The March 30, Palestinians all over the world celebrate the day of the earth, an important anniversary, which dates back to 1976, when thousands of people, Palestinian citizens in Israel yes they gathered to protest against the expropriation of another land Palestinian in Galilee. Hard clashes broke out with the police Israeli, during which six Palestinians were killed, a Hundreds of injuries and arrested.
The Remembrance of that day of popular resistance against Zionism and the his colonial policies became the International Day of Mercy. Palestinian land.
In the Commemorative date of March 30, the Palestinians underline theirs Implastable struggle against Israeli apartheid, employment military and settlement colonialism. They underline theirs roots in their land and denounce their brutal acquisition by the State, its settlements and institutions Parastali, who often try to mask their operations such as "Environmental" or "for development" initiatives.
… .In the 2018, thousands of Palestinians besieged in the Gaza strip have Celebrated Earth Day by demonstrating on the borders of Gaza. In what has become known as the great March of the return, i demonstrators asked for the end of their incarceration on the side by Israel in an open -air prison since 2007. Since 70% of the Palestinians in Gaza are refugees expelled from their homes when Israel was born in 1948, the demonstrators asked that they returned to their homes and lands, a right sanctioned by resolution 194 of the United Nations .
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