Finnmark: Sami reindeer herders warn of strong opposition to wind power study

Author: Tjen Folket Media
Categories: Innenriks
Description: In Porsanger municipality in Finnmark, Sami reindeer herders are fighting against the development plans for Skarvberget wind farm.
Modified Time: 2024-03-24T12:21:07+00:00
Published Time: 2024-03-31T14:54:00+08:00
Type: article
Images: 000000.jpg

By a commentator for the Earn Folket Media.

In Porsanger municipality in Finnmark, Sami reindeer herders are fighting against the development plans for Skarvberget wind farm.

TV2 reports that in the municipality of Porsanger there is a majority to investigate the possibilities for the company Fortum Nordkraft Vind to set up 20 to 40 wind turbines in an area of 50 square kilometers. The area includes "sieddeduotts", a sacred area in Skuohtanjárga Siida, and is used as a summer pasture by several reindeer herding from Karasjok. However, the CEO of Fortum Nordkraft, Gabriel Karlsen, claims above TV2 that the "final area" for development, if realized, will be about 20 square kilometers.

Reindeer herding Lemet Aslat Eira clearly expresses the article what he thinks about the development plans: "Let's put it this way: Those are not doing well with those who destroy the sacred area". He also says that his family has had summer grazing in the area for generations, and that the investigation is experienced as the municipality trying to chase away the Sami. Eira told TV2 that: "When pressed in a corner, how to get out of the corner quickly? We are pressed from all sides. ” When asked if he "fears (...) that it will be violent," he says "I do not exclude violence, but I hope it does not go so far that we must resort to violence." He is aware that he believes such an extension will be a human rights violation, that "it is war" and that they "will fight with all means".

TV2 writes that on February 22, there were about 150 people outside the municipal building in Porsanger to demonstrate against the municipal council. Head of the Norwegian Samers National Association Youth (NSR-N), Elle Márgget Nystad, who is also among the activists fighting against wind power at Fosen, encouraged a boycott of the municipality. The limb Aslat Eira agrees with the call to boycott: “If the plans are realized, it will mean the hook on the door for us. It is absolutely horrible and I agree that Porsanger should boycotted. (…) This is about the future and they will meet huge resistance. And the money is going to go abroad anyway, so I think Porsanger is going to be left with Blackper. ”

Read also:

Skarvberget wind farm: Reindeer herders does not rule out violence: – It's war – TV2
