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KulturFabrik Zürich 5. Genel Kurulunu Gerçekleştirdi

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İSVİÇRE |30.03.2024| KulturFabrik Zürich 17 Mart Pazar günü üye çoğunluğuyla 5. Kogresini yaparak başarıyla sonuçlandırdı,

Kongreyi yönetecek Divan üyelerinin seçimi ve gündemin belirlenmesinin ardından 4, Dönem Faaliyet, Mali Raporları ve 5, Dönem Perspektif Raporu okunarak Kongreye katılan üyelerin onayına sunuldu.  Geçmiş dönem faaliyetlerinin eleştiri-özeleştiri yaklaşımıyla konuşan her üyenin kendisini de içine katarak değerlendirmesi önemliydi.

Perspektif Raporu üzerinde durulmuş ve raporda da önerildiği şekliiyle 2023 Eylül’ülünde stardı verilen, kurumumuzun görünür ve tarıınır olmasına olumlu katkıları olan “Yalnız Değilsin, Örgütlen-Örgütle” kampanyasının yeni dönemde “Kurumsallaşma, Kitleselleşme” şeklinde devam ettirilmesi kongre kararıyla kabul edilmiştir.

Daha önceki kongrelerde karar alınarak kurulan komisyonların genişletilerek “Göçmen ve mültecilerlerle” ilgili bir komisyonun,  sosyal medyanın daha etkin kullanılmasınin gerekliliği dikkate alınarak “Basın-Yayın-Sosyal Medya” komisyonunun kurulması karar altına alınmıştır.

Tartışma, öneri ve önergelerin tamamlanmasının ardından 5. Dönem için yeni Yönetim ve Denetim Kurulu üyelerinin seçimi ile kongre başarıyla sonuçlanmıştır.

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Εφετείο Αθήνας, 29/3 | Συγκέντρωση και δικαστική απόφαση για την υπόθεση της 12χρονης από τον Κολωνό

Πλήθος κόσμου συγκεντρώθηκε σήμερα, 29/3/24, από τις 9πμ έξω από το Εφετείο Αθηνών για την έκδοση της απόφασης του Μικτού Ορκωτού Δικαστηρίου αναφορικά με την υπόθεση της 12χρονης από τον Κολωνό. Με συνθήματα και πανό καταγγέλθηκε η πολιτική που γεννά και θρέφει τον κοινωνικό μεσαίωνα, εκκολάπτει και συγκαλύπτει βιαστές και  μαστροπούς, που είναι σύμφυτη με τη βία, την καταπίεση και την εκμετάλλευση. Το ΚΚΕ(μ-λ) παρέμβηκε με πανό, προκήρυξη και συνθήματα.

Η λαϊκή οργή και καταδίκη που εκφράστηκε όλο το προηγούμενο διάστημα - και ιδιαίτερα μετά τη χυδαία πρόταση της εισαγγελέα - δημιούργησε πίεση και έπαιξε αποφασιστικό ρόλο στην απόφαση που πάρθηκε. Η μάνα της 12χρονης Χριστίνας, πάρα τις προσπάθειες να ενοχοποιηθεί, κρίθηκε αθώα για όλα τα βαριά εγκλήματα για τα οποία κατηγορείτο. Πρόκειται για μια πολύ σημαντική νίκη. Ενώ ο Μίχος καταδικάστηκε για όλα τα αδικήματα, συμπεριλαμβανομένου του βιασμού και της μαστροπείας, αλλά κρίθηκε αθώος για την κατηγορία της εμπορίας ανθρώπων (τράφικινγκ).

Δεν έχουμε καμία αυταπάτη για το ταξικό «δίκαιο» που υπηρετεί η αστική, λεγόμενη δικαιοσύνη. Άλλωστε, είναι βέβαιο ότι θα υπάρξει και δίκη σε δεύτερο βαθμό, όπου είναι πάγια τακτική να μειώνονται ή και να εξαλείφονται οι ποινές του πρώτου βαθμού. Για τους εργαζόμενους, το λαό και τη νεολαία ένοχοι είναι και θα  είναι το καπιταλιστικό σύστημα, οι αστικές κυβερνήσεις και οι πολιτικές τους, οι σάπιοι εκφραστές τους. Τα δικαστήρια και οι εισαγγελείς είναι όργανα με συγκεκριμένο ρόλο. Δεν θα παραιτηθούν απ’ αυτό το ρόλο, να υπηρετούν και να αθωώνουν τη σαπίλα.

Οι κινητοποιήσεις και η καταγγελία ενάντια στην εξ αρχής προσπάθεια συγκάλυψης, ενόψει της εκδίκασης της υπόθεσης σε δεύτερο βαθμό, πρέπει να συνεχιστούν, να μαζικοποιηθούν και να δυναμώσουν. Έχοντας στο στόχαστρο, όχι μόνο αυτούς που βιάζουν, εκμεταλλεύονται και δολοφονούν, αλλά το ίδιο το σάπιο κοινωνικοοικονομικό σύστημα που γεννά και διαμορφώνει αυτές τις συμπεριφορές. Το δίκιο των φτωχών κι εκμεταλλευόμενων ανθρώπων κερδίζεται στο δρόμο του αγώνα!

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pc 29 marzo - Chi arma Israele? - 2 - Regno Unito/Germania/Italia/Spagna/Belgio - di Workers in Palestine

Regno Unito

Produzione di armi per Israele nel Regno Unito

Dal 2008, il Regno Unito ha autorizzato l'esportazione di armi per un valore di 560 milioni di sterline verso Israele. Ciò non coglie l'intera portata delle esportazioni militari britanniche verso Israele, poiché molte licenze di esportazione di armi verso Israele sono "aperte" e non vi è alcun limite al numero di esportazioni autorizzate o al loro valore; e molte licenze sono per gli Stati Uniti, per l'incorporazione in sistemi d'arma più grandi per la successiva esportazione in Israele. Le esportazioni più tracciabili dal Regno Unito a Israele sono componenti per il jet da combattimento F35 e l'F16, entrambi utilizzati dalle IOF a Gaza.

L'F-35 Joint Strike Fighter

Il 15 per cento di ogni F-35 è costruito nel Regno Unito. Le esportazioni di componenti per il programma F-35 sono coperte da una licenza aperta del governo britannico, il che significa che molto poco di questa fornitura di componenti è inclusa nella cifra di 560 milioni di sterline di cui sopra. La principale società britannica coinvolta è BAE Systems. BAE produce il 13-15% di ogni F-35 nelle sue operazioni nel Regno Unito e negli Stati Uniti. Alcune delle aziende e dei siti di produzione dell'F35 nel Regno Unito sono i seguenti:

· La fusoliera posteriore di ogni caccia F-35 è prodotta da BAE Systems presso l'aerodromo di Samlesbury, nel Lancashire.

· Il "sistema intercettore attivo" è prodotto dalla BAE Systems di Rochester, nel Kent. C'è un flusso costante di componenti per gli F35 e gli F16 israeliani da questo sito.

· I "test di durabilità" per l'F35 vengono effettuati presso l'impianto di test strutturali BAE nell'East Yorkshire.

· Martin-Baker produce il seggiolino eiettabile nel Regno Unito; la loro sede è a Higher Denham, nel Buckinghamshire.

· La Cobham Mission Systems realizzò la sonda di rifornimento per l'F35; Cobham Mission Systems è stata venduta a Eaton nel 2021 ed è ospitata presso Mission Systems Wimborne Ltd.

· Leonardo realizza il sistema di puntamento laser per l'F35 a Edimburgo.

· Pneumatici per aerei Dunlop produce i pneumatici per aerei a Birmingham

Nel novembre 2023 il Dipartimento per le imprese e il commercio del Regno Unito ha pubblicato un elenco delle 79 società attualmente registrate con una licenza aperta del governo britannico per le esportazioni a sostegno del programma F-35. Per una versione commentata di tale elenco, che include ciò che ciascuna azienda produce e dove ha sede (organizzata per regione), fare clic qui .

Munizioni prodotte per l'IOF nel Regno Unito

· Raytheon produce il missile guidato Paveway II per Israele negli Stati Uniti. Raytheon produce anche il Paveway IV a Glenrothes. Sebbene non esistano licenze di esportazione per il Paveway IV in

Israele dal Regno Unito, sono assemblati negli Stati Uniti, quindi la catena di approvvigionamento non è chiara. Inoltre, potrebbero esserci componenti comuni prodotti nel Regno Unito e la responsabilità è della stessa multinazionale.

· Il lanciarazzi MLRS M270 - utilizzato all'interno della Striscia di Gaza per la prima volta dal 2006 - è prodotto da Lockheed Martin . È costruito in Europa da un consorzio internazionale di aziende provenienti da Francia, Germania, Italia e Regno Unito. In Germania , Krauss-Maffei-Wegmann (MKW) ha firmato un memorandum d'intesa con le filiali Elbit per modernizzare l'MLRS.

Aziende con licenze per l'esportazione di armi nel Regno Unito in Israele

Dal 2008 diverse aziende sono in possesso di licenze per l'esportazione di armi dal Regno Unito a Israele. Alcuni dei titolari di licenza sono:

· Teledyne Difesa e Spazio , Shipley, Yorkshire. Teledyne produce componenti per apparecchiature radar aeree, terrestri, marittime e spaziali, incluso l'F35. La loro filiale per la difesa e lo spazio ha uno stabilimento di produzione a Shipley e ha rappresentanti di vendita (Ormic Components) con sede in Israele. Dal 2018, la sua società madre Teledyne Technologies ha richiesto 134 licenze di esportazione dal Regno Unito a Israele.

· NB: non siamo stati in grado di tracciare le catene di approvvigionamento dirette all'equipaggiamento militare israeliano e gli attivisti di Palestine Action sono stati perseguiti dopo aver preso di mira un'altra filiale in Galles (Teledyne Labtech).

· Teledyne , e2v (ufficio vendite e quartier generale di Chelmsford e stabilimento di elettronica a microonde a Lincoln, Regno Unito). Originariamente un'azienda di elettronica per la difesa, e2v è stata venduta a Teledyne nel 2017. Sebbene l'azienda abbia richiesto 124 licenze di esportazione di armi del Regno Unito in Israele dal 2008, questa potrebbe essere stata nella sua precedente incarnazione come e2v e non è chiaro quali paesi utilizzi per produrre tecnologia militare al momento.

· Elbit Systems , una società di difesa israeliana con filiali nel Regno Unito e negli Stati Uniti, ha ottenuto licenze di esportazione di armi dal Regno Unito, tra cui: componenti per comunicazioni militari, apparecchiature di comunicazione militari, software per apparecchiature di comunicazione militari, giubbotti antiproiettile e apparecchiature elettroniche militari. La filiale britannica dell'azienda ha una nuova struttura di ricerca e sviluppo a Bristol. Sebbene Elbit Systems esporti dal Regno Unito a Israele, gran parte della sua produzione nel Regno Unito si concentra sui contratti con le forze armate britanniche.

· Il sito Elbit nel Regno Unito più connesso ai beni utilizzati dall'IOF è gestito dalla sua controllata Instro Precision Ltd a Sandwich, nel Kent. Instro Precision Ltd produce attrezzature di puntamento per truppe e veicoli e detiene licenze di esportazione in Israele: queste attrezzature sono probabilmente utilizzate nelle operazioni di terra di Israele. Questa è una risorsa utile per trovare aziende che collaborano con Ebit Systems nel Regno Unito,

Risorse e link sulla produzione militare del Regno Unito per Israele

· https://caat.org.uk/data/exports-uk/overview?region=Israel

· https://caat.org.uk/news/statement-on-uk-arms-exports-to-israel/

· https://caat.org.uk/data/countries/israel/


Armi principali

La Germania è il secondo più grande fornitore straniero di armi convenzionali (MCW) di Israele. Nel periodo 2013-2022, ha fornito il 27,6% dei MCW importati da Israele.

L'equipaggiamento militare fornito a Israele dalla Germania è consistito principalmente in sottomarini; Navi; motori per veicoli terrestri, veicoli navali e aerei che vengono assemblati in Israele o negli Stati Uniti, e siluri per i sottomarini. In molti casi, il governo tedesco paga circa un terzo del costo di queste vendite come aiuti militari. La fornitura di armi a Israele è considerata dalla Germania un interesse fondamentale di politica estera.

Le principali attrezzature consegnate di recente, o attualmente in ordine, includono :

· Motori MT883Ka per carri armati israeliani Merkava e veicoli corazzati Namer. Questi sono assemblati negli Stati Uniti da componenti prodotti in Germania da Rolls-Royce Power Systems (ex MTU, che ha progettato il motore) a Friedrichshafen . Il contratto è stato stipulato nel 2000 e il SIPRI stima che tra il 2002 e il 2022 siano stati consegnati 1060 motori.

· Corvette Saar-6 (navi da guerra) basate sulla classe tedesca K130 Braunschweig, con la produzione di alcuni componenti e l'allestimento finale in Israele. Due su un totale di quattro ordini sono stati consegnati nel 2022. L'ordine è stato effettuato nel 2015 e aveva un valore di 430 milioni di euro, di cui il governo tedesco ha pagato 115 milioni di euro come aiuti militari. Le navi sono prodotte presso il cantiere navale ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems (TKMS) di Kiel.

· Siluri antinave per i sottomarini israeliani di classe Dolphin (di fabbricazione tedesca). Il SIPRI stima che entro il 2022 ne siano stati consegnati 110, rispetto a un ordine stimato di 150 nel 2014. Sono realizzati da Atlas Elektronik. I sottomarini Dolphin sono stati realizzati dalla HDW (ora parte della TKMS) a Kiel.

· Tre sottomarini diesel-elettrici classe Dakar ordinati nel 2022 in un affare da 3 miliardi di euro in parte finanziato dagli aiuti militari tedeschi. La consegna è prevista a partire dal 2031. Sono in costruzione da TKMS a Kiel.

Licenze di esportazione

· La Germania ha rilasciato licenze di esportazione di armi a Israele per un valore di 32 milioni di euro nel 2022, rispetto agli 88 milioni di euro del 2021. Tuttavia, nel periodo di 10 anni 2013-22 hanno rilasciato licenze per un valore di 2,5 miliardi di sterline, secondo i loro rapporti annuali ufficiali . Informazioni più recenti mostrano che all'inizio di novembre 2023 la Germania aveva già rilasciato licenze per un valore di 303 milioni di euro. L'85% delle 218 licenze di esportazione di armi della Germania verso Israele finora nel 2023 sono state rilasciate dopo l'inizio dell'attuale guerra il 7 ottobre.

· Secondo il rapporto completo della Germania sui controlli delle esportazioni di armi per il 2021 (il rapporto del 2022 non è ancora stato pubblicato), l'85% del valore delle licenze di esportazione rilasciate a Israele nel 2021 riguardava componenti per veicoli corazzati e carri armati principali. Nel 2020, il 90% del round di licenze rilasciate, molto più grande da 583 milioni di sterline, riguardava corvette, motori e altre parti per sottomarini.

Catena di approvvigionamento F-35

La Germania è diventata cliente dell'F-35 solo di recente. Solo un'azienda tedesca è stata chiaramente identificata come fornitore di F-35 – la Otto Fuchs KG di Meinerzhagen – che produce forgiati in titanio e longheroni all'avanguardia per l'F-35.


Produzione di armi per Israele in Italia

Nel 2021 l'Italia ha approvato licenze di esportazione di armi per un valore di 12,5 milioni di euro verso Israele. Tra queste, 7,1 milioni di euro di licenze per beni della categoria ML10 ("Aeromobili", "veicoli più leggeri dell'aria", "Veicoli aerei senza pilota" ("UAV"), motori aeronautici e attrezzature per "aeromobili").

Le filiere F35 in Italia

L'Italia è un partner chiave della coalizione F35. La filiera dell'F35 è riconducibile ai seguenti siti e all'azienda in parte statale Leonardo:

· Leonardo produce compositi e strutture metalliche per la F35 negli stabilimenti di Foggia, Nola e Venegono.

· La Divisione Velivoli di Leonardo produce le ali per l'F35 in uno stabilimento di Cameri.  I componenti provenienti dall'Italia sono presenti in ogni F35, ma non tutte le ali sono prodotte in Italia.

Rafforzati i legami tra Leonardo e l'industria militare israeliana:

· A febbraio 2023, Leonardo ha annunciato partnership con l'Autorità israeliana per l'innovazione e Ramot, società di trasferimento tecnologico dell'Università di Tel Aviv, per sviluppare insieme nuovi progetti. A novembre 2022, Leonardo DRS (controllata statunitense) ha annunciato una fusione con RADA Electronic Industries, società israeliana specializzata nella tecnologia radar. La nuova società risultante dalla fusione è una controllata di Leonardo.


Produzione di armi per Israele in Spagna.

Nel 2021, la Spagna ha autorizzato 55 licenze di esportazione di armi verso Israele, per un valore di 13 milioni di euro. Ciò includeva 9,8 milioni di euro di licenze per merci della categoria ML5 – apparecchiature di controllo, sorveglianza e allarme antincendio. Nel 2020 la Spagna ha autorizzato 17,7 milioni di euro di licenze, di cui 9 milioni di euro nel ML10 e 8 milioni di euro nel ML5.

La ricerca sul legame tra l'industria bellica spagnola e Israele si concentra maggiormente sulle importazioni da Israele piuttosto che sulle esportazioni, poiché l'industria spagnola è più piccola e meno sviluppata di quella israeliana.‍


Produzione di armi per Israele in Belgio.

Nel 2021, il Belgio ha autorizzato 19,8 milioni di euro di esportazioni di armi verso Israele nella categoria ML8 (materiali energetici).

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In November 2023 the UK Department for Business and Trade released a list of the 79 companies currently registered on a UK government open licence for exports in support of the F-35 programme. The F35 programme is an international collaboration between multiple countries and companies: it remains unclear which sites and which companies make products for which F-35 recipients. Israel also substitutes some international components with domestically made ones. Israel operates two squadrons’ worth of F-35I Adirs, (and is hoping for a third) which are “heavily modified”. It remains unclear what UK components are substituted with Israeli ones in the modification process. East of England TELEDYNE UK LIMITED make electronics such as signaling and sensing components. Based at 106 Waterhouse Lane, Chelmsford, Essex, CM1 2QU. Teledyne UK has design and manufacture across 9 UK sites (locations unknown). AALBERTS SURFACE TECHNOLOGIES HEAT LIMITED are “world leading surface technology and heat treatment providers to the World's Aerospace, Automotive and Defence original equipment manufacturers”. Customers include Rolls Royce, Airbus, and Boeing. Based at Aalberts Surface Technologies Heat Ltd, Blackhorse Road, Letchworth. SG6 1HD. Also locations in Birmingham, Blackburn, and Telford. Unclear which site does the F-35 work. STRAIN MEASUREMENT DEVICES LIMITED make miniature load cell sensors for aerospace applications. Address: Bury Road, Chedburgh, Bury St Edmunds IP29 4UQ. API MICROWAVE LIMITED manufactures radio frequency and microwave electronics, ranging from components to stand-alone equipment for use within OEM systems, for the aerospace and defence market. Owned by RF2M Ltd. Appears to be winding up, has reduced its share capital to £1.Address: Fenner Road, South Denes, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, NR30 3PX ULTRA PRECISION CONTROL SYSTEMS LIMITED provide engineering solutions to safety and mission critical challenges e.g. compact on-board gas solutions, dynamic harnessing, position sensing and control. Head office in Cheltenham: Arle Court, Hatherley Lane, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, United Kingdom, GL51 6PN. Also located in Cambridge: Stirling House, Cambridge Innovation Park, Denny End Road, Waterbeach, Cambridge, CB25 9QE Isle of Man RONALDSWAY AIRCRAFT COMPANY LTD. Part of RLC Group. “Ronaldsway Aircraft Company was founded in 1955. We have a long history of supplying complex parts and assemblies into the Aerospace and Defence industries and are expert in the machining of complex prismatic components.” Address: Ballasalla, Isle of Man, IM9 2RY. Isle of Wight DDC ELECTRONICS LIMITED are part of Data Device Corporation, a US electronics company. Part of TransDIgm Group. Their accounts at Companies House state: “The principal activity of the company continued to be that of the design, development, manufacture and sale of electronic
and radio frequency devices and related services primarily for the military and aerospace markets.” Address: Westridge Business Park, Cothey Way, Ryde, Isle Of Wight, PO33 1QT Kent BAE SYSTEMS (OPERATIONS) LIMITED - headquarters at Warwick House, PO BOX 87, Farnborough Aerospace Centre, Farnborough, Hants,GU14 6YU. 141 known locations in the UK - not clear which supply the F35 specifically, beyond Samlesbury Aerodrome, Lancashire, Rochester, Kent, and the BAE structural testing facility in East Yorkshire. See CAAT map for BAE Systems UK locations. . Midlands METTIS AEROSPACE LIMITED make propeller hubs, propeller blades, track rib forgings, canopy arch forgings, slat rails and pinion forgings, and rib forgings. Their customers include Airbus, Rolls-Royce, GE Aviation, Safran, BAE Systems, Honeywell, Collins Aerospace , Liebherr and Alenia. Based at Windsor Road, Redditch, Worcs, B97 6EF PATTONAIR (DERBY) LIMITED merged with Wesco Aircraft in 2020 to become Incora. Provides aerospace and defence supply chain services, products and components such as clamps, bearings, rod ends, blocks, special mouldings. provides kitting, consultancy, distribution, logistics, and aftermarket services. Based at Ascot Business Park, 50 Longbridge Lane, Derby, DE24 8UJ WESCO AIRCRAFT EMEA, LTD. Head office address 50 Longbridge Lane, Allenton, Derby, Derbyshire, DE24 8UJ. Merged with Pattonair to become Incora in 2020 (see above). PATTONAIR LIMITED merged into Incora in 2020 - see above GOODRICH ACTUATION SYSTEMS LIMITED. Manufacture of air and spacecraft and related machinery landing systems, air management systems, space suits, evacuation systems, lighting and air data systems, laser warning systems, rescue hoists, and other related products Part of Collins Aerospace, a subsidiary of Raytheon. Based at Fore 1, Fore Business Park Huskisson Way, Stratford Road, Shirley, Solihull, West Midlands, B90 4S. MEGGITT AEROSPACE LIMITED make nose wheels, brake control systems, carbon brakes, main wheels, transducers, temperature sensors, landing gear computers, control valves, and repair and maintenance services. It supplies rudder pedal assemblies on the F35. Its UK headquarters are at Pilot Way, Ansty Business Park, Coventry CV7 9JU. RTI INTERNATIONAL METALS LIMITED supply and process titanium and other advanced technology metals.Riverside Industrial Estate, Atherstone Street, Fazeley, Tamworth, Staffs, B78 3RW TRELLEBORG SEALING SOLUTIONS UK LIMITED provide seals and bearings for aircraft. Pegasus House, Business Park, 1 Cranbrook Way, Shirley, Solihull B90 4GT. Has aerospace sites in Bridgwater, Cadley Hill, and Tewkesbury. RADIUS AEROSPACE UK LIMITED supplies complex electroformed products for the aerospace and defense markets from its Sheffield location - Holbrook Works, Station Road, Halfway, Sheffield, S20 3GB. Its Shrewsbury facility specializes in the fabrication, forming and manufacture of aircraft engine and industrial gas turbine, machined and fabricated casings, machined rings,
turbine blade and nozzle guide vanes, combustion liners and complex fabricated assemblies - Sentinel Works, Whitchurch Road, Shrewsbury, SY1 4DP. ICON AEROSPACE TECHNOLOGY LTD. Makes “Manifolds & Ducts: Lightweight silicon ducting in environmental cooling system” for the F-35. Victoria Works, Thrumpton Lane, Retford, Nottinghamshire, DN22 6HH. ROCKWELL COLLINS UK LIMITED. Part of Collins Aerospace, which is part of RTX (formerly Raytheon). “Designs, develops, manufactures and supports a comprehensive range of solutions for ministries of defense, integrators, aircraft manufacturers, airlines, business-jet operators and many other customers worldwide.” Production of “Electromechanical Actuators: Utility actuators for weapons bay door; downlock & retract actuators for landing gear system; weapons bay door drive system” for the F-35 seems happen at their Wolverhampton site, Stafford Rd, Fordhouses, Wolverhampton WV10 7EH. GLENAIR UK LIMITED “Glenair UK has provided interconnect innovation into the military aerospace sector for over 40 years.” Manufactures a wide range of military and aerospace qualified interconnect solutions. Supplies fibre optic contacts for the F-35. Address: 40 Lower Oakham Way, Oakham Business Park, Mansfield, NG18 5BY. GOODRICH CONTROL SYSTEMS manufactures aerospace parts and equipment. The Company offers engineered polymer products, interiors, landing gear, aircraft wheels and brakes, actuation systems, engine components, sensors, and integrated systems. Part of Collins Aerospace, a subsidiary of Raytheon. UK address: Fore 1, Fore Business Park Huskisson Way, Stratford Road, Shirley, Solihull, West Midlands, B90 4SS MANTHORPE ENGINEERING LIMITED is supplying components. Specialists in manufacturing through fabrication and welding. UK Head Office: Forty Horse Close, Codnor Gate Business Park, Ripley, DE5 3ND DUNLOP AIRCRAFT TYRES LIMITED makes and supplies the aircraft tyres for fighter jets such as the F-35, and military transporter aircraft from Boeing and Airbus. UK Head Office: 40 Fort Parkway, Erdington, Birmingham, UK, B24 9HL. GKN AEROSPACE SERVICES LIMITED provide our defence customers across the world with systems and components for the F-15, F-16 and F-18 combat aircraft to the F-35 and SAAB Gripen. GKN Aerospace designs and manufactures the electrical wiring interconnected systems, flaperons, in-flight opening doors, cockpit canopy, air frame parts and arresting gear for all F-35 aircraft. As well producing defence equipment from drones to missile canisters. The company has 7 locations in the UK. UK Head Office: 2nd Floor, One Central Boulevard, Blythe Valley Park, Shirley, Solihull, B90 8BG HS MARSTON AEROSPACE LIMITED is a subsidiary of Collins Aerospace, which is a subsidiary of Raytheon (now RTX). HS MArston is the power and control systems operation in Wolverhampton. The company specialises in heat transfer and fluids management products and services for the military. UK address: Wobaston Road, Fordhouses, Wolverhampton, WV10 6QJ SPS TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED operates as part of PCC Fasteners, one of the world’s largest manufacturers of critical fastening systems for aerospace and defense applications. The company
designs, develops, and manufactures the fasteners, including nuts, bolts and screws. UK address: 191 Barkby Road, Troon Industrial Area, Leicester, LE4 9HX GREENE TWEED & CO LIMITED Headquartered in Pennsylvania, USA with an office in Israel. Produces many components for the defence industry including landing gear systems, flight control systems and engines, hydraulic utility systems, brake systems, fuel systems, and smaller components such as seals. UK address: Ruddington Fields, Ruddington, Nottingham, NG11 6JS ITP AERO UK LIMITED make aeronautical engines and have locations in the UK, Spain, Mexico, Malta and India. In the UK they engage in: engine testing at Fan Test Building 155 Technology Drive Rugby CV21 1BZ; engineering at Whittle Estate Cambridge Road. Whetstone, Leicester, LE8 6LH; manufacturing and engineering at Harrier Business Park, Dorey Way, Hucknall, Nottinghamshire, NG15 6EU, and at Firth Road, Lincoln, LN6 7AA; and in-service support at Kettelestring Lane, Clifton Moor, York Y030 4XF. M.J. SECTIONS LIMITED supply precision formed sheet metal fabrications and machined components. Address: M.J Sections Ltd, Marriott Road Industrial Estate, Cradley Road, Netherton, Dudley, DY2 0JZ (main site), Also M.J Sections Ltd, 130 Stourbridge Road, Halesowen, B63 3UN, and 109 Powke Lane Cradley Heath B64 5PX. Northeast England WELWYN COMPONENTS LIMITED “has a core business which is the development, manufacture and sale of passive electronic components (resistors), and hybrid micro-circuits. Address: Welwyn Electronics Park, Bedlington, Northumberland, NE22 7AA. Part of TT Electronics plc. HASKEL EUROPE LTD makes highly engineered fluid and gas handling high-pressure equipment for things like charging nitrogen hydro-gas tank suspension struts or gun recoil suspension systems and oxygen breathing systems. It is owned by Ingersoll Rand. Introduced to the F-35 consortium by BAE Systems. Address: North Hylton Road, Sunderland SR5 3JD NICHOLSONS SEALING TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED offers sealing solutions for extreme temperature, pressure and compression applications. UK based address: Amos Drive Greencroft Industrial Park, Stanley, County Durham, DH9 7YE Northern Ireland RFD BEAUFORT LIMITED makes industrial rubber goods, rubberized fabrics, and miscellaneous rubber specialties for marine and aviation safety and survival equipment. It operates from two sites in the UK, Kingsway, Dunmurry, Belfast BT17 9AF, and Aviator Industrial Park, Eric Fountain Road, Ellesmere Port CH65 1AX RLC (UK) LIMITED - also part of RLC Group. (See Ronaldsway Aircraft Company). Three UK sites: RLC Callender, Metcalf Drive, Altham Industrial Estate, Altham, Accrington, Lancashire, BB5 5AY; RLC Langford, 97 Largy Road, Crumlin, County Antrim, BT29 4RT; and RLC Global Point, Global Point Business Park, Newtonabbey, County Antrim, BT36 5TB. According to their most recent accounts with Companies House, the company has “a prominent position on military aircraft, dominated by the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter titanium fuselage components and titanium fan blades”.
Northwest England BUOYANCY AEROSPACE V1 LTD: an “engineering service provider” engaged in precision manufacturing of hard and soft metals and surface finishing treatment solutions. They say “We take ownership of every single component”. Based at Jackdaw Road, Barnoldswick, Lancashire, BB18 6DX. BROOKHOUSE AEROSPACE LIMITED.Composites, metallics, assembly and treatments facility supplying Raytheon, BAE Systems, Leonardo, MBDA and others. Based at India Mill Business Centre, India Mill, Darwen, Lancs BB3 1AD. API DESIGN & BUILD LTD - now known as BCW Design & Manufacture, they provide end-to-end engineering solutions to BAE Systems, GKN and Safran. Based at 2 Innovation Drive, Burnley, England, BB10 2FT. RFD BEAUFORT LIMITED makes industrial rubber goods, rubberized fabrics, and miscellaneous rubber specialties for marine and aviation safety and survival equipment. It operates from two sites in the UK,in Kingsway, Dunmurry, Belfast BT17 9AF, and Aviator Industrial Park, Eric Fountain Road, Ellesmere Port CH65 1AX EDM LIMITED manufactures airline trainers, cabin service trainers, full size mock-ups, ejection seats, full size replicas in civil & defense.Platforms developed for F-35 training, as well as load trainers, and full flight simulators BAE systems for the eurofighter typhoon and Hawk. Based at Brunel House, 1 Thorp Road, Newton Heath, Manchester M40 5BJ TELEDYNE LIMITED (Teledyne Aerospace & Defence Electronics UK) are the UK branch of a large US military electronics company. Their Teledyne CML Composites business unit makes “Aircraft Structural Components: Complex-geometry glass-fibre packers” for the F-35, providing “a comprehensive manufacturing service for composite products in advanced engineering applications, including components and assemblies for aircraft structures and systems.” Address: Unit A Tebay Road, Bromborough, Wirral CH62 3PA.Teledyne’s Defence and Space subsidiary also has a manufacturing plant in Shipley, Yorkshire. RLC (UK) LIMITED - also part of RLC Group. (See Ronaldsway Aircraft Company). Three UK sites: RLC Callender, Metcalf Drive, Altham Industrial Estate, Altham, Accrington, Lancashire, BB5 5AY; RLC Langford, 97 Largy Road, Crumlin, County Antrim, BT29 4RT; and RLC Global Point, Global Point Business Park, Newtonabbey, County Antrim, BT36 5TB. According to their most recent accounts with Companies House, the company has “a prominent position on military aircraft, dominated by the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter titanium fuselage components and titanium fan blades”. TECHNICAL FIBRE PRODUCTS LIMITED makes wet-laid nonwovens for F35 Lightning-II, Eurofighter Typhoon, V-22 Osprey, B2. Address: Burneside Mills (Head Office), Kendal, Cumbria, LA9 6PZ BAE SYSTEMS (OPERATIONS) LIMITED - headquarters at Warwick House, PO BOX 87, Farnborough Aerospace Centre, Farnborough, Hants,GU14 6YU. 141 known locations in the UK - not clear which supply the F35 specifically, beyond Samlesbury Aerodrome, Lancashire, Rochester, Kent, and the BAE structural testing facility in East Yorkshire. See CAAT map for BAE Systems UK locations.
Scotland DARCHEM ENGINEERING LIMITED supplies both fabrication assemblies and insulated components (thermal & fire blankets) for a variety of aerospace Defence programmes including fixed wing and helicopters including the F-35. Registered company address: C/O Brodies Llp Capital Square, 58 Morrison Street, Edinburgh, EH3 8BP, UK LEONARDO UK LTD is the UK subsidiary of Leonardo S.p.A. which is headquartered in Rome, Italy. The Company offers sensors, integrated mission, and electronic systems, as well as tactical workstations, displays, and avionics EW test products. Leonardo works with 2,100 suppliers across the world. UK Head Office: 1 Eagle Pl, St. James's, London SW1Y 6AF. 8 UK operational sites with the largest in Yeovil, Edinburgh and Luton. Southeast England ADVANCED LOGISTICS FOR AEROSPACE (UK) LIMITED manages commodities for the aerospace supply chain eg components, materials, tools. Part of ALA Corporation headquartered in Naples, Italy. UK company based at Unit A3 Royal Mills, Mill Road, Sandown Industrial Park, Esher, KT10 8BL SPECIALTY COATING SYSTEMS LIMITED provide coatings for components. Its UK multi-purpose coating facility is at Kingswey Business Park, Forsyth Rd, Woking GU21 5SA HARDIDE COATINGS LIMITED develop and manufacture nanostructured tungsten carbide/tungsten metal matrix composite coatings for the aerospace industry. They supply Airbus, BAE Systems, Leonardo, Lockheed Martin and Triumph Group. UK headquarters are at 9 Longlands Rd, Launton, Bicester OX26 5AH VITAL LINK EUROPE LIMITED “has extensive experience in the design, installation and commissioning of turbojet, prop and shaft engine test cells at locations worldwide”. Address: Unit 9, Stanhope Gate, Stanhope Road, Camberley, Surrey GU15 3DW. Part of Atec Inc., TX, USA. WESTON AEROSPACE LIMITED (Auxitrol Weston) are “the leading global manufacturer of aerospace sensors for the harshest environments.” One UK location: 124, Victoria Road Farnborough Hampshire, GU14 7PW. Part of TransDigm Group Inc. ATTEWELL LIMITED “is the largest specialist manufacturer of laminated sheet materials, shims, packers, fillers, detailed and machined parts and assemblies in Europe.” It is a “World-class manufacturer for all C-Class aerospace components.” Their products are in most types of military and commercial aircraft. Address: “7A/B Millington Road, Hayes, Middlesex UB3 4AZ. Part of Avantus Aerospace Group. BAE SYSTEMS (OPERATIONS) LIMITED - headquarters at Warwick House, PO BOX 87, Farnborough Aerospace Centre, Farnborough, Hants,GU14 6YU. 141 known locations in the UK - not clear which supply the F35 specifically, beyond Samlesbury Aerodrome, Lancashire, Rochester, Kent, and the BAE structural testing facility in East Yorkshire. See CAAT map for BAE Systems UK locations. MARTIN-BAKER AIRCRAFT COMPANY LIMITED “The world’s leading manufacturer of ejection seats”. Make the ejector seats for the F-35. HQ, design and manufacturing site: Lower Road,
Higher Denham, Near Uxbridge, Middlesex, UB9 5AJ. Test, support, and manufacturing site (for pyrotechnics only), Chalgrove Airfield, Sir James Martin Way, Chalgrove, Oxfordshire, OX44 7RJ. VELOCITY COMPOSITES PLC makes advanced carbon fibre and ancillary material kits for use in the production of aircraft. Addresses: UK North & HQ: AMS Technology Park, Billington Road, Burnley, BB11 5UB. UK South: Unit 5, Kites Croft Business Park, Fareham, PO14 4LW S.W. PLASTICS LIMITED specialises in the processing of PTFE, fluoropolymers and other engineering plastics exclusively for the Aircraft, Space and Defence industry. Sister company is AFT FLUOROTEC LIMITED (same website and address). Customers include BAE SYSTEMS. UK address: Unit F City Park, Swiftfields, Welwyn Garden City, England, AL7 1LY PARKER HANNIFIN MANUFACTURING LIMITED provides fabricated metal products, including fuel nozzles, inerting equipment, thermal management, regulators, accumulators and sensors. Parker leads the development of the electro-hydrostatic actuator used as the basis of the electric flight control system on the F-35. UK-based Head Office: 2nd Floor Suite 2a, Breakspear Park, Breakspear Way, Hemel Hempstead HP2 4TZ HONEYWELL CONTROL SYSTEMS LIMITED running since 1926, are the leading suppliers of domestic heating and combustion controls in the UK with products that include time, temperature, gas and water controls. Parent organisation is Honeywell International, one of the largest producers in UK and US nuclear weapons. UK address: Honeywell House, Arlington Business Park, Bracknell, Berkshire, RG12 1EB HONEYWELL UK LIMITED is the UK subsidiary of Honeywell International, an engineering and technology giant headquartered in Charlotte, North Carolina. The Company provides radiator thermostats, programmable thermostats, time controls, temperature controls, systems, gas and water controls, and valves. Produces the power and thermal management system for the F-35. UK address: Honeywell House, Arlington Business Park, Bracknell, Berkshire, RG12 1EB TEKNOFLEX INTERCONNECT SOLUTIONS LIMITED, was Britain's largest manufacturer of flexible circuit boards for electronic devices, but in 2014 was placed into administration and is now dissolved. Last known UK address: Imperial House 18-21 Kings Park Road, Southampton, SO15 2AT LEONARDO UK LTD is the UK subsidiary of Leonardo S.p.A. which is headquartered in Rome, Italy. The Company offers sensors, integrated mission, and electronic systems, as well as tactical workstations, displays, and avionics EW test products. Leonardo works with 2,100 suppliers across the world. UK Head Office: 1 Eagle Pl, St. James's, London SW1Y 6AF. 8 UK operational sites with the largest in Yeovil, Edinburgh and Luton. SENIOR UK LIMITED provides a range of products and systems for fluid conveyance, gas turbine engines and pressure carrying components such as bleed air duct systems, precision sheet metal fabrications, bellows and metal hose assemblies. Its components are in virtually all military aircraft, numerous piston and jet engines, and are specified for missile and NASA programmes. UK Head Office: 59/61 High Street, Rickmansworth, Hertfordshire, WD3 1RH EATON LIMITED large portfolio of connectors, backshells, wire protection, cable assemblies and contacts. Customers include various large defense companies providing companies like Lockheed Martin and Boeing with component parts for aircraft and helicopters. UK Head Office: Abbey Park Southampton Road, Titchfield, Fareham, PO14 4QA
PORVAIR FILTRATION GROUP LIMITED specialises in filtration solutions and other components. These filters are used to protect sub-systems in aircraft, helicopters, military vehicles, missiles and spacecrafts and are used for processes such as fuel management, power generation and environment control. UK Head Office: Segensworth Division, 1 Concorde Close, Segensworth, Fareham, Hampshire, PO15 5RT; and New Milton Division, Queensway, Stem Lane, New Milton, Hampshire, BH25 5NN L3HARRIS RELEASE & INTEGRATED SOLUTIONS LTD previously named EDO MBM Technology Ltd (January 2022), designs, develops, and manufactures weapon carriage and release equipment. It produces the integrated core processor, the main computer in the F-35. L3 Harris has 12 UK sites. UK Head Office: Level 6, 390 Strand, London WC2R 0LT. The release systems come from their Brighton site, Emblem House, Home Farm Business Park, Home Farm Road Brighton, East Sussex BN1 9HU. Southwest England STIRLING DYNAMICS LIMITED provides high-end engineering products and services for eg BAE Systems, Lockheed Martin,Leonardo, Airbus. Based at 230 Bristol Business Park Stoke Gifford, Bristol BS16 1FJ ITEL ELECTRONICS LIMITED, 1, Warwick House, Hindle Way, Swindon SN3 3RB. “We remain a family owned business manufacturing interconnect solutions for aerospace, space, defence and commercial applications.” FGP SYSTEMS LIMITED “is a precision engineering company offering high-end engineered and manufactured solutions for the aerospace industry and other sectors.” Head office: FGP Systems Ltd, 20-22 Cumberland Drive, Weymouth, Dorset, DT4 9TB. Other site: FGP Lufton Ltd, Boundary Lane, Lufton Trading Estate, Yeovil, Somerset, BA22 8UU. MCBRAIDA PLC “is a manufacturer of precision-machined components of various size and complexity to the industries that demand the highest quality products”. McBraida Plc, Bridgeyate, Bristol BS30 5JW. GE AVIATION SYSTEMS LIMITED is a provider of military engines, services and components. Manufactures the XA100 adaptive cycle engine for the F-35. Part of the General Electric conglomerate. UK-based Head Office: Cheltenham Road, Bishops Cleeve, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, GL52 8SF MOOG WOLVERHAMPTON LIMITED is a supplier delivering various components and digital systems in motion control and electronic solutions, including weapon systems, ammunition handling and steering control for various major missile platforms. Customers include KMW, General Dynamics, Lockheed Martin, Patria, Rheinmetall, BAE Systems. UK address: C/O Moog Controls Limited, Ashchurch, Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire, GL20 8NA MISSION SYSTEMS WIMBORNE LIMITED is the largest supplier of Hose and Drogue Aerial Refuelling systems globally. They have a large portfolio of products including hydraulic, fuel, motion control, electrical and engine solutions. NB, they produce the refuelling pods for the F-35B and C, not the F-35A which is the version Israel has. Parent company is Eaton, a major US aerospace company, which is involved in all versions of the F-35. UK Address: Brook Road, Wimborne, Dorset, BH21 2BJ
LEONARDO UK LTD is the UK subsidiary of Leonardo S.p.A. which is headquartered in Rome, Italy. The Company offers sensors, integrated mission, and electronic systems, as well as tactical workstations, displays, and avionics EW test products. Leonardo works with 2,100 suppliers across the world. UK Head Office: 1 Eagle Pl, St. James's, London SW1Y 6AF. 8 UK operational sites with the largest in Yeovil, Edinburgh and Luton. BOWMILL ENGINEERING LIMITED manufactures single-part components for the defence market from small valve assemblies to major flying control assemblies. UK Head Office: 18-30 Morris Road, Nuffield, Poole, Dorset, BH17 0GG. Operational sites Bowmill Engineering: 18-30 Morris Road, Nuffield Trading Estate, Poole BH17 0GG; and, Spectrum 700, Ashchurch, Business Centre, Alexandra Way, Tewkesbury GL20 8TD. Bowmill Metal Treatments: 85 Sterte Avenue West, Poole, BH15 2AL CROSS MANUFACTURING COMPANY (1938) LIMITED specialising in sealing solutions. Cross manufactures brush seals, sealing rings, turbo rings, and piston rings. UK Head Office: Midford Road, Combe Down, Bath, BA2 5RR FGP LUFTON LIMITED provide precision manufacturing services; it was launched in November 2017 as an “Operate in Place” venture with Honeywell Aerospace. FGP Systems Head office address: 20-22 Cumberland Drive, Weymouth, England, DT4 9TB. FGP Lufton address: Boundary Lane, Lufton Trading Estate, Yeovil, Somerset, BA22 8UU ULTRA PRECISION CONTROL SYSTEMS LIMITED provide engineering solutions to safety and mission critical challenges e.g. compact on-board gas solutions, dynamic harnessing, position sensing and control. Head office in Cheltenham: Arle Court, Hatherley Lane, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, United Kingdom, GL51 6PN. Also located in Cambridge: Stirling House, Cambridge Innovation Park, Denny End Road, Waterbeach, Cambridge, CB25 9QE Wales BLAENAVON FORGINGS LIMITED: part of the Forged Solutions Group, making forged and rolled rings, casings and closed die forgings for customers such as Rolls Royce, GE Aerospace, Safran, Honeywell. Based at Blaenavon, Forge Side, Blaenavon, Gwent. NP4 9XG SEALAND SUPPORT SERVICES LIMITED is the UK Repair Depot for the F-35 fighter plane, based at MOD Sealand, Building 14, Welsh Road, Sealand, Deeside, Flintshire, CH5 2LS. Companies House suggests it has gone into liquidation. Unlikely to have done work for Israel. QIOPTIQ LIMITED. spin-off from Thales High-Tech Optics, acquired LINOS in 2009 and joined Excelitas Technologies in 2013. Makes Dismounted Soldier Optics, Avionics, Optronic Modules & Systems, Space Optics and Helmet-Mounted Displays for F-35, Typhoon, Cobra and Tiger. Address: Glascoed Road, St Asaph, Denbighshire, LL17 0LL. Yorkshire RADIUS AEROSPACE UK LIMITED supplies complex electroformed products for the aerospace and defense markets from its Sheffield location - Holbrook Works, Station Road, Halfway, Sheffield, S20 3GB. Its Shrewsbury facility specializes in the fabrication, forming and manufacture of aircraft engine and industrial gas turbine, machined and fabricated casings, machined rings,
turbine blade and nozzle guide vanes, combustion liners and complex fabricated assemblies - Sentinel Works, Whitchurch Road, Shrewsbury, SY1 4DP. FORGED SOLUTIONS GROUP LIMITED is the parent company of Blaenavon Forgings Ltd above. Other sites: extrusion forging plant at Meadowhall Operations, Meadowhall Road, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S9 1HD; plant and testing services at Darley Dale Operations, Dale Road North, Matlock, Derbyshire, DE4 2JB; hammer forge facility at River Don Operations, Milford Street, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S9 2LD; machining centre at Provincial Park Operations, Unit 1, Provincial Park, Nether Lane, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S35 9ZX C.W.FLETCHER & SONS,LIMITED manufacture a range of parts for the aerospace industry, including fabrications, machined products and unison/actuator rings. Contractual partners with Rolls Royce and Honeywell for engine production. UK Address: Sterling Works, Mansfield Road, Wales Bar, Sheffield S26 5PQ BAE SYSTEMS (OPERATIONS) LIMITED - headquarters at Warwick House, PO BOX 87, Farnborough Aerospace Centre, Farnborough, Hants,GU14 6YU. 141 known locations in the UK - not clear which supply the F35 specifically, beyond Samlesbury Aerodrome, Lancashire, Rochester, Kent, and the BAE structural testing facility in East Yorkshire. See CAAT map for BAE Systems UK locations. ITP AERO UK LIMITED make aeronautical engines and have locations in the UK, Spain, Mexico, Malta and India. In the UK they engage in: engine testing at Fan Test Building 155 Technology Drive Rugby CV21 1BZ; engineering at Whittle Estate Cambridge Road. Whetstone, Leicester, LE8 6LH; manufacturing and engineering at Harrier Business Park, Dorey Way, Hucknall, Nottinghamshire, NG15 6EU, and at Firth Road, Lincoln, LN6 7AA; and in-service support at Kettelestring Lane, Clifton Moor, York Y030 4XF. Companies with multiple locations ROLLS-ROYCE PLC has 54 UK sites PRATT & WHITNEY MILITARY UNITED KINGDOM LTD. Part of Raytheon UK, which is part of US arms giant RTX (Formerly Raytheon Technologies). Registered office address: 2 Stone Buildings, Lincoln's Inn, London, WC2A 3TH. Companies House accounts say their principal activities are “assisting in the management of Global Spares Network to support the global F135/F-35 program.” The company had revenues of £3.9m in 2022, but had no employees, other than the directors, who were not remunerated, as their role as P&WMUK Directors was “incidental” to their roles as Directors within the Raytheon Technologies group. NORTHROP GRUMMAN UK LIMITED - part of US arms giant Northrop Grumman and principal partner for the F-35. Provide much of the aircraft’s situational awareness and the aircraft’s communications and battlespace networks capability. 10 UK locations, 5,000+ employees. LOCKHEED MARTIN UK LIMITED. UK subsidiary of world’s largest arms company, and prime contractor for the F-35. Lockheed has numerous sites around the UK. It is not clear what role Lockheed UK have in the F-35 programme, although they appear to work on sustaining the UK fleet at RAF Marham. Their corporate headquarters in the UK is Lockheed Martin UK, Cunard House, 15 Lower Regent Street, London, SW1Y 4LR.
ULTRA ELECTRONICS LIMITED manufactures and develops electronic systems. Ultra provides critical technology to the UK government, including submarine-hunting and sonar equipment for the Royal Navy, control systems for the UK’s fleet of Trident nuclear missile submarines and components for F-35 fighter jets. Acquired by Cobham in 2022 for £2.6. 41 locations in the UK. Headquartered in the UK: 35 Portman Square, London W1H 6LR

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pc 29 marzo - Chi arma Israele? - 1 - La produzione di armi USA per Israele negli Stati Uniti - Workers in Palestine

I principali paesi coinvolti nella fornitura di armi e beni militari a Israele sono gli Stati Uniti, la Germania, l'Italia e il Regno Unito. Questo documento delinea i siti collegati alla produzione per l'esercito israeliano in diversi paesi e, ove possibile, identifica da dove vengono trasportati i beni militari.

Il nostro obiettivo è quello di fornire una risorsa per azioni che mirano alla produzione o al trasporto di beni militari, o che interrompono l'attività dei fornitori militari di Israele, e anche di collegare risorse che possono essere utilizzate per agire in particolari paesi.

La nostra ricerca identifica le aziende che producono alcune delle armi più fondamentali per l'esercito israeliano, tra cui Lockheed Martin (appaltatore principale per il jet da combattimento F35), Boeing (produttore di molte delle armi guidate utilizzate dall'esercito israeliano), BAE Systems (un fornitore leader per l'F35), Leonardo (parte della coalizione F35) e Raytheon (produttore della bomba guidata Paveway).

L'azione è possibile in diverse forme: mentre identifichiamo i siti di produzione diretta per l'esercito israeliano, è anche possibile prendere di mira le multinazionali che producono per Israele anche se i beni militari sono prodotti in un altro sito. Allo stesso modo, è possibile prendere di mira le aziende coinvolte nel trasporto di materiali militari in Israele.

La produzione di armi è altamente internazionale e molte delle catene di approvvigionamento più tracciabili riguardano beni come gli aerei da combattimento realizzati da coalizioni internazionali. Questi velivoli sono fondamentali per l'attuale guerra e il bombardamento di Gaza – Israele sta usando "

ogni aereo da combattimento a sua disposizione", compresi gli elicotteri F15, F16, F35 e AH-64 Apache. Ci sono 408 anelli nella catena di approvvigionamento per l'F35, ad esempio: vedi un elenco delle aziende coinvolte qui.

Inevitabilmente, le catene di approvvigionamento sono molto più complesse di quanto questo documento possa spiegare e sono coinvolte molte aziende più piccole. Se si utilizza questo documento come punto di partenza, si potrebbe essere in grado di identificare catene di approvvigionamento più dettagliate da interrompere.


Produzione di armi per Israele negli Stati Uniti

Gli Stati Uniti sono il più grande fornitore di armi di Israele, con oltre il 90% delle sue importazioni di armi.  Gli Stati Uniti danno a Israele quasi 4 miliardi di dollari in aiuti militari all'anno, "inclusi circa 500 milioni di dollari per le difese aeree e missilistiche". Israele spende anche molto in armi statunitensi, avendo acquistato

circa 53,5 miliardi di dollari di beni militari dagli Stati Uniti negli ultimi sette decenni secondo la Defense Security Cooperation Agency, di cui 6,5 miliardi di dollari nei cinque anni fino al 2022. Israele ha fatto alcuni di questi acquisti utilizzando gli aiuti militari ricevuti dagli Stati Uniti. Per un elenco di tutte le licenze di esportazione di armi concordate attraverso il Foreign Military Sales Programme degli Stati Uniti, compresi i principali appaltatori e siti, vedere qui (NB: non tutti questi accordi hanno portato a esportazioni). Le più grandi aziende di armi statunitensi sono Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, Boeing, Northrop Grumman e General Dynamics. Queste aziende sono internazionali e hanno filiali all'estero.

Alcune delle armi più significative prodotte negli Stati Uniti per Israele includono:

L'F-35 Joint Strike Fighter

Israele ha acquistato 50 caccia F35 e ne ha presi in consegna 36 entro la fine del 2022. Hanno sede presso la base aerea di Nevatim, nel sud di Israele. Nel 2021, l'IOF ha dichiarato di aver utilizzato gli F35 in combattimento per la prima volta a Gaza. L'F-35 è una collaborazione internazionale: vedi i profili di altri paesi per esempi di dove vengono prodotte le parti dell'F35. Israele ha anche sviluppato le proprie tecnologie per modificare alcuni elementi dell'F-35.

Sedi di produzione negli Stati Uniti (la catena di approvvigionamento dell'F35 negli Stati Uniti è molto estesa e può essere tracciata in modo più dettagliato qui ):

· Gli F-35 sono assemblati presso l'Air Force Plant 4 – di proprietà del governo degli Stati Uniti e gestito da Lockheed Martin – a Fort Worth, in Texas.

· I motori sono prodotti da Pratt & Whitney a East Hartford e Middletown, nel Connecticut.

· I sistemi elettronici sono prodotti da BAE Systems a Nashua, New Hampshire e Endicott, New York.

· I sistemi di attuazione di controllo che aiutano l'F35 a lanciare armi guidate sono prodotti da Woodward Inc a Santa Clarita, in California.

Aerei da combattimento F-15 e F-16

Israele sta attualmente negoziando gli ordini per il jet da combattimento F15EX attraverso il programma di vendita militare estera degli Stati Uniti. Secondo i rapporti sul processo, la richiesta formale di Israele rende probabile la consegna entro il 2028. I siti di produzione negli Stati Uniti per l'F15 e l'F16 includono quanto segue (mentre le vendite originali di F15 e F16 – ad eccezione del modello F15EX – sono già avvenute, c'è un continuo rifornimento di pezzi di ricambio soprattutto durante la guerra).

· Gli F15EX sono prodotti nello stabilimento Boeing di St Louis, Missouri.

· Gli F16 sono prodotti dalla Lockheed Martin a Greenville, nella Carolina del Sud .

· In alcune varianti dell'F16, l'avionica è sostituita con quella di fabbricazione israeliana di aziende come Elbit e Israel Aerospace Industries, e con missili di Rafael, tre grandi aziende di armi israeliane.

Elicotteri militari

I siti di produzione negli Stati Uniti per gli elicotteri militari utilizzati dall'IOF includono:

· elicotteri da trasporto pesante CH-53K, visto utilizzato nell'assalto in corso, sono fatte da Lockheed Martin Global, Inc. a Shelton, Connecticut; e General Electric a Lynn, Massachusetts.

· Gli elicotteri Apache sono prodotti da Boeing a Mesa, in Arizona

· Gli elicotteri AW119Kx sono prodotti da Leonardo a Philadelphia.

Rifornimento di carburante per aeromobili

· KC-46A Aerial Refueling Aircraft , prodotto dalla Boeing di Everett, WA; il ricevitore GPS MAGR 2K è prodotto dalla Raytheon di Waltham, MA.

Bombe guidate usate dalle forze di occupazione israeliane (IOF)

Le bombe guidate utilizzate dalle IOF sono prevalentemente prodotte negli Stati Uniti e in Israele. Le seguenti bombe sono prodotte da aziende israeliane, spesso in Israele, ma hanno siti internazionali che producono altri beni. Questi includono: la Opher Guided Bomb (Elbit), la bomba a guida laser Griffin (Israel Aerospace Industries); Lucertola (Elbit); Bombe Spice (Rafael). Elbit ha una filiale statunitense a Fort Worth, in Texas.

Di seguito sono riportati i siti di produzione negli Stati Uniti per le bombe guidate utilizzate dall'IOF:

· I kit di coda e le munizioni Joint Direct Attack Munitions (JDAMS) sono prodotti dalla Boeing a St Charles, Missouri; Lockheed-Martin ad Archbald, Pennsylvania; General Dynamics a Garland, Texas; Elwood National Forge Co a Irvine, Pennsylvania; e Raytheon Missile Systems a Tucson, Arizona.

· I missili Sidewinder sono prodotti dalla Raytheon Missile Systems Company di Tucson, in Arizona

· La bomba GBU-39 di piccolo diametro è prodotta dalla Boeing a St Louis, Missouri

· I missili Hellfire – di solito lanciati da elicotteri Apache – almeno alcuni di questi sono prodotti dalla Hellfire Systems di Orlando, in Florida, una joint venture Lockheed Martin/Boeing.

· Gli intercettori Iron Dome si chiamano Tamir e sono co-prodotti da RTX (ex Raytheon Technologies) e Rafael Advanced Defense Systems, e assemblati in Israele.

· Le bombe guidate Paveway II sono prodotte dalla Lockheed Martin di Archibald, in Pennsylvania, e dalla Raytheon di Tucson, in Arizona.

Fosforo bianco

Israele ha usato il fosforo bianco a Gaza e in Libano.

· Israel Chemical Ltd (ICL, ora ICL Group ) fornisce alla Monsanto (ora Bayer) fosfati per la produzione della sostanza chimica al fosforo bianco fornita al Pine Bluff Arsenal (PBA) vicino a Little Rock, Arkansas, per il riempimento.

Veicoli corazzati per il trasporto di truppe

Tre settimane dopo l'inizio dell'assalto a Gaza, le IOF hanno iniziato le operazioni di terra nella Striscia di Gaza. Si tratta di carri armati e veicoli corazzati per il trasporto di truppe, supportati da elicotteri e droni.

· I Power Pack per i veicoli corazzati Namer sono prodotti da MTU America , Novi, MI. MTU America è la filiale nordamericana di Rolls Royce Power Systems.

Mezzi navali

La maggior parte dell'assalto a Gaza viene effettuato dall'aria e da terra, ma Israele sta anche usando le sue corvette Sa'ar 6 per la prima volta.

· I cannoni navali da 76 mm sono prodotti da DRS North America , una società di Leonardo

· Lo scafo e le sovrastrutture del Sa'ar 6 sono realizzati a Kiel, in Germania , da ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems (TKMS)

Trasporti e logistica militare dagli Stati Uniti a Israele

Mentre molti prodotti militari finiti vengono trasportati dall'esercito stesso, sia con navi militari che con ponti aerei, i componenti e alcune merci vengono trasportati via mare a bordo di normali navi portacontainer. I porti sono nodi chiave nella catena di approvvigionamento delle armi.

L'attore chiave nel trasporto marittimo dagli Stati Uniti – e da altre parti del mondo – verso Israele è la compagnia di navigazione ZIM. ZIM è il principale fornitore di servizi di spedizione in Israele e una delle prime dieci più grandi compagnie di navigazione al mondo. Precedentemente controllata dal governo israeliano, ZIM è stata privatizzata e quotata alla borsa di New York negli ultimi due decenni. Nonostante ciò, mantiene ancora stretti legami con lo Stato israeliano ed è fondamentale per garantire il supporto logistico allo Stato e all'IDF.

La maggior parte delle componenti militari entra ed esce dagli Stati Uniti attraverso i porti della costa orientale, principalmente New York/Newark, Savannah, Charleston e il porto della Virginia. Questi porti sono in genere sindacalizzati dall'International Longshoremen's Association, o ILA. Questo perché la maggior parte delle catene di approvvigionamento militari si concentra sull'Europa e sugli Stati Uniti, con molti componenti prodotti in Europa e l'assemblaggio finale che avviene negli Stati Uniti.‍

Con l'accesso ai dati commerciali statunitensi, è possibile vedere le singole spedizioni tramite le loro "polizze di carico", i documenti utilizzati dalle compagnie di navigazione per identificare le spedizioni e tenere traccia dei modelli di consegna. In rari casi, ciò può includere il trasporto di armi su navi civili. Ad esempio, il 4 marzo 2023 una spedizione di "TESTATE, RAZZO CON CARICA ESPLOSIVA" prodotta da Raytheon a Tucson, in Arizona e del valore di 100.000 dollari, è partita dal porto della Virginia diretta ad Haifa, in Israele, sulla nave portacontainer Zim Yokohama. Altre spedizioni Raytheon sono partite sulla stessa rotta nei mesi successivi. Nella maggior parte dei casi, i dati commerciali possono identificare i percorsi per i componenti. Ad esempio, Dunlop spedisce regolarmente pneumatici per l'F35 e altri aerei militari dalla sua fabbrica di Birmingham, nel Regno Unito, via Londra al porto della Virginia o via Liverpool a Charleston.

Per ulteriori informazioni , vedere la sezione 3B del toolkit Day of Action.

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Defense Security Cooperation Agency NEWS RELEASE On the web: http://www.dsca.mil Media/Public Contact: pm -cpa@state.gov Transmittal No. 20- 12 Israel – KC-46A Aeria l Refueling Aircraft WASHINGTON, March 3, 2020 - The State Department has made a determination approving a pos sible Foreign Military Sale to Israel of up to eight (8) KC -46 aircraft and related equipment for an estimated cost of $2.4 billion . The Defense Security Cooperation Agency delivered the required certification notifying Congress of this possible sale today . The Government of Israel has requested to buy up to eight (8) KC -46 aircraft; up to seventeen (17) PW4062 turbofan engines (16 installed, 1 spare); and up to eighteen (18) MAGR 2K -GPS SAASM receivers (16 installed, 2 spares). Also included are AN/ARC -210 U/VHF radios, APX -119 Identification Friend or Foe transponders, initial spares and repair parts, consumables, support equipment, technical data, engineering change proposals, publications, Field Service Representatives (FSRs), repair and return, depot maintenance, training and training equipment, contractor technical and logistics personnel services, U.S. Government and contracto r representative support, Group A and B installation for subsystems, flight test and certification, other related elements of logistics support and training. The total estimated program cost is $2.4 billion. The United States is committed to the security of Israel, and it is vital to U.S. national interests to assist Israel to develop and maintain a strong and ready self -defense capability. This proposed sale is consistent with those objectives. The proposed sale further supports the foreign policy and national security of the United States by allowing Israel to provide a redundant capability to U.S. assets within the region, potentially freeing U.S. assets for use elsewhere during times of war. Aerial refueling and strategic airlift are consistently cited as significant shortfalls for our allies. In addition, the sale improves Israel's national security posture as a key U.S. ally. Israel will have no difficulty absorbing this equipment into its armed forces. The proposed equipment and support will not alter the basic military balance in the region. The principal contractors will be Boeing Corporation, Everett, WA, for the aircraft; and Raytheon Company, Waltham, MA, for the MAGR 2K. There are no known offset agreements proposed in connection with this potential sale. Implementation of this proposed sale will require the assignment of two U.S. field service/contractor representatives to Israel. There will be no adverse impact on U.S. defense readiness as a result of this proposed sale. This notice of a potential sale is required by law and does not mean the sale has been concluded.
All questions regarding this proposed Foreign Military Sale should be directed to the State Department's Bureau of Political Military Affairs, Office of Congressional an d Public Affairs, pm -cpa@state.gov. -30-

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pc 29 marzo - Nell'Ungheria del fascista e corrotto Orban - protesta popolare - info

Ungheria, migliaia in piazza contro Orbán

Si allarga lo scandalo corruzione che ha colpito l’ Ungheria dopo la pubblicazione di un audio che imbarazza il governo Orbán . In migliaia sono scesi in piazza a Budapest per manifestare dopo che Peter Magyar, ex marito dell'ex ministra della Giustizia ungherese Judit Varga , nonché ex membro del governo di Budapest diventato oppositore, ha diffuso una registrazione audio che secondo lui è la prova che alti funzionari hanno cospirato per coprire la corruzione.

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Saint-Etienne : les révolutionnaires commémorent l'immortelle Commune de Paris ! - Nouvelle Époque

Le 23 mars, à l’appel des « Amis de la Commune 42 », a eu lieu à Saint-Étienne une manifestation célébrant la Commune de Paris de 1871. Cet appel se place et se lit à l’aune de la situation actuelle, c’est-à-dire de la marche à la guerre, de la réactionnarisation, soit les réactions de la bourgeoisie à la crise générale de l’impérialisme dont le poids repose intégralement sur les épaules du peuple, et principalement à l’aune du mouvement révolutionnaire en développement dans le monde entier.

Ainsi, l’appel a fait écho largement, recevant le soutien et la signature de la Ligue de la Jeunesse Révolutionnaire (LJR), des Jeunes Révolutionnaires (JR), du Pôle de Renaissance Communiste de France (PRCF), de la fédération jeunes Insoumis 42, de la députée LFI de la Loire, de la section locale du Parti Communiste Français, (PCF) de l’Union Communiste Libertaire, d’ Extinction Rebbelion de la Libre Pensée, du syndicat SELA de Grenoble et de Lyon, de la Campagne Unitaire pour la Libération de Georges Abdallah, de la section locale de EELV, des Amis de la Commune de Paris 1871, ou encore du journal La Cause du Peuple et de notre propre média, Nouvelle Époque.

Dès 14h, les drapeaux rouges, drapeau de la République Universelle proclamée le 18 mars 1871, ont commencé à fleurir Place du Peuple, au côté des drapeaux des organisations signataires et de quelques drapeaux de la CGT. Après une prise de parole des « Amis de la Commune 42 » exposant l’importance de cet évènement et se réjouissant de l’unité large autour de l’appel, le cortège, rassemblant plus de 80 participants a commencé à chanter des slogans repris par les mégaphones disséminés dans la manifestation, et par les manifestants : « La Commune est immortelle, repartons à l’assaut du ciel », ou encore « Gare à la revanche, quand tous les pauvres s’y mettrons ».

Nous avons également entendu les slogans « Palestine Vivra, Palestine Vaincra », « Vive la lutte armée du peuple palestinien» des suites d’une intervention d’une activiste de la LJR rappelant que l’on ne peut parler de la Commune de Paris, c’est à dire de la lutte pour l’émancipation du genre humain, sans parler de la glorieuse Lutte de Libération Nationale qui enflamme la Palestine et tout le Moyen-Orient. Le cortège a aussi puissamment chanté «l’Etat français n’est pas notre Etat, tout le pouvoir au prolétariat», reliant les luttes de Libération Nationale et révolutionnaires du monde entier dans la bataille pour le pouvoir du prolétariat.

Le collectif « Gaza United » fondé par des habitants du quartier de Montreynaud, a participé à la manifestation et à son animation accompagné d’un tambour et reprenant avec force l’ensemble des slogans. Les manifestants ont fini par lancer : « Vive la lutte armée des peuples du monde entier », faisant écho au « Macron, Macron, on rendra jamais les canons ! » [ndlr : La Commune de Paris s’est déclenché quand le prolétariat parisien a refusé de rendre à l’armée bourgeoise les canons dont était équipée la butte Montmartre et qu’il a décidé de s’en équiper, dotant le prolétariat d’une armée, la Garde Nationale – colonne vertébrale de tout État].

Les prises de paroles ont rythmé la manifestation, rappelant l’héroïsme des Communards et des Communardes, des combattants palestiniens, et de tous ceux et celles qui luttent pour un monde nouveau, débarrassé de l’impérialisme. Plutôt que de célébrer une date passée, la manifestation a en réalité été l’occasion de mettre en avant ceux que les activistes de la LJR appellent « les fils et filles de l’immortelle commune de Paris », c’est à dire ceux qui luttent aujourd’hui du côté du prolétariat et des peuples opprimés dans le monde entier. Devant l’hôtel de ville de Saint-Etienne, proche de la Préfècture là où a été proclamé la Commune de Saint-Etienne 153 ans auparavant, est chantée par le cortège l’Internationale, l’hymne des travailleurs, accompagnée du slogan « L’État Français n’est pas notre État, tout le pouvoir au prolétariat ! ».

La manifestation se termine au puit Couriot devant l’entrée de l’ancienne mine désaffectée. Le représentant des « amis de la Commune 42 » annonce la fin de la manifestation devant la mine, symbole de la puissance de la classe ouvrière stéphanoise, qui s’est notamment soulevé lors des grèves insurrectionnelles de 1948.

Plusieurs prises de paroles se succèdent, de la LJR, du PRCF et du collectif Gaza United, avant un moment d’échange entre militants de différentes organisations politiques et syndicats, dans une ambiance conviviale et fraternelle.

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Aux Communards et aux Communardes qui dans un élan d’audace décidèrent de partir à l’assaut du ciel. Le 18 mars 1871, le gouvernent officiel dominé par la bourgeoisie tenta de saisir les canons de la butte Montmartre le but était de désarmer le peuple parisien organisé dans la Garde Nationale. Ce fut le point de bascule d’un long processus qui s’étalait depuis la défaite de Sedan en 1870. Le Prolétariat parisien décida de prendre son destin en main et refusa de donner ses canons. Cet acte grandiose fut le début d’une expérience qui allait marqué à jamais l’épopée de la lutte des classes. D’une défaite nationale humiliante, elle se transforma en un flambeau de l’émancipation humaine, elle révéla pour de bon quelle classe est le véritable moteur de l’Histoire. Durant 100 jours Paris ne dérogea pas à son titre glorieux de berceau de la Révolution. Le peuple en arme organisa le premier pouvoir ouvrier de l’histoire, et la première République ouvrière de France. Face aux ennemis de l’intérieur et de l’extérieur le prolétariat Parisien fit tremblé les bases du vieux monde. Si nous sommes ici rassembler ce n’est pas pour commémorer une date morte mais pour fêté une expérience vivante qui doit nous inspirer dans nos luttes pour transformer le vieux monde en crise. La Commune porte en elle une partie des réponses de notre temps. La lutte des classes moderne en France est un long continuum dont les prémisses se situe avec l’irruption du peuple dans les affaires publique lors de la grande révolution bourgeoise de 1789. Les guerres révolutionnaires, la levée de l’an II, le Comité de Salut publique firent rentré définitivement les classes populaires et le prolétariat naissant en politique, il n’en sortira plus. Dès 1789 la question de l’égalité économique prenait le pas sur la liberté politique. C’était le début du grand malentendu entre le Peuple qui entend l’égalité comme une société de justice économique et les bourgeois qui ne parlent que d’égalité devant la lois. La liberté du bourgeois est celle d’entreprendre et de mettre les chaînes au pied des travailleurs, celle du prolétaire signifie ne plus avoir de chaîne. En 1848 tout bascula définitivement, la fraternité bourgeoise se dissipait dans les tirs de canon contre les barricades. Lors de ces glorieuses journées de juin 1848, les ouvriers s’insurgèrent pour une « république sociale » égalitaire. Depuis ce moment, comme nous l’a enseigné K.Marx, la France se trouve divisée en deux « nationsantagoniques», celle des bourgeois, les expropriateur de la richesse, et celle des producteurs, le prolétariat. Depuis les journées de juin 1848 la France connait une longue guerre civile tantôt ouverte et chaude, tantôt masqué et de basse intensité. . La Commune ne fit que confirmer cette vérité. Toutes l’actualité politique et sociale ces dernières années confirment, bien entendu, tout cela. Que nous pensions aux soulèvements des quartier en 2005, aux Gilets jaunes et , bien sur, à ce juin de feu de 2023. Nous avons là le mouvement réel de quête d’égalité que le peuple cherche depuis 1789. Quête d’égalité toujours violemment réprimée par l’État servant les maîtres de la bourse et des trusts et de tous les parasites du vieux monde. Notre victoire signifiant leur disparition en tant que classe. Alors nous le rappelons ce 18 Mars 1871 le peuple audacieux refusa de rendre les canons et parti à l’assaut du ciel ! Dans les faits un nouvel État naquit. Le 26 mars les élections déclara la Commune de Paris. Le 28 mars la Commune fut proclamée, c’est la naissance officielle de la première République ouvrière de l’Histoire, qui fait sécession de La République Versaillaise car c’est là que c’était enfuie le gouvernement bourgeois. Tout un symbole ! Deux pouvoirs cohabitent absolument opposé, c’est la guerre civile dans les faits. Ce même jour le drapeau national devient le Drapeau Rouge, l’internationale est l’hymne de ce nouvel État. Le 30, la Commune supprima la conscription et l'armée permanente et proclama la garde nationale, dont tous les citoyens valides devaient faire partie, comme la seule force armée. Il n’y avait plus d’armée coupée de la société mais le peuple en arme dans la garde nationale. Il n’y avait plus le pouvoir au dessus des masses mais le prolétariat au pouvoir dans une mer armée des Masses.
Le même jour, les étrangers élus à la Commune furent confirmés dans leurs fonctions, car « le drapeau de la Commune est celui de la République universelle». la russe Élisabeth Dmitrieff fut la dirigeante d’une des première organisation de femme de masse de l’histoire : «Union des femmes pour la défense de Paris et les soins aux blessés ». les femmes jusqu’au dernier moment furent sur les barricades et participèrent à l’organisation de la production. Le dernier communiqué de l’Union des Femmes lors de la conquête de Paris par les Versaillais fut un bref et puissant «toutes aux barricades !» La défense de Paris fut confié à un Polonais : Jarosław Dąbrowski. Imaginez la direction militaire de Paris confiée à un étranger et l’organisation des femmes à une étrangère. A ce moment là tous les opprimés du monde étaient des parisiens. Nous sommes bien loin de cette République qui supprime le droit du sol et pourchasse et embastille les sans papiers. Concrètement l’ensemble du pouvoir était sous contrôle des travailleurs. L’administration était dépolitisée pour devenir simplement un instrument au service de tous. Toutes les charges étaient révocable et sous contrôle populaire. L’économie commençait à être réorganisé en coopérative fédérée. La Commune est un paradigme car antithèse de la République des banquiers, des monopolistes, des militaristes que nous connaissons. Elle est administration de la chose publique par le plus grand nombre, elle est le contrôle de la police par les citoyens. Elle est le pouvoir politique de la majorité imposée à la minorité de parasite, tandis aujourd’hui nous vivons la dictature d’une minorité de parasite sur la majorité. Elle est les femmes à la direction des affaires collectives, tandis qu’aujourd’hui les femmes ne sont qu’un alibi dans les gouvernements. Elle est la fraternité universelle face aux guerres de rapines impérialistes. Elle est, par dessus tout, déjà plus qu’un demi-Etat alors que l’actuel ne fait que se renforcer, que se reactionnariser. Elle est le règlement de tous les problèmes des gens par les gens eux-même. Elle est le début de la résolution de la guerre civile latente et de la division. Elle est source d’Unité. Alors oui, nous tous, nous devons resaisir son immense potentiel pour nous projeter dans un futur à imaginer. Nous pouvons d’ors et déjà avec la Commune savoir a quoi pourrait ressembler une nouvelle France. Il ne s’agit donc pas de batailler pour une VIe République qui ne changerait rien dans le fond mais pour une Seconde République, une seconde Commune, lumineuse et puissante, qui retournerait le pays et sonnerait le glas de la division entre le travail et le capital. Bien évidemment tout cela ne s’opèrent que par une rupture révolutionnaire, l’Assemblée Nationale est et sera toujours l’instrument des Versaillais il ne peut en être autrement. C’est pour cela que nous, filles et fils de la Commune Immortelle, nous affirmons, aujourd’hui, que toute politique émancipatrice ne peut passer que par la rééditions de la Commune! Nous voudrions achever notre prise de parole en citant les Statuts de la seconde Internationale qui nous semble le pré-requis à tout rêve émancipateur: "Dans sa lutte contre le pouvoir unifié des classes possédantes, le prolétariat ne peut agir en tant que classe qu'en se constituant en parti politique et en s'opposant à tous les anciens partis politiques créés par les classes possédantes. Cette constitution du prolétariat en parti politique est indispensable pour assurer le triomphe de la révolution sociale et son but suprême : l'abolition des classes. Alors oui assurément nous sommes les filles et les fils de la Commune de Paris et nous jurons de la re-éditer ! VIVE LA RÉPUBLIQUE UNIVERSELLE DES TRAVAILLEURS !

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KKE(μ-λ) | 75 χρόνια από την ίδρυσή του ΝΑΤΟ ΣΗΜΑΙΝΕΙ ΧΟΥΝΤΕΣ ΚΑΙ ΠΟΛΕΜΟΙ! ΛΕΥΤΕΡΙΑ ΣΤΗΝ ΠΑΛΑΙΣΤΙΝΗ! - Συγκέντρωση και πορεία την Πέμπτη 4/4 στο Πάρκο Ελευθερίας

75 χρόνια από την ίδρυσή του ΝΑΤΟ ΣΗΜΑΙΝΕΙ ΧΟΥΝΤΕΣ ΚΑΙ ΠΟΛΕΜΟΙ!








Χωρίς τελειωμό συνεχίζονται τα ανοιχτά πολεμικά μέτωπα στον κόσμο. Από την Ουκρανία μέχρι την Παλαιστίνη, συνεχίζεται το μακέλεμα των λαών. Εκατοντάδες χιλιάδες είναι οι νεκροί και οι σακατεμένοι. Εκατοντάδες χιλιάδες είναι αυτοί που έχουν εξαναγκαστεί στο δρόμο της προσφυγιάς, της πείνας και της απόλυτης εξαθλίωσης. Και οι εξελίξεις προμηνύονται ακόμη χειρότερες. Νέοι, τεράστιοι κίνδυνοι απειλούν τους λαούς της περιοχής μας, αλλά και ολόκληρου του πλανήτη, καθώς γίνονται ακόμη πιο άγριοι οι ανταγωνισμοί ανάμεσα στους ιμπεριαλιστές, τις μεγάλες δυνάμεις του πλανήτη.

Ο άδικος πόλεμος στην Ουκρανία , στην καρδιά της Ευρώπης, όχι μόνο δεν δείχνει σημάδια εκτόνωσης, αλλά αντίθετα περιπλέκεται ακόμη περισσότερο. Όχι μόνο κανένας από τους ιμπεριαλιστές που ξεκίνησαν και μπλέκονται σε αυτόν το πόλεμο (ΗΠΑ - Ρωσία - ΕΕ) δεν έχει διάθεση να κάνει πίσω, αλλά γεγονότα όπως το πρόσφατο τρομοκρατικό χτύπημα στη Μόσχα, προμηνύουν έναν νέο κύκλο αίματος, ένταση της αντιπαράθεσης και πιθανότατα μεταφορά της σε νέα πεδία μάχης και ανταγωνισμού.

Την ίδια στιγμή, στα επιτελεία των ιμπεριαλιστικών δυνάμεων η πολεμική ρητορική αναβαθμίζεται σε όλα τα επίπεδα, μοιάζοντας σαν προετοιμασία ενός πολέμου χωρίς επιστροφή για ολόκληρο τον πλανήτη. Είναι ανοιχτή πλέον η συζήτηση για το ενδεχόμενο ενός 3ου Παγκόσμιου Πολέμου. Συνεχίζονται οι απειλές όλων για χρήση πυρηνικών. Οι οικονομίες και η παραγωγή των χωρών της ΕΕ προσαρμόζονται ώστε να στηρίξουν έναν πολεμικό προσανατολισμό. Και οι λαοί προετοιμάζονται από τις κυβερνήσεις τους για την προοπτική να γίνουν κρέας για τα κανόνια που έχουν ήδη στηθεί. Όπως έγινε στη Γερμανία, όπου η υπουργός Παιδείας πρότεινε στα σχολεία να προετοιμάζουν τους μαθητές για το ενδεχόμενο πολέμου!!! Και όλα αυτά δεν αποτελούν εδώ και καιρό σενάρια επιστημονικής φαντασίας, αλλά εικόνες του παρόντος και –κυρίως– του μέλλοντος που ετοιμάζουν για τους λαούς οι ιμπεριαλιστές.

Φριχτή εικόνα του παρόντος είναι και η σφαγή του ηρωικού Παλαιστινιακού λαού απ’ το κράτος-τρομοκράτη που συνεχίζεται χωρίς σταματημό! Δεκάδες χιλιάδες είναι οι νεκροί σε ολόκληρη τη λωρίδα της Γάζας από το ανελέητο Ισραηλινό σφυροκόπημα τους τελευταίους πέντε μήνες, ενώ η πείνα και η δίψα θερίζει όσους καταφέρνουν να επιβιώσουν. Τα χτυπήματα έχουν εδώ και καιρό επεκταθεί και στη Δυτική Όχθη, ενώ νέους καθημερινούς στόχους αποτελούν αποθήκες τροφίμων, σημεία διανομής φαγητού, νοσοκομεία και προσφυγικοί καταυλισμοί. Η επικείμενη εισβολή στη Ράφα προμηνύει νέα επέκταση της σφαγής, με στόχο την ολοκληρωτική εκδίωξη των Παλαιστινίων από τον τόπο τους και ταυτόχρονα συσσωρεύει όρους και κινδύνους μιας συνολικότερης ανάφλεξης στη περιοχή της Μέσης Ανατολής.

Η χώρα μας εμπλέκεται όλο και περισσότερο στα πολεμικά παιχνίδια της περιοχής. Η κυβέρνηση της ΝΔ, ως εκπρόσωπος της εξαρτημένης ντόπιας άρχουσας τάξης, προσφέρει «γη και ύδωρ» στα ιμπεριαλιστικά αφεντικά της και στην προώθηση των αιματοβαμμένων σχεδίων τους στην περιοχή. Η αποστολή της φρεγάτας «Ύδρα» στην Ερυθρά Θάλασσα, η μετατροπή της Λάρισας σε διοικητήριο των πολεμικών επιχειρήσεων, η χρήση ολόκληρης της χώρας σαν ορμητήριο των φονιάδων, τόσο προς την Ουκρανία όσο και προς τη Μέση Ανατολή, αποδεικνύουν το βάθεμα της εμπλοκής της χώρας στα πολεμικά μέτωπα και ταυτόχρονα θέτουν το λαό της χώρας μας μπροστά σε τεράστιους κινδύνους. Ετοιμάζουν το λαό μας και τους λαούς της περιοχής, να γίνουν κρέας για τα κανόνια του πολέμου και των ιμπεριαλιστικών ανταγωνισμών. Μόνο οι λαοί μπορούν να βάλουν φραγμό στα σχέδια τους!

Ενάντια σε αυτό το πολεμικό κλίμα ο λαός μας πρέπει να δώσει τη δική του αγωνιστική απάντηση: Να συγκροτήσει ένα πλατύ, μαζικό αντιπολεμικό-αντιιμπεριαλιστικό κίνημα ενάντια στη πολιτική της βαρβαρότητας. Με τον ίδιο τρόπο που ξεσηκώθηκαν φοιτητές και αγρότες. Με τον ίδιο τρόπο που ξεσηκώθηκαν λαός και νεολαία ενάντια στο έγκλημα στα Τέμπη. Με τον ίδιο τρόπο που εκφράζεται μαζικά σε όλο τον κόσμο η αλληλεγγύη στον ηρωικό Παλαιστινιακό λαό και που πρέπει να συνεχιστεί πιο μαζικά και πιο αποφασιστικά και στη χώρα μας.

Η μαύρη επέτειος για τα 75 χρόνια από την ίδρυση του ΝΑΤΟ, της μεγαλύτερης πολεμικής μηχανής του πλανήτη, να αποτελέσει αφορμή για μαζικές διαδηλώσεις αλληλεγγύης στον ηρωικό Παλαιστινιακό λαό και ενάντια στον πόλεμο και τον ιμπεριαλισμό!


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Women’s Liberation and Revisionism: No Colour Can Hide the Red We’ve Got – The Red Herald

We publish a translation of an article published by Yeni Demokrasi.

8 March, International Working Women’s Day, is now behind us. We realise that those who “keep 8 March alive” have a very blurred consciousness. This blurred consciousness has led them to call 8 March “Women’s Day” or “Working Women’s Day”. Apart from the possibility of using this name as a tactic to be ” inclusive “, we will deal with the revisionist line that we see concretely; because the struggle against revisionism is in favour of our revolution and will help to find the right line. This struggle involves not only the destruction of the enemy, but also our own development. We must constantly struggle to seek, uncover, defend and overcome the truth so that the revolutionary line can win the victory. We must not forget for a moment that those who take responsibility for creating and spreading the revolutionary line are not free from regression and the problems that lead to it.

In the revolutionary women’s organisations, especially in the last 10 years, we can say that feminist attitudes, sometimes shy and sometimes bold, have gained importance. These attitudes, visible from declarations to slogans and banners, have “now” gone beyond the level of a tendency, and a sexist standpoint has begun to replace the class standpoint. The scientific nature of this standpoint, which is legitimised by the term “women’s standpoint”, is never discussed. The righteous rebellion of the oppressed woman is reduced to the level of a reproach that fits into the order. From the bourgeois woman’s point of view, partnership is not perceived as a class problem. Since the ideological struggle against feminism is advised, this process has developed into support for the feminist movement, which follows it or does not follow it and gradually becomes similar to it.

In this process of development, in which we are also involved with sometimes strong and sometimes weak discussions, the revolutionary women’s movement in Turkey has lost ideological and political power. While the women’s movement is developing, while the oppression of women in every respect is being put on the agenda and problematised by a broad section of people, we are confronted with the reality that the revolutionary women’s movement has lost power. Our “minority position” within the women’s organisations and our inability to ensure unity within ourselves have paved the way for this; the concealment of our identity, our class attitude, which gives us strength, has made us immobile. When will we claim our blocked identity?

If a revolutionary woman has to hide her “revolutionary” identity on 25 November or 8 March, can we say that women are represented there, or can they really express themselves? It is inevitable to discuss this problematic existence of the revolutionary women’s movement, which has become clear in recent times.

The demand that “no organisation should have more political weight than a single person” is worth evaluating in this respect. This demand, which also contains the warning to the revolutionary women’s movement: “Make yourselves invisible, you are frightening”, points to the audacity of feminism. It is a kind of isolationist policy. What is behind this isolation, which is justified with the innocence of the “protection of the individual”? Is this illogical demand, which denies and imposes the denial of organisation, not itself “narrow-minded”? By placing the identity of “woman” above all classes and identities, the impression is given that revolutionary women’s organisations do not care about the mass of women – because we say that women’s liberation lies in the revolution! Inherent in this demand is the understanding that the organised movement must not run ahead of the spontaneous movement of the masses. The organised movement, which would get in the way of individuals, is undesirable because it is “restrictive”, and it is assumed that the women’s movement will be “free” in this way. But is that really the case? Is the emancipation of women possible on an individual basis? What is the horizon and reality of a women’s struggle without organisation and revolution? Even if organised behaviour and leadership by one person are inevitable even in the simplest movement, even if it is inevitable to target the power of the tyrant, can it be an innocent desire to have “no more political weight than a single person”? Whose desire can this desire, which pits the individual woman against the organised woman, be?

The fact that a woman is progressive-revolutionary and organised results from certain characteristics. These “labels” are not empty titles, they contain certain practices and concrete forms. They are concretised through words, actions and behaviour. Therefore, a form of self-representation is inevitable. Among the masses, the progressive-revolutionary will definitely be at the forefront and lead the way. This is the case whether it is accepted or not. No other colour we wear can hide our redness. The fact that this demand comes in a “strong” and clear form indicates a boldness, and we have no problem with that boldness. The boldness to speak your mind is a good thing. The problem is the lack of response to that boldness. At this point, the boldness of not defending one’s identity is an important problem. Not daring to defend one’s ideas and stance would be a political crime against any woman seeking her liberation. For this reason, we must continue to develop the unity of action of revolutionary women’s organisations.


The guilt of the thief will surely come to light; in this article we will deal with the landlord. While the women’s organisations that call themselves revolutionary leave the question of women’s emancipation to other issues, they seem to have jettisoned what they stand for. Many women’s organisations openly accept the line of feminism. In any case, what we expect from these organisations is nothing more than the way they currently express themselves. The problem lies with those who claim not to be feminists: conformity leads to uniformity and ultimately rejection of the revolutionary line. The reason why we and some other women’s organisations like ours are ‘marginal’ is because they are unable to ‘become the same’, not out of incompetence of course, but because of the revolutionary tradition on which they are based and the class attitude from which they feed.

If we look at the declarations of the Democratic Women’s Movement (DWL) and the right-wing liquidation group on 8 March, we come across the “unbearable lightness” of not even being able to call 8 March “International Working Women’s Day”. We can judge this situation as “confusion” or “keyboard hypocrisy”, let’s judge it as such and move on. In the statement of the DWL entitled “We are in revolt against war, poverty, massacre of women” and the word “war” in the title, we could not find any sentence in the content. With this approach, we see that 8 March is only being condensed into identity politics. We understand that the statement read out by comrade Barbara Anna Kistler on 8 March ’92 has been erased from memory, let us remind you: “Contrary to what feminists say, the women’s question is inseparable from the class question.”

The war question! We believe that the friends have misunderstood Clara Zetkin, whom they often mention. Clara Zetkin was directly against unjust wars, and for this reason she was absolutely anti-imperialist. The struggle of both the DFB and the right-wing liquidation group against “all wars” is one of the outstanding features of this period. But it is still not understandable. There are two kinds of wars: Just wars and unjust wars. Can it be neglected that the revolutionary struggle in our country includes armed struggle from beginning to end, that it imposes war as an inevitability, that the limitation of unarmed struggle is a reality? Such neglect does not lead to an obscuring of the revolutionary character. “The armed struggle for revolution is valid from the beginning to the end, the armed struggle is indispensable in all struggles” is written as a principle. The positions of those who declare that they still insist on this principle and consciously or unconsciously exclude war are extremely confusing or indicate confusion. If they are “conscious” opponents of war, they must admit that they are revisionists; if not, they must admit that they are apolitical. There are those who argue that almost everything has changed in this period and that past forms of struggle should be abandoned as “overcoming the old”. We too argue that the old must be overcome and will inevitably be overcome; but the “old” cannot be overcome with years, it requires struggle, development and effort. The old forms over the years, but it does not always disappear over the years. It disintegrates, becomes unbearable, but it can continue to exist. Like feudalism, like capitalism… It is precisely for this reason that we argue that perseverance in principles is a guiding principle in the struggle against revisionism.

The bourgeois movements recognise war as “men’s work”. Unjust wars also serve to enforce, consolidate and maintain male domination. In unjust wars, women are massively attacked, enslaved, captured, emigrated, sold on slave markets, subjected to the worst tortures and raped. Women’s resistance to war is revolutionary when its main target is unjust wars. Women do not have to be the trampled grass on which the elephants trample!

Women who take sides in just wars say that they develop and liberate themselves in war. Gül Kaya (Nergiz) says, “When it comes to war, a field symbolised by men, our work becomes even more difficult,” and she advises women to free themselves from the vines that entwine their feet. Gamzegül Kaya (Ekin) captures the reality where she says: “My reasons to fight are increasing day by day. For this reason, we will continue to participate in just wars against imperialist-unjust wars. We “want to fight wherever there is life”. This approach, which restricts women to certain combat zones, is very dangerous. Women, who are part of humanity, must fight tirelessly in all areas for the liberation of humanity.


We often see these comrades joining a bourgeois group, current or movement. We catch them insisting on associations based only on “power” by talking about “the greatest possible unity”. We know that a multitude of people without a goal of power is not power. You cannot be strong if you consider practices that are not aimed at power to be the “elixir of life”.

In the attempt to react to the process, the deviations to the right and the left show themselves in different forms. Action alliances have begun to lead to ideological alliances because the mechanisms of criticism are not sincere and the level itself is slippery!

Without taking the unity of labouring women and the unity of women from the oppressed classes as a basis, revisionism will be the goal. On the other hand, the development of the unity of action of revolutionary women’s organisations will open the way for a revolutionary approach to women’s liberation.

The vast majority of women who strive for liberation are oppressed, working women. For these women, liberation is possible through the struggle against the order, against the interests and interest relations of the ruling classes. The striving for the emancipation of women from the bourgeoisie and the striving for the emancipation of labouring women do not begin in the same place, do not continue in the same place and do not end in the same place. We must not forget that in the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, the struggle of women within the proletarian movement faced the struggle of women within the bourgeois movement, and it was only when the horizon of the proletarian movement was adopted that all forms of misogyny could be overcome. As a proletarian revolutionary, Jiang Qing rejected all traditional roles for women in her struggle against the aggression of Chinese revisionism. She did not live as “Mao’s widow”, but as an unreserved and active advocate of permanent revolution, who never gave up the struggle for revolution and loudly expressed her hatred of revisionism when she was put on trial.

No form of revisionism is innocent. The demand for disorganisation is not a call for protection and freedom for “individual women”. On the contrary, it is about protecting traditional individualism, and it is fuelled entirely by the narrow interests of those who make this demand, who have a place in this order. Of course we will go along with them, of course we will listen to them. We will do this without giving up to develop our own line, without neglecting the responsibility to develop the right line, and without forgetting that the need for unity arises from the aim of making the great revolutionary war victorious.

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End of jus soli in Mayotte: one more advance in the reactionarization of the State – The Red Herald

Featured image: Demonstrations in front of the French Embassy in the Comoros in 2018.

We publish this unofficial translation of an article of La Cause du Peuple.

In February 2024, the Interior Minister Darmanin announced that Emmanuel Macron wanted it to “be no longer possible to become French if you are not a child of French parents” if one was born on Mayotte.

In the general context of the immigration law, where jus soli [latin for right of the soil, a bourgeois principle according to which nationality is determined by the place of birth] was already called into question before the censorship of the Constitutional Council (for technical and non -political reasons), it is necessary to look at this decision to draw consequences on the reactionarization of the bourgeois State (see our previous issue).

Jus soli , a principle that has become important for the French bourgeoisie

With regard to nationality, the French bourgeoisie has evolved over time, following the development of French capitalism.

The great French revolution of 1789 installed the bourgeoisie in control. With the first constitutional monarchy (1791), there is a form of jus soli which is confirmed after the end of the revolution in the Napoleon code of 1804. But this jus soli is conditional, it cannot be said that it is particularly a principle established by the French bourgeoisie, it is rarely used.

It was in 1851, then in 1889 that the legislation fixed the jus soli strongly in French law. Why? This is the time when French capitalism needs workforce and cannot rely only on the ancient peasants, who do not arrive quickly enough in the cities or died in successive wars. It is therefore necessary to get immigrants that will be sought in Italy, Spain, Belgium… Thus we note for example that in 1889, when the new law arrives, it was almost 20 years since 1870-71, time of the Franco-Prussian war and the Commune; There will therefore necessarily be absence in the age groups which must perform military service, because their potential parents died in war. The law of that year will reflect this reality to force the majority of young children of foreigners to do military service.

Thus, in the turning point towards imperialism which happens around the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, France became the main country of immigration in Europe while restricting nationality in its new colonies where one does not become French as in mainland France (Indigennat’s code of 1881). This will continue with the infamous example of the name “French Muslims” in Algeria, which accompanies so many massacres and persecutions. You have to keep it in mind to always remember how French imperialism is used to treating those it designates foreign on “its” soil.

We can thus say that from the beginning of its contemporary history (because it also existed in another way under the old regime), the jus soli evolved in France (and elsewhere in the colonies) according to the necessities of capitalism, and then of French imperialism. It opened when there was a need for workforce, and then closed. But it has become a general principle of the law of the French bourgeoisie, an instrument by which it could control its population in all the bourgeois regimes to follow since the 1 st Republic. Consequently, it’s worth noting that its questioning in Mayotte, and then in France in general (which is the position of Ciotti’s Republicans and has been the historic position of the RN since Le Pen’s father) is met with almost no complaints. On the contrary, this “solution” is sold to masses as a solution to the problems of Mayotte. It is a sign of the reactionarization of the State, because the long-standing legal tradition of bourgeois democracy in France is called into question for the first time in an intense way since the so-called “decolonization” and since the regime of Vichy, who had returned to the naturalization obtained “by the soil” with his fascist government of deportations.

The negation of French bourgeois democratic principles beyond jus soli

The French bourgeoisie has always boasted of being the heir of the Enlightenment, of the great Ideas, traditions of freedom and human rights. All of this nonsense has taken a life of its own when we see the ferocious exploitation and inhuman measures taken over the last 175 years by the bourgeois State, which has become the greatest oppressor after having made people believe it would set them free.

As explained above, it is very important to link this current development to the history of French imperialism. It is therefore necessary to recognize to this extent to Mayotte an open and deliberate violation of the principle inscribed in the “Principles of the Republic”: “The Republic is one and indivisible”.

Indivisible, really? However, the questioning the right of nationality over a part of the territory (Mayotte) completely breaks this principle.

The reactionarization of the bourgeois State of which we are talking about is not an abstraction, it is achieved in concrete measures, where the principles of the bourgeois republic (democratic-liberal) are called into question by the government at its very head. It is not surprising that the forces flirting most openly with fascism support the extension of such measures and claim “ideological victories” when they are introduced.

It is a necessity for the bourgeoisie to move forward with such weapons even if it means disowning its thinkers and the original writers of its major laws, such as the Constitution of the 5th Republic. It absolutely must restructure the State to ward off the crisis and keep the revolts in check, these are tasks that all go together. Nothing progressive can come from the bourgeoisie. Imperialism is parasitic and French imperialism is a luxurious, hungry parasite, which cannot support its weight without sucking the blood of the proletarians in France and the oppressed peoples abroad. It tries to train us in its fall of its laws, its wars and its delusional projects, and the opportunists of the Parliament try to make us believe that it is possible to save it, not to make reactionary reforms but a “left” program.

But it is a hard time, the reactionarization of the French bourgeois State has continued frantically in recent years. The only class capable of changing the situation is the proletariat, for it bears the task of bringing down the bourgeois state and, with it, reaction all across the line.

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Prolétaires de tous les pays, nations et peuples opprimés, unissez-vous ! Fondée le 1 er mai 1968 Relancée en 2010 MARS-AVRIL 2024 N°76 causedupeuple.org JOURNAL PROLÉTAIRE, ANTI-IMPÉRIALISTE ET RÉVOLUTIONNAIREJOURNAL PROLÉTAIRE, ANTI-IMPÉRIALISTE ET RÉVOLUTIONNAIRE THÉORIE LES CHEMINS DU POUVOIR ACTUALITÉS NATIONALES Victoire des grévistes d'Emmaüs Nord après une lutte de longue haleineComment comprendre la Révolution Prolétarienne Mondiale ? Palestine : comment la résistance fait face à l’offensive génocidaire P. 5 P. 12 P. 15 L'UNITÉ DE CLASSE JUSQU'À LA VICTOIRE
La dernière période a une nouvelle fois été très fournie ; qu’avons-nous pu observer ? Nous avons pu voir le développement de la décomposition de l’impérialisme français, ce qui se reflète sous la forme d’une crise à tous les niveaux : économique, social, culturel et surtout politique. C’est cela que nous connais - sons tous, que nous sentons dans notre chair chaque jour qui passe, même si parfois nous avons du mal à nommer la chose et à la com - prendre. La crise de régime qui se profile en perspec - tive est claire pour celles et ceux qui veulent bien la voir en ce début d’année 2024. Tout d’abord, le gouvernement réactionnaire a poussé la mise en place de la « Loi Immigra - tion », qui attaque frontalement les droits des prolétaires immigrés ; la fin du droit du sol à Mayotte qui a été annoncée récemment va dans le même sens. Les Macron, Darmanin et consorts n’ont au fond qu’un seul objectif : ce - lui d’atomiser toujours plus la classe qui pro - duit tout mais qui n’a rien, c’est-à-dire de la diviser en petites parcelles indépendantes les unes des autres sur la base de critères comme l’origine, le sexe, la religion, etc, en exploitant économiquement toujours plus une frange du prolétariat au passage. Cette politique d’ato - misation de la classe n’est pas nouvelle, elle a été déclenchée par la bourgeoisie il y a main - tenant bien longtemps, face à une classe ou - vrière indivisible, ayant construit des organisa - tions uniques et, donc, puissantes. Depuis, grâce au rôle néfaste des opportu - nistes au sein du mouvement des travailleurs qui ont vendu la lutte pour des places au chaud et pré - féré la conciliation et la négo - ciation à la lutte acharnée, la politique d’atomisation a fait des ravages. L’unité syndicale au sein d’une seule Confé - dération Générale des Travailleurs n’est plus qu’un lointain mirage, et au sein de nos quar - tiers prolétaires, nous ne pouvons même plus compter le nombre d’« associations », toutes divisées et se tirant dans les pattes pour savoir laquelle d’entre elles pourra bénéficier de plus de subventions de la part de la mairie. Tout cela n’est pas une fatalité, et notre travail de tous les jours doit aller dans le sens de l’Uni - té sur la base de revendications concrètes. L’absence d’une Unité Politique dans un vrai Parti révolutionnaire permettant de diriger le mouvement, la seule chose qui au fond serve notre émancipation, est le cœur de tout le pro - blème, c’est de là que le reste découle. C’est parce que nous ne sommes pas capables de rendre les coups collectivement et de porter des revendications concrètes avec nombre et force que la bourgeoisie a pu tranquillement faire son bonhomme de chemin et petit à petit défaire les liens organiques que nous avions tissé entre nous, au prix cher. La récente révolte des agriculteurs a, elle, montré une autre facette du même problème, la question de la direction. Sans une organi - sation reliant étroitement les petits et moyens agriculteurs au reste des masses populaires, et leur permettant une action unifiée politique - ment et organisationnellement, ces révoltes à la base légitimes ne peuvent qu’être récupé - rées par les charognards à la solde des grands monopoles impérialistes, qui s’en servent comme mesure d’ajustement. Cet événement a toujours plus montré le fossé qui peut exis - ter entre les conditions de vie de ces petits exploitants et leurs directions patronales bour - geoises. La seule voie pour ces paysans révol - tés, c’est l’union avec les travailleurs les plus opprimés pour faire une nouvelle société où 2 | La Cause du Peuple n°76 est un journal prolétaire, anti- impérialiste et révolutionnaire. Il est le travail de tous ses contributeurs et contributrices, pilotés par le Comité de rédaction du journal, joignable sur Twitter et Instagram (@Cause_du_Peuple) et par mail : causedupeuple@protonmail.com La Cause du Peuple est vendue à prix libre.ÉDITOÉDITO La classe ouvrière est une et indivisible ! EN UNEEN UNE ----------- Grévistes sans-papiers d'Emmaüs, dans le Nord. SOMMAIRESOMMAIRE 4 5Victoire des grévistes d'Emmaüs Nord après une lutte de longue haleine 8La ministre Aurore Bergé menace de supprimer les subventions aux associations 12Théorie : comment comprendre la Révolution Prolétarienne Mondiale ? 14Affrontements au Sénégal après le report des élections par le président 15Palestine : comment la résistance fait face à l’offensive génocidaire 18Le 8 mars, un héritage du mouvement socialiste des femmesMouvement des agriculteurs : la lutte persiste, menée par les plus combatifs 6Fin du droit du sol à Mayotte : une avancée de plus dans la réactionnarisation de l’État 9Congo : derrière le conflit, la bataille impérialiste pour les ressources minièresLe rôle des militants révolutionnaires est aujourd’hui de porter l’Unité de la classe, en comprenant que la réactionnarisation accrue de l’État bourgeois n’est qu’une tentative de plus de nous barrer la route
BRÈVES DE LUTTEBRÈVES DE LUTTE NIORT : GRÈVE CHEZ SAFRAN Pour les revalorisations de salaires, ça bouge chez Safran, grand groupe aéronau - tique. Après un mouvement de grève natio - nal le 14 février qui a mobilisé 40 % des salariés, ils étaient 160 à Niort à se réunir à nouveau pour réclamer une augmentation égale à 5 %, l’augmentation reçue l’année précédente. Cette mobilisation se déroule dans le cadre des négociations annuelles obligatoires engagées depuis le mois de janvier par le groupe.BRON : GRÈVE DES ENSEIGNANTS DU COLLÈGE MONOD PRÈS DE LYO N Comme avant les vacances scolaires, de nombreux établissements se mobilisent contre les annonces en matière d’éduca - tion du gouvernement. Notons celui du col - lège Monod à Bron, mobilisé à nouveau le 5 mars avec les professeurs et autres person - nels. Il n’y a pas de doute, la grogne dans l’éducation au sujet des réformes, mais aussi des conditions de travail dégradées, des salaires et du manque de personnel n’est pas prête de se calmer ! SAVOIE : GRÈVE INÉDITE DANS L’HÔPITAL PRIVÉ MÉDIPÔLE 130 personnes envahissent le parking de l’hôpital. Dans cette petite ville près de Chambéry, c’est inédit, qui plus est quand on parle d’un hôpital privé ! Ce sont des aides-soignants, des infirmiers, des bran - cardiers et autres qui ont fait grève pour dénoncer des conditions de travail dé - gradées alors que la direction cherche à augmenter le nombre de patients pris en charge sans augmenter le personnel. Les grévistes dénoncent leur besoin d’arrêts de travail face au burn out et à la cadence de travail imposée par les propriétaires de l’hôpital.NANTES : LUTTE À LA POSTE CONTRE LES SANCTIONS INJUSTES Alors que les conditions de travail se dégradent à la Poste, à Nantes, un des postiers a été mis à pied sans salaire pour avoir refusé de retourner en tournée alors qu’il venait déjà d’effectuer sa tournée du jour ! Face à cela, une grève a eu lieu, re - conduite deux jours. La direction a essayé de casser la grève, mais les 45 agents de la Poste ont tenu bon. Après la grève, la mise à pied sans salaire n’a pas été retirée, mais les postiers ont obtenu des revendications comme l’embauche de nouvelles per - sonnes, des vélos, le droit de manger à la cantine en fin de service ou l’étalement des prélèvements pour les jours de grève sur plusieurs mois. Des droits élémentaires, mais pour lesquels il faut se battre ! 4 2 31 41 CACHAN : BLOCAGE ET RÉVOL TES AU L YCÉE CONTRE L'INSALUBRITÉ Le 5 mars le blocage d’un lycée polyvalent a regroupé plusieurs centaines d’élèves. Des feux de poubelles ont été déclenchés et les forces de répression de la police prises pour cible, une de leurs voitures a même été retournée et deux flics blessés. Malheureusement plusieurs jeunes ont été arrêtés. Médias et institutions bourgeoises sifflent de concert pour dénoncer ces vio - lences, allant jusqu’à expliquer qu'elles se - raient déconnectées de la situation dans le lycée ! Alors qu’une semaine avant les faits, près de la moitié des 300 ensei - gnants avaient utilisé leur droit de retrait pour dénoncer les conditions scandaleuses dans lesquelles ils doivent travailler et les 2500 élèves étudier. L’insalubrité est un problème généralisé dans les lycées des banlieues populaires : plafonds qui s’ef - fondrent, moisissures, manque de matériel, lumières coupées, inondations, la pluie qui tombe en cours… Ce n’est pas dans le 16ème arrondissement de Paris que l’on verrait ça ! Et c’est bien cette situation qui pousse aujourd’hui cette jeunesse à sa juste révolte.532 3 | La Cause du Peuple n°765la terre sera socialisée pour subvenir aux besoins de chacun et respecter la Nature. Dans tous les cas, la bourgeoisie est sur tous les fronts pour essayer de nous em - pêcher de reconstruire nos instruments de luttes, nos organisations de combat. C’est le sens de toutes les réformes que nous connaissons depuis des années, ainsi que du matraquage idéologique permanent que nous subissons. Par ces dispositifs, les ex - ploiteurs tentent de mettre dans le plus de têtes possibles que l’intérêt de l’ouvrier et du patron est le même, que nous formons une unité nationale sans contradictions de classe aucune et que l’intérêt de « La France » est au-dessus de nous, au-des - sus de tout. Cela rentre clairement dans les plans plus généraux de la bourgeoisie impérialiste française de restructuration de l’appareil d’État et de militarisation exacer - bée, avec une tendance à la guerre de plus en plus forte, comme moyen de contourner le problème de fond. Tout cela est très impressionnant, et nous ne devons pas sous-estimer la puissance d’un État en crise profonde ; mais nous sa - vons que cela ne peut pas suffire à nous vaincre définitivement, car notre classe a su résister dans les pires conditions, dans les pires prisons, nous sommes donc pé - tris d’optimisme ! Ce qu’il faut propager partout, c’est donc l’inverse de ce que disent les réactionnaires. Le rôle des mi - litants révolutionnaires est aujourd’hui de porter l’Unité de la classe, en comprenant que la réactionnarisation accrue de l’État bourgeois n’est qu’une tentative de plus de nous barrer la route. Nous n’avons qu’une seule voie à suivre, celle de la lutte col - lective pour faire triompher nos principes par-dessus ceux de la bourgeoisie déca - dente. Chaque tract, chaque débat, chaque affiche, chaque événement ; chaque action que nous menons est ô combien impor - tante dans la situation actuelle, car chaque jour qui passe sans révolution, c’est un jour de plus où nous vivons sous un système infâme. Il faut nous battre partout où nous agis - sons pour faire triompher l’Unité contre la division ! Les Comités de Rédaction de La Cause du Peuple et Nouvelle Époque
4 | La Cause du Peuple n°76 ACTUALITÉS NATIONALESACTUALITÉS NATIONALESMouvement des agriculteurs : la lutte persiste, menée par les plus combatifs Alors, suffisait-il d’un entretien avec les dirigeants de la FNSEA et de quelques allégements sur les pesticides pour calmer la colère des agriculteurs ? Il faut se rendre à l’évidence que non ! Car les blo - cages ont continué jusque dans le mois de mars, avec de nouvelles cibles et de nouvelles méthodes, plus locales, plus dispersées, mais toujours là. Bien sûr, c’était tout à fait prévisible, quand nous voyons à quel point la situation est en crise et que le gouvernement et ses me - sures n’ont rien changé. Mais on peut souligner deux choses : 1) Que les directions syndicales nationales, no - tamment les dirigeants de la FNSEA qui sont des grands bourgeois, ont essayé d’étouffer l’affaire et que, et c’est le principal, les agri - culteurs ont refusé d’arrêter le mouvement (en lien avec des organisations départementales). 2) Que les agriculteurs commencent à cibler des banques, comme en Occitanie, c’est-à-dire s’attaquer directement au capital financier qui les rend esclaves des grandes coopératives, grands groupes bancaires et du marché euro - péen (et mondial). Ces deux points sont très importants car ils montrent que la combativité ne peut pas être matée quand la situation est si mauvaise pour tant d’agriculteurs. Ils montrent aussi que la partie la plus combative des agriculteurs n’est évidemment pas celle des grands bourgeois, ou même des propriétaires petits bourgeois les mieux lotis, mais bien des exploitants les plus pauvres, endettés, pour qui les problèmes brûlants ce sont les prêts, les prix et le revenu de leur travail, pas les pesticides. Nous constatons donc ce qu’il se passe lorsque la contradiction de classe au sein même des agriculteurs se tend. Alors que le travail agri - cole demande beaucoup de travail et de pré - sence à la ferme, y compris lors des mois les plus froids, la mobilisation sans interruption pendant un si long temps d’un tel nombre d’agriculteurs signifie que les agriculteurs les plus mobilisés acceptent le coût de telles mo - bilisations pour leur ferme. La victoire de la partie pauvre de la « classe labourieuse » ne peut être gagnée sans la victoire de la classe laborieuse. Le nombre, la puissance et la force du prolétariat et de la classe ouvrière dans notre société actuelle montrent que cette classe est la seule capable d’entraîner vers la révolution. Il est clair, en re - gardant leur mobilisation, que les agriculteurs qui n’exploitent personne, qui galèrent pour se verser un salaire et qui déversent du foin de - vant les banques aujourd’hui ont tout à gagner à la révolution socialiste, la seule qui pourra garantir une agriculture digne et viable qui serve les intérêts du peuple et non du marché mondial.La partie la plus combative des agriculteurs n’est évidemment pas celle des grands bourgeois, ou même des propriétaires petits bourgeois les mieux lotis, mais bien des exploitants les plus pauvres, endettés
ZOOM LOCALZOOM LOCAL 5 | La Cause du Peuple n°76Victoire des grévistes d'Emmaüs Nord après une lutte de longue haleine Après les travailleuses de Vertbau - det, la CGT du Nord arrache une nouvelle victoire avec la régulari - sation des 51 grévistes sans-pa - piers d'Emmaüs. L'issue de ce long combat est aujourd'hui une victoire pour le prolétariat français qui dé - montre encore une fois son abné - gation et sa combativité face aux exploiteurs. Rien n'aurait été possible sans les mois de grèves reconduits chaque soir à l'unanimité, et sans la solidarité de classe au quotidien sur le piquet et dans les actions. Car les gré - vistes n'étaient pas uniquement exploités par Emmaüs et une direction pourrie, corrompue et raciste : ils l'étaient aussi par l'ensemble du système administratif et bureaucratique de l'impérialisme français qui non seulement permet cette exploitation, mais aussi et sur - tout l'encourage ! Parce que c'est bien de ça qu'il est question, une main d’œuvre payée une misère et corvéable à merci qui bénéficie aux patrons et à la classe bourgeoise. La régularisation des sans-papiers d'Emmaüs ne vient d'ailleurs pas seule. Elle a aussi lieu dans le contexte de l'arrivée im - minente des Jeux Olympiques, fête bourgeoise qui, avec les différents chantiers dont l'échéance arrive à terme, em - ploie de nombreux travailleurs et travailleuses sans-papiers. La bourgeoisie est terrifiée à l'idée d'une révolte ou d'une nouvelle grève à l'image de l'oc - cupation en octobre dernier du chantier de l'Arena par des ou - vriers sans-papiers. Au total, ce sont donc 620 régularisations gagnées par la CGT, dont 502 travailleurs et travailleuses sans-papiers franci - liens en grève depuis le 17 octobre, essentiels au bon déroulement de leurs petites festivités. La victoire des compagnons d'Emmaüs du Nord est d'autant plus remarquable que ces derniers ont dû endurer tout le long de leur grève héroïque les coups les plus bas : coupure du chauffage, menaces de fermeture du site, mobilisation fasciste en soutien à la direction, provocations racistes avec le dépôt d'une tête de sanglier sur le piquet, injures… Ces tenta - tives infructueuses de déstabilisation n'ont pourtant pas suffi à entamer la détermination des grévistes, grâce au soutien de l'UD CGT Nord et du Comité Sans-papiers 59 (CSP59). La CGT n'a d'ailleurs pas été épargnée par les coups bas et la répression orchestrée par l’État bourgeois, puisque le 20 octobre dernier, le Secrétaire général de l'UD du Nord, Jean- Paul, était arrêté violemment à son domicile à 6 h du matin pour « apologie du terrorisme ». En cause, un communiqué du 10 octobre sa - luant la résistance du peuple palestinien face à l'occupant sioniste génocidaire, suite à la glo - rieuse offensive du 7 octobre. Ayant été assez vite relâché depuis, une décision de justice est attendue au terme d'un jugement au tribunal de Lille le 28 mars. La CGT appelle d’ores et déjà à un rassemblement massif à cette date et mobilise tous ses soutiens pour faire bloc contre la répression en solidarité avec Jean- Paul. A l'image de l'issue victorieuse de la grève des travailleurs et des travailleuses sans papiers, nous ne pouvons qu'avoir confiance en la solidarité de notre classe pour tétaniser la justice bourgeoise et la dissuader de mettre notre camarade sous les verrous. Grévistes sans-papiers d’Emmaüs Grande-Synthe, à côté de Dunkerque, qui ont rejoint le mouvement lancé par les grévistes de Saint-André-lez-Lille (Nord). 5 | La Cause du Peuple n°76Lire notre article du n°73 de la Cause du Peuple, octobre- novembre 2023 : « Emmaüs : “Abbé Pierre, réveille-toi, ils sont devenus fous ! ” »Des manifestants devant le chantier de l'Arena à Paris, le 1er décembre 2023. Bouygues, le groupe en charge du chantier, a employé une centaine de sans-papiers, sans contrats ni fiche de paye.
6 | La Cause du Peuple n°76 ACTUALITÉS NATIONALESACTUALITÉS NATIONALESFin du droit du sol à Mayotte : une avancée de plus dans la réactionnarisation de l’État En février 2024, le ministre de l’In - térieur Darmanin a annoncé qu’Em - manuel Macron souhaitait qu’il « ne soit plus possible de devenir français si l’on n’est pas soi-même enfant de parents français » si on est né à Mayotte. Dans le contexte général de la loi immigration, où le droit du sol était déjà remis en cause avant la censure du Conseil Constitutionnel (pour raisons techniques et non politiques), il faut se pencher sur cette décision pour en tirer des conséquences sur la réactionnarisation de l’État bourgeois (voir notre précédent numéro). Le droit du sol, un principe devenu important pour la bourgeoisie française Vis à vis de la nationalité, la bourgeoisie fran - çaise a évolué avec le temps, en suivant le dé - veloppement du capitalisme français. La grande Révolution française de 1789 ins - talle la bourgeoisie aux commandes. Avec la première monarchie constitutionnelle (1791), il existe une forme de droit du sol qui est confir - mé après la fin de la Révolution dans le Code Napoléon de 1804. Mais ce droit du sol est conditionnel, on ne peut pas dire qu’il soit par - ticulièrement un principe établi pour la bour - geoisie française, il est d’ailleurs peu utilisé. C’est en 1851 puis en 1889 que la loi fixe le droit du sol fortement dans le droit français. Pourquoi ça ? C’est l’époque où le capitalisme français a besoin de main d’œuvre et ne peut pas se reposer seulement sur les anciens pay - sans, qui n’arrivent pas assez vite en ville ou sont morts dans les guerres successives. Il faut donc des immigrés qu’on ira chercher en Italie, Espagne, Belgique... Ainsi on notera par exemple que 1889, quand arrive la nouvelle loi, c’est presque 20 ans après 1870-71, époque de la guerre Franco-Prussienne et de la Com - mune ; il y aura donc forcément des absents dans les classes d’âge qui doivent effectuer le service militaire, car leurs potentiels parents sont morts à la guerre. La loi de cette année-là reflétera cette réalité pour forcer les jeunes en - fants d’étrangers à faire le service militaire à leur majorité.Ainsi, dans le tournant vers l’impérialisme qui se passe autour de la fin du 19ème siècle et du début du 20ème siècle, la France devient le premier pays d’immigration d’Europe tout en restreignant la nationalité dans ses nou - velles colonies où l’on ne devient pas français comme en métropole (code de l’indigénat de 1881). Cela perdurera avec l’exemple infâme de la dénomination de « Français musulmans » en Algérie, qui accompagne tant de massacres et de persécutions. Il faut garder cela en tête pour se rappeler toujours comment l’impéria - lisme français a l’habitude de traiter ceux qu’il désigne étranger sur « son » sol. On peut ainsi dire que dès le début de son his - toire contemporaine (car il existait aussi d’une autre manière sous l’Ancien Régime), le droit du sol a évolué en France (et ailleurs dans les colonies) selon les nécessités du capitalisme puis de l’impérialisme français. Il s’est ouvert quand il y avait besoin de main d’œuvre, et s’est refermé ensuite. Mais il est devenu un principe général du droit de la bourgeoisie française, un instrument par lequel elle pouvait contrôler sa population dans l’ensemble des régimes bourgeois qui se sont succédé depuis la 1ère République. Par conséquent, il est tout à fait important de noter que sa remise en question à Mayotte, puis en France en général (ce qui est la position des Républicains de Ciotti et est la position his - torique du RN depuis le père Le Pen) ne fait grogner presque personne. Au contraire, cette « solution » est vendue aux masses comme une solution aux problèmes de Mayotte. C’est un signe de la réactionnarisation de l’État, car la tradition juridique de longue date de la dé - mocratie bourgeoise en France est remise en cause pour la première fois de façon si intense depuis la soi-disant « décolonisation » et de - puis le régime de Vichy, qui était revenu sur les naturalisations obtenues « par le sol » avec son gouvernement fasciste de déportations. Au-delà du droit du sol, la négation des principes démocratiques bourgeois français Manifestations devant l'ambassade française aux Comores en 2018. La bourgeoisie cherche absolument à restructurer l’État pour conjurer la crise et mettre au pas les révoltes
7 | La Cause du Peuple n°76 La bourgeoisie française s’est toujours vantée d’être l’héritière des Lumières, des grandes idées, des traditions de liberté et de droits de l’Homme. Tout ce blabla a pris un sacré coup de vieux quand on voit l’exploitation féroce et les mesures inhumaines prises à travers les 175 dernières années par l’État bourgeois de - venu le plus grand oppresseur après avoir fait croire qu’il rendrait les citoyens libres. Comme expliqué plus haut, il est très important de lier ce développement actuel à l’histoire de l’impérialisme français. Il faut donc reconnaître dans cette mesure à Mayotte une violation ou - verte et délibérée du principe pourtant inscrit dans les « principes de la République » : « la République est une et indivisible ». Indivisible, vraiment ? Pourtant, la remise en cause du droit de nationalité sur une partie seulement du territoire (Mayotte) brise totale - ment ce principe. La réactionnarisation de l’État bourgeois dont nous parlons n’est pas une abstraction, elle se réalise dans des mesures concrètes, où les principes de la République bourgeoise (démo - cratique-libérale) sont remis en cause par le gouvernement qui est à la tête même de celle- ci. Il n’est pas étonnant que les forces flirtant le plus ouvertement avec le fascisme soutiennent l’extension de telles mesures et réclament des « victoires idéologiques » lorsqu’elles sont présentées. C’est une nécessité pour la bourgeoisie d’avancer avec de telles armes quitte à dédire ses penseurs et les écrivains originaux de ses grands textes de loi, comme la Constitution de la 5ème République. Il lui faut absolument res - tructurer l’État pour conjurer la crise et mettre au pas les révoltes, ce sont des tâches qui vont toutes ensemble. Plus rien de progressiste ne peut venir de la bourgeoisie. L’impérialisme est un parasite et l’impérialisme français est un parasite luxueux, affamé, qui ne peut pas soutenir son poids sans sucer le sang des prolétaires en France et des peuples opprimés à l’étranger. Il tente de nous entraîner dans sa chute par ses lois, ses guerres et ses projets délirants, et les op - portunistes du Parlement tentent de nous faire croire qu’il est possible de le sauver, de ne pas faire de réformes réactionnaires mais un pro - gramme « de gauche ». Mais c’est peine perdue, la réactionnarisation de l’État bourgeois français se poursuit frénéti - quement ces dernières années. La seule classe capable de changer la donne, c’est le proléta - riat, car il porte la tâche d’abattre l’État bour - geois et avec lui, la réaction sur toute la ligne.Wuambushu 2 : la militarisation accrue à Mayotte sous prétexte de sécurité Déjà l’an dernier nous avions parlé de Wuambushu, l’opération du gouvernement Macron à Mayotte qui avait abouti à la destruction de plusieurs quartiers, faisant un grand nombre de sans-domicile dans la population de l’île. En avril l’État français lance l’opération Wuambushu 2, avec des me - sures de contrôle réactionnaires pour empêcher toute résistance et réaliser les décasages (destruction des habitations). Le problème de la délinquance, sur lequel l’État bourgeois met fortement l’accent, est en réalité le problème de la résistance aux forces de répression : la mi - nistre des Outre-mer a annoncé l’interdiction des ventes de machettes et la possibilité d’euthanasier les « chiens d’attaque » en prévision de l’entrée des policiers et gendarmes dans les bidonvilles. Mais qui a créé les « bandes » et les « chefs de bandes » que l’État français se plaint d’avoir à « pacifier » ? N’est-ce pas une attitude de pompier pyromane que d’occuper illégalement un territoire, d’attaquer à coup de bulldozers et de policiers et gendarmes les quartiers pauvres où se masse une population très jeune, sans perspective et souvent sans papier, et ensuite de s’étonner des problèmes qui émergent ? En réalité il n’y a rien d’étonnant là-dedans, ni pour l’État bourgeois ni pour nous. Cela fait partie de leurs manœuvres dégueulasses pour diviser le peuple, se présenter comme les « sauveurs » du « bon peuple » de Mayotte, qui lui a ses papiers, qui lui a des maisons en dur. Tout ça contre les « voyous » et les « criminels » que l’impérialisme français a lui-même créé par sa politique, pas seulement à Mayotte, mais aussi envers les Comores, l’archipel dont fait partie l’île et qui est parmi les plus pauvres du monde. Le décor est posé, l’État bourgeois veut nous faire croire qu’il y a d’un côté les gentils et de l’autre les méchants et que lui n’a rien à voir avec l’affaire, tout ça alors qu’il a l’arme du crime entre les mains. Wuambushu 2 n’est pas une opération de « pacification », c’est une militarisation du territoire de Mayotte, un territoire où l’on peut se faire détruire sa maison à tout moment, euthanasier son chien sans raison, ou bien ne pas avoir d’eau propre pendant des semaines. Des gendarmes lors d'affrontements avec des jeunes, le 25 avril 2023.
8 | La Cause du Peuple n°76 ACTUALITÉS NATIONALESACTUALITÉS NATIONALESLa ministre Aurore Bergé menace de supprimer les subventions aux associations L’idée a été posée sur la table par la ministre en réaction à la situa - tion en Palestine. En effet, plu - sieurs associations dédiées aux femmes ont dénoncé la situation à Gaza où le siège a déjà conduit à la mort des dizaines de milliers de personnes, donc beaucoup de femmes également. Madame Au - rore Bergé considère donc que dénoncer ce qu’il se passe à Gaza c’est « avoir des propos ambigus » et elle utilise son pouvoir gouver - nemental pour menacer de retirer le pain de la bouche aux associa - tions ! Nous voyons là un bel exemple de la tentative de Macron de corporiser l’État impérialiste français, c’est-à-dire que l’État se tienne dans un rapport direct avec les masses, sans inter - médiaire, ou que ces intermédiaires soient ses propres institutions, sous son propre contrôle. Un autre exemple récent est celui de la Ligue des Droits de l’Homme, attaquée par Darmanin après la mobilisation de Sainte-Soline il y a un an. En effet, il y a plus d’1,3 millions d’associations en France, dont beaucoup profitent de subven - tions d’État. Ces associations diverses (spor -tives, culturelles, politiques, sociales…) servent régulièrement aussi à l’État comme « relais » dans la société, en assurant des missions pour lesquelles le fameux « service public » a été mis de côté. Prenons simplement l’exemple des violences faites aux femmes, soi-disant « grande cause du quinquennat » et donc d’Aurore Bergé : le numéro de téléphone vanté par le gouvernement pour alerter à ce sujet, le 3919, est très largement géré par des associa - tions. Alors, si l’État bourgeois finance les associa - tions et qu’elles lui sont utiles à un certain ni - veau, pourquoi donc les ministres du gouver - nement menacent-ils publiquement de couper le robinet des subventions ? Que faire contre cela ? Eh bien, il faut comprendre que le mi - lieu associatif s’est développé à partir des an - nées 1970-1980, c’est-à-dire dans la période où l’État bourgeois commence à se restructu - rer contre la crise du chômage de masse. Des associations locales ou nationales, politiques et sociales se sont créés et ont organisé des mouvements de masses à différentes échelles sur des sujets variés. Aujourd’hui, l’État bourgeois veut faire des économies et surtout veut contrôler absolu - ment le contenu politique de ces associations qui sont importantes pour la vie sociale. Hors de question d’avoir quoi que ce soit d’oppo - sé au gouvernement et aux intérêts de l’État ! Il faut que les associations s’en tiennent à la « neutralité » ou à la ligne du gouvernement, sinon, pas de subvention ! De cette manière, les masses sont directement soumises, y com - pris dans la vie associative, à la politique de l’État bourgeois. Les intérêts des associations doivent devenir ceux de la bourgeoisie si elles veulent continuer à recevoir de l’argent, la lutte des classes doit être effacée et le lien social direct entre l’État bourgeois et le prolétaire : c’est le corporatisme dont on a parlé plus haut. On voit dans une certaine mesure le même phénomène dans les médias bourgeois : ceux qui ne dépendent pas d’un milliardaire vivent des subventions d’État, et Macron a rappelé lors de son interview avec l’Humanité que l’État « aidait » ainsi les journaux. C’est donc un signal d’alarme important, que l’on soit membre d’une association, d’un syn - dicat, ou de toute autre organisation. En 2024, il est tout à fait insensé de construire une or - ganisation en se basant sur le « soutien » fi - nancier de l’État bourgeois. Ce n’est qu’une ca - rotte qui est donnée avant d’utiliser le bâton ! Il faut au contraire s’appuyer sur les seules qui sont capables de soutenir la lutte jusqu’au bout et de la soutenir, y compris financièrement, car c’est la leur : les masses populaires en général, et le prolétariat en particulier.
INTERNATIONALINTERNATIONAL9 | La Cause du Peuple n°76 Le 12 février, des drapeaux amé - ricains et belges brûlent devant les ambassades et les bureaux de l'ONU, à Kinshasa, la capitale de la République Démocratique du Congo. Les manifestants pro - testent contre le conflit qui ravage leur pays depuis 25 ans, qui a déjà fait plus de 6 millions de morts, sous les yeux des impérialistes pilleurs, indifférents à un énième génocide. Dans l’est de la République démocratique du Congo (RDC), le conflit, passé sous silence par les grands groupes de presse de nos pays im - périalistes, dure depuis 1996 et a fait 6 mil - lions de morts et des millions de déplacés. Une multitude de groupes armés et de ré - gimes laquais dans la région, travaillant pour différents impérialistes, sont impliqués. De - puis 2 ans, c’est principalement le M23 et les forces armées de la République démocratique du Congo qui s’affrontent. Le M23, soutenu par le Rwanda, fonde ses revendications sur une discrimination à l'égard des Tutsis congolais, qui ont fui le génocide dont ils étaient victimes au Rwanda en 1994, et d'autres communautés ethniques du nord et du sud du Kivu, consi - dérés d'origine rwandaise. Depuis le génocide de 1994, le contrôle des minerais et des cir - cuits de sortie est pour le Rwanda une manière de continuer la guerre sous une autre forme. L’enjeu est de taille : se créer une base éco - nomique pour compenser sa situation géogra - phique enclavée et ses modestes ressources naturelles. « Les Occidentaux sont derrière le pillage de notre pays. Le Rwanda ne fonctionne pas seul, ils doivent donc quitter notre pays », a déclaré un manifestant à Reuters. La foule a jeté des pierres sur l'ambassade américaine, brûlé des drapeaux, et détruit des magasins étrangers, comme celui de la chaîne française Canal+. Plusieurs véhicules de la mission dite de « maintien de la paix » de l'ONU ont été in - cendiés et pillés dans l'est de la RDC. La police a réprimé les manifestants en tirant des gaz lacrymogènes et en gardant plusieurs ambas - sades, notamment les ambassades de France et des États-Unis. Ceux-ci ont d’ailleurs de -mandé à leurs ressortissants de « faire profil bas » et de ne pas sortir de chez eux, et de nombreuses écoles internationales et bou - tiques d'impérialistes ont été fermées. Déjà en mars 2023, lors de son voyage stratégique en Afrique centrale pour tenter de préserver les intérêts menacés de l’impérialisme français, Macron avait été accueilli par des manifes - tants : « Nous avons brûlé le drapeau de la France (…) pour exprimer notre indignation vis- à-vis de l’appui financier que la France apporte au Rwanda pour financer les rebelles du M23 qui nous agressent. » La RDC présente un grand intérêt pour de nombreux impérialistes en raison de ses res - sources naturelles : elle dispose de 80 % du stock mondial de coltan, dans les sous-sols du Nord-Kivu et Sud-Kivu. Reconnu pour sa dure - té et sa résistance extrême à la chaleur et à la corrosion, ce métal est utilisé dans l’indus - trie aérospatiale, l’armement et l’électronique. En outre, le coltan congolais possède une ra - dioactivité élevée ; sa concentration pourrait fournir des matières fissiles susceptibles de remplacer l’uranium dans certaines applica - tions. Actuellement, c’est la Chine qui contrôle la plupart des mines du Congo et fournit à l'État congolais des drones et des armes pour lutter contre le groupe M23. En outre, les forces ar - mées de la RDC sont directement soutenues par la soi-disant mission de « maintien de la paix » de l'ONU, qui se retire toutefois après avoir fait face à l'opposition du peuple congo - lais et à l'échec de la « stabilisation » du pays. Les forces de « sécurité » de la RDC ont com - mis de nombreuses atrocités contre la popula - tion, telles que des exécutions extrajudiciaires et la répression contre ceux qui ont critiqué l'opération de l'ONU dans le pays. Le M23 a progressé de manière significative au cours des derniers mois et se trouve dé - sormais aux portes de Goma, la capitale du Nord-Kivu1. Goma est la seule ville de la région à disposer d’un important aéroport internatio - nal et d’infrastructures conséquentes. L'inquié - tude des impérialistes à l'égard du M23 n'a rien à voir avec une inquiétude pour le peuple congolais. La seule chose qui les inquiète, en réalité, c’est la perte d'accès aux ressources minières, comme l'ont dénoncé les manifes - tants. 1. En 2012, pendant 10 jours, le M23 avait déjà occupé la ville de Goma. Son ascension rapide et ses liens avec le Rwanda avaient suscité l'inquiétude et déclen- ché des efforts internationaux pour un cessez-le-feu. Après des pourparlers, le M23 avait mis fin à sa rébel- lion en 2013, mais a depuis repris les armes.Congo : derrière le conflit, la bataille impérialiste pour les ressources minières « Le Rwanda ne fonctionne pas seul, les Occidentaux sont derrière le pillage de notre pays » Des manifestants devant l’Institut français de Goma, le 2 mars 2023, lors de la venue d'Emmanuel Macron en RDC.
BRÈVES INTERNATIONALESBRÈVES INTERNATIONALES PAKISTAN Des manifestations et des affrontements entre manifestants et policiers ont éclaté au Pakistan, après la publication des résultats des élections du 8 février. Les manifestations ont bloqué la majeure partie du trafic et de l'activité économique dans de nombreuses régions. Plusieurs au - toroutes du pays ont été complètement bloquées. Les premières mani - festations ont fait 4 morts et plus de 30 blessés. Les partisans d'Imran Khan et d'autres partis ont dénoncé une manipulation dans le recomp - tage des votes, qui a également pris plusieurs jours. Depuis le début, ces élections constituent une farce absolue dirigée par les classes diri - geantes pakistanaises et l'impérialisme. Imran Khan (l’ancien président, évincé en 2022, soutien des intérêts du social-impérialisme chinois) a été maintenu hors du duel à l’aide d’accusations criminelles douteuses. Mais le PTI (Mouvement du Pakistan pour la justice), le parti d’Imran Khan, est arrivé largement en tête du scrutin, remportant 93 sièges. Pourtant, ils n’ont pas été autorisés à former un nouveau gouvernement, car ce n’est permis qu’aux partis – or la majorité d’entre eux ont été forcés de se présenter sous l’étiquette « indépendante ». C’est donc une alliance gouvernementale sans le PTI qui a été annoncée, avec le PLM-N (parti de la Ligue musulmane) et le Parti du peuple pakistanais, dirigés par deux familles historiquement au pouvoir au Pakistan depuis plu - sieurs décennies. L’objectif principal de ces élections, qui était de sta - biliser le pays en permettant la formation d’un nouveau gouvernement pour l’État, n’est rempli qu’en façade. La crise profonde que connaît le Pakistan n’est pas résolue par la nomination comme Premier Ministre d’une nouvelle marionnette à la solde de l’impérialisme yankee. 40 % de la population vit toujours sous le seuil de pauvreté, et les masses pa - kistanaises ne sont pas dupes. Au point que même de nombreux médias bourgeois ont souligné le manque de transparence totale et la façon dont tout a été mis en place pour que le PLM-N gagne les élections avec l'aide de l'armée.1 2ALLEMAGNE La première gigafactory européenne de Tesla, située en Allemagne, a fait l'objet d'un sabotage de la part d'activistes se faisant appeler le « Vulkan Gruppe ». Le 12 mars, ils ont mis le feu à un pylône électrique à haute tension, coupant l'électricité à l'usine du constructeur automobile, ainsi qu'aux habitants des environs. La production a été interrompue pendant une semaine et les pertes ont été estimées à près d'un milliard de dollars. Inaugurée en 2022, l’usine emploie 11 500 salariés et produit le SUV électrique le plus vendu en Europe. Heures supplémentaires dé - bridées, surcharge de travail, manque de personnel, mauvaise climatisa - tion des ateliers... La boîte d’Elon Musk est bien connue pour se moquer complètement des droits de ses travailleurs, aux États-Unis comme en Europe. À leur embauche, ils doivent même signer une « déclaration de 10 | La Cause du Peuple n°76Luttes internationales du prolétariat et des peuples opprimés 3 JORDANIEconfidentialité », jolis mots pour en réalité les empêcher de s’organiser. Récemment, Tesla a annoncé son projet d’agrandir cette gigafactory, qui fait déjà 300 hectares, ce qui impliquerait le déboisement de plus de 100 hectares supplémentaires. Sa consommation d’eau délirante est également pointée du doigt, ainsi que la pollution au phosphore et à l’azote (6 fois supérieurs à la limite légale) des eaux environnantes. Un vote consultatif a eu lieu, avec une participation de 70 % des habitants, 64 % rejetant l’extension. Les représentants de Tesla ont d’ores et déjà annoncé n’en avoir rien à faire, et Elon Musk s’est rendu à l’usine pour la reprise de l’activité en annonçant : « Ils ne nous arrêteront pas ! » Pourtant, il suffit visiblement d’un pylône électrique et d’un briquet bien placé… Le dimanche 28 janvier, la base militaire états-unienne « Tour 22 » en Jordanie a été attaquée par un drone. L'attaque s'est produite tôt le matin, prenant les militaires complètement par surprise. Le bilan est de trois morts et plus de 40 blessés, dont des graves. Il s'agit de l'attaque la plus efficace contre les troupes états-uniennes depuis 2021, lorsque 13 soldats avaient trouvé la mort lors d'une attaque à Kaboul. Comme l'ont rapporté les officiers yankees à la presse bourgeoise, du vendredi 26 janvier au lundi 29 janvier, ils ont été la cible de six attaques diffé -
31 De nombreuses manifestations et actions ont eu lieu à travers le pays à l’occasion du 8 mars, journée internationale de lutte des femmes. À Ankara, des milliers de femmes ont défilé avec enthousiasme, por - tant des bannières avec des slogans tels que « Vie et liberté pour les femmes ! Fin de l'oppression et de la réaction ! » et « Le 8 mars est rouge et restera rouge ! » La marche d'Eskişehir a scandé des slogans tels que « Nous ne serons pas les esclaves de la famille ou du capital ! », et s'est tenue en solidarité avec les femmes touchées par les trem - blements de terre du 6 février et avec les femmes palestiniennes. À Diyarbakir, des banderoles soutenaient la lutte des femmes baloutches, afghanes, irakiennes et pakistanaises. À Istanbul, la capitale, des mil - liers de femmes ont rejoint la « Marche de nuit féministe » et ont dé - noncé les plus de 300 femmes tuées en Turquie en 2023. Un discours a été lu : « Ces rues qui nous sont fermées sont ouvertes aux sectes qui propagent la haine (…). Ce qu’ils appellent “famille”, c’est une structure qu’on nous impose, dans laquelle nous sommes soumises à des abus et à des violences, où notre travail, notre corps et notre existence sont ignorés et exploités. Nous sommes censées accepter les inégalités afin d’avoir un logement et de joindre les deux bouts. Vivre autrement est “honteux” et “interdit”. Mais nous n'avons pas de vies à perdre à cause de la honte et des interdits. Plus de 300 femmes ont été tuées par des hommes en 2023. En seulement deux jours, 9 femmes ont été as - sassinées soit alors qu'elles tentaient de divorcer, soit après le divorce (…). Nous considérons la violence masculine, la non-prévention de la violence et la domination masculine comme un système social. Nous mettons à l’ordre du jour le fait que les forces de l’ordre ne font pas leur travail, que la loi n’est pas appliquée efficacement, que les juges rendent des jugements sexistes et que les centres d’accueils ne sont pas adaptés. La politique actuelle, en revanche, trouve effrayantes l’au - tonomisation et l’égalité des femmes et cherche à renforcer la famille. De toute façon, ils devraient avoir peur, car s'il n'y a pas d'égalité et de liberté pour nous, il n'y a pas de paix pour eux. »2 4 TURQUIE4 11 | La Cause du Peuple n°76rentes, et cet attentat a été le point culminant de cette augmentation des attaques contre la présence militaire des USA au Moyen-Orient. La Tour 22 est une de leurs bases militaires, elle située à l'angle nord-est de la Jordanie, à la frontière avec l'Irak et la Syrie, et sert de point logis - tique fondamental pour les opérations de l'impérialisme yankee dans la région, en particulier en Syrie. La base compte environ 350 militaires, et la Jordanie, allié clé historique des USA, en compte environ 4 000, dont des centaines de formateurs, et organise des exercices intensifs tout au long de l'année. Les faits ont été revendiqués par la Résistance islamique en Irak, une coalition informelle de groupes armés soutenus par l’Iran, qui s’oppose à l’aide que les États-Unis apportent à Israël dans le massacre à Gaza, et plus généralement à l’impérialisme yankee au Moyen-Orient. L’Iran nie officiellement toute implication. Depuis le retrait d'Afghanistan en 2021, les troupes américaines étaient passées de 160 000 à 30 000 soldats au Moyen-Orient. Mais depuis le 7 oc - tobre dernier, les États-Unis ont envoyé des milliers de soldats sup - plémentaires dans la région, notamment sur des navires de guerre. En représailles, elles ont été attaquées plus de 160 fois par des milices soutenues par l'Iran, blessant environ 80 soldats.
THÉORIETHÉORIE 12 | La Cause du Peuple n°76Ce texte sert de courte introduc - tion pour permettre de comprendre le processus de la Révolution Pro - létarienne Mondiale. Pourquoi parlons-nous de révolution mon - diale ? D’abord parce que le prolétariat est une classe internationale, qui partage ses intérêts dans le monde entier. Ensuite, car le but fi - nal de la révolution, le communisme, ne peut pas être atteint tant que la société de classes existe dans le monde, soit nous y entrons tous, soit personne n’y entre. Par conséquent, la ré - volution est mondiale. Malgré cela, cette révolution est réalisée dans des pays en fonction de leur cadre national, et elle se développe donc de façon inégale, pas à l’unisson. Ainsi, au 20ème siècle, la révolution russe de 1917 a permis un grand avancement à la révolution dans le monde, mais tout les dominos ne sont pas tombés en même temps ailleurs en Europe, et l’URSS est devenue une base d’appui à la révolution prolétarienne mon - diale dans les autres pays. Ainsi, la révolution prolétarienne mondiale est une unité, quand la révolution arrive dans un pays, cela a un impact dans tous les autres. En 2024, plus de 100 ans après 1917, certains pensent que la révolution mondiale est morte et enterrée, qu’elle est une histoire ancienne du 20ème siècle, et qu’il faut aujourd’hui se po - ser de nouvelles questions. Ils pensent que le communisme a échoué. Pourtant, la lutte des classes se renforce dans le monde et les contradictions s’aiguisent ! La contradiction principale à l’époque de l’impérialisme, des guerres et des révolutions, est la suivante : d’un côté il y a des pays oppresseurs (impérialistes) et de l’autre des pays opprimés. C’est dans ce cadre que se développe la contradiction fonda - mentale du capitalisme, celle entre la produc - tion sociale et la propriété privée, entre travail et capital et toutes les autres contradictions. Ainsi le Parti Communiste de Chine indiquait dans l’importante « Lettre Chinoise » de 1963 : « Certains nient même la grande portée in - ternationale de la lutte révolutionnaire des peuples d’Asie, d’Afrique et d’Amérique latine contre l’impérialisme et, sous prétexte de faire tomber les barrières de la nationalité, de la couleur de la peau et de la localisation géo - graphique, ils essaient par tous les moyens d’effacer la ligne de démarcation entre nations opprimées et nations oppresseuses, entre pays opprimés et pays oppresseurs, d’étouffer la lutte révolutionnaire des peuples de ces ré - gions [...] Cette « théorie » ne vise pas réellement à faire tomber les barrières de la nationalité, de la couleur de la peau et de la localisation géo - graphique, mais à maintenir la domination des « nations supérieures » sur les nations oppri - mées. [...] La classe ouvrière [...] doit étudier l’expérience révolutionnaire des peuples d’Asie, d’Afrique et d’Amérique latine, soutenir fermement leur action révolutionnaire, et considérer la cause de leur libération comme le soutien le plus sûr pour elle-même, comme son intérêt direct. Seule cette façon d’agir permet réellement de faire tomber les barrières de la nationalité, de la couleur et de la localisation géographique, Théorie : comment comprendre la Révolution Prolétarienne Mondiale ? Chaque avancement de la révolution en Afrique, en Asie, en Amérique latine et ailleurs nous servira car cela sapera la base de l’impérialisme français et donc, de notre ennemi principal tout comme, en retour, notre processus servira les peuples du monde entier
13 | La Cause du Peuple n°76et est l’expression du véritable internationa - lisme prolétarien. Sans l’union avec les nations opprimées, sans la libération de celles-ci, la classe ouvrière des pays capitalistes d’Europe et d’Amérique n’aura jamais sa libération. Lénine a fort bien dit : “Le mouvement révolutionnaire des pays avancés ne serait, en fait, qu'une simple du - perie sans l'union complète et la plus étroite dans la lutte des ouvriers en Europe et en Amérique contre le capital et des centaines et des centaines de millions d'esclaves ‘colo - niaux’ opprimés par ce capital.” (V.I. Lénine, Le IIe Congrès de l’Internationale communiste, Œuvres, tome 31) » Certains, qui croient respecter Marx et son œuvre, prétendent que celui-ci pensait que la révolution ne pouvait avoir lieu qu’en Europe, là où le capitalisme était le plus développé. Bien sûr, Marx et Engels1 apportaient une grande attention à l’Angleterre, puis plus tard à l’Alle - magne, car c’étaient les pays où le développe - ment du capitalisme et de la classe ouvrière permettait les perspectives les plus complètes à la révolution. Pourtant, dans plusieurs lettres à Véra Zassoulitch, une militante russe, Marx explique comment la révolution démocratique et agraire en Russie pourrait lancer un proces - sus « régénérateur de la société russe », supé - 1. Fondateurs du marxisme, révolutionnaires allemands ayant vécu à travers l’Europe au 19ème siècle.rieur au capitalisme. Et c’est sur cette base que Lénine2 dévelop - pa sa thèse du rôle de la révolution dans les nations opprimées, de la combinaison entre le Mouvement Communiste International et le Mouvement de Libération Nationale contre l’impérialisme. Dans la trop souvent oubliée Adresse au Deuxième Congrès Russe des Organisations Communistes des Peuples de l’Orient, Lénine dit : « C'est pourquoi je pense que dans l'histoire du développement de la révolution mondiale - qui, à en juger par son début, se poursuivra pendant de nombreuses années et exigera beaucoup d'efforts - dans la lutte révolutionnaire, dans le mouvement révo - lutionnaire, vous [les peuples d’Orient] serez appelés à jouer un grand rôle et à fusionner avec notre lutte contre l'impérialisme interna - tional. Votre participation à la révolution inter - nationale vous confrontera à une tâche com - pliquée et difficile, dont l'accomplissement servira de base à notre succès commun, car ici la majorité du peuple commence pour la pre - mière fois à agir de manière indépendante et sera un facteur actif dans la lutte pour renver - ser l'impérialisme international. » Ainsi, les nations opprimées, qui représentent la majorité de l’humanité et se trouvent en Asie, en Afrique, en Amérique latine et même 2. Grand révolutionnaire russe ayant dirigé la Révolu- tion de 1917.en Europe orientale, sont les centres de la Ré - volution Prolétarienne Mondiale. Elles consti - tuent le Tiers-Monde, ce qui est un point es - sentiel de la théorie du Président Mao3 : « trois mondes qui se délimitent ». La mention de Tiers-Monde n’est pas négative ou insultante, elle souligne au contraire le rôle central de ces pays dans la révolution. Il ne faut pas la confondre avec la théorie révisionniste qui sera portée par Deng Xiaoping4 et qui revient à prôner l’alliance avec une puissance impéria - liste plus « faible » contre une puissance plus forte ou une superpuissance. La période de « l'offensive stratégique » Au contraire, c’est une synthèse sur la révolu - tion mondiale. Elle signifie que les luttes des nations opprimées contre l’impérialisme sont celles qui ont aujourd’hui le poids et le poten - tiel pour le renversement de l’impérialisme. D’autant plus à notre période qui est celle de l’offensive stratégique, où le prolétariat et les peuples du monde entier doivent se jeter à l’assaut de l’impérialisme en décomposition qui vit une crise générale partout et n’épargne aucun pays. Le Président Gonzalo5 dit à ce propos : « C'est une stratégie, c'est une com - préhension globale de l'endroit où se trouve le poids des masses sur terre, c'est le problème des relations entre l'impérialisme et les na - tions opprimées, voilà le problème. C'est un problème qui ne peut être compris que dans la situation internationale actuelle, en partant des relations économiques internationales de l'impérialisme, c'est la thèse de Lénine. » Il est ridicule d’en conclure que la lutte dans les pays impérialistes est supprimée par cette analyse stratégique, que la révolution ici est im - possible. En clarifiant cela, il faut comprendre la révolution socialiste nécessaire en France comme une partie de la Révolution Proléta - rienne Mondiale qui est un tout. Cette partie se fera au service de tout le processus, et chaque avancement en Afrique, en Asie, en Amérique latine et ailleurs nous servira car cela sapera la base de l’impérialisme français et donc, de notre ennemi principal tout comme, en retour, notre processus servira les peuples du monde entier. L’agressivité guerrière actuelle de l’im - périalisme, qui défendra à la mort son système monstrueux, doit être vue comme un signe de faiblesse, et pas une force. Une bête sauvage est toujours plus hargneuse à deux doigts de la mort que quand elle est triomphante. 3. Grand révolutionnaire chinois ayant dirigé le Parti Communiste de Chine. 4. Dirigeant de la ligne de droite en Chine, ayant pris le pouvoir dans un coup d’État après 1976 pour embar- quer la Chine sur la voie du capitalisme. 5. Grand révolutionnaire péruvien ayant dirigé le Parti Communiste du Pérou.
INTERNATIONALINTERNATIONAL14 | La Cause du Peuple n°76Nous publions ici une traduction non-officielle d’un article du mé - dia anglophone Red Herald, paru le 14 février dernier, actualisé mi- mars par la rédaction de la Cause du Peuple. Au Sénégal, des affrontements entre manifestants et « forces de sécurité » ont éclaté le 4 fé - vrier après que le parlement ait décidé de reporter l'élection pré - sidentielle, confirmant l'annonce unilatérale de l'actuel président Macky Salle, juste avant le début de la campagne électorale. Selon les médias, au moins trois mani - festants ont été assassinés par les « forces de sécurité ». Le plus jeune d'entre eux, âgé de 16 ans, a été tué d'une balle dans la tête. L'État sénégalais a également cou - pé l'internet pour imposer une cen - sure plus stricte. Le Sénégal est considéré comme un pays « stable », qui a une « longue tradition de dé - mocratie et de respect des droits de l'homme » par les impérialistes. Cependant, avant même le report des élections, les rivaux de Macky Sall ont fait l'objet d'accusations criminelles et de peines d'emprisonnement. Son principal rival, Ousmane Sonko, a été accusé de viol, entre autres, une allégation qui aurait été motivée politiquement par ses partisans. Des luttes, au cours desquelles au moins 13 personnes ont été tuées par balle par la police anti-émeute, se sont déroulées contre son emprisonnement en 2021. Sonko a été détenu pendant plusieurs mois pour « corruption de mineurs et incitation à l'insurrection », bien qu'il ait été acquitté de l'accusation de viol. De nombreux journalistes et militants ont été arrêtés pour avoir dénoncé les restrictions imposées à Sonko et à son par - ti. Finalement, Sonko a été libéré le 14 mars. Bien entendu, il n'est qu'un représentant d'une autre section des classes dirigeantes, et il ne fait aucun doute qu'il travaillerait tout aussi im - pitoyablement s’il était au pouvoir pour conti - nuer à servir les intérêts de son pays. Après la grave crise politique de ces derniers mois, le Conseil constitutionnel du Sénégal a forcé Macky Sall à fixer une nouvelle date d'élection présidentielle avant la fin de son mandat, le 2 avril. La date a été arrêtée au 24 mars. Le droit de vote et les « élections libres » sont considérés comme des idéaux fondamentaux de la démocratie bourgeoise, et la tentative de report des élections par une annonce unilaté - rale du président, qui selon la constitution sé - négalaise n'est pas autorisé à continuer après avoir été au pouvoir depuis 2012, était une violation claire de ces idéaux. Malgré cela, le report des élections s'inscrivait dans le cadre institutionnel de l'État sénégalais, comme l'a souligné un politologue basé aux États-Unis. M. Sall a simplement signé un décret d'annu - lation d'une mesure datant de novembre 2023 qui définissait la date des élections. Il a invo - qué des problèmes liés à la liste des candi - dats, dont certains de ses rivaux avaient déjà été exclus, et a appelé à la tenue d'un « dia - logue national » corporatiste pour « créer les conditions d'une élection libre, transparente et inclusive dans un Sénégal apaisé et réconci - lié ». Cela illustre la pourriture du capitalisme bureaucratique et la nature illusoire des droits démocratiques et libéraux. Les impérialistes se sont inquiétés de la lutte au Sénégal, pays relativement stable de la ré - gion du Sahel, où de multiples coups d'État militaires ont eu lieu ces dernières années. Une série de déclarations cyniques ont été pu - bliées. Par exemple, l'ONU, instrument impé - rialiste dominé par les États-Unis, a condamné les violations des « droits de l'homme » com - mises par la police anti-émeute et a appelé le gouvernement à rendre le « dialogue national » « inclusif ». L'impérialisme français a demandé à la police d'utiliser une violence « proportion - née » contre les manifestants et a espéré que les élections se tiendraient bientôt. L'impéria - lisme américain s'est également déclaré « pro - fondément préoccupé » par la situation. Ce qui s'exprime dans les manifestations, c'est la demande du peuple sénégalais pour des droits démocratiques et pour un changement de ses conditions, un grand nombre de ma - nifestants étant des jeunes en colère contre la vie de souffrance que leur offre le capita - lisme bureaucratique. Dans le même temps, certaines forces tentent de limiter la lutte à un combat électoral ou de l'apaiser en organisant des marches de protestation pacifiques, afin de préserver cet ordre d'oppression au prix du sang du peuple.Affrontements au Sénégal après le report des élections par le présidentUn manifestant devant une barricade en feu à Dakar, le 4 février 2024.
15 | La Cause du Peuple n°76 LES CHEMINS DU POUVOIRLES CHEMINS DU POUVOIRPalestine : comment la résistance fait face à l’offensive génocidaire La guerre s’est ouverte il y a 75 ans en Palestine. L’État sioniste d’Israël a été fondé au prix de la destruction des villages et de l’exode de 800 000 palestiniens. Retranchés aujourd’hui dans des « poches », en Cisjordanie, à Gaza, ou dans les États voisins, les Pa - lestiniens n’ont plus rien à perdre. Depuis la contre-offensive du 7 octobre, Israël a lancé une opération génocidaire d’envergure, prétendant régler définitivement le « problème palestinien » à Gaza. Depuis, le monde peut difficilement regarder ailleurs. En seulement quatre mois, l’opération israélienne a fait au - tant de morts que deux années d’invasion de l’Ukraine par la Russie. L’intensité de la propagande impérialiste est aussi importante que l’effort militaire déployé sur place. Partout, la presse réactionnaire parle du « droit d’Israël à se défendre », de victimes qui ne seraient pas « de même nature » selon qu’il s’agit des Israéliens victimes de l’offen - sive du 7 octobre, ou bien si on parle de la po - pulation de Gaza victime des bombardements et de l’invasion terrestre. Le droit international est pourtant clair : l’ONU reconnaît la Cisjorda - nie, Jérusalem-Est et la Bande de Gaza comme des territoires illégalement occupés par l’ar - mée sioniste. Il reconnaît qu’il n’existe pas de droit « à se défendre » contre un ennemi qui n’est pas un État et, qui plus est, vient d’un territoire illégalement occupé. Les principes du droit international reconnaissent cepen - dant que la résistance, y compris armée, à une occupation est un droit légitime : droit que la résistance palestinienne a fièrement affirmé le 7 octobre. Georges Abdallah : 40 de prison pour son combat pour la Palestine Cette année marque, en France, les 40 ans d’emprisonnement du combattant anti-impé - rialiste et antisioniste libanais Georges Ibra - him Abdallah, accusé de complicité d’assassi - nat de deux diplomates américain et israélien à Paris, en 1982. Dans sa dernière déclaration, il nous rappelle : « Ce peuple a mis en échec toute la politique colonialiste de peuplement mis en œuvre depuis plus d’un siècle par l’ex -pression sioniste de l’occident impérialiste. Le nettoyage ethnique de la terre de Palestine et de ses habitants indomptables est plus qu’un échec. Plus de la moitié du peuple palestinien vit aujourd’hui en Palestine historique. Le mou - vement sioniste n’a jamais réussi et ne réussi - ra jamais à briser la volonté inébranlable des femmes et des hommes, des jeunes et des moins jeunes palestiniens de mener la lutte sur tous les fronts pour libérer la Palestine, toute la Palestine. [...] La Résistance reste inébranlable, protégée et adoptée par les masses popu - laires. Gaza ne portera jamais le drapeau blanc de la capitulation… Ni les sionistes ni aucune criminelle force ne réussiront jamais à briser la volonté de la Résistance à Gaza. Nous ne de - vons jamais oublier que c’est des entrailles de ces camps de réfugiés à Gaza, en Cisjordanie, en Jordanie et au Liban, qu’est sortie l’expres - sion combattante historique palestiniennes : les Fedayin. Plus que jamais cette Résistance à l’agression génocidaire est verdoyante et porte la promesse des Fedayin… » Israël creuse son propre tombeau Aujourd’hui, Gaza est au bord de la famine. La majorité de la population civile israélienne, l’une des plus militarisée au monde, soutient la guerre génocidaire. Les quelques réfractaires à l’enrôlement dans l’armée sioniste sont en - voyés en prison. Il y a quelques semaines, le dirigeant palestinien Marwan Barghouti1 était placé en isolement par l’occupant sioniste, ac - cusé de préparer une intifada2 en Cisjordanie. Il a été roué de coups par ses geôliers les 6 et 12 mars. L’État d’Israël est agressif, parce qu’il se sait faible. Dans la bande de Gaza, des uni - tés fantômes palestiniennes tendent des em - buscades réussies face à l’invasion. L’armée israélienne se félicite d’avoir « neutralisée 15 000 terroristes », car la masse palestinienne se confond avec la résistance active. Les com - battants palestiniens d’aujourd’hui sont les enfants du massacre de juillet-août 20143. Peu importe l’ampleur des massacres qui se déroulent aujourd’hui, Israël creuse ici, dans cette mer de sang, son propre tombeau. Pa - lestine vaincra ! 1. Marwan Barghouti est dirigeant palestinien, membre du Conseil législatif et dissident du Fatah, emprisonné par Israël depuis 2002. 2. Une intifada désigne le soulèvement général de la population palestinienne sur l’ensemble du territoire de Palestine, y compris Jérusalem et les territoires reven- diqués par Israël. La première (1987-1993) aboutit à la capitulation de l’OLP et la formation future de l’Autorité palestinienne ; la seconde (2000-2005) aboutit à la fin de la colonisation et au début du blocus à la bande de Gaza, ainsi qu’à la construction du mur de séparation israélien, morcelant la Cisjordanie pour accélérer la colonisation du territoire. 3. Les frappes aériennes israéliennes sur Gaza avaient déjà fait 1400 morts.Les combattants palestiniens d’aujourd’hui sont les enfants du massacre de 2014 Des combattants palestiniens des Brigades Al-Qassam, dans la bande de Gaza, le 19 juillet 2023.
NOTRE MOUVEMENTNOTRE MOUVEMENT16 | La Cause du Peuple n°76 Paris : Hommage aux Héros du prolétariat Le dimanche 25 février dernier, la Cause du Peuple appelait à commémorer les héros du prolétariat de France. Comme chaque année, cette manifestation commémorative visait à honorer Pierre Overney, ouvrier révolution - naire, vendeur de la Cause du Peuple. Le 25 février 1972, alors que Pierrot faisait la dure expérience du chômage forcé, viré de Renault pour des raisons politiques, il a participé à une action de distributions de tracts devant l’usine pour commémorer les 10 ans du massacre du métro Charonne, une manifestation qui faisait suite au massacre du 17 octobre 1961 où la police française a noyé les algériens en masse. Suite à sa mort, la solidarité de classe est immense, et plus de 200 000 personnes marchent dans un long cortège derrière son cercueil au début de Mars 1972. Nous rendions aussi un hommage spécial aux héros du Groupe Manouchian (FTP-MOI), donnant leur vie pour le Parti communiste et la Révolution il y a 80 ans. En plus d’un dis - cours, deux lettres ont été lues aux camarades présents. La première est composée d’extraits de la lettre de Missak Manouchian à Mélinée, sa femme, avant sa mort. Elle démontre tout son internationalisme et son héroïsme. La deu - xième est une lettre de l’ouvrier bulgare Lu - tibrodsky, condamné à mort par la dictature en 1934, à son père. Cette lettre a été diffusée à des milliers d’exemplaires à l’époque comme exemple de la lutte implacable contre la bour - geoisie et le fascisme. La manifestation, par - tant du métro Père Lachaise, est donc passée sur la tombe de Pierrot, puis sur celle d’Szlama Grzywacz, combattant communiste, juif po - lonais membre du Groupe Manouchian, mort fusillé le 21 février 1944. Lire le discours lu lors de la manifestation par la Cause du Peuple :
17 | La Cause du Peuple n°76 NOTRE MOUVEMENTNOTRE MOUVEMENT17 | La Cause du Peuple n°7617 | La Cause du Peuple n°76Autriche : commémoration de Février 1934 En Autriche, nos camarades du journal révolu - tionnaires Rote Fahne rapportent qu'une ma - nifestation s'est tenue à Vienne le 12 février, pour commémorer les 90 ans de l'insurrec - tion de février 1934. À l'époque, les combats grondent dans Vienne et opposent les forces ouvrières, communistes et socialistes, aux forces fascistes, qui rallient en cours de route l'armée dite « républicaine ». Malgré la défaite militaire des forces ouvrières – 7000 combat - tants ouvriers perdent la vie – ces batailles ont été décisives pour le développement de la résistance contre le nouveau régime aus - trofasciste, puis le « IIIème Reich » nazi. La manifestation s'est déroulée à proximité de Karl-Marx-Hof, qui est un ensemble de bâti - ments de logements ouvriers, et un lieu histo - rique du mouvement socialiste d'Autriche, qui a subi les assauts au canon de l'armée fasciste il y a 90 ans. Les banderoles, les drapeaux et les chants ont célébré dignement cette lutte afin de rappeler ses leçons. Le slogan unitaire « Se souvenir, c'est lutter » a été scandé, ain - si que des slogans contre l'inflation, le vol des salaires, contre le réarmement et l'OTAN. Des drapeaux palestiniens ont été repérés dans la foule, expression symbolique de la solidari - té internationale, et contre la censure que les classes dirigeantes veulent imposer au peuple autrichien solidaire du peuple palestinien. Sur la banderole, on peut lire : « 1934 : Leur sang n'a pas coulé en vain... Pour la reconstitution du Parti Communiste d'Autriche ! »
FEMMES EN LUTTEFEMMES EN LUTTE 18 | La Cause du Peuple n°76Tous les ans au 8 mars se tient la journée internationale de lutte des femmes, qui vise à célébrer et mettre en avant la juste lutte des femmes prolétaires pour leur émancipation au travers de la révo - lution socialiste. L’histoire de la journée internationale de lutte des femmes commence au sein de la Seconde Internationale, lors de la deuxième Conférence des Femmes Socialistes, qui se tient à Copen - hague en août 1910. C’est sur une proposition de la camarade Clara Zetkin1 qu’est adoptée la proposition de principe d’organiser une jour - née permettant de mobiliser les femmes « en accord avec les organisations politiques et syn - dicales du prolétariat dotées de la conscience de classe », sans pour autant se munir d’une date pour la tenue de cette journée. Créée par le mouvement socialiste de l’époque, cette journée a alors pour objectif de formaliser une opposition au féminisme bourgeois, très influent à l’époque, et rassembler les femmes révolutionnaires en défense du féminisme pro - létarien, de l’émancipation des femmes par la libération du prolétariat. C’est à la suite de cette décision qu’est organisée l’année sui - vante la première journée internationale de lutte des femmes, le 19 mars 1911, avec comme revendication principale l’obtention du droit de vote pour toutes les femmes, comme décidé lors de la Conférence des Femmes Socialistes. Cette première manifestation est très large - ment suivie dans de nombreux pays européens où près d’un million de personnes participent à des manifestations. Le 8 mars, date en hommage à une grève d'ouvrières à Petrograd Dans les années qui suivent, entre 1911 et 1915, d’autres journées similaires sont organisées dans différents pays européens et en Russie, continuant de porter les revendications de droit de vote pour les femmes. La date du 8 mars apparaît pour la première fois durant cette pé - riode, en 1914 en Allemagne, où est organisée une journée de lutte pour l’obtention du droit de vote par les femmes socialistes. C’est vers 1. Dirigeante communiste allemande, connue pour son travail dans la lutte internationale des femmes socialistes.la fin de la Première Guerre mondiale que l’on retrouve cette date du 8 mars, dans la Russie de 1917, avec cette fois-ci de nouvelles reven - dications. Les femmes ouvrières de Petrograd se mettent en grève, en exigeant du pain pour pouvoir se nourrir et nourrir leurs enfants, et le retour de leurs proches partis au front dans une guerre inter-impérialiste injuste qui ne leur apporte que misère. Cet événement est sou - vent considéré comme le début de la révolution soviétique. En souvenir de cette journée histo - rique, le 8 mars est désigné comme « journée internationale de la lutte des femmes » en URSS à partir de 1921. Le 8 mars s’impose ensuite progressivement dans l’ensemble du monde comme la jour - née internationale des femmes, portant des revendications d’accès au travail, d’égalité salariale, de partage équitable du travail do - mestique. C’est d’abord principalement en Union soviétique et dans les pays socialistes que cette journée prend de l’ampleur, puis plus tard au sein de la République Populaire de Chine, avant de commencer à toucher les puissances impérialistes au cours des années 1960 et 1970. L’ONU ne décrète qu’en 1977 le 8 mars comme « journée internationale de la femme » en enjoignant à ses états membres de célébrer cette journée. Cette appellation de « journée internationale de la femme » est su - jette à de nombreuses critiques, notamment à cause du flou revendicatif et de l’effacement Se poser correctement la question de l’émancipation des femmes, c’est le faire en tant que révolutionnairesLe 8 mars , un héritage du mouvement socialiste des femmes
19 | La Cause du Peuple n°76historique qu’elle met en avant. Certaines or - ganisations féministes libérales lui préfèrent le terme de « journée internationale des droits des femmes », tentant ainsi de mettre en avant la nécessité d’une égalité des femmes et des hommes aux yeux de la loi. La journée internationale des droits... bourgeois des femmes Cette appellation de « journée internationale des droits des femmes », elle non plus, ne re - flète pas correctement la réalité historique de cette journée. Elle lui enlève son caractère de journée de lutte, de grèves des travailleuses au sein du mouvement socialiste. Ce nom place aussi l’accès aux droits comme la finalité de l’émancipation des femmes, comme si les iné - galités prennent fin à partir du moment où il est écrit dans la loi que les femmes et les hommes doivent être égaux. Nous voyons bien que cela n’est pas le cas, que les femmes continuent à être celles qui s’occupent principalement des enfants et du travail domestique ; que les discriminations à l’embauche sont toujours d’actualité ; que les femmes continuent à être agressées, violées et tuées ; bref, que l’égalité effective n’est toujours pas atteinte. Se poser correctement la question de l’émancipation des femmes c’est le faire en tant que révolu - tionnaires, c’est le faire dans le contexte de la modification profonde de nos rapports de pro - duction, pour acquérir la liberté économique et politique des femmes par la mise à mort de l’ancien monde capitaliste et l’avènement du nouveau monde socialiste. Nous ne pouvons pas nous contenter de lutter pour des droits fictifs qui n’aboutissent pas à une modification de la société. Une lutte indissociable de la lutte pour la révolution socialiste La lutte pour l’émancipation des femmes pro - létaires à travers le féminisme prolétarien, pré - sente dans les revendications du 8 mars de - puis les premières années de cette journée, a malheureusement cédé la place à ces revendi - cations libérales abstraites centrées autour du droit bourgeois. De plus en plus les revendica - tions économiques, la célébration des femmes en lutte pour leur émancipation partout dans le monde, sont reléguées au second plan, der - rière des revendications floues. Celles-ci ne peuvent pas devenir réalité dans un contexte de domination bourgeoise de la société. La lutte contre les violences sexistes et sexuelles en est un exemple, une lutte essentielle que nous devons mener mais qui ne saurait abou - tir sous le capitalisme, grande cause du pre - mier quinquennat Macron n’ayant amené à aucun changement, aucune amélioration de la situation. Les femmes sont toujours autant victimes de violences plus de 5 ans après sa prise de fonctions présidentielles. La lutte pour l’émancipation des femmes détachées de la lutte des classes ne saurait aboutir, elle est indissociable de la lutte révolutionnaire socia - liste pour la dictature du prolétariat. Célébrons donc maintenant la Journée Internationale de Lutte des Femmes et continuons de mener la lutte pour l’émancipation des femmes à travers la révolution ! Le 4 mars 2024 le gouvernement Macron a fait inscrire dans la constitution française la liberté de recourir à une IVG. L’occasion pour un des gouvernement les plus réac - tionnaires et liberticides de la cinquième république de redorer une image mise à mal par une demi décennie de mesures impopulaires et de marginalisations des populations les plus fragiles. Après une cé - rémonie en grande pompes le 8 mars, la constitution a bien été dotée d’un nouvel article, une « étape fondamentale » pour les droits des femmes d’après la ministre chargée de l’égalité entre les femmes et les hommes Aurore Bergé. De bien grands mots pour au final pas grand-chose, car ce qui a été constitutionnalisé n’est pas le droit de pouvoir recourir à un IVG pour toutes personne pouvant en avoir besoin, mais la liberté de le faire. La distinction est signifi - cative car elle n’offre aucune garantie pour les personnes souhaitant user de leur liberté d’avorter qu’elles puissent le faire dans des conditions décentes. Il s’agit donc d’une mesure creuse, un effet de manche par un gouvernement impopulaire en mal de se ra - cheter une bonne image, au détriment en - core une fois de la lutte pour l’émancipation des femmes qui est réduite à un faire-valoir et une série de postures et de déclarations sans le moindre effet. Nous méritons mieux que ça et devons lutter pour notre propre émancipation qui ne pourra jamais passer par la compromission avec la bourgeoisie et ses défenseurs ! L’arnaque de la constitutionnalisation de l’IVG Manifestation à Paris, le 8 mars 2024. Les activistes portent des portraits de grandes femmes révolutionnaires. De gauche à droite : Jiang Qing (grande dirigeante communiste chinoise), Danielle Casanova (résistante communiste française), la Camarade Norah (grande dirigeante communiste péruvienne), Clara Zetkin.
Abonnement auprès d'un comité local : 30 €/an Rendez-vous auprès de notre réseau de militants dans différentes villes de France pour cette formule. ► Paiement en espèces auprès d'un comité local.Abonnement postal : 40 €/an Cet abonnement comprend une livraison à domicile de chaque numéro. ► Paiement en chèque ou par Lydia. La Cause du Peuple poursuit sa campagne d'abonnements ! Il existe différentes formules selon votre situation et vos moyens. Ces abonnements annuels vous garantissent de recevoir 10 à 12 numéros. Abonnement de soutien : à partir de 50 €/an Cette formule comprend l'envoi à domicile de chaque numéro, et permet en plus au journal de financer son organisation et ses actions militantes. ► Paiement en chèque ou par Lydia. Écrivez-nous à cdp.abonnements@protonmail.com pour l'abonnement postal et l'abonnement de soutien, en précisant votre adresse (voirie, numéro, commune et code postal) et numéro ou nom de boîte à lettres, ainsi que la formule d'abonnement souhaitée. 20 | La Cause du Peuple n°76

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AND Weekly Editorial – The unresolved question: who ordered Marielle to be killed? – The Red Herald

We publish an unofficial translation of the Weekly Editorial of A Nova Democracia.

The investigations, contrary to the unfortunate speech of Luiz Inácio’s minister, are not completed – at least, not from a scientific and true point of view. There is a lot to delve into if you want to prove the real motivation for the crime.

It is strange to hear from the current government’s Minister of Justice, Ricardo Lewandowsky, that the Marielle case is closed, without a plausible motivation being presented. That the Brazão family and the former head of the Civil Police, Rivaldo Barbosa, are involved, no one doubts. But it is stupid to think that Marielle was executed, in the center of Rio de Janeiro, in 2018, amid military intervention, for having voted against a bill that was approved for the benefit of the Rio mafias (badly called “militias”). The execution, carried out in a blatant far-right way, sending a clear message to the left and with the aim of destabilizing the political situation, has no identity with the motivation presented for the crime as a conclusion of the Federal Police investigation.

The Bolsonaro clan’s relations with Élcio de Queiroz and Ronnie Lessa, driver and executor of the shooting on March 14, 2018, are known. On the day of Marielle’s execution, Élcio de Queiroz was at Bolsonaro’s residency in the apartment 58, whose owner is Jair Bolsonaro, and he appears in the guest book. Why did Luiz Inácio’s minister ignore this fact, reported in 2019 by the residency doorman? Ronnie Lessa received a prosthesis from Bolsonaro when he lost his leg in an attack in 2009. Why does Lessa say he doesn’t know Bolsonaro?

Adriano da Nóbrega, another involved in the case, was murdered in 2020 when he was beginning to be investigated for his involvement in the Marielle Franco case. There are many telephone conversations, intercepted by investigators, in which Adriano mentions “Jair” and the “president”, and goes so far as to say that “he fucks himself up for being a friend of the president”. What is the relationship between Adriano and Bolsonaro? He was killed when the investigation pointed to him, and Adriano’s wife says it was a “file burning”, in a coordinated police operation between the military police of Rio and Bahia. Who could Adriano incriminate who had, at the time, the power to coordinate a National Police operation to execute him? Finally, the former head of the Civil Police was appointed on the eve of Marielle’s execution, during the military intervention in Rio de Janeiro, by order of the intervener Braga Netto, despite having received warnings that Rivaldo was not trustworthy. Why did the investigation ignore this fact?

Perhaps leaving someone else to clean up the mess, Bolsonaro took refuge, for two days, in the Hungarian embassy, a country governed by one of the leaders of the global far right and a friend of the president, when the investigations into the Marielle case quickly moved to prisons. Bolsonaro is afraid of what? Although, it is true, in addition to this reason there is no shortage of others: there are accusations, investigations and proceedings for various crimes committed by him that could lead to him being arrested.

It is certain that the Bolsonaro clan has some kind of relationship, to some degree, with the murder of Marielle Franco. She was not killed because she voted against a bill, nor would the Brazão be so stupid as to attract all the attention to their criminal business, with a blatant political assassination, just because they confronted in a vote, in which not even the councilor’s vote was decisive. The motivation presented by the Federal Police resembles a false trail that pointed to certain “militias”, as the Civil Police did in 2018, when they accused another militia member who was already in prison and serving a 25-year sentence – Orlando Oliveira Araújo “Curicica” – as the person behind the attack on Marielle; at the time, Orlando rejected the accusation, for which there was no evidence.

There were greater reasons for Marielle’s execution: in reality, the real mentor and political promoter of the crime wanted, and managed, to throw a corpse into the lap of the intervening general, who had put his nose to the business of the mafia that controls the government apparatus, public security of that state, a profitable counter for fraudulent businesses and a powerful state apparatus at its service. This act was to worsen the already acute political-institutional crisis, promoting acts of terror to destabilize the demoralized Temer government. And councilor Marielle, as a black woman, coming from the favela and from the left, was a target to make it clear that the murder was carried out by the already very excited far right. This cannot be dissociated from the coup project underway since then, particularly in the interests of the same extreme right that sought to precipitate an institutional rupture, a total military intervention. No wonder, the cowardly murder occurred less than two months before the truck drivers’ strike, which shook the entire country and which the extreme right (infiltrated there by cargo transport businessmen, who with their lockout boosted the wall movement) used up for their agitation demanding such military intervention.

The investigations, contrary to the unfortunate speech of Luiz Inácio’s minister, are not completed – at least, not from a scientific and true point of view. There is a lot to delve into if you want to prove the real motivation for the crime. But, judging by the conduct of the minister and Luiz Inácio, irreducibly committed to the policy of appeasement with the soldiers, their purpose is to bury the matter.

Who ordered the murder of Marielle Franco?

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On the Election in Senegal – The Red Herald

Featured image: Bassirou Diomaye Faye got a majority of the votes in the 2024 presidential election in Senegal. Source: Reuters

We have previously reported on clashes in Senegal after the parliament on the 5 th of February decided to postpone the presidential elections originally scheduled for the 25 th of February. In the clashes the “security forces” murdered three protesters, including a 16-year-old who was shot in the head.

On the 6 th of March the postponement of the election was overruled, and it was decided that the election had to take place before the 2 nd of April, the end of the term of the current President of Senegal, Macky Sall. Sall accepted the decision and announced that the election would be held on the 24 th of March.

The election resulted in favor of Bassirou Diomaye Faye, who received 54.28% of the votes. Sall has already conceded and congratulated Faye.

Imperialist institutions, such as the The Royal Institute of International Affairs of British imperialism, has hailed the election as a “critical victory” for Senegalese democracy and a “national turning point”, as well as important for the stability in West Africa. However, only 61% of those registered to vote participated in the election. This is down from the voter turnout of 66% in the last presidential election in Senegal in 2019. There were also several candidates who were not allowed to run, including Ousmane Sonko, who got more than 15% present of the votes in the 2019 election, and Karim Wade, who got more than 34% of the votes in the 2012 election.

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CPI (Maoist) Sub Zonal Commander Taken Into Police Custody In Latehar District - Redspark

Latehar District, March 30, 2024: A sub-zonal commander of the CPI (Maoist) was arrested in Jharkhand’s Latehar district, a police official announced to the press today.

The Maoist was identified as Nageshwar Bhokta alias Nageshwar Ganjhu, a sub-zonal commander of the Maoist party, a senior official declared.

Latehar Superintendent of Police Anjani Anjan stated that Bhokta was arrested from Mirchaiya forest in the Garu Police Station area on Friday.

“We got a tip-off about the presence of CPI (Maoist) regional committee member Chhotu Kharwar in Lohargarha and Mirchaiya forest with his squad to carry out some operations aimed at causing harm to the security forces during the upcoming Lok Sabha elections. Accordingly, a team was sent to the forest,” the SP said.

As a squad of cadres belonging to the Maoist party saw the police personnel, they started running away but the sub-zonal commander could not escape from there and he was caught, the police official remarked.

Source : https://theprint.in/india/maoist-carrying-rs-5-lakh-bounty-on-head-arrested-in-jkhand/2021162/

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pc 30 marzo - Diritto di sciopero - il divieto Salvini sconfitto in tribunale

Dal comunicato delle organizzazioni sindacali di base che avevano indetto lo sciopero del 15 dicembre

Che l’ordinanza di Salvini, con cui impose la riduzione a 4 ore dello Sciopero dell’intera giornata del 15.12.2023 degli autoferrotranvieri, fosse un vero e proprio abuso di potere era chiaro a tutta la categoria, in lotta per migliorare le condizioni salariali, normative, di sicurezza e contro le privatizzazioni.
D’altra parte, gli autoferrotranvieri avevano già subito una ordinanza di riduzione dello sciopero del 27.11.2023, decidendo di rinviarlo al 15.12.2023.
Ora anche il Tar del Lazio ha riconosciuto la legittimità di quella mobilitazione del 15.12.2023 e l’illegittimità della ordinanza di riduzione dello Sciopero emanata da Salvini, considerandola, di fatto, un vero e proprio abuso di potere del Ministro che è intervenuto senza una fondata ragione di urgenza e senza “la sussistenza nel concreto dei presupposti sostanziali per provvedere”.
Il TAR del Lazio, nel riconoscere la possibilità, in astratto, del Ministro dei Trasporti ad intervenire sugli scioperi per limitarne o revocarne l’effettuazione, conferito gli dalla legge antisciopero, conferma i limiti entro cui tale potere deve essere esercitato.
In realtà, come avevano denunciato le sigle dei sindacati di base che avevano proclamato unitariamente la mobilitazione del 15.12.2023, Salvini ha abusato del potere conferitogli dall’art. 8 della L.146/90 e L.83/00 – norme che limitano l’esercizio del diritto di sciopero in Italia – solo per fare la sua campagna elettorale, quale Ministro capace di usare il pugno di ferro contro i lavoratori l’esercizio del “diritto dei diritti” qual è quello di Sciopero.
Anche i giudici del Tribunale Amministrativo del Lazio hanno riconosciuto l’illegittimità di un atto antidemocratico ed inaccettabile che non può e non deve ripetersi né contro gli autoferrotranvieri, né contro i lavoratori in genere.
28.3.2024 i giudici del Tribunale Amministrativo del Lazio hanno riconosciuto l’illegittimità di un atto antidemocratico ed inaccettabile che non può e non deve ripetersi né contro gli autoferrotranvieri, né contro i lavoratori in genere.
ADL Cobas
AL Cobas
Confed. COBAS
CUB trasporti
Sindacato Generale di Base SGB
Stralcio della sentenza

del Tar del Lazio del 28.3.2024
Orbene, atteso che l’ordinanza impugnata è stata adottata senza la previa segnalazione da parte della Commissione, risultavano indispensabili la chiara esplicitazione delle speciali ragioni di necessità e di urgenza, relative a fatti sopravvenuti eventualmente occorsi a ridosso dell’astensione, tali da legittimare l’intervento officioso del Ministro.
Sennonché, nessuna adeguata indicazione in tal senso è dato rinvenire nel provvedimento avversato, in cui il Dicastero si è limitato a far riferimento a fatti e a circostanze già conosciute dalla Commissione ed evidentemente non ritenute idonee a concretizzare l’invito a provvedere ex art. 8 l.n. 146/1990.
Ciò è a dirsi, in particolare: i) per la concentrazione nella stessa fascia oraria delle varie iniziative di astensione collettiva; ii) per gli effetti concreti dello sciopero, tenuto conto del sistema di trasporto intermodale e dell’intensità del traffico N. 16464/2023 REG.RIC. passeggeri nelle giornate dell’agitazione; iii) per i disagi degli scioperi, susseguitisi nello stesso torno di tempo; iv) per le avversità atmosferiche, che hanno colpito parte del Paese, elemento questo che, sempreché sopravvenuto, avrebbe al più potuto legittimare un intervento territorialmente più circoscritto, in omaggio al principio di proporzionalità (cfr. per tali aspetti pagg. 2 e 3 dell’ordinanza).
Nessun ulteriore tassello valutativo concernente la necessità e l’urgenza dell’intervento è stato allora aggiunto al pregresso quadro già cristallizzato e valutato dalla Commissione come non idoneo a suffragare la segnalazione ex art. 8 della l.n. 146/1990

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pc 30 marzo - Salari operai e profitti dei padroni - una denuncia

Da uno studio della CGIL risulta chiaro che i salari operai sono molto più bassi rispetto a Francia e Germania. Landini dovrebbe essere il primo a chiedersi perché visto che guida il sindacato più forte di questo paese.

Caro Operai Contro, insieme a un sindacalismo rinunciatario, che non si decide o non vuole “dissotterrare l’ascia di guerra” (metafora dai racconti sui Pellerossa) vi sono almeno 2 macigni che strutturalmente tengono bassi i salari in Italia, molto prima che la situazione peggiorasse con il Jobs Act di Renzi e la “Riforma” della Fornero.
Uno di questi macigni risale all’abolizione della “scala mobile” 1992 (che indicizzava i salari al carovita) e l’altro è costituito dalla “legge Biagi” 2003, con la sua “varietà” di tipologie contrattuali “atipiche”.
Nel 2002 l’anno prima del varo della legge Biagi, su un totale di 15.849.000 lavoratori dipendenti,

l’84% era a contratto permanente a tempo pieno, 13.300.000 lavoratori.
20 anni dopo nel 2022, il totale dei lavoratori dipendenti arriva a 18.123.000 (più 14,3%) ovvero aumenta di 2.274.000. Ma al loro interno i dipendenti permanenti a tempo pieno, calano di 842 mila, scendendo dall’84% del 2022 al 68% del 2022.
Di converso i dipendenti con contratti precari cosiddetti “atipici”, (compresi i part – time di cui oggi il 58% sono involontari) raddoppiano dal 16% del 2002 al 32% del 2022.
In questo contesto di base sono proliferati 11 milioni di lavoratori precari, (di cui 10 nel settore privato) sono oggi il 58,6% dei lavoratori dipendenti!
Ma per il governo non è uno scandalo, tanto meno un’emergenza!
I salari in Italia sono bassi prima di tutto perché è la paga oraria che è bassa! Prima ancora del raffronto delle ore lavorate con altri paesi.
Questo va ricordato davanti ai dati dello studio Cgil che denuncia come, nonostante il record per ore lavorate in Italia, 1.563 in media l’anno nel 2022, contro 1.295 di un tedesco e 1.427 di un francese, corrisponda il seguente divario in busta paga: 31.500 euro lordi medi in Italia, 45.500 euro in Germania, 41.700 euro in Francia.
In Italia sono 10 milioni i lavoratori del settore privato con busta paga sotto i 17 mila euro lordi all’anno. Tra questi 5,7 milioni di dipendenti sotto i 10.700 euro, che significa poco più di 800 euro lordi al mese.
Per quanto riguarda il potere d’acquisto, mentre l’inflazione accumulata tra il 2021 e il 2023 è stata del 17,3%, i salari ne hanno recuperata una parte irrisoria. Oltre la metà dei lavoratori dipendenti, continua a non vedersi rinnovare il contratto di lavoro scaduto anche da 5 – 10 anni.
Il sindacato confederale ha una palla al piede al suo interno, che non vuole lo scontro diretto né con la controparte naturale, gli industriali; né con il governo Meloni. Questo se ne approfitta, snobba e riduce a pura formalità gli incontri e le richieste dello stesso sindacato confederale.
Tutto andrà avanti così finché la mobilitazione collettiva degli operai e dei lavoratori non metterà in crisi l’attendismo sindacale, ed allora al governo Meloni servirà veramente un elmetto per proteggersi dalla rabbia di chi pur lavorando a pieno ritmo non riesce ad arrivare a fine mese, sempre che porti a casa la pelle.
Saluti Oxervator .

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Who Arms Israel? - 3 - South Africa/Australia - by Workers in Palestine

South Africa

Arms Production for Israel in South Africa.

Rheinmetall operates a South African subsidiary – Rheinmetall Denel Munitions. While the multinational parent company Rheinmetall is developing a 155mm howitzer with Elbit Systems (NB customers for this include the German and potentially the UK and Hungarian governments), Rheinmetall Denel specialises in 155mm artillery ammunition. It is not yet clear whether this ammunition will be used in the co-produced howitzer.


The Australian Government committed to join the global F-35 program in 2002. Australian industry has been involved in the production of the F-35 since 2006 ( see p7 ) . Australia’s integration into the F-35 global supply chain means that every jet that flies, including the F-35A used by the Israeli Air Force during the bombardment of Gaza, contains many components manufactured in Australia . In all , the Australian Defence Department says more than 70 Australian companies have been awarded “over $4.13 billion in global production and sustainment contracts through the F-35 program to date”.

Australia has issued 322 defence export permits to Israel since January 2017, including 52 export permits to Israel in 2023, according to the Australian Department of Defence ( source ). Its main exports are products and components that fit into broader global supply chains for weapons and weapons systems.

This Defense News article (and this ) ( also this ) imply that every F-35 in the global fleet will be updated with information gained from operations undertaken by any State in the fleet, potentially meaning all F-35s globally might be updated with information learned from Israel’s use of F-35s in Gaza.

The Australian Government are giving Industry Support Program Sustainment Grants for companies to develop capabilities for the Joint Strike Fighter Program

The Australian F-35 Supply Chain



ASDAM is Australia’s largest supplier to the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Program. An Australian advanced manufacturing and sustainment company, it provides end-to-end capability across design, engineering, manufacturing, assembly and sustainment. The group includes four subsidiaries: Marand, TAE Aerospace, Levett Engineering and Rosebank Engineering. (See their profiles following below.)

ASDAM’s role is to provide continued access to capital and resources to build and grow Australian sovereign industrial capability. It is majority-owned by funds managed by CPE Capital.

ASDAM’s members service a number of defence and non-defence programs, and have long term relationships with governments, defence prime contractors and other industrial customers. Customers include Lockheed Martin, BAE Systems, Honeywell, Pratt & Whitney and BHP.

Combined, the four companies comprising ASDAM have 20 locations across Australia and the US and approx 1,000 employees.

Headquarters (Marand’s address): 153 Keys Rd, Moorabbin, VIC, 3189. +61 (0)3 8552 0600


One of the most successful Australian companies in the F-35 supply chain, receiving about one third of the Australian contracts in the program. Marand designed and manufactures the F-35’s engine removal and installation trailer and is recognised globally as its Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM).

The company also has a long-term agreement with BAE Systems for the manufacture of the aircraft’s vertical tails, one of the largest planned manufacturing projects for the F-35 in Australia ( Source, 2014 ).

In 2016 Marand also won the detailed design and manufacture contract for the Engine/Lift Fan Removal and Installation Trainer (ELFRIT), and the company also supplies tooling to BAE Systems in the UK and four other F-35 partner nations.

Marand has nine Australian companies directly involved in its F-35 program supply chain, with several others enabling its manufacturing efforts. Marand is part of ASDAM .

Headquarters: 153 Keys Rd, Moorabbin, VIC, 3189. +61 (0)3 8552 0600


Provides aerospace manufacturing and aluminium vacuum brazing capabilities to support parts and component manufacture for the global F-35 fleet. The company established an in-house aluminium vacuum brazing design capability allowing it to move further up the supply chain (Source: Defence F-35 industry brochure, 2018 ; TAE website )

In addition, TAE supports other companies, including Levett Engineering in its work supplying engine parts to Pratt & Whitney for the F135 engine, and Harris Corporation and Northrop Grumman for various vacuum-brazed components.

Significantly, TAE Aerospace now provides a complete repair, overhaul and test facility for military aircraft, including all F-35s operating in the Asia-Pacific (source: company website ). The company’s F135 maintenance, repair, overhaul and upgrade (MRO&U) facility in Ipswich, Queensland is the first operational F135 engine depot in the Asia-Pacific region. In July 2021 the TAE facility achieved Initial Depot Capability (IDC) for the repair of F-35 engine fan and power modules for all three variants in the F-35 fleet. ( Source: Pratt & Whitney, July 2021 ; Defence brochure 2023 ) TAE’s Ipswich facility is designed to meet the more complex needs of the F-35 while continuing maintenance and repair work on the engines of other aircraft. (Source: TAE website ) TAE Aerospace is part of ASDAM .

In 2023, Pratt & Whitney , a subsidiary of RTX (formerly Raytheon Technologies), was awarded a $5.2bn contract to produce the 15th and 16th batches of F135 engines to power the F-35 Lightning II fighter aircraft, working alongside with its Australian partner, TAE Aerospace, to open a F135 Maintenance, Repair, Overhaul and Upgrade (MRO&U) facility, or depot, in Australia which became the first operational F135 engine depot in the Asia-Pacific region .
4 main sites in Australia . Headquarters: 1 Jet Place, Bundamba (Ipswich) QLD 4304  +61 (0)7 3813 6800


Precision component manufacturer, primarily for aerospace, specialising in titanium and alloy machining. Manufactures numerous components for airframes, mission systems and engines. Levett began the F-35 program delivering straightforward engine components such as tubes and vane covers. It expanded the number of components and their complexity and now manufactures fracture critical engine components and a broader range of airframe, mission systems and vehicle systems components. Levett also grew its avionics sub-assembly manufacturing capabilities to include sub-assembly integration and test in high-value niche product lines, including the active inceptor and avionics components in the F-35 program. Levett supplies Pratt & Whitney, BAE Systems, Australian Department of Defence, Northrop Grumman, and Harris Corporation. (Source: Defence F-35 industry brochure, 2018 ) Levett is part of ASDAM .

Headquarters: Lionsgate Park, 180 Philip Hwy, Elizabeth South, SA, 5112. +61 (0)8 8287 2144.

ROSEBANK ENGINEERING ( formerly RUAG Australia ) started its involvement in the F-35 program in 2004 with the manufacture of 30 components for the weapons bay door drive system uplocks.

Rosebank’s participation in the program has since expanded significantly. It produces and sustains airframe components and actuation systems, and manages sustainment of engine and fuel components. (Source: Defence brochure 2023 )

Rosebank is a sole source supplier to the F-35 program providing over 150 components for the landing gear and weapons bay systems on all three variants. Its uplock actuator system opens and closes the weapons bay doors in seconds enabling the aircraft to drop its payload of munitions quickly to maintain its stealth capacity.

In 2014, Rosebank opened a metal processing and finishing facility in Wingfield (northern Adelaide) to treat and finish the F-35 vertical tail components manufactured by Marand for BAE Systems. These components require specialised capabilities and can only be processed at the Wingfield facility. (Source: Defence F-35 industry brochure, 2018 ; ABC, 2013 )

In October 2023, Rosebank announced the activation of its F-35 Wheels & Brakes Repair Depot at Bayswater in Melbourne. Operating under sub-contract to prime contractor Lockheed Martin, Rosebank is the preferred component maintenance, repair, overhaul & upgrade (CMRO&U) assignee on five repair technology groups (RTGs) of the F-35 platform for the Indo-Pacific region. Rosebank is part of ASDAM . 5 locations in Australia.

Headquarters: 836 Mountain Hwy, Bayswater, VIC 3153. +61 (0)3 9721 1300


Voice recognition software for F-35 aircraft (Sources: Adacel 2004 MR ; article 2007 ; Defence graphic, 2015, p57 ; Defence graphic, 2017 ).

Australian head office: Level 4, Suite 31, 150 Albert Rd, South Melbourne, Victoria, 3205, +61 (0)3 8530 7777 Australian media enquiries: Sally McDow +61 (0)420 213 035


Involved in the F-35 program since 2007. It supplies casting and machining of three components of the chassis assembly to Northrop Grumman for the F-35’s ElectroOptical Distributed Aperture System (EODAS). The company also produces 19 different components for Marand for the F-35’s complex engine removal and installation trailer, which are precision-machined castings in a range of materials. It is also the sole approved casting supplier of F-35 flare magazines worldwide. Key customers include: Northrop Grumman Corporation, BAE Systems Australia, Marand, Levett, Pratt & Whitney, Lockheed Martin (all F-35 program). (Source: Defence brochure 2018 )

Headquarters: 145 Abbotts Road, Dandenong South, VIC 3175, Australia. +61 (0)3 9799 9555


[company name: Nu Metric Manufacturing Pty Ltd ]

Contracted through BAE Systems to manufacture parts used in the vertical tail of the F-35. Axiom says it has delivered parts aligned to critical deadlines since 2015 at a high conformance and production rate. The components consist of four semi-finished and four finished parts that follow multiple operations, as well as different surface treatments and painting specifications. [ Source: Axiom case study .]

Headquarters: 13-19 Johansson Road, Wingfield, SA, 5013, Australia.+61 (0)8 8349 9000


One of the largest defence contractors in Australia and a key supplier to the F-35 program. Its UK parent, BAE Systems plc, is one of Lockheed Martin’s principal partners in the design, build and maintenance of the F-35. BAE Systems holds about 13-15 per cent work share globally of each F-35 aircraft. As the principal partner in the F-35 Program in Australia, BAE Systems Australia supports numerous Australian companies in the industry supply chain. It produces titanium components for the F-35 vertical tails and is also responsible for producing wiring boards and assemblies, cable assemblies, and selected electronic and communication components and other components.

23 locations across Australia ,

Headquarters: 1 Taranaki Road, Edinburgh Parks, Edinburgh, SA, 5111 +61 (0)8 8480 8888


Specialises in custom cables and electrical assemblies. For the F-35, the company provides semi-rigid radio frequency cables that enable communication between the radar and other elements of the F-35's avionics [ Source, 2004 ]. Defence’s F-35 Australian industry participation charts ( 2017 and 2018 ) list Cablex as a supplier of ejection seat wiring, harnesses, radar, EW components and TPS development

Cablex received a three-year (2018-2021) $275,000 Australian government grant “to enable the manufacture in Australia of electrical assemblies for the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Ejection Seat”. [ Source ].

Headquarters : 63-69 Fairbank Rd, Clayton South, VIC, 3169, +61 (0)3 9575 3088


Australian company providing specialist production, training and simulation studies. Also involved in ongoing simulation-supported training services in collaboration w Lockheed Martin. [Source: Defence graphic, 2017 ; Source 2: note Titan info ; Source 3: LM media release ; Defence brochure 2023 )

**Note: If Calytrix was a partner with Lockheed in the design and production of the F-35 training simulators, this article contains a paragraph stating that those simulators have been used by the Israeli Defence Force for training.**

Two locations in Australia ; and Orlando, Florida

Headquarters: Level 8, 109 St Georges Tce, Perth, WA, 6000. +61 (0)8 9226 4288

USA: Suite 320, 12612 Challenger Pkwy, Orlando, Florida 32826, USA


Specialises in the production and delivery of countermeasure (decoy) flares. Its main manufacturing plant in Lara, Victoria is boasted as the world's most advanced countermeasures manufacturing facility and was said by Chemring in its submission to the 2016 JSF Senate inquiry to be “the worldwide second source for the manufacture of the JSF MJU68 countermeasure”.

Headquarters: 230 Staceys Road, Lara, VIC, 3212 +61 (0)3 5220 8500


Provides raw materials supply to its industry partners for the F-35 program (Source: Defence Graphic 2023 ).

Headquarters: 12 - 13 Warrior Place, St Marys NSW, 2760. Phone +61 (0)2 9833 3899


A purpose-built processing and surface coating facility. It was acquired by Lovitt Technologies in 2013 to guarantee local supply of crucial wet processing and painting services. Electromold has worked on the F-35 program since early in the program’s inception in Australia. [Sources: website and submission to JSF Inquiry ]

Headquarters: 202 Holt Parade, Thomastown, VIC, 3074. +61 (0)3 9464 0922


Every F-35 flying worldwide contains weapons adapters produced by Ferra Engineering ( source ). The company is the sole global provider of the Alternate Mission Equipment (AME) weapon adapters. In delivering this product, Ferra undertakes complex supply chain management and sub-assembly.

Ferra also designs, manufactures and assembles approximately 100 other parts for the F-35 fleet on long term contracts including complex mechanical assemblies. The parts are supplied either directly to Lockheed Martin or through other original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) for on-sale to Lockheed Martin. (Source: Ferra submission to 2016 JSF Australian Senate inquiry .)

Ferra’s growth via the F-35 and other military aerospace program contracts means the company’s supply chain now includes more than 30 Australian-based companies. Ferra supplies the world’s largest military aerospace companies including Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Northrop Grumman, Airbus and Raytheon.

Headquarters: 344 New Cleveland Rd, Tingalpa QLD 4173. +61 (0)7 3907 9800


Supplies avionics racks and components for the F-35 program (Source: Defence Graphic 2023 ). Industry partners include Ferra Engineering.

Headquarters: 50 Achievement Crescent, Acacia Ridge, QLD, 4110. Phone (07) 3216 7474

Provides component manufacturing services to the aerospace, defence, automotive and medical industries, across Australia and around the world.
Provides weapons components (Source: Defence Graphic 2023 : About ).
Headquarters: 103-115 Merrindale Drive, Croydon, Victoria. Phone (03) 9761 5110.


One of Australia’s leading heat treatment and thermal processing specialists. The company pioneered innovative processes for the F-35 program including a vacuum processing technique with high pressure gas quenching for the F-35’s landing gear components and new aluminium vacuum brazing (AVB) processes. HTA’s processes helped plug capability gaps and increase capacity in titanium processing, vacuum carburising, inert argon and nitrogen processing, nickel alloy and super-alloy processing and 25 bar materials cooling technology. The company’s support of RUAG, AW Bell, Lovitt Technologies, Marand, Ferra Engineering and Levett Engineering has contributed significantly to Australia’s success in the F-35 Program.

3 locations in Australia, and one in the US .

Headquarters: 32 Gay Street, Coopers Plains, QLD 4108, +61 (0)7 3170 0300


Founded in Hobart in 1955, HIFraser is part of the Australian owned HIFraser Group, a combination of specialised engineering, manufacturing & instrumentation businesses. It produces and maintains niche safety critical gas and liquid systems and supplies ongoing repair and overhaul of ground support equipment. For the F-35, HIFraser has partnered with Lockheed Martin in the repair of air-to-air refuelling valves and fuel metering pumps, which allow the JSF to refuel in midair. The company is working on components for every JSF that comes off the assembly line, not only those of the RAAF. (Source: Manly Daily ). HIFraser is also partnering Lockheed Martin locally in the ongoing repair and overhaul of ground support equipment. ( Source 1 and Source 2 )

5 facilities across Australia .

Headquarters: 6/5 Vuko Place, Warriewood, NSW, 2102. +61 (0)2 9970 7322


Supplies specialised production tooling to support the manufacture of metallic and composite components and aero structures, including the F-35, together with the machining of composite and metallic components. (Source: Hofmann ; Defence F-35 industry brochure, 2018 ) Hofmann has contracted to BAE Systems in Australia and the UK for the F-35 program.

6 locations in Australia .

Headquarters: 3 Alice Street, Bassendean, WA, 6054, +61 (0)8 9279 5522


Training programs for pilots and maintainers for the F-35 program from 2005 as part of the Northrop Grumman-managed global training and courseware development capability. KBR has continued as a courseware developer, sequencing pilot and maintainer courses for the Israeli and Australian trade groups.

As the F-35 Program has matured, the number of organisations providing courseware has reduced, with KBR Australia now providing F-35 training programs globally. (Source: Defence F-35 industry brochure, 2018 ; Defence graphic 2023 ) KBR Australia’s technical team also developed a virtual reality prototype to support higher capacity training of F-35 support crew.

6 locations in Australia Headquarters: Level 4/11 Lancaster Place, Majura Park, ACT, 2609, Australia. +61 (0)2 6102 2600

L3 MICREO (formally Micreo Limited )

Micreo, an Australian electronic warfare subsystems provider, was purchased by L3 Harris in 2016. A market leader in the design and production of radio frequency and photonic products for radar and electronic warfare. L3 Micreo’s radar components are installed in several of the world’s frontline military aircraft and ships, including the F-35. ( Source ; Defence F-35 brochure, 2018 )

Headquarters: 7 Hi-Tech Court, Brisbane Technology Park, Eight Mile Plains, QLD 4113


Using a patented high vacuum deposition process, Lintek manufactures a variety of printed circuit boards, ranging from 1.8-meter long antennas to sub miniature transmitters, using various substrates, for the phased array radar and electronic warfare systems of the F-35 program. (Source: company website ; APDR 26.2.20

Headquarters: 20 Bayldon Road, Queanbeyan, NSW, 2620. +61 (0)2 6299 1988


Wholly-owned subsidiary of Lockheed Martin Corporation , the F-35’s prime contractor.

Multiple locations around Australia .

Headquarters: 8 Brisbane Avenue, Barton, ACT, 2600. +61 (0)2 6150 6500


A leader in the manufacture of complex, precision engineered, structural components and assemblies for military aerospace platforms including the F-35. It specialises in aluminium and titanium components as well as chemical processing (through its subsidiary Electromold; see above). Lovitt supports a number of F-35-related activities for companies including Levett Engineering, Ferra Engineering, Marand, Quickstep, HTA, Varley and AW Bell. (Sources: company website and Defence F-35 industry brochure, 2018 )

Headquarters: 207 Para Road, Greensborough, VIC, 3088 +61 (0)3 9431 7300


Signed a 7-year agreement with Pratt & Whitney in April 2019 to produce five components for the F-35 engines, including brackets, clamps, tubes and adaptors. The contract saw Nupress’ role on the F-35 expanded, as the company already supplied F-35 canopy slings to the Varley Group. ( Source: ADBR, 8.4.19 )

Headquarters: 11 Nelson Road, Canurprrdiff, NSW, 2285. +61 (0)2 4903 9300


Now a subsidiary of Leonardo Australia , developed and delivers avionics test program sets (TPS) to support the F-35 program. (Source: Defence graphic, 2017 ) 5 Locations throughout Australia .

Headquarters: 1 Garadi Street, Yerriyong, NSW, 2540, Australia +61 (0)2 4422 2700


Engine prognostics & health management software for the F-35 radar system. (Source: Defence graphic 2023 )

Headquarters: 9/120 Queens Parade, North Fitzroy, VIC, 3068. +61 1300 948 505


A subsidiary of British arms company QinetiQ. Delivering training support to the Australian Defence Force on platforms such as the F-35.
Headquarters: Level 1, North Tower 6, Brindabella Circuit, Brindabella Business Park, Canberra Airport, ACT, 2609. Phone +61 02 6200 2600


Every F-35 made has Quickstep components as part of the aircraft ( source: Quickstep submission to JSF inquiry ). The company is Australia’s largest independent aerospace-grade advanced composite manufacturer. (Sources: company website ; Defence F-35 industry brochure, 2018 ) For the F-35 program, Quickstep is a key supplier to Northrop Grumman, providing 21 components for the F-35’s fuselage, including doors, panels and skins. It also supplies Marand Precision Engineering with parts for the F-35 vertical tail, including skins, spars and fairings. The final tail assembly is exported to BAE Systems by Marand. (Source: company website )

In December 2020, Quickstep delivered its 10,000 th F-35 component, noting it was manufacturing more than 50 individual components and assemblies for Northrop Grumman, Marand and BAE Systems under the program. [ Source: company media release. ] The 10,000 part milestone represented approx $250 million in company revenue over the preceding seven years. Based on forecast aircraft production volumes, at then current supply rates, Quickstep said it was 20% of the way through the F-35 program.

Quickstep first became involved in the F-35 program in 2009, signing its first major agreement with Lockheed Martin and Northrop Grumman to manufacture F-35 composite doors and panels. Quickstep also signed an MOU with Marand and BAE Systems the same year. In 2014, Quickstep signed a long term agreement with Marand to produce composite parts for 700 sets of F-35 vertical tails. Quickstep delivered the first parts under this agreement in the latter half of 2015.

3 facilities in Australia ; also Dallas, USA.

Headquarters: 361 Milperra Rd, Bankstown Aerodrome (Western Sydney), NSW, 2200.

+61 (0)2 9774 0300


Australian division of Survitec, a larger company which has 11 manufacturing facilities and over 400 service centres, spanning 96 countries. Its Australian subsidiary, specialises in the supply and service of survival technology to the maritime, defence and government, aerospace, and energy sectors worldwide, including each F-35 pilot with Aircrew Flight Equipment (AFE). Headquarters: 2 Burilda Close, Wetherill Park, New South Wales, 2164, Australia. Phone +61 (0)3 9532 1822


Joint venture between Rheinmetall Waffe Munition GmbH (51%) and NIOA (49%). produces and exports ammunition for the F-35 JSF program. Produces 25mm Frangible Armour Piercing (FAP) projectiles at the federal government owned Benalla plant in Victoria ( Source: Media Release : Press Release ). Australian-owned NIOA is the leading supplier of weapons and munitions to the Australian Defence Force and Rheinmetall Waffe Munitions is a global multinational weapons manufacturer.
Headquarters: 52 Industrial Avenue, Maryborough, West Queensland, 4650. Phone +61 7 43 678 500.


A wholly-owned subsidiary of Collins Aerospace, a US subsidiary of the RTX corporation (formerly Raytheon Technologies). Manufactures the electro-optical (EO) assembly from the AAQ-37 Distributed Aperture System for the F-35. 8 locations in Australia. Headquarters: 8/12 Mars Rd Lane Cove West, New South Wales, 2066. Phone +61 (0)2 9886 8888.


Flight specialists who produce precision gear components and control systems including for the F-35 Engine Removal and Installation Mobility Trailer, which was designed and developed by Melbourne-based Marand Precision Engineering. Clients including, BAE Systems, Marand, and Ferra Engineering.

Headquarters: 18 Teton Court, Highett, Victoria, 3190. +61 3 9276 8900


Specialises in the calibration and repair of test and measurement equipment and instruments within Australia. TR Calibration is part of TR Group, Australia’s leading provider of technology solutions. Its customers include Raytheon Australia, Australian Defence Force, New Zealand Defence Force, Boeing Defence Australia, Airbus, BAE Systems, Lockheed Martin.
Headquarters: 41 Enterprise Cct, Prestons, NSW, 2170. Phone +61 1300 790 480.


Involved in the F-35 program from 2003 during the System Development and Demonstration phase. The company has since been given numerous contracts to deliver specialised F-35 aircraft ground support equipment for all three F-35 variants. Varley works with both Lockheed Martin and Northrop Grumman on the program. It designed and manufactures the landing gear handling system and canopy maintenance sling assembly for Lockheed Martin, achieving the status of original equipment manufacturer (OEM) for these items. In 2008, Varley was also contracted by LM to design and develop a field use variant of the landing gear handling system in addition to the original variant used at military bases. In 2015, Varley signed a long term agreement with Lockheed Martin. For Northrop Grumman, from 2005, Varley designed and has manufactured the F-35’s aircraft maintenance sling. (Source: Defence F-35 industry brochure, 2018 )

In March 2023, marking Varley’s 20-year partnership with Lockheed Martin, Varley noted it has produced 27 deployable duty facilities and 7 deployable ICT Facilities totalling more than $21 million in Lockheed Martin supplier contracts for the JSF program. (Source: Lockheed media release ).

9 facilities around Australia . Headquarters: 21 School Drive, Tomago (Newcastle), NSW, 2322. +61 (0)2 4964 0400

OTHER PARTICIPANTS (minor or otherwise unlikely involved beyond Australia)


A provider of Asset Integrity Management, Non Destructive Testing (NDT), Mechanical / Corrosion Testing, Welding Tech Services. Provides testing support for the F-35 program.
Headquarters: Unit 3/146-148 Williams Rd, Dandenong South, VIC, 3175. Phone +61 0(3) 9791 1118

Supply and support of quality fasteners and assembly tooling consumables to various industries worldwide. Customers include BAE Systems, Lockheed Martin, Australian Defence Department, Thales, Boeing, Airbus, and more.
Headquarters: 317/198 Harbour Esplanade, Docklands, Victoria, 3008. Phone  +61 0(3) 9939 8979


Specialises in testing, inspection and certification.

Headquarters: Multiple locations across Australia . Phone +61 (0) 3 9922 0700.

CAE AUSTRALIA : Defence lists CAE as having been involved in production and training studies for the JSF (Source: Defence graphic 2023 ). Despite it being a major supplier of training to the RAAF, I found no evidence that CAE Australia is involved in actual F-35 training. Other companies noted in this document have been named as providing F-35 training locally (Lockheed Martin, Milskil, KBR).

Headquarters CAE: Building A, Campus Business Park, 350 Parramatta Road, Homebush NSW Australia 2140. +61-2-9748-4844. Offices also in Brisbane and Canberra.

CAE Sale Military Training Centre: 17 Wellington Park Way, Sale, Victoria 3850, Australia

Provides metal materials for the F-35 program.
Headquarters: 28 Saggart Field Rd, Minto, NSW, 2566. Phone +61 (0)2 9603 6486

Provides bearings and related components for the Defence and Aerospace Industry.
Headquarters: Unit 9, 32 Silkwood Rise Carrum Downs, Victoria, 3201. Phone +613 9775 1125.


Specialises in metal alloys and ingots. Supplies materials for the F-35 program (Source: Defence Graphic 2023 ).
Headquarters; New Zealand. Australian Site: 106 Mileham St, South Windsor, NSW 2756. Phone +61 2 9627 7150

Supplies precision carbide metalworking tools. They produce a range of carbide inserts, carbide endmills, and cutting tools, covering most metal cutting applications (Source: About ).
Headquarters: 30 Brookhollow Avenue, Norwest, NSW, 2153. Phone 02 8848 3500


Subsidiary of British firm Martin Baker which specialises in the design and manufacture of ejection seats and related equipment. Work in Australia on F-35 program includes maintenance, repair and overhaul of ejector seats for local/regional F-35s. In 2016 the company was named as partner to BAE Systems Australia to work on repairs of F-35 life support systems, including the onboard oxygen generator and the ejection seat assembly.

Two locations .

Headquarters: 1 Technology Place, Building F1:01, Williamtown, NSW, 2318 +61 1800 235 328


Provides training development and delivery, including aircrew training instruction for the F-35A. It was selected in early 2018 to provide support training services for the RAAF F-35 program in close partnership with Lockheed Martin Australia.

In 2020, Milskil teamed with Lockheed Martin Australia in a 3-year, $67m Defence contract to deliver F-35 training services including pilot instructors, maintenance instructors, courseware developers, training device technicians and IT support at RAAF Williamtown (NSW) and RAAF Tindal (NT). The contract included operation and maintenance support for six F-35A full mission simulators at Williamtown. Plans for four more simulators at RAAF Base Tindal in 2021 were also included in the support arrangements. ( Source: ADBR, December 2020 ; Lockheed media release, December 2020 .)

Headquarters: Unit 2.01, Level 1, Building E, 1 Technology Place, Williamtown, NSW, 2318. +61 (0)2 4934 5555


global provider of surface coating and engineering processes. Australian supplier Brenco was acquired by Houston (US) based valve manufacturer MOGAS Industries in 2019. Headquarters: 63 Tacoma Circuit, Canning Vale, Perth, Western Australia, 6155. Phone +61 (0)8 9456.3533.


Produces the wing tip lenses for the F-35. Its Australian office is a support centre for its product.

Headquarters: 23 Ovata Dr, Tullamarine, VIC, 3043. +61 (0)3 9335 1557

SEC Plating

Manufactures plating, engineering coatings and finishes for the F-35. ( Source, ADM 15.6.16 ; Defence graphic, 2017 )

Headquarters: 105 Lakemba Street, Belmore, NSW, 2192. +61 (0)2 9750 8011


Supplies its cutting tools to BAE Systems Australia and other JSF manufacturing companies. ( Source: DMTC submission to JSF Senate Inquiry )

Headquarters: 378 Settlement Road, Thomastown, VIC, 3074. +61 (0)3 9280 0800


A subsidiary of Pelican Products specialising in protective packaging. It is the major case supplier to the Australian Defence Force. Provides storage containers for the F-35 program. (Source: Defence graphic, 2017 )

Australian head office: 2 Forbes Close, Knoxfield, VIC, 3180 +61 (03) 9765 1500


Provides shipping containers and packaging for aerospace and defence companies. In 2021, Integra Packaging was renamed UBEECO. (Source: Defence graphic, 2017 ) 5 locations around Australia .

Headquarters: 28 Sarah Andrews Close, Erskine Park, NSW, 2759, +61 (0)2 9670 9800


Has utilised its design, metal shaping and fabrication expertise in a variety of defence based projects including the F-35 joint strike fighter. The company specialises in bespoke solutions for complex metal structures that require purpose shaping and bending for specific applications.

Headquarters: 63 Mark Anthony Drive, Dandenong South, VIC, 3175. +61 3 9771 4900


Involved in the F-35A’s airframe structural design and finite element (FE) analysis and testing (source: company video ). It also partnered with BAE Systems to optimise machining efficiency (s ource: DMTC submission to JSF Senate Inquiry ). 4 locations in Australia .

Headquarters: 279 Normanby Rd, Port Melbourne, VIC, 3207. +61 (0)3 9647 9700


Specialises in materials supply (titanium, nickel, aluminium and steel alloys) and supplies the master remelt alloy barstock for the PWA powder atomisation process used to produce critical components for the F-35. ( Source: WA Defence Review, 2019, p99 )

Customers include Pratt & Whitney, Rolls Royce and GE Aviation. Multiple locations around Australia . Headquarters: 2-4 Hopewell St, Canning Vale, WA, 6155. + 61 (0)8 9455 4111


BROENS INDUSTRIES (acquired by Verseng Group)

BROENS NO LONGER EXISTS. Verseng acquired the business of the liquidated Broens in 2017. No evidence found that Verseng is involved in the F-35 program. It was not listed in the 2018 Defence F-35 brochure .

Broens had been one of the first Australian companies involved in the F-35 program, starting in 2004. It undertook a limited amount of work directly for Lockheed Martin, but most of its JSF work was through BAE Systems plc, including the manufacture of fixtures and composite tooling for the vertical tail. Broens also won an international multi-million dollar tender by Pratt & Whitney to design and manufacture the engine gearbox lift. In 2012, Broens was reported as manufacturing multiple units of the lift. It was expected that ultimately every JSF squadron globally would have one or more; an estimated global total of 150 lifts. (Sources: SLDinfo.com, 2012 ; Defence graphic, 2017 ; Verseng website )

Verseng headquarters: 6 Oldham Road, Elizabeth South, SA, 5112, +61 (0)8 8268 2562


NO LONGER EXISTS IN AUSTRALIA employed a full range of capabilities in airframe structural analysis and design, electrical engineering and systems installation design and was central to the success of Australian industry involvement in the F-35 program.

In 2002, GKN AES decided to actively pursue work on the F-35 and was the first company to receive a contract in the program. In November 2003, it was awarded a contract by Northrop Grumman for 18 staff (nine based in the US) to support the design, analysis and manufacture of F-35 centre fuselage parts for 15 months. The contract expanded over the next three years peaking during 2006 with over 220 GKN AES designers and engineers being part of the F-35 program, of which more than 90 per cent were based in Australia.

The company worked for both Lockheed Martin and Northrop Grumman on all three variants of the F-35. It accumulated one million engineering hours designing some 3,000 distinct parts for the F-35 which amounted to 12 per cent of the airframe by part number.

In 2009, GKN’s engineering services activities were sold to an Indian engineering firm which decided to close the Australian operation. Even so, there remain a large number of Australian aerospace engineers with significantly enhanced experience spread throughout Australian industry and the aerospace industry globally. ( Source: Defence F-35 industry brochure, 2018 )


NO LONGER EXISTS Goodrich in Australia was in partnership with Rosebank Engineering (now RUAG Australia, see entry below) manufacturing components for the F-35. In addition to actuators for the landing gear and the weapons bay door drive system, other Goodrich content on the F-35 included the air data system, engine and fuel quantity sensors, and unique STOVL engine and airframe components. Goodrich Corporation went through several mergers and acquisitions and no longer exists.


NOTE: Norseld is not listed as an F-35 program supplier in Defence’s most recent supplier chart (2023) . It may become a supplier in future, which seems to be its intention.

Traditionally a medical laser company, Norseld is now seeking growth by moving into supplying the military. It has worked with Defence via the Centre for Defence Industry Capability (now known as the Office of Defence Industry Support ) to develop laser technology for the F-35 . Norseld has reportedly secured a $1 million grant to invest in a new coating chamber to improve tools used in the development of Australia’s F-35 program. Headquarters: 18 Lowe St, Adelaide, SA, 5000. +61 (0)8 8231 9000

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pc 30 marzo - Egitto di Al Sisi collabora all'assedio israeliano di Gaza al valico di Rafah - contro i solidali che vogliono rompere questo assedio

Gaza, presidente di Music for Peace respinto al Cairo e rimpatriato: bloccata la missione umanitaria

Stefano Rebora era diretto al valico di Rafah per scortare all'interno della Striscia gli aiuti umanitari partiti da Genova

Genova . Bloccata sul nascere la missione umanitaria di Music for Peace a Gaza , iniziata nei giorni scorsi ma terminata poche ore dopo nell’aeroporto del Cairo, in Egitto. Il presidente della organizzazione genovese, Stefano Rebora, diretto al valico di Rafah per scortare gli aiuti umanitari raccolti in queste settimane, è stato infatti fermato in aeroporto appena sbarcato , portato nelle stanze di controllo, dove è stato interrogato e fatto aspettare ore in attesa di accertamenti da parte delle autorità egiziane.

Le operazioni di controllo sono terminate decine di minuti dopo, con il respingimento di fatto dell’attivista, rientrato forzatamente in Italia il 27 marzo: “Preclusa la possibilità di svolgere l’attività per cui è preposta e per cui, soprattutto in una situazione di emergenza di questa portata, dovrebbe ricevere supporto da ogni istituzione”, come si legge nella nota stampa diffusa dalla organizzazione sui canali social.

Un episodio che si aggiunge ad una serie di azioni repressive portate avanti dalle autorità egiziane

in questi anni nei confronti di Rebora , da anni attivo in diverse missioni umanitarie a Gaza come in altri contesti di necessità. A riportarli lo stesso comunicato stampa dell’organizzazione: “Nel 2018 a seguito dell’inizio degli intensi bombardamenti sulla Striscia di Gaza, la squadra di missione di Music for Peace è costretta al rientro. Il presidente Stefano Rebora conduce il team al border di uscita, dopo aver effettuato il coordinamento. Viene respinta l’uscita e posticipata al giorno dopo. La mattina successiva lo staff di Music for Peace si ripresenta la border e dal lato palestinese viene fatto passare. Fermato invece dal lato egiziano, che per le verifiche del caso la Guardia Nazionale invita i cooperanti ad attendere. Dopo 5 ore viene rigettata la richiesta di uscita. Stefano Rebora, in qualità di capo missione, spiega che è necessaria l’uscita immediata per questioni di sicurezza. Da qui nasce un confronto verbale con l’ufficiale in turno il quale, ritenendosi offeso, strappa di mano i passaporti allo staff dichiarando “adesso vi faccio uscire io”. I volontari di Music for Peace sono obbligati ad accodarsi al pullman (che trasporta i palestinesi riusciti ad uscire dal valico) con destinazione Cairo perché i passaporti viaggiano con la polizia. Arrivati nell’aeroporto cairota vengono rinchiusi nelle stanze di accertamento, privi di ogni effetto personale e di documenti. La console italiana Cecilia Bonilla Taviani raggiunge i cooperanti di Music for Peace in aeroporto e riesce attraverso una mediazione a farli uscire dalla stanza . Vengono scortati dalla polizia locale sull’aereo e fatti partire per l’Italia”.

Situazione simile si verifica nel 2018 quando questa volta Rebora viene fermato direttamente in aeroporto: “A seguito della ricezione di tutti i permessi per il transito del personale di missione e dei container, Stefano Rebora atterra al Cairo. In uscita viene fermato, messo in stato di fermo e recluso nelle stanze di accertamento. Dopo 8 ore di privazione di qualsiasi diritto personale, l’ambasciatore Giampaolo Cantini giunge in aeroporto, riesce a incontrare Rebora. Nonostante l’intervento dell’Avvocato di Ambasciata viene impedito, per la prima volta, l’ingresso su territorio egiziano al presidente della ong senza fornire motivazione alcuna neppure alla propria Ambasciata. Rebora viene scortato dalla polizia sul primo aereo disponibile per l’Italia”.

Si arriva quindi all’ultimo episodio di due giorni fa . “Il problema fondamentale – evidenzia Rebora – non è tanto il trattamento poco ospitale ricevuto “Se fossi stato un turista? Magari scambiato per un’altra persona? Non avendo determinati contatti e una struttura preparata a fare fronte a un’emergenza di questo tipo, come avrei potuto dare mie notizie? Una volta tolto il cellulare dalle mani sei in balìa di un sistema che mette gravemente a repentaglio la propria sicurezza personale”. Non solo questo risulta essere il problema, Rebora prosegue: “ se la situazione del 2014 non fosse stata lasciata precipitare nell’oblio, forse avremmo potuto evitare altri eventi gravissimi ”.

Da gennaio scorso l’ong genovese ha lavorato quotidianamente, in stretto contatto con l’Ambasciata che rappresenta l’Italia in Egitto e la ERC (Egyptian Red Crescent), alla preparazione di questo convoglio “fondamentale alla risposta della grave crisi umanitaria in Striscia di Gaza”. Sono state inviate Note Verbali al Ministero degli Esteri egiziano c he ha sempre risposto in maniera positiva al transito del personale e dei materiali. Nell’invio delle richieste ufficiali alle Autorità locali sono sempre stati allegati nominativi e documenti dello staff di missione. Conclude così Stefano Rebora: “Se è vero che i problemi sono solo nei miei confronti (comunicano infatti gli egiziani che il respingimento è “Ad personam”) è altrettanto oggettivo c he se da una macchina levi il motore, il mezzo rimane fermo

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Il 30 marzo, i Palestinesi in tutto il mondo celebrano la Giornata della Terra, una ricorrenza importante, che risale al 1976, quando migliaia di persone, cittadini palestinesi in Israele si riunirono per protestare contro l’espropriazione di altra terra palestinese in Galilea. Scoppiarono duri scontri con la polizia israeliana, durante i quali sei palestinesi vennero uccisi, a centinaia feriti e arrestati.

Il ricordo di quel giorno di resistenza popolare contro il sionismo e le sue politiche coloniali divenne la Giornata internazionale della Terra palestinese.

Nella data commemorativa del 30 marzo, i palestinesi sottolineano la loro lotta implacabile contro l’apartheid israeliano, l’occupazione militare e il colonialismo di insediamento. Sottolineano il loro radicamento nella loro terra e ne denunciano la brutale acquisizione da parte dello stato, dei suoi insediamenti e delle istituzioni parastatali, che spesso tentano di mascherare le loro operazioni come iniziative “ambientali” o “per lo sviluppo”.

.nel 2018, migliaia di palestinesi assediati nella Striscia di Gaza hanno celebrato la Giornata della Terra manifestando ai confini di Gaza. In quella che è diventata nota come la Grande Marcia del Ritorno, i manifestanti hanno chiesto la fine della loro incarcerazione da parte di Israele in una prigione a cielo aperto dal 2007. Poiché il 70% dei palestinesi a Gaza sono rifugiati espulsi dalle loro case quando Israele è nato nel 1948, i manifestanti hanno chiesto che tornassero alle loro case e terre, un diritto sancito dalla risoluzione 194 delle Nazioni Unite .

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55th anniversary of the New People's Army - Communist Party of the Philippines

Set to blaze the revolutionary armed struggle for national democracy! Carry out the critical and urgent tasks to rectify errors and advance the revolution!
Central Committee
Communist Party of the Philippines

The Central Committee of the Communist Party of Philippines raises high the Red banner of the national democratic revolution and, in behalf of all Party cadres and members, revolutionaries and activists, gives its firmest salute to all the Red commanders, fighters and militia forces, as we celebrate the very important and joyous occasion of the 55th anniversary of the New People's Army.

Today, let us look back at our accomplishments and shortcomings during the past year, draw lessons from these, and forge plans to make bigger achievements in waging revolutionary armed struggle against the US-Marcos fascist and puppet regime in the coming year.

On this occasion, let us remember and honor all the heroes and martyrs of the Philippine revolution who sacrificed everything for the Filipino people's cause for the national and social liberation. Let us extol their lives and be inspired by their martyrdom. What better way of honoring their memory than by continuing the revolutionary cause that they helped advance?

The Central Committee is happy to inform everyone that the call for a rectification movement which the Party issued last December has been wholeheartedly welcomed by all regional Party committees and commands of the NPA. They have responded positively and are presently carrying out summing-up conferences and study meetings to identify the errors and shortcomings in order to rectify these, and steadily and comprehensively carry forward all revolutionary tasks.

We need to exert all out effort for the revolution to be carried forward in order to defend the interests of the Filipino masses who are being subjected to worsening forms of oppression and exploitation by the US-Marcos regime. The country faces the real and increasing danger of being dragged into an inter-imperialist war. The need to advance the revolutionary armed struggle, in particular, is of great urgency, being the most important weapon of the Filipino people to fight for their revolutionary cause.

Conditions of crisis in the country are impelling the oppressed and exploited masses of the Filipino people to carry forward their struggles. Under the guidance of the Party, the revolutionary forces are determined to arouse, organize and mobilize the Filipino people in great numbers, steadily bring forward the national democratic revolution, and bring it to unparalleled heights in the future, facing all the needed sacrifice and hardships.

Take initiative to set the armed struggle to blaze! Frustrate the enemy's all-out onslaught

The revolutionary armed struggle being waged by the New People's Army (NPA) under the absolute leadership of the Communist Party of the Philippines is at a critical juncture. Party cadres, Red commanders and fighters, revolutionary mass organizations and activists in the countryside and in the cities, are called upon to boldly shoulder our urgent tasks, raise high the Red banner of the revolution, set the armed struggle ablaze, lift it from its current state of adversity and emerge stronger than ever before.

We must consider the following: On the one hand, there is urgent need to carry out armed struggle in order to strike blows against the enemy in the face of heightened imperialist economic aggression and military intervention and intensified fascist onslaught. The enemy's declared aim of "ending the armed conflict" seeks to pave the way for the unmitigated trampling of the country's sovereignty and out-and-out oppression of the Filipino people.

On the other hand, our forces have been weakened to a large extent by internal errors, weaknesses and shortcomings as a result of years of military conservatism and passivity. Guided by the Party, NPA units are currently undertaking crucial efforts at rectification and consolidation with the aim of overcoming past setbacks, breaking out of military passivity, preserving and expanding their forces, and reinvigorating guerrilla warfare.

To confront this particular situation, we must firmly grasp the dialectical relationship between fighting the enemy and strengthening our forces: we must strengthen the NPA to effectively fight the enemy; we must fight the enemy to effectively strengthen the NPA. We cannot divorce one from the other. The former is quite plain to see and need not be elaborated further; but the latter is not quite as obvious, and some may even argue otherwise.

Especially in the face of the enemy's strategic and local superiority in deploying overwhelming military force, it is easy to lose sight of the enemy's vulnerabilities and political weakness which the NPA and the whole array of revolutionary forces can and must exploit. Some are so overwhelmed by the enemy's large presence, that they easily lose heart and forget that it is a force that is rotten to the core and defending a moribund and decrepit system. They fail to recognize that it is utterly hated by the peasant masses who are far greater in numbers, and far greater in strength when organized. They should vigorously resist being drawn into passivity by those who onesidedly see the NPA's inferiority in arms as a permanent state, and who fail to grasp the dialectical process of gaining strength through protracted people's war and guerrilla warfare. Indeed, the situation requires the Party's cadres and the NPA's commanders and fighters who possess a great deal of revolutionary perspicacity, unwavering faith and trust in the masses, and who are undaunted by hardships and sacrifices to serve the people's revolutionary cause.

When we speak of waging armed struggle and fighting the enemy, we mean striking blows at the enemy's armed forces, employing all kinds of weapons in the hands of the guerrilla forces and the people. We mean primarily mounting basic tactical offensives that we are capable of winning, that weakens the enemy by annihilating its armed forces piece by piece, and takes away its weapons in order that we can arm more recruits and mount even bigger tactical offensives in the future. We raise the capability of the NPA to wage war by waging war.

In the face of the enemy's ruthlessness and all-out campaigns of encirclement and suppression, the revolutionary forces are duty-bound to fight the enemy and defend the people by waging armed struggle. We must raise the indomitable spirit of the people's army and the masses to fight and defeat the enemy. We must resolve and overcome the problems and difficulties posed by the large deployment of enemy troops against the masses and guerrilla forces. We must force the enemy to stretch thin its forces by expanding the scope of our political and military initiatives. However big and strong the enemy's operations, there will always exist golden opportunities that we can exploit and should carefully analyze to destroy its weakest link. We must be quick to recognize that the bigger the scale of these enemy operations, the more parts of the enemy's body become exposed and vulnerable to NPA tactical offensives. In order to discover, analyze and take advantage of these opportunities, the NPA must be ever militant, and be quick and agile in its movements, to turn the enemy into a lumbering giant and enable the NPA to strike at will.

In the face of the current onslaught of the enemy, NPA commands at front and provincial or subregional levels, must plan to wage an active defense warfare at the level of campaigns and battles, anticipate the enemy's deployment and strike at its weakest parts. They must be ready to shift its main forces or center of gravity out of the enemy's encirclement, while leaving or dispatching teams or composite units to carry various kinds of guerrilla actions and tactical offensives that they are capable of winning and inflicting serious damage on the enemy.

Given the current situation, it is paramount for units of the NPA and people's militias at all levels to take the initiative to plan out tactical offensives that they are capable of mounting and winning. These initiatives must be carried out in coordination with the higher command and nearby units. Tactical offensives and guerrilla actions can range from laying out an ambush against the enemy's reconnaissance units, perimeter defense or supply lines, attacking his isolated outposts, disarming, sniping, demolition, partisan and arrest operations, imposing sanctions, meting out justice on counterrevolutionaries and criminal antisocial elements, and so on. These tactical offensives must succeed in seizing the enemy's rifles and war matériel, destroying their supply and communication lines, immobilizing their land, air and sea assets, disrupting the enemy's plans or blocking its advance, and drawing away the enemy's attention from the main direction and plans of the main forces of the NPA.

The task of mounting tactical offensives that we are capable of winning must be carried out with meticulous planning and utmost vigor, as a way of galvanizing the NPA, and as the first decisive step at rectification.

Along the line of waging extensive and intensive guerrilla warfare on an ever widening and deepening mass base, all units of the people's army and people's militias are called upon to take full military and political initiative, and exercise flexibility in their actions. The NPA must strengthen and expand their ties with the masses. They must defend the peasant masses and people against their fascist oppressors and exploiters, and carry out widespread propaganda, organizing and mobilization to advance their antifeudal mass struggles and carry out land reform.

Majority of the NPA platoons must be deployed to help consolidate and expand guerrilla fronts, and build more company-sized guerrilla fronts. Guerrilla platoons must forge a clear plan to dispatch its units within a given radius that is limited at a given time to avoid overdispersal, but wide enough for defensive and offensive maneuvers, with a clear time frame to advance wave upon wave, or expand the revolutionary mass base on the basis of consolidation. We expand the NPA's area of operations by methods of advancing in waves or by secretly leapfrogging to relatively favorable areas where it can start arousing, organizing and mobilizing the people to gain foothold. We can always dispatch NPA units in a trailblazing missions to initiate guerilla warfare and open new guerilla zones where the enemy least suspect and expect.

Together with peasant mass organizations, territorial Party committees and other revolutionary forces, the NPA must carry out campaigns of social investigation in order to identify the most urgent issues and problems of the masses, and accelerate efforts in arousing, organizing and mobilizing the peasant masses, advancing their urgent democratic demands, linking these with their agrarian revolutionary movement and the people's democratic revolution.

We must pay attention to building or rebuilding the organs of political power at the village and higher levels on the foundations of the full-fledged mass organizations of peasants, women, youth, cultural workers and other toiling people covering barrios or cluster of barrios or municipalities, as well as local branches and section committees of the Party. Many of these organs of political power have been targeted by the enemy's armed suppression. We must sum up our experiences and come up with policies to ensure that the organs of political power, mass organizations, local mass leaders are secured and kept out from the enemy's intelligence radar.

We must consolidate and strengthen the mass base and forge plans to raise their militance to assert their civil, political, social and economic rights, and to collectively and resolutely expose and resist the enemy's dirty tactics. We must frustrate the enemy's despicable schemes to break up the unity of the people, force them to surrender one by one, or entice the Red commanders and fighters to forsake the masses with false promises of a better future. In fighting the enemy's suppression campaign, the local forces must not be left to themselves. Their struggle must be brought to a higher level in order to draw strength from numbers and from the solidarity of people, from adjacent villages to the international community. Above all, the NPA must make all efforts to demonstrate their determination to defend the people by striking at their fascist oppressors.

We must strengthen efforts in building popular defense forces to give full play to the guerrilla warfare of the masses. These defense forces include village militia units and militia coordinating command at inter-village or municipal levels, village defense units and self-defense committees based in mass organizations. These people's defense forces should be encouraged and guided to take the initiative in waging all forms of guerrilla warfare or an armed mass movement against the enemy, including agaw-armas operations, grenade throwing, incendiary bombing, booby-trapping, sniping, and other operations hitting at isolated enemy units or any any other unit which they can harass, incapacitate, rout or annihilate. They should utilize and employ all available types of weapons including indigenous methods and traps against the enemy's operating forces and make them pay dearly. The enemy should not be allowed to enter and ravage the revolutionary areas without experiencing a nightmare, incurring casualties and suffering the consequences of their fascist crimes.

The NPA must help mount mass campaigns to mobilize the peasant masses on problems and issues that gravely affect them in common. These include land grabbing by big companies involved in mining, plantations, real estate, eco-tourism, energy and other infrastructure projects. They must also be organized and mobilized to address their problems in times of widespread flooding, drought or landslides and other disasters that destroy their livelihood. The peasant masses, mainly the poor peasants and farmworkers, must be organized and mobilized to fight for lowering land rent, eliminating usury, increasing farm wages, fair prices for farm produce and other urgent demands in line with the Party's antifeudal line and agrarian policy. The peasant masses must be organized in large numbers to raise their demands in town centers or cities.

Wherever they go, Red fighters and commanders of the NPA also carry out production, education, health and cultural campaigns in order to address the practical needs of the masses. They must continue to forge strong and inseparable bonds with the masses. They must at all times identify with the woes of the peasant masses and find solutions to the plight they are condemned to by their exploiters.

Units of the NPA must consolidate, strengthen and expand its forces. It is extremely critical that Red fighters and commanders unite with one mind and act as one body. To achieve this, they must take stock of their strengths and weaknesses, and plan out the measures necessary to raise the determination and capability of the Red fighters and the revolutionary masses to fight and frustrate the enemy's all-out attacks.

We must improve the command structure of the NPA at all levels, ensuring the quality and composition of unit commands of both horizontal and vertical forces, as well as regional and provincial or subregional territorial operations command. The leading core at every level of command of the NPA should be composed of commanders and fighters who are models of courage before the enemy and paragons of humility before the masses.

Our guerrilla forces must be able to conduct basic politico-military trainings, as well as officers' trainings in order to enhance the capability and knowledge of our Red fighters and commanders in military science and tactics, and further strengthen their commitment to serve the people. The system of trainings should be improved to allow for shorter or staggered courses in order to adapt to the fluid military situation amid the relentless enemy operations.

Units of the NPA should continue to master flexibility in changing their modes of action from concentration, dispersal and shifting, depending on the situation and their objectives. We concentrate our forces to attack the enemy and consolidate, disperse to conduct mass work, disappear before the enemy, and create more points of initiative, and shift to pursue plans for expansion, or to move out of enemy encirclement.

All units of the NPA must avoid unplanned battles and seek ways to make the enemy punch the air and exhaust himself. They must immediately and regularly assess their situation, patch all security holes and remove all vulnerabilities. They must diligently guard against the enemy's tactic of smuggling in electronic or GPS trackers. They must strengthen their determination to put into practice the principles and methods of secrecy in guerrilla movements, while marching or on bivouac. They must constantly maintain a high level of discipline and compliance with military regulations among its Red fighters, and a high degree of revolutionary political consciousness to strengthen their will to make the necessary sacrifices to maintain the NPA's security. They must subject to criticism and rectification all violations of security policies and regulations which compromise guerrilla secrecy.

The NPA must decisively smash the enemy's intelligence network hiding in plain sight among the masses, narrowing on ringleaders especially those who have committed grave crimes against the people. The masses, especially those who have borne the brunt of the enemy's suppression campaign, demand that renegade traitors who have been actively collaborating with the enemy as agents or spies, be subjected to revolutionary punishment, and that their criminal and counterrevolutionary misdeeds be thoroughly exposed.

All units of the NPA must assess the enemy's intelligence stock (built from information contained in compromised files, spilled by traitors, or accumulated through long periods of surveillance), and how this is linked to the conduct of the enemy's operations. They must make appropriate plans and adjustments in their plans to render the enemy's intelligence information unactionable or unusable.

The NPA must continue to follow strict rules in securing and protecting sensitive informations by observing compartmentalization, using ciphers and encryption, and paying attention to standing policies covering the regulated use of computers, smartphones, cellphones, two-way radios, and other electronic gadgets. We must also develop mastery of the art of disinformation and misdirection—including feeding the enemy's intelligence network or electronic surveillance with false positives—in order to confuse the enemy and frustrate its attacks.

We must carry out a campaign of proselytization aimed at the rank and file of the enemy, many of whom are of peasant, worker, semiproletariat or lower pettybourgeois origin, who were enticed to join the enemy's armed forces due to its high salaries. They are fully aware of the rotteness and corruption of the reactionary military organization, and harbor deep grievances over the abuses perpetrated against them by their superiors, as well as the gross crimes and violations of human rights which they are made to perpetrate against the masses. We must distribute leaflets and conduct open propaganda at military camps, detachments or stations. We can encourage the disgruntled ranks-and-file personnel of the enemy's military and police forces to leave their jobs, join the revolution, pass on valuable informations or live productive lives as civilians, and partake of the fruits of the collective labor of peasant mass organizations.

We must continue to build and strengthen the Party within the New People's Army to guide it in all its tasks. We must continue to recruit the most advanced elements and ensure their ideological, political and organizational training and development. Party committees must be built at the level of the companies; Party branches in platoons; and Party groups in squads. The Party must designate from its rank political officers and instructors at every NPA formation to ensure that politics commands the gun. We must also ensure the deployment of cadres and activists from the urban areas, especially from the ranks of workers, as well as students, teachers and other pettybourgeois intellectuals and professionals, in order to raise the capacity of the NPA in performing the various tasks of leadership and administration.

The above-stated tasks are critical and must be carried out with a high degree of urgency by Party cadres and Red commanders at the core and leadership of the New People's Army. It is most urgent to take military and political initiative in order to regain the guerrilla bearings of NPA units, especially those which have suffered setbacks in the past and forced into a passive position, frustrate the enemy's onslaught, and bring forward the revolutionary armed struggle. These tasks must be carried out by the Party and NPA as we carry forward the rectification movement to root out the ideological basis of past errors and weaknesses, in order to create the conditions for the renewed growth of the revolutionary armed struggle.

Reaffirm the basic principles of waging people's war in the Philippines

Every unit of the NPA must sum-up their experiences and rectify errors in line with the spirit of criticism and self-criticism, guided by the overall self-critical analysis provided in the Central Committee's message on the Party's 55th anniversary and by the summing-up of experiences within the scope of their work and circumstance of their areas of operation. Units which have suffered setbacks must give particular attention to analyzing defensive battles in order to identify their errors and weaknesses. We must learn from the lessons paid for dearly by the blood of our martyrs as one way of honoring their sacrifices.

The 55th anniversary of the NPA is a most propitious occasion to reaffirm the basic principles and theory of waging people's war in the Philippines. This is especially important as we face a critical situation following serious setbacks over the past years, which demand us to rectify our errors and weaknesses.

By applying Marxism-Leninism-Maoism on the concrete conditions of the country, the Party developed the theory of waging people's war in the Philippines, and led the New People's Army in waging revolutionary armed struggle from one level to another. The 1974 article, Specific Characteristics of Our People's War, laid out the basic theory, principles, program and plan for waging revolutionary war in Philippines. It took into consideration the semicolonial and semifeudal system, the archipelagic character of its geographic and physical terrain, as well as other specific characteristics of the country.

Our accomplishments in revolutionary practice over the past 55 years are concrete proof of the correctness of these theories. Further proof of the validity of these theories are the setbacks and losses which we have incurred as a result of our failure to steadfastly hold on to these theories.

The correctness of the national democratic revolution has been proven in practice by waging revolutionary armed struggle in the countryside as the principal form of struggle, and the revolutionary mass movement combining legal and illegal forms of struggles in the cities and countryside, as the secondary but indispensable form of struggle. By upholding the national democratic line, we have succeeded in building a mass base of several million people, under the firm leadership of the proletariat, realizing the basic alliance of workers and peasants mainly through the Party's leadership of the NPA, and building the national united front to fight imperialism, feudalism and bureaucrat capitalism, with the aim of overthrowing the ruling reactionary state of big bourgeois compradors and big landlords.

By waging a protracted people's war in the countryside, principally by building the people's army and advancing armed struggle, building the rural mass base and organs of political power, and advancing the agrarian revolution, we have been able to mobilize the peasant masses who form the largest section of the Filipino people and who serve as the most reliable ally of the working class. We have steadfastly advanced the struggle for land in response to the main democratic clamor of the peasant masses. In so doing, we have been able to build and strengthen the New People's Army, drawing recruits mainly from the landless poor peasants and farmworkers, as well as material and political support. The aim of waging a protracted people's war in the countryside has been to develop our forces step by step, defeat the enemy piece by piece, and encircle the cities until it is possible to seize the cities and advance to nationwide victory. In doing so, we have established organs of political power in the countryside, built on the foundation of the revolutionary anti-feudal united front of all exploited and oppressed classes in Philippine countryside.

Over the past 55 years, we have overcome the greatest difficulties and obstacles in waging people's war in the Philippines as an archipelagic country. We have succeeded in self-reliantly developing guerrilla warfare on a nationwide scale despite the disadvantage of having no physical rear. We have established guerilla fronts and consolidated rural bases with fairly strong units of the NPA in all the major islands of the country. These guerilla fronts have served as theaters for NPA units to wage guerrilla warfare. They create guerrilla zones and bases first in the less-populated mountainous terrain, where they could consolidate, train and plan to expand to the better-populated plains, riverine, main lines of transportation and coastal areas.

Starting with only 60 Red fighters armed with only nine automatic rifles and 26 inferior firearms in the second district of Tarlac province, we have succeeded in developing our forces from squads and platoons, to company-strength guerrilla forces. We have created 14 regional commands of the NPA, each having reached a peak strength of a few hundred to more or less a thousand Red fighters, and each having a number of subregional or provincial commands with several guerrilla fronts.

The Philippine national democratic revolution has had the distinction of having advanced with great strides and waging armed struggle in the current era of international retreat of the world proletariat. With the defeat of the socialist revolution and capitalist restoration in China and the Soviet Union under modern revisionist rule, the Filipino people had to wage and self-reliantly develop revolutionary armed struggle.

We have established Red political power across thousands of villages across the country. We have built the rudimentary forms of the people's democratic government at the barrio or inter-barrio level, with officers elected in village assemblies or selected from local revolutionary mass organizations.

We have waged guerrilla warfare across the country by adopting the policy of relative centralized strategic command and decentralized operations in campaigns and battles. Through the past decades, regional committees of the Party and regional commands of the NPA have developed home-grown cadres and commanders of high quality capable of self-reliantly leading the comprehensive range of revolutionary tasks, along the line set by the Central Committee. Many of them have been promoted to the Central Committee of the Party and the National Operations Command of the NPA.

As we carry out a rectification movement, it is critical for all cadres of the Party, commanders and fighters of the NPA, and all revolutionary forces to reaffirm our basic analysis of the semicolonial and semifeudal system in the country, and the basic principles and theories of waging the people's democratic revolution in the Philippines through protracted people's war along the strategic line of encircling the cities from the countryside; to study the history of waging revolutionary struggle during the past 55 years in order to draw lessons from its accomplishments and setbacks; to have a long view of the tasks that lie ahead for advancing the revolutionary forces quantitatively and qualitatively, until we can turn the current balance of forces into its opposite.

As the Party has established, the protracted people's war in the Philippines will go through three probable stages of development: the strategic defensive, the strategic stalemate; and the strategic offensive. This route of the progress of the people's war in the Philippines is determined by dialectical laws of development. To desire another route or fail to push along the path is almost certainly fatal.

In the 1980s, unremoulded petty bourgeois elements in the leadership of the Party harbored notions of a shortcut to a quick victory. They questioned the basic analysis of the Party of the semicolonial and semifeudal system, promoted the idea that the Marcos dictatorship industrialized and turned the country into a capitalist country, exaggerated the country's urbanization and downplayed the extent of the agrarian economy by citing false government statistics.

They pushed for the wishful line of a "strategic counter-offensive" within the strategic defensive stage, to justify the shift to the strategy of urban insurrectionism combined with premature regularization and verticalization of NPA formations. They promoted the concept of partisan warfare as a distinct and separate form of warfare in the cities to create insurrectionary flash points. This is combined by "regular mobile warfare" using large formations of the people's army (companies and battalions) to strike at enemy hard points and targets (company or battalion, highly fortified camps and headquarters). This line of military adventurism called for the premature regularization of the people's army by concentrating and even liquidating horizontal NPA formations to form "regular" companies and battalions. This created an imbalance in the spread, deployment and sustained growth of the NPA vertical and horizontal forces, which caused its revolutionary mass base and guerilla fronts to contract significantly. This erroneous policy played squarely into the hands of the more superior enemy force in pushing the NPA in a purely military situation. Despite initial military victories, the NPA forces were soon reduced to military passivity and became vulnerable to enemy encirclement and suppression, leading to large reduction of forces and unprecedented setbacks by 1990-1991.

Alongside with the "Left" opportunists were various strands of Right opportunists who rejected the necessity of waging revolutionary armed struggle. In the late 1980s, some promoted the line of "popular democracy" who ultimately consolidated themselves in "non-governmental organizations" promoting reformism and class collaboration. They will be later joined by the "Left" opportunists who, after failing in their line of insurrectionism and military adventurism, served as NGO bureaucrats in the so-called "civil society" community. Still others engaged in "peace talks" to facilitate their surrender to the reactionary regime, with some allowed to maintain paramilitary forces to fight the NPA, while engaging in various types of criminal activities.

It took the Second Great Rectification Movement to salvage the revolutionary guerrilla forces from suffering further grave losses. Reaffirming the Party's basic principles of waging people's democratic revolution through protracted people's war, units of the NPA were reorganized to attain a correct balance of horizontal and vertical forces, in order to effectively carry out both political and military work. The Party affirmed the tactical military line of waging extensive and intensive guerrilla warfare on the basis of an ever widening and deepening mass base within the stage of the strategic defensive.

The New People's Army has successfully frustrated the yearly declared targets of the enemy to crush the revolutionary armed movement. It surmounted the successive campaigns of encirclement and suppression including the Oplan Katatagan, Oplan Lambat Bitag I, II and III, Oplan Gordian Knot, Oplan Makabayan, Oplan Bantay Laya I and II, Oplan Bayanihan and Oplan Kapayapaan and have, by and large, emerged stronger. The Party leadership estimated that the people's war reached the middle phase of the strategic defensive in and around the middle of the 2000s, and made plans to fulfill the requirements to reach the advanced phase, and onto the threshold of the strategic stalemate.

Even then, however, we had been bogged down by problems of military conservatism which has kept things stuck at the middle phase. Years of conservatism in all aspects of revolutionary work, and complacency have led to self-constriction of the people's army and a slow weakening and reduction of the mass base, making it vulnerable to enemy encirclement and suppression, leading to setbacks and losses. One of the detrimental effects of empiricism has been our inability to quickly draw lessons from experience in order to raise the level of our knowledge and theory, from the level of the NPA's national command down to the regions and fronts, resulting in failure to adapt to changes in the enemy's tactics, and in mistakes being committed repeatedly.

Under the leadership of the Central Committee, the entire Party, the New People's Army and all revolutionary forces are currently carrying out a rectification movement to identify and get rid the bourgeois and petty bourgeois ideological roots of our past errors, weaknesses and shortcomings, reaffirm our proletarian standpoint, viewpoint and methods in order to more resolutely carry forward the revolution.

The current rectification movement is fundamentally a study movement to review and reaffirm the basic principles of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism as contained in the classic writings of the great communist teachers, and those of Ka Jose Maria Sison; to study the Party's Constitution and Program; to study the documents of the Party's First and Second Great Rectification Movement; to sum-up experiences of the past five and 25 years; to conduct a campaign of social investigation and class analysis; to carry out criticism and self-criticism; to evaluate the performances of Party cadres; and to fully implement the Three-Level Party Course.

All regional committees and organs of the Party, and commands of the NPA have welcomed the call for a rectification movement since the Central Committee issued it last December 26, 2023. Summing-up and study sessions, social investigation conferences and planning meetings, have been held or are scheduled to be conducted by various Party committee and NPA commands at all levels. At the same time, the necessary redeployment of forces of the NPA is being carried out in order to address the various forms of self-constriction, expand the scope of the NPA's operations, open new areas outside the enemy's encirclement, fight fascist suppression in the old areas, and vigorously arouse, organize and mobilize the peasant masses.

The declaration of the rectification movement in December frustrated the US-Marcos regime and the reactionary state which had wishful thoughts that the Party was on the brink of capitulation following the capture and murder of some key leaders of the Party, as well as the passing away of Ka Joma, the Party's founding chair and guiding light. In response, the enemy poured even greater amounts of funds and resources to its counterrevolutionary war and has further intensified its campaign of encirclement and suppression. This has now taken the form of relentless and widespread campaigns of armed suppression against peasant communities, aerial bombing and artillery shelling and large-scale combat operations in scores of guerrilla fronts across the country.

By using Marxist-Leninist-Maoist method of thinking, we can analyze the enemy's strengths and point out its weaknesses. For instance, we must first understand that the enemy's use of aerial assets, which has given it the distinct advantage of rapid deployment, is first of all, a manifestation of its inability to surmount its lack of ground political support among the peasant masses. Helicopters are vulnerable to NPA sniper fire as it attempts to land or take off, which makes its ground troops awaiting supplies and reinforcements vulnerable to isolation. Aerial bombings give the enemy a distinct advantage, but is also politically disastrous in isolating the fascists from the masses and make its ground troops reliant on limited air superiority, which the NPA can easily counteract. The NPA can develop or acquire anti-aircraft weaponry, but must also adopt methods to deny the enemy targets of aerial attacks. Through careful observation and analysis, we can clearly see the limitations and vulnerabilities through its strengths and advantages. The Red commanders and fighters of the NPA, together with the masses, must keep their eyes pealed and observe the enemy closely, and come up with an effective stratagem.

Inspired by the rectification movement, Party leaders and NPA fighters have become more fearless and determined despite the great disparity in the current balance of forces. We can more deeply recognize that the enemy's superiority in terms of US-supplied weaponry is countervailed by the rottenness and moribund state of the system it is defending; and that the NPA's inferiority in terms of weaponry is countervailed by its superiority in terms of the widespread support of the Filipino masses. Armed with dialectical method of thinking, we also recognize that this situation is temporary, and will ultimately be negated, as the people's war advances from its current stage to the next and the enemy gets further embroiled in irresoluble crisis of imperialism and the ruling semicolonial and semifeudal system.

Crisis and oppression rouses people's resistance against the US-Marcos regime

The US-Marcos regime is the current concentrated expression of the Filipino people's oppressor. It represents the moribund ruling system and the worst facets of the ruling exploiting classes. Its neoliberal economic policies, outright subservience to US geopolitical interests, corruption, high-style living, and fascist suppression of democratic rights are causing even greater suffering on the Filipino people and rousing them to fight for national democracy with even greater tenacity.

Marcos' economic policies outrightly favor the interests of foreign monopoly capitalists and banks, big bourgeois compradors and big landlords, which bring great misery to the Filipino masses. In compliance with the neoliberal policy dictates of imperialist banks and other financial agencies, the Marcos regime has further liberalized trade and investment policies, and deregulated social and environmental policies. These policies have resulted in further debilitating local manufacturing and agricultural production, mass unemployment, greater dependence on imports, higher prices of food and other basic commodities, bigger budget deficits, a sharp increase in the country's debt and worsening tax burden on the people.

These policies have aggravated the already gross socioeconomic conditions of the people. To favor the profit-greed of foreign and local big capitalists, the Marcos regime is keeping workers' daily wages low, which has fallen way below the cost of living of workers and their families. Marcos is allowing big bourgeois compradors and big landlords to dispossess the peasant masses, indigenous people, fisherfolk, transport workers and other toiling people of their land and other means of livelihood. Public school teachers, medical workers, and other rank and file employees and ordinary professionals suffer from low salaries. Millions upon millions of people are without jobs and economically displaced. Thousands upon thousands everyday are forced to leave the country to search for work overseas.

To gain the favors of foreign monopoly capitalists, particularly US and European capitalists, Marcos displays absolute subservience to the imperialist US. He has allowed the US military to expand the permanent presence of hundreds of American combat troops and stationing of missile systems and other war matériel inside the military camps, airports, sea ports, and other strategic locations in the country under the cover of the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA). The build up of US military presence in the country is in line with its "first island chain" plan to contain the military and economic expansion of its imperialist rival China.

Over the past year, the US military has aggressively employed the AFP and Coast Guard forces to carry out resupply missions, joint patrols and other types of naval activity in the West Philippine Sea, and fortify its presence especially in the outlying Philippine islands. These are being projected as part of Philippine assertion of its territorial rights in an attempt to dupe the Filipino people, but in fact, form part of US plans to use the Philippines as a pawn in its game-plan  against China. In its drive push back US military build-up around its country, imperialist China has encroached and violated Philippine maritime territory and economic sovereignty, and is committing increasingly aggressive actions against the Philippines.

The situation of rising inter-imperialist rivalries is rousing the Filipino people to defend the country's freedom and demand the imperialist giants - both the US and China - to end their saber-rattling and withdraw their troops from the country's territory. So far, the anti-imperialist revolutionary armed struggle of the Filipino people is the biggest factor preventing an inter-imperialist war from erupting in the region. To the US imperialists, the NPA is a critical impediment that prevents it from fully using the country as springboard for aggresion and using the AFP as pawn in its scheme of stoking military tensions in the South China Sea and dragging the country into a conflict with China in line with its geopolitical interests.

Marcos' generals have declared their aim of dismantling all NPA guerrilla fronts by the end of March, all NPA vertical units by the end of June, and all regional Party committees by the end of the year. The narrow timeline set by Marcos has compelled its ground units to direct its unparalleled vicious wrath against the people with terror campaigns of armed suppression against peasant communities, aerial bombing and artillery shelling and large-scale combat operations in scores of guerrilla fronts across the country. The AFP has become increasingly brazen in extrajudicial killings of civilians and counting them as NPA casualties, as part of its bloody psywar campaign. Like in the US war of aggression in Vietnam, the puppet Marcos and the AFP are conjuring illusions of winning the war for the hearts and minds of the people, harping on bloated, fabricated or rehashed battlefield victories.

Under its National Security Strategy for 2023-2028, the Marcos regime is also employing all means of armed and legal suppression against unions, peasant and semiproletariat mass organizations, anti-mining and environmental advocates, human rights defenders, student associations, cultural groups, alternative media outfits, religious personalities and other progressive individuals both in the cities and rural areas. Marcos has poured billions of pesos for "intelligence operations" resulting in a marked increase in cases of surveillance, abductions, arrests and harassments against social activists.

Marcos rules with martial law methods without its formal declaration in the guise of "fighting terrorism." On the surface, the ruling system appears strong with its use of outright armed repression, but this, in fact, is a clear manifestation of the weakness or inability of the ruling system to rule on the basis of pseudo-democratic persuasion, and its desperation to perpetuate the system based on oppression and exploitation. As did his dictator father, Marcos Jr's employment of brutal tactics of suppression will ultimately prove counterproductive as he can succeed only in further inciting the people's anger and setting fire to their desire to fight back with arms and join the NPA.

The ruling political system is also further weakened by the deepening contradictions among rival factions of the ruling class as all sides become increasingly greedy over the limited spoils and time for bureaucratic corruption. The verbal tussle between the main factions of the ruling clique, the Marcoses and Dutertes, are becoming virulent, especially as they elbow one another in preparation for the 2025 elections. They are on a course of mutual destruction.

The Marcos regime, much detested for its illegitimate claim to power through the 2022 election fraud, is further isolating itself from the people. It has displayed gross disregard for the people's plight, inaction and ineptness amid droughts, floods, landslides and other calamities, while wasting money in successive foreign trips with nothing to gain but mostly empty promises of so-called investments in exchange for assurances of exploiting Filipino workers and resources. It is also rousing people's protests over its attempt to amend the 1987 constitution to enshrine neoliberal policies and attempt to satisfy its desires to perpetuate itself in Malacañang.

The US-Marcos regime is inciting the people's outrage and generating conditions for mass resistance. By waging persevering and militant struggle, a broad anti-fascist united front can rise with great force and engulf the Marcos II regime, just as the Marcos I dictatorship was tossed away in 1986 by the powerful wave of armed resistance and mass protests that grew from years of arduous struggles.

The Party and all revolutionary forces must serve as the solid core and stand at the forefront of the antifascist, anti-imperialist and antifeudal mass struggles of the broad masses of the Filipino people in both the cities and countryside. The situation calls for untiring efforts to arouse, organize and mobilize the people in order to advance their demands for wage increases and land distribution, and other urgent reforms to alleviate their misery and sufferings, and to defend their political, social, economic and cultural rights against intensified oppression under the US-Marcos regime.

The economic and political struggles of the broad masses of the people must be directed against the US-Marcos regime in order to expose its subservience and fascism, isolate and fight it. The urgent demands of the people must be tightly joined to the struggle for national democracy. Furthermore, the revolutionary mass movement of legal and illegal forms of propaganda, organizing and struggle, must be firmly linked with the revolutionary armed struggle by rousing the people, especially the youth, to join the New People's Army or provide it with all possible political, material and moral support to wage all-out armed resistance and bring renewed vigor the people's democratic revolution.

Anti-imperialist resistance amid sharpening world contradictions

Despite the distance and geographical separation, the revolutionary struggle in the Philippines is closely bound to the revolutionary struggles of the working class and toiling people around the world. The accomplishments and victories of the people's democratic revolution in the Philippines are not ours alone, but belong as well to the workers, peasants and all toiling people in other countries. In the same breadth, we celebrate the victories and accomplishments of all the oppressed and exploited classes as they wage revolutionary struggle against imperialism, neocolonialism, fascism and all forms of reaction.

Workers struggles and mass resistance continue to grow and spread across various countries amid the continuing global capitalist crisis, economic stagnation, large-scale joblessness, sharp deterioration of living conditions, sharpening social inequities, intensifying imperialist interventionism, and rising inter-imperialist conflict leading to costly military conflicts and wars.

Across the centers of international capitalism, workers and other democratic classes continue to rise up in numbers as they demand wage increases and better working conditions, and fight back against imperialist war and oppression. Democratic mass struggles continue to erupt in the United States, where the number of strikes rose sharply last year as workers and toiling people face high rates of inflation. Workers in Europe have staged even bigger mass demonstrations and coordinated strikes demanding wage increases.

Since last year, millions of people across the world have joined mass demonstrations condemning the US and Zionist Israel for the genocidal war against the people of Palestine in Gaza. There is also rising opposition to continuing extension of large amounts of military aid of US and NATO countries to prolong the war in Ukraine against Russia. Worsening forms of imperialist oppression are rousing people to build anti-imperialist organizations, formations and centers for cooperation and coordination, and wage campaigns and struggles against imperialist interventionism, rising military spending, war provocations and preparations.

Armed resistance continues to rage across various countries. In Myanmar, ethnic armies are waging guerrilla warfare against the fascist Tatmadaw regime. There are revolutionary armed struggles led by Marxist-Leninist forces in Colombia, India, Kurdistan, Palestine, Peru, the Philippines, Turkey and other countries. There are prevalent conditions for waging protracted people's war across a large number of countries.

Revolutionary proletarian forces across the world continue to consolidate and exert efforts to build communist parties on the theoretical foundations of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism. They carry out theoretical studies to sum-up their histories and conduct social investigation, and engage in widespread propaganda and organizing to strike deep roots among the workers and other oppressed and exploited classes.

The insoluble imperialist crisis is generating conditions that are rousing millions of people to wage all forms of resistance. It is a matter of time that Marxist-Leninist forces, through painstaking work, will position themselves at the vanguard of mass movements and armed struggles and forge a new era of a resurgence of socialist and people's democratic revolutionary worldwide.

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En el Día Internacional de las Trabajadoras del Hogar ¡Abajo la superexplotación! | Revolución Obrera

En el Día Internacional de las Trabajadoras del Hogar ¡Abajo la superexplotación! 1
Manifestación el 1 de mayo en la ciudad de Gerona, Cataluña, España, de trabajadoras del hogar contra la Explotación laboral

Desde 1988, cada 30 de marzo se celebra el Día Internacional de las Trabajadoras del Hogar. Este día llama la atención sobre el aporte de una fuerza de trabajo que es vital para la supervivencia de la especie humana y de la sociedad en su conjunto.

Sin embargo, pese a su importancia social, el trabajo doméstico es una labor muy marcada por la precariedad laboral y la falta de condiciones dignas, particularmente en América Latina y el Caribe, donde alrededor de 15 millones de mujeres se enfrentan a altas tasas de informalidad, bajos salarios y largas jornadas, según declaraciones del director general de la OIT, Gilbert Houngbo.

En Colombia las cifras son alarmantes: según la Gran Encuesta Integrada de Hogares 2019, el 7 % de la ocupación laboral de las mujeres en Colombia se concentra en el trabajo doméstico remunerado; así, 688.000 personas se dedicaban a dicha labor, pues en el 5,6 % de los hogares colombianos contratan personas para que realicen trabajo doméstico de manera remunerada. El 94 % de las personas que se dedican al trabajo doméstico remunerado son mujeres (647.000), con una tasa de informalidad del 83 %. De cada 10 mujeres dedicadas al trabajo doméstico remunerado 6 (el 62 %) ganan un salario mínimo o incluso menos y solo el 17 % del total de mujeres (111.000) tienen acceso a seguridad social.

Según el Ministerio de Trabajo el 80 % de las trabajadoras domésticas no cotiza a pensiones en Colombia, el 77 % recibe alimentos como pago en especie y el 99 % no recibe horas extras; ello pese que desde 1985 el pago de seguridad social (salud y pensión) es obligatorio para estas trabajadoras, pero la ley burguesa respecto a los derechos de los trabajadores es letra muerta.

En diciembre de 2018, en la Planilla Integrada de Liquidación de Aportes solo registró los pagos en salud de 102.123 trabajadoras del servicio doméstico, mientras en riesgos laborales fueron 99.978 y en pensión solo 94.079. Es decir, a la mayoría de quienes ejercen el trabajo doméstico remunerado en el país se les niega el acceso a derechos básicos como la seguridad social. Igualmente, la mayoría de las trabajadoras domésticas no tienen contratos firmados por escrito y están expuestas a condiciones de trabajo inseguras para su salud, así como a abusos y violencias, incluso sexuales, el interior de los hogares donde laboran.

Además, una investigación reciente de la OIT y del DANE, sobre la brecha laboral de género en 2021, reveló que las trabajadoras domésticas remuneradas ganan 27 % menos que el reducido número de hombres que ejercen esa misma labor.

Como si todo esto no fuera suficiente, en el trabajo doméstico la explotación infantil es lamentablemente frecuente: el Ministerio de Trabajo reportó que en 2013 más de 20.000 menores de edad eran trabajadoras domésticas (14.000 por días y 6000 en la modalidad de internas). Asimismo, según el mismos DANE, hasta diciembre de 2018, 475.000 personas entre los 5 y los 17 años realizaban labores del hogar por más de 15 horas o más durante la semana.

Y estas cifras no nos sorprenden si se tiene en cuenta la desfinanciación de la educación rural por parte del muy mezquino Ministerio de Educación que cada año escolar cierra miles de escuelas rurales o les reduce la cantidad de docentes que las atienden; y del desplazamiento forzado del campo a la ciudad, por cuenta de la sangrienta guerra reaccionaria. En la última década el número de mujeres desplazadas dedicadas al trabajo doméstico pasó del 7,4 % al 12,5 %; encima, estas mujeres generalmente carecen de condiciones para entrar al mercado formal, ya que el 4,9 % de ellas no tienen ningún nivel educativo, el 38,6 % solo tiene la primaria y el 22,5 % terminó el bachillerato 1 . Así pues, muchas no ven otro camino que dedicarse al trabajo doméstico.

Igualmente, otras lacras de la sociedad capitalista se hacen evidentes en las condiciones de este sector de la clase obrera: dado el racismo estructural del sistema, las trabajadoras domésticas pertenecen generalmente a comunidades afro o indígenas, que también son las comunidades más olvidadas por el Estado burgués y quienes han sufrido la guerra reaccionaria que los ha despojado de sus territorios ancestrales.

Por otro lado, a pesar de toda esta situación, y aunque el feminismo burgués ha tenido un impulso significativo en los años recientes, sectores de mujeres trabajadoras —como las trabajadoras de servicio doméstico— no se han visto representadas en las consignas que se enarbolan en fechas emblemáticas como el 8 de Marzo y el 25 de Noviembre, incluso en las del 1 de Mayo; de allí que exijan una mayor atención hacia sus luchas por: lograr la formación de las trabajadoras domésticas, la inspección laboral en las empresas intermediarias y los hogares, la creación de un Sistema Nacional de Cuidados, la negociación colectiva para garantizar condiciones dignas de trabajo y derechos; el reconocimiento de sus derechos en términos de salud y pensión; y contra: la discriminación, la violencia y el abuso sexual.

Y este sentimiento de las mujeres más súperexplotadas por el sistema capitalista, es compartido por muchas proletarias de otras ramas de la producción, y se convierte en un llamado a los revolucionarios y comunistas a tomar con mayor rigor y compromiso la tarea de darle un carácter verdaderamente revolucionario al 8 de Marzo y a todo el movimiento femenino.

La lucha de la mujer por su liberación está necesariamente ligada a conquistar las condiciones concretas que le permitan ejercer su poder y su capacidad creadora en la sociedad; para ello es indispensable que las revolucionarias se pongan a la cabeza del movimiento femenino y dirijan a las proletarias a la conquista de condiciones materiales concretas y reales para garantizar su bienestar.

Tanto para las mujeres del trabajo doméstico, como para todas las mujeres y los hombres del proletariado es fundamental la conquista del alza general de salarios, como una lucha concreta de todo el movimiento obrero contra los capitalistas y su Estado, pero es deber de las revolucionarias, organizadas en un Movimiento Femenino Revolucionario, luchar por elevar el espíritu de lucha y de unidad de las mujeres obreras y campesinas —que el feminismo burgués desconoce—, de tal manera que otras reivindicaciones que interesan especialmente a las mujeres sean acogidas por la totalidad del movimiento obrero.

Tendrán que ser las mujeres del Movimiento Femenino Revolucionario las que hagan de las jornadas del 8 de Marzo, 25 de Noviembre y en especial del 1 de Mayo días de especial demostración de fuerza para hacer que las reivindicaciones más urgentes y sentidas de las mujeres se conviertan en consignas que sean escuchadas y acogidas por toda la clase obrera para avanzar en su conquista con la lucha directa y en las calles contra:

  • La superexplotación a través de largas e intensas jornadas de trabajo y la desigualdad salarial
  • Las indignas condiciones de trabajo a las que los capitalistas someten a las mujeres, incluyendo la tercerización laboral
  • Los impedimentos de cualquier tipo, respecto a la formación y educación de las mujeres
  • El acoso laboral y sexual a las mujeres en los puestos de trabajo
  • La carestía de la vida, la especulación y la carga aplastante de impuestos
  • La desprotección social a niños y adolescentes por parte del Estado que lleva en muchos casos a la desescolarización, enfermedad, explotación laboral infantil e incluso la muerte por inanición
  • Las condiciones de vivienda insalubre e indigna para las mujeres cabeza de hogar


  • Equiparación con el salario de los hombres: a igual trabajo, igual salario
  • Derecho al trabajo en condiciones de salubridad, salud ocupacional y contratación directa e indefinida como parte de garantizar la independencia económica de las mujeres trabajadoras
  • Formación para el trabajo para que las mujeres tengan facilidades de conquistar la independencia económica
  • Sanciones ejemplares a las empresas que en silencio apoyan el acoso a las mujeres en sus puestos de trabajo
  • ¡Despido inmediato a los acosadores!
  • Subsidios económicos obligatorios para las mujeres embarazadas y lactantes sin empleo
  • Alimentación adecuada y balanceada de manera gratuita para embarazadas y lactantes sin empleo y para la niñez
  • Erradicación del hambre y la prostitución infantil
  • Garantía de acceso a la vivienda propia para madres cabeza de familia y mujeres maltratadas por sus esposos


1 Según la Gran Encuesta General de Hogares

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O homem errado - A Nova Democracia

Qualquer um que acompanhe as últimas desventuras sobre o envolvimento de Bolsonaro nos atos golpistas, perseguido à la looney tunes pelos palhaços de togas do STF, pode entender os ventos inconstantes que regem o judiciário. Lula, quando foi preso, disse, como todo bom oportunista, apenas uma parte da verdade: a prisão era política e a justiça não é justa. É verdade, a justiça não é justa, isso até os cegos veem. Quando alterna-se a fração da grande burguesia no comando e torna-se interessante ter Lula de volta na presidência, ele é solto. Agora é Bolsonaro quem talvez entre no xadrez. Para os novos-velhos donos da bola, a Justiça volta a ser justa: o problema não era o Estado, só o ministro. Sai Sérgio Moro entra Alexandre de Moraes. Ainda bem que quando é a nossa vez o sistema funciona!

Mas, se quiser um exemplo melhor, desvie do circo e pense em Rafael Braga.

Junho de 2013. Um frasco de Pinho Sol e outro de água sanitária. Se você pirar muito na batatinha, dá pra, talvez, com muito esforço, fazer um coquetel molotov com o mesmo poder de uma caixa de estalinho. Mas Braga não fez. E não faria. E foi preso, porte ilegal de arma incendiária. Cinco anos em Bangu 5. Nada da cela acolchoada ou de retiro literário. Ao posar para uma foto de protesto enquanto preso, foi pra solitária. Apenas devido à repercussão do caso, conseguiu que a pena fosse revertida para prisão domiciliar. Um tempo depois, foi jogado de volta na cela para bater a cota de presos por tráfico de drogas. Nenhuma prova, apenas “a palavra dos policiais” que o arrebentaram e o ameaçaram de estupro. Condenado a onze anos por associação ao tráfico por portar 0,6 gramas de maconha.

A tradução O falso culpado não caiu bem para The Wrong Man, filme de Hitchcock. Manny é acusado de assaltar lugares aos quais nunca foi. Sem direito a se defender, os policiais fabricam provas muito sutilmente, sem nem mesmo perceberem que o fazem. Pedem para que as testemunhas o reconheçam. O problema: Manny parece o assaltante. Logo, as testemunhas, quando solicitadas a dizer qual dos homens, dispostos em fila, as assaltou, não hesitam em apontar para Manny. Fazem-no desfilar em frente às lojas assaltadas para que os lojistas o “reconheçam”, e eles o fazem, naturalmente sugestionados. Um teste de caligrafia: “Você acha parecido?”, “Um pouco.” Isso é suficiente.

A questão é: o que torna Manny o homem errado ? Aos olhos do sistema judiciário, não há nada de errado. Todo crime pressupõe um culpado para o sistema, quem assume a culpa é em quem a carapuça serve. Se em Manny serve, ele é o certo. Não importa a verdade para a Justiça, ela serve pra prender, para conter a rebelião das massas, para fazer “limpeza social”, para fingir uma eficiência do Estado em solucionar os problemas que ele mesmo fomenta.

Manny só é solto porque acham o verdadeiro culpado . Mas e quando não há um verdadeiro culpado? Quem é o culpado do tráfico de drogas? Com certeza não é Rafael Braga, mas ele serve, assim como os mais de 200 mil presos sob a mesma acusação. A lei produz o culpado, por isso a tradução brasileira de Hitchcock é ruim. Não há um culpado quando não é um crime, mas um projeto. Olhe para as milícias, para os 37 quilos de cocaína no avião da FAB, para o latifúndio lavando o dinheiro do maior traficante do Brasil. Os mesmos políticos e militares que financiam o narcotráfico hoje tentam usar Bolsonaro de bode expiatório, salvando todo o resto das santas e inocentes forças armadas.

Agora vamos complicar um pouco as coisas. Pinho Sol não foi a única coisa criminalizada em 2013. Depois de vislumbrar a força das massas, o Estado percebeu que precisava de uma desculpa melhor pra encarcerá-las. Alguns anos depois, em 2016, quando estouram novas ondas de protestos, já estava no forno a Lei Antiterrorismo. Não era mais Copa, era Olimpíada. Agora, qualquer protesto — como diria Datena, “com baderna” — poderia ser chamado de terrorismo, bastava que os juízes fizessem um décimo do esforço dos policiais de Hitchcock. Depois de 8 de janeiro, manifestantes pelo Passe Livre são detidos por acusações de “atos antidemocráticos”. Sob os olhos da lei, são iguais aos fascistas nos quartéis.

A Justiça brasileira é uma fábrica de prisões. Os policiais do cinema sequer perceberem que fabricam provas é a maneira que o filme encontra de nos mostrar que o problema não são os indivíduos, mas o sistema. Ainda bem que os nossos policiais não são tão ingênuos, disseram pra Braga que, se ele não confessasse, colocariam uma pistola em seu bolso. No Brasil a Polícia sabe pra que serve.

Não importou pra Braga ou pra Manny se ninguém podia provar que eles cometeram um crime, importava que eles não conseguiam se defender. A velha piada: o ônus é da acusação. Foi pra isso que inventaram a prisão preventiva, culpado até que se forje a evidência. E depois de 2013 o Estado teve que inventar uma tipificação para facilitar a prisão de quem se revolta. A Justiça brasileira pega sempre o homem errado. Seja Lula ou Bolsonaro, só vão presos quando não são mais presidentes, quando não são interessantes aos verdadeiros mandatários. Mas a cadeira, ela sim continua lá. Quem senta nela paga a dança. E não se prende uma cadeira. Por isso 2013 foi tão perigoso, o povo havia se cansado da dança das cadeiras, saiu à rua para quebrá-las.

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Neuigkeiten zur EM 2024

Die BRD hat in den vergangenen Tagen einige Weichen für das „Sommermärchen 2.0“ im eigenen Land gestellt. Besonders nach dem Anschlag in Russland war der optimale Zeitpunkt für Innenministerin Nancy Faeser gekommen, gegenüber der Presse Kontrollen an allen Grenzen der Republik während der Europameisterschaft anzukündigen. „ Erhöhte Maßnahmen“ will man insbesondere gegen „islamistische Bedrohungen“ ergreifen. „Wir werden während des Turniers an allen deutschen Grenzen vorübergehende Grenzkontrollen vornehmen, um mögliche Gewalttäter an der Einreise hindern zu können“ , so Faeser.

Die CDU forderte in dem Zuge noch mehr repressive Befugnisse. Der Parlamentarische Geschäftsführer der Unionsfraktion, Thorsten Frei, sagte der „Augsburger Allgemeinen“, die deutschen Sicherheitsbehörden bräuchten ähnliche Ermittlungsinstrumente wie „ausländische Geheimdienste“ in der Abwehr von Terroranschlägen, worunter er Onlinedurchsuchung oder die Auswertung von Videoüberwachung mittels Gesichtserkennung und Künstliche r Intelligenz zählt.

Die Bundespolizei werde „ einen sichtbaren und wesentlichen Beitrag für eine sichere Turnierdurchführung an den Grenzen, Bahnhöfen und Flughäfen leisten […] Dabei intensivieren wir die Maßnahmen auf allen Verkehrswegen für die Sicherheit der Fußballfans und Reisenden. In Zügen und Bahnhöfen wird die Bundespolizei die Präsenz erhöhen , so der Sprecher der für NRW zuständigen Bundespolizeidirektion Sankt Augustin, Jens Flören. Nordrhein-Westfalen, das mit Dortmund, Gelsenkirchen, Düsseldorf und Köln gleich vier Austragungsorte beherbergt, wird zu einem Knotenpunkt. Entsprechend wird in Neuss gerade am Aufbau eines „internationalen Polizeizentrums“ (konkret: International Police Coordination Center – IPCC) gearbeitet, wo man während des Turniers alle Informationen und Lagebilder zusammenschalten will. Dort soll der Austausch der Informationen der Polizeien des Bundes und der Länder sowie aus dem Ausland, und deren Auswertung stattfinden. Die Verantwortung für die Steuerung dieses Lagezentrums hatte Nordrhein-Westfalen von der Bundesinnenministerkonferenz zugewiesen bekommen. Das Land hat sich zusätzlich zur EM eine Reihe mobiler Gefängniszellen – Gitterkonstruktionen von 2,20 Meter Höhe – angeschafft. Polizisten in NRW haben während der EM von Innenminister Reul eine Urlaubssperre verordnet bekommen . Reul forderte im Zuge seiner EM-Ausführungen auch nochmal „bessere Instrumente“ wie die Vorratsdatenspeicherung; dass Sicherheitsbehörden auch nach einer gewissen Zeit noch Internet- und Telefonverbindungen nachvollziehen könnten. Mehrere Landesinnenminister der Union wie Armin Schuster (Sachsen) oder Thomas Strobl (Baden-Württemberg) schlugen in die gleiche Kerbe.

Der stellvertretende Bundesvorsitzende der Gewerkschaft der Polizei (GdP), Michael Mertens, bestätigte schon mal die Aussicht, dass in sozialen Medien gegen die Polizei gehetzt werde.

Außerdem wurde durch das Bundeskabinett eine „Public-Viewing-Verordnung“ gebilligt, die die öffentlichen Veranstaltungen unter freiem Himmel auch nach 22 Uhr genehmigt. Das teilte das Bundesumweltministerium mit. Wenn es um die Interessen des deutschen Imperialismus geht, dann ist „Lärm“ offenbar nicht mehr so beeinträchtigend für die Bürger.

Mit den kürzlich getroffenen Maßnahmen und plötzlichen Erfolgen der DFB-Elf gegen Frankreich und die Niederlande kann der deutsche Imperialismus aktuell relativ zuversichtlich auf seine „Heim-EM“ blicken. Nancy Faeser rechnet mit bis zu 12 Millionen Besucherinnen und Besucher n und 2,7 Millionen Fans in den Stadien.

Bildquelle: msn.com

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pc 30 marzo - Valditara e soci - Il problema...

Il problema è che i ministri non solo sono razzisti/fascisti "dentro" e fuori ma anche stupidi e ignoranti...
Ma... non è che queste cose vanno collegate?

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"Sciopero di pasqua" le lavoratrici vogliono aumenti salariali e condizioni di lavoro migliori - info solidale

"Oggi protesta contro Federdistribuzione che vuole più precarietà - tantissimi presidi: salari da fame dal 2019...
...Le cassiere e le commesse sono le categoria che hanno subito maggiormente il boom del part time involontario e allo stesso tempo condizioni salariali e lavorative assolutamente penalizzanti tramite l’uso smodato degli straordinari, quasi sempre non riconosciuti, e imposizione del lavoro nei giorni festivi"
Della Federdistribuzione fanno parte "grandi multinazionali, come Zara e Ikea, e le catene della Gdo Esselunga, Carrefour, Lidl e Panorama per un totale di oltre 240 mila dipendenti". Quindi grandi catene che fanno enormi profitti sul super sfruttamento dei lavoratori, la gran parte donne.
«Il ritardo (del contratto - ndr) si è tradotto in una perdita secca per le lavoratrici ed i lavoratori dell’ordine di svariate migliaia di euro nell’arco di vigenza contrattuale rispetto ai loro colleghi che, pur svolgendo le stesse mansioni ed operando nel medesimo ambito settoriale, si videro corrispondere trattamenti economici più significativi».
"L’infinita trattativa per il rinnovo di questo contratto si è interrotta giovedì con la proclamazione dello sciopero di oggi da parte dei sindacati confederali Filcams Cgil, Uiltucs, Fisascat Cisl con presidi in tutta Italia".
«Le lavoratrici e i lavoratori attendono il rinnovo dal 2019 e ricevono salari fermi all’ormai lontano 2016...».

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Sciopero lavoratrici e lavoratori delle Coop. Sociali - Dalle lavoratrici Slai cobas sc Palermo: No aumenti elemosine, No discriminazioni


contro il CCNL siglato dai confederali da "aumenti" elemosina dei salari rispetto all'aumento dei prezzi e al carovita, da negazione degli arretrati, di più sfruttamento di discriminazioni verso le lavoratrici madri...
vogliamo un lavoro stabile, basta precarietà! Il servizio di assistenza igienico-personale specializzato deve essere garantito per tutti gli studenti e studentesse disabili delle scuole superiori che ne hanno diritto dall’inizio e per tutto l’anno scolastico, è già stata predisposta dalla Città Metropolitana una programmazione, anche con la Regione Siciliana, per l’anno scolastico prossimo per evitare i problemi annosi di risorse e di tempi che si ripresentano ogni anno?
La richiesta alle famiglie degli studenti disabili della certificazione UVM come presupposto per erogare il servizio di assistenza in questione non è legittima, crea discriminazioni e deve essere abolita
a tutti gli Assistenti igienico personale specializzati del bacino deve essere garantito il diritto al lavoro, senza alcuna discriminazione verso le Assistenti donne, a maggioranza nel settore, che non devono essere penalizzate ed escluse dal lavoro, come già gravemente successo, per una presunta e non legittima “questione del genere” che se applicata in modo non consono discrimina di fatto le lavoratrici donne da un lato e dall'altro per l’agire delle Cooperative Sociali non trasparente e non in linea con quanto stabilito dalla normativa vigente e non sufficientemente controllato
il principio di continuità utente/operatrice/operatore deve essere garantito pienamente senza mettere in atto, come successo gravemente quest’anno, accorpamenti non legittimi di utenti o assegnazioni non trasparenti alle Coop Sociali senza rispettare affatto le scelte delle famiglie, solo nell’ottica di risparmiare risorse e tagliare posti di lavoro da parte dell'Ente appaltante, Città Metropolitana
Le ore di servizio settimanali, ad oggi assolutamente non sufficienti, devono essere aumentate per garantire un servizio di piena qualità e sicurezza
è nostro diritto avere la copertura delle giornate di lavoro, in caso di assenza prolungata dell’alunna/alunno disabile, o di assemblee di Istituto o sospensioni di attività didattiche, con la copertura economica per i primi due/tre giorni in caso di assenza dell’alunno e la modalità del recupero delle ore non espletate per i giorni seguenti di assenza, o per le giornate di sospensione
si deve garantire la sostituzione dell’Assistente che deve accompagnare lo studente disabile in caso di gite eliminando invece le attuali modalità che di fatto generano discriminazioni per gli studenti in questione
si devono garantire migliori condizioni di salute e sicurezza sul posto di lavoro
Basta soldi da parte del governo Meloni antiproletario per la guerra ma per i servizi, la scuola, la sanità!
Slai Cobas sc Palermo Via M. Cipolla 93

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Sobre las elecciones en Senegal

Imagen de cabecera: Bassirou Diomaye Faye obtuvo la mayoría de los votos en las elecciones presidenciales de 2024 en Senegal. Fuente: Reuters

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Militarización y belicismo: el gobierno “más progresista de la historia” cedió un tercer puerto militar a la OTAN en secreto

Fragata «Navarra», que realiza acciones militares en el marco de la operación Sea Guardian de la OTAN. Fuente: Diario Menorca

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ΞΑΝΘΗ | Συγκέντρωση αλληλεγγύης στην Παλαιστίνη την Πέμπτη 4/4

Η Οργάνωση Ξάνθης του ΚΚΕ(μ-λ), μπροστά στη συνεχιζόμενη σφαγή του Παλαιστινιακού λαού, ξεκινάει μια εβδομαδιαία καμπάνια αλληλεγγύης στην Παλαιστίνη και καταγγελίας των σιωνιστών και του ιμπεριαλισμού, με συγκεντρώσεις, πικετοφορίες, αφίσες, πανό, εκθέσεις φωτογραφίες κλπ. Σ' αυτά τα πλαίσια καλεί σε συγκέντρωση την Πέμπτη 4 Απρίλη -ημέρα που ξεκινάει η σύνοδος του ΝΑΤΟ για τα 75 χρόνια του- στις 19:00 στην κεντρική Πλατεία.

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Leipzig: Vortrag zu proletarischem Feminismus


Wir veröffentlichen einen Flyer, für eine Veranstaltung in Leipzig, zum Thema proletarischem Feminismus, welcher uns zugeschickt wurde:


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Leipzig: Plakate zu 130 Jahre Vorsitzdender Mao in Schönefeld


Wir veröffentlichen Bilder von Plakaten zur Feier des 130. Jahrestages der Geburt des Vorsitzdenden Mao, aus dem Arbeiterviertel Leipzig-Schönefeld, welche uns zugeschickt wurden:

130Jahre Vorsitzender Mao Leipzig Schönefeld 4

130Jahre Vorsitzender Mao Leipzig Schönefeld 1 130Jahre Vorsitzender Mao Leipzig Schönefeld 2
130Jahre Vorsitzender Mao Leipzig Schönefeld 5 130Jahre Vorsitzender Mao Leipzig Schönefeld 6

130Jahre Vorsitzender Mao Leipzig Schönefeld 7

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