On November 9, 80 families occupied a building, which has been abandoned for 7 years. Some of these families are waiting to receive a house from the State more than 25 years. A Support Committee of the newspaper A Nova Democracia reported on this.
On Sunday, November 10, the court decided the eviction of the families, and from Monday 11 th on there is a police siege that avoids the entrance of water, food and diapers for children.
Since then, the Support Committee of AND, students and activist defended the families. After the siege of the area by the Military Police of the Federal District (PMDF), activists and students gathered in front of the police and spent the night there to support the families.
During the early hours, a student of the University of Brasilia tried to deliver resources to the squatters and was attacked by the PMDF. Also, they threatened students, activists and even personnel from AND to bring them to jail, a thing that only did not happen due to the presence of people’s advocates.