More actions for the anniversary of the Paris Commune in France – The Red Herald

Author: A.R.
Categories: Europe, Featured
Description: Recently, the Ligue de la Jeunesse Révolutionnaire has published more actions for the anniversary of the Paris Commune throughout the country.
Modified Time: 2024-03-30T22:00:03+00:00
Published Time: 2024-03-31T06:57:00+08:00
Sections: Europe, Featured, France, English, pll_66088c05dfa64
Tags: France
Type: article
Images: 000000.webp 000001.webp

Recently, the Ligue de la Jeunesse Révolutionnaire has published more actions for the anniversary of the Paris Commune throughout the country.

In Saint-Étienne an action was done in the streets by the Amis de la Commune:

In Strasbourg several graffiti were done by the LJR, including one where “Glory to the martyrs of the Commune!” was written.

Source: LJR on X

La Cause du Peuple published several actions done in Paris:

First, they take images with a banner denouncing the symbol of the column of the Square of Vendôme. The following is written on the banner:

The commune of Paris, considering that the imperial column of the Square of Vendôme is a monument of barbarism, a symbol of the brute force and the false glory, an affirmation of militarism, a negation of international law, a permanent insult of the winners to the defeated, a perpetual attack on one of the three main principles of the French Republic, the fraternity. It is decreed: the column of Place Vendôme will be destroyed.

In another banner, hang up in front of the Basilique du Sacré-Coeur de Montmartre, the following was written: “Long live the Paris Commune, that we promise to repeat”
