PC 31 March - Ravenna. "No abuse in uniform, no repression", students in the square - solidarity info

Author: maoist
Description: Appointment: Friday 5 April, 5.30 pm, Piazza San Francesco (Ravenna). In recent days in our city two guys have been ...
Published Time: 2024-04-01T02:43:00+08:00
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Appointment: Friday 5 April, 5.30 pm, Piazza San Francesco (Ravenna).

In In the past few days in our city two young people have been fined, beaten, arrested and denounced by 8 policemen because they were listening to music in a public square in the city center.

Unfortunately We are not amazed: for years it has been arbitrary search for years, Identifications, fines, abuse and intimidation by the police They are on the agenda in Ravenna and beyond, we remember the case of migrant worker who only a few weeks ago was beaten and Arrested for no reason by a carabinieri patrol in Modena.

These cases perpetuated above all towards us young people have created a climate in which now does not

We feel more sure to live the city, drink a beer or Simply spend some time with friends in spaces that they should be public.

Not We have more spaces in which we can meet, debate or be Together, especially in the city center, in the name of a "decoration" that yes translates to freedom to live the city only for those with money for Allow it while for all the others there are repression and abuse.

To To aggravate the situation, the demonstrations are also systematically diverted to prevent them from reaching the center, the spaces for debates or assemblies in schools and universities are not granted, until intimidation and threats of denunciation for those who try to attack a banner or distribute a flyer.

There situation of our city is part of a national context in which we have been seeing an escalation of repression for months, in which the processions of students from Bologna to Pisa or Catania come constantly eaten since the police are legitimate and defended a do it both by the Meloni government and the municipalities, led by the center -right as from the center -left.

Not We accept more abuse or repression by the forces of the Order of Ravenna, as the first step we demand the resignation Immediate by Andrea Giacomini, commander of the local police of Ravenna, responsible for the events in Piazza San Francesco.

OSA Emilia Romagna

Change Emilia Romagna route

Source: https://proletaricomunisti.blogspot.com/2024/03/pc-31-marzo-ravenna-no-abusi-in-divisa.html