Armament production for Israel in the USA. - By workers in Palestine
Taken from MaoistRoad - Translation of Workers Revolution
The main countries involved in the supply of weapons and military assets to Israel are the US, Germany, Italy and the United Kingdom. This document describes the sites connected to production for the Israeli army in different countries and, when possible, identify from where military goods are transported .
Our goal is to provide an resource for actions that point to the production or transport of military goods, or that interrupt the activity of Israel's military suppliers, and also to link resources that can be used to take measures in specific countries.
Our research identifies companies that produce some of the most fundamental armaments for the Israeli army, including Lockheed Martin (main contractor for the F35 combat plane), Boeing (manufacturer of many of the guided weapons used by the Israeli army), Bae Systems ( An important supplier for the F35), Leonardo (part of the F35 coalition) and Raytheon (manufacturer of the guided pump Paveway).
The action is possible in different ways: while we identify direct production sites for the Israeli army, it is also possible to address multinational companies that produce for Israel even if military goods are manufactured elsewhere. Similarly, it is possible to point to companies involved in the transport of military goods to Israel.
Weapons production is highly international and many of the most traceable supply chains are for goods such as combat aircraft manufactured by international coalitions. These planes are fundamental for the current war and the bombing of Gaza; Israel is using "All fighter jets at your disposal" , including F15, F16, F35 and AH-64 Apache helicopters. There are 408 links in the supply chain for the F35, for example: see a List of companies involved here .
Inevitably, supply chains are much more complex than this document can cover and many smaller companies are involved. If you use this document as a starting point, it is possible that you can identify more detailed supply chains to interrupt.
The United States
Weapons production for Israel in the United States
The United States is Israel's largest arms supplier, supplying more than 90 percent of its weapons imports. The United States grants Israel Almost 4 billion dollars in military aid annually, "including about 500 million dollars for air and missile defenses." In addition, Israel spends considerably in US weapons, having acquired approximately 53.5 billion dollars in US military goods. During the last seven decades according to the Defense Security Cooperation Agency, including 6.5 billion dollars in the last five years until 2022. Israel has made some of these purchases using the military aid received from the USA. UU. To obtain a list of all agreed arms export licenses through the US Foreign Military Sales Program. UU., including main contractors and sites, see here (Note: Not all of these agreements have resulted in exports) .
The largest arms companies in the United States are Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, Boeing, Northrop Grumman and General Dynamics. These companies are international and have subsidiaries abroad .
Some of the most significant weapons manufactured in the United States for Israel include:
El F-35 Joint Strike Fighter
Israel has bought 50 F35 combat planes and has received 36 by the end of 2022. They are based on the Nevatim Air Base, in southern Israel. In 2021, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) announced that they had used F35 in combat for the first time in Gaza. F-35 is an international collaboration; See other profiles from countries to see examples of where the F35 parts are manufactured. Israel has also developed its own technologies to modify some elements of F-35 .
U.S. manufacturing locations (the F35's U.S. supply chain is highly extensive and can be traced in more detail here ):
• The F-35 are assembled at the Air Force 4 plant, which is owned by the United States government and operated by Lockheed Martin, in Fort Worth, Texas.
• The engines are manufactured by
Pratt & Whitney
en East Hartford y Middletown, Connecticut.
• Electronic systems are manufactured by BAE Systems in Nashua, New Hampshire and Endicott, New York.
• Control action systems that help F35 launch guided weapons are manufactured by
INC in Santa Clarita, California.
F-15 and F-16 Combat aircraft
Israel is currently negotiating orders from the F15Ex combat plane through the United States foreign military sales program. According to reports on the process, Israel's formal request makes delivery probable by 2028. Manufacturing sites in the United States for F15 and F16 include the following (although the original sales of F15 and F16, except the F15EX model, They have already been carried out, there is a continuous supply of spare parts especially during the war) .
• The F15EX are produced at the Boeing plant in St. Louis, Missouri.
• The F16 are manufactured by Lockheed Martin in
Greenville, South Carolina
• In some variants of the F16, the plane is replaced with components made in Israel by companies such as Elbit and Israel Aerospace Industries, as well as with Rafael missiles, three important Israeli weapons companies.
Military helicopters
Manufacturing sites in the United States for military helicopters used by the Israel Defense Forces (FDI) include :
• Ch-53k heavy transport helicopters,
seen being used
In the current assault, they are manufactured by Lockheed Martin Global, Inc. in Shelton, Connecticut; and General Electric in Lynn, Massachusetts.
• Apache helicopters are manufactured by Boeing in
In, Arizona
• AW119KX helicopters are manufactured by Leonardo in Philadelphia.
Reply aircraft
• The KC-46A Air Reflain Cistern Airplanes They are manufactured by Boeing in Everett, Washington; The GPS Mag 2K receiver is manufactured by Raytheon in Waltham, Massachusetts.
Guided bombs used by Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF):
The guided bombs used by the Israeli Occupation Forces (IF) are manufactured mainly in the United States and Israel. The following bombs are manufactured by Israeli companies, often in Israel, but have international sites that manufacture other products. These include: the guided opher (Elbit) pump, the Griffin laser guided bomb (Israel Aerospace Industries); Lizard (Elbit); Spice bombs (Rafael). Elbit has a subsidiary in the United States in Fort Worth, Texas .
The following are manufacturing sites in the United States for guided bombs used by Israeli occupation forces (IF) :
• The tail kits and ammunition of Joint Direct Attack Munits (JDAMS)
are manufactured by
Boeing in St. Charles, Missouri; Lockheed-Martin in Archbald, Pennsylvania; General Dynamics in Garland, Texas; Elwood National Forge Co in Irvine, Pennsylvania; and Raytheon Missile Systems in Tucson, Arizona.
• Sidewinder missiles are manufactured by
Raytheon Missile Systems
Company in Tucson, Arizona.
• Small diameter pumps GBU-39 are manufactured by
In St. Louis, Missouri.
• Hellfire missiles, which are generally launched from Apache helicopters, at least some of them are manufactured by
Hellfire Systems
In Orlando, Florida, a joint company between Lockheed Martin and Boeing.
Iron Dome interceptors
they are called Tamir and are co-produced by RTX (formerly Raytheon Technologies) and Rafael Advanced Defense Systems, and assembled in Israel.
• Paveway II guided bombs are
manufactured by
Lockheed Martin in Archibald, Pennsylvania, and Raytheon in Tucson, Arizona.
White phosphorus
Israel has used White phosphorus In Gaza and Lebanon .
• Israel Chemical Ltd (ICL, Ahora ICL Group ) supplies phosphates to Monsanto (now bayer) for the production of chemical white phosphorus provided to the Arsenal de Pine Bluff (PBA) near Little Rock, Arkansas, for its filling.
Armoured Personnel Carriers
Three weeks after the start of the assault in Gaza, the Israeli Occupation Forces (IF) initiated land operations in the Gaza Strip. This implies tanks and armored personnel, backed by helicopters and drones .
• The power sets for armored transports of Namer personnel, manufactured in Israel, are F ABRICATED BY MTU AMERICA , Novi, Mi. Mtu America is the American subsidiary of Rolls Royce Power Systems.
Naval Assets
Most of the assault in Gaza is being carried out from the air and by land, but Israel is also using its Corbetas Sa'ar 6 .
• 76 mm naval cannons are manufactured by
DRS North America
, a Leonardo company.
• The helmet and superstructures of the SA’ar 6 are manufactured in
How, Alemania
, por ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems (TKMS).
Military and Logistics Transport from the United States to Israel
Although many finished military products are transported by the Army itself, either on military vessels or by air transport, the components and some goods are transported by sea aboard normal ported ships. The ports are key nodes in the arms supply chain.
The key actor in shipping from the United States, and other places in the world, towards Israel is the Zim ship line. Zim is the main shipping services provider to Israel and one of the ten largest shipping lines in the world. Previously controlled by the Israeli government, Zim has been privatized and quoted in the New York Stock Exchange during the last two decades. Despite this, it still maintains close links with the state of Israel and is crucial to guarantee logistics support for the State and IDF.
Most military components enter and leave the United States through the ports of the East Coast, mainly New York / Newark, Savannah, Charleston and the port of Virginia. These ports are usually unionized by the International Stibators Association (ILA). This is because most military supply chains focus on Europe and the United States, with many components produced in Europe and the final assembly that takes place in the United States.
With access to commercial data in the United States, it is possible to see individual shipments through their "boarding knowledge", the documents used by shipping lines to identify shipments and track delivery patterns. Rarely, this may include arms shipments in civil ships. For example, on March 4, 2023, a shipment of "war heads, rocket with explosive load" produced by Raytheon in Tucson, Arizona and valued at $ 100,000, left the port of Virginia to Haifa, Israel, on the ship Zim Yokohama Porternera. Other Raytheon shipments have left the same route in the following months. In most cases, commercial data can identify component routes. For example, Dunlop regularly sends tires for the F35 and other military aircraft from its factory in Birmingham, the United Kingdom, either through London to the port of Virginia or through Liverpool to Charleston.