"Today protests against Federdistribution who wants most precariousness - Lots of garrisons: hunger wages since 2019 ...
... the cashiers and orders are the category that have undergone the most of the involuntary part time boom and at the same time wage and working conditions absolutely criminally through the immoderate use of extraordinary, almost always unrecognized, and imposition of work in the days holidays "
Federdistribution includes "large multinationals, such as Zara and Ikea, and the chains of the GDO Esselunga, Carrefour, Lidl and Panorama for a total of over 240 thousand employees". So large chains that make enormous profits on the super exploitation of workers, most of women.
«The delay (of the contract - editor's note) has translated into a dry loss for the workers and the workers of the order of various thousands of euros in the period of contractual validity with respect to their colleagues who, while carrying out the same tasks and operating in The same sectoral scope, more significant economic treatments saw. "
"The never-ending negotiations for the renewal of this contract were interrupted on Thursday with the proclamation of today's strike by the confederal unions Filcams Cgil, Uiltucs, Fisascat Cisl with garrisons throughout Italy".
"Workers have been waiting for renewal since 2019 and receive salaries that have been unchanged since 2016..."