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Surprise and outrage there are among the inhabitants of Menorca, the easternmost of the Balearic Islands. The newspaper The country He has confirmed with government sources from the Ministry of Defense that the port of Maó will be the third Military Port of NATO in the Spanish State, after the bases of Rota (Cádiz) and Cartagena (Murcia). We read in the aforementioned article :
“ In April of last year, the Spanish government offered Maó to the Atlantic Alliance as “port with permanent diplomatic authorization” so that the allied ships that participate in the operation are Guardian (Guardian del Mar), and since then it is working, and since then it is working as such. This operation, directed by the Maritime Aloon Command (Marcom), based on Northwood (United Kingdom), has as its missions the deterrence and protection against terrorist attacks, the knowledge of the maritime environment or the development of regional security capacities ”
In April 2023, we could still be linked in the government coalition. This means that "the most progressive government in history," he deliberately hid the masses that a third port gave. Even to local bourgeois government . For more Inri, we must remember that the false and usurped PCE of Enrique Santiago is within the United We can. If when the PCE general secretary stated that " We are against NATO but Spain has international commitments ”He showed his great hypocrisy, today we see it multiplied.
This scandal was foreseen by different political organizations of the revolutionary and popular movement. The public political position of the Maoist Communist Party (PCM), which was published in He HERALDO RED As exclusive, it alert the following:
“ We also see how Yankee imperialism has de facto recognized that it will not be politically interfere - at the moment - for what happens in Morocco , and that while their investments are not touched, it will let Spanish imperialism maneuver. The Spanish State has sold the Saharahui people to the Alawite reactionary monarchy. He uses it as a currency of Spanish imperialism to his faithful dog, Mohamed VI, so that the Moroccan State accepts Spanish immigration policy at the borders of Ceuta, Melilla and the Strait of Gibraltar. Other imperialist projects, such as "The Train of Mecca" also have the complicity of Yankee imperialism. As counterpart, Spain has accepted all the decisions of Yankee imperialism in NATO, in relation to the war of aggression of Russian imperialism in Ukraine, and in relation to transforming the Canary Islands into a Military Base of NATO and opening the possibility of more bases in the Spanish territory (…) Pedro Sánchez (PSOE) and Yolanda Díaz (Unidos Podemos), and also the opportunists Enrique Santiago and Alberto Garzón (from the false PCE taken by revisionism), They have protected monopolies and shielded their benefits (especially those of the bank and construction monopoly, the energy-electrical and food); The Military Budget has increased and all NATO plans ”