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"Industry" of trade union-political persecutions! At the central spikes of the movement the struggle for their overthrow! - KKE (M-L)

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The KKE (M-L) denounces the union and political persecution that has erupted in many places in the private and public sectors.

Dozens of employees, in business, in education, in hospitals and elsewhere, are confronted with a multitude of disciplinary and criminal prosecutions for participating in demonstrations and strikes, but even for a public view of non -likes of employers, in charge of authorities.

Inspired by the unprecedented anti-syndicate hysteria are the centers of power of the system of dependency, exploitation and oppression and the government that represents them. Employers and administrations take advantage of the reactionary and fascinating institutional framework that has been voted on in previous years to make any prospects in the illegality. The laws Georgiadis, Chatzidakis, Achsioglou, Chrysochoid, the new Criminal Code, as well as a number of ministerial decisions and circulars, have woven a framework where, in essence, any demonstration, strike, protest are outlawed.

Strikes and demonstrations, in order to be legal, have to deal with an incredible network of obstacles, and after their declaration they come out illegal, with fast track judicial procedures. The "voices" (that is, the slogans!) In hospitals and education are a criminal offense and workers are illegal to strike against a voted law. Banners and slogans are treated as a "presumption of crime". In this context, the redundancies and persecution of trade unionists and workers, dozens of teacher persecution, student persecution.

This situation reveals the true characteristics of the so -called bourgeois democracy. A "democracy" that requires "respect for the Constitution" and the "elected government" and at the same time bypasses Article 16 and neglects elementary freedoms and democratic political and trade union rights. This direction of the system has a name: fascism of public and political life.

We are in a new era. Where the crisis and barbarism of the system loses every fig sex, requires the complete enslavement and the complete conversion of unions into pots, which, as "social partners", will be the decorative décor of the class subordination of the working class and workers. And they will not even think about organizing a race against the nightmare.

The deconstruction of the working class and the movement, which has been counting for some decades, has taken place under the defeat of the revolutionary communist movement and the consequent domination of social democracy and reformism. These terms, of course, have not been overthrown.

But every day, we will become increasingly meeting the struggles than the future. The struggles that claim the re -establishment of the working class and the popular movement.

This new composition is forced to do with the materials of the class controversy rather than the class cooperation-evidence, to take place with the quality of the against bourgeois legitimacy, which, in the phase we are, is outlawed by every struggle.

The struggle to overthrow all trade union persecutions comes as a serious necessity at the time of the objectives of overthrowing all the reactionary anti-syndicate institutional framework.

  • Down the hands, from the clubs, the struggles, the fighters and the fighters! Below are the anti -labor - anti -union laws!
  • The races will be formed in the daily struggle, they will strengthen by fire and iron, they will win!

April 2024

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Copenhagen: Solidarity with the Palestinian people has never been greater

With more than 6 months of persistent and intensifying bombings and massacres against the Palestinian people in Gaza, the Palestinian people continue their heroic armed resistance struggle. Israel's occupation of Gaza pulls out and they cannot maintain control or achieve the quick victory they had hoped for. Their only "results" have been their bloody genocide and starvation of the Palestinian people in Gaza. But the blood that is wasted has only watered the resistance, which is growing, and so does international solidarity with the Palestinian people.

City Hall Square in Copenhagen, Saturday 30 March.

The strong and ever -growing international solidarity with the Palestinian people was expressed in Copenhagen on Saturday, March 30, under the international demonstration entitled "The entire North on the Street of Palestine!". Here Palestinian support organizations from the northern countries Norway and Sweden participated in a large and powerful demonstration in Copenhagen, which went from the Red Square to Copenhagen City Hall Square.

Activists from anti -imperialist collective also participated with a banner with the slogans "live the heroic Palestinian resistance struggle!" And "It is right to revolt!" In Danish and Arabic.

Thousands participated and it was made clear that as long as Israel, with the support of Danish imperialism, continues its genocide and occupation, the masses do not give it a quiet hinterland in Denmark.

Powerful passwords were shouted throughout the demonstration while actions were carried out during the demonstration. Each time the demonstration passed a company known for supporting Israel, it was painted with graffiti and stickers. Several huge Palestinian flags were hung down from scaffolding and at Queen Louise's bridge the tab of Danish imperialism was lowered and replaced with the tab of the Palestinian resistance.

When the demonstration came to City Hall Square, it was quickly filled up. When the space was filled up, 1/3 of the demonstration was still waiting to come in and had to move closer together. Many strong speeches were held and manifestations were held within the demonstration with Roman lights.

The size of the demonstration and fighting energy and hatred of imperialism and Zionism is a major moral and political defeat for Danish imperialism and Israel. The bourgeois press always tries to underpin demonstrations in solidarity with Palestine and sub -report the number of participants. They are trying to silence the movement, but the demonstration on Saturday made it clear that solidarity has never been more loud.

Sunday after, a fighting demonstration was also held in Malmö in solidarity with the struggle of the Palestinian people. Fighting cries were shouted through the streets and songs for Palestine were sung. The international solidarity can never be stopped!

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PC March 31 - Gaza, the genocidal abyss of a certain West

Look at The videos from Gaza is struck by ferocity of the Israeli army; it is perceptible in every gesture, even in free snorkels of children. There is no justice in it, no ethical consciousness or justified action; There is only one gigantic will to annihilate the Palestinians.

Ferocity, cruelty, terror. Any term is used to describe the behavior of the Israeli army, even the most precise, will not be never able to fully represent what is happening really in Gaza. Which is something exceptional; extraordinary, own.

Becomes increasingly clear that what is happening in that strip of land is, together, a ferocity

already seen, which re -tightened to others genocidal drives, and a new type ferocity, which stands out for the high technological capacity used against a people substantially Unarmed. A painful and cowardly ferocity.

AND It is clear that the end of the Israeli army is not “the destruction of Hamas ”, but the removal of the Palestinians from the Gaza Strip, First stop for a new colonization. It does not exist - it is possible, Given the story of that conflict - no different objective.

Self It will not be a total departure, it will have to be balanced - fragile - of that area of the world, rather than the ethical awakening of Westerners or Arab countries. For the highly symbolic impact it has Always had in the Arab populations, the "Palestinian question" is not resolvable with a simple physical elimination of the Palestinians; someone will have to stay alive, perhaps confined in some desert, So that the balances are maintained at a guard level. Must that the genocide is not complete so that Israel's goal will come reached up.

So, no; However positively the resolution of the UN security advice, there is nothing to applaud. Fire It will always cease too late.

TO Gaza is not only shipwrecked the ethics of Western countries, now clearly deprived of his intrinsic "humanistic and liberating sense", But the inability of the liberal-democracies to stop a genocide in progress. All the superstitions deriving from the excess of confidence with the Israeli "democracy", from the propensity to tolerate their excesses and crimes, delivered the Palestinians to the massacre.

In last two years we got drunk with rhetoric, demonizing the autocracies and glorifying the liberal-democratic system; But it painful show offered by the West in the face of the genocide of Palestinians shows - once again and unequivocally - that this which count are not the "values", the "universal" rights or the law international, but only and only the strategic alliances.

The "Spirit" profound liberal-democracies is not very different from that of autocrazies: You make history when you do business. From consequence, any positioning different from the one that brings a Strategic advantage is nefarious and must be carefully avoided. Until When Israel will help to defend the western ambitions of hegemony, until it is worthy of this role in the chessboard medium-eastern, will not discredit its value.

Not It is certain that the greatest mystification has revealed itself In the most squalid representatives of militarized liberalism, i fanatics of atlantism who did not hesitate to accuse of Anti -Semitism anyone who has criticized Israel. Those who, for understand us, do not fail to support the Ukrainian flag with that of Israel, regardless of the logical short circuit and of every decency intellectual.

These liberals from operetta are the avant -garde cialtrona dell'Egemonia western; they place themselves beyond any truly universal value, Perishing the cause of a hateful form of supremacy. The defense of Israel is part of this ideological cage. They have eluded their own rhetoric, combining cynical and instinct for conservation of an hegemony that is already lost; mystification and sense of superiority: the Worse, really.

These they are only the most grotesque representation of a "spirit" that is constitutive of liberal-democracies, whose vital interests do not They coincide with those of the peoples, but with class exclusivity. The adjective "liberal" dominates the noun "democracy".

The essence, Here you are; of democracy. There is the democracy of the privilege, and there is that of equity. In the first, what has the most value is the market, the profit, business, all dimensions that produce inequalities and poverty; In the second, the overcoming of iniquities is the fulcrum of Every action, its only purpose.

There First, that of privileges is the democracy of the stock exchange, of colonialism, the accentralization of wealth in a few hands, of combination of politics and military industry; The second is democracy of the "without properties", of peoples, of peace.

For The first, the theft of resources serves to maintain privileges; and the democracy that wants to export herself, not hesitating to bomb other nations, invading lands not of his, violating the law international. For the second, only the equality of peoples has value positive, any part of the land inhabits.

There is The democracy of imperial interests, and there is that of peoples. If the first makes the world a less free and safe place, the second has a single reason to exist: get rid of the forces that promote the first, making democracy the space of equality e of peace.

In fund, even in the "Palestinian question" a different idea is at stake of democracy. The idea of a democracy that cannot coincide with the colonialism, military occupation or ethnic cleaning. Just for This, today, democracy defends itself by contrasting the attitude Genocidaria of Israel.

Everything is fine speech that defends the instances of Israel and that justifies them to behaviors is not only complicity with the genocide, but it is also - e perhaps above all - a way of emptying the very idea of democracy.

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Turkey: The polls open in the local elections – The Red Herald

Featured image: “The ruling classes are backed by a huge press army, advertising posters and an election campaign that lasts several months. What happens next is the continuation of the exploitation system. The people have never had the right to free choice in elections. People who are brought before the public with the mentality of ‘vote for us or for us’ are imprisoned in a compulsory thought. It is necessary for the people to understand the facts and unite the oppressed masses for their own benefit.” Source: Yeni Demokrasi

The local elections in Turkey are held today. Since the opening of the polls, grave violations of the bourgeois ideals of ”free” elections have been reported – electoral observes have been forced away from the booths, people vote with ballots they have brought with them and in large groups, and in Kurdish provinces soldiers and police have been brought to the booths in uniform and carrying weapons, which is a violation of the electoral laws.

Some days before the election Yeni Demokrasi wrote that the electoral path is “a path that serves the ruling classes, far from the interests of the people” and that this path has been seen multiple times in the past. They note that huge budgets have been allocated to the electoral propaganda, in the midst of a deep crisis. “Elections are much more visible, especially on the streets. We see the candidates of the parties on almost every corner, street, bridge and billboard. …The public’s expectation of ‘changes through elections’ has weakened considerably from yesterday to today 1 ”, they write.

We have earlier published an unofficial translation of the position of Partizan in the local elections in Dersim.

1 All quotes are our unofficial translations.

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Clashes among the State forces and the armed groups skyrocketed in the DR of Congo – The Red Herald

Feature image: Displaced in a camp in Goma. Source: The Associated Press

The confrontations between the State forces (FARDC) and the National Liberation Group March23 (M23) continue to increase in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, a semi-colonial and semi-feudal country rich in resources dominated by the imperialists.

We have previously reported about the clashes between both State and foreign repression forces that act in the country with the national liberation groups, such as M23. Once again, the “security” in Congo has concern the imperialists due to the advance of the M23 group towards the regional capital, Goma. This is an important city in the D.R. of Congo, where two million people live and another half a million are displaced in the city seeking for refuge. It is believed that M23 group could be close to seizing the city , which would mean a big blow to the Congolese government, who would lose control over the region. Already in 2012 the M23 group took the power in Goma “with nearly any resistance”, as reported by other media. The response was a large military intervention of a special force of the so-called “peacekeepers” of UN, which took back the control of the city just a year later.

The “peacekeepers” completely armed. Goma, 2013. Source: Reuters

At the moment, the UN armed forces are beginning to retire from Goma due to the progress of M23 towards the city and by the arrival of the hundreds of thousands of displaced people to the city. On the other hand, the Government of the Democratic Republic of Congo demands that 13,500 soldiers and 2,000 police retire to the border of Rwanda and Burundi, despite international concerns. The militarization and repression of the country increase by the State, it that is unable to keep in line the violence of the people. After 20 years, the DRC has decided to establish the capital punishment again, which, as the State itself says “it will be reserved for offenders involved in criminal conspiracies, armed gangs, insurrection — and also those who commit treason and war crimes. It will also be applied to the military, including those who rebel or desert and join enemy ranks. ”

Since 1996, when the conflict sharped, more than six million people have died in the conflict. Only this year almost one million have been forced to flee their homes . There is also a lack of access to basic resources such as water, food, hygiene or sanitary access for those civilians who are in the middle of the crossfire between the armed groups and State and foreign repression forces. However, when the people raise up against the blue helmets for their clear pro-imperialist interest and against the people, the Congolese suffer a strong repression that leaves tens of dead in their path.

After 25 years since the beginning of MONUSCO, the UN military mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo to “keep the peace”, it has been shown that it has not served more than to ensure the interests of imperialists, mainly on mining resources, while there is still deepening in the misery of the people.

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Israeli football team antenna riots in the ski

By a commentator for the Earn Folket Media.

Last Tuesday, riots broke out in Skien in connection with Israel's U19 football team playing match against the Norwegian U19 team at Skagerak Arena in Skien.

According to bourgeois media, several hundred participated in the protests. NRK writes that slogans were shouted from more than 200 protesters. According to several sources, stones must have been thrown and fired at the police.

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Prwc »the town now compilation

The newspaper The country The official newspaper of the Communist Party of the Philippines. The AB is published by the Central Committee of the Central Central of the Central and the 7th and 21st of each month. AB is published in the original Filipino edition and has transitions in English, Bisaya, Hiligaynon, Waray, and Ilocano.

In the face of the rapidly changing political and economic situation in the Philippines, as well as worldwide, the newspaper The People of Alawan news and review of the key issues faced by the Filipino proletariat and the Filipino people, as well as the oppressed citizens of others It's not a different corner of the world. Here are the latest news and articles of The town now.


January 2024 February 2024 March 2024



January 2023 February 2023 March 2023 April 2023 May 2023 June 2023 July 2023 August 2023 September 2023 October 2023 November 2023 December 2023

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The Town Now Compilation The Town January 2024 The People's Newspaper The People's Officer Newspaper of the Communist Party of the Philippines. The AB is published by the Central Committee of the Central Central of the Central and the 7th and 21st of each month. AB is published in the original Filipino edition and has transitions in English, Bisaya, Hiligaynon, Waray, and Ilocano. In the face of the rapidly changing political and economic situation in the Philippines, as well as worldwide, the newspaper The People of Alawan news and review of the key issues faced by the Filipino proletariat and the Filipino people, as well as the oppressed citizens of others It's not a different corner of the world. Here is the latest news and articles of The Town Today. - 1 -

Table of Contents international parties and organizations, extending greetings to the 55th anniversary of the CPP ............................. ....................................... 8 BHB renewal, Central Committee orders .................................................. ............ 11 200 families, the Authority of the Freeport Area of Bataan ......................... .......... 13 continuous protests against the livelihood of the driver and operator, to be ..... 16 hundreds of Southern Tagalog youth, celebrated the 55th anniversary of the CPP .18 Not diminishing, but growing up, the number of suffering in the Philippines ..................................... 20 3rd anniversary of the massacre, commemorated ........................................ .................... 22 Strengthening of the National Democratic Front in the Ilocos Region, CPP success ................. .24 Few new classrooms of DepEd, Teacher's cashed ...................................... .................... 25 messengers of the massacre in Sagay 9, punished by NPA-Northern Negros .............. .................................................. .......... 27 Removal of the SHS program on SUCs and LUCs, criticized ............................ .................. 28 rice, prices rose faster in December ....................... ................................. 30 - 2 -

Workers' Union in Philfoods, already entering negotiations for CBA ......................... 31 cases against KMU organizers, dismissed by Court ............................................ 32 Liberation of Filipino Migrant that Mary Jane Veloso, re-asserted ................................... 33 6-month baby, murdered by forces of State in India ................................................................................................................... .. 35 charter change, re -released by Marcos ................................................................................................................. .... 37 ICC investigation to Duterte, may be done .................................... ........................ 39 Oplan Sabit, launched in Antipolo for the party anniversary .............. ....................... 40 Decrease in inflation, no effect on the poor ................ ..................................... 42 campaign for charter change, strongly condemned by national groups - Democrats .................................................. ..... 43 PHILHEALTH FILLS, OFWs are dismissed .................................. ........................ 45 Indian students and teachers, protesting against anti-insurgency operations Samadhan-Prahar ........ ................................. 46 unit of 96th IB, BHB -Masbate .48 - 3 -

Relatives of political prisoners in Quezon, appealed to the court ........................................ ...... 50 farmers in Negros Occidental, survived the shooting of 62nd IB ................................ ...... 52 Farmers of the Ramos Land in Cavite, the military is terrified ................................ ......... 54 International Humanitual AFP law in the Aerial Bombing campaign, criticized .......................... ................................. 55 aerial strikes of the US and UK in Yemen, condemned by ILPS-US .. .................................................. ... 58 BHB-Sorsogon, clarified in a series of encounters on January 14 ............................ 60 shooting victims of 2nd IB, accused and imprisoned ......................................... 61 Filipino workers who have lost of work in New Zealand, insisted on competent help ........................................ . 64 ADB paper on false transport modernization, criticized ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 65 PISTON: nothing to In the country's "Climate Commitment" the forced consolidation of the franchise of jeepneys ........ 68 - 4 -

2 Farmers, killed by 62nd IB in fake fake encounter ...................................... .... .... 71 Religious and youthful groups, again against mining in Eastern Samar. .73 martyr family, threatened and raised by the AFP ............................................................................... ................................... 75 CBCP bishop leader, conducted a mass for political prisoners in Taguig City ................................................ .......................... 76 3 Farmers in Himamaylan City, arrested and detained by 94th IB ........... .............................. 79 leaders-peasant in Cebu, arrested ............ ..... 80 oldest political prisoner, the regime did not include those released this holiday season ......................................................................... ....................... 81 37th anniversary of the Mendiola Massacre, commemorated by peasant groups ............. .83 Rali against ChaCha, launched by national-democratic groups .................................... 86 Separation pay, Chun Chiang Enterprises workers in Bataan ................ 88 "Tokhang" style profiling in La Union, condemned ......... ................................................ 89 groups In human rights, the Marcos regime called to stop fraud on UN rapporteurs ................................ ............. 91 - 5 -

The US Air Force is set for UP Diliman, backward ............................................................................................................. .. 92 Mining and Death in the forest caused the flooding and landslides in Davao and Caraga 94 Plans to evict residents in a Barangay Barangay in Bataan, fighting ............ 96 Dedlayn in forced consolidation of PUV, RETURNED ................................................. 98 In jailed journalists who have been charged with "terrorism," again asserted to be released ................................ .......................... 100 Illegal vote in Zambales, complained ................ .................................................. ...... 102 Remembering the party anniversary, launched in Rizal .................................. ......................... 103 reforms on the pension of soldiers and police, the Marcos regime has finally called off ......... .................................................. ............. 105 human rights group, concerned with the proposed return to the Barangay Intelligence Network ...................... ................. 107 CNN Philippines workers, should be protected in the face of possible closure ................... .................................................. ... 109 Hearing a petition against "terrorist" designation, the court suspended in Baguio City ............................... ......................................... 111 - 6 -

Marcos's joking for the ralings “New Philippines,” criticized ...................................... .. 113 rally against chacha, launched by farmers in bacolod city ............................ 114 three adivasi, murdered by the state of India in fake encounter ............................................ 116 80 workers, will be removed at SKYCABLE SELECT TO PLDT .............................................. 118 journalists who Political prison in Tacloban City, visited by UN Special Rapporteur ................................................................................................... .............. 120 Political Prisoners in Tacloban City, listed by UN Special Rapporteur ...................... ............................... 122 Nexperia Workers' Union, negotiating for the CBA ........ ....... 124 35 Indian police, murdered to attack PLGA ............................. ................... 126 National-democratic groups, rally at the US embassy on the anniversary of the Philippine-American war ............ ............................. 128 continuing blocking the Marcos regime on progressive websites, criticized ...... .................................................. ................ 129 Marcos-Duterte, the people hated ......................... ............................. 131 - 7 -

US revenue in imperialist wars and aggression, Lomobo by 16% in 2023 ...... 135 oil prices, four times rose to 2024 ................ ................................................ 137 5 -As picket in Manila, launched by employees removed from Baciwa ............... 137 Signing for ChaCha, suspended among the anomalies ......... ......................... 139 Starting class in UP Manila and UP Visayas, met with protest ........... .......... 142 DOJ Recommendations to sue 2 abducted activists, condemned ..................... 143 Reflect on the technology sector , proceeds in the midst of companies' profit ..................................................................... ........ 145 ₱ 2 trillion for AFP's "modernization", approved by Marcos JR .......................... ..... 147 international parties and organizations, Greetings to the 55th anniversary of CPP January 1, 2024 Various friends and organizations from abroad extended their greetings and tribute to the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) in celebration of its 55th anniversary during its December 26, 2023. Released a statement of solidarity - 8 -

Organizations from India, Turkey, United States, and Ireland. In the video-the Central Committee of the Communist Party of India (MAOIST), it has led the CPP to more than five decades of leadership in the national-democratic struggle of the Filipino people. "Since more than five decades ago, the Philippine national-democratic struggle has advanced in the Central Committee of the Central Central of the Central Central to the Central Central Committee in the Central Trials and Consciousness and Consciousness and Cyclists," according to the CPI (Maoist). Pinarangalan nila ang mga namartir na lider ng Partido kabilang si Kasamang Jose Maria Sison, tagapangulong tagapagtatag ng Komite Sentral ng PKP, na pumanaw noong Disyembre 16, 2022. Pinagpugayan nila ang dakilang mga ambag ng mga lider ng Partido sa pagtatagumpay ng rebolusyong Pilipino at pagsulong of the global proletarian movement. The Anti-Imperialist Action Ireland (AIAI) expressed its admiration for the CPP in leadership of the anti-imperialist struggle of the Filipino people. "On this historic occasion, our Irish Republicans are saluting the CPP in its historical establishment, decision and initiative," the group said. AIA -iReland also recognized the party's “brave new step” to the future - 9 -

In the launch of the correction movement. According to the group, "It will result in a new generation of revolutionary and revolutionaries from the Filipino people." They added that they had a great deal of confidence in the party and proudly competing for a new important stage in the Philippine Revolution. Meanwhile, the US Socialist Unity Party (SUP) urged Americans to study and support the revolutionary movement in the Philippines. "We know that there is a lot to learn from its revolutionary companionship and its applying Marxism to the particular condition of the Philippines," said the Sup. At the minimum, US anti-imperialist anti-imperialists should understand the role of the US government in exploiting the Filipino people and Philippine wealth. "We are calling on US anti-imperialists to truly study the Philippines and its revolution to create positive relationships with national-democratic organizations towards a united front against imperialism," Sup said. The Communist Party of Turkey-Marxist Leninist (TKP-ML) and Friends of the Filipino People in Struggle (FFPS) also expressed their solidarity and greetings at the party. In the Central Committee's statement on the 55th anniversary of the Party, it called for an international strengthening - 10 -

revolutionary work. It includes the important duties it has laid down the development of the Philippine Revolution in the global anti-imperialist movement and in the proletarian revolution worldwide. Also, it calls for the level of campaign level to improve international support for the revolutionary movement in the Philippines, while providing all forms of support to the working-class struggle, and the democratic and anti-imperialist struggle of others' different sides of the world. "The relationship of brotherhood should continue to strengthen Marxist-Leninist-Maoist parties and organizations, strengthen the dialogue and communist help," the Central Committee said. It is also said that active ideological rivalry should be carried out to expose and dispel modern revisionism, trotskyism, gonzaloism and other revisionists that are flexing Marxism, Leninism and Maoism. BHB's renewal, the Central Committee of January 1, 2024 The Central Committee (KS) of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) in the New People's Army (NPA) has appointed the regeneration in the face of its defined failures, error and error and Defense in the past few years in - 11 -

Advancing the armed struggle. This was a statement by KS on the occasion of the party's 55th anniversary. According to such a statement, problems in the field of revolutionary armed struggle have been the result of ideological superstition. “In the failure to take the path of development of the people's war, specifically from the first part to the middle part, and from the median to the next part, not a few NPA guerrillas have been stopped and spoiled for a long time in the time Old levels, ”he said. The party leadership said these mistakes and shortcomings resulted in the failure of many NPA units that Strongly expand the guerrilla fields in accordance with the line of comprehensive and intense guerrilla warfare on the basis of expanding and deep mass base. KS calls for recovery from failures and re -establish the mass base. In order to dominate previous mistakes and shortcomings, KS has set the following duties: • The Party must strengthen its leadership in the NPA • It should be advisable to advise the armed struggle, the agrarian revolution, and the launch of anti-anti-anti-anti-masses campaign feudal as a means of developing a mass base • Exercises should be launched with red commanders and - 12 -

Warrior • Build large-scale guerrillas • Launch a basis or antihon tactical offensive that can win • Continue to strengthen the Platoon as the BHB unit unit, and build the command structure at all levels • Boost the branches and Party Committee in the People's Army and the political organs within the NPA at all levels • Further strengthen, train and enable the units of the people's militia, the self-defense units of the revolutionary mass organizations are strengthening the strengthening of the NPA and armed struggles are associated with the Party's Party Advanced Movement to correct the mistakes, weaknesses and shortcomings of ideology, politics and organizations. "In the next one or two years, it must be fully advanced and completed at all levels from the Central Committee of the Party to all the branches of the Party," according to the Central Committee. 200 families, the Authority of the Freeport Area of Bataan January 2, 2024 until January 6, the Authority of the Freeport Area of Bataan (AFAB) has only a recent Narra Dormitory resident in Barangay Maligaya, Mariveles, Bataan for leave. Residents are evacuated because FAB expansion will cover the area. - 13 -

According to a statement by the FAB (NMFAB) united worker, at least 90 joint police, barangay and afab police were rushed to the Narra Dormitory on December 21 and were told they were running away. The "notarized waivers" also allegedly signed residents who stated that AFAB was "without any responsibility" to the affected residents. They allegedly paid ₱ 200 per waiver. “AFAB has no consideration to the people of the Mariveles. They use the power beyond the ability of the local government and explicitly violate the rights of each Mariveleño, ”according to the NMFAB. The group of workers warned that not only the Narra Dormitory would be affected by demolitions and eviction as there would be more FAB expansion in accordance with the FAB Expansion Act. According to Jaime Azores, a former vice-president of the Narra Lodgers Association, “We are forced to sign a waiver saying that we are agreeing and leaving the area. [AFAB] also threatened that if we did not sign the waiver they were investing, we would be fired by electricity and dismissed immediately. ” “In our fear, the crowd signed up even though it was against our will. Are you the AFAB Police? How do you feel? ” Azores added. - 14 -

Residents of the Narra Dormitory lived in the area for decades. They pay ₱ 320 per room per month as a rent. It was built during the time of the Marcos dictatorship for the housing of workers in the Bataan Export Processing Zone (BEPZ) which is now known FAB. “I've been here for 44 years and most of us have had family and grandchildren. Then let us go? We will be taken to Alam, we will pay ₱ 1,000 to the lowest rent, far from our work, ”Azores emphasized. The NMFAB has called on fellow workers and the democratic sectors to support the Narra Lodgers Association and its members. According to the group, “It is not fair to evict the dismissal of approximately 200 families of the Narra Dormitory. This incident is a violation of their right to live decent and peaceful. ” They insist that many will be affected by this incident not just the workers who endure the poor income and the young people attending school. The local government of Mariveles and Bataan should act for the well -being of the workers and the poor. FAB is called a special economic zone in the government's hold that gives companies incentives for - 15 -

Investment, which is often at the expense of workers and the poor. FAB provides companies that enter into an incentive non -payment of taxes and other favors on behalf of the “EASE OF Doing business. ” FAB is currently 18 expansion areas throughout the province in its original location in the southern part of Bataan. It has at least 40,600 declared workers. Continued protest against the massacre of the chauffeur and operator, January 2, 2024 will continue to protest and collective action by the jeepney and operators of the jeep Modernization Program (PUVMP) at the opening of 2024. This is their response to Ferdinand Marcos Jr. According to the unity of the driver's and operator nationwide (PISTON) organizations, his regime is proof that his regime is “worship, torture, and puppies. In the last bedroom of 2023, the Piston and the Association Ride and the One Transportation Terminal (steering wheel) showed their opposition to the PUVMP in a series of ceasefire and widespread-16-16-

Protests in the country, mainly in Metro Manila. It is estimated that approximately 4,000 participated in the protest of two groups in Mendiola in Manila on December 29. The piston believes that only in their strengthening forces and continuous actions of 2024 the regime's PUVMP will result in “Transport disaster.” Currently, drivers and operators are continuing to drive despite the cancellation of their franchise due to forced consolidation. The Piston said their resignation despite the order of the Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB) is that it is now showing protest and defense of the livelihood of drivers and operators. "Let us not let us forces our livelihood," the Piston said. In addition to the livelihood of the thousands of transportation workers, foreigners and large businesses are only increasing their franchises and routes that will result in high fares and reduction of poor Filipino computer income. It is estimated that about 30,862 of jeepney units and 4,852 UV Express units were prohibited from getting into the National Capital Region (NCR) for not consolidating franchises. Livelihood has lost nearly 64,000 - 17 -

Drivers and 25,000 NCR operators caused it. Nationwide, about 64,639 PUV units have not been consumed and 140,000 drivers and 60,000 operators have lost their jobs. It affected 28.5 million passengers. Meanwhile, the Department of Transportation (DOTr) and the LTFRB have appointed the Supreme Court on December 28 to comment on the petition filed by Piston against the implementation of compulsory franchise and PUVMP consolidation. The two agencies were given up to 10 days to comment. Hundreds of Southern Tagalog youth, celebrated the 55th anniversary of the CPP January 3, 2024 hundreds of young people from all over the Southern Tagalog celebrating the 55th anniversary of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) in the It was a week ago according to the village of the Makabayan Youth (KM) in the region. Some of them celebrated inside the guerrilla field, along with the New People's Army. In the newspaper newspaper of KM -Southern Tagalog Freedom -TK, it said KM members, red fighters, and indigenous people -18 -18 -18 -didn't

peasants to celebrate inside a guerrilla zone in the region. The programs discussed the statements of the Central Committee of the CPP and the Southern Tagalog Regional Committee. This is also the used framework for the theme of the celebration “Correct the Correction Movement! Strengthen the party! Create the strongest relations with the masses and lead them to bring the national-democratic revolution to a new and higher level! ” In a statement by the Central Committee on December 26, 2023, it called for the launch of the correction movement to correct the Party's errors and weaknesses and stepped more this year. According to Independence-TK, KM-Southern Tagalog accepted and extended the Central Committee to the Central Committee among the revolutionary youth and students. According to Karina Mabini, a spokesman for the KM regional village, it is only necessary to review both successes and weaknesses to continue to go with the people. "The patriotic youth will gain the importance of the determined struggle to focus on these conditions and chronic crisis [imperialism, feudalism and bureaucrat capitalism]," Karina Mabini said in her anniversary anniversary of the CPP. According to KM-Southern Tagalog, it believes and promotes class leadership of proletariat in the Philippine Revolution through the CPP - 19 -

Starting on December 26, 1968 it was re -established to serve as a party and advanced destination of the proletariat. The Central Committee recognized and greeted his statement “thousands of younger cadres who joined the party in recent years, and now contributes a huge energy to our long-term struggle.” According to the Party's leadership, “Many of you now turn up the roles of leadership as members of the Central Organs of the Party, as commands and political officers of the New People's Army, and leaders of the revolutionary mass movement both to the city and countryside. ” The ranks of the younger party cadres at all levels fill in various fields of revolutionary work of enthusiasm and enthusiasm, according to the Central Committee. "The new generation of Filipino communists, deeply rooted in the vast masses of workers and peasants, shows the relentless determination to bring the Philippine revolution to advance the future." Not diminishing, but growing up, the number of suffering in the Philippines January 3, 2024 contrary to the recent Marcos regime boasting that the number of Filipinos suffering in the first half of 2023, increased to - 20 - - 20 -

Families are actually living under the standard of poverty. "It only looks like the poverty is lower because it was compared to Tantos when the Philippines was subject to the lockdown," said the Bird Foundation on December 23. "Compared to the first room of 2018, 3 million Filipinos or 472,000 families have increased the Number of poor people - even though it is based on a very low standard of ₱ 91 per day. ” In the statistics of the Philippine Statistics Authority released on December 22, the number of poor families in the first room of 2023, from 23.7% in the first room of 2021. from poverty. The only concern of this suffering family is those who live at ₱ 13,797 per month or ₱ 460 per day. Meanwhile, poverty in 2018 was 21%. "The economic opening is the major factor in the reported drop between the first semester of 2021 and the same period in 2023," the group said. "It needs to be emphasized that this is not an active step to lower poverty but from passive relaxation of long and strict economic activity restrictions." According to the group, it should still be questionable as to why they have not returned to the level before - 21 -

The poverty is a fan of poverty, as it has been a year old that the economy has been growing. The statistics of the unemployment of unemployment should also be viewed. The number and expansion of poverty between 2018 and 2023 are not compatible with the state's proud decline from 5.4% to 4.6% at the same time. In accordance with the calculation of a living wage of ₱ 1,160 per day or ₱ 25,226 per month in a 5-person family, an individual of abereyds needs ₱ 232 to meet his or her daily needs. The 3rd anniversary of the Tumandok Massacre, January 3, 2024 The Katribu or Society of the Indigenous Peoples of the Philippines and other democratic groups commemorated the third anniversary of the Tumandok Massur Police and soldiers were nine indigenous people in the villages of Tapaz, Capiz and Calinog in Iloilo. At the same time murders were massacre. To this day, none of the culprits have been punished or injured. - 22 -

"We will struggle to seek justice from the (then President) Rodrigo Duterte in the massacre and the many other injustices he has brought to the indigenous people," the group said. "Also, Katribu has responded to Marcos JR's administration in intensifying attacks on the Filipino people, and continuous operations focused on indigenous communities that are resistant to the programs of peace and its developmental projects." Accordingly, the Police (Police) Synchronized Enhanced Mananced Management of Police Operations should not be forgotten in the Tumandok massacre, and other similar massacres and arrests on the adjacent Negros island. The communities of the Tumandok are facing intense pressure and fascism because of their courageous opposition to the Jalaur Mega Dam Project which is set to build their ancestral land. This project will destroy not only their communities, but the waters and forests that have long lived with the people. The group criticized the presence of soldiers in the indigenous communities under the AFP's RECSPOOLED Community Support Program (RCSP). They are conducting thunderstorms, harassment and abuse while camping in homes or public village structures. - 23 -

Increasing the National Democratic Front in the Ilocos Region, CPP's success January 3, 2024 The National Democratic Front (NDF)- Ilocos recognized the key role of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) in developing and strengthening the NDF throughout the Ilocos region. Ka Rosa Guidon, a spokesman for NDF-Ilocos, announced that the party's organization greeted the 55th anniversary. According to Ka Rosa, "The Party is important in the formation of the NDF in Ilocos ... and through this the strength of the peasant masses, workers, middle classes and all democratic sectors in the region to fight for their democratic interests." According to him, the proper party line has been the weapon of the NDF-Ilocos to identify the forms of semifeudal and semicolonial status in the region to evolve and flourish the revolutionary struggle here. "The Party continues to guide and actually engage in the promotion of the armed struggle and agrarian revolution and struggle of all the poor and exploited in the region," Ka Rosa said. The Party raided the revolutionary forces and masses of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, so their decision on life and death struggle, Ka Rosa said. - 24 -

He added, "They are united in the summary lessons and lead the correction of the wrongs and weaknesses if the proper line of progress is on." The NDF-Ilocos has led the Party Committee to Ilocos to maintain its solid and united despite the enemy's efforts to pursue and crush it by pressing the cadres and members. "The whole NDF-Ilocos, the Party's leadership, is confident that it will promote, strengthen and expand the united front of all the exploited types in the region," Ka Rosa said. In a statement by the Central Committee of the Party on its 55th anniversary, it assigned the consolidation of the widest antipasarist, anti-imperialist and antipaute united front against the US-Marcos regime. This includes continued strengthening and expansion of the NDFP and all its allied organizations. "Gather the town's widest political and material support for the revolutionary armed struggle," the Central Committee said. A few new classrooms of DepEd, Teachers are fined January 4, 2024 Teachers and House Deputy Minority Leader and ACT Teachers Party -List - 25 -

Rep. France Castro is the Department of Education (DepEd) in its pride in the 2,201 classrooms built by the department in 2023. It is far from 165,000 lacking classrooms nationwide. "The DepEd himself targeted 5,000-6,000 classrooms to be built in 2023 ... neither half of their own targets have been proud to have a good accomplishment," Rep. Castro. It is alleged that the Classroom of the Classroom is very opposite to the speed of Sara Duterte, secretary of the DepEd, to spend ₱ 125 million illegal confidential funds in just 11 days in 2022. Rep. Castro, it demonstrates Marcos and Duterte's lack of sympathy to reduce the lack of classrooms. "(A) a major issue of crisis in classrooms requires more ambitious and long -term plan," Rep. Castro. Only by building 50,000 classrooms per year can develop learning conditions, and reduce major obstacles to education recovery. The representative also criticized the DepEd's baseless statement that it was impossible to build 50,000 classrooms per year as the agency built 100,936 classrooms in three years in 2014-2016. - 26 -

MASSIVE MASTERARY MASTERTABLE IN SAGAT 9, NAHB -NORTHERN NEGROS JANUARY 4, 2024 ASSISTANCE ACTIVITIES ARE THE NEW Town Army (NPA) -Northern Negros against the mercenary Sarona Group on January 2 in the town of Purok Kamayan, Barangay Barangay Bug-ang, Toboso, Negros Occidental. The Sarona Group is a massacre of the so -called Sagay 9 (or nine growers) on October 20, 2018 in Barangay Bulanon, Sagay City. The group is paid and supported by the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) and large compradors-landlords and landlords on the island. The NPA ambushed and killed group leader Juvie Sarona. The tractor owned by his father was also paralyzed and burned. An M2 Carbine, a .45 Colt, was confiscated at the house A .357 revolver, a shotgun, a variety of magazines and ammunition. Their gadget was also confiscated with important information. The group is also involved in land seizure using the Aryendo system. Farmers were unable to insist against the Sarones for fear of its bully. There are cases of forced cutting on farm trees, and pulling banana plants. The group's case was also recorded in a farmer's buffalo. Sarones are also cruel to - 27 -

their workers and famous not paying well. Communities living around the land control of the Sarona Group are overwhelmed because they are subjected to threats and pressure. The mass of the Northern Negros celebrated the punishment of the Sarones because they were justices of the oppression and exploitation they had at their hands. "With renewed strength and determination in the opening of the New Year's struggle against oppression and filtration, NPA-Northern Negros launched the punishment," said Ka Cecil Estrella, a unit spokesman. Ka Cecil also thanked the farmers and masses who helped with the armed action and continued to support the people's army. Removing the SHS program to SUCs and LUCs, Teachers and young students criticized the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) memorandum saying that Senior High School (SHS) or Grade 11 programs would stop going to stop programs (SHS) or Grade 11 and 12 of the State Universities and Colleges (SUCs) and Local Universities and Colleges (LUCs) in the upcoming school year 2024-2025. It is part of the agency's appearance in the so -called transition under K- - 28 -

12, and its tolerance to the Department of Education. According to the Alliance of Concerned Teachers (ACT), they have a great deal of concern and frustration in this directive that they will have intense impact on students' access to free education, as well as the work conditions of public school teachers. "It has a strict impact on students, especially those who are likely to lose access to free education due to financial difficulties," the ACT said. The situation is said to be pushing for students to enter private schools, which will increase their family. It is further increasing the old number of students who are dropping out of school. Teachers added that it will understand the previous lack of public schools with the SHS program. "This will lead to overwhelming work and overload of teachers who will accept students," the ACT said. For the League of Filipino Students (LFS), many of the difficult SHS and K-12 programs have been struggling with the light of the SHS program of SUCs and LUCs. - 29 -

House Deputy Minority Leader and ACT Teachers Rep. France Castro, "The implementation of these memos should be suspended while there is no intelligent consultation with all stakeholders and their well -being especially students and teachers." "DepEd and CHED say that this program should be only five years old, they should have prepared the consultation for it not to suddenly release a memo that thousands of people were affected," he said. Rice, prices rose faster on December 6, 2024 amid the Marcos regime boasting that the rising prices of commodities were "slowing down" in December 2023, the price of rice increased. According to the Philippine Statistics Authority, rice inflation increased to 19.6% by the end of 2023, the highest from 2009. It was 3.7% higher than November 2023. In 2023, the abereyds reached ₱ 9 9 Price raised all types of rice, or 39.63% throughout the year. The price of well-milled rice is high in 22.4% or ₱ 10 per kilogram. According to state officials, rice prices are estimated to increase by 2024. - 30 -

Workers' Union in Philfoods, entering the negotiations for the CBA January 7, 2024 The Union of Bakers in Philfoods Fresh Baked Product Inc. (UPPFBPI-Olaalia-KMU) with the capitalist company to agree to the "bargaining ground rules" that will be used as a negotiation guide for the collective bargaining agreement (CBA) of the union and maneydsment. This was followed by the protest of workers and the union in front of the National Conciliation and Mediation Board (NCMB) Region IV-A on January 4. According to the alliance of the Laguna province, the NCMB union insisted on dealing with the deliberate Delay in the progress of negotiations for the CBA. Prior to that, four conversations had already occurred between of the union and the maneydsment. The union will be facing Maneydsment for negotiations with their CBA starting January 9. In September 2023, UPPFBPI-Olalia-KMU won the election to the certification to represent workshop workers. The union won 295 votes out of a total of 341 voting in the election, while 25 votes were obtained by the rival union. Philfoods Fresh Baked Product Inc is Gardenia Bakeries Kapatid Bakery - 31 - 31 -

Bread for gardenia, a multinational company. The Philfoods factory will be seated on Liip Avenue, Barangay Mampalasan, Biñan, Laguna. Cases against KMU organizers, Court January 9, 2024 announced yesterday, January 8, by the May Uno Movement (KMU) that the court in Quezon City to abolish direct assault and grave coercion cases against leaders and its organizer. The KMU considered it "good news" especially in the opening of 2024. The case was filed by PCPL Mark Anthony Soliven of the Quezon City Police District against KMU Secretary General Jerome Adonis, organizer of the Association of Democratic labor organizations, Federation under the KMU, Nadja de Vera, a man named AIA Pendatun, and six aliens on June 26, 2023. The case of Adonis's confrontation with PCPL Soliven on June 9, 2023 was related to KMU's staff and official from a protest in Mendiola, Manila. PCPL Soliven was confronted when KMU noticed that it was following a motorcycle and taking photos of those in the vehicle. The KMU has criticized the KMU's police espionage. In a statement that day, they said, - 32 -

"There is nothing wrong with the work of activists to campaign for significant changes for the benefits of workers, peasants and citizens" so they should not be explored and harassed by state forces. According to the group, “The incident is proof that the law is not in the right law and the rights and the police's intimidation tactics are not in any reason. The people must boldly face and fight it. ” In connection with the cases, the court recommended that it be abolished because it said there was a lack of adequate evidence against activists. According to the KMU, this 'mode' should be stopped by filing cases against organizers of the labor movement. The decision was issued by the court on November 20, 2023. The release of Filipino migrants Mary Jane Veloso, again asserted January 9, 2024 Migrante International again robbed the immediate release of Mary Jane Veloso, a Filipino migrant victim of human and drug trafficking , confined to Indonesia since 2010. The group insisted this with Indonesian President Joko Widodo's visit to the country from January 9 to January 11 to meet with Ferdinand Marcos Jr. - 33 -

Veloso was rescued from the punishment in 2015 due to the insistence of the Filipino people. He remains detained in Jakarta, Indonesia despite the persecution of his illegal recruits and has long called him to release him. "She should be given clemency and freedom and should be home now, living and helping her two children and parents," Migrante International said. The group supported Veloso's parent's scheduled letter to Marcos and Widodo. Mary Jane celebrates her 39th birthday on January 10. Migrante International also calls for two Presidents to face the Veloso family. If Veloso is given and released, it is a great gift and will bring great happiness to Filipino migrants and the people. "Mary Jane's story is echoing to Filipino migrants and citizens," Migrante International said. The group emphasized that the case of Mary Jane, ten of other migrants, was caused by unemployment in the Philippines. The exploitation of individual recruits victims of poor and desperate to work Filipinos is further exploited by this. - 34 -

6-month baby, murdered by state forces in India January 10, 2024 condemned by Forum Against Corporatization and Militarization (FACAM), group in India, the killing of Indian reactionary forces in a 6-month baby in Mutvendi , Bijapur District, Chhattisgarh State on January 1. According to the report, state forces issued an "encounter" in the Geriaist guerrillas when the child was killed, something residents denied. According to a Facam statement, Massi Vadde was breastfeeding his 6-month-old baby when Indian security forces suddenly shot in the forested part of Mutvendi. Massi Vadde penetrated the bullet that hit and killed his baby. The father insisted According to the baby, the police say there is no fact that there was an encounter with their community. This is also the consistent statement of community residents, according to Facam. The Communist Party of India (MAOIST) West Bastar Division also said in a media statement in India that it has no encounter unit in the community. According to secretary of CPI (MAOIST) Division Mohan, the community attacked because of their opposition to - 35 -

militarization and entry of corporations into their area. It was a disgust that only three days of the new police camp in Kavadgaon (near Mutvandi) had killed a baby, Mohan said. The police camp was one of the three camps built in the Bijapur district in December 2023. also built camps in Palnar and Dumripa. The construction of camps was a conspiracy between the corporations and the Brahmanical Hindutva fascist government to make the Bijapur district a large police camp and deported to local residents. Currently setting up the way between Kavadgoan and Mutvandi that will lead to farms, forests and land ownership and residents' livelihood. "Police camps, bridges and lands are set up on the indigenous land without the permission of the residents or conducting Gram Sabha (Local Assembly)," Mohan said. The Moolwasi Bachao Manch group, leading 35 movements against the construction of camps, large roads, fake encounters and more, is facing a harassment, from Indian state forces. According to the Facam, “many of the leaders of these movements are arrested for arguing that they are Naxalites (Names to Maoists in - 36 -

India) to suppress their democratic movement against land grabs and to destroy Jal-Jungle-Jameen (Water-Water). ” Meanwhile, Facam announced that the relatives had buried a 6-month-old baby on January 6. Charter Change, the Marcos-10, 2024 Marcos JR congressman Jan January Jan Jan, 2024 by “people's initiative” or gathering signatures for it. Progressive Congressmen of the National Block have revealed that such a scheme in different parts of the country. The insertion of the provision is a major content of the petition in which any amendment to the Constitution can be passed by voting 3/4 of the combined high and lower council of Congress. This means that all senators and congressmen will vote as a assembly, and every senator and congressman has one vote. According to former People's First Representative Neri Colmenares, this provision will effectively eliminate “checks and balance” between the state institutions stated in the Constitution. It is also against the bicameral character of the Philippine government. Do - 37 -

The Senate is the only "observer" in the process of changing the Constitution as there are more members of the House of Representatives. Congress and Senate authorities are equal in the passage of laws, even though the number of senators is far smaller. For decades each ruling group has attempted to change the Constitution to extend himself to the term extension, degrade the provisions that protect the human rights and completely remove the remaining provisions that protect the local economy against foreign foreign piracy. The American Chamber of Commerce has long been pushing for a change in the Constitution. The Marcos JR regime was no different who first attempted to smuggle a charter change last year. The proposal is not overpowered by the opposition here by the senators. Rep. Marcos' congressman was a cunning plan on January 7. He learned that the League of Mayors had called a meeting on Albay on January 5. Here the meaders were funded to gather signature at least 3% registered voters in their respective districts. Will be given to anyone who will sign ₱ 100. Earlier, House Speaker Martin Romualdez announced Congress's "intention" to change the Constitution through the People's Initiative. Lagman questioned, as well as the Makabayan bloc in inserts - 38 -

Romualdez and his accomplices have an additional ₱ 12 billion in the former ₱ 2 billion of the Commission on Elections (Comelec) which he said is related to this year's charter change plan. The ICC is investigating Duterte, it may be done on January 10, 2024 It is believed that the International Criminal Court (ICC) investigation into crime charges against humanity is over Former President Rodrigo Duterte. That is, it can now release a warrior's arrest at any time in the future. This is what former Rep. Neri Colmenares, according to his fellow lawyer Atty. Kristi Conti and former senator Antonio Trillanes. Prior to that, the news that court investigators had been quietly entering the Philippines last year to interview the key witnesses in the case. Ferdinand Marcos Jr.'s government was not informed of the government because it had previously stated that it would not cooperate with the ICC. According to Trillanes, the investigation of secondary personalities named by the court is almost over. Among them was Vice President Sara Duterte. The Department of Justice has expressed ignorance of the presence of investigators. - 39 -

However, the department opened last year to "listen" to the resolution presented in Congress to investigate the ICC jurisdiction in the country. The former president and his accomplices are very angry. "I agree with Trillanes) because the evidence is strong and the investigation has been a few years," Colmenares said today, January 10. "We believe the case is strong and clearly needs to be held accountable." Colmenares and Conti are both lawyers of families who filed a case with the ICC. Oplan Sabit, launched in Antipolo for the anniversary of the Party January 10, 2024 The Philippine Communist Party (CPP) -Rizal has successfully launched Oplan Sabit to pay homage to the 55th anniversary of the Party's establishment and the first anniversary of death by the great teacher Jose Maria Sison in Antipolo City on January 9. under the leadership of the revolutionary youth, peasants, and the poor, those who participated in the activity were eagerly studied the fashion and pattern of the police and military citizens around to closely attach their bunches. - 40 -

The fast -paced hosts successfully conducted a bridge to a bridge in the old market, Antipolo City next to Robinsons. The comrades chose it because many would go through it. Here is the brightness of Ka Joma's face drawing and a party awards message to be able to be created by the Rizal revolutionaries. Meanwhile, the New People's Army (NPA)- Rizal launched a gathering on the last week of December 2023 to celebrate the party's anniversary. They also celebrated some members of the revolutionary organizations. Launched honors, speeches and cultural performances at the gathering. The warriors also lit a torch as a symbol of the light of Ka Joma's teachings and the fell martyrs of the Party and the People's Army in recent years. These actions continue to strengthen the revolutionary movement in the province under the leadership of the CPP-Rizal. "With the more strictly dedicated to Marxism-Leninism-Maoism and embracing the people's war, the Party Committee in Provinces continues to lead the national-democratic struggle in the province to success," according to the CPP-Rizal. - 41 -

Decreased inflation, no impact on poor January 12, 2024 There is no impact on the poorest Filipino families allegedly decreasing inflation or slowing prices of commodities. According to the Philippine Statistics Authority, the inflation dropped from 4.1% in November to 3.9% in December. However, inflation increased for a 30% poorest family, from 4.9% in November to 5% in December. According to the Birds Foundation group, although the food inflation dropped from 5.7% to 5.4%, rice inflation reached a very high 19.6% - rice inflation - unparalleled in the last 14 years . For the poorest families, rice inflation is 21.4%. This is proof that government policies have no effect on poor Filipinos against high inflation, bird analysis. This section of the population is most affected by the rising prices of commodities. “For example, five years after the passing of the Rice Liberalization Act, the country's most basic food has not remained low, contrary to the government's promise (it) - 42 -

The main benefit of liberalization, ”the group said. It noted that rice prices were rising at ₱ 48- ₱ 54 per kilogram today, compared to ₱ 43.86 abereyds in its August 2018. importation despite its failure to control inflation, ”he said. Campaign for In the Charter Change, National-democratic groups strongly condemned January 13, 2024 The New Alliance or Town Alliance has strongly condemned the history to an advertisement today on major television networks. In this announcement, the EDSA riot in 1986 was diminished and defiled and the 1987 Constitution was blamed for the Philippine problems today. "The issues facing the country after 1986 have nothing to do with the Constitution but more than the type of rich system of rich and foreigners who prevail to this day," the town said on January 10. The group defined the reign as problems as problems as problems Still big landlords, bureaucrats, political and foreign interference dynasties. - 43 -

The group added that the demanding change in the 1987 Constitution was that there was no purpose to solve these problems, but because of strengthening the interests of the ruling class that had long maintained the Philippines that was difficult and innocent. "Those who drive Charter Change are those who have been benefiting from neoliberal policies in the economy, which intend to expand through charter change," the group said. "Large businesses and bureaucrat-capitalists will benefit from our resources." In conjunction with the advertisement of the proliferation of a petition for a charter change signed by the mayor in various parts of the Philippines. It aims to gather signatures in the "People's Initiative" framework to insert a provision to make the Constitution easier. According to the law, the signatures of 3% of voters in each district need to be gathered in order for the petition to be valid. According to the news, ₱ 100 pays anyone who signed the petition. In Visayas, the town-Negros has received reports that voters are signed in exchange for the Tupad or AICS program funding. Accordingly, Bacolod Meyor Albee Benitez is funding the signing campaign, using barangay and Purok officials. They are said to be required to reach the "Kota." - 44 -

The signing of the "benefits" of the campaign are promised and the purpose of the petition is not clearly explained. According to the group, the majority of the signers did not know that the charter change was their agreement. PhilHealth added, OFWs January 15, 2024 dismissed Migrante International yesterday for the immediate dismissal of the Philippine Health Insurance Corp. (PhilHealth) this year. The agency is set to raise from 4% to 5% of the overseas Filipino workers and Filipino migrants, which means an increase from ₱ 500 to ₱ 5,000 to those who pay ₱ 10,000 to ₱ 99,999.00 per month. The migrants called it "extra torture for OFWs." "The Marcos JR regime should know that as it raises the charges (of PhilHealth), most OFWs stop paying for and they face the rising cost of living and rent," the group said in a statement on January 14. Not They also agree with the agency's president's statement that this is just a "small amount" to them, but the OFWs allegedly "feel" PhilHealth's "benefits". - 45 -

“In fact, OFWs in PhilHealth have no benefit because it only covers the Philippines. If OFWs are getting sick or in need of medical attention abroad, they are facing high fees and costs and they are able to escape because of the insurance they pay, ”the group said. In the Philippines, they usually have only one or two beneficiaries. "PhilHealth's charge is a simple extortion of the government," he said. This is proof that the government is only doing the OFWs, especially when the state services are denied them. The group emphasized that health services are basic, and that it should be part of government services. It denied the government's reasoning that it had no funding for social services as the cases of corruption and plunder of the town's funding, including PhilHealth, were increasing. Students and teachers in India, protesting against counter-insurgency operations Samadhan- Prahar January 15, 2024 Delhi University students and teachers gathered at its campus in Delhi, India on January 10 led by Forum Against Corporatization and Militarization (FACAM) to protest against counter -insurgency - 46 -

Samadhan-Prahar operations. They criticized this campaign by Naendra Modi's regime, which primarily targets civilians and unarmed revolutionaries of the Communist Party of India (Maoist). According to the Facam, the operation intensified the militarization of the adivasi (indigenous) communities in India to allow piracy in the natural resources of the forests and land of adivasi. According to the group, the reactionary state plans to enter into mines, and corporate projects in these regions. "Communities are being subjected to the military by building multiple paramilitary camps and the deployment of thousands of paramilitary forces ... on behalf of anti-varying operations," Facam said. According to group data, at least 195 paramilitary camps were built in five years of state implementation during Samadhan-Prahar operations. Delhi University professors, Dr. Jitendra Meena, Dr. Saroj Giri and Dr. Nandita Narain. They condemned the seizure of the land of the Adivasi in Kaimur, Chhattisgarh that the state planned to use for the protection of tigers. They also called for justice for the 6 -month -old baby killed by State forces in Bijapur, Chhattisgarh on January 1. - 47 -

“Where do adivasi farmers go, what happens in their lives? No one knows. ” Dr. Meena in the face of so many cases of dismissal of indigenous peoples from their land. Dr. Adivasi is experiencing the experience of massacre and genius to the Palestinian people of the State of Israel supported by the US. As in Palestine, he said, "the struggle of the people [of India] against the militarization and plunder of corporations is a struggle for their lives tied to their lands." Other groups attended the protest also gave a speech. Students and activists also performed a song that discussed the fight against the eviction of the adivasi. 96th IB unit, BHB-Masbate January 15, 2024 Created by a Unit of the New People's Army (NPA) -Masbate of 96th troops in Sitio Lantawan, Barangay Gangao, Baleno, Masbate on January 13. Such a military unit and urgently hid their casualties to cover up shame. - 48 -

According to Ka Luz del Mar, spokesman for the NPA-Mabaste, the armed offensive is part of their efforts to achieve justice for victims of military abuse and defend the people against the ongoing military rule in the province. Ka Luz refers to 24 victims of political killings in Masbate under the US-Marcos regime. Residents are also very angry about the camp of counter-insurgency units of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) and the Philippine National Police (PNP) in the provincial schools. Even some Department of Education (DepEd) personnel have complained of the ongoing military invasion of the schools to recruit and force the students they are supposed to live in the town army's dilings to provide information. According to reports, some students who could not enter the school were due to fear of military presence. A resident of Barangay Gangao also announced his complaint and frustration with the state's armed forces through a social media post last week. He said, "You [the military unit] put you here to initiate silence, order and peace ... it is not for you to start the people's fear and fear." He revealed that the military unit assigned to their village led - 49 -

Drink in and out of the camp and if drunk is firing a gun and harassing the residents. He also complained of prostitution within the military camp itself. "Then you say you saw something for your opponent?" he said. He questioned an incident in which soldiers did not appear in the camp and fired and fired a gun without sure who could be hit. "It is your obligation to protect the people, you will not release the explosion and gunshot from your camp," he said. She also condemned the feminine, even the girls, the soldiers. "And you are still bringing your camp to the female camp, is that right?" he said. Ka Luz said their armed action shows the determination of the People's Army to defend the masses from the hands of the executioners. He also expressed gratitude to the Masbatan people for continuing to support their true army and role in the fennel operation against the 96th IB. Relative Political Prison in Quezon, appealed to Court January 16, 2024 - 50 -

The appeal has been filed National Union of Peoples' Lawyers (NUPL) and the father of the human political prisoner Alex Pacalda in the Court of Appeals in Manila on January 10. The appeal aims to reopen the case and reverse the guilty verdict in case Illegal possession of firearms and explosives. Pacalda insisted that these cases were fabricated. The Lucena City Regional Trial Court Branch 56 released the verdict on March 15, 2023. Pacalda was represented by a 10 -year imprisonment for illegal possession of firearms, while reclusion perpetua or lifelong oppression of his alleged violation of the law to explosives. The decision was issued by Judge Salvador Villarosa Jr, appointed by former President Rodrigo Duterte. Pacalda was arrested on September 14, 2019 in Barangay Magsaysay, Gen. Luna, Quezon of the forces of 201st ibde. Pacalda was in a consultation with a peasant victim of militarization when she was arrested. After the arrest, Pacalda was subjected to mental and physical torture. He was not fed and slept for about 30 hours to force him to "admit" that he was a member of the New People's Army. He was forced to sign a "surrender document." The military also harassed his family and signed a document as "proof." - 51 -

Pacalada's father joined the petition with Alex's friends and supporters and the Free Alex Pacalda Network group. According to the group, the filing of the appeal is not only challenging the court's decision in Lucena City but that they are facing a larger system that has repeatedly set aside small citizens and used instruments for political repression. "We believe the fight for Alex Pacalda's independence will not be separated from the greater struggle for human rights, the dignity of the oppressed," they said. They urged all the leaders of justice and advocate for human rights to unite in this important fight. Farmers in Negros Occidental, surviving the shooting of 62nd IB January 16, 2024 Soldiers of 62nd IB soldiers shot Cerilo Bagnoran Jr while driving his motorcycle and traveling to Crossing Cordova, Barangay Manghanoy, La Castellana, Negros Occidental. He was shot by three elements of the 62nd IB Charlie Company at Crossing Cordova before being fired by a bullet. Bagnoran would have returned to his house from work when soldiers were shot dead. He was worked with a robe. Although surviving the hunt, extreme fear and troma - 52 -

the cause of him and his family of the incident. Prior to the failed murder, Bagnoran was searched by the prominent elements of the Philippine National Police (PNP) on January 7 in his community. On January 8, he was found by 24 soldiers of the 62nd IB who were operating in Sitio Mandayao-4, Barangay Kamandag, La Castellana. Meanwhile, the Carreon family in Sitio Bonbon, Barangay Hinpanpan, Guihulngan City has also not survived the state's brutality and terrorism. About 40 troops of 62nd IB were forced to enter the family home on January 14am. It is illegal for the soldiers to reclaim the family equipment and find Bimbo Carreon, the owner of the house. The military, especially the military, caused a fear of the family. This 62nd IB tactic is outlined in the anti-insurgency campaign implemented by the US-Marcos regime. Instead of interacting with the people's army units, the military explicitly targets civilian peasants, which are extremely against international humanitarian laws and war guidelines. The 3rd ID in December 2023 announced that its plan was to "crush" and declare "insurgency-free" the entire island of Negros in the first bedroom of 2024, which has been dedicated several times. In this regard, the new - 53 - has warned before

People's Army (NPA) -Negros will mean extension of militarization of communities throughout the island. Farmers of the Ramos Land in Cavite, the military was shocked by January 16, 2024 by five elements of the Philippine Army Scout Ranger The Ramos Land Community in Dasmariñas, Cavite on January 15. The collection of legitimate farmers was criticized by a military truck on January 15. and citizens of the Ramos Land (Including-LR) are the entry of soldiers with high-caliber weapons into their community. According to them, they are terrified and harassing the residents and farmers. According to a LR's report, the soldiers were not authorized to enter and when confronted, one of them fired a gun to take care of the farmers. “This is just one of the series of military and police entry attempts in the Ramos Land community and the series of Red-tagging to the people and farmers of our community, ”the group said. Under the leadership of the LR, the farmers of the Ramos Land struggle for their right to 372 hectares of land owned by legitimate peasants and community citizens. The land is seized by the Tional Grid Corporaton of the Philippines' (NGCP) - 54 -

Establish electric poles on the ground since 2014. It has been a decade for farmers of Ramos land to fight for their right to land. To this day they are fighting the seizure through barricades and colleagues. According to the LR, they will continue to fight for their right to the land. Farmers should continue to frustrate the pressure and harassment of the soldiers as it openly violated their rights and at risk for their lives and safety. Breaking the AFP's international human law in the Aerial Bombing campaign, January 16, 2024 The International Coalition for Human Rights in the Philippines (ICHRP) group criticized the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) in international humanitarian law ( IHL) in its launch of excessive and superior strength attacks and aerial bombing campaigns against the small and vulnerable structures of the New People's Army camps (NPA). “The ICHRP strongly condemns the disproportionate use of weapons of 403rd - 55 -

Ibde, the AFP's 4th ID at its aerial bombing on December 25 to December 26, 2023 in Malaybalay City, Bukidnon, ”said Peter Murphy, chairperson of the coalition. He said it shows the AFP's open disrespect for human rights and international humanitarian laws. According to a preliminary report of the New People's Army (NPA) unit in Bukidnon, the tactical air wing of the 4th ID dropped four bombs at a temporary army camp in Barangay Can-Ayan, Malaybalay City. Two days later, it was again bombed in the New Society, Barangay Linabo in Quezon town. The drop of 250-free bombs, which sow terror at Bukidnon's people, was exaggerated. The Bombing in Malaybalay City killed 10 individuals in the NPA camp. According to the report, the body of the victims was devastated by the excessive strength of the AFP bombs. The AFP also used the atmos 2000 that it bought in Israel. The use of strong bombs is "natural indiscriminate" or selectively, at risk for the lives and livelihoods of civilians and causing widespread environmental destruction. In fact, the impact of the AFP bombing from the air is beyond the ground zero. It destroyed peace, caused extensive fear, panic and troma to residents in nearby communities and - 56 -

Destroying the forest that they are a source of food and livelihood. Besides, the IchRP criticized the attack and the 59th IB shooting at the People's Army in Barangay Mallay, Balayan, Batangas on December 17, 2023. Five red fighters and two civilians, Pretty, were killed here Sheine Anacta (19) and Rose Jane Ilga (30). The two of them were visiting the red NPA warrior of the NPA. According to a NPA report, Pretty Sheine was killed in the first explosion of fascist troops, before being killed by the military. Rose Jane's situation was disgusting when she saw her body at the cemetery where her pants were lower, she was exploited. Meanwhile, the military has not been arrested and to this day the wounded warrior Baby Jane Orbe (Ka Seed). In accordance with the rules of international humanitarian law, his rights of rival armed forces should be recognized. "In its use of excessive strength and sowing of gloom to local farmers in these offensives, the AFP violated the IHL and showed a open disregard for the people's well-being," Murphy said. He added that these violations are more surprising to the rules of warfare - 57 -

Following the recent indication of the government of the Republic of the Philippines (GRP) to re -negotiate with the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP), representing 18 revolutionary organizations including the NPA. Murphy emphasized that these brutal rules in the countryside are part of the US-Marcos regime's anti-insurgency strategy that uses forced rides, hygiene and reconciliation of communities, counterfeit and forced surrender to civilians, arbitrarily arrests, abductions and despair, torture and extra- judicial ones murder. “In the face of this AFP's brutality in its war against the NPA, the ICHRP has reinforced support for the Filipino people's call for real solutions to the armed taglian in responding to its roots including widespread poverty, unemployment and jobs and those Industry, and the unfair distribution of land, ”Murphy said. Aerial strikes of the US and UK in Yemen, the ILPS-USE January 17, 2024 condemned the International League of Peoples' Struce-US the attack of US imperialism and the United Kingdom in the country and the Yemen's citizenship. - 58 -

"We stand for the right of the Yemeni people, not only to defend their land, but also to their right to help the Palestinian people, who are both defending their land," according to an ILPS-US statement on January 13. Using War and cannon planes in the warships, the US bombed 60 targets at 16 areas on January 11. According to the ILPS, the US attack began when it fired Yemeni ships in the Red Sea which accused it Hosting ”commercial ships on the Bab Al-Mandab Strait located on the northern part of the ocean. The Yemeni government refuted it, saying it was only targeting the ships to Zionist Israel in contributing to harm its war machine and contributing to the Palestinian struggle. "There is no damage to Yemen's steps to the people or property, while US bombings have killed 15 people and destroyed infrastructure," the group said. Also, these bombings have brought widespread alarm throughout the country that has long been degraded to the world's worst humanitarian crisis due to the unlucky bombing of the US, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates since 2014. According to the United Nations, according to the United Nations, to 21 million Yemeni or - 59 -

2/3 of the population relies on humanity to live. BHB-Sorsogon, clarified in a series of encounters on January 14 January 17, 2024 The New People's New Army (NPA) -Sorsogon denies some of the 31st IB's statements in connection with the release of this incident series in Provinces on January 14 . According to the unit, some of the encounters and released seized military equipment are all lie. The Red Army said the 31st IB and its unit in Barangay De Vera, Donsol on January 14 at 6am. There is no NPA-Sorsogon unit in the area so the alleged encounter is impossible. The alleged weapons, magazines and other military equipment in the area have been planted evidence, the unit said. Meanwhile, the unit insisted that no one was seized or seized any weapon in the encounter that took place in Barangay Sigg, a jungle in Sorsogon around 2:45 pm that day. It is also not true that the surrender of two red fighters of the people's army in Barangay San Isidro, Bulusan in the 22nd IB. The - 60 -

Named "Johnny" and "Ganda" were civilians forced by soldiers to "give up." The unit honored red commander Baltazar Hapa (Ka Patrick) who was killed in a 31st IB attack in Barangay Togawe, Gubat, Sorsogon on January 14 at 6pm. Victims of the 2nd IB shooting, charged and detained January 17, 2024 State forces arrested five civilians in Masbate last week. Five Jamara Tumangan, Rowel Hagnaya, Alden Tumangan, Rico Cuyos and Senen Dollete are accused of red fighters who have encountered 2nd IB in Barangay Balantay, June 16, 2023. The victims denied it and insisted , in fact, they were civilian victims of soldiers' shooting. This shooting has resulted in the death of their 17-year-old Rey Belan. The victims were hunting in the jungle when they were met and a bullet was fired by a 2nd IB operating troop around 3:35 pm. Residents and relatives of the victims had earlier denied the military show that an “encounter” occurred in June 2023. - 61 -

No more justice for Belan and his colleagues, the victims are now arrested, the NPA-Masbate said. "Under the Military Law in Masbate, the victim becomes criminal, and the criminal becomes the victim," said Ka Luz del Mar, NPA-Masbate spokesman. According to Ka Luz, the 2nd IB did this to cover up their heinous crime and bend the truth. "The revolutionary movement fears that not only Belan, Tumangan and colleagues will experience this blasphemy but also the other victims and their relatives," he said. The NPA unit in the province has announced that it will strive to provide justice to the victims of the fascist military rule. Filipino workers who have lost their jobs in New Zealand, insisted on the same assistance January 17, 2024 Unified workers in New Zealand have not been able to provide them with a wages when the company that contracted them suddenly closed. At the same time, they pushed the Philippine embassy to bring out the help and assistance they deserve. - 62 -

More than 1,000 workers, including 495 Filipino workers, lost their jobs when the Ele Holdings Ltd declared a bankcrupty (bankrupt Large Manpower Agency employed temporary migrant workers. Many of these have been allowed to work in the country with the validity of temporary visas, and thus threatened to be home if you do not get a new visa and work immediately. According to Migrante Aotearoa, only 46 of the Filipinos who sought help from the Philippine embassy received a financial assistance on January 13. Workers were struggling with their condition, and families who relied on them in the Philippines were also struggling. Today, the First Union and Union Network of Migrants (UNEMIG) are helping them for their basic needs such as food and so on. Ele workers who were in the Philippines still did not receive any help when it closed. "Most of the Ele (Ele (have announced) they do not want to return to the Philippines because they know there is no work available for them there," Migrante-Aoteroa said. “This is a huge wake -up call to the Philippine government that should ensure that it has - 63 -

decent jobs in the country, and stop the labor export policy especially but it is not ready to provide urgent assistance to OFWs and their families at times when they need government protection and services. ” On January 19, Ele workers will gather in three areas in New Zealnad (Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch) to defeat Ele and the Philippine government to provide the wages and care for them. Weapons and Canadian and UK military presence in the Philippines in the Philippines, the Marcos JR regime will not allow the Marcos Jr regime to allow troops, weapons and military equipment in the Philippines, as well as Canada and the United Kingdom will also allow it under the cooked military agreements between it and the aforementioned countries. An agreement with the "Enhanced Defense Cooperation" or EDCA is said to be "repaired" between the Philippines and Canada, according to Gilbert Teodoro Jr., secretary of the Department of National Defense on January 16. It will be signed in the first room of the year. Similar to the EDCA of the country in the US, it has been able to prohibit the construction of military bases, piling weapons, and the entry of nuclear weapons. Also chasing - 64 -

Canada is its own Visiting Forces Agreement that will surely provide the same privileges to American troops today in the country. Like the US EDCA and the VFA in the Philippines, the Marcos JR puppet regime will surely allow the long -term presence of Canadian foreign troops. A military treaty requires consent of the majority of the Senate. The Senate ruined the last such treaty, the US-Philippine Military Bases Agreement in 1991, which kicked US forces at its large military bases in Subic and Clark. In the VFA, the Philippines has no authority for American soldiers entering the Philippines, despite committing crimes. They also have extra-territorial rights to their "EDCA sites" that are none other than military bases. The Philippines and the UK will also have a "agreement" to allow the presence of the late troops to the US Wargames on the country's land on the country's land and sovereignty over the next five years. ADB's role in false transport modernization, criticized January 20, 2024 - 65 -

Youth protesting in front of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) at the Asian Development Bank (ADB) at the Ortigas Center in Mandaluyong City, led by the League of Filipino Students, to criticize its role in false modernization of transportation and phase-out of traditional Dyip. The ADB is leading the blame for traditional jeepneys as a pollutant, the cause of traffic, non -efficient and harmful to the health of the computers. ADB is pushing for "safe," "clean" and allegedly affordable buses to be imported from Japan, US, Korea and even in China. This scheme is best in the Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) program that is being pushed by ADB in Davao. It has lent $ 1 billion to the local government to replace buses, jeepneys and tricycles that drive the city of over 1,000 euro-5 compliant bus and run-operated by Japan-Japan and Korea electricity. The "transformation" of the entire transportation system of Davao will begin in 2024. ADB and Japan are approved of the BRT as a program that will lower the Philippine Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emotion and "low carbon" transportation. This is also the case that the Office of the Solicitor General submitted in response to the Piston group's petition to stop the PUVMP nationwide. According to the OSG, the phase-out of jeepneys is part of the Philippines' climate commitment to lower its GHG emotion. - 66 -

In the National Capital Region and other parts of the country, followed by the forced consolidation of the franchises to buy the drivers and operators of the very expensive minibuses of Japan or Korea, or other electrical-operated electric machines -Us. Because the Philippines does not have its own industry in the manufacture of entire vehicles, or even machines and parts, it will need to import important parts, otherwise full vehicles. “Drivers and operators will only do business and income on ADB's lending or official assistance to the PUVMP veil by selling imported modern jeep , ”Said Elle Buntag, the group's general secretary. To date, the majority of the country's buses are imported from Japan. In 2021, the country imported buses worth $ 206 million from Japan, China ($ 21.7M), South Korea ($ 2.7m), Vietnam ($ 526,000), and United Arab Emirates ($ 45,300). Japan is also alerted to the machines of traditional jeepneys (large-scale-Isuzu, Mitsubishi and Toyota) that such companies now want to replace "cleaner" minibus. - 67 -

The Philippines is also a huge dump of used vehicles or segunda mano and old models of Japanese vehicles. “Through the ADB, it searched for a backward town that they could be able to sell and sell the aforementioned [uniform vehicles]. Due to the lack of accessible and accessible public transportation, the Philippines found a huge potential market for their super products, ”he added. ADB is a multilateral state dominated by the state and Japanese capitalists. It serves as a part of the World Bank in the Asian region in pushing imperialist policies. PISTON: The country's climate commitment has nothing to do with the force of the franchise of the January 20, 2024 Consolidation of the Drivers and Operator Nationwide (PISTON) unity of the Office of the Solicitor General in the petition of the drivers' petition and jeep operators filed in the Supreme Court against the forced consolidation of franchises that are against the principle of independent organization. In the response of the OSG, which represents the DOTr and LTFRB in the case, the PUV Modernization Program (PUVMP) allegedly aims to keep promises - 68 -

of the country to reduce greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions or dirty smoke emitted by the country. Asked by the Piston, what does the PUVMP's mandatory franchise consolidation have to do with the dedication of the Philippines' climate commitment or the country's promises? “The DOTr and LTFRB insist on franchise consolidation, which will eventually result in the seizure of large cooperative and corporate businessmen with the ability to buy at least 15 minibuses per route, has nothing to do with any climate response,” the group said of drivers and operators. "This will only result in the intense loss of occupation of drivers and small operators and the explicit seizure of large corporations in the control of our public transportation." PISTON noted that UN Special Rapporteur for Climate Change Ian Fry recommended that the state develops a policy for a fair transport transition to protect workers' rights in decent employment. The piston and the steering wheel of the steering wheel repeatedly emphasized that the PUVMP and forcibly consolidating the livelihood of small drivers and operators. - 69 -

"Franchise consolidation is not needed to improve the public transportation system," Piston said. “We can adjust and develop the tragic state of public transport in the country without breaking the rights of drivers and small operators in decent work. ” "The OSG's response and the PUVMP's attempt to block our petition in the Supreme Court simply reveals the true purpose of the Marcos regime in pushing the PUVMP," Piston said. With the exception of providing the seizure of large bourgeoisiers in their livelihood, drivers and operators also know that PUVMP will allow the pile of sarplas minibus, machine, parts and other products from the US, Japan , Korea and even in China. Like the OSG, these countries, in particular Japan, also enjoy climate change by laying a "low carbon" transportation. If only the "climate commitments" were to talk about, the issue of the greenhouse gas of traditional jeepneys in the country's main culprits in the country is far from far away. According to the June 2023 Climate Action Tracker report, the main increasing GHG emotion in the Philippines is the energy sector, which is mainly in the coal -run plant. - 70 -

Also, instead of the state reducing the country's overall dependence on fossil gas, it even allowed large bourgeoisie to build an additional seven lng (liquid natural gas) terminal for imported lng from the US, which is the number one exports Lng all over the world. Three of these have operated from 2023. The Philippines contributes 0.48% to the GHG emotion worldwide. On the other hand, 2.6% of the Global GHG comes from Japan and 14% in the US. 2 Farmers, 62nd IB killed in a fake fake encounter January 21, 2024 Pickled and tortured, before the 62nd IB soldiers killed two farmers in Barangay Sag-Ang, La Castellana, Negros Occidental on January 17am. In order to cover up their heinous crime, soldiers were killed by Boy Baloy, 60, and Bernard Torres, 50, in its fake encounter. According to Witnesses, Baloy and Torres were taken to their home at 6:45 am, departed from the community, subjected to severe interrogation, beaten and tortured, before being shot by the executioners. Baloy is a member of oneness in the Gospel of Oriental Negros (Kalokon -Guihulngan Chapter), while -71 -

Torres is a driver of the Undoc-Piston-Guihulngan Chapter. Since 2017, the two have repeatedly experienced harassment and harassment from state forces and agents. Torres and his family survived the bloody Oplan Sauron launched by the US -Duterte regime against the Negrosanon people in December 2018. Ka JB Regalado, spokesman for the New People's Army (NP The two. “The victims were not armed and were only released by two shotguns, a .45 caliber pistol and other alleged subversive documents. "There is no encounter," he insisted. "This lies of the 62nd IB against innocent civilians are not new, but a fascist reactionary brand and mercenary Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP)," Ka JB said. The NPA regional ADDRESS on Negros Island also criticized the 62nd IB's fake encounter mode. Ka Maoche Legislador, spokesman for BHB-Negros Island, also revealed that there was another fake fake encounter in Barangay Cambayobo, Calatrava, Negros Occidental on January 15. “The alleged camp of 79th IB is just drama and the alleged encounter is - 72 -

AFP script is used, ”Ka Maoche said. According to him, the 3rd ID and all six battalions are conducting a "fake news spree" on the island of Negros. It pursues the unlucky statement that the people's army units on the island are "dissolved," it has destroyed their anti-insurgency campaign that destroys and targets civilians and violates their human rights. Religious and youthful groups, reunited against mining at Eastern Samar January 21, 2024 More than a thousand citizens joined January 20 at the Immaculate Conception Parish Church in Guiuan town to showcase their opposition to destructive mining throughout Samar island. The activity called the "Island wide Jericho Prayer Assembly" was led by the Save Homonhon Movement, and groups and diocese of the Catholic Church throughout the island. Calling on the action to stop destructive mining on the islands of Homonhon and Manicani in Guiuan, and even other parts of the island. Four Mina companies are currently operating to obtain nickel and chromite on the island of Homonhon. - 73 -

Techiron Resources Inc., Emir Mineral Resources Corp, King Resources began to mine Mining Corp, and Global Min-Met Resources Inc. In early 2015. Techiron's company, who minisines 1,500-hectare of the island, is one of the companies closed by the former Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) Secretary Gina Lopez In 2017. It reopened in 2020 after recovering the suspension. According to government records, these four companies had available 605,176 metric tons (MT) of nickel ore and 19,105 MT chromite on the island in 2021 only. According to the Department of Environment and Natural Resources Forestry Management Bureau, nearly 1,000 hectares of forests from 1990 to 2021 were damaged due to island mining operations. Some representatives of the Diocese of Borongan (Eastern Samar), Diocese of Calbayog (Western Samar) and Diocese of Catarman (Northern Samar) attended and joined the action. Full island. About 2,000 residents from various provinces of Samar first joined and marched on August 7, 2023 in the center of Borongan City, Eastern Samar. - 74 -

They marched from the city capital to the church. Martyr's family, threatened and raided by AFP January 21, 2024 The NPA-Sorsogon (Celso Minguez Command) condemned the pressure of the 31st IB and ratings in the family of Baltazar Hapa (Ka Patrick) on January 20. Led by Jordan Enconado, the 96th Mico agent, Ka Patrick's hill at a headache in the center of the jungle, Sorsogon. According to the family, military agents threatened to kill Baltazar's brother who had long lived as a civilian, if it did not give up. The Hapa family is calling for them to respect and stop the scandal for them. The AFP has long been a practice to follow and oppress the NPA's martyrs 'martyrs' family. Ka Patrick was killed by elements of the 31st IB on January 14, in Barangay Togawe, Gubat, Sorsogon. According to Ka Samuel Guerrero, NPA Sorsogon's spokesman “The bullying and harassment of unlucky civilians is a relief and violation of international humanitarian law and the Comprehensive Agreement on Respect for Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law (CARHRIHL) - 75 -

Proper treatment of civilians amidst the existing civil war in the country. ” "This incident only shows the relief and disrespect of the reactionary armed forces in the laws of war," he said. . Pablo Virgilio David for political prisoners and detainees at the Metro Manila District Jail Annex 4 (MMDJ-4) at Camp Bagong Diwa, Bicutan, Taguig City on January 16. It was held at the invitation and care of the brother, a group of relatives and friends of political prisoners. Bishop David is known for the relentless defense of the rights of the anti -drug war of the former Duterte regime. The mass in such a dungeon is the first in history led by a bishop. “We are very happy that he has accepted our invitation to provide mass for our intention of paying attention to - 76 -

The status of political prisoners and our appeal to release the elderly and sick prisoners, ”said Fides Lim, the wife of political prisoner Vicente Ladlad and brother of the brother. Bishop David said he was just waiting for him to be invited to provide mass. Bishop David celebrated CBCP-Episcopal Commission on Prison Pastoral Care Executive Secretary Rev. Fr. Nezelle O. Lirio and Rev. Fr. John Albert V. Absalon from the Prison Ministry of the CBCP and the Diocese of Pasig. After the mass, there was a short program where some political prisoners spoke. The Consultant in the Peace of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) has shared that Adelberto Silva is the current difficult condition they are experiencing in the dungeon. He said they were selling tight jails, food shortages and adequate nutrition, lacking medical and dangerous padlocks of cells, and not taking the hospital with serious illnesses that led to the deaths of fellow political prisoners who Eduardo Serrano in the same dungeon in 2016. NDFP consultant Vicente Ladlad shared some of the causes of their unjust conflict. Among them he called fabricated cases filed against to the like, - 77 -

Criminalization of political stance, lack of attorneys, and the anti-terrorism act that he said was equipped by the government to arbitrarily freeze their bank and property accounts. "It's a learning of me that there are political prisoners, and that many of you are like today," Bishop David replied. He said he knew the feeling of being filed by the cases because of his experience under the Duterte administration. Bishop David, along with four other bishops and former vice president Leni Robredo, was charged with sedition, estafa and libel charges for defending and opposing victims of the anti -drug war. The Bishop urged the brother to continue his contact and assist the CBCP's episcopal commission in Prison Pastoral Care. As a thank you, the group and political prisoners gave Bishop David a wood burned artwork of Madonna and Child created by political prisoners Sherniel Ascarragas. The words “Plant love for Mother Mother and Power are created in the creation.” Political prisoners, friends and relatives, some dungeon officers, as well as representatives from the CBCP's Prison Ministry, joined the Mass and Programs, together, some - 78 -

Supporters including Princess Nemenzo, Teresita The See, Wilson Flores, Barbara Mae Dacanay, and Good Shepherd nuns led by Sr. Aida Casambre, older brother of political prisoner Rey Casambre. The MMDJ-4 is considered a "showcase" prison for "high-profile" male detainees where 348 are detained persons deprived of liberty including 26 political prisoners. 3 Farmers in Himamaylan City, arrested and detained by 94th Ib January 22, 2024 Army arrested by 94th IB soldiers in three farmers in Sitio Cantupa-Pisok, Barangay Buenavista, Himamaylan City, Negros Occidental on January 21. They were detained cases and accusations. According to the report, the peasants Deloy and Vincies de Leon, and Remy Villacanao, were rushed to the 94th IB vehicle parked in Sitio Alolong in that village. The three are all members of the Buenvista (KMB) cries. Deloy de Leon is also a leader. Accordingly, the 94th IB announced today just their operation and arrest of Vincies de Leon. He was accused of violating a failed murder and - 79 -

It is released among the "rest" members of the New People's Army (NPA) in the area. Fake, they even stated that the elements of the local police were with them in the operation. De Leon is currently in the custody of the Himamaylan City Police Station, while there is no further report on the condition of two other farmers arrested by the 94th IB. It is not new to the 94th IB its mode of arrest and imprisonment of civilian peasants and residents to lead it against the NPA. The 3rd ID targets, where the 94th IB is subject to the "insurgency-free" of the entire island of Negros this first bedroom of 2024. Cebu leadership, arrested January 22, 2024 Right-Central Visayas reported The peasant leader of the peasant movement of the Philippines (KMP) -Cebu Allan Flores on January 21 at his farm in Sibagay 2, Barangay Cantabaco, Minglanilla, Cebu. According to the group, Flores was arrested by civil state agents who allegedly offered him a warrior. There are charges of killing and trying to kill Bohol against Flores. Right-Central Visayas has called these cases "fiction." She is currently - 80 -

detained at the Lutopan Police Station in Toledo City, Cebu. Meanwhile, the National KMP's national leadership reported the open pressures of suspected government intelligence agents against Danilo Ramos (Ka Daning), Chairman of the KMP. The group recorded the search for men on a motorcycle with Ka Daning on January 3 and 15 in Malolos City, Bulacan, where he lives. In an incident, the men even asked if “where is Danilo Ramos? We've been looking for him for a long time because he's a terrorist. ” The KMP condemned it and said it was a dangerous and outstanding case of "terrorist nickname" with a direct threat to the life of Ka Daning, his family and even other KMP members and leaders. According to the KMP and the Farmers' group, the observance and espionage against Ka Daning has intensified since the past year. The KMP and the Farmers documented it and submitted it to the Commission on Human Rights in August 2023 to disclose human rights violations of state forces. Oldest Political prisoners, the regime did not include the release of the holiday season January 22, 2024 - 81 -

The brother, a group of relatives and friends of political prisoners, did not include 84-year-old political prisoners Gerardo Dela Peña on the list of releases during the holiday season despite his old age and illness. This is in connection with the Bureau of Pardons and Parole (BPP) resolution which provides consideration for "executive clemency" for prisoners ages 70 and above for more than 10 years. BPP Resolution No. 2023 was released in December 2023. 08-02-2023 to take part in the release of dungeons and release older prisoners especially the sick and serious disabilities. According to the brother, 84-year-old Dela Peña, who is 11 years old in jail. Fides Lim, a brother's spokesman, said the fair implementation of such a resolution should be ensured. "There is no part of an 84-year-old in the very crowded conditions of the New Bilibid Prison," Lim said. Lim also criticized his conflicting statements of Governo officials. He said an official of the Department of Justice announced that the two elders had benefited from the resolution, including Dela Peña. But when the brother visited January 15 at the dungeon, Dela Peña showed the BPP list that refused to give him executive clemency. - 82 -

“Why was he not joined by more than 1,000 prisoners who were released in December? Is it because he is a political prisoner? Or is it just a number of statistics in the slow -headed bureaucracy? ” Asked Lim. He insisted that all prisoners should be given to the plot and fair justice regardless of their political status. Dela Peña is the eldest of up to 800 political prisoners who are now confined to various country dungeons. Since 2019 the brother has been pushing for the release of Dela Peña but the state has repeatedly abandoned it. Dela Peña, with high blood pressure and other ailments, is a farmer from Vinzons, Camarines Norte who was sentenced to reclusion perpetua for fabricated murder cases. He is a former leader of the ex-detainees organization against detention and arrest (cell) and members of the right. The brother first appealed his release on humanitarian basis in 2019 but the Supreme Court rejected it and adopted the verdict. 37th anniversary of the Mendiola massacre, commemorated by peasant groups January 23, 2024 - 83 -

Groups of farmers, youth and other democratic sectors commemorated the 37th anniversary of the Mendiola Massacre on January 22. More than 250 people attended the forum led by the Philippine Peasant Movement (KMP), New Alyansang Makabayan (Bayan) and Nnara Youth Up Diliman at the University of the Philippines (UP) -Diliman, followed by a protest march on campus. "Thirty-seven years after the tragic Mendiola massacre, there is still no justice to the state's murders in the massacre, there has been no real agrarian reform in the Philippines," the KMP said. 13 peasants were killed in the massacre on January 22, 1987 in Mendiola, Manila. The 13 farmers were among the thousands who had gone to Mendiola to call on former President Cory Aquino to implement real land reform. According to the group, there was a fundamental problem under the current US-Marcos regime of landslides by the majority of Filipino farmers. "It is clear that it has no policy and land reform program," the farmers added. This is the strict basis for why the struggle for real land reform should be tireless, as farmers fought 37 years ago. “On the basis, the fight for real land reform - that the central goal and basic principle are free distribution of - 84 -

Land - is against the entire Filipino people, ”the KMP said. In the theme with the theme “Peace be at peace! True land reform, fight, ”interim chairperson of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) negotiating panel Ka Julie De Lima. De Lima discussed a Comprehensive Agreement on Social and Economic Reforms (CASER) that outlined the demand for the peasant masses for real land reform and the promotion of national industrialization. After the discussion, the groups marched to the Palma Hall in UP Diliman for a protest movement. With the exception of justice call for victims of the Mendiola massacre, they charged the Marcos regime for a continuous murder of a farmer in the countryside. In the Town List, there are 79 farmers The Marcos regime has been a victim of murder since sitting in power. Many of them have been killed in the fake encounter with the Armed Forces of the Philippines. The KMP also criticized the Marcos regime's promotional charter change that would allow foreigners to land in the Philippines, besides natural resources and key economics. - 85 -

Rali against Chacha, launched by national-democratic groups January 23, 2024 National-Democratic groups protested at the House of Representatives in Quezon City on January 22 to criticize the Marcos regime's promotion of Charter Change or "Chacha." Led by the New Alyansang Makabayan (Bayan), the protest was launched in conjunction with the first day of the Congress session. For the second time, the Marcos group attempts to disdain Charter Change. It poured large funds to push a "people's initiative" on the goal to give the House the power to easily change the Constitution. This was followed by the Senate leadership of the Resolution of Both Houses No. 6 aims to ease the economic provisions of the 1987 Constitution to allow foreign property or land control, public services, education, masses and advertising (advertising). According to the groups, this "chacha" is for the benefit of Marcos, his cronies, and their foreigners. “Farmers but the whole town will strongly resist the attempt to allow 100% foreign ownership of - 86 -

The land is likely to be inflicted on Chacha, ”said the Philippine Peasant Movement (KMP). According to them, the evacuation of the land and the lack of lands that the peasants could have, the foreign regime wanted to give the country's lands and natural resources. It will also cause further flooding of imported agricultural products that will overthrow national agriculture and further destroy food security that should be based on self -sufficiency and adequacy. “The people's cry is… extra wages, free land distribution, oil price control and basic commodities such as rice, free health services and education, adequate assistance, affordable housing and real freedom,” said the Country. Meanwhile, January 13 of the 15 various organizations in Quezon City developed an alliance against the Marcos regime's "Chacha" plan. They gathered at the University of the Philippines-Diliman for the first Assembly of the Quezon City Movement Against Charter Change (QC March). They launched it after the proliferation of the "People's Initiative" initiated and funded by the House of Representatives for "Chacha." Such a "initiative" of community signatures, which was first observed and reported by poor - 87 -

Community in Quezon City. They are allegedly signed by the petition to receive assistance and support from the government. Separation pay, workers of Chun Chiang enterprises on Bataan January 23, 2024 The workers of the Chun Chiang Enterprises Manufacturing Incorporated (CCEMI) have repeatedly called for their separation pay. It has been delayed since the company closed due to alleged losses in 2022 in the wake of the pandemya. The company produces trousers and slacks for men. The German company is owned by the Bültel Group. According to the company's information on its website, the company was built in the Philippines in 1976. It has 650 workers. In the open letter of CCEMI workers, they insisted on the Philippine Trade & General Workers Organization (PTGWO), a member of the Trade Union Congress of the Philippines (TUCP) and Industriall, which immediately gave the signed letter to the global industrial office. According to them, the PTGWO president's signature is required to process their claim to their employer and separation pay. - 88 -

The united worker of the Freeport Area of Bataan (NMFAB) expressed their solidarity and support in the workers' fight. The group said, "We encourage the PTGWO to address workers' requests so that they can achieve the competent fee they have suffered within CCEMI." In addition, the NMFAB emphasized that CCEMI should be held accountable for the workers' fate. The group shared that besides the depression of workers' separation pay, the company banned members of the CCEMI union from working inside the Freeport Area of Bataan. It should also serve as a reminder to other workers within the Freeport Area of Bataan. “[This] proves that it has to be vigilant in All companies that say they are losing and closing, ”the group said. It is important for workers to tighten their unity and build unions that promote the right to wages, jobs and benefits. Style of "Tokhang" profiling in La Union, condemned January 24, 2024 The group of small fishermen condemned the Timek and La Union (TIMEK) Police in the Agoo, La Union against - 89 -

Its president George “King” Cacayuran and three other members. The group shared that the PNP-Ugoo "visited" Cacayuran and its comrades at the Barangay Hall of San Manuel Norte. Cacayuran was not there because they were in danger. The police left a blank document that they had to answer for Cacayuran. The document states that the proof of the document is "involved in the use of shabu." "The PNP Agoo is doing this very worrying," Timek said. During Duterte's time, the total number of victims of extrajudicial killings on behalf of the "anti-drug war in which the word" tokhang "were reached by more than 30,000. Under the Oplan Tokhang of the false "anti-drug war," the government is generally able to hear the "fight" of arrests and often leads to killing of the suspects, according to the group. "King and Timek La Union have long been a victim of the government and the state's enemy," the group said. It continued under the Marcos regime, which featured forcibly surrender to four poor fishermen in 2022. The group's call, urgently stop all forms of harassment and violation of the 90's - 90 - 90

people in the poor fishermen communities. Humos Group, calling on the Marcos regime to stop cheating on UN January 24, 2024 The Marcos Group Right to the Marcos regime in its guise of the country's rights status in the country's visit to a special rapporteur on visit on the visit of Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Expression and Opinion of the United Nations (UN.) Ferdinand Marcos Jr's government in UN and other international institutions. The special rapporteur Irene Khan arrived on January 23 to investigate the situation of journalism and expression in the Philippines. He will stay here until February 2. He plans to contact various democratic groups. "The Philippine government has ignored and denied the recommendations of UN special rapporteurs who have visited the country in the past," the group said. “They have formed all this, especially in the face of the Marcos government's intensification of its policy without - 91 -

Citizens' pressure, violations of rights and basic freedom, including freedom of expression. According to Cristina Palabay, general secretary of the group, the Marcos government only uses foreign relations to "interpret" and the opportunity to raise its ugly image in the international community. Among the state's ignorance of the UN's previous recommendations, as the UN Special Rapporteur on Extrajudicial, Summary or Arbitrary Executions Phillip Alston in 2007; and Dr. Ian Fry, UN Special Rapporteur on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights in the Context of Climate Change conducted an investigation into the Philippines in November 2023. The US Air Force is set The University of the Philippines Diliman (UPD) College of Science Student Council (CSSC) is a petition for students and organizations on its campus to prevent the US Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) forum in UP Diliman this coming January 1. According to a report by the Philippine Collegian, UP Diliman Student newspaper. - 92 -

The UPD CSSC has criticized the US Air Force's scheduled forum at the College of Science Administration Building which will be provided by information in connection with the "US Air Force Office of Scientific Research Grant Opportunities." It will be discussed here how to get funds from Afosr for research that will benefit the US Air Force. Afosr aims to fund scientific research that it can combine with the development of weapons and technology that are useful in US imperialist war and offensives. “[The forum] is the opposite of the college's stance to“ set the people to the people Science, ”according to the Council's petition. The Council believes that technology should be used for better, for a fair and peaceful society. According to them, these research is clearly used for warfare crimes such as the US imperialist's support and funding to Zionist Israel's Zionist against the Palestinian people. In the past three months since October 7, 2023, Israel dropped 65,000 tons of bombs in Gaza City and killed 25,000 Palestinians. In a report in the final room of 2023, the US is set to give Israel an additional $ 14.3 billion to promote its war against the Palestinian people. In total, beginning - 93 -

1946 to 2023, it was estimated for $ 263 billion to Israel for attacking Palestinians. Over 80% of Israeli weapons from 1950 to 2020 are from the US. As a result, the council of college dean Dean Giovanni has appealed not to allow the activity to be performed in the area of its buildings and they insist on retreating the forum. According to the Philippine Collegian, Council's signature began to be revoked and gathered on January 22. Mining and Developing the Forest Causes of Flooding and Landslides in Davao and Caraga January 24, 2024 The new alliance-Southern Mindanao Region (BAYAN-SMR ) the injury and tragedy caused by incessant rainfall in the region in the ongoing operations of the destructive mine, and the destruction of the forest in Mindanao. It is estimated that there are ₱ 78 million agricultural damage due to floods and landslides in the regions of Davao and Caraga in recent weeks. Currently, nine towns have been subjected to a state of calamity because of this. According to the National Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC) data on January 23, the biggest damage was recorded in the region of - 94 -

Davao for ₱ 64,069,839. Meanwhile, ₱ 14,040,579.6 is estimated to have Caraga damage. According to the agency, up to 768,387 individuals have been affected by floods and rains since January 14. In Davao de Oro, 15 people have been killed in landslides in Purok 19, Hope in Barangay Mt. Devil, Monkayo on January 18. In Davao City, several villages and roads, including bankerohan and Jade Valley, flooded in the flood due to incessant rain. "While some local governments, environmental groups and relief workers have efforts, it is necessary -They piracy is taking place at the Pantaron Mountain Range, the expanded Mountain Range in Mindanao crossing the provinces of Misamis Oriental, Bukidnon, Agusan del Norte, Agusan del Sur, Davao del Norte, and Davao del Sur. “(N) conspiring government agencies, such as the DENR, to ruin the countryside by providing multinational companies clearances (mining), state security forces, to enter our mountains And welcome our natural resources, ”the group said. - 95 -

The group included three mining companies in protected Mt. Haminitit (Sinophil Mining & Trading Corporation, Hallmark Mining Corporation, Austral-Asia Link Mining Corporation); Kinging Mining Corporation and areas of mining at the Pantukan and Composal Valley/Davao de Oro towns; and also three mining companies in Talaingod, Davao del Norte (One Compostela Valley Minerals, Inc., Phil. Meng Di Mining & Development Corporation, Metalores Consolidated, Inc. Of those named, Metalores Consolidated Inc will be covered most to meet more than 15,000 hectares of forests in the Talaingod. Residents plan to evacuate to a village in Bataan, fighting January 24, 2024 Residents of Barangay Sisiman, Mariveles, Bataan are opposed to the scheduled eviction of Bataan Baseco Joint Venture Inc. (BBJVI) to them from the community in 2025. BBJVI is pushing it for the construction of the commercial-industrial zone in the community. In a report by the united Worker of the Freeport Area of Bataan (NMFAB), it was spoken on the first Sunday of January BBJVI in Barangay Council led by - 96 -

Captain Mario Magadan where its "master plan" was set for the SONA. In addition, BBJVI allegedly sold at least 271 hectares of Barangay Sisiman land and is set to occupy this area. It will mainly affect the residents living in the Barangay Center. In accordance with the said plan, the Sisiman will be transferred to 7.1 hectares Land just around the village. He said he would build 6,000 units of “ready-to-own” housing for 30 years for residents. The affected residents are deeply concerned about the BBJVI plan. They said they had been living in the area for a long time and could not just be evicted in their village. Residents are also surprised that a land -claiming company suddenly appears. Most of them, workers and fishermen, have long lived in the area. The NMFAB has announced their solidarity with the fight and call of residents of Barangay Sisiman. “Our organization has expressed our full support of the resistance of the village of the BBJVI project. We are not animals that can drive into our own home. The Sisiman is your home, your future is your future. ” According to them, all citizens should be united to assert their right to residence. Should not be allowed to be - 97 -

On behalf of "business" and "capital" will interfere with their lives and the future. The group emphasized that the case of Sisiman was not separated from the Mariveles' people against it against a safe, decent and free residence that both victims of eviction for the construction of businesses and the government's projects. 2,700 families or 6,000 people live in Barangay Sisiman. It is one of the villages affected by the continuous eviction and demolition in the town of Mariveles due to privatization and fab expansion law. Many of them have been banned from repairing homes and deprived of proper water and electric services as a tactic of repeling. Dedlayn in forced PUV consolidation, again withdrawn January 25, 2024 pushed by the collective action of drivers and operators, in leadership of the unity of chauffeur and operator nationwide (PISTON), steering wheel ride and one terminal of Transportation (steering wheel), and defending Pasada Network is the US-Marcos regime to withdraw the dedication of the forced franchise consolidation of public utility vehicles (PUV) part of the government's bogus PUV modernization program. The regime is driving the dedlayn - 98 -

On April 30 from the former December 31, 2023, earlier on January 31. “While it does not guarantee the immediate abolition of the PUV Modernization Program, it should serve as an awakening of the Marcos' impotent regime,” Piston said. The same is true of the steering wheel group. According to them, "It will not immediately dismantle the wings, torture and migratory PUV modernization program, but it will serve as a spleen for the campaign to be the one to end it." For them, it is important for drivers and operators to continue to act to defend their livelihoods, abolish the PUVMP, and advance progressive, patriotic, and passionate public transportation where no chauffeur, operators, and computers will be left behind. The announcement of the Dedlayn narration occurred following the second hearing of the House of Representatives in the House of Representatives, January 24, which discussed the PUVMP's discipline and misfortune. Earlier on January 10, the first committee's first hearing, said that a large number of jeepneys were not consolidated, contrary to the agency's statement. Many routes have also been unanimous, which is a consolidation requirement. - 99 -

At the same hearing, Piston and the steering wheel of the Makabayan Bloc became a part of the Piston and the steering wheel in defense of their franchise and livelihood. Drivers and operators also launched the picket in conjunction with the hearings. Meanwhile, the two groups also protested in the Supreme Court in Manila on January 23 to call on the court to them in connection with their petition to stop the forced consolidation of the franchise and the PUVMP. They took protest at the court's en banc session. "We are grateful to all the companions who are heartfelt and believe that when we fight together, we can overcome it!" steering wheel statement. Prisoned journalists who were charged with "terrorism," again asserted to be released January 25, 2024 by journalists and human rights defenders to release the youngest journalist in the world, Frenchie Mae Cumpio , on January 23. They protested, led by the Altermidya Network, to the Department of Justice in Manila. The protest on Cumpio's 25th birthday and on Special Rapporteur visit - 100 -

United Nations for Freedom of Opinion and Expression Irene Khan in the Philippines. Cumpio is a journalist of Eastern Vista, Alternative media in the Eastern Visayas region. He was arrested along with Marielle "Maye" Domequil of the Rural Missionaries of the Philippines, Alexander Philip Abinguna, Mira Legion and Marissa Cabaljao in an illegal police raid on February 7, 2020 at a office in Tacloban City. They were charged with illegal possession of firearms. In July 2021, the state filed an additional "financing terrorism" case with Cumpio and Domequil. The State has revealed that the funds seized from them are for the operations of the New People's Army that it is forced to call as a "terrorist organization." The protesters they used to use symbols in connection with Cumpio's radio program 'Radio' Kamatuoran 'or' Bells of Truth. Attack of state forces against community journalists and alternative media. It should be said that there is a accountability for cases of pressure, red-tagging, and the use of laws such as the anti-terror law and cyberlibel against journalists. Said, - 101 -

It violates the basic right of anyone in free expression. Illegal virtue in Zambales, January 25, 2024 A group of Nature defenders Zambales Ecological Network (ZEN) complains of illegal virtues in the sea of San Narciso towns and San Felipe they noticed yesterday, January 24. They said , two aggregate carriers and one dredger were in the sea and had sand to use the reclamation in Manila Bay. Zen found out that the co-operation of the Ly 7, Yong Xin 1, and a cargo, all registered in Sierra Leonne, African country. According to them, there are no registered Ore Transport Permits (OTP) and other required documents on such ships. “This is a pure greed of our local officials. Unauthorized presence is very unrelated to what the governor and the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) call the river rehabilitation, ”according to Zen. In fact, they say, no river is organized in these operations. “Our seabeds, the marine environment and our sacred fishing grounds are destroyed and - 102 -

It is ruined today just to build entertainment places for the rich, ”the group said. The sandy sand to be used in the reclamation in Manila Bay is for large and grand casinos and other large and up -to -date buildings and business establishments. It was advanced and started during the former Duterte regime. "Resort owners, workers here, land owners and fishermen are opposed to illegal presence," Zen said. Remembering the party's anniversary, launched on Rizal January 25, 2024 Representatives of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines gathered together to commemorate January 12 the 55th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of the Philippines. At the same time, the CPP-Rizal remembered and remembered a one-year anniversary of Prof. Jose Maria Sison (Ka Joma) and the other revolutionary martyrs of Rizal and Baong People's Army (NPA) -Rizal. Representatives of the revolutionary organizations offered a message of solidarity and cultural performances in celebration of the party's anniversary. Presented - 103 -

Everyone is accepting the challenge of continuing to correct and renew the strength for the continuation of the revolution. The National Democratic Front-Rizal shares a long history of solidarity with the extensive number of people in promoting the people's democratic revolution. "The revolutionary movement will never be overwhelmed because the social crisis continues to intensify the people to rebel," his representative pronounced. This subsequently issued a message of the nationalist movement of the new women (MAKAKA) -Rizal to present women's strong solidarity with the people's national-democratic struggle. According to the Makibaka-Rizal spokesman, “Rizal's revolutionary women are fully welcomed by the party's challenge to correct its shortcomings and weaknesses. The ranks of women will be sure that the revolution will go forward to full success. ” This subsequently gave the Katipunan a message of workers (PASS-Rizal) to present the important role and role of the poor and workers in the promotion of the revolution. "Like women, the workers are also fully responsible for the Party's challenges to the revitalization of the national-democratic struggle in our province." - 104 -

Last The Youth Makabayan (KM) -Rizal gave a message of solidarity and shared its determination to take on the major role and duty of renewing the vigor and advancement of the entire revolutionary movement. According to the KM-Rizal, “History has proven since the revolution of 1896 to its continuation of the newly read of the New Type that the youth movement is not a well-known well of the generation of the revolution. Thus, the KM-Rizal is strictly accepting and dispeling empiricism, conservatism, individualism and other weaknesses and its weaknesses. ” In the latter part of the program, Party members have again sworn to revitalize its revolutionary duties and principles for the continuation of the people's democratic revolution. It is a vow to strictly hold the principles of the Party Lives to dedicate to the harm and strength of the national-democratic struggle to a higher level. Reform on the pensions of soldiers and police, the Marcos regime has finally lost January 25, 2024 The Marcos Jr regime has finally lost the attempt to reform the system - 105 -

Pensions of the Armed Forces of the Philippines, Philippine National Police and other uniformed state personnel. In the latest statements of Department of Defense Secretary Gilbert Teodoro and the Department of Finance secretary Ralph Recto, it is clear that it will continue to be turned over to the Filipino people and the military bureaucracy. Recto confirmed on January 25 that the Department of Finance (DOF) would not pushed the contribution to pensions to retired and active uniformed personnel. This is contrary to the position of his former DOF secretary Benjamin Diokno. According to Diokno, the pension of the active soldiers and the police should be taken for salaries and the Philippines will have a "fiscal collapse". In the General Appropriations Act or the National Budget in 2024, the Marcos regime provided P129.82 billion for the pension, the largest item following the funding of the interest of the loan automatically. At the DOF's estimate, the state will need to provide $ 1 trillion for the pension of the uniformed staff by 2035. Despite this warning, the Marcos regime has announced that its only pension will be charged with just entering the service. But according to Diokno, if only the new entrants would be charged, it would take up to six decades before the military and police pensions became "sustable”. - 106 -

Diokno was soon fired. The retreating of the proposal first pushed by the DOF and passed to the House of Representatives was among Ferdinand Marcos Jr.'s steps to disseminate AFP's active and retired officials against the Duterte's derivative maneuvers to shake his reign or not So he will be expelled by a coup. Humanity group, concerned about the proposed return to the Barangay Intelligence Network January 26, 2024 The group's rights group has expressed concern for the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG )'s suspect to revive the Barangay Intelligence Network (Bin ) To allegedly alleviate illegal drugs. The group is worried that it will lead to extra-judicial killings and other serious human rights violations in the villages. According to the group, the proposed bin is the extension of the released Executive Order No. 54 (EO 54) of Malacañang on January 19 ordered the reorganization of the National Intelligence Coordinating Agency (NICA). According to EO 54, the NICA is organized to adapt to the "changing national security threats and to ensure vigorous recruitment of intelligence." - 107 -

In effect, the Marcos regime under the NICA developed a office to focus on its so -called "cyber and emerging" threats with the aim of outgoing the regime's action against the threat to cybersecurity, weapons for widespread destruction, and Other emerging threats. Right, it is unlikely that it will subject the country's illegal drug threat to the "appearance" or "non -traditional threat." According to them, it will be used to live in the bin. Historically, the Bin has been established by the state as an instrument in the anti-insurgency campaign against the revolutionary movement. According to the right, in this framework the State used the Bin to identify the alleged leaders and members of the state -treated activist organizations that were considered the State supporting the Communist Party of the Philippines and the New People's Army. “Not a few mass leaders and activists were illegally arrested, not Properly imprisoned in stated cases and fake evidence, abducted, resolved or victimized by extra-judicial killings due to the work of bin operatives, ”the group said. Under the Nica's organized, the resurrection can be used openly against illegal drugs, but it is also unlikely to be used for the anti -insurgency campaign and - 108 -

Include the government's so -called "Whole of Nation Approach," the Right explained. "To justify this, the NICA may be able to develop a fake stories that link the exchange of illegal drugs to insurgency or progressive movements, as has been done in some regions of the country," he added. They also criticized the NICA's so -called focus on cybersecurity that would mean intensifying cyberspace and guarding the target individuals' emails and social media. CNN Philippines workers, should be protected in the face of possible closing January 26, 2024 The National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) is dismayed because the CNN Philippines television station leadership did not inform or clarify the issue related to of the possible closure of the company. It was reported on January 25 that Nine Media Corp. and CNN to stop their operation of its operation because of the alleged losses. According to the NUJP, “As it is usually happening in these situations, those who create content and who else are most affected by - 109 -

Corporate decisions are those who are late to know [the news]. ” The NUJP is responsible for media workers who are unaware of the reality of the incident. According to the report, the agreement between the two companies would have ended at the end of the year but the nine media had difficulty paying the license, as well as other operations expenses. On January 29, employees of CNN Philippines will find out what will happen to the company following the reported meeting of the leadership on January 25. “In the news of the possible closure, the severance package (or removable removal) is mentioned for the affected Employees, and we hope this is what happens when the dismissal is announced, ”the NUJP said. According to them, the lack of explanation and communication between its leadership and employees in connection with imminent changes in the workplace. "In minimun, it will ensure that employees have heard of corporate changes that affect them," the union explained. According to them, media workers need clear communication with newsroom leaders as well as - 110 -

representation of issues that affect their career and daily lives. CNN Philippines has an estimated 200-500 employees. The programs it features on television and other platforms include local and international news, political discussions, sports news, health and more. It has been in many provinces in the country on free television. Meanwhile, CNN International is a bit of a watched in 200 countries and territories. Hearing a petition against “terrorist” designation, court suspended in Baguio City January 26, 2024 Baguio Regional Trial Court suspended today's hearing of four Cordillera Peoples Alliance (CPA) petitions to arbitrary arbitrary “Terrorist” designation of them by the Anti-Terrorism Council under the Anti-Terrorism Act of 2020. According to the court, it issued an official question to the Supreme Court on whether it should continue hearing or passing the petition to the Court of Appeals or In the ATA court in Pangasinan, in connection with the rules issued for the terror law. In connection with the hearing, relatives, friends and friends and four activists and CPA leaders, Windel Boringet, Sarah Abellon- - 111 -

Alikes, Jennifer Awingan-Taggaoa, and Stephen tauli. They again insisted on removing the designation and eventually dismissing the terror law. They filed the case on November 23, 2023, which is the first legal action against such designation. Meanwhile, the four also met, along with other leaders of the democratic organizations in the northern Philippines with United Nations Special Rapporteur Irene Khan. Khan visited Baguio City today to find out the right of the right to free expression and opinion in Northern and Central Luzon. At the meeting, they informed Khan how the state was equipped with repressive laws in the country to silence The critics. They also announced the condemnation of the National Task Force-ELCAC leading the intimidation campaign and red-tagging against progressive and democratic movements. The leaders also recount how the National Commission on Indigenous Peoples (NCIP), local officials and security forces, the free, prior and informed consent (FPIC) process for their right to the ancestral Land. It aims to silence them in their fight against destructive dam projects, and major devastating projects. - 112 -

Marcos is a jerk for the ralings "New Philippines," January 27, 2024 The Bayan Group Muna has criticized the Marcos regime's scheduled rally for its "New Philippines" campaign campaign on January 28. It will launch a large gathering at the Qurino Grandstand in Manila, funded by the people's taxes. According to Bayan Muna Chairman Neri Colmenares, they have news to use the rally as a platform for the regime to advance the charter change or "Chacha." He said, "The people's money is a waste of money here and the attendance is almost mandatory while the government's staff and even the village officials should take care of it." He insisted that the funding for a rally was worthless. “According to some of our spoken villages and Kabataan Officials, the Marcos Jr. administration will also be used. To push Cha-cha again and release the ones who go they will support it, ”Colmenares added. It is important for the people to announce the criticism of the regime's rally as also registering "ChaCha." Driven - 113 -

He is the fellow Filipinos not to go to such a rally. The Marcos regime first announced the New Philippines campaign in January 2023. It was previously criticized by the New Alliance group (Bayan) and said that from its dictator Marcos SR to Marcos JR, nothing significantly changed in the dominion society of foreigners and a few - bureaucrat capitalists, large landlords and comprador bourgeoisie. ” According to the group, the fake new society's fake slogan was no longer a difference in the fake new Philippines slogan today. It is only an attempt to cover the widespread hunger, unemployment, low wages and poverty of the vast people. Rali against Chacha, farmers launched in Bacolod City January 27, 2024 Negros Island farmers launched a protest in Bacolod City on January 24 to condemn the Marcos regime's promotional charter change or "chacha". The activity is part of the 2-day campaign of the Philippine Peasant Movement (KMP)-Negros and the National Federation of Sugar Workers Negros (NFSW) for land rights and justice to peasants and victims of human rights violations of the state. - 114 -

The groups marched to the Fountain of Justice in Bacolod City where they launched the program. According to the farmers, they oppose "Chacha" because it will destroy the Philippines to the whole foreign owner of the important aspects of the country's economy including the land. "The opening of our economy to foreign businessmen will result in land grabs of farmers and continued to depend on the importation of agricultural products such as rice, sugar and so on," KMP-Negros said. “Chacha” will also open up a hundred percent owned by important aspects of society including education, massacre, and utmost such as water, electricity and telecommunications. They also criticized the Marcos regime's plan to extend the political term to power through “Chacha.” They also insisted that the program of rechargement of their farm lands and the implementation of support to parcelization to land individual titling (split) were used to seize their lands. They also called for justice for Alexander Ceballos, peasant leader who was killed by the Duterte regime on January 20, 2017. At the same time KMP-Negros and NFSW commemorated the 37th anniversary of the Mendiola massacre. 13 peasants were killed in the massacre on January 22, 1987 in Mendiola, Manila. The 13 - 115 -

Farmers were among the thousands of heads to Mendiola to call for former President Cory Aquino to implement real land reform. Meanwhile, on January 23, they launched a picket-dayog at the Provincial Agrarian Reform Office I in Bacolod City in connection with 37 hacienda on Negros Island. Three Adivasi, the State of India killed in a fake encounter January 27, 2024 Pilled before the Indian state forces killed the Three Adivasi (indigenous in India) in NENDRA, Bijapur District, Chhattisgarh State on January 19. The victims Madkam Soni, Punem Nangi, and Karam Kosa were supposed state in the mountainous part of their community. The Forum Against Corporatization and Militarization (FACAM) group condemned the massacre of Adivasi civilians. To cover up their crime, state forces have revealed that the three were killed in an encounter against the People's Liberation Guerrilla Army (PLGA) of the Communist Party of India or CPI (MAOIST). Unbeknownst to the victims, the police tried to burn the bodies of the victims so that there was no evidence of their crime. Before - 116 -

Even so, their relatives and both residents and Adivasi insisted on recovering the bodies. The Facam also called for an urgent investigation into the massacre to provide justice to the victims and their families, and the increasing number of cases of human rights violations in the region. According to the group, the military's involvement in the region intensified as it began to be implemented in January its so -called operation and Abujmarh, a mountainous and forest area south of the Chhattisgarh state. It is part and expanded implementation of the anti-Insurgency Campaign Operation Samadhan-Prahar (OSP). It is reported that 3,000 paramilitary forces are currently being moved under the operations of other Indian states to present six paramilitary camps in Abujmarh. It added to nearly 10,000 paramilitary forces that have been located in the area. In the group's estimation, there are three paramilitary people for seven local residents in the area. In the same operation of the operation, police and state forces conducted the killing of a 6-month-old baby on January 1 in the Bijapur district. “The intensification of the presence of paramilitary people in the natural resources of India on the veil of the Maoists, serves - 117 -

With the intensification of corporations of corporations in the country's natural resources in the interests of imperialist and large foreigners, ”said Facam. In addition, in the past 20 days they have recorded 65 arrests against states of "sympathizing and supporting Maoists throughout the bastar." 80 workers, will be eliminated by selling SkyCable at PLDT January 28, 2024 at least 80 Skycable Corporation workers will be removed from work on February 26 after the company leadership will sell its sale at Manny V. Pangilinan's PLDT company. Skycable is owned by Lopez. Workers will be removed from the "redundancy." The Skycable Supervisors, Professional/Technical Employees Union (SSPTEU) criticized its illegal dissemination to workers. According to the union report, more than 20 among the supervisors, including four union officials will be removed. According to the union, "Maneydsment has been made in the union in this place." The union criticized the company for calling it clearly ignoring the policy of its signed - 118 -

Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) on human reduction in these circumstances. They said it would directly put aside the union's rights and employees to work assurance. "They put personal interest in capital rather than the welfare of affected employees and their families," he added. Besides, they condemned this tactic of "union busting" or disbanding the union due to multiple removal of unionized workers. The company had earlier announced its possible sale to PLDT in March 2023. In this regard, 10 unions from Skycable branches in Metro Manila, other parts of Luzon, and Mindanao last month. The Ecumenical Institute for Labor Education and Research (Eiler) has extended solidarity against the union and skycable workers. The group said PLDT should take the workers and recognize their right to work assurance. According to reports, PLDT bought Skycable for ₱ 6.75 billion. The company began operations in 1991. The Philippine Competition Commission (PCC) market was approved. - 119 -

Political prisoner in Tacloban City, UN Special Rapporteur January 28, 2024 Visits January and Alternative Media Grateful for Irene Khan's visit, United Nations Special Rapporteur on Free Expression and Opinion, to jailed journalist Frenchie Mae Cumpio, and human rights defenders Marielle Domequil and Alexander Abinguna at the Tacloban City Jail on January 27. The three are confined to what groups are considered to be acting in cases including "terrorism." According to Khan, "We are the only international guests who have been allowed to see them!" Special Rapporteur criticized the slow-speaking case of the three. He asked, "How long do they have to wait before being released?" The National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) and Altermidya Network expressed their gratitude for Khan's visit to political prisoners. According to the NUJP, "There is no need to wait for a few minutes before they are released." Cumpio is a journalist of Eastern Vista, alternative media in the Eastern Visayas region. He was arrested along with Domequil of the Rural Missionaries of the Philippines, Abinguna, - 120 -

Mira Legion and Marissa Cabaljao in an illegal police raid on February 7, 2020 at a office in Tacloban City. They were charged with illegal possession of firearms. In July 2021, the state filed an additional "financing terrorism" case with Cumpio and Domequil. The State has revealed that the funds seized from them are for the operations of the New People's Army that is forced to be called "terrorist organizations." The NUJP believes that fabricated cases should be dismissed against Cumpio. According to them, the evidence against them was planted, and the testimonies were all forged. The group added that the press of journalist Cumpio was the same as Lady Ann Salem and Anne Krueger who were also charged with fabricated cases. Meanwhile, as expected and done before, the National Task Force-ELCAC has been involved and disappointed by the statement by Prosecutor Flosemer Chris Gonzales, spokesman for Regional Task Force-ELCAC Region 6, Khan's statement and said it was “directly insult ”to them. Gonzales is a well -known for the Duterte. In the face of a staple attack on freedom of expression and opinion, the NUJP expressed their hope of “advancing-121-

the special rapporteur of recommendations to end such violations. ” Political prisoner in Tacloban City, UN Special Rapporteur January 28, 2024 Thanks to January January January 28, 2024 Thanksgiving groups of journalists and alternative media for visiting Irene Khan, United Nations Special Rapporteur on Free Expression and Opinion, to jailed journalist Frenchie Mae Cumpio, and human rights defenders Marielle Domequil and Alexander Abinguna at the Tacloban City Jail on January 27. The three are confined to what groups are considered to be acting cases including their "terrorism." According to Khan, "We are the only international guests who have been allowed to see them!" Special Rapporteur criticized the slow-speaking case of the three. He asked, "How long do they have to wait before being released?" The National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) and Altermidya Network expressed their gratitude for Khan's visit to political prisoners. According to the NUJP, "There is no need to wait for a few minutes before they are released." - 122 -

Cumpio is a journalist of Eastern Vista, alternative media in the Eastern Visayas region. He was arrested along with Domequil of the Rural Missionaries of the Philippines, Abinguna, Mira Legion and Marissa Cabaljao in an illegal police raid on February 7, 2020 at a office in Tacloban City. They were charged with illegal possession of firearms. In July 2021, the state filed an additional "financing terrorism" case with Cumpio and Domequil. The State has revealed that the funds seized from them are for the operations of the New People's Army that is forced to be called "terrorist organizations." The NUJP believes that fabricated cases should be dismissed against Cumpio. According to them, the evidence against them was planted, and the testimonies were all forged. The group added that the press of journalist Cumpio was the same as Lady Ann Salem and Anne Krueger who were also charged with fabricated cases. Meanwhile, as expected and done before, the National Task Force-ELCAC has been involved and disappointed by the statement by Prosecutor Flosemer Chris Gonzales, spokesman for Regional Task Force-ELCAC Region 6, Khan's statement and said it was “directly insult ”to them. Gonzales is a well -known for the Duterte. - 123 -

In the face of a staple attack on freedom of expression and opinion, the NUJP has expressed their hope that the special rapporteur will promote recommendations to end such violations. " Union of Nexperia workers, negotiating for CBA January 28, 2024 NEXPERIA Phils has begun. Inc. Workers Union (NPIWU) and the leadership of Nexperia Philippines for the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) for 2024 to 2026. The union announced it on January 25. Renewal negotiations will take place following the laborer and some union officials in September 2023 . The Executive Board, Shopstewards Council and Federation from the Union's side and company leadership officers attended the CBA Ground Rules. The union expressed their determination to fight for the interests of workers in reopening negotiations for the CBA. It shared the experiences of the previous negotiations for the CBA where the Pandemya was reached in 2020. Meanwhile, in the opening speech of the company's general manager, he laid out the world's economic state - 124 -

that experiences falling. But he also informed the hope that the CBA would have good results. For the union, it is important to have a new CBA so that workers can continue to increase the price of basic commodities and the lowering of workers' wages as a result of high inflation in recent months. Nexperia Philippines workers, under the leadership of the union, are remembered to launch a series of actions to fight the union and attacks on the union, and defend their work rights in the last bedroom of 2023. The union criticized the This is the company's violation of the CBA agreed. It removed eight workers, including three union officials. This is in the midst of "internal hiring" which means that there are still vacancies in the company. Workers know that nexperia only wants to remove regular workers to save and weaken their union. Nexperia Philippines is a subsidary of the Nexperian company based in The Netherlands. It manufactures semiconductors in its factories in Europe, Asia and the US. In 2022, it recorded a $ 2.36 billion total rebel, which was 10.7% - 125 -

compared to the previous year. The sales of these products also increased by 12%. Its growth is huge in the next few years, it has served its products to expand the demand for technology worldwide. 35 Indian policeman, killed in the attack of PLGA January 29, 2024 at least 35 elements of the Central Armed Police Force (CAPF) of India's reactionary state were killed in the attack by the People's Liberation Guerilla Army (PLGA) in the attack Its camp in Darmavaram in the Pamed area, Bijapur district, Chhattisgarh state on January 16. Apart from this, 40 other policemen were seriously injured. The police and camp units are known for human rights violations of adivasi and protecting large corporations plundering the forests and land of adivasi. The Central Regional Bureau of the Communist Party of India (MAOIST) has supported such a raid and defense of the Adivasi people. According to this, the raid has been able to provide justice due to cases of police suppression against the revolutionary citizen. The unit is also part of what it calls "carpet security" in the area. Armed action also responds to the new Operation Operation Campaign in the region - 126 -

Part of the implementation of the anti-insurgency campaign Operation Samadhan-Prahar (OSP). The 3,000 paramilitary forces from other states of India are undergoing operations and operations for six paramilitary camps in Abujmarh, a mountain in Chhattisgarh. It added to nearly 10,000 paramilitary forces that have been located in the area. In the report, the attack began at 7: 05 pm. PLGA used over 600 grenades using grenade launchers and other own explosives. Prior to the camp attack itself, PLGA guerrillas had already controlled its surrounding area. They are steering the key lanes with large logs and mobilizing the militia to defeat the police units. "The enemy is determined to hide their defeat to keep the morals of their forces," said Pratap, CPI (MAOIST) Central Regional Bureau spokesman. The whole communities are supposed to be considered and are not allowed to enter even journalists to know and investigate for their reporting. “The raid of PLGA forces is a militant resistance to corporating- militarization of forest Destruction of nature, ”said Paba Pratap. It will not be permitted by - 127 -

India's revolutionary movement and all the way to create a way to give them justice and hear their just call. The CPI (MAOIST) Central Regional Bureau (MAOIST) has honored three PLGA fighters in such armed actions. National-democratic groups, raising the US Embassy on the anniversary of the Philippine-American war January 29, 2024 The New Alyansang Makabayan (Bayan) announced its plan to conduct a rally at the US Embassy in Manila this coming February 4 in commemoration on the 125th anniversary of the Philippine-American war. According to the group, the war was a "brutal war to occupy the Philippines on behalf of the interests of the US imperialist." An estimated 20,000 Filipino soldiers were killed, and more than 200,000 Filipino civilians were killed by colonial American soldiers, while more than one million were killed by starvation and illness caused by the war. “The Philippine -American war was a US test of its anti -insurgency doctrine that continues to be used today against national movements -128 -

Release worldwide, including the Philippines, ”said the town's statement. According to the group, the US should continue to criticize, not only in the ongoing demand of justice, but because after more than a century, the US's warfare continues. It is currently supporting the Crushing and Henosidian campaign against the Palestinian people of Zionist Israel in Gaza, while raising a war in East Asia in the deployment of military troops in the region. "The US is only interested in indefinite wars to advance its hegemony," the town emphasized. It is clear that the US imperialist is the pain of the world to this day. "This is not a friend of the Filipino people," the group said. The town and national-democratic groups to the US Embassy will bring its calls to stop US and Henosidies' wars; expel the American troops and its military base in the Philippines; and justice for the Palestinian citizen. The Marcos regime continues blocking progressive websites, criticized January 29, 2024 - 129 -

Progressive groups and defenders of the Independence are protesting in front of the National Telecommunications Commission (NTC) office in Quezon City this January 29 to criticize the ongoing "block" or blocking 27 websites of alternative media, progressive and the revolutionary group in the country. It began to block in June 2022 under the Duterte regime. The order was issued by the NTC on June 8, 2022 after the National Secutiry Council's chief Gen. Hermogenes Esperon. Esperon did this in accordance with the premature designation of the Anti-Terror Council at the Communist Party of the Philippines as a terrorist organization and its "supporters" or "related" to the party. Websites are blocked by the Bulatlat and Pinoy Weekly newspapers, and in the New Alliance (Bayan), agricultural union union, and the Philippines' union. Groups in the Marcos regime reiterated that website blocking websites in recognition and respect for the right to express the country. They took action on the ongoing visit and investigation by Irene Khan, United Nations Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Opinion and Experession, in the country. These cases are also included in the submitted group reports to Khan. - 130 -

After the NTC's action, groups went to the National Intelligence Coordinating Agency (NICA), which was appointed by the National Task Force-ELCAC to conduct another protest. Groups have criticized the agency's widespread red-tagging campaign and campaign. They insisted that the NTF-ELCAC would be abolished. According to the town, they launched a series of actions to “refute the government's statement at Khan's visit that freedom of expression in the country is alive.” Marcos-Duterte, the people of January 30, 2024 hate the extensive masses of the people in the opening of the ruling Marcos and Duterte. On January 28, the father Rodrigo and Sebastian Duterte directly attacked Ferdinand Marcos Jr. in a rally held by his family in Davao City against Charter Change. In this rally, the Duterte's father "revealed" that Ferdinand Marcos Jr. was involved in drugs but did not reveal it or detained it for their "friendship." Ever since then, the old Duterte has been trying to Marcos JR as a "addict" who uses cocaine. He revealed it directly after Marcos JR "opened" the International Criminal Court (ICC) to investigate his case - 131 -

crime against mankind under “anti-drug war.” The ICC has completed its investigation into the case last year. The younger Duterte also charged Marcos JR who said he was ungrateful after his father allowed his heroic grave to be buried in the hero's grave Ferdinand Marcos Sr. He called Marcos Jr. "lazy" and "indifferent", and called for his decline in office. The Marcos group, in the character of House Speaker Martin Romualdez, answered this as "disrespectful" to the sitting president. Romualdez, using Congress, leads the funding of funding and public contracts that the Duterte family earns. "Don't teach, you are just as addicted to the power and wealth that should be the people!" Anakbayan group is criticized. "Instead of taking concrete measures to embrace the worsening crisis suffered by the people, Marcos Jr.'s camps and Duterte are preferring to have their own interests." Duterte's father applied the rally to the "Grand Rally" of the Marcos group in Luneta to launch the "new Philippines." - 132 -

"It is a shame for the people to be exposed to the Marcos and Duterte families who were exposed to the public yesterday," the May Uno Kilusang said on January 29. It is aware that Girian is part of the posting of two groups in the next election. “Who is collateral damage? The workers and citizens. This is the concern of the ruler as poverty, hunger and injustice intensify, ”the group said. There is so much to deal with - the needs of living wages, regular jobs and respect for workers' unions, here. Democratic groups have also criticized the cost -free and void "Grand Rally" and "New Philippines" of the Marcos group. "The people's money is a waste of money here and the attendance will be almost mandatory while the government's staff and the barangay officials should take care of it," Atty said. Neri Colmenares, a former representative of the town first, before the rally was held. “In the midst of poverty and helplessness, the government will spend again at a nonsense rally. The more painful it is, according to some of our spoken villages and Kabataan Officials, the Marcos Jr administration will also use this ralings to push Chacha (Charter Change) and - 133 -

Release that those who go will support it, ”he said. "Time and tiredness should be used only ... to raise the lives of Filipinos and not for another rebranding attempt to break the Marcos JR administration," Rep. France Castro of the ACT Teachers Party List. “Will the new Philippines lower the price of goods? Will there be P20 per kilo of rice tomorrow because of that? Will the salaries of teachers and staff increase because of that? Will the basic problem of the Filipino people solve this rebranding problem? ” he said. According to the Philippine Peasant Movement (KMP), Marcos Jr.'s "New Philippines", which is the same as the "New Society" of his father dictator, will not be overwhelmed by the Philippine problem. "From Marcos SR to Marcos Jr., poverty, unemployment, hunger and severe corruption remains," the group said. “From that day forward, the poor condition of the Filipino people has intensified. In its part, the group warned the Duterte's residential restoration to power and called on its members to be vigilant of the "desperate and possible violent attempt" of the group to return and monopolize - 134 - 134 -

State power. According to the Duterte's "hijacking" the people's opposition to the citizen's charter change for self-interest. “For fishermen, no one believes in the former President Duterte that he cares about the Constitution, because he himself violated it under his tenure. He will not use the issue of the cha-cha's issue to be an opposition to the opposition, ”said a fisherman's group. The US in the imperialist wars and aggression, Lomobo by 16% on 2023 January 30, 2024 The US military supertubo went 16% in 2023 due to its launch of its imperialist war and aggression, mainly in its proxy war against Russia In Ukraine. American weapons made $ 238 billion last year, according to the US Department of State in the statement Its on January 30. The $ 81 billion here is a direct sales of the US government in Ukraine. In addition to Ukraine, US sales have increased to its NATO allies in Europe. Its sale in Poland, which is just adjacent to Ukraine. Its selling in the country include helicopters ($ 12 billion) and High Mobility Artillery Rocket System or Himars ($ 10 billion.) It also sells helicopters in Germany - 135 -

($ 8.5 billion) and Norway ($ 1 billion.) During this time, these countries "sold" their old weapons in Ukraine. These tools are regularly displayed by the US in its war games in the Philippines for the display of the AFP, and among those of the US in the Philippines during security engagement board meetings under the Mutual Defense Treaty. Marcos recently adopted the AFP's plan to spend ₱ 1 trillion in the next ten years for "modernization." Apart from the aforementioned, US allies in Asia such as South Korea ($ 5 billion) and Australia ($ 6.3 billion) bought an additional weapon as part of their "alliance" against China. In addition to old and new weapons, the US also sold huge parts, machines and services in these countries. Lockheed Martin is the largest of those who earn Javelin Anti-Tank Missiles, Himars and its rockets, and misunderstandings; General dynamics that sell tanks and artilerily; and Northrop Grumman who have been selling rockets, ammunition and other military equipment. These companies are strongly involved in the US and Israeli war crimes in Palestine. - 136 -

These companies are continuing to earn the income in the face of the US war against China, the ongoing war in Ukraine and expanded imperialist aggression in the Middle East. Oil price, four times up to 2024 January 30, 2024 Drivers and jeepney operators launched a protest in front of the Shell Gasoline Station in Caretta, Cebu City today, January 30, to condemn the rising price of price of oil. Oil companies raised fuel prices by ₱ 2.80 per liter, ₱ 1.30 per liter of diesel and ₱ 0.45 per liter of kerosin. Such an increase is fourth in the first four weeks of the year. One jeep consumes up to 30 liters in a day -to -day day. With abereyds of ₱ 61.50/liter of diesel, a jeep driver spends ₱ 1,845 per day for oil, higher than ₱ 70 compared to December 2023, with ₱ 59.15 abereyds price of diesel per liter. 5 -day picket in Manila, launched by employees removed from Baciwa January 31, 2024 - 137 -

Removable employees of the Bacolod City Water District (Baciwa) went to Manila to protest at the National Office of the Civil Service Commission (CSC) in Quezon City from January 29 to February 2. They were willing to dismiss the Joint Venture Agreement (JVA) Between Prime Water of Villars and Baciwa which is why they lose their jobs and the subjection of the Baciwa service under private corporation control. Baciwa Employees Union (BEU) workers traveled to Metro Manila from Bacolod City, Negros Occidental to fight the appeal of the Baciwa and Primewater leadership appeal to the CSC Region 6's judgment in favor of removed workers. The union succeeded the case in 2021 to bring back the work to the victims. CSC workers went to April 2023 to protest the slow progress of their reinstatement case. Again they called for the appeal of Baciwa's appeal. Removed 59 Baciwa employees in December 2020 after the privatization and signing of the JVA between Baciwa and the Prime Water Incorporated owned by the Villar family on November 16, 2020. They were removed from office because they were allegedly redundant or Others do their jobs in Baciwa. - 138 -

The Confederation for Unity Recognition and Advancement of Government Employees (Courage) has extended their solidarity and support to the Baciwa workers' protest. The group insisted that the CSC would address the case as workers were unemployed for more than three years. The BEU representatives also listened and removed workers from several Congress representatives this January 31. They dropped their call for their immediate return to work. Signing for Chacha, suspended amid anomalies January 31, 2024 The Commission on Elections has been suspended on January 29 the signature for a “people's initiative” for Charter Change (Chacha) or change in the 1987 Constitution. According to the Commission, the resolution governed by Such an initiative. Earlier, the Comelec announced that it was only a "recipient" of signatures. It recently announced that it has accepted seven million signatures from the 209 districts. It takes at least 11.4 million signatures or 12% of the 91.9 million registered voters to push a people’s initiative. - 139 -

The recruitment was stopped in the face of widespread opposition to various sectors. Since then, the use of public funds for signature collection has been revealed. The news of signing is widespread in exchange for ₱ 100 or worse, aid from various state agencies. The Senate and Constitutional experts also opposed the initiative. This is allegedly against the Constitution, according to a retired Supreme Court magistrate. He said only amendments, and non -revision of the Constitution were allowed to be provided through a people's initiative. In a hearing in the Senate on January 30, the conspiracy of the People's Initiative for Reform Modernization and Action (signature), the advertisement group, was revealed to push Chacha, and House Speaker Martin Romualdez and other congressmen, for the signs of signing the signature . In addition to bribery in exchange for signatures, it also revealed the spending of ₱ 55 million signatures to address the advertisement of the EDSA uprising and repented of the country's problems in the Constitution. Meanwhile, Ferdinand Marcos Jr has been forced to temporarily stop the signatures because it is said to be "very divorced." "So far, the People's Initiative is still ongoing, but I'm not sure if this is the option for us," he said on January 30. He said he even asked his lawyers, including Presidential Legal Counsel Juan - 140 -

Ponce Enrile, what other options to change the Constitution. "This is good news and we will wait for this formal and written decision by the Comelec," Rep. France Castro of the ACT Teachers Party List on January 30. “Actually, it's a waste of time (it's just a waste of time). The Comelec should focus more on registering voters for the election in 2025. Because their signatures are just a waste of time to withdraw (just too). " In the face of the suspension, the "Bawi-Sign" campaign that started by the Bayan Muna on January 28. Many have signed a desire to recover their signature when they learned that it was in charter change. According to them, if not signing for help, they were told a different reason so they signed. According to Atty. Neri Colmenares of Bayan Muna, the group will continue to collect an "affidavit and manifestation of withdrawal" until the signature does not release the People's Initiative. "We will continue to gather 'remedies' affidavits and launch for porches nationwide," he said. "We do not want to be surprised if the Comelec suddenly revokes the suspension." - 141 -

Starting class in UP Manila and UP Visayas, protests January 31, 2024 Scholars of the University of the Philippines (UP) Manila and UP Visayas are protesting at the opening of their class on January 29. Students usually launch a UP is what it calls the "first day rage" to meet the class opening and address various social issues. In UP Manila, progressive organizations and the campus student council conducted action at the College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) Gate and the College of Medicine Gate. Meanwhile, groups under the leadership of the student's Sandigan for the People-UPV, their actions in the New Administration Building, UP Visayas, Miagao, Iloilo. Groups featured issues and issues on the lack of space for the student, budgeting at state universities and colleges and local universities and colleges, and the treading on academic rights and militarization on campus. They also extended support to jeepney drivers and operators to fight the Public Utility Vehicle (PUV) phaseout. They also expressed opposition to the Charter Change of the US-Marcos regime. “This protest is a symbol of our continued struggle for rights, livelihoods, and - 142 -

Freedom. In the face of the continued suffering of the Filipino people the active and militant resistance of the youth and the entire people is required, ”Samasa-UPV said. The DOJ's recommendation to sue 2 abducted activists, condemned January 31, 2024 Conflicts and human rights groups condemned the Department of Justice's recommendation to sue Jonila Castro and Jhed Tamano of "Oral Defamation" due to "Shame" they allegedly told the soldiers at a press conference. The Armed Forces of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) to make the two public as "surrenderees" but instead of following the soldiers' dictatorship, Castro and Tamayo boldly revealed that they were abducted, threatened and subjected to torture. The DOJ made the recommendation after it dismissed a perjury case filed by the 70th IB against them. Castro and Tamano's reaction to the DOJ's clear reaction to the AFP and NTF-ELCAC stories of the military's case was "frustrating". “Prosecutor Arnold Magpagsa has put aside that we were abducted by military (agents), taken to safehouses, and subjected to psychological - 143 -

Torture to force the story developed by the NTF-ELCAC agent, ”said the two. “He regarded the threat to our lives as a only“ imagination ”. Our intention of exposing the truth was released from a 'deep pursuit' to discredit and humiliate the AFP. ” According to the two, the decision only proves that they are questioning the DOJ's ability to be fair in the investigation. "(U) has just given a malicious statement that DOJ Secretary Jesus Crispin Remulla has made a malicious statement that we have made just part of the 'new CPP-NPA'." "Instead of identifying the stories of Jhed and Jonila in connection with the abduction, detention and torture of them, the DOJ still looks like the victims," said Cristina Palabay of the Rights group. "The DOJ is angry that a decision that has been deciding on the ongoing attacks against Nature defenders Jhed and Jonila," said Jon Bonifacio, Nature's national coordinator. "Instead of giving Jhed and Jonila a little justice after their spectacular experience, the arrests of their military have been given a bullet." Groups called for the Supreme Court to immediately address the petition of two activists for the writ of Amparo for their safety. - 144 -

"It is clear to us that the cases imposed are harassment to discredit morals, to bully those who want to fight for the right, and to silence," Castro and Tamano continued. "This is just one of the many forms of repression and violation of our right to express opposition to anti-people policies." Removal in the technology sector, continuing amidst the profit of companies January 31, 2024 workers in the technology industry worldwide this year. In the first four weeks of 2024, up to 24,584 workers from 93 companies have lost their jobs. This is a connection to the dissolution of technology companies of 260,000 jobs in 2023. According to reviews, the main reason for the widespread removal is the use of artificial intelligence companies (AI) in various parts and levels of their respective Operations. Last year, large American companies such as Alphabet/ Google (12,000+), Microsoft (16,000+), meta/ Facebook (10,000+), Amazon (27,000+) and Tiktok, as well as others such as Discord, Accenture (19,000), Vodafone (11,000) and much more. Its just - 145 -

Last month, at least 100 companies have announced their workers' departures. The widespread debate of technology workers in the Philippines also took place. According to the latest Job Displacement Report of the Department of Labor and Employment, up to 3,089 permanently lost jobs in the technology sector in January 2023. This is 87% higher than the unemployed sector in January 2022. Despite Of course, the reactionary state is still lying that 200,000 "shortages" of technology workers in the country are propagated. Removals have taken place in front of the upcoming income of the aforementioned companies. Microsoft's revenue increased by 18% in the last room of the year, due to the main time of its AI service from its investment in the Openai company, the creation of chatgpt. The sales of its sales will be overwhelming the price of its stockmarket price. So far, 70% of its high cost compared to last year. The company's price is in $ 3 trillion in the market. Also, Alphabet/Google has a $ 20.7 billion revenue, mainly from YouTube advertisements and revenue to cloud computing (Internet electronic services). The company is in the process of releasing its own AI model similar to chatgpt. In - 146 -

Now, AI's use of its products such as Gmail and the Google Searches is increasing. ₱ 2 trillion for AFP's “modernization”, Marcos JR January 31, 2024 approved at the end of the end of the coup and destabilization, Ferdinand Marcos Jr. approved the ₱ 2 trillion budget for the "modernization" of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP). The funds will be used for the purchase of planes, ships, weapons, parts and services as stated in the "Horizon 3" of the AFP Modernization Act. The Rehorizoned Capability Enhancement and Modernization Program or Rehorizoned 3 aims to buy weapons from the US and its allies for the "territorial defense" of the Philippines. This includes purchasing the US but will still love the F-16 of the US and large ships to use in its joint patrol in the South China Sea. The purchase of such vehicles and military equipment is in accordance with the US role in the AFP in its rival China. To ensure the loyalty of the generals throughout his term, Marcos said the funding would be spent within 10 years. Marcos first approved in December the increase of the AFP budget for $ 285 billion in 2024. According to some reviews, ₱ 110 - 147 -

Billion to ₱ 115 billion can be allocated for the purchase of new weapons and service to old assets that have been damaged by the AFP. This is far bigger than the annual ₱ 25 billion- ₱ 30 billion that the Duterte regime had previously intended for the program. Rehorizoned 3 structured in the "new" concept of defense called by the AFP the Comprehensive Archipelagic Defense concept. According to Gilbert Teodoro, secretary of the Department of National Defense, this defense plan, also described as the "strategic shift," will "guarantee Filipino corporations, and foreign foreign'll allow the Philippines, to peacefully conduct explorations and explorations and explorations and explorations and exploitation of all natural resources within the Exclusive Economic Zone (of the Philippines) and other areas where we have jurisdiction. ” A foreign companies, especially the American companies, are the rich natural gas and oil and oil deposits located in the West Philippine Sea and its South China Sea. The Marcos regime and the AFP have announced that the Comprehensive Archipelagic Defense concept is for the defense and interest of the Philippines. But in fact, it is part of the US's archipelagic defense strategy to counter China in its so -called Western Pacific Theater of Operations (WPTO). Using the puppies of these governments and troops in Asia, the US has laid out an "archipelagic defense" which means the connection of strategic islands to - 148 -

This is called the "First Island Chain." This "chain" includes the Philippines. Part of the Archipelagic Defense Strategy is the anti-access/area denial (A2/AD) tactic against China with the purpose of "Insutralize" the ability of the "enemy" (China), and "suppress" (suppress) or "erase" (eliminate ) its abilities to launch "aggression" in the region. Its activities include the uninitiated launch of freedom of navigation operations, “joint patrol” with its armed and controlled troops in the region, ocean and permanent presence of troops and its bases on its bases on the base Philippines, South Korea and Japan. - 149 -

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PC April 1 - 25th event in Milan for Palestine on March 30th

25th event on Saturday afternoon in Piazza Duca d'Aosta in Milan in support of Palestine. Among banners exposed by the demonstrators, also one with written "Meloni and Salvini servants of the Zionist assassins" and another who act "Meloni accomplice of repression and genocide" .

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Socialist Front Of Nepal Will Hold Interaction Program In Kathmandu Tomorrow - Redspark

Storytelling, April ೧, ೨೦೨೪: The Socialist Front of Nepal, a coalition of Socialist and Communist political parties, is organizing an interaction program focused on the development of socialism in Kathmandu tomorrow.

According to leaders of the Front, the program will be held at the Rastriya Sabhagriha, Exhibition Road in Kathmandu at 1 pm, Tuesday.

The Front consists of the CPN (Maoist Centre), CPN (Unified Socialist), Janata Samajwadi Party, and the Biplav-led Communist Party of Nepal.

Source : https://english.khabarhub.com/2024/01/348974/

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PC April 1 - Resistance is not a crime. On April 4th in L'Aquila garrison for the freedom of Anan, Ali and Mansour

Resistance is not a crime

Libertà Per Anan, Ali, Mansour

April 4th from 9.30 am: garrison of solidarity with the Court of L'Aquila, on the occasion of the Review of the Custody Precautionary in prison of Anan Yaeesh, Irar Ali and Mansour Doghmosh.

Anan Yaeesh, Palestinian political refugee residing in L'Aquila, is was arrested on January 27 on the mandate of the State colonial Israeli who requested it extradition.

Anan He is particularly unintended by Israel. He joined the struggle liberation of the teenager, when The Israeli army has killed his companion while he went to school with her. Fought in West Bank to defend the refugee camp where lived , was the victim of an attempted murder by Israeli soldiers who have it reached up con 11 shots of firearm, his friends they were killed in cold blood by the Israeli army e Despite the years of captivity, the violence suffered and the pressures on his family, He never denied his belonging to the Palestinian resistance and has never betrayed his people.

His political activism and the events that involved him have made of anan a sort of hero in Palestine, therefore an element dangerous for the Israelis, who found in the Meloni government The perfect accomplice to continue killing the Palestinian people And to repress his resistance without making too much noise.

But an operation of this kind, in the light of Zionist crimes in Gaza and over 30 thousand deaths

Palestinians, not he could pass in silence: t the violations of the Human rights in Israel, torture too practiced, too many associations for human rights recognized and reliable that it confirm: il procedure sprinkling accepted from the Italian government is illegal .

E d the front of the growing solidarity that the Palestinian population and resistance receive In the squares of the whole country, the Meloni government and its judiciary instead of admit the error and recognize the complicity of the Italian state with that Genocida of Israel enlarge the operation repressive towards other Palestinians accusing them of terrorism, of prepare actions against Italy and Israel, to belong to one of the Organizations of the Palestinian resistance, an integral part of the action of 7 October.

So on 11 March, on the eve of the council chamber he owed decide on its release, Anan is reached by a second capture mandate, this time all Italian, and they come with him arrested Also Ali Arar, Mansour Dahmash.

But the so -called “Operation against the international terrorism ”, so far from exponents of the center -right government and politicians, it is nothing more than an operation repressive for which people accused of nothing arise, because no military or unworthy action of nature of "terrorism" who justify This operation has never occurred in our country.

What justifies it, on the other hand, is the ill -concealed attempt to do not discontented Israel, delegitimize the right resistance of Palestinians against the colonial occupant, repress and criminalize there growing solidarity with the Palestinian people and their resistance.

The right to resist, even with weapons to the occupant, is a right not only collective but also subjective, widely recognized by international law. Resistance is not a crime, Resistance is a motorcycle of A more. As Anan said, " There Resistance is not terrorism ... if our love for Palestine is terrorism, then we Palestinians are the God of terrorism. From 1948 to now we are below the attack of Israel who kills us every day, but still today We claim freedom, which we will conquer without ever stopping. Because it is our land and the Palestinians deserve to be free and live like all the other peoples of the world.

Freedom for Anan, Ali and Mansour

Resistance is not tried!

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KKInia (Maoist) Rama's Temple and the idea of India

The completion and inauguration of the Rama Hindu Temple in northern India, over the ruins of a Muslim mosque rekindled confrontations within the country about the role of religion in politics, Hindu nationalism and fascism, the policies of the far -right government. of progressive and revolutionary forces. We are republishing the interesting analysis of KKInia (Maoist) about all of them a.

KKInia (Maoist)

Rama's Temple and the idea of India*

18 February 2024

Fascism has its peculiarities, so it varies in forms and bears specific characteristics in different real conditions. In the specific conditions of India, the nature of fascism is the fascism of Brahmanic Indian (Brahmanical 1 Hindutva 2 Fascism).

The rise of the forces of the Movement for India (Hindutva) in political power is essentially harmonized with the fake Indian Parliamentary Republic.

Even in this unprecedented moment of glorious glory, Hinduta's paramilitary units dressed in yolk colors do not show such a serious threat to the parliamentary system because the latter proves to be a real threat to their own kingdom, the kingdom of the kingdom. Hate (Kingdom of Animosity). Something that raises a serious question about the constitution of parliamentary democracy itself.

Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar.
Photo: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/B._R._Ambedkar

Abendcar 3 He rightly ruled in 'State and Minorities' that political democracy has never been a trait of the Indian State, on the contrary, Indian democracy is primarily a majority 4 democracy, of the upper class, identified with specific groups/communities 5 .

The fascism of the main form of Hindu nationalism (Hindutva) in India finds a suitable ground in the structure of parliamentary democracy a parody structure. We will try to understand the policy of Hindutva forces with the backdrop of the inauguration of the Rama Temple 6 on January 22.

Rama's Temple

The construction of the Rama Temple in Agiona Seven and the establishment 8 His Prime Minister Monty (Modi) has led to distortion of our minds to a subsequent higher level. The dominant media reinforced by Narendra Modi's Government (Narendra Modi) and RSS organization 9 They have played an enviable role in the perpetuation of such a distortion and denial of truth deep in the veins of our society. We failed to bring back our critical thinking and became slaves of the state -backed lies around Indian culture, religion, history and the idea of India.

The establishment of the Rama Temple, with all the wave of fans and the sensuality of the media, unintentionally managed to normalize the injustice suffered by the Muslim minority due to the demolition of the wonderful historical mosquito Babri by Hinduva's raids. The fact that there was imperative support of the event at the Rama Temple by the Muslim community is so impunity.

The route of L.K. Advani, which began in Somnath on September 25, 1990 and ended in Agiona on October 30, 1990.
Photo: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ram_Rath_Yatra

Prime Minister Monti's report, on the day of the Rama Temple on January 22, that Rama's birthplace was free from hundreds of years of disaster is in direct opposition to the Supreme Court's ruling on Agiona. November 9, 2019. In its ruling, the Supreme Court rightly expressed the view that the Babri mosque was not built after a demolition of a pre -existing temple, and further stated that its demolition on December 6, 1992 was a "blatant violation of the rule of law". However, all the culprits of the demolition of the Babri mosque left with a clean register and were praised by Prime Minister Monti as great patriots and freedom fighters. See L.K. Advani that led the Ramjambhoomi Rath Yatra movement 10 resulted in the plunder of the mosque of Babri and the slaughter of thousands of innocent lives. This is the magnitude of the parody of justice in the fascism of the Brahmanic Indian.

While the fascist forces were busy with their sad, hated and divisive agenda, all of us aware citizens were not able to show our moral vigor in a collapsing world. All of us were more or less victims of this mass fascist program. So fascism works, implicitly and secretly, call the aesthetics of fascist techniques.

With the rise of imperialism, that is, at the time of financial capital, the nation-state that emerged with developing capitalism, became an obstacle to the free movement of capital. However, in fascism that appeared in the 20th century with imperialism and the crisis of capitalism, the concept of nationalism was perceived by the fascist forces through the lenses of the purity of race and blood. Thus, the racist and cultural fascist nationalism emerged that builds internal borders and opposite poles between the ego and the other in the nation. In such doctrines of cultural nationalism are RSS and BJP Eleven who try to impose a single exclusive identity based on religion, language and culture. Everywhere in the world where this chauvinist-patriotic 12 Nationalism has usurped political power, has caused serious damage to democratic structures and has imposed a strong oppression on working masses with the helping hand of imperialism.

Following the footsteps of Savarkar, BJP identifies the interests of imperialism and the main form of Hindu nationalism (Hindutva). The pioneering leaders of Hindutva were in collusion with British imperialism. Today, in the name of cultural nationalism, BJP and RSS deliver the nation's resources to imperialist forces and play their miserable game to impose a one -dimensional culture of Brahmanic Indian. As a result, BJP and RSS have used nationalism to create rifts in society and surplus in corporate houses. Jingoistic nationalism in India since its inception in 1925 has been by -product of fascists Hindutva. Together with Prime Minister Monty, all the status quo promoted the construction of the Temple of Rama as a national glory, the heyday of "Indian culture" and as an act of nationalism that cannot be canceled 13 .

With the aim of expanding its social base and tackling the increasing influence of communism, RSS has taken various actions, of which the primary was the formation of many mass organizations. In 1948 he founded the Panindian Student Council (Akhilya Bharatiya Vidyarthi Sangatan, ABVP), a student body whose primary goal was to combat communist influence on Indian universities. In 1952 he founded Vanavasi Kalyan Ashram with the aim of confronting Christian organizations and the conversion and conversion of the tribes by Christian missionaries. Behind it their main agenda was to incorporate antibodies 14 in Hinduism. At the same time, RSS formed a political party, Bharatiya Jan Sangh (BJS) (which in 1980 changed and became Bharatiya Janata Party, BJP) to conquer political power with its Hindu nation agenda (Hindu Rashtra) , which revealed his cultural nationalism. In 1955, he founded the Association of Indian Workers (Bharatiya Mazdoor Shang, BMS), a workers' union to weaken communist influence on the India working class. In 1964, in close contact with Hindu clergy, the RSS formed the Hindu World Council (Vishwa Hindu Parishad, VHP) which played a prominent role in the forging of the module between various Hindu heresies and inherited a "central structure" in a hitherto .

All of these organizations showed strong perseverance/determination in their fascist movements that were identified/associated with specific groups/communities and played a decisive role in the destruction of the Babri mosque. Today these organizations have hundreds of thousands of members and thousands of annexes are spreading their tentacles across the country. This is a serious issue that is of concern to all democratic and revolutionary forces in the present context.

The RSS did not hesitate to express its support to the Congress Party in the 1984 general elections, as the latter used India and policies identical/ related to specific groups/ communities much more effectively than ever - character, the way or style followed the principles of secularism 15 . In a highly charged political atmosphere, where religion was used in exclusive and party terms 16 The RSS has returned to the news the issue of the Rama Temple that has been in lethargy for many decades. Specifically for this purpose, Bajrang Dal was founded in the summer of 1984 in the state of Uttar Pradesh, as VHP's militant wing. Its members were recruited by the inferior castes and the unemployed/ underemployed young people, who became the Hindutva infantry. Within a few years the estimated members amounted to about 100,000 young people.

With the collapse of Soviet Russia's social-imperialism in the early 1990s, the Indian economy went into deep crisis as the Indian ruling classes became heavily dependent on Soviet capital. There has been a serious crisis in the balance of payments. This provided fertile ground for the infiltration of IMF and World Bank policies in India. The entire Indian economy paved the way for foreign capital and began the phase of what is popularly known as Liberation, Privatization and Globalization.

In order to conceal/camouflage the forthcoming social and economic crisis, in conflict with imperialist forces, organizations of the main form of Hindu nationalism (Hidutva) seduced the Indian masses into panic -stricken policies Seventeen . In the 1989 general elections, the BJP reached 85 seats in the House of People's Representatives 18 , from 2 seats in 1984. After completing the RAM RATH YATRA, in the 1991 general elections, the BJP managed to concentrate 119 seats. It won the majority of seats from which the Rath Yatra march was passed. The 1991 elections were one of the most expensive elections in India's political history, where all political parties were engaged in a nasty game of cockroach to influence the vote of the various communities.

The majority and fascist use of religion in politics in exclusive and party terms from RSS-BJP led to the slaughter of Godra 19 in 2002. With the BJP's rise to power in 2014, the use of religion in politics in exclusive and partisan terms has intensified. One thing that has clearly happened in the last decade is Hinduism Twenty of politics in India. No one can deny this with complete political consciousness!

The establishment of the Rama Temple brought to the fore the issue of the creation of a protection shield for fundamental concepts such as nationalism, secularism, democracy and citizenship by the ruthless attack of the fascism of the Brahmanic Indian. But by simply preparing ourselves to become guardians of these ideas/perceptions that today define the essence of being human, we provide weak protection to these ideas/perceptions. What is currently needed along with protection is to critical thinking and restructuring these ideas/perceptions to give them greater durability.

RSS mechanisms are aware that the cultural sector is constructed and shaped by those political objectives that decisively contribute or influence the formation of political situation and promote their success. Giving Hinduism elements from prophetic-directing religions 21 And organizing it on a basis has been built by fascism Hindutva a culture that promises a psychological unity in the Hindu Religion endowed with great diversity.

Today we can see this effort to move on rapidly by obscuring other social identities such as class, caste and sex. These social identities must be oppressed by Hindutva forces as they create movements that transcend religion and are an obstacle to the ideology of Hindutva. RSS-BJP classifies citizenship based on the primordial character of religion. That's exactly what Savarkar says 22 , about who are citizens of India, when it declares that only those whose sacred land and the land of their ancestors is India are considered as true citizens of that country.

Declaring in national media "from God to the country and from Rama to Nation" 23 , Prime Minister Modi openly revealed to the whole world his agenda for the Hindu nation. Further, Prime Minister Modi stated that "God made me a means of representing all the people of India during the establishment". This is nothing but a fascist theory of God's righteous rule.

And Hitler cultivated such a religious passion to maintain his control over the masses. Monty and Hitler, political gods, look very much.

The regime left parties welcomed the attitude of the Congress Party to boycott the event at the Temple of Rama as an ideological attitude that indicates characteristics of "cosmicism" that Nehrou was pronounced and supported. " 24 . Beyond the gaps of the ambiguities or omissions of the so -called "Nehrouvian Cosmicism", the parties of the parliamentary opposition also gave a paradoxical explanation for their attitude to boycott the fact of January 22. Congress and Left cited cosmicism and the four Sancarachies 25 to explain their position. This, as they argue, makes them ideologically distinguished from the BJP.

Nehrou the first prime minister of Independent India from 1947 to 1964.

On the one hand, Congress and the left parties disagree with the involvement of religion with politics, on the other hand defend secularism by giving explanations of religious character.

The CC India (Marxist) [CPI (M)], in the English-speaking weekly newspaper Peoples Democracy, argued that "but the main reason why the" anti-Induist "category is not strictly because Puri Govardhana Peeth, Jyotir Math, Dwarka Sharda Peeth and Sringeri Sharda Peeth - have made known their intention not to participate in the ceremony in Agiona on January 22. " These four Sancarages have previously supported the Hindu nation in the main media.

If this is the case, the Congress party and the left parties try to show that they are no less Hindus than the BJP.

The Aam Adami Party, which is a member of the United Opposition alliance called India, conducted/took part in religious broadcasts/programs in 70 constituencies in Delhi, just before the establishment of the Temple of Rama. All regime political parties were immersed in this "opium", as Carl Marx called religion.

It is not very difficult to predict that the issue of the General Elections of 2024 will revolve around the religion and the Temple of Rama. There will be a huge/intense polarization of society against the backdrop of religion by the political mechanisms of RSS and BJP. We are completely headed towards a Middle Ages under BJP's rule.

26 And at the same time, the license to perform rituals by the right -wing Hindutva wing to the controversial mosque of Babri triggered the religious outburst/wave that eventually swallowed/flooded the entire nation.

By laws related to the Uniform Civil Code, CAA and NRC, the Indian state under BJP has made its apathy/indifference clear even in terms of typical secularism as guaranteed through the Constitution.

This Hindutva state, this Brahmanical society, put in iron chains the weak and exhausted muscles of the working masses. It keeps their belly half full with 5 kg of grain and constant frailty. Even after toil as slaves under the heat of summer or the bitter cold of winter, the oppressed masses of the country always remain victims of malnutrition.

The social principles of the main form of Hindu nationalism (Hindutva) justify the colonization of India, praise the slavery of the Middle Ages and the slavery of antiquity. In addition, Hindutva defends the oppression of the mass workers and characterizes it as their inevitable fate. It continues the exploitation of work and the oppressed masses at a hard pace. It considers every democratic and secular position as a denial of its ideology. In fact, he considers them peaceful and that they do not fit men, and in their position supports the centralization of power, the submission to power and the violence for the terrorism of the opposition forces.

What should we do to destroy the Hindu nation? The answer to this inevitable question is not as simple as breaking a glass castle. Without dwelling on the complexity of the issue/ without going into details of the answer, we must do what the Great Revolution of 1789 did to the French monarchy, what the Bolsheviks party did to the Russian Tsar and what the Freedom fighters in British colonialism.


Representative, Western Zone Office

KKI (Maoist)


The article was published by the International Committee to Support The People's War In India (ICSPWI) on 18/02/2024 on the site Support the People's War in India entitled "CPI (Maoist) Analisys - Ram Temple and the Idea of India".

Is located at: https://icspwindia.wordpress.com/2024/02/18/cpi-maoist-analisys-ram-temple-and-the-idea-of-india/. The translation was done by English on behalf of the Antigotes by Mr. KSPE. The publication is not necessarily an agreement with all the views expressed.

1 St. Brahmanical: = Brahmanic: » Many scholars depict Brahmanism either as a historical stage in the evolution of Hinduism or as a separate religious tradition. However, among the Hindus, especially within India, Brahmanism is generally regarded as part of their tradition rather than a separate religion. https://www.britannica.com/topic/Brahmanism.
2 St. Hindutva: = India: » India or "Hindutva" is a term invented by Vinayak Damodar Savarkar in 1923, and means the main form of Hindu nationalism in India. Bharatiya Janata (BJP) party adopted India as an official ideology in 1989. It is represented, along with the oldest ideology of the "Hindu Rashtra" by the voluntary nationalist organization, Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) Vishva Hindu Parishad. Many Indian social scientists have described the Hindutva movement as fascist. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hindutva .
3 St. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar (April 14, 1891 - December 6, 1956), known as Babasacheb Abendcar, was an Indian lawyer, economist, political and social reformist who inspired the Buddhist movement of the Buddhist. ) supporting women's and labor rights. He was the first Minister of Justice of Independent India, the chief architect of the Constitution of India and the founder of the Republic of India. https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/B._R._Ambedkar, https://www.britannica.com/biography/Bhimrao-Ramji-Ambedkar .

4 St. Majoritarian: = majority: » The idea that the numerical majority of a population must have the last say in determination of decisions is called majority. The majority is a political philosophy or ideology that argues that a majority (sometimes categorized by religion, language, social class or some other determinant), has the right to primacy in society and the right to make decisions affecting society. Taking e.g. The ethnic dimension as a determinant provides the excuse for the ethnic majority groups to dominate minority groups without the need to secure equal rights and protection. https://www.populismstudies.org/Vocabulary/majoritarianism/ . https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Majoritarian_representation

Five St. Communal: ≈ identified/associated with specific groups/communities.

6 St. Ram Temple: = Temple of Rama: » The temple, dedicated to God Rama, popularly known as Ram Mandir, is being built on the land where a 16th-century mosque stood. In 1992, right-wing Hindus demolished the mosque, sparking nationwide unrest between Hindus and Muslims that killed more than 2,000 people, most of them Muslims.

7 St. Ayodhya: = Agiona: » City of 55,000 inhabitants located on the banks of the Sarayu River in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh; it is considered a birthplace of the Rama Hindu deity. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ayodhya .
Eight St. CONSECRATION: = Establishment: ≈ The church of sanctification or inauguration.
9 St. Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS): = Right Hindu nationalist organization.
10 St. Ramjambhoomi Rath Yatra or Ram Rath Yatra: = Political and religious rallies that lasted from September to October 1990. It was organized by Bharatiya Janata (BJP) and Hindu nationalist subsidiaries led by then -headed BJ. Advani. The purpose of the course was to support/enhance the passion for the erection of a temple for the Rama Hindu deity at the site of the Babri mosque. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ram_Rath_Yatra .
11 StM. Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) := Indian People's Party, Bharatiya Janata
Twelve St. Jingoistic: = Supernatural, Patriotic Captain: » the one who distinguishes him extreme chauvinism or nationalism characterized especially by a polemical foreign policy. Jingoism: ≈ attitude of martial nationalism or blind adherence to the righteousness or virtue of one's nation, society, or group, simply because it is one's own.
Thirteen St. Inalienable Act: = Incredible act: » Act that cannot be limited, canceled, abolished, deleted.
14 St. Adivasi: = Antibasin: ≈ Primitive, ancient inhabitants.
15 St. Secularism: = cosmicism or secularism: ≈ The view that the state and any other social entity must be completely separated from religion and by various religious institutions and doctrines (its achievement is called cosmicism). In a sense, secularism claims the right to religious discoloration of social and political institutions, that is, the complete separation of church-states. https://el.wikipedia.org/wiki/%CE%9A%CE%BF%CF%83%CE%BC%CE%B9%CE%BA%CE%B9%CF%83%CE%BC%CF%8C%CF%82
16 StM. communal politics: ≈ The use of religion in politics in exclusive and partisan terms.
17 St. CONSTERNATED POLITICS: = panic -stricken policies: ≈ Anxious policies that lead to absolute confusion, frustration.
18 St. Lok Sabha: = Locke Sabcha: ≈ The House of Popular Representatives. https://el.wikipedia.org/wiki/%CE%9B%CE%BF%CE%BA_%CE%A3%CE%AC%CE%BC%CF%80%CE%B1
Nineteen St. Carnage of Godhra: = Slaughter in Godra: ≈ The burning of the train occurred on the morning of February 27, 2002: 59 Hindus pilgrims who returned from Agionya were killed in a fire in the Sabarmati Express near the Godhra train station in the Indian state. Shortly thereafter, there were riots in Gujarat where Muslims became the target of extensive violence. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godhra_train_burning .
20 St. Hinduisation: = Sentence: » A term used by some scholars to refer to the process by which non-or pre-inter-indigenous religious elements "such as local gods-are assimilated to Hinduism, identifying them with specific Hindu elements. https://www.oxfordreference.com/display/10.1093/oi/authority.20110803095937567
21 St. Semitized Hinduism: = tendency to the Hindu movement to borrow elements from prophetic-directing religions. It is said that Hindutva is a "semitic" of Hinduism. http://voiceofdharma.org/books/wiah/ch5.htm .
Twenty Two St. Savarkar said that Hindu was someone for whom India was the land of his ancestors (Pitrabhumi) and the Sacred Earth (Punya Bhumi). Thus, with this definition, Hindus, Sikh, Buddhists and Jainists covered both categories while Muslims and Christians did not. https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/politics-and-nation/savarkar-was-first-to-advocate-two-nation-theory-shashi-tharoor/articleshow/73590565.cms?from=mdr .
23 St. Dev se design and ram se rashtra: = [Expand your consciousness] "From God to Country, from Rama to Nation" (From Deity to Country, From Ram To Nation).
24 St. "Nehruvian Secularism": = "Nehrouvian Cosmicism": » The secularism or secularism that Nehrou was inflicted on and supported by the first Prime Minister of Independent India from 1947 to 1964. India of Nehrou is supposed to be committed to "cosmicism". India's secularism does not completely separate religion and state. The idea here, in its weakest form, was that the government would not be involved in "personal" religious issues and create conditions in which people of all religions could live in harmony. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secularism_in_India .
25 St. Shankaracharya: = Sancarachies: » Hindu Saint Sancara of the 8th century, had founded four monasteries across the country. The titles given to the heads of these monasteries are known as charming, spiritual leaders. They have a very crucial role in preserving and interpreting the Holy Hindu Scriptures. They are considered the "supreme principle" in Hinduism and for the interpretation of Hindu Scriptures. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shankaracharya. https://www.indiatvnews.com/explainers/who-is-shankaracharya-how-many-are-they-what-is-their-significance-in-hindu-religion-all-you-need-to-know-2024-01-13-911587

26 ΣτΜ. Shah Bano : » In April 1978, a 62 -year -old Muslim, Shah Bano, applied to the court seeking nutrition from her divorced husband Mohammed Ahmad Khan. The case is considered one of the legal milestones in the battle to protect the rights of Muslim women. While the country's Supreme Court supported the right to nutrition, the ruling triggered a political battle and a dispute over the extent to which the courts can intervene in Muslim personal law. The case put the ground for the Muslim Women's Struggle for equal rights to marriage and divorce in regular courts. Later, in 1986, the Rajiv Gandhi government brought the law on Muslims mainly to annul the impact of the Supreme Court's ruling. https://indianexpress.com/article/what-is/what-is-shah-bano-case-4809632/

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KKE (M-L) | "Industry" of trade union-political persecutions! At the central spikes of the movement the struggle for their overthrow!

"Industry" of trade union-political persecutions!

At the central spikes of the movement the struggle for their overthrow!

The KKE (M-L) denounces the union and political persecution that has erupted in many places in the private and public sectors.

Dozens of employees, in business, in education, in hospitals and elsewhere, are confronted with a multitude of disciplinary and criminal prosecutions for participating in demonstrations and strikes, but even for a public view of non -likes of employers, in charge of authorities.

Inspired by the unprecedented anti-syndicate hysteria are the centers of power of the system of dependency, exploitation and oppression and the government that represents them. Employers and administrations take advantage of the reactionary and fascinating institutional framework that has been voted on in previous years to make any prospects in the illegality. The laws Georgiadis, Chatzidakis, Achsioglou, Chrysochoid, the new Criminal Code, as well as a number of ministerial decisions and circulars, have woven a framework where, in essence, any demonstration, strike, protest are outlawed.

Strikes and demonstrations, in order to be legal, have to deal with an incredible network of obstacles, and after their declaration they come out illegal, with fast track judicial procedures. The "voices" (that is, the slogans!) In hospitals and education are a criminal offense and workers are illegal to strike against a voted law. Banners and slogans are treated as a "presumption of crime". In this context, the redundancies and persecution of trade unionists and workers, dozens of teacher persecution, student persecution.

This situation reveals the true characteristics of the so -called bourgeois democracy. A "democracy" that requires "respect for the Constitution" and the "elected government" and at the same time bypasses Article 16 and neglects elementary freedoms and democratic political and trade union rights. This direction of the system has a name: fascism of public and political life.

We are in a new era. Where the crisis and barbarism of the system loses every fig sex, requires the complete enslavement and the complete conversion of unions into pots, which, as "social partners", will be the decorative décor of the class subordination of the working class and workers. And they will not even think about organizing a race against the nightmare.

The deconstruction of the working class and the movement, which has been counting for some decades, has taken place under the defeat of the revolutionary communist movement and the consequent domination of social democracy and reformism. These terms, of course, have not been overthrown.

But every day, we will become increasingly meeting the struggles than the future. The struggles that claim the re -establishment of the working class and the popular movement.

This new composition is forced to do with the materials of the class controversy rather than the class cooperation-evidence, to take place with the quality of the against bourgeois legitimacy, which, in the phase we are, is outlawed by every struggle.

The struggle to overthrow all trade union persecutions comes as a serious necessity at the time of the objectives of overthrowing all the reactionary anti-syndicate institutional framework.

  • Down the hands, from the clubs, the struggles, the fighters and the fighters! Below are the anti -labor - anti -union laws!
  • The races will be formed in the daily struggle, they will strengthen by fire and iron, they will win!

April 2024

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From Ang Bayan: Children And Babies Start Dying By Starvation In Gaza Due To US-Israel Genocide - Redspark

The country

April 1, 2024

After several months of warning, children in Gaza are starting to die by starvation due to Israel’s relentless bombing, attacks and food aid embargo. On March 21, the Gaza Health Ministry recorded the deaths of 27 children due to malnutrition and dehydration. The United Nations says the actual number is probably higher because many of the malnourished children do not reach the remaining hospitals. The agency is also certain that the number of people who will die through starvation in Gaza will increase if Israel do not stop its brutal attacks and detention on Palestinians. Hunger is most intense in northern Gaza which is now occupied by Israeli forces.

One of those who died was Yazan Al-Kafarna, a 10-year-old boy with cerebral palsy. He died in a hospital on March 4 due to malnutrition and lack of necessary medication for his condition. In the first week of March, the Emirati Hospital in Rafah reported the deaths of 16 premature babies in the past five weeks due to malnutrition. Some of the children who died were babies who were newly born or were only a few days old. This is due to severe malnutrition and dehydration of their mothers. Almost all patients admitted to hospitals are malnourished.

Starvation causes slow death, and it is most brutal to infants, young children and the elderly. Severely malnourished mothers are unable to produce milk, and almost no milk enters Gaza due to the Israeli forces’ embargo on aid. Some babies suck only dates, instead of milk. Some children are fed grass by their parents to survive.

Diarrhea is also widespread due to the scarcity of clean water, resulting in severe dehydration among infants and children. This is because the water system in Gaza was one of first infrastructures destroyed by Israeli forces.

According to the World Heath Organization, 90% of children 5 and below in Gaza have one or two infectious diseases, and 70% of them suffer from diarrhea at least once in two weeks. One out of every two babies is malnourished, and babies who will be born in the coming months are also most likely to be malnourished.

More than 13,000 children have died in Gaza since October 2023. This is the highest number of children killed in all armed conflicts in the world in the last four years.

Source : https://philippinerevolution.nu/angbayan/children-and-babies-start-dying-by-starvation-in-gaza-due-to-us-israel-genocide/

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Vorarlberg: terrorist process because of Palestine solidarity?

Here is a small foretaste of the number 29 of the red flag:

In February it was announced that two activists from the (formerly) SP-related organization "Der Funke" with the paragraphs §282 (1) and §282a (2) StGB, the so-called "terrorist paragraph", are threatened. Your "pass"? They shared a text that was suitable for asking for a terrorist crime.

The two Vorarlberg activists Sonja and Alex were invited to the Feldkirch public prosecutor at the end of February. They are accused of spreading the statement "Down with hypocrisy! For the defense of Gaza! Statement of the imt " to have committed criminal acts. The highest penalty for the paragraphs threatened to them are two years of deprivation of liberty. Even if we do not share many of the views and positions from the statement mentioned, it is necessary to vehemently oppose these accusations and the threat of a terrorist process. The defense of freedom of expression, which is treaded by the Austrian authorities and the judiciary, is relevant here. If this case actually leads to a conviction by the above -mentioned paragraphs, the door and gate would open to be able to use the "terrorist paragraph" to the judicial justice. If this case would lead to a conviction, a large part of the Palestine-solidary activities would be threatened to be interpreted in such a way that "terrorist support" could be constructed.

This case symbolizes the anti -democratic policy of the rulers towards those who condemn the genocide of the Palestinians and defend the rights of the Palestinians. Numerous demonstrations have already been banned, hundreds were received and in around 70 cases the judiciary is determined. This is about preventing the prevailing unpleasant opinions and protest - and this is directed against the democratic rights of the population. All charges against Sonja and Alex must be dropped immediately!

(1) Section 282 of the Criminal Code to request punished acts and good heat with punished acts

(2) § 282a StGB request for terrorist crimes and good heating terrorist crimes

Image source : derfunke.at

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INDIA: Protest against the Anti-Muslim and Hindutva fascist’s Citizenship Amendment Act! CC CPI(MAOIST)


Central Committee

Press Release

14 March, 2024

Protest against the Anti-Muslim and Hindutva fascist’s Citizenship Amendment Act!

Ignoring the people’s protest all over the country Brahmanic Hindutva Fascist BJP’s government at the center under the leadership of Narendra Modi has implemented anti-people, especially anti-Muslim Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) through an ordinance. The Central Committe of CPI (Maoist) strongly condemns this decision of the BJP government and appeals to all progressive-democratic intellectuals, students, youth, pro-people journalists, human rights organizations, peasants, workers and Muslims to build militant protest for the abrogation of CAA.

Instead of tabling the CAA in the Parliament, Modi government’s act of implementing CAA through ordinance is nothing but a conspiracy. Modi government has taken such wrong method to rescue itself from deep discussions on the CAA and mass protest against it. Just one day before the holy month of Ramadan CAA was implemented and on the day of Ramadan, Modi expressed well-wishes to Muslims was nothing but making fun of them. One has to note one more point that in the BJP ruled state of Uttarakhand, on that very day anti-people Uniform Civil Code (UCC) was passed by the State Assembly for implementation. All these depict the anti-Muslim policies of the BJP-RSS and its hatred towards the Muslim community.

Today RSS-BJP and its affiliated organizations have become a threat to the nation and people. Our Central Committe appeals to the people of the country, democratic-progressive forces, patriotic people, human rights organizations, Adivasi and Non-Adivasi organizations, people from religious minorities especially, Muslims, Sikhs, Christians, Buddhists and people of nationalities of Kashmir and Northeastern regions to gird up for protest and march forward against the Brahmanical Hindutva fascism.



Central Committee

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Communist Party of India (Maoist) expresses its solidarity to the ongoing farmers’ movement

Central Committee
Press Release
1 March, 2024
Till the demands are fulfilled, continue the struggle and extend it
The Central committee of Communist Party of India (Maoist) expresses its solidarity to the ongoing
farmers’ movement under the leadership of Samyukt Kisan Morcha (Non-Political). It also condemns the
abominable cruelties like the use of drones to fire tear-gas, use of rubber bullets and bullets by the armed forces that injured hundreds of farmers. Many became blind and deaf and two farmers were killed in police repression.
It states that laying down of spikes and nails and barricading the roads on the border of Haryana in order to stop the farmers' march to Delhi are not only undemocratic but also a terrorist act.
The Central Committee appeals to the Samyukt Kisan Morcha to carry on the movement until the just
demands of the farmers and agricultural labourers are fulfilled and also to extend the movement in the other states. The Central government of the BJP under Modi is putting all efforts to divide the mass movements and their leadership and to separate it from the broad masses in order to crush it. In such condition, our CC appeals to the Samyukt Kishan Morcha (SKM) to take steps to form United front of the farmers to build movement in all states by uniting all the existing farmers’ unions.

The success of the 16th February strike of Rural and Manufacturing sectors under the leadership of SKM
and several Trade Unions states that the people of the country are conscious of the issues and demands of the
farmers and workers. In this context our Party brings to the attention of the masses of the country that the
present farmers’ and adivasi movements are not confined to their own issues. These movements are also the
movements for protecting the wealth and natural resources of the country. Hence, our Party appeals to the
people, democrats, students, youth, artists, writers, patriotic forces to stand in support to the ongoing farmers’
movement like they did in 2021.
It is a fact that the Central government of Narendra Modi bowed down before the 2021 farmers’
movement and withdraw the three anti-people and anti-nation farmers’ bill which were brought to destroy the
agriculture of our country. At the same time, assurance was given by the Modi’s government that it will fulfill
all the demands of the farmers. But after the completion of two years, Modi government has not fulfilled its
Modi’s promise to double the income of farmers proved to be a cheap prattle. On the other hand,
farmer’s suicides are not taking the name to stop. MSP guarantee for all crops, withdrawal of the Electricity
(Amendment) bill-2020, waiving of farmers’ loans, reduction in the prices of agricultural inputs like seeds,
fertilizers, pesticides, and agricultural machineries, increase in subsidies in the budget, providing compensation
and government job to the families of those farmers who died in the farmers’ protest, to punish the culprits of
Lakhimpur-Kheri killing, termination of all international agreements made in agricultural sector, minimum
pension of ₹ 5,000 for farmers and agricultural labourers, provision of ₹ 700 per day to MNREGA workers for at
least 200 days and many other demands are kept in cold storage by the BJP government. Whereas for the
construction of Airports, mining and industrial infrastructure projects, land acquisitions are happening in a
rampant manner. This clearly proves that Modi’s government in the center promises only to cheat and divert
the people.
Labour laws achieved by the working class through historic struggles are abolished and instead of that
the central government made 4 pro-capitalist labour codes. Minimum Wages Act is not implemented in any
manufacturing sector. 12 hour working day is forcefully enforced. Workers demanding their rights are attacked
by capitalist goons, lathi charged by the police personnel and are stuffed in jails.
Adivasis obtained 5th Schedule, rights of Gram Sabha through PESA, a constitutional right that is violated
by the Modi’s government. New Forest Conservation (Amendment) Act, 2023 displaces the adivasi from their
lands and so it is anti-adivasi in nature. This apart, the demands of the adivasis struggling for more than 4 years
in Chhattisgarh, Maharashtra, Bihar, Jharkhand, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana and Odisha for right to Land-Forest-
water-resources and survival-self-respect are not fulfilled. In fact, Central and State governments are unleashing
repression on those protests. In Dantewada, Bijapur, Sukma, Kanker, Narayanpur districts of Bastar alone, 17
adivasi farmers were brutally killed in fake encounter between 1st of January and 25th February. Atrocities on
women, brutal beatings, illegal arrests, long term punishment, have become normal in Dandakaryana (DK). In
this repressive nation, in the areas of Adivasi struggles, militarization is being carried on with great intensity. In
the last five years around 200 police camps and central reserve police camps have been established.
The promise to provide employment to youth is nothing but a jhumla. Humiliation, attacks and atrocities
on Dalits and Muslims have increased. Ignoring the protests against UCC and CAA all over the country, Modi’s
government is all set to implement it.
The resolution of Narendra Modi to turn India into “New India” and “Developed India” by 2047 is in
reality to transform India into a hub for domestic and foreign corporate development, that is to make India a
base for corporate loot. In addition to this, by crushing all those voices being raised against this corporate loot
and turning India into a Brahmanic Hindu rashtra is also the motive of RSS-BJP.
It has to be remembered here that the ideology of Brahmanic Hindutva fascist RSS-BJP, its politics, work
and its history all are against farmers, workers, Adivasi, Dalit, women and minorities especially Muslims. It is
against the vast nationalities. RSS-BJP are against their economy, culture, religion and social lifestyle. In the
name of “One India-Great India” it is spreading jingoism and implementing foreign corporate policies without
any control.
In the light of the above-mentioned condition, our Party appeals to all farmers, workers organizations
of the country, farmers’ Samyukt Morcha, Adivasi, Dalit, women, religious minorities especially Muslim and
nationalities of Kashmir and North-Eastern region to unite on the basis of issues and demands, and build a broad
movement against the main danger of the country, the Brahmanic Hindutva fascist BJP government.
Central Committee

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INDIA: Till the demands are fulfilled, continue the struggle and extend it! CC CPI(MAOIST)


Central Committee

Press Release

1 March, 2024

Till the demands are fulfilled, continue the struggle and extend it

The Central committee of Communist Party of India (Maoist) expresses its solidarity to the ongoing farmers’ movement under the leadership of Samyukt Kisan Morcha (Non-Political). It also condemns the abominable cruelties like the use of drones to fire tear-gas, use of rubber bullets and bullets by the armed forces that injured hundreds of farmers. Many became blind and deaf and two farmers were killed in police repression. It states that laying down of spikes and nails and barricading the roads on the border of Haryana in order to stop the farmers' march to Delhi are not only undemocratic but also a terrorist act.

The Central Committee appeals to the Samyukt Kisan Morcha to carry on the movement until the justdemands of the farmers and agricultural labourers are fulfilled and also to extend the movement in the other states. The Central government of the BJP under Modi is putting all efforts to divide the mass movements and their leadership and to separate it from the broad masses in order to crush it. In such condition, our CC appeals to the Samyukt Kishan Morcha (SKM) to take steps to form United front of the farmers to build movement in all states by uniting all the existing farmers’ unions.

The success of the 16th February strike of Rural and Manufacturing sectors under the leadership of SKM and several Trade Unions states that the people of the country are conscious of the issues and demands of the farmers and workers. In this context our Party brings to the attention of the masses of the country that the present farmers’ and adivasi movements are not confined to their own issues. These movements are also the movements for protecting the wealth and natural resources of the country. Hence, our Party appeals to the people, democrats, students, youth, artists, writers, patriotic forces to stand in support to the ongoing farmers’ movement like they did in 2021.

It is a fact that the Central government of Narendra Modi bowed down before the 2021 farmers’movement and withdraw the three anti-people and anti-nation farmers’ bill which were brought to destroy the agriculture of our country. At the same time, assurance was given by the Modi’s government that it will fulfill all the demands of the farmers. But after the completion of two years, Modi government has not fulfilled its promises.

Labour laws achieved by the working class through historic struggles are abolished and instead of that the central government made 4 pro-capitalist labour codes. Minimum Wages Act is not implemented in any manufacturing sector. 12 hour working day is forcefully enforced. Workers demanding their rights are attacked by capitalist goons, lathi charged by the police personnel and are stuffed in jails.

The promise to provide employment to youth is nothing but a jhumla. Humiliation, attacks and atrocities on Dalits and Muslims have increased. Ignoring the protests against UCC and CAA all over the country, Modi’s government is all set to implement it.

The resolution of Narendra Modi to turn India into “New India” and “Developed India” by 2047 is inreality to transform India into a hub for domestic and foreign corporate development, that is to make India a base for corporate loot. In addition to this, by crushing all those voices being raised against this corporate loot and turning India into a Brahmanic Hindu rashtra is also the motive of RSS-BJP.

It has to be remembered here that the ideology of Brahmanic Hindutva fascist RSS-BJP, its politics, work and its history all are against farmers, workers, Adivasi, Dalit, women and minorities especially Muslims. It is against the vast nationalities. RSS-BJP are against their economy, culture, religion and social lifestyle. In the name of “One India-Great India” it is spreading jingoism and implementing foreign corporate policies without any control.

In the light of the above-mentioned condition, our Party appeals to all farmers, workers organizationsof the country, farmers’ Samyukt Morcha, Adivasi, Dalit, women, religious minorities especially Muslim and nationalities of Kashmir and North-Eastern region to unite on the basis of issues and demands, and build a broad movement against the main danger of the country, the Brahmanic Hindutva fascist BJP government.



Central Committee

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April 1 - 55th Anniversary of the New People's Army - Communist Party of the Philippines - 1 -

Declaration received - Unofficial translation - Part One


Intensify the Revolutionary armed struggle for national democracy! Carry critical and urgent tasks to correct errors and Advance the revolution!

Central Communist Party Committee of the Philippines

The Committee Central of the Communist Party of the Philippines holds the flag high red of the national democratic revolution and, on behalf of all Paintings and party members, revolutionaries and activists, addresses the his more firm greeting to all the red commanders, to the fighters and to the militias, while we celebrate, on this very important occasion and Gioiosa, the 55th anniversary of the new army of the people.

Today, we look at back to our successes and shortcomings during the year past, we draw lessons from these and formulate plans to obtain bigger results in conducting the revolutionary armed struggle against the fascist regime and the Marcos-Strati united in the next year.

In this occasion, we remember and honor all the heroes and martyrs of the Filipino Revolution that sacrificed everything for the cause of Filipino people for national and social liberation. We exalt the their life and let us inspire their martyrdom. What way Better to honor their memory than by continuing the cause revolutionary who have helped to advance?

The Committee Centrale is pleased to inform everyone that the call for a movement that the Party launched last December was wholeheartedly welcomed by all the regional committees of the Party and the NEP commands. They have responded positively and are currently holding synthesis conferences and study meetings for identify errors and deficiencies in order to correct them, and carry out all tasks consistently and comprehensively Revolutionary.

We must do everything possible to carry on the revolution, in order to defend the interests of the Philippines who are subjected to increasingly serious forms of oppression and exploitation by the US-MARCOS regime. The country faces the real and growing danger of be dragged into an inter-imperialist war. The necessity of carry on the revolutionary armed struggle, in particular, is of great urgency, being the most important weapon of the Filipino people to fight for his revolutionary cause.

The conditions of Crisis of the country push the oppressed and exploited masses of the people Filippino to carry on their struggles. Under the guidance of the party, The revolutionary forces are determined to awaken, organize and mobilize the Filipino people in large numbers, carry on constantly the national democratic revolution and bring it to unprecedented levels in the future, facing all sacrifices e The necessary difficulties.

Take The initiative to inflame the armed struggle! Frustrate the assault a All field of the enemy

The Armed Struggle led by the New People's Army (NPA) under the absolute leadership of the Communist Party of the Philippines is in a moment critic. The cadres of the party, the commanders and the red fighters, the Revolutionary Mass Organizations and Activists in the Countryside and in the cities, they are called to courageously take on our urgent tasks, to raise the red flag of the revolution, to inflame the armed struggle, to lift it from its current state of adversity and to emerge stronger than ever.

On the one hand, there is the urgent need to lead the armed struggle to launch shots against the enemy in the face of the intensification of the aggression imperialist economic and military intervention e to the intensification of the fascist assault. The declared goal of enemy of "putting an end to the reinforced conflict" Try to pave the way to the absolute trampling of the sovereignty of the country and to the total oppression of the Filipino people.

On the other hand, the our forces have been weakened to a large extent by internal errors, weaknesses and deficiencies due to years of military conservatism e passivity. Guided by the party, the NEP units are currently undertaking crucial rectification and consolidation efforts with the aim of overcoming the arrest trips of the past, exit from military liability, preserving and expanding their forces e reinvigorate the guerrilla warfare.

To cope with this particular situation, we must firmly grasp the dialectical relationship between fighting the enemy and strengthening ours Forces: we must strengthen the NEP to effectively fight the enemy; We must fight the enemy to effectively strengthen the Nep. We cannot separate from each other. The first is enough clear to see and does not need to be developed further; But the latter is not so obvious, and some could also Support the opposite.

When we talk of armed struggle and fight against the enemy, we intend to hit the enemy armed forces, using all kinds of weapons in the hands of the guerrilla and the people. We intend mainly to organize basic tactics offensive that we are able to win, that they weaken the enemy by annihilating his armed forces piece for piece, and they take off their weapons so that they can arm more recruits e Organize even larger tactics offensive in the future. We increase the ability of the NEP to make war making war.

In front of to the current assault of the enemy, the NEP commands at the front level and provincial or sub -shade, they must plan to lead one active defense war at the level of campaigns and battles, anticipate the deployment of the enemy and hitting its weakest parts. They must be ready to move their main forces or the center of gravity outside the lighter of the enemy, leaving or By sending teams or composite units to conduct various types of actions of guerrillas and tactical offensives who are able to win e inflict serious damage to the enemy.

The task of organize tactical offensive that we are able to win must be completed with meticulous planning and with the maximum vigor, as a way to galvanize the NEP and as the first decisive step for the correction.

Along the line to wage extensive and intense guerrilla warfare on a mass basis wider and deeper, all the units of the People's Army and popular militias are called upon to take full initiative and to exercise flexibility in their actions. The NEP must strengthen and expand its ties with the masses. Must to defend the peasant masses and the people against their oppressors and fascist exploiters, and make propaganda, organization and mobilization to carry on their anti-feudal mass struggles and agrarian reform.

Most of NEP plants must be deployed to help consolidate and expand the guerrilla fronts and build guerrilla fronts larger like companies. Guerrilla platoons must forge a clear floor to send their units within one data ray that is limited at a given moment to avoid excessive dispersion, but wide enough for defensive and offensive maneuvers, with a clear period of time to advance wave on, or expand the revolutionary mass base on the basis of Consolidation. We expand the area of NEP operations with methods of delay advancement or secretly bypassing in relatively areas favorable where it can start lifting, organizing and mobilizing people to get a support point. We can always send NEP unit in pioneering missions to start guerrilla war Open new areas of guerrilla warfare where the less suspicious enemy and yes Wait.

Together with Farmer mass organizations, to the territorial committees of party and other revolutionary forces, the NEP must lead social investigation campaigns to identify issues and i more urgent problems than the masses and accelerating the efforts for lift, organize and mobilize the peasant masses, bringing forward their urgent democratic claims, connecting them with their agricultural revolutionary movement and the democratic revolution popular.

We need to lend Attention to the construction or reconstruction of the organs of the political power in the villages and at the highest levels on the foundations of the full-fledged mass organizations of peasants, women, young people, cultural workers and other workers who cover the neighborhoods or groups of neighborhoods or municipalities, as well as sections and the party's sectional committees. Many of these organs of political power have been targeted by armed repression of the enemy. We need to summarize our experiences and find policies to ensure that the organs of political power, the mass organizations, local mass leaders are protected and kept off the radar of enemy intelligence.

We have to consolidate and strengthen the base of the masses and forge plans for increase their militancy to affirm their civil rights, political, social and economic, and to unmask and resist collectively and resolutely to the dirty tactics of the enemy. We have to frustrate the despicable plans of the enemy aimed at breaking the unity of the people, force him to surrender one by one, or ENLUS THE COMMANDERS AND THE RED FUNTURES to abandon the masses with false promises of a better future. In fighting the campaign of repression of the enemy, local forces must not be abandon themselves to themselves. Their struggle must be brought to a higher level to draw strength from numbers and solidarity of people, from villages adjacent to the international community. Above all, the NEP must make all the efforts to demonstrate his determination to defend the people by hitting their oppressors fascists.

Wherever they go, the Red fighters and NEP commanders also carry out campaigns of production, education, health and culture in order to address the practical needs of the masses. They must continue to forge bonds strong and inseparable from the masses. They must always identify with the the ills of the peasant masses and find solutions to the situation facing them. they are condemned by their exploiters.

The units of the NEP they must consolidate, strengthen and expand their own strength. AND extremely important that the fighters and red commanders are They unite with a single mind and act as a single body. For achieve this, they must take stock of their points of strength and weakness and plan the necessary measures to increase The determination and ability of red fighters and masses revolutionary to fight and frustrate the attacks on the whole field of the enemy.

We have to improve the NEP command structure at all levels, ensuring the quality and composition of the units controls of the horizontal and vertical forces, as well as the command of regional and provincial or sub -shared territorial operations. The Manager nucleus at every level of command of the NEP should be composed of commanders and fighters who are models of courage of in front of the enemy and models of humility in the face of the masses.

Our Strengths guerrillas must be able to conduct training political-military bases, as well as training for officers, at the in order to improve the skills and knowledge of our Red Fighters and Commanders in Science and Tactics and further strengthen their commitment to serve the people. The training system should be improved to allow for shorter or staggered courses in order to adapt to the Fluid military situation amid relentless operations Enemy.

The units of the NEP they should continue to master flexibility in changing their ways of action from concentration, dispersion e to the move, depending on the situation and their goals. We concentrate our forces to attack the enemy and consolidate ourselves, disperse us to conduct mass works, disappear in front of the enemy and create more initiative points, and we move to pursue expansion plans or to get out of lighter enemy.

All units of the NEP must avoid unrelated battles and look for ways for Make the enemy punch the air and run out. They have to immediately and regularly evaluate their situation, correct All security bellies and remove all vulnerabilities. They must diligently look at the enemy tactic of smuggling electronic or GPS locators. They must strengthen the their determination to put into practice the principles and methods of the secrecy in guerrilla movements, during the march or the bivouac. They must constantly maintain a high level of discipline and respect for military regulations between the red fighters, and a high degree of revolutionary political consciousness to strengthen the their will to make the sacrifices necessary to maintain the NEP security. They must criticize and correction all violations of policies and security regulations that compromise the secrecy of the guerrilla warfare.

The NEP must decisively dismantle the enemy intelligence network that yes hides in plain sight among the masses, narrowing the field to Capibanda, in particular to those who have committed serious crimes against the people. The masses, especially those who have endured The weight of the repression campaign of the enemy demand that the Subscribed traitors who actively collaborated with the enemy as agents or spies, they are subjected to revolutionary punishments and that their misdeed criminals and counter -revolutionaries are completely unmasked.

All units of the NPA must evaluate the intelligence of the enemy of the enemy (built from information contained in compromised files, disclosed by traitors or accumulated through long periods of surveillance) and how this is connected to the conduct of enemy operations. Must make appropriate plans and adjustments in the their plans to make the intelligence information of the enemy not practicable or unusable.

The NPA must continue to follow rigorous rules in safety and in protection of sensitive information, observing the compartmentalization, using figures and encryption and lending attention to permanent policies that cover the regulated use computers, smartphones, cell phones, radio transceiver e Other electronic gadgets. We must also develop mastery of the art of disinformation and sidetracking, including the power supply of the intelligence network of the enemy or of the electronic surveillance with false positives, in order to confuse the enemy and frustrate his attacks.

We need to lead a campaign of proselytism in the ranks of the enemy, many of whom are of peasant, working-class, semi-proletarian or petty-bourgeois, who were enticed to enlist in the armies of the enemy because of his high wages. I am fully aware of the rot and corruption of the organization reactionary military forces, and have deep grievances about the abuses perpetrated against them by their superiors, as well as for the serious crimes and human rights violations that they are forced to perpetrate against the masses. We have to hand out leaflets and do Open propaganda in camps, detachments or stations Military. We can encourage staff who are disgruntled with the forces enemy military and police forces to quit their jobs, to join the revolution, to transmit valuable information, or to live a life as civilians, and to share in the fruits of their labor collective of peasant mass organizations.

We have to Continue to build and strengthen the party within the new Popular army to guide him in all his duties. We have to continue to recruit the most advanced elements and guarantee theirs training and their ideological, political and organizational development. THE Party committees must be built at the level of companies; Sections of the party in platforms; and party groups in teams. The Party must designate political officials among its ran ranks and instructors in each NEP formation to ensure that politics commands weapons. We must also guarantee the deployment of paintings and activists of urban areas, in particular of the files of workers, as well as students, teachers and other intellectuals and small-bourgeois professionals, in order to increase the ability of the NEP in carrying out the various management tasks e administration.

The tasks above are critical and must be carried out with a high degree of urgency from Party cadres and red commanders in the centre and to the leadership of the New People's Army. It is particularly urgent need to take the military and political initiative to regain the guerrilla warfare points of the NPA units, especially those have suffered setbacks in the past and forced into a passive position, frustrate the enemy's assault and carry on the Revolutionary armed struggle. These tasks are to be carried out by the Left and from the NEP as we carry on the rectification movement to eradicate the ideological foundations of the errors and weaknesses of the in order to create the conditions for renewed growth of the revolutionary armed struggle.

Reaffirm i fundamental principles of popular war in the Philippines

Each unit of the NEP must summarize its experiences and correct errors in line with the spirit of criticism and self -criticism, guided from the global self -criticism provided in the Committee's message Central for the 55th anniversary of the party and by the synthesis of experiences in the context of their work and the circumstances of theirs areas of activity. The units that have undergone setbacks must pay particular attention to the analysis of the battles defensive in order to identify their mistakes and weaknesses. We have to learn from the lessons paid at a high price with the blood of our martyrs as a way to honor their sacrifices.

The 55th Anniversary of the NPA is a very propitious opportunity to reaffirm The basic principles and the theory of popular war in the Philippines. This is particularly important as we are faced with a critical situation following serious setbacks in the last years, which require us to correct our mistakes and our weaknesses.

Applying the Marxism-Leninism-Maoism at the concrete conditions of the country, the Party has developed the theory of popular war in the Philippines and led the new army of the people in conducting the armed struggle revolutionary from one level to another. The 1974 article, Specific characteristics of our popular war, exposed the theory, the principles, the program and the plan to conduct a war revolutionary in the Philippines. Took the system into consideration semi -colonial and semi -feudal, the archipelagic character of his geographical and physical soil, as well as other specific characteristics of the country.

Our conquests in revolutionary practice in the last 55 years are the concrete proof of the correctness of these theories. A further test of the validity of these theories are the setbacks and the losses we have suffered because of our inability to Firmly stick to these theories.

The rightness of the National Democratic Revolution was demonstrated in the practice leading the revolutionary armed struggle in the countryside such as main form of struggle, and the mass revolutionary movement that combines legal and illegal forms of struggle in cities and in the campaigns, as a secondary but indispensable form of struggle. Supporting the national democratic line, we managed to build a mass base of several million people, under the firm direction of the proletariat, creating the basic alliance of workers and peasants mainly through the management of the NEP by the party, and building the national front for fight imperialism, feudalism and capitalism bureaucratic, with the aim of overturning the reactionary state dominant of the great bourgeois compradores and the great owners Fondiari.

In the last 55 years, we have overcome the greatest difficulties and obstacles in the to wage the people's war in the Philippines as an archipelagic country. We were able to develop guerrilla warfare on a scale of our own. despite the disadvantage of not having a physical backline. We have established guerrilla fronts and consolidated rural bases with strong enough units of the NEP in all the main islands of the country. These guerrilla fronts served as theaters for the units of the NPA to conduct guerrilla warfare. They create zones and bases of guerrilla warfare first in less populated mountainous terrain, where they could consolidate, train, and plan for expansion to the plains rivers, major transport lines and areas Coastal.

Starting alone 60 red fighters armed with only nine automatic rifles and 26 weapons lower type of fire in the second district of the province of Tarlac, we managed to develop our forces from teams and Plotoni, to the guerrilla forces of the force force. We have created 14 regional commands of the NEP, each of which has reached a maximum strength of a few hundred or more or less a thousand fighters Rossi, and each one has a number of sub -supremes or provincials with different fronts of guerrilla warfare.

The revolution National Democratic Filipino had the particularity of being progressed in great steps and having led the armed struggle in the current period of international backwarding of the proletariat world. With the defeat of the socialist revolution and the capitalist restoration in China and in the Soviet Union under the modern revisionist regime, the Filipino people had to lead and independently develop the revolutionary armed struggle.

We have decided The red political power in thousands of villages across the country. We built the rudimentary forms of the democratic government popular at the district or inter-district level, with officials elected in the village assemblies or selected by local revolutionary mass organizations.

We conducted Warrilla throughout the country adopting the policy of the command centralized strategic and decentralized operations in campaigns and in battles. Over the past decades, i regional party committees and the NEP regional commands have developed high -quality local paintings and commanders, capable of autonomously guide the wide range of revolutionary tasks, along the line established by the Central Committee. Many of them are were promoted to the Central Party Committee and the Command National of NEP operations.

As we carry before a grinding movement, it is essential that all the of the Party, the commanders and fighters of the NPA, and all the forces reaffirming our basic analysis of the system semi-colonial and semi-feudal in the country, and the principles and theories of Basis for Leading the People's Democratic Revolution in the Philippines through a protracted people's war along the strategic line to surround the cities by the countryside; study the history of the revolutionary struggle over the past 55 years to draw lessons from the its successes and setbacks; Have a vision at of the tasks ahead of us to advance the quantitatively and qualitatively, the revolutionary forces, up to when we fail to transform the current balance of power into the its opposite.

Like the party has established, the long -lasting popular war in the Philippines will cross three probable development phases: the defensive strategic, strategic balance and strategic offensive. This path of advancement of the popular war in the Philippines It is determined by the dialectical laws of development. Desire Another road or not being able to go along the path is almost Certainly fatal.

In the 80s, unprocessed elements of the small bourgeoisie, in the direction of Party nourished the idea of a shortcut for a rapid victory. They questioned the basic analysis of the system party Semi -colonial and semi -final, they promoted the idea that the dictatorship of Marcos has industrialized and transformed the country into a country capitalist, they exaggerated the process of urbanization of the country and have minimized the extension of the agricultural economy by quoting false government statistics.

Next to the "left" opportunists, there were various strands of right-wing opportunists who rejected the need to conduct a Revolutionary armed struggle. In the late 1980s, some promoted the line of "people's democracy" that in the end has been consolidated into "non-governmental organisations" that They promote reformism and class collaboration. To them, yes They will later unite the "left" opportunists who, after having failed in their line of insurrectionalism and military adventurism, they served as NGO bureaucrats in the so-called "civil society" community. Still others engaged in "peace talks" to facilitate the their surrender to the reactionary regime, with some allowed to maintain paramilitary forces to fight the NEP, while engaging in various types of criminal activity.

There he wanted the Second great correction movement to save the forces of the Revolutionary guerrillas from suffering further serious losses. Reaffirming the fundamental principles of the party to conduct the popular democratic revolution through a popular war prolonged, the NEP units were reorganized to reach a correct balance of horizontal and vertical forces, in order to carry out both political and military work effectively. The Party stated the tactical military line to lead a guerrilla warfare extended and intensive on the basis of an increasingly broad mass base and deep in the strategic defense phase.

The New Army Popular Successfully Frustrated Stated Annual Targets by the enemy to crush the revolutionary armed movement. Has successive campaigns of encirclement and suppression, including including the Oplan Katatagan, the Oplan Lambat Bitag I, II and III, the Oplan Gordian Knot, the Oplan Makabayan, the Oplan Bantay Laya I and II, the Oplan Bayanihan and the Oplan Kapayapaan and, overall, more strong. The Party leadership has estimated that the people's war has reached the middle stage of strategic defense around the middle of the of the 2000s, and made plans to meet the requirements for Reach the advanced stage and on the threshold of equilibrium strategic.

Even then, However, we were bogged down in military conservatism problems who kept things stopped at the intermediate phase. Years of conservatism in all aspects of revolutionary work and complacency have led to the self -usement of the army popular and a slow weakening and reduction of the mass base, making it vulnerable to lighter and enemy repression, leading to setbacks and losses. One of the harmful effects of empiricism was our inability to draw quickly lessons from experience in order to raise the level of ours knowledge and theory, from the level of the national command of the NEP up to the regions and fronts, with the result of not adapting to changes in the enemy's tactics and to make mistakes repeatedly.

Under the Direction of the Central Committee, the whole party, the new army Popular and all revolutionary forces are currently implementing a correction movement to identify and get rid of the roots Bourgeois and small-bourgeois ideological of our mistakes, weaknesses and past shortcomings, reaffirm our point of view and ours proletarian methods to carry on more resolutely the Revolution.

The current correction movement is basically a study movement for review and reaffirm the fundamental principles of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism contained in the classic writings of Great communist masters and in those of Ka José Maria Sison; study the Constitution and the Program of the Party; study i documents of the first and second great correction movement of Match; to summarize the experiences of the last five and 25 years; conduct a campaign of social investigation and class analysis; carry out criticism and self -criticism activities; evaluate performance of the party paintings; and to fully implement the party course a Three levels.

All committees and the regional bodies of the party and the NEP commands welcomed APPLY THE APPEAL FOR A REST MOVEMENT since the Central Committee issued it on December 26, 2023. Sessions of summary and study, conferences of social investigation and meetings planning, have been kept or are scheduled to be conducted by various party committees and NEP commands to all levels. At the same time, the necessary is being implemented reunification of the NEP forces to deal with the various forms of self -usement, expand the scope of the NEP operations, open new areas outside of the enemy's lighter, fight fascist repression in the old areas, and awaken, organize and mobilize the peasant masses vigorously.

The declaration of the correction movement in December frustrated the regime US-MARCOS and the reactionary state that the pious desire had that the Party was on the verge of capitulation following capture e to the assassination of some key leaders of the party, as well as to disappearance of Ka Joma, the president of the party and his Guide light. In response, the enemy has paid any quantity again greater than funds and resources in his counter -revolutionary war e has further intensified his encirclement campaign e repression. This has now taken the form of incessant and widespread armed repression campaigns against peasant communities, Air and artillery bombing and combat operations on Large scale in dozens of guerrilla fronts throughout the country.

Inspired by Rectification movement, party leaders and NEP fighters have become more fearless and determined, despite the great disparity in the current balance of forces. We can recognize more deeply than the superiority of the enemy in terms of armaments provided by the United States is compensated by rot e from the dying state of the system that is defending; is that The inferiority of the NEP in terms of armaments is compensated by the his superiority in terms of broad support of the Philippine masses. Armed with the dialectical method of thought, we also recognize that This situation is temporary and in the end it will pass through the his denial, as the popular war advances from its phase current to the next one and the enemy is further involved in the unsolvable crisis of imperialism and the system Semi -colonial and semi -feudal dominant.


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PC April 1st - The ignoble propaganda to criminalize the students on Palestine - let's talk about Leonardo Spa and the Med/OR cultural foundation ..

Criticisms of propaganda that tries to delegitimize the student movement in solidarity with the Palestinian people

The University of Turin retired on 7 March from the Cooperation Agreement Industrial, scientific and technological between Italy and Israel. (Announcement Maeci)

In these days, the Normal of Pisa has also decided to retire.

The Rector of the University of Bari has withdrawn from the Scientific Council of the Med-OR Foundation (Leonardo). The rector declares: the goal is freeze research projects in collaboration with Israel " As we did with Russia in 2022 ”. “ I had a confrontation with the students, I wasn't surrounded by Sioux ". Editor's note

Own Following these first significant victories of the movement student against the current genocide, the Italian government of extreme right fears an "terrorist" and "brigatist" danger inside of the University. In many cities the student events in solidarity with Palestine have been attacked with sticks by police.

Several They are also the positions of many intellectuals (also self -styled "claims") against these struggles. Some examples:

· The “ Lugubre time in which professors were expelled from universities because Jews "(Fassino on the decision of the University of Turin)

· Tommaso Montanari: " Even in Israel the university is a place of dissent, it is wrong to interrupt relationships

·      “ There cooperation between universities is based precisely on the need for an exchange of knowledge, on the culture that unites beyond politics "Milena Santerini Vice President of the Memorial Foundation of the Shoah of Milan.

·      Antonio Padellaro: " THE protesters have given up to articulate phrases of complete meaning, victims of some form of ideological aphasia. It could suspect that Pro Palestine and Pro Hamas disturbers reject the Dialogue offers because they don't know what to say and, above all, they don't know how to say it .”

Aware of how much cultural propaganda is one of the armed arms of the repression precisely for its ability to penetrate common sense of the people, let's start by responding to the last thesis we have reported, that of Padellaro.

There word aphasia in the Italian vocabulary is defined as follows: loss of the ability to understand and compose the language resulting from injury of the central nervous apparatus, partial impossibility or total of Remember the signs of the word.

Speaking of aphasia, here are some well -argued clarifications.

From years is reported within the universities to intensify of the movement of the centrality of knowledge as a place of peace to knowledge for war purposes. How many of us know that in addition to the PNRR Is there a PNRM (National Military Research Plan)?

The central role of the university system for strengthening the military sector is also emphasized in the programmatic document 2020-2022 of the Defense General Staff.

In this picture because never students and teachers denounce - how it was also made to Trento a month ago thanks to the generous commitment of the Trentidarity Assembly to the Palestinian Resistance - le Collaborations of the University with Leonardo and with its foundations Cultural as Med-OR? Antidemocratic arrogance?

Let's talk about Leonardo Spa, nothing to do with the Renaissance Alnilateral Man:

The company Italian, with its 15 billion in turnover (2022 data), is al thirteenth place in the world ranking of arms manufacturers, first society of the European Union.

In the last Budget of 2022 declares that it realizes 83% of the turnover in the sector Defense (war), having almost only government customers (88%). The same Leonardo who in July 2022 purchased the Israeli Rada company Electronic Industries, specialized in short defense radar radius and anti -droni.

There same Leonardo whose cannons 76 mm oto melara mounted on the corvette of the Israeli Navy participate in the bombings on Gaza.

Leonardo is the owner of 5 framework agreements with great Italian universities (Milan, Turin, Genoa, Bologna, Rome) and active collaborations with more than 90 university.

The Med-O cultural Foundation was founded by Leonardo in 2021.

Med-Or exhibits an incredible international board that spans everything From the former head of U.S. intelligence, John Negroponte, to the former head of U.S. intelligence, John Negroponte, to the former head of the U.S. intelligence community. Saudi intelligence officer Turkey al Faisal, Egyptian minister Rachid Mohamed Rachid, from Qatar's Khalid Al-Khater to Israel's David Meidan, the former Foreign Ministers of Spain and Germany, Ana Palacio and Sigmar Gabriel, up to the former head of British intelligence Sir Alex Younger.

The president is a certain Minniti, Italian, the creation of the agreements on the concentration camps in Libya for migrants.

There militarist vocation of the cultural foundation is also clear from the "prestigious conferences" that organizes. The last on March 13th together At the center high studies for the defense entitled " Italy, Europe, born and the future of the Mediterranean ",, Present Marco Peronaci, Italian representative at NATO, The US ambassador Jack Markell, the future commander of the Born states, the Italian Giuseppe Cavo Dragone, with intervention conclusive of Minister Crosetto.

In June 2023 Med -or consolidated his collaboration with the Institute for National Security Studies (INSS) of Tel Aviv

Which It will never be the meaning of the activity of the cultural foundation of the most large EU military industry? Cultural propaganda to form the developers and sellers of its products (weapons), which sooner or later they must be used.

I am 16 the Italian rectors present in the Scientific Council, among which Also Deflorian, the rector of our University of Trento.

Denouncing, criticizing these collaborations with precision and wealth of arguments the result of collective and dialogical research and one vision of knowledge at the service of humanity that suffers and not of the rich arms merchants, we are beating for a future that for ours children and for the planet earth does not foresee the war, massacre of peoples and the environment and profits for millionaires.

Other that "terrorists", we are the most sincere interpreters of a Constitution which with its Article 11 repudiates war, a Constitution born from the Resistance and the struggle against the Nazi-Fascist occupation.

When The so -called intellectuals speak of research ethics, of the neutrality, autonomy, democratic freedom (therefore to service of the people) of the University, as they may think that the war culture propagated by these foundations and practiced by reported agreements has nothing to do with the massacres of Gaza and With the winds of world war?

As We can not think of the dead children in Gaza, who in just 5 months are more than all those who died in all wars in the world in 4 years (from 2018 to 2022)?

We remember that Italy has sold armaments to Israel between 2013 and 2022 for 120 million euros which are now used in the genocide of Palestinians. Collaborations with universities, foundations cultural of the large arms industries have not played any role in their development?

In letter signed by almost 2000 Italian professors and researchers and sent to Minister Tajani on 29 February, calling for a stop to the collaborations with Israel it is said that " the financing could be used to develop 'dual use' technology, or employment both civil and military, and the third line of financing of Optical technologies could be used to develop devices of latest generation surveillance, also for war use. The request of the letter is to suspend the agreements until the fire of Israel.

The Appeal calls for a freeze on relations between universities and the two countries' research in order to put pressure on Israel, such as it was done against Apartheid South Africa. This kind of struggle is clearly incomparable to fascism, to the " Lugubre time in which professors were expelled from universities because Jews "As the well -known Fassino declared.

About Israeli universities such as " place of dissent ”, taking into account the exemplary exceptions that often happen to us tell and enhance, we ask ourselves some questions about the structures General: Are Israeli universities fully free? Neutral places of democratic comparison, of critical thinking?

A First example: the well-known Palestinian Prof Nadera Shalhoub-Kevorkian (expert of feminisimi and gender violence) has just been suspended for Order of Hebrew University and detained for hours at the airport Ben Gurion. In October he had signed a letter with 1000 academics internationals who asked for the ceasefire and the end of the regime of Apartheid.

We will deepen these questions in the next episode.

Meanwhile, one "one" Scholastic" : over 4 thousand students, 231 teachers and school workers were killed. The universities of Gaza are destroyed.

The Maeci call was published on November 21st and expires on April 10th.

Let's continue to fight, to extend, make the struggles, with the strength of our in -depth reasons by a dialogue of continuous research and our great feelings.

We do not leave the Palestinians alone. Let's stop the genocide!

We thank The Assembly of Trento in solidarity with the Palestinian resistance to the which we participate for the many ideas of deepening we have developed together in a commitment of common struggle.

We invite All and all to participate in the assembly that is found every Monday (not what comes) to Sociology in Trento at 18.00.

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One Year Red Herald – Heraldo Rojo – The Red Herald

To our dear readers,

on 15 th of March, last year, we launched the English language part of this website, 17 days later we started publishing our materials in Spanish. So this 1 st of April marks the 1 st anniversary of our project. During one year we have now been running a daily bilingual revolutionary news service. We have published more than one thousand articles in two languages, an average of 2.75 articles per day. Of these articles 60 per cent have been written by us, 40 per cent have been statements or articles we have collected from different sources, and in almost all cases translated. This work is done pro bono , all of us must earn our daily bread with other activities than journalism. We are journalists and activists from different corners of the world, who are united by the wish to provide information to readers from all walks of life about issues we think are very interesting and important. We strongly believe that in a world dominated by media giants belonging to a handful of people, it is more necessary than ever to promote just that type of information, that might hopefully be disturbing to the masters of war and destruction.

The responses we have been receiving from you, our readers, in general have been very positive and this strengthens our determination to improve and develop our journalistic mission. We are happy and proud to contribute with our “small piece of grain” to the development of the revolutionary, anti-imperialist and democratic forces in the world.

We know that we can and must do many things better. We know that we must improve our translations (so you do not notice too much that none of us is professional in this regard either…), we must spread the knowledge about the existence of the site more and raise the numbers of readers, we must improve the layout and design of our articles and the website as a whole, we must do more in-dept analysis, we must broaden the scope and write about the unfolding of the struggle between the exploiters and the exploited in many more countries etc. We are committed to do all of it. You can help us to do so and we would like to give you some hints on how:

– If you have done any activity that you think we would like to publish, if you can translate the information about into English and Spanish then please do so and send it to us by email. The translation of the articles costs us a lot of efforts and forces us to be more selective concerning the numbers of texts that we can publish.

– If you have images that you think we would like to publish, please “work them over” before you send them to us. This not only saves us time, but also is a protection against errors that might occur on our behalf.

– If you have a Statement, or alike, that you think we would like to publish, please send them in “workable formats”, if you send us text within pictures or .PDF please also include it in a text-document.

– Spread the knowledge of the existence of our website to as many people as you can, particularly the Spanish part, and use those means you have at your disposal. Those readers who have websites of their own would do us a great favor if they link to us in their articles, due to the algorithms (of the search-engines). This will make it easier for others to find us by searching the internet. If you have social media channels, that are appropriate for this purpose (do not put your own security or that of others at risk!), then post articles from us regularly.

– Send us your feed-back and criticism on the articles that we publish. Even if we do not often reply in detail, we always read and take into account those emails that we receive. Hence, we like to ask you also to send us the sources you base yourself on.

We know that you all make your contribution in the hard daily struggle. We will continue to do the same. We salute you all.

The Editors of the Red Herald – Heraldo Rojo website

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Xania | Terrorism will not pass! Complaint about Police Rules on Kasteli Hill

We denounce the police evacuation operation that took place in the morning on 1/4 on Kasteli Hill. A few years after the previous attempt to evacuate the occupation, the MATs stormed again, making 8 appeals. The previous time they had even sent the arrests to trial and it remains to be seen how today's appeals will evolve.

Today's government move is not in the void. It also adds to the great list of expressions of state terrorism and repression especially of the last period.

To refer only to the most recent, the mobilizations come out illegal (a recent example of the conviction of the ELME Chania trial), teachers are being prosecuted for their trade union (ELME Piraeus), students are arrested because they are occupied against private universities (49 ) or disciplinary (Patras), demonstrations are hit by repressive forces, etc.

At a time when poverty salaries, the scan of basic folk conquests in education, where the country's involvement in the war of imperialists in Palestine and Ukraine must be accepted by the people, the conquest of Rosa is not interpreted. different. The main issue is not the commercialization of a monument, nor is it a vice of today's government to throw wood.

They want to send a message that anyone who resists will be prosecuted!

Above all, the legislative arsenal is sharpened so that unions can decor the employer, student clubs lose their racing characteristics, demonstrations with police permission. To unlawful any voice that resists the road against imperialist-capitalist barbarism.

The system with its law and order policy fascistizes public and political life. Every day and in every way he targets any voice that questions, resists, fights against his policy.

Our disagreements with the A/A movement on the movement and the more comprehensive answers required are a given. But the answer to state terrorism is not about the narrow boundaries of a political space but it is a matter for every democrat, every popular man.

To defend democratic rights and freedoms!

Let's decisively strengthen the struggles for life and work with rights! Let's fight against the policy that entangles us in the wars of the imperialists!


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The media "El Heraldo Red" turns a year of life

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IGOUMENITSA In the 75th anniversary of NATO's murder machine: We are demonstrating against imperialism and war - Thursday 4 April

In 75 years of NATO's murder machine:

Ø We demonstrate against imperialism and war

Ø Freedom in Palestine-Niki in Palestinian Resistance

Concentration, Thursday 4 April 7.30pm on the pedestrian street

ü Israel-US-NATO-EU, with the support of Greek

government, murder massive civilians in Palestine

ü To stop the genocide now, the bombings

and The siege of the Palestinian people

ü No involvement of Greece in the interventions of imperialists and in the slaughter of the Palestinian people

ü Out the bases, Out of NATO-EU

ü NATO means junts and wars

The genocide of the heroic Palestinian people in Gaza, The murders on the west bank and the imminent invasion of Rafa by Zionists, trigger situations with unpredictable Consequences throughout the wider area of the Middle East, and not only.

In spite of the genocide and war that lasts five months, the armed Palestinian resistance For a leather and independent Palestine, continues, and reveals the Israel's inability to neutralize it.

US, EU and NATO imperialists They support the state -killer. The Americans imperialists seek to control situations in the area, proceed to new adventurism and open new war fronts, sending frigates in the Red Sea.

New wars break out in the area and internationally , in the context of imperialist aspirations for the again the planet while the Ukrainian front still remains open, with NATO even conducting the largest military exercise with the involvement of all 31 Member States, while the debate on the official shipment Troops of NATO and EU members in the war has been opened.

The ND government has chosen a side , is openly involved in the war on the side of Israel and dyes her hands with the blood of the Palestinians, she is dangerously involved in the country at the war. He sends weapons to Ukraine. Mitsotakis hugs Netanyahu And Zelenski. Greek frigate "Hydra" added to the US fleet In the Red Sea, the conversion of Larissa into an administration and the rest Country in a war base, even militarily help Israel, to Continue the bombings and siege of the Palestinians and escalate The dangers to the Greek people!

All over the planet, people are demonstrating massively, everyday, demanding to stop the Genocide and for Lesser Palestine!

Solidarity Committee to the Palestinian people

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Who assembles Israel? Part 1 | Workers Revolution

¿Quién Arma a Israel? Parte 1 1
Smoke rising in the Gaza Strip, seen from the Israel border with Gaza, in southern Israel, March 17, 2024

Armament production for Israel in the USA. - By workers in Palestine

Taken from MaoistRoad - Translation of Workers Revolution

The main countries involved in the supply of weapons and military assets to Israel are the US, Germany, Italy and the United Kingdom. This document describes the sites connected to production for the Israeli army in different countries and, when possible, identify from where military goods are transported .

Our goal is to provide an resource for actions that point to the production or transport of military goods, or that interrupt the activity of Israel's military suppliers, and also to link resources that can be used to take measures in specific countries.

Our research identifies companies that produce some of the most fundamental armaments for the Israeli army, including Lockheed Martin (main contractor for the F35 combat plane), Boeing (manufacturer of many of the guided weapons used by the Israeli army), Bae Systems ( An important supplier for the F35), Leonardo (part of the F35 coalition) and Raytheon (manufacturer of the guided pump Paveway).

The action is possible in different ways: while we identify direct production sites for the Israeli army, it is also possible to address multinational companies that produce for Israel even if military goods are manufactured elsewhere. Similarly, it is possible to point to companies involved in the transport of military goods to Israel.

Weapons production is highly international and many of the most traceable supply chains are for goods such as combat aircraft manufactured by international coalitions. These planes are fundamental for the current war and the bombing of Gaza; Israel is using "All fighter jets at your disposal" , including F15, F16, F35 and AH-64 Apache helicopters. There are 408 links in the supply chain for the F35, for example: see a List of companies involved here .

Inevitably, supply chains are much more complex than this document can cover and many smaller companies are involved. If you use this document as a starting point, it is possible that you can identify more detailed supply chains to interrupt.

The United States

Weapons production for Israel in the United States

The United States is Israel's largest arms supplier, supplying more than 90 percent of its weapons imports. The United States grants Israel Almost 4 billion dollars in military aid annually, "including about 500 million dollars for air and missile defenses." In addition, Israel spends considerably in US weapons, having acquired approximately 53.5 billion dollars in US military goods. During the last seven decades according to the Defense Security Cooperation Agency, including 6.5 billion dollars in the last five years until 2022. Israel has made some of these purchases using the military aid received from the USA. UU. To obtain a list of all agreed arms export licenses through the US Foreign Military Sales Program. UU., including main contractors and sites, see here (Note: Not all of these agreements have resulted in exports) .

The largest arms companies in the United States are Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, Boeing, Northrop Grumman and General Dynamics. These companies are international and have subsidiaries abroad .

Some of the most significant weapons manufactured in the United States for Israel include:

El F-35 Joint Strike Fighter

Israel has bought 50 F35 combat planes and has received 36 by the end of 2022. They are based on the Nevatim Air Base, in southern Israel. In 2021, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) announced that they had used F35 in combat for the first time in Gaza. F-35 is an international collaboration; See other profiles from countries to see examples of where the F35 parts are manufactured. Israel has also developed its own technologies to modify some elements of F-35 .

U.S. manufacturing locations (the F35's U.S. supply chain is highly extensive and can be traced in more detail here ):

• The F-35 are assembled at the Air Force 4 plant, which is owned by the United States government and operated by Lockheed Martin, in Fort Worth, Texas.
• The engines are manufactured by Pratt & Whitney en East Hartford y Middletown, Connecticut.
• Electronic systems are manufactured by BAE Systems in Nashua, New Hampshire and Endicott, New York.
• Control action systems that help F35 launch guided weapons are manufactured by Woodward INC in Santa Clarita, California.

F-15 and F-16 Combat aircraft

Israel is currently negotiating orders from the F15Ex combat plane through the United States foreign military sales program. According to reports on the process, Israel's formal request makes delivery probable by 2028. Manufacturing sites in the United States for F15 and F16 include the following (although the original sales of F15 and F16, except the F15EX model, They have already been carried out, there is a continuous supply of spare parts especially during the war) .

• The F15EX are produced at the Boeing plant in St. Louis, Missouri.
• The F16 are manufactured by Lockheed Martin in Greenville, South Carolina .
• In some variants of the F16, the plane is replaced with components made in Israel by companies such as Elbit and Israel Aerospace Industries, as well as with Rafael missiles, three important Israeli weapons companies.

Military helicopters

Manufacturing sites in the United States for military helicopters used by the Israel Defense Forces (FDI) include :

• Ch-53k heavy transport helicopters, seen being used In the current assault, they are manufactured by Lockheed Martin Global, Inc. in Shelton, Connecticut; and General Electric in Lynn, Massachusetts.
• Apache helicopters are manufactured by Boeing in In, Arizona .
• AW119KX helicopters are manufactured by Leonardo in Philadelphia.

Reply aircraft

The KC-46A Air Reflain Cistern Airplanes They are manufactured by Boeing in Everett, Washington; The GPS Mag 2K receiver is manufactured by Raytheon in Waltham, Massachusetts.

Guided bombs used by Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF):

The guided bombs used by the Israeli Occupation Forces (IF) are manufactured mainly in the United States and Israel. The following bombs are manufactured by Israeli companies, often in Israel, but have international sites that manufacture other products. These include: the guided opher (Elbit) pump, the Griffin laser guided bomb (Israel Aerospace Industries); Lizard (Elbit); Spice bombs (Rafael). Elbit has a subsidiary in the United States in Fort Worth, Texas .

The following are manufacturing sites in the United States for guided bombs used by Israeli occupation forces (IF) :

• The tail kits and ammunition of Joint Direct Attack Munits (JDAMS) are manufactured by Boeing in St. Charles, Missouri; Lockheed-Martin in Archbald, Pennsylvania; General Dynamics in Garland, Texas; Elwood National Forge Co in Irvine, Pennsylvania; and Raytheon Missile Systems in Tucson, Arizona.
• Sidewinder missiles are manufactured by Raytheon Missile Systems Company in Tucson, Arizona.
• Small diameter pumps GBU-39 are manufactured by Boeing In St. Louis, Missouri.
• Hellfire missiles, which are generally launched from Apache helicopters, at least some of them are manufactured by Hellfire Systems In Orlando, Florida, a joint company between Lockheed Martin and Boeing.
Iron Dome interceptors they are called Tamir and are co-produced by RTX (formerly Raytheon Technologies) and Rafael Advanced Defense Systems, and assembled in Israel.
• Paveway II guided bombs are manufactured by Lockheed Martin in Archibald, Pennsylvania, and Raytheon in Tucson, Arizona.

White phosphorus

Israel has used White phosphorus In Gaza and Lebanon .

• Israel Chemical Ltd (ICL, Ahora ICL Group ) supplies phosphates to Monsanto (now bayer) for the production of chemical white phosphorus provided to the Arsenal de Pine Bluff (PBA) near Little Rock, Arkansas, for its filling.

Armoured Personnel Carriers

Three weeks after the start of the assault in Gaza, the Israeli Occupation Forces (IF) initiated land operations in the Gaza Strip. This implies tanks and armored personnel, backed by helicopters and drones .

• The power sets for armored transports of Namer personnel, manufactured in Israel, are F ABRICATED BY MTU AMERICA , Novi, Mi. Mtu America is the American subsidiary of Rolls Royce Power Systems.

Naval Assets

Most of the assault in Gaza is being carried out from the air and by land, but Israel is also using its Corbetas Sa'ar 6 .

• 76 mm naval cannons are manufactured by DRS North America , a Leonardo company.
• The helmet and superstructures of the SA’ar 6 are manufactured in How, Alemania , por ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems (TKMS).

Military and Logistics Transport from the United States to Israel

Although many finished military products are transported by the Army itself, either on military vessels or by air transport, the components and some goods are transported by sea aboard normal ported ships. The ports are key nodes in the arms supply chain.

The key actor in shipping from the United States, and other places in the world, towards Israel is the Zim ship line. Zim is the main shipping services provider to Israel and one of the ten largest shipping lines in the world. Previously controlled by the Israeli government, Zim has been privatized and quoted in the New York Stock Exchange during the last two decades. Despite this, it still maintains close links with the state of Israel and is crucial to guarantee logistics support for the State and IDF.

Most military components enter and leave the United States through the ports of the East Coast, mainly New York / Newark, Savannah, Charleston and the port of Virginia. These ports are usually unionized by the International Stibators Association (ILA). This is because most military supply chains focus on Europe and the United States, with many components produced in Europe and the final assembly that takes place in the United States.

With access to commercial data in the United States, it is possible to see individual shipments through their "boarding knowledge", the documents used by shipping lines to identify shipments and track delivery patterns. Rarely, this may include arms shipments in civil ships. For example, on March 4, 2023, a shipment of "war heads, rocket with explosive load" produced by Raytheon in Tucson, Arizona and valued at $ 100,000, left the port of Virginia to Haifa, Israel, on the ship Zim Yokohama Porternera. Other Raytheon shipments have left the same route in the following months. In most cases, commercial data can identify component routes. For example, Dunlop regularly sends tires for the F35 and other military aircraft from its factory in Birmingham, the United Kingdom, either through London to the port of Virginia or through Liverpool to Charleston.

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All questions regarding this proposed Foreign Military Sale should be directed to the State Department's Bureau of Political Military Affairs, Office of Congressional an d Public Affairs, pm -cpa@state.gov. -30-

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Spoiled Child, Israel Throws Tantrums and Disobeys International Law - The New Democracy

Exactly one week ago, on March 25, the UN Security Council approved the first resolution asking for a cease immediate fire in Gaza . Not for lack of attempted uses to sabotage such a resolution, whose text asked for a "permanent" fire ceasing, and at Washington's request was changed to "lasting". Lasting, in the mindset of the Ianks diplomats, means until the end of Ramadan. That is, in a week. This “ceasing fire from the Ramadan”, approved in the final half of this sacred month, was proposed by Algeria, with full agreement from other Arab countries, and had almost unanimous vote favorable to the Security Council. Only the uses, who have already vetoed four other resolutions who asked to cease fire, they abstained - but with refinements of another veto.

As if it were not enough that the ceasefire was approved with a temporary mentality, like a coffee break in an ongoing genocide, the rogue state that perpetrates this genocide has taken it upon itself to simply Do not accept the resolution . Israel's Zionist state not only did not cease hostilities, but intensified his criminal actions, with heavy bombing to the city of Rafah 1 – where more than 2 million Palestinian civilians are sheltering, most of them already refugees from northern Gaza. This Villainous State gives itself this right thanks to the diplomatic blessing of its Yankee boss, godfather and patron, who believes that the resolution passed “It is not binding” (non-rest) . That is, that members of the United Nations would not have an obligation to accept, contrary to what International Court of Justice Judges . With this sophistic juridical word, the USA render the role of protecting Israel's right to commit a genocide .

But not only do the USA continue to provide legal protection in the International Court of Justice and diplomatic on the UN Security Council, as well as military. In his unconditional support to the Zionist state of Israel, the “Democratic” Yankee government approved in the demedive the sending of more than $ 2 billion in Airplanes and pumps for your genocide ally . This is for all the true Democrats on the globe to not forget that the bombs released on the more than 13,000 children ever murdered in Gaza, even though Released with sadistic Hebrew inscriptions , they still have a strong Texas accent and a certain shine of Madison Square. Sionist blood thirst is satiated with US trays and cups. From Korea to Vietnam, from Iraq to Afghanistan, from Latin American dictatorships to Palestine: Yankee signature is unmistakable.

Unmistakable has also been the voices of the Arab peoples. In Morocco, Iraq, Egypt, Jordan and other Arab countries, civilians have gone to the streets to protest Palestinian people . The silences and inactions of their governments sold, who abandon the Palestinian people to their own luck, has not gone unnoticed. In Jordan, the country in the region of the uprising that has The best relationships with Israel And where there are the largest number of Palestinian refugees in the world, the Jordanian Shock Police assaulted protesters who gathered before the Israeli embassy in Amman, capital of the country . The city has seen increasing demonstrations in the last five days, and the repression of the Jordanian state increases in reciprocal. The dissatisfaction of a people who suffer from a stagnant economy e 23% unemployment It is increased by the lack of concrete actions against the genocide of their brothers, cousins and Palestinian neighbors.

The Moroccan people have also been taking to the streets of the cities of the country, demanding that their Government Cut Relations with the Zionist State of Israel . It is not something new, since Morocco is one of the signatories of Abraham's agreements, a betrayal of some Arab governments (United Arab, Bahrein, Sudan and Morocco) in search of R's “normalization” Relations with Israel in exchange for favors of Yankee imperialism . In the case of Morocco, Israel recognized Moroccan sovereignty over the Western Sahara. The Moroccan people have already taken the streets several times as opposed to the participation of the Moroccan government in such a betrayal. But even greater betrayal is the use of Israeli weapons by the Moroccan government to Murder Civilians in Western Sahara . The Moroccan government, Israel client , enemy of the Palestinian people and accomplice of genocide, will have to deal with the growing rejection of their own people.

Last Saturday, on March 30, Palestinians around the world celebrated Palestinian Earth Day. It is a day to remember with the regret of the theft of Palestinian land by the Zionists in 1948 and to this day. Marked on the day, in 1976, six Palestinians were murdered, hundreds were injured and illegally arrested in demonstrations during a strike due to the confiscation of land belonging to the Palestinians of Israel in the Galilee region, as part of a plan of “Judaiization” of the Zionist Government region . The protests in celebration of Earth Day also occurred within the Zionist state of Israel, where more than 20% of citizens are Palestinians with reduced rights .

The prey of Palestinian territory, however, does not stop in the past. It is a continuous, developing act and occurring alongside genocide in Gaza. Since October 7, Israel has confiscated more than 27 square kilometers - equivalent to approximately 2700 soccer fields - and forced more than 25 Palestinian villages to run away, in a total of over 1200 people. Since October, more than 1,000 Zionist terrorist attacks have been practiced by colonial militias - Israeli civilians, usually armed and endorsed by the government itself and its employees , a common practice of Zionism since even before the foundation of the Zionist State of Israel. As a settlement colony that is, Israel follows its plan to eliminate any minimally autonomous Palestinian territory, and draw your plans to reoccute the gaza track after completing your genocide . But for the terrorist army of Israel, genocide does not even need to be completed to start demarcating its land theft, with hundreds of Israeli flags being placed through the territory of Gaza .

The ceasefire was not obeyed, and Israel's genocidal actions intensified only the week after the UN resolution approved. To the international diplomatic community, immediate sanctions to Israel are required. Agreements of any natures are required to be broken or military, technological or merely formal. Revolutionaries and Democrats, we must demand the end of the ongoing genocide, not only 177 days ago, but 76 years ago. We must demand the liberation of the Palestinian people by any necessary means to which the Palestinian people are willing, those who colonize them, suffocate and murder. A Palestine free of colonization, with its strong and invincible victorious people, will send the whole Zionist state of Israel to the place to which it belongs: the Museum of Antiquities, Next to South African apartheid and Nazi Germany .

This text expresses the author's opinion.

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International Court of Justice Reports of Judes, Advisory Opinions and Orders Legal Consequences for the Continuated Presence of South Africa in Namibia (South West Africa) Notwithstanding Security Council Resolution 276 (1970) Advisory Opinion of June 1971 International Court of Justice Collection Stops, advisory advice and orders Legal consequences for the States of the continuous presence of South Africa in Namibia (South West African) notwithstanding resolution 276 (1970) of the Security Council Advisory Notice of June 21, 1971

Official Quote: LEGAL CONSEQUENCES FOR STATES OF THE CONTITIUD PREENCE OF SOUTH AFRICA in NAMIBIA (South West Africa) Notwithstanding Security Council Reso- LUTION 276 (1970), Adrisory Opinion, I.C.J. Reports 1971, p. 16. Official Citation mode: Legal consequences for the ETARS of the continuous presence of South Africa in Namibia (South West African) notwithstanding resolution 276 (1970) of the security cotzseil, ASIS Consultil C.I.J. Collection 1971, p. 16. Sales Number Sale: 352 1

1971 June 21 General List No. 53 International Court of Justice Year 1971 21 June 1971 Legal Consequences for the continued presence of South Africa in Namlbia (South West Africa) Notwithstanding Security Council Resolution 276 (1970) Composition of 'The Courtence of' The Court -Propriety of the Court's Giving the Opinion-Concept of Mandates-Characteristics of the League of Nations Mandate for South West Africa-Situation on the Dissolution of the League of Nations and the Setting-Utp of the United Nations: Survival of the Mandate and Transference of supervision and accountability to the United Nations-Development in the United Nations Prior to the Termination of the Mandate-Revoca- Bilify of the Mandate-Termination of the Mandate by the General- Action in the Security Council and Effect of'Security Council Resolutions Leading to the Request for Opinion-Records by South Africa to Supply Further A also information and for the holding of a plebiscite-thegal consequences for stats Advisory Opinion Present: Presiden! Sir Muhammad ZAFRULLA KHAN; Vice-President Ammoun; Judes Sir Gerald Fitzmaurice, Padilla Nervo, Forster, Gros, Bengzon, Pétrén, Lachs, Onyeama, Dillard, Ignacio-Pinto, De Castro, Morozov, Jimenez de Aréchaga; Aquarone registrar. Concerning the Legal Consequences for States of the Continance of South Africa in Namibia (South West Africa), Notwithstanding Security Council Resolution 276 (1970),

International Court of Justice Year 1971 June 21, 1971 1971 June 21 General role No 53 Legal consequences for the States of the continuous presence of South Africa in Namibia (South West African) notwithstanding resolution 276 (1970) of the Security Council Composition and jurisdiction of the Court - question whether it should be the court given the notice - concept of mandate - Characteristics of the mandate for the South West Africa conferred by the Company of Nations - Situation created by the dissolution of the Company of Nations and the creation of the United Nations: Maintaining the mandate, surveillance is transferred to the United Nations and the obligation to account is due to them - Events occurring to the United Nations before the cessation of the mandate - revocability of the mandate - The General Assembly puts an end to the mandate - Measures taken by the Security Council and effect of the Security Council resolutions having led to the request for consulting advice - requests for 1: South Africa tending to provide additional information on the facts And concerning the organization of a plebiscite - Legal consequences for the States Advisory Reviews present: SIR Muhammad ZAFRULLA KHAN, President; Mr. Ammoun, vice-president; Sir Gerald Fitzmaurice, MM. Padilla Nervo, Forster, Gros, Bengzon, Pétrén, Lachs, Onyeama, Dillard, Ignacio-Pinto, de Castro, Morozov, Jiménez de Aréchaga, judges; Mr. Aquarone, clerk. Regarding the legal consequences for the States of the continuous presence of South Africa in Namibia (South West African), notwithstanding resolution 276 (1970) of the Security Council,

Cornposed as Above, Gives the following Advisory Opinion: 1. The question Upon which the Advisory Opinion of the Court has been asked was before the court by a letter drted 29 July 1970, Filed in the Registry on 10 August, and Addresed by the Secretary-General of the United Nations to ThePresident of the Court. In His Letter the Secretary-General Inform the Court That, by Resolution 284 (1 970) Adopted on July 29, 1970, Certified True Copies of the English and French Texts of Which Were Transrnitted with his Letter, the Security COUNCIL OF THE UNITED NATION Decided to subrnit to the short, with the Request for an Advisory Opinion to be Transmitted to the Security Council at an Early Date, the question set in the resolution, which was in the following terrns: "The Security Council, Reafirming the special responsibility of the United Nations with regard to the territory and the people of Narnibia, Recalling Security Council resolution 276 (1970) on the question of Narnibia, Taking note of the report and recornmendations subrnitted by the Ad Hoc Sub-Cornmittee established in pursuance of Security Council resolution 276 (1 970), Taking further note of the recomrnendation of the Ad Hoc Sub-Committee on the possibility of requesting an advisory opinion from the lnternational Court of Justice, Considering that an advisory opinion from the International Court of Justice would be useful for the Security Council in its further consideration of the question of Narnibia and in furtherance of the objectives the Council is seeking 1. Decides to subrnit in accordance with Article 96 (1) of the Charter, the following question to the International Court of Justice with the request for an advisory opinion which shall be transmitted to the Security Council at an early date: 'What are the legal consequences for States of the continued presence of South Africa in Narnibia, notwithstanding Security Council resolu- tion 276 (1970)?' 2. Requests the Secretary-General to transmit the present resolution to the International Court of Justice, in accordance with Article 65 of the Statute of the Court, accompanied by al1 documents likely to throw light upon the question." 2. On 5 August 1970, that is to say, after the despatch of the Secretary- General's letter but before its receipt by the Registry, the English and French texts of resolution 284 (1970) of the Security Council were comrnunicated to the President of the Court by telegram frorn the United Nations Secretariat. The President thereupon decided that the States Mernbers of the United Nations were likely to be able to furnish information on the question, in accordance with Article 66, paragraph 2, of the Statute, and by an Order dated 5 August 1970, the President fixed 23 Septernber 1970 as the tirne-limit within which the

LA COUR, ainsi composée, donne l'avis consultatif suivant: 1. La Cour a été saisie de la question sur laquelle l'avis consultatif lui est demandé par une lettre du Secrétaire général de l'organisation des Nations Unies au Président de la Cour datée du 29 juillet 1970 et reçue au Greffe le 10 août. Dans cette lettre, le Secrétaire général porte à la connaissance de la Cour que, par la résolution 284(1970)adoptéele29juillet 1970 dont letextecertifié con- formeen anglais et en français est joint à sacommunication, le Conseil de sécu- rité des Nations Unies a décidé de soumettre à la Cour, en demandant qu'un avis consultatif lui soit transmis a une date rapprochée, la question énoncée dans la résolution dont les termes sont les suivants: «Le Conseil de sécurité, Réafirrnanr la responsabilité spéciale de l'organisation des Nations Unies en ce qui concerne le territoire et le peuple de la Namibie, Rappelant la résolution 276 (1970) du Conseil sur la question de Namibie, Prenant note du rapport et des recommandations présentés par le Sous- Comité ad hoc en application de la résolution 276 (1970) du Conseil de sécurité, Prenant note également de la recommandation du Sous-Comité ad hoc touchant la possibilité de demander un avis consultatif à la Cour inter- nationale de Justice, Considérant qu'un avis consultatif de la Cour internationale de Justice serait utile au Conseil de sécurité.pour continuer à examiner la question de la Namibie et pour la réalisation des objectifs recherchés par le Conseil, 1. Décide de soumettre, conformément au paragraphe 1 de l'article 96 de la Charte, la question suivante à la Cour internationale de Justice en demandant qu'un avis consultatif soit transmis au Conseil de sécurité à une date rapprochée: «Quelles sont les conséquences juridiques pour les Etats de la présence continue de l'Afrique dl! Sud en Namibie, nonobstant la résolution 276 (1970) du Conseil de sécurité?» 2. Prie le Secrétaire général de transmettre la présente résolution à la Cour internationale de Justice, conformément à l'article 65 du Statut de la Cour, en y joignant tout document pouvant servir à élucider la question.)) 2. Le 5 août 1970, après l'envoi de la lettre du Secrétaire général mais avant sa réception au Greffe, les textes anglais et français de la résolution 284 (1970) du Conseil de sécurité ont été communiqués au Président de la Cour télé- graphiquement par le Secrétariat de l'Organisation des Nations Unies. Le Président a décidé alors que les Etats Membres des Nations Unies étaient susceptibles de fournir des renseignements sur la question, conformément à l'article 66, paragraphe 2, du Statut et, par ordonnance du 5 août 1970 il a fixé au 23 septembre 1970 la date d'expiration du délai dans lequel la Cour

18 NAMIBIA (S.W. AFRICA) (ADVISORY OPINION) Court would be prepared to receive written statements from them. The same day, the Registrar sent to the States Men-ibers of the United Nations the special and direct communication provided for in Article 66 of the Statute. 3. The notice of the request for advisory opinion, prescribed by Article 66, paragraph 1, of the Statute, was given by the Registrar to al1 States entitled to appear before the Court by letter of 14 August 1970. 4. On 21 August 1970, the President decided that in addition to the States Members of the United Nations, the non-meinber States entitled to appear before the Court were also likely to be able to furnish information on the question. The same day the Registrar sent to those States the special and direct communication provided for in Article 66 of the Statute. 5. On 24 August 1970, a letter was received by the Registrar from the Secretary for Foreign Affairs of South Atrica, whereby the Government of South Africa, for the reasons therein set out, requested the extension to 31 January 1971 of the time-limit for the submission of a written statement. The President of the Court, by an Order dated 28 August 1970, extended the time-limit for the submission of written statements to 19 November 1970. 6. The Secretary-General of the United Nations, in two instalments, and the following States submitted to the Court written statements or letters setting forth their views: Czechoslovakia, Finland, France, Hungary, India, the Netherlands, Nigeria, Pakistan, Poland, South Africa, the United States of Arnerica, Yugoslavia. Copies of these communications were transrnitted to al1 States entitled to appear before the Court, and to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, and, in pursuance of Articles 44, paragraph 3, and 82, para- graph 1, of the Rules of Court, they were made accessible to the public as frorn 5 February 197 1. 7. The Secretary-General of the United Nations, in pursuance of Article 65, paragraph 2, of the Statute transrnitted to the Court a dossier of documents likely to throw light upon the question, together with an lntroductory Note; these documents were received in the Registry in instalments between 5 Novem- ber and 29 December 1970. 8. Before holding public sittings to hear oral statements in accordance with Article 66, paragraph 2, of the Statute, the Court had first to resolve two questions reIating to its composition for the further proceedings. 9. In its written statement, filed on 19 November 1970, the Government of South Africa had taken objection to the participation of three Members of the Court in the proceedings. Its objections were based on staternents made or other participation by the Members concerned, in their former capacity as representatives of their Governments, in United Nations organs which were dealing with matters concerning South West Africa. The Court gave careful consideration to the objections raised by the Government of South Africa, examiningeachcase separately. In each of them the Court reached the conclusion that the participation of the Member concerned in his former capacity as representative of his Government, to which objection was taken in the South African Government's written statement, did not attract the application of Article 17, paragraph 2, of the Statute of the Court. In making Order No. 2 of 26 January 1971, the Court found no reason to depart in the present advisory proceedings from the decision adopted by the Court in the Order of 18 March 1965 in the South West Africa cases (Ethiopia v. South Africa; Liberia v. South Africa) after hearing the same contentions as have now been advanced by the Government of South Africa. In deciding the other two objections, the

serait disposée à recevoir de ces Etats des exposés écrits. Le même jour, le Greffier a envoyé aux Etats Membres des Nations Unies la communication spéciale et directe prévue à I'article 66 du Statut. 3. La notification de la requête pour avis consultatif, prescrite par I'article 66, paragraphe 1, du Statut, a été adressée par le Greffier, dans une lettre du 14 août 1970, à tous les Etats admis à ester devant la Cour. 4. Le 21 août 1970, le Président a décidé que, outre les Etats Membres des Nations Unies, les Etats non membres admis à ester devant la Cour étaient aussi susceptibles de fournir des renseignements sur la question. Le même jour, le Greffier leur a envoyé la communication spéciale et directe prévue à l'article 66 du Statut. 5. Le 24 août 1970, le Greffier a. reçu du secrétaire aux affaires étrangères de l'Afrique du Sud une lettre par laquelle le Gouvernement sud-africain, pour les raisons par lui indiquées, demandait le report au 31 janvier 1971 de la date d'expiration du délai pour la présentation d'un exposé écrit. Par ordonnance du 28 août 1970, le Président a reporté au 19 novembre 1970 la date d'expiration du délai dans lequel des exposés écrits pouvaient être déposés. 6. Ont soumis à la Cour des exposés Writings or letters expressing their views the secretary general of the United Nations (in two deliveries) and the states below: South Africa, United States of America, Finland, France, Hungary, India, Nigeria, Pakistan, Netherlands, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia. Copies of these communications have been transmitted to all the states admitted to Ester before the Court as well as to the Secretary General of the United Nations Organization and, in application of articles 44, paragraph 3, and 82, paragraph 1, of the regulation, the written presentations presented in the case were made accessible to the public to date from February 5, 1971. 7. In accordance with the article 65, paragraph 2, of the statute, the secretary general of the United Nations A Nations A Transmitted to the Court, with an introductory note, a file of documents which can be used to elucidate the question; These documents reached the registry, under several folds, between November 5 and December 29, 1970. 8. Before holding public hearings to hear oral presentations in accordance with articles 66, paragraph 2, of the status, the court had To decide two questions relating to its composition for the rest of the procedure. 9. In its written presentation, presented on November 19, 1970, the South African government had formulated objections in the participation of three members of the Court in the procedure. He was based on declarations that these members had made, at the time when they represented their government, before United Nations bodies dealing with problems relating to the southwest African or on their participation in the same quality in the work of These organs. The Court carefully examined the objections of the South African government, considering each case separately. For each of them, the court reached the conclusion that the participation of the judge in question, as a representative of his government, to which the South African government had objected in its written presentation, did not call the application of i 'Article 17, paragraph 2, of the status. By adopting its ordinance no 2 of January 26, 1971, the Court saw no reason to deviate in this advisory procedure of the decision it had taken in its order of March 18, 1965 in the affairs of the Southwest African (Ethiopia c. South Africa; Liberia v. South Africa) after hearing the same observations as those that the South African government is formulating today. To decide on the other two cases, the

19 Namibia (S.W. Africa) (Advisory Opinion) Court Took Intoconsideration That the Activities in United Nations Organs of the Mernbers concerned, Prior to Their Election to the Court. and that are closer to the warten statterntent of the governrnent of South Africa, do not frenish groups for treating these objections differently froin those raised in the appliament to which the court decided not to accede in 1965, a decision confirmed by its order No. 2 of January 26, 1971. With Reference to Order No. 3 of the Same Date, the Court also Took Into Cor Circumstance To Which Its Attention Was Draw, Although it was not iementized in the Written statternent of the Governrne of South Africa , Narnely the Participation of the Mernber concerned, Prior to His Election to the Court, in the Formulation of Security CoNCil Resolution 246 (1968), which concerned the trial at furtoria of Thirty- Seven South West Africans and which in its prearnble Took Into Account General Assembly Resolution 2145 (XXL). The Court Considered that this participation of the mernber concerned in the work of the United Nations, as a repressen- tative of His Governrnent, Did not justify a conclusion different frorn that already reached with look to the objections raised by the governrne of south Africa. Account rust also also be Taken in this respect of precederts establised by the present court and the permanent court wherein judges sat in certain boxes even though they had taken part in the formulation of texts the court was asked to interpret. (P.C.I.J., Series A, No. 1, p. 1 I; P.C.I.J., Series C, No. 84, p. 535; P.C.I.J., Series E, No. 4, p. 270; P.C.I.J., Series E, No. 8, p. 251.) After Deliberation, The Court Decided, by Three Orders Date 26 January 1971, and Made Public on That Date, not to accede to the objections that had been raised. 10. by a lettei- from the secretary for Foreign Affairs Dated 13 Novern 1970, The Governrnent of South Africa Made An Application for the Appointment of A Judge Ad Hoc to the Proceedings, in Ternis of Article 31, Paragraph 2, of the Statute of the Court. The Court Decided, in Accordance With the Terms of Article 46 of the Statute of the Court, To Hear the Contends of South Africa on this point in Camera, and a closed hearing, at which representatives of India, the Netherlands, Nigeria and the United States of America Were also present, was held for the purpose on 27 January 1971. 1 1. By an Order dated 29 January 1971, the Court decided to reject the application of the Governrnent of South Africa. The Court thereafter decided that the record of the closed hearing should be made accessible to the public. 12. On 29 January 1971, the Court decided, upon the application of the Organization of African Unity, that that Organization was also likely to be able to furnish information on the question before the Court, and that the Court would therefore be prepared to hear an oral staternent on behalf of the Organization. 13. The States entitled to appear before the Court had been inforrned by the Registrar on 27 Novernber 1970 that oral proceedings in the case would be likely to open at the beginning of February 1971. On 4 February 1971, notifica- tion was given to those States which had expressed an intention to rnake oral staternents, and to the Secretary-General of the United Nations and the Organization of African Unity, that 8 February 'had been fixed as the opening date. At 23 public sittings held between 8 February and 17 Mai-ch 1971, oral staternents were made to the Court by the following representatives:

NAMIBIE (S.-O. AFRICAIN) (AVIS CONSULTATIF) 19 Cour a tenu compte du fait que l'activité des membres de la Cour en question, dans des organes des Nations Unies, avant leur élection à la Cour, activité à laquelle le Gouvernement sud-africain s'est référé dans son exposé écrit, ne justifiait pas que ces objections soient traitées différemment de celles qu'avait soulevées la requête à laquelle la Cour n'avait pas fait droit en 1965, dans une décision qui a été confirmée par l'ordonnance no 2 du 26 janvier 1971. En ce qui concerne l'ordonnance no 3 de la même date, la Cour a tenu compte aussi d'un élément sur lequel son attention a été appelée bien qu'il n'ait pas été mentionné dans l'exposé écrit du Gouvernement sud-africain: il s'agit du fait que le membre de la Cour en question a participé, avant son élection à la Cour, à l'élaboration de la résolution 246 (1968) du Conseil de sécurité qui concernait le procês de trente-sept ressortissants du Sud-Ouest africain à Pretoria et tenait compte dans son préambule, de la résolution 2145 (XXI) de l'Assemblée générale. La Cour a estimé que la participation de ce membre aux travaux des Nations Unies, comme représentant de son gouvernement, ne justifiait pas une conclusion différente de celle qui avait déjà été adoptée à l'égard des objections formulées par le Gouvernement sud-africain. On doit prendre aussi en considé- ration à cet égard des précédents établis par la Cour actuelle et la Cour perma- nente et d'après lesquels des juges ont siégé dans certaines affaires bien qu'ils aient pris part à l'élaboration de textes que la Cour était invitée à interpréter (C.P.J.I. série A no I, p. II; C.P.J.I. série Cn084, p. 535; C.P.J.I. sévie En04, p. 262; C.P.J.I. série E no 8, p. 242). Après délibéré en chambre du conseil, la Cour a décidé, par trois ordonnances du 26 janvier 1971 rendues publiques à cette dat:, de ne pas faire droit aux objections soulevées. 10. Par lettre du secrétaire aux affaires étrangères en date du 13 novembre 1970, le Gouvernement sud-africain avait présenté une demande tendant à la désignation d'un juge ad hoc pour siéger en l'affaire aux termes de l'article 31, paragraphe 2, du Statut de la Cour. Conformément à l'article 46 de son Statut, la Cour a décidé d'entendre à huis clos les observations de l'Afrique du Sud sur ce point et elle a tenu à cette fin, le 27 janvier 1971, une audience à huis clos à laquelle ont assisté également des représentants des Etats-Unis d'Amérique, de l'Inde, du Nigéria et des Pays-Bas. 1 1. Par ordonnance du 29 janvier 1971, la Cour a décidé de rejeter la demande du Gouvernement sud-africain. Elle a décidé ensuite de rendre accessible au public le compte rendu de l'audience à huis clos. 12. Le 29 janvier 1971, statuant sur une demande présentée par l'organisation de l'unité africaine, la Cour a décidé que cette organisation était, elle aussi, susceptible de fournir des renseignements sur la question dont la Cour était saisie, et que la Cour serait donc disposée à entendre un exposé oral qui serait fait au nom de cette organisation. 13. Le 27 novembre 1970, le Greffier avait informé les Etats admis à ester devant la Cour que la procédure orale en l'affaire commencerait probablement au début du mois de février 1971. Le 4 février 1971, les Etats qui avaient manifesté l'intention de présenter des exposés oraux, le Secrétaire général de l'organisation des Nations Unies et l'organisation de l'unité africaine ont été informés que la date d'ouverture de la procédure orale était fixée au 8 février. Au cours de vingt-trois audiences publiques, tenues entre le 8 février et le 17 mars 197 1, la Cour a entendu, en leurs exposés oraux, les représentants ci-après:

for the Secretary-General Mr. C. A. Stavropoulos, Under-Secretary- of the United Nations: General, Legal Counsel of the United Nations, and Mr. D. B. H. Vickers, Senior Legal Officer, Office of Legal Affairs; for Finland: for the Organization of African Unity : for India : for the Netherlands: for Nigeria: for Pakistan: for South Africa: for the Republic of Viet-Nam : for the United States of America : Mr. E. J. S. Castrén, Professor of International Law in the University of Helsinki; Mr. T. O. Elias, Attorney-General and Com- missioner for Justice of Nigeria; Mr. M. C. Chagla, M.P., Former Minister for Foreign Affairs in the Government of India; Mr. W. Riphagen, Legal Adviser to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Mr. T. O. Elias, Attorney-General and Com- n,iissioner for Justice; Mr. S. S. Pirzada, S.Pk., Attorney-General of Pakistan; Mr. J. D. Viall, Legal Adviser to the Depart- ment of Foreign Affairs, Mr. D. P. de Villiers, S.C., Advocate of the Supreme Court of South Africa, Mr. E. M. Grosskopf, S.C., Member of the South African Bar, Mr. H. J. 0. van Heerden, Member of the South African Bar, Mr. R. F. Botha, Member of the South African Bar, Mr. M. Wiechers, Professor of Law in the University of South Africa; Mr. Le Tai Trien, Attorney-General, Supreme Court of Viet-Nam; Mr. J. R. Stevenson, The Legal Adviser, Department of State. 14. Prior to the opening of the public sittings, the Court decided to examine first of al1 certain observations made by the Government of South Africa in its written statement, and in a letter dated 14 January 1971, in support of its submission that the Court should decline to give an advisory opinion. 15. At the opening of the public sittings on 8 February 1971, the President of the Court announced that the Court had reached a unanimous decision thereon. The substance of the submission of the Governmen: of South Africa and the decision of the Court are dealt with in paragraphs 28 and 29 of the Advisory Opinion, below. 16. By a letter of 27 January 1971, the Government of South Africa had submitted a proposal to the Court regarding the holding of a plebiscite in the Territory of Namibia (South West Africa), and this proposal was elaborated in a further letter of 6 February 1971, which explained that the plebiscite was to determine whether it was the wish of the inhabitants "that the Territory should continue to be administered by the South African Government or should henceforth be administered by the United Nations".

NAMIBIE (S.-O. pour le Secrétaire général de l'organisation des Nations Unies: pour la Finlande: pour l'organisation de l'unité africaine: pour l'Inde: pour les Pays-Bas: pour le Nigéria: pour le Pakistan : M. C. A. Stavropoulos, Secrétaire général adjoint, conseiller juridique de I'Organisa- tion des Nations Unies, et M. D. B. H. Vickers, administrateur hors classe au service juridique de l'organisation; M. E. J. S. Castrén, professeur de droit international à l'université d'Helsinki; M. T. O. Elias attorney-general et commissaire à la Justice du Nigéria; M. M. C. Chagla, membre du Parlement, ancien ministre des affaires étrangères; M. W. Riphagen, jurisconsulte du ministère des affaires étrangères; M. T. O. Elias attorney-general et commissaire à la Justice; M. S. S. Pirzada, S.Pk., attorney-general; pour l'Afrique du Sud: M. J. D. Viall, jurisconsulte du département des affaires étrangères; M. D. P. de Villiers, S.C., avocat à la Cour suprême d'Afrique du Sud ; M. E. M. Grosskopf, S.C., membre du barreau d'Afrique du Sud; M. H. J. 0. van Heerden, membre du barreau d'Afrique du Sud; M. R. F. Botha, membre du barreau d'Afrique du Sud; M. M. Wiechers, professeur de droit à l'Uni- versité d'Afrique du Sud; pour la République du M. Le Tai Trien, procureur général près la Viet-Nam : Cour suprême; pour les Etats-Unis M. .i. R. Stevenson, jurisconsulte du départe- d' Amériq ue : ment d'Etat. 14. Avant I'ouverture des audiences publiques, la Cour avait décidé d'exa- miner en premier lieu certaines observations que le Gouvernement sud-africain avait formulées dans son exposé écrit et dans une lettre du 14 janvier 1971 à l'appui de sa thèse selon laquelle la Cour devrait refuser de donner un avis consultatif. 15. A l'ouverture des audiences publiques, le 8 février 1971, le Président a annoncé que la Cour était parvenue à une décision unanime à cet égard. La thèse du Gouvernement sud-africain et la décision de la Cour sont traitées aux paragraphes 28 et 29 du présent avis consultatif. 16. Dans une lettre du 27 janvier 1971, le Gouvernement sud-africain avait soumis à la Cour une proposition relative à l'organisation d'un plébiscite dans le territoire de la Namibie (Sud-Ouest africain), proposition qu'il avait déve- loppée dans une lettre du 6 février 1971, où il précisait que le plébiscite aurait pour objet de déterminer si les habitants souhaitaient que «le territoire continue à être administré par le Gouvernement sud-africain ou soit désormais administré par les Nations Unies*.

17. At the hearing of 5 March 1971, the representative of South Africa explained further the position of his Government with regard to the proposed plebiscite, and indicated that his Governrnent considered it necessary to adduce considerable evidence on the factual issues which it regarded as under- lying thequestion before the Court. At the close of the hearing, on 17 March 1971, the President made the following statement: "The Court has considered the request submitted by the representative of South Africa in his letter of 6 February 1971 that a plebiscite should be held in the Territory of Narnibia (South West Africa) under the joint supervision of the Court and the Government of the Republic of South Africa. The Court cannot pronounce upon this request at the present stage without anticipating, or appearing to anticipate, its decision on one or more of the main issues now before it. Consequently, the Court must defer its answer to this request until a later date. The Court has also had under consideration the desire of the Govern- ment of the Republic to supply the Court with further factual material concerning the situation in Namibiü (South West Africa). However, until the Court has been able first to examine some of the legal issues which must, in any event, be dealt with, it will not be in a position to determine whether it requires additional material on the facts. The Court rnust accordingly defer its decision on this matter as well. If, at any tirne, the Court should find itself in need of further arguments or information, on these or any other rnatters, it will notify the govern- ments and organizations whose representatives have participated in the oral hearings." 18. On 14 May 1971 the President sent the following letter to the represen- taiives of the Secretary-General, of the Organization of African Unity and of the States which had participated in the oral proceedings: "i have the honour to refer to the staternent which 1 made at the end of the oral hearing on the advisory proceedings relating to the Territory of Narnibia (South West Africa) on 17 March last . . . , to the effect that the Court considered it appropriate to defer until a later date its decision regarding the requests of the Government of the Republic of South Africa (a) for the holding in that Territory of a plebiscite under the joint super- vision of the Court and the Governrnent of the Republic; and (b) to be allowed to supply the Court with further factual rnaterial concerning the situation there. 1 now have the honour to inforrn you that the Court, having examined the rnatter, does not find itself in need of further arguments or information, and has decided to refuse both these requests." 19. Before examining the merits of the question submitted to it the Court must consider the objections that have been raised to its doing so. 20. The Government of South Africa has contended that for several reasons resolution 284 (1970) of the Security Council, which requested

17. A l'audience du 5 mars 1971, le représentant de l'Afrique du Sud a donné des explications complémentaires sur l'attitude de son gouvernement à l'égard du plébiscite proposé et il a indiqué que ce gouvernement estimait nécessaire de produire de nombreux éléments de preuve quant aux points de fait qui, selon lui, sont à la base de la question dont la Cour est saisie. A la clôture des audiences publiques, le 17 mars 197 1, le Président a prononcé la déclaration suivante: «La Cour a examiné la demande présentée par le représentant de ['Afrique du Sud dans sa lettre du 6 février 1971 tendant à ce qu'un plébiscite soit organisé sur le territoire de la Namibie (Sud-Ouest africain) sous le contrôle conjoint de la Cour et du Gouvernement de la République sud-africaine. La Cour ne peut, à ce stade, se prononcer sur cette demande sans anticiper ou paraître anticiper la décision qu'elle prendra sur une ou plusieurs des questions importantes dont elle est saisie. En conséquence, elle doit remettre à plus tard la réponse à cette demande. La Cour a également pris en considération le désir du Gouvernement de la République sud-africaine de fournir à la Cour une documentation complémentaire sur les faits en ce qui concerne la situation en Namibie (Sud-Ouest africain). Mais tant que la Cour n'aura pu d'abord examiner certains des points juridiques qu'elle doit de toute manière traiter, elle ne sera pas en mesure de dire si elle a besoin de renseignements complé- mentaires sur les faits. La Cour doit donc aussi différer sa décision sur cette question. Si, à un moment quelconque, la Cour estime avoir besoin d'explications ou de renseignemefits complémentaires sur ces questions ou sur d'autres, elle le notifiera aux gouvernements et organisations ayant participé à la procédure orale par l'intermédiaire de représentants.» 18. On May 14, 1971, the president sent the following letter to the representatives of the Secretary General of the United Nations, the organization of the African Unit and the States which had participated in the oral procedure: "In the Declaration that I made at the end of the oral procedure in the advisory case relating to the territory of Namibia (South West African) on March 17 ... I indicated that it had appeared appropriate to the court of Put its decision on the requests of the South African government to what a) a plebiscite to be rejected to this territory under the joint control of the Court and the Government of the Republic; b) Authorization is given to him to provide the Court additional documentation on the facts with regard to the situation in the territory. I have the honor to let you know that, after examining the question, the Court does not consider having complementary explanations or information and decided to reject these two requests. ” 19. Before tackling the question put to it, the Court must consider the objections which have been raised against this examination. 20. The South African government argued that, for several reasons, resolution 284 (1970) of the Security Council requesting an opinion

22 Namibia (S.W. Africa) (Advisory Opinion) The Advisory Opinion of the Court, is Invalid, and that, therefore, the short is not compete to deliver the opinion. A resolution of a properly constituted organ oftheunited nations which is passed in accordance with that organ's rules of procedure, and is declared by its president to have been so passed, must be presiimed to have been validly adopted. However, since in this instance the objections made concern the Comperte of the Court, the Court Will Proceeds to examine them. 21. The First Objection is that in the voting on the resolution Two per- manent Members of the Security Council abstament. Lt is content that resolution was consequently not adopted by an affirmative vote of nine members, included the competitor votes of the permanent members, as required by article 27, paragraph 3, of the charter of the united nations. 22. Howwever, the Proceedings of the Security Council Exndling Over A Long Period Supply Abundant Evidence that Presidential Rulings and the Positions Taken by Members of the Council, in Particular Its Permanent Members, have consisted and uniformly interpretated the Practice of Voluntary Abstension by Member as not constitution a bar to the adoption of resolutions. By abstaining, a membcr do not meaning its objection to the approval of what is being proposed; In order to take the adoption of a resolution requiring unanimity of the permanent mem- bers, a permanent member has only to cast a negative vote. This procedure Followed by the Security Council, which has continued unchanged after the amendment in 1965 of article 27 of the charter, has been gener- Ally accepts by Members of the United Nations and Evencies a General Practice of that Organization. 23. The Government of South Africa Has also argued that as the question relates to a dispute between the South Africa and other Members of the United Nations, South Africa, as a member of the United Nations, Nota Member of the Security Council and A Party to a dispute, Should have been invited under article 32 of the charter to participate, without vote, in the discussion relating to it. It Further Contented that Proviso at the end of article 27, paragraph 3, of the charter, Requiring Members of the Security Council that are parts to a dispute to abstain fruoin voting, should have been conspiracy with. 24. The Language of Article 32 of the Charter is Mandate, But the question where the Security Council Must extend an invitation in Accord with that provision depends on where it has made a deter- mation that the matter under its consider is in the nature of he argued. In the absence of such a determination article 32 of the charter do not apply. 25. The Question of Namibia was placed on the agenda of the Security Council as a "situation" and not as a "dispute". No Membrr State Made Any Suggestion or Proposal That the Matter Should be examined as a dispute, Although Due Notice was given of the placing of the question

to the court is not valid and that, consequently, the court did not compete to make an opinion. Any resolution emanating from a regularly constituted United Nations body, taken in accordance with its regulations and declared adopted by its president, must be presumed valid. However, since in this case the objections raised concern the jurisdiction of the Court, the Court will examine them. 21. The first objection comes from the fact that two permanent members of the Security Council abstained during the vote on the resolution. We argue that consequently the Resolution was not adopted by an affirmative vote of nine members, in which the votes of all permanent members would be understood, as required by article 27, paragraph 3, of the United Nations Charter. 22. But the debates taking place in the Security Council for many years prove abundantly that the practice of the voluntary abstention of a permanent member has always and uniformly been interpreted, to judge according to the decisions of the presidency and The positions taken by the members of the Council, in particular by permanent members, as not preventing the adoption of resolutions. The abstention of a member of the council does not mean that he is opposed to the approval of what is proposed; To prevent the adoption of a demanding resolution 'the unanimity of permanent members, a permanent member must issue a negative vote. The procedure followed by the Sécite Council, which remained unchanged after the amendment brought to article 27 of the Charter in 1965, was generally accepted by the members of the United Nations and constitutes proof of a general practice organisation. 23. The South African government also argued that, in the case of a dispute between South Africa and other members of the United Nations, South Africa should have been invited, as the United Nations Member State not a member of the Security Council and ~ Artie to a dispute. To participate, without the right to vote, in the discussions relating to this dispute under the article 32 of the Charter. He also argued that the clause would have had to be applied at the end of paragraph 3 of the article 27 of the Charter, which obliges the members of the Security Council parties to a dispute to refrain from voting. 24. The Label of Article 32 of the Charter is imperative but the Security Council has the obligation to invite a State in accordance with this provision only if it notes that the question of which it is seized has the character of a disagreement. In the absence of a very observation. The article 32 of the charter does not apply. 25. The question of Namibia has been entered on the agenda of the Security Council as a situation and not as Drfferend. No state has suggested or proposed to study the question as a dispute, although its registration on the agenda of the Security Council

23 Namibia (S.W. Africa) (Advisory Opinion) On the Security Council's Agenda Under the Title "Situation in Namibia". Had the Government of South Africa Considered that the question Should Have Been Treated in the Security Council as a Dispute, It Should Have Draw the Council's attention to that aspect of the Matter. Having failed to raise the question at the appropriate time in the proper forum, it is not open to it to raise it before the court at this internship. 26. A Similar ANSWER MUST Be Given to the related objection based on the proviso to paragraph 3 of article 27 of the charter. This proviso also requires for its application the private determination by the security coucil that a dispute exist and that certain members of the council are involved as parts to such a dispute. 27. In The Alternative The Government of South Africa Has Contented that Even if the Court Had Compence to Give the Requestd, It Should Nevertheless, as a Matter of Judicial Propiety, refuse to exercise its compensation. 28. The First Reason Invoked in Support of This Contest is the Sup- Pose Disability Of The Court to Give the Requested by the Security Concil, Because of Political Pressure to Which the Court, According to the Government of South Africa, Has Been or Might be subject. 29. It would not be proper for the court to entertain these observations, bearing as they do on the very nature of the court as the main judicial organ of the united nations, an organ that, in that capacity, acts only on the Basis of the Law, independently of al1 outside influence or interventions WhatSoever, in the exemplius of the judicial function en- trusted to it alone by the charter and its status. A Court Functioning As A Court of Law Can Act in No Other Way. 30. The Second Reason Advanced on Behalf of the Government of South Africa in support of its Contesting that the Court Should Refuse to accede to the Request of the Security Council is that the receiver Legal Relative question to an existing dispute BetWeen South Africa and Other States . In this Context it releases on the Case of Eastern Carelia and Argues that the Permanent Court of International Justice Declined to Rule the Question Retrred to It Because it was Directly related to the Main Point of A Dispute Actuelly Pending BetWeen Two States. 31. However, that box is not, as it differs from the present one. For Instance One of the States concerned in that case was not at the time a member of the league of nations and Did not appear before the Short permanent. South Africa, as a Member of the United Nations, is bound by article 96 of the charter, which empowers the security council to request advisory opinions on any legal question. Tt has ap- peared before the court, participated in both the writer and oral pro-

Namibia (African S.-O.) (advisory opinion) 23 under the title "The situation in Namibia)) was duly notified. If the South African government had estimated that the question should be contained before the Security Council as a dispute, it should have called the council's attention on this point. Failing to have lifted the proper in time before the proceedings that suit, it is no longer free to do it at this stage before the courtyard. 26. In the same way, in the same way, the related objection drawn from the clause appearing at the end of paragraph 3 of article 27 of the charter. This clause also requires, to be applicable, that the Security Council has noted beforehand that there is a dispute to which certain members of the Council are parties. 27. The South African government argued in the alternative that, even if the Court had jurisdiction to meet the request for an opinion, it should nonetheless, to remain in its legal role, refuse to exercise its competence. 28. The first reason invoked in support of this thesis is the alleged incapacity where the Court would give the advisory opinion requested by the Security Council because of the political pressures to which, according to the South African government, it would have been or could be submissive. 29. There is no need for the Court to retain these observations on the very nature of the Court, the main judicial body of the United Nations, which, in this capacity, is only pronounced on the basis of the law, regardless of Any influence or intervention on the part of anyone, in the exercise of the jurisdictional function entrusted alone by the Charter and by its status. A courtyard, fulfilling a function of court of justice, cannot act in another way. 30. The second reason put forward by the South African government to support its thesis according to which the Court should refuse to follow up on the request of the Security Council is that the legal question in question relates to a dispute between the 'South Africa and other states. On this subject, the South African government invokes the affair of the status of the Eastern Carélie and argues that the permanent court of international justice refused to decide on the question posed because it directly concerned the essential point of a Dispute now born between two states. 31. This case is not relevant because it differs from this species. This is how one of the interested states was not at the time a member of the League of Nations and had not appeared before the Permanent Court. However, South Africa is linked, as a member of the United Nations, by article 96 of the Charter which authorizes the Security Council to request an advisory opinion on any legal question. In addition, she appeared before the Court, participated both in the procedure

Ceedings and, While Raising Specific Objections Against the Cornpertence of the Court, Has Addressed Itself to the Merits of the Question. 32. Nor does the Court Find that in this case the Security Council's Request Request to a Legal Dispute Actually Pending Between Two Or More States. Zt is not the purpose of the Request to get the Assistance of the Court in the Exemprity of the Security Concil's Functions Relating to the Pacific Settlement of A Dispute Pending Before It BetWeen Two or More States. The Request is Put Forward by a United Nations Organ With Retr- En to its Own Decisions and It Seeks Legal Advice from the Court on the Consequences and implications of these decisions. This Objective is stressed by the preamble to the resolution requesting the opinion, in which the Security COUNCIL has been "that an Advisory Opinion from the Rinternational Court of Justice WOULD BE USEFUL for the Security Council in its Further Consideration of the question of Narnibia and in Further- ance of the Objectives The Council is Seeking ". Tt is Worth Recalling that in its Advisory Opinion On Reservations To the Convention on the Prevent and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, The Court Stated: "The Object of This Request for An Opinion is to guide the United Natiors In Respect of its OWN Action "(I.C.J. Reports 1951 p. 19). 33. The Court Does Not Find Eith that in this case the Advisory Opinion Concerns A Contested Between South Africa and the United Nations. In the race of the oral procedures counsel for the government of South Africa stat:. are actually in dispute between South Africa and other States" 34. The fact that, in the course of its reasoning, and in order to answer the question submitted to it, the Court may have to pronounce on legal issues upon which radically divergent views exist between South Africa and the United Nations, does not convert the present case into a dispute nor bring it within the coinpass of Articles 82 and 83 of the Rules of Court. A similar position existed in the three previous advisory proceed- ings concerning South West Africa: in none of them did South Africa claim that there was a dispute, nor did the Court feel it necessary to apply the Rules of Court concerning "a legal question actually pending between two or more States". Differences of views among States on legal issues have existed in practicall!r every advisory proceeding; if al1 were agreed, the need to resort to the Court for advice would not arise. 35. ln accordance with Article 83 of the Rules of Court, the question whether the advisory opinion had been requested "upon a legal question actually pending betneer: two or more States" was also of decisive im-

NAMIBIE (S.-O. AFRICAIN) (AVIS CONSULTATIF) 24 écrite qu'à la procédure orale et, tout en soulevant certaines objections précises contre la compétence de la Cour, a traité du fond. 32. La Cour n'estime pas non plus qu'en l'espèce la requête du Conseil de sécurité ait trait à un différend juridique actuellement pendant entre deux ou plusieurs Etats. L'objet de la requête n'est pas de faire en sorte que la cour assiste le conseil-de sécurité dans l'exercice de ses fonctions relatives au règlement pacifique d'un différend entre deux ou plusieurs Etats dont il serait saisi. II s'agit d'une requête présentée par un organe des Nations Unies, à propos de ses propres décisions, en vue d'obtenir de la Cour un avis juridique sur les conséquences et les incidences de ces décisions. C'est cet objectif que souligne le préambule de la résolution sollicitant I'avis, où le Conseil de sécurité indique ((qu'un avis consultatif de la Cour internationale de Justice serait utile au Conseil de sécurité pour continuer à examiner la question de Namibie et pour la réalisaticn des objectifs recherchés par le Conseil ». Il convient de rappeler que, dans son avis consultatif sur les Réserves à la convention pour la préllention er la répression du crime de génocide, la Cour a dit: <( L'objet de la présente demande d'avis est d'éclairer les Nations Unies dans leur action propre » (C.I.J. Recueil 1951, p. 19). 33. La Cour ne considère pas non plus qu'en l'espèce l'avis consultatif concerne un différend entre l'Afrique du Sud et les Nations Unies. Au cours de la procédure orale, l'un des conseils du Gouvernement sud- africain s'est exprimé en ces termes: nous affirmons, non pas que la question constitue un différend, mais que, pour y répondre, la Cour devra trancher des points de droit et de fait qui font l'objet d'un différend actuellement né entre l'Afrique du Sud et d'autres Etats )). 34. Le fait que, dans l'énoncé de ses motifs et pour répondre à la question qui lui est sounise, la Cour puisse avoir à se prononcer sur des questions juridiques au sujet desquelles les vues de l'Afrique du Sud et celles des Nations Unies s'opposent radicalement ne suffit pas à trans- former la présente affaire en un différend et n'entraîne pas l'application des articles 82 et 83 du Règlement. La situation était comparable dans les trois procédures consultatives précédentes concernant le Sud-Ouest africain: dans aucune d'elles, l'Afrique du Sud n'a prétendu qu'il y eût un différend, pas plus que la Cour n',jugé nécessaire d'appliquer les articles de son Règlement visant (( une question juridique actuellement pendante entre deux ou plusieurs Etats ». Presque toutes les procédures consultatives ont été marquées par des divergences de vues entre Etats sur des points de droit; si les opinions des Etats concordaient, il serait inutile de demander I'avis de la Cour. 35. Etant donné l'article 83 du Règlement, la question de savoir si I'avis consultatif a été demandé ((au sujet d'une question juridique actuellement pendante entre deux ou plusieurs Etats 1) revêtait aussi une

25 NAMIBIA (s.w. AFRICA) (ADVISORY OPINION) portance in the Court's consideration of the request made by the Govern- ment of South Africa for the appointment of a judge ad hoc. As already indicated, the Court heard argument in support of that request and, after due deliberation, decided, by an Order of 29 January 1971, not to accede to it. This decision was based on the conclusion that the terms of the request for advisory opinion, the circumstances in which it had been submitted (which are described in para. 32 above), as well as the con- siderations set forth in paragraphs 33 and 34 above, were such as to preclude the interpretation that an opinion had been "requested upon a legal question actually pending between two or more States". Thus, in the opinion of the Court, South Africa was not entitled under Article 83 of the Rules of Court to the appointment of a judge ad hoc. 36. Tt has been urged that the possible existence of a dispute was a point of substance which was prematurely disposed of by the Order of 29 January 1971. Now the question whether a judge ad hoc should be appointed is of course a matter concerning the composition of the Bench and possesses, as the Government of South Africa recognized, absolute logical priority. It has to be settled prior to the opening of the oral proceedings, and indeed before any further issues, even of procedure, can be decided. Until it is disposed of the Court cannot proceed with the case. Tt is thus a logical necessity that any request for the appointment of a judge ad hoc must be treated as a preliminary matter on the basis of a prima facie appreciation of the facts and the law. This cannot be construed as meaning that the Court's decision thereon may involve the irrevocable disposal of a point of substance or of one related to the Court's compe- tence. Thus, in a contentious case, when preliminary objections have been raised, the appointment of judges ad hoc must be decided before the hearing of those objections. That decision, however, does not prejudge the Court's competence if, for instance, it is claimed that no dispute exists. Conversely, to assert that the question of the judge ad hoc could not be validly settled until the Court had been able to analyse substantive issues is tantamount to suggesting that the composition of the Court could be left in suspense, and thus the validity of its proceedings left in doubt, until an advanced stage in the case. 37. The only question which was in fact settled with finality by the Order of 29 January 1971 was the one relating to the Court's compo- sition for the purpose of the present case. That decision was adopted on the authority of Article 3, paragraph 1, of the Rules of Court and in accordance with Article 55, paragraph 1, of the Statute. Consequently, after the adoption of that decision, while differing views might still be held as to the applicability of Article 83 of the Rules of Court in the present case, the regularity of the composition of the Court for the

importance décisive du point de vue de l'examen par la Cour de la demande introduite par le Gouvernement sud-africain en vue de la désignation d'un juge ad hoc. Comme il a déjà été indiqué, la Cour a entendu des observations à l'appui de cette demande et, après délibéré, a décidé par son ordonnance du 29 janvier 1971 de ne pas y faire droit. Cette décision était fondée sur la conclusion que les termes de la demande d'avis consultatif, les circonstances de sa présentation (qui sont décrites au par. 32 ci-dessus) et les considérations exposées aux paragraphes 33 et 34 étaient de nature à exclure l'interprétation selon laquelle l'avis aurait été ademandé au sujet d'une question juridique actuellement pendante entre deux ou plusieurs Etats ». Ainsi, selon la Cour, l'Afrique du Sud n'était pas fondée en vertu de l'article 83 du Règlement à désigner un juge ad hoc. 36. On a fait valoir que l'existence éventuelle d'un différend constituait une question de fond réglée prématurément par l'ordonnance du 29 janvier 197 1. Or, la question de savoir si un juge ad hoc doit être nommé concerne évidemment la composition de la Cour et présente, comme le Gouver- nement sud-africain l'a reconnu, une priorité logique absolue. Elle doit être tranchée avant l'ouverture de la procédure orale et même avant que toute autre question, fût-elle procédurale, puisse être décidée. Tant qu'elle n'est pas réglée, la Cour ne peut pas poursuivre l'examen de I'affaire. II est donc logiquement indispensable que toute demande tendant à la désignation d'un juge ad hoc soit traitée comme une question préliminaire sur la base d'une première appréciation des faits et du droit. On ne saurait déduire de cela que la décision de la Cour à ce sujet pourrait trancher de façon irrévocable un point de fond ou un point ayant trait à la compétence de la Cour. C'est ainsi que, dans une affaire contentieuse, lorsque des exceptions préliminaires sont soulevées, la question de la désignation de juges ad hoc doit être réglée avant les débats sur ces exceptions. La décision prise ne préjuge cependant pas de la compétence de la Cour, au cas où l'on prétendrait, par exemple, qu'il n'existe pas de différend. Inversement, affirmer que la question du juge ad hoc ne saurait être valablement réglée tant que la Cour n'a pas été en mesure d'analyser des questions de fond revient à dire qu'il faudrait laisser en suspens la question de la composition de la Cour et, partant, laisser planer un doute sur la validité de la procédure, jusqu'à un stade avancé de I'affaire. 37. La seule question que l'ordonnance du 29 janvier 1971 ait en fait définitivement adjusted is that which concerns the composition of the court for the purposes of this body. This decision was made on the basis of article 3, paragraph 1, of the regulation and in accordance with article 55, paragraph 1, of the status. Consequently, if the differences of view remain possible as to the applicability of article 83 of the regulation in this case, as soon as the decision is adopted, it is no longer free to call into question the regular nature of the composition of the courtyard for

26 Namibia (S. W. Afkica) (Advisory Opinion) Purposes of Delivering The Present Advisory Opinion, in Accord with the Statute and the Rules of Court, is no long to question. 38. Ln Connection With the Possible Appointment of Judes Ad Hoc, It has Further been suggested that the final clause in paragraph 1 of article 82 of the Rules of Court Obliges the Court to Determine As A Preliminary Quest Actually pending between two or more state. The Court Cannot Accept This Reading, which Overstrains the Literal Meaning of the Words "above all". It is difficult to conceive that an article Providing General Guidelines in the Relatively Unschematic Context of Advisory Proceedings Should prescribe a Rigid Sequence in the Action of the Court. This is confirmed by the Practice of the Court, which in No Previous Advisory Proceedings has found it neces- sary to make an independent prelimainary determination of this question or of its own competence, Even when specificly Requested to do so. Likewise, the interpretation of the Rules of Court as Imposing A Proceeding in Limin Litis, which has been suggested, corresponds neather to the text of the Nor to its purpose, which is to regulate Advisory procedures without impairing the flexibility that 66, paragraph, paragraph 4, and 68 of the statute allow the short so that it may add it procedure to the require- mennts of each particular case. The Phrase in Question Merely Indicates That The Test of Legal Pendecy is to be considered "Above All" by the Court for the Purpose of Exercise the Latitude Grantond by Article 68 of the Statute to be Guided by the Provisions that Apply in Contentious Cases to the EXTERT TO WHICH THE COURT RECOGNIZES THEM TO BE APPLICABLE. From a Pratical Point of View It May be added that procedure suggested, analogous to that followed in contentious procedure with respect to prelimina objections, would not have dispensed with the need to decide on the request for the cupointment of a judge ad hoc as a Previous, independent decision, just as in contentious boxes the question of judges ad hoc must be settled before any hearings on the prelination objections may be proceeded with. Finully, it must be observed that such proposed preliminary decision under article 82 of the Rules of Court would not needarillary have predetermined the decision that it is suggested should have been taken subsequently under article 83, since the later provision a more restrichesis: The Advisory Opinion is Requested Upon a Legal Question Actuelly Pending and not that it relates to such a question. 39. The view has been express that express that even if south Africa is not entitled to a judge ad hoc as a matter of right, the short should, in the exercise of the discretion grantd by article 68 of the statute, have allowed such an appointment , in Recognition of the fact that South Africa's interest are specially affected in the present case. In this connection the court wishes to recall a decision taken by the permanent court at a time when the statute did not include any provisioning advisor advice, the entire regulation of the procedure in the matter being thus left to the short (p.c.i.j. , No. 4, p. 76). Confronted with a

Namibia (African S.-O.) (advisory opinion) 26 The pronouncement of this advisory notice, under its status and its regulation. - 38. With regard to the possible designation of ad hoc judges, it was also indicated that the clause appearing at the end of paragraph 1 of the article 82 of the regulation forced the Court to establish, as a preliminary question, if The request for an opinion relates or not to a legal question currently hanging between two or more states. The Court cannot admit this interpretation which forces the literal sense of words ((above all ". It is difficult to imagine that an article giving general directives within the relatively flexible framework of the consultative procedure strictly prescribes the order in which the Court must proceed. This is what confirms the practice of the court which did not deem it necessary, in any previous advisory procedure, to decide on a preliminary and independent basis on this question or on its competence, even when it was expressly asked to do so. Likewise, interpret the regulations as imposing a In limin litis procedure, as has been done, does not correspond to the text of the article or its object, which is to regulate the consultative procedure without harming the latitude that article 66, paragraph 4, and The article 68 of the status grant the court so that it can adapt its procedure to the necessities of each species. The sentence member in question simply shows that the court must ((above all)) seek to know if there is a hanging legal question for the effect of exercising the faculty given to him by article 68 of the status to draw inspiration from the provisions relating to the procedure in contentious matters insofar as it recognizes them applicable. We can add that in practice the suggested procedure, similar to that which is followed in matters of preliminary exceptions, would not have deleted the need for a preliminary and independent decision on the request for the designation of a judge Ad hoc, exactly as well as in litigation, the question of ad hoc judges must be settled above all debate on preliminary ex-cits. Finally, it should be noted that the preliminary decision that it was proposed to take under article 82 of the regulation would not necessarily have predetermined the decision that should then have been made, according to this proposal, by virtue of the 'Article 83, since it envisages a more limited hypothesis: that where the advisory opinion is requested concerning a current legal question and not that where it relates to such a question. 39. We also expressed the opinion that, even if South Africa is not entitled to an ad hoc judge, the Court should nevertheless, in the exercise of the discretionary power conferred on it Article 68 of the status, allow him to designate one, to take into account the fact that his interests are particularly affected in this body. In this regard, the Court will recall a decision taken by the Permanent Court at a time when the status did not contain any provision on advisory opinions, the care to settle the procedure in the matter being left entirely to the Court (C.P.J.I. Series No 4 , p. 72). Seizure of a request for the designation

27 Namibia (S.W. Africa) (Advisory Opinion) Request for the Appointment of A Judge Ad Hoc in a Case in Which It Found there was no dispute, the Court, in Rejecting the Request, Stated That "The Decision of the Court must be in Agreement with its status and with the Rules Duly Framed by it in pursuance of Article 30 of the Statute "(Order of October 31, 1935, P.C.I.J., Series A/B, No. 65, Annex 1, p. 69 at p. 70) . It found Further that the "Exception cannot be given a wider app that is provided for by the rules" (ibid., P. 71). In the present case the court, having look to the rules of court adopted under article 30 of the statute, cam to the conclusion that it was unable to exercise discretion in this respect. 40. The Government of South Africa Has also expressd Doubts as to where the short is competing to, or Should, Give An Opinion, If, in Order to Do So, It Should Have To Make Findings As To Extensive Equests. Tn the view of the short, the contingency that there may be affectual underlying the question posed do not alter its character as a "legal question" as envisaged in article 96 of the charter. The Reference in this Provision to Legal Questions Cannot be interpreted as Opposing Legal to Billed. Normally, to Enable a Court to Proncounce On Legal Questions, It must also be acquainted with, Take Into Account and, If necessary, make findings as to the receiving billing. The Limitation of the PowerS of the Court Contended for by the Government of South Africa has no basis in the charter or the statute. 41. The Court Could, Of Course, Acting On Its Own, Exercise The Dis- Cretion Vested in It by Article 65, Paragraph 1, of the Statute and Decline to Accede to the Request for An Advisory Opinion. In Considering this possibility the Court Must Bear in mind that: "A Reply to a Request for an Opinion Should not, in Principle, be refused." (I.C.J. Reports 1951, p. 19.) The Court has considered where are anna any "Comelling Reasons", as referred to in the past practical of the court, which would justify such a refusal. It has found no Such Reasons. Moreover, it feels that by replying to the Request it would not only "Remain Faithful to the requirements of its judicial character" (I.C.J. Reports 1960, p. 153), but also discharge its functions as "the main judicial organ of the United Nations "(Art. 92 of the charter). 42. HAVING ESTABLISHED that it is properly seized of a request for an Advisory Opinion, the Court Will Now Proceeds to an Analysis of the Question Place Before it: "What are the Legal Consequences For States of the Continued Presence of South Africa in Namibia, Notwithsunding Security Council Resolution 276 (1970)? "43. The Government of South Africa in Both Its Written and Oral Statements has been wide Field of History, Going Back to the Origin and Functioning of the Mandate. The Same and Similar Problems WERE

of an ad hoc judge in a case where she estimated that there was no dispute, the permanent court said, by rejecting this request: "The court can only rule in accordance with its status and regulation , duly established in application of article 30 of the status ”(Order of October 31, 1935, C.P.J.I. AIB series no 65, Ann. 1, p. 70). It noted that the application [of the exception does not] be extended beyond the limits which have been regulated to it 1) (ibid., P. 71). In this case, the Court, taking into account the regulation adopted under article 30 of the status, came to the conclusion that it was unable to exercise discretionary power in this regard. 40. The South African government has also questioned that the Court is competent to give an opinion or that it must do it if, for that, it must decide on affected issues of extensive scope. According to the Court, it is not because the question posed involves the facts that it loses the character of ((legal question)) within the meaning of article 96 of the charter. We cannot consider this saying ~ OSITION opposes the questions of law to the de facto points. To be able to decide on legal issues, a court must normally be aware of the corresponding facts, take them into consideration and, if necessary, rule on them. The limits that the South African government claims to assign to the powers of the court in the foundation neither in the charter nor in the status. 41. It is true that the Court could, on its own initiative, use the discretionary power given to it by article 65, paragraph 1, of the status and not to follow up on the request for an advisory opinion. When it examines this possibility, the Court must not lose sight of only ((in principle the response to a request for an opinion should not be refused)) (C.I.J. Collection 1951, p. 19). The court wondered, having regard to her past practice, if reasons (decisive "would justify such a refusal. She could not discover any. She considers moreover that by responding to the request not only she would remain ((faithful to the requirements of its judicial character "(C.I.J. Collection 1960, p. 153), but also it would pay its functions as ((main judicial body of the United Nations" (Charter, art. 92). 42. Having established that it was validly seized of a request for advisory opinion, the Court will analyze the question subject to it: ((what are the legal consequences for the States of the continuous presence of South Africa in Namibia, notwithstanding Resolution 276 (1970) of the Security Council?)) 43. In his written presentation as in his oral presentations, the South African government has made a large history, going back to the origin of the mandate, which he examined functioning. Other governments,

Dealt with by Other Governments, the Secretary-General of the United Nations and the Organization of African Unity in Their Written and Oral Statements. 44. A Series of Important Issues is Involved: The Nature of the Mandate, Its Working Under the League of Nations, the Consequences of the Demise of the League and of the Establishment of the United Nations and the Impact of Further Developments Within the New Organization . While the Court is aware that this is the sixth time it has been toal with the outlets involved in the Mandate for South West Africa, it has nonetheless reached the conclusion that it is necessary for it to consider and summarize some Question Addressed to it. ln Particular, The Court Will Examine the Substance and Scope of Article 22 of the League Covenant and the Nature of "C" Mandates. 45. The Government of South Africa, in Its Written Stament, presented a detailed analysis of the intentions of some of the participants in the Paris Peace Conference, Who Approved A Resolution which, With Some Alterations and Additions, Eventually Became Article 22 of the Covenant . At the Conclusion and in the Light of this Analysis it Suggestized that it was careful for commentators to fer to "'c' mandates as being in their practical effect not Far Removed from annexation". This view, which the goverqment of South Africa appears to have adopted, always be tantamount to admit that the receiver of the covenant we of a purely nominal character and that the right they are of their very Nature Imperfect and anForceable. Tt puts too much emphasis on the intentions of some of the parts and too Little on the instrument that emerged from those negotiations. Tt is Thus necessary to fer to the actual text of Article 22 of the Covenant, paragraph 1 of which declares: "1. To those colonies and territories which as a consequence of the late war have ceased to be under the sovereignty of the States which formerly governed them and which are inhabited by peoples not yet able to stand by themselves under the strenuous conditions of the modern world, there should be applied the principle that the well-being and development of such peoples form a sacred trust of civilisation and that securities for the performance of this trust should be embodied in this Covenant." As the Cocrt recalled in its 1950 Advisory Opinion on the International Status of South- West Africa, in the setting-up of the mandates system "two principles were considered to be of paramount importance: the principle of non-annexation and the principle that the well-being and development of such peoples form 'a sacred trust of civilization'" (I.C.J. Reports 1950, p. 131). 46. It is self-evident that the "trust" had to be exercised for the benefit of the peoples concerned, who were adm.itted to have interests of their

ainsi que le Secrétaire général de l'Organisation des Nations Unies et l'organisation de l'unité africaine, ont évoqué les mêmes problèmes ou des problèmes analogues dans leurs exposés écrits et oraux. 44. Toute une série de questions importantes sont en jeu: la nature du mandat, son application à l'époque de la Société des Nations, les con- séquences de la disparition de la Société, de l'établissement des Nations Unies et des faits survenus depuis lors au sein de la nouvelle organisation. La Cour n'ignore pas qu'elle est appelée pour la sixième fois à connaitre des problèmes liés au mandat pour le Sud-Ouest africain, mais elle n'en a pas moins conclu qu'il lui fallait examiner et résumer certains des problèmes mis en jeu par la question qui lui est posée. Elle se propose d'étudier en particulier le contenu et la portée de l'article 22 du Pacte de la Société des Nations et la nature des mandats C. 45. Dans son exposé écrit, le Gouvernement sud-africain a présenté une analyse détaillée des intentions de certains des participants à la conférence de la paix de Paris, où fut approuvée la résolution qui, avec certaines modifications et adjonctions, devait devenir ultérieurement l'article 22 du Pacte. En conclusion, et à la lumière de cette analyse, il a estimé qu'il était très naturel que les commentateurs aient parlé des mandats C a comme très proches, dans leur effet pratique, de l'annexion ». Cette manière de voir, que le Gouvernement sud-africain paraît avoir adoptée, reviendrait à admettre que les dispositions pertinentes du Pacte avaient un caractère de pure forme et que les droits qu'elles consacraient étaient par nature imparfaits et non exécutoires. Elle accorde trop d'importance aux intentions de certaines des parties et pas assez à l'instrument issu des négociations. Il faut donc se reporter au texte même de l'article 22, paragraphe 1, du Pacte: (( 1. Les principes suivants s'appliquent aux colonies et territoires qui, à la suite de la guerre, ont cessé d'être sous la souveraineté des Etats qui les gouvernaient précédemment et qui sont habités par des peuples non encore capables de se diriger eux-mêmes dans les con- ditions particulièrement difficiles du monde moderne. Le bien-être et le développement de ces peuples forment une mission sacrée de civilisation et il convient d'incorporer dans le présent Pacte des garanties pour l'accomplissement de cette mission. 1) La Cour a rappelé dans son avis consultatif de 1950 sur le Statut inter- national du Sud-Ouest africain que, lorsque le système des mandats fut créé, (( deux principes furent considérés comme étant d'importance pri- mordiale: celui de la non-annexion et celui qui proclamait que le bien- être et le développement de ces peuples formaient (( une mission sacrée de civilisation )) (C.I.J. Recueil 19.50, p. 13 1). 46. 11 est évident que la (1 mission 1) dont il s'agit devait être exercée au profit des populations en cause auxquelles on reconnaissait des intérêts

29 NAMIBIA (s.w. AFRICA) (ADVISORY OPINION) own and to possess a potentiality for independent existence on the attainment of a certain stage of development: the mandates system was designed to provide peoples "not yet" able to manage their own affairs with the help and guidance necessary to enable them to arrive at the stage where they would be "able to stand by themselves". The requisite means of assistance to that end is dealt with in paragraph 2 of Arti- cle 22: "2. The best method of giving practical effect to this principle is that the tutelage of such peoples should be entrusted to advanced nations who by reason of their resources, their experience or their geographical position can best undertake this responsibility, and who are willing to accept it, and that this tutelage should be exercised by them as Mandatories on behalf of the League." This made it clear that those Powers which were to undertake the task envisaged would be acting exclusively as mandatories on behalf of the League. As to the position of the League, the Court found in its 1950 Advisory Opinion that: "The League was not, as alleged by [the South African] Government, a 'mandator' in the sense in which this term is used in the national law of certain States." The Court pointed out that: "The Mandate was created, in the interest of the inhabitants of the terri- tory, aiid of humanity in general, as an international institution with an international object-a sacred trust of civilisation." Therefore, the Court found, the League "had only assumed an international function of supervision and control" (I.C.J. Reports 1950, p. 132). 47. The acceptance of a mandate on these terms connoted the assump- tion of obligations not only of a moral but also of a binding legal character; and, as a corollary of the trust, "securities for [its] performance" were instituted (para. 7 of Art. 22) in the form of legal accountability for its discharge and fulfilment : "7. In every case of mandate, the Mandatory shall render to the Council an annual report in reference to the territory committed to its charge." 48. A further security for the performance of the trust was embodied in paragraph 9 of Article 22: "9. A permanent Commission shall be constituted to receive and examine the annual reports of the Mandatories and to advise the Council on al1 matters relating to the observance of the mandates." Thus the reply to the essential question, quis custodiet ipsos custodes?, was given in terms of the mandatory's accountability to international

propres et la possibilité de vivre indépendantes lorsqu'elles auraient atteint un certain stade de développement: le système des mandats devait fournir aux peuples (( non encore » capables de gérer leurs propres affaires l'aide et les conseils nécessaires pour leur permettre d'arriver au stade où ils seraient ((capables de se diriger eux-mêmes )). Le mode d'assistance nécessaire à cet effet était défini à l'article 22, paragraphe 2: (( 2. La meilleure méthode de réaliser pratiquement ce principe est de confier la tutelle de ces peuples aux nations développées qui, en raison de leurs ressources, de leur expérience ou de leur position géographique, sont le nieux à même d'assumer cette responsabilité et qui consentent à l'accepter: elles exerceraient cette tutelle en qualité de Mandataires et au nom de la Société. )) II ressort clairement de ce texte que les puissances qui allaient se charger de la tâche envisagée agiraient exclusivement en qualité de mandataires et au nom de la société des Nations. Pour ce qui est de la position de la SdN, la Cour a dit, dans son avis de 1950, que cc la Société des Nations n'était pas, comme l'a allégué [le Gouvernement sud-africain], un ((mandant », au sens où ce terme est employé dans la législation interne de certains Etats 11. La Cour faisait observer: (( Le Mandat a été créé, dans l'intérêt des habitants du Territoire et de l'humanité en général, comme une institution internationale à laquelle était assigné un but international: une mission sacrée de civilisation ». Elle estimait donc que la Société des Nations cc avait seulement assumé une fonction internationale de sur- veillance et de contrôle 1) (C.I.J. Recueil 1950, p. 132). 47. Accepter un mandat dans ces conditions supposait que l'on con- tractait des obligations non seulement morales mais aussi juridiquement contraignantes et, comme corollaire de la mission, ((des garanties pour [son] accomplissement 1) étaient prévues (art. 22, par. 7) sous forme d'une obligation juridique de rendre compte de la manière dont on s'en acquit- tait: (( 7. Dans tous les cas le Mandataire doit envoyer au Conseil un rapport annuel concernant les territoires dont il a la charge. )) 48. Une autre garantie de l'accomplissement de la mission était prévue au paragraphe 9 de l'article 22: a9. Une commission permanente sera chargée de recevoir et d'examiner les rapports annuels des mandataires et de donner au Conseil son avis sur toutes questions relatives à l'exécution des mandats. 11 La réponse à la question essentielle quis custodiet ipsos custodes? était donc que les mandataires étaient tenus de rendre compte à des organismes

organs. An additional measure of supervision was introduced by a resolution of the Council of the League of Nations, adopted on 31 Jan- uary 1923. Under this resolution the mandatory Governments were to transmit to the League petitions from communities or sections of the populations of mandated territories. 49. Paragraph 8 of Article 22 of the Covenant gave the following directive : "8. The degree of authority, control or administration to be exercjsed by the Mandatory shall, if not previously agreed upon by the Members of the League, be explicitly defined in each case by the Council." In pursuance of this directive, a Mandate for German South West Africa was drawn up which defined the terms of the Mandatory's administration in seven articles. Of these, Article 6 made explicit the obligation of the Mandatory under paragraph 7 of Article 22 of the Covenant by providing that "The Mandatory shall make to the Council of the League of Nations an annual report to the satisfaction of the Council, containing full information with regard to the territory, and indicating the measures taken to carry out the obligations assumea under Articles 2, 3, 4 and 5" of the Mandate. As the Court said in 1950: "the Mandatory was to observe a number of obligations, and the Council of the League was to supervise the administration and see to it that these obligations were fulfilled" (I.C.J. Reports 1950, p. 132). In sum the relevant provisions of the Covenant and those of the Mandate itself preclude any doubt as to the establishment of definite legal obligations designed for the attainment of the object and purpose of the Mandate. 50. As indicated in paragraph 45 above, the Government of South Africa has dwelt at some length on the negotiations which preceded the adoption of the final version of Article 22 of the League Covenant, and has suggested that they lead to a different reading of its provisions. It is true that as that Government points out, there had been a strong tendency to annex former enemy colonial territories. Be that as it may, the final outcome of the negotiations, however difficult of achievement, was a rejection of the notion of annexation. It cannot tenably be argued that the clear meaning of the mandate institution could be ignored by placing upon the explicit provisions embodying its principles a construction at variance with its object and purpose. 51. Events subsequent to the adoption of the instruments in question should also be considered. The Allied and Associated Powers, in their Reply to Observations of the German Delegation, referred in 1919 to "the mandatory Powers, which in so far as they rnay be appointed trustees by the League of Nations will derive no benefit from such trusteeship". As to the Mandate for South West Africa, its preamble

NAMIBIE (S.-O. AFRICAIN) (AVIS CONSULTATIF) 30 internationaux. Une résolution du Conseil de la Société des Nations adoptée le 3 1 janvier 1923 a introduit une mesure de surveillance supplé- mentaire. En vertu de cette résolution, les gouvernements mandataires devaient transmettre à la Société les pétitions de communautés ou d'éléments de la population des territoires sous mandat. 49. L'article 22, paragraphe 8, du Pacte contenait la directive suivante: (18. Si le degré d'autorité, de contrôle ou d'administration à exercer par le Mandataire n'a pas fait l'objet d'une convention antérieure entre les Membres de la Société, il sera expressément statué sur ces points par le Conseil. 1) Conformément à cette directive, il a été établi un mandat pour le Sud- Ouest africain allemand qui définissait en sept articles les conditions de l'administration du territoire par le mandataire. L'article 6 précisait l'obligation qui incombait au mandataire en vertu de l'article 22, para- graphe 7, du Pacte; il stipulait que celui-ci devait (1 envoyer au Conseil dela Société des Nations un rapport annuel satisfaisant le Conseil et contenant toute information intéressant le territoire et indiquant les mesures prises pour assurer les engagements pris suivant les articles 2, 3, 4 et 5 )) du mandat. Ainsi que la Cour l'a dit en 1950: 11 le mandataire était tenu de respecter un certain nombre d'obligations, et le Conseil de la Société des Nations devait surveiller l'administration et veiller à ce que ces obli- gations fussent rspectées » (C.I.J. Recueil 1950, p. 132). En bref, les dispositions pertinentes du Pacte et celles du mandat lui-même ne laissent subsister aucun doute quant à la création d'obligations juridiques précises visant à atteindre le but et l'objet du mandat. 50. Comme il est indiqué au paragraphe 45 ci-dessus, le Gouvernement sud-africain s'est étendu assez longuement sur les négociations qui ont précédé l'adoption de la version définitive de l'article 22 du Pacte de la Société des Nations et a soutenu qu'on pouvait en tirer une interprétation différente de cette disposition. 11 est vrai, comme ce gouvernement le fait observer, qu'il y avait eu une tendance marquée à l'annexion des anciens territoires coloniaux ennemis. Quoi qu'il en soit, le résultat final de ces négociations - même s'il n'a pas été obtenu sans mal - a été le rejet de l'idée d'annexion. Prétendre qu'on peut méconnaître le sens évident de l'institution des mandats, en donnant aux dispositions explicites qui en expriment les principes une interprétation contraire à son but et à son objet, est une thèse insoutenable. 51. Il faut aussi tenir compte des événements qui ont suivi l'adoption des instruments en question. The powers. Allied and associated, in their response to the remarks of the German delegation on the conditions of peace, referred in 1919 to the mandatory powers which, being made up of the fidels by the League of the Nations, will not benefit from this loyalty) ). The mandate for the South West Africa

Recited that "His Britannic Majesty, for and on Behalf of the Government of the Union of South Africa, has agreed to accept the mandate in respect of the Said Territory and has undertaken to exercise it on behalf of the league of nations". 52. Furthermore, The Subsequent Development of International Law in Looking to Non Self-Governing Territories, as Enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, Made The Principle of Self-Determination Applicable To Al1 of Them. The Concept of the Sacred Trust was confirmed and expanded to al1 "Territories Whose Peoples have not Yet Attained a Full Measure of Self-Government" (art. 73). Thus it clearly embraced territories under a colonial diet. Obviously the Sacred Trust continued to apply to the League of Nations Mandated Territories on which An International Status Had Been Conferred Earlier. A Further Important Stage in this Development was the declaration on the granting of independence to colonial country and peoples (General Assembly Resolution 1514 (XV) of 14 December 1960), which embraces al1 peoples and territories which "have not yet attanedence". Nor is it possible to leave out of account the political history of mandated territories in general. Al1 Those which Did not acquire independence, excluding namibia, were placed under trusteeship. TODAY, Only Two OUT OF FIFTEEN, Excluding Namibia, Remain Under United Nations Tutelage. This is but a manifestation of the general development which has led to the birth of so many new stats. 53. All these considations are Germane to the Court's evaluation of the present case. Mindful as it is of the primary need of interpreting an instrument in accordance with the intentions of the parts at the time of its conclusion, the court is bound to take into account the fact that concepts embodied in article 22 of the covenant- " STRENUOUS CONDITIONS OF THE MODERN WORLD "AND" THE WELL-BEING AND DEVELOPMENT "OF THE PEOPLES ADDITED-WE NOT STATIC, But we by Definition Evolutionary, As Also, Therefore, WAS THE CONCEPT OF THE" SACRED TRUST ". The parts to the covenant must consequently be deemed to have accepted them as such. That is Why, Viewing the Institutions of 1919, the Court Must Take Into Consideration the Changes Which Have Occurred in the Superventing Half-Century, and its interpretation cannot remain unaffected by the subsequent development of law, through the charter of the united nations and by WAY OF CUSTOMARY LAW. Moreover, an inter- National Instrument has been interpreted and applied with the frame- work of the Entire Legal System Prevailing at the time of the interpretation. In the Domain to Which the Present Proceedings Relates, The Last Fifty Years, as indicated aboo, have an important developments. These developments leave little Doubt that the ultimate objective of the Sacred Trust was the self-further and independence of the peoples con- Cerned. In this domain; As Elsewher, The Corpus Iuris Gentium has been

specified on the other hand in its preamble: ((His British Majesty, acting for the government of the Union of South Africa, and on its behalf, undertook to accept the mandate on said territory and undertook to exercise it on behalf of the League of Nations)). 52. In addition, the subsequent evolve of international law with regard to non -autonomous territories, as devoted by the Charter of the United Nations, has made self -determination a principle applicable to all these territories. The concept of sacred mission has been confirmed and extended to all (territories whose populations do not yet administer themselves to each other 1) (art. 73). Ji is clear that these terms aimed colonial. Obviously the sacred mission agreed to apply to the territories placed under the mandate of the League of Nations to which an international status had been conferred on the other. Another important step in this development was the declaration on granting of independence to countries and coloniaux peoples (resolution 1514 (XV) of the general meeting dated 14 Désm- Bre 1960) applicable to all peoples and to all territories (which have not yet Access to independence 11. Similarly, it is impossible to neglect the political history of territories under mandate in general. All those who have not accessed independence, with the exception of Namibia, were placed under guardianship. Today out of fifteen of these territories, not including Namibia, only two are still under the supervision of nations United. This is not a manifestation of penetral evolution U which led to the birth of many new states. 53. All these considerations are related to the way in which the Court considers this case. Without forgetting the primordial necessity of inserting an instrument given in accordance with the intentions that the-parties had when it was concluded, the Court must take into account that the concepts devoted by article 22 of the pact- 11 The Particularly difficult conditions of the modern world "and has the well-being and the development))) of interested peoples- were not static but by evolutionary challenge and that it was the same as a result of the concept de ((sacred mission of civilization ". We must therefore admit that the parties to the pact accepted them as such. This is why, when it considers the institutions of 1919, the Court must take into consiced the transformations which occurred in the half century which followed and its intervention cannot fail to take into account the evolution that the law has later known thanks to the Charter of the United Nations and the custom. In addition, any international instrument must be interpreted and applied in the framework of the entire legal system in force at the time when interpretation takes place. In the field to which this procedure is attached, the last fifty years have marked, as said above, an important evolution. Because of this evolution there is little doubt that the (Sacred Mission of Civilization "had the ultimate objective of self -determination and independence of the peoples in question. In this area as in others, the Corpus Juris Gentium

Considerably enriched, and this the court, if it is faitfully to discharge its functions, May not ignore. 54. In the Light of T5e Foregoing, the Court is unable to accept any construction that wow attach to "c" mandates an object and purposes different from "a" or "b" mandates. The Only Differentés Were Those Appearing from the Language of Article 22 of the Covenant, and from the Particular Mandate Instruments, But the Objective and Safeguards Remained the Same, With No Exemptions Such As Considerations of Geo-Graphical Contiguit. To hold Otherwise WOULD MEAN THAT TERROIRS UNDER "CM MANDATE BELONGED TO The Family of Mandates Only in Name, Being in Fact the Objects of Disguised Cessions, as if the affirmation that they could" be best administer under the laws of the Mandate Portions Portions of its territory "(art. 22, para. 6) Conferred Upon the Adistic Power A Special Title Not Vested in States Entrusted With" A "or" B "Mandates. The Court Would Recall in This Respect What Was Stated in the 1962 Judgment In the South West Africa Cases As Applying To Al1 Categories of Mandate: "The Rights of the Mandate in Relation to the Mandated Territory and the Inhabitants Have Their Foundation in The Obligations of the Mandate and They Are, So To Speak, Mere Tools Given To Enable it to fulfil its obligations. "(I.C.J. Reports 1962, p. 329.) 55. The Court will now to the situation that arose on the demise of the league and with the birth of the United Nations. As Alredy Recalled, The League of nations was the international organization entrusted with the exempliise of the supervisory functions of the mandate. Those Functions we an essential element of the mandate. But that does not mean that the mandates institution was to collapse with the disappears of the original supervisory machinery. To the question where the continuance of a mandate was inseparably linked with the existence of the league, the ANSWER Must be that an institution established for the fulfilment of a sacred trust cannot be presumed to lapse before the achievement of its purpose. The responsibility of Both Mandate and Supervisor Resulting from the Mandates Institution Were Complemen- Tary, and the Disappearance of One or the Other Could Not Affect the Survival of the Institution. That is why, in 1950, the short remark, in connection with the bonds corresponding to the sacred trust: "their reason of being and original object remain. Since their fulfilment did not depend on the existence of the league of nations, they could Not be B3

has enriched a lot and, in order to be able to faithfully pay its functions, the court cannot ignore it. 54. Given the above, the Court cannot make its interpretation which would attribute to mandates C an object and a goal different from those of mandates A or B. The only differences are those which emerge from the wording of article 22 of the pact and relevant mandate instruments, but the objective and the guarantees are the same, no exception being made in particular for reasons of geographical continuity. Support the opposite would mean that the territories under mandate C belonged only by name to the family of mandates and were in fact only the subject of disguised transfers, as if, in saying that they could not ((to be better administered than Under the laws of the agent, as an integral part of its territory)) (art. 22, para. 6), a special title had been given to the administering power which was not granted to the states to which mandates A or B had been entrusted. The Court will recall on this subject an observation that it made in its 1962 judgment on the affairs of the South West Africa and which applies to all categories of mandates: (I The rights of the agent concerning the territory under mandate and Its inhabitants are based on the obligations of the agent and they are, so to speak, only simple instruments allowing it to fulfill its obligations. 1) (C.I.J. Collection 1962, p. 329.) 55. The court is now coming to the Situation created by the disappearance of the League of Nations and the birth of the United Nations. We have seen above that the League of Nations was the international organization responsible for exercising the surveillance functions with regard to mandates. These functions were an essential element in the system of mandates. However, this does not mean that the institution of mandates had to end when the original monitoring mechanism would disappear. To the question of whether the maintenance of the mandate was inseparable linked to the existence of the League of Nations, it must be replied that one cannot presume the lapicality of an institution established in order to accume a Sacred mission until its objective has been achieved. The responsibilities of the agent and the supervisory authority in the instance of the mandates were complementary and the disappearance of one or the other could not affect the survival of the institution. It is for this reason that in 1950 the Court declared, with regard to the obligations discovered of the sacred mission: (I in all respects their raison d'être and their primitive object remain. As their execution did not depend on The existence of the League of Nations, these obligations could not become obsolete for

Organ Ceased to Exist. Nor Could the right of the population to have the territory adrninistred in accordance with these rules depend thereon. "(I.C.J. Reports 1950, p. 133.) In the Particular Case, specific provisions WERE MADE AND DECISIONS Taken for the Transfer of Functions from the Organization Which was to be wound up to that that card Into Being. 56. Within the Framework of the United Nations An International Trusteeship System was Established and it was kenly contemplated that rnandated territories considering as not yet ready for independence. Under the United Nations International Trusteeship System. This System Established A Wider and More Effective International Supervision Than Had Been the Case Under the Mandates of the League of Nations. 57. It would have been been contrary to the Overriding Purpose of the Mandates System to Assome That Difficulties in the way of the replacement of one regime by another designed to irnprove international supervision should has been permitted to bring about, on the dissolution of the league, a complete disappearance of international supervision. To accept the Contestation of the Government of South Africa on this Point Would Have started the Reversion of Mandated Territories to Colonial Status, and the Virtual Replacement of the Mandates Rime by Annexation, so Determinedly Excluded in 1920. 58. These compelling Considerations Brought About the Insertion in the Charter of the United Nations of the Safeguarding Clause contained in article 80, paragraph 1, of the charter, which reads as follows: '' 1. Exception as rnay be agreed upon in individual trusteeship agreements, made under articles 77, 79 and 8 1, placing each territory under the trusteeship system, and until such agreements have been concluded, Nothing in this chapter shall be construed in or of itself to alter In Any Rnanner the Rights Whatsoever of Any States or Any Peoples or the Terms of Existing International Instruments to Which Members of the United Nations Rnay Respectively Be parts. "59. A Striking feature of this provision is the Stipulation in Favour of the Presert of the Rights of "Any Peoples", Thus Clearly Including the Inhabitants of the Mandated Territories and, in Particular, Their Indigenous Populations. These Rights Wree Thus Confirmed to have an existence independent of that of the League of Nations. The Court, in the 1950 Advisory Opinion on the International Status of South West Africa, Relised on this provision to reach the conclusion that "No Such Rights of the Peoples Could Be Effectively Safeguarded Without Inter-

the only reason that this surveillance body had ceased to exist. The right of the population to see the territory administered in accordance with these rules could not depend on it either. )) (C.I.J. Collection 1950, p. 133.) In this particular case, special provisions have been drawn up and decisions were made in order to transfer the functions of the Galisation which was to be dissolved to that which was born . 56. When the United Nations has been created an inter-supervisory regime in the United Nations, it was obviously considered that the territories under the mandate that was not yet considered ripe for independence would be placed under the international regime of United Nations guardianship. This regime included broader and more effective international surveillance than that of the mandates of the League of Nations. 57. It would have been contrary to the essential goal of the system of mandates to admit that the difficulties due to the reinforcement of one regime by another regime intended to improve international surveillance can lead, to the dissolution of the Society of Nations, the disappearance any international surveillance. Accepting the thesis of the South African government on this point would have resulted in the return of the territories under the date of the colonial status and the virtual replacement of the managers system by the annexation, a solution which had been resolutely dismissed in 1920. 58. It is these decisive reasons that have. Determined the introduction into the United Nations Charter of the safeguard clause that Article 80, paragraph 1, of the Charter: (1. With the exception of what Can be agreed in the specific agreements of supervision concluded in accordance with articles 77, 79 and 81 and placing each territory under the supervision regime, and until these agreements have been concluded, no provision of this chapter will be interpreted as amending Directly or in any way in any way in any way the rights of any state or any people or the provisions of international acts in force to which members of the organization may be parties.)) 59. One of the notable features of this provision is the stipulation of the maintenance of the rights of peoples, which undoubtedly applies to the inhabitants of the territories under mandate and in particular to the indigenous populations. This is confirming that these rights have an independent existence of that of the League of Nations. In its 1950 advisory opinion on the international status of the South West Africa, the Court was based on this provision to conclude that I (these rights of peoples cannot be effectively guaranteed without international control and without

34 Namibia (S.W. Africa) (Advisory Opinion) National Supervision and a Duty to Render Reports to A Supervisory Organ "(I.C.J. Reports 1950, p. 137). In 1956 The Court Confirmed the Conclusion that" The effect of article 80 (1) of the charter "was that of" preserving the right of states and peoples "(I.C.J. Reports 1956, p. 27). 60. Article 80, paragraph 1, of the charter was thus interpreted by the short as probing that the system of replacement of Mandates by Trusteeship Agreements, Resulting from Chapter XII of the Charter, Shall not "Be Construed in or of Itself to Alter in Any Manner the Rights What-Sover of Any States or Any Peoples". 61. The exception made in the initial words of the provision, "Except as may be agreed upon in individual trusteeship agreements, made under articles 77, 79 and 81, placing each territory under the trusteeship system, and unit such agreements have been concluded", establised a particular method quo of a mandate regime. This could be Achieved Only by Means of A Trusteeship Agreement, Unless the "Sacred Trust" Had Come to an End by the Imprementation of Its Objective, that is, the attainment of independent existence. In this way, by the use of the expression "Until such agreements have been concluded", a legal hiatus between the two system was obviated. 62. The Final Words of Article 80, Paragraph 1, Fer to "The Terms of Existing International Instruments to Which Members of the United Nations May respectivei be parties". The Records of the San Francisco Conference Show That these Words We Inserted in Replacement of the Words "Any Mandate" in An Earlier Draft in Order to Preserve "Any Rights Set Fortth in Paragraph 4 of Article 22 of the Covenant of the League of Nations" . 63. In Approving This Amendment and Inserting these Words in the Report of Cornmitted 1114, The States Participating At the San Francisco Conference Obviously Took Into Account the Fact that the adoption of the Charter of the United Nations Would Render the Disappearance of the League of Nations inevitable. This shows the common understanding and intention at San Francisco that article 80, paragraph 1, of the charter had the purpose and effect of keeping in force al1 rights whatsoever, including those contained in the Covenant itself, against any claim as to their possible lapse with the dissolution of the League. 64. The demise of the League could thus not be considered as an unexpected supervening event entailing a possible termination of those rights, entirely alien to Chapter XII of the Charter and not foreseen by the safeguarding provisions of Article 80, paragraph 1. The Members of the League, upon effecting the dissolution of that organization, did not declare, or accept even by implication, that the mandates v~ould be cancelled or lapse with the dissolution of the League. On the contrary,

l'obligation de soumettre des rapports à un organe de contrôle » (C.I.J. Recueil 1950, p. 137). En 1956, la Cour a confirmé la conclusion d'après laquelle (( l'effet de l'article 80, paragraphe 1, de la Charte ... garantit les droits [des] Etats et [des] peuples )) (C.I.J. Recueil 1956, p. 27). 60. Ainsi, selon l'interprétation de la Cour, l'article 80, paragraphe 1, de la Charte disposait que l'opération de remplacement des mandats par des accords de tutelle, en vertu du chapitre XII de la Charte, ne devait pas être ((interprétée comme modifiant directement ou indirecte- ment en aucune manière les droits quelconques d'aucun Etat ou d'aucun peuple )). 61. Le début du paragraphe I précisait la méthode par laquelle le statu quo en matière de mandat pouvait être modifié (( A l'exception de ce qui peut être convenu dans les accords particuliers de tutelle conclus conformément aux articles 77, 79 et 81 et plaçant chaque territoire sous le régime de tutelle, et jusqu'à ce que des accords aient été conclus ». La transformation ne pouvait s'effectuer qu'au moyen d'un accord de tutelle, à moins que la (1 mission sacrée )) ne soit arrivée à son terme par suite de la réalisation de l'objectif auquel elle répondait: l'accession à l'indépendance. En employant la formule ajusqu'à ce que ces accords aient été conclus », on évitait toute solution de continuité juridique entre les deux régimes. 62. A la fin de l'article 80, paragraphe 1, il est fait mention des (( dis- positions d'actes internationaux en vigueur auxquels des Membres de l'organisation peuvent être parties 1). Les documents officiels de la con- férence de San Francisco montrent que cette formule a été introduite à la place des mots (( d'un mandat quelconque )), qui figuraient dans un texte antérieur, afin de préserver (t les droits stipulés au paragraphe 4 de l'article 22 du Pacte de la Société des Nations )). 63. Si les Etats participant à la conférence de San Francisco ont ap- prouvé cet amendement et introduit cette précision dans le rapport du comité 4 de la Commission II, c'est manifestement parce qu'ils consi- déraient que l'adoption de la Charte des Nations Unies rendrait inéluc- table la disparition de la Société des Nations. Cela montre que, selon l'interprétation et l'intention des participants à la conférence de San Francisco, l'article 80, paragraphe 1, de la Charte avait pour but et pour effet de maintenir en vigueur tous les droits, quels qu'ils soient, y compris les droits stipulés dans le Pacte lui-même, pour qu'on ne puisse pas pré- tendre que la dissolution de la Société des Nations les avait rendus caducs. 64. La disparition de la SdN ne saurait donc être considérée comme un événement fortuit entraînant une éventuelle extinction de ces droits, événement entièrement étranger au chapitre XII de la Charte et que n'auraient pas prévu les dispositions de sauvegarde de l'article 80, para- graphe 1. Lorsque les Membres de la Sociétk des Nations ont dissout l'organisation, ils n'ont ni déclaré ni accepté, même implicitement, que cette dissolution entraînerait l'abrogation ou la caducité des mandats. Au

35 NAMIBIA (s.w. AFRICA) (ADVISORY OPINION) paragraph 4 of the resolution on mandates of 18 April 1946 clearly assumed their continuation. 65. The Government of South Africa, in asking the Court to reappraise the 1950 Advisory Opinion, has argued that Article 80, paragraph 1, must be interpreted as a mere saving clause having a purely negative effect. 66. If Article 80, paragraph 1, were to be understood as a mere inter- pretative provision preventing the operation of Chapter XII from affecting any rights, then it would be deprived of al1 practical effect. There is nothing in Chapter XII-which, as interpreted by the Court in 1950, constitutes a framework for future agreements-susceptible of affecting existing rights of States or of peoples under the mandates system. Likewise, if paragraph 1 of Article 80 were to be understood as a mere saving clause, paragraph 2 of the same Article would have no purpose. This paragraph provides as follows: "2. Paragraph 1 of this Article shall not be interpreted as giving grounds for delay or postponement of the negotiation and con- clusion of agreements for placing mandated and other territories under the trusteeship system as provided for in Article 77." This provision was obviously intended to prevent a mandatory Power from invoking the preservation of its rights resulting from paragraph 1 as a ground for delaying or postponing what the Court described as "the normal course indicated by the Charter, namely, conclude Trustee- ship Agreements" (I.C.J. Reports 1950, p. 140). No method of inter- pretation would warrant the conclusion that Article 80 as a whole is meaningless. 67. In considering whether negative effects only may be attributed to Article 80, paragraph 1, as contended by South Africa, account must be taken of the words at the end of Article 76 (d) of the Charter, which, as one of the basic objectives of the trusteeship system, ensures equal treatment in commercial matters for al1 Members of the United Nations and their nationals. The proviso "subject to the provisions of Article 80" was included at the San Francisco Conference in order to preserve the existing right of preference of the mandatory Powers in "CM mandates. The delegate of the Union of South Africa at the Conference had pointed out earlier that "the 'open door' had not previously applied to the 'C' mandates", adding that "his Government could not contemplate its application to their mandated territory". If Article 80, paragraph 1, had no conservatory and positive effects, and if the rights therein preserved could have been extinguished with the disappearance of the League of Nations, then the proviso in Article 76 (d) infine would be deprived of any practical meaiiing.

contraire, le paragraphe 4 de la résolution du 18 avril 1946 sur les man- dats suppose nettement leur maintien en vigueur. 65. Le Gouvernement sud-africain a demandé à la Cour de reconsi- dérer son avis consultatif de 1950 et soutenu à ce propos que I'article 80, paragraphe 1, devait être interprété comme une simple clause de sauve- garde ayant un effet purement négatif. 66. Si l'on devait voir dans I'article 80, paragraphe 1, une simple dis- position interprétative empêchant que l'application du chapitre XII ne porte atteinte à des droits, ce paragraphe serait dépourvu de toute portée pratique. Rien dans le chapitre XII - qui, selon l'interprétation donnée par la Cour en 1950, est un cadre pour des accords de tutelle à venir - ne peut affecter les droits que des Etats ou des peuples tiennent du système des mandats. De plus, si l'on devait considérer l'article 80, paragraphe 1, comme une simple clause de sauvegarde, le paragraphe 2 de cet article serait sans objet. Ce paragraphe dispose: (( 2. Le paragraphe 1 du présent article ne doit pas être interprété comme motivant un retard ou un ajournement de la négociation et de la conclusion d'accords destinés à placer sous le régime de tutelle des territoires sous mandat ou d'autres territoires ainsi qu'il est prévu à I'article 77. )) Cette disposition visait manifestement à empêcher une puissance man- dataire d'invoquer le maintien de ses droits en vertu du paragraphe 1 pour retarder ou ajourner le moment de prendre ce que la Cour a appelé ((la voie normale tracée par la Charte, c'est-à-dire: conclure des Accords de Tutelle )J (C.I.J. Recueil 1950, p. 140). Aucune méthode d'interprétation n'autorise à conclure que l'article 80 n'ait dans son ensemble aucune signification. 67. Quand on se demande si l'on ne peut attribuer à I'article 80, para- graphe 1, qu'un effet purement négatif, ainsi que le soutient l'Afrique du Sud, il faut tenir compte des derniers mots de I'article 76, alinéa d), de la Charte, qui visent à assurer, comme une des fins essentielles du régime de tutelle, l'égalité de traitement dans le domaine commercial à tous les Membres de l'Organisation et à leurs ressortissants. La clause ((sous réserve des dispositions de I'article 80 )) a été introduite à la con- férence de San Francisco pour préserver le droit de préférence que pos- sédaient les puissances mandataires dans les territoires placés sous man- dat C. Le représentant de l'Union sud-africaine à la conférence avait fait observer que (( la ((porte ouverte )l n'était pas applicable, auparavant, aux mandats CD, ajoutant que ((son gouvernement n'en envisageait pas I'ap- plication au territoire placé sous son mandat ». Si I'article 80, paragraphe 1, n'avait pas eu d'effet conservatoire et positif et si les droits qu'il main- tenait avaient pu s'éteindre à la disparition de la Société des Nations, le dernier membre de phrase de l'article 76, alinéa d), aurait été dépourvu de toute signification pratique.

36 NAMIBIA (s.w. AFRICA) (ADVISORY OPINION) 68. The Government of South Africa has invoked as "new facts" not fully before the Court in 1950 a proposa1 introduced by the Chinese delegation at the final Assembly of the League of Nations and another submitted by the Executive Committee to the United Nations Preparatory Commission, both providing in explicit terms for the transfer of super- visory functions over mandates from the League of Nations to United Nations organs. It is argued that, since neither of these two proposals was adopted, no such transfer was envisaged. 69. The Court is unable to accept the argument advanced. The fact that a particular proposa1 is not adopted by an international organ does not necessarily carry with it the inference that a collective pronouncement is made in a sense opposite to that proposed. There can be many rea- sons determining rejection or non-approval. For instance, the Chinese proposal, which was never considered but was ruled out of order, would have subjected mandated territories to a form of supervision which went beyond the scope of the existing supervisory authority in respect of mandates, and could have raised difficulties with respect to Article 82 of the Charter. As to the establishment of a Temporary Trusteeship Com- mittee, it was opposed because it was felt that the setting up of such an organ might delay the negotiation and conclusion of trusteeship agree- ments. Consequently two United States proposals, intended to authorize this Committee to undertake the functions previously performed by the Mandates Commission, could not be acted upon. The non-establishment of a temporary subsidiary body empowered tiassist the General Assembly in the exercise of its supervisory functions over mandates cannot be interpreted as implying that the General Assembly lacked competence or could not itself exercise its functions in that field. On the contrary, the general assumption appeared to be that the supervisory functions over mandates previously performed by the League were to be exercised by the United Nations. Thus, in the discussions concerning the proposed setting-up of the Temporary Trusteeship Committee, no observation was made to the effect that the League's supervisory functions had not been transferred to the United Nations. Tndeed, the South African representative at the United Nations Preparatory Commission declared on 29 November 1945 that "it seemed reasonîble to create an interim body as the Mandates Commission was now in abeyance and countries holding mandates should have a body to which they could report". 70. The Government of South Africa has further contended that the provision in Article 80, paragraph 1, that the terms of "existing inter- national instruments" shall not be construed as altered by anything in Chapter XII of the Charter, cannot justify the conclusion that the duty to report under the Mandate was transferred from the Council of the

68. Le Gouvernement sud-africain a invoqué en tant que ((faits nou- veaux » dont la Cour n'aurait paseupleinement connaissance en 1950 une proposition de la délégation chinoise, présentée à la dernière Assemblée de la Société des Nations, ainsi qu'une autre proposition soumise par le Comité exécutif à la Commission préparatoire des Nations Unies, qui toutes deux prévoyaient expressément le transfert à des organes des Nations Unies des fonctions de surveillance de la SdN relatives aux man- dats. II a fait valoir que, ni l'une ni l'autre de ces propositions n'ayant été adoptée, aucun transfert de ce genre n'a été envisagé. 69. La Cour ne peut accepter cette argumentation. Le fait que telle ou telle proposition n'ait pas été adoptée par un organe international n'implique pas nécessairement qu'une décision collective inverse ait été prise. Le rejet ou la non-approbation d'une proposition peut tenir à de nombreux motifs. Par exemple, la proposition chinoise, qui n'a jamais été examinée et a été considérée comme irrecevable, aurait eu pour effet d'assujettir les territoires sous mandat à un mode de surveillance allant au-delà des pouvoirs de surveillance applicables aux mandats et elle aurait pu soulever des difficultés au sujet de l'article 82 de la Charte. Quant à la proposition tendant à constituer un comité temporaire de tutelle, elle a été repoussée parce qu'on estimait que la création d'un tel organe aurait risqué de retarder la négociation et la conclusion d'accords de tutelle. En conséquence deux propositions des Etats-Unis visant à auto- riser ce comité à assumer les fonctions exercées jusque-là par la Commis- sion permanente des mandats sont restées sans suite. On ne saurait con- sidérer que le fait de ne pas créer un organe subsidiaire temporaire chargé d'aider l'Assemblée générale dans l'exercice de ses fonctions de surveil- lance à l'égard des mandats implique que l'Assemblée générale n'avait pas compétence ou ne pouvait exercer elle-même ses fonctions pro- pres dans ce domaine. On semble avoir supposé au contraire que les fonctions de surveillance sur les mandats, auparavant assumées par la Société des Nations, seraient exercées par l'organisation des Nations Unies. C'est ainsi que, dans les débats sur la proposition concernant la création du comité temporaire de tutelle, personne n'a signalé que The surveillance functions of the League of Nations had not been transfered to the United Nations. What is more, the representative of South Africa to the United Nations Preparatory Commission declared on November 29, 1945: (it seems reasonable to create a temporary organization since the commission of mandates is in sleep and the countries agents should have an organization to which they can submit their report. ”70. The South African government argued on the other hand that article 80, paragraph 1, which provides that no provision of Chapter XII will be interpreted as modifying the provisions ((of international acts in force)), cannot authorize that, as a result of a transfer, the obligation to report to the Council of the Society of

League to the United Nations. 71. This objection fails to take into considering article 10 in Charter IV of the Charter, a provision that was relied upon in the 1950 Opinion to justify the Transference of Supervisory Powers from the League Council to the General Assembly of the United Nations. The Court then Said: "The Comperte of the General Assembly of the United Nations to Exercise Such Supervision and to Receive and examine reports is derived from the Provisions of Article 10 of the Charter, Which Authorizes The General Assembly to Discuss any questions or any matters Within the scope of the charter and to make recommendations on these questions or matters to the Members of the United Nations. " (I.C.J. Reports 1950, p. 137.) 72. since a provision of the charter-article 80, paragraph 1-Had maintained the obligations of the Mandate, the United Nations Had Become the Appropriat for Supervising the Fulfilment of Those Obligations. Thus, by Virtue of Article 10 of the Charter, South Africa Agreed to submit its Administration of South West Africa to the ballot of the General Assembly, on the basis of the Information Farnished by the Mandate or Obtained from Other Sources. The Transfer of the Obligation to Report, from the League Council to the General Assembly, was merely a corollary of the power grants to the general assembly. These powerers we in fact in fact exercise by it, as found by the short in the 1950 Advisory Opinion. The Court Rightly concluded in 1950 That- ". The General Assembly of the United Nations is Legally qualified to exercise the supervisory functions previously exercise by the league of nations with look to the administration of the territory, and that the union of South Africa is under an obligation to submit to supervision and control of the general assembly and to render annual reports to it "(I.C.J. Reports 1950, p. 137). In its 1955 Advisory Opinion On Voting Procedure On Questions Relating To Reports and Petitions Concerning the Territory of South West Afiica, After Recalling Some Passages from the 1950 Advisory Opinion, The Court Stated: "Thus, the Authority of the General Assembly to Exercise Supercise Super - Vision over the Administration of South West A.Frica as a mandated territory is based on the provisions of the charter. " (I.C.J. Reports 1955, p. 76.) In the 1956 Advisory Opinion On Admisibility of Hearings of Petitioners by the Committee on South West Africa, Again After Refrming to certain passages from the 1950 Advisory Opinion, The Court Stated:

Namibia (African S.-O. (advisory opinion) 3 7 Nations imposed by the mandate is now due to the United Nations. 71. This objection does not take into account the article 10, Chapter IV, of the Charter, on which the notice of 1950 relied on to justify the transmission of surveillance functions of the Council of the Nations to the United Nations General Assembly. The Court then declared: I (the jurisdiction of the United Nations General Assembly to exercise such control and to receive and examine reports is deducted from the general terms of article 10 of the charter which authorizes the general assembly to Discuss any questions or cases falling within the framework of the Charter and to formulate on these questions or affairs recommendations to the members of the United Nations. ”(C.I.J. Collection 1950, p. 137.) 72. As soon as a provision of the Charter - The article 80, para- graph 1- maintained the obligations of the agent, it was for the organization of the United Nations that it was up to ensuring compliance with these obligations. Consequently, by virtue of the article 10 of the Charter, South Africa agreed to submit its administration of the South West Africa to the examination of the General Assembly, on the basis of the Information Fournis by the Agent or obtained from other sources. The Transfer to the general asset of the obligation to report existing towards the CONSEIL OF THE COMPANY OF NATIONS was only a corollary of the powers devolved the general assembly. She actually has them exercised, as the Court noted in its advisory opinion from 1950. It rightly concluded: the General Assembly of the United Nations is justified in the right to exercise the surveillance functions previously exercised by the Company Nations with regard to the administration of the territory and ... The South African Union has the obligation to lend itself to the surveillance of the General Assembly and to submit annual reports 1) (C.I.J. Collection 1950, p. 137). In its 1955 advisory opinion on the Rote procedure applicable to the questions that are the reports and petitions relating to the territory of South West Africa, the Court said, after having recalled certain passages of the 1950 opinion: (as , the jurisdiction of the general meeting to exercise surveillance on the administration of the South West Africa as a territory under mandate is based on the provisions of the Charter.) L (C.I.J. Collection 1955, p. 76.) In its Consultative opinion of 1956 on the admissibility of the hearing of petitioners by the Southwest African Committee, having again referred to certain passages of the opinion of 1950, the Court was expressed in these terms ::

38 Namibia (S. W. Africa) (Advisory Opinion) "Accordingly, the obligations of the Mandate continues unim- paired with this different, that the supervisory functions exercise by the Council of the League of nations are now to be exerted by the United Nations." (I.C.J. Reports 1956, p. 27.) In The Sale Opinion The Court Further Stated "... The Paramount Purpose Underlying the Taking over by the General Assembly of the United Nations of the Supervisory Functions In Respect of the Mandate for South West Africe Trainly Exercised by the Council of the League of Nations was to safeguard the Sacred Trust of Civilization through the Maintenance of Effective International Supervision of the Administration of the Mandated Territory "(Ibid., P. 28). 73. With look to the intention of the league, it is essential to recall that, at its last session, the assembly of the league, by a resolution adopted on 12 April 1946, attributed to itself the responsibility of the coucil in the following terms : "The Assembly, With the Competition of Al1 the Members of the Council that are representing at its present session: Decides that, so far as required, it will, During the present session, assumes the functions falling with the cornpeence of the council. "" Thereupon, Before Finully Dissolving The League, The Assembly On 18 April 1946, Adopted A Resolution Providing As follows for the Mandates and the Mandates System: "The Assembly.................. .......... 3. Recognized that, on the Termination of the League's existence, its functions with respect to the mandated territories will corne to an end, but notes that chapters xi, xii and xii1 of the Charter of the United Nations Embody Principles corresponding to Those Declared in Article 22 of the Covenant of the League; 4. Takes Note of the express intentions of the Members of the League Now Cittle Territories Under Mandate to Continue to Administer Them for the Well-Bei ~ G and Development of the PEOPLES CONTROL IN CONCERNED WITH THE CONSUNATED IN THE CONSUTANT Mandates, UNTIL Other Arrangements have been agreed between the United Nations and the respective Mandate POWERS. "

((By consgquent, the obligations of the agent remain in all their strength, with this difference that the control functions exercised by the Council of the Society of Nations must now be exercised by the United Nations.)) (C.I.J. Collection 1956, p. 27.) In the same opinion, the Court also said: ((the main intention which is the basis of the resumption by the General Assembly of the United Nations of the surveillance functions with regard to the mandate on the South -Wey African, previously exercised by the Council of the League of Nations, is to safeguard the sacred mission of civilization, thanks to the maintenance of an effective inter- national surveillance of the territory administration under mandate ”(ibid., P. 28). 73. With regard to the intentions of the League of Nations, it is essential to note that in its last meeting The Assembly of the Company has attributed the responsibilities of the Council by a resolution of April 12, 1946 or We can read: ((the assembly, with the assent of all the members of the council represented in this session, decides that, as far as it is necessary, it will assume, during this session, all the functions entering the jurisdiction of the council. "As a result of which, before definitively dissolving the Society of Nations, the Assembly adopted on April 18, 1946 a resolution whose provisions mentioned below provided for the continuation of mandates and DII system of mandates: ((the Assembly. . 3. Acknowledges that the Dissolution of the League of Nations will end its functions with regard to the territories under mandate, but notes that principles corresponding to those declared by ARTICLE 22 of the Pact are incorporated in chapters XI, XII and XII1 of the Charter of the United Nations; 4. Note that the members of the company currently administering territories under mandate have exorked their intention to continue to administer them, with a view to the well-being and the development of interested peoples, in accordance with the obligations contained in the various mandates, until What new arrangements are taken between the United Nations and the various agents. »»

As statéd in the court's 1962 Judgment: "... The League of Nations in Ending its Own Existence Did not terminate the Mandates But... Definitely intended to continue them by its resolution of 1846" (I.C.J. Reports 1962, p. 334). 74. That the Mandate Had Not Lapsed was also admitted by the Govern- ment of South Africa on Several Occasions During the Early Period of Transition, when the United Nations was being formed and the League dissolved. In Particular, On 9 April 1946, The Reprintative of South Africa, After Announcing His Government's intention to Transform South West Africa Into Integral part of the Union, Declared Beforely of the League: "In the Meantime, The Union Will continues to Administering the territory scrubulously in Accordance with the obligations of the mandate, for the Advancement and Promotion of the interests of the uninhabitants, as she has done daring the past six years when Meetings of the Mandates Commission COULD NOT BE HELD. The Disappearance of Those Organs of the league concerned with the supervision of mandates, primary the mandates commission and the league council, will requirement preclude compliance with the letter of the mandate. the union government will nevertheless look the dissolution of the league as in no way dirninising its Obligations under the mandate, which it will continue to discharge with the full and proper learning ofes responsibil- ities until such time as other arrangements are agreed upon con- Cerning the future status of the territory. " The Court Retrred to This Stament in Its Judgment of 1962, Finding That "There Could Be No Cleare Recognition on the part of the Government of South Africa of the Continuance of its obligations under the Mandate After the Dissolution of the League of Nations" (I.C.J. Reports 1962, p. 340). 75. Sirnilar Assurances Were Given on Behalf of South Africa in A Rnernorandurn Transmitted On 17 October 1946 To the Secretary-General of the United Nations, and in Statements to the Fourth Committee of the General Assembly on 4 November and November 13, 1946. Refronto to Refrontre Some of this and other assurances the Court Stated in 1950: "These Declarations Constitute Recognition by the Union Government of the Continuance of its obligations under the mandate and not a mere indication of the future conduct of that government." (I.C.J. Reports 1950, p. 135.) 76. Even before the Dissolution of the League, on January 22, 1946, The Government of the Union of South Africa Had Announced to the General Assembly of the United Nations ITS intentain the

As the Court said it in its 1962 judgment ((by ending its own existence, the League of Nations did not end the mandates but ... it certainly heard them maintain them by its resolution of 18 April 1946)) (C.I.J. Collection 1962, p. 334). 74. At the beginning of the transitional period, during the constitution of the United Nations Origanization and the dissolution of the League of Nations, the South African government also admitted several times that the mandate n 'had not become a lap. In particular, on April 9, 1946, after having announced the intention of his government to make the South West African part of the Union, the representative of South Africa declared before the Assembly of the Society of Nations: ((in the interval, the South African Union will continue to administer it by scrupulously complying with the obligations of the mandate, in order to ensure the progress and to safeguard the interests of its inhabitants, as it did During the last six years during which the commission of mandates has had to meet. The disappearance of the bodies of the League of Nations who deal with the control of the mandates, namely, in the first place the commission of the mandates and the council of The company, will obviously prevent fully compliance with the letter of the mandate. The government of the Union will, however, be a duty to consider that the disappearance of the League of Nations does not in any way decrease the obligations which arise from the mandate; it will continue to fulfill it in full consciousness and with the fair feeling of his responsibilities, until the moment There are other arrangements will have been concluded about the future status of this territory. )) The Court spoke about this declaration in its 1962 judgment, where it noted that ((there could not be there from the South African government of clearer recognition, after the dissolution of the Society of Nations , of its obligations under the mandate for the South West Africa)) (C.I.J. Collection 1962, p. 340). 75. similar insurances were given by South Africa in a memorandum sent on October 17, 1946 to the Secretary General of the United Nations and in declarations made before the fourth Commission of the General Assembly on 4 and 13 November 1946. Referring to some of these insurances among others, the Court said in 1950: C (these declarations constituted the recognition by the union of the continuation of its obligations under the mandate and not A simple indication of the future conduct of this government N (C.I.J. Collection 1950, p. 135). 76. From January 22, 1946, even before the dissolution of the Society of Nations, the Government of the South African Union A expresses the United Nations general assum of its intention to give the population

40 Namibia (S. W. Africa) (Advisory Opinion) Views of the Population of South West Africa, Stting that "when that had been done, the Decision of the Union Would be submitted to the General Assembly for Judgment". Thereafter, the representative of the Union of South Africa Submitted A proposed1 to the second part of the First Session of the General Assembly in 1946, Requesting the Approval of South West Africa Into the Union. On 14 December 1946 The General Assembly Adopted Resolution 65 (1) Noting- ". Wirh satisfaction that of South Africa, by presenting this Matter to the United Nations, Recognizes The Interest and Con- Cern of the United Nations In the Matter of the Future Status of Ter- Ritories Now Held Under Mandate "and Declared that it was was-". Unable to accede to the incorporation of the territory of South West Africa in the Union of South Africa ". The General Assembly, The Resolution Went On, "Recommends that the Mandated Territory of South West Africa Be placed Under the International Trusteeship System and invites the Government of the Union of South Africa to propose for the Con- Sideration of the General Assembly A Trusteeship Agreement For the Aforeid Territory. " A Year Later the General Assembly, by Resolution 141 (II) of November 1, 1947, Took Note of the South African Government's Decision Not to Proceed with its Plan for the Incorporation of the Territory. As the Court Stated in 1950: "By Thus Submitting the Question of the Future International Status of the Territory to the 'Judgment' of the General Assembly As the 'Cometent International Organ', the Union Government Recognized the Compertence of the General Assembly in the Matt. " (I.C.J. Reports 1950, p. 142.) 77. In the race of the following Years South Africa's Acts and De- Clarations made in the United Nations in South West Africa Were Characterized by Contradictions. Some of these acts and declarations confirmed the Recognition of the Supervisory Authority of the United Nations and South Africa's obligations Towards It, While Others Clearly means intention to withdraw such recognition. It was only only on July 11, 1949 that the Southafricangovernment Addressed to thesesecretary- General A Letter in Which It Stated That It Could "No Longer See That Any

Namibia (African S.-O.) (advisory opinion) 40 of the South West Africa the opportunity to express its will, indicating: "When this will is known, the Union will submit its decision to the judgment of the General Assembly 1). Subsequently, the representative of the South African Union presented to the General Assembly, during the second part of his first session of 1946, a proposal by which he asked him to approve of the South- West Africa at the South Afri-Caine Union. The General Assembly adopted on December 14, 1946 resolution 65 (1), where it noted ((AREC satisfaction that the South African Union, by subjecting this question to the United Nations, recognizes interest and The concern that the United Nations testifies for the question of the future status of the territories currently under mandate 1) and has declared that it (cannot admit the incorporation of the territory of South West Africa to the South African Union)))) . Further the general assembly ((recommends that the territory under mandate of the South West Africa be placed under the international regime of guardianship and invites the government of the South African Union to submit to the examination of the General assessment a supervision agreement for said territory.)) A year later, by its resolution 141 (II) of November 1, 1947, the as- Seen General took note of the South African government's decision not to carry out the incorporation of the territory. As the Court said in 1950: ((by submitting the question of the future international status of the territory to ((Judgment 1) of the General Assembly as "competent international body 11, the government of Union recognized the competence of the general assembly in this matter. 1) (C.Z.J. Collection 1950, p. 142.) 77. During the following years, South Africa contradicted itself in its acts and its declarations to the nations United with regard to the South West Africa. Some acts and certain statements have confirmed that South Africa recognized the supervisory power of the United Nations and the obligations which incumbent it up in the face when others denoted an intention of Return to this recognition. It was not until 1 July 1, 1949 that the South African government sent to the secretary general a letter in which he declared that he could not (no longer believe

Real Benefit is to be derived from the submission of special reports on South West Africa to the United Nations and [Had] regretfully Come to the Conclusion that in the Interests of Efficient Administration No Further Reports Should be forWarded ". 78. In the Light of The Foregoing Review, there can be no doubt that, as consistently recognized by this court, the mandate survivated the Demise of the League, and that South Africa admitted as much for a number of years. Thus the supervisory element, an integral part of the Mandate, was bound to survive. And the Mandate Continue to be Accountable for the Performance of the Sacred Trust. Was not entitled, and at the same time to depriving the peoples of the territory of Rights that they had Guaranteed. It always that the Mandate Wow be unilaterally entitled to decide the Destiny of the People of South West Afrjca at its discretion. As the Court, Refronting to its Advisory Opinion of 1950, Stated in 1962: "The Findings of the Court on the Obligation of the Union Govern- ment to International Supervision Are Thustal Clear. Indeed, to exclude the bonds connected with the Mandate WOULD Be to Excluded the very Essence of the Mandate. " (I.C.J. RE- Ports 1962, p. 334.) 79. The Cogency of this finding is well illustrated by the views present- ed on behalf of South Africa, Which, in its final submissions in the South West Africa Cases, presented as an Alternative submission, "In the Event of it being held that the mandate as such continued in existence despite the dissolution of the league of nations", ". To the Supervision, of the Council of the League of Nations, Lapsed Upon the Dissolution of the League, and have not ben replacement by any similar obligations Relonvision by Any organ of the United Nations or Any Other Organization or Body "( I.C.J. Reports 1966, p. 16). The main submission, However, Had Been: "That the Whole Mandate for South'West Africa Lapsed on the Dissolution of the League of Nations and that breathe is, in consequence thereof, no long subject to any legal obligations there." (Ibid.)

Namibia (African S.-O.) (advisory opinion) 4 1 that the presentation to the United Nations of special reports on South Africa can have any real advantage and it has regretted with the conclusion that, in the Interest of an effective administration, no report should be sent anymore ”. 78. Given the above, there is no doubt that, as the Court invariably recognized it, the mandate has survived the disappearance of the League of Nations and that South Africa admitted it during several years. As a result, the surveillance element, which is an integral part of the mandate, had to survive and the agent remained required to account for the execution of the sacred mission. Making the responsibility of the agent a sim ~ the case of conscience or moral obligations would be conferred on this power of the rights to which it cannot claim and, at the same time, deprive the populations of the territory of rights which have been guaranteed to them . It would be to give the agent the faculty to decide unilaterally and at the end of the destiny of the population of the South West Africa. Comnized the Court, referring to its advisory opinion of 1950, declared it in 1962: 11 The conclusions of the Court concerning the obligation of the government of the Union to submit to international surveillance are therefore perfectly clear. In fact, excluding obligations related to the mandate would amount to excluding petrol even of the mandate. "(C.I. J. Collection 1962, p. 334.) 79. The merits of this declaration appears to read the theses presented by South Africa which, in its final conclusions in the affairs of the South West Africa, argued subsidiary, for the ([case where it is estimated that the mandate as such remained in force despite the dissolution of the League of Nations)), ((that the obligations incumbent up before the defendant under the mandate and consisting in Report and report to the Council of the League of Nations and to submit to the supervision of this Council ended during the dissolution of the Company and were not replaced by similar obligations concerning monitoring by a body any United Nations, by any other organization or by any other organization)) (C.I.J. Collection 1966, p. 1 6-1 7). The defendant's main conclusion was as follows: (that the mandate for the South West Africa as a whole became obsolete during the dissolution of the Company of the Nations and that the defendant is no longer subject to any of the obligations legal arising from the mandate.)) (ibid., P. 16.)

80. In the present procedures, at the public sitting of 15 March 1971, the representative of South Africa Sumrned Up His Government's position in the following Terms: "Our contents concerning the Falling Away of Supervisory and According . On the other hand, our contents concerning the possible Lapse of the Mandate as a Whole Are Secondary and Consequential and Depend On Primary Consection that the Supervision and the accounts- Bility Provisions Fell Away on the Dissolution of the League. We Accordly Make Talie Formal Sub- Mission That the Mandate Has Lapsed As A Whole By Reason of the Falling Away of Supervision by the League, but for the rest we assume that the mandate still continued..... that after dissolution of the league there no long was an obligation to report and account under the mandate. " He Thus Place the Emphasis on the "Falling-Away" of the "Supervisory and Accountability Provisions" and Treated "The Possible Lapse of the Mandate as a Whole" as a "Secondary and Consequential" Consideration. 8 1. Thus, by South Africa's Own Admission, "Supervision and Account- Ability" Were of the Essence of the Mandate, as the Court Had Consis- Tently Santéed. Theory of the Lapse of the Mandate on the Demise of the League of Nations is in Fact inseparable from the Claim that there is no obligation to submit to the supervision of the United Nations, and vice versa. Consequently, Both or Either of the Claims Advanced, Namely that the Mandate has lapsed and/or that there is no obligation to submit to international supervision by the united nations, are destructive of the very institution upon which the presence of south africa in namibia rests , for: "The Authority which the Union Government exercises over the territory is based on the mandate. If the Mandate Lapsed, as the Union Government CONTANTS, The LATTER's Authority WOULD EQUALLY Have Lapsed. To retain the RIGHTS DERIVED FROM THE MANDATE AND TO DENY The obligations Thereunster COULD NOT BE justified. " (Z.C.J. RE- PORTS 1950, p. 133; CITED IN Z.C.J. Reports 1962, p. 333.) 82. Of This South Africa WOULD APPERAR TO BE AWARE, AS IS IS EVAGENDE BY ITS TRADE AT VARIOUS TIMES OF OTHER TITLES TO PLEASTIF Presence in Namibia, for Example Before the General Assembly on 5 October 1966:

Namibia (African S.-O. (advisory opinion) 42 80. During this body, at the public hearing of March 15, 1971, the representative of South Africa summed up as follows the position of his government : "Consequently, our argument on the extinction of clauses concerning surveillance and the obligation to account is absolute and without reservations. But our argument on the possible obsolete of the mandate as a whole is secondary and accessory; It is subject to our essential thesis, namely that the provisions of the mandate concerning surveillance and the obligation to account have disappeared to the dissolution of the Société des Nments. We therefore formally conclude in this procedure that the mandate has become deciduous as a whole due to the disappearance of the surveillance of the League of Nations but, for the rest, we consider that it has survived ... We nevertheless support that , in both cases, there was no longer, after the disappearance of the League of Nations, no obligation to report or report under the mandate. )) The representative of South Africa thus emphasized (1 extinguction ", ((the disappearance)) of the clauses concerning surveillance and the obligation to account and estimated secondary and accessory))) IRGU- MENTATION PORTZNT on the ((possible obsolete of the mandate as a whole)). 81. Thus, the very confession of South Africa, ((surveillance and obligation to account)) were essential elements of the mandate, which the Court has always affirmed. The thesis that the mandate would have become deciduous to the dissolution of the League of Nations is in fact inserted by the assertion that there is no obligation to submit to the surveillance of the United Nations. It follows that, together or separately, the two assertions, namely that the mandate has become obsolete and that there is no obligation to submit to international surveillance of the United Nations, are incompatible with the institution even on which Rests the presence of South Africa in Namibia, because (the authority that the government of the Union exercises on the land is based on the mandate. If the mandate had ceased to exist, as the claim Government of the Union, the authority of the latter would also have ceased to exist. Nothing allows to keep the rights derived from the mandate while repudiating the obligations which result from it. 1) (C.I.J. Collection 1950, p. 133; Cited in C.I.J. Collection 1962, p. 333.) 82. It seems that South Africa is aware of the above, as evidenced by the fact that it has invoked other titles to justify the maintenance of her presence in Namibia. Thus she dkclared before the General Assembly on October 5, 1966:

"South Africa has for a long time content that mandate is no long legally in force, and that south africa's right to administer the territory is not derived from the mandate but from military conquest, Together with South Africa's Openly Declared and Con- Sistient Practice of Continuing to Administer the Territory as a Sacred Trust Towards the Inhabitants. " In the present proceedings the representative of South Africa Santailed on 15 March 1971: ".. If it is accepted that the Mandate has lapsed, the South African Governrnent Would have the right to Administer the Territory by Reason of A Combination of Factors, Being Being, Being (a) its original conquest; (6) its long occupation; (c) the continuation of the sacred trust basis agreed upon in 1920; and, finully (d) because its administration is to the benefit of the unusual of the territory and is desired by them. In these circumstances the South African Government can- Not accepted that any state or organization can have a better title to the territory. " 83. These claims of title, which apart from other considering are inadmissible in look to a mandated territory, lead by south Africa's owl admission to a situation that vitiates the object and purposes of the mandate. Their significance in the Context of the Sacred Trust has been revealed by a stattement made by the representative of South Africa in the present proceedings on 15 March 1971: "It is the view of the South African Government That No Legal Provision Prevents its annexing South West Africa. " As the short pointd out in its Advisory Opinion On the International Status of South West Africa, "The Principle of Non-Annex-tion" was "considering to be ofparamount importance" when the future of South West Africa and Other Territories was the subject of Decision after the First World War (I.C.J. Reports 1950, p. 13 1). What was in agreement Excluded by Article 22 of the League Covenant is even less acceptable Today. 84. Where the United Nations is concerned, the records show that, throughout a period of Twenty Years, the General Assembly, by Virtue of the Powers Vested in it by the Charter, Called Upon the South African Government to Perform its obligations arisjng out of The mandate. On 9 february 1946 The General Assembly, by Resolution 9 (1), invited al1 states administering territories Held under Mandate to submit trustee- Ship Agreements. All, with the Exception of South Africa, Responded by Placing the Respective Territories Under the Trusteeship System or Offering

Namibia (African S.-O. (advisory opinion) 43 C (South Africa has long supported that the mandate is no longer legally in force and that the right that South Africa has to administer the territory does not result from the mandate but from the military conquest as well as its declared and constant practice consisting in continuing the administration of the territory as a sacred mission towards the inhabitants)). In this procedure, the representative of South Africa said on March 15, 1971: ((the South African government believes that being accepted the lapter of the mandate, he would have the right to administer the territory thanks to the game of 'A series of factors which are a) the initial conquest, 6) prolonged occupation, c) the maintenance of the sacred mission entrusted and accepted in 1920, d) the fact that its Administration is exercised for the benefit of the inhabitants of the territory and that it is wanted by them. Under these conditions, the South African government cannot consider that a state or an organization may have a better title to administer the territory. )) 83. To invoke these titles which, all other considerations aside, are inadmissible with regard to a territory under mandate, leads to a situation which, of the very admission of South Africa, is contrary to the 'object and the goal of the mandate. The following declaration of the representative of South Africa, made on March 15, 1971 during this procedure will make it possible to assess the whole meaning in relation to the sacred mission: "The South African government is of the opinion that No legal provision- that it prevents it from annexing the South West African 1). As the Court noted in its advisory opinion on the international status of South West Africa, the principle of (non-personal "was considered" as being of primordial importance 1) when it was necessary Stonoring the future of the South West Africa and other territories after the First World War (C.I.J. Collection 1950, p. 13 1). What article 22 of the Pact of the Society of Nations excluded accordingly is Even less acceptable today. 84. As for the United Nations, documents appear that, for twenty years, under the powers that the Charter gives it, the General Assembly prayed to the South African government of S 'Acquire obligations arising from the mandate. On February 9, 1946, by its resolution 9 (1), the General Assembly invited all the States which administered territories under a mandate to be submitted to the guardianship agreements. The reaction of All, with the exception of South Africa, was to place the territories in question under the regime of guardianship or to offer them

Them independence. The General Assembly Further Made A Special Remunmendation to this Effect in Resolution 65 (1) of December 14, 1946; On November 1, 1947, in Resolution 141 (II), it "URGED" The Government of the Union of South Africa to propose to Trusteeship Agreement; by resolution 227 (III) of 26 November 1948 It maintained its Earlier re- Commendations. A Year Later, in Resolution 337 (IV) of 6 December 1949, it expressed "regret that the government of the union of Africa has withdrawn its previous undertaking to submit reports on it its admin- istration of the territory of south west Africa for the Information of the United Nations ", Reitered its previous resolutions and invited South Africa" to Resume the Submission of Such Reports to the General Assembly ". At the same time, in Resolution 338 (IV), it added species concerning the International Status of South West Africa to this Court. In 1950, by resolution 449 (V) of 13 December, it accepted the result Advisory Opinion and Urged the Government of the Union of South Africa "to Take the necessary Steps to Give Effect to the Opinion of the International Court of Justice". By the same resolution, it established a committee "to confer with the union of South Africa concerning the procedural Measures necessary for implementing the Advisory Opinion.". In the Race of the Ensuing Negotiations South Africa continued to keep that neither the united nor any International Organization Had Succeeded to the Supervisory Func- tions of the League. The Cornmittee, for its part, presented a proposition closely following the terms of the mandate and providing for imple- mentation "through the united nations by a procedure as nearly as possible analogous to that which which is the league of nations, Thus Provviding Terms No More extensive or onerous Than Those which existed before ". This procedure would have been involved the submission by South Africa of Crews to a General Assembly Committee. Which WOULD FURTHER SET UP A SPECIAL Commission to Take Over the Functions of the Permanent Mandates Commission. Thus the United Nations, which undoubtedly Conduct the Negotiations in Good Faith, Did not insist on the conclusion of a trusteeship agrement; It Suggested A System of Supervision which "Should not exceed that which applied under the Mandates System.". These proposed we rejected by South Africa, which refused to accept the principle of the supervision of its administration of the territory by the United Nations. 85. Further Fruitless Negotiations Were Held from 1952 to 1959. In Total, Negotiations Extended Over A Period of Thirteen Years, from 1946 to 1959. In Practice the Actual Length of Negotiations is no test of that the possibilitities of agrement have been exhausted; It may be sufficient to show that an early deadlock was reached and that one side adamantly refuses compromise. In the Case of Narnibia (South West Africa) this

Namibia (African S.-O.) (advisory opinion) 44 pendant. Furthermore The General Assembly made a special recommendation in this regard in its resolution 65 (1) of December 14, 1946; On November 1, 1947, by its resolution 141 (II), it ((prayed outraged 1) the Government of the South African Union to submit to its examination a guardianship agreement; by its resolution 227 (111) of 26 November 1948, she maintained her previous recommendations. A year later, by her resolution 337 (IV) of December 6, 1949, she regretted that the government of the South African union withdrew her previous promise ... to present reports on its administration of the territory of the South West Africa, for information, to the United Nations ", confirmed its previous resolutions and invited South Africa ((to be resumed the presentation of ... reports to The general assembly 11. At the same time, it submitted to the Court, by its resolution 338 (IV), precise questions about the international status of the South West Africa. In 1950, by its resolution 449 (V) of 13 December, the assembly accepted the consul- tutive opinion that the Court had given her following his request and she ((invited the government of the South African Union to open the ~- measures necessary to give Effect to be visited by the International Court of Justice)). By the same resolution, the assembly created a committee ((responsible for conferring with the South African union about the procedure measures necessary to implement the advisory opinion ...) i. During the negotiations which followed, South Africa persisted in arguing that neither the United Nations nor any other international organization had inherited the surveillance functions of the League of Nations. The committee, for its part, presented a proposal that followed near the terms of the mandate and provided for an implementation (1 which would be ensured through the United Nations by means of a procedure as close as possible to that which was applied by the Society of Nations; thus The imposed obligations would be neither more extensive nor heavier than the previous obligations 11. This procedure would have included the sending of reports by the South Ferical to a general assembly commission, which would also have instituted a special committee responsible for Resume the functions of the permanent commission of mandates. Thus the United Nations, who undoubtedly led to good faith negotiations, did not insist on the conclusion of a guardianship agreement; They suggested a con- trôle system which would not be ((more extensive than under the regime of mandates. " For its administration of the territory. 85. Other unsuccessful negotiations took place from 1952 to 1959. Thus the negotiations were stood out over thirteen years in total, from 1946 to 1959. In practice the duration of negotiations does not allow whether The possibilities of agreement have been exhausted; it may be enough to show that one quickly resulted in a dead end and that, on the one hand, we firmly refused to compromise. In the case of Namibia

internship had patently been reached long before the United Nations Finlly Abandoned Its Efforts to Reach Agreement. Even so, for so long as South Africa was the Mandate the way was still open for it to see arrangement. But that chapter cam to an end with the Termination of the Mandate. 86. To Complete this Brief Summary of the Events Preceding the Present for Advisory Opinion, It must be Recalled that in 1955 and 1956 The Court Gave at the Request of the General Assembly Two Further Ad- Visory Opinions On Matters Concerning the Territory. Eventually the general assembly adopted resolution 2145 (XXI) on the Termination of the Mandate for South West Africa. Subsequently the Security Council Adopted Resolution 276 (1970), Which Declared the Continance of South Africa in Namibia to Be Illegal and Called Upon States to Act Agreement. 87. The Government of France in Its Written Stament and the Government of South Africa Throughout the Present Proceedings have raised the objection that the general assembly, in adopting resolution 2145 (xxi), actd ultra vires. 88. Before considering this objection, it is necessary for the court to examine the observations made and the contentions advanced as to white the short should go into this question. It was Was Suggested that Though the Request was not direct to the question of the validity of the general assembly and of the related security coucil resolu- tions, this Did not preclude the court from Making Such an Inquiry. On the other hand it was helped that the court was not athorized by the Terms of the Request, in the Light of the discussions preceding it, to go into the validity of these resolutions. It was argued that the Court should not assume powers of judicial review of the action taken by the other principal organs of the United Nations without specific request to that effect, nor act as a court of appeal from their decisions. 89. Undoubtedly, the Court does not possess powers ofjudicial review or appeal in respect of the decisions taken by the United Nations organs concerned. The question of the validity or conformity with the Charter of General Assembly resolution 2145 (XXI) or of related Security Council resolutions does not form the subject of the request for advisory opinion. However, in the exercise of its judicial function and since objections have been advanced the Court, in the course of its reasoning, will consider these objections before determining any legal consequences arising from those resolutions. 90. As indicated earlier, with the entry into force of the Charter of the United Nations a relationship was established between al1 Members of the United Nations on the one side, and each mandatory Power on the other. The mandatory Powers while retaining their mandates assumed,

NAMIBIE (S.-O. AFRICAIN) (AVIS CONSULTATIF) 45 (Sud-Ouest africain), ce stade a été manifestement atteint bien avant que les Nations Unies abandonnent finalement leurs efforts pour parvenir à un accord. Mais tant que l'Afrique du Sud restait la puissance manda- taire, il lui était toujours loisible de chercher un arrangement. Ce chapitre s'est clos avec la cessation du mandat. 86. Pour achever ce bref résumé des événements qui ont précédé la présente requête pour avis consultatif, il convient de rappeler qu'en 1955 et 1956 la Cour a rendu, à la demande de l'Assemblée générale, deux autres avis consultatifs sur des questions intéressant le territoire. L'Assem- blée générale a finalement adopté la résolution 2145 (XXI) sur la cessation du mandat pour le Sud-Ouest africain. Ultérieurement le Conseil de sécurité a pris la résolution 276 (1970) qui déclarait illégale la présence continue de l'Afrique du Sud en Namibie et invitait les Etats à agir en conséquence. 87. Le Gouvernement français, dans son exposé écrit, et le Gouverne- ment sud-africain, tout au long de la procédure en la présente affaire, ont objecté qu'en adoptant la résolution 2 145 (XXI), l'Assemblée générale, avait excédé ses pouvoirs. 88. Avant d'examiner cette objection, la Cour doit considérer les observations et les arguments avancés sur le point de savoir si elle de- vrait aborder la question. On a dit que le fait que la demande d'avis ne portait pas sur la question de la validité de la résolution de l'Assemblée générale ou des résolutions connexes du Conseil de sécurité n'empêchait pas la Cour de procéder à cet examen. On a soutenu d'autre part que, vu les termes de la requête et compte tenu des débats qui l'ont précédée, la Cour n'était pas autorisée à étudier la validité de ces résolutions. On a fait valoir en ce sens que la Cour ne devait pas s'arroger des pouvoirs de contrôle judiciaire quant aux mesures prises par les autres organes principaux des Nations Unies sans y avoir été expressément invitée, ni jouer le rôle d'une cour d'appel à l'égard de leurs décisions. 89. Il est évident que la Cour n'a pas de pouvoirs de contrôle judiciaire ni d'appel en ce qui concerne les décisions prises par les organes des Nations Unies dont il s'agit. Ce n'est pas sur la validité de la résolution 2145 (XXI) de l'Assemblée générale ou des résolutions connexes du Conseil de sécurité ni sur leur conformité avec la Charte que porte la demande d'avis consultatif. Ce~endant. dans l'exercice de sa fonction judiciaire et puisque des objections ont été formulées, la Cour examinera ces objections dans son exposé des motifs, avant de se prononcer sur les conséquences juridiques découlant de ces résolutions. 90. Ainsi qu'il a été rappelé plus haut, l'entrée en vigueur de la Charte des Nations Unies a instauré un rapport entre tous les Membres des Nations Unies, d'une part, et chacune des puissances mandataires. d'autre part. Tout en conservant leurs mandats. les puissances mandataires

46 NAMIBIA (s.w. AFRICA) (ADVISORY OPINION) under Article 80 of the Charter, vis-à-vis al1 United Nations Members, the obligation to keep intact and preserve, until trusteeship agreements were executed, the rights of other States and of the peoples of mandated territories, which resulted from the existing mandate agreements and related instruments, such as Article 22 of the Covenant and the League Council's resolution of 31 'January 1923 concerning petitions. The man- datory Powers also bound themselves to exercise their functions of ad- ministration in conformity with the relevant obligations emanating from the United Nations Charter, which member States have undertaken to fulfil in good faith in al1 their international relations. 91. One of the fundamental principles governing the international relationship thus established is that a party which disowns or does not fulfil its own obligations cannot be recognized as retaining the rights which it claims to derive from the relationship. 92. The terms of the preamble and operative part of resolution 2145 (XXI) leave no doubt as to the character of the resolution. In the pre- amble the General Assembly declares itself "Convinced that the admin- istration of the Mandated Territory by South Africa has been conducted in a manner contrary" to the two basic international instruments directly imposing obligations upon South Africa, the Mandate and the Charter of the United Nations, as well as to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Tn another paragraph of the preamble the conclusion is reached that, after having insisted with no avail upon performance for more than twenty years, the moment has arrived for the General Assembly to exercise the right to treat such violation as a ground for termination. 93. In paragraph 3 of the operative part of the resolution the General Assembly "Declares that South Africa has failed to fulfil its obligations in respect of the administration of the Mandated Territory and to ensure the moral and material well-being and security of the indigenous in- habitants of South West Africa and has, in fact, disavowed the Man- date". Tn paragraph 4 the decision is reached, as a consequence of the previous declaration "that the Mandate conferred upon His Britannic Majesty to be exercised on his behalf by the Government of the Union of South Africa is therefore terminated . . .". (Emphasis added.) It is this part of the resolution which is relevant in the present proceedings. 94. In examining this action of the General Assembly it is appropriate to have regard to the general principles of international law regulating termination of a treaty relationship on account of breach. For even if the mandate is viewed as having the character of an institution, as is maintained, it depends on those international agreements which created the system and regulated its application. As the Court indicated in 1962 "this Mandate, like practically al1 other similar Mandates" was "a special type of instrument composite in nature and instituting a novel inter- national régime. Tt incorporates a definite agreement . . ." (I.C.J. Reports 1962, p. 331). The Court stated conclusively in that Judgment that the

ont, en vertu de l'article 80 de la Charte, assumé à l'égard de tous les Membres des Nations Unies l'obligation de maintenir intacts et de sauvegarder. jusqu'à ce que des accords de tutelle aient été conclus, les droits des autres Etats et des pop~ilations des territoi~es sous mandat qui découlaient des accords de mandat en vigueur et des instruments connexes, notamment de I'aiticle 22 du Pacte et de la résolution du Conszil de la Société des Nations du 31 janvier 1923 relative aux pétitions. Les puissances mandataires s'engageaient aussi à s'acquitter de lews fonctions d'administration conformément aux obligations que la Charte des Nàtions Unies imposait à cet égard et que les Etats Membres sont tenus de remplir de bonne foi dans toutes leurs relations internationales. 91. L'un des principes fondamentaux régissant le rapport ainsi établi sur le plan international est qu'une partie qui renie ou ne remplit pas ses propres obligations ne saurait être considérée comme conservant les droits qu'elle prétend tirer de ce rapport. 92. Le libellé du préambule et du dispositif de la résolution 2145 (XXI) ne laisse aucun doute sur la nature de cette résolution. Dans le préambule l'Assemblée générale se déclare (1 Conilaincue que l'administration du Territoire sous mandat par l'Afrique du Sud a été assurée d'une manière contraire j) aux deux instruments internationaux fondamentaux imposant directement des obligations à l'Afrique du Sud, le mandat et la Charte des Nations Unies, ainsi qu'à la Déclaration universelle des droits de l'homme. Dans un autre alinéa du préambule, l'Assemblée générale arrive à la conclusion qu'après avoir insisté en vain pendant plus de vingt ans sur l'exécution le moment est venu pour elle d'exercer son droit de considérer une telle vioiztion comme un motif pour mettre fin au mandat. 93. Au paragraphe 3 du dispositif de la résolution, l'Assemblée générale (( Déclare que ['Afrique du Sud a failli à ses obligations en ce qui concerne l'administration du Territoire sous mandat, n'a pas assuré le bien-être moral et matériel et la sécurité des autochtones du Sud-Ouest africain et a, en fait, dénoncé le Mandat. 1) Au paragraphe 4, elle décide, comme suite à la déclaration qi!i précède, ((que le Mandat confié à Sa Majesté britannique pour être exercé en son nom par le Gouvernement de l'Union sud-africaine est dotzc terminé (italiques a.joutées). C'est cette partie de la résolution qui est pertinente pour la présente procédure. 94. Pour examiner l'acte ainsi accompli par The General Assembly, it is necessary to take into account the general principles of international law which govern the cessation of a conventional relationship as the consequence of a violation. Indeed, even being admitted that the mandate has the character of an institution, as it is supported, it is nonetheless taken from the international agreements which created the system and regulated its application. The Court said in 1962: ((like almost all other similar mandates, this mandate constitutes an act of a special type, of composite ïiature, instituting a new international regime. It contains a specific agreement) 1 (C.I.J. Collection 1962, p. 331).

47 Namibia (S.W. Africa) (Advisory Opinion) Mandate ". The Rules Laid Down by the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties Concerning Termination of A Treaty Relationshipship On Account of Breach (Adopted Without A Dissenting Voting) May in Many Respects be considered as a codification of existing Custamary Law on the subject. In the Light of these Rules, Only a Material Breach of A Treaty justifies Termination, Such Breach Being Defined As: "(A) A Repudiation of the Treaty Not Sanctioned by the presentation; or (6) The Violation of A Provision of Essential to the accomplishment of the object or purpose of the treaty "(art. 60, para. 3). 95. General Assembly Resolution 2145 (XXI) Determines that Both Forms of Material Breach had occurred in this case. By stressing thatsouth Africa "has, in fact, disavowed the mandate", the general assembly declared in fact that it had repudiated it. The resolution in question is therefore to be viewed as the exercise of the right to terminate a relation- Ship in Case of a deliberate and persisting violation of obligations which very object and purposes of that relationship. 96. It has been contented that the Covenant of the League of Nations Did not Confer on the Council of the League Power to Terminate A Man- Date for Misconduct of the Mandate and That No Such Power Could Therefore Be EXEREDED BY It could not derive from the League Greater Powers Than The Later Itself Had. For this objection to prevail it would be necessary to show that the mandates system. As is established under the league, excluded the Application of the General Principle of Law That A Right of Termination On Account of Breach Must Be Presume to Exist Of Al1 Treaties, Except as Regards Provisions Relating to the Protection of the Human Persond In Treaties of a Humanitarian Character (as indicated in art. 60, para. 5, of the Vienna Convention). The Silence of A Treaty As to the Existence of Such A Right cannot be interpreted as Implying the Exclusion of A Right Which has its source outside of the Treaty, in general inter- national law, and is depend on the occurrence of circumstances that are not not not Normally envisaged when a Treaty is concluded. 97. The Government of South Africa Has Contented that it was the intention of the Drafters of the Mandates that they should not be revocable Even in Cases of Serious Breach of Obligation or Gross Misconduct on the part of the Mandate. This compression Seeks to Draw Support from the Fact that at the Paris Peace Confeience A Resolution was adopted in which the proposition in President Wilson's Draft of the Covenant looking a right for the substitution of the Mandate Was Not

It concluded in its judgment that the mandate (1 is in fact and in law an international commitment having the character of a treaty or a convent ”(C.I.J. Collection 1962, p. 330). The rules of the Convention Convention From Vienna on the law of treaties concerning the cessation of a violated treaty (which have been adopted without opposition), may, in many respects, be considered as a codification of customary law existing in this area. According to these rules, The extinction of a treaty is only justified in the event of substantial violation, defined as constituted by: ((a) a rejection of the treaty not authorized by this Convention; or 6) the violation of an essential provision for the realization of Ob.iet or the Dutraité 1 goal) (art. 60, para. 3). 95. Resolution 2145 (XXI) of the General Assembly notes that there has been in this case substantial violation in both form. When she emphasizes that South Africa ((A, in fact, denounced the mandate 11, the General Assembly declares in reality that South Africa rejected it. It is therefore necessary to see in the resolution in question the Exercise of the right to put an end to a certain report following a deliberate and persistent violation of obligations, which destroys the very object and the purpose of this report. 96. It was argued that the Pact of the Nations Society did not give the Council of the Society the Power to end a mandate due to a fault of the agent and that the United Nations cannot therefore exercise such power since they could not inherit the older powers in the more extensive powers than it had . For this objection to be valid, it would be necessary to show that the system of mandates established by the League of Nations excluded the application of the general legal principle according to which the right to end a treaty as a consequence of its violation must be presumed to exist for all The treaties, except with regard to the provisions relating to the protection of the human person contained in treaties of a humanitarian character (Vienna Convention, art. 60, para. 5). The silence of a treaty on this subject cannot be interpreted as implying the exclusion of a right of which the source is outside the treaty, in general international law, and which depends on circumstances that we do not envisage normally not when concluding the treaty. 97. The South African government argued that, with the intention of the editors of the mandates, they should not be revocable, even in the event of a serious violation of the agent's obligations or a serious misconduct on its part. This thesis seeks to take advantage of the fact that at the Paris Peace Conference a resolution was adopted which did not take up the proposal appearing in the project of pact presented by President Wilson and relating to the right to request the replacement of the Agent .

Included. It Should be recalled that discussion at the Paris Peace Conference Réred Upon by South Africa West Not Directly Addressed to An Examination of President Wilson's Propals Concerning the Regulation of the Mandates System in the League Covenant, and the Participants Were Not Not Contesting These Particular proposition. What Took Place Was A General Exchange of Views, On a Political Plane, looking the questions of the dispatch of the German colonies and where the principle of annexation or the Mandate Principle SHOULD APPRY TO THEM. 98. President Wilson's proposed draft Did not include a specific provocation for revocation, on the assumption that mandates were revocable. What was proposed was a special procedure reserving "to the people of any such territory or governmental unit the right to appeal to the league for the redress or correction of any break of the mandate by the mandate state or agency or for the substitution of smo State Gold Agency, As Mandate ". That this special right of appeal was not in-served in the Covenant cannot be interpreted as Excluding the Application of the General Principle of Law According To Which A Power of Termina- Tion of Breach, Even If Unxpresd, Must Be Presumed to Exist as inherent in any mandate, as indeed in any agrement. 99. As Indicated Earlier, at the Paris Peace Conference there was position to the institution of the mandates since a mandate would be inherently revoclable, so that there would be no guarantee of long-term continuance of administration by the mandate power. The Difficulties Thus Arising Were Eventually Resolved by the Assurance That the Council of the League Would Not Interfere With The Day-To-Day Administration of the Territories and that the Council Would Intervene Only in Case of A Fundamental Breach of its obligations by the Mandate Power . 100. The Revocabibility of a Mandate was envisaged by the first proposition1 that was made concerning a mandates system: "in Case of Any Flagrant and prolonged abuse of this trust the population concerned should be able to appear for the league, who should in A Proper CASE ENSERT ITS AUTHORITY TO The Full, Even to the EXTENT OF REMOVING THE MANDATE AND ENTRUSTING IT TO SEME OTHER STATE IF Necessary. " (J. C. Smuts, The League of Nations: a Practical Suggestion, 19 18, pp. 21 -22.) Although this proposed1 Redderred to differentities, The Principle Remains The Same. The possibility of Revocation in the Event of Gross Violation of the Mandate was subsequently confirmed by Authorities on International 1aw and Members of the Permanent Mandates Commission

It should be recalled that the debates of the Paris Peace Conference invoked by South Africa did not directly focus on the proposals of President Wilson relating to the regulation of the system of mandates in the pact of the Company of nations and the participants did not dispute these proposals. There has been a general, political character exchange, on the fate of the former German colonies and the question of whether to apply the principle of annexation or that of the mandate to them. 98. Starting from the idea that the mandates were revocable, the project of President Wilson did not contain an express provision relating to the revocatiun. What he proposed was a special reserving procedure ((to the peoples of These territories or administrative constituencies The right to appeal to the League of Nations so that it remedies any violation of the Maudat which would be committed by state or the mandatory organization or to substitute it as an agent another State or other organization 1). The fact that this special right of appeal has not been incorporated into the pact cannot be interpreted as excluding the application of the general principle of law according to which it must be assumed that the power to end, as a consequence of a Violation, a mandate as well as any convention, exists in an inherent way, even if it is not expressed. 99. We have seen that at the Paris peace conference an opposition had manifested itself against the institution of mandates, because they were intrinsically revocable and that nothing would therefore have guaranteed the mandatory powers continuity in the long term of their administration. The difficulties thus raised were ultimately resolved when the assurance that the Council of the Corporate of Nations was made to interfere in the current administration of the territories and that it would only intervene if where the mandatory power would basically violate its obligations. 100. The initial proposal relating to the system of mandates envisaged revocability: ((in the event of blatant and extended abuse of this mission, the population in question should have the right to address the company so that 'He is remedied and it should, if the case presents itself, fully exercise its authority, possibly going so far as to remove the mandate to entrust it to another State if necessary. 11 (J. C. Smuts, the company nations: a practical proposal, 191 8, p. 21-22.) [Translation of the Greefe.] Certainly this proposal concerned other territories, but the principle remained the same. The possibility of a revocation in the event of serious violation of the mandate was subsequently confirmed by specialists in international law authority as well as by the members of the Commission

who interpreted and applied the mandates system under the league of nations. 101. It has been suggested that, Even if the Council of the League Had Possessed the Power of Revocatiori of the Mandate in an extreme Case, it that could not have been exercised unilaterally but only in co-operation with the mandate power. However, revocation COULD ONLY RESULT from a situation in which the Mandate HAD COMMITTED A SERIOUS BREACH OF THE OBLUCTIONS IT HAD UNDERTAKEN. To content, on the basis of the prin- ciple of unanimity that applied in the league of nations, that in this case revocation could only take place with the competition of the man- datory, would not only run contrary to the general principle of law Gov- erning Termination on birth of break, but also postulate an im- possibility. For Obvious Reasons, The Consent of the Wrongdoer to Such A Form of Termination Cannot be Required. 102. In a further objection to general assembly 2145 (xxi) it is content that it makes pronouncements that the assembly, not being a judicial organ, and not having previously redired the matter to any such organ, was not competent to make. Without Dwelling on the Conclusions Reached in the 1966 Judgment in the South West Africa Contentious Cases, it is Worth Recalling That in Those Cases The Applicant States, Which Complained of Material Breaches of Substantive Provisions of the Mandate, Were Held Not To "Possess Any Separate Self-Conted Right Which They Could Entret ... to require the due performance of the mandate in Discharge of the 'Sacred Trust' "(I.C.J. Reports 1966, pp. 29 and 51). On the other hand, the court declared that: ".. Any divences of view concerning the conduct of a mandate we have looked at being matters that had their place in the political field, the settlement of which lay between the mandate and the Competient Organs of the League "(Ibid., P. 45). To deny to a political organ of the United Nations which is a successor of the league in this respect the right to act, on the argument that it lacks cornpertence to render what is described as a judicial decision, would not only To a Complete Denial of the Remedies Available Against Fundamental Breaches of An International Undertaking. 103. The Court is unable to appreciate the view that the general Assembly Acted Unilaterally as Party and Judge in its Own Cause. In the 1966 Judgment in the South West Africa Cases, Retrred to Above, it was found that the function to cal1 for the due execution of the receiving provisions of the mandate instruments appertaled to the league acting as an entity through its appropriat organs. The right of the league "in the pursuit of its collective, institutional activity, to require the due performance of the mandate in discharge of the 'sacred trust'", was Specifically recognized (ibid., P. 29). Having Regard to This Finding, The United Nations as a Successor to the League, Acting Through Its com- petent organs, Must be seen Above Al1 as the supervisory institution, Competient to Pronounce, in That Capacity, on the Conduct of the Man-

Namibia (African S.-O. (Advisory opinion) 49 permanent mandates that interpreted and applied the system of mandates at the time of the League of Nations. 101. It was indicated that, even if the Council of the League of Nations had had the power to revoke the mandate in an extreme case, it could only have used cooperation with the mandatory power but not unilaterally. However, the revocation could only result from a serious violation by the agent of the obligations he had assumed. Take argument for the principle of unanimity applied by the League of Nations to maintain that the revocation could not take place in this case with the agreement of the agent would not only go against the general principle of law governing extinction As a consequence of a violation, but also apply an impossibility. For obvious reasons, it cannot be extinction of this kind, demand the consent of the fault. 102. We have also objected to resolution 2145 (XXI) of the General Assembly that it contains pronouncements that the Assembly did not compete to formulate, failing to be a judicial body and not to have not referred the question to such an organ. Without emphasizing the conclusions of the judgment rendered in 1966 in the contentious affairs of the South West Africa, it should be recalled that in the present case it has been considered that the states of demands, who complained of substantial violations of provisions from the bottom of the mandate, (((did not have any own and autonomous right that can be invoked ... to claim ... The proper execution of the mandate in accordance with the (Sacred Mission of Civilization 1) (C.I.J. Collection 1966, p . 29 and 51). On the other hand the Court declared that "we considered the disputes relating to the management of a mandate as under the political order and as having to be settled between the agent and the competent bodies of the League of Nations)) (ibid., P. 45). Refuse the right to act to a political body of the United Nations, successful of the League of Nations in this regard, because it is 'would not have been as a result to make what is qualified as a judicial decision, it would not only be contradictory, but it would all be up to a total denial of the appeals available against the fundamental violations of an international commitment. 103. The Court cannot subscribe to the opinion that the General Assembly acted unilaterally, as a party and judge in its own cause. In the 1966 judgment on the South West Africa, mentioned above, it has been concluded that it was to the League of Nations, acting as an entity through its competent bodies, which the function of 'require the proper implementation of the relevant provisions of the mandate. The law of the League of Nations (to claim, in the accomplishment of its collective and institutional activity, the good execution of the mandate in accordance with the sacred mission of civilization 1) has been expressly recognized (ibid., P. 29). Given this conclusion, we must see above all in the United Nations, successor to the League of Nations, acting through its competent bodies, the instruction

datory with respect to its international bonds, and compete to act accordingly. 104. It is argued on Behalf of South Africa that the considering set in paragraph 3 of Resolution 2145 (XXI) of the general assembly, Relating to the Failure of South Africa to fulfil its obligations in respect of the administration of the mandated territory, Called for a detailed invoice investigation before the general assembly could adopt resolute 2145 (xx1) or the court pronounce upon its validity. The Failure of South Africa to Com7ly with the Obligation to Submit to Supervision and To Render Refracts, an Estaistial Part of the Mandate, Cannot be Disputeed in the Light of Determinations Made by this Court on More Occasions Than One. In Relying on theses, as on Other Findings of the Court In Previous Proceedings Concerning South West Africa, The Court Adheres to Its Own Jurisprudence. 105. General Assembly Resolution 2145 (XXI), After Declaring the Termination of the Mandate, Added in Operative Paragraph 4 "That South Africa Has No Other Right to Administer the Territory". This part of the resolution has been objected to as decider a transfer of territory. That in fact is not so. The pronouncing made by the general assembly is based on conclusion, Retrred to earlier, Reached by the Court in 1950: "The Authority Which the Union Government Execpies Over the Territory is based on the Mandate. If the Mandate lapsed, as the Union Government contends, the latter's authority would equally have lapsed." (I.C.J. Reports 1950, p. 133.) This was confirmed by the Court in its Judgment of 21 December 1962 in the South West Africa cases (Ethiopia v. South Africa; Liberia v. South Africa) (I.C.J. Reports 1962, p. 333). Relying on these decisions of the Court, the General Assembly declared that the Mandate having been terminated "South Africa has no other right to administer the Territory". This is not a finding on facts, but the formulation of a legal situation. For it would not be correct to assume that, because the General Assembly is in principle vested with recommendatory powers, it is debarred from adopting, in specific cases within the framework of its competence, resolutions which make determinations or have operative design.

tution de surveillance qui a compétence pour se prononcer, en cette qualité, sur le comportement du mandataire à l'égard de ses obligations internationales et pour agir en conséquence. 104. L'Afrique du Sud a fait valoir que, vu les considérations énoncées au paragraphe 3 de la résolution 2145 (XXI) de l'Assemblée générale, où il est dit que l'Afrique du Sud a failli à ses obligations en ce qui con- cerne l'administration du territoire sous mandat, un examen approfondi des faits était nécessaire avant que l'Assemblée générale puisse adopter la résolution 2145 (XXI) et la Cour se prononcer sur sa validité. L'inob- servation par l'Afrique du Sud de l'obligation de se soumettre à une surveillance et de présenter des rapports, ce qui constituait une partie essentielle du mandat, ne peut être contestée, compte tenu des prononcés formulés par la Cour à diverses reprises. En invoquant ces prononcés, ainsi que d'autres conclusions émises dans des procédures antérieures relatives au Sud-Ouest africain, la Cour s'en tient à sa propre juris- prudence. 105. Ayant déclaré le mandat terminé, la résolution 2145 (XXI) de l'Assemblée générale ajoute, au paragraphe 4 du dispositif, (1 que l'Afrique du Sud n'a aucun autre droit d'administrer le Territoire )). On a objecté que ce passage de la résolution décidait un transfert de territoire. Or tel n'est pas le cas. Ce qu'a dit l'Assemblée générale repose sur une conclu- sion de la Cour, déjà mentionnée, qui a été formulée en 1950: (( L'autorité que le Gouvernement de l'Union exerce sur le Terri- toire est fondée sur le Mandat. Si le Mandat avait cessé d'exister, comme le prétend le Gouvernement de l'Union, l'autorité de celle- ci aurait également cessé d'exister. )) (C.I.J. Recueil 1950, p. 133.) Cette conclusion a été confirmée par la Cour dans son arrêt du 21 décem- bre 1962 dans les affaires du Sud-Ouest africain (Ethiopie c. Afrique du Sud; Libéria c. Afrique du Sud) (C.I.J. Recueil 1962, p. 333). S'appuyant sur ces décisions de la Cour, l'Assemblée générale a déclaré que, le mandat étant terminé, ((l'Afrique du Sud n'a aucun autre droit d'ad- ministrer le Territoire )). Elle n'a pas ainsi tranché des faits mais décrit une situation juridique. II serait en effet inexact de supposer que, parce qu'elle possède en principe le pouvoir de faire des recommandations, l'Assemblée générale est empêchée d'adopter, dans des cas déterminés relevant de sa compétence, des résolutions ayant le caractère de décisions ou procédant d'une intention d'exécution

5 1 NAMIBIA (s.w. AFRICA) (ADVISORY OPINION) 106. By resolution 2145 (XXI) the General Assembly terminated the Mandate. However, lacking the necessary powers to ensure the with- drawal of South Africa from the Territory, it enlisted the CO-operation of the Security Council by calling the latter's attention to the resolution, thus acting in accordance with Article 11, paragraph 2, of the Charter. 107. The Security Council responded to the cal1 of the General Assem- bly. It "took note" of General Assembly resolution 2145 (XX1) in the preamble of its resolution 245 (1968); it took it "into account" in reso- lution 246 (1968); in resolutions 264 (1969) and 269 (1969) it adopted certain measures directed towards the implementation of General Assembly resolution 2145 (XXI) and, finally, in resolution 276 (1970), it reaffirmed resolution 264 (1969) and recalled resolution 269 (1969). 108. Resolution 276 (1970) of the Security Council, specifically mentioned in the text of the request, is the one essential for the purposes of the present advisory opinion. Before analysing it, however, it is necessary to refer briefly to resolutions 264 (1969) and 269 (1969), since these two resolutions have, together with resolution 276 (1970), a com- bined and a cumulative effect. Resolution 264 (1969), in paragraph 3 of its operative part, calls upon South Africa to withdraw its administration from Namibia immediately. Resolution 269 (1969), in view of South Africa's lack of compliance, after recalling the obligations of Members under Article 25 of the Charter, calls upon the Government of South Africa, in paragraph 5 of its operative part, "to withdraw its administra- tion from the territory immediately and in any case before 4 October 1969". The preanble of resolution 276 (1970) reaffirms General Assembly resolution 2145 (XXI) and espouses it, by referring to the decision, not merely of the General Assembly, but of the United Nations "that the Mandate of South-West Africa was terminated". on the operative part, after condemning the non-compliance by South Africa with General Assembly and Security Council resolutions pertaining to Narnibia, the Security Council declares, in paragraph 2, that "the continued presence of the South African authorities in Namibia is illegal" and that consequently al1 acts taken by the Government of South Africa "on behalf of or concerning Namibia after the termination of the Mandate are illegal and invalid". In paragraph 5 the Security Council "Calls upon al1 States, particularly those which have economic and other interests in Namibia, to refrain from any dealings with the Government of South Africa which are in- consistent with operative paragraph 2 of this resolution". 109. It emerges from the communications bringing the matter to the Security Council's attention, from the discussions held and particularly from the text of the resolutions themselves, that the Security Council, when it adopted these resolutions, was acting in the exercise of what it deemed to be its primary responsibility, the maintenance of peace and security, which, under the Charter, embraces situations which might 3 9

106. Par sa résolution 2145 (XXI) l'Assemblée générale a mis fin au mandat. Cependant, comme elle ne dispose pas des pouvoirs nécessaires pour obtenir que l'Afrique du Sud se retire du territoire, elle a fait appel au concours du Conseil de sécurité en attirant son attention sur la résolu- tion, conformément à l'article 11, paragraphe 2, de la Charte. 107. Le Conseil de sécurité a répondu à l'appel de l'Assemblée générale. 11 a pris note de la résolution 2145 (XXI) de l'Assemblée dans le préambule de sa résolution 245 (1968); il en a tenu compte dans sa résolu- tion 246 (1968); dans ses résolutions 264 (1969) et 269 (1969), il a adopté certaines mesures visant à la mettre en œuvre et, pour finir, dans sa résolu- tion 276 (1970), il a réaffirmé sa résolution 264 (1969) et rappelé sa résolu- tion 269 (1 969). 108. C'est la résolution 276 (1970) du Conseil de sécurité, expressé- ment visée dans le texte de la requête, qui est essentielle aux fins du présent avis consultatif. Avant d'en entreprendre l'analyse, il convient cependant de dire un mot des résolutions 264 (1969) et 269 (1969), dont l'effet se conjugue et s'ajoute à celui de la résolution 276 (1970). Au paragraphe 3 du dispositif de la résolution 264 (1969), le Conseil de sécurité demande à l'Afrique du Sud de retirer immédiatement son ad- ministration de la Namibie. L'Afrique du Sud n'ayant pas obtempéré, dans la résolution 269 (1969), le Conseil, après avoir rappelé les obliga- tions des Etats Membres en vertu de l'article 25 de la Charte, demande au Gouvernement sud-africain, au paragraphe 5 du dispositif, ((de retirer son administration du territoire immédiatement, et en tout état de cause, avant le 4 octobre 1969 )). La résolution 276 (1970) réaffirme dans son préambule la résolution 2145 (XXI) de l'Assemblée générale, et même la fait sienne, dans la mesure où il y est dit que ce n'est pas seulement l'Assemblée générale, mais les Nations Unies qui ((ont décidé que le mandat sur le Sud-Ouest africain était terminé n. Dans le dispositif, après avoir condamné le refiis de l'Afrique du Sud de se conformer aux résolutions de l'Assemblée générale et du Conseil de sécurité relatives à la Namibie, le Conseil de sécurité déclare, au paragraphe 2, que ((la présence continue des autorités sud-africaines en Namibie est illégale )) et qu'en conséquence toutes les mesures prises par le Gouvernement sud-africain ((au nom de la Namibie ou en ce qui la concerne après la cessation du mandat sont i!légales et invalides)). Au paragraphe 5, le Conseil de sécurité ((Demande à tous les Etats, en particulier ceux qui ont des intérêts économiques et autres en Namibie, de s'abstenir de toutes relations avec le Gouvernement sud-africain qui sont incompatibles avec le paragraphe 2 du dispositif de la présente résolution )). 109. 11 ressort des commun~cations par lesquelles la question a été portée à l'attention du Conseil de sécurité, des débats qui s'y sont déroulés et en particulier du texte même des résolutions, que le Conseil de sécurité, lorsqu'il a adopté ces résolutions, agissait dans l'exercice de ce qu'il estimait sa responsabilité principale - le maintien de la paix et de la sécurité - qui, en vertu de la Charte (art. 1, par. l), s'étend aux situations

lead to a breach of the peace. (Art. 1, para. 1 .) In the preamble of resolu- tion 264 (1969) the Security Council was "Mindful of the grave conse- quences of South Africa's continued occupation of Namibia" and in paragraph 4 of that resolution it declared "that the actions of the Govern- ment of South Africa designed to destroy the national unity and territo- rial integrity of Namibia through the establishment of Bantustans are contrary to the provisions of the United Nations Charter". In operative paragraph 3 of resolution 269 (1969) the Security Council decided "that the continued occupation of the territory of Namibia by the South Afri- can authorities constitutes an aggressive encroachment on the authority of the United Nations, . . .". In operative paragraph 3 of resolution 276 (1970) the Security Council declared further "that the defiant attitude of the Government of South Africa towards the Council's decisions under- mines the authority of the United Nations". 110. As to the legal basis of the resolution, Article 24 of the Charter vests in the Security Council the necessary authority to take action such as that taken in the present case. The reference in paragraph 2 of this Article to specific powers of the Security Council under certain chapters of the Charter does not exclude the existence of general powers to dis- charge the responsibilities conferred in paragraph 1. Reference may be made in this respect to the Secretary-General's Statement, presented to the Security Council on 10 January 1947, to the effect that "the powers of the Council under Article 24 are not restricted to the specific grants of authority contained in Chapters VI, VET, VI11 and XII . . . the Members of the United Nations have conferred upon the Security Council powers commensurate with its responsibility for the maintenance of peace and security. The only limitations are the fundamental principles and purposes found in Chapter 1 of the Charter." 11 1. As to the effect to be attributed to the declaration contained in paragraph 2 of resolution 276 (1970), the Court considers that the quali- fication of a situation as illegal does not by itself put an end to it. It can only be the first, necessary step in an endeavour to bring the illegal situ- ation to an end. 112. It would be an untenable interpretation to maintain that, once such a declaration had been made by the Security Council under Article 24 of the Charter, on behalf of a11 member States, those Members would be free to act in disregard of such illegality or even to recognize violations of law resulting from it. When confronted with such an internationally unlawful situation, Members of the United Nations would be expected to act in consequence of the declaration made on their behalf. The question therefore arises as to the effect of this decision of the Security Council for States Members of the United Nations in accordance with Article 25 of the Charter. 1 13. It has been contended that Article 25 of the Charter applies only

NAMIBIE (S.-O. AFRICAIN) (AVIS CONSULTATIF) 52 susceptibles de mener à une rupture de la paix. Dans le préambule de la résolution 264 (1969), le Conseil de sécurité se disait a Conscient des graves conséquences de l'occupation continue de la Namibie par l'Afrique du Sud )) et, au paragraphe 4 de la même résolution, il déclarait ((que les actes du Gouvernement sud-africain visant à détruire l'unité nationale et l'intégrité territoriale de la Namibie par la création de Bantoustans sont contraires aux dispositions de la Charte des Nations Unies )). Au paragraphe 3 du dispositif de la résolution 269 (1969), le Conseil décidait ((que l'occupation continue du territoire de la Namibie par les autorités sud-africaines constitue une atteinte agressive à l'autorité de l'organisa- tion des Nations Unies ». Au paragraphe 3 du dispositif de la résolution 276 (1970), le Conseil déclarait en outre ((que l'attitude de défi du Gou- vernement sud-africain envers les décisions du Conseil sape l'autorité des Nations Unies ». 110. Pour ce qui est du fondement juridique de la résolution, l'article 24 de la Charte confère au Conseil de sécurité les pouvoirs nécessaires pour prendre des mesures comme celle qu'il a adoptée dans le cas présent. Au paragraphe 2 de cet article, la mention des pouvoirs spécifiques accordés au Conseil de sécurité en vertu de certains chapitres de la Charte n'exclut pas l'existence de pouvoirs généraux destinés à lui permettre de s'acquitter des responsabilités conférées par le paragraphe 1. A cet égard, on peut se reporter à la déclaration du Secrétaire général, présentée Ie 10 janvier 1947 au Conseil de sécurité, où il est dit que e les pouvoirs du Conseil, découlant de I'article 24, ne se limitent pas aux attributions spécifiques d'autorité mentionnées aux chapitres VI, VII, VI11 et XII ... les Membres des Nations Unies ont reconnu au Conseil de sécurité des pouvoirs en rapport avec les responsabilités qui lui incombent relating to the maintenance of peace and security. The only restrictions of the fundamental principles and goals which appear in chapter of the charter. )) 1 1 1. As for the effect to be attributed to the declaration appearing in paragraph 2 of resolution 276 (1970), the Court considers that by qualifying a situation of illegal. facto. It can only be the first measure that is essential if we want to put an end to the illegal situation. 112. It would be an unbearable interpretation to affirm that, when the Security Council makes such a declaration under article 24 of the Charter on behalf of all the member states. These are free to make no cases of illegality or even the violations of the law which re-sult. In the presence of an internationally illicit situation of this nature, one must be able to count on the members of the United Nations to draw the consequences of the declaration made on their behalf. The question is therefore to know what is the effect of this decision of the Security Council with regard to the United Nations Member States in accordance with the Charter 25 of the Charter. 113. It has been argued that article 25 only applies to measures

To enlighten measures adopted under chapter vi1 of the charter. It is not possible to find in the charter any support for this view. Article 25 is not confined to decisions in look to enhancement action but application to "the decisions of the security coucil" adopted in accordance with the charter. Moreover, that article is placed, not in chapter VII, but Immondately after article 24 in that part of the charter that deals with the functions and powerers of the Security Council. If Article 25 HAD RED- ENLY SOLELY TO DECISIONS OF THE SECURITY COUNCIL ACCOURNING Action Under Articles 41 and 42 of the Charter, that is to say, if it were only such decisions Which Had Binding Effect, then Article 25 WOULD BE Superfluous This effect is secured by articles 48 and 49 of the charter. 114. It has also been contented that the receiving Security Council resolutions are CLAID in exhortatory rather Than MandaNE LANGUAGE AND THAT, THEREFORE, they do not purport to impose any legal duty on any state to affect legally any right. The Language of A Reso-Lotion of the Security Council Should be careful analysis before conclusion can be made as to its binding effect. In View of the Nature of the Powers Under Article 25, the Question Whether They Have Been in Fact Exercise is to be Determined in Each Case, Having Regard to the Terms of the Resolution to be interpreted, the discussions leading to it, the charter provisions invoked and, in general, al1 circumstances that might assist in determining the legal consequences of the resolution of the security council. 115. Applying these tests, The Court Recalls that in the Preamble of Resolution 269 (1969), the Security Council was "mindful of its respon- sibility to take necessary action to secure strict compliance with the obligations agreement into by states members of the united Nations under the provisions of article 25 of the charter of the united nations ". The Court Has Therefore Reached the Conclusion that decisions made by the Security Council in paragraphs 2 and 5 of resolutions 276 (1970), as related to paragraph 3 of resolution 264 (1969) and paragraph 5 of resotion 269 (1969), Were adopted in conformity with the purposes and principles of the charter and in accordance with its articles 24 and 25. The decisions are consequently binding on al1 states members of the united nations, which are thus under obligation to accept and carry them. 116. In Pronouncing Upon the Binding Nature of the Security Council Decisions in Question, the Court Would Recall the following Passage in its Advisory Opinion of 11 April 1949 On Reparation for Injuds Suffered in the Service of the United Nations: "The Charter has not been Content to make the Organization Created by it Merely A Center 'For Harmonizing The Actions of Nations in the Attack of these Common Ends' (Article 1, Para. 4). It has equipped that center with organs, and has given it specials. Tt has defined the position of the members in relation to the organization

Coercives taken under Chapter VI1 of the Charter. Nothing in the charter comes to support this idea. Article 25 is not limited to decisions concerning coercive measures but applies to the CC decisions of the Security Council "adopted in accordance with the Charter. In addition, this article is placed not in Chapter Vi1 but immediately after article 24, in the part of the charter which deals with the functions and powers of the Security Council. If article 25 only targeted the decisions of the Security Council relating to coercive measures taken under articles 41 and 42 of the Charter, in other words if only these Decisions had a compulsory effect, article 25 would be superfluous because this effect results from the 48 and 49 of the Charter. 114. It has also been argued that the relevant resolutions of the Security Council are written in terms which give the character of an exhortation rather than that of an injunction and that in consequence they claim or impose a legal obligation to any state or touch on the legal level at any of its rights. We must carefully analyze the wording of a Security Council resolution before being able to conclude with its compulsory effect. Given the character of the powers arising from article 25, it is advisable to determine in each case if these powers were in fact exercised, taking into account the terms of the resolution to be interpreted, the debates which preceded its adoption, of the Provisions of the invited charter and in general of all the elements which could help to specify the jurisdiction consequences of the resolution of the Security Council. 115. Applying these criteria, the Court recalls that, in the preamble to resolution 269 (1969), the Security Council has declared itself ((consider that it has the duty to take the measures wanted to ensure that the States United Nations members faithfully pay the obligations they have assumed in accordance with article 25 of the Charter of the United Nations 1). The Court concludes that the decisions taken by the Security Council in paragraphs 2 and 5 of the Resolution 276 (1970), compared to paragraph 3 of resolution 264 (1969) and paragraph 5 of resolution 269 (1969), were adopted in accordance with the goals and prin- Cipes de la Charte and its articles 24 and 25. They are therefore compulsory for all the United Nations member states, which are thus required to accept them and apply them. 116. In connection with the compulsory nature of these decisions of the Security Council, the Court will recall the following passage from the 'Advisory opinion that she rendered on April 11, 1949 on the repair of the damage suffered in the United Nations: 11 Ka Charter did not limit himself to simply making the organization created by it a center where S' would harmonize the efforts of nations for the common ends defined by it (art. 1, para. 4). She gave him organs; She assigned him a clean mission. It defined the position of the members in relation to the organization in

by Requiring them to give it every assistance in any action undertaken by it (article 2, para. 5), and to accept and carry out the decisions of the security council. "(I.c.j. Reports 1949, p. 178.) Thus when the Security Council adopts a decision under article 25 in accordance with the charter, it is for member stats to comply with that decision, include those members of the security council which voting against it and those members of the united nations who are not members of the coucil . To hold Otherwise WOULD BE TO DEPRIVE This main organ of its Essential Functions and POWERS UNDER The Charter. 117. HAVING REACHED these conclusions, The Court Will Now Address Itself to the Legal Consequences Arising For States from the Continued PRESENCE OF SOUTH Africa in NAMIBIA in NAMIBIA in NAMIBIA in NAMIBIA in NAMIBIA IN NAMIBIA , Notwithstanding Security Council Resolution 276 (1970). A Binding Determination Made by a Competient Organ of the United Nations to the Effect that a situation is illegal cannot remain without consequence. Ounce the short is faced with such a situ- ation, it would be failing in the Discharge of its judicial functions if it did not declare that there is obligation, eSpecially upon members of the United Nations, to Bring that situation to an end. As this short has held, Refronting to one of its decisions declaring a situation as contrary to a rule of international law: "this decision stuirs a legal consequence, namely that of putting an end to an illegal situation" (I.C.J. Reports 1951, p. 82). 1 18. South Africa, Being Responsible for Having Created and Sentained A situation which short has found to have validly declared illegal, has the obligation to put an end to it. It is there in compulsory to withdraw its administration from the territory of namibia. By keeper the present illegal situation, and occupying the territory without title, South Africa International Responsibility Arising from a continuing violation of an international obligation. It also re- hands accountable for any violations of its international bonds, or of the right of the people of namibia. The Fact that South Africa No Longer has any title to administer the territory do not release it from its bonds and responsibilities under international Lawards Other stats in Respect of the Exempise of its Powers in Relation to this territory. Physical Control of A Territory, and not sovereignty or legitimacy of title, is the basis of state Liabibility for acts Affecting Other States. 119. The Member States of the United Nations Are, for the Reasons Given in Paragraph 115 Above, under obligation to recognize the Ille- Gatity and Invalidity of South Africa's continued in Namibia. They are also under obligation to refrain from lending any support or form of assistance to South Africa with reference to its occupation of namibia, subject to paragraph 125 below.

Namibia (African S.-O.) (advisory opinion) 54 prescribing them to give it full assistance in any action by it (art. 2, para. 5), to accept and apply the decisions of the Council . 1) (C.I.J. Collection 1949, p. 178.) Thus, when the Security Council adopts a decision under article 25 in accordance with the Charter, it is the responsibility of the member states to comply with this decision, in particular to the members of the Security council which voted against it and to the members of the United Nations who do not sit on the Council. Not admitting it would be to deprive this main body of the essential functions and powers he holds from the charter. 117. Being reached these conclusions, the Court now comes to the legal consequences for the States of the continuous presence of Southern South in Namibia. Notwithstanding resolution 276 (1970) of the Security Council. Qiiand a competent body of the United Nations notes in a compulsory way that a situation is illegal, this observation cannot remain without consequences. Placed in front of such a situation, the Court would not pay its judicial functions if it did not declare that there is an obligation, for the members of the United Nations in particular, to put an end to this situation. Regarding one of her decisions, by which she declared that a situation was contrary to a rule of international law, the Court said: ((this decision leads to a legal consequence, that of putting an end to an irregular situation 1 ) (C.I.J. Collection 1951, p. 82). 118. South Africa, which is responsible for having created and extended a situation which, according to the Court, has been validly declared illegal, is required to put it fine. It therefore has the obligation to withdraw its administration from the territory of Namibia. As long as it leaves this illegal situation and occupies the territory without title, South Africa faces international responsibilities for the permanent violation of An international obligation. It also remains responsible for any violation of its international obligations or the rights of the Namibian people. The fact that South Africa no longer has any legal title empowering it to administer the territory does not free it from the obligations And responsibilities that international law imposes on him with other states and which are linked to the exercise of its powers in this territy. It is effective authority on a territory. and not the sovereignty or the legitimacy of the title, which constitutes the basis of the responsibility of the state due to acts concerning other states. 119. The United Nations member states have, for the reasons indicated in paragraph 1 15 above, the obligation to recognize the illegality and the lack of validity of maintaining the South African presence in Namibia. They are also required to give South Africa, for its occupation of Namibia, no help or assistance whatever the form, subject to what is said in paragraph 125 below.

5 5 NAMIBIA (S.W. Africa) (Advisory Opinion) 120. The Precise Determination of the Acts Permitted or Allowed- What Measures are available and Practicable, Which of Them Should be selectrd, What Scope They Should be given and by whim -is a matter that lies within the Comperte of the Appropriat Political Organs of the United Nations Acting Within Their Authority Under the Charter. Thus it is for the Security Council to Determine Any Further Measures Consequent Upon the Decisions Already Taken by it on the question of Namibia. In this Context the Court Notes that at the same meeting of the Security Council in Which the Request for Advisory Opinion was made, the Security Council also adopted resolution 283 (1970) Which Defined Some of the Steps to Be Taken. The Court has not Been Called Upon to Advise on the Legal Effects of That Resolution. 121. The Court Will In Consequence Confine Itself to Giving Advice On Those Dealings With the Government of South Africa Which, Under the Charter of the United Nations and General International Law, Should be considering as inconsistent with the Declaration of Illegaliîy and in- Validity Made In paragraph 2 of Resolution 276 (1970), Becuse they may imply a recognition that south Africa's presence in namibia es legal. 122. For the Reasons Given Above, and Subject to the CONSUTAND in paragraph 125 observations 125 below, member States are under obligation to abstain frorn entering into treaty relations with South Africa in al1 cases in which the Government of South Africa purports to act on behalf of or concerning Namibia. With respect to existing bilateral treaties, inember States must abstain from invoking or applying those treaties or provisions of treaties concluded by South Africa on behalf of or con- cerning Namibia which involve active intergovernmental CO-operation. With respect to multilateral treaties, however, the same rule cannot be applied to certain general conventions such as those of a humanitarian character, the non-performance of which may adversely affect the people of Namibia. Tt will be for the competent international organs to take specific rneasures in this respect. 123. Member States, in compliance with the duty of non-recognition imposed by paragraphs 2 and 5 of resolution 276 (1970), are under obligation to abstain from sending diplomatic or special missions to South Africa including in their jurisdiction the Territory of Nâmibia, to abstain from sending consular agents to Namibia, and to withdraw any such agents already there. They should also make it clear to the South African authorities that the maintenance of diplomatic or consular relations with South Africa does not imply any recognition of its authority with regard to Namibia. 124. The restraints which are implicit in .the non-recognition of South Africa's presence in Namibia and the explicit provisions of paragraph 5 of resolution 276 (1970) impose upon mem.ber States the obligation to abstain from entering into economic and other forms of relationship

NAMIBIE (S.-O. AFRICAIN) (AVIS CONSULTATIF) 55 120. Quant à savoir exactement quels actes sont permis ou autorisés, quelles mesures sont possibles ou applicables, quelles sont celles qui devraient être retenues, quelle portée il faudrait leur donner et par qui elles devraient être appliquées, ce sont là des questions qui relèvent des organes politiques compétents des Nations Unies, agissant dans le cadre des pouvoirs conférés par la Charte. Ainsi, il appartient au Conseil de sécurité d'indiquer toutes autres mesures devant faire suite aux décisions qu'il a prises en ce qui concerne la question de la Namibie. A ce propos, la Cour note que, lors de la séance où il a formulé la présente requête pour avis consultatif, le Conseil de sécurité a aussi adopté la résolution 283 (1970) qui définit certaines des mesures à prendre. La Cour n'a pas été invitée à donner un avis sur les conséquences juridiques de cette résolution. 121. La Cour se bornera donc à exprimer un avis sur les rapports avec le Gouvernement sud-africain qui, en vertu de la Charte des Nations Unies et du droit international général, doivent être considérés comme incompatibles avec la déclaration d'illégalité et d'invalidité formulée au paragraphe 2 de la résolution 276 (1970), parce qu'ils peuvent impliquer une reconnaissance du caractère Iégal de la présence sud-africaine en Namibie. 122. Pour les raisons indiauées c!us haut et sous réserve des obser- vations formulées plus loin au paragraphe 125, les Etats Membres sont tenus de ne Das établir avec l'Afrique du Sud des relations convention- nelles dans tous les cas où le Gouvernement sud-africain prétendrait agir au nom de la Namibie ou en ce qui la concerne. S'agissant des traités bilatéraux en yigueur, les Etats Membres doivent s'abstenir d'invoquer ou d'appliquer les traités ou dispositions des traités conclus par l'Afrique du Sud au nom de la Namibie ou en ce aui la concerne oui nécessitent ur.2 collaboration intergouvernementale active. Pour ce qui est des traités multilatéraux, la même règle ne peut s'appliquer à certaines conventions générales, comme les conventions de caractère humanitaire, dont l'inexécution pourrait porter préjudice au peuple namibien. Il appartiendra aux organes internationaux compétents de prendre des mesures précises à cet égard. 123. Conformément au devoir de non-reconnaissance imposé par les paragraphes 2 et 5 de la résolution 276 (1970), les Etats Membres doivent s'abstenir d'accréditer auprès de l'Afrique du Sud des missions diplo- matiques ou des missions spéciales dont la juridictioii s'étendrait au territoire de la Namibie; ils doivent en outre s'abstenir d'envoyer des agents consulaires en Namibie et rappeler ceux qui s'y trouvent déjà. Ils doivent également signifier aux autorités sud-africaines qu'en entre- tenant des relations diplomatiques ou consulaires avec l'Afrique du Sud ils n'entendent pas reconnaître par là son autorité sur la Namibie. 124. Les restrictions qu'implique la non-reconnaissance de la présence de l'Afrique du Sud en Namibie et les dispositions expresses du para- graphe 5 de la résolution 276 (1970) imposent aux Etats Membres I'obli- gation de ne pas entretenir avec l'Afrique du Sud agissant au nom de la

56 NAMIBIA (s.w. AFRICA) (ADVISORY OPINION) or dealings with South Africa on behalf of or concerning Namibia which may entrench its authority over the Territory. 125. In general, the non-recognition of South Africa's administration of the Territory should not result in depriving the people of Namibia of any advantages derived from international CO-operation. In particular, while official acts performed by the Government of South Africa on behalf of or concerning Namibia after the termination of the Mandate are illegal and invalid, this invalidity cannot be extended to those acts, such as, for instance, the registration of births, deaths and marriages, the effects of which can be ignored only to the detriment of the inhab- itants of the Territory. 126. As to non-member States, although not bound by Articles 24 and 25 of the Charter, they have been called upon in paragraphs 2 and 5 of resolution 276 (1970) to give assistance in the action which has been taken by the United Nations with regard to Namibia. In the view of the Court, the termination of the Mandate and the declaration of the illegality of South Africa's presence in Namibia are opposable to al1 States in the sense of barring erga omnes the legality of a situation which is main- tained in violation of international law: in particular, no State which enters into relations with South Africa concerning Namibia may expect the United Nations or its Members to recognize the validity or effects of such relationship, or of the consequences thereof. The Mandate having been terminated by decision of the international organization in which the supervisory authority over its administration was vested, and South Afri- ca's continued presence in Namibia having been dec~aredille~al, it is for non-member States to act in occordance with those decisions. 127. As to the general consequences resulting from the illegal presence of South Africa in Narnibia, al1 States should bear in mind that the injured entity is a people which must look to the international cornmunity for assistance in its progress towards the goals for which the sacred trust was instituted. 128. In its oral statement and in written communications to the Court, the Government of South Africa expressed the desire to supply the Court with further factual information concerning the purposes and objectives of South Africa's policy of separate development or apartheid, contending that to establish a breach of South Africa's substantive international obligations under the Mandate it would be necessary to prove that a particular exercise of South Africa's legislative or administrative powers was not directed in good faith towards the purpose of promoting to the utmost the well-being and progress of the inhabitants. It is claimed by the Government of South Africa that no act or omission on its part would constitute a violation of its international obligations unless it is

NAMIBIE (S.-O. AFRICAIN) (AVIS CONSULTATIF) 56 Namibie ou en ce qui la concerne des rapports ou des relations de caractère économique ou autre qui seraient de nature à affermir l'autorité de 1'Afrique du Sud dans le territoire. 125. D'une manière générale, la non-recoiinaissance de l'administra- tion sud-africaine dans le territoire ne devrait pas avoir pour conséquence de priver le peuple namibien des avantages qu'il peut tirer de la coopéra- tion internationale. En particulier, alors que les mesures prises officielle- ment par le Gouvernement sud-africain au nom de la Namibie ou en ce qui la concerne après Ia cessation du mandat sont illégales ou nulles, cette nullité ne saurait s'étendre à des actes, comme l'inscription des naissances, mariages ou décès à l'état civil, dont on ne pourrait mécon- naître les effets qu'au détriment des habitants du territoire. 126. Pour ce qui est des Etats non membres, et bien que ces Etats ne soient pas liés par les articles 24 et 25 de la Charte, les paragraphes 2 et 5 de la résolution 276 (1970) les invitent à s'associer à l'action des Nations Unies concernant la Namibie. De l'avis de la Cour, la cessation du mandat et la déclaration de l'illégalité de la présence sud-africaine en Namibie sont opposables à tous les Etats, en ce sens qu'elles rendent illégale erga omnes une situation qui se prolonge en violation du droit international; en particulier aucun Etat qui établit avec l'Afrique du Sud des relations concernant la Namibie ne peut escompter que I'Orga- nisation des Nations Unies ou ses Membres reconnaîtront la validité ou les effets de ces relations ou les conséquences qui en découlent. Dès lors qu'il a été mis fin au mandat par décision de l'organisation inter- nationale chargée du pouvoir de surveillance à son égard et que le main- tien de la présence sud-africaine en Namibie a été déclaré illégal, il appartient aux Etats non membres d'agir conformément à ces décisions. 127. Quant aux conséquences générales de la présence illégale de l'Afrique du Sud en Namibia, all states must remember that it harms a people who must count on the assistance of the International Community to achieve the objectives to which the sacred mission of civilization corresponds. 128. In its oral presentations and in its written communications to the Court, the South African government expressed the desire to provide the Court with additional factual information affecting the goals and objectives of its DC Policy DC separate development or apartheid; He argues that, to establish the existence of a violation of fundamental international obligations imposed by the mandate on South Africa, it should be proven that, on this or that particular point, South Africa n 'has not exercised his legislative or administrative powers with a view to increasing in good faith, by all means in his power, the well-being and the progress of the inhabitants. The South African government affirms that an act or omission which is attributable to it would constitute a viola

Shown that such act or omission was actuated bv motivated. or direct towards a purpose other than one to promote the interests of the inhab- isants of the territory. 129. The Government of South Africa Having Made This Request, The Court Finds that No. Evidence is needed for the purpose of Deter- mining where the Policy of Apartheid as Applied by South Africa in Namibia is in conformity with the International Obligations Assomed by South Africa Under the Charter of the United Nations. In order to deter- mine where the laws and decree application by South Africa in Namibia, which are a Matter of Public Record, Constitute A Vi Viignun of the purposes and principles of the charter of the United Nations, the question of Intent or Governmental Discretion is not falling under; Nor is it necessary to investigate or Determine the effects of those measures upon the welfare of the uninhabitants. i30. It is undisputed, and is amply supported by documents annexed to South Africa's Written stément in these procedures, that the official governmental police pursued by South Africa in Namibia is to achieve a complete Physical Separation of Races and Ethnic Groiips in Separate Areas. The Application of this Policy has required, as has been conceived by South Africa, Restrictive Measures of Controlly Adopted and Enforced in the Territory by the Coercive Power of the Mandate. These measures establish limitations, exclusions or restrictions for the Members of the indigenous Population Groups in Respect of their Participation in Certain Types of Activities, Fields of Study or of Training, Labour or Employment and also submit them to restrictions or exclusions of residence and movement in Large parts of the territory. 13 1. Under the Charter of the United Nations, the Train Mandate Had Pledged Itself to observe and respect, in A Territory Having an Inter- National Status, Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms for Al1 without distinction as to race. To Establish Intead, and to Enforce, distinctions, exclusions, restrictions and limitations exclusively based on groups of race, color, descent or national or ethnic origin that constituting a denial of fundamental human right is a blatant violation of the purposes and principles of the charter . 132. The Government of South Africa also submitted a Request that a plebiscite Should be Held in the Territory of Namibia Under the Joint Supervision of the Court and the Government of South Africa (Para. 16 Above). This proposal was presented in connection with the Request to submit Additional Evidence and As a Means of Bringing Evidence Before the Court. The Court Having concluded that no further evidence

Namibia (African S.-O.) (advisory opinion) 57 tion of its international obligations if it was shown that this act or omission was inspired by another reason or had another goal than to serve the interests of inhabitants of the territory. 129. The South African government having made this request, the Court considers that there is no need for evidence on the facts to say if the apartheid policy practiced by South Africa in Namibia is in accordance with international obligations that South Africa has assured under the Charter of the United Nations. With regard to determining if the laws and decrees applied by South Africa in Namibia, which are of public notoriety, violate the goals and principles of the Charter of the United Nations, the question of intention or discretion - government is without relevance; It is also not necessary to examine or assess the effects of these measures on the well-being of the inhabitants. 130. It is an undisputed fact, and moreover abundantly demonstrated by the documents attached to the written presentation of South Africa, that the official policy of the South African government in Namibia tends to a complete physical separation of ethnic breeds and groups, each being installed in an area distinct from the territory. As well as South Africa has recognized it, the implementation of this policy requires restrictive control measures, adopted and applied officially in the territory by the coercive power of the former agent. The purpose of these measures is to limit, exclude or restrict the participation of members of the AT ~ TOGHTone population groups in certain types of activity, in certain areas of study or training and to certain jobs or jobs, and 'Impose restrictions or prohibitions on residence and displacement in large regions of the territory on the natives. 131. Under the Charter of the United Nations. The former agent had committed to observing and respecting, in a territory with an international status, human rights and fundamental freedoms for all without distinction of race. The fact of establishing and imposing, on the contrary, distinctions, exclusions, restrictions and limitations which are only based on race, color, ancestry or national or ethnic origin and which constitute a denial of fundamental rights of the human person, is a blatant violation of the goals and principles of the charter. 132. The South African government has also made a request for a plebiscite to be organized in the territory of Namibia under the joint surveillance of the Court and the South African Government (para. 16 above). This proposal was made as part of the request for presentation of additional evidence on the facts and in order to enlighten the court. The court having concluded that a complement

5 8 Namibia (S.W. Africa) (Advisory Opinion) was required, that the mandate was validly terminated and that in consequence in the Africa's presence in namibia is illegal and its acts on behalf of or concerning namibia are illegal and invalid, it follows that it cannot Entertain this proposition. * * * 133. For these reasons, in Reply to the question: "What are the legal consequences for the continued presence of South Africa in Namibia, Notwithstanding Security Council Resolution 276 (1970)?" by 13 votes to 2. (1) That, the continued presence of South Africa in Namibia Being Illegal, South Africa is under obligation to withdraw its administration from Namibia Immondately and Thus Put an end to its occupation of the territory; by 11 votes to 4, (2) that stats members of the United Nations Are Under obligation to recognize the Illegality of South Africa's PREENCE in Namibia and the Invalidity of its Acts on Behalf of or concerning namibia, and to refrain from any acts and in Particular Any Dealings With the Government of South Africa Implying Recognition of the Legality of, or Lending Support or Assistance to, Such Presence and Administration; (3) That it is incumbent upon stats that are not a members of the United Nations to Give Assistance, Within the Scope of Subparagraph (2) Above, in the action that has been taken by the United Nations with look to namibia. Done in English and in French, the English Text Being Authoritative, At the Peace Palace, The Hague, This Twenty-First Day of June, One Thousand Nine Hundred and Seventy-è, in Two Copies, One of Which will be placed in the Archives of the Court and the Other Transmitted to the Secretary-General of the United Nations. (Signed) ZAFRULLA KHAN, President. (Signed) S. aquarone, registrar.

evidence was not necessary, that it was validly put an end to the mandate, that consequently the presence of South Africa in Namibia is illegal and that all the measures taken by it in the name of Namibia or in What concerns her are illegal and zero, she cannot retain this proposal. 133. By these reasons, in response to the question: (C what are the legal consequences for the States of the continuous presence of South Africa in Namibia, notwithstanding resolution 276 (1970) of the Security Council?)),) By thirteen votes against two, 1) that, the continuous presence of South Africa in Namibia being illegal, South Africa has the obligation to immediately withdraw its administration from Namibia and thus cease to occupy the territory ; By eleven votes against four, 2) that the member states of the United Nations have the obligation to recognize the illegality of the presence of South Africa in Namibia and the lack of validity of the measures taken by it in the name of Namibia or as far as it is concerned, and to abstain from all acts and in particular all relations with the South African government which implies the recognition of the legality of this presence and this administration, or which would constitute a help or assistance in this regard; 3) that it is the responsibility of the States which are not Not members of the United Nations to lend their assistance, within the limits of subparagraph 2 above, to the action undertaken by the United Nations regarding Namibia. Made in English and French, the English text being proof, at the Palais de la Paix, the Hague, the twenty -one June 1st hundred and sixty and eleven, in two copies, one of which will remain deposited in the Archives of the Court and whose other will be sent to the Secretary General of the United Nations. The president, (signed) ZAFRULLA KHAN. The clerk, (signed) S. Aquarone.

President Sir Muhammad ZAfrulla Khan Makes The Following Declaration: 1 am in Entrement Agrement With the Opinion of the Court But Would Wish to Add Some Observations On Two OR Three Aspects of the Pretent- tion Made to the Court On Behalf of South Africa. It was contented that under the supervisory system as faces in the Covenant of the League and the Different Mandate Agreements, the Mandate Could, in the Last Resort, Flout the Wishes of the Council of the League by Casting its Voting in Opposition to the Directions which The Council Might offers to give to the Mandate. The Argument Runs that this system was deliberately sooted, with open eyes, as to the council powerless in face of the veto of the mandate if the letter thing to exercise it. Pn Support of this Contestion Reliance was placed on paragraph 5 of article 4 of the Covenant of the League by Virtue of Which Any Member of the League not represents on the Council was to be invited to send a representative to sit as a member at any meeting of the Council During the Consideration of Matters Specially Affecting the Interests of That Member. This entitled the manda- Tory to sit as a member at any meeting of the council in which a matter affting its interest as a mandate cam under considering. Under Paragraph 1 of article 5 of the Covenant Decisions of the Council Required the Agrement of Al1 the Members of the League Represh at the Meeting. This is nown as the unanimity rule and by virtue thereof it was claimed that a mandate possed a right of veto when waiting- ing a Meeting of the council in pursuance of paragraph 5 of article 4 and consequently the last word on the manner and method of The administration of the mandate remains with the mandate. This content is unteable. Were It Wel Founded It Would Reduce The Whole System of Mandates to Mocker. As the Court, in its judgment of 1966, observed: "in Practice, the unanimity rule was frequently not insisted upon, or its impact was mitigated by a process of give-end-take, and by various procedural devices to which both and the mandatories slow themselves. So far A.S the short's information goas, there your occurred any case in which a mandate 'vetoed' What would otherwise have been a council Decision. Equally, How-Ever, Much Dis dis taked to have situations in Which The Mandate WOULD HAVE BEEN BORAGE TO ACIESCE IN THE VIEWS OF THE REST OF THE COUNCIL SHORT OF CASTING AN APROVE VOTION. The occa- sional deliberate absence of the mandate from a meeting, enabled decisions to be taken that the mandate might have felt oblige to Voting Against if it had been present. This was part of the above- mentioned process for arriving at generally acceptable conclusions. " (I.C. J. Reports 1966, pp. 44-45.)

Sir Muhammad Zaprulla Khan, President, makes the following statement: I am without reservation to the Evis of the Court but I want to add some observations on two or three aspects of the theses developed by South Africa before the Court. South Africa argued that, in the surveillance system provided for by the Corporate of the League of Nations and the various mandate agreements, a representative could, as a last resort, thwart the will of the board of the company by voting against The directives that the Council proposed to give it. His thesis is that the system had been designed, of deliberate remarks, so that the council remains disarmed before the veto of the agent if he decided to use it. In order to support this assertion, South Africa invoked article 4, paragraph 5, of the Pact of the League of Nations, under which any member of the Society who was not represented on the Council must be invited to Send a representative to sit on it when a question that particularly interested him was brought before this organ. The agent could therefore fzire on the council when he examined a question relating to his interests as an agent. However, according to article 5, paragraph 1, of the Pact, the decisions of the Council were taken unanimously by the members of the company represented in the meeting. Due to the existence of this rule, known as unanimity, South Africa argued that an agent would have had a right of veto when he attended a meeting of the Council in Virtue of article 4, paragraph 5, so that the agent, not the council, would have had the last word on how to administer the mandate. This thesis is unbearable. If it were founded, the whole mandates system would have been a simulacrum. As the Court said it in its 1966 judgment: ((in practice, it was frequent that one does not insist on the rule of unanimity or that the effects are reduced by means of compromise and procedural fireworks to which the Council and the agent lent themselves. To the attention of the Court, no agent has ever opposed his veto to a possible decision of the councilor. We also took great care to avoid putting the Agents in the obligation to have to choose between the adoption of the point of view of other members of the Council and a contrary vote. By abstaining voluntarily to sit on this or that session, the agent allowed the Council to make decisions against which he would have thought he had to vote if he had been present. It was part of the means to achieve generally acceptable conclusions, which have just been mentioned. ”(C.Z.J. Collection 1966, p. 44 and 45.)

The representative of South Africa, in ANSWER to question by a member of the short, confessed that there was not a single case on record in which the representative of a Mandate Power Ever Cast a Negative Voting in a Meeting of the Council so as Block has decision of the council. It is this established that in practical the last word always remains with the council of the league and not with the mandate. The Covenant of the League Made Ample Provision to Secure the Effectiveness of the Covenant and conformity to its provisions in Respect of the obligations beginning by Membership of the League. A Member of the League Which Had Violed Any Covenant of the League Could Be Declared to be no Longer of the League by A Voting of the Council Competition in by the Représentifies of Al1 the other Members of the League Repries Thereon (Para. 4 , Art. 16, of the Covenant). The representative of South Africa Conceded that: ".. If a conflict between a mandate and the coucil occurred and if al1 the members of the council were of the mandate the mandate had violed a covenant of the league, it would have been legally Possible for the Council to Expel the Mandate from the League and thereaft Decisions of The Council Could No Longer Be Thwarted by the Particular Mandate Instance, A Decision to Revoke the Mandate. The Mandate WOULD NOLD NO LONGE BE A MEMBER OF THE LEAGUE AND THE LEAGUE AND WOULD REDSNING NO LONGE BE ETTITLED TO Wait and vote in Council Meetings... We agree that by expelling a Mandaling The Council could have overcome the Practical or Mechanical Difficult Created by the Unanimity Requirement. " (Hearing of 15 March 1971.) It was no doubt the consumption of this position which prompt the deliberate absence of a mandate from a meeting of the council of the the 'that the évabled the Council to take decisions that the Mandate Might Have Felt obliged to vote against if it had been present. If a Mandate Ceased to Be A Member of the League and the Council Felt That the Presence of Its Reprresentative in a Meeting of the Council Dealing With Matters Affting the Mandate Would Be Helpful, it Could Still Be invited to wait as Happened in the Case of Japan after it ceased to be a member of the league. But it that is not waiting as as of right under paragraph 5 of article 4 of the Covenant. In Addition, if Need Arose The Covenant Could be fined Under Article 26 of the Covenant. In fact no such need arose but the authority was provided in the Covenant. It would thus be idle to content that the mandates system was deliberately adoiseed, with open eyes, so as to leave the council of the league powerless against the veto of the mandate if the letter thing to exercise it. Those Responsible for the Covenant Were Anxious and World Hard

The representative of South Africa, answering a question asked by a member of the court, admitted that one was not aware of a single case where the representative of a mandatory power would have issued a negative vote to A council meeting, so as to paralyze a decision. It is therefore established that in practice it is always the council of society and not the agent who had the last word. Ample precautions were taken in the Company of the Company of the Nations to guarantee its effective application as well as compliance with clauses concerning the execution of the obligations incumbent on the members. A member of the company who was guilty of the violating of one of the commitments resulting from the pact could be excluded from the company, the exclusion being pronounced by the vote of all the other members of the Society represented in the Council (Art . 16, para. 4, of the pact). The representative of South Africa admitted that: (if a confidence had raised between an agent and the council and if all the members of the council had been of the opinion that the agent had violated one of the commitments resulting from the pact, he would have been juridi- only possible that the Council excluded from the company The agent, who would no longer have been there to oppose the decisions of the Council, for example to a decision to revoke the mandate. The agent would not have been a member of the company Nations and would no longer have had the right to sit and vote on the sessions of the council. ... We admit that by pronouncing the expulsion of an agent The Council could have overcome the practical or mechanical difficulties created by the rule unanimity. ”(Audience of March 15, 1971.) It is certainly because it was aware of this situation that it happened that an agent voluntarily refers to attend a meeting of the Council of the League of Nations, allowing him to adopt decisions against which this agent could have felt obliged to vote if he had been present. If, an agent who has ceased to be a member of the League of Nations, the Council nevertheless estimated useful that this agent was represented at a meeting where questions concerning the mandate should be discussed, he could still invite him to attend ; He did it in the case of Japan, after this state had left the company. But a representative in this situation could not have avoided article 4, paragraph 5, of the pact to sit down as a right. Furthermore, if the need had been felt, the pact could have been amended in accordance with its article 26. He was not thus, but the possibility existed. It would therefore be vain to to affirm that the system of mandates was designed, of deliberate remarks, so that the council of the company was disarmed if a representative decided to exercise his right of veto. The authors of the pact wanted to establish a system that allows

6 1 Namibia (S.W. Africa) (Decl. Zafrulla khan) to Institute a Systen Which Would Be Effective in Carrying Out to the Full The Sacred Trust of Civilization. HAD they Deliberately Deviseed A Framework Which Rnight Enable A Mandate So Inclined To Defy The Systen With Irnpunity, They WOULD Have Been Guilty of Defeating the Declared Purpose of the Mandates System and this is not to be Thought of; Nor is it to be irnagined that these wise statsrnen, Despite al1 the Care that they took and the Reasoning and Persuasion that tower into play, WEE FINALLY PERSUADED INCO ACCESSING AS REITY THAT WHIC COULD So EASILY BE TURNED INTO A FICT. In My View the Supervisory Authority of the General Assembly of the United Nations In Respect of the RNANDATED Territory, Being derived Frorn the Covenant of the League and the Mandate Agrement, is not restricted by any provision of the charter of the united nations. The EXTENT OF THAT AUTHORITY MUST BE DETERRNINED by Reference to the Recunition of the Covenant of the League and the Mandate Agreement. The General Assembly Was Entitled to Exercise The Sarne Authority In Respect of the Administration of the Territory by the Mandate As Was Possessed by the Council of the League and its Decisions and Determinations in That Respect Had The Same Force and Effect as the Decisions and Determinations of The Council of the League. This was well illustrated in the Case of General Assembly Resolution 289 (IV), adopted on 21 Novernber 1949 Recommending that libya shall become induentant as soon as possible and in any case not late than 1 January 1952. A Detailed procedure for the Achieverne of this Objective Was Laid Down, Including the Appointment by the General Assembly of A United Nations Comrnis- sioner in Libya and a Council to Aid and Advise Hirn, etc. AI1 The Recom- Mendations contained in this resolution Constituted Binding Decisions; Decisionc Which Had been Adopted in Accord with the Provisions of the Charter But Whose Binding Character Was Derred Frorn Annex XI to the Treaty of Peace with Italy. The representative of South Africa, During the race of his oral sub-mission, refined from using the expression "apartheid" but urged: "... South africa is in the position that its conduct would be unlawful if the differentiation that it adrnittedly Should be direct at, and have the result-of-subordinatting the interests of one or certain groups on racial or ethnic basis to those of others,... If that can be establised in fact, then South Africa WOULD BE GUILTY OF VIOLATION OF VIOLATION OF its bonds in that respect, other- wise not. '' (Hearing of 17 March 197 1.)

Effectively fulfill the sacred mission of civilization and they did not measure their sorrows to achieve it. If they had knowingly created a framework in which the agent who would have been disposed there could have been brave the system with impunity, they would have been guilty of going against the declared object of the mandates system, a hypothesis which is not to be considered; One cannot imagine either that, despite the harm they have given themselves, and despite their effort of reflection and persuasion, these wise policies were ultimately convinced to accept as real what we could so easily Transform into simple fiction. Because they arise from the Pact of the League of Nations and the Mandate Agreement, the supervisory powers of the United Nations General Assembly in the territory under the mandate are not limited, in my opinion, by any provision of the Charter of the United Nations. To determine the extent of these powers, we must refer to the relevant provisions of the pact and the mandate agreement. The General Assembly may, with regard to the administration of the territory by the agent, to exercise the powers that the Council of the League of Nations had, and its decisions and resolutions in this area have the same force and the same effect as decisions and resolutions of the said council. I do not want it as proof that resolution 289 (IV), dated November 21, 1949, by which the General Assembly recommended that Libya accesses independence as soon as possible and at least no later 1952. Any procedure was provided to achieve this result, including the designation by the General Assembly of a United Nations Commissioner for Libya and the Constitution of a Council responsible for providing him with his assistance and opinions. All the recommendations appearing in this resolution constituted as many imperative decisions, adopted in accordance with the provisions of the Charter, but which drew their compulsory strength from Annex XI of the Peace Treaty with Italy. In his oral presentation, the Representative of Africa Su Sud was careful not to use the Apartheid word. But, according to her declarations, [(South Africa considers that her behavior would be illegal if the differentiation it practices - she did not hide it - aimed and led to subordinate for racial or ethnic reasons the interests of One or some groups to those of others ... if it could be established in fact, then South Africa would be guilty of having failed in its obligations in this regard, otherwise. ”(Audience of March 17, 1971. ))

The Policy of Apartheid was initiated by prime minister Malan and was then vigorously put into effect by his successors, strijdom and verwoerd. It has been continuously proclaimed that purposes and object of the police are the maintenance of white domination. Speaking to the South African House of Assembly, As Late AS 1963, Dr. Verwoerd Said: "Reduced to its Simplest Form is Nothing Else Than this: Vde Want to Keep South Africa White.. Keeping it White can only mean one Thing, namely, white domination, not leadership, not guidance, but control, supremacy. If we are agreed that it is the desire of the people that the white man should be able to continue himself by white domination. that it can be achieved by separate development. " (I.C.J. Pleadings, South West Africa, Vol. IV, p. 264.) South Africa's Reply to this in its join in the 1966 boxes was in effect that thesis and other similar pronouncing were qualified by "The Promise to Provide Sepa Homelands for the Bantu Groups "Wherein the Bantu Would be free to develop his capacities to the same degree as the White Could do in the rest of the country. But this Promise Itself was always subject to the qualification that the Bantu Homelands Would Development Under the Guardansthip of the White. In this coiinection it was urged that in 1361 The "Prime Minister Spoke of A Greater Degree of Ultimate Independence for Bantu Homelands Than He Had Rne Décade Earlier". This Makes Little Difference In Respect of the Main Purpose of the Policy which continued to be the Domination of the White. It Needs to be Remembered, However, that the short is not concerned in these proceedings with conditions in South Africa. The Court is concerned with the Administration of South West Africa As Carried on By the Mandate in Discharge of His obligations under the Mandate that prescribed that well-being and development of people who we not not yet able to stand by theirselves under the Strenuous Conditions of The Modern World Constituted A Sacred Trust of Civilization and that the Best Method of Giving Effect to This Principle was that tutoring of Such Peoples Should be Entrusted to Advanced Nations who, by Reason of Their Resources, Their Experience and their Geographical Position Could Best Undantake This responsibility (art. 22, paras. 1 and 2, of the Covenant of the League of Nations). The Administration was to be Carried on "in the interests of the Indi- Genous Population" (para. 6, art. 22). For the Discharge of this obligation it is not enough that the administration should Believe in good Faith that the Policy it proposes to follow is in the best interests of al1 sections of the population. The Supervisory Authority must be satisfied that it is in the

Apartheid's policy was inaugurated by Mr. Malan, then Prime Minister, and vigorously prosecuted by his successors, MM. Strijdom and Verwoerd. It was constantly proclaimed that the goal and the object of this policy were the maintenance of white domination. Mr. Verwoerd still declared in 1963 before the Assembly of South Africa: I (reduced to its simplest form, the problem is none other than the following: we want South Africa to remain white. . Keeping it white cannot mean only one thing, namely to ensure the domination of the whites, assure them not the ((direction)), not i '((orientation)), but the ((control ", the ( (supremacy)). If we agree that it is the desire of the people that whites are able to continue to protect themselves by maintaining white domination ... We say that the means to achieve it is separate development. ”(C.I.J. Memoirs, South West Africa, Vol. IV, p. 264.) In the affairs of 1966, South Africa explained in substance, in its duplicate, that this declaration and others Analogous words were tempered by the "promise to create distinct homes (Homelands) for the Bantu groups 1) where the Bantu would be free to take advantage of their skills in the same way as whites in the rest of the country. But this promise itself was always subject to this restriction that the Bantu households should develop under the supervision of whites. It has been said in this regard that in 1961, (the Prime Minister spoke of granting Bantu households ultimately greater independence than he had done ten years ago)). But that hardly changes the essential goal of the policy followed, which remains the hegemony of the Whites. However, it should be recalled that, in this procedure, the Court does not have to worry about the situation in South Africa. What interests him is the administration of the South West Africa, as provided by the agent in execution of the obligations imposed on him by the mandate, which provided that well-being and the development of peoples not yet capable of directing themselves in the particularly difficult conditions of the modern world formed a sacred mission of civilization and that the best method of practicing this principle was to entrust the tutelage of these peoples to the developed nations which, due of their resources, their experience or their geographical position, were best able to assume this responsibility (art. 22, para. 1 and 2, of the Société de nments). The administration was to be exercised C (in the interest of the native population)) (art. 22, para. 6). In order for a similar obligation to be respected, it is not enough that the administration believes in good faith that the policy it proposes to follow is in accordance with the interest of all the strata of the population: again Should the authority be charged with

Best interests of the indigenous population of the territory. This follows from Article 6 of the Mandate Agreement for South West Africa, Read with paragraph 6 of article 22 of the Covenant. The representative of South Africa, While Admitting The Right of the People of South West Africa to Self-Determination, Urged in His Oral Stament that the Exercise of That Right Must Take Into Full Account The Limitations Impood, Accord to Him, on Such Exercise by The Tribal and Cultural Divisions in the territory. He concluded that in the Case of South West Africa Self-Determination "May Well Find Itself Practically Restricted to Some Kind of Automy and Local Self-Government Within A Larger Arrangement of Co-Ooperation" (Hearing of 17 March 1971). This in Effect Means a Denial of Self-Determination As envisaged in the charter of the United Nations. Whatever May Have Been the Conditions in South Africa Calling for Special Measures, Those Conditions Did Not Exist in the Case of South West Africa at the time when South Africa assumed the obligation of a manda- Tory in respect of the territory, nor have they Into existence sincere. In South West Africa the Small White Element was not and is not indi- genous to the territory. There can be no excuse in the case of South West Africa for the Application of the Policy of Apartheid So Far As the interests of the White Population are concerned. It is is claimed, However, that the various indigue Groups of the population have reached different stages of development and that there are serious ethnic considations that cal1 for the application of the policy of separate development of each group. Tea following observations of the Director of the Institute of Race Relations, London, are apposite in this context: ". . . White South African arguments are based on the different stages of development reached by various groups of people. It is undisputed fact that groups have developed at different paces in respect of the control of environment (although understanding of other aspects of life has not always grown at the same pace). But the aspect of South African thought which is widely questioned elsewhere is the assumption that an individual is permanently limited by the limitations of his group. His ties with it may be strong; indeed, when considering politics and national survival, the assumption that they will be stroi-ig is altogether reasonable. Again, as a matter of choice, people may prefer to mix socially with those of their own group, but to Say that by law people of one group must mix with no others can really only proceed from a conviction not only that the other groups are inferior but that every member of each of the other groups is permanently and irremediably inferior. It is this that rankles. 'Separate but equal' is possible so long as it is a matter of choice by both parties; legally imposed by one, it must be regarded by the other as a humiliation, and far more so if it applies not only

de la surveillance parvienne à la conviction que cette politique est con- forme à l'intérêt de la population indigène du territoire. C'est ce qui découle de l'article 6 du mandat pour le Sud-Ouest africain et de l'article 22, paragraphe 6, du Pacte. Le représentant de l'Afrique du Sud a reconnu, certes, le droit du peuple du Sud-Ouest africain à l'autodétermination, mais il a affirmé dans son exposé oral que, pour l'exercice de ce droit, il faIIait tenir pleine- ment compte des limites qu'imposeraient, selon lui, les divisions tribales et culturelles du territoire. Il a conclu que dans le cas du Sud-Ouest africain l'autodétermination (i peut fort bien, dans la pratique, se trouver réduite à une sorte d'autonomie locale dans le cadre d'un système de coopération plus large » (audience du 17 mars 1971). Cela revient en fait à nier le droit à l'autodétermination, tel que l'envisage la Charte des Nations Unies. Quelles qu'aient pu être les circonstances qui, en Afrique du Sud, ont amené à prendre des mesures spéciales, ces circonstances n'existaient pas dans le Sud-Ouest africain au moment où l'Afrique du Sud y a assumé les obligations de mandataire et elles n'ont pas non plus fait leur ap- parition depuis. Dans le Sud-Ouest africain, la petite minorité blanche n'a jamais constitué une population autochtone. Les intérêts de la popu- lation blanche ne sauraient donc y excuser l'application de la politique d'apartheid. On affirme cependant que les différents groupes de popula- tion indigènes sont à des niveaux de développement différents et que d'importantes considérations ethniques obligent à appliquer une politique de développement séparé à chacun de ces groupes. Les observations suivantes du directeur de l'Institut des relations interraciales de Londres méritent à ce propos d'être citées: Les Sud-Africains blancs tirent argument des différents niveaux de développement qu'auraient atteint les divers groupes de popu- lation. Il est de fait que ces groupes ont évolué plus ou moins vite pour ce qui touche la maîtrise de l'environnement (le rythme de l'évolution pouvant cependant être différent pour d'autres aspects de la vie). Mais l'aspect du raisonnement sud-africain le plus généra- lement critiqué est le postulat selon lequel les limitations du groupe s'imposent à jamais à l'individu. Les attaches de l'individu avec le groupe peuvent être fortes; sur le plan de la politique et de l'existence nationale, il est même parfaitement raisonnable de supposer qu'elles le sont. De même, s'ils ont le choix, les gens peuvent préférer fréquen- ter les membres de leur propre groupe, mais dire qu'en vertu de la loi les gens appartenant à un certain groupe ne doivent fréquenter personne d'autre procède forcément de la conviction, non seulement que les autres groupes sont inférieurs, mais encore que chaque membre de tout autre groupe l'est aussi, d'une façon permanente et irrémédiable. C'est cette idée qui révolte. ((Séparés mais égaux )), cela peut se concevoir s'il s'agit d'un libre choix des deux parties

64 NAMIBIA (s.w. AFRICA) (DECL. ZAFRULLA KHAN) to the group as a whole but to individuals. In fact, of course, what separate developrnent has meant has been anything but equal. These are some reasons why it will be hard to find natives of Africa who believe that to extend the policy of separate development to South West Africa even more completely than at present is in the interest of any but the White inhabitants." (Quoted in I.C.J. Pleadings, South West Africa, Vol. IV, p. 339.) Towards the close of his oral presentation the representative of South Africa made a plea to the Court in the following terms : "In our submission, the general requirernent placed by the Charter on al1 United Nations activities is that they must further peace, friendly relations, and CO-operation between nations, and especially between member States. South Africa, as a member State, is under a duty to contribute towards those ends, and she desires to do so, although she has no intention of abdicating what she regards as her responsibilities on the sub-continent of southern Africa. If there are to be genuine efforts at achieving a peaceful solution, they will have to satisfy certain criteria. They will have to respect the will of the self-determining peoples of South West Africa. They will have to take into account the facts of geography, of economics, of budgetary requirements, of the ethnic conditions and of the state of development. If this Court, even in an opinion on legal questions, could indicate the road towards a peaceful and constructive solution along these lines, then the Court would have made a great contribution, in our respectful submission, to the cause of international peace and security and, more, to the cause of friendly relations amongst not only the nations but amongst al1 men." (Hearing of 5 March 197 1 .) The representative of the United States of America, in his oral presenta- tion, observed that : ". . . the question of holding a free and proper plebiscite under appropriate auspices and with conditions and arrangements which would ensure a fair and informed expression of the will of the people of Namibia deserves study. It is a matter which might be properly submitted to the competent political organs of the United Nations, which have consistently manifested their concern that the

intéressées; mais si c'est une solution imposée légalement par l'une des parties, l'autre ne peut qu'y voir une brimade, surtout si elle ne s'applique pas seulement au groupe en tant que tel, mais aussi aux individus. 11 est évident qu'en réalité rien n'est moins ((égal )) que le développement séparé. Voilà donc quelques-unes des raisons qui font qu'il se trouvera difficilement des Africains pour penser qu'une extension encore plus grande de la politique de développement séparé au Sud-Ouest afri- cain sert les intérêts d'autres habitants que les blancs. )) (Cité dans C.I.J. Mémoires, Sud-Ouest africain, vol. IV, p. 339.) Vers la fin de son exposé oral le représentant de l'Afrique du Sud a adressé à la Cour le plaidoyer suivant: 11 Selon nous, la condition générale à laquelle la Charte soumet toutes les activités des Nations Unies est qu'elles doivent favoriser la paix, les relations amicales et la coopération entre les nations, notamment entre les Etats Membres. En tant qu'Etat Membre, l'Afrique du Sud a le devoir de contribuer à ces fins, et elle en a le désir, bien qu'elle n'ait aucunement l'intention d'abdiquer ce qu'elle considère comme ses responsabilités dans le sous-continent de l'Afrique australe. Les efforts visant à une solution pacifique devront, pour être authentiques, répondre à certains critères. Ils devront respecter la volonté des populations du Sud-Ouest africain disposant de leur propre sort. Ils devront tenir compte des réalités géographiques, économiques et budgétaires, des conditions ethniques et du degré de développement. Si la Cour, même dans un avis sur des questions juridiques, pouvait montrer la voie vers une solution pacifique et constructive en ce sens, nous estimons qu'elle contribuerait grandement - nous le lui disons respectueusement - à la cause de la paix et de la sécurité internationales et, mieux encore, à celle des relations amicales non seulement entre les nations mais aussi entre tous les hommes. )) (Audience du 5 mars 1971 .) Le représentant des Etats-Unis d'Amérique a déclaré devant la Cour ((qu'il vaut la peine d'étudier la question de l'organisation d'un plébiscite loyal et régulier, sous des auspices appropriés, dans des conditions et selon des modalités qui garantiraient à la population de la Namibie la possibilité d'exprimer sa volonté librement et en connaissance de cause. Cette question pourrait fort bien être soumise aux organes politiques compétents des Nations Unies, qui ont cons-

Namibians achieve self-determination. The Court rnay wish to so indicate in its opinion to the Security Council." (Hearing of 9 March 1971.) The Court having arrived at the conclusion that the Mandate has been terminated and that the presence of South Africa in South West Africa is illegal, 1 would, in response to the plea made by the representative of South Africa, suggest that South Africa should offer to withdraw its administration from South West Africa in consultation with the United Nations so that a process of withdrawal and substitution in its place of United Nations' control rnay be agreed upon and carried into effect with the minimum disturbance of present administrative arrangements. It should also be agreed upon that, after the expiry of a certain period but not later than a reasonable time-limit thereafter, a plebiscite rnay be held under the supervision of the United Nations, which should ensure the freedom and impartiality of the plebiscite, to ascertain the wishes of the inhabitants of the Territory with regard to their political future. If the result of the plebiscite should reveal a clear preponderance of views in support of a particular course and objective, that course should be adop- ted so that the desired objective rnay be achieved as early as possible. South Africa's insistence upon giving effect to the will of the peoples of South West Africa proceeds presumably from the conviction that an overwhelming majority of the peoples of the Territory desire closer political integration with the Republic of South Africa. Should that prove in fact to be the case the United Nations, being wholly committed to the principle of self-determination of peoples, would be expected to readily give effect to the clearly expressed wishes of the peoples of the Territory. Should the result of the plebiscite disclose their preference for a different solution, South Africa should equally readily accept and respect such manifestation of the will of the peoples concerned and should CO-operate with the United Nations in giving effect to it. The Government of South Africa, being convinced that an overwhelming majority of the peoples of South West Africa truly desire incorporation with the Republic, would run little risk of a contrary decision through the adoption of the procedure here suggested. If some such procedure is adopted and the conclusion that rnay emerge therefrom, whatever it rnay prove to be, is put into effect, South Africa would have vindicated itself in the eyes of the world and in the estimation of the peoples of South West Africa, whose freely expressed wishes must be supreme. There would still remain the possibility, and, if South Africa's estimation of the situa- tion is close enough to reality, the strong probability, that once the peoples of South West Africa have been put in a position to manage their own affairs without any outside influence or control and they have had greater experience of the difficulties and problems with which they would be confronted, they rnay freely decide, in the exercise of their sovereignty, to establish a closer political relationship with South Africa. The adoption

tamment manifesté leur souci de voir les Namibiens obtenir l'auto- détermination et la Cour voudra peut-être indiquer cela dans l'avis qu'elle adressera au Conseil de sécurité. )) (Audience du 9 mars 1971 .) La Cour étant parvenue à la conclusicn qu'il a été mis fin au mandat et que la présence de l'Afrique du Sud dans le Sud-Ouest africain est illégale, je me permets de répondre à l'appel adressé à la Cour par le représentant de l'Afrique du Sud et de suggérer que l'Afrique du Sud offre de retirer son administration du Sud-Ouest africain en consultation avec les Nations Unies, de façon qu'une opération de retrait, suivie d'une prise en charge par les Nations Unies, puisse être envisagée d'un commun accord et menée à bien avec le moins possible de bouleversement dans l'organisation administrative existante. Il devrait également être convenu que, à l'expiration d'une certaine période mais sans dépasser un délai raisonnable, un plébiscite destiné à permettre aux habitants du territoire de faire connaître leurs vœux sur leur avenir politique aurait lieu sous la surveillance des Nations Unies, qui assureraient la liberté et l'impartialité de la consultation. Si le plébiscite dégageait une nette majorité en faveur d'une solution et d'un objectif déterminé, c'est cette solution qui devrait être adoptée en vue d'atteindre dès que possible l'objectif en question. L'Afrique du Sud insiste pour que la volonté des peuples du Sud-Ouest africain soit respectée, sans doute parce qu'elle est convaincue qu'une majorité écrasante des populations du territoire se prononcerait en faveur d'une intégration politique plus étroite avec la République sud-africaine. S'il en était ainsi, l'Organisation des Nations Unies, qui est tout acquise au principe de l'autodétermination, s'inclinerait devant le vœu clairement exprimé par les populations du territoire. Si, au contraire, le plébiscite devait révéler que ces dernières préfèrent une autre solution, l'Afrique du Sud devrait de même accepter et respecter leur volonté et coopérer avec les Nations Unies pour qu'elle soit suivie d'effet. Le Gouvernement sud-africain est certain qu'une majorité écrasante de la population du Sud-Ouest africain désire véritablement s'intégrer à la République; dans ce cas, l'adoption de la méthode que je viens de décrire ne l'exposerait guère au risque d'une décision adverse. Si l'on a recours à une méthode semblable et si la conclusion that it will have made it possible to identify, whatever it is, is actually applied, South Africa will have justified in the eyes of the world and in the esteem of the peoples of the South West Africa, whose free will Any case winning it. There would remain the possibility and, if the appreciation that South Africa relates to the situation is sufficiently close to reality, the high probability that, when the peoples of the South West Africa, once put to direct their own Aimed without pressure or ex-control, will have acquired a greater experience of the difficulties and problems to overcome, they decide freely and sovereignly to establish closer political relations with South Africa. In

66 Namlbia (S.W. Africa) (Decl. Zafrulla Khan) of the race here suggestions would indeed make a great contribution "to the cause of international peace and security and, more, to the cause of friendly relations amongst not only the nations but amongst al1 men ". Vice-president a ~~ or ~ and judges Padilla Nervo, Pétrén, Onyeama, Dillard and de Castro Append Separate Opinions to the Opinion of the Court. Judes Sir Gerald Fitzmaurice and Gros Append Netits Opinions to the Opinion of the Court. (Initialled) Z.K. (Initialled) S. A.

Namibia (African S.-O.) (decl. ZAFRULLA KHAN) 66 Adopting the conduct suggested here, South Africa would contribute greatly ((to the cause of international peace and security and, better still, to That of friendly relations not only between nations but also between all men ". M. Ammoun, vice-president, and Mr. Fadilla Keklo, Iri ~~ f", Onyeama, Dillard and de Castro, Jugr: ~, Joipnei -RT to advisory visits the presentations of their individual opinion. Sir Gerald Fitzmaurice and M. GRCS, J ~ Ges, join the presentations of their dissident opinion. (Parupé) Z.K. (r "ùi-ûphe) HER.

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General who appointed Civil Police delegate involved in the Marielle case is the new head of the Army Staff - The New Democracy

General Richard Nunes, who appointed one of those involved in the Marielle case, Rivaldo Barbosa, for the head of the Civil Police in 2018, was appointed on March 28 for the position of Army Staff Head. Rivaldo's nomination, appointed as a planner of Marielle's execution, occurred a day before the councilwoman's murder, when Rio de Janeiro was undergoing military intervention led by General Braga Netto. Nunes' new appointment was nominated by Army Commander Tomá Paiva and approved by Luiz Inacio.

The Army Chief of Staff (EME) is responsible for “studying, planning, guiding, coordinating, controlling and evaluating activities related to the performance of the Army Command, according to the decisions and guidelines of the Army Commander”. It is one of the highest positions in the earthly force.

Four days before the appointment, the Federal Police report about the Marielle case had pointed out that Richard Nunes was responsible for naming Rivaldo Barbosa to the Civil Police chief. Those who first indicated Barbosa was the Intelligence Sector of the Army East Military Command (CML), along with four other names. The CML was led by Braga Netto, an intervener in Rio de Janeiro. In the opposite direction, Barbosa was even contraindicated by the Civil Police intelligence sector. Even so, Nunes insisted on the nomination and "played" Barbosa's final appointment to office.

‘Ludibrated’ or interested?

Asked by the monopolistic newspaper Folha de São Paulo about the appointment, Nunes stated that "at that time, there was nothing to signal such a thing, such a stupid thing" and that "it may have been deceived" by Barbosa in the appointment. However, he did not explain why he insisted on the appointment despite the clear contraindication.

Then, in response to the same newspaper, Nunes even questioned Barbosa's involvement, perhaps in an attempt to “clean the bar”: “This is what is strange to my head so far. If there was really this five -year procrastination, it was not from Rivaldo and Giniton. Because they, with a year, arrested the guys [the executors of the crime]. ”

Regardless whether or not Nunes knew Rivaldo's plans to participate in Marielle's murder, the general's stance was suspected, and deserves an investigation. What deserves attention now, besides, is Nunes' nunes for Tomás Paiva's EME. What are the interests of shielding, with such a high appointment, a general (already difficult to investigate) involved in such suspicious conditions?

Open case

The Federal Police says that it has "closed the case" and delivered the "final report", but there are still gaps to be investigated, such as the reactionary army's own negligence and also the clear involvement of the extreme right, notably the Bolsonaro family, with several of those involved in the Marielle case, for example the driver and executioner, respectively Élcio de Queiroz and Ronnie Lessa, and the possible home team, Chiquinho and Domingos Brazão.

With each passing day, these gaps are still evident. The absurd, inconsistent and absurd appointment of Thomas Miguel Mine Paiva cannot prevent Nunes, as well as General Braga Netto, being asked about the events of 2018. In addition to the appointment of Rivaldo, why the army, which intervened in so many Aspects of the “public security” of Rio those years, refused to go deep into the Marielle case.

And the government?

The reopening and deepening of investigations also depend on the government. However, immediately after the names of the principals, Luiz Inácio's Minister of Justice celebrated what he called “works closed” and “state victory over organized crime”.

The agent himself was silent on the subject, but it seems that he also considers the work as closed: at a more reserved dinner on March 25, he merely exalted the work of the Federal Police and condemning the involvement of politicians in the murder, Besides saying that it would not make a case of the solution because it is not an event that has something to be celebrated.

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Defensive, Armed Forces are the target of voting on the Supreme Court on 'Moderator Power' - the new democracy

Ministers Edson Fachin and André Mendonça voted on April 1 against the thesis of “moderator power” of the Armed Forces analyzed in the Supreme Court as part of a direct action of unconstitutionality (ADI) filed by the PDT in 2020, which deals specifically the constitutional limits of the Armed Forces and their hierarchy towards other "powers". In addition to Fachin and Mendonça, the rapporteur Luiz Fux and the ministers Roberto Barroso and Flávio Dino had already voted in the same way in the action. The score is now 5 to 0.

In the vote, Minister Fux stated that the mission of the Armed Forces “does not accommodate the exercise of moderating power between the Executive, Legislative and Judiciary” and that “[the] Armed Forces are not an power of the Republic, but an institution available of the constituted powers ”. Already Dino stated that the military function is "subordinate" to other institutions and that "power is only civil".

STF offensive

The trial is part of the STF's offensive against the far right and some military after almost institutional rupture in 2022. Contrary to the agitation of far right by a coup that had as content, among other things, anti-STF discourse Ministers seek to take advantage of the demoralization suffered by the green and military chickens from the most far-right wing to recover the initiative in the pugnas between the institutions and to preserve their pocket of power.

The operation Time of truth , triggered by the PF with the support of the ministers, as well as the full availability of Alexandre de Moraes's decision, which exposed the entire far-right coup plan and the central names involved in the Bolsonarist core, are an important part of this offensive.


In addition to the analysis of ADI, there are other elements that point to the defensive of the Armed Forces. One of them was revealed by journalist Bela Megale, from the monopolistic newspaper O Globo, who stated in his column that Army Commander Tomás Miguel Mine Ribeiro Paiva has met with Alexandre de Moraes to ask for information from investigated military and “answer questions in regarding compliance with court orders ”. The most recent meeting, according to Megale, dealt with the nomination of Richard Nunes, General quoted in the Marielle case, to the position of Chief of Staff of the Army.

It is true that, although they have not ceased to protect the nation or threaten the government, the Armed Forces are on the defensive within their plans for a counterrevolutionary offensive against the country.

It is also known that if they are so no It is due to the Supreme Court , despite the fact that the justices took advantage of the situation to promote their offensive and demarcate clearly that they will not accept the breach of certain limits, such as the planning of a far-right coup that dared to undermine the court's pocket of power. The actions of the Supreme Court revolve above all around the preservation of these self-interests, and not the serious concern for democratic freedoms in the country.

The defensive of the Armed Forces is due to the very scanning of the scammer plans, the agitation of the far-right of the green chickens, the actions promoted in various corners of the country with logistical and financial support from Altos de Activa deeds and far-right associations all this added to the wide of corruption and supersalaries revealed in recent years within the Armed Forces, especially the Army. The deeper information about the coup plot later revealed by the investigations fell as more mud in the already deep and obscure mangrove.

For this very reason, the terrain remains in favor of those authentic progressive and democrats of the people who seek to rise against coup still in vogue and military protection over the people and the nation.

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After 60 years of the coup, the intervention of the military continues to delay the nation - the new democracy

The landmark of April 1, 2024 could not fail to express the condition of national backwardness through the Armed Forces, the bore of the old Brazilian state specializing in counterrevolution. A series of actions on the eve of the coup complete 60 years of the coup surrounding statements, events and positions of reservist generals demonstrate that the always follows the guideline of the military.

certain conditions which, 60 years ago, demanded military intervention, exposed in such a way as to leave open the possibility for current parallels to be made by today's coup plotters.

The presidents of the three clubs (the military, naval and the aeronautics) also spoke. Through a joint note, they relate the 1964 coup to the participation of FEB in World War II, presenting the thesis that the “definitive position of Brazil in favor of democracy” is proven. In another parallel unreasonable, the use of FEB prestige is also used to give legitimacy to coup, as it omits, rightly, certain facts, as if Brazil's entry into World War II, occurred by pressure from the democratic and revolutionary movement, which also acted to prevent troops to combat in the War of Korea serving the purposes of the Yankee Imperialist intervention.

Hamilton Mourão, who has already defended a new constitution without a constituent assembly for the country, made its traditional praise to the coup. He states the following: "The story does not go out and does not rewrite itself, on March 31, 1964 the nation has saved itself!" As a good gorilla, Mourão argues that the army is the essence of the nation and has the grant of intervening to maintain national integrity. Thus, it is not said that the April 1 coup was, in fact, against the current constitution - in addition to being responsible for the murder of thousands of Brazilians, for the disappearance of thousands, for the generalization of torture in the Armed Forces barracks and by state police, besides being primarily responsible for the legacy of death squads that are still terrifying in slums and outskirts across the country.

All of these positions are reserved generals, and therefore expresses only part of the thinking between the military. It turns out that even today coup continues to guide the guidelines of the generals. The military still today assume the role of interveners, based on the historical role of moderating power of the Republic - whose conception is stamped not only in the motto of the Military Club "The House of the Republic", but also, and especially, in the "Legality guideline, Legitimacy and stability ”of villas-bôas.

The difference is in the way the intervention is carried out. If yesterday they sought to be the promoters of coups, now they act cautiously, hiding their intervention through "legitimate" actions in the institutions, whether through tutelage, blackmail or even embarrassment. The legitimacy that was lacking in 1964 is still lacking today, when less than 1/3 of Brazilians trust the Armed Forces. If it weren't for this small detail, perhaps it would be unnecessary for the bigwigs of the national coup to go public. But no: it is still necessary to justify the coup d'état of the Armed Forces, in order to allow intervention in the current conjuncture. There is no room for illusions. It is still necessary to condemn the coup d'état of the Armed Forces.

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Ireland: 108th anniversary of the Easter Rising – The Red Herald

Featured image: Annual Easter Rising commemoration of AIA Ireland in Glasnevin Cemetery, Dublin: Source: AIA Ireland

On Easter Monday 1916 Irish republicans established the Army of the Irish Republic and proclaimed in arms the Irish Republic. For five days the Republican forces held out against British imperialism and relit the spark of revolution in Ireland.

Every year the Republican Movement, which continues their struggle against imperialism, commemorates these historic days. Anti Imperialist Action Ireland has already reported on some of the commemoration this year.

On the 30 th of March there was an commemoration in Bray, County Wicklow, led by Socialist Republican Colour Party.

on the 31 st Anti Imperialist Action Ireland held its annual Easter Rising commemoration in Glasnevin Cemetery in Dublin.

We have previously reported on last year’s commemorations of the Easter Rising:

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More actions celebrating the 130th anniversary of the birth of Chairman Mao – The Red Herald

Featured image: P osters celebrating the 130th anniversary of the birth of Chairman Mao, Leipzig-Schönefeld, Germany. Source: serve the people

There are some more reports on actions celebrating the 130-year anniversary of the birth of Chairman Mao Tse-tung.

In Oslo , Norway, graffiti was made with slogans of the international campaign of the ICL for the Birth of Chairman Mao.

In Leipzig , Germany posters celebrating the 130th anniversary of the birth of Chairman Mao were put up in the working-class district of Leipzig-Schönefeld.

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Spanish imperialism gives up another port to NATO – The Red Herald

Featured image: the frigate Navarra ’, which carries out military actions in the framework of the NATO’s O peration Be Guardian. Source: Diario Menorca

As the newspaper from the Spanish State, Serve the people, reports , the Spanish State, tool of Spanish imperialism, has given up another port to the NATO, which will use it as military base.

This is the third port given up by the Spanish State to the NATO. In this case the port is located in Maó, Menorca, and it is being used since April of last year as a support base for the NATO operations and there are no limits or restrictions for using this port. Its main uses are “dissuasion and protection before terrorist attacks, knowledge of the sea surroundings or the development of regional abilities of security”. According to the bourgeois press , this base would serve as support in case of having attacks as the ones which the Ansar Allah, “the Houthis”, are carrying out in the Red Sea. This port is in short distance from ports that are in Africa and outside of NATO’s territory, as the Alger’s port, Algeria. Thus, Maó joins the other two Spanish State’s ports, Cádiz and Murcia, which currently are giving support tot the alliance dominated by Yankee imperialism.

Together with the port, this year it is expected that the Spanish State will provide with more resources to the Operation Sea Guardian, as a submarine, a maritime vigilance plane, a frigate, a supply ship and a patrol ship with special operations equipment to act in case of crisis. The amount provided by the Spanish State to this military mission is of 27 millions of euros, and the overall amount provided to the NATO is of 200 millions of euros.

The revolutionary newspaper Servir al Pueblo highlights social-democracy’s, which in 2023 was in the government which was defined by themselves as the “the most progressive government in the history”, bankruptcy. However, they did not hesitate to hide purposefully the giving of this base to the NATO even from the local bourgeois government, which now has heard the news. Now the same social-democrat Parties express their “ disapproval ” due to the militarization of the country. They are trying to avoid the fact that they were in the government when the whole operation was prepared. Servir al Pueblo also highlights the involvement of the false PCE (the so-called “Communist” Party of Spain) in the whole operation as was and is part of the government: “we must remember that the usurped and false PCE of Enrique Santiago is part of the coalition Unidas Podemos. If the General Secretary of the PCE shown his big hypocrisy when he declared that ‘we are against the NATO but Spain has international compromises’, now we see this increased.”

With these examples we see the militarization of the imperialist States. The Spanish State is not the only European State which increases its ties with NATO and Yankee imperialism. For example, we recently reported on the increase of US military bases in Norway and the Finland’s membership to the NATO:

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