Here is a small foretaste of the number 29 of the red flag:
In February it was announced that two activists from the (formerly) SP-related organization "Der Funke" with the paragraphs §282 (1) and §282a (2) StGB, the so-called "terrorist paragraph", are threatened. Your "pass"? They shared a text that was suitable for asking for a terrorist crime.

The two Vorarlberg activists Sonja and Alex were invited to the Feldkirch public prosecutor at the end of February. They are accused of spreading the statement "Down with hypocrisy! For the defense of Gaza! Statement of the imt " to have committed criminal acts. The highest penalty for the paragraphs threatened to them are two years of deprivation of liberty. Even if we do not share many of the views and positions from the statement mentioned, it is necessary to vehemently oppose these accusations and the threat of a terrorist process. The defense of freedom of expression, which is treaded by the Austrian authorities and the judiciary, is relevant here. If this case actually leads to a conviction by the above -mentioned paragraphs, the door and gate would open to be able to use the "terrorist paragraph" to the judicial justice. If this case would lead to a conviction, a large part of the Palestine-solidary activities would be threatened to be interpreted in such a way that "terrorist support" could be constructed.
This case symbolizes the anti -democratic policy of the rulers towards those who condemn the genocide of the Palestinians and defend the rights of the Palestinians. Numerous demonstrations have already been banned, hundreds were received and in around 70 cases the judiciary is determined. This is about preventing the prevailing unpleasant opinions and protest - and this is directed against the democratic rights of the population. All charges against Sonja and Alex must be dropped immediately!
(1) Section 282 of the Criminal Code to request punished acts and good heat with punished acts
(2) § 282a StGB request for terrorist crimes and good heating terrorist crimes
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