ng re bo lu syo nar yong ar ma dong pa ki ki ka ka mu la in a tas Tu Ngo to another. It was a tag of ar ti ku lo in 1974 as many of my people who are not our Dig Mang is that the more the theoret When it comes to the lun of the re bo lu this is the dig ma sa pi li -pi nas. It's just that I can just say that I can do it and I can do it so much that I don't know, you are the one who is the heog of the heog ra pi and Pi si Kal na ka pa ni ni to, that's not the other par ti ku lar ka ka ngi ngi an a ban sa. The ones that you have been in the tin in the day have you been to 55 years ago and I have never been to this theories. There are no more than these theores that are not the same as the ras and you are not the only ones who have not been able to do it This is theore. Ka was the most Do you just know that you are still here, and the re -bo lu is here and that he is not in the world and that they are in li gal and ili gal who are Do you still have the syu dad and you, just like that, just in the world. When it comes to the back of the ban on it, I have to do it for a while, and we have to pay for the whole thing for a few miles. mu mu no ng pro le tar ya do, pag ta yo ng ba ta yang al yan ti do in the bhb, and when you have a whole lot of people who are not in the presence of the prey, you are not your, but you and your ruk and you are not your, with the fact that it was a reak of reak syu - the sis te ma ng ma la la king bur - ge sya dor and ma la la king pa ngi no ong with lu pa. When it comes to the luna of the day you don't even have to do that to you, but it is still a good idea Do you know how to do it, and you have a lot of people in the world and the people of the world are not too much Bo lu syon, na wa wa na ting pa ki lu sin ang ma sang mag sa ka na bu mu whole in pi na ka ma la -king ba ha gi ng ma ma ma yang pi li pi - no and nag si sil sil Bing pi ka ma sa sa Da pat is one of the par ti ti-do and bhb the people of this ling it is not to mention that the ki lu sang pag wa was to pa pa When you are in Li and you are here, they are still in the mood for those who have not been to the gong pag su long of the re bo lu syo nar and Ka.

March 29, 2024 The Town 8 is the same as a class. Pus pu san na ting isi nu long ang pa ki - ki have you been still in the same way that i still have to do it when i have a lot to do with you. Da hil di to, na wa na na ting ita tag and pa - ka sin ang ba gong huk bong ba yan, that you are re re into It's just not too late and the kids are not kids, and it's not a good idea for you. The only one who has been able to do so is that you are not the only one who has been in the world. in the kaa way, and pa li bu tan You lun su ran hang gang sa po sib len early win the syu dad and su - mu long in the bun of the gum pay. Da hil di to, that you have to tag yo ng or ga no ng ka ka ya ri hang pam pu li ti ka ka na yu nan, na na ka tun tun sa pun da sion ng re bo lu -syo There is the ti-pyu dal that you have been to-the prey of the lash of the people in the man and the kind of kind of you are the pi lii nas. In 55 years, it has never been a long time since you have been able to do it with the PI and a kid at the time of the Dig Mang Ba Ba in Pi Li Pi - Nas BI just a pu lu-pu long ban on. We have to pay you back to the Ri Li as it is not yet the lad of the las Lan of Kal na li ku ran. You have to do the same for the las. La hat of pa ngu na hing is la in ban on. These are just the ge ril ya are the tears of the Pa ki ki Dig -mang ge ril ya of the Yu nit of the NPA. You have been all the lasa of the ge ril ya and ba se sa hin di gaa-nong-ma tao bu lu lu bun du king lu – gar, where can i just have to-kon so . MU LA has only been 60 PU no rigs that have been able to do with Yam's RIP Leng Aw to Ma Tik and 26 and hi hi hi more in the world of distri Tar-lac, we have to pay you back to our places in the squads and pla tuns, and they are just as good as ge ril-ya. You are the only one of the 14 Pan-Re hi yong ku mand ng bhb, who wat one is ru rook in la kasi di rig ma, and ba wat one has a few ku mand in sub re hi yon o pru bin with him with some ra rang ge ril ya. That was the ban on the ban on the de mok - kong re bo lu sion sa pi li pi nas da - hil sa ma la la ki ni tong pag su long and pag lun lun ni to ar ma dong pa ki — Do you know that you are still in terms of in terms that are not at the time of the gang pro le tar ya do. When you are so much so that he is not tang re bo lu syon and still know that you are not in chi and the soviet uni on their five of you der nong re bi syu nis tang pag - ha ha ri, ki na ngan ng ma ma ma ma yang pi li pi no na na sa sa ri li sa pag su long ng re bo lu syo nar yong ar ma dong pa ki ki ka ka. You are just a Tag tag yo when you are just ya ri hung pam pu li ti ka sa li bu-li bong ba ba naay all over the ban- sa. You are just yo yo ni pa ni mu - just for the si de mok ra ti kong gub ye rong ba yan in the bar of yo or in the terbar yo, with the upi -syal hi na of the bars of the assembly of my dad or hi ni rang mu la sa lo kal na re bo lu syo na ni ni ni sa sa ma sa. You are not able to do it for the whole ban on the whole ban on the more people in the back of the Pad at the Pad at the Pa Ta - Ka ran of re la ti bong sentra li sa dong estra te hi kong kong kong kong kong kong ku mand and de sentra - li in the open ones in the kam pan ya and la ba nan. In the Da Da Da, you are still the Pan re hi yong ko mi te ng par ti do and pan re hi yong ku mand ng bhb ng sa ri ling-tu bong kad re and ku- man der na ma ta ta as the ka li dad that you have to hang out with you no sa sa ri li sa kompre hen bong saki law of re bo lu syo na tung ku lin, which is a nod sa lin lin Yang iti - nak da ng ko ko te central. I have just been to you in the middle of the central of the Par ti do and the BHB's OPE ra. Ha bang it lun lun sad na tin ki - lu sang when it was not to, kri ti kal pa sa la hat of kad re of par ti do, ku man der and man di rig ma ng bhb, and la hat bo lu syo and the pwer in that you are not the only one who we have to The ones and the theoreties of the lun of the lun of the de mok ra - ti kong re bo lu syyong ba yan which is a nod in estra te hi kong lin ya ng kub kob sa ka lun su ran mu la sa ka na yu Nan; You can say that when you say that when you have a lun, you are still in the 55-year-old Law of the lessons of your lessons mit and to ras ni to; that you are on the way to see me in the world and that it is still rap in the ti ti ti bo and ka li ta ti bong pag su long , hang gang sa ma ba lig tad tin ka sa lu ku yang ba lan se ng pwer sa. Tu lad ng in this la tag ng par ti do, the ma ta ga lang dig ba that is in the pi li pi nas is the one in the long tat long po-sib-sib to the unknown: the estra te hi kong de pen si, estra te hi-kong kong pag kong pa tas; And the esta te hi - kong kong open si ba. This lan das of the long dig in the pi-li pi nas is not the only one of my lek ts. The fact that the other lan das or you are not a long time in this case is that you have not been able to. In the 1980s, you have never been to the gong-hu-hu bog that they have been to the Bur ges In the case of the pay. LA is welcome to do the Par ti ti ti ti ti ti do sa ma la -ko lon yal and ma lap yu dal na sis te ma, iti na gu yok the idea ya na na wa ng dik ta du rang Marcos na in dustri ya li - at do and ka pi tang ban in the pi -li pi nas, pi na la ki ang ur ni sion of ban on and mi na li it the law of ag rar yong eko nom ya ga mit the pal —

The town March 29, 2024 9Si pi ka dong da tos ng gub yer no. La is not the only one who has the "estra te hi hi kong counter- or pen si" at the same time as the estra te hi kong de pen si, pa ra big-yang kat wi ran ang ba ba go ng estra te ha ya tu ngong in su rek syu nis - mong lun sod ka ka bi na ang ade - lan ta dong re gu la ri sa syon and ber ti – ka li SYON NG NG BHB. LA is not the only one who has been able to do so in the past and only the no one and the hi, and the la lay it up to the more of in su re rek syu nis tang pag sik lab. This is a nom in the "re gu- lar na pa ki ki digg mang ge ril ya" ga mit ang ma la la king por ma syon ng huk -bong ba yan (kum pan ya and ba -tal yun) Big wa san is the way to the gas of gas ba ha gi and tar get (kum pan ya o ba tal yon, la bis na pi ti pi ka dong kam po po and hedkwar ters). This lin of ad ben tu ris for mi li tar has been a long way - so in the Ho ri son tal that the NIT nit of the NIT is still full of the "re gu lar" that is the case and the ba - tal. Lu mik ha this of ta gi bang na na, pa kat and sus te ni dong la la go to the pwer in the ber ti kal and ho ri — son tal na yu nit nit ng bhb, na san hi ng ma ka bu lu lu lu lu hang out when it comes to re bo lu syo nar yong ba se and la ra - ngang ge ril ya ni to. The only thing that you are doing is the one who is in the ri li in the sitting of the lan tay mi li tar na - the gus to the hi git na su per yor na pwer in the way. In this case of these people who have been paying for the Mi Li Tar, the BHB PWER is a LAU -NAN who is still a Bi Dad Mi Li Tar and that ging bul ne rab le Kob and Li Pol of the way, which is not the case with the King of the Pwer and you are not the only ones in the 1990-1991. Ki na la ngan ilun sad ang tha la - wang da ki lang ki lu sang pag wa was - to pa ra isal ba re bo lu syo Bi gu an. In the Mu - Ling Pa Pa Ti Bay in Ba Ta Yang prin yo ng par ti do in Lu lun Sad ng de mok ra ti kong re bo lu syong ba - yan That's all, the Yu nit of the NPA is not the same pan kap wa sa ga wa in sa pu li ti ka and mi li tar. Pi ti bay ng par ti do the tak ti kal na lin — yang mi li tar na lu lun sad of the law and is still good at it La - wak and pa la lim na ba sg ma ma in the eg to estra te h kong de pen si si ba. Can go to go to go by the ba - gong huk bong bong yan yan tau when deak la ra dong tar get kaa way du ru gin ang re bo lu syo and yong ar ma dong ki lu san. Do you want to do this to you when you know how to do it and when you know, the op and you can, I, II and III . la kas. In the gum of the money you have a lot of money, Mother Bot of Dig is the one that is the git of the esta of the esta te hi kong de pen si ba hu mi git-ku mu just in the world The Da Ka Da Da Da 2000, and the plans have been the only ones who have been able to do the same, and to the Suban Sub, and to the Bu in the Estra Tera Tera Kong Pa tas. That's not it, you hit that Pa - Hong Is that the one who is the one who is the one in the world of your Li Li Tar that that is not the case with me in the git to sub to this. A few years of Kon Ser Ba ba tis in la hat ng as pe to of re bo lu syo nar Yong ga wa-in, and when you are still in pat it is still a good idea to do that and not be the only one It has become a bul ne rab le to the cord and the way you are the way, which is a sulf in the ras and you are. One of the ones that you have in the Em pi - ri sis is our Ka Bi gu an na ma bi lis na hu ma law of your lessons of our man and the theoret Do you want to go to the right ways, and the only ones you can do. In the meant ki - lu sang when i was not yet ku ku yin and spit out the bur ges and pe ti bur ges roots in the idea of lu hi ya ya when you are li, you are and and ku ku ku ku ku ku ku ku ku ku ku ku ku ku ku ku ku ku ku i Just because you are, do we have to do our pro le tar ya dong ni ni ni gan, yet and have not been able to do it. Re bo lu syon. In the Kai bu tu ran, you are in my life when it is not a ki lu sang ral pa ba ba ba ba ba ra-lan and mu ling pag ti ba yin ang ba ta-yang Prin sip yo of marxis-ni-le nis mo-mao you don't like that-kong kong kong su la tin ng da ki just guys ko mu nis ta, and the ak da ni You are Jo se Ma Ria; It is still up to the Constable and the Par ti ti ti do; I still have to do the first place for the first time and the only thing to do with it is not to do the par ti ti ti do; yet you have been the ones who have been in the world and 25 years; It was still a long time since he was in the pan when he sat down and he was in the kind; It is still not possible to have it and that it will be in the ri li; We are still in the middle of the games of the people; And it's still a matter of time the tat is the tat long-a-tas tas of kur so par- ti ti do. Ma lu god na bi ti of la hat of ko mi teng re hi yon and or ga no of par ti do, and ku mand ng bhb pa pa na na na ki lu lu sang pag - wa was to La when I was in my central 26, 2023. It was a long time ago or that you were not the same as the various KO Mi te of Par Ti Do and Ku Mand of the NPA of the bags are the la la la la la gom and rally, kum pe ren sya sa pan li pu when si sat and pu longs to pap la no. You are in the bay of - to, to be the only one who is the ki kai -

March 29, 2024 The town is 10, is it going to go to the PWER in the BHB pa ra lu ta sin the various por palang pa-ki pot-in-in ri li, to The law is not the law of the BHB's opened, but the gong are not the er ya la bas in the case of the way, but the more is the more . Bi ni go ng deca la ra sion of ki lu-sang when it was not to the time the re hi Meng US-Marcos and the reak syu nar yong es ta do who were already I do not know how to do it and you just have to go to a few people, but it's not too much for you to Do not tag Par ti ti do and ga bay ni tong li wa nag. Just do it, the way is the way hi hi ga ga-king pon and re kur so in the counter-re- Not the case of the cub and the pole. This is why it is just that in the world and the gil and you can still have some people in my dad's dad and my dad, ae - ri al bom bing And that's why and you can do the open ones in the same way as we can do the whole ban. The marxis is not the only one of the ni nis ta-maois tang pa ng sip, ma-su su r ni to to. Ha lim ba wa, da pat na ting in tin in hin na na na mit na kaa ka na ka na na tang he-pa wid, first-u, is still Gu an ni tong yet ngi ba ba ba ba ka wa wa lan ni ng pam pu li Do the people of the Li - Cop ter who are gay gay in the way of that of the Ben ta he in the same way that he is still in the han and sup lay lay, bul ne rab le na na These are the ones that are all about BHB when you are in the world, and that you can do it, and you will not be able to do the TROs for the troos ni to to. Bi bi gay ng na ta ta - nging ben ta he ang pam bo bom ba mu la sa era in la kas pa muk, su -ba lit may da la ring La bis na pin in - just pam pu li ti ka sa pa sis ta la long nag hi hi wa lay sa ka la ni la sa ma sa. Gi that is not the only one who is still in the TROs from the LI in the world and the WID, which can also be against the NPA. It is also possible to do the same for those who are against those who are in the world, but it is not possible In the era. In any way and when they are here, you will be able to see the li and me and bul ne ra bi bi li -dad to you ni to to. Da pat pa na ti li hin ng Pu -ku ku man der and man di rig ma ng bhb, ka ma ma na ma, that you are just the ones who can and will be able to do it Way, and will be full of epek ti bong estra te hi ya. In the inspi rang of ki lu sang when it was to, la long to be more than we could do and de ter mi to do the li der of par ti do and man di rig ma ng bhb in ka bi la ng sa sa sa sa sa sa sa sa sa sa sa sa sa sa sa sa sa You are in the same way that the PWER is. Da pat is more likely to know that the su - per yo ri dad is a way to the USA pin of the more in the US is not the case You have already been able to do this to the gol of this; And the BHB in the USA pin of the AR more is that it is not the only one per yo ri - dad to the ma la wak na su por ta ng ma sang pi li pi no. Ar ma do ng di ya-lek ti kal na pa na ng sip, ki ni-ki la la din na tin that sit wa wa na nan da li an, and in you Do you know that, the dig in the world is not the one who is in the nod, and that is the buha bu lid the way to hin di ma lu tas -Lu tas na kri sis ng im per ya lis mo and ng ha -ha ring ma la ko lon yal and ma lap yu dal na sis te ma. Pi nu pu kaw ng kri sis and pa nu pil the ba ba ba yan in re hi Meng US-Marcos the re hi Meng us-Marcos you are in lu ku yang con sentra dong expre sion ng maga aa aa pi ng ng pi ng pi ng Sam ba ya na pi li pi no. You have been the one who has been the one who has been the one who has also been with you and that you are in the same way. The people are still the neo li be ral, nik lu hod has not been to him in hers in the US, ko rap sion, ma rang yang yang pa mu mu hay, and pa sis - tang pa nu pil in the de mok ra t i tan ka pa tan, has been a lot of others in the kit in sam ba ya pi li pi no and pu mu pu ka ka ni la na na na na na na na na na na na It is more like you can still have a ban on the de mok. Ta ha sang pa bor sa in te res of those yu hang mo no yo ka ka pi ta lis -ta and my bangs, ma la la king bur - ge sya sya dor and ma la la king pa ngi no ong may lu lu Still, I have been nom and marcos, who is still the only rap in the pi li pi no. Just to nod in the dian tang neo li be ral ng im - per ya lis tang bang ko and other ahan syren in pi nan sya, iPi that marcos's pad is the other Li be ra li to you La ka lan and pa mu mu hu nan, and de re gu la sion in those who are still in the pan li pu nan and ka ka li ka san. These are still our people in the long run in the Lo Kal and that they are in the process and pro duk sion sion ri-kul tu ra, ma la wa kang di kang in semple yo, la long When it comes to the fact that you are in the world and the other in Li Gang is still here, it will be better to go to the bad yet, if Rit is in debt of ban on and la long

The town March 29, 2024 11th is still in this day. Pi that you are still the one who is not the only one in the world so that I can do it. Pa pa bu ran the ha-yok-in-tu bong mga da yu han and lo — kal na ma la la ka ka pi ta lis ta, pi na ko re hi Meng marcos the ara-wang in the hod of Mang ga ga wa, who are more than more than the gas of the gas of the people of the world and you are not even the only ones. Pi - na hi hin tu lu tan ni marcos the ma la -la king bur ge ge sya kompra dor and ma la la king pa ngi no onong may still be awes You can do it, you guys, you can do it, they don't even have to transport it and other children. Du ru in the sa ba ba ba ba swel do the pams - pub li kong gu ro, mga ga - wang pang pang ka lu su gan and other or not yong ka wa ni and ma li li it na pro pe syu Nal. MILLY-MILLION MAKE MA MA MA YAN WA JUST HA NAP BU HAY O KA BU HA YAN. Every day, Li bu-li bo the pup wer when they are bang-ban-in the same way as the tra ba ho ho. I can still do the same for those who don't know what to do with the Americans and Eu ro pe an, but I have a lot the ab so lu tong pag ma nik lu hod in im per ya lis -mong US. Pi na hin tu lu tan ni yang pa la wa kin ng mi li tar ng US the per ma nen teng pre sen sya ng the more kom bat bat tro pang tro ame ri ka no and And the rest of us are not the ones in the kam po mi li tar, pa la pa ran, dau ngan and other estra te hi ko lo kong ka ka ka sa ban on ta bing ng en hanced defen se coo - pe -pe Ra ti on ag ree ment (EDCA). The US is still a king before the US is in the ban on the ban on the "first is land cha in" for the "first is land cha in" Tong chi that in eco nom ya and mi li tar in the year, Bong Gi is the MI MI LI LI TAR of the US the PWER IN AFP and COAST GUARD to one , joint pat rol and other ti po ng ak na na bal in the west phi lip pi - ne sea, and if he does not have the pre sen ni to the du long is la ng pi li pi nas. Pi na la la bas it ba ha gi ng pag gi it - gi it ng ka ka pa tang pan te ri tor The US did not have the Pi Li Pi nas who had been in the pla no against China. On the other hand, as it stabs the growing US military presence around it, the imper-China Emper- the Philippine nominee and the sovereignty of the Philippine Nomine, and the aggressive action against the aggressive action against the opposite action against the Philippine Nomine In the country. The situation of the increasing inter-imperialist riot is to demand the Filipino people to defend the country's independence and to insist on the imperialist giant-the US and China-to end the military and eliminate its military forces in the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory of the country. In that case, the ti-im per ya lis tang re bo lu syo nar yong ar ma dong pa ki ki ka ka sam ba ya nung pi li pi no pi ka ma la king sa lik na pu mi pi pi Gil in the outbreak of inter-insurgency-war in the region. In the US imperialism, the NPA is a critical one that prevents it from using the country and the AFP BI is just a year old in the island of Tong Pay pa yan the ten syong mi li tar in the South Chi Sea and You also have the ban on Sa Lot in Chi which is a nod in He Yo Pu Li ti Kal na in te res. Marcos did not know the lan of the marcos the la yu ning lan in gin the la hat of la ra ng ge ril ya ng bhb hang gang ka ta pu san ng mar so, You are in the same way, and I have a hat, and I have a lot of people in the year. The poor lan la la la-bing yet that Marcos has been able to do it with his yu in his eyes that it is on the wax The te ro ris tang kam pan ya ng ar ma dong pa nu nu pil la ban on my dad's my dad's mu sa sa ka, pag - hu hu log of bom, Hang and you can do this in the world of all the ways in the whole ban. La long wa - just because the extra hu is not the only AFP can be more than the bils and just when you are not the only ones of the BHB, which is Du gong kam pan yang say - war. Tu lad sa ge rang ag re the US in Viet nam, he has a lot to do with the fact that you have to pay for it when you are so big and the mind of the ma can . In their Lim of the tio nal se seu rity policy of 2023-2028, it is not possible And the or the people of the world are in you and the lap-ro le tar ya do, the counter-Mi and you can be Ka ka ka san, people, dogs in the es tud yan te, gru pong kul tu ra, al-ter na ti bong mid ya, those per so na- heng re li hi yo so and other prog re-si bong in di bid wal kap wa sa syu dad and ka na yu nan. Bil yun-bil yon is the one who has Marcos' in the "in-tel li gence ope Du-kot, the resources and the Great of the people of the bis tang pan li pu nan. Marcos did not have any more and more of the people who had been able to do this to the fact that it was not the only one in the "La ban on you." To others, I just know how to do it. You know that you are not the only one who has been there for you to do with me in the same way that I have been in a bad mok. ; Tu lad ng kan - yang father ta dor, the paga ga mit March 29, 2024 The town 12ni Marcos Jr of the bru tal tal ti ka pa pa nu pil pil sa ka lau nan ay ki ki tang contrarap ro duk ti bo da hil la lo ni yang pa pay pa yan yan yan Ba yan and paaa pu yin ang ka ka ni lang ka gus tu hang lu ma ban with san da ta and su ma pi sa bhb. La long pi na hi hi na nag ha -ring sis te mang pam pu li ti ka ng ma ‐ la la lim against those who have been to those who are just a gri ri ba paki ng ha ha ha - ring type in ha rap La long to do it in the wild man and we are still in the dam and still in the ruk rak rak kong kong kong rap syon. La long su mi It was a bit late at 2025. Bi, did he know each other. The re hi Meng Marcos, which is not the case for you to do so, is a long time ago in the elek of 2022, is la long in this hi hi wa lay the - ri li sa ba yan yan . I don't know how to do it in the Kit of that kit, you just don't have it and you just have to go to the tag tu yot, ba ha, Ho ng la pa and other you la mi-dad, ha ba lu lu lu lus tay of pe ra in su nud-su nod to give him another ban on that he has never been able to do I have yet to do so you are still in the process of being in the middle of the wang wang pi li pi no and the ban on. To the pro tes- ta ng ma ma yan when you tang tang ni tong ba gu hin the constituted in 1987 yet i just have to be there for you rang neo li be ral and tang ka ing It is still a rap that you can still be in Ma lacañang. The re hi Meng Us- Marcos said the liter and Li Lik- ha was the only one in the fight. When you are not here at all, you know, Li Li Taw is the one who has been to the presense Meng Marcos II, Ka Tu lad that the Dik ta du - rang Marcos i was a pi tal sik in 1986 of the ma la la king wave of ar ma – dong la ban and pro tes tang ma sa na na lu ma ki for a few years ng ma hi rap na pa ba ka ba ba. The par ti ti do and the re bo lu syo- nar yong pwer sa aya da pat mag sil- Im per ya lis ta at an ti — pyu dal ng ma la wak na ma sa sam ba ya na pi li pi no kap wa sa ka - lun su ran and ka na yu nan. Hi ni hi ngi ng sit wa sion the wa just you still have to say si kap na pu ka win, or ga ni sa hin and pa ki lu sin ma ma yan so It's still in the hod and it's still a good idea, and other people-it's just that he'll be there for you to go to the kit and pag hi hi rap, and to let go of the only ones you are still still tan pam-you are not, pan li pu nan, ko e nom-ya and more kul tu ra, la ban sa pi na ig na ig -Ting aa aa aa pi in their lim of re hi-Meng US-Marcos. Do you still know how to do it and do you know that you are in the same way as the sam is not in the same way as the re hi Meng Us- Marcos It's just a pet and pa sis ta, so it's urine wa lay and la ba nan. The hi -ni hi ni hi ngi ng taum is that is not the case that you are still in the same way you are still in the ban ban sang de mok ra. After all, the re bo lu is here and you are still in the legal and legal gal that you are still in the pro, and you are still in the same way and are you still, are you, is Da pat ma - high pit na wing sa re bo lu syo nar -yong ar ma dong pa ki ki ki ki ki ka ka pa - ma gi tan ng pag pu ka ba yan, la lu na ka ka ta, na su ma pi sa ba gong huk ba ba yan or mag bi gay di la hat ng po sib leng su por-tang pam pu li ti ka, ma ter yal or mo ral pa sa of ar ma dong pag la ban and pa pa big -yan others yong sig la the de mok ra - ti kong re bo lu syo ng ba yan. Ani ti-im per ya lis tang when it comes to the git of the TU TA TA LIM who are against the Mun do in the world and you are not in the world, the re bo lu syo - you are still in the pi li pi nas is a little bit of you in hi in re bo lu syo nar -yong those ki ki ki ki ki ka ka ga ga wa and ma sang child still wis in the whole Mun do. The ones you have and the gum of the de mok ra ti kong re bo lu this is that in pi li pi nas are not at us, or not in the hat of the ga ga wa, and la hat of the opposite ma ma yan in another ban on. That's not it, I don't know how to pay the gums and you have a hat of the api and pi in the man ta la's kind of you just a La ban sa im per ya lis mo, neo ko - lon ya lis mo, pa sis and la hat ng yo yo reak niyon. Pa tu loy na lu ma la kas and ku ma you are in different banks in the people who have not been able to do it and the ban of the ma in the gi tna of the more — You know, it's a tag that you know, you don't have to go to the tray, when you do the bag of you, when you know, it's not a lot When you get along, I don't know that Im per ya lis tang pang-hi hi ma sok, and tu mi tin din in ter-im-per ya lis tang si ga lot na hu ma han-tong sa ma ma ma ma ma ma gas tos na ga lu -tang mi li tar and ge ra. In the centers of in terms that you have been to your listers, you can just hang out with the people and the other de mok just for my kind of that is in the hod and the more you can do it, and to the ban on the im per ya lis-tang ge ra and aa aa aa pi. The lab lab lab the de mok just before kong ki ki ki ka ma ka in the US, where you can have the wel ga when you were the year to rap the rap ga wa and son yet wis

The town March 29, 2024 13 in the middle of the Impla - Syon. The people and the mons and the ko are even more so that the welrs are not in the eu-ro pe-ro pe-wage. You have been the year since, the whole thing all over the world is the one who is in the de Monsra of the people who are in the US and Zio nis tang is ra- el in the ge rang sid yo la ban sa ma ma ma yang pa les ti no sa gaza. There is a lot of people who are still in the same way that the US and the US are gay. La ban sa rus sia. The only thing you can do is Im per ya lis tang aa aa pi is pu mu pu kaw sa ma yan yan yan ta yo yo ti-ti-im-per ya lis tang or ga ni sion, Por ma -sion and the center of the tu tu and a ko and ko in that, and will be long for the kam pan ya and pa ki ki ka la ban sa im per ya lis tang pang hi hi ma sok, lu -ma ma La king gas tos in mi li tar, uu pat and han han da ng ge ra. Pa tu loy na su mu su long ang ar - ma dong pa ki ki ki ka ka different ban on. In myan mar, the judgments of me have been suing the pa - ki ki digg mang ge ril ya la ban sa pa sis - tang re hi Meng tat ma daw. There are people who are not here and that you can still have a lot of people in the marxis ta-lea in co lom, in dia, kur dis- Tan, pa les ti ne, pe ru, pi li pi nas, tur -key and other ban on. La ga na nap the if it is not in the only ban on the ban on the more long for the dig. The pro le tar yong re bo lu- syo nar yong pwer throughout the mun do is still a little more and more and kap has a tag tag tag ti do I don't know that Marxis is your Nis mo-maois. Lu lun sad si las of the teo re ti-kong naga ral to la gu min ka ng ka ni ka ka say yan, mag in-ga wa ng pan li pu when si sat, and mag sa sa I don't know how much you can do it and you will not be able to go to La Lim and you will not be able to do it in the world and other types of pi and pi La - han. You just don't know what to do Im per-ya lis tang kri sis is a bun sod of the case that you don't know what to do yo ng bananan. Just a pin of the pa pa na hon na, that's just the pag pun ya gi, the marxis ta-len ni nis ta are ta yo at the first of the ki lu sang ma sa and ar ma dong pa ki pa ki pa ki ki pa ki ki Are you kidding, and are you going to say that you are not in the same way as a gong pan and not a gang when they are so cute Ra ti - kong re bo lu syong ba yan.

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Copenhagen: Solidarity sanctions for the Palestinian people continue

We have received documentation of several actions in solidarity with the heroic armed national resistance struggle of the Palestinian people, which has been performed in proletarian neighborhood in Copenhagen. We share the pictures below:

In front of the supermarket in Tingbjerg, the slogan was "Living Palestine!" Painted with a hammer and seal. The wall has been painted with passwords in support of Palestine since October 7 last year and has been repainted every time by revolutionaries and masses in the neighborhood every time the authorities have tried to remove it.

The slogan "free the political prisoner Georges Abdallah!" Also been painted, to continue and spread the campaign for Georges Abdallah's release in Denmark.

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LARISSA Hitting the concentration outside the US - NATO concert | New anti -war - anti -imperialist demonstration on Saturday 30/3


Larissa, 28/3/24

We denounce in the most categorical way yesterday's repression against protesters who gathered outside the concert set up by the US-NATO commandos. Workers and people were confronted with shields, chemicals and shine of repressive forces.

Once again it turns out in the most categorical way that the presence of killers next to our homes is a government's commitment to US imperialists. That's why they didn't want the fiesta to spoil them.

On behalf of the local bourgeoisie, they are committed to their foreign bosses and have turned Thessaly and almost the entire country into a large platform for the killers. They give them land, air and water involving the people and the country in their dangerous war plans. While turning the country into a magnet for the weapons of their opponents.

The support of the ND government in defending US interests in the region such as the country's involvement in the US-EU-British intervention in the Red Sea, or on the Ukraine front, brings the clouds of the war closer to us.

The most meaningful way of responding to yesterday's repression and complaint of the presence of Americans in Larissa and across the country are workers, people and youths shouting their opposition to the policy of dependence, exploitation, fascism and fascism and fascism. War!

On Saturday, March 30th everyone in the anti -war -anti -imperialist demonstration of the country's involvement in the Red Sea intervention at 4pm by the central square of Larissa.

· Terror will not pass!
· Neither land nor water in the murderers of the people!
· People do not need protectors!

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North Resistance Accurate and poverty everywhere for the people! Do not submit to the "regularity" of poverty!

Every day, it becomes our life! Every day increases in prices, every day and new measures that force us all to live in poverty. The ND government with the backs of the opposition on behalf of the system, bring an attack on all aspects of our lives on the day!

Supermarket - First Popular Consumption - Four slices of bread! So they want to eat. Just to go to the next day! They reduce prices with "controls for a profanity", and have reached God for so many years.

Care - Health - They bring afternoon surgeries, that is, the abolition of free pens. They want the whole world to become like cancer from Heraklion who committed suicide! To die in the mat, but he doesn't have to give it to private hospitals. They increase prices by up to 80% of the involvement of insured persons in the drug.

Studies - Education - Private universities for anyone who has, and whoever does not have and is in public to prepare for class barriers like those of private. As if that weren't enough, they bring nationwide exams to every class of high school! Throwing poor children outside the Ly-Keio for unskilled Middle Ages work with badly paid days.

Job - salary - While inflation has been overwhelmed, the government comes to baptize the "increase in the minimum wage" the substantial reduction in the real income of the workers! For so many years all the jokes have done to employers and industry, and our salary is not enough to meet basic needs such as rent, bills, supermarkets.

Current - energy - They cut electricity to needy families who do not have to pay for it, at the same time that they give cheap or even a power to the big industry! They bring to the people a cart of colors - invoices to load him and responsibility for the exact power prices! Rents - housing while the rents are over half a salary, thousands of families have no pay to pay, they do not have to pay for loans for their homes and investment crows take the people of the people to auction!

“War economy” They do not - say - to give the people for their needs. But they have to give billions of euros to buy warships and airplanes! To drag the people to the war they themselves put their hand to come closer, with the backs they make to the Americans/NATO!

We can't live like that! The policy of poverty, precision has no bottom!

Only our struggles can be a way out!

They are making mistrust in the government and are calling for elections to sow self -sacrifice again for "purification". They are dragging us into the European elections by lining the galloping hope that the political situation will change. No change is going to come from the European elections! Much more than the EU, which every day proves how hostile it is for the people and the workers. The system wants to have illusions for saviors from the ballot box, so that the people do not go out on the street to fight! The real changes will be made by the people themselves with their struggle on the road! There we will gain a right to life, at work, in studies, in health!

Life proves every day that in the organization on our common problems, we become stronger towards the government and the system that has nothing to do!

The act shows that we are gaining rights with mass claim!

Workers, workers, unemployed, retirees, young people, students and students, farmers, we can all together we can make a river of resistance to poverty policy.

In Nea Ionia - as in all neighborhoods - they want to hit primary care. This was evident with the approach to the closure of the Health Center! They want to bring a casino to the border with Ma-Roussi, to get the money of the cosmos! Unpaid workers in the municipality of Nea Ionia until half the month in February! As well as the employees in the municipality of N. Philadelphia! In our neighborhoods every day there are auctions and take the houses from people! Cut the current to families.

To organize and fight in our neighborhoods against every expression of poverty and precision! Take initiatives for the past and resistance!

With the momentum of all the latest mobilizations!

As we did in strike for Tempi ! As the farmers in block ! As the students, students with the massives demonstrations them and occupations !

In front of the April 17 strike

Let's go massively on the way of the race!

  • Against accuracy and poverty!
  • Against the auctions!
  • Down the hands of the people the houses!
  • Increases in salaries and pensions in the cost of living!
  • Permanent and stable work for everyone!
  • Care/health equal, complete and free for the whole people!
  • Public, free education for everyone, without class barriers!

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LARISSA Everyone in the anti-imperialist-anti-war demonstration on Saturday 30/3 at 16:00, central square


The working class, the people and the youth in our country are experiencing an unprecedented attack on basic rights daily. Wages shrink, accuracy beats red. Care and studies are transformed into expensive right for few. Popular rights and popular freedoms are called into question, and repressive forces act and terrorize daily.

At the same time, the ND government, with the full support of the rest of the bourgeoisie (SYRIZA, PASOK, etc.), on behalf of the local capital, puts a back on the promotion of US military plans for Ukraine and the Middle East. It grants airports, allows for marine and aerial passes, has filled the country with US -NATO bases. This involves the people and the country in the dangerous and pro -war design of the murderers of the peoples!

The country's involvement in the US-EU-British intervention in the Red Sea is another serious step on an active front that can light fire throughout the Middle at any time. In this way, they support the US mantle in the region, Israel, and the bloodshed that still continues in Gaza.

In the face of all these gloomy developments and the flame of war threatening the peoples, it is necessary to develop the anti-war-anti-imperialist struggle of the people and youth in our country. Employees and youth have no interest in involvement in imperialist competitions. On the contrary, we have every interest in fighting for the country unleashing the war, to stop any involvement and any facility in war plans, to leave bases, NATO and Americans.

At a time when the capitalist-imperialist system expands and crushes any right and conquest, the people, the working class and the youth must put their stamp on developments. To chart their own path to their philanthropic plans. To rely on their own strengths and not to look for imperialists for patrons. To fight for peace, friendship and solidarity of peoples, against the nationalist poison that sheds imperialists and dependent bourgeoisie.

• EXTRA-BASES-NATO-Americans! Out of the EU!
• Neither land - nor water to the murderers of the people!

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Do not pass the new Political Trade Unions by H. Hotzoglou, D. Hartzoulakis, G. Kavvadia

Following is the proposal submitted by the Overturn Resistance Unit at the Board of Directors of ELME Piraeus for a resolution to the ELME Presidents (30/3)

Down the hands of the trade union Action - Down the hands of the associations

To stop every effort construction of a new trade union prosecution - revolt all trade unions prosecutions

THE Recent SAD activation and call to deposit colleague Chryssa Hodzoglou Member of ELME Piraeus and colleague Deputy Dimitris Hartzoulakis member of the Board of Directors of ELME, They are a new page in the trade union construction industry.

He had preceded by George Kavvadia's call to written explanations From DIEP Piraeus for his article in the media. The Board of Directors of ELME Piraeus wrote and made available to colleague G, so that the following text to submit:

"Regarding the call to provide written clarifications of ELME Piraeus member George Kavvadia, ELME Piraeus points out:

Our members do not have to clarify the expression of their views related to their trade union status. We are not going to tolerate any restrictions on the freedom of expression of colleagues, trade union freedoms and trade unionism. "

The These events are of particular importance in the period we are going through, which is characterized by the government's increasing effort and of the NPET, to impose through terrorism the infamous evaluation. Like all show, the SAD (of the two colleagues) is linked to successful mobilization in school of colleague, where he was massively expressed by teachers and Students, contrast to evaluation.

Alongside With the unnamed appeals that the strike - abstinence is illegal, the attempts Building new persecution shows the government's annoyance by the ongoing resistance of the industry to the process of terrorism, discipline and classification of schools brought by the evaluation.

THE Government is sure to attempt to exploit all reactive Institutional framework that has been voted on: criminalization of strike - abstention but And every strike (Laws Hatzidakis, Georgiadis), the penalties for ... "shouts" in the educational spaces (new criminal code), the criminalization of actual contrast or even non -participation in evaluation.

Only The mass movement and the struggles can stop them! Teachers do not They will be back.

Why, With our struggle, we not only defend our rights but We also defend the interests of the people and their children in the public school. After all, they are both the ultimate goals of the evaluation but also of the persecution industry.

· Down the hands of my colleagues, Chryssa Hodzoglou, George Kavvadia. Dimitris Hartzoulakis

· Down the hands of the members of the Association

· Down the hands of the fight against the Evaluation - Down the hands of the struggles, unions, strike, strike

· Revoke all persecutions

· Students - Students - teachers for free Education we are fighting together

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Overturn Resistance Module Hysteria of persecution to hit the struggles - another member and member of the Board of Directors of ELME Piraeus in a row!

Hysteria of persecution to hit the Games - another member and member of the Board of Directors in a row!

Central Issue of the Race The Recall All persecutions! Fascism will not pass!

We conquer her NEW CALL FOR EXAMINATION MARKETS IN Framework for the SAD that received our competitor and member of the Board of ELME Piraeus Dimitris Hartzoulakis today Thursday 28/3.

One week after the call for Examination of our competitor Chryssa Hodzoglou, setting up yet another prosecution reveals the extent that the targeting of any trade union and political Action in the Piraeus GRN. It is enough to mention that 8 colleagues of the section have been found on the target of hysterical attack Subversion resistance (of which 5 have been secretaries and members In the Board of Directors of ELME and one is a member of the Board of Directors of OLME) and 2 members of Racing of Teachers' Coalition (including the President of the ELME Piraeus) loaded with a multitude of "offenses" which, based on reactive legal framework that has been voted on lately, bring in criminal or Disciplinary persecutions or both! Ought Of course to wait for it. It is not accidental the double targeting of trade union Our shape: by the administration, when it targeted us with the phrase 'the section Resistance of subversion seems to have taken responsibility 'for mobilization against the exams PISA (which after our proposal had decided by ELME) and from the prosecutor's office who requested “the details of the members of the Board of Directors belonging to the Module of Resistance Subversion (!) »Fact reminiscent of other seasons and for the which we are still waiting for a complaint from the Board of Directors of ELME. Under persecution therefore "Shouts," he demonstrates, whoever resists in any way. What else Proof is needed to show the role of persecution for the system and direct Need for the mass, collective response of the movement!

To say it clearly: no one anymore He is entitled to pretend to not see the organized silence business and terrorism against anyone struggling against evaluation, to Increasing class barriers, attacking students and teachers. No one is entitled to cultivate a climate of complacency and to doubt "Remembrances" and false "commitments" of DEIE to stop persecution. The persecutions continue because they are a central political choice of the system And they don't just concern teachers. Are continuing in order to, with the assistance of the new Criminal Code, to impose a policy that dissolves the Employees and Youth Rights and to suppress any voice that resists. That is why teachers are being persecuted, so they are arrested Students, so employees are fired in other sectors because refuse to submit to barbarism and intimidation.

But it won't pass them! The resistance It will continue collectively and militarily on the road to the race. On the way Opened the mass demonstration of last Thursday 21/3, which gave the first Dynamic answer to those who think we will bend our head. Together with fighters and persecuted by other branches, we will continue to complain the persecutions of our colleagues and to defend the right to strike, in trade union and political action.

We call on the ELME Presidents General who will takes place on Saturday March 30th, OLME, ADEDY and all ELME to take a position In the pivotal issue of persecution, to denounce criminal and disciplinary persecutions of our colleagues and participate in the fight against the state repression!

- To get all the prosecutions


- Down the hands of the fighters, the ASSOCIATION, SUBSCRIPTION AND POLITICAL ACTION

- THE PARTY AGAINST EVALUATION TO Escalate and harden with strikes, demonstrations and concentrations in SCHOOLS

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Who Arms Israel? - 1 - The USA Arms Production for Israel in the US - by Workers in Palestine

The main countries involved in supplying arms and military goods to Israel are the US, Germany, Italy and the UK. This document outlines sites connected to production for the Israeli military in different countries and, where possible, identifies where military goods are transported from.

We aim to provide a resource for actions that target the production or transport of military goods, or disrupt the activity of Israel’s military suppliers, and also to link resources that can be used to take action in particular countries.

Our research identifies companies that produce some of the arms most fundamental to the Israeli military, including Lockheed Martin (prime contractor for the F35 fighter jet), Boeing (manufacturer for many of the guided weapons used by the Israeli military), BAE Systems (a leading supplier for the F35), Leonardo (part of the F35 coalition) and Raytheon (manufacturer of the Paveway guided bomb).

Action is possible in different forms – while we identify sites of direct production for the Israeli military, it is also possible to target multinational companies that produce for Israel even if military goods are made at another site. Likewise, it is possible to target companies involved in the transportation of military goods to Israel.

Arms production is highly international and many of the most traceable supply chains are for goods such as fighter jets made by international coalitions. These aircraft are central to the current war and bombardment of Gaza – Israel is using “ every combat aircraft at its disposal” , including F15s, F16s, F35s and AH-64 Apache helicopters. There are 408 links in the supply chain for the F35, for example: see a list of companies involved here.

Inevitably, supply chains are much more complex than this document can account for and many smaller companies are involved. If you use this document as a starting point, you may be able to identify more detailed supply chains to disrupt.


Arms Production for Israel in the US

The USA is Israel’s largest weapons supplier, supplying over 90 per cent of its arms imports.  The US gives Israel almost $4bn in military aid annually, “including about $500mn for air and missile defences.” Israel also spends heavily on US weapons, having purchased roughly $53.5bn of military goods from the US over the past seven decades according to the Defense Security Cooperation Agency, including $6.5bn in the five years to 2022. Israel has made some of these purchases using military aid received from the US. For a list of all arms export licenses agreed through the US Foreign Military Sales Programme, including the primary contractors and sites, see here (NB: not all of these agreements have resulted in exports).

The biggest US arms companies are Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, Boeing, Northrop Grumman and General Dynamics. These companies are international and have subsidiaries overseas.

Some of the most significant weapons made in the US for Israel include:

The F-35 Joint Strike Fighter

Israel has bought 50 F35 fighter jets, and taken delivery of 36 by the end of 2022. They are based at the Nevatim Air Base in southern Israel. In 2021, the IOF said that it had used F35s in combat for the first time in Gaza. The F-35 is an international collaboration - see other country profiles for examples of where F35 parts are made. Israel has also developed its own technologies for modifying some elements of the F-35.

US manufacturing locations (the F35 supply chain in the US is highly extensive and can be traced in more detail here ):

  • F-35s are assembled at Air Force Plant 4 – which is owned by the US government and operated by Lockheed Martin – at Fort Worth, Texas.
  • The engines are made by Pratt & Whitney in East Hartford and Middletown, Connecticut.
  • The electronic systems are made by BAE Systems in Nashua, New Hampshire and Endicott, New York.
  • Control Actuation Systems which help the F35 launch guided weapons are made by Woodward Inc in Santa Clarita, California.
F-15 and F-16 fighter aircraft

Israel is currently negotiating orders for the F15EX fighter jet through the US Foreign Military Sales Programme. According to reporting on the process, Israel’s formal request makes delivery likely by 2028. US manufacturing sites for the F15 and F16 include the following (while the original sales of F15s and F16s – other than the F15EX model – have already taken place, there is a continual supply of spare parts especially during war).

  • The F15EXs are produced at the Boeing plant in St Louis, Missouri.
  • F16s are made by Lockheed Martin in Greenville, South Carolina .
  • In some variants of the F16, the avionics are replaced with Israeli-made ones from companies like Elbit and Israel Aerospace Industries, and with missiles from Rafael - three major Israeli arms companies.

Military helicopters

US manufacturing sites for military helicopters used by the IOF include:

Refuelling aircraft
Guided bombs used by the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF)

The guided bombs used by the IOF are predominantly made in the US and Israel. The following bombs are made by Israeli companies, often in Israel, but they have international sites that manufacture other goods. These include: the Opher Guided Bomb (Elbit), Griffin laser guided bomb (Israel Aerospace Industries); Lizard (Elbit); Spice bombs (Rafael). Elbit has a US subsidiary in Fort Worth, Texas.

The following are US manufacturing sites for guided bombs used by the IOF:

  • Joint Direct Attack Munitions (JDAMS) tail kits and munitions are made by Boeing in St Charles, Missouri; Lockheed-Martin in Archbald, Pennsylvania; General Dynamics in Garland, Texas; Elwood National Forge Co in Irvine, Pennsylvania; and Raytheon Missile Systems in Tucson, Arizona.
  • Sidewinder missiles are made by Raytheon Missile Systems Company in Tucson, Arizona
  • GBU-39 Small Diameter Bomb are made by Boeing in St Louis Missouri
  • Hellfire missiles – usually launched from Apache helicopters – at least some of these are made by Hellfire Systems in Orlando, Florida, a Lockheed Martin/Boeing joint venture.
  • Iron Dome interceptors are called Tamir and are co-produced by RTX (formerly Raytheon Technologies) and Rafael Advanced Defense Systems, and assembled in Israel.
  • Paveway II guided bombs are made by Lockheed Martin in Archibald, Pa. and  Raytheon in Tucson, Arizona.
White Phosphorus

Israel has used white phosphorus in Gaza and Lebanon.

  • Israel Chemical Ltd (ICL, now ICL Group ) provides Monsanto (now Bayer) with phosphates for the production of the white phosphorus chemical provided to Pine Bluff Arsenal (PBA) near Little Rock, Arkansas, for filling.
Armored Personnel Carriers

Three weeks into the assault on Gaza, the IOF started ground operations into the Gaza Strip. This involves tanks and armoured personnel carriers, backed up by helicopters and drones.

  • Power packs for the Israel-made Namer Armored Personnel Carriers are Made by Man america , Novi, MI. MTU America is the North American subsidiary of Rolls Royce Power Systems.
Naval assets

Most of the assault on Gaza is being carried out from the air and on the ground, but Israel is also using its Sa'ar 6 Corvettes for the first time.

  • 76mm Naval Guns are made by DRS North America , a Leonardo company
  • The hull and superstructures of the Sa’ar 6 are made in Kiel, Germany , by ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems (TKMS)

Military Transport and Logistics from the US to Israel

While many finished military goods are transported by the military itself, either by military vessels or airlift, components and some goods are transported by sea on board normal container vessels. Ports are key nodes in the supply chain for arms.

The key actor in shipping from the US – and elsewhere in the world – to Israel is the ZIM shipping line. ZIM is the main provider of shipping services to Israel and one of the top ten largest shipping lines in the world. Previously controlled by the Israeli government, ZIM has been privatized and listed on the NY stock exchange over the last two decades. Despite this, it still retains close links to the Israeli state and is crucial to ensuring logistical support for the state and the IDF.

Most military components enter and exit the US via its east coast ports – primarily New York/Newark, Savannah, Charleston, and the Port of Virginia. These ports are typically unionized by the International Longshoremen’s Association, or ILA. This is because most military supply chains center on Europe and the US with many components produced in Europe and final assembly taking place in the US.

With access to US trade data, it is possible to see individual shipments via their “bills of lading”, the documents used by shipping lines to identify shipments, and track patterns of deliveries. In rare instances, this can include weapons shipping on civilian vessels. For example, on March 4, 2023 a shipment of “WARHEADS, ROCKET WITH BURSTING CHARGE” produced by Raytheon in Tucson, Arizona and worth $100,000, left the Port of Virginia headed for Haifa, Israel on the Zim Yokohama containership. Other Raytheon shipments have left on the same route in the following months. In most cases, trade data can identify the routes for components. For example, Dunlop regularly ships tires for the F35 and other military aircraft from its factory in Birmingham, UK either via London to the Port of Virginia or via Liverpool to Charleston.

See section 3B in the Day of Action toolkit for more information on this.

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Who Arms Israel? - 2 - UK/Germany/Italy/Spain/Belgium - by Workers in Palestine


Arms Production for Israel in the UK

Since 2008, the UK has licensed the export of arms worth £560 million to Israel. This does not capture the full scale of UK military exports to Israel as many arms export licenses to Israel are “open” and there is no cap on the number of licensed exports or their value; and many licences are for the USA, for incorporation into bigger weapons systems for onward export to Israel. The most traceable exports from the UK to Israel are components for the F35 fighter jet and the F16 – both of which are used by the IOF in Gaza.

The F-35 Joint Strike Fighter

15 per cent of each F-35 is built in the UK. Exports of components for the F-35 programme are covered by an open licence from the UK government, meaning very little of this component supply is included in the £560m figure above. The main UK company involved is BAE Systems. BAE produces 13-15 per cent of each F-35 across its UK and US operations. Some of the firms and manufacturing sites for the F35 in the UK are the following:

  • The rear fuselage of every F-35 fighter is made by BAE Systems at Samlesbury Aerodrome, Lancashire.
  • The “active interceptor system” is made by BAE Systems in Rochester, Kent. There is a steady stream of components for F35s and Israel’s F16s from this site.
  • “Durability testing” for the F35 is undertaken at the BAE structural testing facility in East Yorkshire.
  • Martin-Baker make the ejector seat in the UK; their headquarters is in Higher Denham, Buckinghamshire.
  • Cobham Mission Systems made the refuelling probe for the F35; Cobham Mission Systems was sold to Eaton in 2021 and is hosted at Mission Systems Wimborne Ltd.
  • Leonardo make the laser targeting system for the F35 in Edinburgh.
  • Dunlop Aircraft Tyres make the aircraft tyres in Birmingham

In November 2023 the UK Department for Business and Trade released a list of the 79 companies currently registered on a UK government open licence for exports in support of the F-35 programme. For an annotated version of that list, including what each company makes and where it is based (organised by region), click here .

Munitions made for the IOF in the UK
  • Raytheon makes the Paveway II Guided Missile for Israel in the US. Raytheon also makes the Paveway IV in Glenrothes. While there are no export licenses for the Paveway IV to Israel from the UK, they are assembled in the US so the supply chain is unclear. Further, there could be common components made in the UK and the same multinational company has responsibility.
  • The MLRS M270 rocket launcher - used inside the Gaza Strip for the first time since 2006 - is made by Lockheed Martin . It is built in Europe by an international consortium of companies from France, Germany, Italy and UK. In Germany , Krauss-Maffei-Wegmann (MKW) has signed an MoU with Elbit subsidiaries to modernise the MLRS.
Companies with UK arms export licenses to Israel

Various companies have held arms export licenses from the UK to Israel since 2008. Some of the license holders are:

  • Teledyne Defence and Space , Shipley, Yorkshire. Teledyne manufacture components for air, land, sea and space radar equipment, including for the F35. Their defence and space subsidiary has one manufacturing plant in Shipley and has sales representatives (Ormic Components) based in Israel. Since 2018, its parent company Teledyne Technologies has applied for 134 export licenses from the UK to Israel.
  • NB: we have not been able to trace the direct supply chains to Israeli military equipment and Palestine Action activists were prosecuted after targeting a different subsidiary in Wales (Teledyne Labtech).
  • Teledyne , e2v (sales office and HQ Chelmsford and microwave electronics facility in Lincoln, UK). Originally a defence electronics company, e2v was sold to Teledyne in 2017. Although the firm has applied for 124 UK arms export licenses to Israel since 2008, this may have been in its previous incarnation as e2v and it is not clear which countries it uses to produce military technology at present.
  • Elbit Systems , an Israeli defence company with subsidiaries in the UK and US has had arms export licenses issued from the UK including for: military communications components; military communications equipment; military communications equipment software, body armour and military electronic equipment. The UK subsidiary of the firm has a new R&D facility in Bristol. Although Elbit Systems exports from the UK to Israel, much of its production in the UK is focused around contracts with the British armed forces.
  • The Elbit site in the UK most connected to goods used by the IOF is run by its subsidiary Instro Precision Ltd in Sandwich, Kent. Instro Precision Ltd make targeting equipment for troops and vehicles and hold export licenses to Israel – this equipment is likely used in Israel’s ground operations. This is ausefuel resource to finding companies which cooperate with Ebit Systems in the UK,


Major weapons

Germany is Israel’s second biggest foreign supplier of major conventional weapons (MCW). Over the period 2013-22, they supplied 27.6% of the MCW imported by Israel.

Military equipment supplied to Israel by Germany has mostly consisted of submarines; warships; engines for land vehicles, naval vehicles and aircraft that are assembled in Israel or the US, and torpedoes for the submarines. In many cases, the German government pays for around a third of the cost of these sales as military aid. Supplying arms to Israel is considered by Germany to be a core foreign policy interest.

Major equipment recently delivered, or currently on order, include :

  • MT883Ka engines for Israel’s Merkava tanks and Namer armoured vehicles. These are assembled in the US from components made in Germany by Rolls-Royce Power Systems (formerly MTU, who designed the engine) in Friedrichshafen . The contract was agreed in 2000 and SIPRI estimate that 1060 engines have been delivered between 2002 and 2022.
  • Saar-6 corvettes (warships) based on the German K130 Braunschweig class, with some component production and final fitting out in Israel. Two out of a total order of four were delivered in 2022. The order was placed in 2015 and was worth €430m, of which the German government paid €115m as military aid. The ships are produced at ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems’ (TKMS) shipyard in Kiel.
  • Anti-ship torpedoes for Israel’s (German-made) Dolphin-class submarines. SIPRI estimate that 110 had been delivered by 2022, from an order for an estimated 150 in 2014. They are made by Electronic Atlas. The Dolphin submarines were made by HDW (now part of TKMS) in Kiel.
  • Three Dakar class diesel-electric submarines ordered in 2022 in a €3b deal partly funded by German military aid. Delivery is planned starting 2031. They are being built by TKMS in Kiel.
Export licences
  • Germany issued arms export licences for Israel worth €32 million in 2022, compared to €88m in 2021. However, in the 10-year period 2013-22 they issued licences worth £2.5 billion, according to their official annual reports . More recent information shows that by the beginning of November 2023, Germany had already issued licences worth €303m. 85% of Germany’s 218 arms export licenses to Israel so far in 2023 were issued after the start of the current war on October 7th.
  • According to Germany’s full report on arms export controls for 2021 (the 2022 report has not yet been published) 85% of the value of export licences issued for Israel in 2021 was for components for armoured vehicles and main battle tanks. In 2020, 90% of the much larger £583 million round of licences issued was for corvettes as well as engines and other parts for submarines.
F-35 supply chain

Germany has only recently become a customer for the F-35. Only one German company has been clearly identified as an F-35 supplier – Otto Fuchs KG in Meinerzhagen – which produces titanium dye forgings and leading edge spars for the F-35.


Arms Production for Israel in Italy

In 2021, Italy approved arms export licenses worth 12.5 million euros to Israel. These included 7.1 million euros of licenses for goods in the category ML10 ("Aircraft", "lighter-than-air vehicles", "Unmanned Aerial Vehicles" ("UAVs"), aero-engines and "aircraft" equipment).

F35 supply chains in Italy

Italy is a key partner in the F35 coalition. The F35 supply chain can be traced to the following sites and the partly state-owned company Leonardo:

  • Leonardo produces composites and metal structures for the F35 at plants in Foggia, Nola and Venegono.
  • The Leonardo Aircraft Division produces wings for the F35 at a plant in Cameri.  Components from Italy are in every F35, but not all the wings are produced in Italy.

Increased links between Leonardo and the Israeli military industry:

  • In February 2023, Leonardo announced partnerships with the Israeli Innovation Authority and Ramot, a Technology Transfer Company at Tel Aviv University to co-develop new projects. In November 2022, Leonardo DRS (a US based subsidiary) announced a merger with RADA Electronic Industries, an Israeli company that specialises in radar technology. The new combined company is a subsidiary of Leonardo.


Arms Production for Israel in Spain.

In 2021, Spain authorised 55 arms export licenses to Israel – worth 13 million euros. This included 9.8 million euros of licenses for goods in the category ML5 – fire control, surveillance and warning equipment. In 2020, Spain authorised 17.7 million euros of licenses – 9 million euro of these in ML10 and 8 million euro ML5.

Research on the connection between the Spanish arms industry and Israel focuses more on imports from Israel rather than exports as the Spanish industry is smaller and less developed than that of Israel.


Arms Production for Israel in Belgium.

In 2021, Belgium licensed 19.8 million euros of arms exports to Israel in category ML8 (energetic materials).

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PC 29 March - Milan still in the square Saturday for Palestine


For a ceased the permanent fire.

For the immediate sending of food and health aid.

For the liberation of Tutt@ I prisoner@.

For the return of the refuges@

For the right to existence, resistance,

to the free self -determination of the Palestinian people.

We are with the Palestinian resistance!

All in the square against the escalation of war in the world.

The Zionist killers do not stop.

Israeli Zionist criminals continue the genocide of the Palestinian people With bombs, massacres, weapons, siege and hunger, under the complicit eyes of the great western imperialist powers.

Because of GENOCIDE Yes treats, with a slap as heavy like a boulder, also on the face of the hypocrites, supporters and apologetto of a criminal presumed "equidistance" Between the Israeli colonialists and the Palestinian people who are expropriated state of one's land and the same right to existence.

Hypocrites because to talk about peace, without recognizing the wrong immediately by the people Palestinian means being accomplices of a genocide.

Hypocritical disgusts because they speak of peace while providing weapons in the occupant Zionist/colonialist state.

Hypocritical liars because they talk about peace but they intend to forced pacification For definitively reduce the Palestinian people in a situation of submission and sanctioned the Zionist military occupation as a data irreversible.

Miserable hypocrites because they are ready to condemn one next 7 October, one Next legitimate Palestinian revolt as a natural and consequent product of an occupation

Violent, racist and discriminatory that takes dignity, rights and the same life to the Palestinians.

The colonialist project of the Zionist-Israel is clear and claimed: proceed with ethnic cleaning from the Giordano to the Mediterranean Sea Using every means necessary with the certainty that nobody will disturb the killers.

There inhumanization of the Palestinians described as a "lower breed", Arab/Islamophobia and racism inculcated to girls and boys from the primary schools from school programs Israelis Zionists and fundamentalists, Together with the alleged religious right to the Palestinian land , have produced the elimination of each remora or moral brake in lead a war that, as a definition, is already the death of each humanity.

The daily daily exaltation of the alleged "Jewish suprematism", almost one new "Aryan breed", apartheid, racist violence, absolute economic dependence produced by colonialism, discrimination and deprivation of all rights, Yes They are now transformed into a final solution with the current genocidal war: massacres of civilians, executions and mass deportations, hunger, diseases and ethnic rapes and sexual humiliations as proven by studies of same united nations.

But nobody stops the killers free to make every massacre like the last "massacres of the hungry" which mark an additional jump beyond the border of humanity. On the contrary!

The same last hypocritical and miserable Faring resolution , passed with the abstention of the USA as a warning to Israel to liquidate With less striking methods the Palestinian people will probably come disregarded by the Netanyahu government even with the request for only 15 days the fire ceases, without any guarantee of a sufficient amount of humanitarian aid and without in the least question military occupation in Gaza and the West Bank where day after day there Resistance legitimately fights to defend the Palestinian people from the criminal Zionist colonial violence.

Meloni nato

The Italian government of "patriots de noantri", pathetic but dangerous cialtroni, militarist nationalists and bellies, while he takes care of some Palestinian child who became a trophy, ideologically sponsors the increase exponential of the export of weapons in Israel.

Second Istat data, Italy exported armaments to Israel, in the last quarter of 2023, for a total value of 2.1 million euros with A surgery of 1.3 million euros in December 2023.

- the corvettes of the Israeli Navy who patrolled the sea in front of Gaza shooting the fishermen Palestinians to prevent him from fishing beyond the arbitrary, unique and illegitimate border imposed by Israel, now They shoot directly on houses and civilians in Gaza with Italian cannons from the Auto Melara . Oto Melara is a weapon factory controlled by Leonardo , a leading company in the armaments sector whose major shareholder is the Ministry of Economy and Finance.

-The radars that guide these military ships are provided by Selex Always of the Leonardo group.

- The Beretta of Brescia, the Flakes of Lecco, the Cabi Cattaneo of Milan among others, they provide the genocidal army millions of bullets, various ammunition, bombs, grenades, missiles and torpedoes with an incalculable profit for "our" death factories on Blood, on torn flesh and the same life of the Palestinian people.

Winds of global war

There Palestinian tragedy also, it only strengthens concern For the winds of war that become increasingly stronger day after day.

The "Trend in war", in the analysis dialectic of Karl Marx, is intrinsic to the development dynamics of the capital is finding concreteness with its brought of tragedy for the whole humanity. The saturation although inhomogeneous of the world markets, i several concentration processes of the capital parallel to the tendency to organic refinement of the relations between financial capital e industrial capital, aggression of all -field competition determined by these global processes e from the so -called "development" of capitalist society, they are producing the conditions, overcoming the border of the clash political/military "by prosecutor" or territorially delimited, for one direct and frontal clash between the powers Global. Between large and small imperialisms that push for the aggregation of several national states in economic-political-military poles for the control and graduate of world resources and markets in one Generalized crisis phase of the capitalist economy. Everyone These global processes are transforming themselves faster and faster in military contrast pending the spark more or less random that makes him explode and transform into the third world war.

There war fought on the soil and skin of the Ukrainian people stands becoming the fuse of this possible global war. The escalation of many small provocations that add up to each other without the willingness to get to a ceasefire and a realistic peace, they are creating the conditions for a "accident", for the "casus belli" of to which the story is full, without the possibility of returning.

It is no coincidence that Italy, invested by these winds of war yes It prepares for war with an ideological construction of consent to the idea of a country/militarist and belliger nation. Of the I remain this sub-culture with an explicitly fascist imprint is a founding element of the Meloni-Salvini-Tajani government like that instead liberal, rigorist and liberal from an economic point of view, such as also faithful partner-suddled, with the smanias of protagonism, of the blockade US/NATO Western Imperialist. In 2023, the "government of patriots" has reaffirmed and relaunched that Italy has suspended and not abolished the compulsory military leverage in 2005 with the possibility to restore it in case of war or a serious crisis International that requires a greater number of Soldat@.

In the meantime, Italy enters the war without declaring it with all the "virile Boria " del Capomanipolo Crosetto (former leader of the Leonardo ..); Schieraziera ships by war in the Red Sea with the tactical direction of military convoys a Defense of the naval transport of weapons to Israel against retaliation Houthi and to protect commercial traffic. Still once in defense of the Zionist assassins and the profit on the skin e on the existence of the Palestinian people.

In the meantime, the ports of the ports report The increase in deaf, but extremely significant, of the landings of US vehicles and armaments. per The Italian military base at Camp Derby which hosts US Armed Forces.

We believe that the Zionist victory in Palestine means a further strengthening of global war winds and from here the support Imperialist to the genocide strategies in Palestine. And that's why Support for the Palestinian people must be complete and unconditional to get to a right peace. Trying to look at reality with detached eyes, we can tragically say that we are living the daily life of our lives with the background of the noises, of the inhumanity, of the torment of the moans of pain of a genocide is This is intolerable.

Let's ask To all, all, to every internationalist militant, to each supporter of social justice, to every human being you feel disdain and disgust in front of the extermination of the Palestinian people, of take sides, to boycott the Zionist state and to take sides in defense e solidarity with the Palestinian people.

We close with a beautiful song by Samah Jabr Palestinian psychotherapist and writer:

“... We, Palestinians, look like red poppies, short -lived and fragile. The international community is not impressed by ours beauty and neglects to protect us. On the contrary, he often tells us that the Our aspiration to liberation is absurd and cannot bloom. That is Despite, we have confidence in our collective ability of embellish the barren side of the mountain and to inspire a spring revolutionary to the oppressed of the earth ".

Samah Jabr He will come to Italy for a lap of meetings in Milan, Piacenza, Pisa and Florence. In Milan the meeting/comparison is organized by "Salaam-Ragazzi of the olive tree "and from the CSA Vittoria on April 9th at 21:00 at the CSA Vittoria in via Friuli corner via Muratori (MM Lodi Tibb)

On that evening the texts of Samah Jabr "Behind the fronts" and "Sumud. Resisting oppression" published by Sensitive to the leaves.

The pamphlet will also be available " I'm with Palestine "(downloadable Who )

We remember the campaign for the reconstruction of the kindergarten Vittorio Arrigoni in Gaza ( www.ricostruiamoasilovik.it )

PDF Content:

PDF Source:

1 I am with the with Palestine in my heart. Now and always Resistentz to support the campaign to reconstruct the asylum Vittorio Arrigoni in Gaza www.ricostrupiamoasilovik.it the companions and companions of the CSA Vittoria

2 These pages do not presumptuously stop the task of being a historical document. They are not even a "bigino" on Zionist occupation nor do they want to deal with the complexity of the Palestinian world in its political and religious ideological transformation over the years. They only want to be our introduction, chronologically supported, to understand the tragedy experienced by the Palestinian people. Almost an immersion in the suffering, blood and lively meat of a people who suffer, day after day, a historical injustice imposed by Zionist employment and British colonialism and from the might imperialist releases victorious out of the Second World War. To this child between the rubble of Gaza and the entire Palestinian people so that they are no longer forced to live in fear under a criminal occupation on his land. To the Italians and Italian lovers of poetry and peace. To the Palestinians of Ramallah, where I was born, from Ludd and Ramleh, where my father and mother, my grandparents and my great -grandparents were born. To women and men fighting in Palestine and diaspora, with lots of love, and with infinite admiration and respect for their resistance. We will conquer freedom and liberation. We will return! Dedication of Saleh Zaghloul translator of "universal hymns of peace from Palestine" of the great Palestinian poet Mahmud Darwish. Ethnic cleaning in a prospect of genocide that have lasted for almost 80 years. When after almost 80 years ethnic cleaning, daily repression, the Discrimination and a system of apartheid marked by wars and massacres, it becomes declaredly genocide, it is necessary that the occupying force builds an sweetened narrative of its history by attributing to the other, to the "bad", any responsibility. To the protagonists of the Nakba, to the employees , to those who have been driven out of their land, to the slaves who dare to rebel and for this reason they must be punished. To this people there for more than 75 years has been challenging one of the most technologically organized armies and prepared militarily thanks to the financial and military aid of the USA and of the western imperialist block. And it is this narrative that we want to experience once and for all. 1948 - Deir Yassin - April 9, 1948 - If we were to set a possible start date of the increasingly evident, the ethnic cleaning plan and the genocide of the Palestinian people could start from the Deir Yassin massacre. In that place and on that date the first horrendous massacre of the Palestinian civilian population was made: 250 deaths is the only approximate number of those who refused to be driven out of their homes and were for this executed. The term "executed" is not used at random but precisely to explain the scope of that massacre. Women, men, girls and boys killed in their homes, in the courtyards and for the dirt roads of that small town who had decided to host the families of refugees already

3 driven out by the neighboring village of Al-Birwa (Mahmud Darwish's birthplace) already devastated by the Sionist armed squads. The approximation of the numbers derives from the fact that, the next day, the whole country was razed to the ground with the bulldozers passing over every human activity to cancel its memory. (as now in Gaza) The complete destruction of Deir Yassin, deleted from the geographical map, was the Zionist warning for the Palestinian people. The "Banda Stern", Zionist terrorist organization, responsible for those massacres was then rewarded with the integration in the new Israeli army. The undisputed leader of Que is horde of cut was Ytzahak Shamir who, with this massacre, increased his prestige to become Israeli Prime Minister in 1983 ... With the Stern Band, the "Irgun" also operated, another paramilitary organiz ion Zionist who at the melting, and through some mergers, gave birth to the party of the Zionist Right "Likud" founded by Menachem Begin. And this "the story of peace" from which Israel was born. The return to "their promised land". Deir Yassin massacre of 9 April 1948 in those days of horror we could trace the most evident and inhuman concretization of the Zionist strategic plan of Theodor Herzl, written with the blood of the Palestinians and made official in the first Zionist conference in Basel in 1897. The plan is that of forced colonization and an ethnic cleaning of Palestine: “A people without land for one Land without people ”this is the racist and ferociously colonialist starting point of Zionism. Disconnect the existence of a population and a culture of peace has meant the zeroing of thousands of years of coexistence between different ethnic groups and religious confessions and in Palestine. We can therefore historically say that the occupation of the Palestinian land has not begun with the proclamation of the Israeli state of 1948 but, based on the Zionist -Colonialist project, you can evidently trace a preparatory phase that lasted decades. The Zionist project of occupation of Palestine definitively acquired greater propulsive force, almost a green light, after the Balfour declaration in 1917 (Arthur Balfour - British Foreign Minister) which confirmed the support of the British government to the creation of a "Jewish national hearth". Also in 1917, the English general Allenby at the head of the British expeditionary force in Egypt, occupied Jerusalem ending the occupation of today's entire Palestine in 191 8 (in 2024 they are 106 years of employment !!).

4 from “Modern history of Palestine. A land, two peoples "by Ilan Pappè: the 800,000 inhabitants were immediately classified by the new administration on the basis of religious affiliation: 650,000 Muslims, 80,000 Christians and 60,000 Jews including the new Zionist settlers. The Jewish presence in 1947, after the thrusts of the occupation of Palestinian lands of the Zionist Management with English protection, is calculated in fact in 610,000 presences. The Zionist project begins to be realized well sponsorship or from the British colonialism well satisfied with "keeping the door of the East open to trade and English troops". As a "repair" to the tragedy of the Holocaust, the imperialist and colonial England imposed on his own Old colony, the land of Palestine, the introduction, in increasingly massive doses, of the Jewish population of religion until, on May 14, 1948, the Zionist Ben Gurion announced the birth of the state of Israel in Palestine. A date This, and a "homeland for Jews from all over the world" born on the basis of religious discrimination, which instead will be called the Nakba; the catastrophe for the Arabic peoples. A point of arrival, but also a new head of Ponte del Zionismo For the expansion of a forced colonization already stabilized in Palestinian land after years of terrorist activity suffered by more than 700,000 Palestinians driven out of their land with the destruction of hundreds of villages. An egg starting point for ethnic cleaning for the genocide in the making of the Palestinian people. The victim killed his victim. And his identity was mine. (Mahmud Darwish - Universal hymns of Palestine peace) But immediately it is clear that Zionism is hungry for the Palestinian land and, without any opposition of the, already well -deployed, newly sided organization of the United Nations (O.N.U.1945), continues ethnic cleaning by throwing With violence the indigenous population taking possession of his land. The Zionist push to the acapartor of ever greater slices of territory was, of course, a peaceful advance but occurred at the cost of wars with a mass exodus of the Palestinian population. As a short impact we take advantage already immediately, to dispel the epic narration of an organized and industrious people (the Israeli future), capable of transforming the desert into cultivable fields and modern cities. Certainly the initial push to the construction of a new state (shame was on the ground of another people) played a substantial role

5 But, evidently, the capital and the US technological support have done a lot. and British. In Palestine, however, there was already widespread agriculture and small towns, inhabited by different ethnic groups, characterized by commercial exchanges and a lively one and cultural life production. Reflections taken from the reading of Ilan Pappè "10 myths on Israel". The synthesis is that Palestine, as a land and as people, exist well before the Zionist conjugation. 1956 - In 1956 an unarmed civilian massacre took place in the Palestinian city of Kafr Qasim, as narrated with horror in "Palestinian trilogy" by the poet Mahmud Darwish, when 49 peasants and peasants, returning from the fields after a day of work, Furo no slacidati Because they had not complied (they had not been warned) suddenly a curfew imposed by the occupant army while in the fields to work. The process, celebrated only to pacify the protests, lasted for a long time with different increasingly mild, increasingly inconsistent sentences ... up to the "condemnation", for the general of the army responsible for the massacre, to the payment of a fine of 1 cent for the massacre of 49 peasants and peasants. Mahmud Darwish in Palestinian trilogy, in the narrative of the massacre, and in the short story of the trial with the chilling public statements of the managers, finds us a justificationism that dates back to the Old Testament: "....... They will never end, in Zionist thought, the countless justifications of armed violence inspired even by religion. In fact, the biblical Joshua became a contemporary Israeli hero for the ferocity with which the non -Jews treated. This ferocity, historically similar to today's Sionist practice, is both a source of inspiration necessary for those who take political decisions in Israel, and the cultural substratum for the Israeli rebirth in Palestine, in order to legitimize and legalize any crime accomplished to achieve the Zionist goal . "Pour blood, broken lives, earth stolen from those who had lived there for generations, racism and colonialism. This is Zionism. This process of exponential colonial expansion produced wars and co nflitti from which the surrounding Arab countries were defeated for the generous military help by the West. 1967 - In 1967 Israel simultaneously attacked Egypt LA Syria and Jordan, a war nicknamed the "6 -day war" for the short duration of the conflict from which the winner is the winner for the surprise effect that had the unprepared Arab nations found , both for the enormous and decisive military support of the USA and France in particular with the supply of modern weapons and planes Mirages which provides an overwhelming air superiority. The Israeli territorial expansion is evident and objectively explains the reasons for the conflict. The Siani peninsula, part of the heights of the Golan and Jerusalem Est became part of the Zionist state and Sinai was subsequently returned to Egypt only after the bilateral peace agreements of 1979. The box to follow clearly shows the evident reduction of the inhabited lands From the Palestinians in favor of those occupied by Israelis and who, as we will continue to underline, the push to colonization and ethnic cleaning certainly does not arise with the Netanyahu government or after 7 October 2023.

6 This is the best tragic response to those who, out of complicit ignorance or for preliminary racist hatred, speaks in vain, from a historical or current point of view and attributes to the Palestrinese people the lack of will to arrive at a peace project. But peace must be true and above all right. But the story is in itself revolutionary because it is objective and sweeps away all instrumental conjecture. In 1967 the problem of refugees Palestin ESI explodes. In Lebanon, as in the same Gaza and in the neighboring Arab countries, he expelled forcefully by the West Bank and from the north of Palestine that became Israel with the strength of weapons. In this box there is the numerical synthesis of a drama that is part of the experience of the Palestinian people that the Zionist and Western narration instead wants to remove. There was previously, in this regard, an UN resolution, the 194 of 1948, which sanctioned that the refugees could return to their homes from which they had been expelled and that, who had not wanted to do it, should have enjoyed a right compensation ... perhaps the Zionist criminals translated it into today's "right" quantities of bombs on the refugee camps.

7 significant was also the resolution n.242 which, while adding the inadmissibility of the theft of territories through the war of Israeli conquest, did not however take into any way the right to the existence and self -determination of the Palestinian people considering it only a "Set of refugees" and for this reason it was rightly rejected by the Olp, the organization for the liberation of La Palestin A, (similar to the Italian C.L.N. National Liberation Committee) of which the commander Yasser Arafat was recognized as a political manager. These resolutions remained in any case unexpected, such as the hundreds of others who followed and like today, also for the vote against the UN of the friend and accomplice Amerikano to protect the terrorist little brother Israel. However, we can also say that these resolutions have many times represented the hypocritical clean face of the same killers who guarantee and guarantee the impunity for Israel and in fact that mass exodus transformed the entire region with dozens of now definitive refugee camps. 1968 - Meanwhile, the conflict continues with a war of attrition inframmezzat to from episodes of open clash that become more representative. Among these, an important value assumes that of the village of Karame in March 1968 from which the Palestinian resistance, with the support of the Jordan forces, He came out victorious by inflicting a serious blow to the image of the invincibility of the occupant army. We point out this episode because it enhanced the figure of the Fedayyn as victorious partisans in the imagination of the Palestinian people and relaunched the Olp, with the mass adhesion of thousands of new fighters, to the point that Yasser Arafat Defin defin is this battle "Karameh" which In Arabic it means "honor" ... 1969 - Golda Meir, celebrated women's premier and icon of the Israel Laburist, in an interview of 1969 at the "Sunday Times" declares that "there is no something like a Palestinian people. It is not that we came, we threw them out and took their country. They did not exist. " 1970 - And then the 1970 Palestinian "black September" happened when King Hussein of Jordan, with the US military supervision and the material help of Israeli aviation, murdered many thousands of P Alastinesi. The goal was to drive them out of Jordan for the fear that the presence of very crowded refugee camps, where the resistance was also welcomed by collecting consensus, could compromise relations with the powers the western Mperialists. Another unforgettable wound imposed and other blood from the Palestinian people shed for the betrayal of a government in friendly words. 1973 - In October 1973 I burst out instead what was called by the Israelis "The Kippur War" when the initial success of the Egyptian and Syrian troops, enlarged by Palestinian presences and other Arab States, was canceled by the Israeli counterattack covered by the USA aviation. Also in this case, as in 1967, the Zionist occupation army proceeded to the robbery of new lands especially on the heights of Golan important both from the military point of view and of the water supply of Israel and the new colonies already settled in Syria. Today Israel occupies a part of the golan and the surrounding rubble testify to the carpet bombing on the civilian population. In particular, the Zionist army, with the terrorist Ariel Sharon with the command, proceeded to the massacre, without any justification, of 270 Egyptian workers settled in the Sinai peninsula by practicing the umpteenth example of ethnic cleaning. The huge arrival of US loans to Egypt Port ò, in 1978 in Camp David, to a peace between Israel and Egypt with the icing on the cake of western hypochrisia, of the delivery of the Nobel Peace Prize to Anwar Sadat, the Then Egyptian president, and to the genocidal terrorist Menachem Begin. A Nobel Prize to the same Begin at the head of the Band of Assassini Irgun who together with the Stern Band had a gate side from the geographical map The Palestinian country of the Yassin !! 1976 - Tall El Zaatar, The Thyme Hill

8 pass 3 years and we arrive at another date impressed with the blood in the history of the Palestinian people. Tall El Zaatar, in Italian the thyme hill. We leave the floor to the disappeared companion Stefano Chiarini who was a political witness: "The siege and destruction of the field of Tall El Zaatar constitutes the epilogue of a real ethnic cleaning process ante litteram, carried out by the Christian prangheric militias for Eliminate from the eastern part of Beirut, from their controllat to, any Palestinian, Muslim, progressive presence ". On June 22, 1976, the siege with huge forces deployed around the refugee camp began. The field is" sealed "without any food help and With the interruption of access to the water. Day after day the pranked artillery hammers Tall El Zaatar. To supply the inhabitants of water, the inhabitants must be discovered and reach one of the twenty of the available distribution points: a thousand of snipers affected On the highest buildings of the surrounding neighborhoods he keeps the fountains under shooting, making hundreds of deaths. There are not few occupants of the field that die of hunger, thirst, tetanus, gangrene. After 52 days of siege, the Olp, to stop the massacre, accepted the surrender in the condition that the escapes can come out unknown from the field. The Red Cross and international organizations ensured this condition signed also by the Falangist Assassins armed arm of Zionism in Lebanon but the agreement was not respected. On the same day of the surrender there are 2000 deaths teased by the torturers, out of a total of more than 3000 deaths. Women, men, elderly, girls and murdered boys while leaving the field, with torture and executions. The bodies were buried and covered with cement. This is Israeli peace. (Songs freely aggregated by several reports) 1982 - And then again in 1982 the horror of Sabra and Chatila that we describe from this poignant poetic song composed of Mahmud Darwish after the inhuman Massacre: ... no, I don't have an exile to say: I have a homeland. God what time! Sabra sleeps and the fascist dagger wakes up Sabra calls ... who calls? All this night is mine, and the night is climbing the fascist cuts her breasts and at night she gets educated, she dances around her dagger and licks him. He sings for the victory of the cedar, and slowly removes ... slowly the meat from the bones and spreads the shreds on the table and continues his dance the fascist and he will be heaping to the suspended eyes and is crazy about joy and Sabra is no longer body. his instinct, and forge his will. And he steals a ring of meat, and recognizes his image in his blood and is sea and is land and is cloud and it is blood and it is night

9 And it's Saturday and Sabra is. Sabra is the intersection of two roads on a sabra body is the descent of the soul into a Sabra stone is nobody sabra is the image of our time until eternity Mahmud Darwish from "Universal hymns of peace from Palestine" the army Israeli surrounded the refugee camp in strength and Illumin ò in the day with his headlights so that no one could escape death. It was September 1982 and, after months of a siege of Beirut and the massacre of the civilian population, the Olp signed an agreement by accepting the transfer to Tunis of the approximately 15.000 fighters present in the field, placing the condition that absolute protection was guaranteed to the Le women, the elderly and girls and boys left in the field. The US command assumed this responsibility together with the military commands Italy ni and Franc Esi (the famous interposition forces) and instead ... from the first light of the dawn of September 6, the massacre began. For two days and two nights, the fascists of the Christian phalanx --maronita made the havoc of the bodies of women and the elderly, girls and boys. Burning and dismemberments, rapes and executions, with a Palestinian hunt in the narrow alleys of the refugee camp illuminated by the powerful Israeli headlights, testified by the international press as soon as she was allowed to enter the field between piles of overwhelming corpses: "It was the flies that made it clear . They were millions and their hum was eloquent almost as much as the smell. Great as Mosconi, at the beginning they covered us completely, unaware of the difference between living and deaths. "From the extimony of Robert Fisk American journalist that we invite you to read. https: // nena -News.it/sabra -e-shatila -ce-lo-misso -le -mos/but against this historical injustice, alternated and protected pity and militarily from western powers, anger grew in society but above all in young Palestinians. 1987 - Like a wave that rises more and more, Palestinian anger at the end explodes when in 1987 he burst out at La first Intifada, who went down in history as the stone intifada. A heroic rebellion of the Palestinian people who took to the streets and collided with the stones against tanks and against the Israeli military occupation that denied them the right to existence as people on their land. Young boys and girls, but also many children, participated in the first Intifada paying, for their protagonist, a very high blood tribute.

10 of the "Primo Innifada", in addition to the approximate number of about 1 .100 Palestinians assassinated by the Zionist Armed Forces (the same approximation of the number of deaths is significant of the genocidal value of the repression) the order to the troops of the then remained famous Defense Minister Isac Rabin (another future Nobel Peace Prize ...), to "break the Palestinian hands and legs". Task performed with dedication from the army of torturers as a warning to cease resistance. And the so -called "civil world" remained to look, then as today. 1993 - The Oslo agreements of 1993, so emphasized by the friends of the Zionists as an opportunity lost for peace, were on the contrary a tragic example of pacification under the blackmail of hunger and a continuous war. These "agreements" essentially institutionalize the dependence and subordination of the Palestinian people to the Zionist regime without any official recognition of a possible Palestinian state and without any concession on putting an end to employment with explicit return to the borders of 1967. The agreements allowed for Smembra Palestine even more with the exponential multiplication of new Israeli colonies in Palestinian land in the name of the Zionist project of a new "Grande Israel". We invite you to read, so as not to dilute this article by the magazine Independent of foreign pages that illustrates the substantial injustice and the disaster caused by this agreement: https://pagineesteri.it/2023/09/13/primo -piano/30 -year- I- Palestinians-with-year-Denati -OlTre-Legni-Prvision/ from the box the dispersion and isolation of the Palestinian settlements is evident.

11 similar to Ghetti, to the South African "bultops" in the name of a apartheid suffered by the Palestinian population and became a state law. Palestinian community not in connection with each other and controlled militarily by the occupant army. The maximum manager of the OLP, Yasser Arafat, a battle name Abu Amar, accepted this which objectively represented a capitulation for the aspirations at the self -determination of the Palestinian people. The popular front for the liberation of Palestine - FPLP - opposed this decision, questioned, but more at least, also from other organizations of the Palestinian resistance such as the democratic front for the liberation of Palestine - FDLP - and sectors of the same Fatah of which he was Arafat manager. But the agreement was welcomed. 1994 - In the meantime, in February 1994, by protest against an agreement that the Zionist Right also considered too open or to dialogue, an Israeli religious extremist entered the Hebron mosque armed with a machine gun and killed 29 Muslim faithful during prayer, Singing another 125. 2000 - and we arrive at 2000 when, after years of injustice and violence, another great wave of Palestinian pride rises and the second nippada breaks out. An insurrection of people who spread to all of Palestine from Jerusalem. A signal to the world on the unbearable condition of a martyred and colonized people who rebel against colonizers with any necessary means. The spark that started the second Intifada was triggered by the gesture of contempt by the terrorist Zionist Ariel Sharon for the majority of the Muslim religious identity Palestinian. In fact, his provocative "walks" on the esplanade of the Al Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem began, a sacred place for Islam, of which Israel claimed and arbitrarily claim possession in the name of the Zionist project of the "Grande Israel". Operation of provocation so dear to Zionists to such an extent that, the Israeli Minister of Fascist Zionist his emulo Italian Italian Ben Gvir, he will repeat it in January 2023. With the obvious follow -up of aggression with the rifles used as Clave on the faithful gathered in prayer so far within the same mosque. Images that have gone around the world, plastic representation of suprematism and contempt for the religious belief of others. A provocation that will turn on the fire of the protest up to the Palestinian armed response of 7 October of the same year.

12 The wall of shame and apartheid 2002 - In 2002 Knesseet, the Israeli Parliament, votes for the construction of the wall of apartheid, a wall of shame that divides, preventing its transit, Palestine in micro -aggregation to which it is made Difficult if not impossible, free movement from one place to another without the certification of the absolute necessity to discretion the occupant army. The wall already visually represents an obviously hateful and violent act in itself: the long queues to the Israeli checks in Palestinian land physically embody the concept of discrimination and arbitrariness: men in arms who, under the flag of an occupant state, manage and They define the individual freedom of moving, work, care and substantially of life 2 times a day. A world shame criticized by many but ... Israel does not touch, indeed his unique and self -proclaimed right to defense guarantees him any justification until today's genocide. In this regard, we mention an article "sweetened" of the Limes magazine of 201 0, updated in 2015, which speaks of the Palestinian town of Qalqilya: "The wall surrounding Qalqilya makes the city a secret garden with a single entrance and an ' only exit. This area represents a striking example of the social and economic strangulation that some local communities suffer daily. " But let's go back to the period following the Oslo agreements to remember that, after years of continuous aggressions to the Palestinian people, the commander Yasser Arafat Torn erà to take on the role of symbol of the Palestinian identity itself, when the Israeli armed forces try to annihilate by besiege it In his headquarters reduced to a pile of rubble, the muqata, in Ramallah. From his siege Arafat refuses every proposal for the surrexer Sharon by declaring that “the Palestinian people are a people of giants ". Yasser Arafat thus becomes a cumbersome obstacle for the current negotiations between the Israeli government, supported in this by the USA and the management of the ANP, the Palestinian National Assembly, now corrupt and determined to safeguard its privileges and clientelism on the skin of the Palestinian people and their resistance until the collaboration with the enemy. Arafat will die on 11 November 2004 assassinated with the Polonio as it turns out to be with a late autopsy in 2012. In the face of the sidetracks of the French secret services, U.S.A and Israelis, however, we can say that Arafat was killed by the usual assassins of the services of Israeli security with the help of the ANP management who wanted to get rid of such an important symbol of resistance for the Palestinian people.

13 Always in April 2002, Israel launched the "defensive shield" military operation (constantly looking for justification ...) invading the city of Jenin for 12 days in occupied the West Bank. This massacre of the civilian population and the destruction of houses according to a next colonization, were tragic inspiration for the director Mohammad Bakri who shot in the following days the film/documentary Jenin -jenin with interviews with the witnesses of the massacre of civilians. The video, still censored in Israel, is dedicated to Iyad Samoudi, the executive producer, murdered by the Israeli army shortly after the end of the filming. March 16, 2003 - Rachel Corrie, an American activist of the International Solidarity Movement, is crushed by a bulldozer of the Israeli army because he had been interpreted to prevent the destruction of a doctor's house in the Gaza strip. 2007 - After a few years of killers and massacres in an on condition of absolute impunity and subjugation of the Palestinian people to Zionist -Israeli expansesionism, we come to a new repressive measure to economically strangle the Palestinian people by reducing it to hunger. Israel declares and puts into practice an embargo ferreo that still lasts today. Since 2007, every access route has been closed including the restriction of the sea space that can be accessible from Palestinian fishermen with the result of obtaining the drastic decrease in food support derived from fishing. This terrorist measure represents the arrogant Israeli revenge against the Palestinian people "guilty" of having decreed the electoral victory of the political -conclusion Hamas, in the 2006 political elections, for its intransigent opposition to Zionism and a strong territorial presence of Support to the population as opposed to an increasingly "collaborative" ANP and bent to the US and Israelian impositions. The FPLP Popular Front for the liberation of Palestine, politically deployed in the Marxist and secular sense, pays the political isolation and repression of both the two major political formations. 2009 - "Operation of the melted lead" The result of this war that lasts 22 days was about 1420 deaths of which about 300 girls and boys. About 3000 destroyed houses and 20,000 damaged pursuing the strategic Zionist -Israeli objective of causing the dispersion and forced migration of the Palestinian population to other countries of the Arab world.

14 victims but also heroic fighters. Cluster Bomb and white phosphorus were mainly used in highly inhabited areas as a genocidal signal and of certain impunity with Zionist assassin cowards. From the 117 pages of Amnesty International, anyone can deduce that these "prohibited and illegal" weapons together with the other weapons considered and "legal", were used against the civilian population without the possibility of escape (just as now in Rafah with 1,500,000 people Chius and between the wall of the frontier and the tanks). Women and men assassinated by the bombs while sleeping or in the courtyards of the alleys of Gaza as they spread the laundry, children affected on the bed or on the roof while playing. Amnesty also testifies to numerous cases of ambulances and nurses affected while lent rescue. But another figure should have made the autonomous "civil world" arise. In fact, it was ascertained that Israel had experienced a new type of devices containing toxic heavy metals with a doubling, on an annual basis, of the number of babies suffering from some pathology also serious and/or deforming. In just 22 days of war. We ask ourselves rhetorically if we have wanted to apply, on a higher scale, the eugenic research of Joseph Mengele, the angel of the death of Auschwitz -Birkenau. All this is Nazism. All this is genocyus God. Because Zionism, Suprematism, Racism and Nazism are equally based on the subordination of another people. Sionism and Nazism are in particular based on the scientific elimination of the people identified as an enemy.

15 and in fact: “After the operations of Gaza, the Research Committee on new weapons (NRWC), a group based in Italy of scientists and doctors who study the effects of unconventional weapons and medium -term repercussions on residents in affected areas From conflicts, he noted that they were actually explosive employed containing white phosphorus and a metal element with high carcinogenic content. Further analyzes on the bombarded areas found the presence of metals harmful to the nervous and reproductive systems of human beings. " A political choice -Military that has made explicit the genocidal intent of this war explicit. April 14, 2011 - Vittorio Arrigoni is seized by a fundamentalist band operated by Mossad and killed the day after being brutally tortured. Vik told the daily tragedy and the horror of a life under employment. His "we remain humans", it is a teaching that the whole world still recognizes. 2012 - As a warning to the Palestinian people who do not accept segregation and employment, Israel triggers the "defense pillar" operation that begins with the targeted assassination of a Hamas manager continuing with the killing of over 165 Palestinians (between to which more than 30 children) in just over 7 days. 2014 - Israel goes on with wars to the Palestinian people in Gaza and launches the "protective barrier" operation in 2014. For us, a 2014 reportage of the precious journalist Michele Giorgio speaks: "We are now on the 24th day of" protective barrier "the numbers now touch those of melted lead. For many, the ongoing operation is much more devastating than what was the 2008 -2009 offensive for the very high level of destruction and the number of displaced people, very high due to the bombing direct against civil homes. In Gaza there is no more electricity: after the bombing of the only electrical system of the strip, much of the population has the current for two hours a day, but in the center of the enclave it is completely absent. "The dead, once the attack is over, will be around 2300 including approximately 570 girls and boys with the usual corollary of hundreds of thousands of displaced people for the scientifically destroyed houses. 2018 - In July 2018 a qualitative leap takes place in the Zionist strategy against the Arab populations. Knesset, the Israeli Parliament, establishes and institutionalizes the transformation of Israel into "national state of the Jewish people". In this "fundamental law" it is sanctioned that Israel is the place where the law

16 to self -determination is limited only to the Jews and that Jerusalem will have to be the capital of this state. Too bad that the beautiful Jerusalem is universally recognized as a central element of the three Christian, Muslim, Jewish monotheistic religions and that in Jerusalem there are the basilica of the Holy Sepulcher and the Mosque of Al Aqsa of reference to founding and indispensable reference for Christian and Muslim faiths. Underline a discriminatory limitation of individual law, binding it to a religious belonging A, highlights the oppression of any other ethnic or religious component that lives on the same territory to which, for the first time per law, the same rights are not guaranteed. The ideological assumption of this fundamentalism and suprematism and Braico finds himself fully in the statement of Israeli Minister Bezalel Smotrich: "The Palestinians do not exist, they are an invention of less than 100 years ago", "the Palestinians do not exist because it does not exist because A Palestinian people ". This is a leap in quality, legislative, ideological and cultural collected by Zionism in the transformation of the Jewish people from "elected people", as in the Jewish religious creed, into "supremist people". This "fundamental law" establishes a different legislation between the Arab -Palestinian population, who for millennia has lived on that land, and the new settlements of women and men of Jewish faith. But that's not enough; This law establishes the "right to return" (???) of any Jew wants ... going to occupy a new piece of land by subtracting it from the Palestinians. While more than 6,000,000 of Palestinian refugees, despite the paper (straccia) of numerous UN resolutions, is not recognized right if not to survive in a refugee camp. The great iron keys that are often seen in the processions in Palestine, or in the square in the hands of the women and men of the Palestinian communities, are the keys of the house symbol of the return for millions of refugees. They represent the real keys, still in the hands of the legitimate owners, of the thousands of houses from which the Palestinians have been driven out with terrorism starting from Nakba. The keys are accompanied by the "Raja" cry that means return. The question of refugees, despite its huge number, is never treated or recognized by Israel. Their right to return, which the Palestinian people claim (and us with them) must be an integral part of a path for a true and just peace for the Palestinian people. But let's go back to the general framework and reach, for extreme synthesis, to date, showing the effects of the wall of apartheid, colonization and in Israeli seductions, the robbery of the Palestinian land and of Zionist ethnic cleaning in the West Bank (West Bank).

17 in Jerusalem always about the Israeli apartheid. 2022 - We still resume a synthesis taken from "foreign pages" of January 2022: ... according to international law (?)) Jerusalem Est is considered a occupied territory as Gaza and Cisgior Dania, but Israel has proceeded to a formal annex in open fines to international law and the various resolutions adopted by the General Assembly that by the United Nations Security Council. In fact, over the years, Israel has settled Jewish population in

18 Palestinian neighborhoods, through the construction of real colonies, the occupation of individual houses, such as in the neighborhoods of Silwan and Sheikh Jarrah, and through the confiscation of areas to be allocated to the construction of military bases or public projects here, centers tourist, archaeological areas and natural parks. In the area, in fact, the Israeli government has expropriated 38% of the territory for the construction of military settlements and bases and, to date, there are 11 colonies inhabited by a total of about 210,000 colon i. Furthermore, four large national parks have been created that occupy 22% of the area of Jerusalem Est. Apartheid and discrimination sanctioned by Israeli law: ... according to the right of that "shining example of democracy" ... which is Israel, the Palestinians of Jerusalem do not enjoy full citizenship but of a status of permanent residents, who would guarantee the same social rights as Israeli citizens, but in reality does not allow to access public offices or vote in the national elections. Still in P roposito of discriminatory and apartheid legislation: in January 2022, something like 70 families threatened with eviction, had lived for decades in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood in Jerusalem Est.

19 The armed forces proceeded to the evictions and arrests of the Palestinian families with the usual particular violence that is consonant, hiding behind a law promulgated in Israel with which the Jewish residents before '48 can boast the right to possession of the terr to which those houses were built. To the Palestinians driven out of their land and become refugees with Nakba this right is not granted. A few months later, in May 2022, during a police operation managed with rifle strokes against the demonstrators, he was deliberately assassinated, as per confirmation and official sentence of a United Nations Investigation Commission, the Al Jazeera Shireen Akleh journalist's journalist with a single blow to the head. Together with her, the journalist Ali Sammoudi was injured while together, with well -obvious bulletproof vests marked Press testified to the violence of the Israeli armed forces against the civilian population he manifested. The then Minister Lapid, claiming "the superior ethics of the Israeli army", commented on the criticisms of the assassination and the same UN condemnation with the usual Israeli arrogance: "Nobody can make morals on the behavior in war" ... and we arrive to Gaza whose numbers are certainly known but well exemplified by this graphic note. Gaza is an open -air lager emblem of suffering but also of the resistance of a people. The situation in Gaza, which has been humanly intolerable for some time, is now of a horror beyond the imaginable because, while we write, the final solution targeted on the million and a half of refugees concentrated in inhuman conditions near the Rafah pass is about to begin. While the Zionist Army crushes the Palestinian population on the border with Egypt, the USA press them on Israel so that the conflict finds any "more human" resolution only for the fear of a military escalation that can remove resources and attention from Next "comparison" with China. But the crazy dog Netanyahu pushes for a "final solution" for the Palestinian people, with the excuse of the fight against terrorism, and then be able to boast a military result that guarantees him political survival. A well -strange meaning this of the concept of "terrorism", with an implicit sense of condemnation that pours on those who fight without uniform, but that can never be applied to the "legitimate right to genocide" of the Israeli army. On the other hand, history has taught us that the so -called "fight against terrorism" has covered the worst wives in terms of repression to class opposition movements to bring them back to a level of political compatibility, as well as on the international level of " Humanitarian wars "or to" export democracy ", actually wars of robbery against countries that do not bend to the imperialist powers and here it would be along the lugubrious list of imperialist robbery wars that have razed whole countries and entire populations with a trail to the soil of blood that has fomented an obvious and inexhaustible hatred towards "The Democratic West" for its political structure -Economic O- military blockage US -CLEAN -CEO -Europe.

20 But on the suffering, despair, courage and determination of the population of Gaza today we will return later, now entrusting ourselves to a song, dramatic and "enormous" for its evocative power, composed in 1973 by Mahmud Darwish entitled "Silence for Gaza ": Gaza“ the explosive to life has been linked and exploded. This is not death, it's not about suicide. It is the way Gaza declares that he deserves to live. For four years, the meat of Gaza has spoken splinters of grenades in every direction. It is not a question of magic, it is not a prodigy. It is the weapon with which Gaza defends the right to stay and unwind the enemy. For four years, the enemy rejoiced for having crowned his dreams, seduced D to flirt over time. Except for Gaza. Because Gaza is far from his loved ones and attacked to his enemies. Because Gaza is an island. Whenever he explodes, and never stops doing it, he scarves the face of the enemy, breaks his dreams and interrupts his idyll with time. Because time in Gaza is another thing, because time in Gaza is not a neutral element. It does not push people to cold contemplation, but rather to explode and clash against reality. The time over there does not bring children from childhood immediately to old age, but makes them men at the first encounter with the enemy. Time in Gaza is not relaxation, but an assault of scorching heat. Because the values in Gaza are different, completely different. The only value of those who live under employment is the degree of occupant resistance. This is the only competition in progress over there ... Gaza is not an end speaker, he has no throat, it is his skin that speaks, through blood, sweat, and flames ... for this reason the enemy hates it until death, the He fears to the point of committing crimes and tries to drown it in the sea, in the desert, in the blood. Enemies can get the better of Gaza. The big sea can get the better of a small island. They can cut all the trees. They can break the bones. They can plant tanks in the guts of his women and children. They can throw it into the sea, in the sand or in the blood. But she: she won't repeat the lies. He will not say yes to the invaders. It will continue to be exploded. This is not death, it's not about suicide. But it's the way Gaza declares that he deserves to live. Mahmud Darwish

21 We do not believe there can be enough comments in front of the sense of despair, courage and determination that emerge from this poetic prose of Mahmud Darwish. We can only invite him to read it on "Palestinian trilogy". But let's go back to the dripping of Zionist daily violence. The following is the graphic designer on Israeli employment until 2014. While the official data of international agencies speak of a total of about 750,000 colonists currently settled in the West Bank. As well highlighted, in the box to follow, the increasing reduction of lands inhabited by the Palestinians in favor of those occupied by Israelis is evident. It is increasingly clear that the push to colonization and ethnic cleaning certainly do not arise with the Netanyahu government or after the military response of the Palestinian resistance of 7 October 2023. We unmasked the Zionist propaganda of all trend in the thread -Sionist story seems that before 7 October "everything is fine" ... it seems n on no existent occupation of the land of Palestine and that there is no deep river of Palestinian blood that unis ca the horror of the past for an equally tragic present. This is instead what they want to make us believe and who support the imbaders of the national media (newspapers and televisions), even just a little less cruelly philosionists of the right to the government instead lined up "in arms" with the Israeli army and justificationist of the genocide in progress. On this false and instrumental assumption that has become ideological, which has also become a milestone of "democratic" Zionism (an oxymoron), the different areas of the Italian "moderate left" have been placed as well as the most hypocritically "good" government areas. Hypocritically because, while a genocide is endorsed, in the meantime they arbitrarily take injured or sick children and, without any formal agreement, he brings them to Italy to guarantee him

22 The necessary treatments impossible to receive on the Palestinian soil for the bombings of the ally Israel. ... In this data we can find all the disgust and cynicism of the short circuit of decency and ethics of the western block and in particular of the Meloni government - Salvini thus committed to shaving for a "place in the sun" and a role of protagonism active on the international level and a foreign policy always well careful not to get out of the compatibility of the umbrella US/NATO protective. The evident goal is to represent a liar and distorted image of reality as if everything could be traced back to the subjective "badness" of the Palestinian resistance or of Netanyahu. Almost a new application of the old theory of "opposites -estremisms" to stop the conflict and leave everything unchanged or almost, without the definitive recognition of the right to self -determination of the Palestinian people in any form will decide to represent. Indeed to freeze a dramatic situation with an armed pacification that will only create the conditions for another war. Hiding, subjectively or objectively, the historical origins of the conflict and its roots in historical injustice suffered by the Palestinian people is today, however, the hypocritical justification error of the Palestinian G Enechide. A criminal justifying those who shield a cowardly coward (in different gradations until complicity) and those who, on the one hand, stop to look exclusively to the photography of 7 October 2023, while wanting, on the other, to take all responsibility of this genocidal war exclusively to only Netanyahu and his government of Zionist criminals. The worst way to objectively face the reality is that of n on criticizing the concrete connivances and responsibilities of the most of the Israeli society which, as a whole, occurs for Zionism, unfortunately except for a small minority that finally and with courage begins to raise your voice . The best way to reset any possibility of coming to a future of peace - just peace - is the aberration of Zionist ideology and the occupation of Palestine is not questioned. The hypocrisy of "let's help them in their home" in the land of Palestine, even in Israeli pacifist sectors, with an empathy and good faith that we certainly recognize, maintains common que quen the Zionist flavor of discrimination, if it does not question it from Origins. By denying and denying the world the possibility of identifying a way for a just just just a just that can go on a perspective respectful for the Palestinian people and builds the stages, in evidently even very long times, of a possible and necessary coexistence. - A small digression on Zionism and class struggle: we read on some political documents of the reflections that we believe simplistic or partial to correctly face the materiality of the contradictions in Palestine as in Israel. We are absolutely convinced of the strategic correctness of a class setting in approaching us to the medium -oriental question as in any other corner of the world. We believe, however, that the primary contradiction to be addressed today is not only that of a generic appeal to the uni of the Palestinian and Israeli proletariat against the oppression of national bourgeois and imperialist plans in the medium -eastern area and we allow ourselves to suggest how much this approach is backward and spoiled by an impregnated approach of ideologism. A dialectical approach to the conflict must put Zionism on a primary contradiction level, the essential material and ideological contradiction with which to deal with, precisely in respect of the "Marxist dialectic". Zionism as a supremist ideology produced by a colonial material structure of oppression of an entire people. In this regard, we resume Brevissim and parts of the long intervention of absolute importance and thickness of Ilan Pappe - London 21.01.2024 - to the Genocide Memorial

23 Day of the IHRC (Islamic Human Rights Commission) which claims that the genocide of the Palestinian people is a point of no return that is changing history and that it is probably drawing the final trajectory of the Jewish state for how we now know it: "The Idea that Zionism is a settlement colonialism is not new. The Palestinian scholars who worked in Beirut in the OLP research center in the 1960s had already understood that what they were facing in Palestine was not a colonial and classic project. Israel did not only frame Israel as a British or American colony, but they considered it a phenomenon that existed in other parts of the world, defined as settlement colonialism ... This historical project came to the end and is a violent end - these projects usually collapse In a violent way, therefore, it is a very dangerous moment for the victims of this project, and the victims are always the Palestinians together with the Jews, because it is also the Jews are victims of Zionism. So, the collapse process is not only a moment of hope, but it is also the dawn that will emerge after the darkness, and it is the light at the end of the tunnel. " Zionism is today The only obstacle for the affirmation of peace in Palestine. But let's get closer to today. In 2023 Amnesty International declares: Sixteen years of illegal bloc of Israel made Gaza the largest open -air prison in the world. The international community must act now to prevent a gigantic cemetery. 2023 - July 3, Israel triggers Jenin on Jenin, like several alt kings times after 2002, a vast and violent military attack. It is the second attack of 2023 against the city of Jenin, in the north of the West Bank, which historically has a resistant population never folded by the military employment, which has materialized in a ferocious and inhuman raking (similar to that of these days) neighborhood for neighborhood, home for home, with "arbitrary" arrests. "House and garden" ... is the name of this military action that caused dozens of deaths, wounded in proportion, and the usual devastation of houses, roads, electricity and water network. On the other hand, to make you ... house and garden, first you have to throw down all or…. In this regard, we report a press release from the Cospe and Osc - organizations of international cooperation - inherent not only to the attack on July 3 but to the war continues to the Palestinian people: "2023 is characterizing themselves as a year of unprecedented violence. Since the beginning of the year, in fact, at least 192 Palestinians have died at the Israeli hand, including 31

24 boys and girls; a number of victims already greater than that recorded throughout 2022. The arbitrary arrests, even of minors, and the demolitions of civil structures, such as the school of JAbbet El -deeb built with funds from the European Union demolished by Israel on 7 May 2023, continue incessant. , expressing his "sadness for the death of civilians" in employed the West Bank, had invited the parties to "avoid unilateral actions that could inflame tensions". But, despite this, on 3 July 2023 Israel launched the military offensive "House and Garden", in Jenin, in the north of the West Bank, under employment since 1967. We are faced with the fifth military operation launched on Jenin from the beginning of 2023, the hardest in the West Bank in the last 20 years. An attack conducted by land and via air, with the use of special forces, drones and sniper, concentrated on the refugee camp of Jenin, an area with a very high population density - 14 thousand people less than half a sq km. To date, the data released by the United Nations report 12 Palestinian victims, for the most part young, including 5 minors; 143 injured - of which 20 pay in serious condition - and about 3,500 people displaced due to the destruction or damage of their homes. The Hospital at the AMAL of Jenin and a UNRWA clinic have been damaged, and the destruction of roads and infrastructures makes it difficult to access ambulances and medical staff and the supply of water and electricity. The Israeli government, however, continues its colonization work. In June he approved a plan for the construction of an additional 5,000 housing units in the West Bank, where over 700,000 Israeli settlers already live. Even the intergroup for peace between Palestine and Israel of the Italian Parliament expressed itself by asking "an urgent meeting to the Foreign Minister, Antonio Tajani, so that Italy assumes a clear position" since "they are not admissible silences in the face of constant violations Human rights in Palestine "... but in the following 3 months (until 7 October) everything has forgotten, almost 80 years are removed in the name of the inviolability and impunity of Israel, of his unilateral right to defend himself, in the name of his right to the genocide of the popol or Palestinian. The Zionist propaganda gracassa, in all its facets and gradations of color, omits, hides and certainly does not report that, based on official data between January 2000 and September 2023, Israeli governments, with his armed hand of the IDF, the colonists, the bombs, the tanks, the lack of care and the torture in prisons produced 11,299 dead and wounded 156,768 women, men, girls and boys Palestinian. But we also want to remember the terrorist practice of the numerous "targeted murders" made by Israeli Mossad all over the world. The list would be very long but, without wanting to lack compared to the memory of those who do not mention, we will list only a few such as Wael Zuaiter, political manager of AL-Fatah, murdered in Rome in 1972. His friend Mahmoud Hamshari, manager of the Olp assassinated in Paris a few weeks later. The poet Ghassan Kanafani near the FPLP and assassinated in 1972 for his precious literary testimony on the tragedy of refugees after the Nakba.

25 and again the famous Palestinian designer Naji alla Ali assassinated in London in 1987 and known all over the world for having created and designed the famous Handala character who travels back to the world who, in front of the suffering of the Palestinian people, turns thanks to the other part. Prisoners - hostages and now we want to deal with a topic that seems taboo in the national media because it disturbed BBE the narrative of Israel as a "country of peace affected treacherously on October 7": the question of Israeli prisoners in the hands of the forces of the Palestinian resistance and of the Palestinian prisoners held in Israeli prisons or in the hands of the occupant army. Another mystified narrative of reality. Our ethical -political beliefs make us tell that war is in itself a tragic fact, a horror. The only guerr and for us practicable I are that of class for equality and social justice to free the world from class exploitation and the anti -imperialist against colonialism. War, whoever does it, implies deaths and prisoners. After October 7, 240 Israelis were indicatively in the hands of the resistance. As we write, 131 Israelis remained in Gaza after the liberation, with the exchange between prisoners, of others and the dead due to the bombings. We also point out that all the free prisoners liberated the Israeli government prevents any free communication in order not to crack the official story of violence and mistreatment and we remember in this regard that significant "shalom - peace" of that elderly Israeli woman aimed at the men of the Resistance at the time of his liberation. On the other side of the war front it is instead impossible to calculate exactly the number of girls, boys, men and women, girls and boys and boys seized and arrested arbitrarily after raids of entire neighborhoods by the employment army performed in the West Bank or in the same Gaza. Men, stopped, denied, beaten while women touch the usual treatment of threats of sexual violence. We are talking about the incredible number of almost 6,000 Palestinians arrested

26 from the Israeli forces in the West Bank from 7 October, T Ra to whom hundreds of women and girls and boys. Among these prisoners are at least 50 journalists, of which at least 20 in "administrative detention" that is, without any accusation or trial. Administrative detention: this form of detention, similar to a kidnapping, is widely used by Israel as a terrorist deterrent against the Palestinian population since at any time and in an absolutely arbitrary way, it can be arrested and detained without trial based on one "Administrative detention order" which can be repeated indefinitely of six months in six months. To the dehuman number of arbitrary arrests after 7 October 2023 the approximately 6800 hostages/prisoners must be added, among which the approximately 1300 to which the form of administrative detention had been applied, according to the data of the Israeli Hamocked Association for rights should have been applied humans. For a total of 12,800 (by defect) Palestinian prisoners in Israeli hands. But we still talk about the judicial system in the "Democratic Israel" by resuming a very clear article by Chiara Cruciati on "Terrasanta.net" of 2018 with exemplary data of the objective situation of judicial apartheid: a particular system because it makes a distinction between the residents: the Palestinians apply Military law, civil law applies to the colonists ... ……. Two weights and two measures that for years has been Israeli for human rights for years, monitor and fight. In May 2016 one of the best -known Israeli NGOs, B'Tselem, announced the surrender: he would no longer have filed complaints against settlers and soldiers to the Israeli judicial system, because they are useless (in the vast majority of cases even examined) and because it is exploited by the Israeli authorities for demonstrate the existence of a state of law ............... the numbers speak for themselves: if in front of a military court Israeli 99.74 percent of the defendant Palestinians is condemned, in the case of violence by the colonists, the percentage collapses under 2 percent (data of the Israeli association Yesh Din: over 85 percent of the crimes committed by Israelis on Palestinians are closed without investigation, 1.9 percent with a penalty for the manager). Yet, the United Nations Office says for the coordination of humanitarian issues (OCHA), the colonous violence are constantly growing: in the first six months of 2017, three of the Palestinian deaths and 48 wounded, 2,700 olive trees damaged, 52 cars destroyed. That is 86 percent of more cases than in the same period of 2016. And the article dates back to 2018 ... approaching the conclusions, we can only apologize for the omission of dozens of "dates", small and large massacres and of and thousands of pages of horror and daily prevarication to sub -under the Palestinian people. We would never be able to summarize suffering, humiliation and torture for a people of almost 80 of Zionist military employment in a few pages. The war on women, girls and boys but another complaint we believe must be done, not with our words but with those written on September 16, 2023 (we underline: before 7 October) by Ramzy Barou, journalist and director of The Palestine Chronicle . We naturally report only songs of that article that we ask you to read carefully:

27 “For Israel, killing Palestinian children is a political choice. This statement can be easily demonstrated and is supported by the results of the latest Human Rights Watch report. The question is: why? When a police officer or a soldier shoots a child in any other part of the world, even if in an absolutely tragic way, it can be supported, at least in theory, that the murder was a tragic fatality. But when thousands of children are killed or injured in a systematic way, and in remarkable quantities in a relatively short period of time, it is obvious that there is intentionality ... In a relationship entitled: "The West Bank: increase in the Israeli killings of Palestinian children", published last month, Human Rights Watch has come to its conclusions on the basis of an exhaustive analysis of medical data, eye testimonies, video footage and research on the Camp or…. Since the beginning of the year (2023) to 22 August, 34 Palestinian children have been killed in the West Bank, in a 2023 who set the bloodiest year since 2005. In fact, "already exceeds the annual figures of 2022, the most Alta since 2005 ", in terms of victims, according to the United Nations Special Coordinator for the Middle East, Tor Wennesland, during a conference last month. These numbers, together with other factors, including the expansion by Israel of illegal settlements in the West Bank, threaten "to worsen the difficult situation of the most vulnerable Palestinians", according to Wennesland .... However, these "most vulnerable Palestinians" exist beyond simple statistics. When the Israeli soldiers killed Mohammed Tamimi on June 5, the child's name was added to a constantly expanding list. The memory of the baby, like that of all the other Palestinian children, is imprinted in the collective consciousness of all the Palestinians. It acutes its pain, but it also requires to continue fighting and resisting. For the Palestinians, the killing of their children is not only a random act of an army that lacks discipline and it does not fear repercussions. The Palestinians know that the Israeli war against children is an intrinsic component of the wider Israe Liana war against all the Palestinians ... Palestinian children are "small snakes", wrote the Aylet Shaked politics in 2015. In a Facebook post published by the Washington Post, Shaked said war on all the Palestinians and asked for the killing of the "Mothers of the Palestinian martyrs". He wrote: "They should follow their children, nothing could be more right". Shortly after, Shaked became, irony of fate, the Israeli Minister of Justice. The data collected by the international groups for human rights leave no doubt that the nature of the killings demonstrate that these are part of a global strategy implemented by the Israeli army. In all cases recently investigated by Human Rights Watch, “The forces Israeli shot the upper part of the children's body ". This has been done without "warning intimations" or the use of common and less "lethal" measures ... specifically, the killing of Palestinian children is a specific and deliberated Israeli military strategy. The same logic now applied in the West Bank has already been used in the Gaza Strip. The United Nations data show that, in the Israeli war in Gaza in 2008-2009, 333 Palestinian children were killed. Other estimates report 410. In 2012, 47 children were killed during the Israeli operation 'Defense pillar'. In the months of July and August 2014, 578 children were killed during the assault

28 Israeli alla Striscia. The 2021 attack killed 66 children, while in 2022 the number was 17, and so on. They took place at the fence that separates Israel from Gaza. All minors were killed remotely by Israeli snipers. We are talking about thousands of dead and injured children. To be precise, 8,700 between 2015 and 2022, according to the United Nations. Even the insensitive and often dehumanizing logic of "collateral damage" cannot justify these figures ... The problem, for the Palestinians, is not only that of Israel's violence, but also the lack of international will to consider Israel responsible. Responsibility requires units, resolve, determination and action. This task should be a priority for all countries that really have Palestinians and universal human rights. Without such a collective action, the Palestin children will continue to die in large numbers and in the most brutal ways, a tragedy that will continue to be grieved and mortified all of us. "We relied on the words of Palestine Chronicle because they are impossible to reproduce without losing its effectiveness. We also report an article by Ilan Pappè: the relentless war of Israel against the children of Palestine https://www.csavittoria.org/it/node/739 and we arrive on 7 October 2023. A date of war, as dozens of other divers The Palestinian people, who instead turned up to military occupation, colonialism and ethnic cleaning this time. A date that marks the Palestinian people for a point of no return because it has questioned the Israeli military power and its impunity. A date that has put the whole world in front of its responsibilities and that is changing it as in front of a watershed. A day that ran down the Zionist suprematism by reporting every conscience in front of the crossroads: a stretch of genocidal violence, now become a conclato genocide construit or on the ideological assumption of the superiority of an "Jewish race" (non -existent from an anthropological point of view) or a Perspective of peace that respects the right to self -determination of the Palestinian people of which there was no longer any trace on the international political agenda. In the meantime, the international framework speaks to us of an escalation of military war which is only the continuation of an economic war between blocks and imperialist powers that are competing for world hegemony. An hegemony on the markets, on energy reserves, on economic -political control -Milita, on fundamental areas from the geo -political point of view, on the consent of economically more backward countries to be used as a Pedine in this global clash without neighborhood. The same war against the Palestinian people is part of this global conflict, pushing to intervene and speculate on the life of a people using both any propaganda tool and the reinforced intervention. The military presence of the US fleet in the Mediterranean, as a deterrent for Lebanon and Iran, the sending of a formation of war ships of the coalition of the "vouchers", with Italy in the front row, marks an important step towards this World War Escalation in pieces. The bombings on Lebanon and not only on the border line but targeted, terroristly, against those who support the resistance with weapons and in the end the life of the Palestinian people. The arbitrary bombing of the Huthi population which opposes the continuous naval flow of enormous quantities of armaments to Israel, along the Red Sea, marks the choice of the field of the West Imperialist who cannot tolerate difficulties and delays in the transport of goods indispensable to the capitalist economy already in crisis. Large and criminal plans of economic strategy -Politics -Military that are played on the skin of a people. The other powers, in various gradations of imperialism (the purists of the definitions forgive us this generalization) are taking the measures to the situation trying to benefit from it with variable alliances in relation to the comparison/clash areas with the

29 enemy. Always and in any case above and in the contempt of all ethics or respect for human rights. On the Meloni/Salvini government we have already said a lot in this and on other occasions, and we can still only underline the Melonian anxiety to interpret its role as a small arrogant partner inserted in the western imperialist block with the financial stability and the positive opinion of the large US rating agencies. But this is not enough because the militarist sub -culture of the admirers of the Mussolinian flame, joined to their neoliberalism in economics, is pushing the ideological and economic accelerator on the rearmament of the army /nation and on European partnerships for the construction of new armaments more and more Sophisticated by obtaining it from the slope from the public debt/gross internal debt calculation. A acceleration and a go -ahead for the race to "Italico" rearm ideologically and economically imprinted by Crosetto in view of an next global war ... with the evident subtraction of funds and cuts to public health, school and welfare already demolished by governments Neo - previous liberalists. But we do not "cheer" and we are not with any imperialist block. Indeed we believe that the future multipolar world, which is now outlining, will not bring any improvement to the living conditions of the subordinate classes of each country in the world. We are on the side of the exploited of the world for a revolutionary process of emancipation from class exploitation in any part of the world and in any form of state organization is represented. But let's go back to Israeli propaganda. All these pages we believe are quite eloquent and sufficient to sweep away any infamous accusation of anti -Semitism for those who solidarize with the Palestinian people. For Israel, and complicit states, every criticism of the Palestinian genocide is stigmatized as anti -Semitism but it is for the eyes of the whole way how this accusation is disgustingly instrumental. For those who have always fought by putting their personal freedom and life against any form of discrimination on an ethnic and religious basis, this is only an infamous accusation to cover a genocidal state like Israel. Fascism, Nazism, anti-Semitism, racism, Arabophobia, Islamophobia, sexism, racism, homophobia have the same ideological and sub-cultural matrix that has its roots in the capitalist and pap society to divide and fragment a possible union of the new slaves that make the wheels turn of a manufacturing way of production based on class exploitation. To the controversy and the prohibitions of the 16th consecutive procession of mobilization in solidarity with the Palestinian people on the occasion of the "day of memory" of January 27 because the memory of the horror of the Holocaust we replied never loses: you are the anti -Semites that You are attempt the memory of a massacre of innocent. It is you assassin Zionists who are using the Holocaust of the Jewish people by contrasting it to the genocide of the Palestinian people.

30 To this raw but significant vignette of Vauro we can add that the never more humanly recognized after the horror of the Holocaust, has become the ribbish justification of the right to the worst in nefarines such as ethnic cleaning up to the claim of the right to the genocide of the Palestinian people . And we get to today. At the possible final solution to Gaza the exploitation of the Holocaust in a genocidal key, the use of religion as a sectarian and divisive element, fomented by Israel for an increasing religious radicalization, today also weighs as a justification for the ban/rationing during the next Ramadan All 'Access to the “Spaid of the Mosques "and the Mosque of Al -aqsa Sacred Symbol for believers of Muslim faith. For us, far away as we are from any religious confession, this is yet another criminal provocation unknown by the murderer Netanyahu which risks the triggering of an additional escalation of generalized anger in populations the whole Arab world. A contempt and a huge and intolerable offense artfully built to cause a natural violent rebellion that can be assimilated to another religion defined as an enemy and inferior to criminalize it and arouse further religious radicalization of the conflict. The horror of current affairs is constantly evolving from assaults on hospitals, bombings of agglomerates of refugees, "targeted" killers of those who are considered terrorist and arrests and mass deportations as evidenced by every means of information also Israeli. At this moment (16.03.2024), after about 71,654 injuries, 31,045 recognized deaths and thousands of bodies still under the rubble paved by the Israeli bulldozers, the killer Netanyahu pushes for the last phase of the final solution supported by the prodent of the U.S. Which, for yet another vote, voted against the last UN resolution for a ceased the immediate fire. The final massacre would include a further movement in north of almost 1,500,000 Palestinians who should move, on foot and with makeshift means, in the midst of the rubble of houses, churches, mosques, schools and hospitals razed to the ground carrying what remains of the their previous life. Without any health care or means of sustenance.

31 A last short reflection: USA and Europe have never wanted to officially recognize its legitimate right to existence as a people and as a state to the Palestinian people. The ongoing Zionist genocide brought the US, in their new hypocritical and miserable role of "good" gendarme, to tactically choosing a direction that led, not to peace, but to the "pacification" of the conflict. The blazing and miraculous "new" proposal and the one already announced at the 1993 Oslo Conference of two peoples in two states. However, no one speaks of a solution that can recognize the historical injustice experienced by the Palestinians for almost 80 years or unhinge the impunity for the Zionist occupant. Nobody obviously explains how a "Palestinian state" can exist divided into non -communicating fractions of territory and padded with enemy colonies. Nobody, of course, threatens penalties or ... "humanitarian wars" against Israeli military occupation to defend the Palestinian people. Nobody indicates roads that can bring in the direction of a true peace, a right peace for the Palestinian people. This is because Israel, chasing the criminal Zionist dream, wants the entire Palestine and for this reason it proceeds to a genocide and an ethnic cleaning without even invoking the self -proclaimed and unique right to defense with which it has always justified any horror. The occupant Zionist Assassin wants to impose his victim not to protest to put the whole world in front of the accomplished fact of the disappearance of the Palestinian identity in Palestine's land. We, on the other hand, that the future of the Palestinian people cannot in any way depend on the political choices of world imperialism nor be conditioned by the tactical choices of deployment of the different local powers. The future of the Palestinian people must remain in his proud hands and produce himself in a free self -determination process. We are aware that peace, a right peace, will take years and a long path of coexistence between different peoples similar, with the hope is much better, to the South African one where Nelson Mandela, held for 27 years as a terrorist, has been able to become president of the South Africa. South Africa himself who asked the incrimination of Israel last month to the UN court of justice. We rely on the awareness of the Palestinian people and resistance to define a path and to pursue it in the construction of strength relationships that allow it to obtain it. In the meantime, we are and we will be by his side against genocide, against Zionism and against imperialism in all its form. We do not wait for this last act of genocide, we fill the squares, boycott the Israeli economy, we show our anger necessary against the genocide of the Palestinian people. Against historical injustice imposed To the Palestinian people for almost 80 years. To stop the genocide. To stop ethnic cleaning. For a ceased the permanent fire. For the immediate entry of humanitarian aid to Gaza. To stop army violence and colonists in the West Bank. For an exchange of prisoners "Everyone for everyone". For a true and right peace. For the return of refugees. For the right to self -determination of the Palestinian people.

32 do we now close our contribution, document? This reflection? We would not even know how to define it, this story together of simple historical reconstructions, of lived suffering, of anger and humanity but also of a distant but possible perspective of peace, trusting in the courage and resistance capacity of the Palestinian people. We are aware of when history, how many data, reasoning and insights it is missing no, for the need for synthesis, in these pages from many points of view, but those who want to learn more will find many historical /historical written books, companions and companions much better and good Of us, in addition to our continuous appeals for every Saturday of mobilization starting from 7 October our confused effort of synthesis we believe, however, the value of containing first place and an absolute dedication to the Palestinian cause but also an easy approach With different communicative methods, very objective and popular. All this will be served if, listening to the usual vomiting daily narrative on October 7 and on the "Palestinians terrorists", someone or someone, after reading it, will be able to raise their voices with greater knowledge and consistency siding and affirming: I am with Palestine. We conclude, once and for all, with the words that the Palestinian poet Refat Alator left on the net just before being assassinated on December 6, 2023 together with his family in a surgical attack on the building where he lived. “If I had to die, you have to live to tell my story to sell my things to buy some paper and some threads to make a kite (white foul with a long tail) so that a child, somewhere in Gaza, Looking at the sky in the eyes waiting for his father who went to a flame without giving goodbye to anyone not even his own meat even to himself see the kite, my kite you made, flying there above and Think for a moment that an angel is there to bring love back. If I had to die, let hope gives it to be a story! "

33 We report an incomplete list of the authors to whom we "freely" drawn and from which we took inspiration. Mahmud Darwish - Among others: Palestinian trilogy - Universal hymns of peace Ilan Pappè - among others: 10mits on Israel - History of Modern Palestine Samah Jabr (April 9 in Milan) - Sumud - Behind the fronts Ghassan Ganafani - among others : Return to Haifa - Umm Saad Susan Abulhawa - Among the Latri: every morning in Jenin - against a world without love Stefano Mauro (Fplp - Introduction by Leila Khaled) Suad Amiry - Golda slept here - Sharon and my mother -in -law Michele Giorgio - in A.Kapeliouk A.Kapeliouk - Sabra and Chatila chronicle of a massacre Rita Porena - The day that the Panda died in Beirut we also feel like reporting a precious reading on colonialism in its ideological aspects of dehumanization and supremacy: "The curse of the nutmeg" by Amaitav Gosh and "Year 501 The continuous conquest" by Noam Chomsky. And then articles of the disappearance and irreplaceable Stefano Chiarini, Michele Giorgio, Eliana Riva, Chiara Cruciati and Many@ others@ that we thank. www.ricostruriamoasilovik.it www.csavittoria.org

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PC 29 March - University in struggle against enslavement to Israel and the imperialist war

20 university universities to demilitarize the university

Vincenzo Bologliziglia | ilfattoquotidiano.it


From Rome to Bari and Bologna - Not only Gaza. Students and prof. they want it stop to scientific cooperation with Israel and the rectors outside of Med-Or. And meanwhile Bernini calls the police ...

The University of Turin took place on 7 March last from the agreement industrial, scientific and technological cooperation between Italy and Israel. And to have advanced the same freezing proposal - Previa check "case by case" of the related research calls with Tel Aviv - is was the rector of Bari, Stefano Bronzini, who confirmed yesterday at Done to have also resigned from the scientific council of the Foundation Med-OR, Leonardo's creature born to promote research and safety, And that ended up in the center of protests these days. They are only the first results of the struggle of student groups from all over Italy, returned to protest from Rome to Genoa, passing through Bologna and Bari. They are At least 20 universities in protest - including Roma Tre and Tor Vergata, Trento, Florence, Pisa, Milan and Milan -Bicocca, Naples and Bologna - e They see for the first time a welding between students and teachers and researchers for "smilitarization" and the autonomy of universities.

Yesterday the collective "change course", after having occupied the Rectorate of wisdom, he tried to break away - rejected by the Police - During the meeting of the academic Senate, with the rector Antonella Polimeni - also in the scientific council of Med -Or - that refused the requests for meeting. Same blitz, rejected, in Genoa.

Three points on which students are looking for dialogue with rectors e teachers. In the center, the scientific announcement published on November 21 e promoted by Maeci for an "industrial cooperation agreement, Scientific and Technological Italy-Israel ": aimed at universities Italian, the announcement expires April 10. On February 29 almost two thousand between Italian teachers and researchers signed a letter sent to Foreign Minister, Antonio Tajani, where it is stated that "the financing could be used to develop technology dual use , or both civil and military use, and that the third line of financing of optical technologies could be used for develop device of the latest generation surveillance, also a war use ". The request is: suspend the agreements until the cease Fire of Israel. The theme of dual use It is central. Fight of the collectives is concrete and was born from the Observatory against the militarization of schools and university, which is inspired by work of prof. Michele Lancione, professor of the Polytechnic of Turin. In his book University and militarization (Eris, 2023), Lancione It outlines the dense relationship between the Polytechnic and Leonardo. Ethical interests or civilians? Change course, in a detailed dossier, points out how "In the last balance of 2022 (Leonardo, ndr ) declares that it creates 83% of the turnover in the defense sector, having almost alone government customers (88%) ". The same Leonardo who" in July 2022 has Purchased the Israeli company Rada Electronic Industries, Specialized in Radar for short -range defense and antihyrones ".

Here the third question comes into play: the participation of the universities al Scientific Committee of the Med-OR Foundation (which stands for Medium-orient), which was born from a rib of Leonardo and is chaired by the former Minister of the Interior Marco Minniti. Students talk about it Like "a think tank (...) which aims to support Through studies and analysis the imperialist policies ". According to i collective, the project tends "to exploit the young minds of the students at the service of military interests ". In the Scientific Committee 16 Italian rectors and other academics sit. Among these Franco Catholic rings, Giorgio Barba Navaretti of the Milan Statale, Massimiliano Fiorucci of Romatre, Tiziana Lippiello della Ca 'Foscari e Alessandra Petrucci of the Unifi. But someone has already chosen to do a step back: he is the rector of Uniba, Stefano Bronzini, who welcomed the invitation to get out of the board Scientific of Med-Or. The target It is freezing research projects in partnership with Israel "such as We did with Russia in 2022, as long as they put us back not the Students ", underlines Bronzini. who also communicated the decision to Giovanna Iannantuoni, president of the Crui (Conference of the Rectors of Italian university) "to which I said I am still alive - he says sarcastic - I had a comparison with the students, I was not surrounded from the Sioux ".

It is no coincidence that the results obtained by the collectives alarmed the government. Where now we come to talk about "brigatist danger". As told by Done The entourage of the Undersecretary Giovanbattista Fazzolari has already evoked the BR in a "information note a internal use ". While yesterday the president of the Senate, Ignazio La Russa a The truth He ventured: "The years of lead began like this". In short, the Student ferment does not like the right of government. Which brake Put the youthful ferment? Yesterday the minister of the Anna University Maria Bernini heard the police chief Vittorio Pisani, and the Minister of the Interior, Matteo planted, with whom he will confront in the next days. The goal is always the same: to repress the dissent, even when argued.

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Macron Meeting with Luiz Inacio was marked by imperialist agreements and nods to the military - the new democracy

France President Emmanuel Macron was on a diplomatic visit to Brazil between March 26 and March 28. Visiting the Amazon, Macron was received by Luiz Inacio and some indigenous leaders to announce an investment program that may exceed 1 billion euros in research, private investment and scientific agreements.

Already visiting Rio de Janeiro, Macron was with Claudio Castro, besides President Luiz Inacio, for the launch of the Tonelero submarine, at the Itaguaí Naval Base. This afternoon, Macron met with great industry bourgeois at Fiesp and made critical statements to the Mercosur Agreement - European Union.

Investments in the Amazon

During the first day, Macron announced, along with Luiz Inacio, a program that aims to invest in the next four years more than 1 billion euros in developments in the Amazon region near French Guiana, French territory in South America. Belém, the headquarters of the next meeting of the so-called COP-30 Climate Summit, which will take place next year.

The investment of French imperialism, however, will be for specific projects aimed at colonial interests: a partnership between public banks in Brazil and France has been announced and several projects aimed at research and economic exploitation of the natural riches of the Amazon rainforest - the so -called “ Bioeconomics ”.

Therefore, France should not direct funds to the so -called “Amazon Fund”, a platform for Luiz Inácio's government, but to its own projects in the Amazon region. France had already indicated that the sending of funds to the Amazon Fund would not be implemented, despite having the annual promotion of R $ 3.5 billion from Germany, Norway, Switzerland, the United States, and Petrobras.

The French president is recognized as one of the opponents of the so -called "predatory exploitation." In the government of Jair Bolsonaro, France was one of the first countries to criticize burning. It turns out that it cannot be said that Macron is exactly a “friend of the forest peoples”, after all, French companies are routinely reported by patenting substances from the Amazon. One of these substances is found in the poison of a frog that only exists in the Amazon. The poison produced by Phyllomedusa bicolor It is found in 11 countries, including France.

Professor and researcher Marcos Vinicio, from the Federal University of Juiz de Fora, has a survey on the subject and stated, in an interview with the portal “Brasil Amazônia now” that the damage is that after foreign countries patent substances found in the Brazilian territory, “ We lost mastery over that product in the way it was patented and then became consumers of something existing in our biodiversity and part of the knowledge of our original peoples. Anyway, any resemblance to the colonial process of which we have not been free not seems to be a mere coincidence. International actors change, but perverse colonial practices remain .”

That is why imperialist powers such as France also fund some initiatives of “sustainability” and preserving the natural environment. Financing the conservation areas and certain “reserves” with leonine agreements that guarantee access to some privileges, imperialism guarantees to itself the exploitation of extinction animal and plant species, but which are of interest to the biotechnology tycoons.

Macron nodded the military

On March 28, the French President was in Rio de Janeiro along with Luiz Inacio and Governor Claudio Castro for the Tonelero Submarine launch event, at the Itaguaí Naval Base. This is the third submarine manufactured through the cooperation agreement between the two countries. The fourth submarine should be launched next year and, after completion of this stage, will begin the partnership for the construction of the first nuclear propulsion submarine in Brazil. During the event, Macron promised French support to such a submarine project. The Brazilian government has endorsed:

"President Macron, when to return to France, tell the French that Brazil wants knowledge of nuclear technology, not to have war, but to guarantee to countries that want peace, that Brazil will be with them all." At another point, he added: "We know that this partnership with France will allow two important countries to prepare so that we can live with this diversity without worrying about war because we are defenders of peace," he said.

The speech was a little unhappy. Just be based on the international opposition position that the same Luiz Inácio had to the genocide perpetrated by the Zionist state of Israel in Gaza. It was also poorly placed internally: just see the level of black and poor murders by the repressive troops of the military police and the army in the slums and peripheries of Brazil to find that, after all, all military apparatus is used in the war not declared against the Brazilian people.

Macron also pointed out that the partnership represents for France a “initial transfer of technologies” that generates “very proud”. And he cheered so that new agreements can be made, including the nuclear.

“In this increasingly disorganized world, we have to be able to talk about firmness, strength. Because we are powers that do not want to be the lackeys of others. We have to know how to defend the international order with credibility. This geopolitical view that is ours, that of great powers that cooperate by an international order with their balances, who reject this division of the world, ”said Macron.

France wants to get around internal and external defeats

In the first term, French imperialism is undergoing internal and external difficulties. Upon inside, rural peasants and producers strongly reached the legitimacy of the Macron government. On February 24, Macron was attacked during producers during an important agricultural fair in the country. And, on the outside, French imperialism lost important foundations in Africa, after military blows, mostly aligned with Russian imperialism, occur in Sahel, West Africa, and end many regimes that for decades represented colonial domination or semicolonial for the benefit of France.

Feeling the defeats, France, however, seeks to advance more and more in the international scene. Earlier this year, Macron raised tensions against imperialist superpower Russia, due to the invasion of Ukraine. Now, with the visit to Brazil, Macron also waves to new economic agreements in the Amazon and the military with the government.

Secondly, we cannot expect how much the theme of nuclear military technology is sensitive to the military. The purpose of the representative of French imperialism is to signal that there is an open door. The question, however, is whether the counterpart offered by Macron is not so bitter to military commanders - known for accusing France of wanting to dominate the Amazon.

With criticism of Mercosur, Macron wants direct relations with Latin America governments

In the afternoon, already visiting São Paulo, Macron met with representatives of the industrial sector at the headquarters of the Federation of Industries of São Paulo (FIESP). During the meeting, which lasted hours, representatives of the federal government (such as Geraldo Alckmin, Fernando Haddad and Jorge Viana, president of Apex-Brazil) and the great bourgeoisie of the industrial sector made appeals to resume negotiations of the trade agreement between Mercosur and The European Union, which is a project that also has the support of Luiz Inacio.

Brazilians from the ruling classes present there wanted more space for Brazilian companies, since Brazil is only the 36th largest supplier in France, while the European country is the 9th that sells the most to Brazil.

Emmanuel Macron, however, was in the opposite direction and harshly criticized the agreement: stated that the agreement is outdated, since his text is 20 years ago, and that he ignores the current global debate, especially in the question of “sustainability” and “ climate changes". Macron would have said: "Let us leave this agreement behind, let's build a new one, illuminated by the new ideas."

Here, there is nothing new: Macron had already defended the end of negotiations with Mercosur during a meeting with the European Commission.

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ATHENS TA 75 YEARS OF NATO to convert to demonstrations over Palestinian and by imperialism and war - Concentration and demonstration on Thursday, April 4 at 18:30

TA 75 YEARS OF NATO to convert to demonstrations over Palestinian and by imperialism and war

Calls on Thursday 4 April, 18.30 in FREEDOM PARK and on the US-Israel Embassy Park

Israel - US - NATO - EU with the support of the Greek Government are murdered by masses in Palestinian

To stop the genocide, the bombings and the siege of the Palestinian people!



  • The genocide of the heroic Palestinian people in Gaza, the murders on the West Bank and the forthcoming invasion of Rafa by the Zionists trigger situations with unpredictable consequences throughout the wider area of the Middle East, and not only!
  • Despite the genocide and war that lasts five months, the armed Palestinian resistance to a leather and independent Palestine continues, and reveals Israel's inability to neutralize it.
  • US, EU and NATO imperialists support the state -murderer. American imperialists seek to control situations in the area, proceed with new adventurism and open new war fronts, sending frigates to the Red Sea.
  • New wars are erupting in the region and internationally, in the context of the imperialist pursuits of the planet again, while the Ukrainian front is still with NATO to carry out the greatest military exercise with the involvement of all 31 Member States, while the debate on The official mission of troops of NATO and EU members to war has been opened!
  • The ND government has chosen a side, openly participating in the war on the side of Israel and dyed its hands with the blood of the Palestinians! It is dangerously involved in the country in war! The Greek Frigate Hydra added to their fleet in the Red Sea and the conversion of Larissa into an administration and the rest of the country into a war base even militarily help Israel to continue the bombings and siege of the Palestinians and escalate the Greek people!
  • Throughout the globe, the peoples demonstrate massively, daily, demanding that the genocide be stopped for freedom in Palestine!

ORGANIZATIONS - COLLECTIONS - Initiatives for Solidarity in the Palestinian Palestinian People

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THESSALONIKI TA 75 YEARS OF NATO to convert to demonstrations over Palestinian and by imperialism and war


19:00 in the Venizelos Statue

Israel - US - NATO - EU with the support of the Greek Government are murdered by masses in Palestinian




· The genocide of the heroic Palestinian people in Gaza, the murders on the West Bank and the forthcoming invasion of Rafapapi the Zionists trigger situations with unpredictable consequences throughout the wider area of the Middle East, and not only!

· Despite the genocide and war that lasts five months, the armed Palestinian resistance to a leather and independent Palestine continues, and reveals Israel's inability to neutralize it.

· US, EU and NATO imperialists support the state -killer. American imperialists seek to control situations in the area, proceed with new adventurism and open new war fronts, sending frigates to the Red Sea.

· New wars are erupting in the region and internationally, in the context of the imperialist pursuits of the planet again, while the Ukrainian front remains with NATO even carrying out the largest military exercise with the involvement of all 31 Member States, while the debate For the official sending of NATO and EU members' troops to war it has opened!

· The ND government, following and escalating the policy of previous governments, has chosen a side, openly participating in the war on the side of Israel and dyed its hands with the blood of the Palestinians! It is dangerously involved in the country in war! The Greek Frigate Hydra added to their fleet in the Red Sea and the conversion of Larissa into an administration and the rest of the country into a war base even militarily help Israel to continue the bombings and siege of the Palestinians and escalate the Greek people!

· Throughout the globe, the peoples demonstrate massively, daily, demanding that the genocide be stopped for freedom in Palestine!


Members of the Palestinian Community of Thessaloniki

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Luiz Inácio changes a position on Venezuela and openly criticizes mature - the new democracy

In a change of position that marked the first time Luiz Inacio openly criticized Nicolás Maduro and the Venezuelan political regime, the current Brazilian representative stated that "it is serious that the opposing candidate of Nicolás Maduro [Corina Yoris] could not have been recorded" and also that it was “surprised” about the fact. Luiz Inacio's lines, aligned with the United States (USA) position on Venezuela, were harshly criticized by Maduro. USA has sought to blackmail Venezuela to carry out an electoral process in its molds in exchange for the end of some sanctions imposed against the Latin American country, under the terms negotiated by the Barbados Agreement.

Chosen to represent the opposition, Corina Yoris participates in the self -adenominated “Democratic Unit Platform (PUD)”, the main opposition group to the Venezuela government. She failed to register her candidacy for time and denounces that there was a deliberate action by Nicolás Maduro to harm her.

Maduro: Itamaraty Note ‘Dictated by the USA State Department of

Previously, Itamaraty had already released a note criticizing the conduct of the electoral process by the Venezuelan government, a fact that generated a direct criticism of Maduro, who said that, reading the note, it seemed to have been written by the United States. Now, President Luiz Inacio has positioned himself frontally against his historical ally, arguing that Venezuela should be inspired by the Brazilian democratic model.

The text stated that "Brazil is ready to, together with other members of the international community, to cooperate so that the election announced for July 28 is a firm step for political life to normalize and democracy strengthens in Venezuela."

In response, Venezuela countered the diplomatic note, characterizing the Brazilian position of “nosy”. Nicolás Maduro even stated that the note "seemed to have been dictated by the United States Department of the State," and demanded "respect for the principle of non -interference in internal affairs and our democracy, one of the most robust in the region."

The truth is that the criticisms of the USA and Lakaios countries to Venezuela do not seek to implement in the country a true democracy, which would be a popular democracy (not existing either in the USA, nor in semicolonial countries such as Brazil), nor expand democratic freedoms in Venezuela) , also vilified all the time in USA, Europe and false Brazilian democracy.

Nicolás Maduro denounces governments for conspiracy and sabotage actions in the country

The same day Itamaraty published the note, Maduro reiterated a complaint previously made about an attempted attack on him for "extremists" "psychopaths" who seek to "murder" him. There are many Venezuelans arrested by the government accused of political crimes.

He added that in 15 days two groups were captured, one in Maturín and one in Caracas, with personal attack plans. The two groups are condemned and confessed, and both are linked to the terrorist group Vente Venezuela, to which the opponent María Corina Machado belongs

Maduro criticized left and right governments for maintaining silence in the face of conspiracy actions and sabotage. These are the words of Maduro: “They are not able to condemn the blows, the attempts they try against the revolution, against peace. They shut up in an accomplice. Call in the face of reality, ”he said.

Who doesn't remember Juan Guaidó? The self -proclaimed “legitimate president” was supported by the entire international community, that is, the imperialist countries. Guaidó's calls with the USA were clear. And the goals of the Yanks in Venezuela were also clear. It was supported by the USA that Guaidó, the title of Yankee imperialism, self-proclaimed “President” of Venezuela and headed an attempt to blow.

Interventionist agreements

At the present time, the imperialist powers and semicolonial countries Lacaios accuse Venezuela to break the so-called “Barbados Agreement”, a pro-imperialism negotiation signed by the Venezuelan regime and USA on October 17 last year.

Started in 2021, negotiation seeks to impose on Venezuela the commitment to perform “free elections” in the lines of US imperialism. It is, in fact, a Yankee surveillance around the Venezuelan electoral process and a clear intervention in the internal affairs of the Latin American country.

In exchange for Venezuela's commitment, USA promised to raise partially Some of the sanctions imposed against the country. USA's sanctions against Venezuela have existed more solidly since 2014 (by Law 113-278 approved in the Yankee Congress), and has the central purpose of destabilizing the country's economy to, through economic and political disorders, justify an intervention. and a realignment of the country to the interests of USA. Sanctions directly shake the commercialization of Venezuelan oil, the country's main source of revenue.

That is, by the Barbados agreement, the USA directly supervises the Venezuelan elections, in a clear interventionism, and in return no longer impotes illegal and arbitrary sanctions that should no longer exist against the country.

With imperialist interests in Latin America, Macron praises Luiz Inacio

Emmanuel Macron said he "agrees with everything" that was said by Lula. For the European leader, the electoral process in Venezuela has not been democratic or transparent. “We firmly condemn that they had taken a candidate from the process. We don't despair, but the situation is serious and got worse, ”he said.

Macron also said that "from the beginning, the president had a great position." Highlighting that Brazil's position is aligned with the French position “from the beginning”, Macron also said that Brazil has the same view of the Haiti crisis.

What stands out is that France has clear interests to increase its influence in the region, especially in the Amazon.

What Luiz Inacio recommends to Venezuela?

In tones of pride, Luiz Inácio said that he expects the Venezuelan electoral process to be democratic: "I hope so. I think Venezuela needs it, I think Maduro needs it and I think humanity needs it “He said. “I told Maduro that the most important thing to restore normality in Venezuela was no problem in the electoral process, which was called in the most democratic way possible “He concluded.

And also pointed out that: “ Brazil will try to watch the elections because I want nothing better or worse, I want to be made the same in Brazil, with everyone's participation. Who wants to participate participates, who loses cries, who wins laughs, and so the democracy continues ” , said Lula.

And specifically about Brazilian democracy, Luiz Inacio stated the following: “ Here all opponents will be treated with the same conditions, unless you have a judicial punishment guaranteeing the right of defense. If the elections are not democratic, Brazil will participate, and watch the elections. I want the elections to be made the same in Brazil. Thus democracy continues ”.

He also talked about the fact that candidate Maria Corina Machado, leader of the Venezuelan opposition, is prohibited by the court to perform public functions. Maria, who had been selected as a candidate, selected Corina Yoris to be the opposition representative in the next elections. Here's what Luiz Inacio said:

The fact that a candidate was prohibited by court was not an aggravating factor. I was prevented from being a candidate when I was first placed in the polls. What did I do? I indicated another candidate, we lost the election, but was part of the democratic game. I participated, lost, patience ", These.

Apparently, the agent has forgotten that the Brazilian “democracy” is no model. In 2018, Luiz Inacio did not stop participating simply because of a process. Precisely one day before the vote of the STF minister, Rosa Weber, who would determine the habeas corpus of Luiz Inacio, the then army commander, Eduardo Villas-Bôas, published a tweet threatening in the form of a clear and open political intervention in the sole purpose of changing the minister's vote. The change due to the tweet was even assumed by analysts of the media monopolies.

Already last year, the reactionary military again intervened closely through the Electoral Transparency Commission (CTE), which sought to “verify the reliability” of the electronic ballot boxes and, in the end, issued a report with somewhat ambiguous conclusions. It is definitely two cases (of many others) that do not express an exemplary model of democracy.

What is above for Luiz Inacio? Historical principles or the search for greater approval from your government?

Historically coupled with Venezuelan governments, Luiz Inacio and the PT always supported Hugo Chavéz and Nicolás Maduro. This is because both have converged on the purpose of economic and political agreements since the early 2000s. And although it is not true that neither the Venezuelan process nor the petist governments can be called “21st century socialism”, the petist articulation has always told with the mobilization of the friendly sectors to Chavismo .

Now, however, in his third government Luiz Inacio is concerned with disapproval of his government, which has grown research after research. In the last released by Quaro, a government rejection growth was found (46% of respondents do not approve while 51% approve).

Apparently, Luiz Inacio is more concerned with improving his image than to stick to the historical principles defended by himself or his association.

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RJ: Eduardo Paes promotes a new attack on street vendors - The New Democracy

After announcing the postponement of dump of the Uruguaiana camelodrome , downtown Rio de Janeiro, result due to mobilizations made by the street vendors , the mayor of the city announced that he would legalize 75 of the nearly 200 street vendors who work there daily through a draw, as a clear way of dividing the category. However, the injustices and irregularities of the process only raised the street vendor fighting unit, which promised new mobilizations.

The draw, however, was made with a series of irregularities, as reported by Uruguaiana workers to the correspondent of and. Of the 199 traders, only 125 were recorded, with the justification that their goods was legal and none had any “piracy”, which was reinforced by the press monopoly. Of these 125, only 75 were drawn to continue with their tents in Uruguaiana. This numbering was arbitrarily selected and had as strategy the logic of “dividing to conquer”, giving in these 75 vacancies in situ in Uruguaiana as a way to create rivalry among those who obtained endorsement to continue with their tents and those who follow fighting for a endorsement

The street vendors denounced that most of the names drawn were even from Uruguaiana workers. Among foreign workers, who make up most local traders, the number of drawers was even less.

If the reactionary mayor intended to divide the street vendors, in fact the measure only raised the local workers' fighting unit, which raised their mobilizations with the support of the minority that was drawn. Traders, of all nationalities, have declared themselves dissatisfied with this great injustice and promise to fight against the old state until all street vendors can act in legality without being subject to police truculence when working their work.

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UFPE teachers run over immobilist board and approve of strike - the new democracy

The teachers of the Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE) approved, on 3/27, strike in response to the reactionary cut of funds for public education Promoted by Luiz Inacio and the lack of salary adjustment for the category, despite the efforts of the board from preventing it. The decision was made 2 weeks after the national strike of technical-administrative servers.

At a hybrid general meeting promoted by the UFPE Teachers Association (ADUFEPE), teachers approved of 81 votes in favor, with the purpose of salary recomposition, career restructuring and revocation of measures harmful to public education. In their speeches, the teachers favorable to the strike stressed the abuse of the current government Luiz Inacio with public education, the need to fight for the category, that is, not to reconcile with the cuts for education and other current policies currently currently. In the midst of debate, the concept of yellow union was surfaced by one of the teachers in favor of the strike, in a clear allusion to the union board, which remained until the inflexible ending in his position of not strike to “defend the Lula government ”.

In addition to the indicative of strike, the creation of a local teacher mobilization command with the participation of entities representing technicians and students, a unified command between teachers and technicians to organize the planning of the strike, and the sending of representatives for meeting of the meeting National Association of Higher Education Teachers (Andes) to discuss the strike nationally, and a new assembly for the 17/04, with specific agenda of the strike.

Yellow and undemocratic board

By the time the election of representatives for the National Meeting of Andes came into the agenda, the conciliatory board, represented in the Assembly by President Maria Teresa Lopes Ypiranga and the second vice president Ricardo Oliveira da Silva, claimed that the Assembly had already passed the limit With a time established and, without discussion or debate, ended the virtual meeting, which still had more than 100 participants, effectively impossible for the assembly to be continued by the teachers revolted in the ADUFEPE auditorium. This typically undemocratic maneuver demonstrates the hit of democratic teachers who, in a speech, indirectly categorized the board of Yellow.

Throughout the Assembly, and even on the ADUFEPE website, the board of directors to Andes, a union that nationally stimulates the teachers' strike, due to an approximation of proifes, yellow union equipped by the Ministry of Education and rejects strike. According to ADUFEPE SITE OWN , the union has been without financially contributing to Andes with the clear objective of forcing their own expulsion against the will of the foundations:

“In the Endes Statute itself (article 45, paragraph 3, item i) it is reported that if it (union section) fails to pass the financial contribution of the union members of their jurisdiction to the Andes Treasury for a period of six months or more, the Congress or Conad will appreciate the revocation of the approval of constitution of S. SIND or AD-S.SIND. For years, the resolution of this controversy has been postponed and there is no time to lose. ”

United Strike Teachers and Technicians!

Two weeks before the teachers indicated strike, UFPE technicians announced their own strike to restructure their careers and against the high rates of dismissal of the category. In publications, the Union of Workers of the Federal Universities of Pernambuco (SintuFEPE), organizer of the strike, explains “the total unpreparedness of the government with the analysis of the proposal presented”, which ignored the proposals presented in the third negotiation table and stated that there is no no budget provided for the coach career.

Students, teachers and technicians united against precariousness

The precariousness of UFPE and public universities in general is a well-traced plan by this old Brazilian state, in partnership with the World Bank, for the total privatization of education. To fight the precariousness of public education is to fight the reactionary policy of the World Bank, led by Yankee imperialism.

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PRWC »(Gallery) Activities and Celebrations for the 55th anniversary of the New People's Army

Branches and Communist Committees, units of the New People's Army, and allied revolutionary organizations of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines have launched various activities and clinching of the country and overseas to celebrate the fame 55 NPA anniversary on March 29.

New People’s Army-Southern Tagalog
(Melito Monor Command)

The Red fighters gathered at a guerrilla field in Southern Tagalog to celebrate the NPA anniversary on March 29.

Comrade Kathryn is speaking at the gathering of a New People's Army unit in Southern Tagalog in celebration of the 55th anniversary of the People's Army
Red fighters presented for international singing

Red fighters offered 21 gun salutes in honor of the Southern Tagalog revolutionary martyrs and the whole country
Comrade kathryn giggling for martyrs

National Democratic Front-Rizal

NDF-Rizal members distributed a brochure in Antipolo City on March 28 to inform the people of the commemoration of the People's Army anniversary. They do this in the wake of the Alay of the Catholic devotees every Week Santa attended by thousands of citizens.

National Democratic Front-National Capital Region

Various revolutionary organizations under the National Democratic Front-National Capital Region (NCR) launched a ralings on March 25 on Recto Avenue, Manila to celebrate the NPA's 55th anniversary. (Photos from beam CSSP)

Young Nationalist Kira Mindoro

Painted by members of the Young Makabayan-Kira Mindoro on the walls of PUP Campus in Sta. Mesa and several establishments near March 24 include calls for the NPA's acclaim, call for the continuation of the people's war and national-democratic struggle. (Photos from The Catalyst, PUP)

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Prwc »(poster) NPA@55 from NPA-Mindoro

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PRWC » (Comics) Cherish the NPA

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PRWC »(comics) Association and Holidays

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ABAB is the revolutionary newspaper of Mindoro.

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Athens Court of Appeal, 29/3 | Gathering and court ruling on the case of 12 -year -old by Cologne

Crowds gathered today, 29/3/24, from 9am outside the Athens Court of Appeal for the issuance of the ruling of the Joint Court of Justice regarding the 12 -year -old case by Kolonos. With slogans and banners, the policy that generates and nourishes the social middle age has been denounced, hatches and conceals rapists and mastrians, who are inherent in violence, oppression and exploitation. The KKE (M-L) was intervened with banners, notice and slogans.

The popular anger and condemnation that has been expressed all the time - and especially after the prosecutor's vulgar proposal - created pressure and played a decisive role in the decision made. The mother of 12 -year -old Christina, in addition to attempts to blame, was found innocent of all the heavy crimes he was accused of. This is a very important victory. While Michos was convicted of all offenses, including rape and mastrian, but was found innocent of the category of trafficking (trafficking).

We have no illusion about the class "law" served by bourgeois, so -called justice. After all, it is certain that there will be a second instance trial, where it is a constant tactic to decrease or even eliminate first degree penalties. For workers, the people and the youth are culprits and will be the capitalist system, their bourgeois governments and their policies, their rotten expressors. Courts and prosecutors are bodies with a specific role. They will not give up on this role, to serve and acquit the rotten.

The mobilizations and the complaint against the initially attempt to conceal, in view of the second instance of the case, must continue, be massaged and strengthened. Having targeted, not only those who rush, exploit and murder, but the rotten socio -economic system that generates and shapes these behaviors itself. The right of the poor and exploited people is won on the way of the race!

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PC March 29 - Who wears Israel? - 2 - United Kingdom/Germany/Italy/Spain/Belgium - of Workers in Palestine

United Kingdom

Production of Weapons for Israel in the United Kingdom

Since 2008, the United Kingdom has authorized the export of weapons for a value of 560 million of pounds towards Israel. This does not capture the entire scope of military exports British towards Israel, since many arms export licenses to Israel are "open" and there is no limit to the number of authorized exports or their value; And many licenses are for the states United, for the incorporation in larger weapon systems for the next Export to Israel. The most traceable exports from the United Kingdom a Israel are components for the F35 combat jet and the F16, both Used by Iof in Gaza.

L'F-35 Joint Strike Fighter

Il 15 percent of Each F-35 It is built in the United Kingdom. Exports of Components for the F-35 program are covered by a government open license British, which means that very little of this supply of components is included in the figure of 560 million pounds above. The main British company involved is Bae Systems. BAE produces 13-15% of each F-35 in its operations in the United Kingdom and the United States. Some of the companies and the production sites of the F35 in the United Kingdom are as follows:

· The rear fuselage of each fighter F-35 is produced by Bae Systems at the Samlesbury aerodrome, in Lancashire.

· The "interceptor system Active "is produced by Rochester's bae system, in Kent. There is a flow constant components for the F35 and the Israelis F16 from this site.

· The "durability tests" For the F35 they are carried out at the BAE structural test system in East Yorkshire.

· Martin-Baker produces the ejectable seat in the United Kingdom; Their location is in Higher Denham, in Buckinghamshire.

· Cobham Mission Systems made the refueling probe for the F35; Cobham Mission Systems was sold to Eaton in 2021 and is hosted at Mission Systems Wimborne Ltd.

· Leonardo creates the system of Laser pointing for the F35 in Edinburgh.

· Tires For Dunlop planes It produces tires for aircraft in Birmingham

In November 2023 The Department for Companies and the United Kingdom trade has A list of the 79 companies currently registered with a license is published open of the British government for exports to support the program F-35. For a commented version of this list, which includes what each one company produces and where it is based (organized by region), Click here .

Ammunition produced for the Iof in the United Kingdom

· Raytheon It produces the Paveway II guided missile for Israel in the United States. Raytheon also produces the Paveway IV in Glenrothes. While export licenses for the paveway IV in Israel from the kingdom do not exist United, are assembled in the United States, therefore the chain of supply is not clear. Furthermore, there may be common components produced in the United Kingdom and the responsibility is of the same multinational.

· Il MLRS MLRS M270 launchers - used inside the Gaza strip for The first time since 2006 - is produced by Lockheed Martin . AND Built in Europe by an international consortium of companies coming from France, Germany, Italy and the United Kingdom. In Germania , Krauss-Faffei-Wegmann (MKW) signed a memorandum of understanding with the Elbit branches to modernize the MLRS.

Companies with licenses for exporting weapons in UK in Israel

Since 2008 several companies have been in possession of licenses for the export of Weapons from the United Kingdom to Israel. Some of the license holders are:

· Teledyne Defense and space , Shpley, Yorkshire. Teledyne produces components for air, terrestrial, maritime and maritime radar equipment and spaces, including the F35. Their defense branch and space has one Production establishment in Shpley and has sales representatives (Ormic Components) based in Israel. Since 2018, his mother company Tendyne Technologies requested 134 export licenses from the United Kingdom to Israel.

· NB: We have not been able to trace the supply chains aimed at military equipment Israeli and Palestine Action activists were pursued after having Taken another branch in Wales (Teledyne Labtech).

· Teledyne , E2V (sales office and headquarters of Chelmsford and microwave electronics plant in Lincoln, United Kingdom). Originally an electronic defense company, E2V was sold to Tendyne in 2017. Although the company requested 124 licenses of export of weapons of the United Kingdom in Israel since 2008, this could having been in its previous incarnation such as E2V and it is not clear which Countries use to produce military technology at the moment.

· Elbit Systems , an Israeli defense company with branches in United Kingdom and in the United States, he obtained weapons export licenses from the United Kingdom, including: components for military communications, military communication equipment, software for equipment of military communication, bulletproof vests and electronic equipment military. The British branch of the company has a new research structure and development in Bristol. Although Elbit Systems exports from the United Kingdom to Israel, Much of its production in the United Kingdom focuses on contracts with The British Armed Forces.

· The Elbit site in the UK more connected to the assets used by the AIF is managed by its subsidiary Instro Precision Ltd in Sandwich, in Kent. Instro Precision Ltd produces equipment aim for troops and vehicles and holds export licenses in Israel: these equipment are probably used in the operations of land of Israel. This is one resource useful for finding companies that they collaborate with Ebit Systems in the United Kingdom,

Resources and links on the military production of the Kingdom United for Israel

· https://caat.org.uk/data/exports-uk/overview?region=Israel

· https://caat.org.uk/news/statement-on-uk-arms-exports-to-israel/

· https://caat.org.uk/data/countries/israel/


Main weapons

Germany is the second largest foreign supplier of conventional weapons (MCW) of Israel. In the period 2013-2022, it provided 27.6% of the MCW imported from Israel.

The military equipment provided to Israel from Germany consisted mainly in submarines; Ships; engines for terrestrial vehicles, vehicles naval and planes that are assembled in Israel or the United States, and torpedoes for submarines. In many cases, the German government pays about a third of the cost of these sales as military aid. The supply of weapons in Israel is Considered by Germany a fundamental interest of foreign policy.

The main equipment recently delivered, or currently in order, they include :

· MT883KA engines for tanks Israelis Merkava and Namer armored vehicles. These are assembled in United States from components produced in Germany from Rolls-Royce Power Systems (ex Mtu, who designed the engine) in Friedrichshafen . The contract is was stipulated in 2000 and the Sipri estimates that between 2002 and 2022 were 1060 engines delivered.

· Corvette Saar-6 (War ships) based on the German class K130 Braunschweig, with the production of some components and the final setting in Israel. Two out of a total of four orders were delivered in 2022. The order was placed in 2015 e had a value of 430 million euros, of which the German government paid 115 millions of euros as military aid. Ships are produced at The Thyssenkrupp Marine Systems (TKMS) naval site.

· Antinave Siluri for submarines Israelis of Dolphin class (German manufacture). The curtain estimates that By 2022 110 have been delivered compared to an estimated order of 150 in 2014. They are made by Electronic Atlas. Dolphin submarines were made by HDW (now part of the TKMS) in Kiel.

· Three diesel-electric submarines Dakar class ordered in 2022 in a deal of 3 billion euros in part financed by German military aid. Delivery is expected starting from 2031. They are under construction from TKMS a Kiel.

Export licenses

· Germany has released licenses of export of weapons to Israel for a value of 32 million euros In 2022, compared to the 88 million euros of 2021. However, in the 10-year period 2013-22 they released licenses for a value of 2.5 billion pounds, according to theirs official annual reports . Latest information show that at the beginning of November 2023 Germany had already released licenses for a value of 303 millions of euros. 85% of the 218 German weapon export licenses towards Israel so far in 2023 have been released after the start of the current war on 7 October.

· According to the complete report of the Germany on the controls of weapons exports for 2021 (the report of the 2022 has not yet been published), 85% of the value of the licenses of Export issued to Israel in 2021 it concerned vehicles for vehicles armored and main tanks. In 2020, 90% of the licensed round released, much larger from 583 million pounds, it concerned corvette, engines and other parts for submarines.

F-35 supply chain

Germany is Becomed Customer of the F-35 only recently. Only a German company was clearly identified as a supplier of F-35- La Otto Fuchs KG Di Meinerzhagen - which produces forged in titanium and avant -garde Longherons for the F-35.


Production of Weapons for Israel in Italy

In 2021 Italy approved weapons export licenses for a value of 12.5 million euros to Israel. Among these, 7.1 million euros of licenses for assets of the ML10 category ("aircraft", "vehicles lighter than air "," Pilot -free air vehicles " ("UAV"), aeronautical engines and equipment for "aircraft").

F35 supply chains in Italy

Italy is a Key partner of the F35 coalition. The F35 supply chain can be attributable to following sites and the company in part state Leonardo:

· Leonardo produces composites and Metal structures for the F35 in the Foggia, Nola and Venegono plants.

· The Leonardo aircraft division It produces wings for the F35 in a Cameri plant. The components coming from Italy are present in each F35, but not all wings are produced in Italy.

Strengthened i ties between Leonardo and the Israeli military industry:

· In February 2023, Leonardo has announced partnership with the Israeli authority for innovation and branch, Technology transfer company of the University of Tel Aviv, for develop new projects together. In November 2022, Leonardo Drs (US controlled) has announced a merger with Rada Electronic Industries, Israeli company specialized in radar technology. The new company resulting from the merger He is a subsidiary of Leonardo.


Production of Weapons for Israel in Spain.

In 2021, the Spain authorized 55 weapons export licenses to Israel, for a value of 13 million euros. This included 9.8 million euros of licenses for goods of the ML5 category - Control, surveillance equipment e fire alarm. In 2020 Spain authorized 17.7 million euros of licenses, of which 9 million euros in the ML10 and 8 million euros in the ML5.

Research On the link between the Spanish and Israel war industry, it concentrates more on imports from Israel rather than on exports, since the Spanish industry is smaller and less developed than that Israeli.


Production of Weapons for Israel in Belgium.

In 2021, the Belgium authorized 19.8 million euros of weapons exports to Israel in category ML8 (energy materials).

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In November 2023 the UK Department for Business and Trade released a list of the 79 companies currently registered on a UK government open licence for exports in support of the F-35 programme. The F35 programme is an international collaboration between multiple countries and companies: it remains unclear which sites and which companies make products for which F-35 recipients. Israel also substitutes some international components with domestically made ones. Israel operates two squadrons’ worth of F-35I Adirs, (and is hoping for a third) which are “heavily modified”. It remains unclear what UK components are substituted with Israeli ones in the modification process. East of England TELEDYNE UK LIMITED make electronics such as signaling and sensing components. Based at 106 Waterhouse Lane, Chelmsford, Essex, CM1 2QU. Teledyne UK has design and manufacture across 9 UK sites (locations unknown). AALBERTS SURFACE TECHNOLOGIES HEAT LIMITED are “world leading surface technology and heat treatment providers to the World's Aerospace, Automotive and Defence original equipment manufacturers”. Customers include Rolls Royce, Airbus, and Boeing. Based at Aalberts Surface Technologies Heat Ltd, Blackhorse Road, Letchworth. SG6 1HD. Also locations in Birmingham, Blackburn, and Telford. Unclear which site does the F-35 work. STRAIN MEASUREMENT DEVICES LIMITED make miniature load cell sensors for aerospace applications. Address: Bury Road, Chedburgh, Bury St Edmunds IP29 4UQ. API MICROWAVE LIMITED manufactures radio frequency and microwave electronics, ranging from components to stand-alone equipment for use within OEM systems, for the aerospace and defence market. Owned by RF2M Ltd. Appears to be winding up, has reduced its share capital to £1.Address: Fenner Road, South Denes, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, NR30 3PX ULTRA PRECISION CONTROL SYSTEMS LIMITED provide engineering solutions to safety and mission critical challenges e.g. compact on-board gas solutions, dynamic harnessing, position sensing and control. Head office in Cheltenham: Arle Court, Hatherley Lane, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, United Kingdom, GL51 6PN. Also located in Cambridge: Stirling House, Cambridge Innovation Park, Denny End Road, Waterbeach, Cambridge, CB25 9QE Isle of Man RONALDSWAY AIRCRAFT COMPANY LTD. Part of RLC Group. “Ronaldsway Aircraft Company was founded in 1955. We have a long history of supplying complex parts and assemblies into the Aerospace and Defence industries and are expert in the machining of complex prismatic components.” Address: Ballasalla, Isle of Man, IM9 2RY. Isle of Wight DDC ELECTRONICS LIMITED are part of Data Device Corporation, a US electronics company. Part of TransDIgm Group. Their accounts at Companies House state: “The principal activity of the company continued to be that of the design, development, manufacture and sale of electronic

and radio frequency devices and related services primarily for the military and aerospace markets.” Address: Westridge Business Park, Cothey Way, Ryde, Isle Of Wight, PO33 1QT Kent BAE SYSTEMS (OPERATIONS) LIMITED - headquarters at Warwick House, PO BOX 87, Farnborough Aerospace Centre, Farnborough, Hants,GU14 6YU. 141 known locations in the UK - not clear which supply the F35 specifically, beyond Samlesbury Aerodrome, Lancashire, Rochester, Kent, and the BAE structural testing facility in East Yorkshire. See CAAT map for BAE Systems UK locations. . Midlands METTIS AEROSPACE LIMITED make propeller hubs, propeller blades, track rib forgings, canopy arch forgings, slat rails and pinion forgings, and rib forgings. Their customers include Airbus, Rolls-Royce, GE Aviation, Safran, BAE Systems, Honeywell, Collins Aerospace , Liebherr and Alenia. Based at Windsor Road, Redditch, Worcs, B97 6EF PATTONAIR (DERBY) LIMITED merged with Wesco Aircraft in 2020 to become Incora. Provides aerospace and defence supply chain services, products and components such as clamps, bearings, rod ends, blocks, special mouldings. provides kitting, consultancy, distribution, logistics, and aftermarket services. Based at Ascot Business Park, 50 Longbridge Lane, Derby, DE24 8UJ WESCO AIRCRAFT EMEA, LTD. Head office address 50 Longbridge Lane, Allenton, Derby, Derbyshire, DE24 8UJ. Merged with Pattonair to become Incora in 2020 (see above). PATTONAIR LIMITED merged into Incora in 2020 - see above GOODRICH ACTUATION SYSTEMS LIMITED. Manufacture of air and spacecraft and related machinery landing systems, air management systems, space suits, evacuation systems, lighting and air data systems, laser warning systems, rescue hoists, and other related products Part of Collins Aerospace, a subsidiary of Raytheon. Based at Fore 1, Fore Business Park Huskisson Way, Stratford Road, Shirley, Solihull, West Midlands, B90 4S. MEGGITT AEROSPACE LIMITED make nose wheels, brake control systems, carbon brakes, main wheels, transducers, temperature sensors, landing gear computers, control valves, and repair and maintenance services. It supplies rudder pedal assemblies on the F35. Its UK headquarters are at Pilot Way, Ansty Business Park, Coventry CV7 9JU. RTI INTERNATIONAL METALS LIMITED supply and process titanium and other advanced technology metals.Riverside Industrial Estate, Atherstone Street, Fazeley, Tamworth, Staffs, B78 3RW TRELLEBORG SEALING SOLUTIONS UK LIMITED provide seals and bearings for aircraft. Pegasus House, Business Park, 1 Cranbrook Way, Shirley, Solihull B90 4GT. Has aerospace sites in Bridgwater, Cadley Hill, and Tewkesbury. RADIUS AEROSPACE UK LIMITED supplies complex electroformed products for the aerospace and defense markets from its Sheffield location - Holbrook Works, Station Road, Halfway, Sheffield, S20 3GB. Its Shrewsbury facility specializes in the fabrication, forming and manufacture of aircraft engine and industrial gas turbine, machined and fabricated casings, machined rings,

turbine blade and nozzle guide vanes, combustion liners and complex fabricated assemblies - Sentinel Works, Whitchurch Road, Shrewsbury, SY1 4DP. ICON AEROSPACE TECHNOLOGY LTD. Makes “Manifolds & Ducts: Lightweight silicon ducting in environmental cooling system” for the F-35. Victoria Works, Thrumpton Lane, Retford, Nottinghamshire, DN22 6HH. ROCKWELL COLLINS UK LIMITED. Part of Collins Aerospace, which is part of RTX (formerly Raytheon). “Designs, develops, manufactures and supports a comprehensive range of solutions for ministries of defense, integrators, aircraft manufacturers, airlines, business-jet operators and many other customers worldwide.” Production of “Electromechanical Actuators: Utility actuators for weapons bay door; downlock & retract actuators for landing gear system; weapons bay door drive system” for the F-35 seems happen at their Wolverhampton site, Stafford Rd, Fordhouses, Wolverhampton WV10 7EH. GLENAIR UK LIMITED “Glenair UK has provided interconnect innovation into the military aerospace sector for over 40 years.” Manufactures a wide range of military and aerospace qualified interconnect solutions. Supplies fibre optic contacts for the F-35. Address: 40 Lower Oakham Way, Oakham Business Park, Mansfield, NG18 5BY. GOODRICH CONTROL SYSTEMS manufactures aerospace parts and equipment. The Company offers engineered polymer products, interiors, landing gear, aircraft wheels and brakes, actuation systems, engine components, sensors, and integrated systems. Part of Collins Aerospace, a subsidiary of Raytheon. UK address: Fore 1, Fore Business Park Huskisson Way, Stratford Road, Shirley, Solihull, West Midlands, B90 4SS MANTHORPE ENGINEERING LIMITED is supplying components. Specialists in manufacturing through fabrication and welding. UK Head Office: Forty Horse Close, Codnor Gate Business Park, Ripley, DE5 3ND DUNLOP AIRCRAFT TYRES LIMITED makes and supplies the aircraft tyres for fighter jets such as the F-35, and military transporter aircraft from Boeing and Airbus. UK Head Office: 40 Fort Parkway, Erdington, Birmingham, UK, B24 9HL. GKN AEROSPACE SERVICES LIMITED provide our defence customers across the world with systems and components for the F-15, F-16 and F-18 combat aircraft to the F-35 and SAAB Gripen. GKN Aerospace designs and manufactures the electrical wiring interconnected systems, flaperons, in-flight opening doors, cockpit canopy, air frame parts and arresting gear for all F-35 aircraft. As well producing defence equipment from drones to missile canisters. The company has 7 locations in the UK. UK Head Office: 2nd Floor, One Central Boulevard, Blythe Valley Park, Shirley, Solihull, B90 8BG HS MARSTON AEROSPACE LIMITED is a subsidiary of Collins Aerospace, which is a subsidiary of Raytheon (now RTX). HS MArston is the power and control systems operation in Wolverhampton. The company specialises in heat transfer and fluids management products and services for the military. UK address: Wobaston Road, Fordhouses, Wolverhampton, WV10 6QJ SPS TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED operates as part of PCC Fasteners, one of the world’s largest manufacturers of critical fastening systems for aerospace and defense applications. The company

designs, develops, and manufactures the fasteners, including nuts, bolts and screws. UK address: 191 Barkby Road, Troon Industrial Area, Leicester, LE4 9HX GREENE TWEED & CO LIMITED Headquartered in Pennsylvania, USA with an office in Israel. Produces many components for the defence industry including landing gear systems, flight control systems and engines, hydraulic utility systems, brake systems, fuel systems, and smaller components such as seals. UK address: Ruddington Fields, Ruddington, Nottingham, NG11 6JS ITP AERO UK LIMITED make aeronautical engines and have locations in the UK, Spain, Mexico, Malta and India. In the UK they engage in: engine testing at Fan Test Building 155 Technology Drive Rugby CV21 1BZ; engineering at Whittle Estate Cambridge Road. Whetstone, Leicester, LE8 6LH; manufacturing and engineering at Harrier Business Park, Dorey Way, Hucknall, Nottinghamshire, NG15 6EU, and at Firth Road, Lincoln, LN6 7AA; and in-service support at Kettelestring Lane, Clifton Moor, York Y030 4XF. M.J. SECTIONS LIMITED supply precision formed sheet metal fabrications and machined components. Address: M.J Sections Ltd, Marriott Road Industrial Estate, Cradley Road, Netherton, Dudley, DY2 0JZ (main site), Also M.J Sections Ltd, 130 Stourbridge Road, Halesowen, B63 3UN, and 109 Powke Lane Cradley Heath B64 5PX. Northeast England WELWYN COMPONENTS LIMITED “has a core business which is the development, manufacture and sale of passive electronic components (resistors), and hybrid micro-circuits. Address: Welwyn Electronics Park, Bedlington, Northumberland, NE22 7AA. Part of TT Electronics plc. HASKEL EUROPE LTD makes highly engineered fluid and gas handling high-pressure equipment for things like charging nitrogen hydro-gas tank suspension struts or gun recoil suspension systems and oxygen breathing systems. It is owned by Ingersoll Rand. Introduced to the F-35 consortium by BAE Systems. Address: North Hylton Road, Sunderland SR5 3JD NICHOLSONS SEALING TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED offers sealing solutions for extreme temperature, pressure and compression applications. UK based address: Amos Drive Greencroft Industrial Park, Stanley, County Durham, DH9 7YE Northern Ireland RFD BEAUFORT LIMITED makes industrial rubber goods, rubberized fabrics, and miscellaneous rubber specialties for marine and aviation safety and survival equipment. It operates from two sites in the UK, Kingsway, Dunmurry, Belfast BT17 9AF, and Aviator Industrial Park, Eric Fountain Road, Ellesmere Port CH65 1AX RLC (UK) LIMITED - also part of RLC Group. (See Ronaldsway Aircraft Company). Three UK sites: RLC Callender, Metcalf Drive, Altham Industrial Estate, Altham, Accrington, Lancashire, BB5 5AY; RLC Langford, 97 Largy Road, Crumlin, County Antrim, BT29 4RT; and RLC Global Point, Global Point Business Park, Newtonabbey, County Antrim, BT36 5TB. According to their most recent accounts with Companies House, the company has “a prominent position on military aircraft, dominated by the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter titanium fuselage components and titanium fan blades”.

Northwest England BUOYANCY AEROSPACE V1 LTD: an “engineering service provider” engaged in precision manufacturing of hard and soft metals and surface finishing treatment solutions. They say “We take ownership of every single component”. Based at Jackdaw Road, Barnoldswick, Lancashire, BB18 6DX. BROOKHOUSE AEROSPACE LIMITED.Composites, metallics, assembly and treatments facility supplying Raytheon, BAE Systems, Leonardo, MBDA and others. Based at India Mill Business Centre, India Mill, Darwen, Lancs BB3 1AD. API DESIGN & BUILD LTD - now known as BCW Design & Manufacture, they provide end-to-end engineering solutions to BAE Systems, GKN and Safran. Based at 2 Innovation Drive, Burnley, England, BB10 2FT. RFD BEAUFORT LIMITED makes industrial rubber goods, rubberized fabrics, and miscellaneous rubber specialties for marine and aviation safety and survival equipment. It operates from two sites in the UK,in Kingsway, Dunmurry, Belfast BT17 9AF, and Aviator Industrial Park, Eric Fountain Road, Ellesmere Port CH65 1AX EDM LIMITED manufactures airline trainers, cabin service trainers, full size mock-ups, ejection seats, full size replicas in civil & defense.Platforms developed for F-35 training, as well as load trainers, and full flight simulators BAE systems for the eurofighter typhoon and Hawk. Based at Brunel House, 1 Thorp Road, Newton Heath, Manchester M40 5BJ TELEDYNE LIMITED (Teledyne Aerospace & Defence Electronics UK) are the UK branch of a large US military electronics company. Their Teledyne CML Composites business unit makes “Aircraft Structural Components: Complex-geometry glass-fibre packers” for the F-35, providing “a comprehensive manufacturing service for composite products in advanced engineering applications, including components and assemblies for aircraft structures and systems.” Address: Unit A Tebay Road, Bromborough, Wirral CH62 3PA.Teledyne’s Defence and Space subsidiary also has a manufacturing plant in Shipley, Yorkshire. RLC (UK) LIMITED - also part of RLC Group. (See Ronaldsway Aircraft Company). Three UK sites: RLC Callender, Metcalf Drive, Altham Industrial Estate, Altham, Accrington, Lancashire, BB5 5AY; RLC Langford, 97 Largy Road, Crumlin, County Antrim, BT29 4RT; and RLC Global Point, Global Point Business Park, Newtonabbey, County Antrim, BT36 5TB. According to their most recent accounts with Companies House, the company has “a prominent position on military aircraft, dominated by the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter titanium fuselage components and titanium fan blades”. TECHNICAL FIBRE PRODUCTS LIMITED makes wet-laid nonwovens for F35 Lightning-II, Eurofighter Typhoon, V-22 Osprey, B2. Address: Burneside Mills (Head Office), Kendal, Cumbria, LA9 6PZ BAE SYSTEMS (OPERATIONS) LIMITED - headquarters at Warwick House, PO BOX 87, Farnborough Aerospace Centre, Farnborough, Hants,GU14 6YU. 141 known locations in the UK - not clear which supply the F35 specifically, beyond Samlesbury Aerodrome, Lancashire, Rochester, Kent, and the BAE structural testing facility in East Yorkshire. See CAAT map for BAE Systems UK locations.

Scotland DARCHEM ENGINEERING LIMITED supplies both fabrication assemblies and insulated components (thermal & fire blankets) for a variety of aerospace Defence programmes including fixed wing and helicopters including the F-35. Registered company address: C/O Brodies Llp Capital Square, 58 Morrison Street, Edinburgh, EH3 8BP, UK LEONARDO UK LTD is the UK subsidiary of Leonardo S.p.A. which is headquartered in Rome, Italy. The Company offers sensors, integrated mission, and electronic systems, as well as tactical workstations, displays, and avionics EW test products. Leonardo works with 2,100 suppliers across the world. UK Head Office: 1 Eagle Pl, St. James's, London SW1Y 6AF. 8 UK operational sites with the largest in Yeovil, Edinburgh and Luton. Southeast England ADVANCED LOGISTICS FOR AEROSPACE (UK) LIMITED manages commodities for the aerospace supply chain eg components, materials, tools. Part of ALA Corporation headquartered in Naples, Italy. UK company based at Unit A3 Royal Mills, Mill Road, Sandown Industrial Park, Esher, KT10 8BL SPECIALTY COATING SYSTEMS LIMITED provide coatings for components. Its UK multi-purpose coating facility is at Kingswey Business Park, Forsyth Rd, Woking GU21 5SA HARDIDE COATINGS LIMITED develop and manufacture nanostructured tungsten carbide/tungsten metal matrix composite coatings for the aerospace industry. They supply Airbus, BAE Systems, Leonardo, Lockheed Martin and Triumph Group. UK headquarters are at 9 Longlands Rd, Launton, Bicester OX26 5AH VITAL LINK EUROPE LIMITED “has extensive experience in the design, installation and commissioning of turbojet, prop and shaft engine test cells at locations worldwide”. Address: Unit 9, Stanhope Gate, Stanhope Road, Camberley, Surrey GU15 3DW. Part of Atec Inc., TX, USA. WESTON AEROSPACE LIMITED (Auxitrol Weston) are “the leading global manufacturer of aerospace sensors for the harshest environments.” One UK location: 124, Victoria Road Farnborough Hampshire, GU14 7PW. Part of TransDigm Group Inc. ATTEWELL LIMITED “is the largest specialist manufacturer of laminated sheet materials, shims, packers, fillers, detailed and machined parts and assemblies in Europe.” It is a “World-class manufacturer for all C-Class aerospace components.” Their products are in most types of military and commercial aircraft. Address: “7A/B Millington Road, Hayes, Middlesex UB3 4AZ. Part of Avantus Aerospace Group. BAE SYSTEMS (OPERATIONS) LIMITED - headquarters at Warwick House, PO BOX 87, Farnborough Aerospace Centre, Farnborough, Hants,GU14 6YU. 141 known locations in the UK - not clear which supply the F35 specifically, beyond Samlesbury Aerodrome, Lancashire, Rochester, Kent, and the BAE structural testing facility in East Yorkshire. See CAAT map for BAE Systems UK locations. MARTIN-BAKER AIRCRAFT COMPANY LIMITED “The world’s leading manufacturer of ejection seats”. Make the ejector seats for the F-35. HQ, design and manufacturing site: Lower Road,

Higher Denham, Near Uxbridge, Middlesex, UB9 5AJ. Test, support, and manufacturing site (for pyrotechnics only), Chalgrove Airfield, Sir James Martin Way, Chalgrove, Oxfordshire, OX44 7RJ. VELOCITY COMPOSITES PLC makes advanced carbon fibre and ancillary material kits for use in the production of aircraft. Addresses: UK North & HQ: AMS Technology Park, Billington Road, Burnley, BB11 5UB. UK South: Unit 5, Kites Croft Business Park, Fareham, PO14 4LW S.W. PLASTICS LIMITED specialises in the processing of PTFE, fluoropolymers and other engineering plastics exclusively for the Aircraft, Space and Defence industry. Sister company is AFT FLUOROTEC LIMITED (same website and address). Customers include BAE SYSTEMS. UK address: Unit F City Park, Swiftfields, Welwyn Garden City, England, AL7 1LY PARKER HANNIFIN MANUFACTURING LIMITED provides fabricated metal products, including fuel nozzles, inerting equipment, thermal management, regulators, accumulators and sensors. Parker leads the development of the electro-hydrostatic actuator used as the basis of the electric flight control system on the F-35. UK-based Head Office: 2nd Floor Suite 2a, Breakspear Park, Breakspear Way, Hemel Hempstead HP2 4TZ HONEYWELL CONTROL SYSTEMS LIMITED running since 1926, are the leading suppliers of domestic heating and combustion controls in the UK with products that include time, temperature, gas and water controls. Parent organisation is Honeywell International, one of the largest producers in UK and US nuclear weapons. UK address: Honeywell House, Arlington Business Park, Bracknell, Berkshire, RG12 1EB HONEYWELL UK LIMITED is the UK subsidiary of Honeywell International, an engineering and technology giant headquartered in Charlotte, North Carolina. The Company provides radiator thermostats, programmable thermostats, time controls, temperature controls, systems, gas and water controls, and valves. Produces the power and thermal management system for the F-35. UK address: Honeywell House, Arlington Business Park, Bracknell, Berkshire, RG12 1EB TEKNOFLEX INTERCONNECT SOLUTIONS LIMITED, was Britain's largest manufacturer of flexible circuit boards for electronic devices, but in 2014 was placed into administration and is now dissolved. Last known UK address: Imperial House 18-21 Kings Park Road, Southampton, SO15 2AT LEONARDO UK LTD is the UK subsidiary of Leonardo S.p.A. which is headquartered in Rome, Italy. The Company offers sensors, integrated mission, and electronic systems, as well as tactical workstations, displays, and avionics EW test products. Leonardo works with 2,100 suppliers across the world. UK Head Office: 1 Eagle Pl, St. James's, London SW1Y 6AF. 8 UK operational sites with the largest in Yeovil, Edinburgh and Luton. SENIOR UK LIMITED provides a range of products and systems for fluid conveyance, gas turbine engines and pressure carrying components such as bleed air duct systems, precision sheet metal fabrications, bellows and metal hose assemblies. Its components are in virtually all military aircraft, numerous piston and jet engines, and are specified for missile and NASA programmes. UK Head Office: 59/61 High Street, Rickmansworth, Hertfordshire, WD3 1RH EATON LIMITED large portfolio of connectors, backshells, wire protection, cable assemblies and contacts. Customers include various large defense companies providing companies like Lockheed Martin and Boeing with component parts for aircraft and helicopters. UK Head Office: Abbey Park Southampton Road, Titchfield, Fareham, PO14 4QA

PORVAIR FILTRATION GROUP LIMITED specialises in filtration solutions and other components. These filters are used to protect sub-systems in aircraft, helicopters, military vehicles, missiles and spacecrafts and are used for processes such as fuel management, power generation and environment control. UK Head Office: Segensworth Division, 1 Concorde Close, Segensworth, Fareham, Hampshire, PO15 5RT; and New Milton Division, Queensway, Stem Lane, New Milton, Hampshire, BH25 5NN L3HARRIS RELEASE & INTEGRATED SOLUTIONS LTD previously named EDO MBM Technology Ltd (January 2022), designs, develops, and manufactures weapon carriage and release equipment. It produces the integrated core processor, the main computer in the F-35. L3 Harris has 12 UK sites. UK Head Office: Level 6, 390 Strand, London WC2R 0LT. The release systems come from their Brighton site, Emblem House, Home Farm Business Park, Home Farm Road Brighton, East Sussex BN1 9HU. Southwest England STIRLING DYNAMICS LIMITED provides high-end engineering products and services for eg BAE Systems, Lockheed Martin,Leonardo, Airbus. Based at 230 Bristol Business Park Stoke Gifford, Bristol BS16 1FJ ITEL ELECTRONICS LIMITED, 1, Warwick House, Hindle Way, Swindon SN3 3RB. “We remain a family owned business manufacturing interconnect solutions for aerospace, space, defence and commercial applications.” FGP SYSTEMS LIMITED “is a precision engineering company offering high-end engineered and manufactured solutions for the aerospace industry and other sectors.” Head office: FGP Systems Ltd, 20-22 Cumberland Drive, Weymouth, Dorset, DT4 9TB. Other site: FGP Lufton Ltd, Boundary Lane, Lufton Trading Estate, Yeovil, Somerset, BA22 8UU. MCBRAIDA PLC “is a manufacturer of precision-machined components of various size and complexity to the industries that demand the highest quality products”. McBraida Plc, Bridgeyate, Bristol BS30 5JW. GE AVIATION SYSTEMS LIMITED is a provider of military engines, services and components. Manufactures the XA100 adaptive cycle engine for the F-35. Part of the General Electric conglomerate. UK-based Head Office: Cheltenham Road, Bishops Cleeve, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, GL52 8SF MOOG WOLVERHAMPTON LIMITED is a supplier delivering various components and digital systems in motion control and electronic solutions, including weapon systems, ammunition handling and steering control for various major missile platforms. Customers include KMW, General Dynamics, Lockheed Martin, Patria, Rheinmetall, BAE Systems. UK address: C/O Moog Controls Limited, Ashchurch, Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire, GL20 8NA MISSION SYSTEMS WIMBORNE LIMITED is the largest supplier of Hose and Drogue Aerial Refuelling systems globally. They have a large portfolio of products including hydraulic, fuel, motion control, electrical and engine solutions. NB, they produce the refuelling pods for the F-35B and C, not the F-35A which is the version Israel has. Parent company is Eaton, a major US aerospace company, which is involved in all versions of the F-35. UK Address: Brook Road, Wimborne, Dorset, BH21 2BJ

LEONARDO UK LTD is the UK subsidiary of Leonardo S.p.A. which is headquartered in Rome, Italy. The Company offers sensors, integrated mission, and electronic systems, as well as tactical workstations, displays, and avionics EW test products. Leonardo works with 2,100 suppliers across the world. UK Head Office: 1 Eagle Pl, St. James's, London SW1Y 6AF. 8 UK operational sites with the largest in Yeovil, Edinburgh and Luton. BOWMILL ENGINEERING LIMITED manufactures single-part components for the defence market from small valve assemblies to major flying control assemblies. UK Head Office: 18-30 Morris Road, Nuffield, Poole, Dorset, BH17 0GG. Operational sites Bowmill Engineering: 18-30 Morris Road, Nuffield Trading Estate, Poole BH17 0GG; and, Spectrum 700, Ashchurch, Business Centre, Alexandra Way, Tewkesbury GL20 8TD. Bowmill Metal Treatments: 85 Sterte Avenue West, Poole, BH15 2AL CROSS MANUFACTURING COMPANY (1938) LIMITED specialising in sealing solutions. Cross manufactures brush seals, sealing rings, turbo rings, and piston rings. UK Head Office: Midford Road, Combe Down, Bath, BA2 5RR FGP LUFTON LIMITED provide precision manufacturing services; it was launched in November 2017 as an “Operate in Place” venture with Honeywell Aerospace. FGP Systems Head office address: 20-22 Cumberland Drive, Weymouth, England, DT4 9TB. FGP Lufton address: Boundary Lane, Lufton Trading Estate, Yeovil, Somerset, BA22 8UU ULTRA PRECISION CONTROL SYSTEMS LIMITED provide engineering solutions to safety and mission critical challenges e.g. compact on-board gas solutions, dynamic harnessing, position sensing and control. Head office in Cheltenham: Arle Court, Hatherley Lane, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, United Kingdom, GL51 6PN. Also located in Cambridge: Stirling House, Cambridge Innovation Park, Denny End Road, Waterbeach, Cambridge, CB25 9QE Wales BLAENAVON FORGINGS LIMITED: part of the Forged Solutions Group, making forged and rolled rings, casings and closed die forgings for customers such as Rolls Royce, GE Aerospace, Safran, Honeywell. Based at Blaenavon, Forge Side, Blaenavon, Gwent. NP4 9XG SEALAND SUPPORT SERVICES LIMITED is the UK Repair Depot for the F-35 fighter plane, based at MOD Sealand, Building 14, Welsh Road, Sealand, Deeside, Flintshire, CH5 2LS. Companies House suggests it has gone into liquidation. Unlikely to have done work for Israel. QIOPTIQ LIMITED. spin-off from Thales High-Tech Optics, acquired LINOS in 2009 and joined Excelitas Technologies in 2013. Makes Dismounted Soldier Optics, Avionics, Optronic Modules & Systems, Space Optics and Helmet-Mounted Displays for F-35, Typhoon, Cobra and Tiger. Address: Glascoed Road, St Asaph, Denbighshire, LL17 0LL. Yorkshire RADIUS AEROSPACE UK LIMITED supplies complex electroformed products for the aerospace and defense markets from its Sheffield location - Holbrook Works, Station Road, Halfway, Sheffield, S20 3GB. Its Shrewsbury facility specializes in the fabrication, forming and manufacture of aircraft engine and industrial gas turbine, machined and fabricated casings, machined rings,

turbine blade and nozzle guide vanes, combustion liners and complex fabricated assemblies - Sentinel Works, Whitchurch Road, Shrewsbury, SY1 4DP. FORGED SOLUTIONS GROUP LIMITED is the parent company of Blaenavon Forgings Ltd above. Other sites: extrusion forging plant at Meadowhall Operations, Meadowhall Road, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S9 1HD; plant and testing services at Darley Dale Operations, Dale Road North, Matlock, Derbyshire, DE4 2JB; hammer forge facility at River Don Operations, Milford Street, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S9 2LD; machining centre at Provincial Park Operations, Unit 1, Provincial Park, Nether Lane, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S35 9ZX C.W.FLETCHER & SONS,LIMITED manufacture a range of parts for the aerospace industry, including fabrications, machined products and unison/actuator rings. Contractual partners with Rolls Royce and Honeywell for engine production. UK Address: Sterling Works, Mansfield Road, Wales Bar, Sheffield S26 5PQ BAE SYSTEMS (OPERATIONS) LIMITED - headquarters at Warwick House, PO BOX 87, Farnborough Aerospace Centre, Farnborough, Hants,GU14 6YU. 141 known locations in the UK - not clear which supply the F35 specifically, beyond Samlesbury Aerodrome, Lancashire, Rochester, Kent, and the BAE structural testing facility in East Yorkshire. See CAAT map for BAE Systems UK locations. ITP AERO UK LIMITED make aeronautical engines and have locations in the UK, Spain, Mexico, Malta and India. In the UK they engage in: engine testing at Fan Test Building 155 Technology Drive Rugby CV21 1BZ; engineering at Whittle Estate Cambridge Road. Whetstone, Leicester, LE8 6LH; manufacturing and engineering at Harrier Business Park, Dorey Way, Hucknall, Nottinghamshire, NG15 6EU, and at Firth Road, Lincoln, LN6 7AA; and in-service support at Kettelestring Lane, Clifton Moor, York Y030 4XF. Companies with multiple locations ROLLS-ROYCE PLC has 54 UK sites PRATT & WHITNEY MILITARY UNITED KINGDOM LTD. Part of Raytheon UK, which is part of US arms giant RTX (Formerly Raytheon Technologies). Registered office address: 2 Stone Buildings, Lincoln's Inn, London, WC2A 3TH. Companies House accounts say their principal activities are “assisting in the management of Global Spares Network to support the global F135/F-35 program.” The company had revenues of £3.9m in 2022, but had no employees, other than the directors, who were not remunerated, as their role as P&WMUK Directors was “incidental” to their roles as Directors within the Raytheon Technologies group. NORTHROP GRUMMAN UK LIMITED - part of US arms giant Northrop Grumman and principal partner for the F-35. Provide much of the aircraft’s situational awareness and the aircraft’s communications and battlespace networks capability. 10 UK locations, 5,000+ employees. LOCKHEED MARTIN UK LIMITED. UK subsidiary of world’s largest arms company, and prime contractor for the F-35. Lockheed has numerous sites around the UK. It is not clear what role Lockheed UK have in the F-35 programme, although they appear to work on sustaining the UK fleet at RAF Marham. Their corporate headquarters in the UK is Lockheed Martin UK, Cunard House, 15 Lower Regent Street, London, SW1Y 4LR.

ULTRA ELECTRONICS LIMITED manufactures and develops electronic systems. Ultra provides critical technology to the UK government, including submarine-hunting and sonar equipment for the Royal Navy, control systems for the UK’s fleet of Trident nuclear missile submarines and components for F-35 fighter jets. Acquired by Cobham in 2022 for £2.6. 41 locations in the UK. Headquartered in the UK: 35 Portman Square, London W1H 6LR

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PC March 29 - Who wears Israel? - 1 - The production of USA weapons for Israel in the United States - Workers in Palestine

The main countries involved in the Supply of weapons and military assets in Israel are the United States, Germany, Italy and the United Kingdom. This document outlines the sites connected to the production for the Israeli army in different countries and, where possible, Identify where military assets are transported.

Our goal is to provide a resource for actions that aim for production or the transport of military assets, or who interrupt the activity of suppliers military of Israel, and also to connect resources that can be used to act in particular countries.

Our research identifies companies that produce some of the most fundamental weapons for the Israeli army, including Lockheed Martin (main contractor for F35 combat jet), Boeing (producer of many of the guided weapons used by the Israeli army), Bae Systems (a leading supplier for the F35), Leonardo (part of the coalition F35) and Raytheon (producer of the Paveway guided bomb).

The action is possible in different forms: while we identify direct production sites For the Israeli army, it is also possible to target multinationals that produce for Israel even if military assets are produced in another site. In the same way, it is possible to target the companies involved in the transport of military materials in Israel.

The production of weapons is highly international and many of the chains of more traceable supply concern goods such as combat planes made by international coalitions. These aircraft are fundamental for The current war and the bombing of Gaza - Israel is using "

Each combat plane at its disposal ", including helicopters F15, F16, F35 and Ah-64 Apache. There are 408 rings in the supply chain for the F35, for example: See a List of companies involved here.

Inevitably, The supply chains are much more complex than this document can explain and many smaller companies are involved. If you use This document as a starting point, one could be able to Identify more detailed supply chains to stop.


Production of Weapons for Israel in the United States

The United States are the largest supplier of Israel weapons, with beyond 90% of their weapons imports. The United States damage to Israel Almost 4 billion dollars in military aid per year, "including about 500 million dollars for aerial defenses e Missilistic ". Israel also spends a lot in US weapons, having purchased about 53.5 billion dollars of military assets from the United States Over the past seven decades according to the Defense Security Cooperation Agency, of which 6.5 billion dollars in the five years until 2022. Israel has done Some of these purchases using military aid received from the United States. For a list of all the export licenses of weapons agreed through the Foreign Military Sales Program of the United States, including the main ones contractors and sites, see Who (NB: not all these agreements have led to exports).

The largest US weapons companies are Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, Boeing, Northrop Groumman and General Dynamics. These companies are international And they have branches abroad.

Some of the most significant weapons produced in the United States for Israel they include:

L'F-35 Joint Strike Fighter

Israel has Purchased 50 F35 hunting and took over 36 by the end of 2022. They are located at the Nevatim Air Base, in the south of Israel. In the 2021, the IOF said that it had used the F35 in combat for the First time in Gaza. The F-35 is an international collaboration: see profiles of other countries for examples where parts of the F35 are produced. Israel has also developed its technologies to modify some elements of the F-35.

Production locations in the United States (the supply chain of the F35 in the United States is very extensive and can be traced more detailed Who ):

· The F-35 are assembled at The Air Force Plant 4 - owned by the United States government and managed by Lockheed Martin - A Fort Worth, Texas.

· The engines are produced by Pratt & Whitney a East Hartford e Middletown, nel Connecticut.

· Electronic systems are produced From Bae Systems to Nashua, New Hampshire and Endictott, New York.

· The implementation systems of control that help the F35 to launch guided weapons are produced by Woodward Inc a Santa Clarita, in California.

F-5 and F-16 combat planes

Israel is currently negotiating orders for combat jet F15EX through the United States foreign military sales program. According to reports on the process, Israel's formal request makes Delivery by 2028 is probable. Production sites in the United States for The F15 and F16 include the following (while the original sales of F15 and F16 - with the exception of the F15EX model - have already happened, there is a continuous refueling spare parts especially during the war).

· The F15EX are produced in the Boeing plant in St Louis, Missouri.

· The F16 are produced by Lockheed Martin a Greenville, in the South Carolina .

· In some variants of the F16, The Avionion is replaced with that of Israeli manufacture of companies such as Elbit and Israel Aerospace Industries, and with Rafael's missiles, three big Israeli weapons companies.

Military helicopters

Production sites in the United States for military helicopters used by IFF include:

· Heavy transport helicopters CH-53K, visa used in the current assault, they are made by Lockheed Martin Global, Inc. a Shelton, Connecticut; e General Electric a Lynn, Massachusetts.

· Apache helicopters are produced From Boeing to Mesa, in Arizona

· AW119KX helicopters are Products from Leonardo to Philadelphia.

Refueling for aircraft

· KC-46A Aerial Refueling Aircraft , produced by Everett's Boeing, Wa; the receiver GPS Magr 2K is produced by Waltham's Raytheon, but.

Guided bombs used by the employment forces Israeli (Iof)

The bombs guided used by Iof are mainly produced in the United States and In Israel. The following bombs are produced by Israeli companies, often in Israel, But they have international sites that produce other goods. These include: the Opher Guided Bomb (Elbit), the Laser Griffin (Israel Aerospace Industries); Lizard (Elbit); Spice bombs (Rafael). Elbit has a branch US in Fort Worth, Texas.

Below are the production sites in the United States for the Guided bombs used by IFF:

· The tail kits and joint ammunition Direct Attack Equipment (JDAMS) they are produced by Boeing a St Charles, Missouri; Lockheed-Martin ad Archbald, Pennsylvania; General Dynamics a Garland, Texas; Elwood National Forge Co a Irvine, Pennsylvania; e Raytheon Missile Systems a Tucson, Arizona.

· Sidewinder missiles are products from the Raytheon Missile Systems Tucson Company, in Arizona

· The small diameter GBU-39 bomb It is produced by Boeing a St Louis, Missouri

· Hellfire missiles - usually launched by Apache helicopters - at least some of these are produced by Hellfire Systems di Orlando, in Florida, una joint venture Lockheed Martin/Boeing.

· Iron Dome interceptors They are called Tamir and are co-produced by RTX (ex Raytheon Technologies) and Rafael Advanced Defense Systems, and assembled in Israel.

· Paveway II guided bombs are produced by Lockheed Martin of Archibald, Pennsylvania, and from Tucson's Raytheon, in Arizona.

White phosphorus

Israel used white phosphorus in Gaza and Lebanon.

· Israel Chemical Ltd (ICL, ora ICL Group ) Provides at the Monsanto (now Bayer) phosphates for the production of chemical phosphorus chemical white supplied to Pine Bluff Arsenal (PBA) Near Little Rock, Arkansas, for filling.

Poltate vehicles for the transport of troops

Three weeks After the start of the assault on Gaza, the Iof started the earth operations in the Gaza strip. These are tanks and armored vehicles for the Transport of troops, supported by helicopters and drones.

· The power packs For Namer armored vehicles I am Products from Mtu America , Novi, me. MTU America is the North American branch of Rolls Royce Power Systems.

Naval means

Most of the assault on Gaza are carried out by the air and from the ground, But Israel is also using his I will cater 6 for the first time.

· The 76 mm naval cannons are produced by DRS North America , a Leonardo company

· The hull and superstructures of the Sa'ar 6 are made to How, in germania , da ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems (TKMS)

Transport and military logistics From the United States to Israel

While many finished military products are transported by the army itself, both with ships soldiers who with air bridges, components and some goods are transported by sea aboard normal carriers holder ships. Ports are key knots in the Weapons supply chain.

The actor key in maritime transport from the United States - and other parts of the world - towards Israel is the Zim Navigation Company. Zim is the main supplier shipping services in Israel and one of the top ten larger Navigation companies in the world. Previously controlled by the government Israeli, Zim has been privatized and listed on the New York Stock Exchange in last two decades. Despite this, it still maintains close ties with the state Israeli and is essential to guarantee logistical support to the state e to the IDF.

The majority part of the military components enters and leaves the United States through i ports of the eastern coast, mainly New York/Newark, Savannah, Charleston and the port of Virginia. These ports are generally unionized by the International Longshoremen's Association, or Ila. This because most military supply chains do focuses on Europe and the United States, with many components produced in Europe and the final assembly that takes place in the United States.

With access To the US commercial data, it is possible to see the individual shipments through their "load policies", the documents used by Navigation companies to identify shipments and keep track of delivery models. In rare cases, this may include the transport of weapons on civil ships. For example, on March 4, 2023 an expedition of "newspapers, rocket With explosive charge "produced by Raytheon in Tucson, Arizona and del value of 100,000 dollars, started from the port of Virginia directed to Haifa, In Israel, on the PortaContainer Zim Yokohama ship. Other shipments Raytheon They started on the same route in the following months. In most of the cases, commercial data can identify the paths for the members. To Example, Dunlop regularly ships tires for the F35 and other planes soldiers from his Birmingham factory, in the United Kingdom, via London to the port of Virginia or via Liverpool in Charleston.

Per further information
, see section 3B of toolkit Day of Action.

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All questions regarding this proposed Foreign Military Sale should be directed to the State Department's Bureau of Political Military Affairs, Office of Congressional an d Public Affairs, pm -cpa@state.gov. -30-

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PC 29 March - In the Hungary of the Fascist and corrupt Orban - Popular protest - Info

Hungary, thousands in the square against Orbán

The corruption scandal that hit the ' Hungary After the publication of an audio that embarrasses the government Orbán . Thousands took to the streets a Budapest to manifest after that Peter Hungarian, Ex husband of the former Minister of Hungarian justice Judit Varga , as well as former member of the Government of Budapest who became an opponent, Ha An audio recording that according to him is the proof that highs officials conspired to cover corruption.

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Saint-Etienne: The revolutionaries commemorate the immortal commune of Paris! - New era

On March 23, at the call of the "friends of the commune 42", took place in Saint-Etienne a demonstration celebrating the town of Paris in 1871. This call was placed and read in terms of the current situation, that is to say from walking to war, reaction, the reactions of the bourgeoisie to the general crisis of imperialism whose weight rests entirely on the shoulders of the people, and mainly in the light of the revolutionary development movement worldwide.

Thus, the call echoed widely, receiving the support and signing of the Revolutionary Youth League (LJR), young revolutionaries (JR), of the Communist Renaissance pole (PRCF), of the Federation Jeunes Insoumis 42, of the LFI deputy of the Loire, of the local section of the French Communist Party, (PCF) of the Libertarian Communist Union, Rebbelion extinction of Libre Pensée, of the SELA Syndicate of Grenoble and Lyon, of the campaign Unitary for the release of Georges Abdallah, of the local section of EELV, friends of the commune of Paris 1871, or of the newspaper La Cause du Peuple and our own media, new era.

From 2 p.m., the red flags, flag of the Universal Republic proclaimed on March 18, 1871, began to flower Place du Peuple, alongside the flags of signatory organizations and some CGT flags. After a speaking of "friends of the commune 42" exposing the importance of this event and rejoicing the broad unit around the call, the procession, bringing together more than 80 participants began to sing slogans taken up by The megaphones disseminated in the demonstration, and by the demonstrators: "the town is immortal, let us leave on the assault of the sky", or even "beware of revenge, when all the poor are getting there".

We have also heard the slogans "Palestine will live, Palestine will defeat", "long live the armed struggle of the Palestinian people" from an intervention by an LJR activist recalling that one cannot speak of the Paris Commune, That is to say of the struggle for the emancipation of the human race, not to mention the glorious national liberation struggle which ignites Palestine and the whole Middle East. The procession has also sung "French state is not our state, all the power to the proletariat", connecting the national and revolutionary liberation struggles around the world in the battle for the power of the proletariat.

The collective "Gaza United" founded by residents of the Montreynaud district, participated in the event and its animation accompanied by a drum and forcefully taking over all the slogans. The demonstrators ended up launching: "Long live the armed struggle of peoples around the world", echoing the "Macron, Macron, we will never make the canons!" [Editor's note: the commune of Paris started when the Parisian proletariat refused to return to the bourgeois army the cannons of which the mound was equipped and which it decided to equip it, endowing the proletariat of An army, the National Guard - Vertebral column of any state].

The words have punctuated the demonstration, recalling the heroism of the communards and the communards, of the Palestinian fighters, and of all those who fight for a new world, rid of imperialism. Rather than celebrating a past date, the demonstration was actually an opportunity to highlight those that the LJR activists call "the sons and daughters of the Immortelle Commune de Paris", that is to say those who These are today on the side of the proletariat and the oppressed peoples around the world. In front of the town hall of Saint-Etienne, close to the prefecture where the town of Saint-Etienne was proclaimed 153 years ago, is sung by the procession the International, the anthem of the workers, accompanied by the slogan "L 'French State is not our state, all the power in the proletariat! ».

The demonstration ends at Cuit Couriot in front of the entrance to the old disused mine. The representative of the "Friends of the Commune 42" announces the end of the demonstration before the mine, symbol of the power of the Stéphanoise working class, which has notably risen during the insurrectional strikes of 1948.

Several speeches follow one another, the LJR, the PRCF and the Gaza United collective, before a moment of exchange between activists of different political and unions, in a friendly and fraternal atmosphere.

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To the communards and the communards which in an omino momentum decided to attack the sky. On March 18, 1871, the official governance dominated by the bourgeoisie tried to seize the cannons of the Butte Montmartre the goal was to disarm the Parisian people organized in the National Guard. It was the rocking point of a long process that has been spread since Sedan's defeat in 1870. The Parisian proletariat decided to take charge and refused to give his guns. This grandiose act was the beginning of an experience that would forever marked the epic of the class struggle. From a humiliating national defeat, it turned into a torch of human emancipation, it revealed for good what class is the true engine of history. During 100 days Paris did not derogate in its glorious title of cradle of the Revolution. The weapon people organized the first workers 'power in history, and the first workers' republic in France. Faced with enemies from inside and outside the Paris proletariat trembled the basics of the old world. If we are here to bring together it is not to commemorate a dead date but to celebrate a living experience which must inspire us in our struggles to transform the old world into a crisis. The town carries in it a part of the responses of our time. The fight of modern classes in France is a long continuum whose premises is with the emergence of the people in public affairs during the great bourgeois revolution of 1789. The revolutionary wars, the lifting of the year II, the committee of Hi public entered the popular classes and the nascent proletariat in politics definitively, it will not come out of it. As early as 1789, the question of economic equality took precedence over political freedom. It was the beginning of the great misunderstanding between the people who hear equality as a society of economic justice and the bourgeois who speak only of equality before the laws. The freedom of the bourgeois is that of undertaking and putting the channels at the foot of the workers, that of the proletarian means that he no longer has a chain. In 1848 everything changed definitively, the bourgeois fraternity dissipated in cannon shots against the barricades. During these glorious days in June 1848, the workers rebelled for an egalitarian "social republic". Since then, as K.Marx has taught us, France is divided into two "nationsantagonics", that of the bourgeois, the expropriator of wealth, and that of the producers, the proletariat. Since the days of June 1848 France experienced a long civil war sometimes open and warm, sometimes masked and of low intensity. . The town only confirmed this truth. All political and social news in recent years confirm, of course, all this. That we thought of the uprising of the neighborhoods in 2005, the yellow vests and, of course, this June 2023 fire. Here we have the real movement of quest for equality that the people have been looking for since 1789. Quest of equality always violently violently Repeated by the State serving the masters of the Stock Exchange and Trusts and all the parasites of the Old World. Our victory meaning their disappearance as a class. So we recall this this March 18, 1871 the daring people refused to return the canons and went to the assault of heaven! In fact a new state was born. On March 26, the elections declared the town of Paris. On March 28, the commune was proclaimed, it was the official birth of the first working -class Republic of history, which seceded the Versaillaise Republic because it was there that it was the bourgeois government. A symbol! Two powers coexist absolutely opposed, it is the civil war in fact. That same day the national flag becomes the red flag, the international is the anthem of this new state. On the 30th, the municipality suppressed the conscription and the permanent army and proclaimed the National Guard, of which all valid citizens were to be part, as the only army force. There was no more army cut off from society but the people in arms in the National Guard. There was no longer the power above the masses but the power proletariat in an armed sea of the masses.

The same day, foreigners elected to the town were confirmed in their functions, because "the flag of the commune is that of the Universal Republic". The Russian Elisabeth Dmitrieff was the leader of one of the first organization of a mass woman in history: "Women's Union for the Defense of Paris and care for the wounded". The women until the last moment were on the barricades and participated in the organization of production. The latest press release from the Union of Women during the conquest of Paris by the Versaillais was a brief and powerful "all to the barricades!" The defense of Paris was entrusted to a Pole: Jarosław Dąbrowski. Imagine the Military Directorate of Paris entrusted to a stranger and the organization of women to a foreigner. At that time all the oppressed in the world were Parisians. We are far from this Republic which removes the law of the soil and chases and embodies the undocumented. Concretely, all of the power was under workers' control. The administration was depoliticized to simply become an instrument at the service of everyone. All charges were revocable and under popular control. The economy was starting to be reorganized in a federated cooperative. The municipality is a paradigm car antithesis of the Republic of bankers, monopolists, militarists we know. It is administration of public affairs by the greatest number, it is control of the police by citizens. It is the political power of the majority imposed on the minority of Parasite, while today we live the dictatorship of a minority of parasite on the majority. She is women in the Directorate of Collective Affairs, while today women are only an alibi in governments. It is the universal fraternity in the face of the wars of imperialist rapine. It is, above all, already more than a half-state when the current one only strengthens, than reaction. It is the settlement of all people's problems by people themselves. It is the beginning of the resolution of the latent civil war and the division. It is a source of unit. So yes, all of us, we have to restore his immense potential to project ourselves into the future to imagine. We can already with the town know what a new France might look like. It is therefore not a question of fighting for a life republic which would change nothing in the background but for a second republic, a second commune, bright and powerful, which would return the country and sound the death knell of the division between work and the capital. Obviously all this is only carried out by a revolutionary break, the National Assembly is and will always be the instrument of the Versaillais it cannot be otherwise. This is why we, daughters and sons of the immortal commune, we affirm today that any emancipatory policy can only go through the reissue of the town! We would like to finish our speaking by quoting the statutes of the second international which seems to us the prerequisite for any emancipatory dream: "In its fight against the unified power of the possessed classes, the proletariat can not act as class as By constituting themselves as a political party and by opposing all the ancient political parties created by the possessing classes. This constitution of the proletariat in political parties is essential to ensure the triumph of the social revolution and its supreme goal: the abolition of classes . So yes, we are the daughters and sons of the town of Paris and we swear to re-edit it! Long live the Universal Republic of workers!

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KKE (M-L) | 75 years since the founding of NATO means junta and war! Lefter in Palestinian! - EVERYTHING at the gathering and march on Thursday 4/4 in Freedom Park

75 years since its founding NATO means junts and wars!


And imperialism!

Lefter in Palestinian!


From the Mediterranean to Jordan!

Thursday 4 April, 6.30pm

CONCENTRATION In Park FREEDOM - COURSE To the US -Israel Embassies!

The open war fronts in the world continue without finishing. From Ukraine to Palestine, the peoples of the peoples continues. Hundreds of thousands are dead and crushed. Hundreds of thousands are the ones who have been forced on the road to refugee, hunger and total misery. And developments are even worse. Young, huge dangers threaten the peoples of our region, but also of the whole planet, as the competitions between the imperialists, the great powers of the planet, are even more fierce.

The unjust war on Ukraine , in the heart of Europe, not only does not show signs of expansion, but on the contrary it is even more complicated. Not only any of the imperialists who started and entangled in this war (USA - Russia - EU) is not in the mood to back down, but events such as the recent terrorist attack in Moscow, herald a new cycle of blood, intensity of the confrontation and possibly transportation her in new battlefields and competition.

At the same time, in the headquarters of the imperialist forces, war rhetoric is upgraded to all levels, looking like preparation of a war -free war for the whole planet. There is now an open debate about the possibility of a 3rd World War. Everyone's threats continue to use nuclear. The economies and production of EU countries are adapted to support a war orientation. And the peoples are prepared by their governments for the prospect of becoming meat for the cannons already set up. As in Germany, where the Minister of Education suggested schools prepare students for the possibility of war !!! And all this has long been a science fiction scenarios, but images of the present and - mainly - of the future that the imperialists are preparing for peoples.

The horrible picture of the present is the slaughter of the heroic Palestinian people by the state-tromocrat who continues without stopping! Tens of thousands are dead throughout the Gaza Strip of the ruthless Israeli pounding over the last five months, while hunger and thirst are reaping those who manage to survive. The blows have long been expanded to the West Bank, while new daily targets are food warehouses, food distribution points, hospitals and refugee camps. The forthcoming invasion of Rafa foreshadows a new expansion of the massacre, with the aim of completely expanding the Palestinians from their place and at the same time accumulates terms and dangers of a more comprehensive ignition in the Middle East region.

Our country is increasingly involved in the war games of the region. The ND government, as a representative of the subordinate local ruling class, offers "land and water" in its imperialist bosses and promoting their bloody plans in the region. The mission of the frigate "Hydra" to the Red Sea, the conversion of Larissa into a warrants of the war operations, the use of the whole country as a base for the murderers, both to Ukraine and the Middle East, prove the deployment of the country's involvement in the country. war fronts and at the same time put the people of our country in the face of enormous dangers. They are preparing our people and the peoples of the area, to become meat for the canons of war and imperialist competitions. Only peoples can put a barrier to their plans!

Against this war climate our people must give their own racing answer: To form a wide, mass anti-war-anti-imperialist movement against the policy of barbarism. In the same way that students and farmers rose. In the same way that people and youth rose up against the crime in Tempi. In the same way that is massively expressed all over the world Solidarity with the heroic Palestinian people and who must continue more massively and more decisively in our country.

The black anniversary for the 75th anniversary of the founding of NATO, the largest war machine on the planet, to be the occasion for massive demonstrations of solidarity with the heroic Palestinian people and against war and imperialism!

  • Outside US - NATO - BASES - EU!

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Women’s Liberation and Revisionism: No Colour Can Hide the Red We’ve Got – The Red Herald

We publish a translation of an article Published by Yei democracy.

8 March, International Working Women’s Day, is now behind us. We realise that those who “keep 8 March alive” have a very blurred consciousness. This blurred consciousness has led them to call 8 March “Women’s Day” or “Working Women’s Day”. Apart from the possibility of using this name as a tactic to be ” inclusive “, we will deal with the revisionist line that we see concretely; because the struggle against revisionism is in favour of our revolution and will help to find the right line. This struggle involves not only the destruction of the enemy, but also our own development. We must constantly struggle to seek, uncover, defend and overcome the truth so that the revolutionary line can win the victory. We must not forget for a moment that those who take responsibility for creating and spreading the revolutionary line are not free from regression and the problems that lead to it.

In the revolutionary women’s organisations, especially in the last 10 years, we can say that feminist attitudes, sometimes shy and sometimes bold, have gained importance. These attitudes, visible from declarations to slogans and banners, have “now” gone beyond the level of a tendency, and a sexist standpoint has begun to replace the class standpoint. The scientific nature of this standpoint, which is legitimised by the term “women’s standpoint”, is never discussed. The righteous rebellion of the oppressed woman is reduced to the level of a reproach that fits into the order. From the bourgeois woman’s point of view, partnership is not perceived as a class problem. Since the ideological struggle against feminism is advised, this process has developed into support for the feminist movement, which follows it or does not follow it and gradually becomes similar to it.

In this process of development, in which we are also involved with sometimes strong and sometimes weak discussions, the revolutionary women’s movement in Turkey has lost ideological and political power. While the women’s movement is developing, while the oppression of women in every respect is being put on the agenda and problematised by a broad section of people, we are confronted with the reality that the revolutionary women’s movement has lost power. Our “minority position” within the women’s organisations and our inability to ensure unity within ourselves have paved the way for this; the concealment of our identity, our class attitude, which gives us strength, has made us immobile. When will we claim our blocked identity?

If a revolutionary woman has to hide her “revolutionary” identity on 25 November or 8 March, can we say that women are represented there, or can they really express themselves? It is inevitable to discuss this problematic existence of the revolutionary women’s movement, which has become clear in recent times.


The guilt of the thief will surely come to light; in this article we will deal with the landlord. While the women’s organisations that call themselves revolutionary leave the question of women’s emancipation to other issues, they seem to have jettisoned what they stand for. Many women’s organisations openly accept the line of feminism. In any case, what we expect from these organisations is nothing more than the way they currently express themselves. The problem lies with those who claim not to be feminists: conformity leads to uniformity and ultimately rejection of the revolutionary line. The reason why we and some other women’s organisations like ours are ‘marginal’ is because they are unable to ‘become the same’, not out of incompetence of course, but because of the revolutionary tradition on which they are based and the class attitude from which they feed.

If we look at the declarations of the Democratic Women’s Movement (DWL) and the right-wing liquidation group on 8 March, we come across the “unbearable lightness” of not even being able to call 8 March “International Working Women’s Day”. We can judge this situation as “confusion” or “keyboard hypocrisy”, let’s judge it as such and move on. In the statement of the DWL entitled “We are in revolt against war, poverty, massacre of women” and the word “war” in the title, we could not find any sentence in the content. With this approach, we see that 8 March is only being condensed into identity politics. We understand that the statement read out by comrade Barbara Anna Kistler on 8 March ’92 has been erased from memory, let us remind you: “Contrary to what feminists say, the women’s question is inseparable from the class question.”

The bourgeois movements recognise war as “men’s work”. Unjust wars also serve to enforce, consolidate and maintain male domination. In unjust wars, women are massively attacked, enslaved, captured, emigrated, sold on slave markets, subjected to the worst tortures and raped. Women’s resistance to war is revolutionary when its main target is unjust wars. Women do not have to be the trampled grass on which the elephants trample!

Women who take sides in just wars say that they develop and liberate themselves in war. Gül Kaya (Nergiz) says, “When it comes to war, a field symbolised by men, our work becomes even more difficult,” and she advises women to free themselves from the vines that entwine their feet. Gamzegül Kaya (Ekin) captures the reality where she says: “My reasons to fight are increasing day by day. For this reason, we will continue to participate in just wars against imperialist-unjust wars. We “want to fight wherever there is life”. This approach, which restricts women to certain combat zones, is very dangerous. Women, who are part of humanity, must fight tirelessly in all areas for the liberation of humanity.


We often see these comrades joining a bourgeois group, current or movement. We catch them insisting on associations based only on “power” by talking about “the greatest possible unity”. We know that a multitude of people without a goal of power is not power. You cannot be strong if you consider practices that are not aimed at power to be the “elixir of life”.

In the attempt to react to the process, the deviations to the right and the left show themselves in different forms. Action alliances have begun to lead to ideological alliances because the mechanisms of criticism are not sincere and the level itself is slippery!

Without taking the unity of labouring women and the unity of women from the oppressed classes as a basis, revisionism will be the goal. On the other hand, the development of the unity of action of revolutionary women’s organisations will open the way for a revolutionary approach to women’s liberation.

No form of revisionism is innocent. The demand for disorganisation is not a call for protection and freedom for “individual women”. On the contrary, it is about protecting traditional individualism, and it is fuelled entirely by the narrow interests of those who make this demand, who have a place in this order. Of course we will go along with them, of course we will listen to them. We will do this without giving up to develop our own line, without neglecting the responsibility to develop the right line, and without forgetting that the need for unity arises from the aim of making the great revolutionary war victorious.

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End of jus soli in Mayotte: one more advance in the reactionarization of the State – The Red Herald

Featured image: Demonstrations in front of the French Embassy in the Comoros in 2018.

We publish this unofficial translation of an article of the cause of the people.

In February 2024, the Interior Minister Darmanin announced that Emmanuel Macron wanted it to “be no longer possible to become French if you are not a child of French parents” if one was born on Mayotte.

In the general context of the immigration law, where jus soli [latin for right of the soil, a bourgeois principle according to which nationality is determined by the place of birth] was already called into question before the censorship of the Constitutional Council (for technical and non -political reasons), it is necessary to look at this decision to draw consequences on the reactionarization of the bourgeois State (see our previous issue).

Jus soli , a principle that has become important for the French bourgeoisie

With regard to nationality, the French bourgeoisie has evolved over time, following the development of French capitalism.

The great French revolution of 1789 installed the bourgeoisie in control. With the first constitutional monarchy (1791), there is a form of jus soli which is confirmed after the end of the revolution in the Napoleon code of 1804. But this jus soli is conditional, it cannot be said that it is particularly a principle established by the French bourgeoisie, it is rarely used.

It was in 1851, then in 1889 that the legislation fixed the jus soli strongly in French law. Why? This is the time when French capitalism needs workforce and cannot rely only on the ancient peasants, who do not arrive quickly enough in the cities or died in successive wars. It is therefore necessary to get immigrants that will be sought in Italy, Spain, Belgium… Thus we note for example that in 1889, when the new law arrives, it was almost 20 years since 1870-71, time of the Franco-Prussian war and the Commune; There will therefore necessarily be absence in the age groups which must perform military service, because their potential parents died in war. The law of that year will reflect this reality to force the majority of young children of foreigners to do military service.

Thus, in the turning point towards imperialism which happens around the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, France became the main country of immigration in Europe while restricting nationality in its new colonies where one does not become French as in mainland France (Indigennat’s code of 1881). This will continue with the infamous example of the name “French Muslims” in Algeria, which accompanies so many massacres and persecutions. You have to keep it in mind to always remember how French imperialism is used to treating those it designates foreign on “its” soil.

We can thus say that from the beginning of its contemporary history (because it also existed in another way under the old regime), the jus soli evolved in France (and elsewhere in the colonies) according to the necessities of capitalism, and then of French imperialism. It opened when there was a need for workforce, and then closed. But it has become a general principle of the law of the French bourgeoisie, an instrument by which it could control its population in all the bourgeois regimes to follow since the 1 st Republic. Consequently, it’s worth noting that its questioning in Mayotte, and then in France in general (which is the position of Ciotti’s Republicans and has been the historic position of the RN since Le Pen’s father) is met with almost no complaints. On the contrary, this “solution” is sold to masses as a solution to the problems of Mayotte. It is a sign of the reactionarization of the State, because the long-standing legal tradition of bourgeois democracy in France is called into question for the first time in an intense way since the so-called “decolonization” and since the regime of Vichy, who had returned to the naturalization obtained “by the soil” with his fascist government of deportations.

The negation of French bourgeois democratic principles beyond jus soli

The French bourgeoisie has always boasted of being the heir of the Enlightenment, of the great Ideas, traditions of freedom and human rights. All of this nonsense has taken a life of its own when we see the ferocious exploitation and inhuman measures taken over the last 175 years by the bourgeois State, which has become the greatest oppressor after having made people believe it would set them free.

As explained above, it is very important to link this current development to the history of French imperialism. It is therefore necessary to recognize to this extent to Mayotte an open and deliberate violation of the principle inscribed in the “Principles of the Republic”: “The Republic is one and indivisible”.

Indivisible, really? However, the questioning the right of nationality over a part of the territory (Mayotte) completely breaks this principle.

The reactionarization of the bourgeois State of which we are talking about is not an abstraction, it is achieved in concrete measures, where the principles of the bourgeois republic (democratic-liberal) are called into question by the government at its very head. It is not surprising that the forces flirting most openly with fascism support the extension of such measures and claim “ideological victories” when they are introduced.

It is a necessity for the bourgeoisie to move forward with such weapons even if it means disowning its thinkers and the original writers of its major laws, such as the Constitution of the 5th Republic. It absolutely must restructure the State to ward off the crisis and keep the revolts in check, these are tasks that all go together. Nothing progressive can come from the bourgeoisie. Imperialism is parasitic and French imperialism is a luxurious, hungry parasite, which cannot support its weight without sucking the blood of the proletarians in France and the oppressed peoples abroad. It tries to train us in its fall of its laws, its wars and its delusional projects, and the opportunists of the Parliament try to make us believe that it is possible to save it, not to make reactionary reforms but a “left” program.

But it is a hard time, the reactionarization of the French bourgeois State has continued frantically in recent years. The only class capable of changing the situation is the proletariat, for it bears the task of bringing down the bourgeois state and, with it, reaction all across the line.

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Proletarians of all the oppressed countries, nations and peoples, unite! Founded on May 1, 1968 relaunched in 2010 March-April 2024 n ° 76 Causedupeupple.org Proletarian newspaper, anti-imperialist and revolutionary proletarian, anti-imperialist and revolutionary theory of the paths of national news Victory of the strikers of Emmaüs North after a Long -term control of understanding the global proletarian revolution? Palestine: how the resistance faces the genocidal offensive P. 5 P. 12 P. 15 The class unit until victory

The last period was once again provided; What have we been able to observe? We have seen the development of the decomposition of French imperialism, which is reflected in the form of a crisis at all levels: economic, social, cultural and above all political. This is what we know - all that we feel in our flesh every day that passes, even if sometimes we have trouble named the thing and to take it. The regime crisis looming in perspective - Tive is clear for those who want to see it at the beginning of 2024. First, the reactionary government pushed the establishment of the "Immigra" law - tion ”, which headlines the rights of immigrant proletarians; The end of the soil law in Mayotte which was announced recently goes in the same direction. Macron, Darmanin and others have only one objective at the bottom: this - Him to always atomize the class which pro - lasts everything but which has nothing, that is to say to divide it into Small independent plots of each other on the basis of criteria such as origin, sex, religion, etc., by operating economically always more a fringe of the proletariat in passing. This ATO policy - Class Postation is not new, it was triggered by the bourgeoisie ago - holding a long time, facing an indivisible class or a verrier, having built unique organia and,, So powerful. Since then, thanks to the harmful role of opportunities in the workers' movement who sold the fight for places in warm and pre -featured conciliation and negotiation with fierce struggle, atomization policy has made ravages. The union unit in a single conferred workers' deration is only a distant mirage, and within our proletarian thirds, we can no longer even count the number of "associations", All divided and firing in the legs to find out which one will be able to benefit from more subsidies from the town hall. All this is not inevitable, and our everyday work must go in the direction of the plain - Té on the basis of concrete claims. The absence of a political unity in a real revolutionary party allowing to direct the movement, the only thing that basically serves our emancipation, is the heart of all the pro -, this is where the rest follows. It is because we are not able to make the blows collectively and to bring concrete claims with number and force that the bourgeoisie was able to calmly make her way and little by little to undo the organic ties that we had woven between us , at the expensive price. The recent revolt of farmers has shown another facet of the same problem, the question of management. Without an organization - sation closely connecting small and medium farmers to the rest of the popular masses, and allowing them a politician and organizationally unified action, these legitimate revolts can only be recovered - rees by scales in the pay Large imperialist monopolies, which use it as an adjustment measure. This event has always shown more the gap that can exist - ter between the living conditions of these small operators and their bour - Geoises employer. The only way for these overhauling peasants is the union with the most oppressed workers to make a new company where 2 | The cause of the people n ° 76 is a proletarian, anti-imperialist and revolutionary newspaper. It is the work of all its contributors and contributors, piloted by the newspaper editorial committee, reachable on Twitter and Instagram (@cause_du_peuple) and by email: Causedupeuple@protonmail.com The cause of the people is sold at free prices. working class is one and indivisible! In one ----------- Undpaper strikers of Emmaus, in the North. Summary Mapping up 4 5victory of northern striking strikers after a long -term struggle 8The Minister Aurore Bergé threatens to suppress subsidies with associations 12th -theoretical: How to understand the world proletarian revolution? 14 Affairs in Senegal after the postponement of the elections by the President 15Palestine: How the resistance faces the genocidal offensive March 18, a legacy of the socialist movement of women's farmers: the struggle persists, led by the most combative 6fine of the soil in Mayotte: one more advance in the Reactionnarization of the State 9 Congo: Behind the conflict, the imperialist battle for minor resources the role of revolutionary activists is today to bear the unity of the class, understanding that the increased reactionnarization of the bourgeois state is only 'An attempt more to block us

Briefs of struggle Brute Niort: strike at Safran for wage increases, it moves to Safran, a large aeronau - tick group. After a Natio - NAL strike movement on February 14, which mobilized 40 % of employees, there were 160 in Niort to meet again to claim an increase equal to 5 %, the increase received the previous year. This mobilization takes place within the framework of the compulsory annual negotiations initiated since January by the group .bron: strike of teachers of the Monod college near Lyo N as before the school holidays, many establishments are mobilized against the announcements in matters of 'Education of the government. Let us note that of the Col - Lège Monod in Bron, mobilized again on March 5 with the teachers and other Person - Nels. There is no doubt, the discontent in education about reforms, but also degraded working conditions, wages and lack of staff is not ready to calm down! Savoie: Unpublished strike in the private hospital medipole 130 people invade the hospital parking lot. In this small town near Chambéry, it's new, moreover when we talk about a private hospital! It is nursing assistants, nurses, branches and others who have strikes to denounce working conditions of - graded while management seeks to increase the number of patients taken care of without increasing the staff. The strikers denounce their need for work stoppages against burn out and the work rate imposed by the owners of the hospital. , in Nantes, one of the postal workers was laid off without salary for refusing to go back on tour when he had already been doing his tour of the day! Faced with this, a strike took place, re - conducted two days. The management tried to break the strike, but the 45 post office agents held out. After the strike, the launching without salary was not withdrawn, but the postal workers obtained claims such as hiring new people, bikes, the right to eat in the canteen at the end of the service or the 'Spreading of the samples for the days of strike over several months. Elementary rights, but for which you have to fight! 4 2 31 41 Cachan: Blocking and over your yard against unhealthiness on March 5 The blocking of a versatile high school brought together several hundred students. Brable lights have been launched and the police repression forces taken for target, one of their cars was even returned and two injured cops. Unfortunately several young people were arrested. Media and bourgeois institutions whistle together to denounce these vio - lences, going so far as to explain that they were disconnected from the situation in the school! While a week before the facts, almost half of the 300 sets had used their right of withdrawal to denounce the scandalous conditions in which they must work and the 2,500 students study. Insalubrity is a generalized problem in the lycées of popular suburbs: ceilings that have melted, mold, lack of equipment, cut lights, floods, the rain that falls in progress ... it is not in the 16th arrondissement of Paris that we would see that! And it is this situation that pushes this youth today to his right revolt. 532 3 | The cause of the people n ° 765 the land will be socialized to support each other and respect nature. In all cases, the bourgeoisie is on all fronts to try to EM - fish to rebuild our struggles of struggles, our combat organizations. This is the meaning of all the reforms that we have known for years, as well as the permanent ideological blunder that we undergo. By these devices, the ex -ploitors try to put in as many heads as possible that the interest of the worker and the boss is the same, that we form a national unity without any class contradictions and that the interest of " France ”is above us, in-suspicion of everything. This clearly enters the more general plans From the French imperialist bourgeoisie of restructuring of the state and militarization apparatus exacerous, with an increasingly strong tendency to war, as a means of bypassing the substantive problem. All this is very impressive, and we must not underestimate the power of a state in deep crisis; But we are - let us see that this cannot be enough to defeat ourselves definitively, because our class has been able to resist in the worst conditions, in the worst prisons, we are therefore pis of optimism! What to propagate everywhere is therefore the opposite of what the reactionaries say. The role of revolutionary miles is today to bring the class unity, understanding that the increased reactionnarization of the bourgeois state is only one attempt more to block the road. We have only one way to follow, that of the Col - Lective struggle to make our principles triumph over those of the Dec - Dente bourgeoisie. Each leaflet, each debate, each poster, each event; Each action that we take is oh so important - aunt in the current situation, because every day that passes without revolution, it is a day more where we live under an infamous system. We have to fight wherever we act - sounds to make unity triumph against division! The editorial committees of the cause of the people and new era

4 | The cause of the people n ° 76 National news Authorities Nationalalities of the farmers: the struggle persists, led by the most combative then, was enough of an interview with the leaders of the FNSEA and some lightening on pesticides to calm the anger of the farmers ? You have to face the facts not! Because the bloi - cages continued until March, with new targets and new methods, more local, more dispersed, but still there. Of course, it was completely predictable, when we see how much the situation is in crisis and the government and its Me Sures have not changed anything. But we can emphasize two things: 1) that the national union departments, no - all the leaders of the FNSEA who are big bourgeois, tried to suffocate the case and that, and it is the main one, the Agri - Culuers refused to stop the movement (in connection with departmental organizations). 2) that farmers are starting to target banks, as in Occitania, that is to say directly tackling the financial capital which makes them slaves of large cooperatives, large banking groups and the Euro-Péen (and World) market . These two points are very important because they show that combativeness cannot be matted when the situation is so bad for so many farmers. They also show that the most combative part of the farmers is obviously not that of the big bourgeois, or even of the best -based bourgeois owners, but many the poorest operators, indebted, for whom the burning problems are the loans , prices and income of their work, not pesticides. We therefore see what is happening when the class contradiction within farmers itself. While the work Agri - Cole requires a lot of work and preception on the farm, including during the coldest months, the mobilization without interruption for such a long time of such a number of farmers means that farmers The most mobilized accept the cost of such MO - bilisations for their farm. The victory of the poor part of the "laborer class" cannot be won without the victory of the laborious class. The number, power and strength of the proletariat and the working class in our current society show that this class is the only one capable of leading to the revolution. It is clear, in re - keeping their mobilization, that the farmers who do not exploit anyone, who are struggling to pay a salary and who pour out the hay of the banks today have everything to win in the socialist revolution, the Only who will be able to guarantee a dignified and viable agriculture which serves the interests of the people and not of the world market. The most combative part of the farmers is obviously not that of the big bourgeois, or even the owners of the best lotis bourgeois, but the poorest operators, indebted

Localzoom local zoom 5 | The cause of the people n ° 76victory of the strikers of Emmaus Nord after a long -term struggle after the workers of Vertbau - Det, the CGT of the North tears a new victory with the Regularri - Sation of the 51 Sans -Piers strikers - Emmaüs. The outcome of this long fight is today a victory for the French proletariat which once again shows its abnee - gation and its fighting spirit in front of the exploiters. Nothing would not have been possible without the months of strikes repeated unanimously every night, and without daily class solidarity on the stake and in actions. Because the will - visits were not only exploited by Emmaüs and a rotten, corrupt and racist direction: they were also by the entire administrative and bureaucratic system of French imperialism which not only allows this exploitation, but also And on - everything encourages it! Because that's what it is about, a workforce paid a misery and choreable to thank you which benefits the bosses and the bourgeois class. The regularization of Emmaus undocumented migrants does not come alone. It also takes place in the context of the IM arrival of the Olympic Games, a bourgeois celebration which, with the various sites whose deadline is coming to an end, Em - bends many undocumented workers. The bourgeoisie is terrified at the idea of a revolt or a new strike like the OC - Cupation last October of the Arena project by or - undocumented vriers. In total, there are therefore 620 regularizations won by the CGT, including 502 undocumented workers Franci - Links on strike since October 17, essential to the smooth running of their small festivities. The victory of the companions of Emmaüs of the North is all the more remarkable since the latter had to endure all along their heroic strike the lowest strokes: cutting of heating, threats of closing of the site, fascist mobilization in support of the Direction, racist provocations with the deposit of a wild boar head on the stake, insults ... These unsuccessful tries of destabilization were not enough to begin the determination of the strikers, thanks to the support of the North CGT UD and the Undups Committee 59 (CSP59). The CGT was not spared from the low blows and the repression orchestrated by the bourgeois state, since on October 20, the secretary general of the Northern UD, Jean-Paul, was arrested violently at his Home at 6 a.m. for "apology for terrorism". In question, a press release of October 10 its - reading the resistance of the Palestinian people in the face of the genocidal Zionist occupier, following the global offensive of October 7. Having been quickly released since a court decision has been expected at the end of a judgment at the Lille court on March 28. The CGT already calls for a massive rally on this date and mobilizes all its supports to block the repression in solidarity with Jean-Paul. Like the victorious outcome of the strike of undocumented workers, we can only have confidence in the solidarity of our class to paralyze bourgeois justice and dissuade it from putting our comrade under locks. Emmaüs Grande-Synthe's undocumented strikers, next to Dunkirk, who joined the movement launched by the strikers of Saint-André-lez-Lille (North). 5 | The cause of the people n ° 76 Delive our article in n ° 73 of the cause of the people, October- November 2023: "Emmaüs:" Abbé Pierre, wake up, they have gone mad! " "" Protesters in front of the Arena site in Paris, December 1, 2023. Bouygues, the group in charge of the site, employed a hundred undocumented migrants, without contracts or pay sheet.

6 | The cause of the people n ° 76 National news Actualities of the soil law in Mayotte: one more advance in the reactionnarization of the State in February 2024, the Minister of the in - Téur Darmanin announced that EM - Manuel Macron wished That "it is no longer possible to become French if one is not yourself a child of French parents" if one was born in Mayotte. In the general context of the immigration law, where soil law was already called into question before the censorship of the Constitutional Council (for technical and non -political reasons), it is necessary to look at this decision to draw consequences on the reaction of the bourgeois state (see our previous issue). The law of the soil, a principle that has become important for the French bourgeoisie vis -à -vis nationality, the French bourgeoisie has evolved over time, following the development of French capitalism. The great French revolution of 1789 in - Talle la bourgeoisie in command. With the first constitutional monarchy (1791), there is a form of soil law which is confirmed - me after the end of the revolution in the Napoleon code of 1804. But this right of the soil is conditional, we cannot say that It is by - ticularly a principle established for the French geoisie, it is also little used. It was in 1851 then in 1889 that the law fixed the law of the soil strongly in French law. Why this ? This is the time when French capitalism needs labor And cannot rest only on the ancient Pays - without, who do not arrive quickly enough in town or died in successive wars. It is therefore necessary to immigrants that we will seek in Italy, Spain, Belgium ... Thus we note for example that 1889, when the new law arrives, it was almost 20 years after 1870-71, time of the Franco- Prussian and Com - Mune; There will therefore necessarily be absent in the age groups which must perform military service, because their potential parents died in war. The law of that year will reflect this reality to force the young people in - children of foreigners to do military service by their majority. So, in the turning point towards imperialism which happens around the end of the 19th century and Beginning of the 20th century, France became the first country of immigration in Europe while restricting nationality in its new colonies where one does not become French as in mainland France (Indigenous Code of 1881). This will continue with the infamous example of the name of "Muslim French" in Algeria, which accompanies so many massacres and persecution. You have to keep this in mind to always remember how French imperia is used to treating those he designates foreign on "his" soil. We can thus say that from the beginning of its contemporary sound (because it also existed in another way under the old regime), the law of the soil evolved in France (and elsewhere in the colonies) according to the necessities of the capitalism then of French imperialism. He opened when there was a workforce, and then closed. But it has become a general principle of the law of the French bourgeoisie, an instrument by which it could control its population in all the bourgeois regimes which have succeeded since the 1st Republic. Consequently, it is quite important to note that its questioning in Mayotte, then in France in general (which is the position of the republicans of Ciotti and is the His - toric position of the RN from Father Le Pen) grows almost no one. On the contrary, this "solution" is sold to masses as a solution to Mayotte problems. It is a sign of the reactionnarization of the State, because the long -standing legal tradition of the bourgeois Mocracy in France is called into question for the first time in an intense manner since the so -called "decolonization" and of - Then the Vichy regime, which had returned to the naturalizations obtained "by the soil" with its fascist government of deportations. Beyond soil law, the negation of French bourgeois democratic principles demonstrations before the French Embassy in the Comoros in 2018. The bourgeoisie absolutely seeks to restructure the State to ward off the crisis and put the revolts

7 | The cause of the people n ° 76 The French bourgeoisie has always boasted of being the heiress of the Enlightenment, the great ideas, the traditions of freedom and human rights. All this blabla took a big stroke of old when we see the fierce exploitation and the inhuman measures taken through the last 175 years by the bourgeois state of - who came the greatest oppressor after making people believe that he would make citizens free. As explained above, it is very important to link this current development to the history of French imperialism. It is therefore necessary to recognize to this extent to Mayotte a violation or - green and deliberate of the principle, however inscribed in the "Principles of the Republic": "The Republic is one and indivisible". Indivisible, really? However, the questioning of the right of nationality on a part only of the territory (Mayotte) total breaks this principle. The reactionnarization of the bourgeois state of which we are talking about is not an abstraction, it is carried out in concrete measures, where the principles of the bourgeois republic (demo -cratic -liberal) are called into question by the government which is Even head of this one. It is not surprising that the forces flirting most openly with fascism support the extension of such measures and demand "ideological victories" when they are presented. It is a necessity for the bourgeoisie to move forward with such weapons even if it means dedicating its thinkers and the original writers of its major laws, such as the Constitution of the 5th Republic. He absolutely needs to resort the state to ward off the crisis and put the revolts in step, these are tasks that go all together. Nothing progressive can come from the bourgeoisie. Imperialism is a parasitic and French imperialism is a luxurious, hungry parasite, which cannot support its weight without sucking the blood of the proletarians in France and the peoples oppressed to The stranger. He tries to train us in his fall by his laws, his wars and his delusional projects, and the Portunists of the Parliament try to make us believe that it is possible to save him, not to make reactionary reforms but a pro - Gram "on the left". But it is a lost pain, the reaction of the French bourgeois state continues frenzied in recent years. The only class capable of changing the situation is the proleti - riat, because it carries the task of slaughtering the Bour - Geois state and with it, the reaction on the whole line. Wuambushu 2: increased militarization in Mayotte Under the pretext of security already last year we talked about Wuambushu, the Macron government operation in Mayotte which had led to the destruction of several districts, making a large number of homeless people in the population of the island. In April the French state launched the Wuambushu 2 operation, with reactionary controls to prevent any resistance and carry out the decasses (destruction of dwellings). The problem of delinquency, on which the bourgeois state strongly emphasizes, is in reality the problem of resistance to forces of repression: the mid -overseas has announced the ban on machete sales and the Possibility of euthanizing the "attack dogs" in anticipation of the entrance of the police and gendarmes in the slums. But who created the "bands" and the "heads of bands" that the French state complains of having to "pacify"? Is it not an attitude of a pyromaniac firefighter to illegally occupy a territory, to attack with bulldozers and police officers and gendarmes the poor districts where a very young population is mass, without perspective and often without paper, and Then surprise the emerging problems? In reality there is nothing surprising in there, neither for the bourgeois state nor for us. This is part of their disgusting maneuvers to divide the people, present themselves as the "Saviors" of the "good people" of Mayotte, who has his papers, who has hard houses. All this against the "thugs" and the "criminals" that French imperialism itself created by its policy, not only in Mayotte, but also towards the Comoros, the archipelago of which the island is part and which is among The poorest in the world. The decor is placed, the bourgeois state wants us to believe that there are the gentiles on one side and on the other the bad guys and that he has nothing to do with the case, all that while He has the crime weapon in his hands. Wuambushu 2 is not an operation of "pacification", it is a militarization of the territory of Mayotte, a territory where you can be destroyed your house at any time, euthanize your dog without reason, or not to have clean water for weeks. Gendarmes during clashes with young people on April 25, 2023.

8 | The cause of the people n ° 76 National news Aurore Aurore Bergé threatens to suppress subsidies to associations The idea was posed on the table by the Minister in response to the site - tion in Palestine. Indeed, several associations dedicated to women denounced the situation in Gaza where the headquarters have already led to the death of tens of thousands of people, so many women too. Madame Au - Rore Bergé therefore considers that denouncing what is happening in Gaza is "having ambiguous remarks" and she uses her government power to threaten to remove bread from the mouth to the associations! Here we see a fine example of Macron's attempt to corporify the French imperialist state, that is to say that the state is held in a direct relationship with the masses, without inter-media, or that these intermediaries are His own institutions, under his own control. Another recent example is that of the Human Rights League, attacked by Darmanin after the mobilization of Sainte-Soline a year ago. Indeed, there are more than 1.3 million associations in France, many of which take advantage of state subvenations. These various associations (spor -off, cultural, political, social, etc.) also regularly serve the State as "relays" in society, by ensuring missions for which the famous "public service" has been put aside. Let us simply take the example of violence against women, supposedly "great cause of the five-year term" and therefore of Aurore Bergé: the telephone number praised by the government to alert on this subject, the 3919, is very largely managed by Associa - tions. So, if the bourgeois state finances them - tions and they are useful to him for a certain ni - calf, why then the ministers of the government - do they publicly threaten to cut the tap of subsidies? What to do against that? Well, you have to understand that the mid - associative place developed from the years born 1970-1980, that is to say in the period when the bourgeois state begins to restructure-RER against the crisis of mass unemployment. Local or national, political and social associations have been created and organized masses movements on different scales on various subjects. Today, the bourgeois state wants to save money and above all wants to control absolutely the political content of these associations which are important for social life. It is out of the question to have anything from Oppo - sa to the government and the interests of the state! Associations must stick to "neutrality" or the government line, if not, no subsidy! In this way, the masses are directly submitted, taken there in associative life, to the politics of the bourgeois state. The interests of associations must become those of the bourgeoisie if they want to continue to receive money, the class struggle must be erased and the direct social bond between the bourgeois state and the proletarian: it is corporatism that we have spoken above. We see to a certain extent the same phenomenon in the bourgeois media: those who do not depend on a billionaire live on state subsidies, and Macron recalled during his interview with humanity that the State "helped" thus newspapers. It is therefore an important alarm signal, whether one is a member of an association, a Syn - Dicat, or any other organization. In 2024, it was completely foolish to build a gold - Ganisation based on the "support" FI - Nancier of the bourgeois state. It is only a turnover that is given before using the stick! On the contrary, it is necessary to rely on the only ones which are capable of supporting the struggle to the end and of supporting it, including financially, because it is theirs: the popular masses in general, and the proletariat in particular.

International International9 | The cause of the people n ° 76 on February 12, of the fitted and Belgian flags burn before the UN embassies and offices, in Kinshasa, the capital of the Democratic Republic of Congo. Pro demonstrators - have been testing against the conflict that has ravaged their country for 25 years, which has already killed more than 6 million people, under the eyes of the plunderers, indifferent to yet another genocide. In the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), the conflict, passed over in silence by the major press groups of our imperialist countries, has been going on since 1996 and has been 6 milth and millions of displaced . A multitude of armed groups and lackery gimes in the region, working for different imperialists, are involved. From - then 2 years, it is mainly the M23 and the armed forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo who compete. The M23, supported by Rwanda, bases its claims on discrimination against the Congolese Tutsis, who fled the genocide of which they were victims in Rwanda in 1994, and other ethnic communities in northern and southern Kivu, CISSES - derects of Rwandan origin. Since the 1994 genocide, the control of minerals and CIRs - cooked exit has been for Rwanda a way of continuing war in another form. The stakes are high: create an eco -nomic base to compensate for your geographic situation - landlocked phique and its modest natural resources. “Westerners are behind the looting of our country. Rwanda does not work alone, so they have to leave our country, "said a protester in Reuters. The crowd threw stones on the American embassy, burned flags, and destroys foreign stores, like that of the French channel Canal+. Several vehicles of the so -called "peacekeeping" mission of the UN have been in - cendied and looted in the east of the DRC. Police repressed the demonstrators by pulling tear gas and keeping several Ambas - Sades, including the French and United States Embassies. They also have their nationals of "low profile" and not to leave their homes, and many international schools and imperialists have been closed. Already in March 2023, during his strategic trip to Central Africa to try to preserve the threatened interests of French imperialism, Macron had been welcomed by manifestos: "We burned the flag of France (...) to express Our indignation with regard to the financial support that France brings to Rwanda to finance the rebels of the M23 which attack us. The DRC is of great interest in many imperialists because of its natural sources: it has 80 % of the world of Coltan, in the basements of North Kivu and South Kivu. Recognized for its hard - tee and extreme resistance to Heat and corrosion, this metal is used in aerospace, armament and electronics. In addition, the Congolese pass has high dioactivity; Its concentration could provide fissile materials likely to replace uranium in certain applications. Currently, China controls most Congo mines and provides the Congolese state with drones and weapons to combat the M23 group. In addition, the ar - Mées de la DRC forces are directly supported by the so -called "peacekeeping" mission of the United Nations, which however withdrew after having faced the opposition of the Congo - Lais and to the failure of "stabilization" of the country. The DRC "security" forces have gone many atrocities against the population, such as extrajudicial executions and repression against those who criticized the UN operation in the country. The M23 has increased significantly in recent months and is found at the gates of Goma, the capital of North Kivu1. Goma is the only city in the region to have an important Internatio - NAL airport and substantial infrastructure. The concern of the imperialists with regard to the M23 has nothing to do with anxiety for the Congolese people. The only thing that worries them, in reality, is the loss of access to mining resources, as manifests have denounced. 1. In 2012, for 10 days, the M23 had already occupied the city of Goma. Its rapid ascent and its links with Rwanda had aroused concern and launched international efforts for a cease-fire. After talks, the M23 had ended its rebel in 2013, but has since resumed arms. Congo: behind the conflict, the imperialist battle for mining resources "Rwanda does not work alone, Westerners are behind the Pillage of our country "demonstrators in front of the French Institute of Goma, on March 2, 2023, when Emmanuel Macron's arrival in the DRC.

International briefs internationals Pakistan demonstrations and clashes between demonstrators and police broke out in Pakistan after the publication of the elections of February 8. The demonstrations have blocked most of trafficking and economic activity in many regions. Several at the country's torouts were completely blocked. The first mansions left 4 dead and more than 30 injured. The supporters of Imran Khan and other parties denounced a manipulation in the reorganization of votes, which also took several days. From the start, these elections have been an absolute farce led by the Giant Pakistani classes and imperialism. Imran Khan (the former president, ousted in 2022, support for the interests of Chinese social-imperialism) was maintained outside the duel with the aid of questionable criminal charges. But the PTI (Pakistan Movement for Justice), Imran Khan's party, has largely came at the top of the ballot, winning 93 seats. However, they were not allowed to form a new government, because it is only allowed to parties - the majority of them were forced to present themselves under the "independent" label. It is therefore a government alliance without the PTI which was announced, with the PLM -N (Party of the Muslim League) and the Pakistani people party, led by two families historically in power in Pakistan since the decades. The main objective of these elections, which was from the country by making the country by allowing the formation of a new government for the State, is fulfilled only on the facade. The deep crisis in Pakistan is not resolved by the appointment as a Prime Minister of a new puppet in the pay of Yankee imperialism. 40 % of the population still lives below the poverty line, and the PA - Kistani masses are not fooled. To the point that even many bourgeois media highlighted the lack of total transparency and the way everything has been put in place so that the PLM-N won the elections with the help of the army. 2) Tesla, located in Germany, has been sabotage on the part of activists calling on the "Vulkan Gruppe". On March 12, they set fire to a high -voltage electric pylon, cutting electricity at the automaker's factory, as well as to the surrounding residents. The production was interrupted for a week and the losses were estimated at nearly a billion dollars. Inaugurated in 2022, the factory employs 11,500 employees and produced the best -selling electric SUV in Europe. Overtime of - restrained, overload of work, lack of staff, bad air conditioning - tion of the workshops ... The box of Elon Musk is well known for Fully mocking the rights of its workers in the United States as in Europe. To hire them, they must even sign a "declaration of 10 | The cause of the people n ° 76 Internationalluettes of the proletariat and the oppressed peoples 3 Jordanieconfidentiality ", pretty words to in reality prevent them from organizing themselves. Recently, Tesla has announced its project to enlarge this gigafactory, which is already 300 hectares, which would imply the deforestation of more than 100 additional hectares. Its delirious water consumption is also pointed out, as well as phosphorus and nitrogen pollution (6 times greater than the legal limit) of surrounding waters. An advisory vote took place, with a participation of 70 % of the inhabitants, 64 % rejecting the extension. Tesla representatives have already announced that they did not do anything about it, and Elon Musk went to the factory for the resumption of activity by announcing: "They will not stop us! However, it is obviously enough from an electric pylon and a well-placed lighter ... On Sunday January 28, the US military base "Tour 22" in Jordan was attacked by a drone. The attack occurred early in the morning, taking the soldiers completely by surprise. The toll is three dead and more than 40 injured, including serious. This is the most effective attack on American troops since 2021, when 13 soldiers had died during an attack in Kabul. As the Yankees officers to the bourgeois press reported, from Friday January 26 to Monday, January 29, they were the target of six different attacks -

31 Many events and actions took place across the country on March 8, an International Women's Wrestling Day. In Ankara, thousands of women parade with enthusiasm, por - so much banners with slogans such as "life and freedom for women!" End of oppression and reaction! "And" March 8 is red and will remain red! "The march of Eskişehir has chanted slogans such as" we will not be the slaves of the family or the capital! " », And was held in solidarity with women affected by TREM - Bounds of the land of February 6 and with Palestinian women. In Diyarbakir, banners supported the struggle of women, Afghan, Iraqi and Pakistani women. In Istanbul, the capital, the millets of women joined the "feminist night march" and deceived the most 300 women killed in Turkey in 2023. A speech was read: "These streets which are closed to us are open to sects that propagate hatred (…). What they call "family" is a structure that is imposed on us, in which we are subject to abuses and violence, where our work, our body and our existence are ignored and exploited. We are supposed to accept inequalities in order to have accommodation and reach both ends. Living differently is “shameful” and “prohibited”. But we have no lives to lose because of shame and prohibitions. More than 300 women were killed by men in 2023. In just two days, 9 women were AS - Sassirées either while they were trying to divorce, or after divorce (…). We consider male violence, the non-prevention of violence and male domination as a social system. We put on the agenda the fact that the police do not do their job, that the law is not applied effectively, that the judges make sexist judgments and that the centers of reception are not adapted. Current policy, on the other hand, finds frightening the Au - Tonomisation and equality of women and seeks to strengthen the family. Anyway, they should be afraid, because if there is no equality and freedom for us, there is no peace for them. »2 4 Turkey 11 | The cause of the people no. 76rents, and this attack was the highest point of this increase in attacks against the military presence of the USA in the Middle East. Tower 22 is one of their military bases, it located at the northeast corner of Jordan, on the border with Iraq and Syria, and serves as a fundamental home for the operations of Yankee imperialism In the region, especially in Syria. The base has around 350 soldiers, and Jordan, a historic key ally of the USA, has around 4,000, including hundreds of trainers, and organizes intensive exercises throughout the year. The facts were claimed by Islamic resistance in Iraq, an informal coalition of armed groups supported by Iran, which opposes the aid that the United States brought to Israel in the massacre in Gaza, and more generally to Yankee imperialism in the Middle East. Iran officially deny any involvement. Since the withdrawal of Afghanistan in 2021, American troops had gone from 160 000 to 30,000 soldiers in the Middle East. But since the last 7 OCBre, the United States has sent thousands of supremely pleasant soldiers to the region, especially on warships. In retaliation, they have been attacked more than 160 times by militias supported by Iran, injuring about 80 soldiers.

Theoretheomie 12 | The cause of the people n ° 76th text serves as a short introductory - tion to allow us to understand the process of the global pro -Latarian revolution. Why are we talking about Revolution my - diaine? First of all because the proletariat is an international class, which shares its interests worldwide. Then, because the purpose of the revolution, communism, cannot be reached as long as the class society exists in the world, either we are all entering it, or no one enters it. Consequently, the Ré - Envolution is global. Despite this, this revolution is carried out in countries according to their national framework, and it therefore develops unevenly, not in unison. Thus, in the 20th century, the Russian Revolution of 1917 allowed a great progress to the revolution in the world, but all dominoes did not fall at the same time elsewhere in Europe, and the USSR has become a base of support to The proletarian revolution my diaial in other countries. Thus, the world proletarian revolution is a unity, when the revolution arrives in a country, it has an impact in all the others. In 2024, more than 100 years after 1917, some believe that the world revolution is dead and buried, that it is an ancient history of the 20th century, and that it is necessary today to be in new questions. They think communism has failed. However, the class struggle is strengthened in the world and the contradictions are reached! The main contradiction at the time of imperialism, wars and revolutions, is as follows: on the one hand there are oppressive countries (imperialists) and on the other of the oppressed countries. It is within this framework that the funded contradiction of capitalism develops, that between social production and private property, between work and capital and all other contradictions. Thus the Communist Party of China indicated in the important "Chinese letter" of 1963: "Some even deny the great scope of the revolutionary struggle of the peoples of Asia, Africa and Latin America against imperialism And, under the pretext of bringing down the barriers of nationality, skin color and geo -graphic location, they try by all means to erase the line of demarcation between oppressed nations and oppressive nations, between oppressed countries and oppressive countries, to stifle the revolutionary struggle of the peoples of these re -gions [...] This "theory" does not really aim to bring down the barriers of nationality, the color of the skin and the geo location - graphic, but to maintain the domination of "higher nations" over the oppi - mes nations. [...] The working class [...] must study the revolutionary experience of the peoples of Asia, Africa and Latin America, firmly support their revolutionary action, and consider the cause of their release as support The surest for herself, like her direct interest. Only this way of acting makes it possible to bring down the barriers of nationality, color and geographic location, theory: How to understand the world proletarian revolution? Each advancement of the revolution in Africa, Asia, Latin America and elsewhere will serve us because it will undermine the basis of French imperialism and therefore, from our main enemy just as, in return, our process will serve the peoples of the whole world

13 | The cause of the people n ° 76 and is the expression of the real international internationalism. Without the Union with the oppressed nations, without the release of these, the working class of the capitalist countries of Europe and America will never have its release. Lenin has very well said: “The revolutionary movement of the advanced countries would in fact be only a simple - perie without the complete and the closest in the struggle of workers in Europe and America against capital and hundreds and hundreds of millions of slaves 'colo - niaux' oppressed by this capital. ” (V.I. Lenin, The 2nd Congress of the Communist International, Works, Tome 31) "Some, who believe they respect Marx and his work, claim that he thought that the Revolution could only take place in Europe, where the capitalism was the most developed. Of course, Marx and Engels1 paid great attention to England, then later to the Alle - Magne, because they were the countries where the development of capitalism and the working class allowed the most complete during the Revolution. However, in several letters in Vera Zassoulitch, a Russian activist, Marx explains how the democratic and agrarian revolution in Russia could launch a process - the "regenerator of Russian society", higher - 1. Founders of Marxism, German revolutionaries having lived in through Europe in the 19th century. Head of capitalism. And it is on this basis that Lenin2 develops - by his thesis of the role of the revolution in the oppressed nations, of the combination between the international communist movement and the national liberation movement against imperialism. In the too often forgotten Address to the second Russian congress of communist organizations of the peoples of the East, Lenin says: "This is why I think that in the history of the development of the World Revolution - which, to judge by its beginning , will continue for many years and will require a lot of effort - in the revolutionary struggle, in the Revo -Lationalion Movement, you [the East peoples] will be called to play a big role and to merge with our fight against the Imperialism internal - tional. Your participation in the inter - - national revolution will confront you with a complete and difficult task, the accomplishment of which will serve as the basis for our common success, because here the majority of the people begins for the first time to act independently and will be an active factor in the fight to return - to serve international imperialism. Thus, the oppressed nations, which represent the majority of humanity and are found in Asia, in Africa, in Latin America and even 2. large Russian revolutionary having led the revolution of 1917. In Eastern Europe, are the centers of the global proletarian revolution. They constitute - kill the Third World, which is a point ES - Sential of the theory of President Mao3: "Three worlds that are delimited". The mention of third world is not negative or insulting, on the contrary, it underlines the central role of these countries in the Revolution. It should not be confused with the revisionist theory which will be carried by Deng Xiaoping4 and which amounts to advocating the alliance with an imperia power - more "weak" list against a stronger power or a superpower. The period of "strategic offensive" on the contrary is a synthesis on the world revolution. It means that the struggles of the oppressed nations against imperialism are those which today have the weight and the potential for the overthrow of imperialism. All the more at our period which is that of the strategic offensive, where the proletariat and the peoples of the whole world must be taken to attack the decomposition imperialism which lives a general crisis everywhere and spares no country . President Gonzalo5 says in this regard: "It is a strategy, it is a global grip of the place where the weight of the masses on earth is, it is the problem of relations between imperialism and the Na - oppressed tions, that's the problem. This is a problem that can only be understood in the current international situation, starting from the international economic relations of imperialism, it is Lenin's thesis. It is ridiculous to conclude that the struggle in imperialist countries is removed by this strategic analysis, that the revolution here is possible. By clarifying this, we must understand the necessary socialist revolution in France as a part of the proletable revolution - no worldwide which is a whole. This part will be at the service of the whole process, and each advancement in Africa, Asia, Latin America and elsewhere will serve us because it will undermine the basis of French imperialism and therefore, from our main enemy just as, in return, Our process will serve peoples around the world. The current warlike aggressiveness of Im - Perianism, which will defend its monstrous system to death, must be seen as a sign of weakness, and not a force. A wild beast is always more snarling on the verge of death than when it is triumphant. 3. great Chinese revolutionary who led the Communist Party of China. 4. Director of the right line in China, having taken power in a coup after 1976 to embark China on the path of capitalism. 5. Grand Peruvian revolutionary who led the Communist Party of Peru.

International International14 | The cause of the people n ° 76 we publish here an unofficial translation of an article in the Anglophone Mé- Dia Dia Red Herald, published on February 14, updated in mid-March by the writing of the cause of the people. In Senegal, clashes between demonstrators and "security forces" broke out on February 4 after parliament decided to postpone the pre -presidential election, confirming the unilateral announcement of the current President Macky Salle, just before the start of the electoral campaign. According to the media, at least three mansions were murdered by the "security forces". The youngest of them, 16, was shot in the head. The Senegalese state also has a neck - Pé the Internet to impose a stricter cen - sure. Senegal is considered to be a "stable" country, which has a "long tradition of dice and respect for human rights" by the imperialists. However, even before the postponement of the elections, Macky Sall's rivals were the subject of criminal accusations and imprisonment. His main rival, Ousmane Sonko, was accused of rape, among other things, an allegation that would have been politically motivated by his supporters. Struggles, during which at least 13 people were shot by the riot police, took place against his imprisonment in 2021. Sonko was detained for several months for "corruption of minors and incentive to the insurrection" , although he was acquitted of the accusation of rape. Many journalists and activists have been arrested for denouncing the restrictions imposed on Sonko and SES by - TI. Finally, Sonko was released on March 14. Of course, he is only a representative of another section of the ruling classes, and there is no doubt that he would work just as im - pitifully if he was in power to serve the interests of his country. After the serious political crisis of recent months, the Constitutional Council of Senegal forced Macky Sall to set a new date of presidential election before the end of his mandate on April 2. The date was arrested on March 24. The right to vote and the "free elections" are considered as fundamental ideals of bourgeois democracy, and the attempt to postpone elections by a unilateed announcement - rale of the president, which according to the Sé -Negalaise Constitution is not authorized to Continuing after being in power since 2012 was a clear violation of these ideals. Despite this, the postponement of the elections was part of the institutional framework of the Senegalese state, as pointed out by a political scientist based in the United States. Mr. Sall simply signed a decree of announcing a measure dating from November 2023 which defined the date of the elections. He invoked - which problems related to the list of candidates, some of his rivals had already been excluded, and called for the holding of a corporatist "Dia - National Logue" to "create the conditions of a Free, transparent and inclusive election in a peaceful and reconci - linked Senegal ”. This illustrates the rot of bureaucratic capitalism and the illusory nature of democratic and liberal rights. The imperialists have worried about the struggle in Senegal, a relatively stable country of the Ré -Gion du Sahel, where multiple military couples have taken place in recent years. A series of cynical statements have been able to - bliated. For example, the UN, an imperialist instrument dominated by the United States, condemned violations of "human rights" com - put by riot police and called on the government to make the "national dialogue "Inclusive". French imperialism has asked the police to use violence "proportion - born" against the demonstrators and hoped that the elections would be held soon. The Imperia - American Lism has also declared itself "pro -concerned" by the situation. What is expressed in the demonstrations is the request of the Senegalese people for democratic rights and for a change in their conditions, a large number of my - nifestants being angry young people with the life of suffering that Capita - Bureaucratic Lism. At the same time, certain forces try to limit the struggle to an electoral fight or to appease it by organizing peaceful protest marches, in order to preserve this order of oppression at the price of the blood of the people. Elections by the president demonstrating in front of a fire barricade in Dakar on February 4, 2024.

15 | The cause of the people n ° 76 The paths of power the paths of PowerPalestine: how the resistance faces the genocidal offensive The war opened 75 years ago in Palestine. The Zionist State of Israel was founded at the cost of destroying the villages and the exodus of 800,000 Palestinians. Rediscovered today in "pockets", in the West Bank, in Gaza, or in neighboring states, the PA - Lestinians have nothing to lose. Since the counter-offensive of October 7, Israel has launched a major genocidal operation, claiming to definitively settle the "Palestinian problem" in Gaza. Since then, the world can hardly look elsewhere. In just four months, The Israeli operation has killed both and two years of Ukraine invasion by Russia. The intensity of imperialist propaganda is as important as the military effort deployed on the spot. Everywhere, the reactionary press talks about the "right of Israel to defend oneself", victims who are not "of the same nature" depending on whether it is the Israelis victims of the Offen - Sive of October 7, or else If we talk about the POLAlation of Gaza victim of bombings and the earthly invasion. International law is clear, however: the UN recognizes the West Bank - Nie, Jerusalem -Est and the Gaza Strip as territories illegally occupied by the Zionist Arpone. He recognizes that there is no right "to defend himself" against an enemy who is not a state and, moreover, comes from an illegally occupied territory. The principles of international law recognize this - that the resistance, including an army, to an occupation is a legitimate right: the right that the Palestinian resistance proudly affirmed on October 7. Georges Abdallah: 40 in prison for his fight for Palestine this year marks, in France, the 40th anniversary of the anti -impelly fighter - Lebanese rialist and anti -Zionist Georges Ibra - Him Abdallah, accused of complicity in Assassi - Nat de Two American and Israeli diplomats in Paris in 1982. In his last statement, he reminds us: "These people have defeated all the colonialist settlement policy implemented for more than a century by the ex -Zionist depression of the imperialist West. The ethnic cleaning of the land of Palestine and its indomitable inhabitants is more than a failure. More than half of the Palestinian people now live in historical Palestine. The Zionist Mou - Vement has never succeeded and never succeeded in breaking the unshakable will of women and men, young and old Palestinians to lead the struggle on all fronts to release Palestine, all Palestine . [...] Resistance remains unshakable, protected and adopted by the Population - Laires masses. Gaza will never wear the white flag of the capitulation ... Neither the Zionists nor any criminal force will never succeed in breaking the will of resistance to Gaza. We never forget that these are the bowels of these refugee camps in Gaza, the West Bank, Jordan and Lebanon, that the Expres - the Palestinian Historian Fighting: The Fedayin. More than ever, this resistance to genocidal aggression is green and carries the promise of the Fedayin ... "Israel is digging its own tomb today, Gaza is on the verge of famine. The majority of the Israeli civilian population, one of the most militarized in the world, supports the genocidal war. The few refractories for enrollment in the Zionist army are seen in prison. A few weeks ago, the Palestinian leader Marwan Barghouti1 was placed in isolation by the Zionist occupier, AC - cited to prepare an intifada2 in the West Bank. He was beaten by his jailers on March 6 and 12. The state of Israel is aggressive because it knows is weak. In the Gaza Strip, Palestinian ghost plays tend successful Emcades in the face of the invasion. The Israeli army is pleased to have "neutralized 15,000 terrorists" because the Palestinian mass is confused with active resistance. The Palestinian fees today are the children of the 20143 July -August massacre. No matter the magnitude of the massacres that take place today, Israel is digging here, in this sea of blood, its own tomb. Palestine will win ! 1. Marwan Barghouti is Palestinian leader, member of the legislative and dissident of Fatah, imprisoned by Israel since 2002. 2. An intifada designates the general uprising of the Palestinian population throughout Palestine, including Jerusalem and the Territories Revened by Israel. The first (1987-1993) led to the capitulation of the PLO and the future training of the Palestinian Authority; The second (2000-2005) led to the end of colonization and at the start of the blockade to the Gaza Strip, as well as the construction of the Israeli separation wall, fragmenting the West Bank to accelerate the colonization of the territory. 3. Israeli air strikes on Gaza had already killed 1,400 people. The Palestinian fighters today are the children of the 2014 massacre of Palestinian fighters from the Al-Qassam brigades, in the Gaza Strip on July 19, 2023.

Our movement our movement16 | The cause of the people n ° 76 Paris: Tribute to the heroes of the proletariat on Sunday, February 25, the cause of the people called to commemorate the heroes of the French proletariat. Like every year, this commemorative event was aimed at honoring Pierre Overney, worker Revolution - Naire, seller of the cause of the people. On February 25, 1972, when Pierrot had the hard experience of forced unemployment, fired from Renault for political reasons, he participated in a leaflet distributions in front of the factory to commemorate the 10 years of the massacre of the Charonne metro, a Demonstration which followed the massacre of October 17, 1961 where the French police drowned the Algerians en masse. Following his death, class solidarity is immense, and more than 200,000 people walk in a long procession behind his coffin in early March 1972. We also paid a special tribute to the heroes of the Manouchian group (FTP-Moi), giving Their life for the Communist Party and the Revolution 80 years ago. In addition to a saying, two letters were read to the comrades present. The first is made up of extracts from Missak Manouchian's letter to Mélinée, his wife, before her death. She demonstrates all her internationalism and heroism. The Deu - XIth is a letter from the Bulgarian worker Lu - Tibrodsky, sentenced to death by the dictatorship in 1934, to his father. This letter was broadcast to thousands of copies at the time as an example of the relentless struggle against the Bour - Geoisie and Fascism. The demonstration, by - so much of the Metro Père Lachaise, therefore passed on the tomb of Pierrot, then on that of Szlama Grzywacz, communist fighter, Jew Po - Lonais Member of the Manouchian group, died shot on February 21, 1944. Read the speech read during the manifestation by the cause of the people:

17 | The cause of the people n ° 76 Our movement our movement17 | The cause of the people n ° 7617 | The cause of the people n ° 76Autriche: commemoration of February 1934 in Austria, our comrades of the ROTE FAHNE newspaper reported that a ma - nifestation was held in Vienna on February 12, to commemorate the 90th anniversary - Tion of February 1934. At the time, the fighting rumbled in Vienne and opposed the workers, communists and socialist forces, to the fascist forces, who rally the so -called "republican" army. Despite the military defeat of the workers' forces - 7000 combat - workers who lose life - these battles were decisive for the development of the resistance against the new Aus - Trofascist regime, then the Nazi "Third Reich". The demonstration took place near Karl -Marx -Hof, which is a set of buildings of workers' housing, and a historic place of the socialist movement of Austria, which underwent the assaults to the cannon of the Fascist army 90 years ago. The banners, the flags and the songs celebrated this struggle with dignity in order to recall its lessons. The unitary slogan "Remembering is to fight" has been chanted, Ain - if slogans against inflation, wage theft, against rearmament and NATO. Palestinian flags have been spotted in the crowd, symbolic expression of international solidari - and against the censorship that the ruling classes want to impose on the Austrian people in solidarity with the Palestinian people. On the banner, we can read: "1934: their blood did not flow in vain ... for the reconstruction of the Communist Party of Austria! »»

Women in fighting in wrestling 18 | The cause of the people n ° 76Tus the years in March 8 is the International Women's Wrestling Day, which aims to celebrate and highlight the just struggle of women proletarian for their emancipation through the socialist revo. The history of the International Women's Wrestling Day begins within the second international, during the second conference of socialist women, which was held in Copen - Hague in August 1910. It is on a proposal from comrade Clara Zetkin1 that is adopted the proposal of principle to organize a day - born to mobilize women "in accordance with political and syn - dicals of the proletariat endowed with class conscience", without having a date For the holding of this day. Created by the socialist movement of the time, this day then aims to formalize an opposition to bourgeois feminism, very influential at the time, and bring together revolutionary women in defense of pro - letareal feminism, of the emancipation of women by the release of the proletariat. It was following this decision that is organized in the year, the first international day of women's wrestling day, on March 19, 1911, with the main claim to obtain the right to vote for all women, as decided at the Conference of Socialist Women. This first demonstration is very wide - ment followed in many European countries where nearly a million people participate in demonstrations. On March 8, date in tribute to a workers' strike in Petrograd in the years that followed, between 1911 And 1915, other similar days are organized in different European countries and in Russia, continuing to bring claims for voting for women. The date of March 8 appears for the first time during this PE - RIOD, in 1914 in Germany, where a day of struggle is organized for obtaining the right to vote by socialist women. It is towards 1. German communist leader, known for his work in the international struggle of socialist women. The end of the First World War that we find this date of March 8, in Russia in 1917, with this time- this new recent - Dications. Petrograd's workers' women get on strike, demanding bread to be able to eat and feed their children, and the return of their relatives to the front in an unjust inter-imperialist war that only brings them misery. This event is a sou - wind considered to be the beginning of the Soviet revolution. In memory of this Histo -Rique day, March 8 is designated as "International Women's Wrestling Day" in the USSR from 1921. March 8 is then gradually won throughout the world as the day - born International women, carrying demands for access to work, equal pay, equitable sharing of work -meter work. It is primarily mainly in the Soviet Union and in socialist countries that this day is growing, then later within the People's Republic of China, before starting to touch the imperialist powers during the 1960s and 1970. The UN did not decreed until 1977 on March 8 as "International Women's Day" by enjoining its member states to celebrate this day. This appellation of "International Women's Day" is known - throws many criticisms, especially because of the claimy vagueness and the erasure correctly asking the question of the emancipation of women, it is to do it as a revolutionaries the March 8, a legacy of the socialist movement of women

19 | The cause of the 76 -historical people that it highlights. Some gold - Liberal feminist ganisations prefer the term "International Day of Women's Rights", thus trying to highlight the need for equality of women and men in the eyes of the law. International Rights Day ... Bourgeois of women This name of "International Day of Women's Rights", it is not correctly the historical reality of this day. She takes away her character of a day of struggle, strikes of workers within the socialist movement. This name also places access to rights as the purpose of emancipation of women, as if the inevitable ends end from the moment when it is written in the law that women and men must be equal. We can see that this is not the case, that women continue to be those who mainly deal with children and domestic work; that hiring discrimination are still relevant; that women continue to be attacked, raped and killed; In short, that effective equality is still not reached. To arise the question of the emancipation of women properly is to do it as revollers, it is to do it in the context of the profound modification of our pro -duction relationships, to acquire economic and political freedom Women by the death of the old capitalist world and the advent of the new socialist world. We cannot be content to fight for fictitious rights that do not lead to a modification of the company. An inseparable struggle of the struggle for the socialist revolution The struggle for the emancipation of pro - Laters through proletarian feminism, pre - - feels in the demands of March 8 of - then the first years of this day, unfortunately ceded the Make way for these claims - abstract liberal cations centered around bourgeois law. Increasingly the economic claims, the celebration of women struggling for their emancipation all over the world, are relegated to the background, behind vague claims. These cannot become reality in a context of bourgeois domination of society. The fight against gender -based and sexual violence is an example, an essential struggle that we must lead but which cannot Abou - shot under capitalism, a great cause of the MIDRONNATE Macron having brought to any change, no improvement of the situation. Women are still as much victims of violence more than 5 years after taking over presidential office. The struggle for the emancipation of women detached from the class struggle cannot succeed, It is inseparable from the revolutionary social struggle - List for the dictatorship of the proletariat. So let's now celebrate the International Women's Wrestling Day and continue to lead the struggle for the emancipation of women through the Revolution! On March 4, 2024, the Macron government had the freedom to resort to abortion in the French Constitution. The opportunity for one of the most reacters and liberticides of the fifth republic to restore an image undermined by half a decade of unpopular measures and marginalizations of the most fragile populations. After a cessation of great pumps on March 8, the Constitution was well endowed with a new article, a "fundamental step" for the rights of women according to the minister responsible for equality between women and men Aurore Bergé. In great words for ultimately not much, because what has been constitutionalized is not the right to be able to resort to an abortion for everyone who can need it, but the freedom to do so. The distinction is signifi - cative because it does not offer any guarantee for people wishing to use their freedom to abort that they can do it in decent conditions. It is therefore a hollow measure, a handle effect by an unpopular government in need to get a good image, to the detriment in - Core once the struggle for the emancipation of women which is reduced to A storage and a series of postures and declarations without the slightest effect. We deserve better than that and must fight for our own emancipation which can never go through compromise with the bourgeoisie and its defenders! The scam of the constitutionalization of abortion demonstration in Paris, March 8, 2024. The activists carry portraits of large revolutionary women. From left to right: Jiang Qing (great Chinese communist leader), Danielle Casanova (French communist resistance), comrade Norah (great Peruvian communist leader), Clara Zetkin.

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AND Weekly Editorial – The unresolved question: who ordered Marielle to be killed? – The Red Herald

We publish an unofficial translation of the Weekly Editorial of A Nova Democracia.

The investigations, contrary to the unfortunate speech of Luiz Inácio’s minister, are not completed – at least, not from a scientific and true point of view. There is a lot to delve into if you want to prove the real motivation for the crime.

It is strange to hear from the current government’s Minister of Justice, Ricardo Lewandowsky, that the Marielle case is closed, without a plausible motivation being presented. That the Brazão family and the former head of the Civil Police, Rivaldo Barbosa, are involved, no one doubts. But it is stupid to think that Marielle was executed, in the center of Rio de Janeiro, in 2018, amid military intervention, for having voted against a bill that was approved for the benefit of the Rio mafias (badly called “militias”). The execution, carried out in a blatant far-right way, sending a clear message to the left and with the aim of destabilizing the political situation, has no identity with the motivation presented for the crime as a conclusion of the Federal Police investigation.

The Bolsonaro clan’s relations with Élcio de Queiroz and Ronnie Lessa, driver and executor of the shooting on March 14, 2018, are known. On the day of Marielle’s execution, Élcio de Queiroz was at Bolsonaro’s residency in the apartment 58, whose owner is Jair Bolsonaro, and he appears in the guest book. Why did Luiz Inácio’s minister ignore this fact, reported in 2019 by the residency doorman? Ronnie Lessa received a prosthesis from Bolsonaro when he lost his leg in an attack in 2009. Why does Lessa say he doesn’t know Bolsonaro?

Perhaps leaving someone else to clean up the mess, Bolsonaro took refuge, for two days, in the Hungarian embassy, a country governed by one of the leaders of the global far right and a friend of the president, when the investigations into the Marielle case quickly moved to prisons. Bolsonaro is afraid of what? Although, it is true, in addition to this reason there is no shortage of others: there are accusations, investigations and proceedings for various crimes committed by him that could lead to him being arrested.

It is certain that the Bolsonaro clan has some kind of relationship, to some degree, with the murder of Marielle Franco. She was not killed because she voted against a bill, nor would the Brazão be so stupid as to attract all the attention to their criminal business, with a blatant political assassination, just because they confronted in a vote, in which not even the councilor’s vote was decisive. The motivation presented by the Federal Police resembles a false trail that pointed to certain “militias”, as the Civil Police did in 2018, when they accused another militia member who was already in prison and serving a 25-year sentence – Orlando Oliveira Araújo “Curicica” – as the person behind the attack on Marielle; at the time, Orlando rejected the accusation, for which there was no evidence.

The investigations, contrary to the unfortunate speech of Luiz Inácio’s minister, are not completed – at least, not from a scientific and true point of view. There is a lot to delve into if you want to prove the real motivation for the crime. But, judging by the conduct of the minister and Luiz Inácio, irreducibly committed to the policy of appeasement with the soldiers, their purpose is to bury the matter.

Who ordered the murder of Marielle Franco?

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