Declaration received - Unofficial translation - Part One

Intensify the Revolutionary armed struggle for national democracy! Carry critical and urgent tasks to correct errors and Advance the revolution!
Central Communist Party Committee of the Philippines
The Committee Central of the Communist Party of the Philippines holds the flag high red of the national democratic revolution and, on behalf of all Paintings and party members, revolutionaries and activists, addresses the his more firm greeting to all the red commanders, to the fighters and to the militias, while we celebrate, on this very important occasion and Gioiosa, the 55th anniversary of the new army of the people.
Today, we look at back to our successes and shortcomings during the year past, we draw lessons from these and formulate plans to obtain bigger results in conducting the revolutionary armed struggle against the fascist regime and the Marcos-Strati united in the next year.
In this occasion, we remember and honor all the heroes and martyrs of the Filipino Revolution that sacrificed everything for the cause of Filipino people for national and social liberation. We exalt the their life and let us inspire their martyrdom. What way Better to honor their memory than by continuing the cause revolutionary who have helped to advance?
The Committee Centrale is pleased to inform everyone that the call for a movement that the Party launched last December was wholeheartedly welcomed by all the regional committees of the Party and the NEP commands. They have responded positively and are currently holding synthesis conferences and study meetings for identify errors and deficiencies in order to correct them, and carry out all tasks consistently and comprehensively Revolutionary.
We must do everything possible to carry on the revolution, in order to defend the interests of the Philippines who are subjected to increasingly serious forms of oppression and exploitation by the US-MARCOS regime. The country faces the real and growing danger of be dragged into an inter-imperialist war. The necessity of carry on the revolutionary armed struggle, in particular, is of great urgency, being the most important weapon of the Filipino people to fight for his revolutionary cause.
The conditions of Crisis of the country push the oppressed and exploited masses of the people Filippino to carry on their struggles. Under the guidance of the party, The revolutionary forces are determined to awaken, organize and mobilize the Filipino people in large numbers, carry on constantly the national democratic revolution and bring it to unprecedented levels in the future, facing all sacrifices e The necessary difficulties.
Take The initiative to inflame the armed struggle! Frustrate the assault a All field of the enemy
The Armed Struggle led by the New People's Army (NPA) under the absolute leadership of the Communist Party of the Philippines is in a moment critic. The cadres of the party, the commanders and the red fighters, the Revolutionary Mass Organizations and Activists in the Countryside and in the cities, they are called to courageously take on our urgent tasks, to raise the red flag of the revolution, to inflame the armed struggle, to lift it from its current state of adversity and to emerge stronger than ever.
On the one hand, there is the urgent need to lead the armed struggle to launch shots against the enemy in the face of the intensification of the aggression imperialist economic and military intervention e to the intensification of the fascist assault. The declared goal of enemy of "putting an end to the reinforced conflict" Try to pave the way to the absolute trampling of the sovereignty of the country and to the total oppression of the Filipino people.
On the other hand, the our forces have been weakened to a large extent by internal errors, weaknesses and deficiencies due to years of military conservatism e passivity. Guided by the party, the NEP units are currently undertaking crucial rectification and consolidation efforts with the aim of overcoming the arrest trips of the past, exit from military liability, preserving and expanding their forces e reinvigorate the guerrilla warfare.
To cope with this particular situation, we must firmly grasp the dialectical relationship between fighting the enemy and strengthening ours Forces: we must strengthen the NEP to effectively fight the enemy; We must fight the enemy to effectively strengthen the Nep. We cannot separate from each other. The first is enough clear to see and does not need to be developed further; But the latter is not so obvious, and some could also Support the opposite.
When we talk of armed struggle and fight against the enemy, we intend to hit the enemy armed forces, using all kinds of weapons in the hands of the guerrilla and the people. We intend mainly to organize basic tactics offensive that we are able to win, that they weaken the enemy by annihilating his armed forces piece for piece, and they take off their weapons so that they can arm more recruits e Organize even larger tactics offensive in the future. We increase the ability of the NEP to make war making war.
In front of to the current assault of the enemy, the NEP commands at the front level and provincial or sub -shade, they must plan to lead one active defense war at the level of campaigns and battles, anticipate the deployment of the enemy and hitting its weakest parts. They must be ready to move their main forces or the center of gravity outside the lighter of the enemy, leaving or By sending teams or composite units to conduct various types of actions of guerrillas and tactical offensives who are able to win e inflict serious damage to the enemy.
The task of organize tactical offensive that we are able to win must be completed with meticulous planning and with the maximum vigor, as a way to galvanize the NEP and as the first decisive step for the correction.
Along the line to wage extensive and intense guerrilla warfare on a mass basis wider and deeper, all the units of the People's Army and popular militias are called upon to take full initiative and to exercise flexibility in their actions. The NEP must strengthen and expand its ties with the masses. Must to defend the peasant masses and the people against their oppressors and fascist exploiters, and make propaganda, organization and mobilization to carry on their anti-feudal mass struggles and agrarian reform.
Most of NEP plants must be deployed to help consolidate and expand the guerrilla fronts and build guerrilla fronts larger like companies. Guerrilla platoons must forge a clear floor to send their units within one data ray that is limited at a given moment to avoid excessive dispersion, but wide enough for defensive and offensive maneuvers, with a clear period of time to advance wave on, or expand the revolutionary mass base on the basis of Consolidation. We expand the area of NEP operations with methods of delay advancement or secretly bypassing in relatively areas favorable where it can start lifting, organizing and mobilizing people to get a support point. We can always send NEP unit in pioneering missions to start guerrilla war Open new areas of guerrilla warfare where the less suspicious enemy and yes Wait.
Together with Farmer mass organizations, to the territorial committees of party and other revolutionary forces, the NEP must lead social investigation campaigns to identify issues and i more urgent problems than the masses and accelerating the efforts for lift, organize and mobilize the peasant masses, bringing forward their urgent democratic claims, connecting them with their agricultural revolutionary movement and the democratic revolution popular.
We need to lend Attention to the construction or reconstruction of the organs of the political power in the villages and at the highest levels on the foundations of the full-fledged mass organizations of peasants, women, young people, cultural workers and other workers who cover the neighborhoods or groups of neighborhoods or municipalities, as well as sections and the party's sectional committees. Many of these organs of political power have been targeted by armed repression of the enemy. We need to summarize our experiences and find policies to ensure that the organs of political power, the mass organizations, local mass leaders are protected and kept off the radar of enemy intelligence.
We have to consolidate and strengthen the base of the masses and forge plans for increase their militancy to affirm their civil rights, political, social and economic, and to unmask and resist collectively and resolutely to the dirty tactics of the enemy. We have to frustrate the despicable plans of the enemy aimed at breaking the unity of the people, force him to surrender one by one, or ENLUS THE COMMANDERS AND THE RED FUNTURES to abandon the masses with false promises of a better future. In fighting the campaign of repression of the enemy, local forces must not be abandon themselves to themselves. Their struggle must be brought to a higher level to draw strength from numbers and solidarity of people, from villages adjacent to the international community. Above all, the NEP must make all the efforts to demonstrate his determination to defend the people by hitting their oppressors fascists.
Wherever they go, the Red fighters and NEP commanders also carry out campaigns of production, education, health and culture in order to address the practical needs of the masses. They must continue to forge bonds strong and inseparable from the masses. They must always identify with the the ills of the peasant masses and find solutions to the situation facing them. they are condemned by their exploiters.
The units of the NEP they must consolidate, strengthen and expand their own strength. AND extremely important that the fighters and red commanders are They unite with a single mind and act as a single body. For achieve this, they must take stock of their points of strength and weakness and plan the necessary measures to increase The determination and ability of red fighters and masses revolutionary to fight and frustrate the attacks on the whole field of the enemy.
We have to improve the NEP command structure at all levels, ensuring the quality and composition of the units controls of the horizontal and vertical forces, as well as the command of regional and provincial or sub -shared territorial operations. The Manager nucleus at every level of command of the NEP should be composed of commanders and fighters who are models of courage of in front of the enemy and models of humility in the face of the masses.
Our Strengths guerrillas must be able to conduct training political-military bases, as well as training for officers, at the in order to improve the skills and knowledge of our Red Fighters and Commanders in Science and Tactics and further strengthen their commitment to serve the people. The training system should be improved to allow for shorter or staggered courses in order to adapt to the Fluid military situation amid relentless operations Enemy.
The units of the NEP they should continue to master flexibility in changing their ways of action from concentration, dispersion e to the move, depending on the situation and their goals. We concentrate our forces to attack the enemy and consolidate ourselves, disperse us to conduct mass works, disappear in front of the enemy and create more initiative points, and we move to pursue expansion plans or to get out of lighter enemy.
All units of the NEP must avoid unrelated battles and look for ways for Make the enemy punch the air and run out. They have to immediately and regularly evaluate their situation, correct All security bellies and remove all vulnerabilities. They must diligently look at the enemy tactic of smuggling electronic or GPS locators. They must strengthen the their determination to put into practice the principles and methods of the secrecy in guerrilla movements, during the march or the bivouac. They must constantly maintain a high level of discipline and respect for military regulations between the red fighters, and a high degree of revolutionary political consciousness to strengthen the their will to make the sacrifices necessary to maintain the NEP security. They must criticize and correction all violations of policies and security regulations that compromise the secrecy of the guerrilla warfare.
The NEP must decisively dismantle the enemy intelligence network that yes hides in plain sight among the masses, narrowing the field to Capibanda, in particular to those who have committed serious crimes against the people. The masses, especially those who have endured The weight of the repression campaign of the enemy demand that the Subscribed traitors who actively collaborated with the enemy as agents or spies, they are subjected to revolutionary punishments and that their misdeed criminals and counter -revolutionaries are completely unmasked.
All units of the NPA must evaluate the intelligence of the enemy of the enemy (built from information contained in compromised files, disclosed by traitors or accumulated through long periods of surveillance) and how this is connected to the conduct of enemy operations. Must make appropriate plans and adjustments in the their plans to make the intelligence information of the enemy not practicable or unusable.
The NPA must continue to follow rigorous rules in safety and in protection of sensitive information, observing the compartmentalization, using figures and encryption and lending attention to permanent policies that cover the regulated use computers, smartphones, cell phones, radio transceiver e Other electronic gadgets. We must also develop mastery of the art of disinformation and sidetracking, including the power supply of the intelligence network of the enemy or of the electronic surveillance with false positives, in order to confuse the enemy and frustrate his attacks.
We need to lead a campaign of proselytism in the ranks of the enemy, many of whom are of peasant, working-class, semi-proletarian or petty-bourgeois, who were enticed to enlist in the armies of the enemy because of his high wages. I am fully aware of the rot and corruption of the organization reactionary military forces, and have deep grievances about the abuses perpetrated against them by their superiors, as well as for the serious crimes and human rights violations that they are forced to perpetrate against the masses. We have to hand out leaflets and do Open propaganda in camps, detachments or stations Military. We can encourage staff who are disgruntled with the forces enemy military and police forces to quit their jobs, to join the revolution, to transmit valuable information, or to live a life as civilians, and to share in the fruits of their labor collective of peasant mass organizations.
We have to Continue to build and strengthen the party within the new Popular army to guide him in all his duties. We have to continue to recruit the most advanced elements and guarantee theirs training and their ideological, political and organizational development. THE Party committees must be built at the level of companies; Sections of the party in platforms; and party groups in teams. The Party must designate political officials among its ran ranks and instructors in each NEP formation to ensure that politics commands weapons. We must also guarantee the deployment of paintings and activists of urban areas, in particular of the files of workers, as well as students, teachers and other intellectuals and small-bourgeois professionals, in order to increase the ability of the NEP in carrying out the various management tasks e administration.
The tasks above are critical and must be carried out with a high degree of urgency from Party cadres and red commanders in the centre and to the leadership of the New People's Army. It is particularly urgent need to take the military and political initiative to regain the guerrilla warfare points of the NPA units, especially those have suffered setbacks in the past and forced into a passive position, frustrate the enemy's assault and carry on the Revolutionary armed struggle. These tasks are to be carried out by the Left and from the NEP as we carry on the rectification movement to eradicate the ideological foundations of the errors and weaknesses of the in order to create the conditions for renewed growth of the revolutionary armed struggle.
Reaffirm i fundamental principles of popular war in the Philippines
Each unit of the NEP must summarize its experiences and correct errors in line with the spirit of criticism and self -criticism, guided from the global self -criticism provided in the Committee's message Central for the 55th anniversary of the party and by the synthesis of experiences in the context of their work and the circumstances of theirs areas of activity. The units that have undergone setbacks must pay particular attention to the analysis of the battles defensive in order to identify their mistakes and weaknesses. We have to learn from the lessons paid at a high price with the blood of our martyrs as a way to honor their sacrifices.
The 55th Anniversary of the NPA is a very propitious opportunity to reaffirm The basic principles and the theory of popular war in the Philippines. This is particularly important as we are faced with a critical situation following serious setbacks in the last years, which require us to correct our mistakes and our weaknesses.
Applying the Marxism-Leninism-Maoism at the concrete conditions of the country, the Party has developed the theory of popular war in the Philippines and led the new army of the people in conducting the armed struggle revolutionary from one level to another. The 1974 article, Specific characteristics of our popular war, exposed the theory, the principles, the program and the plan to conduct a war revolutionary in the Philippines. Took the system into consideration semi -colonial and semi -feudal, the archipelagic character of his geographical and physical soil, as well as other specific characteristics of the country.
Our conquests in revolutionary practice in the last 55 years are the concrete proof of the correctness of these theories. A further test of the validity of these theories are the setbacks and the losses we have suffered because of our inability to Firmly stick to these theories.
The rightness of the National Democratic Revolution was demonstrated in the practice leading the revolutionary armed struggle in the countryside such as main form of struggle, and the mass revolutionary movement that combines legal and illegal forms of struggle in cities and in the campaigns, as a secondary but indispensable form of struggle. Supporting the national democratic line, we managed to build a mass base of several million people, under the firm direction of the proletariat, creating the basic alliance of workers and peasants mainly through the management of the NEP by the party, and building the national front for fight imperialism, feudalism and capitalism bureaucratic, with the aim of overturning the reactionary state dominant of the great bourgeois compradores and the great owners Fondiari.
In the last 55 years, we have overcome the greatest difficulties and obstacles in the to wage the people's war in the Philippines as an archipelagic country. We were able to develop guerrilla warfare on a scale of our own. despite the disadvantage of not having a physical backline. We have established guerrilla fronts and consolidated rural bases with strong enough units of the NEP in all the main islands of the country. These guerrilla fronts served as theaters for the units of the NPA to conduct guerrilla warfare. They create zones and bases of guerrilla warfare first in less populated mountainous terrain, where they could consolidate, train, and plan for expansion to the plains rivers, major transport lines and areas Coastal.
Starting alone 60 red fighters armed with only nine automatic rifles and 26 weapons lower type of fire in the second district of the province of Tarlac, we managed to develop our forces from teams and Plotoni, to the guerrilla forces of the force force. We have created 14 regional commands of the NEP, each of which has reached a maximum strength of a few hundred or more or less a thousand fighters Rossi, and each one has a number of sub -supremes or provincials with different fronts of guerrilla warfare.
The revolution National Democratic Filipino had the particularity of being progressed in great steps and having led the armed struggle in the current period of international backwarding of the proletariat world. With the defeat of the socialist revolution and the capitalist restoration in China and in the Soviet Union under the modern revisionist regime, the Filipino people had to lead and independently develop the revolutionary armed struggle.
We have decided The red political power in thousands of villages across the country. We built the rudimentary forms of the democratic government popular at the district or inter-district level, with officials elected in the village assemblies or selected by local revolutionary mass organizations.
We conducted Warrilla throughout the country adopting the policy of the command centralized strategic and decentralized operations in campaigns and in battles. Over the past decades, i regional party committees and the NEP regional commands have developed high -quality local paintings and commanders, capable of autonomously guide the wide range of revolutionary tasks, along the line established by the Central Committee. Many of them are were promoted to the Central Party Committee and the Command National of NEP operations.
As we carry before a grinding movement, it is essential that all the of the Party, the commanders and fighters of the NPA, and all the forces reaffirming our basic analysis of the system semi-colonial and semi-feudal in the country, and the principles and theories of Basis for Leading the People's Democratic Revolution in the Philippines through a protracted people's war along the strategic line to surround the cities by the countryside; study the history of the revolutionary struggle over the past 55 years to draw lessons from the its successes and setbacks; Have a vision at of the tasks ahead of us to advance the quantitatively and qualitatively, the revolutionary forces, up to when we fail to transform the current balance of power into the its opposite.
Like the party has established, the long -lasting popular war in the Philippines will cross three probable development phases: the defensive strategic, strategic balance and strategic offensive. This path of advancement of the popular war in the Philippines It is determined by the dialectical laws of development. Desire Another road or not being able to go along the path is almost Certainly fatal.
In the 80s, unprocessed elements of the small bourgeoisie, in the direction of Party nourished the idea of a shortcut for a rapid victory. They questioned the basic analysis of the system party Semi -colonial and semi -final, they promoted the idea that the dictatorship of Marcos has industrialized and transformed the country into a country capitalist, they exaggerated the process of urbanization of the country and have minimized the extension of the agricultural economy by quoting false government statistics.
Next to the "left" opportunists, there were various strands of right-wing opportunists who rejected the need to conduct a Revolutionary armed struggle. In the late 1980s, some promoted the line of "people's democracy" that in the end has been consolidated into "non-governmental organisations" that They promote reformism and class collaboration. To them, yes They will later unite the "left" opportunists who, after having failed in their line of insurrectionalism and military adventurism, they served as NGO bureaucrats in the so-called "civil society" community. Still others engaged in "peace talks" to facilitate the their surrender to the reactionary regime, with some allowed to maintain paramilitary forces to fight the NEP, while engaging in various types of criminal activity.
There he wanted the Second great correction movement to save the forces of the Revolutionary guerrillas from suffering further serious losses. Reaffirming the fundamental principles of the party to conduct the popular democratic revolution through a popular war prolonged, the NEP units were reorganized to reach a correct balance of horizontal and vertical forces, in order to carry out both political and military work effectively. The Party stated the tactical military line to lead a guerrilla warfare extended and intensive on the basis of an increasingly broad mass base and deep in the strategic defense phase.
The New Army Popular Successfully Frustrated Stated Annual Targets by the enemy to crush the revolutionary armed movement. Has successive campaigns of encirclement and suppression, including including the Oplan Katatagan, the Oplan Lambat Bitag I, II and III, the Oplan Gordian Knot, the Oplan Makabayan, the Oplan Bantay Laya I and II, the Oplan Bayanihan and the Oplan Kapayapaan and, overall, more strong. The Party leadership has estimated that the people's war has reached the middle stage of strategic defense around the middle of the of the 2000s, and made plans to meet the requirements for Reach the advanced stage and on the threshold of equilibrium strategic.
Even then, However, we were bogged down in military conservatism problems who kept things stopped at the intermediate phase. Years of conservatism in all aspects of revolutionary work and complacency have led to the self -usement of the army popular and a slow weakening and reduction of the mass base, making it vulnerable to lighter and enemy repression, leading to setbacks and losses. One of the harmful effects of empiricism was our inability to draw quickly lessons from experience in order to raise the level of ours knowledge and theory, from the level of the national command of the NEP up to the regions and fronts, with the result of not adapting to changes in the enemy's tactics and to make mistakes repeatedly.
Under the Direction of the Central Committee, the whole party, the new army Popular and all revolutionary forces are currently implementing a correction movement to identify and get rid of the roots Bourgeois and small-bourgeois ideological of our mistakes, weaknesses and past shortcomings, reaffirm our point of view and ours proletarian methods to carry on more resolutely the Revolution.
The current correction movement is basically a study movement for review and reaffirm the fundamental principles of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism contained in the classic writings of Great communist masters and in those of Ka José Maria Sison; study the Constitution and the Program of the Party; study i documents of the first and second great correction movement of Match; to summarize the experiences of the last five and 25 years; conduct a campaign of social investigation and class analysis; carry out criticism and self -criticism activities; evaluate performance of the party paintings; and to fully implement the party course a Three levels.
All committees and the regional bodies of the party and the NEP commands welcomed APPLY THE APPEAL FOR A REST MOVEMENT since the Central Committee issued it on December 26, 2023. Sessions of summary and study, conferences of social investigation and meetings planning, have been kept or are scheduled to be conducted by various party committees and NEP commands to all levels. At the same time, the necessary is being implemented reunification of the NEP forces to deal with the various forms of self -usement, expand the scope of the NEP operations, open new areas outside of the enemy's lighter, fight fascist repression in the old areas, and awaken, organize and mobilize the peasant masses vigorously.
The declaration of the correction movement in December frustrated the regime US-MARCOS and the reactionary state that the pious desire had that the Party was on the verge of capitulation following capture e to the assassination of some key leaders of the party, as well as to disappearance of Ka Joma, the president of the party and his Guide light. In response, the enemy has paid any quantity again greater than funds and resources in his counter -revolutionary war e has further intensified his encirclement campaign e repression. This has now taken the form of incessant and widespread armed repression campaigns against peasant communities, Air and artillery bombing and combat operations on Large scale in dozens of guerrilla fronts throughout the country.
Inspired by Rectification movement, party leaders and NEP fighters have become more fearless and determined, despite the great disparity in the current balance of forces. We can recognize more deeply than the superiority of the enemy in terms of armaments provided by the United States is compensated by rot e from the dying state of the system that is defending; is that The inferiority of the NEP in terms of armaments is compensated by the his superiority in terms of broad support of the Philippine masses. Armed with the dialectical method of thought, we also recognize that This situation is temporary and in the end it will pass through the his denial, as the popular war advances from its phase current to the next one and the enemy is further involved in the unsolvable crisis of imperialism and the system Semi -colonial and semi -feudal dominant.