Look at The videos from Gaza is struck by ferocity of the Israeli army; it is perceptible in every gesture, even in free snorkels of children. There is no justice in it, no ethical consciousness or justified action; There is only one gigantic will to annihilate the Palestinians.
Ferocity, cruelty, terror. Any term is used to describe the behavior of the Israeli army, even the most precise, will not be never able to fully represent what is happening really in Gaza. Which is something exceptional; extraordinary, own.
Becomes increasingly clear that what is happening in that strip of land is, together, a ferocity
already seen, which re -tightened to others genocidal drives, and a new type ferocity, which stands out for the high technological capacity used against a people substantially Unarmed. A painful and cowardly ferocity.
AND It is clear that the end of the Israeli army is not “the destruction of Hamas ”, but the removal of the Palestinians from the Gaza Strip, First stop for a new colonization. It does not exist - it is possible, Given the story of that conflict - no different objective.
Self It will not be a total departure, it will have to be balanced - fragile - of that area of the world, rather than the ethical awakening of Westerners or Arab countries. For the highly symbolic impact it has Always had in the Arab populations, the "Palestinian question" is not resolvable with a simple physical elimination of the Palestinians; someone will have to stay alive, perhaps confined in some desert, So that the balances are maintained at a guard level. Must that the genocide is not complete so that Israel's goal will come reached up.
So, no; However positively the resolution of the UN security advice, there is nothing to applaud. Fire It will always cease too late.
TO Gaza is not only shipwrecked the ethics of Western countries, now clearly deprived of his intrinsic "humanistic and liberating sense", But the inability of the liberal-democracies to stop a genocide in progress. All the superstitions deriving from the excess of confidence with the Israeli "democracy", from the propensity to tolerate their excesses and crimes, delivered the Palestinians to the massacre.
In last two years we got drunk with rhetoric, demonizing the autocracies and glorifying the liberal-democratic system; But it painful show offered by the West in the face of the genocide of Palestinians shows - once again and unequivocally - that this which count are not the "values", the "universal" rights or the law international, but only and only the strategic alliances.
The "Spirit" profound liberal-democracies is not very different from that of autocrazies: You make history when you do business. From consequence, any positioning different from the one that brings a Strategic advantage is nefarious and must be carefully avoided. Until When Israel will help to defend the western ambitions of hegemony, until it is worthy of this role in the chessboard medium-eastern, will not discredit its value.
Not It is certain that the greatest mystification has revealed itself In the most squalid representatives of militarized liberalism, i fanatics of atlantism who did not hesitate to accuse of Anti -Semitism anyone who has criticized Israel. Those who, for understand us, do not fail to support the Ukrainian flag with that of Israel, regardless of the logical short circuit and of every decency intellectual.
These liberals from operetta are the avant -garde cialtrona dell'Egemonia western; they place themselves beyond any truly universal value, Perishing the cause of a hateful form of supremacy. The defense of Israel is part of this ideological cage. They have eluded their own rhetoric, combining cynical and instinct for conservation of an hegemony that is already lost; mystification and sense of superiority: the Worse, really.
These they are only the most grotesque representation of a "spirit" that is constitutive of liberal-democracies, whose vital interests do not They coincide with those of the peoples, but with class exclusivity. The adjective "liberal" dominates the noun "democracy".
The essence, Here you are; of democracy. There is the democracy of the privilege, and there is that of equity. In the first, what has the most value is the market, the profit, business, all dimensions that produce inequalities and poverty; In the second, the overcoming of iniquities is the fulcrum of Every action, its only purpose.
There First, that of privileges is the democracy of the stock exchange, of colonialism, the accentralization of wealth in a few hands, of combination of politics and military industry; The second is democracy of the "without properties", of peoples, of peace.
For The first, the theft of resources serves to maintain privileges; and the democracy that wants to export herself, not hesitating to bomb other nations, invading lands not of his, violating the law international. For the second, only the equality of peoples has value positive, any part of the land inhabits.
There is The democracy of imperial interests, and there is that of peoples. If the first makes the world a less free and safe place, the second has a single reason to exist: get rid of the forces that promote the first, making democracy the space of equality e of peace.
In fund, even in the "Palestinian question" a different idea is at stake of democracy. The idea of a democracy that cannot coincide with the colonialism, military occupation or ethnic cleaning. Just for This, today, democracy defends itself by contrasting the attitude Genocidaria of Israel.
Everything is fine speech that defends the instances of Israel and that justifies them to behaviors is not only complicity with the genocide, but it is also - e perhaps above all - a way of emptying the very idea of democracy.