News about EM 2024

Author: awwa
Description: Internet platform for the development of a revolutionary movement
Published Time: 2024-03-30T23:02:31+08:00
Tags: Sport, Fußball
Images: 000000.jpeg

In the past few days, the FRG has set some course for the "summer fairy tale 2.0" in its own country. Especially after the attack in Russia, the optimal time for Interior Minister Nancy Faeser came, Opposite the press Controls at all borders of the republic During the European Championship to announce. "" Increased measures" are to be taken in particular against "Islamist threats". "During the tournament, we will make temporary border controls at all German borders in order to be able to prevent possible violent offenders from entering" , so faese.

The CDU demanded even more repressive powers in the course of the CDU. The parliamentary managing director of the Union faction, Thorsten Frei, told the "Augsburger Allgemeine", the German security authorities need similar investigative instruments such as "foreign secret services" in the defense against terrorist attacks, which he is under online search or the evaluation of video surveillance by means of face recognition and Artificial r Intelligence counts.

The federal police will " make a visible and significant contribution to a safe tournament implementation at the borders, train stations and airports […] We intensify the measures on all traffic routes for the safety of football fans and travelers. In trains and train stations, the federal police will increase the presence , said Jens Flören, spokesman for the Federal Police Directorate Sankt Augustin, which is responsible for North Rhine-Westphalia. North Rhine-Westphalia, the With Dortmund, Gelsenkirchen, Düsseldorf and Cologne Four venues housed, becomes a hub. Accordingly, in Neuss, the establishment of an "international police center" (Specific: International Police Coordination Center - IPCC) worked, where you want to interconnect all the information and position images during the tournament. There, the exchange of information from the police forces of the federal and state governments as well as from abroad, and its evaluation will take place. North Rhine-Westphalia had been assigned responsibility for the control of this situation center from the Federal Interior Conference. The country In addition to the European Championship, a number of mobile prison cells - grid constructions of 2.20 meters - has acquired. Police officers in NRW have During the EM From Interior Minister Reul one Furloughs prescribe . In the course of his EM remarks, Reul also called for "better instruments" such as data retention; that even after a certain period of time, security authorities Could understand internet and telephone connections. Several state interior ministers of the Union such as Armin Schuster (Saxony) or Thomas Strobl (Baden-Württemberg) hit the same notch.

The deputy federal chairman of the police union (GdP), Michael Mertens, confirmed the prospect that against the police on social media.

In addition, the federal cabinet A "public viewing regulation" approved, which approves the public events in the open air even after 10 p.m. This was announced by the Federal Environment Ministry. When it comes to the interests of German imperialism, "noise" is obviously no longer so impressive for the citizens.

With the recent measures taken and the sudden successes of the DFB team against France and the Netherlands, German imperialism can currently look forward to its "home European Championship" with relative confidence. Nancy Faeser anticipates Up to 12 million visitors n and 2.7 million fans in the stadiums.

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