On the afternoon of Thursday 28/3 a gathering of the LARCO employees in Syntagma Square, outside the ministry Finance. About 850 LARCO employees have been fighting for years to keep their jobs. Fight against the approaches of all governments, against the depreciation of the company and the facilities, defending the right them at work

However, once again, the illusions of the PAME unions were shown, who, with their placements, also gave the pulse of concentration. Referring to the government "to do its job properly" and illusions about its decisions and the possible solutions she will propose, a delegation of the gathered went up to the Treasury to meet with a "government step". The government's intentions to close the business are well known and appeared after an hour of discussions, when representatives, although "celebrating for success", announced simply an extension of employee contracts for 40 days.
The struggle of LARCO workers for full and stable work, with decent wages and terms of work, must continue and find the solidarity of all employees